(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen right so up to part two of Matthew chapter 24 and last week we we looked up to verse 31 so we're going to look from verse 32 in a second but last week we we saw a clear sort of chronological list of events which lined up with revelation chapter 6 we saw the Antichrist going forth to conquer then war famine and a quarter of the earth dying of illness war earthquakes in diverse places which is strange places all these things that cause a call to the earth to die look for those of you that weren't here basically this chapter Matthew chapter 24 is just this great very clear chapter in the bible about what's going to happen at the end of the world and what we're going to see you know going on you know the end of the world as we know it and many many preceding events and and you know as we get closer to the end wow doesn't it just seem seem not far off doesn't it and we we compared it last week with the book of revelation and the book of revelation just clearly going through these things and we know we're going to get to this point as we know from the book of revelation when we're going to have this sort of one world government doesn't seem like a stretch of the imagination now does it we're gonna we're gonna be at a point where there's going to be a cashless society doesn't seem like a long way off now does it and there's going to be this sort of beast system you know this Antichrist run system with this world leader where you won't be able to buy or sell without a mark in your hand or in your forehead again you can imagine people many centuries ago wondering how on earth is that going to work i don't think many people are wondering anymore are they and well of course not because everything in the bible is a hundred percent true we're going to look at that in a minute but we we we looked last week at all of this how here in matthew 24 jesus then went into more detail about what's to happen in between what's known as the fifth and sixth seal between the mass martyrdom starting and then christ's return and you have to turn there but with revelation 6 11 saying and white robes were given unto every one of them and it was said unto them that they should rest yet for a little season okay so we saw this little season until their fellow servants also and their brethren that should be killed as they were should be fulfilled um and this is referred to as a great tribulation and and with revelation 13 giving us more insight into this period we looked at that as well we saw how the gospel is to go out once more to all the world before you know this final confirmation that we're in those times does eventually come matthew 24 14 saying and this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations and then shall the end come and it's it's when for me we see the image of the beast in jerusalem and maybe you know it says a holy place maybe that's to reason maybe that's where the temple was maybe they have a new temple there i'm not sure but it is this image isn't it that people it seems will need to worship to basically be a part of society really isn't it and to be able to trade to be able to buy and sell and to not end up getting hunted down it looks like as well verse 15 says when ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation spoken of by daniel the prophet stand in the holy place whoso readeth let him understand then let them which be in judia flee into the mountains and then it's time to flee because you're going to be hunted like dogs if you're christian and you're saved and you know you're in one of these areas obviously in judia it's talking about here and i think we're going to see that in many places in the world there will then be great deception we saw people claiming that christ has come but but when he does come it will be as clear as lightning lighting up the whole sky as clear as lightning from the east and to the west that will be jesus christ coming there won't be any doubt you won't be having to be kind of told about it and it's a good thing to to remind us of because look we don't know we don't know when it's gone we don't know if it's coming in our lifetimes we don't know if it's maybe going to be in our kids lifetimes we don't really know so it's something that you need to keep that's that's an important thing isn't it that we're going to know that as lightly from the east to the west because they're going to try and deceive they you know try and con people verse 29 says immediately after after the tribulation of those days and we explained last week how how clearly there's two separate things there's a tribulation which believers will have to go through and then there's a wrath of god which if you're saved you're going to get raptured before the wrath is then cast out upon the people left on this earth it says immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened and the moon shall not give her light and the stars shall fall from heaven and the powers of heaven shall be shaken and then shall appear the sign of the son of man in heaven that's when jesus christ returns and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn then they shall see the son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory and he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds from one end of heaven to the other no that's not the jews or what people like to call the jews a load of christ rejecting satanic false religious worshippers of some sort of commandments of men the babylonian talmud or if they even bother with any of that no this is talking about the saved the elect of the saved that's a rapture we looked at how it lines up with with first thessalonians 4 13 to 18 first corinthians 15 to 52 among other places revelation chapter 7 we looked at that last week and then we stopped there but the the chapter then continues with verse 32 where we are where it says this so he said all of that he's explained all of that he's given this you know this kind of order of events and he says now learn a parable of the fig tree when his branch is yet tender and putteth forth leaves you know that summer is nigh so likewise ye when you shall see all these things know that it is near even at the doors and i'd like to pray before we continue with the second half of this chapter father thank you for your word thank you for this just great powerful chapter of the bible a chapter which has confused sadly many due to false doctrine help me to just preach this in a non-confusing way help me to preach this clearly and accurately lord and help me to preach it boldly as well help everyone here to have attentive ears help them all to just be able to pay attention to what your word has to say just just help the room to be edified lord help everyone here to just to just you know grow in strength and faith and learn from your word and just take away what you'd want them to take away from today in jesus name for all of this amen so so what's this parable of the fig tree that there are signs from the fig tree that summer is coming okay it's a pretty obvious parable here the branch is tender or soft the leaves are coming out and you know that therefore um summer is nine all of these things that we looked at last week are signs that we're nearly there aren't they okay so we're looking at all these different signs that we're we're getting to this point of basically christ's second coming and and it made me think of how destructive the pre-trib position is so again if you're sitting here what's what's he talking about the free trip so there are sadly there's a lot of deception out in the world about many things that comes to the bible okay you know there's deception about whether the bible you know is is inspired whether it's preserved there's deception about what different parts say there's deception about obviously salvation and there's deception about what's going to happen in the end times and one of the big deceptions out there which has been propagated by hollywood movies and other things is that suddenly a lot of believers are just going to vanish that suddenly that that that you know before any of this happens it could even happen right now we