(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Matthew chapter 21 let's just look at verses 4 & 5 again so Matthew 21 and verses 4 & 5 which read all this was done that it might be fulfilled which is spoken by the Prophet saying tell ye the daughter of Zion behold thy King cometh unto thee meek and sitting upon an ass and a cult the foal of an ass and the title of my sermon this morning is King Charles Christian coronation circus King Charles Christian coronation circus I'd like to pray before I get going with the message father thank you for your word thank you that well you make it clear how a king ought to behave how even you know we could see see a type of coronation here in this passage and Lord are we you know there's so many stark differences between the you know the king of kings the Lord of Lords and the worldly kings of this world Lord we pray that you're just help me to make that clear to help me to preach the message that you've laid on my heart clearly and accurately Lord help me to do it in the right way in the right spirit everyone have attentive ears Lord please fill with your spirit in Jesus name we pray Amen well I keep a finger here and turn over to Romans chapter 13 Romans 13 unless you've been in hiding recently you will know you will have noticed a big event has just happened in this nation King Charles the third had has just had his coronation and from I saw the highlights and and read quite a bit about it from what I could tell it was an absolute disgrace okay it was an absolute disgrace a circus like mix of false religion idolatry wasted millions wasted times ecumenical brainwash more men in dresses and down at the local library it seemed as well and and in fact they even had a name I heard this one apparently they claim that they had shards of the original cross of Jesus Christ incorporated in some bizarre or like thing with a cross and I anyone heard that stuff yeah they saw that claim oh yeah yeah they got shards of the original cross it all this kind of just worshipping of just nonsense the the holy anointing oil was apparently from the Mount of Olives tell you some some guard there saw them coming didn't they it's like yeah I've got this special mount of olives olive oil it's probably Tesco's own brand wasn't it but I was thinking about King Charles's coronation and then I think about what a stark contrast it is to to the true king and his coronation because you could argue that Jesus Christ's final entry into Jerusalem followed by his crucifixion was a type of coronation of the King of Kings wasn't it and thank God that there is a stark contrast okay I was a millennial rain doesn't sound quite so pleasant does it if we're being ruled by someone anywhere near like King Charles okay however we're going to look at some of the differences but before we do I want to clear up a false teaching out there in case people are starting to wonder now thinking wait a second is he allowed to do this you know because what about Romans 13 well we're going to turn to Romans 13 in fact you've turned haven't you because one false teaching is that Romans 13 says we can't criticize the government or in this case the monarchy that we're subjects of but but is that what Paul is telling us in Romans 13 let's have a quick look at Romans 13 just to clear that up before we get started properly Romans 13 in verse 1 says let every soul be subject unto the higher powers for there is no power but of God the powers that be are ordained of God so God ordains leadership doesn't he but no God didn't choose King Charles to be King the same as he didn't choose Adolf Hitler Joseph Stalin Pol Pot the Emperor Nero okay and of course there are these bizarre you know Calvinists that would believe this it would think that he basically chose all these like weird psychopathic leaders of the past you know to fulfill his will or something else no he doesn't choose these people he instituted or appointed leadership and whether that's in the home by the way it's not just in in government in in the church in the workplace in the region even and in the nation we're to be subject to the highest to the higher powers the highest power is God okay so we're to be subject to the higher powers and eyes at the top of that is God so if your boss tells you to do something you do it unless a bigger boss tells you not to yeah so so for example I don't know if my if I was at work in a company and my boss tells me to do something and then his boss comes along he says I don't want you doing that who am I gonna listen to it I listen to the higher boss right that's how it works in life and and if what you're told to do is contrary to what God tells you to do or not to do then you do what God tells you to do yeah okay that that's a clear teaching above verse 2 says whosoever therefore resisteth the power resisteth the ordinance of God and they that resist shall receive themselves damnation for rulers are not a terror to good works but to the evil wilt thou them not be afraid of the power do that which is good and thou shalt have praise the same that's how it should be shouldn't it okay that's how it should be verse 4 says for he is a minister of God to thee for good for if thou do that which is evil be afraid for he beareth not the sword in vain for he is a minister of God a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil wherefore ye must needs be subject not only for wrath but also for conscience say for this cause pay you tribute also for they are God's ministers attending continually upon this very thing look like it or not without government without police without leadership it would be absolute mayhem okay make no mistake about it you're having many kind of anarchy type ideas you might have had in the past it's not a good thing right it basically basically be the biggest numbers and the most violent would rule okay and I don't really like the sound that when you see how scummy some people are out there don't think that would go too well with it okay so for that reason for that reason we should pay what's Jewish look we need a police force we need government okay otherwise it would be it would be mate it would be horrible okay verse 7 says render therefore to all their Jews tribute to whom tribute is due custom to him custom theater him fear honor to him honor now we don't like what they might spend a lot are a lot of our taxes on however if you don't like it go to somewhere else yeah don't start them becoming a bad