(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen. So Isaiah chapter 24 now and as is as is my way I'll just remind you what happened in chapter 23, which was the last of the the burdens. So we'd seen burdens prophesied about Babylon, Moab, Damascus, Assyria, Egypt, we saw Babylon again, Douma Arabia, Jerusalem and then finally Tyre it was last week, the Mediterranean Peninsula and connected island there, which was very hard to conquer and also very wealthy. It was called a mart of nations with ships from afar trading there. Well with all of that wealth and power the people of Tyre were lifted up by many with the with the Lord then purposing to stain the pride of all glory and to bring into contempt all the honourable of the earth and we looked at how that happens in the world with even the most highly respected out there. We saw how this burden seemed to take place during the Babylonian Empire's days with 70 years forgotten, followed by the Tyrene singing like in harlot with the books of Ezra and Nehemiah showing them back to trading again with God's people after the return from captivity with Isaiah prophesying that a merchandise and a hire shall be for them that dwell before the Lord. Verse 17 said and it shall come to pass at the after the end of 70 years that the Lord will visit Tyre and she shall turn to her hire and shall commit fornication with all the kingdoms of the world upon the face of the earth and a merchandise and a hire shall be holiness to the Lord it shall not be treasured nor laid up for her merchandise shall be for them that dwell before the Lord to eat sufficiently and for durable clothing and then Isaiah 24 verse 1 starts like this behold the Lord maketh the earth empty and maketh it waste and turneth it upside down and scattereth abroad the inhabitants thereof. I'm going to pray and then we'll get started further. Thank you for your word, thank you for this chapter of Isaiah Lord and everything that we can learn from it Lord and please just help me to preach what I've decided to expand and decide to focus in on especially now in a clear and accurate way Lord and in a bold way and in a way that that's full of your spirit and in a way that people will be able to pay attention and apply what they hear today to their lives Lord to learn from tonight and just help all these things to be done Lord in Jesus Christ Holy Name Amen. Okay so behold the Lord maketh the earth empty and maketh it waste and turneth it upside down and scattereth abroad the inhabitants thereof. So we're on the back of the ten burdens like I said which were to initially take place over the time period which was pretty much from early in Hezekiah's reign so during the height of the neo-isirian Empire through to the conquering of Babylon by the Medo-Persians so that's the sort of time period that those those burdens were really really prophesying of which was nearly 200 years later by the way that the Babylonians there from from that time early in Hezekiah's reign that the burdens weren't taking place in chronological order but the initial filth like fulfillments were all in that time period okay and I say initial because the as is often the case in Scripture some prophecies had dual fulfillment okay with Isaiah also prophesying of events around the second coming of Christ we saw that and the way does that I like to explain it this way and we've seen that as we've been going through it he's he's prophesying of the more imminent events to come and sometimes he uses poetic what we wouldn't be expected to take literal language of that more imminent event non literal language poetic language however then the literal interpretation if you do take it literally then lines up with other prophecies of what's to come in the end times when you then compare it with books like Revelation etc so I find that really fascinating how that works for example turn to Isaiah 13 if you're thinking what's he on about turn to Isaiah 13 so back to Isaiah chapter 13 the first of the two burdens on Babylon the the second was if you remembered Babylon being described as a desert of the sea but it was talking about Babylon as well why two burdens so that was the only one that had the two burdens well Babylon is a big feature of the end times and Isaiah 13 seemed to focus really more on the spiritual Babylon to come and Isaiah 13 said this in verse 5 for example they come from a far country from the end of heaven even the Lord and the weapons of his indignation to destroy the whole land now did the Medo-Persians literally come from the end of heaven well however the Lord's return followed by his Saints does come from heaven doesn't it verse 6 said how ye for the day of the Lord is at hand it was clearly talking about that day of the Lord to come it shall come as a destruction from the Almighty so again preaching of that time to come verse 10 for the stars of heaven and the constellations there shall not give their light the Sun shall be darkened in his going forth and the moon shall not cause her light to shine so non literally would be a time of darkness for them however there's a literal fulfillment still to come isn't there and if we go back to Isaiah 24 we're going to see similar okay with a sort of summary in a way of those aforementioned birds at least are focusing in on that whole period and the burdens to come and especially focusing in on what's going to happen to the land of Judah and Jerusalem as well but the language used ultimately is then also in places just clearly pointing towards things that are still to come especially the last verse just to make it clear for us so I don't Isaiah 24 one said behold the Lord maketh the earth empty and maketh it waste and turneth it upside down and scattereth abroad the inhabitants thereof an earth here and in verses four to five and elsewhere can apply to a nation a land or the entire world okay so it would just depend on on where it's being used and what it's being used for here Isaiah is applying it to the region there you could say the region as a whole or maybe honing in more on Judah which is going to go through some turmoil with huge empires rising huge empires invading huge empires falling I mean there's going to be a pretty exciting time over those few hundred years okay the result being the the inhabitants scattered abroad now why did the Lord scatter the inhabitants abroad you might think well what's the point right is he just going to kill and punish and while they scattered abroad scattered abroad oh that's what he just said him scattereth abroad the inhabitants thereof there verse one well when it comes to God's people they need scattering abroad if the gospel is going to get out anywhere that's what needs to happen sometimes right and they did end up being scattered abroad by the way turn to Esther chapter 9 Esther the book of Esther and chapter 9 where we see evidence of this scattering abroad okay verse 1 where we are said this behold the Lord