(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen okay so John chapter 17 and we've been for those of you that are new here we've been going through every Sunday evening the Gospel of John is our Sunday evening Bible study the Sunday morning services have been more topical type sermons we were just going through the Gospel of John and and just preaching what comes up really what I feel to preach as I go through these chapters and there's been some great stuff coming out of the Gospel of John and you know there's so many different topics there it's you know a lot of people see it's just a book on salvation but there's so much there or some people just say oh it's just about you know you know Christ being God in the flesh and but there's just so much in there and and I've been enjoying it we're coming towards the end now we're on John 17 and this is kind of culminating those few chapters now where Jesus has just been having this dialogue with the disciples and now we see it goes into basically a prayer to God for us to all to all see him pray to God here so John chapter 17 and it starts in verse 1 with these words spake Jesus and lifted up his eyes to heaven and said father the hour has come glorify thy son that thy son also may glorify thee now these words I think being particularly the end of chapter 16 where in verse 33 he said these things have I spoken unto you that in me you might have peace in the world ye shall have tribulation but be of good cheer I have overcome the world so he's just said these words he's he's kind of you know it's it's a bit of a sobering thought but it's also something that should give us comfort as well we shall have tribulation but but we can have peace can't we through the Word of God then he says he says these words spake Jesus and lift up his eyes to heaven has said and then we now see this this Jesus speaking to the Father now and this is what begins our long prayer from Jesus to the Father that we can see what what he said obviously this is recorded for our benefit isn't it and and some amazing stuff in here so let's go to the Lord in a quick word of prayer before we get into this father I thank you for your word I thank you for the church I thank you for the salvation's this afternoon I pray that that you just fill me with your spirit now help me to preach accurately and boldly help people to really want to listen to your word and just have attentive ears and hearts and in Jesus name we pray amen right so I've said this before yeah when when you're saved sorry when you're unsaved you just don't get it do you you just don't get what Jesus really did and you know here he's saying father the arrows come glorify thy son that thy son also may glorify thee and you just don't really understand the glory do you of someone dying on the cross and I've said when I was on so I just thought you know what sort of what can you get out of that why can the evade capture why is he dying on a cross I just didn't get it didn't understand it the glory that comes from that but it is it's above all the miracles isn't it above every miracle that he did above raising Lazarus from the dead above above feeding the 5,000 men plus the family families with them the women and children with two fish and five loaves above all of that above the walking on water above everything he did this is something else isn't it this is there's a power there's there's something to be able to okay he's a hundred percent God but he's a hundred percent human as well to be able to go and basically be not only die like that but what what precedes that as well that the mocking the scourging the beatings knowing what was going to happen you know he was a man of saw his acquainted with grief you know he knew he it's all probably prophesied it in me through through the prophet he knew what was going to happen and he and and he's ready for this and he's about to as he said he's about to be glorified and also glorify God through this and and it's amazing really isn't it willfully delivering himself to be killed like that willfully doing it I mean every other every person this room would run a mile wouldn't they I mean you'd just be trying your best not to be killed let alone killed like that and he's willfully delivers himself he knows it's gonna happen he says it's coming now the the hour has come he's like oh I'm bit shocked our Judas caught us out and I caught us out in the garden there just finally I've gone somewhere else now you knew it's coming he knew it was gonna happen he willfully delivers himself but you know to be killed like that to spend three days in hell to spend three days in hell and you know what I'm gonna you know I preach this a few times already but but the doctrine of Jesus going to hell it why on earth why on earth there's so many churches so many preachers they're so scared of it aren't they they hide from it even though it's a pretty simple dot it's pretty clearly there in the Bible isn't it yet they don't they think some of them even try and call it heresy it's absolutely bizarre got Catholic heresies like well look you know the Catholics did actually get a couple things like the Catholics believe in a Trinity you know it doesn't mean that the Trinity's heresy does it okay and and look the Catholics the Catholics believe that you went to hell because he did go to hell you know and you look at the end of the day the Bible says it's what the Bible says it's that's what we care about isn't it the Bible says he went to hell and he went to hell and and you know he went to the lowest depths of hell didn't he and he and he paid and I was this is a preacher on this bypasser the other day and he was just making that point of him paying for every single sin that every single person in the world has ever and will ever commit Jesus Christ paid for the vilest sins you can think of he paid for in hell I mean that's something isn't it think about the punishment what he went through in those three days and three nights and then people just wipe it out just cut it out don't want to talk about that don't want to go down that road why why but but he knows this is about to happen isn't it it's not just the beatings and whippings it's not just a mock it's not just a being spat in the face anyone been spat in the face before by the way being spat in the face yeah I have yeah it is vine it's worse than anything punch kick slap it is so disgusting and so insulting it really if there's anything that's gonna make you angry it's getting spat in the face yeah and he's getting he's getting it all isn't he get it from people that are not and not fit to tie his shoes latch it are they they're not fit to do that and and they're spitting in his face I mean that's something else isn't it and Jesus knew this is going to happen and he willfully does it then he goes to hell for three days and three nights and wow doesn't that glorify him glorify the Father more than anything else more than any of the miracles any of the other things he did verse two as thou has given him power over all flesh that he should give eternal life to as many as thou has given him okay so this is referring here to the eleven disciples and look at verse 12 here he says while I was with them in the world I kept them in thy name those that thou gavest me I have kept and none of them is lost but the son of perdition that the scripture might be fulfilled okay so there he's clearly talking about