(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Okay so Matthew chapter 6 and we're on to part 2 now. We're in this what's known as the Sermon on the Mount and in the first part of chapter 6 Jesus is telling them not to do things to be seen of men and if you remember he said not to do your arms which is sort of your works of righteousness, your charitable type things. He said not to do them to be seen of men and he kind of gave examples and people sort of blowing their trumpet before then he said not to do prayers to be seen of men and again it you know it should sound straightforward when you're praying you're praying to the Lord but how many people will you know in the back of their mind or thinking when they're praying in public or praying in front of other you know whether they are in front of other people. There are people I mean someone I think spoke to me last week was just telling me about some sort of sect of Jews somewhere that will stand on street corners all praying in front of everyone and you know all these different religions there's so much of that isn't there just these prayers to be seen of other people to be praying and it's ridiculous isn't it? It is absolutely ridiculous but we can all like I preached last week we can all be pulled into that ourselves. He teaches them not to use vain repetition then says to pray after this manner goes through what's known as the Lord's Prayer and queue millions and billions probably trillions of people over the last you know couple of thousand years vainly repeating the Lord's Prayer I mean you can't make it up really can you but that's false religion for you isn't it that's people who like to make it up as they go along and do their own thing. He also in that prayer though that example prayer he was focusing on forgiving others to receive that regular forgiveness and less chastisement in life and he then continues with verse 16 from that so we got up to verse 15 we're going to continue from verse 16 where he Jesus Christ then says moreover when ye fast be not as a hypocrites of a sad countenance for they disfigure their faces that they may appear unto men to fast verily I sound to you they have their reward but thou will now fast this anoint thine head and wash thy face that thou appear not unto men to fast but unto thy father which is in secret and thy father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly I'd like to also go to the Lord in a quick word of prayer before we continue so father I thank you for this great great chapter this second half of the chapter now that we're we're in please help me to just preach it as you'd want to preach help me to preach it clearly help people here to just just focus on what your word saying to them fill me with your spirit Lord and help me to be bold here in Jesus name pray all this Amen okay so the subject of fasting here is one that we see a lot in scripture don't we we see a lot about fasting in scripture but I would say it's perhaps not something that you hear preached that often I don't hear that I haven't heard many sermons on fasting over the years maybe part of that is because when you preach and you can't really give examples are you going to lose your rewards so maybe everyone's a bit put off because when you preach you like to give some sort of examples of things like that I don't know maybe maybe not maybe there's a few reasons about that but turn to Matthew chapter 9 because it is something that we're expected to do okay fasting is something that is a given in the Bible Jesus Christ considered it a given and that's not just Old Testament either Matthew chapter 9 from verse 14 it reads then came to him the disciples of John saying why do we in the Pharisees fast off but I disciples fast not and by the way this is a disciples of John as well so it's not just it's not just these kind of false false kind of religious types there he's saying what why do why do we this is disciples of John saying it's not just about the those of the Pharisees saying why do we and the Pharisees fast fast off but my disciples fast not and Jesus said unto them can the children of the bride chamber mourn as long as the bridegroom is with them so he's saying whilst he's here basically but the days will come when the bridegroom should be taken for them and then shall they fast and then shall they fast he didn't say then you know it's up to them then shall they fast okay so for me fasting is something that we are expected to do it's a given why do we fast now what's the point in fasting is it just because some of us feel like we're putting on weight a bit quick as we get older is it because you know someone's told you that it's going to be really healthy if you fast well one of the reasons we see in Scripture for fast is when seeking forgiveness I won't seek with forgiveness and I would say everyone here needs a bit of forgiveness from time to time from the Heavenly Father and that's something we see an example of plenty of times in Scripture turn to Joel chapter 2 for one example of God's commanding he's actually commanding fast here to receive forgiveness in Joel chapter 2 he's warning of the coming day of the Lord but he then says in verse 12 so Joel 2 book of Joel chapter 2 and verse 12 where he says therefore also now saith the Lord so he's not just talking about the coming day of the Lord he said therefore also now saith the Lord turn ye even to me with all your heart and with fasting and with weeping and with mourning and rend your heart and not your garments and turn unto the Lord your God for he is gracious and merciful slow to anger and of great kindness and repenteth him of the evil so let's just I know sometimes getting to those minor prophets can be a bit fiddly let's look at that again from verse 12 therefore also now saith the Lord turn ye even to me with all your heart and with fasting and with weeping and with mourning and rend your heart and not your garments and turn unto the Lord your God for he is gracious and merciful slow to anger and of great kindness and repenteth him of the evil and we saw the same thing in Jonah 3 last week didn't we where where they fasted to the Lord here God's commanding them to do it and maybe you're thinking well those are nations brother Ian you know these are wicked nations and and you know is that talking about the individual there as well we'll turn to first Kings chapter 21 there God was commanding them first Kings 21 we see the result of one of the wickedest Kings in the Bible humbling himself and fasting for forgiveness first Kings chapter 21 and we're going to read from verse 20 where Elijah the prophet is sent by God to rebuke King Ahab so this is a wicked King Ahab whose wife is the wicked Jezebel and Ahab said to Elijah this is first Kings 21 and verse 20 and Ahab said to Elijah has thou found me oh mine enemy and he answered I have found me because thou has sold thyself to work evil in the sight of the Lord behold I will bring evil upon thee I will take away thy posterity and will cut off from Ahab him that pisseth against the wall and him that is shut up and left in Israel and will make thine house like the house of Jeroboam the son of Nebat and like the house of Baasha the son of Ahijah for the provocation wherewith thou has provoked me to anger and made Israel to sin and of Jezebel also spake the Lord saying the dog shall eat Jezebel by the wall of Jezreel him that darth Rahab in the city the dog shall eat and him that darth in the field shall the fowls of the airy but there was none like under Ahab which did sell himself to work wickedness in the sight of the Lord whom Jezebel his wife stirred up and he and he did very abominably in following idols according to all things as did the Amorites whom the Lord cast out before the children of Israel and it came to pass look at verse 27 here when Ahab heard those words that he rent his clothes and put sackcloth upon his flesh and fasted and lay in sackcloth and went softly what was the result and the word of the Lord came to Elijah the Tishbite saying see sir how Ahab humblest himself before me because he humblest himself before me I will not bring the evil in his days but in his son's days will I bring the evil upon his house now you know I'm not saying to you right if you want it to go on to your kids instead you know that's not a fire but what what I am saying because this was this guy was so wicked he was so evil he did so much wickedness but the Lord was still willing to forgo the evil that he was about to bring on him in his days because of him fasting and humbling himself before the Lord so my point is however bad it is that you think