(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen okay so the book of Philemon is our new Bible study which we'll be doing for a whole week and then we're gonna be you'll be pleased to know in case you thought we're gonna do literally verse by verse there's some people that do that aren't there that will preach on one verse week after week where were we before it was anyone at Bethel before yeah Bethel the guy was going through Colossians and he was literally going through one verse each time and it was dry as well it was hard work but yeah that was a war of contrition just even sitting through anyway okay no Philemon we're just gonna do a one week Bible study because then next week we've got the men's picture night then we're gonna start a new book in the new year and I wanted to do Philemon it's no a lot of people I doubt many people would turn around and go that's probably my favorite book in the Bible because it can feel a little bit obscure really Philemon but there is some great stuff in Philemon like there is in every book of the Bible and it's there for a good reason and we're gonna go into it tonight so hopefully it should be interesting for people as well that maybe skirt over it a little bit and skim over it before they go on to on to the next book but we're gonna go through that in a minute but before before we do let's go to the Lord in a quick word of prayer so father I thank you for your word I thank you for the Bible thank you for this book of Philemon now please help us all here to to just learn from it to take the truth from it and to help me to preach it accurately and boldly tonight help us all to have open hearts to what you've got to say to us and in Jesus name we pray this Amen okay starts in verse 1 with Paul a prisoner of Jesus Christ and Timothy our brother unto Philemon our dearly beloved and fellow laborer and to our beloved apfir and archippus our fellow soldier into the church in thy house grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ so this letter to Philemon was written from Rome during Paul's imprisonment and we see that at the end of the letter there where it says written from Rome to Philemon by Onesimus the servant Onesimus being the guy he's talking about here but obviously it's written by Paul but Onesimus is the one writing it drafting it who's Philemon anyone ever wondered that well who is Philemon well Philemon is clearly a homeowner by the looks of it and also the previous employer of Onesimus at the end of Colossians 4 Paul also sends sends a message to this archippus who we've just seen mentioned in verse 2 where he says and you have done a bit in Colossians 4 17 he says and say to archippus take heed to the ministry which thou has received in the Lord that thou fulfill it so you get the feeling that where verse 2 says a church in thy house to Philemon it could very easily be the Colossian Church couldn't it yeah and we don't know that for sure but I think it could probably is most likely the Colossian Church or at least is another church either nearby or closely linked to the Colossian Church and the people involved in it but yeah it seems to be also when he writes to the Colossians at the end when he gives kind of the sign off it's the same people that he gives a sign off at the end of Philemon to with him at the time so he's obviously written at the same time as well so for me I think it probably is but well you know I suppose it makes no ends really but either way Philemon is hosting church in his house okay in this in this letter here we see that Philemon's hosting a church in his house and there's nothing wrong with a house church is there nothing at all wrong with the house church if it's a proper church okay if it's a proper church or do I mean by that do I mean there's nothing wrong with a house church if it's got stained glass windows or a big steeple at the top of the house because there are some strange houses out there aren't there no we don't mean that do we if it's got an altar in it no that's not what makes a church the church obviously is a direct it's really the translation of congregation isn't it and it's you it's that's that's what it means it's a congregation it's a group it's not about the building is it it's about that group of people but it still has to be a proper church doesn't it to be a church because anyone heard of the sort of house church movement and I remember when I was looking for church there when I was kind of a bit newer saved and looking around and trying to kind of get to the bottom of where am I meant to be good everyone's going was just these wicked places where they clearly weren't preaching the truth weren't preaching the gospel and then you come across these people talked about the organic church some of them call them the organic church movement and the house church movement but it's basically just a load of people that can't submit to authority okay that's pretty much what it comes down to a load of people that can't submit to church authority so they basically just make themselves either the leader of a church or the the joint leaders of a church and have some sort of communist type church affair where everyone just kind of you know gives their own thing does what they want preaches a little bit no one really tells anyone what to do but and ultimately I'll be amazed if you know they're really getting much done for the Lord in them but that's not we're talking about here that's not what this this house church is it's not a lot of people sitting in circles singing kumbaya and you know how you know take it in turns to tell each other what they got out of that particular passage which is unique to them and that's not a church is it okay it's not a church what is a church well you know the church the Bible teaches the structure of a church doesn't it and it teaches about the leadership of a church and it teaches about how a church is formed and where that comes from and these people that that sit around and call themselves a house church they seem to ignore the clear teacher in the Bible don't they which isn't a good start it's not a good start because the Bible teaches about elders or bishops that use interchangeably what we call pastors and look basic just naming yourself a church doesn't make you a church does it and or not naming yourself a church but ignoring proper churches and just going well we just you know we just get together and do a Bible study because we think that's much better again that's contrary to what God wants because in the Bible we see ordained men of God planting churches don't we okay turn the Titus chapter 1 the end of Titus in Titus chapter 1 reads it was written to Titus ordained the first bishop of the Church of the Cretans from Nicopolis of Macedonia so Titus is a bishop which is an elder which is what we call a pastor okay now Titus chapter 1 verse 5 says for this cause this is Paul writing to Titus for this cause I left sorry for this cause left I thee in Crete that thou should have set in order the things that are wanting and ordained elders in every city as I had appointed thee so Titus a bishop of the Church of the Cretans was told to ordain elders bishops pastors in the cities that Paul had appointed okay that Paul had told him to they didn't just meet up and have a free-for-all did they okay he was told to ordain those leaders ordained those elders ordained what we call bishops he was an ordained man of God himself wasn't he so he was ordained and he was going out on a date he didn't say when we see Paul doing that but Paul again is an ordained man of God he it's not just all right well we're just gonna call ourselves a church well we're meeting up let's call ourselves a church that's not how it works and look that's why for me I've always from you know when I first got to know people here and we look we had it rough didn't we and there's many many countries around Europe you know right now that we're signing you know we get the other people in contact with another brother who know kind of talks a few where he travels a bit and knows a few and all of us probably know a few people around around the world they were in a rough situation where they don't seem to be any proper churches okay and I've always from the beginning try to encourage people look you've got to find a proper church you've got to find something which seems to have an ordained man of God sent out from a church because the flesh what a lot of time would want to find a reason to just make yourself the church to just do your own thing to just