(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) So John chapter 13 and remember in John's Gospel we jumped forward in time between chapter 10 and 11 didn't we we jumped a long period in time and put it in context here in chapter 13 out of 21 if you put it side by side with the other Gospels we'd be in the last the third from last chapter of all the other Gospels now so the Last Supper here is is basically the in in chapter is it 20 I think 26 of Matthew and and the same with the other Gospel I think 14 of Mark so right now we're right at the end of the other Gospel we've still got a lot of dialogue ahead in the Gospel of John and because really the Gospel of John from this point really now expands upon Jesus kind of final dialogues with the disciples yeah so we get all this great information here and and kind of in a way starting from John 13 but really as we go forward as well so from verse 1 now before the Feast of the Passover when Jesus knew that his hours come he should depart out of this world unto the Father having loved his own which are in the world he loved them unto the end let's pray Father I thank you for your word I thank you for for this great gospel the Gospel of John I thank you for this great chapter and just help me to be filled with your spirit now and to preach boldly and to preach preach what you want me to preach and to preach it clearly for people to have open hearts and ears to your word and in Jesus name we pray amen so basically even though Jesus is about to go through immense suffering now and he is about to go through some immense suffering isn't he his focus is still his disciples up until the end isn't it his focus is still his disciples and that's why we have the next few few chapters like I said of some really rich teaching some of some you know just just such profound stuff and well you know when anyone else pretty much would be pretty self absorbed in a world of their own right now wouldn't they any normal but any person at this point in time knowing they're about to die in in in a brutal way knowing what they're about to go through would pretty much it'd be all about them wouldn't it it'd be all about them and how they're feeling and what they've got to deal with and everything else but but not Jesus Christ so I mean if you if you thought about some top just think about like a top sportsman or performer or something before the biggest event of their life and I don't say it's a performance but what I am saying this is the biggest event this is you know this is a climax now before that can you imagine them just sitting in their change room giving advice to their apprentice you know just sitting there you know just telling whoever just just teaching just before that happens they'd be all about them focusing on themselves just be it'd be all about themselves wouldn't it that would be anyone in the world but not Jesus Christ Jesus Christ you know when he's about to do something which is going to be amazing and going to be you know beyond any suffering that any of us could really deal with he said telling everyone else what you know telling them what he what they need to hear and talking to them and putting the focus on them and putting them first because you know when we have something important going on in our lives and nothing like that even when there's something we're about to do or some issue some stressor you know work some interview or something else often it's the opposite isn't it often we then it's all about us and well you know I've got to do this and maybe we're short with our wives or wives are short with their husbands or with their kids or friends because of me and what I've got to do and what I've got on tomorrow what I've got on this day or you know what about me right now but Jesus is just just setting the bar up here isn't he where what he's about to go through and it's all about them now isn't it it's all about them and what he wants to teach them now so verse 2 and supper being ended the devil having now put into the heart of Judas Iscariot Simon's son to betray him okay so same as God lay sings on our heart the devil lays sings on his children's hearts doesn't he so he's laid it on his heart now we don't always do what God has laid on our heart do we sometimes we feel like something we know we should be doing and maybe it's from reading the Word of God we feel like there's something we should do and we don't always do it and and in the same way the wicked still have a choice you know they're not absolved of blame so we don't look at this oh well the devil's now laid it on his heart so he's just kind of just this vessel now no he still has a choice doesn't he still has a choice and he's wicked he's still evil he's still wicked verse three Jesus knowing that the Father had given all things into his hands and that he was come from God and went to God so you know even though he possesses all things even though he's Jesus Christ he does now this amazing thing doesn't he and what's this amazing thing he rises from supper and laid aside his garments and took a towel and girded himself now in case you read this and you're wondering he didn't strip down to a towel okay he laid aside his garments but I mean turn there quickly mark 11 where it's talking about the triumph and entry into Jerusalem so mark 11 obviously we saw this in in the last chapter the Luke the John verse but mark 11 it said in from verse 7 and they brought the colt to Jesus and cast their garments on him and he sat upon him talked about on the colt and many spread their garments in the way and others cut down branches off the trees and stored them in the way now these are clearly they're out of garments aren't they coats you know whatever you want to call it robes anything else like that and and here he you know there they've laid him it wasn't like suddenly everyone was just running around naked okay they didn't all just strip off and in the same way here when it says girded girded his bounds surrounded he's put it on but it doesn't mean obviously stripped down he's basically taken off his out of garments and put a towel in for what he's about to do why why did he do that well let's have a look verse 5 back in John John 13 a verse 5 after that he poureth water into a basin and began to wash the disciples feet and to wipe them with the towel wherewith he was girded so Jesus Christ God in the flesh washed his disciples nasty old calloused bunioned fungal hairy deformed feet I mean that's pretty amazing isn't it that's amazing he got down and washed all 12 pairs of those feet and and you know and I think you just say oh he's just washing some feet but I bet there was some rag feet among those two I won't there there might be a couple of nice ones but I think pretty much most said we're pretty off and he got down and he washed them didn't he Jesus Christ God washed their feet then