(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen okay so John chapter 12 and for those of you that haven't been with us before we're we've been going through the Gospel of John chapter by chapter as our Sunday evening Bible study we're now up to John 12 so obviously we're on the 12th chapter so far and you know there's been some great stuff in it it's a great book obviously so many profound statements in there aren't there but obviously so much about salvation and about Christ you know about his you know his his Godness basically as well and him being that you know that that third part of the Trinity or you know and being part of that you know that Trinity which makes up God but there's there's so much more in this in this gospel that we've been going through and so many other subjects and topics that have been coming up which which for me are easy to skim over and miss when you're going through it so having gone through it slowly I'm just you start to see more and more and I've been really enjoying it I hope you've all been really enjoying it as well we're up to John 12 and great chapter John 12 used misused in many ways as well and we're going to go through it verse by verse like we have been it's like from verse 1 John 12 one says then Jesus six days before the Passover came to Bethany where Lazarus was which had been dead whom he raised from the dead now remember we saw that happen last week but remember that he then went to Ephraim near to the wilderness as they were trying to kill him weren't they so he's gone out to Ephraim and now he's returned to Judea remember it was only a couple of miles Bethany from Judea from Jerusalem sorry in Judea verse 2 there they made him a supper and Martha served but Lazarus was one of them that sat at the table with him okay let's have a word of prayer father I thank you for your word I thank you for this great chapter of the Bible please help me to preach it preach it you know through your spirit preach it boldly preach it as you want it preached and help people to just have attentive ears and hearts and to listen to your word where has to say to them today in Jesus name we pray amen okay so in verse 3 there then took Mary a pound of ointment of spikenard very costly and anointed the feet of Jesus and wiped his feet with her hair and the house was filled with the odor of the ointment then saith one of his disciples Judas Iscariot Simon's son which should betray him why was not this ointment sold for 300 pence and given to the poor this he said not that he cared for the poor but because he was a thief and had to bag and bear what was put there in then said Jesus let her alone against the day of my burying has she kept this for the poor always you have with you but me you have not always now there are a few interesting observations you can make from this passage firstly just to follow on from what we're talking about last week we've got Mary Martha Lazarus here haven't we okay and in chapter 11 we looked at verse 5 you can just go back to that quickly verse 5 where it said now Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus and we spoke last week about the levels of love didn't we the levels of love and we're obviously we God so loved the world he gave his only begotten son but God obviously loves his children they're particular children as well that he emphasizes a specific a special sort of love for and and we when we saw from last week that clearly there's scripture it says those are that love him and keep his commandments okay and I believe that these three like the Apostle John ones which do do keep his commandments to the best they can now with keeping his commandments we looked at that a bit last week that includes more than just resisting certain sins I think often when we think about the commands we just think about the Ten Commandments and what thou shalt and thou shalt not do and and yeah look we should we should be trying our best to resist sin but there's more than that isn't there you'd have to turn to Deuteronomy 13 4 says you shall walk off the Lord your God and fear him and keep his commandments and obey his voice and you shall serve him and cleave unto him so yeah we want to keep the commandments but really in a way that is a commandment serve him as well on top of other what we consider commandments because we should be serving the Lord shouldn't we it's one of the things we're called to do now serving him and cleaving unto him it says in Deuteronomy 13 4 there and this event here what happens in a minute is of it is recording Matthew and Mark's gospel as well and and we see from those gospels that they're at the house of Simon the leper okay so when you read this in John's gospel it you could read it and think oh they're there you know they're at Lazarus Martha Mary's house well they're actually at the house on the leper yet Martha was serving him wasn't she and everyone else so Martha at the house on the leper is getting on with the serving look at verse 2 there there they made him a supper and Martha served but Lazarus was one of them that sat at the table with him so that servant heart was a part of Martha wasn't it because we see from from other other stories and other situations that and we're going to see that in a second if you turn over to Luke 10 that Martha Martha is one of those people that likes to serve likes to serve others now in Luke chapter 10 Martha gets a bit overwhelmed with this so have a look at Luke 10 and verse 38 Luke 10 38 Luke 10 38 says now it came to pass they went that he entered into a certain village and a certain woman named Martha received him into a house and she had a sister called Mary which also sat at Jesus feet and heard his word but Martha was cumbered about much serving and came to him and said Lord does thou not care that my sister had left me to serve alone bid her therefore that she helped me and Jesus answered I said unto her Martha Martha thou careful troubled about many things but one thing is one thing is needful and Mary has chosen that good part which shall not be taken away from her now I believe he's talking about salvation here which comes from the Word of God yeah because she's there listening to the Word of God verse 39 said and she had a sister called Mary which also sat at Jesus feet and heard his word okay so the servant heart that Martha has and I believe it's probably one of the things that she's loved about her is great but more important is hearing the Word of God isn't it and not just for salvation obviously after salvation as well see you know there are some busy mums here there are some busy women here and you know and people there are women here mums here that want to serve and want to do things and that's good you know that's that's that's a part of life you know and that's a that's a great quality to have but you have to still make sure that you're making time for the things of God as well don't your mums you know because it's easy to get carried away with what can be a really busy life especially once start having a multiple kids in you you know schooling your kids at home with a lot of mums here as well you're doing a lot you're looking after your husbands you're doing a lot of stuff you're looking after your homes but we have to make sure everyone has to make sure they make time for the Word of God and that means daily Bible reading doesn't it daily Bible reading daily prayer time Church has to make time for Church as well you know it doesn't it's not a second it's not second fiddle to the husband the kids and everything else Church is a priority isn't it and that goes for everyone here doesn't it there's no chores jobs unsaved family get-togethers are more important than Church are there there isn't any of them we're told clearly not to say the assembling of ourselves you know it has to be our top priority doesn't it coming to Church and it's not it's not just Church is it there are many things of God that we should be doing and and Martha in this in that particular instance obviously she's focusing on what she's doing and serving and that's just kind of got she's got taken away with that but you know Martha was along with Mary and Lazarus singled out as three that Jesus particularly loved but were they carbon copies of each other they weren't were they and obviously I spoke about this a little bit last week but they weren't carbon copies of each other they weren't exactly the same