(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) All right, Amen, and just to say thank you to everyone for making it here, there's a lot of people that have traveled some long journeys to come here and I hope we have a great service this evening and then a great soul-winning day tomorrow and just thank you to everyone that's made that effort to come from all over. Have a look down at Judges chapter two, I'm going to preach out of really this passage starting from verse 11 here, so Judges 2 and verse 11 which starts like this, it says, and the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord and served Baalim and they forsook the Lord God their fathers which brought them out of the land of Egypt and followed other gods of the gods of the people that were round about them and bowed themselves unto them and provoked the Lord to anger and they forsook the Lord and served Baal and Ashtaroth and the anger of the Lord was hot against Israel and he delivered them into the hands of spoilers that spoiled them and he sold them into the hands of their enemies round about so they could not any longer stand before their enemies with us so ever they went out the hand of the Lord was against them for evil as the Lord had said and as the Lord had sworn unto them and they were greatly distressed and verse 14 said this at the beginning of verse 14 and the anger of the Lord was hot against Israel and he delivered them into the hands of spoilers that spoiled them and the ptolema sermon this evening is how to combat Sheffield's muslim spoilers how to combat Sheffield's muslim spoilers I'd like to pray before we get going with the message father thank you for your word thank you for this chapter and just many of the other verses and chapters we're going to go through in your word Lord that just help us to understand what what this problem is about what it is what it isn't how to deal with it Lord in the correct way and and what is the wrong way to try and combat this problem Lord just help me to preach this clearly and accurately and boldly fully your spirit Lord Jesus name pray amen okay so this is a beautiful part of the country isn't it I don't know about you guys but um if you had a chance when we came here we came yesterday and we just spent an hour an hour or two just in the peak district and wow it's absolutely beautiful isn't it well one of the one of you know an amazingly beautiful part of the world really isn't it and then of the UK especially and we're just looking around going wow wow this is just it's so pleasing on the eyes it's it's just great isn't it to see you know God's you know God's creation in such beauty in places like here like in the peak district in Sheffield and then um it's not just the beauty of this of this part of the country as well I don't know about you guys I know we might have one or two residents here as well I love the accent as well I it's a bit I love it okay so I love hearing we went to the we went into the city centre today or at least part of it because there seemed to be a kind of a couple of city centres here for some reason but we went to part of it and we went down the market stalls and and I just thought I love talking to people I love hearing the accent I love this part of the country I love the fact that you just drive a few hours and people talk almost a different language I love it okay really nice there's some beautiful parts of this this part of uh part of England but it's been spoiled by spoilers let's be honest okay it's been spoiled up here what does it mean to be spoiled spoiled is plundered pillaged corrupted rendered useless okay and spoilers being those that do it so a spoiler is a plunderer a pillager a robber one that corrupts Mars or renders useless and there's a growing number of spoilers from a faraway land that are in Sheffield to spoil it they're here to spoil it okay I'm talking about the growing scourge of Islam in this part of the country what is a majority Pakistani and Bangladeshi community rapidly growing okay but it's a Pakistani and Bangladeshi community of Muslims and that's the key point here okay so just to point out okay this isn't a racial sermon okay wherever a Muslim originates from wherever they come from wherever that community is from it won't change the fact they'll spoil the land where they are that's just the truth they just spoil wherever they are right they wherever they congregate why because Islam is a wicked false religion okay so wicked vile false religion let's get that clear now okay it's just another bible rejecting self-righteous work salvationist false religion just another one these guys are full of pride they're so far out to lunch when it comes to how the bible wants people to behave they're over here the bible's over here okay it's just another false religion but it's a bad false religion they have this skewed interpretations of righteousness they have a disdain for non-Muslims they have a a big holier than thou attitude many of you that have been out soul winning regularly and come across these people this isn't it's not pleasant is it most of the time okay it's pretty bad whilst being full of all sorts of wickedness so like we often is the case with holier than now they're always just compensating for their vile wickedness themselves right keep a finger here in turn of second timothy chapter three you know now you could spend hours i could spend hours i could do a 10-part series on the errors in the quran okay or for example you could spend hours just arguing about it showing people what that it's that really it's just a bad attempt to add to the inspired preserved words of god that's what it is they're just just trying to add to the words of god and it's a joke it really is a joke okay the quran is a joke you you could you could answer their attempts at finding errors in the bible you could disprove all their attempts at finding errors in the bible if you could be bothered you could debate men in dresses with hey look at me beards all day long if you wanted okay you could go and do all that stuff but debunking islam is much easier than that it's much easier than any of that because for me look exposing islam is simple all those speakers corner debates yeah all of that going over to to you know if anyone doesn't know what speaker's corner is you know they have this place in london where people go to have these stupid debates and they put them on youtube and they get hundreds of thousands of views he proved islam wrong and everything else for me all they're really doing is that they're basically validating it to some degree to the point like to even basically trying to say that it's worth the debate is there anything to debate with islam well for me it's madness okay all they're doing is they're giving them an appearance of credibility they're giving a bunch of idolaters an appearance of credibility by bothering to debate with them they they don't warrant a debate uh you don't have to under but proverbs 26 4 applies here where it says answer not to fall according to his folly lest thou also be like unto him so it's such folly islam is such folly trying to answer according to that folly trying to debate islam and stuff