(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen okay so John chapter 7 starting in verse 1 after these things Jesus walked in Galilee for he would not walk in Jewry because the Jews sought to kill him now this is a bit of info Galilee in the north was separated from Judea by Samaria yeah and Samaria was a not basically non-Jewish wasn't it it was a mix-up really at this point now from what was formerly the northern kingdom of Israel and there were a few differences between Galilee and Judea now there seems to be a bit of a derogatory opinion of Galilee when they talk about Jesus being from there if you notice that when you read it and Galilee was probably a bit more racially mixed it was under Herod as opposed to Judea and Samaria's direct rule of you know being under Roman the Roman rule of Pilate yeah so this was actually so Galilee was under Herod and then you had the Roman governor directly ruling Samaria and Judea okay so it's also a big distance from the temple down in Jerusalem as well and which is where the center of the religious leadership is yeah coming from the temple in Jerusalem so although there are many Jews in Galilee Jesus was able to keep ministering there with less risk of arrest yeah okay it was just less of a kind of epicenter of the kind of the the Jewish religion there and the big point now in that verse is that the Jews sought to kill him and we obviously have talked about this a couple of times now the Jews are seeking to kill him for what yeah it's ridiculous isn't it but the Jews sought to kill him now he's not saying oh we're not gonna walk there because I'm scared it's because obviously Jesus had some a mission to fulfill didn't he so he's been wise at this point and he's not just well you know I'm just you know of course he's bold he didn't have any fear but he's still being sensible isn't he okay verse 2 says now the Jews feast of tabernacles was at hand and that's basically a seven day event with daily burnt offerings okay so it's basically a seven day feast his brethren now his brethren here is physical half brothers it's talking about you have to turn to Matthew 13 55 says is not this a carpenter son is not his mother called Mary and his brethren James and Joseph and Simon and Judas okay so these are his physical half brothers it says his brethren therefore said unto him depart hence and go into Judea that thy disciples also may see the works that thou doest for there is no man that doeth anything in secret and he himself seeketh to be known openly if thou do these things show thyself to the world for neither did his brethren believe in him now they did eventually didn't they but at this point they don't believe in him if again you have to turn about Acts 1 14 is talking about the disciples in the upper room and we see these all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication with the women and and Mary the mother of Jesus and with his brethren with one accord so at this point I would say from the text you can see that they're saved aren't they why didn't they believe here in John 7 though so why didn't they believe here and I don't you know we don't know what what exactly they had witnessed at this point but they had sure heard the Word of God hadn't they had sure heard the Word of God and they had rejected up until this point and whatever the block for them was of course Matthew 13 57 famous verse says a prophet is not without honor saving his own country and in his own house and and it can be that that much more difficult can't it to say family friends people that know you well but eventually they do believe in him because we can't we're gonna often assume that some family friend you know of you know family member or friend they've heard it plenty and like no chance they're just not going to get saved you know they've heard it I've given them the gospel a couple of times a few times maybe one time you've made it clear whatever many times you've tried and you think right not saying any something must be a reprobate or they're on their way or that's it you know no but that's not the case is it I mean Jesus brothers here had heard a I mean they basically lived with with the Word of God you know they've heard him they've heard him talk they he's clearly heard his preaching they've seen miracles at this point they don't believe but eventually they do don't they eventually they do and some I don't know sometimes I think maybe it could take you a little longer for that seed to penetrate that ground that's been hardened maybe by knowing us too well that hard that ground is hardened by just knowing us personally and not wanting to believe us not wanting to be humble enough to basically submit that we're telling them the truth that could be difficult can't it but anyways is anyway in it here you know his brothers are saying to go and show everyone in Judea so they're saying you know sure you know go and show everyone then why aren't you showing everyone why aren't you going to Judea then Jesus said unto them my time is not yet come but your time is always ready so there was a set time for Jesus to die yeah he said my time is not yet come he knew when that was going to be but he's saying but your time is always ready and and in a way that he's saying to his unbelieving brothers here you can die at any time you can die at any time and that's a warning we have to give to people don't we because some people could just be that little bit too confident and and what does James 4 14 say whereas you know not what shall be on the more for what is your life it is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanish vanishes away and look not only do the unsaved need to know this but but the saved as well don't know but the unsaved do need to know this that it is just a vapor and I was giving the gospel to someone yesterday a girl she kind of she'd heard it all she knew all you know got got to the end she's very just like nonchalant just like yeah yeah you know looking around while I was talking to her you know and you say sure you want me to finish her yeah yeah you know she just didn't really and you know at the end she said yeah I get it yeah I've heard it yeah I know and and at that point I just said to her look you might only be yeah she's up 14 year old girl I said look like you don't know what you could die tomorrow and that's the truth isn't it people could you know it happens isn't it it happens and people could die tomorrow Jesus could come at any time but but you know things can change quickly can't there life can change quickly and you know we need we need to show that to people don't we on the door sometimes and just make that clear as well because we do kind of sometimes people feel they're being invincible don't they but us believers to life you know what is your life it is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away and our time is away ready isn't it our time is away ready and you know life is sure we don't want to have any regrets do we we don't want to get to the end of our life and think if only I'd just give them more to God finally I've done more for you know for the faith if only