maketh the earth empty and maketh it waste and turneth it upside down and scattereth abroad the inhabitants thereof by the end of this period of burdens okay we go into the Medo-Persian Empire which by the time of Esther is about 60 years into it okay around 480 BC we're into that that Medo-Persian Empire this Ahasuerus here in in in Esther we're going to look at another name basically for the king okay is likely the king known also as Xerxes Esther 1-1 says this of him now it came to pass in the days of Ahasuerus this is Ahasuerus which reigned from India even unto Ethiopia over a hundred and seven and twenty provinces this was a huge Empire okay this was huge 127 provinces and guess who was scattered all over these promises these provinces well Esther 9 here where you are is after the order by Haman to kill the Jews everywhere and it's been reversed by Mordecai and it says this in verse 1 in Esther 9-1 now in the 12th month that is the month Ado on the 13th day of the same when the king's commandment and his decree drew near to be put in execution in the day that the enemies of the Jews hoped to have power over them though it was turned to the contrary that the Jews had rule over them that hated them verse 2 the Jews gather themselves together in their cities throughout all the provinces of the king Ahasuerus so the Jews were in cities throughout all the provinces weren't they to lay hand as such as thought their hurt and no man could withstand them for the fear of the of them fell upon all people and all the rulers of the provinces and the lieutenants and the deputies and officers of the king helped the Jews so the rulers of all the provinces all the rules of the provinces the left and it's the deputies and officers of the king helped the Jews because the fear of Mordecai fell upon them so it sounds as though they ended up all over the place doesn't it it's not like they end up all over these 127 regions right where the provinces them with them going on further still okay really because if you ever wondered I don't know if you ever have or not why there are so many synagogues everywhere in the book of Acts I mean it's like Paul's is going around and there's this like synagogues all over the place it's like well when did that happen I think it's from this kind of period onwards really like they were scattered or at least from when they're scattered border scattered all over the place here and then they're given all this power in this in this you know in these regions and then from there they even go in go even further than than those those 127 provinces of the Medo-Persian Empire right if you ever wonder why the Jews at Pentecost are traveling from all over to Jerusalem you know when do they why are they suddenly everywhere well again I think it started here right and by the way they weren't all of the physical line okay if you go back to chapter 8 you always when you're in Esther you just got to point this out Esther 8 17 says this Esther 8 17 and in every province and in every city whithersoever the king's commandment and his decree came the Jews had joy and gladness a feast and a good day and many of the people of the land became Jews for the fear of the Jews fell upon them like I said this is like the fifth century BC and many of the people of the land are becoming Jews no they didn't you know suddenly find that they had actually a line going back to Abraham they found out they were one of the 12 tribes no because it was a religion because they converted to Judaism they became because Israel always welcomed him the strangers that wanted to come and worship God or it's supposed to at least right so here many of the people of the land became Jews the physical descendants that stuff is a hoax in case anyone is still confused about that it's a lie okay the people that try and claim that these physical descendants of Abraham and of the 12 tribes and everything else that's that's just a massive red herring there were people converting many of the people were converted even back then who on earth is a physical Jew now one of us is just as likely to be a physical Jersey any of the rest of them but ultimately what are they all really those that say they're Jews are not but the synagogue of Satan because the real Jews is where it's circumcision of the heart not of the flesh right and and that's us that's the saved well the point for now though is that they were scattered all over the land resulting in people converting now whether they were converting to faith in the coming Christ or not it doesn't we're not clear there right whether or not that was going on I hope that was the case but back in verse 1 of Isaiah 24 it says behold the Lord maketh the earth empty and maketh it waste and turneth it upside down and scattereth abroad the inhabitants thereof now if the world being turned upside down results in his people being scattered abroad that can be a good thing then okay the trick the trick low for us as God's people is to scatter abroad with the gospel so God doesn't have to turn it upside down to do so right so the idea is if we go out with the gospel and we encourage and find ways and find doors to open and and everything else to find ways of getting into nations with the gospel and hopefully God doesn't have to turn our nation upside down for us all to get abroad and do it he wants it he wants the gospel to go out he wants the gospel to go out to the whole world right to every creature if God's people don't do that maybe he has to start turning things upside down to scatter them well it said here in verse 2 and it shall be as with the people so with the priest as with the servant so with his master as with the maid so with a mistress as with the buyer so with the seller as with the lender so with the borrower as with the taker of usury so with the giver of usury to him so he's basically saying here it doesn't matter whether you're a leader or follower Boston or employee rich or poor usury by the way is interest okay it's just any interest at all to somebody they kind of try to redefine that as well it's extortionate interest no interest at all is usury okay and whether you're giving usury or you're the poor person on the end of the usury and having to pay back a load of interest for borrowing okay he said that whatever you are however rich you are you're not escaping the judgment that's what he's saying you're not escaping it okay when it comes to God having to judge a place judge a nation and obviously in the time in the future there's gonna be a massive judgment okay it doesn't matter how rich you are you ain't escaping turn to Luke chapter 12 because I think look just so many people in life think that their riches are going to protect them that's kind of life isn't it people trust in riches so many Christians though as well think that their riches will protect them if we go into the tribulation did you know that there's a lot of believers out there that think that they're