(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen. Okay, so we're up to John chapter 19 now, sorry, John chapter 18 now, and yeah, if you remember last week, he'd just done this long prayer, hadn't he? Jesus had just done this long prayer to God, and before that he'd had this kind of dialogue with the disciples, and now we're up to kind of, you know, we're back on with the action now, and what, you know, Jesus' last sort of moments, what happens before this, and we start in verse one with when Jesus had spoken these words, so that was that prayer that he'd just done in the previous chapter, he went forth with his disciples over the brook Sidron, where was a garden into the which he entered and his disciples, now this garden is known as Gethsemane, verse two, and Judas also which betrayed him knew the place, for Jesus oft times resorted thither with his disciples. Let's go to the Lord in the word of prayer. Father, I thank you for your word, thank you for this church, thank you for the salvation this afternoon, just pray that you fill me with your spirit now, please help me to preach accurately, boldly, help people to want to listen, want to hear, we want to apply it to their lives, in Jesus' name we pray, Amen. Okay, so having gone into those final conversations and some unique, you know, some unique stuff in the last few chapters of the Gospel of John compared with the other Gospels, John or the Holy Spirit chooses not in this Gospel to record that final agonising prayer of Jesus while the disciples are falling asleep, if you remember that, in the other Gospels, so here we basically just go straight into the betrayal of Judas now. And the point of the betrayal, if you've ever wondered this, well exactly like what did he do, so he led some people, well the point is that the chief priests and Pharisees, if you remember they're afraid of the multitude, so we constantly see in the Gospels they feared the multitude, they would have laid hands with him but they feared the multitude, they would have taken him but they feared the multitude. Well so Judas' role was to lead them to a place and at a time when there wasn't the multitude there, okay, so Judas has basically led them to where he wouldn't be surrounded by people, where there wouldn't be the multitude there, where basically it would be easier for them to take him as far as they're concerned. So that's what he's done here is he knows that they resort regularly because it says that he knew the place, Judas knows the place because Jesus oftentimes resorted thither with his disciples, so he knows this place, Jesus has gone there, he's brought them there and that's a betrayal isn't it. Now verse three, Judas then having received a band of men and officers from the chief priests and Pharisees cometh thither with lanterns and torches and weapons. Now there are a couple of points here from this verse, notice how the chief priests and Pharisees aren't present, so here he's received a band of men and officers from the chief priests and Pharisees. Matthew 26.57 says, and they that had laid hold on Jesus led him away to Caiaphas the high priest where the scribes and the elders were assembled and the elders being the leaders here. So basically in verse three where we are here it says that the band of men are from the officers and the chief priests and Pharisees because the enemies of God aren't often just boldly out in the open attacking are they, okay, they're not often just out there boldly just there, you know, doing the devil's work for all to see. Here they've sent Judas with the band of men and officers haven't they, they're also referred to elsewhere these men as servants of the high priest and I think you know this kind of principle continues to this day because the attacks on God come from much higher than the idiot blaspheming to your face, okay, so that guy that's shouting at you out on the street or when you knock on the door or you know the people that are kind of abusing God and you know they're really they're just servants aren't they, they're just people that are just just being easily influenced to behave like that and we see that today don't we and here they've sent them out to do the dirty work haven't they. They like to hide in the shadows the enemies of God, they love hiding in the shadows and you know and obviously here and you can see that on a higher scale can't you and we see in the world we see the real enemies of God really hiding in the shadows a lot of the time and we you know then we see the people in your face, the people in the media and other things just kind of attacking, much maligning, mocking and everything else but it can also be like that on a smaller scale where the enemies of God like to hide behind anonymous YouTube accounts so obviously in our world now it's anonymous YouTube accounts is a big one okay people just love this you know anonymity where they're just sending off things you know sending off messages, attacks, making these videos and the vast majority of those are pretty anonymous aren't they and I always say this about that is it's just the modern version of the old cut out letters of the newspaper hate mail which is what used to go on when I was young because you didn't want to be you know recognised by your handwriting so people would literally like this is what you used to hear of is people like sending hate mail to people that just cut out letters and some idiot who makes some YouTube account to attack people they're not saying it's no difference there is it I mean these people are you know it's so scummy isn't it it's like if you want to attack someone you want to criticise someone how about be bold enough bold enough to do it yourself bold enough to use your name and say this is what I'm saying this is what you know instead of just hiding behind anonymous accounts and now in the same way you get it with the fake Christian persona okay now and again you know obviously we this has come up a bit with Judas you know being you know a big theme of this gospel but the fake Christian persona again you see in churches and you see out in the world as when you see with false prophets it they're hiding behind there pretending to be a Christian but really they're just hiding in the shadows aren't they to attack subtly manipulating others to do their dirty work and and people do that so they're trying to manipulate other people manipulate sometimes good people manipulate sometimes just normal people to do the dirty work of them and they're often successful here they're here the band of men came in the night to arrest him okay so these guys are pretty happy to go and arrest Jesus Christ aren't they okay and they're probably I'd imagine fairly aware that he hasn't really done anything wrong well at least they don't know of anything but they've been manipulated or at least maybe it's just their job but they think that that's okay but I doubt that every one of them was some sort of reprobate God hater so I don't think that these men these officers these people sent were all just these God haters the enemies of God they would just manipulate to go and do it weren't they okay and we see that today now notice as well they came in the night okay they came in the night you don't have to turn to Luke 22 verse 53 Jesus said when I was daily with you in the temporary you stretch forth no hands against me but this is your hour and the power of darkness and night time is when the enemies work most isn't it okay night time is when when the enemy works the most that's when they like to come out from underneath their rocks don't they that's when the enemy the wicked like to come out so much wickedness happens at night time doesn't it okay so much wickedness does happen at night time and you think of verse like John 3 19 this is a condemnation that light is coming to the world and men love dark rather than light because their deeds are evil and people just love the dance and the wicked love the darkness don't they love the shadow of the darkness they like the cover of the darkness and here we see it's it's a power of darkness it's a night that they come and do it don't know they don't do it in a day they come and do it at night and that's why for us it's a good principle to be tucked up in bed at night isn't it because that's where bad stuff happens doesn't it at night time and it does happen and you know you only have to obviously talked about this before you have to go to a town centre at night time to just think what on earth you know why do you want to even be out you know don't even have to be a town centre does it just being out at night in general is when bad stuff happens that's when the darkness is that's when when so much sin is going on at night time isn't it okay so verse four here verse four in in john chapter 18 john 18 4 jesus therefore knowing all things that should come upon him went