could just suddenly disappear and everyone that's saved will just suddenly end up in heaven because he could come at any time and this is what these people believe however he's just given us this list and then told us about the signs and when you when you shall see these things know that it is near even at the doors okay and the sign is is obviously like a tree you can see signs that summer's coming by what's going on with the tree said with the fig tree here the branches yet tender and put it for leaves fourth leaves you know that summer is nine this pre-trip position is so destructive because when all of this buildup is happening it should the idea is it should spur christians on to do what to go and hide off in a cave somewhere no to preach the gospel okay to go out and preach the gospel more say okay we're getting to that time let's preach the gospel let's get people saying really because in a way it gives strength to you preaching the gospel when you can just clearly show from the bible look this is all happening as the bible says you're about you're about to get whooped by god the wrath is going to come down don't take them all these things get saved get saved preach the gospel it should back all that up however the pre-trippers will be sitting on their hands really bemoaning the world and just saying even so come lord jesus because they love that one don't they that's because even so calm man world is just tough right now you know and what are they really going to be doing they're just you know because they're not thinking right we're going to get on with things and ultimately it just kind of it creates apathetic christians isn't it people that are just sitting there well you know probably going to get raptured at some point you know leave that to the kind of you know the the tribulation saints leave that to the jews they can do all that that's so nuts isn't it so bizarre but the sign should should what should happen is the signs that we're seeing should be getting preached loud and clear from pulpits across this nation shouldn't they in fact right now they should be preaching out and clear look you know you can see this coming can't you you can see we're not a long way off that should be getting preached on and clear people should be thinking i need to get my family saved i need to get you know this might be the last chance i have with uncle whoever or with my cousin or with my brother or whatever because these could suddenly get get get pretty hairy pretty quickly but instead the pre-trib position just even so come lord jesus at some point we're going to get so and instead they're just sitting around basically saying nothing to see there's nothing to see all these nothing to see here but it's probably just a section of the devil to make people believe the poster pre-rath rapture is what they probably believe and they're just like nothing to see and and they it doesn't spur them on at all does it basically because there hasn't been a secret rapture yet they're just like well until there's a secret rapture so verse 34 then says verily i sound to you this generation and basically generation can mean many different things but it's just the people of a particular period of time in this context here and the period of time being basically post first coming of christ and pre second coming of christ he said verily i sent you this generation shall not pass till all these things be fulfilled so basically these things will happen okay that's what you said there's no avoiding them there's no avoiding these things happening so it doesn't matter it doesn't matter you know how many anti-mask marches people went on or will go on or maybe we'll go on in the future i mean who knows what they're going to have us wearing and doing in the future it doesn't matter because all these things will just happen in the end okay it doesn't matter if you start marching against you know the the the microchip when it comes it's not it's not going to change anything okay he said these things must come to pass okay they will happen but but it also means that the there is also by the way these so-called near collision with asteroids i mean i wouldn't even take with a pinch of salt yeah i wouldn't even i wouldn't even bother with a pinch of salt yeah all that stuff is just absolute nonsense because all these things must come to pass so all the scare stories oh there's an asteroid hurtling towards earth well funny that because this earth wouldn't even exist without god i don't think he's going to get scuppered by an asteroid that he created i mean it's ridiculous isn't it that the that somehow cows farting which is honestly what these people believe are somehow going to change all of this that while god was kind of working this out and inspiring all of this and you know he's preaching this to them the lord jesus christ has gotten the flesh that he just not factored in those farting cows in the you know 21st century oh man if i you know he just ruined it all ruin it it's all nonsense my diesel van my diesel van that they charged me a fortune to drive into central london and a park with and apparently i have to pay environmentally environmentally friendly tariffs and not changing this it doesn't matter if i get if i get a huge big wheeled super turbo truck like we were talking about chris you bank the other week or whatever it doesn't matter it's not changing any of this this is all going to happen okay none of that's making any difference it's a complete sham it's a lie and i what a surprise it just means everyone has to pay more money at the same time because never let a good fake crisis go to waste right okay however you don't have to turn there but genesis 822 says while the earth remain if seed time and harvest and cold and heat and summer and winter and day and night shall not cease do you know that none of that's going to cease it doesn't matter it doesn't matter if the whole church went out and bought diesel vans it really wouldn't matter what matter if we all went out and bought diesel vans and then all bought a cow each as well okay nothing's none of that's changing it's nonsense okay obviously i don't think anybody is going to get pulled into that stuff he didn't forget to factor in carbon footprints okay god didn't forget that stuff now god upholds the earth yeah i've turned there joe 26 7 says he stretches out the north over the empty place and hangeth the earth upon nothing okay he hangeth the earth upon nothing it's god yeah if if god wasn't involved this would be a pretty scary situation wouldn't it spinning around in space i would that would be pretty scary wouldn't it but no it's god that controls everything okay we don't have to fear any of that he preserves all of this it you know and by the way just on that there are no pillars holding up the earth okay yeah anyway he preserves all this and do you know what else he preserves as well do you know what else he preserves aside from this world aside from this earth aside from seed time and harvest and and and the weather and the seasons and all of that stuff do you know what else he preserves his words he preserves his words he preserved the bible that's why you have a bible today that's why you hold the bible in your hand because god preserved it because there've been a lot of attempts to prevent you having the bible in your hand okay there've been in this nation alone there've been a lot of attempts to prevent the translation of the bible to to just prevent people the common man having the bible okay and you know what it was all in vain because god preserves his word doesn't he verse 35 says heaven and earth shall pass away but my words shall not pass away i mean it's not difficult is it it's it we see it time and time again the bible yet how many people but we only inspired any originals no such thing anymore so so why did jesus christ said his word shall not pass away words plural not a general gist of my words not well you know just some of my words no my words shall not pass away that means but that means he's preserved his words right forever heaven and earth shall pass away but my word shall not pass away and it's always interested me that there are so