(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Right Judges chapter 17 and Judges chapter 17 and 18 is this sort of bizarre story of wickedness from pretty much everyone involved and there's one verse in the middle of it which explains all of this craziness and it's Judges chapter 17 verse 6 and the Bible says in those days there was no king in Israel but every man did that which was right in his own eyes Now what's interesting is that statement is also made in the last verse of the book of Judges and there are some wild stories aren't there in the book of Judges? Anyone that's read through the book of Judges before knows there's some pretty crazy stories in there but this truth seems to especially need reinforcing right here in case you're reading any of this and thinking that any of this is ordained of God, any of this chapter and obviously the chapter that follows it afterwards Now again in those days there was no king in Israel but every man did that which was right in his own eyes Now what's going on here? So you've got Micah admitting to stealing a small fortune off his mother His mother claiming she had dedicated the money to the Lord to make a graven and a molten image I mean absolutely ridiculous straight away there isn't it? Obviously Exodus 24 says Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above or that is in the earth beneath or that is in the water under the earth but she seems to think she's dedicating that to the Lord She then uses just 200, remember in verse 3 she said that she'd wholly dedicated it but she then uses just 200 of the 1100 pieces of silver to make these graven and molten images Micah then, he's made some sort of false church in Ephod which is basically a sacred top for priests Teraphim which are some sort of images and idols and in verse 5, if you have a look at verse 5 there, he's made these things and consecrated one of his sons who becomes his priest So this is basically a ceremonial dedicating of one of his sons to become his priest Basically Micah, he's just getting it all wrong isn't he? He's getting it all wrong He's obviously had some guilt at the beginning hasn't he? He's had some guilt to admit to his mum He's tried to make things right with her but now he's doing home church with images, making his son the priest and remember we just read verse 6 In those days there was no king in Israel but every man did that which was right in his own eyes Okay, now have a look from verse 7 here and we're just going to read over it again There was a young man out of Bethlehem Judah of the family of Judah who was a Levite and he sojourned there and a man departed out of the city from Bethlehem Judah to sojourn where he could find a place and he came to Mount Ephraim to the house of Micah as he journeyed and Micah said unto him, whence comest thou? and he said unto him, I am a Levite of Bethlehem Judah and I go to sojourn where I may find a place and Micah said unto him, dwell with me and be unto me a father and a priest and I will give thee ten shekels of silver by the year and a suit of apparel and thy victuals so the Levite went in and the Levite was content to dwell with the man and a young man was unto him as one of his sons and Micah consecrated the Levite and a young man became his priest and was in the house of Micah then said Micah, now know I that the Lord will do me good seeing I have a Levite to my priest and now you've got this wicked unqualified mercenary calling himself a priest Okay, and the title of my sermon today is Salam Kamara is unqualified and a thief Salam Kamara is unqualified and a thief Who is Salam Kamara? Most of you probably know who he is, some of you might not Salam Kamara is a former pastor in inverted commas of Nyoth Baptist Church which was in New Cross London Okay, why am I preaching about this clown, and he is a clown because Salam stole upwards of £40,000 from God and God's people upwards of £40,000 by everyone's reckoning who was there so far from God and God's people and some believe that Salam will one day have another shot at pastoring and pilfering Okay, some believe who know him think that when the dust is settled he'll be back trying to pastor and pilfer because Proverbs 26 and 11 says as a dog returneth to his vomit so a fool returneth to his folly and you've got to be some special kind of fool haven't you, to steal from God Haven't you? Some special kind of fool. Now a bit of background to Salam He was at Community Baptist in Chelsea where he already had his sights on pastoring Okay, shortly after marrying he put himself forward for the vacant pastor role at Community Baptist Now the congregation rejected him and he left, quite upset I think, and joined Downham Baptist He was then at Downham Baptist where there was this bizarre situation which wouldn't have seemed out of place in Judges 17 After a few months at Downham, Salam preached at the first UK Soul-winning mega-marathon back in 2018 Okay, he then gained some respect amongst people and a growing group were joining him at Downham Baptist Now the pastor at Downham called Travis Snowed, Pastor Travis Snowed, wanted to get these people out of the church basically so there's this growing group, a similar situation we've seen before at churches and now there's two different stories as to what happened next Number one is that he prayed over Salam and the group, gave them some hymnals and made it clear that he was not ordaining him He was cutting ties and basically kicking him out in a non-confrontational way, he's quite a non-confrontational guy knowing that Salam was starting a church though Number two is that the pastor ordained Salam so that he would leave peaceably and start his own church but again with no ties from Downham, not being sent out by Downham Now you might be thinking, well if number two is true it sounds okay doesn't it? That's not so bad is it? He got ordained