(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen. So we're in Hebrews chapter 12 and there's obviously some verses which many people are very familiar with if you've been preached a gospel or with people preach a gospel from our church for any length of time and we're gonna start in verse 5 and just just remind ourselves of those verses Hebrews 12 and verse 5 says and you have forgotten the exhortation which speaketh unto you as unto children my son despised not thou the chastening of the Lord nor faint when art rebuked of him for whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth if ye endure chastening God dealeth with you as with sons for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not but if ye be without chastisement whereof all are partakers and are ye bastards and not sons and we're in our how to win souls series and we've so far looked at an introduction to soul winning starting the conversation ways of starting it and you know whether that's in our private lives or out on the doors sin and its consequences the gospel we looked last time at belief and today it's eternal security so the title is how to win souls number six eternal security I'm gonna pray and then we can get started with a message from thank you for your word thank you for the gospel Lord thank you for well eternal security thanks for well that once we're saved we're saved Lord it's once saved always saved there's no way we can lose our salvation otherwise it's not it's not a gift it's not just belief it's not just faith it's it's continued works and Lord you know help me to explain how good ways of explaining that to people today ways not to do that Lord help me to just do all of this full of your spirit Lord help just use me please to show your church how you how you'd like things done and you know and how not to do things when we're trying to explain this part of the gospel to people when we're so mean just don't okay so we're in Hebrews 12 because for me look this is an essential part of helping someone to understand eternal security okay I believe that the chastisement of the believer isn't this is essential for many now not for everyone I've had people where you know they just get it straight away they don't even they're not even questioning that but I for a lot of people this for me makes explain eternal security a lot easier for most they're thinking that the look they're looking at this huge Bible maybe you're holding in your hands or maybe they're aware of the Bible and it's a huge Bible tell you how to live right in many places so there are any exposure to Christianity they will have heard a lot of now shouts and now shout nots and the commandments and all these different things in the Bible encouragements exhortations commands to live right and then you know in a way they might be thinking are you telling me that all of this is nullified by faith it's all done it's all because it's not it's not all pointless is it right and of course when it comes to salvation it is nullified yeah when it comes to salvation but of course when we see the threats from God the warnings to his people it's for a reason isn't it okay it said in verse 28 where you are in Hebrews 12 wherefore we receive your kingdom which cannot be moved let us have grace whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear for our God is a consuming fire our God is a consuming fire for so many that have some experience of church they will have had the two combined sadly they will have had breaking God's Commandments combined with hellfire right and you're kind of when we preach in the gospel this part of preacher gospel we're kind of untangling the two for for what at least we're untangling the two for when it applies to God's people and that's kind of part of part of it isn't it is you're trying to undo a lot of the false teaching they found everything else and explain the chastisement of the believer really helps for the majority of people in that doesn't it last time we looked at how to explain that salvation is down to our belief okay which included explaining that it's a gift right now I showed you last week how I personally like to explain it with Romans 6 23 and then confirm it with Ephesians 3 and 9 so get across the concept explain it give the I like to give the analogies and everything else and then once they've got it then confirm it with Ephesians 3 and 9 which says for by grace he saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is a gift of God not of works as any man should boast now if you go to Ephesians 2 8 and 9 okay this is where we got to last time we've broken it down we've explained it explained Ephesians 2 8 and 9 because remember every verse we do need to explain to the unbeliever then then said something like you know and usually I'll say something along the lines of after this point so if I said to you I'm going to heaven because I'm a good person because I've done this because I'm going to keep being good in the future because I've done whatever it is and I'm already broaching eternal security we already have with the gift aren't we because one of the analogies is what if I told you do this in the future what if I told you how to do that so you're already broaching a lot of it does kind of go together obviously believe on the Lord Jesus Christ as thou shalt be saved is a great verse to disprove you can lose your salvation because he said thou shalt be saved it was just belief but however we've got to this point I usually say so if I said I'm going to heaven because I've done this done now I'm a good person I can continue to do this where am I going and at this point I'm gonna be pretty disappointed if they don't just go you're going to hell and if they really if they're engaged now with this and just just a side point on this is you know this is a way I like to do it I tend to find that going this way getting people to interact a lot getting people to regularly give answers to questions where they don't usually get the question wrong it's quite an easy question getting them interacting it's rare that people don't understand it by the end that doesn't mean that they're going to get saved so we could go too far with this and be like if I could say this what if I could do this do that ultimately you're preaching the Word of God right and you're trying to get people to accept it but their faith in Christ but at the same time we want them to understand it just because I understand it doesn't mean they're going to get saved but it helps a lot and they need to understand it to get saved okay so at this point I like to explain the chastisement of the believer first okay now like I said because this can be a stumbling block for many okay this seems to be an issue for many people so before I start going on to just sole eternal security verses I like to show chastisement first so I usually use a hypothetical question but this one I answer myself because it's a question that many will get wrong otherwise okay so like I've said many times going through this in general unless it like the repent of your sins thing I will ask a question they get wrong to show them that that's wrong and they're wrong about that if they believe in some something to the repent your sins for everything else I want to ask questions they're not gonna get wrong and this one I answer myself so I like to reassure them as well at this point that I'm about to finish so if you've had to be thorough if it's not someone it's just really receptive and getting it really quickly and and you know in general you're gonna have to be thorough to a degree you might be getting up to 10-15 minutes whatever it is at this point I like to just say look I'm nearly finished I just want to explain this to you first okay I want to show you this last bit and I'll say something like many will say or many might say so what if someone gets saved and then they go and do a bad sin okay