many people out there that claim to believe in bible inspiration because they do these if you ever look on statement i used to love looking at statements of faith just because trying to find a church in this nation which didn't believe something weird or even believe the gospel and even believed and even had a king joseph i was heard hard enough sometimes they wouldn't make it clear so you had to go on their statement of faith because a lot of the time they wouldn't even have a verse on their on their websites you're thinking okay let's try and see if we can find what bible version they use and then you see we believe that the bible is inspired in the originals in the original manuscript the original manuscripts are inspired and you're like that'll be a false perversion user and written off church yeah but it always it always amazed me they believe in bible inspiration but not in bible preservation turn back to chapter four what would be the point what's the point in inspiring the originals if you don't then preserve the words of god what a waste of time why are you going to do that oh well great they're inspired to for people a couple of thousand years ago but the rest of it no chance you can't even get the words i mean it's such a nonsense isn't it inspiration without preservation it's basically it would be it would be like the never-ending carrot on the string in front of you and you can fool a donkey with that yeah you could probably fool a hamster on a wheel with that but i well it seems that you can fool a lot of people as well with this can't you but it'd be like that that you're constantly searching for it you're constantly trying to get it but you can never actually get it because you never preserved it but as we know people here who stand on the word of god who stand the king james bar we know that he did preserve his word didn't he he preserved his word you matthew four you're in matthew four aren't you says this because we are told to get it aren't we matthew four four says but he answers said it is written this is jesus christ man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of god so it is actually possible there is you know we we can live by every word otherwise god was just winding us up here it's just like a bit of fun it was jesus said well you know man should not live by bread alone but by every word that preceded out of the mouth of god however you can't actually get every word so good luck guys you know let's see how you get on with that yeah because you know no such thing as no such thing as a preserved word of god anymore oh you just got to kind of you got to let some some so-called scholars just put it all together and tell you what it says you got to let them decide you've got to let them just keep changing it yeah they oh don't worry they've dug up something better now so they're going to tell you that that it's changed again actually everyone was wrong for 2 000 years i mean this is this is what we're dealing with isn't it if we're told to live by every word and it would make sense that every word is out there wouldn't it yeah good thing it would make sense that every word of god is out there if we're told to live by every word of god in fact especially when he promised like we just saw in verse 35 of matthew chapter 24 heaven and earth shall pass away but my words shall not pass away so he said to live by every word and then he also said in the same book of the bible that his word shall not pass away not the general gist his words and if his words are different depending on what version you pick up then they can't all be his words can they if if god's word is different with every single bible version you pick up it would stand you know to reason that they're not all god's words so therefore which one is god's words this is this you know some people go well how would you choose how do you choose a bible version right and obviously the bible correcting corruptible seed proponent will parrot things like well where was the bible before the king james bible they like that one don't they so where was the bible before the king james you know like got you here i think we had a clown come in here from some clown church up the road that came out with a clown statement like that and and i mean all you're doing is you're just saying i'm a clown yeah i'm a clown i'm coming out with this nonsense and look i'm not going to re-preach a great documentary that's come out if anyone hasn't watched it there's a great documentary called the preserved bible it's out on youtube you could search it i mean they've gone into depth with this really help you understand these this this point here another thing it would you know it does strengthen you doesn't it it does strengthen you as believes on this because there's a lot of attack on the word of god there's been attacks on the word of god since genesis chapter 3 so it's right at the beginning of the bible you know the devil said yay have god said yeah straight at the beginning it's what did god really say he's trying to trying to trying to shake your faith in the word of god but basically the preceding major six english bibles before the king jade's bible were all good translations i mean the the differences are minimal really aren't they they are minimal when you look at them and obviously in that documentary they do some good comparisons on it because they're all translated from the same underlying text aren't they which is the hebrew masoretic as a whole in the greek texas receptors and the kjv was perfected and look it's a translation work that has never been repeated so people that want to question oh i just can't work it out you've got this bible which is based on which is not much different to the preceding bibles for they're all using the same manuscripts that then you've got this just amazing work with 50 plus of just these great translators all working in a way that they couldn't be just an individual slant on it they're all double checking and correcting each other's work and all making sure that they're all from different backgrounds anyway they're making sure that what they what they're translating is exactly word for word the correct translation or you're going to believe that oh okay well no no actually they all had the wrong manuscripts that we didn't have the word of god before that the the greek manuscripts for the new testament were actually you know they were incorrect because there was one buried like a bit of trash somewhere and a couple of others that we just needed to dig up you know sort of 1800 years later it's nonsense isn't it it is nonsense uh turn to romans chapter 10 and is it a coincidence that this work was done in a language that has become the international language of the world anyone think that's a coincidence of course it's not so we have the greatest translation work ever undertaken seven years and and you can imagine i mean just imagine the money that must have gone in just to get these guys working on it for seven years and some of the greatest minds ever men that spoke 15 20 languages fluent in all sorts and and what a surprise it was done in a language because we've got what about in other languages well if other languages got good translation it's great but there's never been a translation work like the king james bible and they're never i doubt there ever will be in time to come and and but if that did change in hundreds of years to come if look if the look the signs of the times we don't know for sure when it's going to happen and if the international language started shifting to something else unknown chinese or something else i wouldn't be surprised if we ended up with the with what could end up being a perfect chinese translation no one's saying that that can't be the case but right now we have a translation english and it was in a time when ing when the language english was to go on to become the international language of the world we have a translation which is perfect there there is no error in our king james bible but it would still be from the historically used manuscripts if there was a chinese translation for example yeah it still wouldn't be from any of these false joke clown