(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Alright Romans, the book of Romans is our new Bible study so we'll be going through that for 16 weeks with a couple of breaks probably in between that for other things so yeah the book of Romans, I doubt many of you probably know the first chapter that well so this will be good to go through that but the right the epistle to the to the Romans obviously it's got so much in it obviously it's got great salvation verses but it'll be good as well to go through that and see the context of those as well because a lot of people use those verses and just see how they all go together into this book and it's obviously strong in the gospel it's strong in so many other things so many other doctrines in the book of Romans just a bit of info it's probably written around 58 AD from Corinth the the church in Rome seems to be pretty big when you look at the greetings in the last chapter we'll be seeing that you know in several weeks time but like I said it's got great doctrine it's got great stuff learned it and nothing more so than obviously the first chapter which is look it's the truth that you know people need to know don't they and it's the truth that's not only in this chapter of the Bible but it's so clear here as well so we'll be going through that in a minute before we do let's let's go to the Lord in the word of prayer father I thank you for your word I thank you for for this book of Romans I thank you for all the great teachings in it please help me just to expand those clearly now to to everyone here for them to just have open ears to be able to stay stay focused this evening and and you know just to stop people getting sleepy and everything else and just help them to you know stay focused on what your word has to say help us to just help me please to just preach it clearly preach it boldly as well and in Jesus name we pray this amen okay so let's get started Romans chapter 1 and from verse 1 reads Paul the servant of Jesus Christ called to be an apostle separated unto the gospel of God which he promised her for by his prophets in the Holy Scriptures concerning his son Jesus Christ our Lord which was made of the seed of David according to the flesh and declared to be the Son of God with power according to the spirit of holiness by the resurrection from the dead so a couple of points from these opening verses verse 2 where he said which he promised a for by his prophets and Holy Scriptures is obviously referring to the gospel from verse 1 separated unto the gospel of God he's not referring to Paul here because there weren't multiple Gospels were there okay there aren't multiple Gospels there is no other gospel the same gospel was preached by the prophets in the Old Testament as well and the reason I just say that is because sadly there are many many churches many so-called churches many you could say churches at least it seemed to suggest that the least and some which is a blatantly outright preaching that there are other Gospels other ways getting saved other salvations in the Old Testament different salvations to come but that's not what the Bible says is it okay that's not what the Bible says you'd have to know job said in job 1925 for I know that my Redeemer liveth and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth God said in Isaiah 45 22 look unto me and be ye saved all the ends of the earth for I am God and there is none else there was no work salvation in the Old Testament let's keep going no verse 3 says concerning his son Jesus Christ our Lord which was made of the seed of David according to the flesh so of course Jesus through Mary was of the seed of David but obviously he was a hundred st. God as well verse 4 says but he was a son of God sorry and declared to be the son of God with power according to the spirit of holiness by the resurrection from the dead so you know that where where where he's declared to be the son of God there the power nothing more powerful and nothing more qualifying than that resurrection from the dedicated first forgotten from the dead look at verse 5 by whom we have received grace and apostleship for obedience to the faith among all nations for his name now the Apostles ministry was to go to all nations wasn't it okay and it took them a while to get with the program as we see in the book of Acts they're kind of there being a bit stubborn hanging around in Jerusalem but Jesus did tell them go ye into all the world didn't he okay he did say go ye therefore and teach all nations not just the Jews and it was to be among all nations verse 6 among whom are ye also the called of Jesus Christ so he's saying it's not just the Apostles the church at Rome and also the call to Jesus Christ and now that extends to all of us as well yeah you're all the called of Jesus Christ to all that be in Rome beloved of God called to be Saints grace to you and peace from God our Father the Lord Jesus Christ basically if you're saved then you're called to be a saint aren't you yeah if you're saved you're called to be a saint which is sanctified separated for the work of God okay every single person here you are sanctified and separated for the work work of God if you're saved the God of this world who loves you yeah the God of this world who loves you did so much for you and continues to do so much for you and has called you to work for him hasn't he he's called you to work for him yeah but my unsaved uncle has invited me round for Sunday lunch is that good enough God God the God of this world called you to work for him didn't he the God of this world oh well it's a bit cold to go soul winning but God called you to work it's God it's not just some say any old guy it's God yeah it's God you're called to be Saints verse 8 first I thank my God through Jesus Christ for you all that your faith is spoken of throughout the whole world for God is my witness whom I serve with my spirit and the gospel of his son that without ceasing I make mention of you always in my prayers make your request if by any means now at length I might have a prosperous journey by the will of God to come unto you so this is a faithful Church it seems isn't it Paul is praying for them regularly and hoping to see them isn't he okay he wants to see them he's praying to be able to see them verse 11 for I long to see you that I may impart unto you some spiritual gift to the end you may be established so he wants to see them to strengthen them okay verse 12 that is that I may be comforted together with you by the mutual faith both of you and me isn't it comforting to be around other believers okay and here this is a strong church as well so he's going to be comforted to be around these people because look look Paul Paul goes every way he's around weak Christians strong Christians he's around all sorts isn't he goes through some terrible times and he's saying that he wants to be comforted together with them by the mutual faith both of you and me that they'll be comforted by having Paul that he's going to be comforted by them as well it is comforting isn't it it's great to be around other Christians it's what you know something that I've got a guy that um that I got saved a while back and a really old friend it was about a year ago still hasn't come to the church you know and now and again he's saying he's gonna come and he doesn't I'll be trying to say to him look because he's ringing me up to kind of moan about this I'll tell me how well these old friends said this and did that and he's finding it harder and harder and harder the more guys reading his Bible at least he's listening to some preaching but saying him you need to come to church not just because your commander come to church but it's so refreshing isn't it so refreshing to come here and not be around you know everything that we have to put up within our week in the world and and for him hopefully one day you'll see this guy but yeah and it's same with many others isn't it and they there's something they're missing that comfort of being around other believers yeah well we saw a verse 13 now I would not have you ignorant brethren that oftentimes I purposed to come unto you but was let hitherto basically meaning prevented that I might have some fruit among you also even as among other Gentiles so he's saying he's been wanting to come and preach the gospel basically he's been wanting to come to Rome and preach the gospel I am debtor both to the Greeks and to the barbarians both to the wise and to the unwise so I believe he's saying that he owes both the civilized and uncivilized the gospel yeah he owes everyone the gospel if you don't have 1st Corinthians 9 said both to the wise and to the unwise that's he the educated and the uneducated he's saying he owes everyone the gospel because we're told to preach the gospel to