I've done more soul-winning or if only I'd done more for the church or if only I'd done more in this area that if only I'd spent more time with my family as well if only I'd done you know we don't want to have that do it and we want to appreciate that life is short and it does pass you by and the older you get and you know okay like I'm no age yet but as you get older it just gets quicker and quicker and quicker and each year just passes by doesn't it quicker and quicker kind of looking at the slightly older guys here but but it does doesn't it and and you know and then you think wow that years it's gone and then the next year and the next year and it's fast isn't it so yeah we need to keep that in mind now verse 7 says the world cannot hate you but me it hateth because I testify of it that the works thereof are evil now remember he's talking to the unsaved here though okay he's talking the unsaved where he says the world cannot hate you because if you turn to John 15 says the world cannot hate you here in verse 7 but me it hateth because I testify of it that the works of evil now John 15 and verse 19 he says if you were of the world the world would love his own but because you are not of the world but I have chosen ye out of the world therefore the world hateth you now he's talking to his disciples there first John 3 13 says marvel not my brethren if the world hate you okay so we shouldn't be surprised it hates us don't be surprised because remember we dwell in him and him and us yeah so of course they're gonna hate us but here he's talking to the unsaved the world cannot hate you but me it hateth because I testify of it and that goes a you know and we partake in that don't we and and it was we're probably all learning here and many maybe today some of you I had a good one today you know guys you know abusing me from a balcony then came out you know and wanted to start giving me and my kids you know to some degree some abuse as well it just and I'm even knocked on his door I'd knocked on it I didn't get a chance to give the gospel I just interesting the Bible well I knocked on the door and just started you know swearing and and everything else and they hate you don't they they hate you for having a for having a bottle I mean this guy you know you don't want to throw it out too much for this guy was definitely wrong and you know and it's sad isn't it but I'm in fact it brother John and Andre had had some problems with him a few months several months ago as well but anyway so yeah look we're testifying that the works are evil aren't we when we go out with the gospel with the Bible we're testifying that basically everyone in the world is a sinner aren't we and we're testifying of the evil of the works and and that includes the works of false works based salvations doesn't it it's not just you're telling them they're a sinner you're basically telling them that their false religion is wrong because it is isn't it not only is it wrong it's wicked it's evil and you and and it's telling people that they can work their way to heaven and we're testifying of that when we go out with the gospel aren't we were saying no your religion is wrong no your works whatever it is whatever mishmash of religions they've chosen to follow whatever God they've made and chosen to follow it's wrong the works are over evil but notice how they hate us don't they they hate us they hate us giving the gospel the repent of your sins Baptist doesn't I don't I've never noticed that level of hatred for the Jehovah's Witness anyone notice that before or for the Roman Catholic or the Mormon anywhere near as much for us you know they they you know they would claim they hate the false way but they don't seem to care about the other versions of work salvation do they don't care about the Pentecostal telling you've either got to be you know baptismal regeneration or you've got to keep repenting it seems so fussed about that they don't seem so fussed about the Roman Catholic seven sacraments I don't see no it seems they definitely sadly most of them don't seem fussed about the Jewish workspace salvation do they but they do seem to hate grace through faith don't they they do they absolutely hate it they still curse say they you know they they despise us funny anyway well it's not funny but it's it's interesting because they claim that their way is right don't they but like I say they don't seem to hate the other ways of work salvation so why doesn't that matter obviously I don't really matter as long as there's some works you know oh you know it doesn't matter if they're preaching that you've got to get baptized or they're preaching that you've got to keep doing whatever it is you've got to keep asking forgiveness every time you sin or keep repenting your sins as long as they're not claiming that you don't have to repent of your sins at all you know because then well then it's like the knives are drawn aren't they sad now they hate us because the true gospel testifies that their works are evil and it testifies that their false religion that their false gospel is evil doesn't it okay verse 8 says go ye up unto this feast I go not yet up sorry I go not up yet unto this feast for my time is not yet full come when he had said these words unto them he abode still in Galilee but when his brethren were gone up then went he also up unto the feast not openly but as it were in secret look at verse 8 there it says he says I go not up notice a word yet unto this feast so if he'd gone in a group with his brothers he probably would have been spotted much easier wouldn't he yeah if he just turned out with a with a kind of entourage of people so he says I go not not up yet unto this feast in verse 9 it says when he had said these words of them he abode still in Galilee then he goes to the feast once they've got there okay pretty simple you can see that from this passage okay verse 8 to 10 in the NIV anyone want to hear what the NIV says you go to the festival I am not going up to this festival because my time is not yet fully come after he'd said this he stayed in Galilee however after his brothers had left for the festival he went also not publicly but in secret by the way that's the same in the ESV the NASB the NLT the ASV pretty much every false version I could find they're calling Jesus a liar aren't they so according to the false Bible versions Jesus is a liar Jesus lies to people tricks them and then sneaks in afterwards I mean it's absolutely terrible isn't it and that's just one of many many many things it I don't know what made me I'm sure I must have heard that preach sometimes I was going through this I just suddenly it just dawned on me that and I thought I wonder what the false version saying for sure yeah I think I've heard it preached somewhere so basically the unblemished Lamb of God you know who knew no sin if it made him to be sin for us who knew no sin you know that one yeah Jesus Christ well according to the NIV no he's just a liar he just lies to people cheats them deceives them and just again one of one of many many reasons to avoid these satanic wicked perversions aren't they how can you call