citizen because we need look we need a government at the end of the day and if we all just refuse to pay taxes and ultimately we're not gonna have a government yeah okay so we do need that we're to pay it we to give respect to those in leadership in our lives and that's all areas as well however turn over to Ephesians chapter 5 because the highest power God he also tells us to shine the light upon evil okay so yes we're to submit to the leadership in our lives however also to shine the light on evil as well in the world Ephesians 5 and verse 11 says Ephesians 5 11 says and have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness but rather reprove them for it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret but all things that are approved and made manifest for by the light for whatsoever does make manifest is light so we are told to reprove the unfruitful works of darkness to make them manifest by the light of God's Word and often those things are being committed by the very leaders that we're told to submit to so we submit to the ordinance of leadership we pay our customer we give our honor we give what's due however we're also told to shine a light upon wickedness aren't we and especially when it comes to wickedness in the name of Christianity okay that's a clear teacher of the Bible that's something that we should be doing that's what something a preacher should be doing turn to Luke 3 whilst I read Matthew 11 11 you turn to Luke 3 Matthew 11 11 says verily I sound to you this is Jesus Christ speaking among them that are born of women there have not risen a greater than John the Baptist notwithstanding he that is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he so amongst sinful men there is no one greater than John the Baptist okay according to Jesus Christ however in heaven there's no more sinful flesh so even the lamest Christian is still greater than him right okay but in life in the world amongst people that walk this earth right now or at least you could say up until the point of John the Baptist but I don't think probably there'd be you can say many of exceeded John the Baptist there was not a greater than John the Baptist that preacher in the wilderness John the Baptist said this in Luke 3 or at least we're told what he said in Luke 3 in verse 19 it says but Herod the tetrarch talking about John the Baptist being reproved by him for Herodias his brother Philip's wife and for all the evils which Herod had done added yet this above all that he shut up John in prison so that great man reproved the king that great preacher approved the king not just for taking his brother's wife adultery sounds a bit familiar that doesn't it however not just for adultery but according to Luke chapter 3 for all the evils which Herod had done sounds like he ripped face that must have been some strong sermon or maybe it was a sermon series I don't know because Herod it was a pretty wicked leader wasn't he but John reproved him for all the evils he had done as well okay John let him have it and once you're in Luke Turner chapter 13 to see a greater than John the Baptist all right a second and I say there's no one greater well there is one great than John the Baptist and this this well do we call him man or do we call him God because it's Jesus Christ and and he was using an insulting name for King Herod in Luke 13 in verse 31 it says the same day there came certain of the Pharisee saying unto him get thee out and depart hence for Herod will kill thee and he said unto them go ye and tell that Fox behold I cast out devils and I do cures today and tomorrow and the third day I shall be perfected not exactly a term of endearment was it so if the gloves come off in this sermon I'm in good company all right so the way I see it I'm perfectly entitled Jesus Christ called him a fox the greatest that's ever lived John the Baptist among men well he reproved it for the evils he'd done okay so look and last point on this if case anyone's out there thinking well what's Charles coronation got through Jesus Christ in the Bible anyway so can't worldly secular leaders you know do what they want to do well according to King Charles according to the archvillain of Canterbury and the archvillain of York as well and apparently some bloke in a dress from the Church of Scotland everything because he was presented the Holy Bible by the right Reverend dr. Ian Greenshields moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland who then said this to Charles sir to keep you ever mindful of the law and the gospel of God as a rule for the whole government sorry whole life and government of Christian princes received this book the most valuable thing that this world affords here is wisdom this is a royal law these are the lively oracles of God apparently it's a rule for the whole life and government of so-called Christian princes he called it the Royal Lord in me so let's see an example in those lively oracles of God of a true king and how his coronation look then and let's see if we can compare and see how Christian this event was go back to Matthew 21 where we're going to see the processional part of the for me the coronation of the king of kings but before we do let's remind ourselves of what happened yesterday so the whole event was estimated at between a hundred and a hundred and fifty million pounds the cost however that was the cost of the event minus a security bill which apparently cost about the same so the true cost was around three hundred million pounds three hundred million pounds his coronation yesterday now you might be thinking well it's up to them what they spend their money on isn't it thank God that they're so rich a according to Forbes the royal family apparently is worth 88 billion dollars and it's probably a lot more than that but that's according to Forbes at least so it's only a dent in their fortune isn't it well that would be the case if they were paying for it okay however being a state circus the bill is being paid by the taxpayer so good old me yeah we love to do that don't we here I'm paying for it all yeah well we are apparently everyone here that's paying tax paying for that and by the way in case you're going well what's the entry is at the end of the world we're a prosperous nation aren't we well apparently we're in a time of record national debt of 1.8 trillion pounds and the cost of living crisis a crumbling health service a rising housing crisis and and in case you're thinking