you've done and there'll be times in life where you think I've done something pretty bad here look you you know that's gonna happen you all have the flesh you're gonna do things wrong sometimes you you know you're gonna you're gonna sin you're gonna make mistakes you're gonna do some bad sins maybe and I hope you don't I'm not trying to wish this upon you but that's life isn't it point being it's never too late it's never too late and fasting is a great way of humbling yourself before God sometimes there are Christians out there Phil that they've done something bad they're just thinking where do I go from here you know where do I go I'll tell you where you go I'll tell you a good place you can go on your knees in a fast and in a prayer to the Lord yeah and and look there's nothing wrong with that yeah and there are many examples we see in the Bible of people humbling themselves with fasting so we fast when seeking forgiveness we also fast we see examples of fasting in the Bible when when suffering tribulation fasting when suffering tribulation turn to 2nd Chronicles 20 for an example of this so 2nd Chronicles 20 where Jehoshaphat the king of Judah faces a huge army here we're going to look from verse 1 2nd Chronicles chapter 20 and from verse 1 it came to pass after this also 2nd Chronicles 20 verse 1 that the children of Moab and the children of Ammon and with them other beside the Ammonites came against Jehoshaphat to battle okay so it looks like there's all sorts coming here with them other beside the Ammonites came against Jehoshaphat to battle then there came some that told Jehoshaphat saying there cometh a great multitude against thee from beyond the sea on this side Syria and behold they be in Hazazontamar which is in Gedi and Jehoshaphat feared and said and set himself to seek the Lord and proclaimed a fast throughout all Judah now he feared yeah he feared should we fear no we shouldn't fear okay he feared and I hazard a guess that probably all of us would have done the same there okay Jehoshaphat feared he's got this huge army coming towards him but did he fear and then try and leg it did he fear and do what we see many kings do when we go through the books of Kings and Chronicles and try and maybe bribe them and just give them stuff out of the house of the Lord and go oh you just take all the gold out we'll just pay you a load of money please just leave us alone and and forgo their faith of God no he feared and what did he then do he set himself to seek the Lord and he didn't just set himself to seek the Lord he proclaimed a fast throughout all Judah he got the whole of his nation to fast he got his people to fast they were in trouble they were going through something they had this huge army coming towards them enough to make the King Jehoshaphat fear but he set himself to seek the Lord and proclaimed a fast throughout all Judah and Judah gathered themselves together to ask help of the Lord even out of all the cities of Judah they came to seek the Lord okay what was the result and we're just going to jump forward for sake of time look at verse 23 for the children of Ammon and Moab stood up against the inhabitants of Mount Seir utterly to slay and destroy them and when they made an end of the inhabitants of Seir everyone helped to destroy another so basically God makes this huge army turn on each other so they're fearing they're worried they're scared but God just just pull some strings you know it ends up that they turn on each other they don't even have to go out and and swing one sword and when Judah came toward the watchtower in a wilderness they looked unto the multitude and behold they were dead bodies fallen to the earth and none escaped and when Jehoshaphat and his people came to take away the spoil of them they found among them in abundance both riches with the dead bodies and precious jewels which they stripped off for themselves more than they could carry away and they they were three days in gathering of the spoil it was so much and on the fourth day they assembled themselves in a valley of Barakah for they blessed there they blessed the Lord therefore the name of the same place was called the valley of Barakah unto this day meaning blessing and why did that blessing come well they fasted and prayed in their time of tribulation so not only were they were they basically the tribulation that you know you know they got out of this this time of real trouble but they then get this huge blessing at the end of it they're gathering all this spoil and that's a great example isn't it we saw and also the answer to that fasting and prayer so we fast when seeking forgiveness we fast when suffering tribulation and number three there we fast when serving God we fast when serving God turn to Luke chapter two for a great great role model here for serving God and we see when we fast serving God we then see men throughout the Bible and women going on to great things having fasted in the service of God so you're in Luke to look at verse 36 and there was one Anna a prophetess the daughter of annual of the tribe of Asher or Asa she was of a great age and had lived with an husband seven years from her virginity and she was a widow of about four score and four years which departed not for the temple but served God with fasting and prayers night and day so this Anna had a husband die after just seven years and had been a widow for a further 84 years so she's well over a hundred okay he died seven years she was she was married seven years from her virginity you know she's an adult she's well over a hundred at this point probably I would say over 110 she she spent her days in the house of God fasting and praying that's what she did she just served God with fasting and praying and it looked like she'd been doing that for well I would say 84 odd years here which departed not from the temple that's what I see from that but served God with fasting and prayers night and day it's not just so well I you know my day jobs a bit of fasting in the evening that's when I kick back that your I fast you know a fast end and then I leave the prayers you know for just when I'm doing the fast or maybe I just do the prayers in the evening the date look she fasting she's fasting a day she must be sometimes daytime fast she must be sometimes 24 maybe maybe she's doing 72 hour fasting whatever she's doing she's just fasting she's praying that's how she's serving the Lord what does it mean that she was a prophetess did it mean that she was just sitting there telling everyone of the future maybe she had a crystal of course she didn't have a crystal ball no and a preacher gospel look at verse 38 is she coming in that instant gave thanks likewise unto the Lord and spake of him to all them that looked for redemption in Jerusalem okay she's preaching a gospel she's probably over 110 years old like I said she's she's planted in the house of God we talked about being planted in the house of God she's so winning and she's serving God with fasting and prayers night and day that's a good way of serving God isn't it now notice how it how it said that she served God with fasting and prayers okay that's the Holy Spirit you know through through Luke writing here that that's that you're serving God when you're fasting did you know that yeah it's not just you know a quick fix to something it's not just a response to something it's something that we do to serve God yes serve God with fasting prayers now she goes on to them you know be somebody's preaching the gospel at over a hundred years old and look that's a pretty good role model isn't it yeah I mean how many people look at look at their future and think when I get if I even live to 80 90 that I'm still not only going to be planted in the house of Lord but gonna still be fasting still you know a lot of people I feel well I'm a bit old to be fasting now brother we know look she was fasting she was praying she was still preaching the gospel well over a hundred she was serving the Lord and look those fasting the Bible like I said they go on to do great things turn to Isaiah 58 because what's the right way to fast is it to just jump into a 40-day fast yeah is that the right way should we just go right I want to fast let's hit the big 40-day fast well is that even possible I think that's a supernatural fast but it was there some guy about this guy that tried to do a 40-day food fast once I think he nearly died he went to hospital on day remember what it was but no okay that's not that you don't have to you don't have to go for the big time on that yeah there are examples of everything in the Bible from daytime fasts okay that's literally