them and and we here we see here obviously that Judas was given him but it's not talking about it's not talking about for salvation here is it still about the eleven remaining disciples so other than Judas the eleven disciples were given to Jesus weren't they and are all saved yeah they're all saved he's given them eternal life isn't he so that he should give eternal life to as many as I was given him now verse 3 and this is life eternal that they might know thee the only true God and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent so eternal life comes from knowing Jesus Christ isn't it but it's not some lifelong quest to know him for salvation isn't it it's not oh well you know I've got to know him my whole life and and have this kind of relationship with him you hear people say that well I have a relationship with Jesus when you ask them why they're saved or what are you talking you know what are you talking about did you believe in him for salvation or not it's knowing him enough to believe on him for salvation you can't believe on the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation if you've got no idea who he is you got no idea that he's gone in the flesh you've got no idea that that he died on a cross to pay for your sins it's not good enough to believe that there's such a person Jesus is there there's nothing for salvation and as Jesus said in full in John 49 he that have seen me have seen the father okay because they are both one God aren't they okay they're one God and obviously he's God manifest in the flesh now verse 4 I have glorified thee on the earth I have finished the work which thou gave us me to do and now Oh father glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was so being God Jesus Christ always was wasn't he Jesus Christ always was John 1 1 says in the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God the same was in the beginning with God all things were made by him without him was not anything made that was made so it's it's you know that's the truth of the Bible isn't it and Jesus Christ always was and I don't know have you ever had like I had a Muslim a while back to try and say to me so what are you trying to say then before 2,000 years ago where was God Jesus Christ he was in heaven before he came to it to the earth 2,000 years ago and that you know cuz they're like oh this is this I got him here got him on this one how's he gonna answer this well how's Jesus God because they're so offended by aren't they they're so angry with it because they won't believe it but yeah he said he said here which I had with thee before the world was so I don't know I mean you could say that this glory because the glory as well that the the belief in Christ you know that this salvation through Jesus Christ was there from the beginning of the world wasn't it and the men have always been saved the same way and that glory has been there from the beginning was it because it was always going to happen they're either looking towards across now that we we look backwards to the cross don't we now verse 6 I have manifested thy name unto the men which thou gave us me out of the world thine they were and now gave us in me and they have kept thy word okay so this is the disciples verse 7 now they have known that all things whatsoever thou has given me are of thee for I have given unto them the words which thou gave us me and they have received them and have known surely that I came out from thee and they have believed that thou did send me so that's the power of God's words isn't it the power of God's words and that's why when we start preaching the words of God to people they know don't they I mentioned that this morning I think deep down people know it's a word of God don't they and you know you see sometimes don't you see people who really like a mocking scawning whatever and when you start preaching the word of God to them and you start literally talking the words of God from the Bible to them you see a change in accountants a lot of the time don't you you just see that change and they know they know it's God talking to them through you obviously through the Word of God and and you know he says here he says for I've given unto them the words which thou gave us me and they have received them and have known surely that I came out for me they believe that that did send me because of the words isn't it it's a word of God which makes them sure and you know and that that's that's the more sure word isn't it that's it that's that's where they know for sure it's because of the Word of God that's how we know for sure isn't it that's what strengthens our faith that's what when you read the Word of God it if you're ever having some shaky times it's like reading the Word of God you're like wow that's the Word of God isn't it you just know it's a word of God as a power that nothing else does verse 9 he says I pray for them I pray not for the world but for them which thou has given me for they are thine and all mine are thine and thine are mine and I am glorified in them so again one God three persons one God verse 11 and now I am no more in the world but these are in the world and I come to thee Holy Father keep through thine own name those whom thou has given me that they may be one as we are okay so obviously one God still three separate persons or a conversation here makes no sense does it okay a conversation here makes no sense if they're you know if it's all just this oneness they're kind of you know it's different manifestation no look there's one God but there's three persons here in Jesus is praying to God the Father okay sadly that's lost on a lot of people it seems but specifically here he's talking about there being one in terms of unity isn't he he's talking about that unity he wants the disciples united in doctrine of one accord doesn't he the eleven disciples along with eventually Mattias isn't it we see in a book of Acts the core the foundations of the church aren't they okay these eleven disciples are the foundations of the church they're the beginnings of the first church aren't they okay the first church in in Jerusalem comes from them and he wants them to be one as the father and son are doesn't he okay he wants him to be one in unity he wants him to to agree doesn't he doesn't want them he doesn't want them to you know form the first just be bickering and arguing and rowing and disagreeing and you know that because the father and son it and I think you know sadly there is this kind of undercurrent even sometimes an actual preaching of this sort of thing is if Jesus is different to God the Father in terms of what he believes and is you know what he what he thinks about sin and you know and that he's somehow like the good cop to the God the Father's bad cop but that's not that's not the truth is it they're united they they both agree they both agree on absolutely everything don't they it's not that good you know up in heaven they're having a few debates up there and he's going that you just need to lighten up a bit father you know he's going well you just need to toughen up a bit Jesus you know it's not giving so much forgiveness to people no they both they're united aren't they they're united and that's what he wants from from from the disciples here and I believe as well as an extension of that for every individual church to be united on doctrine to be yet to be in unity okay unless it's something