cometh he to Simon Peter and Peter's saith unto him Lord does that wash my feet Peter's probably got the worst of the lot as it is washing mine as well yeah but there's five there's five you know it said that he began to wash the disciples feet and wipe them with the towel so from here it sounds like Peter was the first one to object but it sounds like people who already had their feet washed at this point so no one else is objecting do you think who else do you think had already had his feet washed I got someone I think I'm going with Judas Judas for sure I reckon he's probably first in line wasn't he Judas has put his dirty old feet up there and I reckon I do think he did because I reckon Judas loved it didn't he he loved it getting served by the one he was about to betray did you find that in life don't you so nice people that really deep down hate you they love you doing stuff for them and I think I think that was Judas I reckon well at the least anyway no one else seemed to complain did they I didn't complain so anyway you you would have thought knowing what he really felt know what he's gonna do you know maybe he wouldn't have wanted him to also wash his feet as well but no Judas had his feet washed now verse 7 Jesus answered said unto him unto him what I do thou knowest not now but thou shalt know hereafter Peter saith unto him thou shalt never wash my feet Jesus asked him if I wash thee not thou has no part with me son of Peter saith unto him Lord not my feet only but also my hands and my head Jesus saith unto him he that is washed and he doth not save to wash his feet but is clean every wit and ye are clean but not all now turn up 1st Corinthians chapter 6 because they're being washed here is a picture of being sanctified by faith in Jesus Christ so 1st Corinthians chapter 6 and verse 9 1st Corinthians 6 9 know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God be not deceived neither fornicators nor idolaters nor adulterers nor effeminate nor abuse of themselves of mankind nor thieves nor covetous nor drunkards nor revilers nor extortioners shall inherit the kingdom of God and such were some of you but ye are washed but ye are sanctified but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God so that wash there is synonymous isn't it with being sanctified being just for the name of Lord Jesus Christ it's in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ isn't it that's what you're sanctified watch not by by you know something you've done not being washed by your own continuing works of course these verses we looked at when we went through 1st Corinthians some people use them you know in the wrong way as well don't they trunk abuse of themselves in mankind see you know such for some of them well well is an abuser of himself with mankind because didn't say that's a sodomite even if it was such for some of you but ye are washed ye are sanctified ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God it doesn't say here that some of these people were formerly reprobate does it but back to the point it's in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ so they weren't it doesn't say it says ye are washed ye are sanctified ye are justified not were washed but maybe need to be washed again does it say oh you were washed but you better keep clean says ye are washed ye are sanctified ye are justified it's current isn't it's present tense when it happens it's done and back to where we were in in John 13 look at verse 10 there verse 10 said Jesus saith to him he that is washed needeth not save to wash his feet but is clean every whit and ye are clean but not all so I think he's saying some people go why the feet well I think he's just basically saying that even though their feet need washing they're clean everywhere you know he's saying but you're clean you know you're clean in terms of spiritually but yeah yeah even though your feet need washing at this point and and I'm sure their feet did need washing it's probably pretty grimy out there isn't it pounding pounding the the tracts preaching the gospel but he's saying even though you know your feet need washing this point you are clean everywhere except for one of them okay except for one of them so verse 11 for he knew who should betray him therefore said he ye are not all clean okay and obviously this is because Judas wasn't saved was he okay Judas wasn't saved and you hear some crazy stuff don't you for some some terrible preaching sometimes and people trying to claim that Judas was saved and lost his salvation or Judas I don't know you hear some funny stuff don't you for people that really just have it all mixed up but Judas clearly he's saying here you are not all clean yeah being the clean being it being showing showing salvation Judas wasn't saved was he okay he one of you has a devil okay that's that's Judas that's not a saved man now so after he had washed their feet it says in verse 12 and had taken his garments and was set down again he said unto them know ye what I have done to you you you call me master and Lord and you say well for so I am if I then your Lord and master have washed your feet ye also ought to wash one another's feet for I have given you an example that ye should do as I have done to you verily verily I say unto you the servant is not greater than his Lord neither he that is sent greater than he that sent him if you know these things happy are ye if you do them so he's given him an example to behave in the same way hasn't he okay he's given him an example now before you all start taking your shoes off and peeling your sweaty socks off yeah okay it was an example wasn't it okay he's not saying right basically every time you guys meet up you got to start scrubbing each other's feet and you know scrubbing down those bunions and stuff no it's an example verse 15 he said for I have given you an example that ye should do as I have done to you okay as I have done to you in a similar way so you could say to that couldn't you could say similar acts of kindness similar acts of kindness to each other of giving to one another yeah like he said here of wash your feet ye also ought to wash one another's feet yeah okay giving to one another he didn't say that one of you needs to take over as a footman did he didn't say one of you becomes a footman of the church he's just saying that we should be doing kind things for each other like that and as verse 16 says where it says very rarely I sent you the servant is not greater than his Lord neither he that is sent greater than he that sent him we're no better than Jesus Christ are we anyone here think they're better than Jesus Christ I don't think so so we should be willing to serve one another shouldn't we we should be willing to serve each other yeah and and we should all be willing to do that no one is too high and mighty no one's you know too good no one's too spiritual