person Martha clearly had that real wanton desire and ability to serve and to just put other people in front of her and that's a good thing there's nothing wrong with that as long as she's still not neglect the Word of God they all loved the Lord though didn't they they didn't mean that she loved the Lord more because whilst whilst Martha is serving food what's Lazarus doing here Lazarus is sitting with the Lord is he Lazarus sitting with the Lord he's spending that time with Jesus and every single person needs spend time with Jesus don't we okay we all have to have that time that we spend with Jesus and that and we have to have that alone time with Jesus and that's alone with our Bibles isn't it okay and and it shouldn't be something we're just ticking that box rushing through we should want to and enjoy that time in the Word of God spending time with Jesus Lazarus is giving us a picture that here he's sitting with Jesus at the table and he's fellowship with Jesus Christ there James 4 8 you'd have to turn there says draw nigh to God and he will draw nigh to you cleanse your hands ye sinners and purify your hearts you double-minded we should draw nigh to God draw close to God and he will draw close to us won't he okay but if we neglect that if we put that to one side of everything else gets in the way of that then we're not going to get him drawing close to us either and that obviously is Bible reading prayer time church time soul winning time you know all of that is all things that we're clearly commanded to do they're like the box tickers to make sure we're doing on a on a daily basis at least with with Bible reading and prayer time and on a weekly basis with Church and soul winning times and we should be drawing close to God in those ways but again he's drawing close Lazarus is what does Mary now do then Mary comes along and gives gives what is really that the highest honor to God doesn't she she took verse 3 then took Mary a pound of ointment of spikenard very costly and anointed the feet of Jesus and wiped his feet with her hair and the house was filled with the odor of the ointment now Mary's not serving everyone okay Mary's not sitting there fellowshipping with Jesus Christ but Mary basically breaks open the family heirloom doesn't she okay and and look where it says in in the following few verses 300 pence yeah it's basically 300 days wages if we compare it to the laborers wage in Matthew 20 okay 300 days wages now bear in mind that is a 12-hour working day I know nowadays in this country you know it's that I don't even know if many people do full-time anymore but 12-hour working day okay and what do you think a laborer gets for 12-hour working day here 100 quid let's go with 100 that's a nice round number for the maps there isn't it so glad he didn't say 89 okay so 100 quid so basically that's 30,000 pounds worth of spikenard 30,000 that's a year's wage basically over a year's wage over the average wage a year's wage there that she's just broken open and anointed Jesus Christ with okay and now apparently spikenard is an Indian plant growing in the Himalayas so it's very rare I'd imagine and to get that amount of ointment from it is going to be going to be very expensive now in the Matthew Mark account only mentions her pouring on his head if you've ever compared these again you have to turn it but Matthew 26 12 Jesus says for in that she has poured this ointment on my body she did it for my burial so it mentions it her pouring on his head and he talks about her pouring it on his body and obviously him in John we see this basically the whole lot because she ends up with it on his feet now she did it for my burial he said in Matthew 26 12 so suggesting she has a good understanding here Mary didn't she at this point and what's about to happen I'd say there's a spiritual awareness there that many didn't have did they because they seem pretty shocked about what's going to happen when it happens but Mary knows what's going on she did it for his burial it's not that she did it and you know she doesn't know why she's doing she did it for his burial but regardless of that regardless of probably what is a pretty I would say she's probably pretty spiritual Mary she understands a lot she's humble though isn't she she's humble wiping his feet with her hair okay now look the kids books will have him you know is this golden glowing guy who's you know just this perfect you know maybe the most handsome guy in the world and everything else but well Isaiah 53 says he have no form nor comeliness and when we should see him there is no beauty that we should desire him Jesus Christ just a man's man he was a working man he wasn't some long-haired queer he was a normal man and he and and regardless of what the that you know the rest of the painting say no because because there is no picture of Jesus Christ in the Bible or the only image we see is him with eyes of flaming fire and and look Jesus Christ Jesus Christ probably had some pretty gnarly feet I'm gonna be honest here you know like you know he because he didn't come in this like he wasn't this perfect you know that the body was perfect no you had no form nor comeliness there's no beauty that we should design and he's walking around everywhere preaching the gospel and you might think oh yeah but it's Jesus Christ but she'll still she got down and she was wiping his feet with her hair okay and I don't know about you guys but I wouldn't wipe any of your feet with my I don't care how I don't care what you do yeah but she's down there wiping his feet with her hair she that is a humble lady isn't it okay now but she's honoring and glorifying him isn't she with this so really she's giving him the ultimate honor not only she broken over the family heirloom she's she's poured it all over she's now down on her hands and he's wiping his feet with her hair okay how do we all do that though how do we give that honor and glory to God well for us it's by going out preaching the gospel isn't it by going out preach the gospel and talk you've got a giving him that honor and glory to other people glorifying him by going out and preaching the Word of God and showing people how to get saved so we could you know Mary's given that ultimate honor and glory but we can ill do our own version of that without breaking open the spike nod but what we can do is not worry so much about you know losing out on earning a few extra quid when we do go out we can't do that can't we we can not worry about oh well I you know if I keep this day free for soul we I'm not gonna get that great job who cares who cares about the job well we could go out and honor and glory Jesus Christ go out and preach gospel make sure you've got the time to do that make sure you've got the time to come to church it's more important than the rest of it isn't it but anyway you've got three people here that Jesus particularly loved yeah three people Mary Martha and Lazarus yeah and and they're showing their love for the Lord in various ways I see that there you just see those three different ways they're not the same person yeah I'm not saying that okay well people could just be really spiritual women and never serve no but but on the same way they shouldn't just be always serving you're not doing anything spiritual but they all have their own angles if Jesus loves them all in their own right because we are all individual aren't we we're all different okay what's the response of the son of Belial that wicked one what's his response to what has just been an amazing glorifying of Jesus Christ so verse 4 then saith one of his disciples Judas Iscariot Simon's son which should betray him why was not this ointment sold for 300 pence and given to the poor this he said not that he cared for the poor but because he was a thief and had the bag and bear what was put therein so the good old holier than thou there yeah the holier than thou why was not this sold you know and and ultra spiritual Judas say yeah and you know and it's wicked isn't it really but but there are many people like this aren't there who try and lift themselves up try and make themselves seem ultra spiritual ultra holy and and at basically at the cost of someone else yeah they're putting them down to make themselves that bigger make themselves that better because the enemies the enemies of the cross do like to appear to be so holy so spiritual don't they anyone notice this with the with with