every creature aren't we 1st Corinthians chapter 9 and verse 16 Paul writes this 1st Corinthians 9 16 for though I preach the gospel I have nothing to glory of for necessity is laid upon me yea woe is unto me if I preach not the gospel that's not there's no choice there is a saying he's saying for if I do this thing willingly I have a reward but if against my will a discipline socially the gospel is pretty is is committed unto me not saying there's a different gospel he said it basically there's a giving of the gospel he has to do yeah he has to still dispense the gospel what is my reward then verily that when I preach the gospel I may make the gospel of Christ without charge that I abused not my power in the gospel for though I be free from all men yet have I made myself servant unto all that I might gain the more that's a great attitude to have isn't it to be to be basically indebted to preach the gospel because we are aren't we because people are relying on us preaching the gospel and Paul saying the same it's not it's not an option it's not well if I fancy it today if I fancy it this week no he's saying necessity is laid upon me and back in Romans chapter 1 they say I am a debtor both the Greeks and to the barbarians both the wise and to the unwise he's saying he's indebted to everyone who preached in the gospel that's an attitude we should all have as well isn't it look at verse 15 so as much as in me is I am ready to preach the gospel to you that are at Rome also now obviously he's talking about the people of Rome as a collective here not the saved people he's writing the letters to but are we all ready to preach the gospel is everyone here does everyone here feel feel like they are ready to preach the gospel because we should be shouldn't we yeah yeah if you're saved you should be if you're not ready you should be doing your utmost to be ready to preach the gospel oh well I don't know I don't have that right Bible or anything else that might write those well if you're gonna memorize any verses in the Bible the first thing you should memorize is salvation verses in fact you don't have to make an effort to memorize them if you're outside when you regularly anyway because you just memorize them anyway don't you okay I mean I'm sure a lot of people haven't even probably tried to memorize salvation verses but you just do if you preach the gospel enough okay but if you haven't and if you're not preaching and I've memorized on verses because you should be ready to preach the gospel because you don't know when that time's gonna come you don't know when you're gonna get that one-on-one with someone we're right okay right now I've got that time I've got that that opportunity to preach the gospel to someone we should be ready to preach gospel he's ready to preach the gospel isn't he said I am ready to preach the gospel to you that are Rome also Paul's always ready to preach the gospel what a great example there verse 16 for I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ for it is a power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth to the Jew first and also to the Greek it should go without saying but how many Christians are ashamed of the gospel sadly and look in a church like this maybe this doesn't need preaching as hard there's most churches it needs preaching hard doesn't it how can you be ashamed of the gospel but so many are and look so many people here will have had times and maybe we'll still have times when they feel a bit ashamed a little bit embarrassed a little bit just gonna think I'm a bit of a weirdo annoying Christian or and sometimes it can be harder with people you know can't it sometimes it's fine to knock on it some sometimes it's the opposite some people find it really hard to knock on the stranger's door we're absolutely fine with the person they know but find it really hard oh they're just gonna think I'm like like a Jehovah's Witness type whatever well we're not we're not ashamed of the gospel of Christ are we and make sure you knock on that door you're making it clear we're a Baptist yeah and I appear it we're not sure we don't want to even think we've got anything do that false false witness cult but we shouldn't be ashamed of the gospel should we know same with the people we know I mean it's going to be ashamed of is there why for it is a power of God under salvation to everyone that turns their life around to everyone that repents of their sins no to everyone that believeth what a great verse isn't it power of God under salvation to everyone that believeth because it is just believing isn't it it's faith it's trusting Jesus Christ that's the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth to the Jew first and also to the Greek no it's not oh the Jews better that's just saying it went to the Jews first and to the to all the earth okay that's the way it what that's the way it was now that's about it for today guys we'll leave it hide out but but sadly how many churches even preach this chapter how many how many churches will even go through this chapter isn't it wicked and they swerve it they can't even just go well it's something in the Old Testament it's a Newton in fact it's a New Testament it's the first epistle in there let's read it let's go through verse 17 for therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith the faith as it is written the just shall live by faith now salvation can only come for someone else it's saved yeah understand that oh yeah okay salvation can only come for someone else it's saved it's from faith to faith for therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith you ain't getting saved by a false prophet you're not getting saved by someone that ain't so it doesn't that's not how it works you don't turn to Matthew 7 18 says a good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit so that's referring to reproducing after its own kind isn't it okay and that's what we do we reproduce after our own kind salvation comes from a man or woman of God preaching the Word of God doesn't it that's how it works we go out with the Word of God we preach the Word of God you have the Holy Spirit inside you you preach the Word of God you get someone saved that's how it works that's how it's always worked but sadly how many people seem to believe that anymore how many just just discard verses like this and they just want to throw out some you know well we just just get any old person to just give out some flyers and tracks as long as they read something it's nonsense it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith and then it says as it is written that's talking about you don't have to turn about Habakkuk 2 4 which says behold his soul which is lifted up is not upright in him but the just shall live by his faith because there's only one thing that saves us faith isn't it okay so as the first part of Romans is just making that really clear isn't it okay really clear then we get on to verse 18 okay well now he's showing you he's showing you something else there's another teaching now isn't it for the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who hold the truth in unrighteousness so this is a group who hold the truth in unrighteousness these people they hold the truth they accessed it but the result was wickedness right verse 19 because that which may be known of God is manifest in them for God has showed it unto them so it's manifest or clearly visible to these people God has shown them the truth now that doesn't mean that they've necessarily heard the gospel though I think some people say oh well they must have heard the gospel there are these types of people all over the world and places where I don't believe they have heard the gospel but that which may be known of God is manifest in them God has showed it unto them well how look at verse 20 for the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made even his eternal power and Godhead so that they are without excuse so the fact that he's a creator that he has eternal power is Godhead or Godshep his divinity is clearly seen isn't it from the creation but these people it's not just because there are many people all over the world that that everyone has this ability to see that but these people there's an extra few steps here aren't there because these people these particular people we're talking about now who hold the truth in unrighteousness they not only see the invisible things from the creation okay like everyone else and understand there without excuse verse 21 because that when they knew God they glorified him not as God neither were thankful but became vain in their imaginations and their foolish heart was dark now we see this basically explained in a couple of different ways in the in the next verses but there without excuse because that when