(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) So John chapter 14 and for those of you that haven't been with us we've been going through the Gospel of John chapter by chapter every week on our Bible study on a Sunday evening and we're now up to chapter 14 and we'll go through it verse by verse like we have been and we're starting in verse 1 which John chapter 14 verse 1 the Bible reads let not your heart be troubled ye believe in God believe also in me let's go to the Lord in a quick word of prayer father I thank you for your word I thank you for this is this great gospel I thank you for the King James Bible I thank you for for this church and now just please please just help everyone to have attentive ears attentive hearts help me to preach your word accurately and boldly and for us to put it into action in our lives as one Jesus name we pray all of this amen okay so in verse 1 here he's obviously not talking about salvation here Jesus is saying to trust what he says isn't he to believe also in me when see when we really trust what Jesus says and we our heart shouldn't be troubled should it okay when we really trust what Jesus says and we shouldn't be troubled our heart troubled being basically being in fear anxiety and the rest of it we need to really trust what Jesus says don't we and have that assurance from that and he goes on to say in verse 2 in my father's house and many mansions if it were not so I would have told you I go to prepare a place for you how many mansions did he say there are many yeah many mansions so that's not a limited number is it there's not you know 144,000 mansions as the witnesses might have you or the false witnesses might have you believe there are many mansions many mansions in his father's house that's a pretty amazing thought when you think about it yeah there are many mansions up there not not you know little mini apartments or little bedsits or anything else there are many mansions up there now how did Jesus go to prepare a place does he mean he's up there dusting and polishing and rearranging furniture or doing a bit of DIY around the mansions no he prepared a place by dying on the cross didn't he okay that's how he went to prepare a place by dying on the cross yeah dying on the cross and in fact after he died on the cross then going to hell for three days then rising again and that's how he went to to prepare a place for us and I think sometimes you can look at that and think Jesus is up there just doing the last few you know odds and ends but no he prepared a place in an almighty way didn't he but these mansions sound good don't they and they sound good that sounds pretty amazing and I think you know for me that follows on from verse 1 let not your heart be troubled and because we can you know it could be a lot of anxiety there could be a lot of stress there could be a lot of fear a lot of worry in life you know life just has a habit of doing that but really we want to focus on eternity don't we when we focus on eternity it just makes things so much more bearable well you don't have to turn it but Jesus said in Luke 23 43 to the thief on the cross and Jesus said unto him verily I say unto thee today shalt thou be with me in paradise okay that's not an in-between land okay that's paradise talk about heaven it's paradise isn't it paradise and what do you think of when you think of paradise some people have probably different ideas maybe thinking about some sort of tranquil island or something else away from people but you know you probably a lot of people have different ideas don't they about what exactly is paradise well Jesus said you'll be with me in paradise and that's the thought isn't it many mansions paradise and I think sometimes it would help us to maybe focus on what a gift we've been given it's not just the eternal life it's not just you know that well we don't have to have eternal suffering in hell for every sin you've ever done it's not only that it's not only that you've been given a free gift of salvation and that you don't have to go to hell but also that heaven isn't just someplace that you've got to put up with it's paradise many mansions turn to Revelation 4 now there's not I think maybe because it's so hard to put it in words and to give us a picture there's not that many real descriptions of heaven are there in the Bible we get little glimpses and little pictures Revelation 4 we see a little bit and from in Revelation chapter 4 and verse 3 it says and he that sat was to look upon like a jasper and a sardine stone and there was a rainbow round about the throne in sight like unto an emerald and round about the throne were four and twenty seats and upon the seats I saw four and twenty elders sitting clothed in white raiment and they had on their heads crowns of gold and out of the throne proceeded lightnings and thunderings and voices and there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne which were the seven spirits of God and before the throne there was a sea of glass like under crystal in the midst of the throne and round about the throne were four beasts full of eyes before and behind and the first beast was like a lion and the second beast like a calf and the third beast had a face a man the fourth beast was like a flying eagle and the four beasts had each of them six wings about them they were full of eyes within and they rest not day and night saying holy holy holy Lord God Almighty which was and is and is to come when those beasts give glory and honor and thanks to him that sat on the throne who liveth forever and ever the four and twenty elders fall down before him that sat on the throne and worship him that liveth forever and ever and cast their crowns before the throne saying thou art worthy Oh Lord to receive glory and honor and power for thou has created all things are full of pleasure they are and were created so that's in the presence of God they're worshiping God it's a pretty pretty amazing scene isn't it but a few things that come out of there the lightnings the thunderings the sea of glass like unto crystal in the midst of the throne round about the throne and then obviously you got the beast you know with the full of eyes before by there's all these just amazing what what visual images there the thing that must be pretty just an amazing sight to see this and and you know like I said there's not all these big descriptions in the Bible but there is in Revelation 21 there is the New Jerusalem there and and you know we're going to spend eternity there so let's have a quick look so turn over to Revelation 21 have a look from verse 11 okay it says Revelation 21 verse 11 having the glory of God and a light was like unto a stone most precious even like a jasper stone clear as crystal and the city life four square and the length is as large as a breadth that he measured the city with the read 12,000 furlongs a length and the breadth and the height of it are equal that's basically 1,500 miles cubed okay cubed so that that's basically going up as well 1,500 miles that's pretty big isn't it I don't know how that's going to work maybe mansions on top of each other I don't know maybe the matches are really tall