manuscripts would it not not from those and and look at risk of doing a poor job of trying to prove prove the preserved word of god let's just look at romans chapter 2 and verse 17 because really this is what it comes down to romans 10 17 says so then faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of god and that's really what it comes down to if you have saving faith it's because you heard the word of god if you're saved you heard the word of god now you might have heard the word of god in another language if you're not a native english speaker here but if you're saved you heard the word of god okay and if you heard the word of god then and you got saved then it would be pretty sensible to carry on listening to and reading the word of god right no one here got saved by the niv no one here got saved by the rsv no one here got saved by any of the you name it esvs you know any rst uvs it's just you know no one got saved by any of this rubbish they got saved by the king james bible or they got saved by another texas receptors when it comes to new testament translation which was probably pretty identical to the king james bible right in another language no one's getting saved by this junk you put your faith in the word of god and in english it had to be the king james bible and you go oh well you know people like to come up with this i go oh what about if you heard like maybe it was one of the verses which they hadn't changed you know and i had a person say to me you're saying it's faith plus the king james version anyone ever heard anyone say that before oh you're adding you're adding the king james bible to faith no i'm saying that it's faith in the word of god that's what it is it's faith in the word of god that gets you cannot get saved without the word of god you have to have had the word of god preached to you at some point i said this on on sunday someone says to you oh i just read it and i believe nonsense you're either a liar or you're unsaved or probably both okay you got saved because someone preached you the gospel out of the king james bible or the equivalent in another language and you're putting your trust basically if you think about it in the written words account of the word that was made flesh you're ultimately putting your trust your faith in the word aren't you yeah that's what you're putting your faith in look at romans 10 9 while you're there in romans 10 and tell me if the niv says the same thing the new international version says this if you declare with your mouth jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised you from the dead you will be saved now you might go well what's the difference brother and i'll tell you what the difference is yeah calling jesus lord sounds a lot to me like lordship salvation that sounds to me like you're basically going well i i've said that jesus is lord of my life that's why i'm saved not i confessed with my mouth the lord jesus yeah i confessed him as my savior that's a bit different than calling him lord right yeah you can see see how that subtle little difference make a big difference with salvation can't it turn to john 316 and tell me if the niv says the same thing john 316 the niv says for god so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life well that's funny because if you're in john whether john 316 in the king james bible said but god for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that who so believed in him should not perish but have everlasting life there's a difference there between begotten and one and only because i tell you what anyone saved here who's a male is the son of god so how on earth did he give his one and only son if john 112 were you in john says but as many as received him to go to them gave you power to become the sons of god even to them that believe in his name so if you put your faith in christ you became a son of god so how on earth did god send his one and only son because he didn't send me he didn't send you he sent the lord jesus christ he's only begotten son it's false it's false turn to john first john five seven and tell me if they say the same thing first john so that's towards the back of your bibles now first john five seven which says in the niv for there are three that testify and that's it but there are three that testify what happened to the rest of it what happened to to what the king james bible says for there are three that bear reckon in heaven the father one the holy ghost of these three are one father one the holy ghost of these three are one you know he says for there are three that testify so from there again can you really teach who the lord jesus christ is no it's for the three that does what does that even mean look we could do this all day long with all of these joke false versions of the bible okay look that's just the niv because it's possibly the the biggest selling false version of the bible i think it flits around i think the scholars like to think the esv it sounds a bit posture and a bit more like you're intellectual it's all a joke what did you get saved by and for me that's good enough isn't it turn to psalm 12 what did you get saved by and what you got saved by should be what you carry on reading because they'll try and con you oh it's easier to understand it is nonsense yeah it is if you're unsaved yeah if you're unsaved you're not going to understand the word of god but it's not easy to understand my children read the king james bible and everyone else here if look if you're saved you want to start reading i hope you are reading the king jesus but i'm sure everyone here is psalm 12 verse 6 says psalm 12 and verse 6 says the words of the lord are pure words of silver tried in the furnace of earth purified seven times thou shalt keep them oh lord thou shalt preserve them from this generation forever that's good enough for me i hope it's good enough for you god said it preserve his word from this generation forever if it's not here where is it please someone tell me where it is it's here by the way the niv says this in verse six and the words the lord are flawless like silver purified in a crucible like gold it just sounds so bad does it like gold refined seven times you lord will keep the needy safe and will protect us forever from the wicked something doesn't add up yeah one of those is wrong they can't both be the word of god can they one's saying that he's going to keep the needy safe and will protect us forever from the wicked and one says about the words of god thou shalt keep them oh lord thou shalt preserve them for this generation forever which by the way lines up with many other verses in the bible which says you know the you know that his truth shall endure forever like we just saw heaven and earth shall pass away but my word shall not pass away etcetera and one completely changes it they can't both be the word of god i know which one i'm choosing the one who got me saved verse 36 back in matthew 24 i'm going to move on from this point though because i've got a bit to get through says this but of that day and hour knoweth no man no not the angels of heaven but my father only see they say see no one knows a day now this is what the free tribble say no but he's just given us a load of science to look out for okay so yeah no we don't know the day and the hour but we do know that there's some signs we're meant to be looking out for to get a fair idea of when around about that day and now it's going to be yeah verse 33 said so likewise ye when ye shall see all these things know that it is near even at the doors how's that going to happen with just an out of out of the blue pre-trib rapture impossible and by the way you didn't say of that day and hour will know no man you could argue by the way as well he says at that point knoweth no man maybe some will be able we'll be close at the time i don't know but but you know we're on that point you know there are signs there's a period of time i believe that we're going to know from when the abomination of desolation set up but will we know exactly when it's set up will we know exactly that day and hour that it's set up or will we just know wow wait a second we're being told this abomination