meet up yourselves and look and we got to a point and don't you know I haven't forgotten because we got to a point in this country when the COVID thing first here where basically that the church I was at first they just shut even though they didn't have to shut because the government didn't tell them they had to shut but they chose to shut and and we tried we okay we're gonna try and stick to online church and it was hard enough anyway there as we all know with any churches it's hard work isn't it and and they don't really seem to want you there anyway and there's you know there's little to no soul winning and you're thinking well are they really even given the but okay you know so it sees he's trying your best and we we put up with that and then and then it got to the point where when they reopen they said no singing and I felt really strongly about that because for me look that's a direct command we're tall enough and I could I found it hard to go to a church and not sing so at that point we then started I just said right to my family I'm gonna you know we're just gonna do a bit of preaching at home and a few people came and then it started growing didn't it and suddenly we had like 40 people in my back garden and learn that wasn't really ever the plan and we made a big point we are not a church and every week I said we're not a church we're not a church we're white we're trying to find at the same time I kept looking and looking to try and find a church I wanted a church because you can't you can't just make yourself a church can you and the temptation could be there to go right well look it's going great we're all meeting up we're a church but we weren't and already I could see the problems for me and how that would form without because there's no real leadership just because people are coming to my home I'm not I can't just ordained myself and look we were waiting and then as soon as I thought I'd found a church which actually was singing and was still did seem to have the gospel was preaching gospel went there now in hindsight turned out to be a false prophet but but look you got to be in it to win it I mean you got a try and we were trying and look and I know for different people here there was a different line wasn't there and for some that they were you know thinking like I don't know I don't want to travel three hours to out whatever it is to go somewhere where I'm not convinced this guy's even saved and others they have a different look and and I understand that and I'm not but what I am saying is that look we none of us have a right to just go right we're now a church okay that's not how it works is it and you know what we've been patient and we haven't done that everyone who's sitting here didn't do that did they and look at where we're at now and now we have a church because we wanted a church we were trying to do things right when we didn't have a church we met up we went soul winning but then when we thought we had a church we went and that's what people were doing it trying it trying to persevere and look and other people might have thought well okay I can deal with this or I can deal with that but look there are people you know there are people in this country that people probably that people know I'm not sure who are probably still sitting around in a circle probably did today or whether or not they've stuck it out or not who are sitting around basically doing house church or Bible study in inverted commas or whatever else they can justify not going to church and and like I've said to people before look you don't have to like my preaching you don't have to like where we are you don't have to like anyone in here but God commands you to go to church yeah and there is a church in this country and it's not that big a country you can make it here yeah and look there are some places you might decide look actually I think that's the church there are people that feel I know there's some guys I know that down past exit away they feel that that it's still a church in their eyes the guy's got the gospel right there they they go out preach the gospel use the King James good on you go to church yeah but if you're not if you're getting together and and singing kumbaya together or whatever you are deciding to sing with a guitar and or you're sitting there and take it in turns to lead a Bible study like you're out of the will of God okay you're out of the will of God if and look you can do that when there's nowhere else to go you can meet up sure but look if there is you should be trying your best to get to a church shouldn't you and look for me the Bible's clear about that the Bible's clear about churches come from other churches you don't even make yourself a church and look like I said there are people in Europe I went and visited one obviously as you know out in Geneva and and those guys it seems they don't have a safe church there okay I would say to them if they listen to this I would say if there is a church there where they've got the right Bible where they preach the gospel correctly and where they do do some form of outreach and preaching the gospel then they should be going there and they should be going there instead of meeting each other but it seems they don't I'm not an expert on the place now if they don't there's nothing wrong with a meeting up but they're not a church okay and they should be calling themselves a church but they should be meeting up I do think they should meet up I do think they should preach they should try and do some preaching stuff but they they can't just make themselves a church and organically sometimes they'll be leadership that will arise from that I don't think there's a problem with that but he still he's not a leader until he's ordained and told that he's now and not not even ordained I don't mean right until he's an evangelist until basically a pastor or a day man of God and that can be an evangelist says right you're now leading this church under the under me or whatever it is and that's that's what's happened here hasn't it and look how blessed have we got with that and but you know let's not forget where we came from as well because it can be easy as well to start to then find fault in the building for like what a blessing this has been a yeah I mean we could have been in my back garden or someone else's back garden and right now this time of year I don't really fancy that too much you know and look we've been gifted a building for a year I mean praise God for that it's absolutely amazing isn't it and yeah okay you know it's got it's got like every building will have things which people don't like about it but what a great thing because I don't fancy having 50 people in my back garden or anywhere else and that would have been tough wouldn't it and now we're at a point where we're looking at you know what could be a great building if it works out and if it doesn't I'm sure God will provide us somewhere else and and look we couldn't have even got that because I've realized just going through what they want to see it like they want to see banks and everything else we wouldn't have got that we would have been in it because it would have been hard for us if we've been paying from the beginning and everything else would mean hard to save up what we've needed to to be able to then make that make when we do get our new building what we want okay but there would have been nothing wrong had we started in a house would there okay and you know many churches do that and for us it was a bit different because we had a big group anyway so God was like okay well I've got something for you and he gave us this building didn't he and you know what a blessing but for others they don't have that for others it might be that a pastor goes out from a church like obviously pastor Anderson started like that didn't he preached the gospel a couple of days had church on that Sunday and maybe had a couple of people there but with time that grew and again that was completely scriptural and that was a hundred times more scriptural than some grand building and we see them everywhere and I don't care if they got Baptist written on the front of them some grand building where the acoustics are perfect aren't they and everything looks great and they've got a lovely foyer entry and they've got the the kids room and they've got all that you know everything you can want in a church apart from the fact they're not a church because they're not are they and that that most five people in a house if they got the gospel right and they're