so I've explained Ephesians 2 8 and 9 and I say okay so many many might say and lots of people say well so what if you went and did a bad sin and then a straightaway I'll answer well obviously they're still going to heaven because I remember we're still teaching them at this point yeah I don't want them to get this wrong I don't want him to go well then they go to hell because then it's like now I'm battling again to kind of to disprove that now they've already they're gonna start to try and prove or whatever the statement they've made so I don't want to get a statement I just want to say they're still going to heaven otherwise I'll say otherwise it wasn't just belief otherwise it wasn't just a gift yeah and otherwise God lied when he said believe in the Lord Jesus Christ I shall be saved whatever verse maybe you want to you want to quote but let me show you what happens so let me show you what happens if you go out and you're doing wicked things but you're saved so then I will give myself as an example so I'll just say something like the second I got saved I became a child of God okay and and I like to go to Galatians 3 26 so you can write beside Ephesians 2 9 go to Galatians 3 26 and of course another option is John 1 12 now I like to just go to Galatians 3 26 it's quick it's right next to where I am in Ephesians this again it's not it's not usually a hard concept for people John 1 12 as the reason I sometimes go to John 1 12 instead is maybe if they need belief cementing a bit more maybe I'm looking at them I'm gauging them they still you can see they're not quite sure even I've gone to a few places already they're still having a bit of trouble with it I can see I'm not convincing him yet by all the verse I've shown him or it's another verse is gonna show it's just belief right but if I feel like I'm confident they're there we're just about finished now Galatians 3 26 nice and quick which says for year all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus now what I usually say is it where sometimes I just break it down straight away I'll show the verse and break it down which is for year all the children gone I usually just say is that everyone is everyone a child of God well no this is written to a church of believers when you put your faith in Christ that second you become a child of God that's what it says for a year all the children God who this church of believers in Galatia by faith in Christ Christ Jesus the second I put my trust my faith in Jesus Christ I became a child of God like I said option the other option be John 1 12 which says but as many as received him to them gave me power to become the sons of God even to them that believe in his name so that's another option obviously and like I said I sometimes go there if I want to cement belief a bit more okay so I've explained I've become a child of God I usually ask something like so what do you think a loving father does when we're bad let's use my kids an example again another one I don't want them to answer I'm just or maybe I won't say it as a question I just say well let me show you what our father does when we're bad let's use my kids as an example and usually I have my kids with me but if not I'll just say look I've got a few kids let me explain to you you know how this works so so then I usually say something like this so say say if my kids with me for example say Jack here did something bad now say and then I'll just give an example of something say you just kind of started scratching the cars or you know he damaged your front garden or he did something he did something naughty did something bad I usually say something like what would I do would I just and instead of like now here's the thing if you leave it too open this is what people start going well you would probably tell him that wasn't a good thing to do because they start going to like liberal parenting stuff yeah so usually I just say so so am I just gonna let him get away with it and then straight away people go well no you wouldn't you know you would you would sit him down and explain you know something so motherly you know you put him on the naughty spot so I was saying this the other day you'd put him on the naughty spot I think they're talking about Jack I think might be Charlie right but that's a bit old for naughty spot some people probably would have done but anyway so why do I want to and again I just don't want to get in a spanking row okay it's a waste of time for me at this point do I need to start discussing spanking bottoms and everything else no so when I ask them what would I do I'm not gonna go I'm gonna I'm gonna show shit and everything else cuz hello you know and everything else I haven't got them saved yet okay so what I generally do at this point is I'll just say so yeah I'll punish him right and you know and if they say oh you give them a telly off I go yeah give them a telly off I might even have to punish him as well right and there's various ways people punish their children and most people they're happy with that you know you haven't you know kind of gone down gone into like spanking territory now where suddenly you're in a in an argument with someone on their door about whether or not children should have their bottom smacked which is bizarre that you would even get in an argument but you can imagine that coming right okay so I usually I'll say okay so I might punish him but but is there anything you could do but would he still be my son is what I usually say well of course is there anything they could do to not be my son and again this is one that 90-something percent of the time you get the right answer now and again you get so well you know if you just say come on he's still my son though is he still and and usually okay that's usually an easy one to get through okay is there anything he could do and I usually ask this so so what if he did something really bad is there anything he could do that make me throw him in a lake of fire that's usually I say something like that no he's my son okay so I'm not gonna do that well and then I call it then I'll explain well it's the same with God once you become a child of God okay nothing you could do just nothing that you could do would stop you being his child his son his daughter who whether I'm talking to a lady or a man and then that's when I'm ready to explain Hebrews 12 okay because I've already given an introduction no understanding so you could write next to Galatians 3 26 go to Hebrews 12 5 and now I actually like to start in the middle of Hebrews 12 5 and I just highlight it from the beginning but it's up to you could start at the beginning if you want it just gets wordy and people drift quickly remember they don't understand the Word of God and then you're explaining stuff you know forgotten the exhortation which speaketh unto you as unto children kind of people don't really know they could drift quickly so I like to start in the middle my son easy language my son despise not thou and I just break it down straight away usually I say he said don't hate the chastening what's and again it's remember you got to explain that yeah most people don't know what the word chasing means so my son despise not don't hate the chasing that's a punishment of the Lord nor faint when art rebuked him that's told off they need that stuff explaining a lot of people do right whether it's a child or not then for whom the Lord loveth he chaseneth and scourgeth and again I explained that that that means whips every son in me receive it so the Bible saying if you become a child of God you are going to get punished by God but this isn't talking about throwing you in a lake of fire don't say don't hate going to hell you know sometimes explain it like this just say but it's explaining the chastisement on on earth here and then what I like to do is I say look once you'll save you've come a child of God he might bless you when you do