or anything else to serve each other and that includes everyone doesn't it that goes down to the smallest child here and up to the oldest adult and with that in mind we should then be happy to do that shouldn't we because he said then if you know these things if you know that that that's how you should behave happy are you if you do that so how do we go about serving each other how do we serve each other well one way that we can serve each other is take you on jobs at a church isn't it doing jobs at a church take you on roles trying to help out that's one way we serve each other because the church basically serving isn't it everything we do here is serving is serving the congregation is serving the church isn't it to take you on jobs doing stuff at the church whether or not you know if like like pastor talks to talk about even if it's just looking at picking things up and just seeing what he's doing straightening up the chairs cleaning up the place things like that that's all serving each other isn't it and no one's no one's above that are they no one's too high and mighty to pick something up off the floor or to you know to clean up if they go in the toilet after one of the little kids has been in there or anything else we're all able to do that aren't we were all capable of doing that but there's other things okay not just that is there we how else can we serve each other praying for each other okay and again we don't have to sound the trumpet with it but we should all and we should all have that you know about us where we should be going home and quietly we should be praying for each other shouldn't we should be praying for the church praying for each other praying for every individual in here praying for needs as you see them arise for people we should be doing that and other acts of kindness as well as you see them come yeah acts of kindness are important I mean that's something that we should all be trying to do if we're not doing it we should be trying to get get our head around doing that we should ultimately be praying they've got to help us with that as well because we should want to help each other we should want to do stuff we should want to serve the church church which is serving each other as well yeah verse 18 there I speak not of you all I know whom I have chosen but that the scripture may be fulfilled he that eateth bread with me lifted up his heel against me now I tell you before it come that when it is come to pass you may you may believe that I am he now you have to turn about the scriptures in Psalm 41 and Jesus is showing that he knew full well what was going to happen didn't he and look I think I said this the other week I remember hearing the kind of Gospels you know story to you know when I say story just what I understood when I was young at a false church and from school and in my mind was just like you know you know Jesus I can even evade capture and you know and managed to get betrayed like he didn't know it was coming like because I didn't understand that he was God in the flesh I didn't understand it was all ordained you know from the beginning of the world so for me I just didn't really understand it but Jesus knew it was going to happen and what the power he had to just keep doing what he did and keep going through knowing what was going to happen keep being nice and polite and kind I mean even said friend at the very end to Judas didn't he betray us our you know the son of man with a kiss or you know something along those lines and you know that I'll tell you what lots of strength to be able to do that because you'd be wanting I mean you'd be wanting to headbutt him or something when you well he went in for the kiss but no not not Jesus but verse 20 verily verily I said to you he that receiveth whomsoever I send receiveth me and he that receiveth me receiveth him that sent me so in Matthew 10 yeah when Jesus is sending out the 12 out soul winning he says this too and you have to turn it but Matthew 10 40 says he was he that receiveth you receiveth me and he that receiveth me receiveth him that sent me but this kind of don't you think this almost feels a little bit out of place here it's kind of he's not really sending him out soul winning in Matthew 10 he is so the verse seems you know just suddenly he's in the middle of talking about Judas betrayal and he goes on to talk about Judas betrayal as well straight after and then he just says he that receiveth whomsoever I send receiveth me and he that receiveth me receiveth him that sent me and if you go back to verse 16 where he talks about those that are sent he said verily verily I say unto you the servant is not greater than his Lord neither he that is sent greater than he that sent him he's talking about those sent there if you know these things happier ye if you do them then in verse 18 he says he's not speaking of all of them he says I speak not of you all I know whom I have chosen but that the scripture may be fulfilled he that eateth bread with me have lifted up his heel against me now I tell you before it come that when it is come to pass you may believe that I am he so I think he's saying I haven't sent all of you and and the answer be oh but he sent Judas out because Judas wasn't saved okay no one unsaved is really getting sent out are they now yeah he but you know Judas went through the motions didn't he Judas went through and was preaching gospel but he wasn't getting sent he wasn't really being sent was he because he can't get people saved John 6 70 said have not I chosen you 12 and one of you is a devil okay Judas clearly was a devil he clearly wasn't saved so like I say he could go through it and you know and we you know obviously it's coming up a lot in these chapters and I'm not gonna dwell in it too much tonight but we you know this is the same at all these churches you get these people that are going out and they're going through the motions and they're preaching the gospel and we get in great numbers and they seem to getting people saved but ultimately they're not are they and no one when they do a fruit inspection is finding someone really saved who's you know who comes from any of these false prophets any of these infiltrators any of these Judas Iscariots because it's easy to get people to repeat things and we look we're all able to do that as well so we've got to be careful when we're preaching the gospel you can get someone to repeat what you say you can and an example I'm not saying it is but an example you can get kids to repeat what you say yeah pretty easily and that's why we've got to be really careful when we're preaching the gospel to kids okay because a kid will just stand there and a lot of the time will repeat what you say because adult telling me what I've what I've got to say and okay and just answer the questions take it all off okay right pray and they're not saved are they they're