the clearly what the ones that have been exposed over the years at different churches oh they're so holy so spiritual aren't they you know they're just so much more loving you know it's so much more loving than everyone else notice how even the flaming sodomites standing there with a placard outside a church will still have on that placard something like God is love you know love is love or something else what what you know because they're just so holy because because there's so much more Christian there's so much more spiritual than the people preaching the Bible forget the Bible love is love you know or something else it doesn't matter they could be literally the most wicked reprobate they could be standing there and as we've seen with protests outside churches you know that we follow and we we're interested in they'll be standing outside there in drag then saying you're all wicked hate speech and everything else and again they're just trying to lift themselves up like they're somehow holy but but let's be honest there's nothing holy or loving about defiling people is there there's nothing loving about how much the media might try and tell you that how much the media will try and brainwash you there's nothing loving about defilement but anyway Judas wasn't an open outside enemy was he was he Judas wasn't he wasn't outside just clearly attacking like these like these people do like these protesters like these people that constantly attacking churches and Bible believing Christians now he was trying to uplift himself whilst criticizing someone else okay from inside the church and by the way yeah just just on that just just think about this Jesus had just had oil poured on his head on his body on his feet and then he's had it wiped with her hair now I don't think that was a five-second process that he somehow couldn't stop so he's clearly allowed this to happen hasn't he because if it had an issue with it he could have stopped couldn't he or at least commented in in between this point verse 4 if you have a look at it starts with then okay then then saith one of his disciples Judas Iscariot so Judas complaint comes after all of this after the anointing after the hair wiping of the feet and everything else so who's he really undermining here Jesus Christ isn't it he's subtly undermining Jesus so he seems to be attacking her but really he's undermining Jesus Christ because who's the leader there Jesus Christ who could have stopped her at any point now what's the result what's the result of Jews Judas undermining here well Turner Turner Mark chapter 14 for the parallel passage here mark chapter 14 okay mark 14 and verse 4 mark 14 for and there were some that had indignation within themselves and said why was this waste of the ointment made for it might have been sold for more than 300 pence and have been given to the poor and they murmured against her so now you've got others sucked in by Judas now mark doesn't mention Judas but but in the in the account of John it's clearly Judas that started this isn't it okay so others are now getting sucked in by Judas yeah indignation is anger and contempt so they are now angry their contempt you know they're full of contempt for Mary for doing this this great thing and they're calling it a waste yeah they're repeating Judas objection who's spikenard was it anyone wonder that it was Mary's Mary's chosen to spend hers to crack open the family heirloom and they're now complaining it but it's not even this unbelievable okay but but here's the thing it's so ridiculous yeah but what's the result the rest of the murmuring honey so the rest of them are now murmuring against another Christian started by the wicked one yeah you see how that works it okay another Christian who's spikenard it was in the first place so see the tactic here because and again it's you know I don't want to just hit on this all the time but it's something we have to be aware of as a church trying to do things for God is that it's not just a false doctrine that these people attack with it's not John we'll just wait till they say something up no the way they attack is they try and cause division they try and undermine authority they try and they try and criticize other Christians there's all these different subtle tactics to disrupt and to attack a church and as a real church it's going to happen here okay did Judas care for the poor no way look at John 12 6 so back to John 12 verse 6 this he said not that he cared for the poor but because he was a thief and had the bag and bear what was put there in okay yet he was so convincing that he had the other people murmuring didn't he so he was so convincing with his holier-than-thou ultra spiritual attitude that the others are just joining because people do that don't they because they just want you know someone who's forceful with something that a lot of the time they'll just jump on that okay so maybe events like this and why the disciples at the view at the Last Supper were questioning themselves instead of Judas because he's just so spiritual you know how like he's saying he who I you know dips the sop you know and it's like you know I've got no idea Judas he's clearly pointing him out to them and they still can't get it into their head because he's convinced them isn't it because he's so spiritually so holy because this is a guy that wants to give money to the poor you know really he's a thief though isn't he really he's a thief but he's so kind he's so generous isn't he so generous look he just wants to give to others and look that's something that again we just have to be aware of you know people will will come and look so so lovely so kind so everything else but be careful for the ultra spiritual the ultra holier than our the ones that are subtly criticizing others and you know for all of us we you know we could all do that okay I'm not just talking about wicked people like you'd say we could all do that can't we lift ourselves up against other people trying to appear holier than we are and we all have to be careful not to be like that don't we okay verse 7 then said Jesus let her alone against the day of my burying has she kept this for the poor always you have with you but me you have not always how long will there be poor people on the earth according to this always there will always be poor people always is Bob Geldof or some other wicked reprobate gotta end it with a rock concert no it's not gonna be ended and by the way if you ever look into those things about money they siphon off that sort of stuff unbelievable it's wicked as hell isn't it but it's not gonna suddenly end is it there are always going to be poor people and look there's nothing wrong with helping the poor okay yeah we should want to help and help the poor but but people who really are poor okay not not drug addicts and and whatnot who are just trying to blag your money but there are there are real poor people but ultimately riches are snare though aren't they rich to a snare and how hard is it to get rich people saved it's pretty hard isn't it the pride you know that they're just so focused on the money they don't want to get saved so you know for me the poorest are generally the most receptive so in a way maybe it's even good that they'll always be poor people you know that's the truth because they get saved and they're gonna have eternity in heaven blessed of the poor spirit you know because there's the kingdom of God isn't it I'm paraphrasing a little bit there but okay verse nine much people of the Jews therefore knew that he was there and they came not for Jesus sake only but that they might see Lazarus also whom he had raised from the dead okay remember what Jesus said in John 11 for when Jesus heard that he said this sickness is not unto death but for the glory of God that the Son of God might be glorified thereby Lazarus has done that hasn't he so that that whole raising from the dead people are now coming to see Lazarus as well verse 10 but the chief priests consulted that they might put Lazarus also to death because that by reason of him many of the Jews went away and believed on Jesus so the Son of God was being glorified through Lazarus wasn't he okay and obviously like we said we can all glorify God too can't we turn a first Peter chapter 2 Matthew 5 16 says famous verse let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven okay and look your your you know your your light shining before