serious we don't you know a church doesn't have to be constantly disagreeing and finding ways to debate and disagree with each other we should be united unless obviously if it's something that's damnable heresy it needs to be dealt with but otherwise we should be united as a church and and here he's talking about that he wants them that they may be one as we are he's saying he wants them united he wants them of the same same belief the same the same motivation as well yeah and we talked about this obviously a few weeks back with our goals as a church we want everyone behind that not it's not we're not you know Jesus wasn't just out for himself was he it wasn't I won't forget the father I'm gonna do my own thing no they're united aren't they it's a common goal verse 12 while I was with them in the world I kept them in thy name those that thou gavest me I have kept and none of them is lost but the son of perdition that the scripture might be fulfilled obviously referring to Judas Iscariot verse 13 and now I come to thee that these and these things I speak in the world that they might have my joy fulfilled in themselves so turn back to John chapter 15 so the disciples and that includes us might have his joy fulfilled based on the things that Jesus has been saying over the last few chapters yeah but in a general sense the joy comes from the words that he speaks doesn't it but but it's following those words okay it's following those words verse 8 in John 15 says here it is my father glorified that ye bear much fruit so shall ye be my disciples so just to be a disciple to start with we need to bear much fruit don't we okay here it is my father glorified it you bear much fruit so shall you be my disciples okay so we need if we're not bearing fruit if you're not going out and and and attempting to preach to God at least to learn you're you know you're not on the process to preach in the gospel I'm not saying right you've got say you're not a disciple until you get loads of people say no but yeah that has to be your you should be on track to be getting people safe shouldn't you okay and that and that ultimately is by wanting to be a silent partner by getting out as a silent partner by eventually preaching the gospel by eventually getting people say that's how you're a disciple and how many I mean in this town alone I mean there are a lot of churches aren't there we we spoke to a guy today we knocked on the door today and and he informed me that we're not a Baptist Church because we're not part of the Baptist Union anyone heard that before so badly if you're not part of the Baptist Union which is some wicked wicked organization of false churches we're apparently not a Baptist Church you can imagine yeah what sort of guy this was now this was at this church this thought whatever Dean whatever what's it called again shoo-bee now so thought by yet and I think used to be called thought it was that right is that why I keep calling it that okay that's straight okay so so this guy you know this this guy having just stopped us getting his son saved his son's unsaved he says prevented him started shouting this is the same guy that marched into someone's house and and and prevented them getting saved best part of a year ago this same this same guy is telling me that we are not a church we're not part of the Baptist Union yet every single one of those Baptist Union churches how many of them do you think are out or trying to preach the gospel hardly any I mean there might be the odd I'd be amazed if there was the odd saved person in that one of those churches which maybe would like to one day but doesn't even know where to start and that and I'm being kind here because I doubt there's really much of that so you but you but how many of those would call themselves disciples say a large percentage when they're yeah I'd say a large percentage of those people are calling themselves disciples but the Word of God says they're not disciples they're not the same you know you've got to follow his commands don't you to be a disciple and then most the simplest command is going into all the world preach the gospel to every creature so here anyway he's he and and with that the joy comes from that doesn't it because those people they might play look most of them are unsaved anyway so they might be having pleasures of syntheses and and getting some joy out of that but ultimately when you're saved the joy comes from serving God doesn't it and look here he says in verse 9 of John 15 as a father had loved me so have I loved you continue me continue ye in my love how do we do that in verse 10 if ye keep my commandments you shall abide in my love remember he said I think it might have been chapter 8 maybe if you keep my commandments any of my disciples indeed here he says if you keep my commandments you shall abide in my love even as I have kept my father's commandments and abide in his love okay so same thing and it all goes hand in hands doesn't it it's all well and good reading his words but we need to keep them too doesn't it we need to keep them to you so it's not you know okay well I do a bit so we look we should do the lot yes so when he's important we should be someone who we want to be trying to keep his commandments as well verse 11 he said these things have I spoken unto you that my joy might remain in you and that your joy might be full and then that's when we can have his joy fulfilled in ourselves isn't it and that's what he wants and and and you know in a loving God he wants us to be joyful as well it's not just that we're saved he wants us to have that joy and that comes from serving God now back to back to where we are in John 17 and verse 14 he says in verse 14 I have given them thy word and the world hath hated them because they are not of the world even as I am NOT of the world and that should apply to us too shouldn't it but not because we're rude obnoxious arrogant boastful that's not why the world should hate us is it you have to turn up at Romans 12 2 says and be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that ye may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God so God's good and acceptable and perfect will is that we should be hated for not being part of the world we have a strange kind of thing when you look at it like that but that's the truth of it isn't it is it he's good and perfect and acceptable will ultimately is us being hated but he's going to argue with God there and we do don't we and we get hated and you know I preached on that and you can preach on that every week but I don't think anyone here is probably in any doubt of that but but he said in verse 14 where I've given them thy word and the world hath hated them because they are not of the world even as I'm not of the world so obviously he's talking about his disciples here but we are everyone here I'd hope wants to be a disciple of God and it's trying to be their best to be a disciple if we are we're going to be hated by the world we're going to be hated by the world because we're not of the world if you're not hated by the world then it sounds like you are probably part of the world and in the same way that Jesus Christ was now verse 15 I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil now this is a great great verse here isn't it and look this verse so it's been misused as well the liberal Christian will use this verse to justify hanging around in pubs and clubs and you