(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen. Alright Proverbs chapter 6 now and just to remind you what happened last week in Proverbs 5, we looked mainly at the strange woman, how her lips drop as a honeycomb and her mouth is smoother than oil. So she's full of flattery and says the right things but she's bad news, right? And we talked about how this particular strange woman is just yet another enemy that we're seeing in this book already and however we can avoid the danger by removing our way far from her and coming not near the door of her house. And of course nowadays we talked about last week how that includes the phones, TVs, laptops, etc with social media being a big problem, especially right now I'd say. Solomon showed the end result of women like this and it would include preventing people coming to God, destroying the Christians life. The danger is both for single and unmarried men but also married men and it's also the influence that can be had on women too as well and we talked about that as well because look, we're talking about God's enemies here, this is the type of people we're talking about and they can have a negative effect on the women there around as well. Proverbs 13.20 says he that walketh with wise men shall be wise but a companion of fools shall be destroyed. So if you're hanging around with people like this, ladies, women out there, well you know you're not going to be wise, you're going to be destroyed. We then saw Solomon ironically, being Solomon and what happened at the end of his life at least or throughout his life really, teaching to rejoice with the wife of your youth. We saw that being a clear teacher of his to be satisfied with her and not embrace some strange woman, reminding us at the end that God sees everything. So verse 21 of verse 5 said for the ways of man are before the eyes of the Lord and he pondereth all his goings. His own iniquity shall take the wicked himself and he shall behold him with the cords of his sins. He shall die without instruction and in the greatness of his folly he shall go astray. And we're into Proverbs 6 now verse 1 reads my son if thou be surety for thy friend, if thou have stricken thy hand with a stranger, thou art snared with the words of thy mouth, thou art taken with the words of thy mouth. I'd like to pray before we continue with the chapter. Father thank you for your word Lord, thank you for this book of the Bible Lord that we're studying and this particular chapter here. There's some great truths in there Lord and some things for us to learn here. Please help me to just preach those clearly now and help everyone to have attentive ears to really pay attention now at the end of this what's been a busy day. Just fill with your spirit please Lord in Jesus' name we pray, Amen. Okay so he said thou art snared with the words of thy mouth, thou taker with the words of thy mouth, sorry of thy mouth and in verse 1 he said my son if thou be surety for thy friend, if thou have stricken thy hand with a stranger. What's he actually talking about here? Well surety for a friend is like being a guarantor, being responsible for their debt, being a bondsman. So he said if thou be surety for thy friend we would say now maybe if you've been a guarantor to some degree and he says if thou stricken thy hand with a stranger and striking of stricken hands is the equivalent to shaking hands basically. Okay it's what we would call now shaking hands in the context of being a guarantor type so making an agreement, shaking hands to seal that agreement. He said thou art snared with the words of thy mouth, thou taker with the words of thy mouth. So basically you'll be held to what you've agreed. Okay look if you've made an agreement you're going to be held to that. So basically Solomon's saying to be careful vouching for people financially. However you could apply that to other scenarios as well couldn't you? Okay be careful vouching for people because we often do that don't we want to be able to recommend someone to a, for example for a job. You know you recommend someone for a job whether it's with your boss, whether it's with someone else, whether it's with a friend. Oh I think they'd be a great worker and everything else but a lot of the time we kind of do we really know that or are we just vouching for them because we're being nice and kind of trying to get them a job. Is it a good idea? No because who are they going to come back to and say oh you said they were good and they're like the worst worker ever. They're literally bone idle right and look it's not always like that sometimes they can end up being a good employee but you want to be careful who you vouch for right because sometimes we do don't we kind of the kindness overtakes. You're just trying to help and do something nice and often you're saying someone's good at something you don't really know. You're trying to trying to recommend someone just because you want to be kind and nice and get them a job or maybe sometimes not are you always for a nice reason as well but he's saying look you're taken with the words of your mouth. Another thing I was thinking about as well is maybe like friendships and things like that and even dating right. How many people recommend that oh yeah what a nice person this person is. Really because they just want to do some sort of matchmaking but really do they really know they're a nice person. Do they really know them. Do they really know that person. We've got to be careful don't we. Careful recommending because really and the point here is that our word our word should be our word should be important shouldn't it. What we say what we basically who we vouch for shouldn't just be an off the cuff thing and then again with church things. There used to be something in the old days in the old IFB churches before we called them the old IFB right in the IFB churches where they would actually write a letter of recommendation for a church member. So say you were to move to another area they would contact you or maybe they would just send something with them say no this person is a good church member they're not the troublemaker they're not this and not that. And obviously you'd want to be sure about that wouldn't you. So I don't like it when people sometimes people say to me and it always makes a bit weird when they go what do you think of this person what do you think of that person to me about a church member and stuff and it's like I don't really know really in general you know I say well they're in our church so we haven't kicked them out. But really because it's and a lot of the time people are trying to like get their mining for info really because if you just go oh yeah yeah no problem then they're like oh maybe there is a problem or if you'd say oh they're great that's okay that's okay and it's like it's a bit of a weird question isn't it as well really because a lot of the time people are mining aren't they you know and because we I shouldn't go what a great lovely person if I don't really believe that right and look we've got a lot of great church members here but point being that that people when you give your word you're giving your word aren't you you know and I think you know some people be careful those that are looking to see if you just won't give your word right as well. But if someone's vouching for you okay we don't want to let them down do we yeah so if someone did say if someone said if I said yeah look this person I think they're really good for this job you should give them a job in this don't let that person down as vouch for you as well yeah because people do that don't they a lot and I hate it when that happens when you recommend someone you invite you say oh this would be great for this thing or great to do that and then they let you down that can always be really really frustrating and it but it goes both ways as well so you said do this now my son and deliver thyself when thou art come into the hand of thy friend go humble thyself and make sure thy friend so he's saying if you've done if you've done that then just go and help your friend do as you promised and and basically see them good so basically be a man of your word and again you can apply that to various ways can't you as well we should just be men of our word we should look if we say we're going to do something we should do it we say we're going to be somewhere we should be there if we say we're going to you know do something do something in a few whatever it is we should just do that shouldn't we right and sadly a lot of people aren't and there are people that look there's every blue moon where something changes and there's people that are literally just promising this telling you they'll do that telling you and they just don't do any of it and that's that's ultimately that's a character issue isn't it that needs to be worked on and improved because why is it that there are people in life that you can say I know if that person says they're going to be somebody going to be there and there are people that it's a complete opposite where you like it's like pinch us all you know and we don't want to be those people do we so something we need to work on if you say you're going to do something you shouldn't have to swear by God or you shouldn't have to you know kind of give a pinky promise or anything else if you say something your yay should be yay and your nay nay yeah he said do this now my son and deliver thyself when thou art come into the hand of