just daylight hours to one day three day seven day two week to the supernatural 40 day fast as well and there are both water fasts where you're basically not eating or drinking and that's a lot rare and a lot more the time we just see food fasting okay where people are not eating but they're still drinking fluid during that okay I would say if you've never fasted before I would say try daytime fast first okay just try you know maybe maybe if you want to if you know it might be a bit ah maybe even get up early breakfast and then don't then don't eat for the rest of day personally I find if you don't eat breakfast it's usually a lot easier too fast because you you know once you get that metabolism going it could be hard can't it you know so you know it's sometimes when you eat breakfast you're hungry a couple of hours later aren't you but um but yeah you know try try maybe a daytime but you could do whatever you want with that it's more common to be the food fast but look like I said there are examples of both but it should involve what you've got to remember with the fasting that the point is is that you're denying the flesh the point of a fast that you're denying the flesh so we see for example there should be no physical relationship with your spouse during a fast you have to send it but first Corinthians 7 5 says to forge you not one the other except it be with consent for a time that you may give yourselves to fasting and prayer and come together again let's say to tempt you not for your incontinence see so one of the rules I would say of fasting there is the point is that you're denying the flesh we're going to see this in this passage in Isaiah 58 and look from verse 3 where where they say wherefore have we fasted say they and thou seest not wherefore have we afflicted our soul and now take his no knowledge so they're saying we've been fasting what's the problem what's wrong with our fast God behold in a day of your fast ye find pleasure and exact all your labor so basically they're not denying the flesh so the point being is that when you're when you're fasting you're you're basically afflicting yourself to some degree you're afflicting your soul there's no point fasting but at the same time doing whatever you like you know some sort of pleasure is some sort of fun thing and everything else and it's not that you have to be doing something terrible but the point is you're fasting you're afflicting your soul you're thinking about the Lord you're in prayer that's the correct way to fast these guys it looks like they exact all their labors I think they're demanding others to do their work so they're the type they're like I'm fasting I'm not lifting a finger and I'll be honest I did this I remember doing this when I was you know newly saved and thinking I'm gonna fast I was God I can't be doing I don't want to do anything I just want to put my feet up and everything else because I'm far I just need to be in prayer and everything else well look look still yeah there's still stuff to do in there you know it's got to be a rest day because I'm in a fast look get on with you get on with your stuff you know and try and just act normal but still pray to the Lord make sure it's the time when you think about the Lord because they're not they're not here they're not denying the flesh they're demanding others to their work look at verse 4 but hold ye fast for strife and debate debate and to smite with the fist of wickedness you shall not fast as you do this day to make your voice to be heard on high so the first thing may be here to win some carnal argument maybe they're fast going oh god you know help me in this situation which is just some fleshly situation maybe it's to get their will over someone else in whatever it is you know to smite with the fist of wickedness maybe they're just trying to you know maybe they're I don't know it's some sort of some sort of grief they're having some sort of argument some sort of row they're going to the Lord fasting and prayer over that but but this is what it should be about look at verse 5 is it such a fast that I have chosen a day for a man to afflict his soul is it to bow down his head as a bullish which is basically a drooping plant and a spread sackcloth and ashes under him wilt thou call this a fast and acceptable day to the Lord is not this a fast that I have chosen to loose the bands of wickedness to undo the heavy burdens and to let the oppressed go free and that ye break every yoke so seeking forgiveness suffering tribulation is it not to dill thy bread to the hungry and that thou bring the poor that are cast out to thy house when thou seest the naked that thou cover him and that thou hide not thyself in mine own flesh so it's serving God isn't it doing the things of God seeking forgiveness we see in verse 6 suffering tribulation verse 7 we see serving God doing the things of God then shall thy light break forth as the morning and thine health shall spring forth speedily and thy righteousness shall go before thee the glory of the Lord shall be thy reward so getting forgiven getting through the trials of doing great things for God that's what you see there in verse 8 that's what the fast is about and look if you're fasting if you're thinking and I've talked about this before if you're thinking yeah well I do need to fast for whatever reason it is health reasons that there's some health benefits of fasting I want the health I want to lose some weight fasting fine but that's not a fast to the Lord okay separate that you want to do that don't try and kill two birds with one stone okay that's not a spiritual fast you know at the time I do a bit of praying he's gonna that's not a faster Lord a faster Lord is when you're you're focused on the Lord or whatever whether it's seeking forgiveness whether you're going through tribulation whether you're looking to go on to do great things for God to serve the Lord that's what it's about okay go back to Matthew 6 for some other do's and don'ts now with that in mind did it you know I haven't preached about fasting for a long time so I think it's a good little reminder about that it's something that we can often forget about in our walk with the Lord as well well verse 16 then says moreover when ye fast this is Matthew 6 16 moreover when ye fast you didn't say if you fast moreover when ye fast be not as a hypocrites of a sad countenance for they disfigure their faces that they may appear unto men to fast verily I sound to you they have their reward so don't try to show people that you're fasting basically so if you're fasting and you're you know walking around going you know really looking at the food you know with these you know doting eyes so everyone can see and better not have a biscuit today at church you know fasting you know and everything that what a waste what a waste of a fast yeah what a waste so you just gone through all that and you've just had your reward and now what's that reward that reward is someone else going wow what a spiritual guy or girl yeah and that's not really much reward in my eyes but but again it's one of these preach that for a reason isn't he because the flesh is wicked and because people in the flesh a lot of the time want people to know that they're fasting and doing things for the Lord so be not be not as a hypocrites it's hypocritical of a sad countenance for they disfigure their faces and you can imagine that can't you and look you know just try to look so like so hungry maybe like they do this up on the 39th day you can imagine that could you and you can imagine it with these pharisaical tights but again we've got you know he's preaching to the saved here and say don't do that yeah they may appear on to mental fast very I send to you they have the reward but now when now fastest anoint nine head and what should I face they basically look as fresh as you can and that's a good lesson isn't if you're fasting and look this could be hard obviously when you're at home with your family okay if you choose to do a fast look that it's gonna be a bit harsh if you don't tell your wife you're fasting okay I think you probably have to tell your wife man you're fasting and wives you might have to tell your husband but you know if your wife's cooked you you know she's cooking like I've done your favorite meal not having it why not not interested yeah don't want it yeah just don't want it don't ask me again you know what you know you might find it next time you'll be lucky to get you know a very simple sandwich or worse yeah okay so obviously if you're fasting yeah maybe maybe it's it maybe you will need to tell your wife but here's the key here