by a pastor Well there's one little problem, like the Levite in Judges 17 who wasn't of the sons of Aaron and therefore not qualified to be a priest, Salam failed to meet the clear biblical qualifications to be a New Testament pastor He failed. Now I don't care if this pastor Snowed ordained him or not because there was a debate about it, it doesn't matter None of that matters because I'm sure that my wife could go and find someone to ordain her In fact I'm sure probably somewhere in the world, probably my daughter Ella could find someone to ordain her Would that make her a pastor? Would that make my wife a pastor if she found someone that agreed to ordain her? No Okay it wouldn't. And this isn't just a little technicality, well it's just a little thing there He actually failed on multiple points, multiple parts of the qualifications Now turn to 1 Timothy 3 which along with Titus 1 are the two clear passages setting out the qualifications for an elder or bishop meaning overseer Okay and the titles are used interchangeably in Titus, the elder and bishop Let's have a look at 1 Timothy 3 and we'll just read part of it quickly anyway This is a true saying, if a man desire the office of a bishop he desireth a good work A bishop then must be blameless, a husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach Not given to wine, no striker, not greedy of filthy lucre, but patient, not a brawler, not covetous One that ruleth well his own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God? Not a novice, less being lifted up with pride, he fall into the condemnation of the devil Moreover, he must have a good report of them which he'll without, lest he fall into reproach and the snare of the devil Okay, let's start with the obvious one there So the clearly most obvious one, not subjective at all, from verse 4 One that ruleth well his own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God? Okay, now keep a finger there and just turn over to Titus chapter 1 and verse 6 Talking again about a bishop or elder If any be blameless, the husband of one wife, having faithful children, not accused of right or unruly So in both passages it's a given isn't it that he has children, both passages Not if he has children then they need to be in subjection, Titus 1.6 is the clearest It says if any be blameless, the husband of one wife, having faithful children, not accused of right or unruly Right, why is that important? Well firstly because God said so Yeah, God said having faithful children, okay I mean that should be enough for us shouldn't it, having faithful children I don't care who ordains you, you're not a pastor by God's criteria if you don't have children Okay, for starters, what does the F stand for in IFB? Anyone? Fundamental, we believe in the fundamentals of this book don't we? Okay, and when it clearly sets out something in this book, we should be following it shouldn't we? What business have you pastoring, calling yourself a pastor if you can't even follow the most basic part of the qualifications for being a pastor Okay, but why else is it important? So not only because God clearly said that's what it must be, why else is it important? Anyone can have children, isn't that easy, anyone can have children Yes, but a pastor must also rule well his own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity Okay, all gravity, faithful children not accused of right or unruly, why? Okay, verse 5 says if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God? And for you fathers here, ruling, leading a home has many challenges doesn't it? Doesn't it have many, many challenges, leading a home, it's not only a test of your leadership abilities, it's also training as well isn't it? Isn't that training, ruling a home, leading a home, that has a lot of challenges and you'll get different challenges coming up over the years Now, it didn't say perfect children, these aren't perfect children but these are faithful, trustworthy, loyal, dutiful, in the faith In subjection is, as you know, submitting, gravity is dignity here, not accused of riot or unruly Okay, now I would say here, just on a quick side note here, that to fulfil these, those children can't all still be toddlers can they? Okay, so you have a couple of twin babies, I don't think you're qualified to pastor Okay, because here they're faithful, trustworthy, loyal, they have to get to a certain age for you to be able to judge that don't they? Surely, now I'm not saying all your kids have to be that age but I would say that you need to at least have a couple of children that are showing that, that's how I see that If you don't even have kids, how on earth have you fulfilled that criteria? No way You can't, it's impossible Okay, oh but he eventually had one child, he's got a second on the way Okay, but if this fool wants to return to his folly he fails on another qualification doesn't he? Titus 1.6 said if any be blameless 1 Timothy 3.2 says a bishop then must be blameless Whether or not he was before, Salam cannot claim to be blameless anymore, ever again can he? He can't Okay, go back to Judges 17, let's see what happens in Judges 17 with this unqualified priest So in Judges 17 Micah is in the wrong isn't he? His mum's in the wrong And on that, in the same way, anyone going to that church was in the wrong Okay, let's call it what it is, anyone who went to that church was in the wrong Now you might say, oh but the other churches in London would preach you a false gospel Don't go to them either No one said you had to go to those churches Look newsflash, God never promised you a church within an hour of your house God never promised you a good church Okay, but he never promised you a church within an hour of your house did he? I didn't read that in the Bible, anyone read that in the Bible? No And look, I know it's hard to travel long journeys to rubbish churches Okay, but at