well well it's just a one cut they probably all cost the same didn't they well Queen Elizabeth the second coronation in 1953 cost around 1.5 million pounds equating you oh well that was a while ago that apparently would be equating to around 50 million pounds so about a sixth of what King Charles's coronation cost yesterday but here's the irony here's the irony of it all when some poor unsuspecting child addressed him in Westminster Abbey he said this your majesty as children of the kingdom of God we welcome you in the name of the King of Kings the King replied in his name and after his example I come not to be served but to serve it's a wind-up isn't it it's a well we're gonna see the example of the King of Kings because he said in the example of the King of Kings after his example we're gonna see that have a look at Matthew 21 in verse 1 where it says and when they drew nigh unto Jerusalem and were come to Beth per G unto the Mount of Olives then sent Jesus to disciples saying unto them go into the village over against you and straight way you shall find an ass tied and a cult with loose them and bring them unto me and if any man say ought unto you you shall say the Lord hath need of them a straight way he will send them all this was done that it might be fulfilled which is spoken by the Prophet saying and this is Zechariah tell ye the daughter of sire and behold thy King cometh unto the meek and sitting upon an ass and a cult the foal of an ass so Charles on the other hand traveled in the diamond Jubilee state coach there they returned in to buck your palace in the 206 year old gold state coach slight difference there right but it wasn't just a gold coach it actually had had a carved Tritons on the phone you know what a Triton is yeah it'll put their hands up yeah yeah we've got loads at home they're sea gods so he had he had these sea gods on the front of it it's very Christian affair this yeah I mean what on earth is that about but but Jesus Christ came in an ass at which we were called we were called a donkey wouldn't we now and a cult the foal of an ass okay so a young ass a young donkey if you like and obviously you know there is a slight difference between what we call a donkey an ass but it's all pretty similar okay so and and for me in case you want to support was he came on both well he's picturing that easy yoke upon two animals okay Matthew 11 30 says for my yoke is easier my burden is light okay and for me that's what he's kind of making a point of but as opposed to the 300 million pound bill to his people for his coronation alone yeah his yoke is easy and his burden is light the real King right which but apparently apparently came not to serve but sorry not to be served but to serve after the 300 million pound bill to the nation yeah which is a bizarre statement considering that he will seemingly apparently have nothing to do with the actual running of the nation so what is he actually doing and I've got I've been thinking about this a little while so I was trying to look into this and it's quite confusing isn't it because they claim that while he it's just a ceremonial thing which makes you wonder what was the point in the whole thing why did we spend 300 million pounds on some guy that apparently has nothing to do with the running of the country anything else yet however he still apparently meets up with the Prime Minister once a week and they have a private meeting so what actually is going on do you know what it strikes me as it strikes me that it's kind of like buck-passing so they get all the benefits the huge wealth and all the other things that come from being the Royals of the of the country yet they claim to have nothing to do with anything so they never have any grief for the people going well why is our country such a mess such a joke why is there so many wicked people in power all this wickedness going on but nothing do the Royals they got nothing to do with it they're just ceremonial they just meet with the Prime Minister once a week and who knows what they talk about and apparently things have to be signed off by him and everything oh but he's got nothing to do with anything it's a bit odd isn't it but apparently he came not to not to be served but to serve verse 6 where you are though in Matthew 21 says and the disciples went and did as Jesus commanded them and brought the ass and the colt and put on them their clothes and they set him there on so no golden capes just some regular people's clothing as a saddle and a very great multitude spread their garments in the way others cut down branches from the trees and strawed them in the way so that was the red carpet and by the way when it came to the eventual crown which we're not going to go into today there was a slight difference too okay so this is this the so King Charles actually wore a couple of crowns he was crowned with the st. Edwards crown that was the one that he was crowned with which is a solid gold frame adorned with 444 precious stones the two arches have an orb and a cross representing the Christian faith apparently okay so again they want to bring Christianity into it so we're gonna compare him by the Bible right now he also he left in the Imperial State crown so apparently one crown is not enough it is made of gold and set with 2868 diamonds the largest of which is a Cullinan second you know when your diamonds got a name that it's expensive it also features some of the most historic and legendary jewels in the collection included the Black Prince Ruby said to have been part of the collection since the 14th century what did Jesus Christ wear a crown of thorns a crown of thorns bit of a difference there isn't it and and we look at verse 9 says and the multitudes that went before and that follow cried saying Hosanna to the Son of David blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord Hosanna in the highest now Hosanna means save now and they're referring to Psalm 118 it's up to you if you turn I'm gonna read it quickly verse 25 26 says save now beseech thee Oh Lord Oh Lord I beseech thee send now prosperity blessed be he that cometh in the name of the Lord we have blessed you out of the house of the Lord so basically instead of saying God save the king they're shouting save us now son of David the Christ who comes in the name of the Lord bit of a difference there isn't there yeah they're calling out to the king to save them whereas it seems that everyone else now says God save this kid right