you're just becoming a fool yourself okay there's no time there's no room for that sort of thing they don't warrant a debate i consider it fully foolishness to be debating with a dress-wearing muslim i think it's foolishness some guy with some stupid white dress over whatever else he's wearing with a silly hat on and a stupid you know holy beer it's it's a waste of time what you're going to achieve all you're going to do is give him some level of credibility second timothy three here where you've turned to is talk your false prophets and for me their folly has been made plain and clear for all to see okay it has and second timothy three here is talking about these wicked people that purposefully purposefully lead people away from the truth it now they come in various shapes and sizes okay some claim to be christians some are from religions such as atheism and it is a religion but some are from that religion and some claim to have had some extra biblical revelations from what he initially thought were devils whilst meditating in a cave hmm i wonder what was going on there right and now whether or not they might look whether or not they were devils or his own wicked imagination okay whatever it was muhammad was a false prophet clear as day plain and simple he's a false prophet and it says here in second timothy three and verse one this know also that in the last days perilous time shall come for men shall be lovers of their own selves covetous boasters proud blasphemers disobedient to parents unthankful unholy without natural affection truths breakers false accusers incontinent fierce despisers of those that are good traitors heady high-minded lovers of pleasures more than lovers of god having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof from such turn away for of this sort of they which creep into houses lead captive silly women laden with sins led away led away with divers lusts ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth now as janis and jambres withstood moses so do these also resist the truth men of corrupt minds reprobate concerning the faith and i'm going to tell you just and i know some of you many of you might have heard me preach this sort of stuff before but i'll give you a clear evidence of a corrupt mind of a reprobate mind six-year-old brides six-year-old brides are clearer they're not even they're not just like well was he wasn't he no no no that's just a corrupt reprobate mind done solved muhammad he's a wicked vile reprobate there's no argument and here's the thing is that's not even that's not even debated really now some of them try and change it and try and shift the goal posts a little bit a little bit older but look according to according to these guys okay this is widely accepted fact that the muhammad married aisha when she was six now it comes from what they call a hadith which is basically writings and sayings about the life of muhammad in one of the apparently most authentic collections okay which is called sahi al-bukhari it says aisha herself states the messenger of god that's what happens when you brainwash six-year-olds the messenger of god married me when i was six and consummated the marriage with me when i was nine that's coming from aisha's mouth herself and these guys this hasn't even been debated or argued up until recently when it's been getting more and more exposure and everything else people will be talking about it oh well uh well you know things were different then this is what they try and say these are some muslim arguments i was reading recently well the cultures are very different we don't let culture define what's right and wrong what sorry since when was that right oh then then they go oh we can't really explain oh well she might have been a few years older somehow i've heard she's 12 minutes is that okay now but what do you know what a lot often they do most times what they do they go well in the bible because they always go back to trying to attack the bible that's really what it's about okay it's just an addition a change a basically a way of pulling people away from well in the bible mary was a child no she wasn't where does it say that is she's a woman or they go oh in the bible and then they just start coming out with nonsense well there's no evidence of it at all which apparently justifies it since what so they don't just go look that it's disgusting we don't even know what to say and that's what they should that's what normal people say don't they what what on earth he married a six-year-old they constellated the marriage when she was lying that should be problem solved case closed islam is a false religion with a false prophet with a wicked vile reprobate leading it job done that should be what that should be what normal people say okay it's clear in a hadith it's widely accepted and it's widely known by anyone who does even a shallow investigation into the man which is followed by billions like the best part of two billion people worldwide follow this vile reprobate it said now as janis and jambres withstood moses so do these also resist the truth men of corrupt minds that's a corrupt mind reprobate concern in the faith but they shall proceed no further for their folly shall be manifest unto all men as theirs also was his folly and specifically here in relation to his corrupt mind is manifest it's manifest to all it's clear to all to see this isn't a holy guy to follow is it i mean this guy this guy should have been this guy should have been put to death he would have been put to death by any righteous people any righteous government should and would have put this man to death instead he's followed still by billions to this day if you choose to follow this pervert whatever the reason whatever the reason culture family you know i've been cut off i'll be i'll be put away from my family whatever it is you can't claim ignorance now you can say well i've got a reason why i've got to at least claim to follow it or in fact you can say i just don't want to hear anything else because my family you've made that choice you can't claim ignorance because it's clear it's there for all to see and it doesn't take long to discover the truth about muhammad does it and surely surely if you're going to choose the religion or you're going to choose to stay in a religion or you're going to choose to carry on following a religion whatever it is surely you should do some due diligence well who and what am i following who wrote this thing oh it's a guy who's a pedophile i mean isn't that the end of it that should be case closed shouldn't it and this for me is one of the biggest problems with this false religion nearly two billion followers followers of a child abuser that there's this there's no arguing that you've got all these people around the world and around this nation in this city following a child abuser worshiping following that's basically what they're doing it's his religion really let's be honest he's the one who claims the revelation he's the one that claims to have all these oral revelations that because the guy was a lit he was a literate pervert as well illiterate that is and he and he actually had to have it written down by the people but this