least they're churches Okay, if they're churches, if they preach in the gospel and they've got the Bible and there's some form of outreach, they're still a church aren't they? Okay, they're still a church Now I'm not saying that you have to go to repent of your sins Baptist Don't go there, I agree Soon as it's clear and 100% and don't just cast every church under the bus because you just assume they must be and obviously we don't have that problem now do we? But that doesn't mean you go to an unqualified church does it? Okay, you've got no business And I hope that no one here and I hope no one who watches this is still justifying it Okay, but a lot of people were new Christians then weren't they? A lot of people were immature Christians, were young Christians and hopefully they've learnt from this Well hopefully at the end of this they will have done anyway So 1 Samuel 15 23 says For rebellion is as a sin of witchcraft and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry because as rejected the word of the Lord he hath also rejected thee from being king Okay, and anyone who's still stubborn enough to say well no it was a right decision No, you know, well there was nothing else Well no, you're wrong You're 100% wrong, you should never have gone there Okay, but with Micah, with Micah in Judges 17 maybe there was nothing nearby in Mount Ephraim either We don't know how far it was, we don't know what that journey was But what happens when we do what's right in our own eyes? Now in this story though who do you think God holds to a higher account here? Who do you think he holds to account here more? I would say 100% it's that Levite isn't it? This unqualified Levite, he's a Levite He surely has or could have gained some knowledge of the law the qualifications etc, surely You had to be of Aaron, of one of Aaron's sons Remember, for unto whomsoever much is given of him shall be much required And that's the same with this psalm isn't it? I'm assuming that he had some Bible knowledge to have had a following in the first place He must have had something to have had some people follow him What's his motivation? What was his motivation? What was the priest's motivation? Well have a look at Judges 17 10 Judges 17 10 And Micah said unto him, dwell with me and be unto me a father and a priest and I will give thee ten shekels of silver by the year and a suit of apparel and thy victuals So the Levite went in It's the money isn't it? It's all about the money All comes back to the filthy Luca Verse 11 And the Levite was content to dwell with the man and the young man was unto him as one of his sons So he's gone in and he's content isn't he? Despite the graven and molten image, the teraphim Because once compromising starts it doesn't finish does it? Once you start compromising on the word of God it doesn't finish Verse 13 says Then said Micah, now know I that the Lord will do me good seeing I have a Levite to my priest How misled How misled But also what's his motivation? What's Micah's motivation? He's seeking prosperity from God Instead of God's will And again I'm not going to go This will be the last time I hit on the people that were at that church But was their motivation really seeking God's will to go to church? Or was it some sort of blessing from being at a church? Were they seeking the prosperity of going to a church? Because if they were seeking God's will they wouldn't have gone to a church with an unqualified pastor Okay Do you think the Lord did him good? Do you think the Lord did Micah good? No, anyone who's read this story sees 100% no Turn forward to Judges 18 Okay So in Judges 18 The children of Dan have sent out five scouts to search for more land to conquer Okay They stop at Micah's house and recognize the priest So have a look at verse 3 here It says So the unqualified priest is starting to buddy up now to others isn't he? So he's starting to buddy up to others Now why are the Danites still looking for land to conquer? Well in Judges chapter 1 verse 34 it says Now the Amorites were meant to be conquered to gain land But they were so weak, they were like your weak liberal worldly Christians, the Danites Who were basically chased off by the world up into the mountains And now the unqualified priest is now speaking flattering words to your worldly liberal Christians Which is interesting as apparently Salam started watering down his doctrine More recently to appeal to the worldly Christians Okay, claiming that Leviticus 20 is no longer applicable That Leviticus 20 is no more applicable to New Testament Christians No, a righteous government would instill Leviticus 20 wouldn't it? Okay The seemingly now more and more fashionable subtle digs that the NIFB passes That got him his church in the first place really wasn't it? Because he claimed to agree with NIFB, what we call NIFB doctrine And then all these guys go, once they get their following They then start to get uncomfortable that their following listens to pastors that are 100 times better than them So then they start whispering and then they start giving little digs in their sermons And little things about pretentious pastors, one of the names of one of his sermons I listened to some of that here on the way here I don't know how anyone sat in that church, it is bad Okay, regardless, now the Danites return with 600 men Okay, about to invade a quiet village So have a look at verse 13 now in Judges 18 And they pass thence unto Mount Ephraim and came unto the house of Micah Then answered the five men that went out to spy out the country of Laish and said unto their brethren Do ye know that there is in these houses an ephod and teraphim and a graven image and a molten image Now therefore consider what ye have to do And they turned the other wood and came to the house of the young man of Levi even unto the house of Micah and saluted him So remember he's already earlier