when it comes to Charles and when he was coming to Jerusalem all the city was moved saying who is this so they hadn't been flying in celebrities for the past week right and verse 11 says and the multitude said this is Jesus the prophet of Nazareth of Galilee and my title is King Charles Christian coronation circus number one because it claimed to be a Christian coronation it lacked meekness okay point number one it completely lacked any meekness at all Jesus Christ came meek didn't he came meek and lowly riding upon an ass and the cult the fold of an ass okay have a look at verse 12 though where you are we're going to move on that was an obvious point verse 12 says that Jesus went into the temple of God and cast out all them that sold and bought in a temple and overthrew the tables of the money changers and the seats of them that sold doves and said unto them it is written my house should be called the house of prayer but ye have made it a den of thieves so you've got people merchandising God's house buying selling trading coming with a goal to make money to discuss money to discuss work to discuss business etc nowadays we see that in that sort of way they sell books about the Bible in some of these types of places don't they or books by the pastor or when it comes to Westminster Abbey which claims to be a house of God by the way they usually charge 27 pounds for an adult to enter so you want to even go into that so-called house of God talk about merchandising the house of God there's a guy they're charging you to even walk in there 27 pounds apparently to go into Westminster Abbey on a normal sort of tourism day there now Jesus went in and cleaned the place up didn't they yeah he kicked them out and these aren't the only types of people though to be kicked out of God's house are they turn of 1st Corinthians 5 where we see a list of types of sinners that Jesus Christ says to turf out and therefore would have personally kicked out too yeah so I'm not saying these people necessarily weren't there however if there's evidence there are the the covetous were just selling stuff right he kicked him out Jesus Christ would personally kick them out as well 1st Corinthians 5 and verse 9 says this 1st Corinthians 5 9 I wrote unto you in an epistle not to company with fornicators yet not all together with the fornicators of this world or with the covetous or extortioners or with idolaters for then must you needs go out of the world okay so we're not talking about those of the world the unbelievers verse 11 says but now I've written unto you not to keep company if any man that is called a brother in case there's certain people that claim to be brothers and sisters in Christ that are in a church which should be kicked out he said if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator or covetous or an idolater or a railer or a drunkard or an extortioner with such and one no not to eat for what have I to do to judge them also that are without do not you judge them that are within but them that are without God judges therefore put away from among yourselves that wicked person now admittedly these are supposedly believers aren't they these are people that are called a brother these are people that are part of the church but but half of that crowd yesterday claimed to be believers half of that crowd at least claim to be believers and if you went on that on what they claim to be they claim to be Christians they say to claim to be Protestants apparently they claim to believe the Bible because that was meant to be part of the Protestant faith well fornicators and by the way without even going anywhere else that's all the sodomites out of there isn't it without even going into the reprobate doctrine okay that sodomites kicked out of Westminster Abbey that would have empty quickly wouldn't it and pretty much any other adult there that's who's not married most adults let's be honest sadly a fornicating not married but and that's nowadays standards they would have been kicked out as well so Westminster Abbey would have got pretty pretty empty pretty quickly wouldn't it but let's keep going covetous and that's pretty much most of the rest of the high profile money obsessed elite there isn't it covetous people that basically have an inordinate affection desire for money especially but things and stuff of other people's but especially money and idolater so that's all of the Church of England dress-wearing mob gone yeah they wouldn't have even had anyone to ordain him idolaters gone yeah people that make basically worship false gods yeah that's that's the idolaters gone railers that's all the representatives of the press gone because a railer is someone that basically basically lies slander false accusation etc railings always dishonest that's a media gone extortioner and that's probably all of the former prime ministers at least gone because apparently they had several former prime ministers and any other members of Parliament they're gone as well however the truth is that probably none of those people they're actually saved yeah none of them have actually trusted Jesus Christ salvation as opposed to the works of Anglicanism or any of the other false works salvation being represented there because there was a few different flavors there so maybe King Charles wasn't doing much wrong on that on that basis however during the proceedings this happened the King placed his hand on the Bible and this is what was really winding me up about it otherwise I might not have even preached about this but he placed his hand on the Bible and the Archbishop administered the oath and said will you solemnly promise and swear to govern the peoples of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland your other realms and the territories to any of them belonging or pertaining according to their respective laws and customs the King replied I solemnly promise so to do the Archbishop said will you to your power cause law and justice in mercy to be executed in all your judgments the King replied I will the King knelt at the chair of a state although I think they had like a sort of moving kind of cushioned stool thing for him the Archbishop said will you to the utmost of your power maintain the laws of God and the true profession of the gospel hear that again he said will you to the utmost of your power maintain the laws of God and the true profession of the gospel they continued will you to the utmost of your power maintain the United Kingdom