gonna be alright if the tribulation comes in their lifetime as long as they're rich and they're wealthy so because that's ultimately what a lot of preppers are really I mean people like to act like they're just kind of you know they're just thinking things through and being sensible and I'm sure some people you know nothing wrong with maybe having a you know at least an idea of what you might do in a hard time but a lot of them are really just people putting a load of money into the contingency plans that's what a lot of these people are people that are kind of like they bought a cabin in the middle of the woods somewhere or paid for some and they've got and it's stocked up with a load of tinned food and they've got some in other nations where you're actually allowed to have a here that like they've got some air rifles or something you know just in case they need to kill a rat with a few shots you know but whereas out in you know out in maybe the u.s. they've got like an arsenal of weapons you know and it's like they've even got the illegal like guns out there you just got it all right and a lot of it is just it's people with money trying to find a way to feel a bit safer when things happen but they're kind of laying up wealth to save them if the Antichrist comes ultimately is what it is but do you think that's what the Lord meant when he said in Matthew 24 13 but he that shall endure until the end the same shall be saved you think that's what he meant think he meant as long as you endure with your arsenal of weapons in your get-out plan and your bunker you'll be all right we were just talking about it earlier we're saying you know just a brother would just show me show me some drone footage you know it's like some drone weapon and just like some of the stuff they have is pretty impressive stuff isn't it and I was saying to him I was saying if if just seeing if we didn't if you didn't have the Lord you just wouldn't stand a chance you really wouldn't you know and like all these people think you know because it because people who are unsafe but they kind of get an idea of how kind of corrupt things are and how messed up the situations and some of them even know there's going to be a time coming to some degree but they're not saved I mean though I mean that's got to be a scary thing isn't it because you think you know these people who have all these ways of being like anonymous online and anonymous here you know if I go and live in the middle of nowhere and I don't have any internet and I don't do this I might somehow shut up if they want you they'll have you unless you unless you've got the Lord protecting you you know and you think when it comes to the tribulation it comes to one world be systems and marks and things that you're gonna be able to do it on your own I don't care what arsenal of weapons you have what how many tins of beans you have or anything else it really you're only gonna do it with God aren't you so I remember before I saved us like it's a bit weird like you know people must like track you and weird stuff like this and whether or not you know that was reality or not after I got saved I started learning the Word of God it's like who really cares you know we've got the Lord only do I really have to worry about I have to you know worry about well you know what happens if it really if they really clamped down and then they'll know our every movement it's like well without God I'd be stuffed anyway well it's about preaching the gospel that's how you endure to the end okay not stashing away gold bullion Luke 12 it makes me think of Luke 12 this verse 16 I said says in Luke 12 but he spake a parable unto them saying the ground of a certain rich man brought forth plentifully and he thought within himself saying what shall I do because I have no room where to bestow my fruits and he said this will I do I pull down my barns and build greater and there will I bestow all my fruits and my goods and I will say to my soul soul thou as much goods laid up for many years take thine easy drink and be merry is that what God wants us to trust in a course not verse 20 says but God said unto him thou fool this night thy soul shall be required of thee then who shall those things be which thou has provided so is he that layeth up treasure for himself and is not rich toward God and whether it's a tribulation of God's wrath which is what is being pictured back in Isaiah riches won't save anyone okay riches ain't going to save you what's going to save you physically in that time is enduring into the end and you endured to the end by the gospel being going out to the whole world okay that's all we really can do is we just keep serving God keep keep living for God keep preaching the gospel that's how you get through it doesn't matter how good your bunker is you ain't gonna make it if you ain't serving God back in back in Isaiah 24 verse 2 it says and it shall be as with the people so with the priest as with the servant so with his master as with the maid so with a mistress as with the buyer so with the seller as with the lender so with the borrower as with the taker of usury so with the giver of usury to him the land shall be utterly emptied and utterly spoiled for the Lord have spoken this word the earth mourneth and fadeth away the world languishes and fadeth away the haughty people of the earth do languish so to languishes to lose strength to wither to fade though those haughty people were soon to wither where and in this period of time that he's talking about when either those Assyrians rode into town of the Babylonians after them you know led by Nebuchadnezzar and those those haughty people will be withering away in the future when the Lord appears and they're they're hiding from his face from the from the face from the wrath of the Lamb but why was that judgment to come then and why is it still to come in the future well we find out why okay why did it come then on them aside from scattering the people for them to be back back doing God's things you know doing the things that go back to preaching the gospel why will it come for us in the future we'll look at verse five it said the earth also is defiled under the inhabitants thereof because they have transgressed the laws changed the ordinance broken the everlasting covenant therefore have the curse devoured the earth and they that dwell there in a desolate therefore the inhabitants of the earth are burned and few men left so he said that the earth or lamb was defiled under the inhabitants which is to be made dirty it's to be made violated corrupted what made it defiled what made the land defile well it says because they're transgress the laws change the ordinance and broken the everlasting covenant now go back to Leviticus 18 Leviticus chapter 18 which is the first time that we see God talking about the land itself being defiled okay that's the first time we see the land itself being described as being defiled rather than people