(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen okay so we continue to go through the book of Ruth we're up to chapter three now of our Sunday evening Bible study on Ruth as a quick summary so in chapter one Elimelech if you remember this is a guy that he left Israel during a famine with his wife Naomi and two sons he died the sons then married two Moabites women and then ten years later they both died as well didn't they this then left Naomi and her two daughters-in-law one of those Ruth swears to stay by Naomi's side and they returned to Bethlehem together then in chapter two we saw that Ruth starts going out to basically make use of God's benefit system during we talked about how that kind of gleaning and being able to go and gather off the corners which were the edges of the fields and the gleaning the stuff that was left behind was a way of the poor the the widows of the fatherless the stranger were able to then still be able to feed themselves that way so we had a look at that and and Ruth ended up in this guy Boaz's field didn't she and he ended up being very kind to her and and basically rewarding her for all the good that she had done towards Naomi her mother-in-law and in the end of the chapter so back in chapter 2 verse 23 it says so she kept fast by the maidens of Boaz to glean until the end of barley harvest and of wheat harvest and dwelt with her mother-in-law and then we go straight into verse 1 so remember she's she's kept fast kept close to them to glean until the end of harvest she dwelt with her mother-in-law then verse 1 so this is after that time that Naomi her mother-in-law said unto her my daughter shall I not seek rest for thee that it may be well with thee let's go to the Lord and a word of prayer before we get going father I thank you I thank you for your word I thank you for this church I pray now that you just help everyone to you know stay attentive and stay alert on this Sunday evening just help help me to preach accurately and boldly to preach the message clearly what you want them to hear fill me with your spirit please Lord fill me with with boldness and and just help everyone to be able to apply what they hear today as well in Jesus name we pray all of this amen okay so again like I said this seems to be half the harvest period if you look at that now Ruth has been gleaning for a while now hasn't she I don't know how long that period is but probably a good few weeks or so maybe longer she's been gleaning so this is a bit of a this is further down the line now because she's turned up at barley harvest and barley harvest is the first crop to harvest and she carries on it said in verse 23 of chapter 2 until the end of barley harvest and of wheat harvest so she's obviously been there for a little bit of time now now said here then Naomi a mother-in-law said unto my daughter shall I not seek rest for thee that it may be well with thee and remember in chapter 1 when we looked at this in verse 9 when Naomi said the Lord grant you that you may find rest each of you in the house of her husband and she kissed him and they lifted up their voice and wept and and we were talking about that rest from getting married and remember I was saying it without our modern benefit system marriage is rest isn't it okay marriage should have been it should still be should still be rest for for a young lady or you know whether she's young or not and look some of you with multiple children you know teaching them at home especially cooking three meals a day maybe more you might question that doesn't seem like rest and look it's only really though because of the apparent alternative of the free childcare of the free schooling which is free isn't it and and should it be well it's not really free yeah we pay for it in our taxes don't we but it's like an alternative so well well because you're looking at the world and going this isn't easy this isn't rest but but you know that's quite school the school itself and that's got that schooling where where basically you've got the whole nation going to school is actually a very new thing in history okay and and really before that was homeschooling and maybe the very rich would be able to pay for them to go off so the alternative to that for a lady to have kids and then to have to go to work and everything else is tough when who's gonna look after the kids so how does that work like that's tough isn't it so really it's only because we've been given now really and really like it's a recent thing isn't it this alternative that we look at as if that's normal to just send your child off to be looked after by by strangers and by God haters a lot of the time and the rest of it now look again I'm not getting on anyone here because everyone has their own situation stuff but for me it's for me it's clear as day that God's ideal would be that we that we train our own children where possible now Ruth's alternative doesn't look so great does it okay so Ruth's alternative to getting married is what is basically her working she's gleaning in the field she's gonna have to basically work hard and break her back to provide for herself and and her mother-in-law okay not so good remember she made a vow didn't she to look after her mother-in-law as well so for her this is looking pretty tough but it's talking about a rest here and I don't know if people have noticed this before when you've read this but Boaz is a picture of Jesus Christ the Redeemer okay Boaz is a picture of Christ and look in the Old Testament there are many pictures of Jesus Christ there's much symbolism of Jesus Christ and what people get a bit hung up on sometimes they see a symbol or a picture and well it's not exact or it's not well what did that person get well no it's a picture it's a picture it's a symbolism of now one of those symbolisms of Jesus Christ is Boaz in the book of Ruth and there are many throughout I think our pastor right now is going through Genesis and been showing them many many pictures of Joseph being a pictures of Jesus Christ and just I mean wow like the amount the amount in there in those last chapters of Genesis but turn to Hebrews 4 here the symbolism is that rest in Christ and it's going to be that rest in Boaz now in the same way that the Sabbath was pointing towards the rest in Christ as well we're seeing this with Boaz in Hebrews chapter 4 and look at verse 1 says Hebrews 4 1 let us therefore fear lest a promise being left us of entering into his rest any of you should