the Protestant Reformed religion established by law will you maintain and preserve inviolably the inviolably sorry the settlement of the Church of England and the doctrine worship discipline and government thereof as by law established in England and will you preserve unto the bishops and clergy of England to the churches they're committed to their charge all such rights and privileges as by law do or shall appertain to them or any of them so the King replied and by the way that included will you to the utmost of your power maintain the laws of God in the true profession of the gospel and the King replied all this I promise to do the King placed his hand on the Bible and said the things which I have here before promised I will perform and keep so help me God the King kissed the Bible now at this point okay had he actually been sincere he should have maybe got up grabbed one of those ceremonial swords that and then proceeded to to maintain the laws of God shouldn't he because the room was literally full of people worthy of death according to the Bible according to the Bible that I mean after these people in that room should have been put to death look I mean sodomites false prophets warmongering murderers like Tony Blair child abusers like his brother Andrew Epstein's buddy yeah all in the room he should have got one of those swords had gone right time to go to work yeah really if he had meant his promise right serial adulterers like his wife Camilla but then he would have had to fall on his own sword wouldn't he at the end of it all but he's just made that promises and he I mean at the nerve of it and look it's it's not really shocking apart from the fact that he's promising on the Bible and kissing the Bible and he's not just kicking kissing some false perversion because it's nice and old and looks a bit more you know official they kiss the King James Bible okay so he was asked will you to the utmost of your power maintain the laws of God and the true profession of the gospel he said I solemnly I bet you were solemn about it I solemnly promise so to do it's a mockery isn't it it's an absolute mockery and now you might say well it's not in his power so why do some solemnly promised to do so so why do you solemnly promise to up to the utmost of his power maintain the laws of God even the promise to govern the people according to their respective laws and customs remember he promised that yeah should have resulted in half of those in attendance probably being arrested for some form of corruption government corruption or something similar shouldn't it by the laws of the land but but you know what the truth is the truth is he was lying okay he was lying he doesn't care about any of that because whilst his brother was buddying up with with Jeffrey Epstein the serial pedophile and when I say buddying up I mean even after he was arrested they were hanging out together even after he'd done a short spell in prison a short spell in prison Charles was best mates with Jimmy Saville I mean explain that to me King Charles our King that with all these people with their flags out of God Save the King and let's be honest a lot of it's just an excuse to be patriotic without being called a racist but that's what it comes down to doesn't it yeah but really really he's best mates to Jimmy Saville so he was best mates Jimmy Saville Jimmy Saville is now dead who by the way he led the tributes to Jimmy Saville after he died so what's that about you go well he must just not have known so are you trying to tell me that whilst half of the BBC apparently knew he was abusing children the royal protection didn't that all the people around the royalty that are checking people out background checks on people coming into contact with him they had no idea yet half the BBC knew that apparently the teaboy at the BBC knew and everyone else I mean everyone knew he was an he was a just a sick depraved pedophile didn't they but apparently but the walls didn't do me a favor but do you know that Saville was Charles and Diana's marriage counselor he was a marriage counselor Jimmy Saville was trying to mediate and help their marriage to still be a success it wasn't just Charles I mean he had he had some like nickname for a squidgy or something for done Saville did for Diana what's all that about and and look I don't think any of this is debatable even guys going is this all rumor he was described as Charles's mentor by Diana okay this is fact he just she described Saville as a kind of mentor to King Charles apparently he helped him with his public image and and like I said when he died Charles led the tributes to him now apparently Saville got in with the Royals because you go well how on earth I had they even become friends I mean where were they hanging out together to become friends it makes you wonder doesn't it well apparently got in with the rules after a character reference from Charles's uncle Lord Mountbatten who had known him for years oh that's it then good old Uncle Dickie he was known as Lord Mountbatten Charles and Mountbatten were apparently very close he was like his favorite uncle so of course he trusted his recommendation yeah okay now Oh poor Charles interestingly FBI files alleged at Mountbatten was a sodomite it was unsurprisingly into small boys okay and the FBI apparently have a lot of evidence of this and some of their files have come out more recently because I think they have a delay don't they when these things get released so his favorite uncle Charles favorite uncle was actually a pedophile as well who recommended him to the pedophile Saville who he ended up being best friends with he was a mentor to him and was involved in his marriage and they were writing letters for about 20 years as loads of evidence of the letters and you can find different copies of them and everything else amazing isn't it and they there's an old saying isn't there the Apple never falls far from the tree does it and what's going on there what's going on there now of course I can't stand here and categorically throw an accusation at him however he was best friends with Jimmy Saville and let's be honest let's be honest just away from any of that stuff if Jimmy Saville or the equivalent of him walked in here today would anyone go that's kind of best mate material he's a weirdo he's a complete widow without anything else coming out the guy was a complete weirdo wasn't he yeah apparently he was Charles salt good mentor so I wonder what