not saved and and we have to be aware I'm not saying that everyone here is a false prophet what I am saying is that look we need to make sure that we're thorough and the people that we're preaching to believe believe what they're being told and not just answer the right questions to basically get the answer right and obviously kids and there are many adults that do the same that will just answer in the right way because that's what they want to please you they want to say the right thing that you've told them and that's why preaching the gospel we've got to be careful with that haven't we but in the same way that's why we you know when they look at these people in these past church we've got one out so winning with it it doesn't mean anything you know and when it does sadly come come here and it will come at some point here I hope no one's gonna turn I go oh but I saw them get someone saved you know once twice ten times hundred times or whatever it is because it doesn't mean anything it doesn't mean anything because ultimately getting saves a spiritual thing it's something in the heart and it's not just ticking some boxes and saying a prayer at the end so point being he didn't send Judas out and that's why Judas never got anyone saved did he but Judas looked like he did because no one suspected him Romans 1 17 says for therein is a righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith as it is written the just shall live by faith okay and and that's something we need to remember it comes from faith doesn't it that's why someone's not getting saved from a tract that's why someone's not picking up the Bible and getting saved that's why someone's not getting saved from someone unsaved preaching the gospel to him okay and we don't have to do all these ifs and everything else like that's it yeah look if someone's had the gospel preached unto them and then at some point they get saved you know I don't really care who they might and might not have spoke to in between but ultimately they had to have it preached to them they had to have the gospel explained to them by someone that's saved yeah and that's what it comes down to the you know it's revealed from faith to faith but because then Jesus says in verse 20 verily verily I say unto you he that receiveth whomsoever I send receiveth me and he that receiveth me receiveth him that sent me so when someone with real faith is received Jesus and therefore God the Father as well are being received aren't they okay when someone with real faith is received okay verse 21 when Jesus had thus said he was troubled in spirit and testified and said verily verily I sound to you that one of you shall betray me why was he troubled in spirit do you think he knew it was going to happen why was he troubled in spirit he always knew that Judas was going to betray him didn't he but so remember when Jesus wept in chapter 11 well why was he weeping it was because of Mary and the Jews weeping wasn't it it was Mary and the Jews he had compassion on them that's what the compassion was about that's why he wept the Jews got it wrong they thought it's because he loved Lazarus so much we knew what's gonna happen with Lazarus Lazarus so why is he troubled here well how do you think the other 11 disciples were going to feel after the betrayal what do you think or even before knowing that one of just knowing that one of them was going to betray him that's a pretty that's a rip you know that's a rough thought isn't it I mean this is a tight-knit group isn't it you would imagine that's a tight-knit group those 12 there especially but they've been fellowshipping together with God yeah with God in the flesh they've been together with him daily for for we're coming up to three and a half years now aren't we okay daily fellowshipping and they're being told that one of them one of out of all of those is a devil one of them is going to betray him that's pretty sad isn't it and I believe he's troubled in spirit here because he knows the effect because he loves he loved them until the end we saw at the beginning he knows the effect that's going to have on them and and think like this sort of stuff when it happens in churches it destroy it like it really hurts people doesn't it destroys their people that they've been best friends with people they've been you know round each other's round each other's houses eating meals they've you know they've been going out I've been out soul winning with them they've told them some of their deepest darkest secrets so you know and then it turns out this person was actually wicked from the beginning that that is is hard going isn't it on people it's hard and that's the reason why people don't want to hear it don't want to believe it I want to justify it in another way and what our well maybe it must have been there for the past is just mean or the past has gone too hard line or whoever it is you know or they can't it must it there's no smoke without fire they must have left for another reason they must be making YouTube pages and caning the pastor day in day out week in week out actually there must be something to that it can't just be that they were wicked because it's hard it's really hard to take in isn't it it's hard to accept but look at look at what these people do when they leave when they do they just like it's like their whole life they like I mean pastor Thompson preached it the other day they're basically professional stalkers it's weird isn't it but it's not weird because they're Judases but when it happens people still start to wonder that because they don't really want to believe that they were do they they don't want to believe that they were best friends with the Judas and I think they're saying here these disciples are going to find it hard aren't they to know what Judas because they never suspected do they they never suspected him verse 22 then the disciples looked one on another doubting of whom he spake so turn to Matthew 26 Matthew chapter 26 and verse 21 Matthew 26 21 and as they did eat he said verily I sound to you that one of you shall betray me and they were exceeded sorrowful and began every one of them to say unto him Lord is it I so as well as looking at each other we just saw it said then the disciples look one in one on another we just saw in John 13 22 here in Matthew 26 they questioned themselves before they questioned Judas so instead of oh yeah Judas oh yeah no fool well it's going to be him they're questioning themselves that's pretty extreme isn't it imagine questioning yourselves maybe I'm going to be the problem at this church you know before you question the bull I mean that's some convincing some that's some blindness that they had towards him isn't it and look we we looked didn't we last week at how Judas attacked Mary for for not selling her own spikenard remember it's her own spikenard instead of anointing Jesus yeah