good things because I don't want it to all just be negative right now you're gonna get a whooping because you're about to get saved yeah so it's like that you can get blessings when you do good things you can even add extra rewards when you're in heaven but it also chastise you he'll punish you when you do bad things but the punishment is here and then I like to give examples because people just again they might be tuning in and out and then just going yeah yes you probably go to hell if you're bad you know so again remember you got you're coming to the end here as well you need that get that make sure they're paying attention make sure you're confirming so for example you know he might make you lose your job he might make you you know things break you know lose money in one way or another you could you could get really sick you could get really ill you could if I did something really serious maybe I go to prison and have a bad time in prison maybe it might even take me home early but I'm still going to heaven I'm still a child of God he's not gonna throw me in hell cuz he said all I had to do is believe and and that's kind of a way that I usually explain it and then I'll even give an example I said look even if I went out and did something really bad say God forbid I and I'm using myself right now because again if you go well what if you went out and you commit I wouldn't commit murder well I wouldn't do that well when I've got the Holy Spirit you know and then you're getting all those arguments I just go look even if I went out and did something really crazy now let me just explain something to you I don't give a ridiculous idea now don't say well so what if I went out now got a gun and shot ten people what do you think's gonna happen I've heard this stuff believe me okay ridiculous I'll just be like look you know what if I went in I don't know don't ruin my lovely wife I went in committed God forbid I actually killed someone I'm still going to heaven if I don't even say am I still going to seven I just say I'm still going to heaven but I tell you what I'm gonna get whooped by God I'm gonna get punished if I killed so I'm gonna go to prison I'm gonna get I'm gonna get a bad time of it but I'm still going to heaven because what was the only thing I had to do to go to heaven and again by then it's very rare they don't get this right but you're explaining it you're helping understand this oh I say but because going to heaven is based on one thing what's the only thing you have to go get it okay okay now another option by the way if you need it and again you might just prefer is Proverbs 3 verses 11 to 12 alternatively to Hebrews 12 5 which is my son despised not the chastening of the Lord neither be weary of his correction for whom the Lord loveth he corrective even as a father of the son in whom he delighted so again if maybe if you preach gospel the second time it's almost identical you know similar you could always use Proverbs 3 11 to 12 there now okay at this point right you've explained it you've shown it you you've given the examples of your own child you don't have to I and just be carefully to just ask questions before you've explained it it's not just like so I've been with people before where they'll say like they've shown them the gospel everything else okay so here's a question what then if you believe and then you go and do some bad sins they haven't shown Hebrews 12 5 they haven't and it's just like people like you still got a hell and it what was the point in asking the question then and show them they're wrong you're gonna show them the right and then again like I said you can start getting backs up it can be a problem so what we're trying to do is ask questions that you think they're gonna get the answer right too and once I've explained it all and said look I'm gonna get chastised I'm still a child of God etc it's it's pretty easy they usually get that okay so so that's the chastisement of the believer now look some people at this point in time some people like to start talking about you know some people have a knowledge of the bottle ago what about if it says that you've got to confess your sins or something else and then I'll just this is how I like to deal with that one so if you needed to go to and it's it's 1st John 1 9 I think it is if we confess our sins is faithful and just forgive us our sins and it cleanses from all unrighteousness and I think it's 9 is it not yes verse 9 then then look with that I I usually just explain like this I say look there's if I've got two children let me give you this example say one child they both do something bad so they both steal something maybe maybe they just go and steal a cookie from the cookie jar and one child comes to me and confesses that sin and says I'm really sorry I just felt bad I wanted to come and tell you what I did the other child doesn't and they both my children still yeah okay however who's gonna get a worse punishment yeah the child that didn't confess who's gonna put possibly even just get forgiven of that of that sin the one who came and confessed it genuinely okay and I just explain it like that however that's talking to a believer about the chastisement of God in life okay so you might have to deal with that at the same time you might have to deal with recreate doctrine at this point as well okay and some people they're like wait a second are you saying that you know you could go and do X Y & Z etc when you're explaining as you're getting onto eternal security and nothing wrong with it but let me tell you something not to do when you explain the reparations doctors don't want to talk about sodomites you don't have to talk about sodomites they're not the only reprobates I'll just say well look you know there's people that do some pretty sick twisted stuff the Bible says that's a symptom and you can just do it quickly that's a symptom of a reprobate mind that's someone that is incapable of salvation their conscience is said they've been given over okay however for the vast majority of people for most people in the world they're able to get saved okay and and that kind of that quickly so and if they want exactly go so thinking about like the most six serial killers child abusers murderers things like that look most people are incapable of salvation they they're only able to do that stuff because they no longer have a conscience they can't even understand and believe the gospel truly okay and and that's usually enough that I need I don't have to start going right let's talk about sodomites you know because then again you could lose it right all right so okay now usually by now okay there's little needed really like because remember you've explained the gift you've explained that the gift can't be taken away afterwards either you've explained that it's belief only that there's two types people in this world those that are trusting believing have you on a set have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ those that don't and it's a lot of it spilled over to eternal security so it's not like now I need right three more verses on eternal security for now right now they usually get it okay now however before and and and you know and I so I'll say to them something as I'm explaining Hebrews 12 just say so you know obviously whatever you do you're still going to heaven just I'm explaining again before I ask them I don't need to ask him yet just really explaining this I want to show us now at least one eternal security verse and for me if they are answering confidently I've got them to this point they understand it all John 5 24 I like it as a wrap-up verse okay now not sometimes you might have to go to other place but John 5 24 for me there's a few concepts there in that one verse and and by now I'm usually confident they're gonna get this right okay so I've explained he I've explained Hebrews 12 5 & 6 I usually put something like go to