guy's the instigator of it he's a pervert that should be the end of it but this is a problem because you've got all these people following a child abuser which explains what happened seven or so miles from here in Rotherham it just explains it where approximately 1400 children were abused by muslim gangs 1400 is the approximate amount right now in Rotherham just a town a stone's throw from here you get there in about 10 minutes in the car 20 minutes in the car and and they've had about 1400 children abused by muslim gangs and and this was the elephant in the room with the whole thing okay it wasn't the fact that they were all almost all pakistani men that was and they wanted to shift it that way and some people still do want to shift it oh it's about the pakistanis yeah so they want to go on about that but but the truth of it is is that most muslims in this whole nation of pakistani okay it was a fact that they were all muslims and it wasn't that they were all just muslims and it just happened to be in a play oh they just know what they were is they weren't lone weirdos they weren't lone weirdos are all dotted about doing this sort of stuff they were gangs of muslim pedophiles gangs who somehow have got together where through their muslim community through the mosque and everything else gangs of them roving gangs of spoilers spoiling the land not grooming gangs which takes the edge off it a little doesn't it though it just kind of makes it it makes us think about horses and stuff really it's just not like where does that word even work oh yeah like grooming guys like like they weren't really doing the act they were just kind of encouraging and trying to bits that's what it sounds like doesn't it so q you've got like the whole country or at least half the country the people that even care about this stuff talking about are these grooming gangs and it kind of makes you think in your mind that they weren't they were trying to but maybe they didn't quite get there they were trying to groom these children but that was it no the grooming that was the least of it they were gangs raping and abusing young british kids as young as 10 years old as young as 10 years old gangs of them gangs of this filth that's sweeping across this nation and that and do you know who they who they were raping and abusing not one muslim child not one they were all do you know what they liked most was apparently white english girls was what they were going for and what they what they hated the most and what they wanted to abuse the most and it wasn't just was it just the fact they kind of coerced them and then it was because that's what you think by grooming they kind of coerced and made it consensual with maybe legal children and maybe it wasn't that bad that's the kind of image they tried to slowly portray in the media haven't they no like i said there were children as young as 10 they were threatening them and their families they were drugging them they were kidnapping them they were doing horrendous stuff them pulling petrol over them and threatening to burn them and all sorts of horrendous stuff to these children no they weren't just grooming them trying to chat them up and it was it's been horrific and what seemed to become more of a focus was the covering up by all the kind of local authorities the police and that became what most people talk about oh i can't believe they're covering it oh race and all this and everyone's arguing it's race and oh they're covering up for race and everything else because of the apparent worries of racial division like i said because at least one victim said they exclusively wanted white english girls okay so then it's oh it's race and everything else and the cover-up was wicked but the biggest take home for me was that by november 2023 the national crime agency had made more than 200 arrests 26 convictions there's still more than 50 active investigations and more than 300 suspects identified and that was just in the small town of Rotherham that was in little Rotherham up the road the government reports that there are currently 54 alleged child grooming gangs operating across England and Wales which are being trapped by 27 investigative teams 54 alleged that they're tracking that they're aware of enough to be tracking if one credits each gang with the same number of hits as Rotherham this is a report i was reading about on this then it is possible to say that the total number of girl child victims in England may have been between 75 000 and 380 000 since 1997 of just the ones that they're tracking if you could credit them as an average amount of what happened in Rotherham over that period it could be anything as high as nearly 400 000 victims now although Rotherham was made famous by this it all spilled over into Sheffield as well by the way with some of those convicted from Sheffield from this city that we're in right now we're breaching in and no surprise because these spoilers are in Sheffield too and and not only are they in Sheffield their numbers are spreading in Sheffield as well in 2021 38 and a half percent of people in Sheffield describe themselves as Christian it was down for 52 and a half percent 10 years before in the previous census well 10.3 percent described themselves as Muslim in the last census up from 7.7 percent a decade before so it's gone up by by what would you say there 2.4 percent now out of a recorded 556 000 500 people living in Sheffield in 2021 10.3 percent a Muslim which equals 57 320 Muslims in the Sheffield area or in the metropolitan city that's up from from it was 552 700 total in 2011 7.7 percent were Muslim equaling 42 558 so we're now at 57 320 that's an increase of just under 15 000 over a third increase in 10 years that's a lot over a third increase in 10 years while the numbers of of Christians are decreasing and if this sort of thing is going on in Sheffield sorry if this sort of thing isn't going on in Sheffield sorry wouldn't that be a shock if what happened in Rotherham isn't going on here that would be bizarre wouldn't it if what's going on in apparently allegedly at least 50 other places at least there's 50 something other gangs around the nation being tracked currently does anyone think this stuff isn't going on in Sheffield when it went on a few miles up the road and some of the perpetrators were from Sheffield it's going on in Sheffield okay these Muslims are spoiling Sheffield like they're spoiling everywhere everywhere else so you've got this vile religion okay where pedophilia is so socially acceptable that they seem to openly plot okay and plan and carry out the abuse of non-muslims with their fellow mosque goers that's how open it is that's how blatant it is that's how socially acceptable it is around 60 percent of Muslims in the UK by the way are weekly mosque attendees that's the difference with this religion when someone says they're a Christian it means they they they went to a Christian wedding once sometimes or it means that they went to a Christian school and they believe in reincarnation a lot of the time as we know when we knock on doors we talk to people that claim to be Christians when someone says they're a Muslim there's a 60 chance that they're