but I think everything's built on top I mean that that's pretty pretty big isn't it verse 18 the building of the wall of it was of Jasper and the city was pure gold like unto clear glass and the foundations of the wall of the city were garnished with all manner of precious stones the first foundation was Jasper the second sapphire the third of chalcedony the fourth and emerald the fifth sardonyx the sixth sardius the seventh chrysolite the eighth beryl the ninth the topaz the tenth the chrysoprasus the 11th adjacent the 12th and amethyst and the 12 gates were 12 pearls every several gate was of one pearl in the street of the city was pure gold as it were transparent glass and the city had no need of the Sun neither the moonshine it for the glory of God did lighten it and the lamb is a light thereof that sounds pretty amazing doesn't it that sounds absolutely amazing and and look forget forget the Paradise Island you know forget that this you know the the picture would be given there is something amazing isn't it and something Jesus Christ has provided for us and something he's prepared for us by what he did for us and you know okay there aren't many pictures but that picture there gets me pretty excited and that's we're gonna spend eternity there everyone that's put their faith in Jesus Christ is going to spend eternity there so I go back to John and chapter 14 where we were and something that when your heart is troubled maybe remind yourself of where we're going where we're going if you if you put your faith in Jesus Christ that's where you're going to be for eternity well I may you know that's amazing isn't it now look at verse 3 he said and if I go and prepare a place for you I will come again and receive you unto myself that where I am there ye may be also that's the second coming to rapture isn't it and whether I go ye know and the way ye know Thomas saith unto him Lord we know not whether thou goest and how can we know the way so Thomas talk in a literal sense here isn't it verse 6 Jesus saith unto him I am the way the truth and the life no man cometh unto the Father but by me so this is the sixth I am statement of the Gospel of John remember we had in John 6 I am the bread of life John 8 I am the light of the world John 10 I am the door of the sheep and I am the Good Shepherd John 11 I am the resurrection and the life and John 14 now I am the way the truth and the life the way not a way is it the way there is only one way the truth not a truth not one of the one of truths there can only be one truth can't there the truth the life no man no man he said that includes Buddha Muhammad and the rest of the liars because they are liars aren't they no man that means that the great intellectual rabbi whatever you want to call him and everyone else that rejects Jesus Christ is burning in hell okay that's what that's what that verse is saying that no man cometh unto the Father but by me it doesn't matter how clever they sound it doesn't matter how intellectual they sound it doesn't matter any of that because there's only one way isn't there there can only be one way now you know people say but these are holy men what about you know these holy people these holy men well Mother Teresa she was so kind she was so nice to people well John 336 you don't have to turn this is he that believeth on the Sun hath everlasting life and he that believeth not the Sun shall not see life but the wrath of God abideth on him so not only will they not see life not only will none of them come to the Father but the wrath the anger the fury of God abideth on them God who sent his son to die on the cross to pay for for everyone sins and people just reject it people love to believe that they can somehow do something to get to heaven that it's down to them it's down to their religion it's down to their turning from sin down to their perseverance down to them it's not down to you it's down to Jesus Christ he is away not he is away with you with what you do he is away the truth and the life no man cometh unto the Father but by him what a great verse say what an amazing verse there can only be one truth though can't there you can't have multiple truths or they're not the truth you can't have multiple ways or they're not there's only one truth in life isn't there there's only one truth and Jesus Christ is the truth and everyone that's put their faith in Jesus Christ knows in their heart that that's the truth don't they okay and the people that haven't look you know and you know I don't know if we do or not here but look if you if you're wondering if you're thinking well how do you put your face Jesus Christ and talk to that talk to someone after the service come up to myself someone else we'd happily show you how to put your your faith in Jesus Christ it's simple isn't it so it's just taking a gift okay there can only be one truth verse 7 if he had known me you should have known my father also from hence forth ye know him and have seen him because it's not a good cop bad cop is there it's not the old out mean old old God the Father you know from the Old Testament thank God for Jesus Christ coming in just evening it mellowing him out a little bit no because they are one God aren't they three persons one God God the Father God son God the Holy Spirit there's no difference although they are separate persons they are only one God okay which means they have the same will they have the same standards they have the same love for us and they have the same judgment for sin don't they there's no difference Jesus Christ didn't come so that we can then get up to all the filth and perversions at the Old Testament condemned did he that's not why he came he came to give us life he came to save us but God still has standards to how he wants us to live doesn't he okay and that hasn't changed Jesus Christ hasn't changed with that verse 8 Philip saith unto him Lord show us the Father and it sufficeth us Jesus saith unto him have I been so long time with you and yet has thou not known me Philip he that has seen me has seen the Father and how sayest thou then show us the Father because Jesus is God manifest in the flesh isn't he okay first Timothy 3 16 and without controversy great is a mystery of godliness God was manifest in the flesh yeah the oneness guys would then say see this see look you know Jesus is God the Father you know Jesus is God the Father but remember in Exodus 33 20 when God was talking to Moses and he said thou canst not see my face for there shall no man see me and live that's referring to God the Father these people are talking to Jesus Christ and seeing God the Son's face aren't they they're separate people but they are one God aren't they okay they're separate persons but they are one God verse 10 believe it sound not that I am in the Father and the Father in me the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself but the Father that dwelleth in me he doeth the works turn to Hebrews chapter 1 because great is a mystery of godliness it is a mystery isn't it and it's often hard for us to put it into words and it can be hard and you could you know it could be hard when you're trying to explain it in your own words but