(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) right so our new Bible study for Sunday evenings for now till we till we have a midweek service is going to be the Gospel of John and for me it's is my favorite gospel probably my favorite book in the Bible this first chapter I absolutely love as well and just yeah so much beauty there so much truth there as well and yeah I'm really looking forward to this Bible study hopefully everyone else is as well and let's let's get going and starting from from chapter 1 verse 1 in the Gospel of John got in the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God so the first verse of this gospel Jesus is God right first verse of this gospel Jesus is God and it doesn't take much cross-references it see that the word is Jesus obviously verse 14 if you just jump forward says and the word was made flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory the glories of the only begotten of the Father full of grace and truth but the words also talking about in in revelation 19 if you want to just turn there quickly revelation chapter 19 and from verse 11 revelation 1911 and I saw heaven opened and behold a white horse and he that sat upon him was called faithful and true and in righteousness he doth judge and make war his eyes were as a flame of fire and on his head were many crowns and he had a name written that no man knew but he himself he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood and his name is called the word of God and the armies which are in heaven followed him upon white horses clothed in fine linen white and clean and out of his mouth go with a sharp sword that with it he should smite the nations he shall rule them with a rod of iron and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of the Almighty God and he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written King of Kings and Lord of Lords and that is some picture of our God isn't it that is one picture of our God that you won't see many places will you in many churches will they give that picture of Jesus Christ but that is some picture of Jesus Christ Jesus Christ was in the beginning wasn't he in the beginning was the word Genesis 1 1 says in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth okay and Jesus Christ didn't come into existence in Bethlehem 2,000 years ago and there are many versions of Christianity many cults that come out of this sort of stuff no in the beginning was the word in the Gospel of John right at the beginning we've just got a clear doctrine there haven't we Jesus is God and Jesus has always been and was in the beginning he always was turn 1st John chapter 1 verse 1 1st John chapter 1 verse 1 that which was from the beginning which we have heard which we have seen with our eyes which we have looked upon and our hands have handled of the word of life an amazing truth isn't it that his disciples experience these were people like you and I could have been you know that that got to handle the word of life that were there with him that were walking the earth with him that's pretty amazing isn't it when you think about that obviously 1st John 5 7 the Bible says for there are three that bear record in heaven the Father the Word and the Holy Ghost and these three are one the Bible teaches a Holy Trinity doesn't it it's clear the Bible teaches a Holy Trinity and of course like many many other core beliefs of the Bible the Trinity is attacked isn't it okay we're constantly seeing new attacks and old attacks and probably there's nothing new under the Sun there but we see these attacks and you've got the more common attack that Jesus isn't God haven't you okay so we have that attack we hear that a lot billions of Muslims will just discard the Bible as inaccurate won't they they'll just discard as inaccurate corrupted they try and say don't they oh well it's all been corrupted it's all been changed and then they'll try and claim that obviously Jesus isn't God he's a prophet we had something similar today but really the guy just wanted to attack tried to rile us up we had a guy telling us about how this church was changed into a mosque he was telling me and brother Dorian today the church was changed into a mosque and and trying to get a reaction and then yeah and all these people give us grief but this guy stopped and said well done because there's still worship going on in this place we're looking for a reaction in which I anyway don't just said you know we're not here to talk about that give you the gospel these guys are really you know they really they don't hate you know that sorry really they hate the real Jesus don't they really that's the truth they don't they don't want the real Jesus so they're trying to pretend they all the Prophet Jesus we believe no no no and we know that but of course that's that's attack and and again they try and say the Bible's inaccurate like it couldn't have been preserved really and and the Bible's the Bible's clear God preserved his word didn't he preserved his word that's what we're reading here and the preserved word of God says in the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God okay clear as day there now you've got cults like the Jehovah's Witnesses which like to add in just that little ah or a yeah and in the beginning of the word the word was with God and the word was a God that's a sneaky little one isn't it shove that in now in their footnote footnotes adequate look at this they have them you know that footnotes everywhere on there the new world translation and they put or divine or divine so he was a god or he was divine you know I say yeah he's a good guy you know he's a great guy but he wasn't God because of course it's only Jehovah according to Jehovah's Witnesses so you know you've got these you've got these different types got the modalist or oneness heretics don't you that claim that they're different forms of God I think everyone's probably heard a bit about that Jesus praying to the Father which we're going to see throughout his chapter obviously is completely lost on them but the Bible teaches that Jesus was with God and he was God doesn't it and just because we