you're telling your wife you know to be polite and everything else you might tell your kids so they're not thinking you know now we need to copy dad you know a mum because they just don't eat all day you know and then suddenly you got issues at home the point being that why are you telling them if you're telling them because you you think your kids are gonna think daddy is pretty spiritual today you just lost your award if you're telling them because you just want to make it clear that's why you're not eating it's got no problem with mums heated up you know third time leftovers then you know then it's not a problem right okay so so that they appear not unto men to fast but unto thy father which is in secret and thy father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly so that can be rewards in terms of the goal of your fasting remember there's a goal to fasting isn't there when seeking forgiveness when going through persecutions tribulations things such as that when wanting to serve the Lord in in mighty ways we see often in scripture as well just haven't gotten there for the sake of time but but it can obviously be rewards in heaven as well because we see that as a theme of this chapter as well the rewards in heaven because then he then says in verse 19 lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth where moth and rust doth corrupt and where thieves break through and still but lay up for yourself treasures in heaven where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt and where thieves do not break through nor steal for where your treasure is there will your heart be also and when you see a Christian focusing on getting rich on buying stuff on possession on possessions it's sad isn't it because it's just such a waste such a waste of a saved life look the unsaved is a waste of life but when you're saved when you know better when you have the Word of God when you have that ability to earn all these rewards to look eternity is guess what it's a really long time yeah I get the feeling and look I'm I'm no expert in the Greek here okay but I'm get the feeling that eternity is forever and if it's forever that's a long time and that's a long time to look back and think well yeah well I had you know I had some cool clothes though I had a really cool car for a little while I had you know I had a great house and you didn't do those things for God that you knew you could have done had you not focused on those things and and look there are Christians all over the world that sadly are focusing on getting rich instead of the rewards they can receive in heaven okay and and the reason the Lord Jesus Christ is preaching this here is because this needs preaching in fact this is a theme we see preached regularly in Scripture now he's just made it clear hasn't he in this sermon that there are eternal rewards to be earned and the eternal rewards aren't heaven okay heaven isn't a reward you could not be rewarded with heaven the only way you're going to heaven is by that free gift right okay just to make it clear and and clearly as I think I've shown you here look he's he's preaching to the saved here okay he's preaching to the saved he's preached to what's described as his disciples these great multitudes here well you can flick back if you like as you're there Matthew 5 12 what did he say he said rejoice and be exceeding glad talking about persecution for great is your reward in heaven for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you verse 19 of Matthew 5 he said whosoever therefore shall break one of these least Commandments and shall teach men so he shall be called least the least in the kingdom of heaven but whosoever shall do and teach them the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven so talking about how you'll recognize in the kingdom of heaven whether you're called least or great Matthew chapter 6 verse 4 he said that thine arms may be in secret and thy father which seeth in secret himself shall reward thee openly Matthew 6 6 but thou when thou prayest enter into thy closet and when thou shut thy door pray thy father which is in secret and thy father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly man Matthew 6 18 that our pair appeared we just seen this not unto men to fast but unto thy father which is in secret and thy father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly and you don't have to turn about second Corinthians 5 10 says for we must all appear before the judgment see to Christ that everyone may receive the things done in his body according to that he have done whether it be good or bad bad here just being of no use so you look we should be focusing on earning treasures in heaven shouldn't we okay everyone here I hope you're listening to preach like this reading passages like this from the Bible and it should be pricking you to focus on the rewards that you can earn in heaven and not what you're going to earn here because in heaven it's where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt and where thieves do not break through nor steal now look that's eternal rewards that's eternal rewards that nothing's going to happen to those rewards yeah they're not going to get stolen they're not going to they're not going to rust away or anything else but that's not the same here is it if you're focusing on treasures here what about the expensive car and look a lot of people get drawn into the expensive car part because why because you don't even have to save up the money for the expensive car you can either go to you know you can either get it on finance or you can lease a car yeah the expensive car that you worry about every time you park it because I've seen people in these expensive cars into those and what seems to be narrow and narrow bays in car parks because they could be pretty narrow can't they I mean you're you know you're getting out of car parks and you're kind of like this with your car door aren't you in case that guy's somewhere near here with the door you know you're not getting out and trying to shuffle in your life and you've literally parked slap bang in the middle of the car park yeah but these people they don't even want to park in them and when they and a lot of the time they're in the disabled bays racking up the fines then aren't they because they don't want to park in a normal sized bay because they're worried about someone scratch up the car and I've seen these guys you know the sports cars coming out and they're checking their car and they're like this you know looking and you know like this trying to trying to see if there's maybe a scratch or line and looking at the next car and it's like paranoid wrecks aren't they it doesn't sound like fun does it and and look I've you know you see sometimes people go on drunk rampages don't they walk down streets and just start smashing wing mirrors and doing things to cars and I've seen that before you've walked down a road you've just seen like a trail of smash you think could you believe that on when you've just paid goodness knows how much or you're paying each month goodness knows how much for some very expensive car and and they do rust in the end don't they and and new cars how quickly does do they depreciate the second you get in them the second you get in that car and drive it anywhere bush there you go you know that's goodness knows how many thousands of pounds gone yeah sometimes tens of thousands of what a waste isn't it such a waste of money but there are people that folks there are Christians that focus on that how about okay well maybe not the cars maybe people are sitting again well you know we're not you know we're not really into cars and blah blah blah what about the 10 grand bicycle there are people that are into the you know you can pay like 10,000 pounds for a bicycle that doesn't even have a motor you still got a pedal the thing what's all that about you might as well at least get a little sneaky little electric motor that no one can see and then you can look like you're pedaling but they honestly that's something like these people getting right made to measure I don't know if you know much I knew a guy that worked in one of these stores and and I don't know I can't remember the name of the store but they'd made made to measure for their leg length and the weight distribution and all this stuff I mean that's gonna rust isn't it that's gonna what a waste of money to for a push bike I mean nothing like the old basket bikes is ever and and I'll tell you what what happens those bikes so they get stolen don't they they get stolen so now then it's no longer ride down the shop get off your bike and