else they were kind of they had in common hey very odd isn't it very odd but would he have kissed the Bible do you think had it been open on Leviticus 2013 then do you think do you think if like if I open a Bible and said I need you to like just make a vow here let me show you a verse so first Leviticus 2013 if a man also lie with mankind as he lieth with a woman both of them are committed an abomination they shall surely be put to death their blood shall be upon them do you think he'd kiss that because that'd be half his buddies dead wouldn't it that'd be old uncle Dickey put to death that have been Saville put to death and the rest of these weirdos how about had it been open on Matthew 18 and verse 6 which says but who so shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea it's just just ridiculous how many of these people in these upper echelons of society seem to be involved in abusing children they're everywhere and in the upper echelons of the religion that he seems to be a proud what is he some defender of the faith was it faith so I can't work it out now Leviticus 2010 how about that and the man that committeth adultery with another man's wife even he that committeth adultery with his neighbor's wife the adulterer and the adulterer shall surely be put to death do you think you would have kiss that verse I bet he would have I bet he would have no because if he maintained the laws of God Westminster Abbey would have been a bloodbath wouldn't there it would have been a bloodbath but but it's the law and justice that he swore to isn't it he swore to that law and justice he swore to the law of the Bible he swore to uphold that and if he was really a godly King then he would be making sure that we have the laws of God in this nation wouldn't he which well back in Matthew 21 let's go back to Matthew 21 Jesus Christ ran into town on the ass okay but then marched into the temple and kicked out the covetous traders didn't he which isn't the image that the world wants to portray of Jesus they like the meek and humble bit but not the judgment don't they okay but Jesus Christ no he walked in there and he kicked out the traders verse 12 says and Jesus went into the temple of God and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple and overthrew the tables of the money chambers changes sorry and the seats of them that sold doves and said unto them it is written my house shall be called the house of prayer but you have made it a den of thieves see a real king punishes wicked doers instead of sitting in his palace doing nothing apparently I don't know I can't work it out okay when it's at least it's at least quite a confusing picture isn't it when Jesus Christ returns he's coming in judgment isn't he so so they can laugh it up with all their mockeries because really it's a laughing stock it's a mockery of Christianity that went around to the world yeah and people who don't really know we're looking at that going oh yeah that's Christianity what a joke what a joke a lot of weirdos in dresses waving you know weird things around and ceremonial this and that and and all the bizarre stuff kissing Bibles and everything else what a mockery well he's sitting there with his with his divorcee second wife that who he committed adultery with like what a laughing stock the whole thing was wasn't it when Jesus Christ returns it's in judgment you know I've turned to Matthew 24 30 says and then shall appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven this is Jesus Christ return and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn and they shall see the Son of Man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory yeah they can laugh it up they can mock him but what that day's coming isn't it that day's coming King Charles is Christian coronation circus number one it lacked meekness number two it lacked righteous judgment yeah he wants to claim to be following the example of Jesus Christ he wants to claim the Bible he wants to claim to be a Christian prince well he lacked any form of righteous judgment there's half the room were either biblical or at least by by by the government law standards criminals then verse 14 where you are says this it says in Matthew 21 in verse 14 and the blind and the lame came to him in the temple and he healed them and when the chief priests and scribes saw the wonderful things that he did and the children crying in the temple and saying Hosanna to the son of David they were sore displeased so you've got Jesus Christ healing people which is a picture of salvation these religious leaders saw the wonderful things that he did yeah the children shouting out who he is the Christ the Savior of the world the prophesied son of David surely they'll now fall down and worship him no surely they'll repent of their false work salvation they'll put their trust in him wouldn't they no they were sore displeased why because they were Christ rejecting false prophets that's why the same people that a couple of chapters later you can have a look there while you're in Matthew go to Matthew 23 the same people that in Matthew 23 13 he said but woe unto you scribes and Pharisees hypocrites for you shut up the kingdom of heaven against men for you neither go in yourselves neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in in verse 33 said verse 33 he said ye serpents ye generation of vipers how can you escape the damnation of hell it's a rhetorical question because they can't they can't escape the damnation of hell they're what the Bible calls reprobate concerning the faith they teach and preach a false way they're false prophets that's why here in Matthew 21 Jesus didn't hang around with them he didn't try to appease them he didn't even try to win their souls did he he didn't go well everyone everyone could be saved until their dying breath no he said how can you escape the damnation of hell they can't they're done they're reprobate rejected done he said in verse 16 it says and said unto him or they said sorry here is our what these say and Jesus saith unto them yay have you never heard out of the mouth of babes and sucklings as perfected praise and he left them and went out of the city into Bethany and he lodged there he didn't want to be anywhere near him did he he just left him he left him there and walked out he left them went to Bethany he didn't want to be around them they're gospel pervertors okay turn to Psalm 119 and aside from the Church of England dress-wearing false