can't necessarily explain that fully in our minds that doesn't mean it's not true the Bible teaches that okay verse 2 says the same was in the beginning with God maybe that's why first Timothy 3 16 says great is a mystery of godliness verse 3 says all things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made and that's not just a claiming John Ephesians 3 9 says in to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery which from the beginning of the world have been hidden God who created all things by Jesus Christ as God all things are made by him and that's pretty tough for a prophet isn't it that's pretty tough for a prophet that's pretty tough for just a divine person this is obviously clearly in the beginning was the word the word is with God and the word was God okay verse 4 says in him was life and the life was the light of men okay turn to John chapter 11 in him was life John chapter 11 in verse 25 says Jesus said unto her I am the resurrection and the life he that believeth in me though he were dead yet shall he live and whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die believeth thou this he said I am the resurrection and the life that's the life it's in Jesus Christ isn't it not our works but in him the life is in Jesus Christ is not in our works and the life was a light of men you can jump forward to John 8 if you want and verse 12 says then spake Jesus again unto them saying I am the light of the world he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness but shall have the light of life and we as believers we have that light don't we we have that light now turn to Matthew 5 about that light Matthew 5 so Matthew chapter 5 and verse 14 Matthew 5 14 says ye are the light of the world a city that is set on a hill cannot be hid neither do men light a candle and put it under a bushel but on a candlestick and it giveth light unto all that are in the house let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your father which is in heaven okay why wouldn't we want to shine that light why wouldn't we want to shine that light it you know it sounds strange but sadly so many Christians don't want to shine that light do they they don't want to shine that light that pressure that fear that well maybe it's just not caring but we should shouldn't we we should let our light so shine before men and in verse 5 of John 1 it says and the light shineth in darkness and the darkness comprehended it not so Jesus shine that light didn't he and we shine that light too okay Jesus shine that line we shine that light but it says here in the darkness comprehended it not so if it was still dark it didn't it didn't comprehend or it didn't understand it did it and why didn't they understand it then why didn't they understand that lie and why does so many still not understand that lie well we know first Corinthians 2 14 says but the natural man receiveth not the things of spirit of God for their foolishness unto him neither can he know them because they're spiritually discerned they just don't get it do they they don't get it they don't understand the word they don't understand it they don't understand the gospel to understand the light they need someone to explain it don't they they need someone to go to them and explain it and without that they don't understand it the darkness comprehends it not they're still in darkness but sadly they often don't want someone to explain it do they so it's not that oh well they're just waiting for someone to just just explain to them the gospel to show them the light often they don't want it do they how many times today are we knocking on doors and they just do not want it at all do they and they they you know they have various reasons don't they people that claim to be Christians but the Formula ones on or whatever it was or you know or the iron is going to cut out you know we had today really interested but the iron is going to cut out but they don't want it that's the truth they don't want it turn to John chapter 3 John chapter 3 and 19 from verse 19 says and this is a condemnation that light is coming to the world and men love darkness rather than light because their deeds were evil for everyone that doeth evil hateth the light neither cometh to the light lest his deeds should be reproved but he that doeth truth cometh to the light that his deeds may be made manifest that they are wrought in God and that's that's a big that's a big truth isn't it that that men love darkness rather than light because their deeds were even people just they don't want to hear it they don't want to come to the light because they don't want a spotlight on them they don't know acknowledge God because if you acknowledge God then you have to acknowledge really how you live and you start to then acknowledge your sin don't you now that that for me that's a big big part of it many many times people are shutting their ears they don't want to hear the Word of God they don't want to hear it explained I don't want to hear any of that it's sad but it's true isn't it but 2nd Corinthians 4 3 to 4 says but if our gospel be hid it is hid to them that are lost in whom the god of this world has blinded the minds of them which believe not lest that the light of the glorious gospel of Christ who is the image of God should shine unto them okay and they are aren't they they're blinded but but we still don't want our gospel to be hid do we they might be blinded but we still want to go I want to go out with that flashlight and find people that want to hear it that one of the one who understand it they're happy to hear it but there is a reason is that why when so winning just so often there seems to be so much in the world that gets in the way does it like we said we're saying earlier though you know whether it's something on TV or something else it's just all these excuses and reasons but we still need to get out there don't we verse 6 in John 1 says there was a man sent from God whose name was John right this is John the Baptist verse 7 the same came for a witness to be a witness of the light that all men through him might believe okay so this was prophesied in Malachi chapter 