seem to come short of it for unto us was the gospel preached as well as unto them but the word preached did not profit them not being mixed with faith in them that heard it so this is talking about the unbelieving ones of the children of Israel why did the word preach not profit them why not was it because Moses and Aaron didn't play enough modern music to get them to come to the worship it was maybe it they didn't you know it wasn't quite attractive enough wherever they were worshiping was it that the sole winners weren't using you know a modern enough version of God's Word and change it into a moment no no they they didn't have faith yeah they didn't have faith and that's what it comes down to isn't it the word preached them did not profit them not being mixed with faith in them that heard it and that's what it is isn't it they didn't have the faith that's what it's all about the faith isn't it it's all about the faith verse three for we which have believed who enter into rest as he said as I've sworn in my wrath if they shall enter into my rest although the works were finished from the foundation of the world so us believers enter into God's rest and that's through Christ who where it says the works are finished from the foundation of the world you don't have to end at first Peter 1 20 says who verily was foreordained before the foundation of the world but was manifest in these last times for you talking about Jesus Christ there verse 4 in Hebrews 4 for he spake in a certain place of the seventh day on this wise that's that Sabbath day and God did rest the seventh day from all his works the first Sabbath a picture of rest in Christ right and in this place again if they shall enter into my rest seeing therefore it remaineth that some must enter therein and they to whom it was first preached entered not in because of unbelief not because they didn't repent of all their sins was it that's not why they didn't enter into the rest of Christ not because they carried on the sinning afterwards it was because of unbelief because of unbelief verse 7 again he limited for certain day saying in David today after so long a time as it is said today if you will hear his voice harden not your hearts now this is referring to Psalm 95 and he's saying that when someone hears the Word of God they've got to not harden their hearts because many do don't know we you get that many times I'm sure people got that this afternoon when they're out so when you get people that just harden their hearts they start to get it and then you see just that hard that hardening happen don't you you see them just suddenly just almost sometimes you almost see like the back straight and up don't you and it's just like right not having it anymore they just don't want it they don't want to put their faith in Christ said in verse 8 for if Jesus had given them rest then would he not after it has spoken of another day so they were given their chances they rejected God there remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God and I'm into that praise God that there is that rest and and it is a rest isn't it and obviously we're seeing just time time again it being referred to as that rest in Christ we've seen that picture of the Sabbath or the Sabbath day being a picture of that for he that is entered into his rest here he also has ceased from his own works as God did from his so the Sabbath was a picture of salvation resting from our own works our own attempts you'd have to know Isaiah and of course because Isaiah 6 4 6 says but we are all as an unclean thing and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags and we all do fades a leaf and our iniquities like the wind have taken us away we've got no way of working our way to heaven and we've got no hope of trying to work our way to heaven but how many people still think they do how many people we had that today we had a fairly elderly lady and and that could always be sad because you kind of feel like how many more chance you're gonna get and and when when they answer the door and the first thing they say is is yeah I'm good enough I know I'm good enough you know already you're gonna have a hard time aren't you and and we got that and part you think it does she get it no she got it and she's got the boy when she's got it but they don't for them no you still have to be good they might because they hedged their bets on that for 80 odd years of life haven't they well there's no chance of that is there verse 11 let us labor therefore to enter into that rest lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief so he's saying you better make sure you get saved and obviously it's an ironic use of the word labor there isn't it he's just been saying you can't work your way to heaven we just need to make sure that we get saved is what he's saying just make sure that you're saved and and you know and just in case he adds here doesn't it the end lest any man fall off the same example of what by not laboring no by unbelief right so go back to roof 3 so clearly that rest there is that rest in salvation the Sabbath is a picture of rest in Christ and Boaz is a picture of rest in Christ that's why Jesus said in Matthew 11 29 take my yoke upon you and learn of me for I am meek and lowly in heart and you shall find rest unto yourselves and isn't it a great rest that we get and isn't it great when you get saved to just know I'm saved nothing can change that I'm saved I'm not I don't have to work to keep being saved I didn't have to work to get saved I just have to get saved what a rest that is now verse 2 and now is not Boaz of our kindred with whose maidens thou was behold he winneth barley tonight in the threshing floor so remember that Boaz is a relative of Naomi's and therefore also Ruth's late husband as well okay now winnowing is to separate grain from the from the chaff and this is usually by use of either the wind they do it outdoors or a makeshift fan so they make some sort of fan not saying like an electric fan they might be moving something to make make that kind of you know to fan it basically to fan the grain now the the chaff is the inedible husks the waste right and again with the Christ picture what's Boaz doing Boaz is sorting the wheat from the chaff a famous saying isn't it and and you have to turn a bit Matthew 3 12 John the Baptist is speaking of Jesus whose fan is in his hand and he will thoroughly purge his floor and gather his wheat into the garner and