preaching the Word of God and they're going out and preach the gospel they're more of a church that than the Baptist Union monstrosity which you see all over this town and the rest of UK are they not because these places are absolutely wicked but sadly to the world I think they're a church don't they but here he's talking to the church that's in Philemon's house and I maybe follow him and had a big house maybe didn't I don't know but but you know looks pretty good so where was I here okay verse 4 let's have a look at verse 4 I thank my God making mention of thee always in my prayers okay so this is Paul talking about making mention of Philemon I talked about this last week didn't I that constant prayer is something we should be striving to do and and that's Paul obviously constantly praying for others verse 5 hearing of thy love and faith which thou hast toward the Lord Jesus and toward all Saints sounds like a good guy doesn't he Philemon hey that's a pretty glowing recommendation here but notice how it's it's hearing of thy love and faith which thou hast toward the Lord Jesus and toward all saints not just the Lord Jesus because there are many people that I love the Lord I love Jesus I'm such good but they just seem to hate other Christians just constantly just angry annoyed irritated whatever else with other Christians oh they're not there's those that the other way around they just are there love people love that bomb don't like those Commandments in the Bible I don't like you know the way that the Lord Jesus would like me to live or anything else but that's good Christian we want to be both don't we we want to love love the Saints but love the Lord Jesus verse 6 that the communication of thy faith may become effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus basically Paul's praying that Philemon's love and faith towards Jesus and other believers that we just saw there will be a shining light to others that's what he's saying there isn't he that the communication of our faith may become effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing which is in your Christ Jesus but what's that shining light does he mean I just pray that people are just gonna get saved because they see what a good guy you are no and that's what again the non-soul winning churches like to lean back on don't they that's what they rest on well just be a shining light out there be a shining light and you're doing your bit for God no but he's talking about really to other Christians here I believe okay it's being a shining light to others because we could be a shining light to each other can't we and I don't mean in a holier-than-thou way I don't mean you know oh well look how great I am and I'll just keep you know making myself look really good no we just mean but by that love towards the Lord Jesus Christ and that means loving the Word of God as well doesn't it well the Lord Jesus Christ towards each other and we can be a shining light to each other that faith that we have should hopefully help each other to live to live better to live more like how the Lord wants us to live verse 7 for we have great joy and consolation in thy love because the bowels of the Saints are refreshed by the brother so again a great testimony for Philemon there the joy and consolation probably in hard times if you look at Paul's life I mean it's pretty much the whole thing's a hard hard time isn't it that they get for Philemon that they're all getting from him we have great joy and consolation in thy love because the bowels of the Saints are refreshed by thee brother is it is it because he's just flattering people all the time do you think that's what he's talking about he's just always you know giving people cuddles and just just telling them how great they are that's not what he's talking about it's his love biblical love fear not the world we love that's a giving of himself to others isn't it that's that's giving and that could be in many ways that could be that he just wants to serve he wants to help he always wants to do stuff for others maybe it's his time maybe just gives his time maybe just having that house church I mean that's a pretty big deal isn't it and look and people people like to feel um you know I love having people around but you know when it's week in week out imagine when you start then getting the newly saved people coming along when you start getting the people from out of town and people are just coming along and then just abusing your house you can because people do look people can be like that can't they and hopefully we we want to try not to be like that people can be like that can't they where they just start to just we went at the beginning it's new they're a bit polite then with time they just start taking the you know they make a little bit more don't they and you know start just just abusing it a bit but he's just obviously to be able to do this to be able to just give his house his home to be a bear in mind a New Testament Church in a time it's not like in this nation is it you have a house church here you're gonna probably be alright right now you have a house church then and you've probably got all sorts trying to trying to cause trouble people you know Jews camped outside lewd fellows of the base of sort probably you know doing protests outside and everything else and this guy is obviously obviously wanting to give isn't he okay and that's a love it's talking about here maybe it's his time it's ever maybe he's preaching as well maybe he's he's giving to them in that way maybe he's doing it in many ways but notice a war way that Paul is speaking to him too because the bowels of the Saints are refreshed by the brother okay and I know I had someone made a joke not long ago about you know he's my first name brother and I know they're only joking yeah and but look the brother thing it it's it's a sign of love and respect isn't it and we don't it's not that we can't not call each other brother it's not that oh well I better yeah I better save some form of brother bro bruv you know or something else because if I don't then it's being disrespectful the point I was trying to make a few weeks back as well is that eventually if if you know as long as pastor Thompson's willing it eventually I'm probably going to be ordained a pastor you know that's what my goal is to be I want us to be an independent Baptist Church here that's what I think you know God wants the independent Baptist Church maybe maybe you know I'm not trying to say right I'm I'm but so far I'm an evangelist and guys look people have to get used to that and that's why I don't like bro I don't like bruv I don't like mate and all that because you're coming to church and I lead the church and I'm the evangelist here okay and look I hate people that call me that and and I've breached it and I look I noticed that some people just find that hard for whatever reason it is but look soon you're gonna have to call me pastor taverna and it might be a bit easier when I'm not kind of mate buddy bro before that because it can be a hard transition and I understand that we were all friends before so winning or some of us here and everything else but it's something you kind of got to get used to but the brother thing is a sign of respect as well isn't it and it's a title thing but it's also a sign of love as well that we give to each other and and we do and I think kids especially should be calling each other should say should be calling adults brother and sister or miss or something with respect because it does just otherwise it just comes across a bit off doesn't it when it when a Charles are you and you know this or her and whoever any of the adults here kids should be shown respect to okay so it's something that we want to teach our kids and obviously we teach by the way we talk to people as well but look some of us know each other better than others you know and some of us are quite a look lovely wrong with calling each other by their first name when you know someone well you don't know but but that when we're addressing in front of children front the church I believe when you're addressing me at church it is brother in okay because that that that's my title at the church it can be brother taverna I'm happy I call me brother taverna if you want in Geneva they were calling me brother taverna and look that's the way it is and you know and you might find that a bit weird but get used to it cuz soon it'll be pastor probably so and that's the way it is so but with each other as well look it's a sign of love as