individuals etc now in Leviticus 18 there's a list of commandments about different types of incest weird stuff and then he says this in verse 20 Leviticus 18 and verse 20 says moreover thou shalt not lie carnally with thy neighbor's wife to defile thyself with her so this is talking about adultery and thou shalt not let any of thy seed pass through the fire to Molech neither shalt thou profane the name of the Lord of thy God sorry I am the Lord so this is child sacrifice and blasphemy verse 22 thou shalt not lie with mankind as with womankind it is abomination that sodomy verse 23 neither shalt thou lie with any beast to defile thyself therewith neither shall any woman stand before a beast to lie down there to it is confusion that's bestiality he said in verse 24 defile not ye yourselves in any of these sings for in all these nations are defiled which I cast out before you and the land is defiled therefore I do visit the iniquity thereof upon it and the land itself vomited out her inhabitants so he's saying that these specific things defile the land and like I said the rest of it was all different weird bizarre you know as at least a normal mind would think that just just horrible types of incest and then before that he's talking about you know offerings you know with the priest and things like that and the blood and stuff so this is really talking specifically about the stuff in this chapter that's what defiles the land the land is defiled because of this he said ye shall therefore in verse 26 keep my statutes and my judgments and shall not commit any of these abominations neither any of your own nation or any stranger that sojourneth among you for all these abominations have the men of the land done which were before you and the land is defiled and the that the land spew you not you out also when ye defile it talking again about the land as it spewed out the nations that were before you for whosoever shall commit any of these abominations even the souls that commit them shall be cut off from among their people therefore shall ye keep mine ordinance that you commit not any one of these abominable customs not one of them which were committed before you and that ye defile not yourselves therein I am the Lord your God so according to Leviticus 18 okay along with incest this stuff was abominable customs which defiled the land whether it was God's nation or not so before before it was God's people there it defiled the land when it was the Canaanites in their various tribes it defiled the land they'd already defiled the land and they've been spewed out of it he said and that was though and this is what we need to understand that was until he lightened up a bit in the New Testament and realized that this stuff isn't so bad anymore that was until he kind of changed it until he kind of got with the program and realized actually I'm a bit harsh about that stuff I don't consider it an abomination it doesn't really defile a land yeah he just needed the drip feeding of decades of Hollyweird decades of the music industry he just needed some drip feeding for several decades to realize I was actually wrong about all that stuff did we really believe that does anyone really did the people really believe that and you know what by the way Isaiah was preaching decades before this point in time because he started out in Isaiah chapter 1 and by verse 4 he said this our sinful nation are people laden with iniquity a seed of evildoers children that are corruptors they're forsaken the Lord they're provoked the Holy One of Israel unto anger they have gone away backward and he was warning them then right back in Isaiah 1 and and that was that was really a few decades earlier okay then fast forward a few decades and God is saying that the land is defiled it's defiled he warned them and now it's like look the land is defiled right and it's time for it to be destroyed and when you look at our nation and many others okay isn't the land also defiled if that's what defiles a land we live in some pretty defiled filthy disgusting land don't we and like we said it was it just because God's people there it was defiled by the previous inhabitants and whether or not you think that this is a completely kind of God rejecting nation or not it's still a defiled land he mentioned incest and I mentioned the other week in a sermon I'll try remember what sermon it was that the incest yeah you might go well is that really going on so much you know in our sort of culture I'll tell you where it's big is in the the massively growing Islamic culture here because in incest is is part of life for them that's and one of the reasons that the I mean West the doctors in hospitals they're I mean this is just a known thing in this nation that from that community there's a lot more of this incest creating a lot of genetic abnormalities and the chances of Pakistani Muslims giving birth to children with genetic abnormalities as a result of incest is like through the roof compared with the rest of the population of this nation so we have a land which which is full of incest or at least maybe not fall but there's a lot of it going on we also have a land that's full of adultery I mean adultery now is just cut it's just downgraded to a little affair isn't it it's downgraded to the point where there are people that kind of almost think it's okay well she just wasn't showing enough love or he just wasn't you know getting what he needed at home or so so it's wicked it defiles a land God hates that he hates adultery child sacrifice we saw there as well didn't we child sacrifice he was talking about them then you know being passed through the fire to Molech I think it said well that's what we're seeing now with our wicked wicked abortion industry here it's just massive child sacrifice just the idols and money popularity body image whatever else it is but it's still the same stuff isn't it still it's child sacrifice sacrifice it's still they're still sacrificing their unborn children blasphemy I mean wow we live in a blasphemous time don't we I mean just just people taking them not just take the name of the Lord in vain just his name is just like a swear word for so many people isn't it sodomy sodomy around I don't know there sure is isn't there sodomites everywhere everywhere you look you always bump it I had a couple go part a couple of yes and females are sodomites as well a couple of female sodomites go past me in the heart I try to give him a church invite and she just started effing and blinding at me whilst you know just for daring to invite her to a Baptist Church what kind of fits the builders in it oh yeah but they're not really reprobates yeah she just hates even being invited to a church so much he's got an effing blind at me because I've tried to give him a church invitation the high street I mean this is sort of and these people are everywhere aren't they sodomites everywhere sodomy being promoted everywhere in this nation and bestiality