they knew God remember verse 19 said that God showed them they glorified him not as God we see here in verse 21 they weren't thankful but basically started making up making up as they go okay the vain imagination we're going to see they basically changed the truth of God into a lie we see it explained as that further on their foolish heart was darkened okay so now this is an action on them isn't it their foolish heart was darkened why why well the next verse explains that the next few verses professing themselves to be wise they became fools so they're declaring themselves wise but they become fools verse 23 and change the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man and to birds and forfeited beasts and creeping things so these particular people are described in verse 18 is holding the truth in unrighteousness verse 19 says that God has shown them about himself verse 20 says that the creation declares him but these people then in verse 21 when they knew him didn't glorify or thank him they reject him and start imagining their own ideas in this context probably versions of God their heart was darkened okay their heart was darkened that to me is done by God because we see then it that shown in a different way further on verse 22 they got puffed up we saw that verse 23 they made God into a corruptible man or animal so this isn't every unbeliever in the world just to make that clear because you've got these false churches just came to just talk about the unbelievers this isn't is it there's there's a there's some things they've done here which every believer in the world doesn't do these people have had him reveal himself to some degree but they've chosen to reject the truth then change God okay that's what they've done they've changed God verse 24 wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts to dishonor their own bodies between themselves so wherefore for which reason so it's because of all of this that God gave these people up to uncleanness this is filthiness defilement lewdness perversion we're going to see examples of this in a minute remember they changed the truth of God okay God gave them up we've just seen that but it's through the lusts of their own hearts those foolish hearts that were darkened he doesn't want them to be perverts okay God doesn't I just want you to be a filthy pervert he basically removes a conscience to be filthy between themselves look at verse 25 who changed the truth of God into a lie and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator who is blessed forever our men they purposely have changed the truth of God into a lie yeah you see that there they changed the truth of God into a lie okay and serve some form of creature from animals to people to devils okay some creation changing the truth of God into a lie includes false prophets doesn't it okay a false prophet is changing the truth of God into a lie okay that's an example of this now they're worshipping either some head false prophet okay the creature more than the Creator or in terms of work salvation they're worshipping the ability of man to save himself aren't they and pretty much all false prophets are preaching some version of that in general aren't they what about the reprobate infiltrator he's worshiping and serving the devil in some false version again false version of God or some some form of God or something else and they're worshiping there some are just openly outright serving the devil and they know full well what they're doing some maybe it's under the guise they convince themselves it's the real version of God but they've changed the truth of God into a lie what about the atheist and I'm not talking about the person you just go yeah atheism is an excuse to reject the gospel but the hardcore ones that reject the truth that God showed them and either what are they worshipping in terms of creature either the professor Darwin whoever else it is the false religious type worshipping again what some man like Buddha or Muhammad because that's really who they're worshipping isn't it whatever liar it is whatever false prophet it is some animal God sometimes isn't it as well some sort of animal some sort of creature some false God there's a lot of that we don't see that obviously so much it but there's a lot of that around the world isn't there worshiping animals and all sorts of just graven images and everything else and again they're all creations aren't they and if it's a really it's a devil behind them all so again it's a fallen angel it's it's it's a creature of the Creator isn't it the seemingly unreligious sodomite pervert because they are complete perverts has changed the truth of God into a lie isn't he and a lot of time the blasphemous filth that comes out of their mouth these are open just sodomite pride parade types again they just completely change the truth of God into a lie and then they're worshipping and serving some society hero or other aren't they some pop star or some some idiot or something they a lot of the time they have some idol or some queer idol or something else now because of that for this cause verse 26 God gave them up unto vile affections for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature so they held the truth they changed the truth into a lie and at some point on that path God gave them up unto vile affections vile isn't a good word is it vile affections what are some examples of vile affections that God gave them up unto well it says here even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature what's he talking about well he explains it in verse 27 and likewise so this is in the same way also the men leaving the natural use of the woman burned in their lust one toward another men with men working that which is unseemly and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meat and that's what the world calls homosexuality yeah okay that's what the world calls homosexuality and then a load of other so-called you know pleasant sounding words for it he said in verse 26 that even their women he said for this called God gave them up unto vile affections for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature why even their women well because men are more sexually driven aren't they that's what I think the women are less likely to get into this sort of sexually motivated sin but even their women so that's how twisted they are that even women end up doing this sort of feel and likewise also the men burning in their lust one to another it's absolutely disgusting isn't it when you when you get away from the world when you get away from the world's you know rose-tinted view of it and and all the brainwashing all the propaganda and you just see it for what it is it's absolutely disgusting isn't it how can a man burn in their lust for another man burning in their lust that's like almost unconscious absolutely disgusting isn't it I mean we all we all probably have a hard time wondering how our women even put up with us you know even look up seriously though don't we but like goodness I mean God's done some hard wiring there I don't know what he's done for them to find any of any of the bed in this room attractive yeah but for a man to be burning in their luster it's just disgusting isn't it because a man is so the opposite of a woman it's just it is absolute filth the Bible is the Bible here look as you see it here it's saying men with men working that which is unseemly that's not fit not suitable because what even is that what even is that because again get away from all the fornication all the filth all the 60s onwards propaganda it's been going on forever and I'm not not in any you know illusion about that but but look when you get away from all of that it's like what on earth is that what on earth is that but we're given here example an example of vile affections and look it's an example here because look these people are capable of all sorts these vile reprobates that have been given up by God this is just this is when this is written and and look it should should be the same throughout history but now oh well they're what look that is the lowest of the low that is the epitome of filth yeah and I don't want to be too graphic here but maybe you know for the kids sakes is I would say this is much worse than do they call it is it necromant necrophilia that sort of thing and sorry to bring up this sort of filth yeah but I would say this is this is beyond that this is beyond any of this is beyond bestiality this is beyond any of it that's why this example is used because it's the most extreme example it's the most disgusting filthy thing yet now we're like what a turnaround we see now that people acting like it's just just normal this is disgusting isn't it absolutely disgusting but why do they do him because God gave them up unto vile