Hebrews 1 I would say says it's so much better than we can paraphrase or that we can translate you know God says it now it's a mystery it's hard to always get your head around but it's the truth Hebrews chapter 1 and verse 1 Hebrews 1 1 God who at sundry times it and in divers manners spake in time pass unto the Father's by the prophets have in these last days spoken unto us by his son he spoken by his son yeah whom he are the pointed heir of all things by whom also he made the worlds who being the brightness of his glory an express image of his person and upholding all things by the word of his power when he had by himself purged our sins sat down on the right hand of the majesty on high so the express image of his person or an exact representation that's why he is in the father and the father in him you have one God verse 4 being made so much better than the angels as he had by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they from to which of the angels said here any time thou art my son this day have I begotten thee and again I will be to him a father and he shall be to me a son and again when he bringeth in the first begotten into the world he saith and let all the angels of God worship him and of the angels he saith who maketh his angels spirits and his ministers a flame of fire but unto the son he saith thy throne Oh God is forever and ever a sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre of thy kingdom that's got the father calling God the Sun God yeah a bit hard to speak to each other if they're different forms isn't it yeah if they're different slice of the pie or something else is a bit hard to speak to each other a bit hard if Jesus is a lesser being isn't it a bit hard if Jesus is is just a lesser being being called Oh God look there's a hierarchy okay there's clearly a hierarchy in the same way that there's a hierarchy in many areas of life aren't there but it doesn't mean that that person's a better person or anything else because of hierarchy but Jesus is God it's profound it's hard to explain but it's the truth isn't it that's the truth of the Bible Jesus is God in the flesh verse 11 he said back to John back to John there chapter 14 believe me that I am in the father and the father in me or else believe me for the very works sake verily verily I sound to you he that believeth on me the works I do shall he do also and greater works and these shall he do because I go unto my father greater works than Jesus Christ God in the flesh does he mean more amazing miracles sight to the blind walking on water is that what we're going to be doing maybe running on water yeah maybe raising the dead maybe raising three dead at once it's not what he's talking about is it greater here is referring to the quantity isn't it it's a quantity a greater or bigger number of works what are the works well the works with the most eternal value or what getting people saved aren't they more important than any of the rest of that is getting people saved because they're that that's where those works last for eternity don't they okay and they haven't they have such an impression for eternity as well so why can we do more works in Jesus Christ well verse 12 he tells us why he says and greater works initially do because I go on to my father Jesus ministry was three and a half years wasn't it and there are people here there are kids here who are saved already hopefully we'll go on to to serve God and you know that's not a given by the way that's not a given is it that they're gonna be disciples for their life we need to make sure as parents that we encourage them and train them up to be disciples okay it's not oh well they've come to a good church that's it job done no they need to carry on don't they and we need to keep encouraging them and and make sure that they want to come as well as they get older as well but I mean even for us here for many of us here I mean you know I'm starting to feel a bit older but I hope I've still got quite a few years ahead of me and if I got a few years ahead of me I've got a lot of time I can still serve God can't I okay and that's that's it look we've got we've got a long time ahead of us to go out and get people saved in the soul and the key is consistency isn't it okay the key is making sure that you do what you can do that look I'm not saying well I better err on the side of caution only go once a month no I'm not saying that but what I am saying is to make sure that you're going week in week out okay no matter what not to you know I'm going seven days a week and then suddenly you don't go at all for the next few years yeah just get out there get soul winning make sure you're doing it and consistently throughout your life and greater works than these shall he do because I go on to my father because we have the time to do it don't we do that work for God verse 13 and whatsoever ye shall ask in my name that will I do that the father may be glorified in the Sun if you shall ask anything in my name I will do it did he say that whatsoever ye shall ask that will I do did he say that no he said whatsoever ye shall ask in my name didn't he whatsoever you shall ask in my name so is that as long as we end the prayer in Jesus name is that what he's talking about there just go well you know I'll ask all these things in Jesus name so you know as long as you know I could just ah God you know I just want the head of my enemy on a charger you know in the charger in Jesus name you know that's just going to be done then no but he's saying he's saying in my name basically is another way saying according to my will isn't it okay according to the will of him turn to 1st John chapter 5 Jesus give me a Ferrari in Jesus name there you go what's there I've asked in his name now it's talking about his will 1st John chapter 5 and verse 14 1st John 5 14 and this is the confidence that we have in him that if we ask anything according to his will he heareth us and if we know that he hear us whatsoever we ask we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him you know the Lord's prayer thy will be done yeah that's what we're praying for but we can ask for things specifically because God's will is to give us good things isn't it but there are things which are going to be good for us because a lot of things maybe we pray for a lot of the time there may be things which wouldn't be good for us now turn to Mark chapter 11 because as well sometimes people think yeah but ask for this and it I'm sure this was God's will I'm sure this was God's will and and it's not being answered hmm well look at mark 11 there's another stipulation here verse 22 mark 11 22 and Jesus answering saith unto them have faith in God for verily I say unto you that whosoever shall say unto this fountain be unto this mountain be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea and shall not doubt in his heart but shall believe that those things which he says shall come to pass he shall have whatsoever he saith therefore I say unto you what things so ever ye desire when you pray believe that ye receive them and ye shall have them so if we're desiring things in Jesus name according to his will we're going to desire