(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) I'm in okay John chapter 5 so if you haven't been with us we're going through the Gospel of John that's our Sunday evening Bible study and being a Sunday evening and being a Bible study which isn't always quite as exciting as the morning service guys try and keep your eyes open if you could and I will be watching you as I preach hopefully you've had the coffees and everything else but yeah well let's get going anyway so John chapter 5 and verse 1 hmm right after this there was a feast of the Jews and Jesus went up to to Jerusalem now there is at Jerusalem by the sheep market of Paul which is called in the Hebrew tongue Bethesda having five porches in these lay a great multitude of impotent folk of blind halt withered waiting for the moving of the water so halt here is basically lame on the feet withered I think it's faded you'd call that so for many probably reasons there verse 4 says for an angel went down a certain season into the pool and troubled the water whosoever then first sorry whosoever then first off the trouble the water stepped in was made whole of whatsoever disease he had now that's a pretty amazing miracle isn't it that's a pretty amazing miracle right there that was going on there now troubling is disturbing so the water I think would move ripple or something like that and then and then basically someone to get healed and that's pretty amazing isn't it verse 5 and a certain man was there which had an infirmity 30 and 8 years so this is some sort of chronic disease or disability this guy's got verse 6 when Jesus saw him lie and knew that he had been now a long time in that case he saith unto him wilt thou be made whole now Jesus knows everything doesn't he and he just asked him straight here doesn't he just asked him straight wilt thou me wilt thou be made whole verse 7 the impotent man answered him sir I have no man when the water is troubled to put me in the pool into the pool but while I am coming another steppeth down before me so he's maybe I don't know you could say he's indirectly asking Jesus here to help him but it's the only way you can see it happening isn't he saying well I've got no man to put me in the pool maybe suggesting he does that but the only way he could see it isn't he Jesus said wilt thou be made whole and he's saying well I've got no man this is the only way this is going to happen is what he's saying isn't it and we could do this too can't we where we limit God's help to the only way we can see something being achieved don't we so often our prayers are kind of in our own view of how this can happen how this can work and we do limit God I think we all could probably do that we probably all do that a lot don't we where we can only see well it's impossible this would be the only way and in the same way this guy go well how can I be made whole cuz I've got no one to put me down or maybe could you put me down there that's his way he thinks it's going to happen but Jesus does does things his way doesn't he and we've probably all all of us anyone who's got a proper prayer life or at least half a proper prayer life I think we could probably all I think most people say they they would desire to have a better prayer life than they do we always seem to fall short in that a lot of Christians do but but we could all probably vouch for times when you've just prayed for something you can only see it happening one way and then the Lord just does things another way round doesn't he and things just work out in a way that you couldn't have even foreseen happening Jesus does does things his way doesn't in verse 8 says Jesus saith unto him rise take up thy bed and walk and immediately the man was made whole and took up his bed and walked and on the same day was a Sabbath so he's had this problem 38 years and just the command of Jesus cures him that's amazing isn't it just the command of Jesus of course well it's not amazing he's God isn't he but but Jesus just cures him the command of Jesus and he takes up his bed and that now when you know don't don't picture him having this headboard and frame and springs and everything else trying not to get his fingers caught in it and everything else so here obviously his his bed here will be some sort of mattress and some sort of sheet or something like that maybe a pillow there as well okay so I'd imagine it's quite easy to take up it's not that he's kind of got a two-man lift going on or something else so he's just lifted up the things that he's been sleeping on verse 10 the Jews therefore said unto him that was cured it is a Sabbath day it is not lawful for thee to carry thy bed he answered them he that made me whole the same said unto me take up thy bed and walk then then I'll say him what man is that which said unto thee take up thy bed and walk and he that was healed was not who it was for Jesus had conveyed himself away a multitude being in that place that so verse 10 there the Jews therefore sent unto him that was cured it is the Sabbath day it is not lawful for thee to carry thy bed so so first the Jews are rebuking this guy for carrying his bed okay like how ridiculous is this so they're they're having a going for carrying his bed turn to Exodus chapter 20 let's just see quickly what the Bible says about this at Exodus chapter 20 the law of the Sabbath day here and verse 10 says Exodus 20 10 but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God in it thou shalt not do any work thou nor thy son nor thy daughter thy manservant nor thy maidservant nor thy cattle nor thy stranger that it was that is within thy gates for in six days the Lord made heaven and earth the sea and all that in them is and rested the seventh day wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it is carrying a bed doing work it's carrying a bed doing work away is it is carrying anything what is carrying anything doing work then you carry and you can't carry anything on the Sabbath day now can't can't have anything you hank you have something in your pocket oh it's just ridiculous isn't it but verse 11 or 12 fish shows their true colors verse 11 he answered them he that made me whole the same said unto me take up thy bed and walk verse 12 then I'll say him what man is that which said unto thee take up thy bed and walk so he that made me whole this guy this he's basically saying this man's just healed me 38 years 38 years of whatever sickness disease it you know disability this guy's had and their response who told you to take out your bed and walk I mean it's absolutely ridiculous but it just shows how wicked these people really are doesn't it shows how wicked they are and verse 13 and he that was healed with not who it was for Jesus had conveyed himself where multitude being in that place so Jesus has quietly gone okay it's not always profitable is it to deal with the rabble it's not always profitable to be in front of hundreds of people or however many there are there and Jesus knows best doesn't he at this point he's conveyed himself away and Jesus Jesus makes wise decisions doesn't he obviously being God now verse 14 afterward Jesus fineth him in the temple and said unto him behold thou art made whole sin no more lest the worst