attending a mosque weekly yet these people seem to be just somehow the conversation's coming up I just can't work out why that they happen to be into abusing English children non-muslim children by the way they do abuse I know there's been because some of the stats are trying to talk about like kind of group agent giving stuff like I know the Sikhs and the Hindus have been saying no we were being exclusively targeting in other areas as well I think Oxford was one of those basically as long as they're not Muslim they'll target them now here's the thing though with that they hate white what they consider Christian children girls as well and if you've ever talked to them they they just call us all Christians and for us because that's what that religion is so much about is it is attacking Christianity so like I said you've got this religion it's it's socially acceptable but it's no surprise considering they're following an open pedophile is it a surprise is it is it like shock or I just can't work out why those Muslims would think that abusing 10 year old children is okay just can't work it out I tell you why because your prophet the guy you're following abused a six-year-old you weirdos and considering much of their religion or so much seems to be geared towards failed attempts at disproving the bible if you've ever been around these people who ever tried to talk to them they seem to already be geared up with their false attacks on the bible it's even less of a wonder because let's be honest so many of them are hardened hardened beyond hope so many of these people are reprobates okay reprobate pedophiles and these Muslim hordes of spoilers are basically attacking and destroying towns and cities across the UK including Sheffield so what's the answer okay so that all all that by way of introduction a nice pleasant you know nice easy to listen to introduction okay well what's the answer what's the response is the response violence or is it non-violent protest is the answer political maybe we'll go back to judges too the title is how to combat Sheffield's Muslim spoilers and point number one identify the cause we have to identify the cause what's the cause of the spoilers what's the reason that these savage people are growing and spreading across this beautiful city this beautiful part of the country raping and pillaging as they go what's the cause is it because there aren't enough union jacks hanging out of windows is that the problem are those guys that are hanging their union jacks out of their council flat windows are they solving it no i don't think that's why is it because the residents here have become a bit too soft since those coal mines got shut down is it time to reopen them and toughen the men up or i know what do people come out of they need military service that'll toughen them up yeah right no ultimately it's a spiritual problem okay just like in judges too and and no look i get it in case anyone wants to wants to wonder this the uk isn't god's nation like physical israel was key point here was physical israel was god's nation it was god's people but you don't have to turn up at galatians 3 7 among many other places shows that it's no longer a physical line know ye therefore that they which are of faith the same are the children of abraham okay you're a child of abraham by faith not by some physical some endless genealogy that you can't even prove however it's a nation england is a nation that produced or at least sorry the uk is at least if we want to call it a nation or a group of nations that produced the king james bible and england did but ultimately it was a scottish king so i just don't want anyone to get you know start splitting hairs there okay but but it produced a king james bible it's a nation that has likely had a remnant of believers for many centuries isn't it i have no doubt that for many centuries probably now at least at least for a couple of centuries at least for for many many decades maybe more to the point that we we have had a remnant of believers in this nation and being a working class area with the wealthy usually much more hardened to the gospel i have no doubt that sheffield would have had its fair share of god's people here over history i have no doubt about that there have been that look anyone ever gets confused and thinks that you know there's been no gospel since the nifb you know sorry before the nifb look you you got that wrong okay there's been a remnant there's been a remnant here okay they've been saved people and i'm sure there were some great baptist churches here in time past you know do you know what though you're not going to hear about them they're not going to make the news they're not going to make the news like the false prophets will okay but i'm sure they would have been here and god's people can result in a people being blessed or cursed okay judges 2 says in verse 11 judges 2 in verse 11 says and the children of israel did evil in the sight of the lord to serve baalim and they forsook the lord god of their fathers which brought them out of the land of egypt and followed other gods of the gods of the people that were round about them and bowed themselves unto them and provoked the lord to anger and isn't that the case here in sheffield the god of the bible is forsaken where are the bible believing churches now where are they where's the hard preaching now anyone know anyone know any hard preaching churches any bible believing they're standing on the gospel they're standing on the king james bible where's the gospel thundering forth at all in this area i haven't heard of anyone i hope there is i really do hope there is do you know what i see in sheffield though i see a correlation that i see elsewhere atheists and other god haters and rejectors amongst the hordes of spoilers so where you see these hordes of spoilers and particularly islamic spoilers what you'll get alongside them and in similar areas and around about will be the atheists and the god haters as well in 2021 43.4 percent of sheffield residents reported having no religion making it the most common response in this local authority area up from 31.2 percent in 2011 so it's already gone up from 31.2 percent to 43.4 in 10 years in 2021 by the way 38 and a half percent called themselves christians 43.4 now say no religion and you know what i see alongside that sodomites everywhere they're everywhere around here when i was trying to look for someone it was so hard to find a place to preach in sheffield they wouldn't let me preach there because they're going far enough as to looking into we are and then going no no no no are you gonna be are you gonna be welcome to all that's what i got asked will you be welcome to all they said will you be welcome to all genders i said of course we're welcome to both genders we've got male and women here what are you talking about they said they did honestly it's something from someplace they said well you know and i said but if you're talking about sodomites no they're not welcome no we're not gonna have them in here but apparently that's not i couldn't believe it but but honestly no so i got that sort of stuff i got other another place you got to talk to the local