affections because you can't do that you can't be burning in your lust for another man and what women for women without being given up to the vibe to this vile affection men with men working that which some see unseen like I said not fit indecent wrong and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet so basically in their horrendous absolutely horrendous depressing lives these people they're receiving the just desserts of their decision to change the truth of God into a lie yeah okay meat is suitable isn't it yeah and that's why gay is the most ridiculous and ironic word you could use for this yeah yeah happy joy I mean if you've ever been around these vile vile sodomites and they just look you see the fake you know like the fake stupid queer gay camp exterior but you look into their eyes they are a mess aren't they absolutely miserable they're the furthest thing from happy that the the suicide rates I had a quick look at this just what they admit to is twice at least twice and it's much higher than that twice as likely to have attempted suicide that there's someone who's not sorry well fair point yeah or shame the attempts weren't a bit better okay sure but very true isn't it and again if you if you're sitting you go you're joking about people done these are these these are the enemies of God okay these are vile people these are people that have given up they've rejected God and they've been given up by God because of their rejection they're done okay why they're here well they're here as an example they should be an example as two people to say don't reject God don't reject him that's the idea of them and obviously they they're they're handy puppets for the devil as well but these are wicked people aren't they absolutely wicked and they're not happy and their lifestyles what does it result in disease the they're so full of disease again I don't have the stats I don't think anyone needs the stats but take it for me and and I've looked at it before the likelihood of them having all these filthy sexually transmitted diseases is through the roof compared with normal people okay it's through the roof and what about AIDS AIDS what a judgment that is I mean just just all of it all of this filth all of like it just that that lifestyle and and that's why they're depressed that's why they're trying to commit suicide that's why they're full of disease it's absolutely vile isn't it and it says here they're receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet that's suitable for them okay why because they changed the truth of God into a lie verse 28 and even as they did not like to attain God in their knowledge God gave them over to a reprobate mind to do those things which are not convenient so they've changed God into a lie they've rejected the one true God they don't want to retain any of the knowledge that they've been given God then gives them over to a reprobate mind it's clear as day isn't it clear as day there turn over to Jeremiah 6 let's just have a quick check on what a reprobate mind is the first use of the word is in Jeremiah chapter 6 and Jeremiah chapter 6 he's talking about these wicked God haters in Jerusalem these rejectors and he says in verse 28 they are all grievous revolters walking with slanders they are brass and iron they're all corruptors the bellows are burned the lead is consumed of the fire the founder melteth in vain for the wicked are not plucked away reprobate silver shall men call them because the Lord has rejected them reprobate means rejected reprobate silver is the impure the dross these people have called reprobate so were because God has rejected them okay and back back to Romans 1 God gives them over to reprobate a rejected mind which is why they're able to do those things which are not convenient or fit proper such as sodomy and other vile affections okay it's not that every single reprobate is just an open practicing sodomy but they all have the capability of being one okay but that is like the lowest that's like the most extreme example of the depths of depravity these people will go to because they've had it the conscience said it's done God's rejected them it's a mine they have a reprobate mind so basically just a little recap here yeah the Bible's teach that for a man to be burning in lust for another man or for a woman to be burning in lust toward other women you have to have been given up on by God you've been given up by God we saw that in verse 24 26 to the uncleanness the vile affections yeah the filth gave over to a reprobate mind we've just seen in verse 28 to do those things so we said no normal mind thinks yeah I might try a little bit of sodomy today okay no one does that because it's vile okay now this is where someone says oh yeah but in the last few decades our morally upright society has corrected us now because it's perfectly normal is that right it's not is it but but again how many churches seem to think this oh no we know we understand it better now no it's actually okay no actually none all of this is discounted because Hollywood says they're really cool no no don't worry about it because the world because the world gets everything else right has told us that actually they're just nice normal people they were born that way God made them that well of course he did he just just half of this is wrong but it's not true is it Hebrews 13 8 says Jesus Christ the same yesterday and today and forever I guess what Jesus Christ said through Moses in Leviticus 20 13 if a man also lie with mankind as he life with a woman both of them have committed an abomination they shall surely be put to death their blood shall be upon them has Jesus changed his mind Jesus Christ the same yesterday and forever who's changed their mind the world and sadly the wicked liberal compromising if you can even call them Christians out there they're the ones that are changed Jesus Christ doesn't change as uncomfortable as it might make them feel and Jesus is clear about what he thinks of it it's not just a sin either oh well we're all sinners you heard that one before yeah they're not the one oh we're in it we even say that sodomy's a sin yeah preach it preach it sodomy's sin nice no no no it's vile no it's an abomination no it's a sign of a reprobate mind that's what the Bible says God hates it and by the way that list is in a list of vile affections in Leviticus chapter 20 that includes bestiality and other sorts of incest and filth so these people that have been given over given up these rep these reprobates as we call them are capable of all sorts aren't they okay they're capable of all sorts and that's why even though the UK prisons pedophiles yeah people in UK prisons who are in prison for pedophilia for crimes against children are basically a hundred percent men I think there's a few women in the whole country okay yet of the of the victims of these crimes against children over 40% by the way this is admitting to being victims of it because truthfully a lot of males won't come forward less likely to over 40% are male now if two to three percent of the population apparently attracted to the same sex yeah basically what we call sodomites what the Bible calls homosexual how on earth and over 40% of victims male what does that say and yet all the perpetrators are male as well what that says is that if you're a sodomite you're multiple times more likely to abuse children and ain't that the truth yeah that's the truth it's vile affection it's not it just stops oh well they only like adult men no they're filthy filthy sodomites yeah they like anything going they're disgusting vile people and we need to protect our children are we and the world should be our government should be protecting our children they don't that it's the opposite it's absolutely disgusting and the stats make it clear don't they you can't argue with that how do you argue that well they try and argue they go well pedophile doesn't matter whether it's boy or girl no no these people are vile sodomites because so often when they're arrested they have a background of sodomy as well because it doesn't matter what it is because look you've got to be depraved to do anything like that don't you and that's what they are that's how the Bible teaches it it's a depraved reprobate mind turn to John chapter 12 so we need to get them saved aren't we let's go down the pride parade with our bullhorns that'll show how brave we are that'll show what strong Christians we are we're gonna shout repent repent repent again say that's what they do these guy they think they're tough down a wall I'm a bold Christian how many they getting saved down there zero vain janglings in fact it's worse than that isn't it because you're just rejecting the Bible you're basically saying yeah well God said he's given them over God said they're