thing come unto thee now Jesus's physical healings are a picture of spiritual healing and salvation I think that's pretty clear most people understand that from the Gospels the man is made whole by Jesus and Jesus is saying to him to live right to avoid chastisement here isn't he okay now the work salvationists will point to this and especially the woman taking an adultery that we're going to see in chapter a where Jesus says go and sin no more and say see you've got to stop sinning to stay saved which is completely ridiculous isn't it because firstly that's impossible is it that's absolutely impossible problems 24 9 says the thought of foolishness is sin okay it's impossible not to sin for first John 1 8 says if we say that we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us so anyone who thinks that they've stopped sinning to stay saved is a liar they're not saved are they they're not saved anyone who thinks that you have to stop sinning to stay saved is not saved they're clearly lies these people that say that and like we say that they're the least unsaved if not worse aren't they if not they're just reprobate false prophets preaching lies and you know we say this and we think well who says that the truth is how many people believe that how many people you knock on the door and and you're trying to preach the gospel and they believe they've got to continue and and it's big in the Pentecostals isn't it big it like you knock on a Pentecostals door and they'll say all the right stuff at the beginning won't they until you say what if you killed something well you know firstly well I've got the Spirit of God I wouldn't do that or well if I did as long as I asked for forgiveness or or then it's you know what you can't do these certain sins or whatever just just crazy isn't it but Jesus wants him and us to live right doesn't he okay just cuz we're yeah we're saved by grace through faith aren't we we know that okay but we still want to live right don't we okay we should live right and he wants us to choose not to sin but of course that's got nothing to do with salvation it's gonna do salvation Ephesians 2 and 9 makes that clear doesn't it for by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is a gift of God not of works as any man should boast it no matter if you can grab a verse somewhere and take it out of context and try and prop up your work salvation the the Bible's clear isn't it and so many other verses back that up as well so here he's talking about to avoid the chastisement that comes from sinning okay that's what Jesus is saying here now there is a suggestion with that isn't there that this guy's infirmity was maybe a result of sin would you not say that this guy's problems are possibly a result of sin and that could be some sort of direct punishment from God God does directly punish people but also like we talked about earlier this morning so much sin has automatic repercussions doesn't it so much sin does have automatic repercussions joined to that sin you know what we're talking about this morning for example fornication and diseases fornication and diseases and and and there are so many diseases so many nasty vile diseases that come from that sin what about but I was thinking as well because this guy obviously is I would say probably some sort of cripple isn't he what about adultery and maybe revenge you know people I bet there are people in the world over millions of people that have been seriously probably crippled because of committing adultery and and had all sorts of issues and problems that have come from that alcohol and ill health and again repercussions from drunken nights how many people are probably you know being ended up with all sorts of chronic issues from alcohol and that might be from fighting and all the other stuff that goes with it and again it's just the inbuilt punishment for sin isn't it stuff that just happens drug abuse and sickness or injury as well there are people I know of that have got basically that are long-term cripples after drug abuse because of stuff that's happened when they've been off their heads on drugs and and again injury from also I just thinking something else maybe covetousness and theft and the things that can happen when people take do crazy things and take massive risks to steal and just so much isn't there so again this guy who knows who knows what what has happened in this guy's life to make this happen maybe it was as a result of sin but it's it's not always is it and we see that we see that in other parts of the gospel it's not always not not not everyone that's got problems and issues in life it's not always a punishment because of sin okay really God knows that doesn't he and we can't just assume verse 15 the man departed and told the Jews that it was Jesus which had made him whole and therefore did the Jews persecute Jesus and sought to slay him because he had done these things on the Sabbath day so Jesus has healed this poor man and the Jews want to kill him for doing it on the Sabbath day I mean how just backwards is that so they've taken the Sabbath day and use it as an excuse to persecute Jesus haven't they that's how I see that they've used it as an excuse but like I said last week how many Christians do similar I spoke about last week to know about the apparently saved Baptist that want to attack so winning Christians for not worshipping the Jews for not believing the recently popularized pre-trib fraud and is recently popularized that isn't it really in throughout Christian history for believing Romans 1 and what many other passages tell us about reprobates is it any difference is it really any difference these Jews are putting it down to the Sabbath day the people now are putting it down to some other base basically some other doctrine in the Bible that then they used to attack so many Christians to persecute them to hate them to want their destruction because that's what they want don't they that's what they want for us that's what they want for churches like us they just wish they want up what they want us to be destroyed don't they now in the Jews defense at least you could say there's some although they've taken it just too far some scriptural support for their position however massively wrong their hearts are with it unlike these people that attack us for things that they're completely out to lunch on aren't they they're completely wrong they've got it wrong they're there they've been conned with this pre-trib rapture haven't they they've been conned with their worship of the Jews they've been conned with their with their everyone can get saved to their dying breath doctrines yet they still persecute us because of it but I'm not going to go off on that again verse 17 but Jesus answered them my father worketh hitherto and I work right here the two is any time so my father worketh any time in our in our common vernacular now God's so basically God's working all the time and Jesus Jesus is God isn't he okay Jesus is God so he's working any time now you know and some people you can look at this to go well maybe they didn't know that and well they don't well they should know that shouldn't they they should know because he's God and he's and he's gone in the