false prophet i was looking for places to eat for food and stuff and so many of them are advertising themselves as as lgbtq friendly and all the rainbow stuff everywhere it's pretty big around here but that's for me that's something that you see in a lot of places where there's more queers there's more muslims and it's kind of ironic because the muslims claim to not like the queers even though a lot of them are closet queers because they consider young boys not really queer that's okay apparently with muslims by the way but regardless let's not digress on that point slowly but surely okay the believers here in judges too started serving baalim okay it said here it said and they forsook the lord the god of their fathers which brought them out to the land of egypt and followed other gods okay of the gods of the people that ran about and bound themselves unto them and provoked the lord to anger in a verse four it said the children did evil inside the lord and served baalim they served baalim okay and that's just another name for the devil for satan it's just another false god and that goes for by the way when we say that they started serving baalim and the correlation between people forsaking the lord their god and then the hordes of spoilers coming in and everything else here what else have they done here well let's think about all those nationalistic types because they're you know there's a few of those up in the north of england i mean they're all over the place you know but but these guys you know with their you know dm boots on and their skin heads and their braces and you know and all that sort of stuff what do they really do they salivate over the jews like idiots so these guys that claim to be so for the nation and for the race and all this sort of stuff these idiots are all completely jew worship mad because as far they're so they're so moronic they've allowed themselves to be pulled into the this sort of this just false kind of two opposites that you got you've either got you either love the mers yeah and you obviously hate our nation or you love the jew and then you must love our nation you morons what a bunch of idiots right keep a finger here and turn to second chronicles 19 supporting the current abomination israel because they're too stupid to realize that there's more than two options in life worshiping at the feet of these fake jews is is probably worse than supporting the muslims it's on a par at least revelation revelation three nine talking to a church of believers and what will happen in the end said behold i'll make them of the synagogue of satan which say their jews are not but do lie behold i'll make them to come and worship before thy feet and to know that i have loved thee not them thee to the believers to the church of believers to christians they're loving the synagogue of satan just because they bomb some of the same people but the synagogue of satan they're encouraging everyone else to welcome diversity with it's madness well in second chronicles 19 2 the king of god's uh of god's people was warned about this sort of thing okay loving god haters like the christ hating talmud followers people of that sort of ilk it says in second chronicles 19 2 and jehu the son of hanayni the seer went out to meet him and said to king jehoshaphat this is the prophet of god talking to the king said shouldest thou help the ungodly and love them that hate the lord therefore is wrath upon thee from before the lord so whether you're flying rainbow flags serving nasty halal meat to appease the spoilers in your town or shaving your head and doing drive-bys at moss and throwing bacon at it whilst flying star of rem fan flags either way you're an idiot and wrath is upon you from before the lord you're part of the problem okay you're part of the cause in fact you're rejecting god and if you're saved you're at least forsaking god and you're the cause too if that's you out there which i don't think it is as we've got a church of believers here but regardless you don't do that sort of thing i hope judges 2 says in verse 13 and they forsook the lord in verse 13 in judges 2 and serve bale and ashram and the anger the lord was hot against israel he delivered them into the hands of spoilers that spoiled them and he sold them into the hands of their enemies round about so they could not any longer stand before their enemies whithersoever they went out the hand of the lord was against them for evil as the lord had said and as the lord had sworn unto them and they were greatly distressed no no god look just to get make this clear okay god doesn't want child abuse to happen okay god doesn't make wicked people do wicked things okay any of you with calvinist leanings out there but there comes a point when his blessings when his protection when his favor ends there comes a point where you push him too far when you pull away in fact too far that that favor that protection that blessing ends there comes a point when his people can push him far enough when the people of the land push him far enough push him so far that he gives them the godlessness that they wanted so much he says okay look you don't want me you keep pushing me away you keep pushing me away you can have your godlessness now of course those parents could have still project protected their children god didn't prevent that okay those authorities should have been rounding those muslims up and executing them that's what should have happened they should have known that they would have been put to death on the spot for that sort of thing and that would have hopefully have solved some of that right they should have been turning to god for his protection the people of rotherham and other other areas to his ways of parenting to his ways of law and order and that leads me on to the next point the title is how to combat sheffield's muslim spoilers number one you have to identify the cause okay the cause is a spiritual issue it's a spiritual problem so number two let's identify the solution then if the cause is spiritual so is the solution and before we get onto the response of god's people okay for those of you or or if if if there are people in the future ever watch this maybe as well who aren't sure if they're one of god's people whether you're in a church or not okay whatever your background maybe you're not 100 sure this is the easy part of the solution okay this is the easiest bit get saved right become a child of god turn to galatians chapter three this is the easiest part okay you don't have to you don't have to go anywhere okay you don't have to do anything you don't you don't have to go and like do a load of stuff you don't have to like change your life or anything else you just have to receive the free gift of salvation galatians 3 26 says for you all the children of god by faith in christ jesus so first things first you want to be a part of the solution you need to be one of god's children right get saved that's how you become one of his children it's faith alone in christ alone you accept that you're a sinner on your way to hell and you put your faith in jesus christ the saviour and you're saved okay trust christ done now all those out there that are rejecting god's