good things aren't we good things which are for good for the good of us for the good of others if we really believe we really have faith when we pray we will receive them because how many times you pray and in the back of your mind you think you don't know if I'm gonna get this don't know if it's really gonna work out because we do don't we often sadly people do pray like that but but no that you know we should be praying praying for his will and praying in faith pray in faith pray with that belief that he's going to answer your prayer because he will he's just told us or do we not believe the Word of God anyone here not believe the Word of God anyone just no no I'm not sure I don't know maybe the translators got that bit wrong you know yeah no well you got to go back to the Greek there no we've got the we've got the King James we've got the Word of God haven't we and the Word of God says here that whatsoever he said that whosoever shall say unto this mountain be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea and shall not doubt in his heart that's the key but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass he shall have whatsoever he saith we can remove the mountains in our life if we have faith in God yeah we have faith that it will be answered but there's also another condition isn't there so go over to well in fact stay there look at verse 25 and when you stand praying forgive if you have ought against any that your father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses but if you do not forgive neither will your father which is in heaven forgive your trespasses so I would say this obviously applies especially when we're praying for forgiveness because we should be praying for forgiveness shouldn't we shouldn't everyone here because first John 1 9 after owner says if we confess our sins he's faithful and just forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness this isn't for ongoing salvation is it obviously this is for for that walk with God for God to not chastise you like we spoke about before your child comes up to you says I'm really sorry I did something really naughty and comes it what's your punishment gonna be love it's gonna be a lot less than if you have to catch them out isn't it if at all sometimes it's hard when they come up and owned up to a book to something they've done it's hard to punish them in the same way God's the same way like that isn't it we should we should confess all us is that something we should get in a habit of at night shouldn't we go to bed and praying to God for forgiveness because you know the more we do that the more he he's he will forgive us but also the more that then we'll be forgiven because there's no use going to bed at night going oh god please forgive me for today I've just been a jerk I've done this I've done that and in your mind you're like that person you know that person at church that barely said hello to me or whatever else you know if you're if you're not forgiving other people it's God gonna forgive you well it says here if you do not forgive neither will your father which is in heaven forgive your trespasses okay that's our ongoing walk with God it's got nothing to do with salvation unlike what the liars the the the work salvationists will try and tell you verse 15 back to back to John chapter 14 John chapter 14 of verse 15 if you love me keep my Commandments how many liberal so-called Christians claim to love Jesus they love that word love don't they oh I love my Lord and Savior oh you know I love love and we just love everyone I we need to be more Christlike and love everyone because we just love Jesus so much they claim to love everyone don't they but they can't even keep one commandment can they can they they don't even attempt to keep any Commandments and again it's got nothing to do with salvation but if you love the Lord if you love me keep my Commandments oh you legalist you legalist you're telling people that they should actually pay attention to what God's written in this thick Bible and not just to the verse about salvation yes that's what I'm saying I'm saying there's a huge Bible here that will help us to live right and Jesus said if you love me keep my Commandments if you really if you really want to show people you love the Lord Jesus Christ keep his Commandments I'll do your utmost to keep them and we're gonna fail we're gonna fail regularly aren't we we're all sinful yeah we're all gonna fail but we should be trying our best shouldn't we and how are we gonna keep his Commandments because there are many Commandments aren't there there are many we're not just talking about the Ten Commandments here everyone loves the Ten Commandments but there are many Commandments so how do we keep them well we need to know them to keep them don't we yeah how can you keep Commandments that you don't know you need to know you need to know that you need to read the rule book to know what the rules say yeah how you get you know you go into some sort of sport that you're competing in how are you gonna how you're gonna keep the rules you don't even know what the rules are I was explaining to my son the off sidetracked the other day because how's he meant to know if he doesn't know what it is when he's playing it playing football well we have to learn the rules don't we well look you could add there then if you love me learn my Commandments because if we're not reading the Word of God if we're not reading our Bibles how are we meant to know what the Commandments are if we don't if we can't even be bothered to open the Bible more than maybe a couple of minutes a day if that if you if it's only some you know whatever the verse of the day sent to you by your Bible app is well I've done a bit of Bible today you know I read a verse oh I meditated on it for five seconds well how you get how you gonna keep his Commandments because I'll tell you what that's quite that's quite a big book isn't it I think it's the best part of 1200 1200 chapters there aren't there okay so that's a lot of chapters and there's a lot of words in that Bible I've seen word counts before I can't remember what they are but look if you want to learn that you need to read it regularly don't you and not just once through you need to read it through time and time and time again cuz sometimes there are things that just come up that you you've completely forgotten aren't there there are things that you you know you've might you might be really a few times a year and you'll still forget things well you could be really at six times you still forget things if you love me keep my Commandments that's what Jesus said I everyone here loves loves Jesus because I tell you what he did a lot for us didn't he a hell of a lot for us excuse a pun verse 16 and I will pray the Father and he shall give you another comforter that he may abide with you forever even the Spirit of truth whom the world cannot receive because it seeth him not neither knoweth him but ye know him for he dwelleth with you and shall be in you the Spirit of truth being the Holy Spirit yeah the Spirit indwells every believer okay the Spirit indwells us all doesn't it everyone that's put