forth and said unto them whom seek you okay so this is this is no surprise to jesus is it so he he's he's not just wondering i can't believe that they've they've rumbled me now i can't believe that they worked out where i've gone you know he knowing all things that should come upon him he went forth and said unto them whom seek ye notice how he goes forth jesus christ goes forth to them doesn't he okay he approaches them look at verse five they answered him jesus of nazareth jesus saith unto them i am he and judas also which betrayed him stood with them now in the other gospels we see judas betraying him with a kiss don't we but here though john is john is highlighting jesus boldness and don't forget that he knows all things that should come upon him we just saw that yeah knowing all things so you would understand wouldn't you if jesus just waited put it off for a few more minutes you know just remember he knows exactly what's going to happen okay and what's going to happen we're going to see but i'd imagine most people most of the world when you knock on the door and start preaching the gospel they know what what happened to jesus at least part of it don't they okay he's going to get nailed to a cross he's going to get beaten he's going to get whipped he's going to get abused he's going to get spat at he's going to get a crown of thorns part of his skull he's going to get nailed to a cross and sadly a lot of the world don't also know that he's then going to spend three days and three nights in the lowest depths of hell i mean that's something else isn't it he knows all of this is going to happen and what does he do he goes forth he goes forth towards them okay he he willingly gives himself um but you would understand it if he just just put it off wouldn't you you would understand that if he just saw just another minute didn't want to because i think most people would now notice that said here and judas also which betrayed him stood with them judas also which betrayed him stood with them so he's led them hasn't he jesus has said i'm here you know in other gospels you see jesus kissed him uh so judas has kissed jesus to identify him he could have just left couldn't he he's done his work he could have left he's standing with them he spent three and a half years pretending to be a disciple pretending to be a christian pretending to be a soul winner and now he's fully against him isn't he okay it's not just he's betrayed and that's it now he's standing with with those that have come to attack come to or at least arrest him to take him off and this verse it just makes me think of the judices that have attacked good churches over the years and because they claim not to be judices don't they none of them go yeah i was a judas got me okay you know like sign off themselves whether it's online or whatever else you know because they love to be on online still don't they it's not like you know middle name judas they you know they honestly try and convince everyone that they're not you know they're actually looking for the greater good of other people they're trying to help them get out of the cult or whatever they try and call it or getting them out of the church you know out of these wicked you know the abuse of the pulpit and the rest of this sort of stuff you know that's like you know they just really need to help people well they claim not to they claim they want to expose the truth then suddenly they're standing with every other enemy of god out there aren't they notice that suddenly they're like best buddies with you know and it doesn't matter whether it's a oneness heretic whether it's someone who's clearly being kicked out for railing it's a repent of your sins or some other work salvationist some false prophet doesn't matter it doesn't matter you know that you know they're enemies of the church so they're their their buddies you know and you know they they all hang around at the same place they'll support each other on comments and you know it's kind of kind of amusing in a way when you look at it but you see that with judas here he's just standing with them now isn't he he's just it's full turncoat you know he's got no no shame now hanging around with people that are arresting jesus christ god to go and nail him to a cross i mean it's it's wicked isn't it but like i said they do that they'll even like team up we've seen recently team up with other you know clear enemies of god there's still money off churches i mean it's absolutely wicked what these people do and try and justify but it's the same with the ecumenical stuff isn't it the ecumenical interfaith lot the ones who are just you know i had it i had it here when we were first here i had uh i had some even i think i told you this before trying to encourage me to be part of the interfaith meeting in south end yeah so representing all the different churches and we could all just meet up and buddy up no way can you imagine that being in a room with these scumbag false prophets these liars these these enemies of god but but these people don't care do they like all these all these like you know one claims to believe you know in the jehovah's witness false doctrine another one claims to believe in the roman catholic false doctrine and it's all just anti-bible isn't it really it's all anti-god in just one way or another packaged in another way but it's the same way they'll all just team up together they'll all have a meeting together all pat each other on the back you're doing a good work you know it's just a different you know they even claim it's a different path won't they they're in the path not very sincere are they these people obviously don't believe what they claim is is their path to god but um yeah they're you know they've got no problem and then you notice as well when you knock on the door with someone you know they're kind of they're usually a little bit nicer until you just ask them you just get onto the gospel isn't it yeah we had that today didn't we he knocked on the door guy was a pastor pastor of some wicked false church what was the church called again eden pentecostal but they call themselves eden christian oh elan that was it elan what was it christian center oh yeah because then you don't really have to commit to too much then if you're just a christian center so elan christian center the guy was a pastor thinking okay this should be interesting yeah he's with his wife there and you know and they were fairly polite fairly pleasant until you know the questions started coming out what do you believe about the gospel you know basically all you say and then eventually it's just like thank you very much shut the door you know but i'll tell you what if we'd said you know if we just said yeah yeah you know we're just christians as well probably would have been high fives you know check check out our church and everything else but it's when you stand on the truth isn't it when you stand the truth but these these wicked people they'll just they'll just team up they'll team up with only complete you know not even like oh well at least they're christians you know you name it from from the muslims you know into faith to the jews just unbelievable isn't it unbelievable but there can only be one truth can't there only be one truth but all these people they have no power against jesus do they no power against jesus look at verse six as soon then as he had said unto them i am he they went backward and fell to the ground so they might be in darkness with swords and staves yeah these might be i'd imagine some sort of trained individuals here um they're come armed in the darkness but they have no power against the god of this world unless he allows it do they they have no power now some might call this the the eighth i am have you ever heard that before i don't know you can think that can't you remember the i ams he said in john six i am the bread of life john eight i am the light of the world john ten i am the door of the sheep as well in john 10 i am the good shepherd john 11 i am the resurrection and the life john 14 i am the way the truth and the life john 15 i am the true vine and you could also add before abraham was i am in john eight then we've got this final i am yeah i am he about jesus of nazareth and what's the result they fall to the ground they fall to the ground here don't they so he said i am he and they fall to the ground and that's the power of the word of god isn't it i mean that's just showing the power of the word of god here jesus christ just says i am here and they fall to the ground verse seven then ask he them again whom seek you and they said jesus of nazareth jesus answered i have told you that i am he if therefore you seek me let these go their way and and this is talking about his disciples that the same might be fulfilled which he spake of them which thou gavest me have i lost none now that was if