yourself the Word of God and you're calling the Word of God a liar it's wicked isn't it okay but yeah I thought that'd be interesting for you but Jesus said go ye up unto this feast I go not up yet unto this feast for my time is not yet full come like I said the NIV says I'm not going up to this festival because my time is not yet fully come anyway that's the NIV for you and the rest of them I just chose the NIV but like I said the English standard version because the English standard version is the one that you know the the you know the more intellectual types you know they're a bit more discerning yeah the NIV but I like the ESV the ESV that's a bit more word-for-word you know that I've heard this junk come out of these people's mouths no the ESV is a lying false wicked perversion as well as with the rest of them okay verse 11 then the Jews sought him at the feast and said where is he so lightly expect him are hoping to arrest him so probably quite wise that he didn't just rock up as he was as his brothers were suggesting verse 12 and there was much murmuring among the people concerning him for some said he is a good man others said nay but he deceiveth the people how be it no man spake openly of him for fear of the Jews now about the midst of the feast Jesus went up into the temple and taught now the middle of the feast is now a few days into it being a seven-day feast and the Jews marveled saying how know if this man letters having never learned I remembered that Jesus Christ came humbly as a carpenter's son didn't he and what a great humble God we have because he could have come in any position couldn't he but he came as a as a carpenter's son and learning to read and write was probably reserved for the higher class maybe for those who a bit more money a bit more wealth those who maybe sat at the feet of Gamaliel or whoever you know and but no he didn't learn he didn't learn any of that verse 16 Jesus answered them and said my doctrine is not mine but his that sent me so he's saying that this isn't some sort of new teachings yeah this isn't his own private interpretation it's a doctrine of him that sent me it's from God the Father verse 17 if any man will do his will he shall know of the doctrine whether it be of God or whether I speak of myself now it's two ways of looking at this well what's God's will and often when we go through Matthew 7 and we say you know that but he that doeth the will of good you know the father of the will of God John 640 we go to don't we which says John chapter 6 verse 40 and this is the will of him that sent me that everyone which seeth the Sun and believeth on him may have everlasting life and I will raise him up at the last day so that's God's ultimate will isn't it that we all get saved so I know I read this and see saying that if you're saved then you know that what I'm teaching is of God deep down you know you have the Holy Spirit in you you know that what I'm teaching is of God but does that mean that all save people know whether a teaching teacher or teachings are of God maybe deep down yes maybe really deep down they do but that doesn't mean that automatically save people are only being good churches listening to sound doctrine does it because I think probably probably you know there are people here that have listened to false prophets before especially when when new babes in Christ listen to bad teachings being in bad churches maybe if you really look back felt uncomfortable maybe I think many here could attest to that some subtle false doctrine or false prophet and feeling a bit uneasy yeah I've felt that I've heard that I've listened to false prophets before when I was especially earlier on as well and then just something wasn't right and with time fortunately you know you end up no no there's something off here and you make you know you look into things more you as you're growing but maybe some maybe some in the world would just bury those feelings ignore them choosing instead not being unpopular for saying anything yeah or for leaving a church that could be a reason can't it just to bury that because you do you do come across people don't you I have I've knocked on doors before where they seem to be right on the gospel as far as I can tell they're saved but they're in some false church and they're there why are they staying in that false church they should be able to recognize shouldn't they but maybe they just bury that because they don't want to leave the family the friend they've got a good thing going on it's a bit of a social thing there the lunch is a good you know something else like that you know there can be reasons it's around the corner it's easy oh I'm only expected to go on a Sunday morning I could just blend in and leave you know I don't know maybe there's reasons like that maybe the flesh likes a message because it does doesn't it maybe years are being tickled the flesh likes a message not really being challenged they're not being challenged to go out soul-winning or be challenged to live for Christ not being challenged to read their Bible and the rest of it maybe they're so out of the spirit that it's hard to discern what they feel that could be a case as well maybe when you're really not in the spirit when you're really in the flesh you're just not reading the Word of God you're not so winning you're not you're not praying much you're not trying to live for God you're not trying to get sin out of your life maybe maybe it's hard to really discern the Holy Spirit then maybe then you just kind of languish in these false churches because another way of reading this is yet in verse 17 when he says if any man will do his will and shall know of the doc he shall know of the doctrine whether it be of God or whether I speak of myself he could say being in his will after salvation could say trying to live for God so if any man will live for God will try and do his will will be in his will as much as possible because you could say when you're living right you're in the spirit you're doing his will in your life you should be able to discern false doctrine easier shouldn't you if you're reading your Bible through regularly if you're meditating on the word if you're getting all that other junk out of your life if you're if you're praying if you're soul winning if you're regularly even in a in a bad church but you're trying to fall you're trying to live for God you know it's I will not mine be done you putting up because you don't you haven't found anything but you just do what you can for God you know okay you shouldn't be going to a definite false church but maybe then you start to discern it and see it don't you maybe then when you're sitting in there you look at you think no this isn't right this this preacher is not right this this guy on YouTube isn't right I don't know I think maybe a bit of both there verse 18 says he that speaketh of himself seeketh his own glory but he that seeketh his glory that sent him the same is true and no unrighteousness is in him that's a good lesson for preachers isn't it isn't that a good lesson for anyone that wants to preach anyone even if it's just you want to do men's