their faith in Jesus Christ is indwelt by the Holy Spirit they didn't have to do a special prayer for the for the Holy Spirit let's have someone have to pray for them to speak in tongues okay no the second you put your faith in Jesus Christ alone not Jesus Christ plus a bit of me I works no no Christ alone then you're indwelt by the Holy Spirit verse 18 I will not leave you comfortless I will come to you and that's the third part of the Trinity God the Holy Spirit yeah God the Holy Spirit the third part the Trinity verse 19 yet a little world a world seeth me no more but ye see me because I live ye shall live also so was it just a death and burial it's also Jesus Christ resurrection that results in this living doesn't it okay if Jesus Christ something resurrected but still be paying for our sins and if he's still paying for our sins and we're not justified yet are we okay so his resurrection is important here and it's because he lives that we live also now verse 20 at that day ye shall know that I am in my father in ye me and I in you he that hath my commandments and keepeth them here it is that loveth me and he that loveth me shall be loved of my father and I will love him and will manifest myself to him so again we show our love to Jesus by keeping his commandments yeah okay he that had my commandments to keep with him here it is that loveth me okay and he that loveth me should be loved my father and I will love him and will manifest myself to him so if you want God to love you and this is now a deeper love here isn't it then like we said the God so loved the world love and the love that he has for his children but if you want God to really love you to give you that extra love keep his commandments yeah try your utmost to keep his commandments do everything you can to keep his commandments if you want to really know God keep his commandments yeah how many people I just want to see Jesus oh if only come to me and talk to me in a vision or in a dream or something else well no if you really want to see him you want to see him it's really the Word of God isn't it keep his commandments keep his commandments and one of them is read your Bible yeah learn learn about him this is him telling you all about him as well learn about him keep his commandments you want to see him keep his commandments you want to know him keep his commandments and he will manifest himself to you and you will understand you'll get to know him more Judas saith unto him not excariant Lord how is it that thou wilt manifest thyself unto us and not unto the world Jesus answers said unto him if a man love me he will keep my words and my father will love him and we will come unto him and make our abode with him if you want to be near to God you want to feel his presence you want him involved in your life keep his words yeah it's the same same theme here isn't it verse after verse for man love me he will keep my words and my father will love him and we will come unto him and make our abode with him that's him being close to you that's him being there with you that's that's feeling that presence of God and the more you keep his commandments the more you read the word the more you you try and live for God the more you feel that don't you yeah and look we all go through different periods everyone is honest there it's not just being this upward just you know improvement their whole life yeah there are gonna be times when you feel further from God it let's be honest those times are when you're not reading your Bible so much isn't it when you're not living for God when you're willfully sinning more and more isn't it but the more you live for God the more you feel like he's making that abode he's living there with you he's there by your side verse 24 he that loveth me not keepeth not my sayings and the word which he here is not mine but the father's which sent me so when we're just ignoring Commandments willfully sinning we're showing that we don't love him yeah and that's something that maybe that's another good incentive isn't it another good incentive for trying to live for God it's not for salvation it's not to keep salvation obviously it's it's it's to show that we love him show that appreciation to be able to have that happy love to have him make his abode with you verse 25 these things have I spoken unto you being yet present with you but the comforter which is the Holy Ghost whom the Father will send in my name he shall teach you all things and bring all things your remembrance whatsoever I have said unto you okay so the Holy Ghost will teach us and remind us all the things that God has said that's what it says doesn't it the the Holy Ghost yeah the comforter he shall teach you all things and bring all things your remembrance whatsoever I have said unto you so how does God speak to us so again through the Holy Ghost but the Word of God isn't it yeah our King James Bible that's how God speaks us the King James Bible and the Holy Ghost will then he will teach us and remind us of scriptures but but what's the stipulation here it's what we've heard or read isn't it so if you're not reading your Bible you're not reading the Word of God then how's how's the Holy Ghost here gonna bring all things to your remembrance whatsoever I have said unto you yeah because everything he said unto us is throughout our Bible so to have that brought to remembrance and look how many people can vouch for this when they're out soul winning when you're out soul winning and and there's you're having this you know someone maybe there's a bit of a problem this person is something they're stuck on and then the Holy Ghost just just a verse comes in your mind doesn't it and that verse suddenly you're preaching to them it's a verse you might not even use very much we've been reading your Bible recently haven't you that verse comes in yeah next you know that person's getting saved yeah and and the Holy Ghost does that doesn't he keep brings you remember how many times you try to advise someone try to counsel someone be it your kids someone else and the Holy Ghost will bring to your remembrance of us bring to your remembrance a passage of the Bible bring to your remembrance a story in the Bible yeah we all I think most people here could say yeah I've experienced that yeah that's how it works isn't it but if we're not reading it how does that happen it can't it doesn't happen so then we're basically the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God we're basically disarming the Holy Ghost when we don't read our Bible and that's why I look you know it's no excuse is it when you're sitting at home in the evening you've hardly read any Bible and instead you're flicking through YouTube videos you know just some old junk or you you know you you're just doing just just a lot of the time casting wicked things before your eyes aren't you let's be honest and everyone will do it from time to time I'm not saying it's all YouTube might be something else might just be trawling through social media it might be you know just something else maybe shoving on the TV or whatever it is that people will end up doing in their free time and you really you're limiting yourself though