been speaking flattering words to them and now they're saluting him aren't they You know and that's it, you start to appeal to the world And that's what these pastors do Is they get their following and then they start trying to appeal to the world And then they start trying to pull their following away from the people that got them there in the first place And just on that, I don't know if you know, any of you ever read the comments of this stuff I mean a lot of the pastors that we love, a lot of the pastors that we have learnt so much from And have gained so much from, everyone we spiritually A lot of them get really attacked by these anonymous, these anonymous YouTube accounts Who seem to be spending their lives, because there's a lot of time spent on their attacking men of God Under the claim of well they're this, they're that But these guys, let's put it by the world standard, they're preaching to what A few hundred people in a church, maybe what a couple of few thousand max on YouTube Maybe some of those sermons eventually get a few more viewings Why aren't they on Joel Osteen's pages? Why aren't they on TD Jake's or Creflo Dollar or the rest of these clowns? Why aren't they there? Well we know why don't we, because we know what really their motivation is But they claim it's because they're just so upset about the behaviour of NIFB pastors and everything It's just ridiculous And in the same way he was just little preaching, little subtle digs at them and everything else Why aren't you going on about the rest of them? Anyway, verse 16 He stood in the entering of the gate with the 600 men that were appointed with weapons of war So he's standing with them now, isn't he? What a turncoat Verse 18 He didn't tell them to stop though, did he? Just asked them what they're doing, didn't ask them to stop Verse 19 Lay thine hand upon thine mouth and go with us and be to us a father and a priest Is it better for thee to be a priest under the house of one man? Or let thou be a priest unto a tribe and a family in Israel So basically you can get more money and acclaim with us, yeah? Now have a look at verse 20 And the priest's heart was glad and he took the ephod and the teraphim and the graven image and went in the midst of the people His heart was glad because he's a mercenary, he never had respect for God's way, did he? He never had respect for God's way And don't miss that in that verse, who's got the ephod? Who's got the teraphim and the graven image? Yeah, the fake priest, the unqualified priest He ends up stealing from Micah and joining the worldly liberals An unqualified thief, well he's qualified as a thief but he's unqualified and a thief And that's where Salah will likely try to end up, won't he? Some watered down non-denom church having stolen multiple tens of thousands of pounds from misled Christians and ultimately from God And that's probably where he's going to end up, isn't he? But the thing is with that, you might think, well how does that affect us? Because he'll still likely, unless he is a full on false prophet, he's still likely going to appear to have the King James Bible, have the right gospel Maybe even claim to go soul winning and everything else And there are going to be people around the country like there already were That are going to look in for a church who have got saved, maybe online or through someone else Maybe people, you and I and other soul winners have got saved who are going to look for churches at some point in the future and find this clown and end up there We read earlier, Titus 1.6 said if any be blameless 1 Timothy 3.2 says a bishop then must be blameless He can never be considered blameless again, can he? Never Being a pastor is different, being a pastor is different As a brother or sister in Christ, even after church discipline, you can be restored, can't you? You're repentant, you seek forgiveness, you can be restored, you can be restored to fellowship But as a pastor you're permanently disqualified You're permanently disqualified if you've ever stolen money as a pastor from a church Let's make that clear, you are no longer, you can never be considered blameless again, can you? He is permanently disqualified Like I said, you could be restored into fellowship, he could be restored into fellowship with people Again, if he was truly repentant But, and that's assuming he's not a covetous reprobate That's assuming, and that's a big assumption that he's not a covetous reprobate But you'll never be blameless again, will you? You will never be blameless again And just to make it clear about this, Siloam had a small church of less than 20 members With little outgoings and some faithful tithers They had some soul winning flyers and that was pretty much it for their outgoings No Bibles, no other things, just a few flyers that were on a deal from someone he knew Now after a few months at his home, they rented a cheap community hall And eventually compacted the two services into one long service with a half hour break in the middle Basically I think to get cheaper rent of the community hall So they basically had a service with a little 30 to 40 minute sermonette Then they had a break for food, then another service He started the church whilst in other full time employment And was never meant to be getting a wage from the church There was never any agreement that he was being paid by the church It was a church of 15 to 20 people and he had a full time job And like I said, the outgoings were nothing He wasn't really doing much other than a couple of little sermonettes Without anyone's knowledge, he was transferring money from the church bank account into his own And there also seems to be no record of the cash offerings No one can find any record of all the cash offerings from every week And he also had early on big bulk payments paid by I think Donnie Romero What a surprise there that he was