preaching nights and never wanted to do any more if you wanted to eventually pastor or or whatever it's a good lesson there isn't it either and it to be honest a good lesson if you're teaching your kids at home as well it's good lesson for preacher the gospel as well he that speaketh of himself seeketh his own glory but he that seeketh his glory that sent him the same is true and no unrighteousness is in him because we should show me when we're preaching we should be seeking the glory of God we should be seeking his glory and that includes trying to do things in people's life and that it's not you know I just want everyone to go you know praise God because that was such a great message no you're seeking God's glory by working in people's lives by changing their lives by preaching on sin but not just sin by preaching on everything that that God tells you to preach on and that's what that's what we should have in a heart shouldn't we you know not well how can I look good how can I you know get the most most thumbs up on YouTube or you know the most high fives after the sermon or people think oh what a great great preacher that's not what you want is it you're seeking God's glory that's what we should that's what anyone who ever gets behind a pulpit especially but even when you're out preaching the gospel when you're out doing anything when you preach it to someone at work we should be seeking his glory shouldn't we okay verse 19 did not Moses give you the law and yet none of you keepeth the law why go ye about to kill me same today isn't how many people claiming to be Jews actually even try and keep the law I mean even their Babylonian Talmud rubbish they don't probably try to keep today maybe in bits and pieces but let alone the Torah I mean how many animal sacrifices are going on anyone seen any of these I haven't seen any animal sacrifice going on but you know that they don't even follow the Old Testament obviously anyway but you know people say that don't know well you know they just follow the Old Testament I'm gonna go off on a Jew one again because we've probably had a bit of that sure you don't want me to this as well but um you know really they're not are they they're not trying to foot but no one no one follows the law 100% do they so he said did not most give you the law yet none of you keepeth the law why go you're about to kill me so why they're going about to kill him because they've decided he's broken law of the Sabbath yet none of them are keeping the law are they none of them are keeping the law hypocrites because to keep the law is impossible isn't it okay it's impossible James 2 10 says for whosoever should keep the whole law and yet offending one point is guilty of all but there's none righteous no not one for all have sinned and come short the glory of God so of course they all break the law now verse 20 says the people answers said thou has a devil who goeth about to kill thee Wow okay turn to mark 3 then mark chapter 3 okay we're gonna go to verse 28 but this is after the scribe said in verse 22 he hath Beelzebub and by the prince of the devil's casteth he out devils what a wicked thing to say Jesus then says in mark 3 28 verily I say unto you all sin shall be forgiven unto the sons of men and blasphemies wherewith so ever they shall blaspheme but he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness but is in danger of eternal damnation because they said he had an unclean spirit so Jesus said in verse 29 there that saying Jesus has a devil is unforgivable it's unforgivable he's not saying that they might get eternal damnation oh well there's a warning sign there you better you know turn from your sins there he's saying that that's where they're headed okay that's where they're headed eternal damnation that in case you're unaware there's a big lie in the world that everyone and anyone can be saved up until their last iron breath anyone heard that yeah yeah that's pretty much a sort of liberal Christianity now and a lot of probably I would say the majority in at least in this country IFP churches would probably say something along those lines no everyone for their lie I'm not willing to believe that up until their last time breath you'll see that on YouTube comments sometimes you ever look on comments of our sort of preaching but look everyone is offered salvation yes yeah everyone is offered salvation Jesus Christ died for the whole world didn't he but there are many people in the world who have rejected the free gift and cross the line aren't there many people have rejected that and cross the line one example is anyone that says Jesus Christ has a devil okay wicked wicked reprobates it's one thing to say well I don't know if I believe it's another thing to reject but to call him at basically a devil is wicked isn't it has anyone ever heard anyone say that anyone said had that happened to them before had someone you're out preaching the gospel yeah yeah yeah I've had someone as well I remember when we used to the tables down in Roehampton had a guy just saying now he was possessed wasn't he whoa wait a second you believe that he said yeah see you later what were you gonna say to that done done how do you say that and this guy was being serious but yeah absolutely wicked that's a reprobate someone who says that Jesus Christ has a devil verse 21 then he says Jesus answer said unto them I've done one work in you marvel Moses therefore gave unto you circumcision not because it is of Moses but of the fathers and you on the Sabbath day circumcise a man if a man on the Sabbath day received circumcision that the law of Moses should not be broken are you angry at me because I've made a man every whit hole on the Sabbath day judge not according to the appearance but judge righteous judgment so verse 20 21 here he says I've done one work you'll marvel I believe the one work here is a healing of the man at the pool of Bethesda on the Sabbath day it's not that Jesus has only ever done one work up until this point but even though it was a long time before I think this is the first time if I from what I've can gather from studying it this is first time back in Jerusalem since the man healed at the pool of Bethesda in chapter 5 so he's talking to basically the same group of people now verse 22 says Moses therefore gave unto you circumcision not because it is of most but of the fathers in you on the Sabbath day circumcised a man so even a tot those sorry he gave Abraham the Covenant circumcision back in Genesis 17 yeah okay so he's given him that covenant it was back in Genesis 17 when he goes from Abram to Abraham gives him the Covenant of circumcision now he's saying you that you will choose to circumcise on the Sabbath yeah so because there's circumcision is on the eighth day and when that falls on the Sabbath because the eighth day of a child he's saying that you choose to override the Sabbath and circumcise yeah you make that judgment call to do that so what's wrong with healing on the Sabbath you hypocrites yeah that's what he's saying what is wrong with healing someone on the Sabbath he's basically saying if you weren't such hard-hearted