3 verse 1 if you turn there quickly Malachi 3 Malachi 3 one says behold I will send my messenger and he shall prepare the way before me and the Lord whom you seek shall suddenly come to his temple even the messenger of the Covenant whom you delight in behold he shall come saith the Lord of hosts okay so John the Baptist was a prophesied witness but look what it said in verse 7 of John there it said the same came for a witness where witness of the light that all men through him might believe all men didn't say he came for a witness that some that the select few might believe some that were specially chosen by God before that all men through him might believe it's pretty pretty obvious there isn't it that that Jesus Christ that came that John came to bear witness of Jesus Christ that all men through him might believe and all does mean old isn't it all does mean all now they don't all believe but they might believe they have the choice they have the option don't know they did at the beginning verse 8 said he was not that light but was sent to bear witness of that light that was a true light which lighteth every man that cometh into the world and this Calvinism is is it's it's complete heresy isn't it it is it's complete heresy I'm sick of it I'm sick of people thinking they're so intelligent because they follow these Calvinist teachers who are just such morons really and people follow this junk and they try and just get intellectualize it and everything else but you just have to go to the first chapter of John and get to verse 7 to see that all men through him might believe you don't have to go far in the Bible do you you don't have to go far but well and they could be hard work aren't they these guys they can be hard work and they try and just they they take things out of context they miss misquote verses and it really you know like we said before what does it really do anyone who's saved and gets it mixed up in that it just we can so winning doesn't it we can so winning because all you're thinking in your head is well they're gonna get saved anyway they're elect why do I need to go out and preach the gospel and that's really that's like the main thing with it isn't it let alone a lot of their damnable heresy that creeps in with the perseverance of works and the crossover and all of that as well but yeah and and the and the God of Calvinism is a monster isn't he absolute monster who just damns a majority of people to hell with no choice whatsoever I mean that is ridiculous but obviously we don't believe that here that was a true light which light of every man that cometh into the world every person that comes into the world has an opportunity to get saved okay every person that comes into the world has an opportunity to get saved Romans chapter 1 you'd have to turn there in verse 19 19 20 says because that which may be known of God is manifest in them for God has showed it unto them for the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen being understood by the things that have made even his eternal power and Godhead so that they are without excuse they are without excuse you get all these sort of questions well you know what if someone lives in the middle of wherever and they haven't heard the gospel look they're without excuse they are without excuse John 12 32 says and I if I be lifted up from the earth will draw all all again all men unto me Jesus Christ draws all men unto him and it's not just a select few Calvinists is it okay he draws all men unto him now verse 10 says he was in the world and the world was made by him and the world knew him not that's the sad truth isn't it verse 11 says he came unto his own and his own received in not so he came first the lost sheep of the house of Israel didn't he but of course he came to them he came and that's you know that that was a Jew first but but the Gentiles weren't a plan B were they they weren't a plan B it was always meant to be a light to the Gentiles wasn't it the majority rejected him though the majority of those Jews rejected him turn to Matthew chapter 13 and from verse 54 and when he was coming to his own country sorry yeah verse 54 when he was coming to his own country he taught them in their synagogue in so much that they were astonished and said whence have this man this wisdom and these mighty works it's not this the carpenter's son is not his mother called Mary and his brethren James and Joseph and Simon and Judas and his sisters are they not all with us whence then have this man all these things and they were offended in him but Jesus said unto them a prophet is not without honor saving his own country and in his own house and he did not many mighty works there because of their unbelief and this often happens with us doesn't it doesn't that I'd imagine most people here have experienced something similar when it's people you know family members friends old friends you try and witness them try and give them the gospel and that's pretty much what they're saying along those lines aren't they and and that could be pretty hard can't it but don't forget that that happened to Jesus he came unto his own his own received him not as we see even even family members even his brothers didn't believe on him did they at the time and that's gonna happen with us it does happen with us but it is the way it is isn't it and you got a Karen you got it if you go out them and you save someone else's brother someone else's sister someone else's mum dad and and pray for them people then just just pray that maybe God will send someone to save your your your brother mother sister father whatever it is and and still fortunately we've got we got an army here haven't we you can always try to arrange to go around and give the gospel to one of your family members can't you and still persevere still try but sadly that is the truth verse 12 says though but as many as received him to them gave me power to become the sons of God even to them that believe on his name Galatians 3 26 says for year all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus okay it's believing on his name we become children of God and let that sink in for a minute we