John 5 24 and John 5 24 says this I say this is Jesus speaking he said verily verily I sound to you so I just say he said truly truly and he's talking to you now okay so listen to this whoever their name is my he's talking to you Barry okay he that here with my word why you love you never got a Barry saved not many Barry's around other actually I once preached a gospel to you Barry but I didn't get him say okay verily verily I sound to you okay he that here with my word okay you've just heard the Word of God right and believeth on him that simply if you put your now what I don't do is go okay if you're if you believe now because still I want to explain call your name the Lord and repentance at the end of this okay so so I usually just say if you put your faith and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ you put your faith in trust that that God has sent Jesus Christ to dive your sins it has been that he rose again that's what he's talking about here if you believeth if you're putting your trust in him that sent me he said have everlasting life can I just pause there for a second that's what I usually say to people he said you have everlasting life how long everlasting most people will say it's forever it never ends something along those lines okay so let's go back to the Bible again if I gave you this Bible I said it's yours it's forever and I came back next week and I took it back for any reason I might even use their example again took it back because you weren't being a nice person I took it back because you didn't you didn't confess everything you've ever you've ever done or whatever their example was was that forever and most people who have half a brain will say no okay so if I said it was what would that make me and most people will say some I've known to say a sinner but it doesn't really matter many will say a liar and I'll say yes specifically if they do say sinner I'll say it make me a lie wouldn't it right can God lie and again 90 something percent of people say no now I just say look the Bible actually says you cannot lie however if you do have someone where it's a bit tricky obviously you could go to Titus 1 2 which says in hope of eternal life which God that cannot lie promised before the world began I rarely need to go there I'm kind of finishing off now I've had their attention for a long time at this point but there is that option but I usually just say yeah he said you cannot lie okay and he said you have it it's yours it's everlasting because that's just a great eternal security truth there isn't it and many verses say you have everlasting life then I'll continue and he said and shall not come into condemnation that means you will never be condemned to hell never okay if you put your faith in trust you will never be condemned to hell so this is another angle no you will not go to hell you have everlasting life it's yours you cannot lose it's not everlasting you'll be a liar he said you shall not come into condemnation and lastly but now look at this and I like to focus in on this on this here but is present tense passed from death unto life the second you put your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ you pass from being a dead man woman whoever it is I go from being a dead person walking to having eternal life and you're gonna have it enough we could change that can you see that and and if people have paid attention whether or not they choose to get saved at this point they usually for me going through it like I've explained over the last several weeks it's rare that they're like gotta be good they get it you know I've rushed through it I've got them to talk back etc now like I said if someone's really getting it you'd be careful to like take too long with maybe you don't have to go to like three believe verses maybe you know you could just jump to Ephesians 2 8 and 9 if they just lap it up but usually for me like most people I like to do it this way I could speed up a bit of it speed up the analogies a bit you know but as long as I'm explaining those verses and I'm kind of and I'm and my Bible's kind of ready to flick to them quicker not standing there well I'm not thumbing through and everything else try and be quick with it try to have your Bible ready you can fold it a bit in those verses that you go to a lot John 3 if you're going there for a couple of verses it's good to kind of have ready to fall open obviously Romans 3 and if you're close to Romans 3 you're gonna get to any other Romans verses quickly as well Revelation you know you're gonna go to and then those other bits and pieces should be fairly quick because they're close to each and every one of that so okay for me I'm kind of I'm hoping I'm there and they just and people might usually get it by this point however okay there are some and all options obviously and look many people have their own verses these are some verses that I will sometimes go to as a usually as an addition sometimes if you know if I'm like in a rush I might just go to for example John 10 first so now it's up to you how you want to do this you could put next to John 5 24 you know some other options or you could put in the back of your Bible some other options or you know or wherever you want to do it you can have like a list of other options and let me tell you why the and all options are good to have and have listed and everything else it's because there are people and many of you have been so many a while we'll have people where it takes a few extra verses and sometimes there's a key somewhere there's a verse which they're gonna get and I'm gonna show you as well that sometimes even summarize these verse and other people for example we had a lady in here the other night she believed you could lose your salvation but she believed that's not works and you know how they do they kind of talk out of both sides they just kind of duck can't understand because they told her I know it's not works not works not works but you can lose your salvation of course you can you know so and I went to all these verses I'm gonna show you pretty much I went to one after another after another by the end she accepted you cannot lose your salvation she didn't accept that she was unsaved she didn't get saved she wasn't willing to accept that she needed salvation however she at least understood the gospel and I hope that maybe there's a chance she might get saved in the future but it did take pretty much because she was a hard case Pentecostal her whole life you know in churches her whole life and she took verse after verse after verse after verse for her to eventually go okay I get it because sometimes it's just a sheer amount them because what they had for their life is verses out of context have nothing to do with salvation and eternal security that have nothing to do with that that and they're thinking but there's a few and then once you say so one they're thinking well what about the one I've or the ten that I know but once you go to verse after eventually it kind of be like okay I can't really argue with that now and they might not get saved then but they might in the future right okay so John 10 27 to 29 and I like you could I usually start with John 10 27 depending on time and stuff just because you know what's he ultimately following about following him to heaven he said my sheep hear my voice I know them and they follow me and really I think really there he's just talking about following him to heaven so I usually just say he's talking about following him to heaven and I give unto them eternal life and they shall never perish and I usually say I say and I give unto them eternal life that's heaven and they shall never perish that means they'll never go to hell neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand and now and I usually add in there that includes yourself no one neither shall any man unless you think it's stronger than God because he