as well aren't you because you're limiting the power that you could get from the Holy Spirit that to be able to just help you through how many times in just difficult decisions in life does the Holy Spirit put something in your head if you're reading your Bible if you're in the Word if you're regularly in the Word it's so important isn't it so important and what and like I said what's the number way that God the comfort of the Holy Spirit comforts us through the scriptures okay that's how it's done that's how we're comforted through the scriptures so if you're not reading it how are you going to get comforted as well so it's a comforter and we want we want comfort in life don't we yeah I know some of us men we think we're pretty tough you know we can do a right but tell you what life can be tough can't it and we need comfort we need that comfort and look I've said it before and I keep saying it preaching is different to Bible reading isn't it okay and look and audio as well with Bible you know and preaching is biblical for sure so don't ever think that I'm trying to say you don't listen to preaching do listen to preaching good preaching don't just listen to any preaching okay because there's much more bad preach there's many more false prophets online obviously is a big problem right now isn't it because there's just false prophets everywhere I mean how often do you put on a good preacher and the next suggested video what is it just always some way to say it John MacArthur's the big one is it so wicked false prophet and he's a subtle false prophet that one as well a lot of people have been deceived by him in it there are many aren't there just and and you know it doesn't matter how many times you're listening to good sound NIFB preachers and how often does YouTube just want to suggest some heretic false prophet every single time yeah and look but preaching is biblical good preaching is biblical and we should all enjoy listening to preaching should we okay I love listening to good preaching I hope everyone else likes listening to good preaching yeah nothing better is there than listening to good preaching but oh there are some things but there is is up there it's out there okay but but if we want to have the things that Jesus has said yeah brought to our remembrance yeah all things whatsoever he said yeah what's the most efficient use of our time to do that because for example this sermon this sermon right now it's a Bible study okay so we've got a full chapter we've gone through anyway and as well as a chapter that we've gone through verse by verse we've probably gone through approximately another chapter let's say okay in Bible verses turning maybe a few off quoted here and there we've turned to a few few I haven't turned to okay so that's around two chapters of the Bible in approximately an hour okay two chapters of the Bible in there how many chapters of an average chapter you getting through in your Bible reading in an hour I would say about 12 yeah on average 12 chapters an hour so look and I would say that's probably a fair average for a sermon and I'll talk about good sermons because I'm not say look not all sermons have to be literally just full-on Bible Bible Bible but sadly there there there are a lot of sermons which are springboard off one verse aren't they and then the guy just starts telling you poetry and talking about you know whatever wicked old false prophet who Spurgeon or someone else yeah but no okay so so two chapters I would say in an hour in a sermon so in comparison like I said you can read about 12 chapters couldn't you 12 chapters in that time now I'm not saying switch on I'm not saying guys pack up now get out your Bibles okay give up on it but what I am saying is that by all means this in the sermons enjoy the great preaching out there the sound preaching but get the balance right as well okay so if you're just sitting at home and you could be reading your Bible instead you're just strictly on sermon sermon and look many people have done this haven't they or many people will do this and sometimes we'll fall back into this it's not necessarily falling but when they're literally just watch sermons on repeat repeat repeat you know and all they're doing is this in the songs but they're not really reading the Bible you know they're kind of they might get in a couple of chapters in the morning you know and that's about it well well how's the Holy Spirit gonna bring that all things to remembrance because really it's not an efficient use of your time is it okay and look audio Bible I think's great as well and and I would just get the balance you know yeah listen to good preaching make sure it's good preaching make sure it's average don't listen to you know all these heretics out there and everything else but at the same time you should be listening and and or and reading your Bible shouldn't you okay therefore then what's the Holy Spirit gonna do bring to your remembrance because then you're getting you're just flooding your mind with Bible but you're also listening to good preaching listening to expanded listening and enjoying preaching as well which again is very biblical okay verse 27 peace I leave with you my peace I give unto you not as a world giveth give unto you let not your heart be troubled neither let it be afraid okay so that's Jesus telling us not to be fearful isn't it that's Jesus telling us not to be afraid neither let it be afraid and when you read the Gospels you can't help but feel that peace coming from Jesus can you wouldn't you say like there just seems to be a piece of it like just even when you read have them it's dramatized whoever reads it there's just when you're reading through you there's just a piece that just comes off him he's not stressing or panicking is he he's all oh what are we gonna do next oh just oh how am I gonna deal with this God speak to me tell me the way you know he's not doing that is he he's not flying off the handle every five minutes is he there is righteous anger with Jesus Christ yeah it's not all you know peace signs with the fingers but but look Jesus Jesus says just the peace that comes from him he's always in control isn't he he's always in control even when they're really trying to catch him in his words he's just in control but he says that he will give his peace unto us so we can have that peace can't we peace I leave with you my peace I give unto you not as a world giveth give unto you let not your heart be troubled neither let it be afraid and look I believe that all of this can apply to us as disciples of Jesus Christ yeah disciples not not oh well you've got saved that's it you automatically can have the peace of Jesus no if you you know if you want to follow him you want to be a disciple as well and because look he's saying it's not the world's peace isn't it what's the world's peace usually drug-induced isn't it okay that's the world's peace some drug-induced peace and and look when when it's drug-induced I don't care whether it's whether it's you know whether it's legal or illegal drugs there there comes a reliance on it doesn't there okay there comes a reliance because you know people who go well I just