for not selling of it selling it instead and we were talking about the holier-than-thou the kind generous Judas how it resulted in the others being angry with her murmuring at her and but driven we saw how he was undermining Jesus at the same time as well there was undermining Jesus really because Jesus had accepted that and let that happen so you could argue couldn't you that there were already signs there couldn't you like you could you know you would hope you would think didn't people just see the signs there turning on others that he did with Mary fake spirituality division causing undermining not only the leadership but God himself yet they questioned themselves first didn't they I mean that's a lesson to all of us isn't it how easily we can just be blinded but then it gets worse doesn't it so verse 23 back to John John chapter 13 and verse 23 now there was leading on Jesus bosom one of his disciples whom Jesus loved okay now this is the Apostle John okay so I remember in John 21 24 when talking about the disciple whom Jesus loved he says this is the disciple which testify of these things and wrote these things and we know that his testimony is true so talk about the Apostle John here he wrote obviously the Gospel of John now and this is in the same way that Jesus had a greater love for Mary Martha Lazarus he has the same for the Apostle John doesn't he okay so there's that that emphasized love now why was he leaning on Jesus chest or lying on it we just saw in verse 25 and I don't know I don't know if any of you guys anyone heard these explanations of the culture that they the way that they would all lie around the table on their sides anyone heard this stuff before no okay so I've read some different stuff about this how they would all lie on one side and everything else and be on one arm so John was on his chest side so they would describe it as that but maybe he was just literally leaning on Jesus hey because I tell you what if God let me lean on him I could be quite up for leading on him you know that's pretty amazing is there imagine leading on Jesus Christ so John is able and Jesus allows him and he is and he's you know that he has that that closer relationship and he's lean literally leaning on Jesus I mean that's amazing isn't it verse 24 Simon Peter therefore beckoned to him that he should ask who it should be of whom he spake he then lying on Jesus breast I think that's pretty clear isn't it rather than the position of the table or something saith unto him Lord who is it Jesus answered he it is to whom I shall give a sop when I have dipped it and when he had dipped the sop he gave it to Judas Iscariot the son of Simon and it's a piece of bread okay and after this and after the sop Satan entered into him then said Jesus unto him that thou doest do quickly now no man at the table knew for what intent he spake this unto him no man so who does that include that includes John who just asked him who it is so he's just asked him who it is Jesus replies and says here it is to whom I shall give a sop when I have dipped it and when he had dipped the sop he gave it to Judas Iscariot and then it says no man at the table knew for what intent he spake this unto him so again John who's obviously you know for me I think it's because you know if you love me keep my commandments I believe that God has that extra love for people that that are really you know doing more for him living for him doing that do the best they can resisting sin and I believe that John is it is a special guy but John didn't clock it did he John still didn't like John even has the inside info there the guy that I give the sop to and still no idea can't be Judas just so lovely you know it's so kind so generous he's done a real number on them isn't it Judas verse 29 for some of them thought because Judas had the bag that Jesus had said unto him buy those things that we have need of against the feast that he should give something to the poor maybe part of it was him having the bag and I'm thinking well he wouldn't be trusted with the bag would he but Jesus is just treating him like everyone else isn't he so they're thinking it must be that Judas was out to do something charitable he's really done it so they decide at Judas he must just be out to buy something for the poor you know and that's how they see Judas now verse 30 he then risk having received the sop went immediately out and it was night okay why did he go immediately out look at verse 27 again verse 27 and after the sop Satan entered into him then said Jesus unto him that thou doest do quickly so Satan himself yeah enters into into Judas but who's given the orders Jesus Christ yeah who follows the orders I see Satan yeah who's entered into Judas Colossians 1 16 you don't understand that says for by him were all things created that are in heaven that are in earth visible and invisible whether they be thrones or dominions or principalities or powers all things were created by him and for him Satan and Jesus aren't some sort of equals duelling it out are they yeah and you probably heard that sort of people have this sort of view like oh it's like Satan's arrival or match for God no he's not no he's not at all he's allowed to exist he allows him to exist and here he's giving him an order he tells him what to do doesn't he Jesus is God in the flesh Jesus made him didn't he Jesus is God okay he made him he tells him what to do and he does as he's told he tells him to do it quickly and he went immediately out didn't he he goes immediately out now verse 31 therefore when he was gone out Jesus said now is the Son of Man glorified and God is glorified in him if God be glorified in him God shall also glorify him in himself and shall straightway glorify him so basically they're both glorified by each other because they are both God yeah one God three persons okay little verse 33 little children yet a little while am I with you you shall seek me as I said unto the Jews whither I go you cannot come so now I say to you now he's referring to heaven as verse 36 says thou shalt follow me afterwards obviously he also goes to hell first verse 34 a new commandment I give unto you that you love one another as I have loved you that you also love one another by this shall all men know that you are my disciples if you have loved one to another so how should people know that we're Jesus disciples yeah it's a love isn't it and and you know yeah nothing wrong with dressing nicely you know dressing right trying to not dress like the world and you know not showing our nakedness you know being being modest and and everything else but ultimately the way they should know for sure is if we have loved one to another yeah that's what the Bible says should they know that we're as a size is it because we're so softly spoken we're just so softly spoken like the you know Church of England vicar on TV yeah no is