well look at the way he's saying it they say because the Bowser sets of the Saints refreshed by the brother that's a nice thing to hear that isn't it and you do when you say look you're my and we are we're brothers and sisters in Christ here okay and what a great thing that is isn't it I talked about that before I talked about that when I was in Geneva like you see these these these worldly sort of Marines and army lot and they're all like brothers in arms and and but haven't we got a closer bond than that shouldn't we have a closer bond than that yeah we're saved we have the Holy Spirit in us we got more in common than these guys you know whatever they call them boot necks or whatever else we've got more more in common than any of these guys yeah and there's nothing wrong with calling each other brother and sister none to be ashamed about with that either okay so here it's it you know he's saying for we have great joy and consolation I love because the Bowser Saints refreshed by the brother wherefore though I might be much bold in Christ to enjoin thee that which is convenient yet for love's sake I rather beseech thee being such and one as Paul the aged and now also a prisoner of Jesus Christ so Paul saying he could just boldly enjoin which is basically means to order or command Philemon to do what's needed he could just tell him he could just say you have to do this why well well Paul's an apostle isn't he okay and there's it again there's a chain of command and there's nothing wrong with that we don't be embarrassed by that I don't have to be embarrassed by the fact there's a chain of command as pastor Tom says myself there's you guys in the church sometimes there might be a soul soul winning captain above you there's a chain of command if he's telling you something or he wants you to do something like that then that's the way it goes yeah there is a chain of command and and here there is and Paul can just say to him this is what you're doing okay in the church sure I can't tell you what to do in your home I can preach you and encourage you to do things I can't tell you what to do but when you're in the church I can't tell you what to do okay when it comes to church affairs of things that are to do with the church I can tell you what to do and the Bible tells me to tell you what to do and it does say that there is leadership and it's a way past Thompson tells me what to do okay and he does I've got absolutely no problem with that at all yeah I've got no issue with submitting to authority but but here at here he's saying he could tell him he could command him but he doesn't does he he doesn't he says he says wherefore though I might be much bold in Christ to enjoin thee that which is convenient so enjoin is to order or command I beseech thee from my son Onesimus whom I had begotten in my bond so for love's sake he's asking him nicely you know he's saying sorry before that he said he said though I might be much bold in Christ to enjoin you that which is convenient yet for love's sake I'd rather beseech thee being such a one as Paul the aged and now also a prisoner of Jesus Christ so he verse 9 there he's asked him nicely being an old man and a prisoner of Jesus Christ he's pulling the old man line there you know and I might try that one scene I feel I'm getting a bit older but there he's saying look being Paul the aged there he's asking him he's saying look I don't want to have to force you to do this remember he's in prison in Rome that's what he's saying here now verse 10 I beseech thee from my son Onesimus whom I have begotten in my bond so so beseeching there so he's he's asking him with urgency in a way that is I asked without it's like a kind of a pleading in a way isn't it but not in a begging way for Onesimus who he says who my begotten in my bond so Paul got him saved yeah Paul got him saved whilst the prisoner you don't turn in first Corinthians 4 15 Paul says for though you have 10,000 structures in Christ yet have you not many fathers for in Christ Jesus I've begotten you through the gospel so when we get someone say we're becoming a sort of spiritual parent aren't we excuse me a sort of spiritual parent and that's what he's saying here he's he's begotten him and we should have a care for these people shouldn't we we should have a care for people we saved it and I feel I don't know about you I feel that when you get someone saved you do you have this care you really want them to be able to live right in a cut but could be hard can't it where a lot of the time they don't really want to want to do much other than get saved but sometimes they do and maybe all of you know people that you have got saved and you're able to still talk to and try and guide and and disciple I've got a few kind of back where I used to live or still try and disciple and God and I have this like this this care for my love for him I'd love to be able to get him here for many it seems that an hour and a half drive is just probably an hour and 25 minutes too long for them to go anywhere but it can be frustrating but you do have a care for them don't you and you have a love for them you should just because they don't come to church you are still able to try and disciple them and try and try and raise them up I should have a care for them it says in verse 11 which in time pass was to thee I'm profitable but now profitable to thee and to me so obviously Onesimus and Philemon know each other okay verse 15 to 16 if you have a look at there just jump forward for a second suggests that he was previously a servant of Philemon's isn't it for perhaps he therefore departed for a season that our shouldest receive him forever not now as a servant but above a servant a brother beloved especially to me but how much more unto thee both in the flesh and in the Lord so this is where some would say therefore that that Philemon was his slave he heard that before yeah anyone heard that some of the newer versions just change it to slave okay so that he was he was his slave but we don't really know what kind of servant he was do we we can't from that go yeah he was definitely a slave okay well well Philemon was a slave but we don't know what what sort of servant that was and there are many types of so because you think what well how's he you know why is he having a return and this is what they try and say they say well he's a wrong Tim that must have been he's a runaway slave well I was just talking about this I think yesterday with someone I was saying about like think about for example think about footballers we're just talking about footballers and think how these guys they get paid a lot of money yeah and these are some big superstars but these clubs basically own them don't they they own them they can't just go right I'm off again do this they'll get all sorts of financial dockings if they do they're basically traded as a commodity they're sold they're sold to another club and if they refuse to go to the other club they will languish in the reserves and they'll dock their pay and they'll come up with all these clauses where now you know they've messed up on their contract they're basically what some people call a slave they're very wealthy slaves they're still a slave some of them are probably quite happy slaves they're still slaves in that might now if you want to call them a slave or you could just go well that's kind of part of the contract for example you could get a job some people there are jobs out there and I've seen these advertised where part of the contract will be that that if they go and do the training if they then leave within X amount of time then they have to pay back the money for the training okay and you could understand why couldn't you if you if you any of you guys who run businesses or anything else or just put yourself in the shoes someone it did you employ someone and then they just you trained him you put all this time and effort and money into training them up when they haven't probably been that profitable at the time because you're coming to training and then they just yeah done with that off somewhere I might go and use that training and go and use it to benefit someone else that's gonna pretty that's gonna be pretty upsetting isn't it it's gonna mess you up a bit as well so for that you could see maybe there's a situation there maybe there's a contract there maybe there isn't maybe he is maybe he's a slave maybe he literally had a had a chain around his foot I don't know I I don't think so here but there are many you could see many situations can't