thy friend go humble thyself and make sure thy friend he then said give not sleep to thine eyes nor nor nor slumber to thine eyelids deliver thyself as a row from the hand of the hunter and as a bird from the hand of the fowler so he moves on to this theme now about not being lazy to deliver or save you from the hunter the fowler being a game hunter and the point is for me that laziness is a trap okay it's a setup in various ways so it's a funny thing yeah I was literally I had these verses in front of me I was just writing some notes for this and then I got a call on my phone from one of those PPI types yeah and uh and and this one this one had a kind of new angle so he's like oh no no this isn't about PPI this is about the tax that was taken from people on PPI and I don't even know so apparently some people were unfairly taxed on something that was PPI I don't know we didn't get to the bottom of this yeah but what we did get to the bottom of was this is when I said to him look come on yeah this is ridiculous yeah I just said you know you need to just get a you need to get a job where you know you have some uh where you're not basically not an immoral job I said something along those lines I tried to do it in a nice way I thought I'm not just going to shout at this guy out there you and everything else I thought I'd try and like say it in a nice way just say look come on like why are you doing this yeah this is ridiculous he sounded like a fairly normal guy um and do you know what he told me while I'm writing these notes he said to me I wasn't writing while we're on the phone by the way okay but he said to me he gave up the building site he gave up the building site because he he had a he had a South African accent this guy and he said I'm not going to try and do the accent okay because anyone's concerned but what he said to me he said I didn't know it rained so much in England he said it rained so much and I'm just I got so sick of it that's why I've taken on this job and and but the reality of it was he would have been much happier on that building site really because he already didn't sound happy he was happily he was happy to actually discuss this with me he's kind of trying to excuse it he's going basically I just got so sick of working in the rain that I'm now trying to rip people off and get their details and sign them into some sort of contract where even if we don't get the tax we're still going to claim some money off him which is usually how these things work right and basically because he just got so sick I translation he got lazy he got lazy of working for a living so now he wants to scam people for a living and we had a we had a nice thorough discussion about this to so to some degree and and we got onto the gospel and he heard some verse of the gospel and listened to a bit of the gospel while he's on his job so I thought that was quite cool and he went away and said he's going to go and look at the Bible in heaven so I was quite pleased with that yeah but but point point with it is that look the guy really what was ultimately the reason that he left that job was just laziness and is he happier no and I said to him look what do you want to do this job for he's just ringing people up trying to rip them off and he kind of agreed with me that's why I thought he might be quite receptive and open but but but the point is that people that are lazy and unproductive what happens they often just get into sin because that's a sinful job isn't it that was just a ripoff job he scammed people and they get into sin and and often it's not just the job that they get into and some people will choose jobs that but really because they're lazy but also they have too much time on their hands so so many people get into sin when they have too much time on their hands we see that often in the word word of God obviously we see the great classic example with David just walking on the rooftop instead of being out at the time when kings go forth to battle but it is a it is a definite risk and you don't you don't often see those that do very little that kind of don't work don't really do much the picture of holiness do you just doesn't really happen in fact often you see the busiest people also somehow managing to fit in time to church soul win read their Bibles and everything else and those that don't have the least that have the most time on a hand often do the least of the things of God and it's a funny thing the funny way that that works isn't it but the truth is because the more time you have there's more there's too much temptation that's the reality of it isn't it when you have too much time on your hands there's too much temptation to sin in one way or another and you need to be busy we all need to be busy it's a snare it's a trap that's what he's saying here that kind of the the dangling carrot of the kind of easy life doing nothing is a trap and you will not be happy and people they chase it for retirement don't in the early retirement like they're just going to somehow be so happy once they put their feet up and do nothing but they rarely are and in fact if they don't die early which happens a lot of the time when people take early retirements and when they retire they often if they do little they kind of almost shut down and die early but but if not they often are just trying to look for something to do aren't they hobbies and other things because we're not made to just sit around and do nothing we're made to work right well here he said he then says this he said go to the ant thou sluggard consider her ways and be wise which having no guide overseer or ruler provideth her meat in the summer and gathereth her food in the harvest so the ant is given as an example to the sluggard okay the slugger being a sluggish lazy person she has no one telling her what to do does she she has no boss that's what he's saying she she works hard though gathering and storing food during harvest okay she's like the the ideal employee you don't have to watch over her you don't have to check up on her she just works hard anyway and a great lesson there is to not only work hard when you're being watched galosians 3 22 you have to turn there says servants obey and all things your master called the flesh not with eye services men pleasers that's a teaching we see in the word of god but in singleness of heart fear and god so it shouldn't be because people are watching us that's not why we should be working hard to impress other people there is that lesson but another lesson is having foresight to work hard when the work is there to do okay look when you have the ability to work and as especially as young men you have the ability to work lamentations 3 27 says it is good for a man that you bear the yoke in his youth yeah it's good for us to work hard i think well i will once i have a family and i work hard when you when you have the ability to work hard and you you can apply that obviously to your working life okay it's a good time to get ahead to get started to to learn things look you've got a lot of time you're not you're not having to spend that time when i say having that we all love spending time with our families but that's that it's a lot of time out of the day as well you need as as fathers we should be also parenting our children right but when you're before that ever happens before you have kids before you have a family it's a great time to be able to learn skills and everything else isn't it to be able to get to the point where you'll be able to provide for a family but you could also apply that to soul winning and working for god too can you and look it's much harder when you have a young family because you have a lot more time that needs to be spent with your family with your children you know all the many things that come with that and then it's also harder when you get older too isn't it because look when you when you're older as much as we want to be working hard and doing more and everything else we do have less energy we do time more you know are there many 80 90 year olds knocking every door and still soul winning and and you know plowing through the four-hour marathons and things like that i doubt there are right out there so when when when you are young when you're able that's the time to to be working hard for god it is good for a man that he bear the yoke in his youth and it's not as for our service as men pleasers and the the again something you'll find it's an interesting you know you hear it a lot with people a lot of preachers have said this before is that often the married people with the families and and with the very busy lives are often also doing the most for god and it shouldn't be the case but it is isn't it however it's good for a man that he bear the yoke in his youth and and if you have the time you have the ability what what better thing to spend your time doing than serving god using that time for god serving god and also like i said working on on on being able to provide for family in the future but there's another truth worth mentioning in this passage as well it always makes you think of it when i see this turn to leviticus chapter 11 when the bible refers to different creatures unless being specific about the gender such as for example the ostrich leaving her eggs in the earth in job 39 because it's talking about the female ostrich there the default gender is male okay so when just talking about animals in general just the default is a male unless there's a