of desolation is now there i think that's more likely and we're going to them from there for those of you that are kind of hot on your kind of on your end times prophecies are going to go okay we've got two and a half months it looks like from here but we're not going to know the day and hour are we but we are told to look out for the signs that were in that period of time right okay but he said to watch in verse 42 as well didn't he what what are we watching for all of the signs that we've just been told about verse 37 says but as the days of no he were that's noah by the way just a greek version of so shall also the coming of the son of man be for as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking marrying and giving him marriage until the day that no he entered into the into the ark and knew not until the flood came and took them all away so shall also the coming of the son of man be could these people have known no by the way so they didn't yeah they were eating and drinking giving in marriage and everything else but could they have known had they actually wanted to listen to the word of god yes they could had they wanted they could turn to genesis six while you turn to i'm going to your turn to genesis chapter six i'm going to read first peter 320 which says which sometime were disobedient when once a long suffering of god waited in the days of noah while the ark was a preparing wherein few that is eight souls were saved by water so god was long suffering he waited while the ark was being built what was he waiting for genesis chapter six you've turned to a verse 13 we see when god warns noah of what was to come it says verse 13 and god sent unto noah the end of all flesh has come before me for the earth is filled with violence through them and behold i will destroy them with the earth make the an ark of go forward rooms shout thou making the ark and shall pitch it within and without with pitch see some sort of waterproofing there so god warns him of what was to come before commanding him to build the ark what was noah doing when he wasn't building anyone want to take a guess well you have to turn to second peter two five says this and spared not the old world but save noah the eighth person a preacher of righteousness bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly no i was preaching no i was a preacher no i was was preaching the truth no i was preaching about the wickedness no i was preaching many things i believe no i was preaching salvation he is a preacher of righteousness but i'm sure he's preaching about what he'd just been told before he started making the art now there's varying kind of opinions on how long it took to make the art whether it was 120 years or less it doesn't really matter it short a long time you see the size of that thing and i don't know how many laborers he got involved with that maybe he got a lot of laborers involved and then they never got on it but probably his sons i don't know but i'm sure it took a long time right before power tools and everything else as well so for all that time he's a preacher of righteousness what's my point is in matthew 24 if you go back there is it that they missed the secret rapture know that they ignored the warnings and didn't get saved okay they and that's what we're seeing in the future people are going to ignore the warnings and not get saved yeah verse 40 then says then shall to be in the field the one shall be taken in the other left two women shall be grinding at the mill the one shall be taken in the other left watch therefore for you know not what hour what hour not you've got no idea when this might come no not what hour your lord doth come okay so we've got what could seem like conflicting information okay on one on one hand if you remember last week we've been told to flee for our lives haven't we yeah anyone ever wondered this when you read this on one hand we're told flee for your lives run run run flee flee flee then here it starts evoking images of the mainstream view of people disappearing at any point when just getting on with things yeah turn to matthew 10 which for me helps us to understand this so matthew 10 he's sending them out soul winning and he's warning them of the persecution which will continue all the way to the end times okay so he's warning that if you're a soul-winning christian you will you shall suffer persecution okay if you're out and you're preaching the gospel you're going to get persecuted okay look loads of christians don't get much persecution because they don't do anything they're not doing anything for god if you're doing things good but you should be happy and rejoice rejoice if you're worthy to suffer persecution it's not something that we shy away from this passage from verse 17 by the way is almost identical to part of mark 13's account of the olivert discords okay okay so mark 13 being the parallel one of the two parallel passages to here with luke 21 to matthew 24 and here in matthew 10 it just lines up so he's like a kind of he's preaching this earlier look some things need preaching regularly don't they some things need preaching more than once okay and jesus christ preached this more than once okay and this is what he says in matthew 10 and from verse 17 he said but beware of men for they will deliver you up to the council and they will scourge you in their synagogues and you shall be bought before governors and kings for my sake for a testimony against them and the gentiles but when they deliver you up take no thought how are what you shall speak for it shall be given you in that same hour what you shall speak for it is not you that speak but the spirit of your father which speaketh in you and the brother shall deliver up the brother to death and the father the child and the children shall rise up against their parents and cause them to be put to death and you shall be hated of all men for my name's sake but he that endureth to the end shall be saved now before we go on with that obviously we pre we looked last week it's not talking about salvation it's physically physically being saved from what looks like decapitation other fun ways of killing christians we shall be hated of all men for for my name's sake and again back in history you might have wondered it's certain periods not at all many civilizations have had times where you can see why christians would be hated but i'll tell you what right now again this doesn't look like a great jump does it i mean already already what we stand for is as bible believing christians in this church and other similar churches it does result in people hating you doesn't it and what they do they call you some sort of hate monger they they say that this is hate speech preaching the word of god preaching what the word of god says about sodomy preaching what the word of god says about these sorts of vile disgusting people that have been pushing us pushing our kids pushing our society and you can see why at the end which seems to be you know as far as i'm concerned coming quicker than we probably would have thought why we're going to be hated for his name's sake even the fact you just preached that it's that it's grace for faith alone means that all the ecumenical oh there's many different paths to god oh well it's all god all start to hate you as well you're hated for daring to preach what the bible says about hell and to preach what the bible says about that jesus christ said i am the way the truth and the life no man cometh unto the father but by me and even that a lot and really that's really what it really boils down to the sodomy stuff and other stuff they kind of use almost as a scapegoat really don't they because really what does it come down in the gospel that's what it comes down to look at verse 23 but when they persecute you in this city flee you into another for verily i say unto you you shall not have gone over the cities of israel till the son of man become look at that again you shall not have gone over the cities of israel till the son of man become talk about fleeing from one to the other we're told to flee for a reason the fleeing is not just for fun it's not well flee and then you can get decapitated flee and