rep babe but I'm still gonna go down and waste my time shouting out at them get repent of your sins and get saved but that's what they do don't they because the Bible said that God gave them over God gave them over and look at John chapter 12 because it's too late reprobate isn't it yeah it's it's too late reprobate what what those those poor little camp little best female friend types what we mean God gave them over yeah God gave them over those harmless skinny little vegan tight t-shirt wearing little comic innuendo genius God gave them over their vile perverts have a much that the you know will and grace and the rest of it tries to tell us they're just he's cool funny great characters you want to bring a man and look after your kids even they teach at schools they teach kindergarten they look off the children they change the truth that got into a lie they rejected the truth they darkened their own foolish hearts didn't they or at least said their foolish hearts were darkened because of that the uncleanness was through the lusts of their own hearts but their hearts were given over then God gave them up he gave them over to a rep rate or rejected my look at John 12 37 because yes the Bible says that God rejects people that the Bible says that no you can't be saved everyone in the whole world up to your last dying breath there are people that cannot that are given over John 12 37 says but though he had done so many miracles before them yet they believed not on him that the saying of Isaiah the Prophet might be fulfilled which he spake Lord who has believed our report and at whom have the arm of the Lord been revealed therefore they could not believe because the Isaiah said again he has blinded their eyes and hardened their heart that they should not see with their eyes not understand with their heart and be converted and I should heal them who blinded their eyes who hardened the heart that's why they can't understand that we converted the Bible's clear isn't it very true turn to Revelation chapter 22 they changed the truth of God into a lie where we just saw there in John 12 37 though he had done so many miracles before them yet they believed not on him they changed the truth of God into a lie and that's saying with the other other examples in Scripture of it being too late for someone look at Revelation 22 and verse 18 for I testify to every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book if any man shall add unto these things God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book and if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy God shall take away his part out of the book of life and out of the holy city and from the things which are written in this book that's changing the truth of God into a lie isn't it is it not yellow's wicked Bible correctors Bible changes Bible pervertors out there are reprobates yeah they've changed the truth that got into a lie yeah those so-called clever scholars who know better than what God told us no they're wicked they're wicked however clever they might try and sound they change the truth of God into a lie turn a mock chapter 3 when you're reading a false Bible you're reading the work of reprobates you're reading the work of those that have been given up on by God those so-called dynamic equivalent type translations who are telling you what God actually really meant you're being told what God meant by a reprobate you're being told what God really meant by some sort of wicked wicked pervert who hates God who changed the truth of God into a lie when you go and you read these Bibles buddy these false bubbles with alongside that with their so-called explanations what's the latest one the legacy standard Bible that reprobate John MacArthur and yeah he's a reprobate isn't he with him adding to and changing and take you away from God's Word you're reading what a reprobate says when you read his study Bible you're reading what a reprobate says you're not learning from God but mark chapter 3 and verse 28 verily I sound to you all sin shall be forgiven unto the sons of men and blasphemies wherewith so ever they shall blaspheme but he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost has never forgiveness but is in danger of eternal damnation because they said he had an unclean spirit what are they doing changing the truth of God into a lie aren't they they said he has an unclean spirit they're basically saying that Jesus has a devil okay their change of truth of God into a lie they have never forgiveness like I said that queer little fag hag in his tight t-shirt walking around with a limp wrist yeah it's not harmless he's not he's not harmless is he the too clear as day sodomite examples in the Bible both of them yeah both of them involve basically gang rape attempted gang rape at the least okay these people are violent predators okay it doesn't matter how vegan they are yeah it doesn't matter you know how how absolutely useless they are in the strength department they're still complete vile wicked sexual predators animals is a good good well the Bible calls in brute beasts their brute beast biohazard again what Genesis 19 judges 19 both clear examples clear as day I don't think we have to go there I don't think we'll have time to go there but but clear as day isn't it what they are what these people are capable of and what let there's no coincidence that's the two clear examples in about a bottle way while we're on the subject of examples in the Old Testament if you notice that every single good King in like or it may be not every single but often the good King gets the sodomites out of the land you had to get right again with God and then they start to creep in again with the wicked Kings yeah time and time again the Bible is saying and he got rid of the sodomites he got the sodomites out of the land he break down the houses of the sodomites because those people anywhere near you is going to affect the things of God isn't it so is a reprobate mind just evidenced by perversion though so is a reprobate mind just just is that it we just look for perverts and that's it well no the reprobate mind is basically without conscience like I said first Timothy 4 2 talks of people speaking lies in epoxy having their conscience seared with a hot iron and Romans 1 goes on to list many of the other qualities of these wicked depraved people so have a look at vert from verse 29 okay now just just a quick caveat here before we start this yeah everyone is going to be guilty of some of these sins on this list okay that doesn't mean you're a reprobate if you if you look at this list you go wait a second I know someone that's done this sir and obviously I don't I'm sure no one here is is misunderstood about that but people do go well wait a second I remember trying to explain this to a neuro-christian a while back oh you know but I've done that does that mean I'm it no look you know do you do you want to retain God in your knowledge you know or or do you hate God you know there there are things you you know if someone really needs to ask them so that I hope they wouldn't have to ask themselves but look this is being filled with look at verse 29 being filled with all unrighteousness okay unrighteousness you know that that's people basically in habitual sin okay we've got fornication we know what fornication is okay that's basically lying lying with people outside of marriage wickedness everyone knows what wickedness is covetousness you know what covetousness is maliciousness maliciousness is extreme enmity full of envy murder we talked about envy lot of a couple of weeks about murder debate deceit malignity whispers malignity is basically deep-rooted spy now on this list here murder it doesn't mean right well it's only kind of you know axe murderers it's only people that actually are they're filled with it and you know obviously the Bible says you know if you if you know sometimes you know hating on someone is basically like committing murder if you just have this you know this unjustified hatred these people have that don't they and they look they might not actively many do by the way every single serial killer throughout history is a reprobate and every one pretty much has an open background of sodomy as well just by the way amongst other wicked perversions but these sins here murder debate deceit have all of this malignity whisperers so that you know it goes on to say backbiting here as well so that they're those types of people they're haters of God okay because truthfully they are and look they might convince some might try and convince themselves actually you know their version of God's the real one but really they hate the truth don't they they and notice how many of these false prophets hate the gospel don't they they hate the true gospel they hate it the