you remember verse 12 of the previous chapter which said while i was with them in the world i have kept them in thy name those that thou gavest me i have kept and none of them is lost but the son of perdition at scripture might be fulfilled okay back where we are verse 10 then simon peter having a sword drew it and smoked the high priest's servant and cut off his right ear the servant's name was malkus now you can't really blame peter here can you let's be honest you look at this you think yeah come on peter um and i don't think he was some sort of sword master who aimed for the ear yeah and it just said i'm just going to go for the air what do you think he was going for going for the head wasn't he he was going to chop the head off he was aiming for the head let's be honest peter aim for and he was going to chop his head off and i don't see this indignation from jesus christ here like peace peace you know and everything else he's just like look put it away you know this you know i've got to do this but but i don't see him being just so just distraught and everything else you know like like our sort of you know liberal soft versions of christianity would say and i'm not saying we should all go out and start chopping people's heads off but i'm saying that i like peter's spirit there yeah and and look fair enough he wants to defend the lord god doesn't he he wants to defend jesus christ from these scumbags now look at verse 11 then said jesus under peter put up thy sword into the sheath the cup which my father have given me shall i not drink it now turn to matthew 26 return to matthew 26 um it wasn't because they were outnumbered it wasn't because the multitude weren't there to defend them was it jesus willingly let them take him okay jesus went forth to them jesus knew all things that would happen jesus willingly let them take him matthew 26 and from verse 52 so matthew 26 52 reads then said jesus unto him put up again thy sword into his place talking to peter here for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword thinkest thou that i cannot now pray to my father and he shall presently give me more than 12 legions of angels but how then shall the scriptures be fulfilled that thus it must be now legion at the time of christ was 6 000 okay so 12 legions would be 72 000 angels jesus said that he could have presently or basically straight away like like you know that second had more than 72 000 angels can you imagine if you had that i'd like to be able to just go right seventy two thousand angels yeah i could figure some people i would have done some but that guy today could have got dealt with today actually and a few others but 72 000 angels jesus could have just just had straight away yeah um and you know and obviously you look at that and you think well you know obviously there's some self-control there isn't there and i don't think probably most people in this room would be able to have that control with 72 000 angels at your uh you know at your fingertips and and life would probably be a bit different wouldn't it but you probably wouldn't have traffic in front of you when you're walking down the street everyone would just be partying and they wouldn't really know why because the angels are just throwing them out of the way but you know we obviously i don't think we'd have we'd be able to deal with that responsibility so well would we but but it is a good reminder though because we do have we can call on god can't we and we can call on spiritual help and it's a good reminder that doing things in our own strength is futile isn't it our own strength what is our own strength when you're talking about 12 legions of angels and and and everything else we can get from the power of god can't we um we can pray to god in times of trouble can't we all we can just do it on our own we can pray to god we can ask god we can pray for for that help for that strength for and and you know god can do amazing things can't he if we have faith as a grain of mustard seed you know he can do many he could do great things for us or we could just try and do things on our own then and as much as you know we we like to think yeah we pray i know myself often you know i'm in the middle of saying why haven't i even prayed yet what am i doing in fact we went out soul winning today and we had to stop after a couple of doors we haven't even prayed you know and and you know we're gonna do it are we gonna do it in our own power why would we do it in our own power we can do it in the power of god you know and and and it's something that you know it's a it's a good reminder there isn't it i mean jesus could have called on 72 000 angels okay maybe we don't have quite as many angels to you know but there are you know we all have i believe we all have a garden angel at least and we can all call on some help we could all call on god when we need it but what he is saying here back to john 18 what he is saying in verse 11 he said the cup which my father has given me shall i not drink it so jesus saying that what's whatever the father has set before him that's what he will do okay that's what he's saying isn't it whatever the father's given me that's what i'm gonna do that's what i'm gonna have that cup is what i'm gonna have can we all say the same everyone here say that whatsoever the father wants me to do whatsoever god wants me to do god who's we're about to see here is about to die on a cross die in a brutal savage way and before the death we're going to see what he goes through he's going to he's going to go to the lowest depths of hell and pay for every vile sin that anyone here and anyone else has ever done and can we say that whatsoever he set before us we would do because we should shouldn't we we should be able to say yeah you just tell me what to do this life is a vapour you've given me eternity in heaven you paid it all you did it all yeah i've done nothing all i've done is believe in you i've done is trust you but do we can we really say i'd say sadly not because there are conditions for us aren't there well if it's a bit embarrassing not if it means coming across as a bit of a weirdo you know telling people about heaven and all that stuff you know i don't know about that or not if it's you know not if it means really putting myself out not if it means losing a bit of money you know not being able to work so long hours or whatever it is and and there's many things aren't there not if it means you know losing you know losing a bit of friendship with certain people but god god's given us some god's given us some clear things to do so before we go well yeah but what does he want me to do because if he asks me i'll do it well there's some things he has told you to do aren't there okay and and he's told us to to go to church isn't he okay he's told us not to forsake that he's told us clearly to to go out and preach the gospel to every creature isn't he and that's what he's told us to do and look and it can it can be uncomfortable can't it and maybe most people here yeah they'll go out they'll go and preach the gospel knock on doors maybe they're a bit more embarrassed when it's someone they know maybe they're a little bit more ashamed of the gospel a shame that they're going to come across you know a bit a bit of a weirdo you know so i'll do my bit when i'm at church i do i might go on a soul winning event you know or something else but but not when it's around the people that i've known all my life but but that's not that's not what the bible says he said to every creature didn't he not just creatures you don't know or maybe you're the opposite maybe you're happy with people you know but knocking on the stranger's door oh you know i don't know about that you know that's weird you come across like one of them weird jehovah's witnesses or something else well but here he jesus said he said you know the cut which my father has given me shall not drink it and that cut every single believer here has been given that cup haven't they to preach the gospel every single one of us has been given that cut and we've been given some other cups as well haven't we um okay so here he says in verse 12 then the band and the captain and officers of the jews took jesus and bound him and led him away to anise first for he was father-in-law to kaiaphas which was a high priest that same year so anise is described as a high priest years earlier luke 3 when john the baptist first appears so he likely still has a lot of influence i would imagine here um now verse 14 now kaiaphas was he which gave counsel to the jews that it was expedient that one man should die for the people during we saw that back in chapter 11 verse 15 and simon peter followed jesus and so did another disciple that disciple was known unto the high priest and went in with jesus into the palace of the high priest now this is john here verse 16 but peter stood at