said my father which gave them me is greater than all and no man is able able to pluck them out of my father's hand so and then I usually just give like a picture that the boss and then once you'll say God the Son God the Father holds you you're held you're not strong enough to take yourself away now sometimes I might give this side you could kick and scream you can you can live a lousy life you might get a few slaps and you might end up you know having to be disciplined to be in that life but he's never letting you go yes that's what he said there you've got eternal life and he said and my father gave them to me is grateful and no man is able to pluck the man of my father's hand unless you think you're stronger than God you know so again that's one way I like to explain those verses another option is John 11 while you're in John come from verse 25 where Jesus here is talking to Martha it says in John 11 25 Jesus said unto her I am the resurrection and the life he that believeth in me though he were dead yet shall he live okay so that's someone that's unsaved he's saying he will live if he believes if he's put his faith in trust in Jesus Christ and whosoever that's anyone liveth and believeth in me shall never die believe us how this do you believe this he said that if you're if you're alive and you're believing in him you will never die that means that you have eternal life that you're going to heaven do you believe this that's the way I like to explain that because it's quite self-explanatory it's quite an easy verse well another option is Romans chapter 4 and I like to kind of do this whole passage just because I think it's so strong and sometimes you might go to just maybe Romans 4 5 I like to start in Romans 4 and verse 4 so Romans 4 4 where it says now to him that worketh so I like to stop even though this is someone that believes they have to work their way to have this someone that's trying to work their way to heaven now to him that worketh and that includes trying to work to keep your salvation that's working your way to heaven because that's work now to him that worketh is a reward not reckoned of grace remember grace is something free undeserved but of debt you know the Bible saying is it if youth if you're trying to work your way to heaven you're a debtor to do the whole law and we've all all of us have already failed okay but to him that worketh not so this is someone that is not trying to work their way to heaven there you can even say that does no good works at all but believeth he's put his faith and trust on him that just fire the ungodly that's Jesus Christ his faith is count for righteousness he's saying that Jesus Christ righteousness is swapped with his okay his faith is count for righteousness even as David now look at this even as David also describeth the blessedness of the man unto God imputed righteousness without works we saying that someone is blessed who God has given Jesus Christ righteousness to without having to work because they put their faith in Jesus saying blessed are they who's in equities are forgiven their past sins and whose sins are covered you could say their present sins but look at verse 8 blessed is a man to whom the Lord will not impute sin their future sins the Lord will not impute sin unto your eternal account now remember you've explained eternal you've explained chastisement so obviously we're not talking about in your day-to-day life we talked about God will not impute sin onto your eternal account if you put your faith in Jesus Christ okay no way you can go to hell you're going to heaven another option Galatians 2 16 so another option and again look there are many more than what I'm going to show you here but these are probably the only ones that I generally use and I've had success with option option here is Galatians 2 16 which is knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law but by the faith of Jesus Christ even we have believed in Jesus Christ that we might be justified by the faith of Christ and not by the works of the law for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified now again it's pretty self-explanatory but I will usually just break down and say talking about the works of the law for example the thou shalt the thou shalt not you're not justified by that you're justified solely by your faith your trust in Jesus Christ and that includes obviously past works or future works for the by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified you cannot be justified by your good deeds by your works well Ephesians 1 I like Ephesians 1 13 a lot okay Ephesians 1 13 which says it like this this is another option it says in whom you also trusted and I I just say talking about Christ which it says you know just above it in the verse 4 says in whom you also trusted talking about Christ the Lord Jesus Christ after that he heard the word of truth that's what you've just heard okay the word of truth the gospel or the good news of your salvation being saved from hell in whom also after that ye believed so this is someone that's saved you were sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise the Bible says it you're sealed okay that the Holy Spirit comes in you nothing can change that you're sealed okay you're always going to end up in heaven you're sealed okay that's the way I like to explain Ephesians 1 13 then obviously there's first John 5 13 something we use that to introduce the gospel but again it's a great verse because it shows that you can know you have eternal life first John 5 13 says these things that I've written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God okay so that's someone that's putting their faith and trust in the Son of God and the Lord Jesus Christ that you may know you can know that you have eternal life and that you may believe in the name of Son of God okay so this he's ultimately talked about that book that was written so people might put their faith and trust in Jesus Christ and know that they have eternal life because they've done that okay and then another one you that I sometimes bring up as well with people is John 3 3 and the reason being because there's a lot of obviously bad politics but people have heard it they've heard the terminology I do like to point out a lot of people that say they're born again are crazy because there's weird types that go I'm born again and you know and and then you got to repent yeah so I but I do like it because it's just another thing where you can give a visual kind of example where I said and sometimes you turn there sometimes they don't even turn there but sometimes it's quick to go though I already have John 3 open where I say Jesus answered said unto him he's talking to Nicodemus verily verily that means truly truly I send you except a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of God how many times are you physically born in life and again 90 85 90% of the chance like I said at the time of this one they actually know what you're talking about an answer and they'll be like well once well how many times therefore do you think you have to be spiritually born in life and a lot of the time most the time people go once especially if you've explained other verses you've gotten to the point where hopefully they understand the gospel by now yeah look you know otherwise you'd have to be keep getting reborn and reborn and reborn and reborn every time you sin you're getting reborn and reborn and reborn and reborn and it just said except a man be born again you cannot see the kingdom of God you're physically born once you're spiritually born once and and you know like if I've had to go through some of them or not you know and if I have had to and I've had a hard case then you can summarize it like this you can go look God's given us plenty of ways to show us that you cannot lose your salvation and I'll tell you why because we spent our whole lives being told