men that they may see your good works okay it's not just giving the gospel that is it they you know people might see your change of life and I would probably voucher pretty much most people here you know have been saved for a little bit of time they've seen changes in their life if they try to live for God they've tried to try to read their Bibles try to try to apply it to their life apply preaching to their life but people can see that family and friends can see that can't they they see that now I'm not saying they're going to necessarily glorify that him straight away a lot of time they hate you for it don't they they hate you if you start changing and you start doing things differently living not like the world does but but they do see it you know they see our righteousness don't they they will see and it's not that you have to show it but they'll just start to see that difference that we do we hold ourselves differently as as Bible believe in Christians that want to live by the Word of God we should be different to the world we should not be conformed to the world should we okay and and look the way we behave the way we act the way you know the way we you know we we dress our children our wives you know the way the way we behave the way we act the way we talk and everything else people should see that and and at some point they might have to start glorifying our Father which is in heaven seeing that we're different but all of this isn't a substitute for soul winning is it because how many churches go on about the shining your light but forget the bit about going out and preaching the gospel okay because we have to go out and preach the gospel go ye therefore into all the world and preach the gospel unto every creature but but at the same time we should be a shiny light too shouldn't we okay now first Peter 2 9 9 to 12 says this first Peter 2 and from verse 9 but ye are a chosen generation a royal priesthood and holy nation of peculiar people that ye should show forth the praise of him who has called you out of darkness into his marvelous light which in time past were not a people but and now the people of God which had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy dearly beloved I beseech you as strains of pilgrims abstain from fleshly lust which war against the soul having your conversation honest among the Gentiles that whereas they speak against you as evildoers they may by your good works which they shall behold glorify God in the day of visitation that's God glorified and people getting saved and that can be as a result of the way we live in the way we behave yeah okay and and you know it can go far and why can't it as well because people will talk about it might just be that you are well I'm only really in contact with a few people they already know I'm a Chris yeah but that person might talk you know people do talk about it you know it's quite rare to actually have a Bible believe in Christian that actually believes the Bible and wants to live by the Bible and by the Word of God that is actually very rare isn't it and when you live like that it's it's cause for conversation now you'll see like old friends you haven't seen for years maybe since long before you were saved and they will have heard that you got saved or they will at least in their terminology have heard that you've become a Christian you know or that you go and that happens and the way we behave that's going to be relayed to other people and the way you act and you know our prayer is that you know when it does come when someone does preach the gospel to him and hopefully it'll be us and we'll take that opportunity we're not trying to just show it that responsibility but when it does that people will think about that and think about that difference in that change and that there is a difference isn't there there's a power of God in that but you know we can also have the opposite effect can't we we can all have the opposite effect you can be a lousy Christian you can you can live like you know like everyone else and just you know be be be just deep in sin and you can have the complete opposite effect can't you and it notes how the media loves publicizing any sort of so-called Christian and the crimes they do and everything else I remember looking at some stats once many years ago because don't get me wrong they should be they should be exposed for it the Catholic priests and what they get up to is wicked but you know what there's a lot there's I think there's more just as a as a number there are more rabbis that have been convicted of those crimes and Catholic priests and and do you hear about that no you don't but you hear about the so-called Christian don't you okay because a lot of people think a Catholics a Christian and you hear about any Christian that are so-called Christian and they love the moronic so-called born-again Christian in the media the celebrity is acting like an idiot you know they don't mind that but when you're living right when you're living right for God you won't get much column inches will you but but on the flip side when you're living when you're living a wicked lifestyle and people know that you're a saved man of God that believes the Bible is the Word of God you're doing the opposite aren't you doing the opposite okay and it does it fell well at least I go soul-winning yeah but I'm but but you're wicked but you're just living in sin but you don't even care so what effect are you having through that as well yeah we should go so we should live right shouldn't we John 12 10 because when we succeed in glorifying God you know are we gonna get the high fives from everyone then the world's gonna love us and thank us no they might glorify God the day of visitation but before that they're probably gonna hate you okay that's the truth what does John 12 10 says but the chief priests consulted that they might put Lazarus also to death and that's a hatred we're gonna receive when we glorify God yeah they might put Lazarus to death verse 11 because that by reason of him many of the Jews went away and believed on Jesus why why do they want to put him to death because many were believing on Jesus okay and that's what it comes down to really does it that's why people want to destroy churches like us that's why people want to destroy men of God because people are believing on Jesus because it's spiritual isn't it and just that let's just mention this one again there what word did we see in there again many that's it many of the Jews went away and believed on Jesus like literally every chapter of John pretty much we've seen many believe many believe many believe many believe okay because believing putting your faith in Jesus Christ means you're saved it doesn't mean you're automatically a disciple does it because as we see it the like a keep sound is going to keep saying it because hopefully you know for anyone that ever gets distracted by this sort of false doctrine that you're somehow not a Christian you're not saved if you don't go to church it's nonsense absolute nonsense 126 in the upper room in in in acts isn't it in Acts chapter 126 yet throughout the Gospel of John many many many many many so many people are believing so many people getting saved and we need to keep going out get people say we want them to become disciples but it doesn't mean they'll automatically be a disciple okay many on verse 12 there on the next day much people that were come to the feast when they heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem took branches of palm trees and went forth to meet him and cried Hosanna blessed is the king of Israel that cometh in the name of the Lord okay Hosanna meaning save now I beseech thee basically which is from Psalms 118 if you turn to Psalm 118 so they said here in John John 12 13 they took branches of palm trees went forth to meet him cried Hosanna blessed is the king of Israel that cometh in the name of the Lord now in John it calls him the king of Israel here in other in the other Gospels it says blessed is well it says blessed is him or he now in Psalm 118 verse 25 says save now I beseech thee O Lord O Lord I beseech thee send now prosperity which is then followed by what they quote verse 26 which says blessed be he that cometh in the name of the Lord we have blessed you out of the house of the Lord so they're basically paraphrasing or using part of Psalm 118 here okay Hosanna save now beseech thee blessed