way of salvation are part of the problem okay so if you've just got a lot if Sheffield's just swap with people just rejecting salvation rejecting the lord jesus christ in one way or another they're a part of the problem and the first solution for them first thing before anything else or any any anything else they do like i said flying a uni and jack doing all that stuff you ain't solving a thing if you're a christ rejecter first things first get saved get saved god was willing to spare that wicked place sodom like we looked at on wednesday night in isiah chapter one for 10 righteous he was willing to spare a load of reprobates a load of basically sodomites just like these like these muslims he was willing to spare that wicked place in the surrounding cities for 10 righteous 10 righteous would have been the solution and righteous here is talking about saved people that's all it was it's those that had jesus christ righteousness imputed unto them okay that's he was willing to spell that whole place that think what he might and that's that was sparing ultimate destruction okay turn to second chronicles chapter seven but we don't just want places like sheffield to be spared total destruction we want it to be healed too don't we i want sheffield to be healed well in second chronicle seven okay second chronicle seven solomon has built god's house okay it says in verse 12 of second chronicle seven and the lord appeared to solomon by night and said unto him i've heard thy prayer second chronicle 7 12 and have chosen this place to myself for an house of sacrifice if i shut up heaven that there be no rain or if i command a locust to devour the land if i send pestilence among my people if my people which are called by my name so he's talking about his people called by his name and how we called by his name now christians right but i'm talking about legitimate christians shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then will i heal hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land and these muslims they do destroy the land like a drought here in verse 13 they're locusts they're a pestilence what's the solution well firstly god's people in sheffield need to humble themselves they need to humble themselves they need to accept that no they're because they're their prosperity to some degree compared with most areas in the world their wealth their so-called intellect whatever else it is that ain't going to solve their land they need to humble themselves and accept that they need they need god to do something those those christians when we say like the people in sheffield the believers in sheffield and they're believers in sheffield i don't don't be mistaken about that there'll be there's a remnant of believers in sheffield i'm sure there are safe people around apart for the people that we have here tonight that they need to start humbling themselves and accept that them going along to liberal patting themselves on the back and telling themselves how spiritual they are because they just talk about love and everything else most services okay that ain't cutting it they ain't holy they're not in god's will they need to humble themselves and seek him and say yeah we're doing something wrong because look at the state of what's going on in our city they need to humble themselves god's people are doing little to nothing for him here okay they need to pray they need to pray god's people need to pray and i'm not talking about just praying for their their wealth and their prosperity i'm not talking about praying prayers to make themselves feel good i'm not talking about but chanting and repeating the lord's prayer and sounding like a vain repeating muslim i'm talking about proper prayer praying for their land praying for their people praying for the salvation of people praying for god's people to actually start doing something for him to actually get up off their backside start serving him they need to pray for that you know what they could also pray for as well they could pray in pregatory prayers and pray for these wicked vile reprobates to get smashed by god to get killed by god for all those pedophiles that were that at least the ones that are even being proven throughout rothram for them to be rounded up and someone to give them a right old killing for the people in prison to be just dealing with them pray for god to just send some other wicked people to wipe them out they could be praying in pregatory prayers like david did in psalm 58 6 where he prayed for god to break their teeth oh god in their mouth break out the great teeth of the young lions oh lord that was a holy man of god praying under the inspiration of the holy spirit talking to wicked god haters like child rapists people of Sheffield need to seek his face how do you seek his face read his word then how to live his way to walk in his ways his face is all here isn't it his face is all in this king james bible this king james bible that the translation work was done in this nation in this land we have it you've got it at your fingertips people of Sheffield and what they doing with it and not seeking his face and if they want to be blessed well psalm 1 and verse 2 says of the blessed man but his delight is in the law of the lord and in his lord of the meditate day and night you want to be blessed you want your place to be blessed you want your nation to be blessed you want your people to be blessed how about you meditate in the law of the lord and no the niv ain't the law that's not the word of god right okay you're not meditating in his law when you're when you're picking up some false bible perversion god's people need to get back the inspired preserved words of god things ain't going right for them with their new bible versions is it funny that things aren't going right for them with their with their bible of the month and they need a term for their wicked ways don't they verse 14 said if my people which are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then will i hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land what specifically are the wicked ways that god's people need to turn from well keep a finger here and go back to judges two keep a finger here and go back to judges chapter two where it said in verse 11 and the children of israel did evil in the sight of the lord and served bailing and they forsook the lord god of their fathers which brought them out of the land of egypt and followed other gods of the gods of the people that are around about about themselves under them and provoked the lord to anger and they forsook the lord and served bale and ashteroth and the anger of the lord was hot against israel and he delivered them into the hands of spoilers that spoiled them and he sold them into the hands of their enemies roundabouts that they could not any longer stand before their enemies so god's people were serving bailing bail ashteroth false gods devils okay first corinthians 10 20 that says but i say that things which the gentiles sacrifice they sacrifice to devils and not to god and i would not that you should have fellowship with devil and let me tell you some of the bailings some of the bails some of the ashteroths of today god's