queers hate the gospel they're like going oh well good for you they hate it they hate you even coming with the Word of God they're haters of God they hate the Bible really don't they and some are some are clever at hiding it than others and pretend to be men of God some will just openly just you know you even dare to try and open a Bible and the the the eyes go and the horns come up the top of the head and the fangs come out and you see that's honest when you preach in the gospel don't you when people just said the mention of the Word of God they seem alright well they're wondering what sort of false Christian you might be until they realize you actually talk about the Word of God and to actually talk about the gospel and then sometimes it's I you know all bets are off type thing they're ready to rip your throat out they are full of murder aren't they they would if they could and sometimes these people can be clever these people can hide it these people could contain certain things that they're filled they're filled with these salts they're filled with all these all these sins hates of God despiteful that's basically full of spite and that's often towards God proud boasters inventors of evil things and you can think of many things that these sort of are wicked people and you can think about in terms of warfare for example and you could think about all sorts of weird perverse stuff that's invented by these types of people think about many of the things our world is into today disobedient to parents okay that's on that list Sarah and look I don't think most parents would want their child to become a reprobate anyway verse 31 without understanding covenant breakers so without understanding obviously they don't understand the things of God a couple of breakers they will break promises agreements without natural affection implacable and without natural affection by the way if you've never known any parents that are reprobates you might have known some sort of you know the the sodomite reprobate tarts or ever else they never have real compassion for their kids it's not just by the way so look there are people that appear to be they appear to be normal people and we're going to talk about that in a minute as well there are people but they don't have compassion when you when you watch if you watch someone that you've seen that you know is a reprobate that look they don't even care you know they might pretend in front of people but they don't care and it's not just kids obviously it's it's it's in many places as well they just don't have that care that natural affection implacable so they cannot be placated appease that's why all these people trying to find some way to appease the sodomites to make them happy to back down the preachers are like wow okay well I change I might apologize us that I preached a little bit of the Bible they're implacable just preach the truth and stand by a implacable unmerciful they're cruel they don't forgive okay you cross one of these ain't forgiving you yeah they're full of cruelty verse 32 who knowing the truth the judgment of God that they which commit such things are worthy of death not only do the same but have pleasure in them that do them they love to drag other people down to entice others to sin don't they okay they love to do that a sodomite loves to recruit they love any way they can and bring people down to their own level that's what they do sounds like great people right doesn't it sounds like the best friend material yeah babysitter well yeah okay well they're only there I can honestly people have these people will come from an agency come to the house and look off their kids on this list yeah yo yo the eunuchs yeah they're just yeah they'll be good good for light for child ministry do me a favor they're despiteful proud boasters events of evil things disobedient to parents without understanding covenant breakers what on earth yeah no but they're great great with kids great with kids covert is better man and look there are many places above that talk about these people and again if you're new to this or maybe if you're not just remind you they're also known as sons of Belial we see that children of the devil sodomites obviously as well reprobates and look there are different kinds of reprobate okay so you can look at this and read this and just go to Romans one ago okay so a reprobate reprobate is a flaming sodomite okay I get it yeah those guys who protests outside churches those people weighing lycra and those people dressing as women all that okay that's a reprobate I get it there are different operations of reprobates okay there are many different types of reprobates and reprobate is what the world calls a psychopath and again there's been a bit of I would say maybe maybe desensitizing maybe a bit of propaganda on that where people kind of have in their mind a psychopath is just being like this gonna do type person and you know he's only like the serial killer but no there are psychopaths everywhere on there I think you know I know that I think it was there's some sort of movie where they had like the corporate psychopath or something I don't know but I haven't seen it but I haven't seen it I truthfully haven't but look there are there are all types okay there are many different types go to 2nd Timothy chapter 3 2nd Timothy 3 gives a similar list here concerning the false prophet type and look this list that we've just gone through okay that's on the on the kind of 20 characteristics of a psychopath you know that that the so-called experts in psychology will go through and these people when they when they go through this and when these people that study this sort of thing and there's obviously a bit of debate between sociopathy and psychopathy and narcissism and what is what and everything else and and they're kind of learning what God told us 2,000 years ago and some of them seem to be getting pretty close but they're still just confused how it happens and they can't really agree whether they're born like that they can't they must be born like that but they showed certain tendencies but not really psychopaths children but then at some point they are they can't really work it out and they've even with brain scans they've shown that the frontal lobe doesn't seem to light up as if it's been seared with a hot iron fancy that but they can't really work it out and but the Bible worked it out thousand years ago didn't it and the Bible is always right and the Bible is you know is is our is our only ultimate truth here and second Timothy 3 says from verse 1 this know also that in the last days perilous time shall come like these people are dangerous people but obviously if you're in the will of God you don't have to fear do you it sounds as though they were sorry verse 2 for men shall be lovers of their own selves covetous boasters proud blasphemers disobedient to parents unthankful unholy without natural affection truth breakers false accusers incontinent fierce despises of those that are good now I think most of those are self-explanatory incontinent is indulging lust without restraint and specifically sexual lust here traitors heady high-minded lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God heady is like rash and impulsive high-minded obviously proud having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof from such turn away for this sort of they which creep into houses and lead captive silly women laden with sins led away with divers lusts ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth now Janis and Jambres withstood Moses so do these also resist the truth men of corrupt minds reprobate concerning the faith so again what are they doing changing the truth of God into a lie aren't they resisting the truth they've resisted the truth and then at some point they become reprobate concerning the faith and again that list if you did a comparison it's pretty very similar to the list of Romans one isn't it there as well with some different different wording some different sort of highlighting different parts but like I said it's not always obvious yeah it's always obvious some are adept at appearing normal think Judas Iscariot for example and we went through with that when we went through the Gospel of John no one knew he had no idea even when he said it's the one who I'd dip the sock you know your hand it's still there isn't me they've just got no idea because some people look just because it's not like right I'm gonna look out for this assist look some people are really good at hiding this there are some better ones there's some worse ones and obviously like the flaming queer you know walking down the feet dress as a woman I don't think he's disguised is that good okay that's pretty much quite a blatant giveaway but sadly there are many that aren't as