the door without then went out that other disciple which was known unto the high priest has spake unto her that kept the door and brought in peter okay so although john's not there necessarily defending jesus okay so he's not it's not that he's just there you know standing next to him he's definitely been i think the boldest of them all though isn't he okay he's the one there isn't he he's the one that follows him in um in fact he speaks unto them to get peter in as well doesn't he and i believe just another reason why he's described as a disciple whom jesus loved he's definitely up there isn't he and he's the one he's the closest one to him he's the boldest one there he's the one who's probably you know i think he comes out with the least shame from it all doesn't he um and yeah the most faithful the closest to god here and this is the only gospel where we see that don't we with with uh with john actually is there as well as peter we always just think of as peter being the only one that kind of followed afar off now they are a far off though aren't they um then said the damsel that kept the door under peter aren't not now also one of this man's disciples he said i am not and i think that most christians could think of times in their lives when they've denied jesus yeah when they've tried to distance themselves and i think we sadly will probably still think of times our lives going forward when when we'll do stuff like that when we'll you know just just you know just try not to appear to be that christian when it depends on the circles you're in and you know maybe it's not because of necessarily because of people you know that well maybe it's people you don't know like it is here maybe it's just not wanting to appear a certain way and you know and this i think that you know this can talk to everyone here because there will be a line right now with most people a time when you probably sadly you might deny christ but we shouldn't should we we shouldn't and we should be you know and if you don't you should be praying for boldness shouldn't you praying for boldness like the apostle paul prayed for boldness didn't he verse 18 when the servants and officers stood there who had made a fire of coals for it was cold and they warmed themselves and peter stood with them and warmed himself the high priest then asked jesus of his disciples and of his doctrine jesus answered him i spoke openly to the world i ever taught in the synagogue and in the temple whether the jews always resort and in secret have i said nothing now this is kind of like the the opposite here isn't it this is you know it you know in relation to to simon peter here who's denying christ and jesus saying you know i've not denied anything i've done it all openly and there's also a good principle for preaching here isn't it you know not hiding behind members only channels you know if you're preaching online and you've got your stuff online you know it's only for members you've got to subscribe and everything else we've just been preaching to the world shouldn't we we should be and and look we you know and obviously you know if you if you you know if you come here and you preach at a men's preaching night unless you're preaching like damnable heresy that's going to be out online that's that's being preached to the to the whole world and there are people we know we know of at churches that have preached at things like men's preaching nights and then ask for their sermon to be taken off because then they start to get heat from the world do you think do you think god wants their sermon taken off no it'll be like oh because like the boss you know or something you might sack me no way because because really you're going to be blessed if you just send deny christ thing because that's really what you're doing isn't it denying the word of god denying the truth but here as well he said i ever taught in the synagogue and in the temple with the jews always resort and in secret have i said nothing we don't have any secret beliefs here we don't have any secret doctrines that we only kind of say behind closed doors we don't want other people to know we don't want the new believer that's just coming or maybe they're not a believer to come in and find out that we actually believe the whole bible you know we don't have that do we okay in secret we should say nothing in secret there should be no belief that you're you know obviously if it if it's a false belief then maybe it shouldn't even be said in secret yeah but really if it's if it's from the bible it's clearly there look obviously if you you shouldn't be someone that just keeps coming up with a new idea and reads one verse out of context and then right now i've got to start telling everyone to preach you know obviously i shouldn't be doing that as a preacher either and you should make sure that what you're preaching is accurate and we're going to get stuff from aren't we but obviously you know that's what that's what we should be doing but there shouldn't be anything secret should there shouldn't be anything that i only tell you oh or back back you know back in the office i'll tell you a little something i know you know or something that i believe you know and jesus is the same isn't he so jesus in secret he said nothing now i said in verse 21 why ask his sound me ask them which heard me what i have said unto them behold they know what i said and that should be the same shouldn't it that should be the same with any preacher okay there's no secret doctrines that someone thinks they know well look i'll ask the people ask the people in the church what i believe yeah what do i believe i believe what i've been preaching you know and that should be the same with every preacher shouldn't it what do you believe what you preach from the pulpit yeah and when he had thus spoken one of the offers which stood by struck jesus with the palm of his hand saying answer his soul the high priest so now if you could command 12 legions of angels you might find this difficult i would find this difficult i find that difficult without the 12 legions of angels anyway because you just you know like just getting slapped around the face by this who is this how dare he how dare he slap god around the face but the self-control from jesus here right the self-control he just gets slapped around the face he's god and let's not forget that let's oh weak jesus he's just getting beat about jesus could jesus like you said he could command the angels jesus could have dealt with this probably in a in a multitude of ways but he lets it happen doesn't he okay he lets it happen verse 23 jesus answered him if i have spoken evil bear witness of the evil but if well why smite his sound me so he only asked him a question and pointed out a truth didn't he in verse 21 why ask his sound me i'll say which i mean what what i have said unto them behold they know what i said but the enemies of god they don't need much do they they're just looking for something something to just attack something to attack with anything anything they can i was um i was uh out in in near me and swanly uh the other day and i'm preaching that it was i was telling a couple of people about this because this was a tough this is a tough salvation i'm preaching the gospel to this lady and her husband gets home halfway through and he's um he straight away he's like very aggressive he's just marched up what's going on here you know and i'm trying to preach and and he's basically saying go away and she's saying no i still want to hear so i'm trying to kind of direct to her okay well would you still like look i'll try and be quick you know so anyway in the end he storms off into the house and he's you know cussing me out a bit then he's in the back in the kitchen he's shouting stuff out and when i say in the kitchen it's not no further than kind of max's for me here okay so i'm preaching to the lady here he's just there shouting he wants to eat his dinner with his wife he's shouting all this stuff you know questioning all the stuff i'm saying like he's mocking a bit he's thinks he knows the bible he's from a catholic background he's saying you can't that's not true this isn't so i'm kind of preaching to her trying to kind of answer stuff he's saying trying to end up thinking like and in my mind i'm thinking this is just going to end any time you know anyway so in the end this lady got saved and and i was like you know that was one of like one of the hardest ones i was thinking well i don't know how this lady got saved but she was just really engaged really wanted to hear got her saved and then like he invited me in then okay so i'm thinking okay this should be interesting yeah and uh i'm with little jack yeah so we've got into this house and uh then then so anyway the angle was he was like just trying to find fault in anything and eventually this was the most ridiculous