now I can't prove this but I tell you what I see some pretty creepy freaky animal worship if not worse in this nation I don't know what's really going but there are some creepy freaky people out there aren't there and I'm not gonna go into that but as I said because they have transgressed the laws and then he said change the ordinance now what was the ordinance okay because you know there they were doing this stuff I believe okay that's why where they got to here it's got like here you know when the Lord returns I mean it's it can it's only getting worse I don't see anything changing but as I said because they've transgressed the Lord change the ordinance and there are a lot of ordinances in the Bible but considering that it's in the context of defiling the land we saw here in verse 30 it said here in Leviticus 18 30 therefore shall you keep mine ordinance that what was the that what was that ordinance that you commit not any one of these abominable customs which were committed before you and that you defile not yourselves therein I am the Lord your God so the ordinance here was that they commit not any of these abominable customs and I'm sure that like today they were changing that they were changing that ordinance they were changing the the way that God had told us to do things I I can imagine there's probably it was probably something on these lines well that was just for that those or that ordinance those things were just for those days in the wilderness that was our wilderness stuff don't worry about that nowadays you know we're we're many years down the line now maybe that was just for when they first possessed the land at the beginning of possession and that was back in those days we've moved on from that now that was there we know better because you know thanks to some of those Egyptian story books we've been reading some of those Egyptian you know engravings and you know we've realized that you know that we know a lot better than that now you know that was that all that is all that old-fashioned stuff you know you got to put it in the context of today things have changed things have changed in the world or perhaps they were just doing what they do now and outright just changing what God said don't you think that was probably going on as well I bet there was a lot of sodomites in the priesthood and other things that were just changing it I just give over that bit oh that bit didn't really happen oh I just cannot work out what God meant by Leviticus 2013 just still still puzzles me to this day you get people that come out with oh maybe they're just going well you know just who you know I don't think it really said that I think actually you know maybe you know when when the scribes copied out that bit they just got it wrong I'm sure there was all of that good look there's nothing new under the Sun because that's what we get nowadays don't you but when you read those Old Testament passages really okay the the land was defiled there there were abominable customs I mean what else can you say about that how'd you you can't you can't really read you can't really just read like a passage like that in Leviticus 18 and think that that stuff's now okay in God's eyes he didn't just say well you know I don't do this stuff he's saying that this is defiled a land these were abominable customs this is this is really filthy disgusting stuff that God hates and don't forget that includes adultery don't forget that that includes adultery God hates absolutely hates it he said in verse 5 back in Isaiah 24 he said the earth also is defiled under the inhabitants thereof because they have transgressed the laws changed the ordinance broken the everlasting covenant now what was the everlasting covenant because there are quite a few everlasting covenants in Scripture I believe specifically here it's in the context of the earth being defiled as we've seen transgressing the law changing the ordinance I think it's talking about God's Word that's what I think we're talking about it turn over to Exodus chapter 24 now Exodus 24 a covenant is a consent an agreement which can include the writing containing it that can be known as a covenant as well next is 24 Exodus chapter 24 Moses has come down from Mount Sinai to relay the commandments of God to the people okay so this is Exodus 24 we can look from verse 1 Exodus 24 one says and he said unto Moses come up unto the Lord thou and Aaron Nadab and Abihu and 70 of the elders of Israel a worship ye far off but Moses alone shall come near the Lord but they shall not come nigh neither shadow people go out with him and Moses came and told the people all the words of the Lord and all the judgments and all the people answered with one voice who said all the words which the Lord has said will we do and Moses wrote all the words of the Lord and rose up early in the morning and builded an altar under the hill and 12 pillars according to the 12 tribes of Israel and he sent young men of the children of Israel which offered burnt offerings and sacrificed peace offerings of oxen unto the Lord and Moses took half of the blood and put it in basins and half of the blood he sprinkled on the altar and he took the book of the Covenant and read in the audience of the people it's a book of the Covenant and they said all that the Lord has said will we do and be obedient and Moses took the blood and sprinkled it on the people and said behold the blood of the Covenant which the Lord have made with you concerning all these words all these words why is it the everlasting covenant then well first Peter 1 25 says but the word of the Lord endureth forever and this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you I think that's what he's talked about here now there are things described as the everlasting covenant for example with the rainbow that's an everlasting covenant there's the everlasting covenant he made with Abraham you know which start with circumcision obviously etc and there's other everlasting covenants we see in the bowl but I think that's what he's talked about here and when his nation were transgressing the laws changing the ordinance they were breaking the everlasting covenant the everlasting covenant was to do all these words that he had commanded them they were breaking that okay he said the earth also is defiled back in Isaiah 24 under the inhabitants of because they've transgressed the laws they've changed the ordinance they've broken the everlasting covenant therefore what's the result of that therefore had the curse devoured the earth and they that dwell there in a desolate therefore the inhabitants of the earth are burned and few men left so the result of God's people doing that is that the gospel stops going out and the curse the result of sin devours the earth that's the result of God's people basically transgressing the Covenant and changing the ordinance and etc so so he transgresses the commandments and changed the ordinance and forsaking the Covenant