are sons of God children of God that's pretty amazing isn't it we're saved and we also become a child of God and I think that's a great truth what an honour what a comfort as well what a comfort to know who your heavenly father is because there are children aren't there there are children that feel safe because of their parents don't they there are many children that feel safe they feel safer in life because of their parents because of their mother sometimes because of their mother sometimes because their father sometimes both and that's something we can get as well we get that comfort can't we that assurance of who our father is and it's by just believing on his name even to them that believe on his name okay it's as simple as that isn't it verse 13 says which were born not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man but of God and obviously that's a spiritual birth of God John 3 3 says Jesus answers said unto him verily verily I say unto thee except a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of God and obviously we're talking about this last week is it you kind of feel funny using sometimes that terminology born again because of how that's been completely misused by all sorts of weird so-called Christians and I'm a born-again believer okay what you got to do to go to heaven well be good but there's a lot of lies in there but but here it says in verse 13 which were born not of blood it's not because of our bloodline is it it's not because of our bloodline tell that to the Jews hey it's not because of our bloodline which were born not of blood nor of the will of our nor of the will of the flesh it's not because of our own goodness it's not because of our own goodness is it no way nor of the will of man it's not because we just so wanted to get saved it was a gospel wasn't it we're born of God thanks to the gospel it was a gospel the gospel the Word of God it was what Jesus Christ did is the reason that we got saved yeah the power of the gospel and and I don't know that's a good verse that's a good verse is it which were born not of blood that's a good verse for this honest nonsense isn't it nor the will of fresh nor the will of man but God in verse 14 says and the word was made flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory the glory is of the only begotten of the Father full of grace and truth okay how amazing it must have been to be around Jesus God day in day out and that's something we've all got coming every single person that's saved we've got that coming haven't we full of grace and truth and begotten here so the and we beheld his glory the glories of the only begotten of the Father now begotten is pro created generated I don't know if I hope everyone's aware this it's not talking about his birth in Bethlehem okay this is not talking about Jesus Christ's birth in Bethlehem he was he's not a generated being he's not a created being in the beginning was the word right okay so he wasn't he wasn't begotten in Bethlehem 2,000 years ago he wasn't begotten in terms of of create a created being remember Micah 5 2 says whose goings forth have been from of old from everlasting okay from everlasting now and don't forget as well that Adam was generated by God too wasn't he so Adam was generated by God so what's it talk about this begotten will turn a revelation chapter 1 revelation 1 5 says and from Jesus Christ revelation 1 5 and from Jesus Christ who is a faithful witness and the first begotten of the dead and the prince of the kings of the earth unto him that loved us and washed us from our sins in his own blood it's talking about being the first begotten of the dead okay that's what we're seeing there in John turn to Acts 13 Acts chapter 13 and verse 33 says God hath fulfilled the same unto us said children that he has raised up Jesus again as it is written in the second Psalm thou art my son this day have I begotten thee and as concerning that he raised him up from the dead now no more to return to corruption he said on this wise I will give you the sure mercies of David see there's a bit of I don't know if you've heard this teacher before people try and talk about him being begotten in Bethlehem but then that that suggests that he's a creative being doesn't it now it's because he was he was begotten from the dead the first that basically was regenerated from the dead Psalm chapter 2 which it was talking about here in Acts 13 and verse 6 to 7 says yet have I set my king upon my holy hill of Zion I will declare the decree the Lord has said unto me thou art my son this day have I begotten thee okay and that's talking about from Acts 13 we've seen that that's talking about being begotten being raised from the dead that he has raised up Jesus again and that's when Jesus Christ that's the only begotten son he was begotten from the dead okay the first one ever to have been to been begotten from the dead from hell and coming back into existence from hell now verse 15 says in John 1 John bear witness of him and cried saying this was he of whom I spake he that cometh after me is preferred before me for he was before me John was six months older wasn't he anyone read Luke chapter 1 now you see that John was six months older and he says of course he's saying he was saying that Jesus Christ is before him he said this was he of whom I spake he that cometh after me is preferred before me for he was before me he didn't come into existence in Bethlehem did he okay again he didn't come into existence in Bethlehem he always was he was before John and he says and of his fullness have all we received and grace for grace if you want to turn to Colossians 2 so Colossians 2 and chapter 2 and verse 9 says for in him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily and you are complete in him which is a head of all principality and power so we have all received of Jesus Christ the fullness of the Godhead bodily it says in Colossians 2 verse 9 there the fullness of the Godhead bodily and we have all received of that we have all received of that and grace for grace it's kind of like we've received mercy to receive mercy you could say that couldn't you grace for grace