he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire isn't that what Jesus Christ does he sorts the wheat from the chaff okay and for me that's a picture again with Boaz there now look at verse 3 wash thyself therefore and anoint thee and put thy raiment upon thee and get thee down to the floor but make not thyself known unto the man until till he shall have done eating and drinking so Naomi is saying you better scrub up girl yeah she's saying scrub up good and don't interrupt a man when he's eating and amen today if only more women around the world would understand that don't interrupt a man when he's eating okay what great lesson from Naomi there so Ruth is going to him and again with the Jesus Christ picture here we choose to come to Jesus don't we okay we choose to come to Jesus because look and it should be obvious shouldn't it but the Calvinists and every other so-called non Calvinists which seem to be affected by Calvinism to some degree say that he chooses you don't they that's what they try and say well he does in a way doesn't he because second beta 3 9 says the Lord is not slack concerning his promises some men count slackness but his long suffering to us not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance yeah God wants you all to come to repentance and no that's not repenting of your sins that's repentance yeah that's a change of mind upon your faith in Jesus Christ he chooses everyone he wants everyone to get saved doesn't he yeah he wants everyone to get saved first Timothy 2 for you don't turn it says who will have all men to be saved and to come unto the knowledge of the truth there's not just this select few he wants everyone to get saved does everyone get saved though why not because it's free will because you have the choice do you want to get saved you want to put your faith in Christ but believe it or not in life God's will isn't always done is it what God's will is not done but he's there they like to are you sovereign everything that God wants done he's been that's what they that's what the Calvinist believes isn't it what every single wicked filthy sin and crime that you see out of these doors and sadly sometimes in these doors as well you're saying a God's will no way is it is it what that God wants all the wickedness we see that goes on in this world no he doesn't so he wants all those people to go to hell no he's not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance okay but God gives us free will doesn't he okay and that's life that's life free will in life now Ruth coming to Boaz I think is a picture of us coming to Christ but but who told her to go to Boaz Ruth's mother-in-law Ruth's mother-in-law is telling her to go to Boaz and that's a good picture of soul winning isn't it yeah that's a good picture of soul winning she's saying to her go to what is the Christ figure isn't it go to get that rest and that's what we're all doing aren't we we're telling people to get saved but we can't force people to get saved can we okay she doesn't force her she still makes a choice but we encourage and we tell them to in fact we plead with them sometimes we're almost begging them we're imploring them but they still have to choose to do it don't they but there it's a good picture of that and and that's her daughter-in-law and obviously when it comes to family we should how frustrating is it when you get someone saved on the door and then they don't want to get their family down to get saved oh no no no they won't be no no they're too it's just wow really but people do that don't know the selfishness of people but look she still has free will Naomi tells her to go and like I said she's telling her second critics is 520 that Turner says now then we are ambassadors for Christ as though God did beseech you by us we pray you in Christ said be ye reconciled to God that's basically saying we urge you and that's what we're doing out when we're out so we're just urging people please just get saved you don't have to go to hell please please but it doesn't mean they will Naomi said in verse 3 wash thyself therefore and anoint thee and put thy raiment upon thee and get thee down to the floor but make not myself known unto the man who he shall have done eating and drinking these will pitch the salvation aren't they see that there when we're saved we're washed clean from our sins aren't we she said wash thyself therefore you don't have to turn a revelation 1 5 says and from Jesus Christ who is a faithful witness and the first begotten of the dead and the prince of the kings of the earth unto him that loved us and washed us from our sins in his own blood we're washed aren't we when we're saved Titus 3 5 says not by works of righteousness which we have done but according to his mercy saved us by the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Ghost so what's the anointing the Holy Ghost isn't it that renewing of the Holy Ghost the Holy Ghost is the anointing again you have to turn the first on 227 says but the anointing which you have received of him abideth in you and ye need not that any man teach you but as the same anointing teaching you of all things and his truth and is no lie and even as it taught you you shall abide in him clearly talking about the Holy Ghost say yeah and then the raiment or clothing again is a sign of salvation isn't it in the parable of heaven in Matthew 22 12 you remember that the king says and he saith unto him friend how came so in hither not having a wedding garment and he was speechless so and what happens he gets cast into outer darkness doesn't he revelation 611 last one and again you have to turn edges I want to get this point quickly talking of the saved in heaven and white robes were given unto every one of them and it was said unto them that they should rest yet for a little season till their fellow servants also in their brethren that should be killed as they were should be fulfilled so for me that that that verse in in Ruth Rory Ruth Ruth 3 chapter 3 wash thyself therefore and anoint thee and put thy raiment upon thee is a definite picture of going across for salvation yeah the washing the anointing the change of clothing now look at verse 4 and it shall be when he lieth down that thou shalt mark the place where he shall lie now shall go in and uncover his feet and lay thee down he will tell thee what thou shalt do now look for me again this is another picture this is another image of you know of for me this is basically when the two Mary's have been to the sebka