one he said see now you're in my house it's okay no i don't mind listening to you but when you're standing at the door you're like some fanatic yeah you should you know you should wait to be invited in so i've gone to him like mate like if i stood at everyone's door waiting to be invited in how many people do you think we're going to preach the gospel to and your wife's just got saved but anyway so he's just trying to fight they just want anything anything to criticize it's you knocking how dare you knock on the door and preach the gospel to my wife it's like well i knocked on the door and asked if she wanted to know how to get saved so so what's you know and they're just because they want something don't they and the enemies of god they just they're always looking for something anything they can anything they can and of course like you know he tried he did like and you know what what was what was great about it in the end because he just kept coming out with all these attacks we shouldn't be doing this or you can't really do that or does that and you know like it was one of them ones where the holy spirit's just giving you mercy you don't normally go to and you you're getting them pretty quickly and i'm just kind of and the whole time this lady you could just see the boldness coming on she's just got saved and now she's basically getting like semi-discipled through a debate with her husband to the point where he said i can't really answer anymore and it's the word of god you know you can't answer with it to the point where he said oh we'll come to your church sometime i'm not going to get saved here because you don't want to hear the gospel but what he did do she just kept hearing verse after verse answering all his objections all his objections to grace through faith his objections to why it needs to be explained why he can't just read it himself all these and eventually you know he's tried everything and you can't argue with the truth can you and the word of god is the truth but we don't want to give them anything though do we to be justified because they're looking for anything the enemies of god want anything to attack you they want anything to criticize you with don't give them anything okay and if we're persecuted for righteousness sake then good you know we're not for evil doing yeah and anyway back to no in fact turn to luke 22 because this wasn't the only abuse that jesus received at their hands this wasn't the only abuse so turn to luke 22 and while you're turning there mark 14 65 it says and some began to spit on him and to cover his face and to buffet him and to say unto him prophesy and the servants did strike him with the palms of their hands and i said this uh i think it was last week or the week before i was saying about getting spat in the face that for me is the worst part of that all right that is absolutely vile isn't it and what an insult some spits in your face absolutely disgusting jesus christ god in the flesh got spat in the face with 12 legions of angels that he could have just dealt with them i mean man i said before i've been spat in the face before and and look 12 legions of angels there would have been some retribution okay but but it's foul isn't it it's what and and that's god god's getting spat in the face excuse me luke i'm nearly spitting in everyone else's face so i'm saying it's exciting me yeah poor ellen there especially she's the nearest site luke 22 and verse 63 luke 22 63 says and the men that held jesus mocked him and smote him and when they had blindfolded him they struck him on the face and asked him saying prophesy who is it that smote thee and many other things blasphemously spake they against him and look that's not even what they could have considered to be measured punishment was it okay because remember this is pre-trial as well okay and these people are claiming to be righteous they're claiming that he's you know preaching heresy or whatever it is that they're trying to say is a problem and they're just beating him it's it's abuse isn't it it's god hating mockery and abuse isn't it and and and we see that same spirit today don't we the god hating mockery and abuse and we see it throughout the world and we see it throughout the media don't we we see it throughout the media and look you know some people they don't want to believe there's a conspiracy that everyone can just be against god and constantly trying to make people hate god but ultimately it doesn't really matter does it because who's who's the god small g of this world the devil so whether you believe that there is you know whether they are all meeting up and telling each other what they shouldn't shouldn't be putting in their movies and how they're just attacking god attacking jesus and mocking anyone that's that's of that or whether it just comes from who they're worshiping in one way or another through the multitude of false religions and false ways either way the result is that we have a media system don't we and from everywhere you look which is just god hating isn't it god hating mockery and abuse yeah or it's a false god and that's why you know how how anyone how anyone who's who's saved can sit through series on netflix movies or it's just all all of it some of it's more subtle attacking the family attacking you know attacking godly men attacking you know the the you know that's you know basically god's god's way that a family should be and a relationship should be whether it's attacking whether it's trying to influence women to act like whores influence men to act like whore monks it's all just an attack on god it's all an attack on the body whether it's just shoving down your face billions of years billions of years billions of years you came from monkeys you came from monkeys and the rest of the rubbish that is just pushed on us about how does anyone sit through that because it's just an insult isn't it it's it's basically you're just sitting there and basically just hearing them blasphemously speaking against Jesus like they did here you're sitting there and just seeing the just basically going through the abuse yourself aren't you because that's what it is some of it's subtle some of it isn't subtle some of it's just downright blasphemy isn't it outright blasphemy and and it's amazing isn't it it's amazing i was saying this morning as well it's amazing that the vast majority of like mainstream comedy routines will have some sort of just god hating and attacking and blasphemy oh how funny is Ricky Gervais because he mocks god you fool Ricky Gervais you just look at that you think you fool you absolute fool and probably a lot worse than that isn't it and and it is isn't it it's everywhere absolutely everywhere and it's no different to this is it because it's a hatred of god it's not that oh well we just don't believe oh it's his fairy tales because who is it they're attacking always it's the god of the bible it's jesus christ it's not the rest of it they're not out there attacking buddha or or you know or whatever i mean who even is what the higher power whatever they want to call it they're not out there attacking muhammad and allah they're not out there attacking it oh well they're worried about what would happen no it's not it's because they're attacking god because they hate god like these people here they hate god they hate god verse 24 now annas had sent him bound unto caiaphas the high priest and simon peter stood and warmed himself they said therefore unto him art not thou also one of his disciples he denied it and said i am not now i believe that the also here is is possibly referring to john isn't it i think john's here are you saying art thou also one of his disciples and he says no now that kind of makes you think was it really because he was in danger of his life verse 26 one of the servants of the high priest being his kinsman whose ear peter cut off saith did not i see thee in the garden with him you can understand him maybe denying this bit they cut your ear off mate but but then we said another gospel that jesus put it you know jesus healed him didn't he jesus touched his ear and healed him so maybe you know maybe he didn't have to be that worried about that because he went through quite a miraculous thing there well peter then denied again and immediately the cock crew now obviously it was dark in the garden wasn't it as well so there you know for them to be going aren't thou one of them well they're not that sure but turn to mark 14 which is a more detailed version of this so gospel of mark chapter 14 so mark 14 and from verse 66 mark 14 66 and as peter was beneath in the palace there cometh one of the maids of the high priest when she saw peter warming himself she looked upon him and said and thou also was with jesus of nazareth but he denied saying i know not neither understand i what thou sayest and he went out into the porch and