is the king of Israel that cometh in the name of the Lord so the people are shouting please save us and stating who he is aren't they okay so you know there's a there's a these people seem pretty awake here or you know they seem to be pretty switched on there's a lot of people here that are saying this so at this point then is it time for Jesus to kind of make this big show now a great pomp and ceremony that's not God though is it that's not our God he's not gonna write now that's it time to really show no look at verse 14 back to John 12 John 12 verse 14 and Jesus when he had found a young ass sat there on as it is written fear not daughter of Zion behold thy King cometh sitting on an ass's cult so Jesus coming for the triumphal entry humbly enters Jerusalem riding a young donkey okay not just a donkey it's a young donkey and by the way he wasn't sitting sideways in a dress he was riding a donkey okay you know I don't think there's any doubt that they had invented trousers okay so he's sitting he's sitting on this young donkey as well so that's a pretty small donkey I mean this you know Jesus was you know there's there's no description so there's no one going wow he's so big oh wow he's so small I'd imagine he's a pretty normal sized guy sitting on a young donkey and if you've ever I don't know you're giving your kids donkey rides at the beach anyone anyone seen that before any of these places they're pretty small these donkeys are they so that must have been quite a humbling sight yeah that he's riding on this young donkey now verse 15 where he says fear not daughter Zion he's quoting Zechariah 9 9 you don't have to turn there but it says rejoice greatly our daughter of Zion shout our daughter Jerusalem behold thy King cometh unto thee he is just and having salvation lowly and riding upon an ass and upon a cult the foal of an ass so it's a very young donkey here that he's riding upon and that that's you know that's our humble God isn't it verse 16 these things understood not as disciples at the first but when Jesus was glorified then remembered they that these things were written of him and that they had done these things unto him so basically it wasn't a purposeful self-fulfilling type of prophecy so they didn't know that this was how it was meant to be and do it this is making the point they didn't even know they just realized afterwards that he was fulfilling yet again another prophecy they remembered after the event of verse 17 the people therefore that was with him when he called Lazarus out of his grave and raised him from the dead bear record for this cause the people also met him for that they heard that he had done this miracle so the people are testifying of what Jesus did yeah it's it's their testimony that's bringing other people to Jesus isn't it so other people going out and giving this testimony and telling others what happened with Lazarus verse 19 the Pharisees therefore said among themselves perceive ye how you prevail nothing behold the world is gone after him oh look they can make their laws they can threaten arrest even death can't they they can mock criticize defame but if we go out and spread the gospel they can't stop people believing can they they can't stop people believing the truth and believe in the Word of God it doesn't matter what they do but we have to go out there and spread it verse 20 and there were certain Greeks among them that came up to worship at the feast the same came there for the Philip which was the best side of Galilee and desired him saying so we would see Jesus Philip cometh and telleth Andrew and again Andrew and Philip tell Jesus and Jesus asks him saying the hour is come that the Son of Man should be glorified it seems that God's perfect timing seems to take into account that people were now coming from far and wide doesn't it verse 24 verily verily I say unto you except a corner of wheat fall into the ground and die it abideth alone but if it died bringeth forth much fruit now obviously Jesus death brings forth much fruit but you could say as well that we have to die to the flesh to bring forth much fruit ourselves don't we if you're still in the flesh if you're still you know it basically your worldly self you ain't gonna be going out and getting people saved are you and not not multiple you're not gonna be bearing that fruit remember Paul said I die daily okay we have to die daily don't we to live in the spirit to die to the flesh verse 25 he that loveth his life shall lose it and he that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal how hard is it save someone that seems to love their life very hard isn't it people that are just you know who seem to be loving and enjoying the riches or whatever else the pleasures of sin for a season at that point that's pretty hard isn't it and the truth is a lot of the time it's people have a broken and contrite spirit isn't it it's people that that realize that no it's not all that fun you know and when they're suffering sometimes and they've gone through things it's then a lot of the time that they're actually more open to salvation isn't it because you know sadly a lot of people love darkness rather than light and when they're loving that darkness it's hard to get him saved isn't it but he that loveth his life shall lose it and he that hateth his life in this world should keep it unto life eternal and verse 26 if any man serve me let him follow me and where I am there shall also my servant be if any man serve me him will my father honor like I said this morning if you want to serve Jesus you're gonna suffer persecution aren't you but we don't have to be scared of that we don't have to be we don't have to be in fear we you know we are quote again second Timothy 3 12 said yeah and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution you want to live right you want to live godly you're gonna suffer persecution but our father will honor us and I want to be honored by my father you know like kids here ultimately I'd hope you want your father to be pleased you you want to honor your father and I want to honor my Heavenly Father I hope everyone here does as well and look the persecution like we said you can get joy through that and you will get rewards through that as well and you will get stronger through that as well verse 27 now is my soul troubled and what shall I say father save me from this hour but for this cause came I unto this hour so I think he's starting to fill the effects here of his impending physical and spiritual death isn't it okay starting to fill that now and look I'm not saying it doesn't because the way he went and the way the took basically torture before was horrific wasn't it and he was bloodied and pulped and he's a bloody pulp so he was beaten he was the rest of it he died on a cross but there's also something sadly which the church is just I had someone again yesterday preached a gospel to her never heard that you know came to go to church just never heard that Jesus went to hell but the Bible's clear he went to hell he went to hell for three days and three nights where did she think he was but but they won't preach it but you know what it's it's not that it explains but it adds more doesn't it more to verses like this father save me from this hour but for this cause cannot he's about to suffer in hell for three days but as well as what was a brutal savage death as well I mean unbelievable what God went through for us father glorify thy name then came their voice from heaven saying I've both glorified it and will glorify it again the people therefore that stood by and heard it said that it thundered others said an angel spoke to him Jesus answered and said this voice came not because of me but for your sakes that must been amazing to be the ones that heard it and weren't relaying it but so I weren't hearing it relayed but another event that was so that people might believe wasn't it there were lots of things going on you know because God's not willing that any should perish he you know he gave them so much opportunity didn't he and and he gives people in this world still that opportunity you know that that you know as we're gonna see in a minute you know we the creation is evident of him isn't there isn't it and then there's people going around preaching the gospel we still have the Word of God he's preserved that there's still people we've got right now just gospel presentations are good ones all