if you turn to Matthew 28 so Matthew chapter 28 you might disagree with me here I don't know for me I see this this is another picture and like I said a lot of them they're just pictures they're kind of their little hints towards it look at Matthew 28 and verse 6 so the two Mary's have been to the sebka and the angel says in Matthew 28 6 he is not here so obviously after Christ's death and burial he is not here for he is risen as he said come see the place where the Lord lay now look at verse 9 and as they went to tell his disciples behold Jesus met them saying all hell and they came and held him by the feet and worshipped him then said Jesus unto them be not afraid go tell my brethren that they go into Galilean there shall they see me so prostrate by his feet and then they're told what to do and we see here with with Ruth here she's told to mark the place where he shall lie then thou shalt go in and uncover his feet and lay thee down and he will tell thee what thou shalt do okay again for me that's a picture that but in the story of Ruth here it's coming away now for nice picture Christ it's to wake him up and to talk to him privately okay so here she wants to wake him up and talk to him privately and she said unto her all that thou sayest unto me I will do so she still has free will doesn't she okay she's told to go and get the picture is she's being told to get saved a picture okay for me Ruth is already saved but she's being told here to go and get say that's a picture of Christ with Boaz and she says yes I will okay I will verse 6 as she went down unto the floor and did according to all that her mother-in-law bade her and when Boaz had eaten and drunk and his heart was merry he went to lie down at the end of the heap of corn and she came softly and uncovered his feet and laid her down now this is where the carnal Christian will see this and want to see alcohol won't they they'll look at that and go look his heart was merry he must have been he must have been smashed he must have at least had it oh he had a bit of a drink or he at least had it you know he probably just just had an eat and had maybe you know a few good glasses of wine you know I just just kind of in moderation just got a bit merry but I don't know about you but when I've eaten and drunk non-alcohol and some nice nice juice with my meal my heart's merry anyone else have a merry heart when I eat some good food and drink yeah yeah I'll go with that as well but just because our world now will start calling a little bit tipsy merry doesn't mean that that that applies to here does it okay so for me here he ate and drunk his heart was merry but I've heard this used before by by these carnal Christian types who just want to find any way to justify boozing even though the Bible says clearly not to look upon alcohol but all they want to see something immoral here as well so I actually I went the first church I was really a part of wicked liberal Church which I would doubt many of them were saved they're looking back now but at the time you kind of you know you could just feel that at the spirits kind of starting to really get pricked with things and fortunately eventually I left but one of the things I did do before I did is I used to go around to pastors I think it was on a Monday morning early in the morning I invited me round with some other guy and we used to do a Bible study and he wanted to go through Ruth now when we say a Bible study what they actually all these they'll just have this book of studying Ruth by some other guy and you basically just go through it together you know because most of these guys it's just all just everything's plagiarized isn't it it's all just grabbing what someone else has done and said nothing's nothing's original at all but anyway we got to this point and the question is well what really happened what does that really mean here and obviously they're using false Bible versions and maybe if I'd had time I would have made me look to what what the different versions say at this point but it's like well you know it is uncovering the feet is it a euphemism for something else he's questioning why why is that a euphemism for something else oh well maybe they fornicate what why she's a virtuous woman this guy's a righteous man what a load of nonsense she went down the bottom of his feet and uncovered his feet why does she uncover his feet well I I think for me it's a way of him waking up and he wakes up in the night when your feet I don't know if you some people like their feet out of covers for me it gets cold and I get and it makes me wake up yeah okay well if you ever you fall asleep downstairs or something and it's a bit cold you know and then when you start getting your feet come out of what whether you've got anything on you or not when you don't have a cover you wake up easily don't you okay that's pretty standard for me but they want to see something like that but no they weren't fornicating there's nothing to suggest that in the text verse 8 and it came to pass at midnight that the man was afraid and turned himself and behold a woman lay at his feet now afraid for me is basically startled okay so he's a bit startled because he's woken up with his feet uncovered and at his feet he sees a woman there okay so his feet are cold he sees a woman there verse 9 and he said who art thou and she answered I am Ruth thine handmaid spread therefore thy skirt over thine handmaid for thou art a near kinsman now skirt is a lower and loose part of a coat or other garment okay it's a lower part of that the part below the waist is a skirt of a coat or mantle yeah no Boaz wasn't a cross-dresser okay so anyone's wondering here okay so it wasn't that he was wearing a dress or wearing a kilt he wasn't doing any of that but what he was doing is he was he was he was lying down and she said spread therefore thy skirt and basically she's saying Boaz I want you to take care of me look after me protect me that's what that that's a picture of okay looking after me protecting me and that's a pretty humble approach isn't it so Ruth says to hit I am Ruth on handmade basically will you look after me will you protect me because you're a near kinsman turn of Ephesians chapter 5 because nowadays sadly most women would look that as weak wouldn't they asking a man to protect them to look after them well you should be a strong dominant independent woman shouldn't you Ruth you've been out gleaning you don't need a man who needs a man isn't that what