the cock crew and the maid saw him again and began to say to them that stood by this is one of them and denied and he denied it again and a little laughter though that stood by said again to peter surely thou art one of them for thou art a galilean and thy speech agreeeth thereto but he began to curse and to swear saying i know not this man of whom you speak and the second time the cock crew and peter called to mind the word that jesus said unto him before the cock crow twice thou shalt deny me thrice and when he thought thereon he wept so remember jesus because peter's been giving it kind of the big ones isn't he saying you know i will never deny you you know i'll never forsake you know and then and then he obviously he's thought upon that because jesus said you know what you are going to and he tells me exactly you know what what that sign of that's going to be the cock growing twice thou shalt deny me thrice now peter here if you notice he's cursing and swearing here isn't he some of us might use this in the gospel presentation we're trying to show people look you know just because you're saved like it doesn't mean that you know so peter's obviously saved doesn't mean that suddenly you're going to walk on water and you're just going to be you know this perfect person peter's curse he's swearing where's peter he's in heaven isn't he and obviously you know it's got nothing to do with what you do afterwards salvation is a free gift but but he's he's cursing and swearing here and maybe maybe that is to try and prove that he's not of christ maybe he's trying to show that he's not or maybe that's out of fear maybe he's cursed you know he's just some people when they get scared they maybe start swear swearing maybe it's to sound that bit tougher you ever heard people that do that a lot of people that do that aren't they they just curve mouth is blue because they want they want to sound like they're really hard don't they they're really tough and they swear a lot it's probably all three of those to prove he's not of christ out of fear a bit tougher maybe a bit of all of them but again just to just to remind you we are all capable of this aren't we yeah yeah everyone here is capable of in the workplace men here especially i'm talking to here are capable of trying to sound like the guys in the workplace yeah trying to just sound like one of the guys and again really denying christ a little bit isn't it just trying to sound like you're one of the boys you know and whether that's swearing a bit or you know trying to trying to at least sound worldly um and again i'm not saying i've said this before it doesn't everything that comes out of your mouth doesn't have to be a thee and the thy and and by god's grace and everything else yeah we can't talk normally but we don't have to be trying to prove that we're not of god do we and people will try and do that a little bit women can do that in social situations you know and again i'm just generalizing and we can all do it in many situations can't we um but and and i think here as well peter's trying to fit in a bit here really isn't he because i don't think he's necessarily under danger in danger at this particular point john's there art thou also one of his disciples he was just trying to fit in and and you know how far do we how the fuck are we going denying christ we could all do it couldn't we maybe it's just well i don't you know i don't want to you know preach the gospel to this one all right look and you know and there's a rule of thumb isn't there if you're on your own with someone really ultimately you should try and get them saved shouldn't you yeah and look people you know and you can look oh well do we really have to we have to look i'm not saying you have to try and get someone saved every single time you see them and like it's 10 times later and you're still forcing them to hear the gospel but at least try and preach the gospel to everyone you can you know because really like if you get a chance you're on your own with someone that's a great opportunity isn't it you have to wait for them to ask you about god but give them the option on the flip side i used to do this badly well i used to basically force people to hear the gospel so i i used to coach them they were they were in in in you know in a boxing ring and for me it was like right i'm the boss here you're gonna hear the gospel yeah so every round i'm like beast them for a round so they need a bit of a longer break and i do like a couple of minutes in gospel beast them again give them another couple of minutes beats them even harder so i maybe get five ten minutes in a row now but really like firstly really i was kind of because it was on their time and it was a bit off but secondly like i had some pretty bad results with it it was quite rare i was getting people say because really they didn't really want to hear because really they didn't really want to hear the gospel but you because you want to just give them the option don't you we have to force someone to hear the gospel okay you don't have to force them you want to encourage them but ultimately they have a choice to accept or reject they have a choice to hear it or not hear it don't they so once i started doing that and i started just going if you want to hear it i'll tell you after the session then suddenly i started getting more and more people saved and that was working well because i was giving them the option but anyway point being here is that you know we could do that on our own with people though and we could be the opposite where we don't really want to say that we believe we don't really want to even give them the option because we're a little bit embarrassed they might think we're a weirdo they might think we're a bit odd give them the chance just you know if you'd like to know you know i'm a christie you can bring it in a conversation so easily can't you i mean look you don't have to go all crazy on them just just let them know and and look it's up to you you have the choice you know you have the choice do you want me to tell you how to get saved do you want to know that 100 percent that when you die you're going to heaven and not to hell i mean what you know it's a it's nothing to be embarrassed of is it what a gift what a gift what an amazing thing that you can tell someone or we can be embarrassed and nervous and not want to tell people because oh they might think that we're a bit odd well better that than them going to hell isn't it that's right isn't it better that than someone burning in hell for eternity yeah just just get the conversation start the conversation if they don't want to hear it cool okay i've given you a chance you know at least you know that you've offered them that chance to get saved yeah verse 28 then led they jesus from cuyphus under the hall of judgment and it was early and they themselves went not into the judgment hall lest they should be defiled but that they might eat the passover so the irony that they've just been beating mocking abusing god in the flesh yeah yet they're worried about coming into contact with the gentiles before the passover yeah they've just been beating and abusing god but yeah we don't want to be too closely gentiles when it's coming up to the passover and that's a good reminder as well here of the bizarre double standards of these false religious types isn't it absolute double standards of the false religious yeah they like to appear to be so holy so full of goodness you know and such nice they're so loving and they talk so they're so mild-mannered you know and when they talk to you everything is you know very calm and very you know they're very god-like can't they as far as they're concerned although i see god saying the lord you know but well maybe i read that wrong but they read it that it's i said the lord you know and nothing could get me angry nothing could faze me but they're so full of iniquity aren't they aren't they so full of iniquity the pervert priest you think about the pervert priest who acts like he's just you know walking on water to use that phrase again acts as if he's just spiritually above everyone else isn't he yet really he's a vile pervert and that goes for the pervert vicar the pervert rabbi the pervert imam and the rest of them the pervert buddhist monk we talked about this the other week didn't we yeah i mean that is that is rampant right now all of that going on with all these pervert they're all the same because they're all false prophets and all given over to a reparate mind aren't they yeah yeah most people look at them and think what a holy person what a good person they wouldn't want to defile themselves before the passover would they whilst they're just attacking god and that's what these people do through their false gospels for their false ways they're attacking god they're dressed in the long flowing garments aren't