reason for it to be specifically talking about female for example you're turning to leviticus 11 in psalm 17 12 david says like as a lion that is greedy of his prey and as it were a young lion lurking in secret places in job 40 in verse 15 god says behold now behemoth which i made with thee he eateth grass grasses and ox now behemoth was to survive any further than his lifespan it had to be female behemoths as well right but just the default is he he says of leviathan in job 41 2 cancer put and hook into his nose or bore his jaw through with a thorn it's just the go-to right leviticus 11 when describing a clean and unclean animal says this from verse 4 nevertheless he shall ye not eat of them that chew the cud or of them that divide the hoof as the camel because he trueth the cud but divideth not the hoof he is unclean unto you and the coney because he trueth the cud but divideth not the hoof he is unclean unto you and the hare because he trueth the cub but divideth not the hoof he is unclean unto you and the swine though he divide the hoof and be cloven footed yet he trueth not the cud he is unclean unto you okay clearly we can see just the go-to being a he right and that continues with insects 2 verse 22 in leviticus 11 says even knees of them ye may eat the locust after his kind and a bald locust after his kind and the beetle after his kind and the grasshopper after his kind agreed yeah see just just talking about them as as a male just as a default however in proverbs 6 back to proverbs 6 referring to the ant he said this go to the ant thou sluggard consider her ways and be wise which having no guide overseer or ruler provideth her meat in the summer and gathereth her food in the harvest and what's interesting is it's only in the last couple of centuries that people have started understanding that all worker ants are females all worker ants are females the males are the rare flying ants the worker ants all those workers and that's what he's talking about here is a female ant here they're all they're all female now what's interesting about that is that this was written over 3,000 years ago and a king james version completed in 1611 yet it's only in very recent history and even where it was started being suggested only in the last couple of centuries it's only really been to the point where everyone believes that in the last century I think where where with better magnifying glass things like that people have started to understand it the study of insects so an interesting point right and again we don't need the you know things to prove the bible I just find that fascinating any way that it's talking about the the female ant 3,000 years ago and sort of the best part of 3,000 years before people realize that all worker ants are females but there is an application there as well so that wasn't just a random tidbit of information Godfrey Solomon is showing us for me that women also need to work hard he could have chosen other animals as well couldn't he but women need to work hard as well so it's not just a man it's not just a man bearing the yoke in his youth but women need to work hard as well the the lazy trophy wife type is not God's way okay that's not God's way that's not what what women should be aspiring to be like and that shouldn't be their goal in life the the the opposite of that is a sluggard okay that's look we're not look and I'm sure we you know I know that that we we have many we see just hard working women in our church around our church but it's easy even for the youngsters growing up for the young ladies growing up just to see these sort of lazy women that do nothing all day that kind of hang around in her active wear and you know and always just laugh about that because it just when we did have our kids at school many years ago that's all you seem to see was mums on the school gates in their active wear and then they were just kind of always hanging around the school gate before and after the drop-off still in their active wear and then if you because I then worked in gyms I used to see them eventually turn up these types of women in the gym and just hang around drink a coffee relax sometimes sit in a sauna you might see like a couple of couple walking on the treadmill or something and that was kind of their day you know but is that is that God's will is that what God wants no he wants he wants women to be working hard and here he chooses a female ant to give that example the female ant that we've only discovered worker ants a female very recently but as we know God always knew this because God made them right the opposite like I said is a sluggard he said in verse 9 how long wilt thou sleep O sluggard when wilt thou arise out of thy sleep yet a little sleep a little slumber a little folding of the hands to sleep so shall thy poverty come as one that travelth and thy want as an armed man and something surprisingly that goes in hand with laziness is tiredness isn't it just goes hand in hand the more lazy you are the more tired you end up feeling it's such a weird thing isn't it and don't get me wrong you get a good healthy tiredness from working hard from being busy but a lot of lazy people are just tired they're just always tired everything's like fatiguing and the less you do the more tired you become it seems doesn't it and you get like the classic lazy people that you might have met and known over life that just seem to be constantly sleeping constantly talking about sleep constantly tired constantly just going on about how tired they are and and look that's not really where you want to be is it you don't want to be just constantly wanting to sleep constantly tired and it come goes hand in hand obviously there are illnesses and sicknesses but a lot of the time it seems to be a symptom of laziness and what comes with that laziness will also so poverty he said poverty is one that traveleth so for me that's someone that's not working regularly that's someone traveling that's someone that's not just just in like a nine to five or here maybe a seven to seven or whatever that working day was six to six so one that one that traveleth and he also said and thy want is an armed man and I believe that saying look you can become desperate like someone arming themselves to obtain I think what it's talking about there you thy want you start to become desperate because because you're a sluggard and bear in mind you know this is this is this is long before like a lucrative UK benefit system or anything else okay these are people that basically they're not working they're lazy and they're desperate for things because of that right he said how long will thou sleep oh sluggard when will thou arise out of thy sleep yet a little sleep a little slumber a little foldy of the hand sleep so shall thy poverty come as one that traveleth thy want is an armed man and it is some advice because the thing is is it is he you can you can preach these verses and who knows we might have people out there that don't have work we might have people out there that in the future they don't have work and they're like yeah but that's easier said than done look look the advice that I've heard before and I would always say to anyone that's that doesn't have a job or is looking for work is is firstly get in a routine of getting up early get up early as if you had a job get up at 6 a.m read your Bible do your things and spend that time that you would be at work looking for work yeah that's the best thing you can possibly do is spend and if you and if it's not looking for work training so you're able to get work right what you don't want to do is start sleeping in more and more if you're not setting your alarm and you'll see me you know what happens is you start getting up later you start going to bed later and the next thing you know the hours will start to get all twisted up and then you get lazier and lazier and lazier as well and you're just constantly talking you're not doing much and then you become really unproductive and days just go like that don't they and you don't want to be in that position right but here's another thing with that some people say oh but we should be happy in poverty because he says so shall I poverty come as one that travelth are we are we preaching you need to be rich well turn to proverbs chapter 30 for me somewhere in between is the goal okay not focusing on money but not becoming desperate to survive either you don't want to be to the point where you're desperate you don't know where the next bit of food's coming from proverbs chapter 30 and verse 8 proverbs 38 says remove far from me vanity and lies give me neither poverty nor riches feed me with food convenient for me lest I be full and deny thee and say who is the Lord or lest I be poor and still and take the name of my God in vain so as a Christian we shouldn't be trying to get rich but we shouldn't be trying to get poor either you get like these these like fake pious types it just want to want to pretend that anyone that's kind of got more than like a couple of pennies to rub together must be like wicked and covetous like we're not looking for either we just want to be able to have food sufficient for us yeah to just be sufficient to be able to provide for yourself provide for your family if you've got a family that's what we want in life don't we we don't want riches because we know that that is a snare it's a trap but on the same hand we don't want to be like stinking poor either just like I just can't afford anything