they try and say now well they're rubbish eh the Bible calls the wife the weaker vessel doesn't it have I got that wrong no Ephesians 5 22 and by the way it's not just a world it's the so-called Christian world would say the same but Ephesians 5 22 says wives submit yourselves unto your own husbands as unto the Lord for the husband is ahead of the wife even as Christ is ahead of the church and he is the Savior of the body therefore as the church is subject unto Christ so let the wives be to their house own husbands in everything say some things everything husbands love your wives even as Christ also loved the church he gave himself for it that he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word that verse alone is telling me husbands you better know the spiritual condition of your wife doesn't it okay husbands it says love your wives he's even as Christ also loved the church he gave himself for it that he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word and obviously for me that's what husbands should be doing with their wives shouldn't they sanctifying and cleansing then how are you doing that if you've got no idea what your wife's even listening to you've got no idea what your wife does in the daytime and I'm not saying you have to be checking up on her but but if you've if you never teach your wife anything out of the Bible how are you washing her with the are you sanctifying and cleansing her with the washing of water by the word if you're not doing any sorts of any sort of spiritual growth at home together if you're not talking about anything spiritual you're not doing any of that are you I don't think so sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word verse 27 that he might present it to himself a glorious church not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing but that it should be holy and without blemish and that's a responsibility isn't it that's a responsibility as husbands to be spiritually growing our wives to be helping our wives to be to be trying to prevent them from having spot or wrinkle or any such thing and obviously it's not talking about spots and wrinkles there you don't have to be there squeezing the spots hiding out the wrinkles but but it's it's about making them holy without blemish that's what it says there isn't it and that's what we're that's what we're trying to do as husbands aren't we we want to guide we want to help our wives to be that because the Bible does call him the weaker vessel no that's not saying that they're a lesser person that's not saying that they're not as good as men that's just saying that they're different isn't it and there's different roles in life and and you could look at that and go well that's all right well that's the responsibility though isn't it and having a responsibility isn't always a great thing yeah a lot of people look at that oh it's okay for that for the person at the time no it's not because you've got a responsibility there and ultimately you're gonna be getting chastised as well when it goes wrong and that's something you need to be doing you need to be you need to be basically trying to make sure that your wife is holy and without blemish verse 28 so all men to love their wives as their own bodies he that loveth his wife loveth himself for no ever no man ever yet hated his own flesh but nourisheth and cherisheth it even as the Lord the church obviously it's not just you know reading Bible at your wife every night and that should sort it there's a whole package there isn't there okay but basically Ruth is saying to Boaz like I want you to look after me I want you to help me grow I want you to spiritually protect me as well I want you to do all this for me verse 30 for we are members of his body of his flesh and of his bones for this cause shall a man leave his father and mother and shall be joined unto his wife and they too shall be one flesh this is a great mystery but I speak concerning Christ and the church nevertheless that every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself and the wife see that she reverence her husband and I've preached a bit recently on that and that loving your wife but but and the wife see that she reverence her husband and Ruth is showing that attitude straight away there isn't she straight away she's just saying please look after me please protect me and everything else I wonder how many times you see that chat up line nowadays you know hey come here often will you look after me protect me forever but anyway I'll tell you I was about it good I think that for me be a lot more of a lot more appealing than some woman going yeah well I don't need a man you know I'm just so I'm just so independent it's like yeah whatever I do one you know because you're so out of God's will like that verse 10 back to back to Ruth Ruth 3 there and he said blessed be thou of the Lord my daughter for thou has showed more kindness in the latter end than at the beginning in as much as our follow it's not young men whether poor or rich Boaz isn't puffed up either here is he so she's saying please look after me Boaz is saying look blessed be thou the Lord my daughter showing more kindness in the latter end than at the beginning he's basically saying you're showing me kindness here or maybe it's not just to her it's also to Naomi as we'll see but because look Ruth could have just found a man to marry early on couldn't she I think she's a catch you go oh yeah you don't know what she looks like she's a catch yeah she's a catch look no it should clear as day like these first two chapters for me it's like wow she's it had funny I was single no joking but but she is a catch isn't she because Ruth here is is she is loyal she's hard working she's industrious she's humble she's she's fulfilling our promise she wants to look after a mother she this woman's got it always it she yeah and she got it all and in look Boaz is just going well wow you know wow that someone like this someone he's not going on because you look the description of it's not really important is it but what and I'm not saying obviously you know you want to you want to you want to like who your who your future spouse looks like you want to at least not be put off by their looks then everyone there's horses for courses aren't there okay and for what one you know what one person might find beautiful isn't what another one does you know but but more important than any of that surely more important than any of that is that is who