fools yeah you wouldn't be complaining that someone crippled for 38 years was healed on the Sabbath what is wrong with them yeah absolutely amazing isn't it he said he said it but judge righteous judgment I was thinking of like what would be an example that we could apply to this so maybe say we had it you know say it was just a church service and brother I don't know brother max for example yeah and again I hope someone is not in this situation brother max your life but say a family relative was on their deathbed and say you know sometimes you know when someone's about to go don't you you know you know maybe they're saying that we're about to start administering the morphine it's done you know and and my other max got a call on a Sunday afternoon and they said look like this and he's like I want to go there and preach a gospel to them yeah and you know it's my last chance to get him saved so brother max doesn't come back to the evening service for that reason or maybe brother max misses a Sunday maybe even brother max missed our once a year Lord's Supper because he wants to go and give that last chance to give the gospel to that family member on the deathbed that would be the same as if someone here was like should have been at church yeah why wasn't brother max at church forsaking the assembling of yourselves yeah you know what sort of a Christian is he should have been that's basically it isn't it that is the same same as these guys are doing and who on earth would do that no one in this room I'm sure would do that but this is basically what they're doing aren't they they're just saying you just heal you should never have healed him on the Sabbath day look what is wrong with them like I was saying well max you can't go there you should be at church let them let them die and go to hell you know that's it isn't it okay that for me that was that was like a modern-day example of that for us but verse 25 then said some of them of Jerusalem is not this he whom they seek to kill it's no secret is it it's no secret that they seek to kill him but low he speaketh boldly and they say nothing unto him do the rulers know indeed that this is a very Christ how bit we know this man whence he is but when Christ cometh no man knoweth whence he is so they're confused but they still think they know best don't they they still think they know best but really they're just trying to find reasons to reject him really they're just trying to fight oh yeah you know we know that that couldn't be true or no we know that can't be the Christ you know verse 28 then cried Jesus in the temple as he taught saying you both know me and you know whence I am and I am NOT come of myself but he that sent me is true whom you know not okay he's not crying as we would call it he's shouting here Jesus Christ is shouting in the temple yeah he's not he was it just softly spoken and whispering you know and hope everyone can hear me because you know I want to come across as a very very liberal effeminate man like they try and tell us Jesus Christ is no Jesus Christ is shouting in the temple he's shouting at them he's saying ye know who I am you know who I am he's saying you know where I come from they know God the Father sent me and you don't know him yeah he's saying you know I am you know I come from God sent me but you don't know him verse 29 but I know him for I am from him and he have sent me then they sought to take him but no man laid hands in him because his hour was not yet come how wicked are they but because he's just he's telling him but he's not saying this is what what I'm gonna tell you and you might not believe that's why they're coming today they know they know the truth they know but they still want to come and take him for claiming the truth he's just said there he said ye both know me and you know whence I am and I am NOT come of myself but he that sent me is true whom you know not yet they still want to come and take him but what what stopped them well basically God is stopping them I don't know how God stops them but it says here but no man laid hands in him because his hours not yet come it's not because they're saying oh it's not yet time just got to do it the right time no they don't something's blocking them isn't there something stopping them it's not the right time yet and God does have his own timing doesn't he God has his own timing God has his own timing in life for many things and we can't always force that timing can we we can make bad choice and bad decisions but God does have the right his own timing and we need to respect that and these guys they were not able to take him because it wasn't God's timing verse 31 says and many of the people believed on him and said when Christ cometh will he do more miracles than these which this man has done so again just because I'm enjoying highlighting this through the Gospel of John many of the people believed on him many many people believed on him yet again in the in the upper room in acts it's 126 isn't it 128 126 in the upper room in in acts but many many many throughout the gospel many many many believe on him and just because the reason I say this because again we're in a nation of churches especially those that are closest to what we believe are sort of IFB Church in this country that basically believe that if someone doesn't come to church and they must not have been saved the majority believe something along to those lines don't they if they'd haven't given up certain sins after salvation if this is what we would consider at least they got the gospel right they believe that they're not saved okay yet many many many many many throughout the Gospel of John was saying many believe many believe many believe okay throngs of people multitudes it doesn't mean they're going to become a disciple is it does it okay verse 32 the Pharisees heard that the people murmured such things concerning him and the Pharisees and the chief priests sent officers to take him then said Jesus unto them yet a little while am I with you and then I go unto him that sent me so it's not time yet you shall seek me and shall not find me and where I am thither ye cannot come why can't they come because they're wicked reprobates that's why they cannot come okay they don't they don't have that option anymore their sons abelial they're done they just said you of your father the devil okay why can't people read through the Bible and see this in the Bible where there are people that are unable it's gone it's done God has rejected them he says what and where I am thither ye cannot come they cannot go there turn to Isaiah 55 Isaiah 55 and verse 6 says seek ye the Lord while he may be found call ye upon him while he is near look there's a time isn't there and for many people that's that's what sometimes we have to warn people are rejecting as well is you might never get this time again you know you can't you know seek ye the Lord while while he may be found call ye upon him while he is near and and look you know people have them opportunity have that time they have that movie of the Holy Spirit they have a soul winning you know Bible believer come to their door