prophets there and there were quite a lot of them there on the day King Charles coronation had dress-wearing magic hat leaders from Buddhist Hindu Jewish Muslim and Sikh false religions and probably others but they were the ones that I saw clearly advertised as being there so you had Buddhist dress-wearing magic hat wearers Hindu dress-wearing magic hat wearers Jewish dress-wearing magic hat wearers Muslim dress-wearing magic hat wearers and Sikh dress-wearing and magic hat wearers and even though these people are shutting up the kingdom of heaven against men I mean it's unbelievable isn't it these people are literally preaching a false gospel they're teaching a false way and they're coming to the coronation of the so-called Christian Prince who's kissing the Bible and swearing to uphold the law of God and the gospel the true profession of the gospel oh by the way come on in everyone that's preaching another way in John 14 6 out of 10 there Jesus saith unto him I am the way the truth and the life no man no man cometh unto the Father but by me Jesus Christ said no one's coming to the Father but by him and and even though even though so even though Jesus Christ said that even though he promised and professed to uphold the law of God and and the true profession of the gospel and even though that Bible that he kissed said in Psalm 119 of verse 128 our verse of the week Psalm 119 of verse 128 therefore this is the psalmist under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit okay all scripture is given by inspiration of God okay this is the psalmist this is Jesus Christ writing through the psalmist he said therefore I esteem all thy precepts concerning all things to be right and I hate every false way Jesus Christ hates every false way the psalmist in 119 hated every false way men of God and Jesus Christ the Son of God God in the flesh hates every false way Buddhism is a false way Hinduism is a false way Judaism is a false way Islam is a false way Sikhism is a false way Anglicanism is a false way it's all a false way it doesn't match up with the Word of God they're all false ways but to top all of all the nonsense of it all the king then knelt before the altar and said this he said God of compassion and mercy whose son was sent to be served not to be served but to serve give grace that I may find in thy service perfect freedom and in that freedom knowledge of thy truth grant that I may be a blessing to all thy children of every faith and belief that together we may discover the ways of gentleness and be led into the paths of peace through Jesus Christ our Lord our men what on earth is that to all thy children of every faith and belief that together we may discover the way the ways of gentleness and be led into the paths of peace through Jesus Christ our Lord our men now turn to Galatians 3 what sort of nonsense is that all God's children of every faith and belief that's not what my Bible says the only God and this is a God with a small G that has children of every faith and belief it's the devil well at least he's being honest because that's who really he was praying to wasn't it the devil with a little add-on of mentioning Jesus Christ at the end his children are everywhere oh yeah they're there in every faith and belief aren't they and in fact a lot of them were in Westminster Abbey yesterday his children the devil's children but my Bible says in Galatians 3 26 for ye all the children of God he's talking to a church of believers here by faith in Christ Jesus how'd you become a child of God faith in Jesus Christ it's when you trust Christ death burial and resurrection alone for salvation when you trust Jesus Christ for salvation not you believe in there's a person a prophet a man historical figure called Jesus Christ when you put your trust in him for payment for your past present and future sins when you put all your trust on him for salvation that means going to heaven and not to hell that is when you become a child of God and what's he talking about what's he pre basically subtle not even subtly what's he pushing and promoting this nonsense we're all children of God that's not what the Bible says you're kissing the Bible and then talking a load of nonsense John 1 12 says about Christ but as many as received him to them gave he power to become the sons of God even to them that believe on his name the only way you're becoming a child of God is by putting your faith in Jesus Christ okay all these other faiths and everything else are not children of God and in fact their leaders are children of the devil because it's all the same thing it's all just different versions of work salvation Charles said that together we may discover the ways of gentleness and be led into the paths of peace through Jesus Christ our Lord he knows what he's doing with that ecumenical wording as well do you think that was just kind of oh what does that mean what does it not paths plume paths of peace the whole thing was an ecumenical brainwash session that's what it was it was oh well you know I'm a defender of the faith but it's basically all faiths in a subtle kind of way non-direct way of doing it and be led into the paths of peace turn to Matthew 10 because there's only one path of peace and it's between God and men through the mediator Jesus Christ isn't it you're turning Matthew 10 first beat first Timothy sorry 2 5 says for there is one God and one mediator between God and men the man Christ Jesus those other many paths are all many paths to hell and really they're all many paths in the same sort of way aren't they yeah the terrain slightly different yeah you can kind of go this way that well that way but they're all going that way okay they all go one way or another down to hell and you know all those paths are doing they're all basically telling you can work your way to heaven you can work your way to their version of heaven whether it's Buddhism's weird version of heaven being actual spiritual Nirvana extinguishment they're working toward to death but let's not go down there the rest of them it's all just a version of heaven but all of them whether it's extinguishment or whether it's some version of heaven whether it's Valhalla or whether it's some however many virgins with the twisted pedophilic Islam or whatever it is it's all work salvation it's all based on you following their steps they have five pillars there you know eight truths or whatever they call it there's seven sacraments or whatever it is