flesh and he's there and he's and he's preaching the word and he's and he's been spoken about really a prophesied throughout the Old Testament they should know that shouldn't they they got no excuse verse 18 therefore the Jews sought them more to kill him because he not only had broken the Sabbath but said also that God was his father making himself equal with God then answered Jesus and said unto them verily verily I sent you the son can do nothing of himself but what he seeth the father do for what things so ever he doeth these also doeth the son likewise okay because Jesus is God and throughout this gospel we're up to chapter 5 and we're just seeing it time and time again aren't we Jesus is God in the flesh okay clear as day isn't it and being the son makes him equal with God and that's something again some people it gets lost on people I don't really know why that is now but you can talk to many people can't you talk to them you're trying to preach him gospel yeah he's the son of God okay well he's gone in the flesh I don't really get that do they but he being the son he's equal with God isn't he verse 20 for the father loveth the son and showeth him all things that himself doeth and he will show him greater works than these that you may marvel for as the father raiseth up the dead and quickeneth them even so the son quickeneth whom he will quickeneth is to make a life from death okay verse 22 for the father judgeth no man but have committed all judgment unto the son now you don't have to turn Acts 10 42 says and he command us to preach unto the people and to testify that it is he this is Christ which was ordained of God to be the judge of quick and dead so Jesus Christ is not only the Savior of the world but a righteous judge too isn't he Jesus Christ is is the judge as well he's a savior and a righteous judge verse 23 that all men should honor the son even as they honor the father he the honoureth not the son honoureth not the father which has sent him now that's a great verse isn't it which goes well with John 14 6 Jesus saith unto him I am the way the truth and the life no man cometh unto the father but by me and that goes hand in hand with that doesn't it he the honoureth not the son honoureth not the father which has sent him there are no other paths to God you ecumenical liars okay there's no other path to God is there every single Muslim and inverti commas Jew Hindu Buddhist Roman Catholic and every other person that's chosen to follow false religion instead of faith in Jesus Christ is going to hell every single one is going to hell because he that honoureth not the son honoureth not the father which has sent him you're not honoring him if you're denying how he said to get saved are you how you honoring the son if you're just if you're just rejecting how he clearly tells us throughout the Gospels how to get saved you're not honoring the father or the son if you're calling them liars are you because that's what they're doing it's not oh well they just believe something else no they're calling them liars because you could show these people from the Word of God can't you the preserved Word of God and they'll still go no no I'll just go my religion I'll go with whatever I've been told I'll just go whatever I've chosen to believe but that's not what the Bible says first John 5 10 says he that believeth on the Son of God had the witness in himself he that believeth not God has made him a liar because he believeth not the record that God gave of his son and that's the truth when you're preaching the gospel as someone rejects that they're basically saying God's a liar they're saying this is a lie they're saying the Word of God the preserved Word of God is a lie I'm not believing it and that's the truth isn't it and yeah we do feel sorry people yeah we don't want them to go to hell but the truth is they're rejecting God they're saying he's a liar they know the Bible's here they know the Word of God is here they know that they can access it they know that they can especially when you're knocking on their door and you're showing them verse after verse and they still choose to reject it they choose to reject it they're making God a liar verse 24 verily verily I sound to you he that heareth my word and believeth on him that sent me hath everlasting life and shall not come into condemnation but is passed from death unto life what a verse what an amazing verse what a great verse for soul winning I use this first I think pretty much every single gospel presentation I give I think this verse is is amazing it's just got it all in there hasn't it he very verily I say unto you he that heareth my word okay so again we know don't you have to hear the Word of God to get saved you have to hear the word he that heareth my word you ain't getting saved from a false Bible unless it's a verse that hasn't been changed okay and let's be honest how many salvation verses haven't been changed in these false wicked perversions of the Bible and the people that still try its people who claim to be saved it still stick to these false versions I mean just do a comparison don't just go through the Romans Road and just look at those verses how do you still support that how do you still claim that that's okay to use those vile perversions because they are vile aren't they he that heareth my word they have to hear the Word of God it's no good just putting it all in your own language you have to preach the Word of God he that heareth my word and believe on or trust that God the Father sent God the Son to die for your sins okay he that believeth on him that sent me because that's what you're believing you're believing that God sent him aren't you you're believing on God okay and and obviously that's a big part of it we have to make sure guys when you're giving the gospel presentation that you're that you're preaching what Jesus did as well don't forget that don't forget what Jesus did that that that he came and he died on that cross and he and he was buried and he spent three days in hell and he rose again the third day and that they have to believe that to be saved okay hath everlasting life and that's it that's eternal security isn't it hath everlasting life again you can't have everlasting life if you're then gonna lose it if you can lose it you don't have everlasting life do you everlasting life is forever have everlasting life and and I love to just highlight that to people and believe on him that sent me hath present tense everlasting life what a truth there shall not and shall not come into condemnation there that's they're never going to hell shall not it's not all maybe depends what you do shall not come into condemnation but is passed from death unto life it's a momentary thing isn't it it's a one-time deal like again we've seen throughout each chapter of the Gospel of John it's a one-time deal you believe on Jesus Christ you are saved and again you know with the Gospel of John you could just go through the gospel every single week and I'm not going to do that because I don't want to become one of them churches where we just preach the gospel every week but but again these are just great reminders aren't they great one is a great verse we can use when we're out soul