obvious and turn it second Peter chapter two because really that's what we're more concerned about aren't we as Christians as a church we're more concerned about the false prophet we're more concerned about the infiltrator and everything else and we're not like I keep saying and just because we have to remember this and I won't probably stop saying no one here it's no one's here job to be on like a reprobate hunt yeah in a church okay we're not here just questioning everyone you better watch you know exactly what you say or we're gonna have you down as some sort of reprobate infiltrator but we still want to be aware of this because the truth is the truth isn't it and the Bible says many many false prophets shall arise well second Peter 2 and Jude if you remember we I did a Bible study on Jude a little while back there they're basically parallel passages which which they describe these type of reprobate false prophets look at verse 1 but there were false prophets also among the people even as there shall be false teachers among you who privately shall bring in damnable heresies even denying the Lord that bought them and bring upon themselves swift destruction so they're denying the Lord again they change the truth of God into a lie and many shall follow their pernicious ways by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of I think of those that follow these false prophets who then call the true gospel evil easy believism license to sin all that sort of thing and the way of truth is evil spoken of by them but in the same way there can be there can be I believe there could be like like reprobate you know Judas Iscariot type Christians who sadly make the way of truth evil spoken of almost amongst Christians as well they're trying to discredit Christianity they do it through various subtle ways I mean look there are low-key reprobates like I said ones that you know you own you know we're not going to see we're not going to know until eventually they're revealed at the right time and God reveals you know the tears at the right time okay because otherwise you pull up the wheat with them so you if you know if I myself I say I know this person's wicked yeah and I and I try and do it myself and do it not the right way then a lot of the time that will pull up the wheat there'll be people going no he's out of order they were such lovely people and then you know half the church leaves with them because that's ultimately what what what a lot of the infiltration churches is about it's about splitting up the church it's about causing a divide it's about trying to cause issues division trying to pull people their way trying to pull people out the church get try and make a reason for people to leave that's what the goal is isn't it okay so destroy the church and that's something obviously we have to be aware of and when it does come and it's gonna come okay no doubt about it it always does come if it doesn't come then we're a crap Church okay that's the truth it's gonna come and when it does you look you want to make sure you don't get pulled out by that tear okay because it will happen there'll be people trying to discredit trying to attack me my family someone else in a church something to try and find a reason to start pulling you out and to discredit and to make you on how at least just make you unhappy to cause division that's what they do okay that's what they do and you've got to be aware of that okay factions forming you know like the classic you know Absalom type behavior as well okay you see that forming you see that happening you need to be aware that and obviously you need to come to me if it's obvious but but what you don't want to be doing is sitting in a church just questioning everyone and because ultimately we want to love each other don't we as well okay we don't want to be just sitting there trying to accuse everyone in our heart but look you got to make sure that that if as well if you see that sort of thing again if it's obvious you need to come to leadership about that let's have a look at these people verse 10 there but chiefly them that walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness and despise government presumptuous are they self-willed they're not afraid to speak evil of dignities now uncleanness here is lewdness incontinence they they hate leadership okay and that's a good sign I'm gonna just hate leadership and look I'm not saying I everyone's got to love me or their reprobate I'm not saying that everyone's got to love our pastor or their reprobate no but it's a good sign of one when they just hate you they just can't stand leadership they can't stand a leader they can't stand they just find something they can't stand it it's either the leadership or his family they can't stand my wife just something is gnawing away or ever look if that you haven't got a good reason for that like that's it that's it that's a bad sign isn't it you know because the Bible makes it clear here they despise government and always they'll just have a nail but they'll hide it off sometimes okay despise government presumptuous are they self-willed they're not afraid to speak evil of dignities they're not obviously they're whispers they're back biters they're not afraid to just sit there and be just slagging off the leadership to people that they think they can get away with it too not even afraid and always should they be afraid of they shouldn't it's not that they should be afraid of the church itself they should be afraid of God because if you're doing that if someone's doing that if a reprobate is doing that they're not afraid really because they're not afraid of God ultimately are they but they should be shouldn't they and look they're gonna have a long old eternity in the lowest depths of hell and they should fear that as well okay so presumptuous here are they that's bold and confident to excess okay verse 13 again I'm not saying right someone you know someone seems a bit too confident for reprobate in here and I'm not saying that but look there's a list we've seen and and look at verse 13 there jump for the verse 13 and shall receive the reward of unrighteousness say that count it pleasure to write in the daytime spots they are and blemishes sporting themselves with their own deceivings while they feast with you so these reprobates they enjoy the deceit whilst blending in with believers that's messed up isn't it okay look you remember I preached this at Jude it's easy to forget this stuff because ultimately we're all I hope everyone here is just a kind forgiving person is a Christian who just wants to love people just wants to see the best in people we all do that don't we but isn't that messed up to know that and hopefully there isn't here but one day there is going to be and it could be sadly and again it's not for a witch hunt people that that are sporting themselves with their own deceivings while they feast with you that's messed up isn't it okay that's wicked isn't it verse 14 having eyes full of adultery and that cannot cease from sin beguiling unstable souls and heart they have exercised with covetous practices cursed children they want to beguile people okay they want to look there's one thing they might you know they want to find a way they want to pull people out they want to trick people they want to preach false gospels they you know there's all these different types around that false prophet type look it's wicked isn't it absolutely wicked for when they speak great swelling words of vanity they allure through the lusts of the flesh through much wantedness those that were clean escaped from them who live in error swelling words of vanity okay it's something to look out for in these people as well wantonness is excess basically especially sinful excess and look there's so much of this in the Bible isn't there so much of this in the Bible and like I said the open sodomite is easy one to pick out and avoid okay that's the easy one but there's just it's everywhere it's everywhere in about it's constantly in the Bible I mean we've just gone to have a couple of passages look this I could have done this and I was talking about this I say I could make this in a two or three sermons on this but I've tried to do it into one I know it's a bit of a long sermon I'm gonna finish in a minute but look there's so much in there and we'll hit this again in the future it's all well that's Romans one that's it because it's such a theme of the New Testament it's something that we have to understand we have to understand it for good reason don't we for and for obvious reasons as well when you're trying to preach custom to waste your time with these obvious versions of these people also when you're in a churchly battle and it's spiritual warfare you need to understand what's really going on okay