it because we live in a commune that people know no is it because we dress like the Amish no it's because we have loved one to another that's how we should that's how they should know because of the love we have one to another now it's love not flattery not endless gift-giving love yeah okay I want what's best for each other yeah like we said before praying for each other willing to help each other willing to do things for each other willing to give our time for each other you have to turn about Romans 12 10 says be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love in honor preferring one another now okay this is a particular love for other disciples isn't it okay this is other disciples he's talking about here he says by this shall all men know that ye are my disciples if you have loved one to another is it something that we just feel do you think it's something you just automatically feel oh well there's another disciple I love them because they're another disciple is that the sort of love he's talking about is it a mushy feeling you know do we all get mushy feelings for each other I hope so no but no it's a commandment isn't it it's a commandment first a new commandment I give unto you verse 34 that ye love one another it's not your disciples you're gonna automatically just get mushy feelings and you know that you just gonna all start getting a bit dizzy when you're around each other and thinking how much you just want to spend your lives hanging out together no he's it's a commandment a commandment I give unto you that ye love one another as I have loved you now he's loved us isn't he and he loved these disciples didn't he loved them until the end yeah and that's a love that we should give to each other but it's a commandment isn't it it's a commandment so it's as Jesus loved the disciples did Jesus just say what they wanted to hear is that the sort of love Jesus gave I love them so much I'm just gonna tell him nice flattery flattering things and what they want to hear no did he give them expensive gifts no I don't think Jesus cracked open the spikenard did give them eternal life but did he agree with everything that they said he's constantly rebuking them isn't he telling them when they're wrong he's being honest with them he's saying the truth in love isn't he but he was willing to give his life for them wasn't he he's willing to give his life for them turn over to 1st John chapter 2 because we could sit here and go well I'm pretty loving to my Christian friends I show a lot of love to some people be it in the church or outside the church sure but are you secretly or maybe not secretly hating others so so you know for me everyone here is a disciple they're all in church they're all trying to live for God so that's what that was what the commandment was it wasn't just the ones that you get you know that you've got the most in common with the ones that agree with what you say you know the ones that you know do things the same as you so you've you know you you don't have any challenging issues there you can all just do everything to say no this to his disciples now when you look at 1st John chapter in verse 9 he that sayeth he is in the light and hateth his brother is in darkness even until now he that loveth his brother abideth in the light and there is none occasion of stumbling in him but he that hateth his brother is in darkness and walketh in darkness and knoweth not whither he goeth because that darkness have blinded his eyes so that hatred blinds you and makes you stumble doesn't it okay now you know like I saying you you don't have to be best friends with everyone in fact it's weird if you are okay that's a bit odd if you're literally best friends with everyone that's a bit strange that for me means you're probably not very genuine you know okay yes and no we don't have to be best friends of everyone in the church but if you're harboring hatred for other brothers and sisters in the church then basically you're walking in darkness aren't you okay you walk your darkness if you deep down your heart have hatred for other saved men and women of God and not just saved but disciples that's the problem isn't it and then and then what do you do with that because what happens from that you unwillingly affect those that you love too don't you yeah so you might love certain people but you're harboring hatred for others you might affect them because you know that that hatred like I said it's not it's not necessarily open animosity it's not obvious is it okay it's not always obvious but something you know I don't know anyone here spoken to people I'm not talking about the church I don't want to start you know creating an issue here but just in life you just been in contact people through work through family friends when when deep down you know they hate you anyone had that deep down you know they hate you yeah they don't admit it they don't make it obvious and most people around probably don't realize but you know they okay okay we really don't want that in a church like doing okay we have to be careful not to have that in a church because like I said it's not often it's not usually open animosity but there is something that you get a lot in all walks of life so not just in churches it's a passive-aggressive hate yeah that's the passive ago that's a little comments little digs little comments here and there you know because really you hate someone really you don't like you might say oh it's a bit strong I hate me they just irritate me with everything they do and say I I just don't like everything about them and I don't like you know everything they stand for it every way they do X Y and Z and whether it's I don't like the way they pair it or I don't like the way they they talk to someone else the child I like the way they do this so you just you know and instead of saying anything instead of trying to put you know maybe just deal with it instead of just actually bearing it and going none of it's really that important we're just different I'm just gonna make little comments I'm gonna make little digs just say question just a little question here and there a little comment here and there you know a little just just make a comment and and that's passive-aggressive isn't it it's passive because it appears to everyone else like it's just an innocent comment but when it starts to become loads and loads and loads of them you know you know what you're dealing with don't you but sadly most other people don't so and you know I'm talking about in life in general as well and all of us probably have been through this if you look back you think about those people they just can't see saying things are just a little bit off a little bit questioning a little bit rude a little bit just trying to make you feel crap about yourself and that that's that passive aggressiveness and for me it's it's wicked isn't it really