winning a great great verses to use great verses to go through sometimes some verses isn't someone's not getting it John 5 24 what a great verse he said in verse 25 verily verily I sound to you the hour is coming and now is when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God and neither here shall live okay and we were dead weren't we and we heard the voice of the Son of God the hour is coming and now is so that's that's present tense at that time as well verse 26 for as the father had life in himself so had he given to the son to have life in himself John 1 4 says in him was life and the life was the light of men verse 27 and it's given him authority to execute judgment also because he is the Son of Man Marvel not of this for the hour is coming in the which all that are in the grave shall hear his voice and shall come forth they that have done good unto the resurrection of life and they that have done evil unto the resurrection of damnation now as opposed to verse 25 where the hour is coming and now is this is for the hour is coming in verse 28 here Marvel not of this for the hour is coming in the which the order in the grave shall hear his voice now this is speaking about in the future okay they that have done good is referring to Christ's righteousness being imputed unto us okay it's not it's not talking about a work salvation here Philippians 3 9 says and be found in him not having mine own righteousness which is of the law but that which is through the faith of Christ the righteousness which is of God by faith without Christ there is none that have done good is there Romans 3 10 to 12 we know says as it is written there is none righteous no not one there is none that understandeth there is none that seeketh after God they are all gone out of the way there together become unprofitable there is none that doeth good no not one okay so it's not talking about here what again the work salvation is try and take these verses out of context but I believe that this particular hour this particular hour coming is referring to the great white throne of judgment okay after the millennial reign of Christ if you turn to Revelation 20 so we know that our bodies will be raised alive or dead during the rapture along with every other saved believers body it's not referring to that point it said the hour is coming this is a time 1st Corinthians 15 52 says in a moment in the twinkling of an eye at the last Trump for the trumpet shall sound and the dead shall be raised incorruptible and we shall be changed so we get our glorified bodies then don't we that's when we get our glorified bodies amen for that we won't have this sinful flesh anymore after this God's wrath is poured out on the world okay so God's wrath is poured out but there are still people that can get saved aren't there there are still people that can get saved remember there are 144,000 witnesses at this point okay what are they there for what they witnessing they're witnessing the truth there are still babies dying aren't there they're still babies so where are that what's what's going to happen to their bodies then there's a people like like we you know then there's a millennial reign then okay before this point that we're about to read so again where their body's going to go those people again children babies that die and especially people that get saved there's still going to be salvation you know there's no other gospel is there so there are still people getting saved where their bodies gone because remember we've been raptured and and every at that point dead on so believers body will as well be raptured at that point and but will be changed in that moment in that twinkling of an eye so what happens their bodies turn a revelation chapter 20 verse 5 you're in Revelation 20 so verse 5 but the rest of the dead live not again until the thousand years were finished this is the first resurrection okay the unsaved won't ever live again will they they're never going to live again so this is talked about the bodies of those that are saved okay so the rest of the dead live not again till the thousand years were finished so who's going to live again these are saved people okay jump forward to verse 11 so this is after the millennial reign and I saw a great white throne in him that sat on it from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away there was found no place for them and I saw the dead small and great stand before God and the books were open another book was open which is a book of life and the dead were judged out of those things which are written in the books according to their work so it's a dead that are judged according to their works okay verse 13 the sea gave up the dead which were in it and death and ill delivered up the dead which were in them and they were judged every man according to their works and death and hell were cast into the lake of fire this is the second death and whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire so there are people there that are written in the book of life aren't there okay so it's not about the dead here this is talking about the the saved people at this point which are now in this second resurrection and that's by faith in Jesus Christ isn't it okay faith in Jesus Christ they're in the book of life and that's what I believe that's how I see that it's talking about that's the hour it's talking about okay so he said there he said in in sorry he said there in John 5 28 sorry marvel not this for the hour is coming in the which all that are in the grave shall hear his voice and shall come forth they that have done good unto the resurrection of life and they that have done evil unto the resurrection of damnation that's what I see that that's how I believe that that's what he's talking about there verse 30 he says I can of mine own self do nothing as I hear I judge and my judgment is just because I seek not mine own will but the will of the Father which has sent me that's a great example for us to follow isn't it so isn't that a great example if our judgment was was according to the Word of God if only we sought the will of the Father in everything we should we know we should but we often don't do we we would make the right decisions then wouldn't we if we were just seeking the will of God we were doing our best to not seek our own will but the but the will of the Father because we often seek our own will and then just try and verse find a verse to support it don't we if we even bother trying to find a verse to support it but our whole life I mean for me not just a routine but the end of every prayer should just be not not my will but line be done and just just just pray for the will of God in everything you doing every decision sure we should still be praying for specific things Jesus teaches us to do that doesn't he and the Word of God teaches us to do that doesn't just have to be right prayer God your will be done and that's it okay we should be praying for things but ultimately we're praying for God's will aren't we in everything and that's what we want to happen in our lives God's will to be done verse 31 if I bear witness of myself my witness is not true there is another that beareth witness of me and I know that the