we had to have some grace to receive that grace didn't we verse 17 says for the law was given by Moses but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ and amen to that verse 18 no man have seen God at any time the only begotten Son which is in the bosom of the Father he hath declared him now obviously this is referring to God the Father because he says then no man has seen God at any time the only begotten son which is in the bosom of the Father he hath declared him okay talking about God the Father God the Son does make many appearances in the Old Testament doesn't he okay we see many many appearances but we're talking about God the Father Moses got pretty close to the Father didn't he Moses got pretty close turn to Exodus chapter 33 Exodus 33 and we see that in verse from verse 18 Moses talking to God and he said I beseech thee show me thy glory and he said I will make all my goodness pass before thee and I will proclaim the name of the Lord before thee and will be gracious to whom I will be gracious I will show mercy on whom I will show mercy and he said thou canst not see my face for there shall no man see me and live and the Lord said behold there is a place by me and thou shalt stand upon a rock it shall come to pass while my glory passeth by that I'll put thee in a cliff of the rock and will cover thee with my hand while I pass by and I will take away mine hand and thou shalt see my back parts but my face shall not be seen that's why no one's seen his face then okay because no one no man he said will see that and and that's here it's talking about no man has seen God the Father at any time because to see God's face you can't see that and live but we have we have we can and people have seen the only begotten Son and he had declared the Father because he is God the Son isn't he there's not it's not you know good guy bad guy it's not all mighty powerful God but Jesus is something different and Jesus is that merciful one or Jesus is that one that you know he's a bit kinder and a bit more lenient no they are all they are both with the Holy Ghost they're all God aren't they they all make up one God they are the Holy Trinity and they all they all have exactly the same standards now like I said Moses got pretty close but that's why no man seen his face verse 19 in John 1 says and this is a record of John when a Jew sent priests to leave us from Jerusalem to ask him who art thou and he confessed and denied not but confessed I am NOT the Christ and I miss that there he denied not John didn't get all scared and start denying anything did he but don't forget what sort of time they're living in there and don't forget what happened to Jesus Christ there and the persecution that he was under and the Jews sent priests and Levites from Jerusalem to ask him who art thou and he didn't start oh well I'm just some guy just doing some stuff leave me to it and and again we might chuckle at that but I think everyone here probably has the ability to sometimes deny it one more in one way or another at some point or other to just maybe be a bit quieter about it and you know many people there's some bold Christians here but there are times aren't there there are times maybe when it's easier to deny a little bit to at least deny by through your silence but he denied not didn't he he confessed and denied not but confessed I am NOT the Christ verse 21 and they asked him what then art thou Elias and he says I'm not art thou that prophet and he answered no so Elias is a Greek version of Elijah why were they asking if he's Elias or Elijah well turn to Matthew 17 I know this is we're having a bit of a study here today on this but some good good good scripture good doctrine here Matthew 17 verse 10 says and his disciples asked him saying why then say the scribes that Elias must first come and Jesus answered said unto them Elias truly shall first come and restore all things but I say unto you that Elias is come already and they knew him not but have done unto him whatsoever they listed likewise shall also the Son of Man suffer of them then the disciples understood that he spake unto them of John the Baptist okay that's why because Elijah truly it says truly shall first come and restore all things Malachi 4 5 says behold I'll send you Elijah the Prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord so why did why did John say I'm not anyone wondered that why John said I am NOT well turn to Luke 1 17 Luke 1 17 says and he shall go before him in the spirit and power of Elias to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just to make ready a people prepared for the Lord so so you should go before him in the spirit and power of Elias a spirit and power of Elias I see that maybe he wasn't really aware of that that's how I see that he wasn't aware that he was going in the spirit and power of Elias that's how I see that be interested anyone's got any opinions on that why he said I'm not that's how I see that he wasn't aware that prophet when they said art thou that prophet I think they're referring to the Prophet spoke about in Deuteronomy 18 15 the Lord thy God will raise up unto thee a prophet from the midst of thee of thy brethren like unto me unto him ye shall hearken oh that's talking about Jesus Christ and obviously Jesus Christ isn't just a prophet but he is also a prophet isn't he but so they're saying is you know they're confused aren't out our lives that profit you know who are you they said in verse 22 there then said they unto him who art thou that we may give an answer to them that sent us what sayest thou of thyself he said I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness make straight the way of the Lord as said the Prophet is a s okay he's quoting Isaiah 43 right so how's he making straight the way so he said I'm the voice one crying in the wilderness make straight the way of the Lord well in Isaiah 40 verse 3 it says the voice of him that crieth in the wilderness prepare ye the way of the Lord make straight in the desert a highway for our God so John was preaching the gospel wasn't he John was preaching the gospel he was preparing the way preaching the gospel acts 