a supporter And a couple of other guys gave some big cash donations So far he has admitted to taking £12,583.93 But the real total is way higher Way, that's all he's admitted to Way higher, it's calculated about £40,000 is a bare minimum so far Right, they've calculated £24,278.56 from October 18 to April 21 Which, like I said, doesn't include any of the early large offerings As he claims that he lost those records The PayPal account for online donations was closed by him too So no one can have any record of what online donations ever came in Now this wasn't an isolated incident This wasn't some moment of madness Where Salaam just had this crazy kind of thought And just cleared out everything from the church, had been saving up or anything else No, this was consistent from the beginning of his ministry From the beginning of his ministry he was just siphoning off the money for himself Now he was eventually forced, forced? Not that he owned up and was repentant He was forced by the men of the church to step down Like I said, unrepentant And Proverbs 2017, you don't have to turn there It says, bread of deceit is sweet to a man But afterwards his mouth shall be filled with gravel And his mouth will be filled with gravel Absolute pond dwelling scum, isn't he? He is scum, absolute scum And he will never be qualified to pastor again But Salaam, it's not just the kids bit Salaam was already unqualified in other areas And we can learn a bit from this So go back to 1 Timothy chapter 3 1 Timothy chapter 3 and from verse 1 This is a true saying, if a man desires the office of a bishop he desireth a good work So there's nothing wrong with wanting that role But there's a difference between desiring and forcing it at all costs There's a big difference Desire is to wish for the possession or enjoyment of with a greater or less degree of earnestness To covet And that's covet in a good sense here It expresses less strength of affection than longing Desire it sure, but if you're longing for that job You've got to question the motives, don't you? If you're longing for it He'd already gone for the role at a previous church That was already his goal from early Whilst unqualified still And Salaam, he didn't seem fussed at all about the small issue of qualifications, did he? He was longing for this job He wanted this job no matter what Verse 2 says a bishop then must be blameless The husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach So whether or not he was before Like we said, since stealing the money from God, he is no longer blameless OK Of good behaviour Well you can decide about that now, can't you? But given the hospitality What about this one? Now I heard this terrible story Where Salaam had invited a pregnant sister in Christ to stay for a few months at his house As the husband was out of the country And said that they would feed her OK He said that she could stay, we'll look after her Nothing was mentioned about rent at this point, yeah Then suddenly, when it was all agreed, no going back now He then suddenly charged her an extortionate rent, yeah, to stay at the house £800 per month OK, £800 per month to stay at the house Which eventually, because then he was real tight for cash, went up to £1100 At some point during the three month stay at his house Then he didn't feed her Didn't feed her either So this lady's then having to withdraw money out To go and buy food for herself because she's not getting fed For her rent of between £800 and eventually £1100 a month Given the hospitality, eh Wow What a scumbag, eh Apt to teach Well he's managed to teach everyone how not to be a pastor, isn't he? On the plus side We'll give him one here, he was apt to teach Verse 3 You can see why God has these rules, can't you? You can see why God has these rules And I don't know if the signs were there before he started pastoring I don't know I don't know the guy But that's why ordaining pastors isn't something you do on a whim, is it? Because you've got to know, haven't you? Before you ordain someone as a pastor and send them out You have to know for sure that they are not covetous They are not greedy and filthy lucre OK It's not something you just send someone out Oh well, yeah, they've got some kids, out you go You know It's not something you do to get someone out of your church If that really did happen, and I don't know I don't know what the real truth is there But if he really did, ordain him as a pastor And get him out of the church Without having a row And really because you don't maybe have a biblical reason to kick them out Then that is wicked, isn't it? Because look what you're causing there But I don't know if that's what happened there OK But what was the result? Well, look at the result for Micah Like I said last week, you have to hate covetousness, don't you? Hate it Not just, well, I don't think I'm very covetous Yeah No, you've got to hate it Absolutely hate it Because look, there could be so many temptations, can't there, as a pastor? All that money, you're looking at bank balances, cash is coming in The rest of it, you have to absolutely hate it There has to be no sign of it at all For someone to be ordained as a pastor OK And look There can be many signs, can't there? There can be many signs And a pastor, that's why ideally, and we're in a weird situation in this church But a pastor should be analysing people that eventually And not just constantly making a checklist on them But they should be getting an idea If that person who eventually I might send out in the future If there's any sign of covetousness Any sign of greed or filthy lucre Then they have no business ever sending them out, do they? And ideally that happens over a time period in a church That's why churches should be sending out from their own churches, shouldn't they? And it's not just to kick someone out of your church OK And there are many signs, I