the rest of it and partaking all sorts of wicked sin you know well you know we're not taking out of the world just that we shouldn't you know we should be kept from the evil don't what God will protect me you know well they're trying to justify their wicked life but they're also those that won't go as far as the commune maybe because that's a bit difficult and we don't have any to go to just yet but they only want to work with other Christians or parents are only let their young kids to talk to other Christians and you know and maybe instead of being ostracized by the unsaved family which generally a lot of the time will come with time they're ostracizing them for not being saved okay we don't want to go get this the wrong way around here yeah okay because you know he said that he said that we're not to be taken out of the world but that should just keep them from the evil look we don't want to walk in the counts of the ungodly in the counts of the ungodly didn't say don't walk anywhere near the ungodly otherwise we'd have to be taken out of the world wouldn't we yeah we don't want to stand in the way of sinners in the way of sinners okay we don't want to behave like the sinners nor sit in the seat of the scornful okay we don't want to be like them we don't want to act like them we don't want to behave like them we don't want to be scornful like them but we still have to function in the world don't we we still have to function in the world we're still in the world because we still have a job to do you can spend your whole life trying to look for a job where you're only around Christians it ain't gonna happen you know it's not gonna happen in this nation not right now you can spend your whole life trying to look for ways where you know you just have to cancel everyone out you know your kids are only you know you're you know you're five month old he's only going to be around other five month old saved Christians but ultimately that's not what God's told us to do has he okay he's told us not to walk in accounts we don't want to be around wicked people but we still have to function in the world yes we should steer clear of the wicked though shouldn't we okay we should steer clear of wicked people God haters those that hate God we should hate the Bible says but but Jesus ate and drank with sinners didn't he Jesus say it and drank with the sinners because he came not to call the righteous but sinners to repentance didn't he okay we have to be in the world and I will I knock on the door so that's all right you know I just keep my distance no because there are many ways and there's ways we can we could get the point of discipling people as well and you're much more likely to be able to disciple someone that maybe you've had some some interaction within life anyway now again I'm not saying look you need to just start buddying up with the most wicked and vile people out there I'm not saying that but there's a lot of unsaved but there's there are a lot of unsaved people you realize that probably live cleaner lives than half the people in this room okay that's the truth just because we're saved doesn't mean that we're automatically walking on water are we okay and there's a lot of people that that do live pretty righteous lives and we can look at some things and then forget other things and and again I'm not saying we look again you know we walk in accounts of the ungodly you know we standing away of sinners sitting in the seat of the school but we do we do and we want to be going out preach the gospel to them and we do have to live in this world don't we now it wasn't only door-to-door soul winning Jesus wasn't only daughter or soul winning he was having interactions with people he's took them he's sitting in there in their houses and eating with them and preaching to them wasn't he okay now turn to 1st Corinthians chapter 5 because there are people that we shouldn't be anywhere near aren't there okay and people get a bit confused with this okay who are those people that's brothers and sisters in Christ saved Christians fellow believers who are in certain sins are the people that we shouldn't have anything to do with okay look at 1st Corinthians 5 and verse 9 I wrote unto you in an epistle not to company with fornicators well that's half the world that is in fact most of our world in this country isn't it no verse 10 yet not all together with the fornicators of this world or with the covetous or extortioners or with idolaters for then must ye needs go out of the world so Paul is telling us that we can keep company with unsaved fornicators unsaved covetous people unsaved extortioners unsaved idolaters isn't he that's what he's saying here we can't now I'm not again I'm not saying be their best friend I'm not saying buddy up and all that's it you know forget everyone else I'm just gonna spend all my time with with unsaved people but we can't keep company with them well we do have to keep company with them to function in this world don't we to be able to preach to them to be able to have access to them and to be able to work in this world to be able to be in this world he didn't he didn't say be best friends with them and get them around to look after your kids so did he okay he didn't say that but he did say he did say he did say but he's not talking about the world what's he talking about well verse 11 but now I've written unto you not to keep company if any man is called a brother be a fornicator or covetous or an idolater or a railer or a drunkard or an extortioner with such and one know not to eat for what have I to do to judge them also that are without do not ye judge them that are within but them that are without God judges therefore put away from among yourselves that wicked person so he said not to keep company if it's a brother didn't he if her brother is guilty of these sins and look again just to make it clear here I'm not standing here saying to you right you need to go and make best friends with all the unsaved and everything else that's going to benefit you but what I'm saying is you don't have to literally treat them like lepers either and run a mile but at the same time be buddying up with Christians who are in these sorts of sins and I hope to God there aren't people in this church or in this sort of sin but let's go through it because look we need to go through this stuff regularly because this is this is a Bible believing church is it not yeah okay this is a Bible believing church and that means as a Bible believing church we have standards in this church which are based on the Bible okay and and sadly again I don't think you'll ever hear this preacher a Baptist Union Church but using the word church is a bit you know it's a bit wrong there anyway because they're not a church let's just remember that as well there are certain things which which are important to be called a church okay because I think sometimes people can look at these they don't have the Word of God they're not a church okay if they don't have the Word of God they're not a church if they don't preach the gospel at all in any form at all they're not a church okay and and look if they if they've got if they don't have the gospel and they've got some sort of a version of the gospel they're not a church okay and we have no business being anywhere near that but we're here we're talking about the unsaved there but now we're talking about in this church you know in this church