because if you don't when it happens you won't even realize when you're being beguiled when you're being deceived when you're being pulled into some sort of faction when you're being trying to get pulled out of church when you when all of this happens and you need to be able to see it because I can't see everything and when it happens people are doing this you need to come up to me and say look like look and even if it's not like well if they're not a rep right I'm not gonna say anything look if someone's if someone's whispering if someone's back biting in the church I've said this before come see the leadership okay if you're not you're a problem if you're not coming and telling me about that you're a problem if if look if you hear if there's people in the church that it's not just about me anyone in the church but especially if they got an issue with leadership they're a problem that is a problem they could be a wicked vile reprobate okay you need to come and tell me about that it's not like I said before this isn't like you know this isn't this isn't prison you're not gonna get shanked for being a grass yeah you know it's not like you know gangland Oh better not say nothing otherwise everyone's gonna know look if you're not a grass you're a problem when it comes to stuff like that if it comes someone who's clearly trying to deceive and to see someone trying to so slowly start being though the the teacher here themselves quite little quite little Bible so quite little teachings and everything that's the problem okay that's it because what they why are they doing that why is that happen like you so any of that sort of stuff you've got to come and see me and you've got to tell me because look it's everyone's responsibility to protect this church because it will happen the Bible's tell you time and time again there are reprobates that come in the churches they sneak in and they try and destroy the church this is a real churches a proper church it's not going to happen in repent your sins Baptist but it will happen here okay and you have to all be on board and understand this and not oh well no no such thing no no because they are they were so nice I went around there for dinner oh they came to me once yeah it doesn't we but we preach the gospel I saw them get someone saved do you know that that person would say I saw them get a thousand people do you know do you really know that okay because ultimately you really buy their fruits you shall know them okay but but that's not all I saw someone do a prayer oh well I saw a few people that's not what it's talking about is it that's actually seen by their fruits okay that's seeing clear obvious saved people okay and look people can come to this church it doesn't mean they're saved by the way okay and look but ultimately you're not here to look for that all you're here to do is tell me when there's behavior which clearly goes against the church yeah okay and again for you ladies that might feel uncomfortable tell my wife you know and look that that's we all have a responsibility with that okay but this again this isn't a witch hunt but it's going to happen okay it's going to happen we need to be on board now like I said Paul in Romans 1 he gives that as an obvious type of perversion okay there are many different types of version you're not always going to see those open types of perversion again one of the reasons why we're family integrated church okay because a real church will be attacked by these types of it will have these that in fact the false churches have minimums well don't they okay one of the reasons why we are one of the reasons by the way what I say time and time again look it's not because oh you've got to be a helicopter parent no but children are vulnerable okay children are vulnerable okay this isn't this safe enclosure where right there's no issues look look after your kids because it's not my responsibility to do that I want to try and protect everyone in here but you've got to look if your kids you don't even know where they are in the building okay you don't know what they're doing okay that's the problem people will come at people we've already had weird people come into this church haven't we we've seen them in here I don't want I don't want my kids well don't know where they are no one knows up that's madness it takes a second their recruiters yeah takes a second for them to try and defile a chart like look it's important that you look look we don't have to be paranoid wrecks okay here but on the other hand look we need to be responsible as well yeah okay we need to be responsible and not just saying oh well they're a safe Chris I think they're saying well they gave the right answer they watched Pastor Anderson they must be saved that's not how it works no we're not trying to doubt everyone salvation but look just you have a responsibility to your children don't yeah yeah they're in heritage of the Lord and that one of the reasons why why which we're family integrated here as well okay anyway Paul in Romans 1 okay and I know this is a bit of a hard zone but look this is a hard topic it needs preaching hard doesn't it okay and he started off with a great greeting didn't they okay in Romans chapter 1 he's saying that he wants to come see them he's talking of soul winning and faith isn't he now before that verse 16 I think it's pretty poignant isn't it there where he says for I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ for it is a power gone unto salvation to everyone that believeth to the Jew first and also to the Greek and then literally within a verse he starts talking about the reprobate doctrine yeah are you ashamed of it you're ashamed of because it's part of the gospel for me part of the gospel is that there are people that can't be saved you're ashamed of that I ain't ashamed of that you're ashamed of telling people that I'm not saying that that should be our first first point on the door by the way let me explain Romans 1 to you you know what sometimes it helps though doesn't it actually I had someone today I had someone today who was like wait a second though what about these like wicked Christian you know the Catholic this and that I was like no they're there they can't even get saved and explain that and he was like okay happy let me he actually stopped me halfway through the gospel because he couldn't get over that point about organized Christianity and what a mess and what a filthy joke it is once that got explained yeah got saved you know some people need it don't they some people need to know it and other people other people look they need to know what the Bible says about these vile people don't they and we're people with kids and other things they need to be warned yeah even if they're unsaved you don't warn your unsaved family don't you about that look yeah obviously we want to get them saved but you also want to don't want the kids to get look and not just kids all of them look these people are dangerous aren't they but yeah he made that point is he are you ashamed I'm not ashamed of that because then he warns them doesn't have these people they change the truth of God into a light and God gave them up and look what a great opening chapter to a great book of the Bible a what a great opening chapter strong opening chapter isn't it as well and look got some of that some hard truths yeah and some of that is some hard truths but the Bible's got hard truths and we need to preach every one of them don't we okay on that let's go father I thank you for your word I thank you for thank you for your truths I thank you that you you just make things clear to us that you know studying to show ourselves approved a workman that needeth not be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth is once we do that we can just see so much truth in the world that the others sadly almost purposely avoid and thank you that you give us the ability through your word of God to see all these truths we pray that you help us all here help us to be aware of these people to be on guard to also to be safe as well to just protect us see these are obviously we don't have to fear man we only we should only fear you but help us to just to be wise as well to be like the horse prepared against the day of battle that known as safeties of the Lord help us to to be aware of these people to take necessary precautions and help us to also though be a loving church to each other as well and not just be constantly you know looking looking for the next reprobate we're on the same hand to just be wise and to be aware as well and to be responsible as church members here help us to have a good week now help us to to go out and preach your gospel this week as well and to all get back safely here for another day in your house in Jesus name we pray all this amen