witness which he witnesses of me is true so John the Baptist said in John 1 34 and I saw and bear record that this is the Son of God he bear witness didn't he of Jesus Christ verse 33 he sent unto John and he bear witness unto the truth but I received not testimony from man but these things I say that you might be saved so remembering in John 1 as well it said in John 1 19 and this is a record of John when the Jews sent priests and Levites from Jerusalem to ask him who art thou okay so so again he's bearing record to them isn't he and verse 34 we just saw verse 34 says but I received not testimony from man but these things I say that ye might be saved he's just telling them this that they might be saved that John's bearing record of him it's not because he needs that does he he's just trying he's trying he wants him to get saved verse 35 he says he was a burning in a shining light and you were willing for a season to rejoice in his light now he's still going to work to unsaved here isn't he saying you were willing for a season to rejoice in his light so maybe some of these Jews enjoyed John's preaching for a time maybe they did found it refreshing to hear some truth but that doesn't mean that they were saved does it just because someone listens to good preaching sometimes it doesn't mean that they're saved I know people that I preached the gospel to and rejected it I've sent them preaching in fact I had someone Reese's ring me out you have been listening he liked I listened to so he watched sodomite deception then was listening to quite a lot of pastor John at the show he really liked that guy on a red tie he's telling me I like that guy on a red tie like the way he says things you know I've been listening some of his stuff still won't get saved though so he likes him preachy likes he likes you know for this guy you know that was a big stumbling block for him was just eyes and isn't Christian just a lot of quiz just a lot of sodomites and you know and I'm trying to explain to him no that's false religion that's yeah you're right like you've grown up it he was around some sort of C of E youth clubs and stuff and yeah no there's some wicked vile perverts involved in that but no you know you know so I was trying to show him through that way I've given him the gospel now a few times this guy won't get so big lots of preaching I'm like other people like that as well they listen to that oh yeah I like that fella that Anderson fella yeah yeah he says some good stuff still not saved still not saved and people you know the truth can be refreshing can't it sometimes even for the unsaved but doesn't mean that they're gonna put their faith in Jesus Christ okay and that's the truth here isn't it so they were willing for a season to rejoice in his life it doesn't mean that all they got saved then they didn't know they were listening to John you know this guy you know he preached hard didn't he you know and I'm sure that they probably enjoyed some of that preaching probably different to some of the other stuff they were hearing but it doesn't mean that they're saved verse 36 but I have greater witness in that of John for the works which the Father had given me to finish the same works that I do bear witness of me that the Father have sent me so turn to John 14 said by a greater witness than that of John for the works which the Father has given me to finish the same works that I do bear witness of me that the Father have sent me John 14 verse 11 Jesus says believe me that I am in the Father and the Father in me or else believe me for the very works sake Jesus is doing miracles isn't he he's healing people and many are getting saved as well okay so it's not just that he's doing all these great miracles healing they're just people are believing on him and putting their faith in him you know these guys it's not that oh they're just a bit unsure they can see what's going on can't they they're rejecting him they're rejecting him and and he's doing all this stuff he's doing these amazing works yet they still won't believe him what do they think who like there's no there's no precedent in the Bible that you know where where some you know bail worshipers just healing all these people and doing all these amazing things that's all well I mean by Beelzebub he casteth out you know by the prince of the devil so well you know we've seen this happen before it's just pure rejection it's pure rejection and pure blasphemy really as well isn't it and really they're just rejecting God he's doing these amazing things they're still rejecting him but I was thinking about unbelieving family and friends and you could tell them about the salvation because I've done that before I'm trying to I'm telling you yeah we went out here we got this many people saved and just trying another angle like how are you gonna explain this thing how you gonna explain this that we're knocking on doors people who sometimes claim to be an atheist at the beginning of the conversation at the end they're praying with you to you know they're asking they're asking the Lord Jesus Christ you know to save them from their sins and and and you try and show him that and telling them about the soul winning telling them about people they know sometimes old like old friends or family members other people that have got saved you've got them saved and you're saying look like you know they got saved they put their faith in Christ and they're reading the Bible every day they're doing this yet they still reject they still reject don't they and there's some miracles that they'll see in people's lives they see in your own lives don't they because how different is everyone here I'd imagine I'd hope to how they were before they were saved you know and yeah of course that's not automatic and yes we we've you know praise God that we've had the Word of God we've had good preaching other things to help us to change our lives a lot of us after salvation but how many of us have done that yet still they reject yet still they want to find some other excuse for it they want to find some other reason because they just don't want it they don't they just want to reject the gospel don't they how frustrating is that it really is frustrating isn't it the same works that I do he said bear witness of me that the Father has sent me now verse 37 and the Father himself which has sent me have borne witness of me you have neither heard his voice at any time nor seen his shape now turn to Matthew 3 here Matthew chapter 3 so the Father has which has sent me have borne witness of me he says you have neither heard his voice at any time nor seen his shape now in Matthew chapter 3 and verse 13 says then cometh Jesus from Galilee to Jordan unto John to be baptized of him but John forbade him saying I have need to be baptized of thee and cometh now to me and Jesus answering said unto him suffer it to be so now for thus it becometh us to fulfill all righteousness then he suffered him and Jesus when he was baptized went up straight way out of the water alone the heavens were open unto him and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and lighting upon him and lo a voice from heaven saying this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased so this is the Father I think bearing witness of him and I'm sure that this was relayed to the Jews so I don't think they were there at that point obviously because he's just said here in the in in verse 37 of John 5 and and he says had borne witness of me you have neither heard his voice at any time nor seen his shape but here here you know he has done it I'm sure that was relayed to them it's in three Gospels isn't it I believe that they're probably well aware that he's been and regardless he he's he's bared witness of him throughout throughout the Bible anyway throughout the Old Testament he's been bearing witness of Jesus Christ coming but they still reject don't they they still reject even though even though it the father which has sent me a born witness of me yet they still reject verse 38 and you have not his word abiding in you for whom he have sent him you believe not they just don't believe do they they just don't believe verse 39 search the scriptures for in them you think he have eternal life and they are they which testify of me and you will not come to me that you might have life it sounds crazy doesn't it doesn't it sound crazy when you see that you won't come to me to have life it's eternal life it's being given to it's a gift it's on a plate just take it but how many people just will not come they will not come will they and they claim they have their excuses I just don't believe or I'm just this I'm just so they just won't come they just won't come it's it's maddening sometimes isn't it in fact not just some people the vast vast majority because broad is the path that leads to destruction and many there be which go in there and and it's it's it's sad isn't it it's terrible it's terrible that it's there that that they will not come to me that you might have life to Jesus Christ verse 41 I received an honor for men but I know you that you have not the love of God in you I come in my father's name and you receive me not if another shall come in his own name him you will receive how can you believe which receive on a one of another and seek not the honor that cometh from God only do not think that I will accuse you to the father there is one that accuses you even Moses in whom you trust for had you believed Moses you would have believed me free road to me but if you believe not his writings how shall you believe my words these Jews didn't believe the Torah and these people that are known as Jews today don't believe it either and again I'm not gonna just flog a dead horse but but come on we are we are the minority that understand this aren't we amongst Bible believing Christians the vast vast is it can you say vast minority anyway anyone that yes or no I know we are the vast I like that with a vast minority that that believe that don't we that just believe the Word of God that believed the Bible that haven't just gone with some some heretical teachings from however many hundred years ago by your derbies in your scofields and and this rubbish had just gone with it and just being brainwashed but to the point where it doesn't matter you can literally read them verse after verse after verse they just won't have it will they they won't have it they'll go back to some Old Testament promise and go see I don't care what Galatians says and I don't care what Romans says I don't care what Ephesians says look Jeremiah 31 said that there was a promise said well yes but we are Israel you I just just so frustrated but verse 43 they said I am coming my father's name and you received me not if another shall come in his own name him you will receive now he could be talking about the Antichrist or equally any of their Antichrist rabbis that talk a load of old nonsense don't they could be any of them they receive their lying Jewish scholars don't they their commandments of men in the Talmud oh they've got no problem receiving them verse 44 he said how can you believe which receive honor one of another and seek not the honor that cometh from God only and they love don't they they love the honor of one another these people don't they just so I was having you look at this there's a Jewish Theological Seminary of America it gives the degrees of rabbi has an master and doctor of Hebrew literature and doctor of divinity and there probably wasn't much difference 2,000 years ago was there it's probably the same old rubbish wasn't there just receiving honor one of another you know how scholarly they are and how much understand but the sad truth is how many so-called Christians this day go to these people to be told what the Bible says these people that reject God that don't believe it yeah oh but they're so scholarly aren't they because they've got these great names they've received on a one of another but it's kind of one of the other in life isn't it really if you want the honor of God you're not going to receive the honor of man ain't that the truth if you want the honor of God the truth is you're not going to receive the honor of man and that goes for everyone it's not just the Jews or what we call you know the false Jews of today is it because it starts with salvation doesn't it starts with salvation and let's be honest you don't receive much honor for men for getting saved do you know if any of you have gone you know I've gone to unsaved family friends when you got saved told them you got saved they're not all jumping for joy are they let's be honest usually you know the face drops a little bit and and and so many of them that they're pretty gutted they're pretty gutted you got saved you're telling him I'm saved I believe you know and it's like oh you know it's a straightaway the odd is God isn't it straight away you're being looked at you know because they want to try and you know they try and justify it don't know you must have been brainwashed you must have lost the plot you must be some sort of nut job now because you believe the Word of God okay you might and they'll try their best to have this way of you know just just just explaining it away because they just want to reject don't they they want to reject and the mind does many things when it doesn't want to accept something doesn't it I mean other than us so so you get saved and you're around people like ourselves oh you will receive some water won't you you will receive some water from us but I don't think he's talking about those sort of men there they receive honor one of another don't they but you will receive honor from other from saved Christians won't you and you know and we you know and that's the thing is that's something to remember when you get someone saved is you know what a great thing really and that's a brother or sister in Christ now we should be giving them honor and regardless of really their beliefs after that you know sure you know as they grow in Christ if they start just becoming you know obviously some sort of heretical Christian I'm not talking about damnable heresies here but they're obviously they're saved Christians are sadly like we talked about anti us and everything else don't do about giving that much honor to those are still brothers and sisters in Christ so truthfully aren't they but I'm talking about people that get saved their babes in Christ has given that