people need to stop serving the god of money they need to stop serving the god of money the people of sheffield the christians god's people in sheffield and the surrounding areas need to stop serving the god of money they need to stop they need they need their lives to stop centering around how they can get richer how they can get wealthier how they can still have their money and do a bit of god on the side no they put money up there and god down here they're serving the false god of money they're serving mammon they need to stop serving the god of fame and i'm sure it's just as bad or at least probably nearly as bad maybe not as bad as essex i don't think it can get much worse than essex with the done up to the nines trying to get famous for looking like you know you want to say what right but i'm sure it goes on a lot here still just people who's idle what they want in life most is to get famous somehow in any which way i'm sure on the sunday mornings the saturday mornings i'm sure there's probably tens of thousands of mums and dads with little johnny during the sixth football session of the week just desperate to make him into some sort of premier league footballer so that we could be famous famous or and in many other ways you know maybe the other ones it's like musician musician from young another one it's something else people that's it that's an idol in many people's lives it's fame people want fame so much don't they nowadays probably more than ever they need to stop serving the god of popularity because that's what that's a lot of that's what stops a lot of people serving god being in god's house being among god's people putting away the sins getting out of the pub getting out of the clubs getting out of the friendship circles with the drugs with the booze with the covetousness with whatever it is it's popularity and popularity not just not just physically in the presence of people but online as well and so much of people's lives is spent trying to be popular trying to get likes trying to get friends trying to get some sort of validation from the world and it becomes an idol it becomes more important than god they need to stop forsaking god for idols they need to stop serving false gods they need to stop serving the false god being worshipped at repent of your sins baptist because let's be honest i know there's a few around this part of the country repent of your sins baptist churches oh they look right to a degree oh that false god he's dressed up like the god of the bible to some degree but he's a false god he's an idol he's an idol he's a fake he he he requires you to repent of your sins for salvation that ain't the god of the bible and there's a lot of repent of your sins false god idols being worshiped by believers around this nation and around the world because as far as exercise well just make do and look i'm not talking about people that you don't know for sure i'm talking about people that they know they know they've heard it they know what they believe they know what they say but well it's better than anywhere else and got anywhere else to go so i'll just go and worship a false god that's wicked the false calvinist god in tulip baptist church and there's a lot of tulip baptists around aren't there with their with their five damnable heresies of calvinism it's a false god it's an idol it's not the god of the bible and if you're going to a calvinist church you're going well it's the best i've got it's got a king james mudd and they claim it's grace through faith they just believe in perseverance of the saints and they just believe in limited atonement and they just believe in in total depravity and they believed in all this other wickedness but you know i think they believe the right thing they're worshiping a false god it's a false god they don't believe the gospel anyway because when you talk to calvinist what they always tell you well look at all my works lord lord have i not prophesied in my name and in my name of course that devils and in my name have done many wonderful works they ain't saved they don't believe in in grace through faith the false pentecostal god in mumbo jumbo tongues baptist there's a lot of them around now you see them on the sign outside we're charismatic baptist what are you talking about it doesn't it doesn't even make sense it's an impossibility because baptists believe the bible they don't believe in a load of mumbo jumbo tongues it's a false god it's a false church you say well where do we go don't go to the house of bale how about that start off with where you don't go you don't go to the house of bale but that leads on to the final point the title is how to combat sheffield's muslim spoilers point number one you must identify the cause point number two you must identify the solution and point number three you must take action you have to take action sheffield needs some intervention fast it really does okay i like i showed you you're talking about like a third growth and that's just going to get more and more that'll be exponential growth you'll just get bigger and more and more and more a third growth uh third growth of of these muslims in 10 years while everyone else seems to be decreasing barring unbelievers or at least they seem to be swapping with christians or whatever that works the spoilers are multiplying like rats while really the exterminators have all but given up that's what it seems like they've given up we need god's people in and around sheffield to get to work okay now this is a sermon this is a sermon for people from our church where we live this is a sermon for people wherever they live but especially right now we're in sheffield and god's people in sheffield need to get to work right they need to get exterminated you know you know what we don't need what this nation doesn't need what sheffield doesn't need is a load of keyboard warriors okay it doesn't need a load of keyboard warriors it doesn't need a load of people you know on online just you know going on the comment sections are going on about the muslims and everything else that's not helping anyone that's a complete waste of their time it's a waste of their energy you ain't solving nothing you ain't brave okay because you're not doing anything they need it needs god's people to put on the armor of god really doesn't it put on the armor of god and get to work get to battle get to war for god there's a battle going on up here but it's not a physical one before anyone gets excited it's not okay it's a spiritual battle and you need god on your side you really need god in your side for this and for that you need to be in the will of god and if you're not going out and winning souls you're not in the battle you're not in the battle that's the battle the battle is sold either add firstly you need to just add the the you need to improve the ratio of saved people in sheffield so i'm saying that that's number one okay but then secondly as well after that after getting people saved and those people who are saved you need to be showing god they're not only righteous people but they're people that are no they're turning from their wicked ways they're stopping all the laziness and all the not doing