they really are isn't it and if they're gonna be a good wife and if they're gonna be a good husband you know because look nowadays and probably it's always been like this I doubt there's anything you under the sun but it just seems to be all about looks isn't it all about and what and it's well like whatever the fashionable look is you know it's that as well there's always like a new fashion of what apparently is a good look at people so easy brainwash they almost get pulled into that I may suddenly they've all got to look this way and before they all had to look that way obviously men are more susceptible to this it does happen with women as well doesn't it but here he's just thought wow but also because what would have happened to Naomi had she just gone and got married straight away because if she had is she just gonna found anyone to marry us so she didn't have to go and glean and everything else would they have looked after Naomi and if they'd said no I'm not looking after Naomi she should be submitting to her new husband shouldn't she her new husband's authority who would have just said well look that's not got nothing doing me Naomi now that's done you're you moved on now you're you're my wife we have a family that's it you're under my household and that would likely have probably then met the end of her friendship and responsibilities and everything to Naomi which obviously she's made that promise she wants to look after her so instead what she done and it sounds like Boaz is a bit older I don't know what age he is there maybe maybe he's not you know he's not an oil painting himself I don't know he's a picture of Christ Christ had no form nor comeliness did he now but instead look here she's gone to Boaz isn't she she's gone to Boaz the kinsman of the family to continue the family name and therefore provide for the widow Naomi as well right so verse 11 and now my daughter fear not I will do to thee all that thou requirest for all the city of my people does know that thou art a virtuous woman what's top of Boaz's requirements for a wife she's a virtuous woman yeah young ladies here that's something to aspire towards isn't it in fact that's something everyone young young or old ladies here shouldn't we shouldn't they all be aspiring towards that that thou art a virtuous woman and young men here isn't that something to seek as well is that something that every young man should be seeking is a virtuous woman what is a virtuous woman well probably one sets the bar doesn't it let's go there Proverbs 31 this is it time for us men to be our wives of the Proverbs 31 stick because you can't beat that Proverbs 31 stick can you no but in all seriousness this is this is a benchmark this is a virtuous woman so shall we see what this virtuous woman is like and I wonder if it fits kind of the ideal woman that the world tells us is I think it's gonna be a little bit different okay Proverbs 31 and this verse 10 who can find a virtuous woman for her price is far above rubies okay so it doesn't sound like there's that many of them out there does it they're fewer and far between and I don't know I would say if you jump forward now a couple of thousand years I would say they're even fewer and further between the heart of our husband of safely trust in her sir he shall have no need of spoil she will do him good and not evil all the days of her life she seeketh wool and flax and worketh willingly with her hands she is like the merchant ships she bringeth her food from afar she's industrious she riseth also while it is yet night she's like she didn't sound like she's having lions does it and giveth meat to her household and a portion to her maidens she considerth the field and by a fit with the fruit of her hand she planted the vineyard so she's even able to help out with work from home there she girdeth her loins with strength and strengtheneth her arms okay so she's not just some little dolly bird she's obviously able to do stuff she perceiveth that her merchandise is good her candle goeth not out by night so she's up early in the morning and she's up till late at night she's a hard worker she layeth her hands to the spindle and her hands hold the distaff so she's happy to do hard work from home as well she stretcheth out her hand to the poor yeah she reaches forth her hands to the needy so she's obviously kind and generous as well she's not afraid of the snow for her household for all her household are clothed with scarlet so she works hard to make sure that they're properly prepared and they're not going out there freezing she maketh herself coverings of tapestry our clothing is silk and purple so she obviously you know dresses well as and and due to her industry I think there her husband is known in the gates when he sitteth among the elders of the land because some people would say a man's known by his wife she maketh fine linen and selleth it and delivereth girdles unto the merchants so she's helping her husband from home here strength and honour are her clothing and she shall rejoice in time to come she openeth her mouth by the way strength and honour her clothing not you know some whatever that like I said the fashionable new looks are she openeth her mouth with wisdom and in her tongue is a law of kindness so she's obviously a godly woman there isn't she because where does wisdom come from the Word of God she looketh well to the ways of her household and eateth not the bread of idleness she's not lazy her children arise up and call her blessed her husband also and he praiseth her okay so they're obviously appreciate her many daughters have done virtuously but thou excel ist them all favour is deceitful and beauty is vain but a woman that feareth the Lord she shall be praised give her of the fruit of her hands and let her own works praise her in the gates so she'll be praised for her own works and a woman at first the Lord she shall be praised and here look what a difference that is isn't it what a difference to what our world tells us is is what women should be seeking to aspire to be yeah there that's a hard-working industrious faithful God honouring woman okay and look if only women nowadays would look more at Proverbs 31 and aspire to be like that and spend all their time and effort looking at the latest beauty therapies and the latest ways to look a certain way try and act like the problem of 31 women eh and and yeah what what a contrast that is but also what what what a great just to have that mapped out as