go in the shop now it's ride down the shop totter off in your cleats yeah you can barely even walk yeah totter off into the but before you do sorry wheel has to get clipped off next wheel clipped off all gets like bunched together like thousand pound lock comes out you know and everything else and then they kind of you know it's not sure it's a guy comes up with an angle glider it takes it shoves it in the back of the van but and that's what happens isn't it and then you just spend your life worried about you and it's just what a waste but the lure of it it's like a dangled carrot isn't it and you know and it's not just not just possessions like that and here he's talking about clothing as well doesn't he talks about clothing a minute and look the expensive walking advertisement clothing because that's really what most of it is isn't it it's some sort of advertisement I'm guessing the ultra rich maybe there's no label anywhere yeah I don't know if that's how it works maybe when you get really rich the clothing no longer has a label yeah but but how many people are basically advertising some company and they're paying for the privilege to do it so you pay to advertise someone's company and obviously you've got like the crass lower level stuff where it's literally just emblazoned on the front you know and people think they look cool like that but there's the more subtle stuff isn't there just a subtle little badge here little badge there little bad whatever and and it's a con isn't it it's a con you should be paid for that you're walking around advertising their stuff and people part with good money for that don't they a lot of money to advertise things well what's the deal with all of that well moth corrupts thieves breakthrough and still rust corrupts it's all just such a waste isn't it such a way to think and and my point is with that is the time people spend really doing that the money spent which has had to be earned all of that for what for for something that does it really get you that much pleasure that much enjoyment does a new car really get you from a to b that much quicker not if you're worried about getting fines and you're getting speed wow i mean those those average speed things have just done everyone up haven't they and look it's it's just it's just a waste of time another one what about the mortgage the mortgage now look again all this stuff here i'm not saying it's all wicked you can afford that stuff you think that's a good idea the mortgage thing you think that's a good idea look good luck to you but they're the thieves on that one okay because look look i remember when i was young i remember that that big recession hit and people losing houses and they were having their houses stolen because they're taking on mortgages which things can change and they can steal your house yeah that's where the thieves do break through yeah and still and look i'm not again some people say well you know don't rent and i'm not trying to preach you know preach about this but what i would say is if you're focusing on that so much that you end up buying a house far away from church well that's well because i'm on the ladder i've got to get on the ladder you know that that ladder's like this kind of dangling carrot isn't it that i'm on the ladder now but you know we're near church you're not soul winning because you've got to work over time to get on the ladder a lot of time to get on the ladder and you all know what i mean because everyone talks about the ladder don't they get in a property ladder to get on the property ladder a lot of people have to forego the things of god because they need to show they're earning enough and their wives have to be in work to get on the property ladder yeah well you know well we can't like you know i can't have my wife at home because i need to be on the property ladder so what you're really doing you're chasing you're chasing something which what's gonna could be stolen could be stolen by the bank but it might not be stolen by the bank but what you are doing is you're setting your sights on something which really is is that god's goal for your life or is god's goal for your life to serve the lord to serve the lord and how you raise your children how you do there's so many of these things now look if you can do it and you can do it all and stand in will of god great you know that's up to you you know cool but sadly i think a lot of people won't a lot of people will then start to then take away the importance of god's things because they start chasing the new car the big whatever it might even be the small house on the ladder maybe it'll be renting maybe it'll be look i need to get that really nice big rented house yeah i'm not just picking on the mortgage people here because look maybe it's that and it's just like i've got to get the got to get the big house so i've got to show me because nowadays even to rent you need to literally you know like jump through a thousand hoops and it's it's madness i mean they just kick you out if you can't pay anyways it's ridiculous isn't it but you can jump through a thousand hoops you've got this expensive house but have you just forgotten the things of god to get it you can afford it great but if you can't then look what should we be setting our sights on things of heaven for where your treasure is there will your heart be also where's your heart where's your heart that's the key thing isn't it remember the example prayer was praying thy kingdom come is your heart in heaven is your heart on on the things of god on the things of heaven is your heart of thy kingdom come because i know i know i've got rewards coming for me or are you like well i'll be doing the rewards soon once i've got that house once i've got that car then i'm going to be doing the things of god once i can afford this once i've bought this once i've got the new wardrobe whatever it is you know and there's obviously many levels of that is it set on eternal rewards there is it set on your next purchase look at verse 22 the light of the body is the eye if therefore thine eye be single thy whole body shall be full of light but if thine eye be evil thy whole body shall be full of darkness if therefore the light that is in thee be darkness how great is that darkness no man can serve two masters for either he will hate the one and love the other or else he will hold to the one and despise the other ye cannot serve god and mammon now the eye being the light of the body is saying it's what leads you that's what i believe this you know he's saying here single is focus simple pure if our eye is focused on the things of god yeah on heaven then that affects what we do what we seek after yeah okay if you're focused on the right things you're focused on those rewards and look sometimes you need to remind yourself about those rewards remind yourself about things of god look salvation is look that is amazing isn't it it's amazing that every single person here that's put their faith in the lord jesus christ say that is amazing but you can earn a lot of rewards you can do a lot of god a lot for god you can serve god in amazing ways but your eye has to be focused on that doesn't it you have to have that fight and it can't be a bit of both if you have one eye going that way one eye going the other way you're gonna look pretty weird for starters you're gonna look on and people probably won't want to talk to you you're probably not going to get anyone saved because they'll be like whoa what's going on there look you can't have your your eyes going in different places can you he says here basically if our eye is evil so it's covetous focusing on the things of this world it affects everything that we do look at verse 24 no man can serve two masters for either he will hate the one and love the other or else he will hold to the one and despise the other he cannot serve god and mammon now mammon is a caldean word apparently meaning riches wealth or the god of riches yeah if you're serving money if your heart is on the treasures of this world if your eye is on gain and goods you you will start to hate god now you won't tell yourself i believe most people won't tell themselves that they that they hate god yeah you're you're you're unlikely to say that instead you'll start to get irritated by church in fact if your eyes on mammon if you sat here right now and started getting irritated with me talking about whatever maybe one of those things was on was something that maybe you seek after then really look i'm just preaching what the word of god says here okay i'm just putting it into examples for today yeah then really look you might have