then you can get arrested and you can get killed for christ's sake just you can have it you can burn off a few calories before that happens no we're told to flee because there will even be cities in israel where christians will be able to flee to yeah anyone disagree with that no that's what the bible says the bible says you shall not have gone over the cities of israel till the son of man become so you can flee to one city and maybe the persecution will wrap up in that city and you'll be able to find another city that you can flee to so the fleeing in the end times isn't just a bit of fun the fleeing is because there will be for me places of refuge there will be places there will be safe now those safe areas might change within that kind of couple of months maybe it'll be all right for a couple of weeks and maybe you'll be going to another place but if even in israel in israel where literally satan's seat seems to be that tells me that maybe here another place in the west there might be some safe places yeah okay so for so therefore there will then be for me saved and unsaved in those places of refuge it's like oh well flee here because it's now only like saved believers there look maybe there's going to be maybe there'll be a combination look you might be fleeing with people that maybe are still trying to blag that they're safe when they're not okay there's going to be lots of different types of people and look not everyone otherwise by the way if everyone took the mark then who are the 144 000 witnesses preaching to who are the two witnesses preaching to who's who's there no there are still look i know the world will wander after the beast and he causes all both you know both poor and great rich and small however look that says a majority there are still going to be those it's going to be it's going to be those that that look those guys that sit there right now you know with their kind of anti-electromagnetic t-shirts on and stuff like i came across one of these guys who are back yeah who's like you know sensing all the em rays everywhere and some of these guys i'd imagine they might avoid the mark yeah they might be fleeing with you okay then then look at verse 40 where we are back in matthew 24 matthew 24 verse 40 then shall two be in the field the one shall be taken in the other left two women shall be grinding at the mill the one should be taken in the other left watch therefore for you know not what our your lord doth come so that for me kind of explains that okay there's going to be people and places where you can go and people are still gonna have to still gonna have to grind at the mill they're still gonna have to do something they still have to do stuff in the field and everything and they're going to be those that are saved you know when the when the lord comes and you flee to a good safe area and there'll be those that aren't saved and gonna be left behind yeah he's okay he said to watch verse 42 watch therefore what are we watching for then what are we watching for are we watching because we might miss the rapture no are we watching because i just didn't quite you know the the last bell was going and i didn't quite make it oh hang around for the wrath now might as well take that mark no we're watching because we want to make sure that our friends and family are saved that's what i believe showing them what's happening and all of that showing them what's going on that's what we're what we're watching for the sides so we can look this is a time to get people safe this is a time like when you're when you're at this this point people are getting persecuted christians are getting killed all this stuff's going on it's like look i need to preach the gospel i need to preach it harder i've got a short amount of time left think of how many and you might like and sometimes we look at this we think about it from our point of view you're like what a course you know what's the what think about all the back-slidden christians out there think about all the just lame christians think about the lame think about the lame free trippers out there that don't even do anything i mean what what for them that or just the free gift of run christians the many people you get saved you're i know that personally i know they got saved but they just don't want anything to do with church they don't really want to they don't want to live for god they don't want to they don't want to continue in his word but those people those people they need to hear this for their family's sake don't they need to hear this for their friend's sake for those around them and not to just look back and regret and also because they're going to be the ones that get decapitated because who's going to be saved those are enduring to the end those that are still soul-winning until the point when they're told to flee and that's why we're looking out and looking out and looking out and also so we're ready to endure to the end so we know right now i've got to get out of here and and there are many look the vast majority of christians in this world saved people don't have a clue about any of this they're going to be like sitting ducks they don't have a clue no they're not going to take the mark but i'll tell you what they're not going to last very long are they he said this he said but know this that if the goodman of the house had known in what watch the thief would come he would have watched would not have suffered his house to be broken up therefore be ye also ready for in such an hour as you think not the son of man cometh so those who aren't watching who haven't heard this sort of preaching i'm not just talking myself just people who've just preached the bible as it is yeah preach preach this clear true those who let's use this one haven't rightly divided the word of truth because there was that guy they haven't rightly divided those that haven't really rightly divided the word of truth are going to get caught out aren't they how many pre-tribbers are going to get caught out all the all those pre-tribbers out there are just going to be they're not going to know what's going on and you're going what you mean can't wouldn't they then at that point now they quickly you know go out and preach the gospel and you know what's going to happen well look maybe they've been telling all the unsaved well it's when i vanish if i vanish make sure you get saved make sure if i suddenly disappear i can imagine they're saying this stuff aren't they then you've got to make sure that you call the name of the lord you know or they'll say then you've got to make sure you confess that jesus is lord that that'll be that'll be what's going on isn't it and look turn to luke 17 because luke 17 gives us two people during events in history the picture the rapture and gap and then god's wrath afterwards okay we're going to look from luke chapter 17 and and see what what the difference is here okay because this is what it comes down this is what it boils down to it's the effects on those around you unless you're so hard-hearted that you really don't care about your family friends and everything else look we care don't we yeah we care about those around us we care about those that we're growing up with we care about those that we're in contact with we want to get people safe luke 17 and verse 26 luke 17 26 says this and as it was in the days of noe so so shall it be also in the days of the son of man they did eat they drank they married wives they were given in marriage until the day that noe entered into the ark and the flood came and destroyed them all so noah preached it and preserved his family including dulcimer lord didn't he we saw that noah ended up on the ark with his wife with his three sons and their three wives yeah now look at verse 28 that's one type of person yeah again that pictures really the kind of the rapture that's what it's a picture of and then the wrath of god yeah now look at verse 28 likewise also as it was in the days of lot they did eat they drank they bought they sold they planted they builded okay now you're going wait a second isn't there the great tribulation look this is the world the world even after even after the beginning of soros even