think, long before the Judas money bag thieving starts It's not just, oh well, can they take the collection and not dip their hand in or anything else No, there are many, many signs of covetousness, aren't there? And again, if that's something that you maybe suffer with That's something you need to pray and get out of your life, don't you? Especially if you ever wanted to go into the ministry OK Verse 4 then So back over Sorry, sorry, let's stay in 1 Timothy here So chapter 3 and verse 4 It says For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God? So if you're covetous, you won't rule well your own house, will you? Because if your focus is on money, is on gaining, is on filthy lucre Are you really going to rule your house well? I'd say you're not, are you? Because your kids, your family, your house should be of a big, big priority to you Not just getting rich Verse 6 says Now I don't care how long, because apparently he'd been listening and involved in YouTube stuff for a long time I don't care how long you've been listening to good preaching Everyone I've spoken to says he was full of pride and ego Everyone I've spoken to said it was oozing off him Pride and ego And he might have been hearing the word for a long time, but for how long was he doing it? James 1.22 says I don't think he was ever doing the word If he was at that point still just full of this ego I mean someone was telling me about a video That he was apparently in front of a punch bag going on about the strength of young men And he'd vest on the punch bag and put it up on YouTube Like this guy was trying to teach He tried to write a book on relationship advice Having been married for several months I mean it just beggars belief doesn't it? Full of pride, full of ego and that's a novice You can be saved for 20 years You can listen to sermons and know what to model yourself on Because I'm not convinced by this guy at all that he even is a man of God You can model yourself on sermons for years But it's your behaviour that counts isn't it? Your behaviour is a sign, not what you preach Not if you sound like you've got the doctrine right Anyone can copy doctrine Verse 7 says Once they heard the facts I don't think even the unsaved world wouldn't be disgusted with his thieving would they? He again will never have a good report of them which are without will he? Turn over to Titus 1 though for a few more failed qualifications Titus chapter 1 and from verse 6 Not given to wine, no striker, not given to filthy Luca He's sounding pretty self-willed to me isn't he? Selfish being another word How selfish do you have to be? From the beginning how selfish do you have to be To basically force yourself into a pastor position when you're unqualified And was it for the people? Are these people just saying no it wasn't? It was for himself For his own ego, his own pride, his own pocket Really was what it was Selfish, self-willed Verse 8 Well he loves hospitality when they're paying rent doesn't he? He loves hospitality when they're paying rent A lover of good men Now, Salaam did love good men He did love good men as long as they were black Okay that's the truth He loved good men as long as they were black because Salaam was a racist No doubt about it, Salaam was a racist And again like I said before newsflash It's not only white people that are racist Salaam was a follower of the communist false prophet Martin Luther King He used to do videos with a poster of him in the background Imagine if I had that on the back here while I was doing my sermons He used to do videos from his YouTube with Martin Luther King in the background If you don't know much about him I'd recommend you go there I think there's a good documentary by Pastor Anderson on him as well He was also an open advocate of the BLM movement You know the Black Lives Matter movement You know that one? Anyone looked into that at all? Well, in case you're not aware in 2013 Patrisse Cullors, Alicia Garza and Opal Tometi formed the Black Lives Matter network Oh I'm sure what lovely, courageous, bold women of colour they were Cullors identifies as a queer In 2016 she married Janaya Khan, a social activist who co-founded Black Lives Matter Toronto In 2004, Alicia, this is Alicia Garza, came out as a queer to her family In 2008 she married Malachi and took the name Garza, settling in Oakland What an abomination to be called Malachi as well What sort of man of God supports these sick, vile perverts? What sort of man of God gives any lip service to this joke, disgusting movement? Just amazing isn't it? And I'll tell you the sort of man that preaches that as God looked after his people Israel There's nothing wrong with Salam looking after his people Yeah, that was one of the things that he preached Nothing wrong with him looking after his people So who exactly are Salam's people? Is it people from Africa? Asia maybe? Do we have Pacific Islanders in there? Southeast Asian maybe? Mixed race? South Americans, do we have them in there as well? Is it anyone basically with any colour in their skin? What if I get a good tan? Do you think I'll become one of his people then? No? Yeah, I don't know Maybe if I was down, maybe if I was in a Mediterranean country I was getting the sun all year every year Maybe I might qualify for one of his people then, will I? Because that's how ridiculous it is, isn't it? Because you notice these guys, they never go, my people, just the nation they were born in or whatever that is Or just however many years they could go back It's always then it comes down to colour, doesn't it? Always comes down to colour, what's that got to do with it? How are the Asians his people then? Or how are the Africans? Whatever, it's absolutely ridiculous Turn to Colossians 3 Colossians chapter 3 and from verse 8 But now ye also put off all these anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy communication out of