here we stand on the Word of God and the Word of God has standards for a church okay and if we don't do it by the Word of God if we neglect what the Word of God says and this church is going to fail isn't it okay what are the standards then for the word within the Word of God well if a brother or sister in Christ is on this list so if someone in the church is a fornicator okay then they're not welcome in the church okay if they're a fornicator if they live in fornication if they're out fornicating and that's basically doing what what married couples do yeah outside of marriage okay that's the simplest way of explaining it isn't it okay then they're not welcome in the church okay and they will get kicked out the church and anyone here who does that will will be kicked out the church because you can't live like that and be in this church because we're a Bible believing Church we're a Baptist Church we believe the Bible and we believe that if you're living like that the Bible makes it clear put away from among yourselves that wicked person okay now why are we putting away from among ourselves that wicked person is it because we want to now punish them ourselves well no because when they're outside the church I preached this before we went through first Corinthians they're going to be dealt with in the world they're outside there what comes there is a protection with the churches one it's not then going to affect us when they're dealt and they're chastised by God but ultimately it's because you want to encourage them not to live like that and you want them to be able to come back okay you want them to be able to come back and and and turn from that repent from that come back and say look oh you know okay I want to get right I want to be right we've gone I want to be right with the church and be in this church so fornication covetousness again if a brother sister is on the system so many people that are just you know so sadly just I don't want to be around anyone else not saved and then you know then they probably wouldn't even care if a brother sister in Christ is clearly covetous okay and what's covetous is basically when you're idolizing money isn't it and when just it's about money and stuff as well and other people's things just wanting what's not yours what's not yours coveting money coveting people's things and stuff and the rest of it and when that becomes a you know something inside you and you see signs of that you know again that's someone that shouldn't be company with and that's someone that if they're you know if people like in a church and that should be that should be dealt with someone should come to the leadership that person needs to be put away from among ourselves and again why because a little leaven leaveneth the lump doesn't it if this church was just had people running around just going about money cash how they can make money quickly get rich quick you know the rest of it that's going to be a problem isn't it yeah because it does it affects everyone same with the fornication we got kids in this church it not just the kids we've got impressionable adults and impressionable children in this church okay so again you know these are rules the church idolater somebody's an idolater okay you know whether whether it's images and or you know whether it's bowing down things or whether it's just making an idol of something in the world or someone or something in the world again not welcome okay needs to sort that out look we want to give people a chance if it comes people are new in the church you know people that aren't aware of these things and we want to give them the chance but they don't have long to rectify it's not like oh well you can just you know hang out just give it another six months years if we can try and persuade you with time no you know until you're right till you right with God in these in these areas okay look all of us have sin but these are sins which which the Word of God says to not put up within the church railing okay railing is basically slandering people isn't it slandering and coming out with with dishonest stuff lies about people especially in the church okay and and that this goes on in churches doesn't it this goes on in churches people railing about people people basically accusing and constantly just just trying trying to basically stir up stir up ill feeling towards someone by coming out with dishonest stuff and look you better be you better be a hundred percent sure before you accuse people of someone yeah okay you need to be a hundred percent sure because you don't want to be called a railer and then again kicked out of the church drunkards okay now this isn't popular is it in this country yeah in this country of beer-swilling alcoholics yeah people that just can't get enough you know and just need to drink with everything they do and everything's about a drink and how are you gonna you know get through a week without a drink whoa I went through you know dry January high five sponsor me to go through January without drink your drop of alcohol what a joke what an absolute joke but the Bible's clear isn't it no drunkards okay we don't want drunkards in this church now now now here is where you get some debate don't you in churches and amongst people how much is a drunkard you know okay well as long as they're not drunk when they come to church or is it as long as they don't ever get drunk what is drunk look for me I'm for me if you're drinking you you're drinking to get drunk okay me if you drink one glass you're drinking to get one glass worth of drunkenness whatever that is that's how I see that now look I understand that some people might see that differently but for me if you're a Christian if you're a safe man of God if you've read the Bible if you're sitting in a church and you and you are still trying to justify drinking you're still trying to sit there and go yes right even though there's clear verses say don't even look upon the wine when it giveth its color in the cup when it moveth itself all right yeah what like that's fermented alcohol isn't it I mean am I wrong here there is anyone sitting there thinking well I don't know it maybe it's just you know don't look don't look at the wine but you can like drink it like this or you know it's ridiculous isn't it why does the mocha strong drinking raging whosoever deceived thereby is not wise okay the white the Bible's clear about that isn't it okay so why do people still try and find a way because they want to get a little bit drunk they want to get a fraction drunk because they want to get a little bit tips they want to go there would just relax me it's all drunkenness isn't it okay but surely if you're literally getting drunk as the world would call it then you know there's not even a debate about if you're if you're if you come to this to this church under the influence and again you're not welcome okay and the ushers are asked to look out for that sort of thing as well okay so look for me uh look if you're drinking you know for me I unless you're gonna prove to me otherwise you're a drunkard okay and and the Bible's clear on that isn't it okay and if you love if you love alcohol so much that you just it doesn't matter if you you're you're a safe safe person in this room yeah who knows the state of the churches in this country and what we've had yeah what we put up with to get this church yeah and how much we thought to have a church