they well they look the part well to those that are uneducated thinking wow this guy's got even like a little collar thing on you know he doesn't deny Christ he's wearing a collar you know and he's wearing like a dress when he walks around but they're vile sexual predators yeah because they are they are that's that's why they're constantly getting exposed because they are because they're liars because the bible says they're lying they're preaching a false gospel that's right and and what about but but go away from even even these ones that are open false prophets as far as we're concerned what about the flaming sodomites who keep a straight face whilst you know while telling everyone love love love whilst they're literally you know they're shouting about love and tolerance while they're literally dressed as a woman or they they are literally just just you know basically propagating the most vile disgusting things known to be that would never even cross your mind and yet these people are trying to tell you that they're somehow loving they're somehow tolerant and again they're sexual predators it's disgusting that's right it is isn't it it's absolutely disgusting and but it is it's absolutely it's like the hypocrisy on these people the hypocrisy on the false religious the hypocrisy on the people trying to attack christianity and the word of god for for preaching the truth well and trying to act like they're somehow above it they're somehow kinder they're somehow more tolerant they're somehow more loving than a god that died on the cross and went to hell for us amazing but we as christians need to be careful of this too don't we we need to be careful of this sort of hypocrisy don't we and and straining it and that and swallowing a camel because again okay we know it's the pharisees that he's talking about there in matthew 23 but we can do that as well can't we we can be a bit where you know quick to jump on someone else's sin quick to jump on someone's sin whilst justifying our own wickedness at the same time yeah and we should obviously be looking at ourselves um but verse 29 pilot then went out unto them and said what accusation bring you against this man they answered said unto him if he were not a malefactor we would not have delivered him up unto thee it's pretty amazing reasoning that isn't it if he was not a malefactor he wouldn't have delivered him up under thee you know what more what more proof do you need you know if he's a bad guy otherwise we wouldn't have bought him then said pilot unto them take him and judge him according to your law the jews therefore said unto him it is not lawful for us to put any man to death that the saying of jesus might be fulfilled which he spake signifying what death he should die and remember back in john 12 you don't have to turn there but verses 32 33 he said and i if i be lifted up from the earth will draw all men unto me this he said signifying what death he should die because obviously the romans method of choice was crucifixion wasn't it okay and and and that's what he's talking about being lifted up from the earth i believe with the crucifixion which has it it does have a significance doesn't it beyond the jews method of stoning there's something there's a picture of that and obviously that's a picture that we still you know people recognize to this day there's something about that dying on a cross isn't there um then pilot entered into the judgment hall again and called jesus and said unto him art thou the king of the jews why is he asking this turn to luke chapter 23 said art thou the king of the jews well luke chapter 23 and from verse 1 luke 23 1 there's obviously a parallel passage here and a whole multitude of them arose and led him unto pilot and they began to accuse him saying we found this fellow perverting the nation and forbidding to give tribute to caesar saying that he himself is christ a king which obviously along with the other two statements is a lie jesus doesn't actually call himself a king once in the four gospels um in john 6 15 in fact when jesus therefore perceived that they would come and take him by force to make him a king he departed again into a mountain himself alone so he actually avoided being made into a king obviously being a worldly king here an earthly king um and when asked about paying tribute money one of their other lies because we just saw here in luke 23 verse 2 forbidding to give tribute to caesar um he told them to render therefore unto caesar the things which we see is unto god the things which we gods didn't he okay so he never forbid them for bad or forbade them to to give money to to caesar and then when they said about perverting the nation well and if perverting it and a way of applying that is turning from right to wrong distorting misinterpreting misapplying corrupting the definition of that well jesus was clearly doing the exact opposite wasn't he the exact opposite um but they have no qualms in lying do they okay these people have no qualms in lying at all they're just lying through their teeth um verse 34 back to where we were um back in in john chapter 18 verse 34 jesus answered him sayest thou this thing of thyself or did others tell it thee of me he's talking to pilot here remember pilot answered am i a jew thine own nation and the chief priests have delivered thee unto me what has thou done jesus answered my kingdom is not of this world if my kingdom were of this world then would my servants fight that i should not be delivered to the jews but now is my kingdom not from hence so notice how it's the jews that he's being delivered to the the it's the romans are basically being forced really like he's forcing the forcing pilot's hand to carry out the punishment and the reason i say that is because i grew up being kind of told that the romans killed jesus christ did anyone else hear that when they were unsaved yeah that was kind of that was what what what we believe that was what you know it's like those romans those evil romans were that's not really the truth and i don't know does anyone remember when that uh when that obviously heretical movie uh passion of the christ came out yeah and they were like there was uproar because they dared to depict the jews begging pilot to kill jesus you know the jews begging pilot to kill jesus like we see in the gospels yeah you know like we see in the preserved word of god but they were really angry that someone actually made a movie and not just pretended that they were completely innocent in all of this um anyway but yeah so here anyway he said he said that i should not be delivered to the jews but now is my kingdom not from hence because that's really what's happening here isn't it um verse 37 pi and remember it's only the only reason they've gone to pilot with him is just because it's not lawful for them to kill him verse 37 pilot therefore said unto him art thou a king then jesus answered thou sayest that i am a king to this end was i born and for this cause came into the world that i should bear witness unto the truth every one that is of the truth heareth my voice a great great verse there isn't it everyone that is of the truth heareth my voice because the sheep know the voice of shepherd don't they john 10 27 says my sheep hear my voice and i know them and they follow me we as saved christians know his voice when we hear it don't we okay save chris's know his voice that's why when you hear a false bible quoted you know don't you it could be a passage that you really don't know that world it's completely obscure and you just know straight away don't you when someone starts saying a passage you're just like that doesn't sound right yeah that sounds dirty that sounds muddy just something off isn't there about a false bible um and false prophets the same isn't it and look you know don't get me wrong christians can get deceived for a while by false prophets obviously not not they're not going to lose their salvation yeah obviously they're not going to start believing complete damnable heresy but they can listen to false prophets but if you ever have there's something just not right isn't there when you look back you think yeah you know i knew there was something up with that person and then eventually you know that the something comes out doesn't it and and same with false prophets and the unsaved though the unsaved don't hear the truth do they they don't hear his voice and that's that's the sad truth or maybe it's sad true that is the truth of it first corinthians 2 14 you have to turn there says but the natural man receiveth not the same things of the spirit of god for they are foolishness unto him neither can he know them because they are spiritually discerned okay it's not that we're so great okay it's not oh you're just so clever you understand the bible no like our kids can understand the bible can't they if they're saved it's