started hating me at that point but really who are you really hating really you're hating god because i'm just preaching the word of god yeah and that's the truth isn't it and and look you'll start to get irritated by church maybe it'll be soul winning because you really want to earn that money do you really have to soul win every sunday you know maybe that's a good time to do this and then i have more time in a week to do something else or maybe you know do saturday soul winning man feeling a bit excessive isn't it to churches after a guy every month you know type thing then you start to get irritated with the things of god don't you yeah then you start to get irritated with the things of god because really that was a time when maybe you could have done over time when you could have earned more money when you could have and it might not always be the case maybe like i said maybe it's the preachers encouraging it you know you just start to hate maybe it's not just a soul maybe it's not just a church getting a bit sick of that church you know and it just so happens that wednesday evening you could earn an extra bit of cash maybe sunday you could do a bit of extra work maybe it's the preachers maybe it's god's people maybe you just start getting irritated with the people in the church because really you want a reason not to come to church because really your eye is looking on other things your eye is focused on the things of this world turn of first timothy chapter six because ultimately when you do that you've chosen a different god you're worshiping an idol while you turn i'm going to read colossians 3 5 which says mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth fornication uncleanness inordinate affection evil concupiscence and covetousness which is idolatry so there's no room for both covetousness is idolatry because you're making an idol of whatever it is that you're coveting and when you make things idols god gets angry and basically for me when you're putting something above god it's becoming more important than god the things of god the life for god and everything else that's now an idol in your life and that's a bad thing yeah well look at uh first timothy chapter six and from verse six again famous passages of scripture but but so much in there where it says from verse six but godliness with contentment is great gain okay if if you're trying to live right and you're content with that then that is great game for you for we brought nothing into this world yeah did you come out with with any riches or jewels or anything when you were born i'm sure you didn't for we brought nothing into this world and it is certain we can carry nothing out you ain't taking nothing with you and having food and raiment let us be there with content now just pause for a second there it's certain we can carry nothing out and what's the excuse you hear a lot of the time well i want to leave something to the kids yeah at that one and look nothing wrong with leaving something to the kids yeah but again if you're focusing on things you're putting aside the things of god you're focusing on that firstly a lot of the time excuse isn't it a lot of people are just chasing money oh no it's because i want to leave it to the kids but secondly i've known i've known people over the years that have been left you know fairly good amounts of money did it benefit them in life the vast vast majority no there's the odd person that's left something and make something again a lot of the time they just end up chasing more money and focusing on money i mean i think uh i don't think they'd ever watch i remember brother john talking about the guy that owned our old building was left a lump of money went on to become this big property developer but is he saved no does he care about things of god no is he just focused on money yes is that a great life no why because look we should with food arraignment be content shall we and we're going to see why in a second here because it says here in verse 9 but they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare is a trap and into many foolish and hurtful lusts which drown men in destruction and perdition and look that's what happens to those seeking riches okay it's those that will be rich didn't say those that are rich okay look if you happen to have some money this isn't it's not saying you're right that's it you're in foolish and hurtful love but those that will be rich and in my experience there are very few people i know and again rich is very subjective isn't it really one man's rich another man's poor and looks many people in certain places in the world would look at every single person in this world and go you are loaded yeah you are rich you you afford your own car some of you you you know you you you have more than one outfit etc yeah for some people we're all rich and for other people some people here are mega rich and for other people they would look at all of us and call us all paupers yeah it depends who you know who you're judging it by but i i look people that have money in our by our standards people who have lots of money i've rarely met any that aren't just seeking more money okay it doesn't matter how much they have and i've met some pretty wealthy people i work for someone who is ridiculously wealthy they're still seeking more money they still want more cash they still want more money that's what people are like they that will be rich fall into temptation to stay into many foolish and hurtful lusts which drown men in destruction and perdition they're drowned by it they're drowned by the destruction of perdition the foolish and hurtful lusts they start lusting everything i mean could you imagine sitting here and lusting after your own helicopter but people that get richer and richer and richer and richer start lusting over a helicopter i mean most people would think i don't even fancy getting in one it just sounds dodgy can you imagine lusting after your own yacht i mean just just the pain of having to deal with all of that i prefer to go on a yacht one day but i don't think i'd like my own but these they just start lusting after all these foolish and hurtful lusts don't they well why because the love of money is a root of all evil which while some coveted after they have erred from the faith and pierce themselves through with many sorrows now erred from the faith yeah they er from the faith they basically like pull away from the things of god and it results with many sorrows so they just have all this just just problems sadness issues and look more money more expensive problems okay uh again i don't you don't see rich people are going ah life is brilliant yeah oh living it up some people try and wind you up with that now and again you know you get the kind of rich braggart type but when you get to know them they just have just more expensive problems they're not happy it's not the solution is it it's not the solution so he said in verse 11 but thou oh man of god okay he's talking to it so hopefully everyone here flee these things that means run the other way and follow after righteousness godliness faith love patience meekness they're the things of god aren't they that's what we should be following after that's what we should our goal should be right but we're going to look at a few things of this in a second because verse 25 then says therefore i sound to you take no thought for your life what you shall eat or what you shall drink nor yet for your body what you shall put on it's not the life more the meat and the body the ray but this is sorry back in matthew chapter chapter six here he's saying don't focus on these things don't worry about food drink and clothing because it's not just the rich that are covetous by the way so in case you're sitting there going it's you know those rich people you know lucky where none of us are like that because you know there are there are poor people too whose idol is money yeah i've met many poor people who just focus on you know they're playing playing the lottery however many times a week you know spending every penny of their benefits on lottery tickets or scratch cards or whatever it is look it's not just the rich but this verse isn't saying put your feet up and the ravens will feed you okay it's not saying watch youtube sermons you know of good preachers and the checks will just start piling up on your doorstep okay the postman is just gonna get all these tax rebates you didn't even know you had are going to come through look at verse 26 here we're going to go through this quick uh we'll go through the passage and i'll go back to a couple of verses behold the fowls