well to be able to say look that's what that's what women should be aspiring towards that's what men should be looking for that's what we want to be training our daughters to be like yeah that's what we want to be training our sons to be looking for but also to understand as well that that is that there's a benchmark bar there and look we all fall short don't we okay we all fall short so what we don't want to do is use Proverbs 31 to then make our wives feel small or to make you know or to basically never find a wife because you're like she's just not making the clothing you know she's not the right wife for me no there's obviously that's a picture-perfect wife but it's a great thing to aspire towards isn't it hey okay verse 12 back to back to where we were in Ruth chapter 3 and verse 12 and now it is true that I am thy near kinsman how be it there is a kinsman nearer than I so Boaz is saying there's a family member that's closer than him he then says in verse 13 Terry this night and it shall be in the morning that if he will perform unto thee the part of a kinsman well let him do the kids miss part but if he will not do as a part of a kinsman to thee then will I do the part of a kinsman to thee as a Lord liveth lie down in the morning now turn to Deuteronomy chapter 25 because this what's this all about this kinsman so it's basically for when a family member dies without children and leaves a widow behind which is exactly the situation that Ruth is in here so it's when someone's widowed without having had children 2 to 1 of me 25 says from verse 5 if brethren dwell together and I think really they're you know they're looking at the context with here in Ruth it's talking about family members and one of them die and I think dwelling together I don't think it necessarily means in the same home either I just think it means in the same area so it's not like someone has to relocate for this and if if brethren dwell together and one of them die and have no child the wife of the dead shall not marry without unto a stranger her husband's brother shall go in unto her and take her to him to wife and perform the duty of an husband's brother unto her and it shall be that the firstborn which she bearers shall succeed in the name of his brother which is dead that his name be not put out of Israel so basically it was to keep that family name going now if you go back to where we are in Ruth 3 we saw that he's talking about doing that but he says he says that there's someone that's close to he's saying there is a closer family member that has that right to refuse that so this is an honest guy like he seemed pleased by the proposition didn't he but he's still saying I want to do things the right way okay so again he's a good example isn't he bars it's not just all about the example of Ruth in this book okay verse where are we sorry okay verse 14 and she lay at his feet until the morning and she rose up before one could know another and he said let it not be known that a woman came unto the floor okay and and I don't know you could say there again because it says that she rose up before one could know another with that picture of Christ and maybe Mary Magdalene coming to the Sepulchre early when it was still dark I don't know maybe I'm going going too far there but verse 15 also he said bring the veil that thou has upon thee and hold it and when she held it he measured six measures of barley and laid it on her and she went into the city I reckon there's probably something a picture there with a veil maybe the veil being taken down there I don't know I'm not exactly clear on that verse 16 and when she came to her mother-in-law she said who art thou my daughter she told her all that the man had done to her so remember it's dark and early in the morning as well that we just saw there so she's all you know who is it as she comes in remember he's just loaded up with these six measures of barley now have a look at this verse 17 and she said these six measures of barley gave he me for he said to me go not empty until unto thy mother-in-law then said she sits still my daughter until thou know how the matter will fall for the man will not be in rest until he have finished the thing this day so for me again it's that rest in Christ isn't it so the six measures like the six days thou shalt work I think the seventh signifying that rest in Christ she's been given the six measures and now Ruth is saying to her sit still and and until they know how the matter will fall Ruth is now sitting still and putting her trust in bars isn't she to do what he said he would do to redeem her and like Christ I believe Boaz will do as he promised there won't he so for me that is that that rest in Christ and look for everyone here as well that that's I hope everyone here is saved not only do we have rest in Christ but we could also trust that Jesus Christ will do as he promises to do okay and it's not just salvation it's not just heaven there's so many promises in the Word of God and if you're saved if you're saved and you know for sure that you look nothing look you're going to heaven no matter what happens yeah based on your faith in Jesus Christ not based on any works of righteousness not based on any continued works of righteousness just based on your faith in Jesus Christ not based on some genetic family line or any of that just based on faith in Jesus Christ then you could trust all the other promises of the Bible as well yeah you can trust the other things you can trust that there's coming a millennial rain yeah there's coming some some amazing rain across is that there's coming a new heaven a new earth there's coming a time when there shall be no more tears there's coming a time when when you're gonna be living in glory in the presence of God and you can believe all of that you could trust all of that because we can trust Jesus Christ because otherwise you trust him for one thing and then you pick and choosing what you trust aren't you and you could trust him where you know the many things he says when he says you know take upon me you know my my yoke is is easy and my burden is light and that you could go to the Lord in prayer and he's going to answer your prayer you could trust that you could trust that when you live by the Word of God that you are going to be blessed in terms are you gonna be having I'm not saying you're gonna suddenly have riches and rewards and you know it's not that you're gonna you know live your life in perfect health or anything