after people keep getting killed even after the quarter of the world even after the war and everything when it's world leaders there and they're like peace and safety they're like this is great let's start celebrating oh we get a mark you don't even have to get your credit card out yeah just just do it with your wrist brilliant yeah don't even need a dorky probably and the rest of it oh well just experiment on me that's what people are like aren't they oh great new technology what could go wrong science science you know and everything else so what what are these people going to do well he said he says here verse 29 sorry what does he do lot but the same day that lot went out of sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all yeah that's the god of the bible okay that's what god thinks of sodom and the sodomites that were in sodom he rained fire and brimstone on them all even thus shall it be in the day when the son of man is revealed so lot ended up losing his sons in law his wife if you remember and definitely won't be ruling over all jesus christ goods in the millennium will he okay so both are saved aren't they okay both are a picture of being raptured but what a difference to those that were around them you got noah where he ends up coming coming off the arc with his family intact and then you got lot who ends up with his wife dead ends up with his son's in-law dead ends up with his two daughters and we'll just stop there for those of you that know the story it go it goes downhill from there yeah two very big differences right now both got raptured though theoretically in the picture of the rapture yeah okay because they're both a picture of saved well they are both saved people and it's a picture of the rapture etc now look back at verse 45 in matthew 24 matthew 24 and verse 45 says this who then is at 45 so in matthew 24 verse 45 who then is a faithful and wise servant whom his lord has made ruler over his household to give them meat in due season blessed is that servant whom is lord when he cometh shall find so doing verily i say unto you that he shall make him ruler over all his good so look there are rewards to come in the millennial reign yeah okay it's not just it's not just no you oh well i just care about people around me i don't care about the rewards i don't care look we do that's why god keeps trying to inspire us with rewards god keeps trying to to provoke us unto love and to good works he wants us to do good things and he's encouraging us with the promise of rewards if you live for him and do stuff for him so there are rewards to come but what about those that don't take heed now for me here this next passage i believe that these are those that don't get saved i'll explain this in a second okay and and um yeah let's have a look first verse 48 says but and if that evil servant evil servant here shall say in his heart my lord delayeth is coming and shall begin to smite his fellow servants and to eat and drink with the drunken the lord of that servant shall come in a day when he looketh not for him and in an hour when he is not uh sorry that he is not aware of and shall cut him asunder and appoint him his portion with the hypocrites there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth and obviously that's a picture we see of hell and the lake of fire etc now turn to luke 12 because of course there will be the work salvationists who would claim that this guy lost his salvation okay nonsense rubbish that's impossible otherwise believe in the lord Jesus Christ as thou shalt be saved they would have been lying when Jesus Christ said who so believed in him should not perish but everlasting life was actually lying he actually meant who so ever believed in him and then uh do a do a good study on end times and make sure that you you you know carry on warning people and doing the right things at the end of the world no you cannot lose your salvation so what's he's talking about now some will see it as a saved person who's not keeping his eye on the prize okay and it's not and say well maybe it's not talking about hell at the end in look uh you could say that but the weeping and gnashing your teeth to me sounds pretty hellish to me um for me the analogy is a lord and his servants being mankind because he is lord of all so sometimes we look and go well it's a servant it must be someone say it's an analogy okay it's a picture so it doesn't have to be all right well it has to be because they must be a servant of god well it's just it's a lord and look ultimately everyone should be a servant of god but there are sadly the vast majority of the world that are evil servants yeah they don't do anything they don't get saved in the first place let alone serve him right so everyone's purpose is to serve god most don't and i believe that this is just someone that doesn't get saved so in luke 12 we're going to look at jesus is preaching uh we're going to look from verse 39 this part of the message and he says this so this is another where he's preaching the same thing and he says in this know that if the goodman of the house had known what hour the thief would come he would have watched and not have suffered his house to be broke through and again it's talking about the house and for me it's just talking about like your family it's talking about the effect on those around you be ye therefore ready also for the son of man cometh at an hour when you think not then peter said unto him lord speak yourself this parable unto us or even to all and the lord said who then is that faithful and wise steward whom his lord shall make ruler over his household to give them their portion of meat in due season blessed is that servant whom is lord when he cometh shall find so doing of a truth i sound to you that he will make him ruler over all that he hath but and if that servant say in his heart my lord delayeth his coming and shall begin to beat the men servants and maidens and to eat and drink and to be drunken the lord of that servant will come in a day when he looketh not for him and now when he is not aware will cut him in sunder and will appoint him his portion with the unbelievers then it says and that servant which knew his lord's will so this person here for me has heard knows at least the gospel has heard the gospel has rejected the gospel and prepared not himself neither did according to his will shall be beaten with many stripes but he that knew not and did commit things worthy of stripes so this is someone that maybe hasn't just outright rejected the gospel shall be beaten with few stripes he's still getting beaten though isn't he still getting still getting punished but unto whomsoever much is given of him shall be much required unto whom men have committed much of him they will ask them more so those that had the truth presented to them that have the gospel preached rejected they get the worst punishment and for me it kind of i'm thinking reprobates here thinking people that have ultimately rejected the truth rejected the gospel they're even beating the fellow servants you can kind of think about what's going to be happy in the end times of those with the mark of the beast with all these wicked reprobates in the various forms of of whether it's police army the rest of it just just persecuting christians and then but with that all sinners are due eternal punishment but there are levels aren't there there are level there are depths of hell there are people that will receive the greater damnation aren't there go back to matthew 24 so where he said here but if matthew 24 verse 48 but and if that's evil servant shall say in his heart my lord delayeth is coming and shall begin to smite his fellow servants and to eat and drink with the drunken the lord of that servant shall come in a day when he looketh not for him and in an hour that he is not aware of so he's just got no no idea of this and shall cut him asunder and appoint him his portrait with the hypocrites there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth so what's jesus christ's point don't reject him get saved and get those around you saved because once they're hunting you look mark 13 12 you know turn there says now the