of the air for they sow not neither do they reap nor gather into barns yet your heavenly father feedeth them are you not are you not much better than they which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto a stature and why take you thought for raiment consider the lilies of the field how they grow their toil not neither do they spin and yet i sound to you that even solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these wherefore if god so clothed the grass of the field which today is and tomorrow is cast into the oven shall he not much more clothe you oh ye of little faith and this is a key verse uh sorry uh it's not the key in a second therefore take no thought saying what shall we eat or what shall we drink or wherewithal shall we be clothed after all these things are gentle see for your heavenly father knows that you have needed these these things sorry verse 33 but seek ye first this is a key verse seek ye first the kingdom of god and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you take therefore no thought for the more for the more should take thought of the things of itself sufficient unto the day is evil thereof that's the key to this passage okay it's not talking about salvation there will be people that go to this false prophet types go to this you know the health wealth prosperity if you're saved or some some in fact forget the health wealth prosperity just the ones that will just say if you're saved you know you're just gonna you're gonna be fine you know you're fine you're saved don't worry put your feet up go and join some sort of retreat somewhere where you just read the bible all day you know god will feed you god will clothe you god will provide for you but remember this this this sermon is to the save multitudes yeah we talked about that earlier i talked about that in the last couple of couple of weeks as well i'm not going to go back there again he's talking to his disciples here seek ye first the kingdom of god is focusing on heaven yeah focusing on the on your rewards your eternal life in heaven remember the thy kingdom come yeah having your treasure and heart focused on heaven i believe is that what that's about when you're praying for that seeking his righteousness is trying to live for him isn't it he said here but seek ye first kingdom of god and his righteousness this isn't talking about the atonement okay jesus christ righteousness being applied to us see when we see about righteousness in the bible sometimes you've got to differentiate between sometimes we're talking about us being righteous because there's none righteous no not one righteous in god's eyes through jesus christ death burn and resurrection okay but there's also those that try and live righteous and try and do the things of god yeah the the breastplate of righteousness is what we want to put on don't we okay as saved christians okay so it's basically focusing on the things of god living for him seeking his will in your life yeah doing all these things following his commandments trying your best to live for the lord not get saved and jack in your job okay not get saved and forget the schooling your kids can just read the bible okay because there are people that out there that think that don't they where are my kids it doesn't matter they're safe as long as they're saved as long as they know that things are gone no no look turn to first thessalonians four part of his righteousness includes commands like through paul in second thessalonians 3 10 for even where when we were with you this we commanded you that if any would not work neither should he eat if any would would not work neither should he eat okay the bible's pretty clear about that isn't it if you don't work neither should you eat and look i would i would i would add to that yeah children here when you're when you're going to school or you're you're schooling at home whatever else if you're not working neither should you eat yeah if you're not doing your chores neither should you eat yeah and i'll tell you what that's not a bad punishment sometimes they quickly start doing their work they quickly start doing what you tell them to do if they're not allowed to eat until they do if any if any would not work neither should he eat and that applies to all of us as well doesn't it yeah we should be working now we're not talking about sending our wives out to work i think the bible's pretty clear about that but wives yeah you should be working at home as well shouldn't you yeah there's work look life is work life is hard work and the quicker you get used to it the better again romans 12 11 commands us to be not slothful in business that's lazy fervent in spirit serving the lord now you're in first thessalonians 4 and paul is telling telling them how to please god he says in verse 1 furthermore then we beseech you brethren and exhort you by the lord jesus that as you have received of us how you ought to walk and to please god so you would abound more and more now he then gives this list of righteousness which continues in verse 11 you're going to jump to verse 11 which says and that you study to be quiet and to do your own business and to work with your own hands as we commanded you that you may walk honestly toward them that are without and that you may have lack of nothing so having a lack of nothing yeah having a lack of nothing having all those things provided for you by the lord that we've just read in matthew 6 is dependent on things such as studying and working yeah and of course that can either be paid employment or as a housewife or as a child or whatever else look if you want a lack of nothing if you want god to provide what you need yeah and obviously having food arraignment let us be there with content then you need to be working don't you okay that's how when you're seeking his righteousness that's his commands and some of his clear commands are working because like i said they're people that look at things like this and just think time to do nothing and look with that as well there could be hard times left there can be times of life where we don't have work there can be times of life where you seek your work there can be times of life for for women out there where look look sadly we weren't all raised in in bible believing christian households and there can be things that have happened where we're unable to do that where there are other situations but whatever situation you're in you work hard right you do your best you work hard you work as hard as you can if you're out of work then you work hard trying to find a job don't you if you're if you you need if you if you're not in job if you're if you're a single mum yeah and you're able to to survive and look we don't have we don't have israel's benefit system anymore because we don't live in the nation of israel what we do have is we have the uk's benefit system if you're in that then you should still be working hard in your in in schooling and looking after your kids and everything else in the things of god look we should all just be working hard being diligent in whatever we do that's a clear clear command in the bible it's a clear principle in the bible isn't it and when you do that when you follow the clear commands and principle of the bible then you don't have to focus on food clothing and money okay when you're you're seeking his righteousness when you're seeking the kingdom of god when you see but not where if you're if you're just focusing on the money and everything else you're not doing that okay then yeah i would say you probably do have to worry about it okay because you're not seeking his righteousness look look at matthew 6 and verse 25 he said therefore i sound to you take no thought for your life what you shall eat or what you shall drink nor yet for your body what you shall put on is not the life more than meat and the body than raman behold the fowls of the air for they sow not neither do they reap nor gather into barns yet your heavenly father feedeth them are you not much better than they he provides for the birds and by the way yeah we're much better than animals yeah all you animal lovers out there yes we are much better than animals are you not much better than birds fancy that much better than birds yeah i know this is some real outlandish preaching here yeah it is by our world standards isn't it yeah by these animal loving nutters and they are nuts aren't they i mean isn't it this isn't it like just so sad when you knock on a door and the 10 dogs behind the door and just trying to bound out and they're like and they just i just can't i can't you know what they're kind of poor little like