honor we should be given that honor shouldn't we and whether or not we can get them along to be disciple but after salvation if you want to then go on to serve God you definitely won't be getting much honor for that will you you don't receive that that much honor and again it isn't it crazy really isn't it crazy because because so many of us like I said earlier have cleaned up so many aspects of our life thanks to the Word of God haven't we thanks to good preaching thanks to being in church thanks to listening to good hard preaching on sin and and so many things which the world knows the problems in life don't they they know what happens with the drinking they know what happens with the fornication they know what happens with so many other parts of life with the way most people raise their children all these things that we've tried to stick to the Word of God about yet they don't give us any other do they in fact they start to hate you more they hate you more for wanting to live for God I hate you more for wanting to try and dress right for behavior right for trying not to you know curse in everything you say for not take the name of the Lord in vain for all these many many things that we've tried to change in our lives yet we receive not only less on in fact we receive the opposite don't we we receive problems but don't let that stop you though hey who cares about the honor of man but the truth is you ain't gonna get it you ain't gonna get the honor of man and something I think sometimes you know Christians would do well to remember that and and just keep remind yourself you're not looking for the honor of man are you you're not looking for the honor of the world we don't need that and we don't need the honor of each other really in terms of you're not here to impress each other are we you're not here to be the best we're not here to try and show each other you know how great we are we're here to worship God aren't we we're here to honor God to honor Jesus Christ and that's what we need to keep on our minds don't we and especially when it comes to world it cares about a world it cares what the world thinks you know because let's be honest a vast majority of them are going to be burning in hell wishing praying asking father Abraham you know send someone send someone to my brethren to my father's house and and they're going to be asked it well while we're in heaven and okay it's not a nice thought but that's the truth isn't it that's the truth who cares what these people think because sadly they're on a bobsledge to hell aren't they but yeah these Jews don't really believe the Word of God they claim to but they don't verse 46 for had she believed Moses you would have believed me for he wrote of me but if you believe not his writings how shall ye believe my words now again like there are many places but just a few a few that I was thinking of many places where Moses wrote of Jesus turn to Genesis 22 remember yeah you know I believe Joe Moses wrote the first five books of the Bible and Genesis 22 22 8 so obviously Abraham you know he's he's basically taking Isaac up for that famous you know where he's about to well basically about sacrifice him and Abraham said my son God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering so they went both of them together again that's that's for me is is Moses writing of Jesus Christ Turner Turner verse 18 there to verse 18 this is the Lord speaking he said and in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed because thou has obeyed my voice again that's Moses talking about Jesus Christ isn't it his seed singular go to Deuteronomy Deuteronomy 18 Deuteronomy 18 and verse 15 the Lord thy God will raise up unto thee a prophet from the midst of thee of thy brethren like unto me unto him ye shall hearken verses 18 to 19 I will raise him up a prophet from among their brethren like unto thee and will put my words in his mouth and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him and it shall come to pass at whosoever will not hearken unto my words we shall speak in my name I will require it of him these are just a few just a handful of places but Moses wrote of Jesus Christ they didn't believe it did they they clearly don't believe it because he's here fulfilling prophecy and they won't believe it they didn't believe Moses and they didn't believe Jesus which is why this irresistible grace style because that's what it is automatic salvation of all followers of this blasphemous religion of Judaism is even more ridiculous isn't it it is absolutely ridiculous what somehow the vast majority of we think saved Baptists in this in this world it seems unless I've got this wrong it seems the vast majority believe in basically an irresistible grace don't they don't know I'm not talking about the Calvinists here either because of vast vast majority of them are unsaved but this irresistible grace style automatic salvation that's what they believe that Jews are just going to be automatically saved like they just can't resist it like what is that that's not the gospel what's that what's that talking about because they follow a religion because they follow a blasphemous false religion because that's what it is isn't it they're not some sort of genetic line that that's so debunkable it's so ridiculous the Bible makes it clear doesn't it about the amount of converts to Judaism and we've seen that throughout history anyway it doesn't take so oh it depends what you believe no it's in the Word of God is that people convert to Judaism but because they've converted to that and then from that we have now just it's false religion anyway so at the time obviously they weren't converting to a false religion I don't believe at that time they were converted to faith him and being one part of that nation now you just got this false religion which apparently is some sort of genetic line of people yet you can convert to it yet people have converted to it throughout history it's so so ridiculous and it winds me up so much and and it should shouldn't it because it's so false because it's such a lie it's a lie of the devil it's a lie of the devil where to the point where people are just snatching and grabbing land and saying that they somehow have a right to it because they converted to a false religion and to be honest you I don't think you can preach this stuff enough because the opposite is being preached every single week in churches around the country and around the world because I haven't I don't know about you guys anyone been into it into a church where they seem to be saved and I say seem to because it can be a bit sketchy anyone been into a church's cultural they seem to be saved where they don't believe this lie oh you mean the one where they don't believe this lie okay my sermon to be honest I'll be pleased really I'll be pleased if anyone anyone know that don't worry I'm only joking about ruining some ruin the sermon please someone tell me there's a church in this country where they don't believe the lie the Zionist lies no there is it is it in this whole nation what we got 70 million let's say let's count the whole UK I think it's the UK about 70 million 70 million people and okay I didn't prepare for this as you