and try and give them the gospel and then they reject it and and it gets to a point with many people sadly where it's too late for them it's too late for them and here he says you shall seek me and shall not find me and where I am thither ye cannot come so people can start maybe wanting you know at least seeking something but by then they're done Jeremiah 6 30 says reprobate silver shall men call them because the Lord hath rejected rejected them thither ye cannot come yeah cannot come not that I believe this is talking about these rep breaks they've literally just said he has a devil yeah they're done verse 35 then said the Jews among themselves whither will he go that we shall not find him will he go on to the dispersed among the Gentiles and teach the Gentiles I've got a feeling this was said him probably with either panic or disgust just just you know that that's how I see that they probably go with it will he go that we shall not find him will he go to the dispersed among the Gentiles teach the Gentiles because they got a bit of hatred for the Gentiles verse 36 what manner of saying is this said he said you shall seek me and shall not find me where I am they think you cannot come so they still don't get it do they in the last and then in the last day that great day of the feast Jesus stood and cried so shouting again saying if any man thirst let him come unto me and drink he that believeth on me as the scripture have said out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water he's pretty bold here isn't it they want to kill him and he's just shouting in the middle of it just shouting at them in the middle of that great day of the feast of penultimate days just going he that believeth on me out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water now as a scripture have said what scripture is he referring to here and there's actually a bit of debate about this because it's it's it's not a like for like he's not just directly quote even you know with the difference in that in from the Hebrew to the Greek it's hard to see I believe he's possibly referring to Isaiah 58 if you go to Isaiah 58 in verse 11 said as he said he that believeth on me as the scripture said out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water he didn't directly quote the scripture now as I 58 verse 11 says and the Lord shall guide thee continually and satisfy thy soul in drought and make fat thy bones and thou shalt be like a watered garden and like a spring of water whose waters fail not for me that's the closest I could find for it anyone got any other ideas on that be interesting to know I think he's talked about as I 58 11 he's saying out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water and those waters fail not do they verse so tonight says but this spake he of the spirit which they that believe on him should which they that believe in him should receive for the Holy Ghost was not yet given because that Jesus was not yet glorified and John 16 7 says nevertheless I tell you the truth it is expedient for you that I go away for if I go not away the Comforter will not come unto you but if I depart I will send him unto you this so talking about the Holy Ghost obviously after he's glorified it's given isn't it for the indwelling of the Holy Ghost yeah obviously the Holy Ghost has always been there but not indwelling each individual believer verse 40 says many of the people therefore when they heard this saying said of a truth this is a prophet others said this is a Christ but some said show Christ come out of Galilee have not the scripture said that Christ cometh to the seed of David and out of the town of Bethlehem where David was now the scripture they're referring to here is Micah chapter 5 I'm gonna turn to Micah chapter 5 so Micah chapter 5 verse 2 Micah 5 2 says but thou Bethlehem Ephrata though thou be little among the thousands of Judah yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be a ruler is to be ruler in Israel whose goings forth have been from of old from everlasting clearly referring to Jesus Christ there so they're saying you know but have not the scripture said now clearly referring to Micah 5 2 here in verse 43 back to John 7 says so there was a division among the people because of him now now have to turn to Matthew 10 34 Jesus said think not that I'm come to send peace on earth I came not send peace but a sword Jesus Christ causes some division doesn't he he does cause some division in our in in in our lives you want to follow Jesus Christ especially you want to be a disciple of Jesus Christ he causes division and and we could you know all of us I'm sure could attest to division in their families amongst friends maybe in the workplace even just going out preaching the gospel and you know he does cause division but you know I was talking to someone recently where I was just saying look whatever you do you do it do it the Lord's way do it Jesus Christ's way do it what follow the Bible do your best your utmost not to sin don't choose a sinful route and and things will work out in the end and sometimes there will be some division because of that sometimes there'll be a problem sometimes there'll be a fallout sometimes you have to distance yourself from a believer who's living in a certain sin sometimes you have to you know you have to make a stand on things but look in the long run in the long run things work out don't they you know and just because we know there's going to be the division we're not trying to avoid that yeah we don't want to be antagonistic okay and again I was talking about that as well Jesus Christ causes division but when we're going out preaching the gospel we're ambassadors for Christ aren't we so we're representing the gospel we're not trying to seek division we're not trying to seek a row and not trying to see and we and we want to try and avoid it where possible yeah we don't want to be dishonest we were talking about I was talking with someone about when someone asks you you know or someone wants to talk about sodomites with you ideally you want to just say let's talk about it after is a preach to gospel because a lot of time you will end up and around we're not out to end up in rows but if someone really needs to have to that to be answered sure you can answer that politely and through the Word of God can't you but really we're trying to get back to the gospel and we're not trying to be antagonistic are we but he does cause division doesn't he because sometimes the division will be there because of that and that could be with family that could be with friends but it's not something we want to shy away from we don't want to seek it but we don't want to shy away from it either and we need to just make sometimes we need to make stands and we need to just stand on the Word of God don't we so there was a division among the people because of him and some of them would have taken him but no man laid hands on him then came the officers to the chief priests and Pharisees and they said unto them why have you not brought him the officers answered never man spake like this man what a truth that is a what a truth