there where someone who's employed as a servant by legging it by going off it is wronging that person oh well you could just leave when you want look there's all sorts of different agreements and different contracts in different ways at work and run without it being what we consider to be just some rounded up slave that never had a choice in it in the first place but people like to try and use that we know that he was unprofitable maybe he was a bad servant maybe that's what it's talking about maybe he did something wrong and ran off maybe like more likely the way it talks about him owing him anything it's more likely that that him legging it or him going off it is left Philemon basically out of pocket in some way or another okay verse 18 says if he had wronged thee or oweeth thee ought put that on mine account so there's a suggestion that he that yeah he's wronged him and he owes him something and maybe to have returned he owes him something because he's gone back with this letter we see even though Paul wants him to stay with him he still sent him back hasn't he first to give to give Philemon that choice but Paul is saying that he's now profitable now look at verse 12 who might have sent again thou therefore receive him that is mine own bowels okay so he's saying to receive him as his son here have to turn to Genesis 15 4 God says to a childless Abraham that his steward Eliezer won't be his heir and he says and behold the word of the Lord came under him saying this shall not be thine heir but he that shall come forth out of thine own bowels shall be thine heir because you can read the Bible and bowels we look at today being sort of like talking about the intestine but here it's talking about someone basically as coming out of you as your own child there so Paul's describing an estimates as his son like we just saw verse 13 whom I would have retained with me that in thy stead he might have ministered unto me in the bonds of the gospel so I Paul would have kept him to help him verse 14 but without thy mind would I do nothing that thy benefit should not be as it were of necessity but willingly so Paul is giving Philemon the chance to willingly forgive and release an essence isn't he okay and and you could that's one of the themes of this letter for me is forgiveness isn't it because when it comes to forgiveness God wants to see us do it willingly too doesn't he he won't see us willingly forgive not be false to forgive not to be commanded to to forgive because there is a difference when it's forced isn't it and you ever try to tell your kids to forgive one of the others for something and they're going you know you have to force him and make the girl can forgive you it's not really forgiveness is it and we can be like that as well though can't we oh well you know I forgive you because I've got to I forgive you because I'm a Christian or something else and it doesn't have the same ring to it does it okay and look the one of the one of the traits of a Christian should be forgiveness shouldn't it okay that's part of it and look people say it's a season of goodwill right now don't they so I thought this would be a good good chapter for this time of year they say it's the season of goodwill why do they say it's the season of goodwill is it because we're all just is it because Satan Claus is running around giving everyone presents is that is that I'll get you I'll get you brother who I adored every time of this one he likes that Satan Claus but is it is it because of Satan Claus or is it is it because we just give each other presence and invite kind of reprobate family members over for meals is that the season of goodwill what does it come from we'll turn to Luke chapter 2 where the angels appear to the shepherds after the birth of Christ yeah and in Luke chapter 2 and verse 13 it says Luke 2 13 and suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying glory to God in the highest and on earth peace goodwill toward men and that goodwill from God wasn't forced was it yeah no one tied God's hands together no one said he had to give us goodwill that was an amazing act of love wasn't it okay and he didn't have to make a way to forgive us did he and he didn't he made a way but he didn't have to he didn't have to make that way for us he could have just punished us rightfully for every sin we've ever done but he made a way to forgive us okay made that way and I know people oh well what if you're in the corner of the world and you know you don't know anything about Jesus well didn't he say that if I be lifted up from the earth I shall draw men unto me yeah everyone at some point in their lives has some sort of drawing don't they and and could could I believe seek him and could find him but they don't okay but he didn't have to make that way did he he didn't have to do that for us but he did because we serve a forgiving God don't we a merciful God you have Turner Psalm 103 verse 11 says for as a heaven is high above the earth so great is his mercy toward them that fear him then we received and continue to receive mercy because we continue to receive it as well don't we received mercy okay when we got saved and nothing could change that but in our life I mean if God punished you for every single sin that you did if he just kept whipping you man we would all have some sore backsides wouldn't we okay I don't think anyone would be sitting there too comfortably right now and I think there probably wouldn't be any risk of people falling asleep at least because they'll probably have a pretty tanned hide wouldn't they okay but but amen that he continues to show us mercy doesn't he he continues to forgive us but but but what a great forgiveness he gave us from every sin for the eternal punishment just forgiven forgiven now that's amazing but it's to those that fear him isn't it it's to those that fear him for as a heaven is high above the earth so great is mercy toward them their film because not everyone's forgiven of their sins are they okay you have to choose you have to choose to want to because we have the choice we have the choice to receive his eternal forgiveness don't we okay and everyone has had the choice everyone here who saved has made that choice to receive his forgiveness turn in Matthew chapter 6 because we also have the choice to receive his daily forgiveness as well don't we we have the choice whether or not we're going to receive that daily forgiveness for all our sins that we do on this earth yeah they're paid for they're paid for we're going to heaven okay full stop on that we're going to heaven eternity there you never yeah shall not come into condemnation but is passed from death under life but but we do have a father we have a loving father will punish us in this life only okay now let's have a look how do we have that choice to receive his daily forgiveness in Matthew 6 Jesus gives us an example of how to pray doesn't he look at Matthew 6 verse 7 but when you pray use not vain repetitions as the heathen do but I think that they should be heard for their much speaking if only some churches some so-called religious folk around the world would just read that verse alone hey Wow how much vain repetition and from the you know from the Catholics the C of E churches literally it's not even ironic it's ridiculous isn't it how you have a passage of scripture it says use not vain repetitions then there's this like example prayer but they all vainly repeat just amazing isn't it but but you get it in all sorts of different types of churches vain repetition vain repetition he said use not vain repetitions of the heathen do okay be not ye therefore like unto them for your father knoweth what things you have need of before you ask him verse 9 after this manner therefore pray did he say repeat these words word for word yeah right just repeat them say them don't even think about him just repeat him no after this manner therefore pray ye our father which art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done as it in earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread how many people here are kind of can recite this anyway just from school or something else yeah she's yeah again sad but well I don't know it's not that bad to have Bible on your memory this is bizarre isn't it where it says after this man and verse 12 first one let's look at this and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors it mean you have to forgive everyone of everything to go to heaven now it's gonna undo heaven is it okay and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors but what it does have to do with is our daily walk with God doesn't it okay and how do we expect to have his forgiveness for all the many things do up I send this to someone earlier sent someone yes they give me all these work salvation types though what do you talk how many foolish thoughts do you have in a day how many foot how many times in a day do you not love the Lord your God with all your heart mind soul strength how many times a day do you not do that how many times in a day do you sin how many times a day do you covet something that's not yours these are just common sins off the top of your head how many times in a day those 600 or so commandments in the Bible that you'll fail at daily yet these people just just crazy like they don't oh well as long as you are forgiveness you're asking for forgiveness for every single sin that you commit on a day-to-day basis you liar you liar but of course they are liars aren't they they are liars but no he said as we forgive our debtors verse 13 and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever amen for if you forgive men their trespasses your Heavenly Father will also forgive you but if you forgive not men their trespasses neither will your heavenly sorry neither will your father forgive your trespasses amen if you want to continue getting whooped for every sin you commit yeah you want to keep tempting the Lord thy God to get a whooping in this I look you can be handed over to the devil and get a whooping in this life can't you okay you can get a whooping and we've gone over this over the last few weeks you know there's been a couple of songs and talked about it you you can get a whooping in life okay many Christians had got a whooping in life or will continue to get whooping like if you want that then continue to hold on to your grudges continue to not forgive people for whatever wrong you think they've done to you but wow what what is it in comparison to what we've what we have done to go to what we continue to do we have the Word of God we know he wants us to live we've received forgiveness eternally for our sins yet we continue to sin don't we everyone here continues to sin and yet we can be so unforgiving can't we so unforgiving to when we feel we've been wronged isn't it wicked and we all have that we can all do it can't wait we could all do it it is wicked but does that mean that we should just be forgiving people while they're ripping us off or attacking us or something else it doesn't mean that does it don't know Luke chapter 17 which helps us to understand this Luke chapter 17 because you have the liberal Christian image don't you have a guy saying I forgive you in between punches to the face that's kind of like the the the world's version of a good Christian he's just sigh I forgive you I think you know I forgive you while you're doing all you know while you're trying to lie molest my wife or something else I forgive you but that's not what it's talking about is it Luke 17 verse 3 says take he to yourselves if thy brother trespass against thee rebuke him and if he repent forgive him and if he trespass against thee seven times in a day and seven times a day turn again to thee saying I repent thou shalt forgive him there's a there's a want for them to be forgiven there isn't there okay they should want to be forgiven and first it says rebuke them so it doesn't say oh just just let people just walk all over you abuse you do all sorts of you and your family and just keep you know telling them how much you forgive them because you're such a good Christian okay rebuke them yeah nothing wrong with rebuking someone when they need rebuking rebuke them but if if they repent they change their mind if they want forgiveness then forgive them yeah there's a change of mind he wants forgiveness sir and here in Philemon and Anasmus has returned to him isn't he returned to him with a letter from Paul and he's seeking forgiveness I'd imagine he was kind of probably saying please read that first you know it sounds like finally was probably got good reason to be pretty angry with him but he does come back he's seeking forgiveness he didn't have to do they he didn't have to come back and in the same way God wants us to acknowledge our trespasses yeah in life for his regular forgiveness in life okay God wants us to acknowledge them first John 1 9 after this is if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness okay but what about when someone isn't seeking forgiveness what about that what about when someone doesn't ask for forgiveness when they don't think that they've done anything wrong because because that happens a lot doesn't it when you can have a row with someone and they feel there in the right you feel there in the right well turn to Ephesians chapter 4 because Colossians 3 13 says forbearing one another and forgiving one another if any man of a quarrel against any even as Christ forgave you so also D do ye I think in the church setting okay specifically in the church setting here where possible just forgive where possible forgive okay yeah not in the middle of punches to the face but where possible when it's when you feel that someone's wronged you look just try and forgive where you where you can yeah okay and obviously it was great if they do repent it's great if they ask for forgiveness it's great if someone comes here says yeah I've done you on but sometimes there can be a kind of disagreement maybe you see things in a different way look just try and forgive yeah try and forgive again we talked earlier with brothers and sisters in Christ aren't we Ephesians chapter 4 verse 31 says let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and evil speaking be put away from you with all malice and be ye kind one to another tender-hearted forgiving one another even as God for Christ's sake have forgiven you look where possible we want to try our best forgive each other why why because it often leads to sin doesn't it lack of forgiveness leads to sin in fact you could kind of turn that verse round in a way because the bitterness in verse 31 the wrath the anger the clamor which is loud complaining the evil speaking the malice basically like enmity hatred is often a result of our inability to forgive isn't it that stuff comes when you can't forgive when you won't forgive then you for whatever it is you feel how wronged you've been by someone and really is it really that look people can do wicked things to each other don't get me wrong but often often it's not is it often it's nothing bad often it's our own idea or it's our own kind of version of it that makes it worse in our head and we we decide that it was just whatever it is that we feel we'd be wronged by was just you know all because they were thinking this and wanting to do this and and we can build it up can't we into where it was it's purpose for maybe someone just said something the wrong way to you I wouldn't even think about it you know and maybe not maybe they had a bad day maybe they're a bit rude to you maybe they were they offended you mate look look we just want to forgive don't we you're not going to necessarily get them to repent and come to you and say I'm so sorry that I didn't say hello to you that morning you know and I'm belittling it there could be serious stuff they can be serious stuff they can be hard to move on from but we want to try our best to don't wait for the unity of the church for each other but but as well for yourself because it does it does lead to bitterness wrath anger clamor evil speaking malice it all comes from a lack of forgiveness doesn't it and it's our it's our inability to forgive now it could be a problem in churches but especially in marriages can't it how many marriages are ruined because people can't forgive their spouse or whatever it is they feel they'd be wronged by Colossians 3 19 says husbands love your wives and be not bitter against them why be not bitter to the husbands because men usually have a lot more to be bitter about okay I'll joke you sometimes no we all have reason to be bitter don't we but but for whatever reason it is you know here he's talking the men especially here cuz men men just you know they can get bitter with their wives get bitter about things I'm sure and it can be the other way around but that bitterness comes from a lack of forgiveness doesn't it that bitterness that does it make you feel good when you're bitter anyone feel really good when they're bitter really enjoy it I know the world kind of constipates this picture that revenge is