but I must be so holy because of it okay no he said he said give me neither poverty nor riches feed me with food convenient for me lest I be full and deny thee that's one of the worries about rich people they start to just rely on themselves and say who is the Lord or lest I be poor and still and take the name of my God in vain and you don't want to be getting to that point either obviously but the answer for all of that go back to Proverbs chapter 6 is don't be a sluggard don't be a sluggard okay just just you know and sometimes you've got to train yourself not to be a sluggard and it's easy to start becoming a sluggard just for me I say this often we were joking about the other day routine it's all about the routine get in a routine get up early get in a routine get up at the same time you start getting used to it you know if you get up different times each day you can't sleep at night you'll have times when you're too tired then you don't want to get up and just get up at the same time in the morning get up get on with your life get on get busy and you'll find your way you'll find hopefully that you won't be behaving like a sluggard now we're going to move on from sluggards and things like that and guess what the subject is yeah we're on to wicked people again yeah man Solomon he's such a hate preacher isn't he all he goes on about is reprobates uh you know he's oh he's trying to scare people and everything else right well look the thing is is that this is just a subject we just see time and time again in the Bible and we're in the book of Proverbs the book of wisdom and what's he talking about be careful about wicked people that's all we see constantly throughout these chapters not all we see but a big part of what we see he said in verse 12 a naughty person a wicked man walketh with a froward mouth he winketh with his eyes he speaketh with his feet he teacheth with his fingers frowardness is in his heart he deviseth mischief continually he soweth discord therefore shall his calamity come suddenly suddenly shall he be broken without remedy so like I said sixth chapter in a row right in the book of wisdom warning us about different types of wicked people and we've seen various types of wicked people so far and again we're just being warned about wicked people so in case you go oh man he just wants to look I'm just trying to preach through the book of Proverbs right and but this stuff obviously needs preaching doesn't it needs preaching because it's a very real threat to us I was talking about this earlier um with with my soul winning partner and we were just talking about uh I mentioned Proverbs six and the kids were saying okay and we're saying what's in it and I said guess what's in it and guess what's going to be a big part of it again and something I said was this is this is the way I see it is that who ultimately is so who's the bible written for firstly believers right okay this is written ultimately for believers yeah it's written so people might get saved as well obviously it's a word of God that gets people saved but the vast majority of this bible is written for believers but really who's the vast majority of this bible really written for who can really apply it to life church going believers really church going god-serving believers church going soul winning god-serving believers that's like without church like we said many times that church half the bible doesn't really seem to really apply to you at all does it and even with church a lot of the bible doesn't apply to you if you're not really living for god in a proper church and going through the spiritual battles and everything else and and here's the thing is that with that when you're really in the things that god are you really living for god and you're really you know kind of doing a lot of what you feel like god what you're doing in life you realize wow I can really understand why you're getting all these warnings in it time and time again right and this is the people sitting here in this church this was written for you more than it was written for the stay at home you know youtube sermon guy or the person who got saved the you know the other year and you know hasn't been able to turn up in a church or do anything for god this applies so much and and that's why we're constantly being warned about these people and again the reason I say that is and I want to add this caveat is that this isn't witch hunt baptist church because people they just want to find anything so if you if you you're hard line and you say yeah we kick people out for the things in for example first Corinthians 5 then they want to act like you're like this megalomaniac power freak you know just wants to get people out but if you go the opposite way and then you don't then you're just like a liberal joke you know and people will just just take complete liberties and the church will be a mess as well so the wicked want to find anything to try and criticize but but just to make it clear this isn't a witch hunt church so we don't I'm not just sitting there kind of just thinking right who can we get out next you know I mean we haven't kicked anyone out for quite a long time now okay we we don't want to ultimately we just want people to get right and to to to to behave in the right way in church right and we do have that as a whole in this church don't we we have a lot of great behavior and just a lot of great people and and it's not like that however we're constantly being warned because if we're not being warned we're not going to see it when it happens it's not just in church either but it is something that we have to be aware of and the book of wisdom the book of proverbs chapter six and we're now in the sixth chapter warning us about wicked people and let's see what he's saying about these wicked people look at verse 12 a naughty person a wicked man walketh with a froward mouth now in this context here naughty is corrupt bad evil it's not like a naughty little boy okay froward is unyielding ungovernable disobedient and and really you could say that unyielding to to god really okay so these people and again we're talking about the worst kind the children of belial the reprobates as usual and i believe that we're talking about the infiltrator types again those that come in amongst us and we're going to see that as we continue they walk and perhaps they seem to walk the walk is maybe what we're seeing here but they have a froward a disobedient mouth they they can't just yield it's a little comment here a little dig there okay they just can't yield to just to just submitting to church authority for example they can't yield to just doing the right thing yeah it's always got to be something as much as they're trying to look like they're not they walk with a froward mouth verse 13 says he winketh with his eyes he speaketh with his feet he teacheth with his fingers you think well what's all that about there then he winks with his eyes he speaks with his feet he teach teaches with his fingers now rather than going around winky at people it's closing the eyes it's you know we'd use the word blinking now maybe or shutting the eyes and i believe here it's referring to shutting the eyes to problems to faults we see other examples as well it's all about winking with the eye towards something else they close their eyes for example to their own glaring sins like they don't exist while speaking lies in hypocrisy speaking with with the feet he said he speaketh with his feet and teaching with the fingers in the context of a discord so a division cause i believe is how they subtly become a bad influence by what they do they teach by their own actions they speak with their feet they teach with their fingers so they're shutting their eyes to the worst types of people the worst types of behavior leading people astray who follow how they walk they negatively teach by example is what we're seeing here i believe for example think about bad influences around your children just as an example it's not always what they say is it it's often how they behave it's what they do it's the things that they do that influence because we're so easily led aren't we it's so easy to follow someone else it's so easy away from the children to be in church and just look at how someone else behaves and start to justify that and start to behave like that well it's another christian doesn't he have to be a christian of supposed high standing in a church or amongst their peers often we just see how other people behave and we start because they're a saved person theoretically they seem to be a brother or sister in christ we start to justify then that behavior amongst ourselves and they they speak with their feet they teach with their fingers they wink with their eyes they the the like i said it's not always the way they say the way they behave and it is a tactic that the devil uses for his children i've seen this over the years now they push and promote for example something we had to really get right in this church over the last year or so was just crazy parenting i mean absolutely bizarre stuff but it was it because it was just so in everyone's face it was so pushed in fact it was like purposely push they didn't just for example wink with their eyes speak with their feet and teach with their fingers they were teaching with their mouth as well and just basically telling people and pushing their their parenting this bizarre stuff on other people where where suddenly we just had a