it's wicked because I have some balls yeah you got a problem tell someone you got a problem with them you know or don't or move on you know but instead it's a little comments little digs yeah and then what are you doing you're affecting the rest of the church aren't you so then ultimately what you end up doing is you affect those people that you do love because how does it affect the rest of the church because so let's give an example say I don't know say I've got a real problem with brother Gary okay okay this is an easy one for me okay say I've got a problem with brother Gary yeah but so I'm just you know I'm just constantly just just making brother Gary feel a bit crap about himself just a little comment here little dig there you know little comment to maybe to other people but mainly to Gary say I don't want to be accused of being a whisperer so I'm just gonna make you know needle him you know say little thing so Gary who does Gary what what does that do to Gary because it could be grim being on the receiving end of that can't it so Gary then who's gonna first see be affected by that sister Natalie isn't she because that's a Gary Gary's wife so she's gonna have a knock-on effect to that then that might knock on effect someone else because now sister Natalie's unhappy and maybe sister Natalie you know she's getting a bit stressed Gary's a bit stressed that then starts going on to other people and suddenly you've kind of got a knock-on effect here haven't you well where then people are being irritated with each other or maybe they're stressed maybe they're upset maybe it may be at the least where you know just brother Gary's just really unhappy and and maybe he can't even put a finger exactly on why just doesn't feel that popular you know just doesn't feel that light and you know and that could have a problem say it's the other way around say I don't know brother John here brother John's just got a real problem with me you know so brother John is is having little digs at me maybe maybe it's a little passive-aggressive comments maybe it's making me feel insecure maybe it's you know just a little comment about you know a little preaching point here and something else there in a way I did this and the way I did that and eventually it affects me to the point where now I'm preaching I'm just a bit you know the confidence is gone I'm a bit deflated I'm not preaching I'm not I'm not bold with any of it you know and it starts getting a bit you know I feel I know that some of these people are you know John you know John at least he's looking to catch me in my words you know so I'm just feeling a little bit and suddenly now the whole church's been affected aren't they you know or maybe it could be the other maybe John's got a problem with my wife or with one of my kids you know so so it's just you know it starts affect them that affects me that affects the church it's not just me it could be with anyone can't it so and you can see the knock-on effects these things can have so again we might feel like well it's just that one person but it will affect the church because we want the church as a whole to be happy we want the church we want the church to thrive don't we so so we want to get rid of that obviously and hopefully we don't have that but we want to make sure we don't because the commandment is that we love one another and if you love if you love certain people in the church then try and love everyone else because that will only affect them in a positive way as well yeah so we want to have that love now you don't have to turn it but Psalm 133 one says behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity and and that's that's what we want don't we so we want this church we want brethren here to be dwelling together in unity don't we and like I said that doesn't mean you do everything the same it doesn't mean that that you just agree with everything each other says it does but but what you don't have is harboring you know ill feelings for each other yeah and sometimes it's good to get out issues if there's a problem and that can be hard sometimes how to get that balance right isn't it where so I don't want to just be constantly rebuking people and stuff but the other hand you don't want to let that stuff fester do you if you feel like something's really a problem and a lot of the time if it's it most of it's not important enough to ask someone or to say something is it it can be just a little thing but but you don't want to be accused of being someone that's just constantly digging constantly saying little things because that passive agreement that's just worm behavior isn't it really isn't it it's just like trying to be clever trying to just annoy trying to irritate and and the world does it you see the world over people like that you see in a workplace see all over the place see it amongst families you see it sadly amongst churches as well we don't want to be like that you know be honest you know when it needs it when it doesn't don't you know then how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity wouldn't that be great you know if we just had a church where just there's just love for each other yeah it doesn't have to be sleepovers every night you know just love for each other just just you know wanting what's best for every person in the church you know obviously apart from the Judas no I'm not saying but but truthfully yeah you know really for each other we should all look we're all here as far as we're concerned everyone here is a safe man and woman and child of God and you know we're here we love each other we want to we want what's best for each other we don't want to be here harboring ill feeling and look you know that that like I said before that will come as well we put people in certain positions and it might and I'm not just saying myself it could be like the sole winning captain you know I just always pairing me up with this person he's always doing it you know and certain positions will irritate people in certain ways people do certain jobs it might be the way someone cleans when you're a part of a cleaning cleaning team with him it might be other things like that but ultimately it's none of it's really important enough to then cause an issue which can rebound and affect the church yeah so back to all the points are made in 1st Corinthians that's something we need to just make sure we get rid of because our own selfish dislikes of people can affect a church can't it so because what did Jesus say there Jesus said back in back where we were in John John 13 he said a new commandment I give unto you it's not optional that ye love one another as I have loved you that ye also that ye also love one another so and and like we said how did Jesus love us yeah it's not that we're all just sugarcoating everything we say to each other but he gave his life didn't he gave his life for