so sweet yeah you know every every action movie is someone someone getting revenge and you feel good watching it don't you like yeah and I'm not suggesting anyone watch this stuff but when you used to watch you see it's just like yeah get him kill them all you know kill them all but really it's not really that sweet is it that bitterness that anger that you feel you're not happy about that are you you know it'd be so much easier is just to forgive you're gonna be happier they're gonna be happier and ultimately here especially with husbands with wives love your wife and you'll be so much happier because when you're bitter with them about whatever it is you think they've done you think they've said you it doesn't make you any happier does it makes life so much worse so much worse but it does work both ways cuz you could say oh well it doesn't say wives be not bitter so wives you just carry on being bitter well no because you wives aren't exactly submitting are you and giving reverence if you're still growling about that time he got you a dress two sizes too big or you're still you're still growling about that time that he didn't you know thank you for such a lovely dinner when you put two three hours labor into it or whatever else that's not that's you're not submitting so you're sitting there anyway aren't you because because bitterness is simple really isn't it and look if you're still talking about something that someone once said five years ago yeah and it's particularly spouses here but this this applies for everything you haven't forgiven them heavier okay you haven't forgiven that person if you're still that's still coming up in your mind you're still remember that time that you did this every time you get in a row with your wife or wives you getting around your husband and you're suddenly harping back to something that happened two or three years ago something tells me you haven't forgiven there have you okay and and are you happy about that has that helped anything is that really aided your marriage or in it though because you're married so deal with it forgive each other don't be bitter with each other love each other and and it does make life a whole lot easier as well doesn't it because you know what an unhappy marriage can be it can be a really really terrible thing on it and I hope no one here has that but it can eat it could easily happen can't it since you start holding on to stuff since you start getting bitter since you start just constantly it's going around in your head I can't believe he did this come only she did that it's just no one's happy are they no one's happy and that forgiveness should be it should be should be something that we're known for shouldn't it because we know what it's like to be forgiven don't we we we know more than anyone what it's like to be forgiven of of every sin you've ever done and will ever do I mean that's some forgiveness but how dare we then hold against others the things which have nothing in comparison because it does it does affect you doesn't it now it also affects your relationship with God turn a first Peter chapter 3 you're not exactly full of joy when you're full of that business of wrath are you okay you're not full of joy but it does affect your your relationship first Peter chapter 3 verse 7 says likewise ye husbands dwell with them according to knowledge giving honor unto the wife again if you're full of bitterness and anger and resentment I don't think you're giving honor unto as unto the weaker vessel maybe that's why you're the ones that need to be more less bitter but hey ho and as being heirs together of the grace of life that your prayers be not hindered now the power prayer is a great blessing isn't it great blessing if you don't realize that if you don't think it is and I would say that your faith is probably lacking because prayer is amazing isn't it and we see prayers answered a lot and we can often forget and when they are answered and because we're impatient it hasn't happened straight away we then don't really think about it when it is but we see prayers answer it's a great blessing we don't want to affect that do we do you want to affect that you want to affect that power prayer because you know as being heirs together the grace of life that your prayers be not hindered when you're not giving honor unto them when basically when you're at when you're at loggerheads and you're in you're basically in a sinful marriage and that's what it is yeah then your prayers are hindered we don't want that do we I don't want my prayers hindered let alone just living a living with all that negativity what a terrible way to live and look that's what happens when you're not forgiving okay and and God ends up I believe chastising you more as well then okay because that's what it says as we forgive our debtors you know and look and he went on to say didn't he where we were earlier in Matthew he said I think he said yeah but if you forgive not men their trespasses neither will your father forgive your trespasses that sounds like chastisement to me okay and we don't want that do we it too right really isn't it too right wouldn't you say turn to Matthew chapter 18 because like I said think of all that we have been forgiven this is just a great standalone story I mean I don't think it even needs expounding much because it just says it all in Matthew chapter 18 of from verse 21 Matthew 18 21 says then came Peter to him and said Lord how off shall my brother sin against me and I forgive him till seven times Pete is trying to sound like you know the big forgiving guy here isn't he Jesus says under him I say not until the until seven times but until seventy times seven therefore is a kingdom of heaven likened unto a certain King which would take account of his servants and when he had begun to reckon one was bought unto him which owed him ten thousand talents but for as much as he had not to pay his Lord commanded him to be sold and his wife and children all that he had a payment to be made bear in mind when you're reading this he didn't say the kingdom of heaven is this it said it's likened unto it it's just a picture it's a similarity okay if people love to take these sort of stories and parables and then just make a whole new doctory that of it you know okay it's likened unto it okay okay a payment to be made verse 26 the servant therefore fell down and worshipped him saying Lord have patience with me and I will pay the all then the Lord of that servant was moved with compassion and loosed him and forgave him the debt but the same servant went out and found one of his fellow servants which owed him an hundred pence and he laid hands him and took him by the throat saying pay me that thou arest and his fellow servant fell down at his feet and besought him saying have patience with me and I will pay the all and he would not look he's asking for forgiveness here isn't he and he would not but went and cast him into prison till he should pay the debt so when his fellow servant saw what was done they were very sorry and came and told unto their Lord all that was done then his Lord after that he had called him said unto him oh thou wicked servant I forgave thee all that debt because thou desirest me shouldest not thou also have had compassion on my fellow servant even as I a pity on thee and his Lord was wroth and delivered him to the tormentors to these should pay all that was due unto him so likewise shall my Heavenly Father do also unto you if you from your hearts forgive not everyone his brother their trespasses do you want to be delivered to the tormentors I don't want to be delivered to the tormentors okay that doesn't sound like fun that definitely isn't fun is it so for me there's a simple answer be forgiving you've been forgiven so much we've all been forgiven so much this is forgive each other good thing to have on your mind a lot of the time just forgive husbands love your wives wives submit them to your own husbands you know that includes forgiving them as well but away from away from relationships just brothers sisters in Christ people in life just forgive each other forgive each other it's so much better life when you do you know it's so much better let's move on verse 15 for perhaps he therefore departed for a season thou shouldest receive him forever not now as a servant but above a servant a brother beloved especially to me but how much more unto thee both in the flesh and in the Lord so Paul's highlighting the important thing here yes he has left and there's clearly wrong Philemon we've