because we're saved it's because of the spirit of god that dwells you know that dwells within us and because of that we understand the word of god and because of that we can hear the word of god and we understand when it's jesus and and because we're of the truth we hear him but that's why unsaved people need us to get them saved yeah that's why isn't it that's why it's not it's no good just like we said before just throwing tracks at them throwing bubbles they need someone to explain the word of god to them someone that understands the word of god to explain it to them they need the word of god okay it's no good just our explanation on its own but there's a combination of the word of god and us explaining in a spirit-filled manner god or a woman of god preaching the gospel okay and that's why that's why we have to go out and preach the gospel because without us preaching the gospel no one's getting saved no one's getting saved and they're going to hell because you can't just pick and choose can you you can't just go well i like that bit of the bible i like the loving bit i like you know i like the bit that you know whosoever believeth in him but i don't like the bit where the wages of sin is death i don't like the bit about burning in in hell for eternity so i'm just going to cut out that bit if you believe the truth you believe salvation and you believe therefore but without faith in jesus christ you're going to hell and if you believe that why on earth warning other people especially when the bible says that's how they get saved because they understand not because the natural man received not the things of spirit of god they can't pick up a bible and get saved they don't understand it they can't get it for they are foolishness unto him neither can he know them because they're spiritually discerned that's why we have to go out and preach the gospel that's why we have to get them saved that's why the ministry of this church the only real ministry of this church is preaching the gospel that's why we don't have you know rock music night where we have some christian rock and you know try and get them in and that's why we don't have you know different like cake days and all of that stuff look you know yeah we should have fellowship time ourselves shouldn't we yeah that's why we you know we don't have homeless days whether we get all the hobos in and you know and give them stuff you know so they can go out and carry on getting getting drunk and doing drugs and you know just have a bit of free food on top of it so we don't do all of that because our main goal our main aim in fact you know it's what we come on do is go out and preach the gospel that's what a church should be doing shouldn't it preach the gospel and that's why we as a church that's why we spend our time going out and preach the gospel that's why we have so many marathons that's why we have so many evenings that's why we have so many days because so winning is what we're told to do and look there's nothing wrong with having with fellowshiping there's nothing wrong with finding nice things that we can do as a church but the rest of it the time and effort some of these churches put into some of this stuff the time and effort they put in the stuff and and how many salvations they're getting out of here zero zero verse 38 so we're going oh hurry up we're going out of time here pilot saith unto him what is truth and when he had said this he went out again unto the jews and saith unto them i find in him no fault at all pilots like one of these wannabe philosophers isn't he what is truth you know get these guys they always try and sound so like clever so philosophical don't they and and it's usually just such rubbish isn't it i i had a guy um i was saying this today because we heard a similar one i had a guy saying that that with all the different religions he said to myself and brother lucky last week well with all the different religions he i don't want to stack my chips against just one yeah i want to stack my chips you know so basically you know i'm not interested because there's so many different religions i don't want to stack my chips but if you know that the dice are loaded you might stack your chips against that one wouldn't you and sorry to go to worldly gambling terms here but point being point being that look when we know the truth there's nothing wrong with stacking your chips against the truth is it okay nothing wrong with that and and how are you going to know the truth without hearing the truth you've got to hear it don't you there's no good going oh well there's just many religions people use this as an excuse a lot to not hear the truth all these differently but there aren't are there there's two religions there's work salvation and and there's grace through faith okay and however you want to package work salvation through through islam you know with peter farman hamid or through you know through any of the multitude of false religions out there they're all work salvation aren't they we had a guy today trying to go we're very similar between islam you know very while he's trying to preach to us you know very similar you know not much difference and brother john said to him you know when pointing out two of the big pretty major differences pretty major differences that jesus has got in the flesh yeah a pretty major difference isn't it um but you know obviously they you know look there's two ways and and where if you you've got to hear it to know it but pilot is trying to do the whole world what is truth that's like what how pilots answer he's just like well what is truth what is truth you know kind of that's it done you know i don't need to hear it but what is truth the word of god the word of god is truth isn't it we had a guy today didn't we as well that you know he believes all religions is what he said on the door i believe every religion so do you know 100 sure you're going to have him yep because i believe every religion that was a funny one and then he shut the door scene after didn't he but okay so verse 39 but you have a custom that i should release unto you uh uh one at the passover will you therefore that release unto you the king of the jews then cried they all again saying not this man but barabbas now barabbas was a robber and think about the world's alternatives to jesus the world's alternatives they're all robbers aren't they they're all thieves um turn to john 10 because look and sorry to you know no i'm not sorry but you know obviously in the gospel of john we like to uh go back to these little bits because it comes up constantly in the gospel of john because the world's alternatives to jesus are all thieves john 10 john 10 and from verse 8 all that ever came before me are thieves and robbers but the sheep did not hear them i am the door by me if any man entering he shall be saved and shall go in and out and find pasture the thief cometh not but for to steal and to kill and to destroy i am come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly i believe barabbas is a picture of the jews choosing basically the devil over christ because that's who he is he's a robber he's a thief isn't he and and choosing you know whatever false and and the world will just choose whatever false prophet won't they whatever liar whatever thief whatever robber over jesus christ and they just and that for me is a clear picture of that john 8 44 um turn there if you like because it's no wonder when john chapter 8 44 when talking to these wicked jews says ye are of your father the devil and the lust of your father ye will do he was a murderer from the beginning and abode not in the truth because there is no truth in him when he speaketh a lie he speaketh of his own for he is a liar and the father of it and that is is basically what we call jews to this day they're of their father the devil these people okay he was a murderer from the beginning and and again you know you can't like i said like this stuff needs preaching because hardly anyone's preached you anymore because they're just trying to condition you to think that these are some sort of chosen special people these ashkenazi converts you know who have decided to follow the babylonian talmud well here the bible says clearly that these people that rejected him they are of their father the devil okay and and these no wonder then they choose barabbas barabbas the the robber okay and sadly people do that to this day but we still want to give them the option don't we so back to the point of the you know kind of the overriding point of the sermon is regardless regardless that the majority of people will choose barabbas they will choose the false prophet in whatever version it is whether it's the atheist false prophet really or whether it's you know the the the closest one to it you know the the repent of your sins baptist pastor or whoever it is they will you you