church where all these just random men were walking around holding people's babies and stuff it was just like just bizarre stuff that you just don't see anywhere else and and there was just all this weird stuff just constantly being pushed constantly being promoted and that's one way for example it's not just what they say it's how they behave that can be just a negative influence and that is a tactic that because our church was like there was all sorts of just crazy stuff crazy i mean i spent the first 18 months this church just regularly having to preach out the next just crazy thing the next thing just constantly preaching all this just crazy behavior that was being pushed upon our church members and people were starting to follow and think well these seem to be saved people they seem to be soul winning isn't this normal they speak with their feet they teach with their fingers and it is a tactic he uses it's not just what they say they often try to assume a position of some sort of authority as well because it then gives them more respect in people's eyes whether it's leadership or high standing and then they slowly poison by example so people are looking up to to to you know certain people and you're looking up and thinking well they're you know they're so winning like five times a week you know they must be a good person but and then all the crazy stuff you start to follow and you start to think well that must be okay because this is a you know a soul winning christian for example right they will push and promote their own wickedness to try to influence god's people that way because what then happens is we then get weaker don't we so we as christians if you start copying and following and behaving in the same way ultimately it's sin and it weakens you and it and it weakens your your journey and you're more likely to start backsliding when all the just wickedness is being pushed and promoted on you now you know obviously some people go too far the opposite way and then become like these massive holier than nails about anything but again there's there's a balance always in life isn't there but that is a tactic i see he says a naughty person a wicked man walketh with a froward mouth he winketh with his eyes he speaketh with his feet he teaches with his fingers forwardness is in his heart he deviseth mischief continually he soweth discord so they walk amongst us but they have a froward mouth they're bad influence the frowardness is in their heart it's deep rooted it's not just oh well they're a little bit kind of funny no it's deep rooted forwardness they devise mischief continually and that's another weird thing to get your head around isn't it like we talked about those that can't sleep except they cause some to fall right well there are those that when it's saying he deviseth mischief continually that's continual continually trying to cause trouble cause problems sow discord you could say maybe a word obsessively could be a good description of it isn't it just obsessively trying to influence trying to cause problems trying to cause grief trying to basically they're devising mischief continually they can't just live a normal life they just have to cause trouble and again you just can't get you can't get in that head can you if you're saved and you're not even if you're not so if you're just a normal person whether you're saved or not you can't get in ahead of someone that just devises mischief continually he soweth discord which is disagreement contention strife and these people they love around they love a debate they're full of debate Romans 1 says often usually behind the safety of their own handheld device what we see nowadays don't we these people like they they'll rarely say anything to your face it's it's always you know it's like the old keyboard warrior types nowadays we see that a lot you know because sadly that's what it's come to but but they love the discord they love to do it but always from the shadows from behind a screen or something else causing disagreement contention strife forwardness is in his heart he deviseth mischief continually he soweth discord and again we're clearly con for me we're going to see because he then goes on to make it clear what he's talking about here about among brethren we're talking about the the basically church splitting infiltrating division causing type okay and again like you just can't it's hard you can't get in the heads and you've got to you can't really try to get in the heads all you can do is take the Bible for what it says he deviseth mischief continually what a freak right an absolute freak what on earth he soweth discord I mean what a way to live you can't you just you can't you just can't get in the head of these types of people but he then said this he said therefore therefore shall his calamity come suddenly suddenly shall he be broken without remedy I believe I said this in our Genesis chapter 24 part 2 on Wednesday they do serve a purpose don't they but eventually God smashes them so they will get it their calamity come suddenly and I you know I've heard some interesting stuff about past people that you might have heard of in the past that have kind of you know done this stuff to previous churches and churches you know over in the US and some of these high-profile guys eventually they just I mean the smashing is sometimes public some I mean there was one guy that ended up dying pretty quickly I can't remember who it was that they were trying to claim that they'd like someone to put called a hit on it so ridiculous you know yeah yeah someone did it was God yeah God like deals with these people and people that just get smashed sometimes they just end up in just a just their lives just take this massive plummet downhill once they're trying to attack God's church stuff and sometimes it can take a little while then when it comes it comes suddenly he shut suddenly shall he be broken without remedy why does that happen why does his calamity come suddenly broke without remedy I tell you what because God hates it because God hates these types of people it says here in verse 16 these six things that the Lord hate ye seven are an abomination unto him a proud look a lying tongue and hands that shed innocent blood and heart that deviseth wicked imaginations feet that be swift in running to mischief a false witness that speaketh lies and he that soweth discord among brethren and that's exactly what he's describing here the the the discord sower the division cause are amongst you amongst brethren that's talking about amongst the saved that's that's again the church division cause God hates them they're an abomination because what's their goal what's their goal their goal is to divide the body of Christ the local New Testament church and you have to turn up at Matthew 12 25 says and Jesus knew their thoughts are said unto them every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand it's an age-old tactic it's called divide and conquer and we see it in the world in various ways as well and that's what we see in churches often it's to divide and then to conquer to destroy okay now he went through this list of types of things here and we're going to go through him just quickly he said a proud look a proud look and a proud look obviously that's someone that's ultimately full of pride yeah heady high-minded we see other descriptions of it in the word of God haughty etc puffed up is another word for these types of people and some are more obvious than others so you can be a bit blindsided when you have the most ridiculous ones you know that obviously many people have come across before where they're just so prideful that there may be ones that it's a bit more subtle it's a bit hard to see you got the proud look and then it's kind of as you get to know people you sometimes the best ones it takes a while to see that a lying tongue so the lies that come from these types is just amazing it doesn't cease to amaze me people that just will can literally just lie just through their teeth about stuff just complete false witness just just lie about things like just concert lies lies lies throw enough mud some of it sticks right and that's a lot of the time that's the way these guys were another another way that these types of people work is what's called a mantra so if they say a lie enough and they can get other people to to also repeat that lie eventually people think it must be true because enough people are saying it it becomes a mantra and if they say it regularly and regularly and regularly people just start to think well there must be some truth in it because they just keep saying it but you can't forget that these people they will just lie through their teeth they'll speak lies in hypocrisy like massive hypocrisy I mean amazing some of the lies you see from these people you're just like what how do you even how do you even usually type that how do you how do you type that considering what you and I both know it's it's crazy crazy right hands that shed innocent blood think of the way that these people target children for example new believers they target the weak don't they and often look they're targeting children they're trying to influence children trying to trying to affect them in one way another is one way you could look at that obviously the week in churches and stuff as well they're looking to target and you go well is anyone innocent well look in this in this context I think so they're trying to they're trying to find