your mouth And that's what all this racist stuff is, isn't it? It's anger, wrath, malice, propagated by a divisive media, isn't it? That's what it is It's just pushed on people, they're encouraged to be angry, wrathful, have malice towards people of a certain colour Based on something that their claiming has happened thousands or maybe hundreds or maybe tens of years Verse 9 Stop lying about your so-called genetics You all go back to Noah Stop lying about it You're lying about it, it's nonsense, you're one people Verse 10 Which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him Now although that's speaking about the new creature in Christ Let's not forget that we are also made in the image of God, aren't we? That's every single person Everyone here is made in the image of God Genesis 1.27 says That's all of us That's all of us, therefore you shouldn't care what skin colour Jesus is, should you? Does anyone care what skin colour Jesus was? Who cares? Because we're all created in his image And if we're all created in his image I don't think there's any importance about the skin colour Because it's not down to that detail, is it? Absolute nonsense And I'm so sick of this stuff And it's so pushed on people, isn't it? And you've got to be an idiot to get sucked into that You've got to be an absolute fool as we know he is and was And still will be a fool Verse 11 So which people are your salaam? Which ones are yours out of those? Because there's none of that if you're in Christ There's none of that if you're in Christ You can get on with that with the world if you want If you're not in Christ Have your little squabbles about who's who And decide what criteria What shade of brown fits your people What shade of white It's just ridiculous, isn't it? Verse 12 As the elect of God, holy and beloved Bowels of mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind Meekness, long suffering Mercies and kindness That's to all people, isn't it? Mercies and kindness to all people Not just to the people you claim are yours Okay, not just the people you claim are your people Forbearing one another Verse 13 So also Do ye So if you feel that someone's great-great-grandfather Was mean to your great-great-grandfather Try forgiving them, you racist Try forgiving them You absolute racist, you hypocrite Verse 14 Okay, that's putting others first, not your racist propaganda salaam That's putting other people first Verse 15 Yeah, you might finally have some peace from that And stop getting brainwashed Back to 1 Timothy 3 And verse 8 Sober, just, holy, temperate Okay, he seems to be failing on all points here, doesn't he? But temperate, that's self-control You know, the self-control not to dip your hand into the money bag That sort of self-control is one of the qualities, temperate The self-control not to just jump on the worldly, fleshly racist, Black Lives Matter propaganda That sort of self-control Yeah, and what an idiot How do you get pulled into that? As a man of God, how do you get sucked into that? It's one thing when you're new, when you're a babe in Christ But come on, you only have to read through the Bible once To see that it's completely unbiblical, all of that What an absolute, absolute idiot Okay, verse 9 Okay, so as well as holding fast to the faithful word on key doctrines Something that Salaam started to water down and change on There could also be an application of soul winning here too, couldn't there? Okay, you don't have to turn up at 2 Timothy 4-5 He says, but watch thou in all things, endure afflictions Do the work of an evangelist, make foolproof of thy ministry So a pastor should at least do some evangelising, shouldn't he? Yeah Shouldn't he? Okay, now as a voluntary pastor with a full time job It's tough to go multiple times in the week, yeah? I'd give him that, yeah? Writing sermons, believe it or not, takes a long time And there is many other parts of being a pastor It's not just writing sermons, reading your Bible But there is a lot of time, and if you're voluntary, if you're not full time Then I'd understand that going multiple times soul winning might be difficult But you would expect maybe once a week, wouldn't you? At least Once a month? You'd think you'd get away once a month, wouldn't you? Yeah? Well no, Pastor Salaam, and pastor, I use the term loosely there It's just what he calls himself, went a handful of times during his near three year ministry A handful of times Right, what's that about? A so-called soul winning church, what happened to being an evangelist? Well no, Pastor Salaam went only a few times And I think probably most of those times, when he went regularly, was before he condemned everyone to join his church Okay, a handful of times Turn back to 1 Timothy 3 again For the last few failings here In qualifications Now, from verse 8, Paul starts giving the qualifications of a deacon Okay, or a cistern Now, within this there's some criteria for a deacon's wife Which she should fulfil Now, this would obviously apply to the pastor's wife as well, okay? So let's see what it says, 1 Timothy 3.11 Even so must their wives be grave, not slanderers, sober, faithful in all things Now, grave is honourable Slanderer is someone who defames others, sober is watchful, cautious Faithful in all things is trustworthy, loyal, dutiful, and full of faith Now, when you think of a woman with those qualities You don't think of a worldly model who still attends a Pentecostal church on the Saturdays During his ministry So she's going to the Pentecostal church on a Saturday I don't know what sort of church is running Saturday services anyway And then on a Sunday she was going to Nyoth But she was actively pursuing a career as an actress And was also a worldly model And she wasn't modelling knee-length skirts Yet again, another fact I mean, it's like I said, Judges 17 was really apt for this, wasn't it? Because it