19 4 says then said Paul John verily baptized with a baptism of repentance saying unto the people that they should believe on him which should come after him that is on Christ Jesus that's what he was preaching he was preaching the gospel and he was making straight away by preaching the gospel for Jesus Christ to come and continue preaching the gospel and on that cross now verse 24 says and they which were sent were of the Pharisees and they asked me said unto him why baptize us out then if thou be not that Christ nor lies neither that Prophet John answered him saying I baptized with water but there standeth one among you who ye know not they don't know him because they're not saved are they they don't know him because they're not saved verse 20 says he it is who coming after me is preferred before me whose shoes latch it I'm not worthy to unloose John knows his place doesn't he compared to the Lord Jesus Christ John knows his place and we're also not worthy to unloose his shoes latch it either are we no one here is worthy of that yet he died for us it's pretty amazing isn't he we're not worthy of any of this not one bit of it is any you might be thinking in your good times in life yeah I'm doing all right I'm not bad I can see why I'm saved but the truth is we're not worthy he said whose shoes latch it I'm not worthy to unloose remember who John the Baptist was and he wasn't worthy to unloose his shoes latch it let alone us verse 28 says these things were done in Bethabara beyond Jordan where John was baptized in verse 29 the next day John sith Jesus coming unto him and saith behold the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world John knew exactly what he was didn't he John knew exactly who he was and see the present tense here which taketh away he didn't say will take away did he which taketh away because the Lamb of God has already taken away the sins of the world and everyone from from the beginning from Genesis through to Revelation has only been saved and will only get saved through faith in Jesus Christ the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world verse 30 this is he of whom I said after me cometh a man which is preferred before me for he was before me and I knew him not but that he should be made manifest to it to Israel therefore am I come baptizing with water now turn to Luke 1 quickly there Luke chapter 1 okay this is talking of John the Baptist from verse 76 it says and thou child shalt be called the prophet of the highest for thou shalt go before the face of the Lord to prepare his ways okay how does he do that in verse 77 says to give knowledge of salvation unto his people by the remission of their sins okay so remission being really the forgiveness of their sins yeah okay so here he's obviously it's talking it's talking of John the Baptist here and here he said he said after me cometh a man which preferred before me for he was before me I knew him not but that he should be made manifest unto Israel therefore am I come baptizing with water so he's there again preaching the gospel they look at verse 32 it says in John bear record saying I saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a dove and it abode upon him and I knew him not but that he sent me to baptize with water the same said unto me upon whom thou shalt see the Spirit descending and remaining on him the same is he which baptizes with the Holy Ghost and I saw and bear record that this is the Son of God and there is the Trinity is that not the Trinity there there is a Trinity we have he said he saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a dove I knew him not but he that sent me to baptize with water there's a father the same said unto me upon whom thou shalt see the Spirit descending and remaining on him the Spirit again the same as he which baptizes with the Holy Ghost and I saw and bear record that this is the Son of God okay there's a Holy Trinity all in a couple of verses again like John chapter 1 just puts to bed so much false doctrine doesn't it it just hammers destroys so much false doctrine in one chapter only people just read this chapter and take it for what it says now here obviously it's referring to Jesus baptism there's other other accounts obviously Matthew 3 16 famous one for that but notice that John like I said early he's well aware of who Jesus is isn't he well aware yeah and I saw and bear record that this is the Son of God now yet in Matthew 11 2 to 3 and turn there if you like Matthew chapter 11 and verse 2 says now when John had heard in the prison this is before John dies the works of Christ he sent to of his disciples and said unto him art thou he that should come or do we look for another so this is John the Baptist basically doubting now isn't he he's questioning he's doubting his faith and Christians will have moments of doubt won't they you're not unsaved if you have moments of doubt you're not some sort of wrongin if you have moments of doubt we will all have times of doubt times of questioning times of lower faith that does happen John the Baptist had that and you don't have to turn it but Matthew 11 11 talking about him or if you already there go to it says verily I sound to you among them that are born of women there has not risen a greater than John the Baptist notwithstanding he that is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he so the greatest man that lived saw all of this he baptized him yet he still had a moment of doubt he still had a moment of doubt and and that's that's the truth isn't it that's the truth the Christian life it's not all plain sailing all the time you're gonna have hard times can have moments of doubt but stay in the word stay in a word and and you know that can dissolve those doubts now verse 35 says again the next day after John stood at two of his disciples and looking upon Jesus as he walked he said behold the Lamb of God and the two disciples heard him speak and they followed Jesus regardless of who's discipling us who should we follow Jesus Jesus Christ regardless so these these are two of John's disciples aren't they the greatest man that lived this is the greatest man that lived and