so it said here that the result of sin devours sorry it said here therefore the curse devoured the earth and they that dwell there in so that's like the result of sin devours the earth they dwell there in a desolate therefore the inhabitants of the earth are burned a few men left now people are desolate and the inhabitants are burned okay and with just a remnant left is what it's saying a few men left and there will always be a remnant won't there okay there will always be a remnant but do it is that what we're looking for we just going oh yeah let's just find it what do we really so there will always be a remnant but we want revival don't we we want revival okay then sadly it got to this point for there just to be a remnant but we're our goal is to prevent that is to put that off and try and get a revival and try and get people safe so it doesn't have to come to this and sin okay indulging in the sins of the world will just destroy any chance of that so the us as God's people we have a big responsibility we go and indulge in all this stuff and obviously I'm not talking about the sodomy bestiality but just in general just just you know just the sins of the world and getting into you know all the different sort of sins that the world throws at us what's the result there's less chance of revival because really when when all that stuff when we're indulging that stuff it just drags us down doesn't it and it just stops us going out and being effective we need God's people to stand up be strong resist the temptation and then instead get so winning but without that okay with people then forsaking God his words his commandments they're partying will be short-lived okay so with the people in the world and whether it's you know people there whether it was the the you know those that are kind of just living a worldly life in God's nation or whether it's the people just surrounding us in the world and nowadays as well you can apply this it's all going to end isn't it he said in verse 7 the new wine mourneth the vine languishes all the merry-hearted do sigh the mirth of tabrits ceaseth the noise of them that rejoice endeth the joy of the heart ceaseth they shall not drink wine with a song strong drink shall be bitter to them that drink it so all of that stuff will come to an end all of that empty drunken reveling usually usually with little reason okay drunken reveling and partying and celebrating usually doesn't really need much to celebrate they're just celebrating anything but it will all just turn to sighing it will turn to bitterness he said the city of confusion is broken down every house is shut up that no man may come in there is a crying for wine in the streets all joy is darkened the mirth of the land is gone in the city is left desolation and the gate is smitten with destruction and with the focus likely being Jerusalem here who although surviving near Syrians was to be destroyed by the Babylonians eventually but again you could just apply that to what's going on here now and will continue to go on I mean you look around right now and I know it's bad out in the u.s. as well and it does seem to be getting worse here as well for just all these drunken homeless everywhere these people just staggering around drunk they're crying for wine in the streets the the joys dark and it's just it can be pretty grim out there can't it right and and we're in one I mean you go into some some areas of central London and around those it can be pretty pretty nasty can't it and I think that's only gonna get worse really with time verse 13 says when thus it shall be in the midst of the land among the people there shall be as a shaking and of an olive tree and as a gleaning grapes when the vintage is done they shall lift up their voices shall sing for the majesty of the Lord they shall cry aloud from the sea so we saw a similar image used in verse 17 so as I 17 6 I sorry chapter 17 as I chapter 17 of verse 6 said this yet gleaning grapes shall be left in it as the shaking of an olive tree again to a shaky of an olive tree two or three berries in the top of the uppermost bow four or five in the utmost fruitful branches thereof saith the Lord God of Israel so the images of a remnant left after the shaking which is what he's telling us in Isaiah 24 13 so it's about a remnant being left okay after this destruction after you know all of this going on he said in verse 13 verse 13 when thus it shall be in the midst of the land among the people there shall be as a shaking of an olive tree and as a gleaning grapes when the vintage is done so the point being that remnant and in verse 14 says they shall lift up their voice they shall sing for the majesty of the Lord they shall cry aloud from the sea and obviously there was a remnant on the back of what happened with the Babylonian invasion some were left there to tend the land some of the poor of the land and and obviously others were carried away and there was a remnant around obviously you know those like Daniel and Shadrach Meshach and Abednego that ended up you know then carrying on in the in the Medo Persian Empire as well and so there would have been a remnant all over they were scattered he said they shall sing for the majesty of the Lord they shall cry aloud from the sea and they might be scattered but they will be a remnant okay and that's something that we've looked at in length when it comes to the wrath to come to haven't we that with the with God's wrath okay when it comes to the to the wrath of God that will be sort of the last that's like the last time isn't it while God's wrath is spilling down that the saved have been raptured but there's going to be those witnesses those 144,000 is going to be those two witnesses and you know there is still a chance there isn't there when when God's kind of punishing when God's wrath is coming down on the people there are people that will get saved there will be a remnant that will come out of that and you could just say in general when it comes to God's judgment just in general people people are then receptive to the gospel we've looked at that a few times now over the book of Isaiah but he said in verse 15 wherefore glorify ye the Lord in the fires even the name of the Lord God of Israel in the Isles of the sea and that is a time to glorify the Lord isn't it okay in the fires in those times when when God's punishing nations when bad things are happening that's the time when you should be glorifying God from the uttermost part of the earth have we heard songs even glory to the righteous but I said my leanness my leanness woe unto me the treacherous dealers have dealt treacherously yea the treacherous dealers have dealt very treacherously so I think back in back in you know I Isaiah and back in chapter 21 he also talked of these treacherous dealers so Isaiah 21 2 said a grievous vision is declared unto me the treacherous dealer dealeth treacherously and the spoiler spoileth go up our eland besiege I media all