whatever it is the Ten Commandments of pretty much Anglicanism to some degree depending on who you speak because none of them seem to make their mind up look at some form of work so happy it's all about you working your way to heaven but mentioning something about Jesus Christ if you claim to be a Christian version of work your way to heaven okay but they're all doing the same thing they're all different paths to hell because the Bible is very clear that broad is a way that leadeth to destruction and many there be which go in there are okay because straight is again now is a way that leadeth unto life for you there be to find it and it's not cuz it's hard it's because they all just want work salvation they're all going down the route of work salvation they're all going down to help and the gospel is at odds with all of those different flavors doesn't matter if they pay lip service to Jesus Christ it doesn't matter if they claim to love the Bible it doesn't matter if they kiss the Bible okay if they believe that they can somehow work their way to heaven the gospel is at odds with that the gospel well it's the gospel isn't bringing peace when it comes to that that's why Jesus Christ said in Matthew 10 34 think not that I come to send peace on earth I came not to send peace but a sword Jesus Christ came not to send peace but a sword a Christian Prince if he was really a Christian if he was really in Christ and Christ was in him and he really believed the Bible that he claimed to to kiss and swear upon and everything else the laws of God the true profession of the gospel a Christian Prince would have kicked every single one that was false false prophets that in fact a real Christian Prince although it seems a bit weird by nowadays standards would have probably chopped all the heads off because they're false prophets because they're wicked now look people can choose their false way even choose what they want people don't have to be believers however those people are wicked those people are liars they're preaching a false gospel a false way of salvation and King Charles welcomed him in King Charles even claimed that there are many paths to what what peace is he talking about I'll tell you what he's talking about the ecumenical peace between all the false ways and what ultimately is that ecumenical peace between all false ways it's basically saying you dare to say that Jesus Christ is the way the truth and the life no man cometh unto the Father but by him you're basically at odds with all of us and that's ultimately what it is isn't it but every single one of those he said he came to bring a sword every single one of those paths is cut off by the truth the gospel isn't it and look Jesus Christ came to came to bring peace for the pieces between God and men through the gospel not between the different wicked false work salvation paths of false religion so King Charles is Christian coronation circus number one it lacked meekness number two it lacked righteous judgment and number three it lacked the truth it lacked the truth it was a shambles it was an embarrassment to the name of Christ and look if anyone's sitting there go well I like you know they mentioned God isn't that a good thing they even had the King James Bible I mean that's it's alright isn't it look it was an absolute shambles it was an embarrassment it was a shame on the name of Christ it was an embarrassment to our nation it was an absolute mess wasn't it it was an absolute mess it was some higher church poncing around in dresses doing a load of weird stuff absolute nonsense got nothing to do with Christianity or very little okay and and that wound me up about you guys but that woman just watching the highlights of it wound me up I mean I was just ranting at home about it that needed preaching but look yeah if you're sitting there go what do we get out of that I'll tell you what you get out of that yeah what you get out of that is people who say the name of Jesus Christ or say the name God or anything else that doesn't mean they're saved it doesn't mean they love God it doesn't mean that they follow the Bible because they kiss the Bible okay and what it should do as well is make you appreciate thank God that we serve we serve a proper king we serve a real king we serve a king that doesn't Lord it up in in billion pound or whatever they are chariot I mean who knows how much that gold chariot costs all that stuff all that just just ridiculous all that lying all that dishonesty all those wicked people yoking up with the wicked of the world and everything else no we have we have an amazing King don't we and Wow could be a lot different couldn't it thank God that you know our King well he's not of this world is he we are kings in heaven but one day he's coming back and when he comes back I'm looking forward to his rule of rain and not this whatever it is I don't even know what it is because I don't even know what power he does or doesn't have no one seems to know but what I do know is that yep we need to submit to the ordinance yeah we need to submit to the laws of the land if they don't contradict the laws of God but you know what I don't have to worship this guy and I don't have to you know say things like God say let alone pledge allegiance if they stop that in the end and there's some sort of claim they're gonna get everyone to pledge allegiance to him as well but I suppose ultimately you could say well within reason as long as he doesn't contradict the laws of God but that was a disgrace to the name of Christ wasn't it on that let's pray father thank you for well thank you for the King thank you that we we serve the King of Kings the Lord of Lords the Lord Jesus Christ thank you that you know our kingdoms not of this world either that you know that we serve a risen King Lord and not this just just what the world offers us Lord yeah we need to you know be subject to those higher powers in life here we need to be good citizens of this country but we also need to shine a light on the darkness out there we need to shine a light on false religion we need to shine a light on on especially false religion claiming the name of Christ Lord help us to do that in the right way help us to to go out this afternoon and you know preached well the the true religion preached that faith in Jesus Christ alone to people that want to hear it Lord lead us to those people help us get people safe and help us return for this evening service in Jesus name pray all the list