over the internet and everything else but people still choose to reject don't they he said in verse 31 now is the judgment of this world now shall the prince of this world be cast out so the prince of this world is a devil Ephesians 2 2 calls him the prince of the power of the air you don't have to turn there probably quite a famous verse wherein in time pass he walked according to the course of this world according to the prince of the power of the air the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience John calls him the prince of this world in chapter 14 and 16 and he I believe he's saying here now it's time for the gospel to go out to the world and for the devil to be cast out from his strongholds you know because look at the end of the day however much we think that how many people you think might or might not have been saved there is still at the end of the day the prince of the power of the air is still still at that point he's being cast out for many places isn't he he's being cast out from certain certain people's lives are in false religions and everything else and he's being cast out now remember this is on the back of the Greeks coming in verse 20 as well so this is where the gospel is about to go out to all the world isn't it as well verse 32 and I if I be lifted up from the earth will draw all men unto me okay not some men is it it's not some men he draws all men unto him but although many are called fewer chosen aren't they why they chose a note based on their faith in Jesus Christ and and how many you know this verse just just is such a verse to counter this Calvinism rubbish but and that it's so trendy it's so it's so popular that that that wicked false doctrine isn't it but and I if I be lifted up from the earth will draw all men unto me so all men are drawn aren't they all men are drawn doesn't mean all men are saved verse 33 this he said signifying what death he should die the people answer him we have heard out of the law that Christ abideth forever and how say so the Son of Man must be lifted up who is this Son of Man so although there are many other places Isaiah 9 6 to 7 is a clear one here because they're saying you know we have heard out of the law that Christ abideth forever turn to Isaiah chapter 9 then and there are many places which alludes to this anyway but in Isaiah 9 verse 6 says for unto us a child is born Isaiah 9 6 unto us the Son is given and the government shall be upon his shoulder and his name shall be called wonderful counselor the mighty God the everlasting Father the Prince of Peace of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end upon the throne of David and upon his kingdom to order it and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even forever the zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this so obviously this and many other places remember they're waiting for this to come it's going to be getting preached a lot and they're basically saying if Christ abides forever and you're getting lifted up who are you then you know who are you because you're basically you know you're basically claiming to be the Christ you know and now you're saying you're gonna be lifted up so what's going on you know and these are the ones at this point bear in mind he's raised Lazarus from the dead he's preached the gospel in various ways he's told them who he is various times and at this point these are still those that don't believe okay we're gonna see why in a second verse 35 then Jesus said unto them yet a little while is a light with you walk while you have the light lest darkness come upon you for he that walketh in darkness knoweth not whither he goeth while you have light believe in the light that ye may be the children of light these things spake Jesus and departed and did hide himself from them so everyone in the world has the opportunity to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ don't they everyone is born with the opportunity okay they all have that opportunity he said yet a little while is a light with you it's not but we don't have that opportunity forever do we do we don't all have that opportunity said walk while you have the light lest darkness come upon you for he that walketh in darkness knoweth not whither he goeth because if you reject the light if you reject it there is a chance isn't there that you won't be able to believe anymore and I don't know you know there isn't a number for how many times you reject how many times you reject the knowledge of God it's not necessarily someone preaching the gospel to you well I would say when someone comes and preaches the gospel to you clearly and you're rejecting that as well you're on slippery you're on thin ice there aren't you because how many people have that ability to have someone actually preach the gospel clearly to them I doubt many people here had the gospel preached to them multiple multiple times some people did you know some people said well actually at the beginning I heard it I would you know reject it first praise God that they still got saved but there's a chance that you won't have that opportunity anymore because instead of being the children of light you become the children of the devil the children of darkness don't you okay and not not everyone not everyone that rejects but there is there are those that are given opportunity given opportunity look at the end of verse 36 where he says these things spake Jesus and departed and did hide himself from them and I think saying this it's a picture of reprobation now these people have had chance after chance after chance and it gets to a point where they can't believe they cannot believe verse 37 but though he had done so many miracles before them yet they believe not on him so he's done all this stuff they're still not believing on him he's literally just raised Lazarus from the dead as well that the saying of Isaiah the Prophet might be fulfilled which he spake Lord who have believed our report and whom have the arm of the Lord being revealed and obviously we we've you know we know this from Isaiah 53 all those you that did your memory verse verse 39 therefore they could not believe see that again therefore they could not believe because as I said again he have blinded their eyes and hardened their heart that they should not see with their eyes nor understand with their heart and be converted and I should heal them who's blinded their eyes and harden their heart God God blinded their eyes and hardened their heart no one else did he did it he had blinded their eyes and harden their heart but they've already done so many miracles they've already had so many opportunities here now now it's talking about the it's talking about Isaiah and and basically referring Isaiah to this point where but though in verse 37 but though he'd done so many miracles before them yet they believe not on him that the saying of Isaiah the Prophet might be fulfilled and then it gives us what it says therefore they could not believe he he has blinded her eyes okay he's hidden from them they could not believe okay that that's it they cannot believe anymore turn of Romans chapter 1 and you know sometimes this stuff has to be preached isn't it and look look at the end of the day it's not a nice truth truth for some from the Bible some people find this hard because of family and friends and other things and some people like you know some people want to hear this stuff preacher maybe they want to hear it preach too much but look you know why you know why why do people want to hear this why because most churches in in not only this country but the world just will completely ignore this truth from the Bible okay they won't preach it they won't they won't refer to how many how many churches will preach Romans one at all and if they do what they even preaching on it I'm yet to find out because how do you come away and not just Romans one how do you come away from Romans 1 from Proverbs 1 how do you come away from from and passages like we've just read in John 12 and not and not believe that there is a point that people get to when they cannot believe anymore and it's not the Calvinism point where they could never believe from the beginning it's not talking about from the beginning is it they it's because at this point they've rejected isn't it and Romans 1 says that verse 18 for the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness unrighteousness of men