the sign thereof have I made to see so the grievous part the grievous vision part was the treachery of Judah's end Kings to Hoya Kim and then Zedekiah which resulted in Nebuchadnezzar destroying Jerusalem if you remember where he looked at that in Isaiah 21 with Isaiah then calling on the Medo Persians to later take over Babylon which was then basically a success then for God's people but back here in verse 16 then thinking about that with these treacherous dealers said in verse verse 16 from the uttermost part of the earth have we heard songs even glory to the righteous but I said my leanness my leanness woe unto me the treacherous dealers have dealt treacherously yea the treacherous dealers had dealt very treacherously so I believe that this may be being on the back of Hezekiah's successful reign people glorifying God again all over the place because don't forget that that while he's preaching this we're in we're in a reign of like a great King you know some great stuff going on they've had like a revival basically you know but he's preaching of this woe coming and I think he's basically you know really he's saying look Isaiah he's not celebrating basically he's saying my leanness my leanness wine to me he knows what's to come so basically the leanness he's lacking joys lacking gladness so even though that there's people glorying around around the earth the uttermost part of the earth there's songs glory to the righteous but it's not with Isaiah okay because he knows what's going to come he knows what's going to come and he knows that there's going to be that treacherous dealing which results in Nebuchadnezzar basically besieging and taking Jerusalem and Jerusalem falling so he then said this in verse 17 fear and the pit and the snare Oh upon the own habitant of the earth and it shall come to pass that he who fleeth from the noise of the fish are fall into the pit and he that cometh up out of the midst of the pit shall be taken in the snare for the windows from on higher open and the foundations of the earth to shake now you could say that some will flee but fool in the nation that they flee to some will come up from somewhere that maybe that the Assyrians conquer right only for the Babylonians to destroy maybe for their family or their onward line that the whole region was subdued eventually basically so wherever you went if you're in that region it was going to be a problem right you might get out of our world the Assyrians invaded this part and then maybe they invade the next part you've gone to or same with the Babylonians basically look God meted out judgment through both of these empires as well as over this whole time period that we've just seen all these ten burdens before but but this is also a case of poetic language here okay like I said earlier applying literally to events around Christ's second coming as well so those that flee from the source of the fear he said here he said fear in the pit in the snare upon the own habitant of the earth it should come to pass that he who fleer from the noise of the fish shall fall into the pit and those that flee from here that you know the noise of the face at the source of the fear you could say from God and his word will end up in the pit it's going to happen in the future there's obviously he said here after that and he that cometh out of the midst of the pit should be taken in the snare and there's obviously Satan will come out of the midst of the pit and end up in the lake of fire and then he said for the windows from on higher open and the foundations of the earthy shake shake and the windows from on high are definitely open because the heavens will be rolled back like a scroll the foundations will shake too you don't turn a bit revelation 16 18 says at that time and there were voices and thunders and lightnings and there was a great earthquake such as was not since men were upon the earth so mighty an earthquake and so great well back in Isaiah 24 it said the earth is utterly broken down the earth is clean dissolved the earth is moved exceedingly so again you could go well did that actually literally happen then well you know a lot happened there a lot was destroyed but in the time to come revelation 21 one says and I saw a new heaven and a new earth for the first heaven and the first earth were what passed away and there was no more sea well he's just said it's utterly broken down the earth is clean dissolved the earth is moved exceedingly the earth shall reel to and fro like a drunken and shall be removed like a cottage and a transgression thereof shall be heavy upon it and it shall fall and not rise again it should come to pass that day that the Lord shall punish the host of the high ones that are on high and the kings of the earth upon the earth and they shall be gathered together as prisoners are gathered in the pit and shall be shut up in the prison and after many days shall they be visited now turn over to revelation 19 to see this line up with what's still to come you turn to revelation 19 here he said in verse 21 it shall come to pass in that day that the Lord shall punish the host of the high ones that are on high and the kings of the earth upon the earth and they should be gathered together as prisoners are gathered in the pit and shall be shut up in the prison and after many days shall they be visited well revelation 19 shows that gathering together when Christ rides you know rides in on the white horse okay it says in verse 17 of revelation 19 and I saw an angel standing in the Sun and he cried with a loud voice saying to all the fowls that fly in the midst of heaven come and gather yourselves together to the supper of the great God now that's the birds gathering together to feed on their bodies but keep going verse 18 that ye may eat the flesh of kings and the flesh of captains and the flesh of mighty men and the flesh of horses and of them that sit on them and the flesh of all men both free and so that's a host of the high ones and the kings of the earth and verse 19 and I saw the beast when the kings of the earth and their armies gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse against his army that's them gathered together verse 20 and the beast was taken and with him the false prophet and wrought miracles before him with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast and them that worshipped his image those both were cast alive into a lake fire burning with brimstone and the remnant was slain with the sword of him that sat upon the horse which saw proceeded out of his mouth and all the fowls were filled with their flesh and that's them being shut up into prison the remnant that is being visited soon after to do what to stand at the great white throne of judgment now in case anyone reads through that and doesn't see the dual prophecy or even some of that's just ultimately just prophesying at the end times anyway it ends with just a clear future prophecy just in case just in case you go