and how much we've all everyone here is put in so much effort to have a church haven't they in this country if you're sitting there and going well I still I still think I should have a few drinks it's only Christmas or whatever else then for me like we don't even want you in the church you know look again like if you're new to it and you're like I didn't really understand that it look just just you know I've preached on this before look at John chapter 2 I went into alcohol I think probably when I preached on 1st Corinthians on this chapter 1st Corinthians 5 as well I went into alcohol as well on that please go back look at those sermons then if you got any older it's come back love to talk to you about it and then ultimately you've got a decision to make okay because again we don't want I don't want my kids and I don't want any of the children in here I don't want any of the adults in here to start to have their heads turned a little bit and think well you know is it the end of the world to have a little drink because I tell you all I've ever had through my life from alcohol is bad bad stuffs happened problems issues and I've seen horrendous stuff happen to people life-changing stuff that will never never be undone okay yeah I preach that to my kids regularly and you have to in a world like this don't you but but I don't want that some of that work being undone by people in here trying to justify and justify their own iniquity and wickedness so drunkards know and extortioners and like I said with extortioners I heard another angle on this people are just trying to trying to blag money at you claiming that they've got no money and and everything else they're just extorting you really okay people are just trying to get cash out of you one way or another are extorting you and an extortioner is not welcome in here but like I said when I preached on this as well that includes people in jobs where you're extorting people okay so if you think that it's okay to go around clamping people's cars you know and charging them 500 quid to release it or something then you know this is a warning next time don't be don't come to this church okay because you're an extortioner if you work for the BBC license yeah okay I know I saved the worst till last here yeah okay now I'm talking about real scum of the earth and I'm sorry kids that I kids if you just shut your your ears here I'll do that the BBC okay and they're they're licensed collecting department extorting people out of money yeah to even own you know something that plays live live television these people are the scum of the earth aren't they and not those people will be ejected by the ushers with their heads being used to open the door okay okay that that is the scum of the earth so um but joking aside no I do mean that yeah I do and look all that stuff at least because that's what the Bible says doesn't it okay for me I read that I just see BBC license collectors get them out yeah put away from among yourselves that wicked person and look and anything else you know I've only kind of touched on this lightly because it's only you know part part of you know obviously the rest of the chapter but look because the point being where were we the point being that look on there we said I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world but thou shouldest keep them from the evil and to be kept from the evil of the world we have to have at least a pillar and ground of the truth the house of the living God has to be clean isn't it as clean as we can make it and and God's Word tells us how to do that doesn't it okay God's Word tells us how to make it as clean as we can to be able to be kept from the evil okay we're only here currently once a week it might be twice a week and now and again extra extra things that you know and the rest of time we have to be in the world don't we like I've just been preached you do still have to live in the world okay it's impossible not to but when we're in the house of God we want to be around people that at least are trying their best to be holy yeah and this list it you know is for that reason now turn to Romans 16 because there's another type of Christian to add to this list because a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump for the rest of that list and you can add this sim for that but obviously other issues as well Romans chapter 16 verse 17 says now I beseech you brethren mark them which cause divisions and offenses contrary to the doctrine which you have learned and avoid them for they that are such serve not a Lord Jesus Christ but their own belly and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple okay so obviously when you look obviously we're on the lookout for blatant heresy aren't we in a church okay we should be on the look look we should be it's not that we need to question everyone to see if we can catch them out in heresy yeah okay that's not what we're trying to do but what we do want to do is if we is some blatant heresy that's something that needs to be dealt with obviously damnable heresy you know does get preached this happens at good churches people try and pull people you know a way they try and poison people they try and affect people they try and get their own followings their own gatherings okay we're looking for that but this obviously includes as well mark them which cause divisions and offenses contrary to the doctrine which you have learned this includes people trying to find fault with a church all the time constantly trying to whisper among themselves trying to find an issue trying to find a problem whether it's a leadership someone at the church some way of doing things that's causing divisions and offenses contrary to the doctrine because one of the doctrines is unity in the church isn't it one of the doctors is submitting to leadership of the church so again that's that's a big deal it's not just oh well you know they're just a bit disgruntled with this no look if you're if you're causing divisions and offenses in a church one of the multiple ways that it's done then then that's someone that should be marked and avoided and again how are we going to do that in a church we kick them out okay that's what happened and obviously the guy left it so now that's what happened to that to that wicked guy before no even bother them naming because I think they sit there and watch this sort of stuff hoping that they're named but um but that's what's happened before it will happen in the future it's banner happens so look again that's another person and that includes all the back biting all that stuff it's just causing divisions and offenses in there isn't it okay if you're sitting there you're just constantly just trying to find something to be disgruntled about trying to find a problem trying to find something you don't like about the church about someone in the church about whoever it is about your soul winning part whoever it is yeah then then you're a problem okay and again what does the Bible say mark them and avoid them okay now John 17 15 said I pray not that thou should us take them out of the world but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil because the Word of God does that when we follow it doesn't it but if we sit in a church and stand a church going we don't allow but that's a bit uncomfortable that's a bit awkward I want to preach that we don't want to follow those rules then how are we going to be