I can imagine he was some preacher wasn't he you know old generation of vipers you know he's preaching hard he's out there doing amazing things for God and two of his disciples looked upon Jesus and the two disciples heard him speak and they followed Jesus okay and we should be exactly the same shouldn't we like everything we hear and everything else should go through the lens of the Bible shouldn't it and ultimately we're following Jesus so we're not following a person but but as Paul did say as he is a follower of him be he follows in me okay and as long as it's through Jesus Christ as long as it's preaching the Word of God we should follow that shouldn't we but ultimately we're following Jesus now verse 38 says then Jesus turned and saw them following and saith unto them what seek ye they said unto him rabbi which is say being interpreted master where dwellest thou he saith unto them come and see they came and saw where he dwelt and abode with him that day for it was about the tenth hour well they want like tenth hour by the way is 4 p.m. basically 4 p.m. and I'll imagine it probably gets a bit darker you know earlier there than here we have like long summers here don't we long days in summer but we don't have long summers we have a long days in the summer sadly we don't have long summers but they want to follow Jesus despite the time don't they okay despite the time I don't think maybe walking at night was probably so safe and and I don't know I'd imagine there are a few few problems with that but they want to follow Jesus despite the time there's not excuses we hear a lot of excuses don't worry about following Jesus here a lot of excuse about getting say we hear a lot of excuse about following him as well but here it doesn't matter they came and saw where he dwelt and then they say within that day for it was about the tenth hour now verse 4 says one of the two which heard John speak and followed him was Andrew Simon Peters brother he first findeth his own brother Simon and saith unto him we have found a messiahs which is being interpreted the Christ and he brought him to Jesus and when Jesus beheld him he said thou art Simon the son of Jonah thou shalt be called Cephas which is by interpretation a stone right Andrew gets his brother straight away doesn't he and brings him to Jesus it says Andrew Simon Peters brother he first findeth his own brother Simon saith unto him we have found the messiahs which is being interpreted the Christ and he brought him to Jesus first thing he does isn't it how sad is it when you preach the gospel to someone you get him saved on the door and you say to him oh you've got someone else in it oh no no no they wouldn't be interested or no you say have you got any kids there or that you hear the kids the kids oh no well no no that is sad isn't it really sad does happen doesn't it I know it's happened to me does it always happen sometimes you can persuade him it does happen doesn't it how sad is that like here Andrew first the first thing he does he gets his own brother Simon and and when you get him when people are saved I think that's a good time isn't it that's a good time to be saying to them look like I get out there get you know get show this that show this video try and encourage them early on to spread the word Jesus knows Simon Peter doesn't he says here he says thou art Simon the son of Jonah thy shep called Cephas which is my interpretation of stone Peter means stone as well and this is this is I believe the first meeting okay so they come to Jesus here don't they they come to Jesus then in Matthew 4 19 we see obviously when he's when it says and he saith unto them follow me and I will make you fish as a man but they've already come to him at this point so it doesn't make that clear Matthew but I think this is the first meeting they've come to Jesus then Jesus calls them to discipleship yeah so they come to Jesus don't they they come to Jesus say they they they come to him at the beginning then he goes out and then he calls them to be one of the twelve verse 43 says the day following Jesus will go forth into Galilee and find a Philip and saith unto them follow me now Philip was of Bethsaida the city of Andrew Peter Philip findeth Nathaniel and saith unto him we have found him of whom Moses in the law and the prophets did write Jesus of Nazareth the son of Joseph so the same with Philip what does he do straightaway goes to Nathaniel he goes to Nathaniel Philip findeth Nathaniel okay and like I said there are people that don't even want to get their kids safe do they people that don't even want to get anyone saved and sadly there are Christians who are going to church everything else that still don't really want to get people saved their family members still what do I say to him or anything else didn't look like Philip was so worried about Nathaniel mocking him didn't look like Andrew was so worried about Simon just get the gospel to your family at least a prayer and like we said a lot of the time they'll reject but give it a try anyway because you can get them saved and they do sometimes get saved don't they I think probably everyone is had experiences of getting people saved maybe they haven't but but still try and what does he do there now it's not his family but that's a friend I think Nathaniel and and again our friends shouldn't we go into those old friends those people that at least that we have that access to you straightaway Philip findeth Nathaniel saith unto him we've found him of whom Moses in the law and the prophets do write Jesus of Nazareth the son of Joseph 46 and Nathaniel said unto him can there any good thing come out of Nazareth Philip saith unto him come and see so I don't think it's just that Nathaniel is some sort of like xenophobe racist type he just has an issue with people Nazareth he's from Cana in Galilee which basically is really close to there okay it's kind of like the next next town but have a look at John 7 John 7 and full verse 41 others said this is the Christ John 7 41 but some said shall Christ come out of Galilee hath not the scripture said that Christ cometh of the seed of David and out of the town of