can't relax unless I smoke a joint and a lot of the time they seem to be get getting more stressed when they're not smoking a joint aren't they they'll be well I just need it need a drink you know to relax me in the evening well funny how they seem to be getting more stressed before they have a drink because a lot of the time we then start in our mind and in our body manifesting the need for something don't we because that's what not only sin but what addiction does doesn't it okay and people then they start to form that reliance and make the excuse a lot of people you know they're crutch they're well I've had an argument I've had a round now I'm off to you know whatever it is partake in some drugs some some out whether it's alcohol whatever some sin a lot of the time it can be something that's not any of that and what happens with that is they start to find an excuse for that more and more don't they they manifest acts you suddenly the rows with the spouse they're happening even more because in their mind the the answer now is to go out and do whatever it was that they were trying not to do but really that they really want to do it okay and in the end people make excuse in almost form that argument and that row because the answer is to go and partake in whatever the world's peace is and and the world's peace like I said alcohol you know how peaceful is that you know this relaxed with a drink I don't see many relaxed people drinking there's a lot of people steaming drunk and going around swinging swinging haymakers at each other and the rest of it yeah like it you know that peace met but but the medication as well and again people become reliant on it and the world's answer is always medication medication isn't it but what about in another world's peace is just turning a blind eye to wickedness isn't it so oh well you'll be you know just just let you know live and let live and everything else and just turn a blind I don't care if my kids are around the most vile sodomites in the world just live and let live peace just do whatever you know well that's not what that's not what the Bible says does it and we'll talk about that in a second because Jesus Jesus is peace comes comes from the Word of God doesn't it and again this comes back to the Word of God from no but also from knowing that you're saved there's a peace from knowing that you're saved isn't there knowing that you say no you're not going to hell nothing can change that okay that God is with you knowing that God God God is with you in life that you can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth you yeah that you can you can get through the trials and tribulations of life there's a peace from that from not fearing what man can do unto us because we shouldn't fear men should we we shouldn't fear people shouldn't fear men but but with all that in mind there are those that will take this sort of thing to the extreme and then ignore other scriptures so there are people that you know for example not being anxious or afraid which is what Jesus is saying here doesn't mean that as men we just put our feet up and say well God will provide you know no matter don't need to work and just just ignore all the all the obvious scriptures telling us that we should go out of work and provide etc or we just like I said ignore obvious dangers to our families because we're so spiritual and just trust in the Lord no because we have to put it into into context with the rest of the Bible when we follow him and have many Commandments as to how we should look after our family into wise decisions about going not in the path of the wicked etc so we have to put it all together not just go well I'm a Christian everything will just work out fine there's a difference isn't there between but there is a difference between healthy concern for yourself your family your friends and being afraid isn't there okay there is a difference there a concern because what what we told what's the word that we're told regularly in the Bible to do beware aren't we beware and turn of Colossians 2 there are many things we're told to beware of Philippians 3 2 says beware of dogs beware of evil workers beware of the concision okay and it's not just talking about old Fido and just be careful because he's got a bit of a bark in him that's talking about vile reprobates isn't it beware of evil workers beware of the concision we're also told to beware of false prophets aren't we to be aware of the leaven of the Pharisees of the scribes of covetousness we're told to beware of these things aren't we not just put your feet up and don't worry do what you like God's got it sorted no we have to also follow what he told us to do and we're told to beware Colossians 2 way you're in Colossians chapter 2 verse 8 beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit after the tradition of men after the rudiments of the world and not after Christ so we can be spoiled as saved Christians through philosophy through vain deceit you know how many of you what's that guy that the popular one Jordan what's his surname Jordan Peter so he's just so clever the way he put seeks no this guy's just spoiling you with a lot of truth to wash down a little bit of poison philosophy and vain deceit there's deceit there all these worldly intellectuals he's worldly philosophers it's just it's just spoiling you isn't it you don't need though these people telling you oh well they know things they're not even saved don't even understand the Word of God they're the Holy Spirit in them beware of these people the tradition of men off the rudiments of the world not off crossing say people can do that as well can't they spoil you through through these these traditions of men the rudiments of the world we need to be well you could say be aware couldn't you you also say be aware okay be aware but we don't have to be afraid do it you have to be afraid so we should be where be aware of the dangers to your children remember that they're entrusted to you by God yeah okay low children are in a heritage of the Lord and the fruit of the womb is his reward yeah children are entrusted to us so we should know what like I said before we should know where they are what they're doing shouldn't we okay they're entrusted to us remember that foolishness is bound in the heart of a child yeah kids don't matter how well you think you raise your kids they just do stupid stuff don't know they always do it's just the way it is it obviously the rod of correction shall drive it far from him yeah but no we need to be where we need to we need to remember beware be aware that sodomites target children they're recruiters they'll target your children okay so if you're just you don't even know where your kids are what they're doing who's around them you're not being being aware are you it doesn't mean you're fearful doesn't mean you're fearful if you care about these things and you're aware we should be aware of the sin that does so easily beset us shouldn't we we should be aware of the sin of that of those open doors that we have of those weaknesses we all have but we all have individual weaknesses don't we we should be aware of those we have to be afraid