who hold the truth in unrighteousness because that which may be known of God is manifesting them for God has showed it unto them so they've had the light haven't they they've had the light at this point for the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made even his eternal power and Godhead so that they are without excuse okay it's not necessarily the gospel though is it it's not necessarily the gospel but they there's enough knowledge there yeah if you really want it you're gonna find it aren't you but there's enough there verse 21 because that when they knew God they glorified him not as God neither were thankful but became vain in their imaginations and their foolish heart was darkened they've chosen to reject God haven't they when they knew God they glorified him not as God neither were thankful verse 22 professing himself to be wise they became fools and changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man into birds and forfeited beasts and creeping things and because of this verse 24 wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts to dishonor their own bodies between themselves God hasn't made them perverts okay God didn't go you're gonna be a pervert he's given them up to the uncleanness isn't he okay the conscience is gone it's seared he's removed it they've chosen to reject God they've gone down the slippery path of God rejection haven't they and like I've said many times you can't the free gift of salvation you without the rep rate doctrine it doesn't make any sense does it because you can't claim that some complete flaming sodomite child abuser can just put their faith in Christ and carry on living like that and somehow he's now a child of God no because because they cannot believe they've been given over to that their conscience is gone they rejected God he's given up on them they've they they've chosen it God has gone okay you're done verse 25 who changed the truth of God into a lie and worship can serve the creature more than the Creator who is blessed forever amen so they lie about who God is don't they verse 26 for this cause God gave them up unto vile affections for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature so therefore God gives them up to vile affection says there doesn't it and likewise also the men leaving the natural use in of the woman burned in their last one toward another men with men working that which is unseemly and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet and even as they did not like to attain God in their knowledge God gave them over to a reprobate mind to do those things which are not convenient they did not like to attain God in their knowledge they've rejected him haven't they so God gives them over to a reprobate mind no one's born gay as a world calls it no one's born a queer God gives them over they reject God he gives them over he removes the conscience they're then able to do the most filthy wicked things that no one in their right mind would even consider okay that's what the Bible says I don't care what the world says that's what the Bible says doesn't it God gives them over to a reprobate mind it's God that's given them over he's given up on them and then look at the list of them being filled with all unrighteousness fornication wickedness covetousness maliciousness full of envy murder debate deceit malignity whisperers back biters haters of God despiteful proud boasters inventors of evil things disobedient to parents without understanding covenant breakers without natural affection implacable unmerciful who knowing the judgment of God that they which commit such things are worthy of death not only do the same but have pleasure in them that do them and that is a biblical truth of psychopathy isn't it what what what the people what this psychiatrist in the world cannot work out is how on earth does someone end up with they say their frontal lobe is not working they are scanning guy nothing's lighting up you know they can't work it out but the Bible thousand years ago described exactly what the world calls a psychopath and that is a psychopath and and and why because God has seared them because they're given up on them because their conscience is gone and that's why they're able to be full of all this wickedness and look yeah I'll say it straight because the Bible says it and from my own experience in life as well these people are full of all these things because they are men who are burning in their last for other men are full of all the rest of this as well okay and it's not that every single reprobate is what we would call a queer but you know what they're perfectly capable of it aren't they like many other filthy disgusting things and we let's not even go down you know because you don't even want to think about the stuff it's a shame isn't it's a shame what they do in secret these people and look the Bible's clear about it the Bible makes it clear but how many churches in this country are preaching this ever ever and this isn't just the only chapter is it it's not oh well I've just you know well well Romans one but you know we'll just do it once every you know 365 days or whatever sorry let's go even further how many chapters are in the Bible 1100 or something once every three years we might preach preach Romans no because look it's not just Romans is it it these reprobates these God haters he's children of the devil it's throughout the Bible it's throughout the Bible warning us telling us what you know about these people about the fact that they've been given up on or about the fact that they will come into churches and try and infiltrate churches about the fact that they are that they are the enemy they are the sons of Belial yet who's preaching it no one turn to Proverbs 1 God gives them up after they give God up Proverbs chapter 1 there's some wicked church down the road speaking to someone yesterday who then got annoyed because I was with brother John Cornell and he said she said she had thought back thought something Baptist anyone heard this church you passed it today okay so that that church she said oh we go there and John just went straight away wicked so you know okay interesting trying to get a safety job but you know he couldn't keep it in but but he just said that guy yeah the the pastor is he believes a closet closet sodomite and he's basically openly welcoming them in then a guy came here earlier today and and when we were talking about churches he said that he'd gone there because it used to in his mind be a good church and 40 people have left the church because they've become an all-inclusive church to invite these people in to invite these people into the house of God but like how how wicked do you have to be or how at the least how moronic how stupid how unbible verse you have to be to be trying to welcome in these wicked God haters into a church around children around families it's disgusting isn't it it is it's wicked he's actually trying to roll out the red carpet and bring them in this guy unbelievable look at what Proverbs 1 says about about being given up by God Proverbs 1 and from verse 22 how long you simple ones will you love simplicity and the scorn is delight and escorting and fools hate knowledge turn you at my reproof behold I will pour out my spirit unto you I'll make known my words unto you because I have called and you refused I have stretched out my hand and no man regarded but you have set at naught all my counsel I would none of my and would sorry I would none of my reproof I also will laugh at your calamity that's God laughing at their calamity I will mock when your fear cometh when your fear cometh as desolation and your destruction cometh as a whirlwind when distress and anguish cometh upon you then shall they call upon me but I will not answer they shall seek me early but they shall not find me for that they hated knowledge and did not choose the fear of the Lord they would none of my counsel they despised all my reproof therefore shall they eat of the fruit of their own way and be filled with their own devices for the turning away of the simple shall slay them and the prosperity of fools shall destroy them but who so harkeneth unto me shall dwell safely and should be quiet from fear of evil again he's turning away isn't it okay there are people that have rejected God and God then rejects them and that's the end of them now look that's a that's something that you know I'm not saying