else that we can have trials and challenges and everything else but but we go to the Word of God don't we and we can we can have that faith in in the Lord but but with this with this chapter for me there's such a picture of salvation there isn't there there's such a picture of salvation and that salvation is is in as we've just seen earlier on it you know the picture is in Boaz but Boaz sorry is it sorry Boaz is that picture of Christ and there's those pictures there of that but it's remind us it's just giving it and it's pointing towards Jesus Christ ultimately isn't it in the future and and look that's what salvation is it's a rest isn't it and it's as easy as that yet how many how many churches around this country around this world how many are trying to add something to salvation isn't it wicked how clear is it that it's a rest that it's not of works how clear is it that you're washed in the blood of the lamb that that it's that it all comes down to the blood of Jesus Christ his death burial resurrection paying for all your sins yet how often I mean how rare does it seem to be that anyone even believes that anymore even believes what the Bible says but wow what a what a gift that is a what a gift and what a great reminder in Ruth chapter 3 of that and it's something that look we don't want to be we don't want to go too far and be the sort of church that just preaches a gospel week in week out yeah because hopefully someone will come in who's unsaved and hopefully someone who's been sitting around saying he's gonna finally get it if I preach it in like the 10th different way yeah but on the flip side it's good sometimes to be reminded of it isn't it and look I know a lot of most people here go out soul-willing regularly okay so in a way when because look we are told to put on the helmet of salvation of the hope of salvation aren't we okay and part of that is to remind yourself of that salvation remind yourself of that free grape because the devil's gonna try and tempt you and try and confuse you and try and weaken you and try and make you question and everything else and go that preach the gospel actually does really help with that doesn't it because those verses just cemented in your heart you preach them time and time again but some don't and some some will be you know will come in the church and stuff and and look sometimes we do need a reminder of what the gospel is don't we sometimes we do need a reminder of that free gift we do need a reminder that it's that by grace you save through faith and that not of yourselves it is a gift of God not of works as any man should boast yeah don't we need reminding of that sometimes just even if it's just to say praise God praise God that that I'd be given that free gift praise God that he died for me praise God that that I don't have to do anything but put my faith in Jesus Christ yeah praise God that I called on him in faith and that calling on him again I won't go off for one on that but but you have to call the name of the Lord in faith yeah okay that is part of faith is calling on the name of the Lord if you believe you're gonna ask him okay it's pretty simple isn't it and again that's been people attack they just attack everything they just attack the gospel in one way or another don't they and you just the latest attack will come and obviously online it's quite quite a thing now isn't it obviously the online world's big but if we if we're in the Word of God and we're reminding ourselves time and time again and we're out solving we're preaching the gospel we could just have that strength that comes from it a that shield of faith you know that shield of faith that helmet of the hope of salvation and it helps us then go through life just reminding yourself you're saved when you have that trouble remind yourself no but you're saved but you're saying very very I sent you he that believe in me had everlasting love you have it you can't lose it you have it what a great gift what a great reminder in in chapter 3 here of that of that free gift of salvation and yeah one more chapter to go next week of Ruth and and yeah like I said as well just those pictures as well just you know and you'll start to see as you read the Bible more and more just all these different pictures of Christ of the gospel of the Lord and and it's amazing it again it's just such like again it's a great faith strength from them as well isn't it to think when that when was that written that was written what 1500 years about a thousand years something like that before Jesus Christ yeah how many pictures of Christ are in there hey isn't it amazing absolutely amazing yeah you kind of feel that you look at that you figure if I could just show someone that it's not going to convince them though is it even though even one were to rise from the dead they still won't believe will they if they don't believe Moses and the prophets they don't believe the Word of God yeah neither shall they be persuaded though one rose from the dead and and that that's even with this but for those who are saved doesn't it strengthen your faith when you read bits like that and see stuff like that on that let's pray father I thank you for your word I thank you I thank you for a great book of the Bible there that you know like I said at the beginning on kind of first glance you could just quickly skim over it and and not see all these you know for example in this chapter those great pictures of Christ and salvation and rest in Jesus Christ and thank you for the other the lessons were learning for it thank you for for just that that great example in Ruth of a virtuous woman and and that that that sort of benchmark that that you know women here should should should aspire to be like and help us as men here to also help our wives to be what you want them to be and help them to help us to be what we want to be through just being that support and everything else and encouraging us to be you know the spiritual leaders that you want us to be in Lord I thank you I thank you for this church thank you for all the great people here that just want to live for you and want to want to not only live out the Word of God but also go and preach that word as well to others and get them saved and I pray that you help us do that this week help us to just open our mouths boldly and preach the gospel and they get many salvation to be back again next week safely and soundly for another day in your house and in Jesus name we pray all of this amen