people I think as well they're trying to find people that will just kind of just get their head turned because they're not mature enough to make a wise decision and see wait a sec the word of God warns us about these people time and time and time again you know so instead they then get shaken get pulled out they start to wonder start to question and heart that deviseth wicked imaginations so Romans 1 calls them for example inventors of evil things and they're constantly plotting and planning okay constantly and again that that's like it's a really weird thing when you look back on people's behavior and you think wow like the flattery the manipulation the things like that you just think wow that's it's amazing you know when you look back and think about this sort of stuff how they they've literally just been devising and trying to plot and plan and find a way to get this or get that out of you or anything else just what a crazy way to live right and I think they must just convince themselves that everyone else is like that because what a weird thing to actually live like that and know that's how you think how you behave and you're just constantly constantly full of guile feet that be swift in running to mischief again just because you know we deal with that sort of stuff a lot the online clowns are always all over any angle aren't there any like silly video or something else if you look at like if ever you see like the latest kind of slander video online and then it will always be all the same anonymous accounts somebody flock there and you're like oh I've seen this guy before oh I've seen this one before I saw that one night they've been like kind of loitering around for years and they come on and start slandering and they always they're quick they're quick to to run to mischief their feet are swift to it any potential trouble looking for something they love like any sort of angle for that a false witness that speaketh lies so we've just seen a tie a lying tongue and we've seen the lies again because this is a massive part of them and and it is embarrassing how much these people lie like I said just a false witness to all sorts then and what's their go-to one usually they always call other people railers they always call pastors railers which is just amazing and all these other sorts of just lies in hypocrisy and then he then said he that soweth discord among brethren and he said it's the six things and for me it's because they're all characteristics of the seventh so these six things of the Lord hate ye a seven or an abomination to him you got the six characteristics blatant clear characteristics of the seventh which is he that soweth discord among brethren and I mean again look Solomon's warning us time and time and time again it's something we need to be aware of because who's what's the goal the goal is division is a goal so when this stuff happens and and you know I've only had a kind of small taste get like a lot of these passes can you imagine that like the amount they get but I think with time you just get thick skinned to it but what's the goal what's the goal of of like for example of still to this day just video off the video off the essay article attacking for example past Stephen Anderson what's what's the goal is it because he's gonna get he's gonna lose his job somehow no what's the goal it's so that people don't listen to his preaching it's a people leave his church or don't go there in the first place the goal the ultimate goal is the people that's who they want so the goal isn't it's not the pastor that they're gonna strip down ultimately yeah they want to you know they would love it if like this whole place just was destroyed but but the secondary goal is to pull people out of the church and it's the people in the church is what they want which is why we're constantly being warned about it time and time again he's not going right any pastors there just to remind you it's it's it's the people it's the people that are the target and they want you out because they don't want you they don't want you cleaning up your life they don't want you hearing preaching week in week out about you know serving God and doing more for God and getting rid of the sin out your life they don't want your soul winning they don't want you doing that they don't want you doing the things of God they want you back in the spiritual wilderness or even better they want you following you know the British version is rubbish bin Baptist or something else or just somewhere where where at least got the stuff of God's not really going on so that's why we're constantly being warned and something I was thinking about with this as well because he did say a proud look didn't he right at the beginning is I believe that the immense pride is essential for division-causing types I think that maybe they're possibly some of the most prideful as they could convince themselves that despite it all they're still holy because these people do don't they I talk a lot because it always is fascinates me that the works of iniquity in Matthew 7 are the ones saying Lord Lord because I think the pride is like to it's kind of like to beyond like normal pride it's like like complete mental health issue pride you know where like they are honestly convinced themselves that they're good people and holy people and somehow doing the work of God when they're trying to destroy like the only soul winning church in the nation or whatever it's crazy you know and because they've just got this such a high inflated opinion of themselves same like these people are just like attacking the church the US I'm not talking about the ones that don't claim to even believe the Bible I'm talking about the ones that actually claim to be saved men of God women of God etc it's nuts right there but but I think they have to have that and here's the thing like I said it it's it's not just those in the ministry that are targets of these people because it's not just the lies aren't just about people in the ministry as well men and women of God will get lied about as well and they'll get lied about and sometimes they'll be outside as well and they'll be division causes that kind of work from the outside and come in or come into your family lives or other things and make up lives and everything else but often you know just in terms of church way it's to try and try and destroy other people of high standing for example other people that are maybe key members of a church and stuff just try and slander try and find ways of tearing them down as well to just shake everyone's faith in the church if you make up enough lies about rather so-and-so and you slander them enough then people start to think well maybe you know like holy bunch you know I've heard that this one does this and this one does that and this was like this but it's all lies you know or at least a lot of it is and a lot of it will be just a little bit of truth turned into a lie but but like I said the tactics to destroy churches what's the answer the answers don't let them win and he says here in verse 20 my son keep the father's commandment forsake not the law thy mother bind them continually upon thine heart and tighten them about thy neck when thou goest it shall lead thee when thou sleepest it shall keep thee when thou wakest it shall talk with thee for the commandment is a lamp and the law is light and reproofs of instruction of the way of life so like I said we're up to chapter six okay chapter six he's warning us time and time again about the bad people the way they behave the way that they target us us saved people Solomon you preach about reprobates too much that's honestly what what I'm sure look if we're just going through the book of Proverbs no if we weren't going through the book of Proverbs but I was just if I preached six messages in a row on a Sunday evening and talked about different sorts of wicked people I mean you can imagine you know people oh I can't believe it you know isn't it but but Solomon didn't have a problem did he with this right you're too negative you can imagine where's the love just not there's no love I'm not seeing the love in this church right I'm not seeing the love from Solomon here but but this is love by him isn't it this is true love and really it's it's God the Holy Spirit talking through him he's saying listen obey bind these instructions to you because that's the love isn't it let them lead you keep you talk to you it's like just you need to you need to pay attention he's saying you need to listen to this listen to these words listen to these instructions you need to bind them to you it's a lamp and a light in a dark place and basically then said in and you'd better get used to the reproof from God's Word he said for the commandment is a lamp and law is light and reproof some instruction of the way of life and if you can't get used to and people can't there are some people that just cannot deal with reproofs from God's Word and they don't they can't accept that it's a way of life whether it's the pride or whether it's whatever issues they have they just can't take reproof from God's Word and those people where are they now where are these people that are like that and we have to you have to just accept well it's a way of life you know sometimes I'm gonna read my Bible and it's gonna slap me around the face sometimes I'm gonna come to church and I'm gonna get a spiritual slap around the face something and that's just a way of life isn't it and it's