that is there's nothing that compares to the Word of God is there absolutely nothing the more you read it the more you marvel at the beauty the truth the perfection just what I mean what an amazing book it is and you do and and for people a lot of the time I would say you would find a parallel between people whose faith sometimes gets weak in certain areas of certain things you would probably find that they're not reading their Bibles much because the more you read the Word of God the more you're going through it the more you're reading it Wow doesn't it strengthen your faith because there's just a you can't you can't when you're reading just just a beauty the majesty though the way it all ties in and you know it's not just reading because you you could say you could say as well the more you study it as well because I've been talking about this a bit with people reading the Bible and a lot of times people will sometimes drift and you know and maybe if they read it slow that it's been a long time sits on another bit and yeah there's don't get me wrong reading about we should read it cover to cover yeah everyone in here should be reading the Bible through cover to cover and at least once a year ultimately a lot more okay but studying the Bible Wow doesn't that strengthen your faith as well when you sit down and you're trying to you go through a chapter a book or a particular subject you're just trying to study something out it doesn't half strengthen your faith when you see when you're really working on something you're praying you're looking at a scripture and then you can just see something in the Word of God somewhere else it just completely explains that and helps you to understand that and you could see how everything just works together and marries up it's amazing it's an amazing book and I'd encourage everyone if you don't and you and you just read your Bible still try and find even if it's just a bit of time if you find it hard to have that time just a bit of time when you sit there and just study through a chapter a verse a book whatever it is because it really makes a difference when these moronic atheists say fairy tales how about that when they go book of fairy tales what absolute fools isn't it foolish because you can't this can't have been written by man it's just absolutely amazing how and when I say that it's kind of amusing really because the fool has said in this heart there is no God what absolute fools they are corrupt they have done abominable works there is none that doeth good and that and when they want to just deny God and get him out the picture it's because they're corrupt they've done abominable works haven't they or they say well that's written by man isn't it we get that a lot when you're out preaching the gospel how can you trust that that's written by man man couldn't even write one of the Gospels a man could not have written one of those Gospels yeah as it is written as it appears in our King James Bible let alone the other 65 books of the Bible let alone just that the variety the way it all matches up just just the way it all goes together the the difference from you know the historical to the Lord to the you know to the poetry to the Gospels to the wisdom to just so much in the Bible is just absolutely amazing isn't it and so many different subjects there's so much that it preached about in a way it all just marries up together no one could write that no one could write a small amount of that they said in verse 46 never man spake like this man never man spake like this man no one and nothing compares does it no one in any other literature the best literature the world has to offer doesn't compare at all does it reading the Bible strengthens your faith like nothing else and like I said studying does to verse 47 then answered them the Pharisees are you also deceived have any of the rulers or of the Pharisees believed on him but these people who know if not the law are cursed nothing changes does it I'll speak to some worldly liberal Muslim who was telling me about his super intelligent theological expert of an auntie she's like she studied everything she's done years of theological study and degrees and everything else and basically his his point to me when I was preaching the gospel to him was well if she doesn't believe then basically it can't be true like his faith was in was in his auntie you know it was basically well she is well she's much more learned than you this was a guy that at the gym that I coach at and and he owns this gym and is in his mind who are you who are you to tell me and I thought you had a Bible now I'm preaching him out of the Bible so it's I'm saying well that's what the Word of God says but basically but that's not what my auntie says you know auntie whatever if auntie if old aunt Mabel doesn't say what you say that it's wrong now because she studied more because she's been to this and what the Pharisees say here are you also deceived have any of the rulers of the Pharisees believed in it if they haven't you know what are these people that know if not the law it's like you commoner you know how you know if you believe what does that mean and and look what about we hear the pseudo Christian don't we that that basically just wants to know what the cleverest sounding scholar says don't they how many of them do you come across well well if you know I remember actually I remember talking to I had a debate with we I've had a cut few debates over the years about this but I remember debating a King James only with some liberal evangelical that I was at church with many years ago whose main premise was but what about the experts so it didn't matter I mean I mean I had you know I had the master list of every single verse change and we were going to one after the other after the other and you're thinking like how could you how can you reject this you know what about you know what about the people in the translation committees you know and the guys you know how I can't believe this well but look you know it's I know I know I know because you know there's a very very clever guys you know and that's that's his answer it's like well have they believed have they believed the Word of God the King James oh well no it can't be true I also there's a Christian mum so-called Christian mum I was trying to preach a gospel to down at home school kids club a few years back and her answer because she believed you could lose your salvation was well Nelson Darby said you could lose your salvation I've read his book no so it didn't matter didn't matter how many verses I showed her didn't matter because Nelson Darby and it's nothing's changed is it there it's the same now it's people that just they've always you know they've always have to go to someone that they consider more intelligent than themselves or the new or then whatever else and that for them is well that disqualifies what the Word of God says no the Pharisees haven't believed you know how many of the rulers or the Pharisees believed on him but there's people who know if not the law accursed you know who are you to tell him about the guy with the five-year degree you