it's like if they'd actually if they'd actually understood maybe partly speechy and actually given that dog a whack now and again when it was being trained yeah and actually actually trained their dog they probably would be able to answer the door and listen to the gospel wouldn't they they'd stop loving their dog so much to the point where they can't even chastise it which we most people do the kids they won't even do to an animal now i mean it's absolutely crazy isn't it but they did that maybe they don't even get saved what a sad state of affairs it is isn't it these these absolute animal and you know when you go to a door and you see all the animal stuff everywhere you're thinking here we go because you know the chance of getting them saved usually is pretty slim as well isn't it because it's so away for god because really they they serve the creature more than the creator who's best forever amen and and look a lot of these reprobate sodomite types of animal lovers aren't they absolute animal fanatics well he said oh you're not much better than they he then said in verse 27 which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature okay so just focusing on things worrying about things make any difference is what he's saying yeah if you're taking thought and talk cubit to your stature that would be quite a lot to add to your stature to your i think it's talking about to your height a cubit sight 18 inches plus depending on what you believe on that but look that's a lot but look does that make any difference no does worrying about things make any difference no verse 28 and why take your thought for raiment consider the lilies of the field how they grow they're tall not neither do they spin and yet i say unto you that even solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these okay so king solomon being the wealthiest king with an abundance of absolutely everything yet a simple flower is better to look at isn't it yeah i'm sure that i everyone here i would prefer to look at some and some flowers are absolutely beautiful aren't they why are they absolutely beautiful because god made them yeah because god created they are amazing aren't they we've got like these roses grown by by our front door and and some were quite low because it's a bit overgrown i should have cut it anyway anyway they they just amazing aren't they when you look closely at a rose and just especially when they just look so perfectly formed absolutely amazing i would prefer to look at that all day long than solomon in his best outfit i hope everyone else would say the same here yeah because look i'm sure solomon's outfits are pretty cool yeah and and i don't know anyone here maybe i'm wrong here anyone here like a real sort of loves looking at loves being in the city more than being in like some of the beauty of nature anyone here like that okay you can raise your hand if you are yeah i'm not about to preach slightly harder but it's just something i don't know something i've noticed that most of the time again look you might just have a thing i'm not this isn't i'm not preaching you're wicked if you do but most of the time i've noticed that god's people just love the things that god love like the beautiful scenery the beautiful outdoors than you know the greatest architecture in the world and you don't like look sometimes it could be impressive yeah sometimes going wow that must have taken i drove past the house of parliament the other day wow does every one of those spires must have taken a long time i don't even think they could we were saying i don't even think they could do it now yeah it's absolutely amazing but it's nothing like god's creation is it nothing like just being in the out being at being on a you know up high in the hills somewhere looking over god's creation being at some of the most beautiful beaches some of the beautiful sceneries and they're absolutely everywhere aren't they and even his flowers right even even a flower amazing isn't it and look all of that is more appealing to the eye because it's of god isn't it that's what i believe well he said in verse 30 wherefore if god so clothed the grass of the field and god is able to make things beautiful and to do amazing things which today is and tomorrow is cast into the oven shall he not much more clothe you oh ye of little faith wherefore take no thought saying what shall we eat or what shall we drink or wherewithal shall we be clothed for after all these things to the gentiles seek for your heavenly father knoweth that you have need of all these things now gentiles here just being the unbelieving nations but if you're a believer and you live for god you you basically you don't have to worry about any of these things do you okay you don't have to worry about these things if you're live if you're seeking first kingdom of god and his righteousness that's the point though isn't it and that's what he says verse 33 but seek ye first the kingdom of god and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you now that's why by the way why the beggar in luke 16 he goes to heaven but he's eating crumbs which fell from the rich man's table the dogs are licking his swords yeah does it sound like he's doing too well does it and my argument i might be wrong here is that maybe he wasn't seeking first kingdom of god and his righteousness maybe it was because god wanted to use him to make a great point i don't know but all i'm saying is because many people just go i'm saved it's going to be fine no worries at all no i think you need to still live for god you still need to do things for god for those things in life because he clearly commands us to do that doesn't he take therefore no thought for the morrow for the morrow should take thought for the things of itself sufficient unto the days of evil thereof so if you're seeking rewards in heaven you seek his righteousness you're trying to live how he wants then you don't have to worry about tomorrow okay you don't have to you know what's going to happen next if today's a bad day it doesn't mean that tomorrow will be that's what i think it means sufficient unto the days evil thereof look look that's that's one day okay you might have a bad day you might have a day where things aren't going well it doesn't mean that tomorrow will be like that yeah every day's a new day you know morning by morning new mercies i see yeah and and great is his faithfulness right and look his faithfulness is great but we want to live for god we want to do the things that he wants us to do and then we can just have have you know that that that trust that faith that god's going to provide for us we don't need to be those of little faith do we and that was matthew chapter six and again just i'm loving these chapters right now i think so much in them so much so much great stuff to love learn in there i hope you enjoyed that and uh on that let's go to the lord in the word of prayer to finish up lord god heavenly father i thank you for um the many lessons that we've just had out of that chapter i thank you for just making it clear um clear that that that we are expected to fast that it's not something to show off about it's not something that gives us some magic powers or something like that it's there are times and there are things that we should you know be thinking about when we fast and reasons for fasting but one of those is to serve you to do great things for you we should you know we should you know bear that in mind look and and look to fast the right way how you want us to be fasting um and and all the many other lessons that we've had out of that second part of the chapter um lessons about not focusing on money and focusing on the on you know the things that you want us to focus on ultimately your righteousness um we pray that everyone here will will be edified by that will want to do that will will not not you know end up hating you know the preaching of your word because of that because it's things which you know which may be that you know issues and problems in life that maybe they have especially when it comes to covetousness and things this world help us to have our eye single help us to to not love mammon help us to to just have all our love on you and and the serving of you help us to just put away the things of the world um and and help us to to have a good rest of the week now help us to have a uh you know a part of the week now where we're just focusing on you we're reading your word we're in prayer we turn up to soul winning um help us to get many people saved on saturn help us to all return on sunday for another day in your house in jesus name for all of that amen