a part of life that we have to be tough enough to deal with and to say yeah look I need to get used to that I need to just understand it's a way of life and if you understand that you're gonna benefit from that aren't you he then said this he said for the commandment is a lamp and law is light and reproofs some instruction of the way of life he said to keep thee from the evil woman from the flattery of the tongue of a strange woman and look they come in different flavours don't they so we've been talking about the the church division calls well look there are strange women that try and cause division in church but they're different types we're here now we're back to that strange woman again is this woman just a bit flirtatious but means well no she's an evil woman and what's the standout characteristic flattery again flattery last week in Proverbs 5 3 said for the lips of strange woman droppers and honeycomb and her mouth is smoother than oil a few weeks ago in Proverbs 2 16 to deliver thee from the strange woman even from the stranger which flattereth with our words and here he said that the commandment the law the reproofs is structured to keep you from the flattery of the tongue of a strange woman it's clearly something that we're constantly being warned about and like I said last week because we love it because the flesh loves flattery and we have we're constantly being warned in the word of God about flattery and I've seen these types of women by the way work on women too and I don't mean in like a weird way necessarily like that in a sodomite way but just in a flattering manipulative way so they just flatter manipulates not just the kind of batting eyelids at the men type however there is that type obviously that we're going to see here but but it's many it could be whether it's like just a multiple gift giver whether it's to sink their hooks into a church or to set you up for something they want so sometimes it's just to try and get hooks so it's harder and when they like the idea of the hooks is that when someone is eventually either leaves or gets kicked out it's to pull with them okay and that's something we have to look out for as well and the flattery is a big part of that because then you don't want it to be untrue you don't want that to be a bad person because they were so nice and so kind about you and telling you how amazing you were you know so it's obviously something we have to look out for as well and you don't want to believe it and then you're kind of you're drawn and then you're divided you don't know which way to go right that's that's part of part of the tactic but and sometimes it's just to get something from you as well but of course these sorts of women are especially dangerous to men like we spoke about last week okay he said in verse 25 lust not after her beauty in thine heart neither let her take thee with her eyelid so how do you as a man avoid lusting after a beautiful woman some men might wonder that right especially one that knows what to say how to walk how to entice you look there are some women that I mean they've made an art form of it really sadly isn't there right there are women out there that have made an art of being able to do that of just saying the right things looking the right way walking the right way talking the right way and everything else how do you how do you do that how do you you avoid that you refuse to you have to refuse to you you don't allow yourself to think that way men okay you have to just never allow yourself to even think that way you stop that thought like that okay you don't let it happen you refuse to look at her in that way and I'm talking to all men here I'm not just talking about married men the strange woman that sort of woman is is should never ever be considered an option oh it doesn't matter you know I'm single so I just kind of look at these sorts of women but no don't worry eventually I'll find a nice godly woman no no you just refuse I don't want to look at her I don't want to look at her that way I don't I've got no interest in strange women and like I said last week these strange women are all over the internet they're all over social media they're all over all that you just you just cut it out the thought stops straight away because it all it will do it would it's just it's just going to cause you trouble and sometimes like terrible trouble and men that sadly have had like a history or the past of these sorts of strange women in various ways often find it really hard to just have a normal relationship with a normal woman because they spent their years just staring at fake women you know thinking that that's an option and everything else and these women are what the bible says they're whores and you don't want to marry a whore okay you refuse it's a choice you make like I said you cut off any beginning of that thought dead in its tracks okay because it's not okay it's not innocent you just cut it off not not not interested not don't even look at them like that don't ever think about it like that fornication adultery it starts with a thought doesn't it that's where it starts it starts with a thought and you know what happens is it is when you allow a thought to fester then it becomes more than the thought doesn't it and then suddenly you've got a problem because it said manifesting and everything else and eventually it becomes an action but where does it start it always starts with a thought and that's where you cut it off you stop it straight away you never allow it to even manifest into into a thought that you even dwell upon but you know what it what makes it harder to avoid those sorts over familiarity too much time spent around people like that which brings us back to that original point we saw before that's why for example women in the workplace can be such a danger and you don't want to be where possible working around other women in the work where suddenly you're spending what for many people eight hours a day in close proximity to another woman whether you're married or single it look it's not healthy it's not a good thing is it because familiarity as many know familiarity you know suddenly it might be something that you never would have looked at it could start to change over time can't it if you're spending too much time with that person because that ultimately we're social creatures aren't we so we start to see more and start to see good in people and want to be around them and everything else over familiarity too much time spent together and what was what was the standout lesson last week Proverbs 5 8 said Proverbs 5 8 remove thy way far from her and come not nigh the door of her house and you know what you can't do that if you're spending all day at work with them and whether or not that's you know that's a guy in the workplace doing that or maybe a lady in the workplace as well choosing to go into the workplace of being around men and stuff that could be a hard bit but especially here we're looking at you know avoiding that strange woman and the other week we saw David saying Psalm 101 verse 4 a forward heart shall depart for me I will not know a wicked person and what are we talking about here ultimately a wicked person we're talking about a wicked person the strange women the worst types and and that applies to strange women then doesn't it and we want to just not know and want to be as far away as possible from them we don't want to spend our time with them we don't want to be spending days alone with people even just just not even days alone just the time just that bit of time you just want to just you don't want to know them I will not know a wicked person is what David said he said a forward heart shall depart for me we saw in Proverbs 5 8 remove thy way far from her come not come not nigh the door of her house like I said last week that that includes social media nowadays for by means of a whorish woman back to Proverbs 6 for by means of a whorish woman a man is brought to a piece of bread and the adulterous will hunt for the precious life so men are brought to poverty by these women lives destroyed families torn apart and she will hunt her prey do you know what that tells me she's a predator she's a predator who hunts her prey okay you need to make sure you're not her prey yeah get away escape she's a predator can a man take fire in his bosom and his clothes not be burned can one go upon hot coals and his feet not be burned so once you let that thought grow unchecked you're going to come to trouble basically okay you're going to have a fire in your but so you need to cut that off at the thought because otherwise that's something that you can't just you can't deal with the fire in your bosom yeah you need to cut that off never allow that to grow if you get involved with that type of woman you're going to get burned basically he said can one go upon hot coals and his feet not be burned on the plus side you'd have a good carbon footprint however you don't want to be walking hot coals all right and you're going to get burned but it's but it's not just a strange woman who's at fault is it he then says this because look we could so far we just be focusing on these women these wicked women these these strange women and everything else you know and and and look obviously that's a big risk for men but there are men out there that are like this as well he said so he that goeth into his neighbor's wife yeah let's add him to this whosoever touched her shall not be innocent whether she's