good to go to heaven bad to go to hell so we just caught like people go so sometimes I give this example I go look and some people go yeah I believe the Bible they can't get away from all those verses I've shown you that say belief belief belief it's faith it's faith it's trust it's belief so what they do is go okay yeah but if you did something really bad if you did something that I don't do then you lose your salvation and so because of that God's just given us all these different ways he said it's a gift okay a gift is free it can't be taken away or it wasn't a gift he said that you have everlasting life and if it's everlasting if you have it and it's everlasting you cannot lose it he said that you're helped by God he said that you're sealed by the Holy Spirit he said that you're born again he's given us all these different ways for us to understand that there's no way you could lose it because so many people want to try and convince you that you can lose your salvation but otherwise you work your way to heaven and if they don't get it by then and often you've got a tough case that maybe you need to move on okay another one that sometimes people go to and I go to this at different times depending on who I'm talking to is Matthew chapter 7 so Matthew if you you could put as an option here Matthew chapter 7 and you know someone said this to me the other day they said you know they're thinking about asking someone and I've asked people kind of similar to this if I ask someone this today it somebody says you can lose your salvation is to say to them okay so okay so what are you doing to keep your salvation and usually like we had today oh well I pray I do this having said that it's faithful I may believe what we believe why are you still asking me questions you know you don't believe okay but so I said okay well you know kind of gave asked asked this lady you know what what she's doing to keep her salvation it could be a good question to ask before you go to Matthew 7 you know okay so you know and some but thing is sometimes be careful if you say works I don't believe it's of works it's like you've just said you're gonna do things right but sometimes they will you know or whatever else and and but sometimes they'll just maybe give a list of the things that they're doing well Matthew 7 says this is verse 21 not everyone that saith unto me Lord Lord shall enter into the kingdom of heaven but he that doeth will of my father which is heaven now sometimes a lot of the time I have to go to this verse to disprove what they already have been talking about this these verses my solos are going yeah but didn't Jesus say that there are loads that say that they believe but then you know but then you know that they're not doing what he told them to do so that's why they go to hell so sometimes just to disprove this right and then at this point it's John 6 40 is easiest place to go for this right so I usually say well you know so I'll say look he said not everyone says something Lord Lord so yeah they're people that call him Lord now people that say that they they believe in Jesus to some degree he said not everyone says unto me Lord Lord shall enter into the kingdom of heaven he said but he that doeth the will of my father which is heaven now what's the will of his father he's not doing that following every single commandment because we've all failed at that we all continue to fail at that so what's it talking about well look at John 6 40 where it says and again it's nice if you can have that ready and and somewhere where your Bible falls open quite easily because again when you're flicking and they're thinking about doing the will of my father which is in heaven you don't want to lose them at this point but John 6 40 says many will say to me in that day Lord Lord have we not so John 6 40 says and this is the will of him that sent me that everyone which saith the Son and believeth on him may have everlasting life and I'll raise him up at the last day so that's the will of God that we put our faith we believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and we'll have everlasting life okay that's the will of the Father so John 6 40 after Matthew 7 21 is a good place to go then come back to Matthew 7 obviously keep a thumb there so he goes so the will of God is that we put our faces that we get saved we put our trust in Jesus Christ so he said not everyone says unto me Lord Lord shall enter into the kingdom of heaven but he that doth the will of my father which is in heaven so there are people that get saved he then said many will say to me in that day Lord Lord have we not prophesied in thy name and I usually just explain that's talking about preaching in the name of in in the name of God and in thy name have cast out devils and in thy name have done many wonderful works what are they trusting and I point to the word works and most people go their works well looks what look what he says to people that claim the name of Christ but they're still trusting in their works and then will I profess unto them I never knew you depart for me you that work in equity yeah there are plenty of people out there that call themselves Christians and plenty of people out there that claim they believe in Jesus but ultimately what are they trusting their works like I said before another one that maybe for people that are like yeah we got to still do this and that Romans 11 6 of course we mentioned earlier as well at different times just have that ready to use and if by grace then is it no more of work otherwise grace no more grace but if it be of works and is it no more grace otherwise that work is no work really nice verse to just show you cannot combine them it's one or the other you're either putting all your faith and trust in Jesus Christ or you're trusting yourself your works to some degree and look usually though that's rare that you have to go through all that stuff on but it's gonna have like your sleeve isn't it and like I said some people just one of those will be a key for them some people you kind of and you know and look and I want to get too spooky with it but you love the time you just kind of you're praying you should be praying you should you know in your head your partner should be praying for you you should be kind of wanting God to guide you should be get trying to get guided by the Holy Spirit when you preach someone if you've got all the verses there they're highlighted they're ready there maybe you just pick that right one that someone needs if they're if it's possible right and it's just something they need to hear they need to they need to hear it and explain the certain way where the penny drops a lot okay because what you're doing is well you're basically you're trying to fight through strongholds all those analogies in the Old Testament all those battles all those physical battles where they're trying to like you know make some sort of like get in like it get past maybe a battle in array and they're trying to find a way in and find a way through it's a lot of that we can apply to that spiritual battle when you're trying to get someone saved sometimes you're just trying to find that angle in that's going to help them to understand the gospel because they've just because that's what false doctrine does is it puts up walls it puts up defenses in people's minds in their hearts where it's so hard for them to then understand the gospel because they've been so hammered with false doctrine for so long and sometimes you've got to lie attack the line for a bit and then you kind of got to go okay it's not happening today we'll come back next year or something else or maybe they'll go away and maybe they'll think about it or something else but okay and there's some different angles in different ways that you can try and break down that resistance okay but again you know if it's someone it's just saying no chance nothing no no no then you