Bethlehem where David was I think this is his problem here because Micah 5 2 said but thou Bethlehem afraid of thou shall sorry though thou be little among the thousand Judah yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel who's going forth have been from of old from everlasting so I think Nathaniel is lightly alluding to scripture here and and waiting for is isn't he meant to come out of Bethlehem it's like well what's coming out of you said can there any good thing come out of Nazareth that's how I that's what I think his problem is there now Jesus saw Nathaniel coming to him in verse 47 and saith of him behold an Israelite indeed in whom is no guile not guile is cunning deceit and he and he's not mocking him he's saying there's no cunning to see it I don't know if he's saying how you know is it like well this is a bit of an anomaly and Israel I where there's no guile or he's just saying oh look you know this is a good Israelite I don't know what are the two but he's saying in whom is no guile and again he knows him doesn't he Nathaniel saith unto him when it's no sound me Jesus answered said unto him before that Philip called thee when I was under the fig tree I saw thee and again like Jesus already knows him Jesus already knows everyone doesn't he yeah he's God he knows he knows everyone he knows everything you've ever done he knows everything you've ever thought you know he knows everything absolutely everything which can be a bit of a sobering thought can't it but it's a pretty amazing thought as well yeah he knows you inside out he knows everything about you and and he knows what you experience he knows what you think he knows what you do and and and that was even before salvation as well okay he's beholding the evil and the good isn't he Jeremiah 1 5 says before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee and before thou came as forth out of the womb I sanctified thee and I don't I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations now talking about Jeremiah but again Jesus knows everything about us okay and and there he's showing clearly he knows everything about about obviously his disciples here now verse 49 says Nathaniel art since saith unto him rabbi thou art the Son of God thou art the king of Israel Jesus starts to said unto him because I said unto thee I saw thee under the fig tree believers how thou shalt see greater things than these and he saith unto him verily verily I stand to you hereafter you shall see heaven open and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of Man do you think that's referring to Luke 24 51 where it says and it came to pass while he blessed him he was parted for them and carried up into heaven maybe but look we've all been saved don't we because of Jesus's words yeah because it is it's because of Jesus's words that he's been saved and and whether or not is there no he's already saved but since salvation we've seen some great things to him we I'd say everyone here has seen some amazing things since being saved they're very verily I sound to you hereafter you shall see heaven open and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of Man but yeah we were saved by God's words we were saved by Jesus words but we have seen some great things we'll continue to see some great things in this lifetime won't we and then wow what are we gonna see after that and and those great things hereafter you shall see heaven open the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of Man and all those great things we see should strengthen our faith shouldn't they and when we're seeing those great miracles seeing people getting saved we're seeing those changes in people's lives when they're at church as well we're seeing all of that all of that working of God in our lives in the church and everything else that should strengthen our faith shouldn't it strengthen us as followers strengthen us as disciples and you don't have to see the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of Man I don't think to strengthen your faith we see stuff every day don't we we've we experienced that those going out soul winning you see it you feel it and it's a great it's a great thing isn't it being saved it's a great thing being a disciple everyone here is a disciple of Jesus Christ aren't they it is an amazing thing to be and what an honor what a glory and let's hope that none of us ever kind of wish that we weren't let's hope that none of you kids here don't ever start to get cold feet about it and think I don't know if I want to want to live like this because there's nothing better is there is there well we see some great things in life and and we're going to continue seeing that and then obviously what we're gonna have at the end of that we're gonna have something amazing in heaven every single person here so yeah that's John chapter one I love that chapter that's some great chapter of the Bible and I know there's a lot of doctrine there a lot of page turning it's not exactly a you know fire breathing something but there's a lot there's a lot that we could just take for now isn't there there's so many places you could go with that instead I've just wanted to go through each verse of that John chapter 2 tomorrow should be an interesting one booze but sorry next week but um yeah until then let's pray heavenly father I thank you for your word I thank you for the gospel of John thank you for the many truths the strong doctrine we get out of that first chapter thank you for just making things so clear for us thank you thank you for for all the well all the many truths we get out of your word and please help us to take those on board to be strong in our faith to be to be strong in in our discipleship just just help us to wanna want to follow you all the days of our life help us to have a good week now with you at the center of it help us to be in the word help us to get our soul winning help us to be in prayer help us to return back here to the pillar and ground of the truth house of the Living God help us to to be here next week safe and sound and just bless our weeks going forward and yeah in Jesus name we pray all of this amen