preach it on every door but I have now and again you know said look you know there is a worry here when you reject if you're gonna keep rejecting God keep rejecting him you know that's something that people should be afraid of shouldn't I I said this to a family member the other day because he knows for well he knows the gospel he just doesn't want God doesn't want salvation it's at what point is it going to be too late for you you know and it's a scary thought isn't it for people that maybe we love and family and friends but that's what the word of God says and that's the truth it's a hard truth but it is the truth isn't it okay and it explains a lot doesn't it and explains a lot how these people can be that vile that wicked that disgusting I don't care what the world says because 50 years ago no one to have a problem with this being preached would they 60 70 years ago no one would have cared at all not even that long ago let's be honest but that far ago no one even cared when I was at school you know that that was just that was the insult wasn't it that was a thing like oh wait I want someone to think that now look at the state of our country now where people have the opposite they're trying to be that to get attention whether or not and let's be honest most sides probably aren't reprobate yet but that's a slippery slope because at that point you're also rejecting God aren't you you're rejecting God and you're putting two fingers up at God going with going along trying to at least claim that you want to go down that path wicked verse 41 back to back to John 12 these things said as I asked when he saw his glory and spake of him nevertheless among the chief rule as also many believed on him but because of the Pharisees they did not confess him lest they should be put out of the synagogue for they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God I'm gonna have to hurry up for sake of time here and just get through these last few verses so look there were some top guys there that believed on him and I believe they were saved I don't believe oh well they didn't call on name the Lord I believe that basically they weren't they weren't talking it or they weren't admitting that they were saying okay they weren't admitting that they were believers but notice again there what was it what was that word there where were in verse 42 was it 42 yeah many many again nevertheless among the chief rulers also many believed on him so many of the chief rulers believed on him as well okay that's not talking about you know the Pharisaic false prophets there there's chief rulers there but they wouldn't admit it they wouldn't admit it and and that's a snare that okay well I don't really have time now to preach from that but you know we don't want to fall into that ourselves we can easily be a bit afraid sometimes you know people get like that where they don't want to admit they don't want to you know confess before other people who they are what they really believe what they that they really believe every single word of the Bible stuff like I was talking about before where people it's easier to just order you know people won't like me for that people are gonna call me some sort of you know a homophobe or anything else well no we just believe the Word of God don't we because what else can I believe what else is truth that's the truth yeah and that always has been the truth that always will be the truth if the Word of God says something that's what we believe we need to stand on that don't we verse 44 Jesus cried and said he that believeth on me believeth not on me but in him that sent me and he that seeth me seeth him that sent me because they're both one God aren't they okay one God I am come a light into the world that whosoever believeth on me should not abide in darkness and if any man hear my words and believe not I judge him not for I came not to judge the world but to save the world the judgment comes later doesn't it he that rejecteth me and receiveth not my words hath one that judgeth him the word that I have spoken the same shall judge him in the last day now you'd have to turn there for sake of time but revelation 2012 says and I saw the dead small and great stand before God and the books were open another book was open which is a book of life and the dead would judge out of those things which were written in the books according to their works notice it's a books plural there and look when you read the Word of God you do realize how how short you come don't you how far off you are from what God wants us to be and and the the books are going to do that but imagine being judged by the books for every single thing you've ever done never thought you've ever had okay and and the dead are going to be judged aren't they the dead are going to be judged but I thank God that I didn't reject his free gift of salvation and I hope everyone here can say the same because wow you don't be getting judged by the books do you because there are a lot of things in these books aren't there the Bible these 66 books there's a lot of things that we fall short on aren't they okay verse 49 for I have not spoken of myself but the father which sent me he gave me a commandment what I should say and what I should speak so he's make it clear this is all of God isn't he in verse 50 and I know that his commandment is life everlasting whatsoever I speak therefore even as a father said unto me so I speak and it's the words it's these words which give us eternal life isn't it and that's why it you know this church obviously and I don't think I you know I'll just say it anyway this church would obviously never never ever preach anything other than the King James Bible okay never other and and we have no business going anywhere that doesn't either because it's a word of God that saves it's a word of God that gives us parts a word of God that gives us strength and there can't be 400 words of God in English can there there cannot be 400 words of God if he said thou shalt not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeded out of the mouth of God how on earth can we then just go I'll take that Bible I'll have a little go with that one now all I like that one right they all say something different they also and in in fact those 399 and I'm kind of messing a bit here but those 399 other Bibles say something a lot different don't they a lot of the time than what the King James Bible says are you trying to tell me that for three four hundred years that we just all had the wrong Bible thank God that they you know found one in a Catholic in a Catholic Vatican vault somewhere oh thank God for that now we've got the real Word of God you know what were we doing for thousands of years without it it's it's ridiculous it's absolutely ridiculous and look this Bible has never failed the people of the English speaking language for the last 400 years and it's not going to fail us now is it and the people that go all I can't understand it it's why can't they not understand it because usually they're not saved okay because my children understand this and I'm sure your children here understand this Word of God as well you just have to read it don't you read it study to show thyself approved a worm that needeth not be a shame rightly divine the Word of truth and we should all be rightly divided from the Word of truth not from some false wicked perverted Bible and let's finish on that father I thank you for your word I thank you for what a great chapter of the Bible there thank you for John chapter 12 and the many truths that are in that and I hope that I gave you know did it did it some sort of justice today and I hope that we'll you know that we can take heed to some of the some of the important things that we got out of that chapter and help us to apply to our lives and to be you know to want to live for you to want to be though one of those that you love and to want to want to just go forward and and serve you and and be the sort of Christian that you want us to be help us to be the sort of church you want us to be and just help us to start this week guy you know with that where we just you know live for you every day of the week not just when we come to church help us to all get home safely thank you for this great church for these great people thank you that we're all able to be here please help us to all be able to be here next week and in Jesus name I pray all go to this our men