brother shall betray the brother to death and the father the son the children shall rise up against their parents and shall cause them to be put to death by then it's probably going to be too late for them that by the time your family are either taking the mark or even before that are just turning against you and just you know just just ah one of those christians one of those sodomite haters one of those gospel preachers one of those hate mongers whatever it is by then it's probably going to be too late isn't it but if we keep your eye on the prize and we're watching and we're keeping hard things and we're seeing what's going on and going on in the world then maybe you might get to them before it's too late you're going well look brother here i've tried to preach to all my family i'll try to preach but many don't look most christians don't do you think that those people that you got saved over the last few months just went away and just got all that tried to get all their family saved most of them don't they don't most so many people are so selfish as well or whether it's selfishness or whether it's just because they're only care about god's commandments whatever it is they don't go and do that maybe because they're embarrassed maybe because they don't know how to say it maybe because they haven't been trained how to say it because they carried on and gone back to the nom de nom church or whatever false church you're at and never got shown how to preach the gospel effectively whatever it is people if people knew the truth about the end times we're getting close to the end time maybe i need to get these people saved because they're going to get literally fire and brimstone rain down them they're probably going to take the mark of the beast and then they're reprobated they're done and they're going to go to eternal hell forever forever that that the stakes are high right stakes are very high and and christians around the world need to understand that we're getting closer and closer and closer you need to get people saved and maybe it's not your family maybe your family are saying maybe so maybe it's your neighbor maybe it's your friend maybe it's people that you don't want to on that day of judgment when you're you know you know well i'm already i'm already in heaven that that they're just looking up just why didn't you say anything why didn't you tell me why didn't you just open your mouth to preach the gospel why would you not have told me i thought we got on i thought we were friends i thought you liked me every time you said hi how are you at work and everything you didn't even open your mouth and and preach me the gospel you didn't even ask me if i wanted to hear the gospel that's all you need to do would you like to know how to be sure you're going to heaven and and how many christians out there the vast majority of christians out there will not even ask someone if they want to hear the gospel and that's what this is preaching at that's the signs that's what we need to be making sure that we're keeping aware of and that's what it's all that's what it's all about it's all about people's salvation it's all about eternity are they going to heaven or are they going to hell and sadly most people are going to hell and that's the lesson from it we'll turn to john chapter 16 because look all this pre-trib stuff is ridiculous okay second timothy 312 with your turn there says yay and all that will live godly in christ jesus shall suffer persecution you live godly in christ jesus you're suffering persecution okay that that's a given okay there's none of the oh god doesn't appoint us to and then they like to combine it with the wrath no no no no you will suffer persecution you will go through tribulation if you're a believer especially if you live godly in christ jesus it's a given it's happening the question is are you going to watch be prepared get people saved not allow your house to be broken up get your family saved make sure your kids are safe make sure your parents are saved make sure whoever it is are you going to show him the truth of god's word are you going to show him look these times are coming look look you just got to put your faith in christ you're going to show me you you know on some have compassion make a difference others save with fear pulling them out of the fire and it's going to be a fire on this earth as well in many places i mean what is it is it a third of the earth is going to get burnt up i mean look some people some people will respond to the fear of what's happening look look what my bible says it's all happening john 16 verse 33 says this these things that i have spoken unto you that in me you might have peace in the world you shall have tribulation but be of good cheer i have overcome the world so look we're going to have tribulation okay it's coming and we already many of us have had it in life we'll continue to have it in life and we're definitely going to have it if we live to the end times because we are going to go through the tribulation like it or not look i tell you what the pre-trip position i mean that's the easy option isn't it look if i if if you had to choose if you could just pick and choose and you didn't just go on what the word of god says you would just go give me the pre-trip all day long i like the sound of that i'm just going to vanish anytime and be in heaven and glory forever but however what what the truth is is what's important to us yeah it might not be popular but it's true in the world you shall have tribulation but be of good cheer that means be happy be happy i have overcome the world jesus christ has overcome the world yeah we're going to have some tribulation in this short vapor of a life but where are we going to be for eternity oh heaven and with a little jolly jaunt of a thousand years in the millennial reign which i'm looking forward to that that i can picture a bit more i suppose heaven it's you can't even get your head around can you and what amazing that's going to be so we are going to have tribulation but we win in the end don't we anyone read the last page you know you win yeah we all win you're saved you win yeah if you're not saved get saved on that let's pray father thank you for your word thank you for you just what a great chapter the bible a great chapter which although for many might be scary it might might be daunting thinking about this time to come whether it's us our kids our grandkids or generations down the line you know obviously we we don't wish these scary times hard times upon upon others but those those of us and there are many here that have you know been been trying to live godly in christ jesus would have already suffered persecution we've already gone through tribulation in the world we will have tribulation that's whether whether we lived to the end times or whether like many many many many generations of christians before us we don't live to the end times we are going to go through tribulation and many have gone through horrendous tribulation and look we're not special this generation you know now or the next one aren't so special that they're going to be raptured but all the other christians in times past well we all know that we we i think everyone here has a firm grip on end times and what the bible says um i thank you that you do make it clear i thank you that that with a little study a little comparison um and with rejecting of just you know that the the so-called theologians and all these all these types of people out there and just just an acceptance of what your word says we can be clear on the subject help us to be strong if we do end up getting closer to those times in our lifetimes help the children here to be strong as well help us to just want to keep serving you to endure and to the end by preaching your gospels so that you know we can be those that look up in the sky and see you coming as lightning from the east to the west and wow what a day that will be lord and we thank you for that we thank you for the all the many blessings that are to come and we just pray that you help us to all get home safe and sound and to return here on sunday for another day in your house just thank all this amen