kept from the evil it's from the Word of God and and clear instructions like this for churches Jesus prayed that God would keep us from the evil God wants us to be kept from the evil but we still have a role to play in that don't we okay we still have free will we have free will as a church as a one leading a church and two people in the church whether or not they're going to follow what God says okay verse 16 they're not of the world even as I am not of the world sanctify them through thy truth thy word is truth so how we sanctified may clean a holy how we purged purified cleansed we saw that a couple of weeks ago through the Word of God and we need every word don't we we need every word to be cleaned to be sanctified using a false Bible using some false perversion of the Bible is is not just weak soap is it so oh well it's just not as good it's not as effective it's not you know just that no frills bar of soap you know that well it doesn't have all the hypoallergenic stuff and the extra vitamins added and the nice natural organic stuff yeah it's just a kind of you know it's a basic soap but it does a job you know it does the job it you know it doesn't have the antibacterial advanced you know whatever they claim they have which so much that's a gimmick isn't it but you know it's not that because obviously the Word of God is not a gimmick is it it's not that it's not that it's just a weak so it's corrupted seed isn't it it's corrupted seed it's dirty it's poisonous okay it's poison that's what it is so it's it's not just weeks like it's like washing yourself with a bar of mud okay that's really what you're doing when you're going and you're listening to false Bibles you go to a church and it's a false Bible you listen to a preacher online and it's a false Bible you're reading stuff on the internet and it's a false Bible you're basically washing yourself with mud okay it's ridiculous and and and look the Word of God for me is clear that we live by every word don't we there's a preserved Word of God God promised to preserve it it's inspired it's preserved okay we have it we have it men went through a lot for us to have this didn't they okay they went through a lot for us to have this Bible we have this Bible why on earth would we ever get involved in any of that corrupted see that dirty filthy muddy nasty version of the the soap which is used to cleanse and sanctify us and look if there is some soap mixed in with that mud just to trick you because you know there'll be the odd bit here and there which seems like that you know is that does that make it okay you're gonna have it I've got a bar of soap but it's only got a little bit of mud in it you know it's a little bit so it'll be okay not like especially when you when when there's it you know we have a church we have a church where there are still some churches in the country that use the Word of God seems like they got the gospel right even who could imagine it you know there are churches so why on earth do people look at other church there's no business for a church which doesn't use the Word of God and it's worse than mud it's offensive isn't it it's not just mud let's be honest it without being vulgar it's a lot worse it's something you tread in isn't it something you tread in that you just want to get off the bottom of your shoe and that's what well that's what the false Bibles are okay and that's what and people preaching false Bibles for me are as bad as they have just pedaling filth okay so verse 18 as thou has sent me into the world even so have I also sent them into the world we're in the world yes we need to be wise yes we need to foresee if the evil and hide from it don't we but the disciples and us are sent into the world aren't we okay we are in the world we have to live in the world verse 19 and for their sakes I sanctify myself that they also might be sanctified through the truth okay now I believe that he means he sanctified himself to them okay he's made himself holy to them he's showed them the truth the mystery of godliness he showed them who he is hasn't he okay he showed them he's made it clear he's manifested himself to them because it's the truth and it's the truth that sanctifies us isn't it okay obviously the Word of God and Jesus Christ is the Word of God it's the truth that sanctifies us verse 20 neither pray I for these alone but for them also which shall believe believe on me through their word okay now showing that verse 15 verse 15 there clearly applies to all believers when he said I pray not that I should just take them out of the world but that I should just keep them from the evil okay not just a disciple verse 20 he says neither prayer for these alone but for them also which shall believe on me through the word okay their word notice that their word so wait a minute whose word are we saved by whose word are we saved by well both aren't we we're saved by both the Bible is clear that we're born again not of corruptible seed but I've been corrupt or by the Word of God which liveth and abideth forever yeah but that it needs someone to preach it doesn't it it needs someone to preach it obviously the Ethiopian eunuch in acts 8 said understandest our what sorry was asked understandest our what thou readest wasn't he and what was his answer he said how can I accept some man should guide me okay how can I accept some and that wasn't just put there always just one it you know as an accident that's put there to teach us isn't it okay he's sitting there with Isaiah 53 it's not that he's just sitting there with something that's got nothing to do with salvation at all he's sitting there with Isaiah 53 and he doesn't understand it except some man should guide him so look that doesn't mean though attract with some explanatory notes does it okay that doesn't mean attract with some some explanations on the side a few notes at the bottom why do they do that why do they do that because they're obviously doing the note stuff because they understand they need it explaining don't they so those people understand that you're not just reading attract with verse after verse so they know it needs explaining yet they won't just go out and explain it isn't it wicked because they know it's not that they just oh they just don't know they just kind of think that people can get saved by reading they even put in the explanation next to it but they won't go out and actually tell them in fact I won't even knock on the door when they go up to the door if they even bother going up to the door they'll just literally post them through posts of three posts of through okay so Rome you don't have to under Romans 10 for Ina and again this is kind of just just you know just a lot of it's just reminding you a clear doctrine Romans 10 14 says how then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard and how shall they hear without a preacher okay they need a preacher don't know people need a preacher to understand the gospel they need a preacher to preach them the gospel people believe by disciples of Christ going out and preaching the Word of God that's how people get saved isn't it yeah I know some of us have been saved by videos but that's disciples of Christ again preaching the Word of God recording it and you know from thousands of miles away fortunately you know many people here managed to get saved by men of God doing that okay and that's how that's how but but look that's one way and for us