through that you're like well you know it must just be talking about the stuff that was going to happen eventually with the Assyrians and and and you know in the Babylonians well look at verse 23 then the moon shall be confounded and the Sun ashamed when the Lord of hosts shall reign in Mount Zion and in Jerusalem and before his ancients gloriously which is one of the defining features of the Lord's second coming okay so it's like just in case people ain't getting here here you go this is just clearly talking about the second coming go back to Isaiah 13 I know we're there so I should have said to keep a finger they go back to Isaiah 13 the famous Matthew 24 you know 29 to 31 verses says immediately after the tribulation yeah is after the tribulation of those days shall the Sun be darkened and the moon shall not give a light and the stars shall fall from heaven the powers of heavens shall be shaken then and then shall appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven and shall all the tribes of the earth mourn and they shall see the Son of Man coming to clouds of heaven with power and great glory and he shall send his angels with a great son of a Trump here they shall gather together as a lek from the four winds for one head of heaven to the other well revelation 6 and verses 12 to 13 said this you're in Isaiah 13 revelation 6 says and I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal and lo there was a great earthquake and the Sun became black as sackcloth of hair and the moon became as blood and the stars of heaven fell unto the earth even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs when she is shaken of a mighty wind so again talking about that Sun becoming black as sackcloth of hair the moon become as blood and Isaiah 13 said in verse 9 behold the day of the Lord cometh cruel both with wrath and fierce anger to lay the land desolate and he shall destroy the sinners there of out of it for the stars of heaven and the constellation there shall not give their light the Sun shall be darkened in his going forth and the moon shall not cause a light to shine to about the day of the Lord and I will punish the world for their evil and the wicked for their iniquity and I will cause the arrogance of the proud to cease and will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible however with all of that and it can be a bit depressing right you can be looking at that thing this is pretty rough right well it will be followed by the glorious millennial reign because he said in verse 23 back in Isaiah 24 then the moon shall be confounded and the Sun ashamed when the Lord of hosts shall reign in Mount Zion and in Jerusalem and before his ancients gloriously who is ancients for me that's those dead in Christ since the beginning of time ruling and reigning alongside him ruling and reigning alongside each other and ruling and reigning alongside us if you saved thought about that for a bit yeah it's not just and obviously like we think about heaven I think you kind of think well it's gonna be loads of people around all those ancients it's gonna be a bit hard to get a thousand years yeah ruling and reigning and not only and obviously the best part of that is rolling and reigning on earth with the Lord Jesus Christ but have you ever thought about that there'll be I don't know Samson anyone who fancies meeting Samson it's just gonna pop over to whatever area he's dealing with at that point he's gonna go and have a little chat with Samson I like the jaw of an ass talk to me about that Samson you know this girl maybe maybe Samson doesn't do it for you okay maybe it'll be like I want to go and talk to Sarah maybe some of the women are I want to talk to Sarah about having a child of that age okay come on let's talk about that Sarah what happened with that right okay maybe maybe it won't be maybe it won't be there maybe there's someone else maybe there's someone just completely obscure that you look back and you just think you know I need to speak to the LEA's are the son of dodo the Oh height thousand is it while he's had clave to the sword wasn't it le a I don't know there'll be some people that you'll be you're gonna be rolling and reigning with them and before his ancients he's gonna rain in Mount Zion in Jerusalem and before his ancients gloriously well if you're saved you're gonna be there ruling and reigning with Christ now you might find it a bit hard to get to to go and talk to whoever it is if you're you know do little for Christ on in in this life you do so little that yeah you'll be rolling around in great amen you you know you made it but maybe you just be rolling around in that little light square 10 square meters well if you put a shift in and it's not you know look we're all ministering just in our lives right so it's not what I better be in the ministry then just in terms of like you know pastoring or deacons or just if you if you just in the life that you have in your circumstance you just serve the Lord with all your heart mind soul strength as much as you possibly can your soul winning you're in church you're doing what God wants you doing you can have a pretty good place there aren't you be hard a lot be fun to meet lot won't it it'll be it's gonna be a great time isn't it right and and really if you think about that way and what and how and where you know how that millennial rain will look for you it's gonna depend on what you do in the short life you have now right but that time is to come but before that time there's gonna be some it's gonna be some hard times right well but after that what a day that's gonna be right and that was our 24 K a reminder of what was to come there with some dual prophecy there of what's still to come and we're gonna finish in a word of prayer father thank you for your word thank you Lord for well the you know the the clear teacher we can get from that about what sort of things you know defile a land Lord and sadly we can just see that all over our nation help us to you know Lord just just keep keep you know being grounded by your word Lord by by your standards not by the world standards help us keep preaching the truth in this pulpit Lord to be able to keep doing that seems to get worse and worse around us Lord help us to go out and get more people save Lord help us to keep getting out there to resist the sin that drags us down and instead get out there and preach the gospel Lord help us to try and make the soul winning times help us to just make Church a priority so many times a priority our Bible reading our prayer life just help us to just make you a priority Lord in our lives knowing that we have such a short vapor of a life to live now and then we've got eternity to come with a thousand years ruling and reigning with you as part of that Lord and help us to to just put things in perspective in our lives help us to get home safe for sound this evening and will return for Sunday Lord in Jesus name for all of this amen