got to work out maybe it's just time to move on a bit earlier okay right so like I said like I've been doing just things to avoid okay this part of preaching the gospel okay ridiculous examples like I said see if they agree that you can't lose your salvation please don't do that okay what if I like you know got a car smashed into a shop stole everything killed the shopkeeper ran over three more people and shot them out the car window and if you're coming up with that I those ideas I'm a bit worried about you as well okay so like I said asking them what would happen if you sin before explaining chastisement explain the chastisement show them in the chastisement then by all means you know we're going to ask them at the end with a recap and make sure that they understand that but explain chastisement first make it clear make them understand chastisement give the example of your kids if you want if someone's just getting it all you don't necessarily have to go into all these analogies you just go look so I've got people saved without even going into Hebrews 12 5 but I still just just explain look you get chastised in life you get punished by God as a child of God but it's here it's you know and I like to give examples give some physical examples illness sickness etc because it helps people to understand what that punishment is it might sit in their head a little bit yeah but it did I believe it's important to at least cover that it to some degree before you explain internal security try not to jump forward into eternal security or heavily into it without chastisement and and sometimes that people go I had someone recently I was preaching the gospel to as a family member and they said so wait as soon as I got on to believe and they were tuned in and they were like so you're saying you could just believe and then you know that someone could just just believe and they could have done all sorts of wicked stuff and that person needed to understand firstly so so they kind of worded in a couple of ways firstly I went straight on to the rep rate doctrine early on right at the point of believer Lord Jesus Christ said thou shalt be saved it's like right you need to hear the rep rate doctrine then secondly I also just just then broached but as a believer you get punished get chastised and I'll explain that to you in a minute okay because some people they're not going to get over that hurdle right and sometimes it might need explaining so you've got to be you've got to be a little bit you know you've got to be able to kind of shift a little bit depending on who you're talking to some people you can't just necessarily just read a script now you can okay and it's better than you know don't go off into the weeds if you're kind of not ready to but sometimes you will have to go off piste a little bit sometimes you do need to kind of be able to kind of shift and go and explain something else out of order and not to lose yourself with that you know so notes in your Bible you know a helpful for that and options and maybe something in the back just maybe you could even put like some issues that people have and have some verses to go to you know be prepared right that's what we're trying to we want to we'll be able to wield our sword one that's by having it prepared training with it having it ready etc like I said if you are explained the rep rate doctrine don't go down a sodomite rabbit hole okay it sounds pretty grim but don't go down a sodomite rabbit hole yeah okay because you don't need to you don't need to debate that stuff some starts asking about quiz what's the best thing to do just go can I talk to you look I'll explain that to you afterwards if you like try and get them safe first you know if they say they're gonna be slightly more receptive to yeah your sodomite uncle is burning in hell forever okay and I think it changed that but just try and avoid it if possible okay spending ages on chastisement if they get it quickly you have to spend ages on it someone gets it they get it suggesting now there's something that I heard a while back I just want to kind of just just tackle this quickly okay suggesting that you would have to be a complete psycho to send your son to hell okay now this is when explaining chastisement now don't get me wrong I'll say well would I find my son a lake of fire for eternity no however I'm I I don't love the world so much that I'd be willing to do that so you can go too far with that where then people are wait wait a second did he just say a minute ago that God sent his son to hell so again it's not that I would have to be a psycho to do that I'm just not gonna do that because they're my son and because that's not gonna you know because they're my son they'll always be my son yeah so again just kind of how you word that just just yeah that would be a bit strange to start going on it'd be absolutely crazy nuts you know you must be a psycho and it's like yeah Jesus Christ did go to hell okay and he's a son of God but however that's because God loves us so much she did that okay okay not explaining the words in Hebrews 12 verses 5 to 6 chastening rebuke scourge it please explain them people don't just understand that stuff right that's enough to lose them and for them to go now in their mind long words okay let's start thinking about something else okay this is getting a bit long and drawn out now okay not explaining chastisement at all please do that make sure you explain chastisement it really helps and and last bit with this not make it a two-way conversation okay at this point you're towards the end of your gospel presentation attention span if it's going to be waning this is probably the time it's going to be waning most yeah so make sure at this point your gospel presentation people are still talking still responding it's still a two-way conversation like I said asking giving those examples but once explaining it you know would he still be my son there are ways of making them think a bit about that for example and you know however you know what's the only thing you've got to do to be saved you know having explained chastisement believe you know so you're trying to get some interaction still don't just go into right I'm just going to talk talk talk talk like definitely don't do that okay okay have we got time what were we about 20 past okay checklist at this point and then we'll yeah let's just go through it now and I'll go through it again next okay last point so at this point you've explained it you've explained the gospel explained everything for me usually John 5 24 is enough I might quote another verse I might go to John 10 just cement it if I'm still think I'm not sure if they really got it by now if I've gone through this clearly like this they've got it I hope they're going to understand it by now so now it's ready for a checklist now the checklist okay the checklist is not for you to answer everything for them so they say yes the checklist is to see if what they understand okay don't forget that now if you've explained it fully they should be able to answer checklist these are open-ended questions now so for now some of them aren't you know obviously at the beginning I'll just say okay so let me just and this how do I don't go right time to test you I don't go right so and then they're like oh I mean if I just got it can I just check that I've explained it all fully that I've explained it clearly number one okay would you agree we're all sinners so that isn't so much open-ended okay it's just yeah would you I usually say would you agree what I might say to them that would you agree you're a sinner okay yeah now it's open-ended where do all sinners deserve to go now with that some people you might get the wrong art sometimes with this ago to heaven because you know because we've put our faith in Jesus and everything else I usually say something like where do all sinners deserve to go and if they're