going there and being able to knock on someone's door and actually preach them the gospel approach someone in the street in the park whatever it is and preach them the gospel is is the way we're gonna get the majority of people saved isn't it okay and you know and the Bible's clear that you know and that's why there's he's saying by their word by their word okay because they have to go out and preach to others now verse 21 that they all may be one as thou father art in me and I in thee that they also may be one in us that the world may believe that thou has sent me notice that it's so that the world may believe yeah the world because some of the some of these verses where he's talking about being given the disciples of misused by Calvinists anyone seen that with this chapter amongst many where the Calvinists will try and go to this go see they've been given to him you know it's only people that are given that are saved that they're you know the predetermined from the beginning of the world that you know that God's decided who will be saved and who he's just gonna damn to hell and and and look this stuff is I mean Calvinism is big isn't it I mean it's pretty big out there and and you know it's adopted by both the saved and and well unsaved okay let me reword that majority of the churches are unsaved yeah and and again Church just as the world sees them but there are there are what seemed to be some safe people that seem to be going down and stuck down that Calvinist rabbit trail I don't think if they're really full-on just pure Calvinist believing you know in all those doctors all those wicked doctories of them that they can be saved but at least there are people that give lip service to it that seem to believe that seem to be saved that are being poisoned by this stuff and and how they do it is because they love to sound so intelligent with it don't they they love to sound so clever and you know in these these Calvinist professors and everyone else but look here he says what he says that they may all be one as our father art in me and I need that they also may be one in us that the world may believe that thou has sent me that's his prayer to God that the world may believe yeah they won't just accept the word whosoever these Calvinists will they they don't seem to get the word whosoever even though the Bible says and and I'm gonna give you a little just just a few and I'm not gonna give you the references just because we're running out of time but the Bible says that whosoever believeth in him should not perish whosoever yeah not whoever was chosen from before the foundation of the world but whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst and whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die whosoever believeth on me should not abide in darkness that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved whosoever believeth in him shall receive remission of sins whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed for whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved whosoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God God dwelleth in him and he and God whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God and whosoever will let him take the water of life freely anyone wonder if it's only some people or is it whosoever whosoever whosoever verse 21 said you know but the option is there for the world that they may believe isn't it the options there there's an option there that they may believe okay but they may not and in fact sadly the majority don't but they still have the option isn't it they may believe and how's that it's due to the indwelt believer going forth with the gospel that the world may believe okay and that's how that's how people get saved by us going forth and preaching the gospel to people verse 22 and the glory which thou gavest me I have given them that they may be one even as we are one I in them and now in me that they may be made perfect in one and that the world may know that thou has sent me and has loved them as thou has loved me verse 22 there that's us being made the righteousness of God in him and the glory which thou gavest me I have given them that they may be one even as we are one okay that's the glory that we're given you know we have made the righteousness of God in him and in verse 23 I in them and thou in me that they may be made perfect in one and that the world may know that thou has sent me and has loved them as thou has loved me so that first part of that that's us being indwelt by God the Holy Spirit isn't it which then means that the world may then get saved because it's with the Holy Spirit with it within us isn't it okay that we go out and get people say that's why someone unsaved can't get someone saved can they okay verse 24 father I will that they also whom thou has given me be with me where I am that they may behold my glory which thou has given me for thou loveth me before the foundation of the world okay that's heaven isn't it that's heaven that they may be with me and you know that they may behold my glory which has given me for thou loveth me before the foundation of the world I mean that that's going to be an amazing time isn't it verse 25 I righteous father the world has not known thee but I have known thee and these have known that thou has sent me and I have declared unto them thy name and will declare it that the love wherewith thou has loved me may be in them and I in them so Jesus has declared the father everything that he did was the father's will wasn't it okay everything he did there everything he said was the father's will wasn't it because they are both one God yes separate persons one God which means that we know what we need to so that you know this is what he's saying and I've declared unto them thy name and will declare it that the love wherewith thou has loved me may be in them and I in them we know what we need to so that we can have that love from God don't we okay and and for God and being dwelt by God okay and that's pretty amazing isn't it that's amazing truth an amazing thing that that we're able to have there and on that let's pray father I thank you for thank you for your word thank you for for you know giving us that example of Jesus just praying for us all and his will for us and and and just you know just a love he has for us and and the lessons that he's taught us and and how he wants us to behave he wants us to act how he wants us to live our lives in the world but but not you know but not being but but whilst keep us from the evil and just help us to to be able to walk that tightrope to be able to be in the world to function in the world but at the same time to resist the temptations of sin to be kept from the evil and and to start that by by making sure that we keep this church as a pure and a holy place and keep away those wicked sins that you that you give us a list of those sins that this world of just just marginalized and made into some sort of just normal part of life but let us just understand that you don't change your word doesn't change and your word makes it clear what is sin and what is a wicked sin and what isn't and help us to get on board with that help us to understand that help us to want to serve you to want to live for you help us to do that this week help us to get home safely tonight and and to get out this week so we're going to be back here next week and in Jesus name we pray all of this amen