but we should be aware avoid it pass not buy it yeah be aware of the distractions that stop you living living for God again you're not I'm not afraid of distractions but I need to be aware of them don't I I need to be aware of all those things those things that get in the way and stop me reading my Bibles stop me praying stop me wanting to go out soul-winning stop me studying my Bible stop me doing those things be aware so think of those things what are those distractions what are those things which distract you we need to be wise as serpents don't we but we don't have to be fearful we don't have to fear apart from one exception what's that one exception God and all God's people said God yeah amen to that because the exception is God we should have a healthy fear of God shouldn't we fear God you'd have to turn there some says all fear the Lord ye his saints for there is no want to them that fear him fear the Lord oh ye his saints that's talking to save people isn't it we're not fearing hell are we no but we're fearing his chastisement when we should fear his chastisement in life because I don't want to I don't want to get chastised by God I fear the Lord ye his saints for there is no want to them that fear him when we fear him we by default of following his commandments aren't we if you fear him you're going to be following his commandments then there is no what there's nothing lacking is there it shouldn't be anything lacking if we're following his commandments then we're not going to be constantly fearful of everyone else and everything else are we we fear God then there is no what we fear God we're following his commandments we're living for God then we don't have to fear other people do it but we should still be where and that's by fearing God and fearing and knowing that his commandments tell you when you should be aware of things when you should be wise when you should avoid things yeah verse 28 you have heard how I said unto you I go away and come again unto you if you loved me you would rejoice because I said I go unto the father for my father is greater than I okay so this is something that when I was unsaved I didn't understand that Christians rejoice in Jesus death bearing and resurrection it can be confusing when you're unsaved on it rejoicing about this guy dying and and everything else but we should rejoice because of the result shouldn't we turn to Ephesians chapter 2 Ephesians chapter 2 and verse 4 Ephesians 2 4 but God who is rich in mercy for his great love wherewith he loved us even when we were dead in sins have quickened us together with Christ by grace ye are saved and it raised us up together and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus so that's the result isn't it God the Father quickened us or made us alive by our faith in Jesus Christ didn't he okay God the Father did that and we should be rejoicing about that shouldn't we okay we should rejoice about that look at verse back to verse John 14 verse 29 and now I have told you before it come to pass that when it is come to pass you might believe so our faith is often strengthened by things coming to pass that Jesus said word isn't it okay and often strengthens your faith because when we see the result of doing things his way it strengthens your faith doesn't it and when you see prayers answered doesn't it strengthen your faith yeah when you pray for things you see the marks of prophecy fulfilled when you see prophecy fulfilled with things looks like we're seeing some prophecy being fulfilled right now aren't we and just we're fast going towards a one world government from what I can see we're fast going towards what is going to be eventually a mark of the beast aren't we and look I'm not saying it's round it's next week or next year even or next decade but but we can see it forming can't we okay and it doesn't that strengthen your faith and I know so many things strengthen your faith yeah and when you see like when you see us kind of as a church and we see some of the persecution and we see issues coming that the Bible said would come it strengthens your faith you know all these things should strengthen your faith and look he said when it has come to pass you might believe and that for me is just that that extra that's faith that that belief in everything in the Word of God verse 30 hereafter I will not talk much with you for the prince of this world cometh and have nothing in me okay so the prince of this world Satan has no power over Christ and we spoke about this last week didn't we Jesus commanded him last week told him what thou doest do quickly didn't they okay there's no like battle there's no all Satan you know who's gonna win now that Jesus Christ is God in the flesh Satan's his monkey okay but but he has no power over Christ it says here but he fulfills a purpose doesn't he some people would say like he's a trash collector isn't he verse 31 but that the world may know that I love the Father and as the Father gave me commandment even so I do arise let us go hence now Jesus is giving us an example isn't he here even though Satan has no real power over him because he doesn't he's showing that love still by keeping the Father's commandments yeah okay so he says here but the world made me know that I love the Father and as the Father gave me commandment even so I do arise let us go hence so he's keeping the Father's commandment and even though he has to pay the ultimate price yeah so he's showing us it's still regardless of what the result of that was and what the I mean beyond anything any of us will ever have to do and I'm not just talking about dying for because the people do die for for the Lord's sake but to die and pay for everyone's sins on the cross and in hell is unbelievable isn't it but even so he's giving us he's showing us there isn't he by following following his commandments on that let's pray father I thank you for your word I thank you for a great chapter of the Bible and you know a chapter which shows us how important it is to read your word to to study your word to live by your word to follow your commandments and I pray that everyone here in this church will go away this week and try harder to do that to want to be loved by you with that special love that you had for people like you know Lazarus and Mary and Martha the Apostle John and and that you have that love for us because we want to be people that that are doing our best to serve you doing our best to follow your commandments and but we know that that has nothing to do with salvation that you made it clear that that you know for by grace we say through faith and that not of ourselves it is a gift of God not of works as any man should boast and and if there's anyone here that is a bit unsure about that you know do they know for sure they're going to heaven please I'm just just help them to want to know that to ask someone and to show them what the Bible says about that and regardless father please help us going forward this week to show that gift of God to others as our week goes on people we we come across at the sole winning times and help us to all get back here safely next week and in Jesus name we pray all of this amen