wouldn't be out of place there, it's just ridiculous It borders on the comical, doesn't it? It is comical if it wasn't so serious that he's abusing that position That he's stealing off God's people Okay, and back to Titus 1 If we just flick over to Titus 1 here Titus 1, sorry guys, yeah, Titus 1 And from verse 10 For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers Especially they of the circumcision Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses Teaching things which they ought not For filthy lucas' sake And there you have an apt description of psalm, don't you? An unruly and vain talker and deceiver Now I'm hoping that this sermon will hopefully stop his mouth for good And I want to add five people here as well And we're going to talk about that in a second But I hope for one, this sermon, if anyone ever wants to look him up This sermon we're going to make sure will always be on YouTube Even if they cancel our page, we'll have a back-up We'll just keep going with this sermon So that guy should never be behind a pulpit ever again And have to find another way of ripping people off He has already subverted whole houses, hasn't he? There are people that went to that church And like I said, whether or not they were misled, misguided And yeah, they were in error But there are people that have gone there, they've tithed money I mean, how sick must they feel now? And what other stuff was he teaching? I mean, I tried to sit through one sermon and that was hard going Okay, and how, I mean, who knows what he's taught over those couple of years Whatever it was Teaching things which he ought not And why? For the money Was it for the money? He started watering down, I believe, his doctrine Because his church never grew So he had 15, whatever it was, people at the end of his ministry Similar to the beginning of his ministry And I think he just wanted to start getting more and more people in But what he forgot is that God builds the church, doesn't he? And God isn't going to build a false church like that Until he goes full off in a false doctrine Then the devil will build his church, won't he? Okay, Psalm 119 verse 127 says Therefore I love thy commandments above gold, yea, above fine gold If only Salaam had the same love for God's commandments as the Psalmist did there Above gold, above fine gold Because the first clear instruction on a qualification, wasn't it? Was having children, having faithful children Husband of one wife Okay, so what can we learn from this whole mess ourselves, though? So firstly, and again you don't have to turn there Famous scripture, Matthew 4-4, but the answer said it is written Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word That proceedeth out of the mouth of God Okay, the word of God isn't a pick and mix, is it? Okay, the word of God is not a pick and mix Man's wisdom will always fail if it goes against God's, won't it? It will always fail And we see that, we've seen that with this church, haven't we? An unqualified pastor, now it's just all been destroyed It's all come out in the wash, what was really going on And as we grow as a church, we will eventually, I hope, if things go well We'll be planting churches in the future, won't we? We'll be planting churches in the future And we must ensure that we don't cut any corners either, yeah? So anyone that decides that I want to be involved in ministry, take heed That it's not just having kids, okay? There's a list of qualifications that men who want to go into the ministry Should be striving towards Striving towards to qualify one day to pastor Okay, because it's not just a pick and mix Well I like that one, well okay, well I'm a bit covetous Well I've got a few things, I've got a few problems on that list But hey ho, at least I've got the kids Or maybe with him it wasn't I don't even have the kids, you know? No, we should be striving to fulfil every qualification if you want to eventually pastor And that goes in other areas as well We should be striving our utmost to follow every single commandment, shouldn't we? Every single one, we should never, never cut corners Because eventually it will fail, won't it? It will fail And that goes for every area of our life, doesn't it, as well? That goes for every area If you're thinking, well I know I should be doing this at home I know I should be doing this with my kids I know I should be doing this at work I know I should be doing that in whatever other area outside of the church If there's clear commandment from God And you are disobeying that commandment It's going to fail, isn't it? It's going to fail and it's going to come back to bite you And when there's clear commandments, follow them Let's turn to... Turn to Ecclesiastes I think I've written down the wrong note here But I think I wanted to go to Ecclesiastes Yeah, in chapter 12 and from verse 13 Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter Fear God and keep His commandments For this is the whole duty of man For God shall bring every work into judgment With every secret thing Whether it be good or whether it be evil On that, let's pray Heavenly Father, I thank you for this church I thank you for your word I thank you for just the clear, clear instructions that you give us Instructions that we should all strive to follow I thank you that you've made this manifest It took a couple of years and eventually it all came out, didn't it? And I thank you that you've made that clear I hope that you'll help this sermon to warn others To stay away from this man, to stay away from this charlatan And I hope that you'll also... That we'll all here be edified by this sermon To all learn from this, to all learn from these errors To all apply it to our own lives as well And pray now that you'll just bless the rest of our day Help us to get lots of souls saved this afternoon And to continue to build this church In Jesus' name we pray, Amen