can see with a count of actual churches especially I mean how do we even count Baptist churches with the right salvation because it's so dodgy isn't it anyway but out of all of them there is not one church which hasn't been brainwashed barring Shaw Foundation Baptist Church UK that's the only one in the country that doesn't preach this lie and the truth is with this it's not just that they preach this lie but how can you then take seriously what these guys say when they are clearly not being led by the spirit are they you're not being this is what are you saying because my I was at a church where the the preaching was so dire I mean so look listen yeah there are people that believe some things wrong yeah and there's some bad preaching okay there is and and look I'm not saying I'm the greatest pretty you know my preaching leaves a lot to be desired I'm sure but this was bad okay this was terrible and and this regard have been preaching is you know why it was so bad because every single week without fail he was preaching about the Jews and the pre-trib rapture and or majority the Jews so he wasn't in the spirit how could he be full of the spirit how was it spirit Phil preaching if he was preaching about the Jews week in week out he can't be Kenny so there's our Holy Spirit there because the spirit doesn't lead you into lies the spirit leads you into all truth so had he been preaching other stuff you could probably have put up with it but it was just every week you're just thinking what and that's why the preacher was just you just had no idea what was going here's just jumping the verses because it was all just so wrong and so false but that's going on in in churches around the country isn't it and the more they try and fight against the more they get angry about the healing on the Sabbath day or the more they get angry about their chosen problem the more they're just out of the spirit and just preaching rubbish and a more they're just ruining or at least they're just not at all profiting their congregation are they and that's the truth because they're just preaching lies lies week in week out how just just study the but study the Bible without Schofield without your bike without your Bible College notes without your you know your old IFB little handouts telling you how to how to conquer this this rising tide of anti-semitism and everything else get out all of that just read your Bible and preach it and if you preach your Bible you're not going to preach lies week in week out are you and that's that that's what's going on here and what did Jesus say here Jesus said Jesus said here he said sorry where am I for had you believed Moses you would have believed me for he wrote of me but if you believe not his writings how shall ye believe my words that's the same because they don't believe Jesus do they because instead they believe see I Schofield because instead they believe Nelson Darby Clarence Larkin is it Clarence I think it's Clarence Larkin and the rest of these idiots right now who all over YouTube all these guys who are just constantly trying to push this stuff and with whiteboards behind them showing different dispensations and trying to sound really clever and trying to mock and James White and all these app just weirdos or weirdos most of them are you look at you just think you weirdo and of course they are because they're just it's true though isn't it it's true I had a joke once when someone said that they think he probably wears a thumb ring James why I think he does and look I don't care someone say I'm stuttering him either I'm just guessing I assume that he probably has a thumb ring okay I think he probably has toe rings as well okay that's just me okay but these guys they sound so clever they're so intellectual aren't they he's so intellectual but you can't believe the Bible you can't believe the way in fact you can't even recognize the Word of God because you're too busy trying to prop up false versions false perversions oh but he's so wise he's so clever because he speaks such good Greek I don't care what you say speak a hundred languages you can't understand the Word of God what sort of man are you I'll tell you what you are you're probably unsaved aren't you let's be honest let's be honest because how can your whole your your your whole ministry be based on attacking the King James Bible Wow like what a testimony can you imagine if he is in heaven if he was somehow saved Wow can you imagine the shame when he's up there you know just kind of sweeping the outer court somewhere you know he's literally just just down at the bottom there and I mean if but again I'd be amazed be amazed if you say and and all these guys whose ministry is attacking the Word of God whose ministry like again I'm not saying all unsaved these guys that just poppy up the Jews but how far wrong are they gone how far like they just so so out like I'm not to write your John Hagees who are clearly unsaved reprobates aren't they but but yeah just winds me and again the Word of God is just clearing that we're gonna see that throughout the Gospel of John as well aren't we but but again just just mind-blowing isn't it mind-blowing that there is people around this world claim to believe the Bible and just cannot cannot just read it for what it says and cannot believe it for what it says on that let's pray heavenly father I thank you for your word I thank you thank you that you just just make things so clear and I thank you that we have such a great group of people here a group of just Bible believing Christians that just want to want to listen to the Word of God I want to believe the Word of God for what it says and I'm fussed about what what all these you know sort of mainstream believers want to try and tell us and and just believe the Word of God and just just to listen to what the Word of God says about about many things and I thank you that we have a group here that that we just know that we all just just have our hearts in the right place we just want to listen to you we you know thy will be done not not ours and not some just some people throughout history that are trying to trying to change the Word of God and thank you that we just want to listen to you I pray that you just help us now help us to apply the Word of God to our lives and to not only just just get that strength in our faith from from such a clear salvation as we go through the Gospel of John wow is it so clear and what a great book you know written some men might believe and we thank you that you made it so clear and it's strengthening us with that and just all those other the other topics that come up in each chapter just help us to to think about them to get stronger from them to apply them to our lives and and starting with this week going forward help us help us to have a good week and and for your to seek your will in everything we do we pray that the people that that aren't here will be well enough to come back next week we hope they recover this week we pray that everyone else will be well and healthy and have a good week we pray that we get many people saved at the soul winning times and that we all gather back here next week to worship you and honor you and in Jesus name we pray Amen