lucky but unsure where does the Bible say sinners deserve to go if they're not trusting Christ maybe if they're still not getting it but where does sinners deserve to go according to the Bible where should all sinners go and usually you should get the right answer there hell who's Jesus again I have to go is Jesus the sonnet who's Jesus who do you think Jesus is you're gonna go God in the flesh God the son of God something like that I don't need to go right you need to explain exactly the Trinity word-for-word perfectly just an except that Jesus is son of God the record that God gave of his son yeah okay yep okay and usually if they go well he's he's asked sometimes again he's our Savior he's the Lord okay okay but you know do you agree is a son of God he's gone the flesh yes what did he do for us okay confirm the resurrection again you might have already explained it okay okay do you so when they say something like well he died for us okay yeah what how you say this what happened after three days he rose from the dead and 99% of people say yeah he resurrected if they're ready to get saved right and and I'll say to them okay I'll just say something oh yeah that's important the resurrection is important it shows it was God in the flesh it was who he said he was that he wasn't a liar you know that the payment was made it was done okay okay what what does someone have to do to be saved or what's the only thing you got to do to be saved or what what does someone have to do to go to heaven or however you want to say it let them answer yeah believe faith trust if they say believe in God I usually just stop and just go okay but specifically is it believing there's a God and let them answer I know it's believing on Jesus believing okay once you believe is there any way you can lose that salvation okay or is there any way I could still go to hell depending on who I'm talking to I'm talking to a kid I'm not gonna stop going on about losing yourself I'll just go okay so once you believe is there any way you can still go to hell okay so what about now again I usually just I I do both you give both examples either yourself someone else so I'll say something like so what if you believe today okay and you went out next week next month next year ten years I don't know things weren't going well in your life and you stole something okay because most people can understand that there are people that would still so they don't know well I would never do such a thing it'd just be like you know and if they do okay okay we do another thing you know you you lying through your teeth about something you do whatever but usually I just say that so what if look who knows yeah you run out of money you know you can't you know things have gone downhill in your life and you sell something would you still go to heaven now it's really important here if they go well as long as I still believe you need a pause in there okay okay did and then you need to go back and go okay did the Bible say that you got to keep believing rate no no if you've put your faith in trust in Jesus Christ you're saved if you really believed okay and the Bible says unless you believe in vain you didn't really believe okay you're gonna know why you're saved basically yeah so look it's did it say like it said you have ever last loved it said is passed from death and we've just been in John 5 so you usually have John 5 24 there and it's like but it said a bit is passed right okay that it happens in a split second so if you've put your trust in Christ so so if they do a lot of the time people will go okay no you can't okay what would what would happen to you though cuz again you it cuz here's another thing we wanted we want to after this as well encourage them to live right and everything else okay so what's gonna happen to you if you get saved today and you got him in in a year's time five years time you still say and you they're gonna go I'm gonna get punished okay okay what if you you went out you stole something someone tried to stop you and I don't know god forbid you committed murder you know you you know in the heat in the moment or ever else you killed him you committed murder so I'm not going what if you just go out and start shooting people and robbing banks and stuff you know it's just ridiculous yeah to most people some people might be like yeah okay but usually it's like okay and and so god forbid you killed someone would you still go to heaven and at this point if you explained it right and you've given them time to interact and everything else and they understand they should just say yeah but God's gonna work for me okay but again if they don't then you need to go back it's not like oh well no you would because okay fine yeah okay let's call the name of the Lord yeah okay no they need to understand and if they don't understand at this point then you need to show them go back to your eternal security verses go back to what whatever it is go back to chastisement show them because it means they've drifted don't just kind of correct them and then get them to call yeah so if ever if someone doesn't answer things right at the end I'll correct them with my words but also show them at least a verse again and break it down and show it maybe go to a one of the verse I haven't gone to go to a different angle because they need to understand it and believe it not just like oh oh I got a cross on that one how do I get a tick oh okay right yeah you know okay we're trying to get them to really understand and to believe it in the heart right okay then after that then it's like okay so do you believe that now and then I'm gonna show you next week how we go on to that that biblical repentance that change of mind for what they did believe and call you on the name of the Lord what that is what that isn't etc but we'll do that next week but by then if you've explained it right they should get those answers right usually yeah unless you've like look so mom said you could you could be a summer as you like you go through the whole thing if people are drifting you're pulling them back in you're pulling back in you you get to the end and their minds been everywhere they've listened to a lot of false doctrine maybe they're just not quite the full ticket maybe they're a little bit simpler something else and then they still aren't so wrong there but if they do go back there's no like okay well let me just show you how to answer right and now we'll call the name Lord yeah okay you want him to understand it and believe it so that was for me the best ways of explaining eternal security starting with chastisement and we're gonna finish up in a word of prayer father thank you for your word thank you for the gospel thank you for the gift of eternal life Lord we just pray right now that you just help us all to explain it in the best way that we can Lord and for those here that have effective ways and feel that it's effective and not not just effective to get someone to pray but effective to get someone to understand to be able to answer open-ended questions clearly succinctly Lord that aren't just wondering and doubting and everything else then then great but you know it's different for different people but for those that may be newer to it or maybe that aren't having as much success with that please help them to just you know take in what I've said today and maybe try that themselves in a way that would be best for them and and for everyone here just to take what would be useful for them just for us to be as effective soul winners as possibly Lord we can't force people to get saved but we can do our best to explain the gospel clearly and in a way that people will understand it and won't need us to be going backwards and forwards and for it to go into a very long long-winded affair help us to get people saved this week Lord to get home safe for sound as well to return on Wednesday which is then through this on it