strange or not so whether the woman's strange or not there are men that are like the strange woman that are basically trying to flirt trying to entice and again for those with the lowest self-esteem what's the what's the greatest catch someone that's married and what does he tell us he says if you get involved with a man's wife you're going to have trouble okay because the the so-called you know turn the other cheek claiming to be christian man out there who just says oh well you know i'll just pray for him we'll all be friends together because i'm so christian yep that's a lie okay that's a load of nonsense he said men do not despise the thief if he still satisfies soul when he's hungry but if he be found he shall restore sevenfold he shall give all the substance of his house so no by the way the bible does it teach cutting off people's hands for thieving or locking them up in a cage or locking them up in a full-board hotel either which is seems to be our version of the cage here or slapping them on the wrist like you see in in our kind of uh ways of law and order in this nation often someone steals and you just kind of tell them please don't do that again maybe give them a bit of extra funding a bit of training on stealing or something uh in the bible he has to restore what he stole and then it's multiplied so for example we see an example of he has to restore five oxen for one ox but four sheep for one sheep and there's depending on what you've stolen maybe the value of that depends on what you have to return and restore and and look if you you would have to sell all that you have to know he hasn't got five oxen sitting at home that's why he stole it so suddenly he has to sell everything he has and he's in debt until he sells it off now that's a good incentive not to steal isn't it um and by the way again without without for example a benefit system stuff like that that's a bit more off-putting than community service isn't it right now i've got to like return fivefold what i stole and look painting a few fences isn't really going to put you off like suddenly you're in debt for years because you chose to stall that should put you off stealing however if he stole to be able to buy food not drugs or alcohol food yeah we don't hate him for it do we someone was really that poor and that's kind of doesn't really happen so much in our in our nation but but if someone was that that poor that they went and stole something you wouldn't go i can't stand that person i can't deal i can't believe it even though they're a bit malnourished and they were ready to die because they didn't have any food normal people don't hate them for that weird people cut off their hands and things like that yeah okay normal people don't but who so committeth adultery with a woman lacketh understanding he that doeth it destroyeth his own soul a wounded dishonor shall he get and his reproach shall not be wiped away now basically this is a timeless principle okay from as far back as with abraham in genesis we see pharaoh and abimilex see adultery as ultra serious don't we before the law they were like like i can't believe that you nearly got me to commit adultery basically i was about to commit adultery what on earth yeah to abraham with his kind of weird little lie about sarah a couple of times going okay so they're just like what on earth it's not it's not a little affair is it it does the bible ever describe it as a little just a little affair it's a little kind of little fling you know that the well the poor woman wasn't getting enough love you know or the poor guy his wife didn't understand his needs or almost almost like the poor woman it was almost chivalrous really lucky prince charming came along and rescued her from that unhappy marriage is that how the bible sees it because the world sometimes pushes it like that doesn't it or like well lucky that there was a james bond type around you know that poor woman you know with her boring husband or something else no a wounded dishonor shall he get and his reproach shall not be wiped away that should be a reproach for life shouldn't it for jealousy is the rage of a man therefore he will not spare in a day of vengeance he will not regard any ransom neither will he rest content though they'll give us many gifts basically okay away from the liberal wife swapping weirdos out there okay away from those normal men with normal jealousy would not let that go they won't ever let that go normal men and you know what when you see a guy that's you just see a bit of like a little bit of healthy jealousy for his wife i don't mean like weird stuff but just like a bit of healthy yeah you know i'm gonna be around my wife i don't really just want random men you know kind of like just just just all over my wife for like trying to chat her up and stuff like that when you see that stuff that's normal isn't it you know yeah and the world wants to paint that as being weird a bit insecure oh he doesn't let his wife go out on her own to like bars and clubs you know something else this is the stuff these people do don't they a night out with the girls is what you see in the world don't you and the husband a night out with the boy we know what that really means yeah should i tell you what that really means in case anyone's ever wondered when they talk to their work colleagues or old unsafe friends or anything that means we're going to go and see if we can like find something on the side basically whilst under the guise of it being all a laugh and having a booze up or something yeah that's really what they're doing okay and that is is a that's a big thing in our nation isn't it and then acting as if some guy's weird if he wouldn't let his wife do that sort of thing or didn't want his wife you know just on her own with men and stuff like that but but that's completely normal that's normal that's what's yours and that's exactly the same with a woman as well you don't say well she must be a buddy boiler because she doesn't like women chatting up her husband no she's a normal woman she's a perfectly normal woman and you know what he's saying here he will not spare in the day of vengeance he will not regard any ransom neither will he rest content though they'll give us many gifts he's not saying well if he's a bit of a bad kind of jealous type he's saying normal men this is just kind of like a normal situation if you if if basically you commit adultery with his wife he's going to hunt you down he's going to hunt you down and most likely he's going to kill you okay and you know what fair enough right what do they didn't they used to have in France there was a kind of way out called a crime of passion you ever heard of that before where I think if if you know basically something like this situation they would be let off murder because it was a crime of passion fair enough right fair too right yeah because and you know what you know what in Old Testament Israel there would be no need for the crime of passion because what would have happened they would have got stoned to death our men right they would have got stoned to death but now what do we have now now you've got a woman doing that and then going to getting divorced and and then like like claiming all these guys like you know half his income and everything else in it like it's crazy isn't it absolutely crazy but that should be how it should be this is what it should be normally but look we're Christians here and we care what God thinks right obviously we want to make sure that that thought is never in our heads and like I said just back to the previous point on that just men whether you're married or not just don't even have that thought right right just just get rid of it like that cut it off even if you've even feel that thought about someone who's like talking about strange women here yeah you start to because they're everywhere right just just cut it off pray to God and move on right because all it will do is cause you trouble okay that's Proverbs chapter 6 and we're going to finish in prayer father thank you for well the the many lessons we've just got out of that chapter Lord and you know you're just constant warnings you're giving us through the book of Proverbs through a book which is there to make us wise to help us to learn and grow in wisdom and knowledge and understanding just more lessons about wicked people Lord about the evil people that we are a target of Lord we're your children which means that we're at war with the devil's children and we know that ultimately it's a it's not a flesh and blood war it's a principalities powers it's a spiritual war and Lord we know that that spiritual war though manifests through through his children in various ways of different types help us to just be on guard against them help us to be wise in how to how to avoid these types of people how to protect ourselves to see their tactics to see the way they work Lord help help us to win the battle help us as a church here to be strong to win the battle against these people Lord and it's going to be a continual battle it's going to ebb and flow and we're going to have to deal with that over many years here Lord and help us to all just be strong in that help us to win that battle and help us to win that battle so that we can just be strong in going out and getting people saved Lord and doing the work that you want us to do here and help us to get home safe as sound tonight help us to return on Wednesday and just stay in front of this. Amen.