know what about doctor something or Nelson Darby wrote some books I can't Bible can't be true okay I'm in fact I remember an assistant pastor the same thing and his his answer was this yeah so this was an assistant like fam pastor of family something again at this liberal evangelical church and he was saying I he started asked me I have you heard the debate between the NIV 84 edition which you know Brian Edwards he said likes and Paul like the new you pass that he prefers the 2011 feminist friendly version of the NIV yeah so I was like okay this is a good opening now yeah got out the you know I said well you know for me they're both wicked yeah so got out the King James got he got out his NIV had like a message there as well I don't know you know I got this message and I was like right look at this look at this look at this look at this stunned shocked yeah then he goes away and then he says to me no before he goes away says I think you need to speak to Brian Edwards so this was like their their ex-pastor but he still kind of attended the church yeah who had written a load of books you know and heretical stuff from the King James better speak to him so why do I need to I've just shown you and then this guy's and ringing us up trying to invite us around for dinner and stuff okay you could come to my house I think I'm not going to your house and having a bit keep quiet and respect you in your house for you come to my house I show you you know and he didn't want to come around that was it so that was the end of that but um yeah basically forget the damnable heresies if you spoke to the top man you know forget that what about the top guy what does he say you know just wicked isn't it verse 49 this people who aren't as learned as us is what they're saying but this people who knoweth not the law are cursed and how sad that pride and again it's the pride isn't it the pride is a blocker pride is a blocker on so many people pride is a blocker on so many people that should be getting saved verse 50 Nicodemus saith unto them he that came to Jesus by night being one of them doth our law judge any man before it hear him and know what he doeth so you don't have to turn there Deuteronomy 1 17 says you shall not respect persons in judgment but you shall hear the small as well as the great and it goes on to say you shall not be afraid of the face of man for the judgment is of his gods and the cause it is too hard for you bring it unto me and I will hear it so basically that they then say so he's basically the same does our law judge any man before it hear him yes it don't matter who it is they should hear him yeah they answer said unto him art thou also of Galilee such and look for out of Galilee ariseth no prophet so the irony that Jesus has just said in verse 19 did not Moses give you the law and yet none of you keepeth the law why go you about to kill me and they're saying to Nicodemus who cares about the law who cares about you know that silly law we know best and that's that's wicked people aren't they absolutely wicked people but what's funny is if they if they had diligently inquired and I don't think they needed to probably be that diligent about it either if they'd even just inquired they might have discovered that Jesus was actually born in Bethlehem wouldn't they I mean how was it a big secret was it such a big secret I mean you you know you had the wise men there you had shepherds yeah you know I don't think Joseph and Mary were sneaking around you know and everything else don't tell anyone that we were in Bethlehem they that he had gone to Egypt I mean Christ didn't come back to Galilee for several years did he as a child now we don't know exactly what age that was but couldn't they have inquired that couldn't they have like if they'd actually bothered if they thought well let's just double check just the fact that he's in Galilee and that he's at some point being ago well that's enough for them because really it doesn't matter it's just a rejection isn't it in the same way it's like people that come out with all these reasons why the Bible must be untrue they haven't looked into it they've just grabbed whatever they can haven't they it's grabbed what they can to reject it okay they don't they didn't want the truth did they now verse 53 I like this verse and every man went on to his own house so funny how they wanted to arrest him they wanted to kill him yeah they're like we've got to get him and it's like I'm going for a cup of tea just done it's like I got all of this and I've got to get him you know they'd sought to kill him and it's like verse 53 every man went on to his own house forget that and again cuz you can't mess with God's timing I reckon God put a cup of tea on their mind there didn't he get home and have that cup of tea let's get home you know got something something on the cooker but but yeah but what a wicked bunch what a wicked bunch and we're gonna see more about that as we go through the Gospel of John 12 you know that really really chapter 12 really talks about the reprobates there as well and yeah you know it's and it's it's important subject isn't it to go through the Bible because like I've said before without the reprobate doctrine I would say that then it's hard to refute Calvinism isn't it in a way because clearly there are people that cannot be saved but but without the ref without the reprobate doctrine you end up in false doctrine like Calvinism don't you yeah and and without the reprobate doctrine people end up in false doctrine like repent of your sins to be saved because for them obviously clearly when you read you read the Bible you could have come away from that and go yeah some vile child abusing reprobate sodomy sorry without the reprobate word in their mind that you know could literally just put their faith in Jesus Christ and get saved and not change anything about their life without it without the reprobate doctrine it doesn't you can't justify that can you with the Word of God but with the reprobate doctrine it all just makes sense because it all goes piece by piece together doesn't it and we'll look at that more as we go through the Gospel of John on that let's pray father I thank you for your word I thank you for what a great great gospel the Gospel of John just make it so clear about salvation and I thank you for the examples you give these wicked people in the world so when we have these people that we do come across that you know we're ready for it we understand it more it's less of a shock to us we thank you for that we thank for the great examples that Jesus Christ gave us throughout throughout the Gospel of John and throughout the Bible and we thank you that that you've blessed us to be a group here that that you know that can understand these things and not be confused like like so many others are in so many other churches that the Word of God is so clear please bless our week going forward now please help us to all get home safely to all have a good week to all manage to get out and get soul winning as well and to get back here next week safe and sound meet together and Jesus name we pray all these things Amen