each and every person here that's saved and and he gave his life you even if you unsaved yeah but you know he's given his life for everyone it's up to them if they want to want to choose to have you know to receive that free gift but but this shall all men by this shall all men know that ye are my disciples if ye have love one to another it's a commandment it's not automatic there's an if there we have the choice to follow it or not don't we and that's something we you know we should be wanting to do it's a commandment we should definitely be wanting to do it make sure we have love for each other now verse 36 Simon Peter said unto him Lord whither thou goest Jesus answered him whither I go thou canst not follow me now but thou shalt follow me afterwards no so he said thou shalt follow me afterwards didn't he he didn't say you might do he said you will thou shalt follow me afterwards okay it's not it's not conditional Peter said unto him Lord why cannot I follow thee now I will lay down my life for thy sake Jesus answered him will thou lay down thy life for my sake verily verily I say unto thee the cock shall not crow till thou has denied me thrice so Peters got the big words there you know he's saying he will lay down his life for Jesus and you know I spoke about this the other the other day as well because we had Thomas saying something similar didn't we about going into going into Judea and look we should have we should have high we should raise a bar for how we want to and we should be aiming high shouldn't we should be aiming high in our Christian life but we should also we should also be aiming with something that we really believe we can realistically succeed in because I'm sure there are many people here but maybe there are maybe they're not that feel like yeah I would lay down my life for the Lord Jesus Christ we should be feeling like that shouldn't we and yeah we might fail probably a lot of us would fail at that but look there's no point sitting here think you'd lay down your life for the Lord Jesus Christ when you when we get a third service and you can't come to church three times a week you know you know like that's not laying down your life for the Lord Jesus Christ is it you know make it work make it happen that's laying down your life for the Lord Jesus Christ that's laying down your secular life you you know whatever it is it's so important to you and I'm not saying you have to just you know just put it all in the Lord's hands and quit your job you know and come and live like on the streets of South End or wherever we end up based yeah but what I am saying is we should make it happen shouldn't we you know we'll lay down our life for the Lord Jesus Christ but we only go soul winning once a month or something else you know because life gets in the way it's a bit busy you know we lay down our life for the Lord Jesus Christ but morning Bible reading means getting up a bit early doesn't it you know don't know about that don't know if I can get up an extra 15 20 half hour early so look maybe maybe you're sitting there going well I don't think I'd even lay down my life for the Lord Jesus Christ so you know why should I have to do all that but really we should want to shouldn't we we should you know and and we should want to do that in a way you could say as well he said to love each other as he loved us yeah okay he laid down his life for us and I okay this might be I might be going out on a thread a bit here but but if he if every single person in this church read their Bibles regularly yeah they would be actually doing a benefit to everyone else in the church when they if everyone in this church was here every service come rain or shine barring sickness and borrowing something they cannot get out of then that's gonna benefit the whole church isn't it and in a way therefore you're loving each other like Jesus loved you because you're willing to lay down your life for each other yeah and if that's if that's you know mugging off the the family engagement do party or whatever that that just has to be on a Sunday if that means you know making sure those Saturdays work once a month where you can get out and preach the gospel and be there so it doesn't start dwindling to the point where there's eight nine of us meeting up if that means you know making sure you read your Bible so you can help each other in their time and need when when they need some godly wisdom that you're not scratching your head wondering what sermon it was you heard recently that said something along those lines and you can actually go to the Word of God and you can tell them this is what the Word of God says not what my favorite preacher says if you can do all those things and for me you're you're you're loving you're loving each other as well aren't you and and you know Peter he's got the big words there but obviously when it came to the crunch he fell short but with the big big words we should also have the big ambition shouldn't we and we should also if we're gonna say it and we're gonna we're gonna go yeah look you know I want to be part of a good church I want to make this the best church we can possibly make it I want to make this something other than we want to be trying our utmost to do that as well don't we and that means whatever whatever comes in the way we do our best to get through those obstacles and not just the first excuse just drop out yeah Jesus said will that lay down thy life for my sake verily verily I said to you the cock shall not crow till thou has denied me thrice sadly he did fell there and it's a famous denial isn't it and and look we don't want to all have our own famous denials in our life do either let's just try our best and we're gonna have some some great great chapters coming up over the next few chapters that are gonna you know give us some strength give us some words give us so much wisdom and everything else so that's gonna be great on that note let's pray father I thank you for your word I thank you for for John chapter 13 and all the lessons we've learned from from the Gospel of John so far and that we have yet to learn and I pray that you just help us to you know to have the intention to want to lay down our lives for you to want to do our best for you to want to do our best for each other as well to want to love each other as you've commanded us to do and the start you know the first thing is going to be to make sure we're back here next week both services to make sure that we're we're turning up to soul winning times to make sure that we're just just you know living for you and and therefore you know positively affecting that you know the other brethren as well and we pray that you know everyone will get home safe and sound that we'll all have a good week a good week where we're honoring you and glorying you and that we all managed to make it back here next week and we pray all these