seen but he's now saved in the brother in Christ isn't he if thou can't be there for a partner receive him as myself if he has wronged thee or o'eth thee ought put that on mine account I Paul have written it with my own hand I will repay it albeit I do not say to thee how thou o'est unto me even thine own self besides so Paul's saying to treat him as if it's him and although he says that he will pay whatever is owed that's what he says he points out that Philemon owes him his own self though doesn't he okay so he said I will pay but you know you owe me anyway I think Paul's probably saying it maybe he got Philemon saved probably or that at least he owes him big for something doesn't he maybe the fact that he set up a church you know for me like you know look getting saved yeah look whoever whoever put the effort into preaching the gospel you do owe them and obviously you for me you know we're required to serve as well we owe the Lord Jesus Christ don't we and yeah of course salvation is a free gift but we should do we should be appreciative I believe for that and but as well you know there's other things in life as well we owe people isn't there I was just thinking about it just now reading that like for example I believe we owe Pastor Thompson a big deal because he didn't have to make that take that chances are steady because that could have been a it could have could have gone badly couldn't it and that would have been a headache for him it would have been hard work if it you know it all just gone gone completely pear shaped and everything else and look he took a chance to this and I think we owe him and you could say the same here maybe like Paul's planted that church and he's saying that you owe me yeah because isn't it great to have a church yeah well we could easily take it for granted easy again let the little things the little petty issues and squabbles and things get get start winding us up and they start manifesting everything else but let's not forget what what we used what we didn't have before yeah in this country really we were just you know people were just making do it whatever they decided was was could just about qualify a church if they decided they had anywhere that they felt qualified as a church and it was hard it was rough wasn't it rough sitting through that rubbish sitting through Jew worship every week sitting through whatever else you know sitting through you don't do the saving every week you know like sitting through the gospel every single week you know or some other nonsense it and look it and it was tough and and you just you're kind of in this battle the whole time but now look at we got a we got a church and I believe we owe we owe pastor tops for that don't we you know he said and he says here that obviously he doesn't even need to pay him anything because he owes him but he's offering first 20 yay brother let me have joy of the in the Lord refresh my bowels in the Lord having confidence in thy obedience I wrote unto thee knowing that thou will also do more than I say Oh follow even sounds like the kind of guy that can be counted on to do as he's asked doesn't it looks like here and we'll go beyond that too yeah that's he's a good example isn't he and again like as you read through this and as you kind of start to dissect it a bit you kind of really understand more why this why this is it you know one of the 66 books of the Word of God can't you because there's so much in this which can I believe can it you can easily start over I know I did first first how many times I read through Philemon I just kind of it yeah just kind of skirting over it didn't really take much out there's so much in here I believe as well and Philemon sounds like a great example doesn't he as well verse 22 but with all prepare me also a logic for I trust that through your prayers I shall be given unto you Paul's hoping to visit them soon okay finishes with their salute their salute the Epaphras my fellow prison Christ Jesus Marcus Aristarchus Demas Lucas my fellow laborers the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit our men written from Rome to Philemon by an estimates of it now but here's something when you read the whole thing notice as well with this letter the the picture of Christ and the gospel in there I think there's a picture there how Paul is the intercessor he's taking the transgression of Onesimus and putting it on his account and again it's a picture it's not identical but I believe there's a picture there of the gospel there as well he's basically saying put that on my account he's like the Christ figure they're taking that basically just just wiping clean the slate of Onesimus isn't he but I believe there's a picture there the gospel but look that the Onesimus is being forgiven due to Paul isn't he and in the same way and that's a good reminder again when we get back to the forgiveness bit is that Jesus Christ paid for your sins it wasn't just that the slate was wiped clean and we were just forgiven look what he did for us as well what did he do for every single person here that saved yeah and I hope that's everyone in here by maybe you know if some children are just waiting to be able to understand the gospel but look look what what what did he do like went to hell yeah and again like you know that's why the doctrine of hell is important as well isn't it because why would you just take that bit out yeah but but the death on the cross was was bad enough what he did for all every single person here and then we have the gall to turn around and be so unforgiving with either each other with our spouses with our kids with our parents whatever it is in life it's wicked isn't it it's wicked when you think what you've been forgiven unless you think you haven't been forgiven much and if you do well you're living in a dream world okay and you continue to be forgiven as well you continue to be forgiven eternally in terms of look every sin you ever do in the future has been wiped away as well but like I said in this life as well and for God's just ongoing in that walk with God and those blessings and that chastisement he does forgive you a lot otherwise like I said you'd be getting chastised all the time no I think there's a picture there as well Jesus Christ took your sins he went he died across one of healthier sins and and you know we're not doing that for anyone else and we can well do with just being a bit more forgiving to each other I believe but but it's also like I said as well as that it's also I think a great reminder of how we should be willing to forgive each other as Christians as well so there you just you just see that just just that talking about that importance now he's a brother in Christ isn't it it's like he's gone up a level now hasn't he because it can be hard with the unsaved in the world sometimes but you know that like I said before there's a great bond that we have between each other and look if for no other reason the fact that we're brothers and sisters in Christ yeah let's pray on that father I thank you for your word I thank you for a great book a great just so many great teachings in the book of Philemon now I hope that I did part of it justice at least I hope that that we here can respond to your message that that you know that that great example of forgiveness that Philemon I'm sure displayed and that Paul is encouraging to do so and and really that picture of the gospel as well and knowing how much we've been forgiven how much you want us to to show that forgiveness to others and not to be that wicked servant that's forgiven much and then goes out and and treats people like like we see in that you know that story that you told us and we just pray that we're not gonna that we're not like that help us with our sinful flesh help us to not be that self-righteous unforgiving type and to just just acknowledge that that we want to be more like you to give that forgiveness and help us to live more like that help us to help us to all have a great Christmas now and and but to remember that it is a season of goodwill and that's because we're reminded of what you did that you came to this came to this this earth to do such a great thing for us help us to keep that at the forefront of our minds as we go through now these days approaching Christmas and on Christmas Day and not just to get pulled into all the world's traps and snares of this period and help us to all be able to get back here next week as well for for a day of celebrating what you did for us and in Jesus name we pray all of that Amen