anything for god they're going to start serving god or doing stuff for god and then god's going to look down and hopefully heal your land so you need to multiply the save people up here and you'll only do that by going out with the gospel won't you okay so people up in sheffield people nearby to sheffield people who when they come and visit sheffield get together get preaching the gospel get in contact we've got some people here that live in and around sheffield get together get in contact get soul winning get meeting get to know each other if you watch online and you're you're you know you watch this in the future like yeah look i live somewhere near and when i say somewhere near you don't have to live in sheffield city centre somewhere within an hour within two hours you can't make it to our church you can't make it to some other people soul winning come here because there are people soul winning here there are people soul winning in sheffield trying to get people safe that's what god wants that's what god requires that's how you change a place that's how you change a town that's how you change a city if you get enough workers together you could get a church up here in the future i mean that's what we want to do we want to find somewhere where it's somewhere in england so people get together and get soul winning get preaching the gospel get soul winning and we would love to make you into a church in the future we want churches but we need workers we need grafters a church that will preach the truth and hopefully and then inspire others to join the fight it's not like oh well the rewards the church and then that's it no what's the church for to then do even more to be able to do more from here to be able to preach the gospel more to inspire more people to build up people who have never preached before in the being so winners but for that we need workers we need grafters second chronicle seven said in verse 12 and the lord appeared to solomon by night and said unto him i have heard thy prayer and have chosen this place to myself for an house of sacrifice and maybe if you pray god might choose this place for an house of sacrifice but in the new testament we offer up spiritual sacrifices okay we ain't bringing the the blood of bulls and goats anymore it's a spiritual sacrifice such as your time your time you know you know church requires workers i know a lot of people maybe don't understand that they'd love to be able to just turn up you know you know kind of mosey in when the sermon is about to start the service is about to start mosey off afterwards that's not what a church is about a church is a place to serve god a church is a place to work for god we offer we offer up our time our work and here's the thing if you can't soul win without the hundred other jobs that need doing at a church if a group of people a few people in an area can't even soul win regularly can't even so win once a week can't even get together once a month and do something then they'll never make it as a church because when it when it's a church suddenly there's a load of jobs that need doing a church service requires works it requires rafters and and there are all these people around the world going if only we had a church here they can't even get out soul winning well our church has about four soul winning times now and a fifth one once a month and there are people that turn up to regularly to more than one time each week how if you can't do that how on earth would you also run a church and all the things that need doing with the church all of the work that goes into actually maintaining a church in a building that's why look we don't just go well let's just put someone there and the church will just come out of nowhere yeah maybe if we're somewhere mega receptive maybe if we're somewhere maybe in africa where people are getting saved and coming to church as well who actually seem to have the ability to turn up to a church as well after getting saved but sadly that's not really the case so much around here and what you need is you need some people to get together and get soul winning and go look we got some grafters we got some people that will be here that will be turning up from the beginning and grafting and getting involved and getting out soul winning and we want you to add to us that's what we're looking for that's what most pastors are looking for right places where a church is viable and it's not viable just in a random place because someone says well i fancy living there and i reckon i'm part qualified i might go there and plant the church it ain't happening because people don't just turn up you need some people that look willing from the beginning that look able to do something that makes them effort that maybe want to come and visit a good church now and again that maybe want to do some stuff that's what we need right we need churches and therefore we need grafters second chronicle seven said in verse 13 if i shut up heaven that there be no rain or if i command the locusts to devour the land or if i send pestilence among my people and right now there is a drought in sheffield for the word of god okay he said though in verse 14 if my people though which are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then will i hear from heaven will forgive their sin and will heal their land so getting the things of god seek his face get rid of the distractions get out saving souls get out saving souls he said then will i hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land and look if you're a believer and you believe the word of god the solution's there isn't it it's all there get serving god get get adding get multiplying the righteous in this city get serving god if you are righteous in this city and and you go well how's god gonna change they're multiplying like rats yeah they're multiplying like rats god can quickly change things we could just have someone just go suddenly go out on a limb a few few weird politicians get confounded and suddenly there's a ban on halal meat in the whole nation or maybe there's suddenly right sheffield centre the mayor suddenly just stomped down there's no you can't wear ninja outfits anymore someone does something crazy in a ninja outfit start throwing throwing stars at people in a busy area or something and it's like they're banned that's it done and then suddenly they all move out you don't know and that's just that was off the top of my head i didn't even write notes for those ones all right if i sat down i'm sure i could think of some ways god could do it okay and and the reality of it is he could do a hundred different things he could do a thousand different things god could there are things that they don't even expect will happen they're like oh getting ready for war go what's gonna happen there's hundreds of thousands of them oh suddenly they all get scared and think that that an army's coming that isn't and they all leg it and then the lepers are raiding their stuff and go look at all this great booty and it's like where did that come from suddenly there's hornets suddenly there's hellstone suddenly you just don't know suddenly they could just come down a lot of hellstones and the best burka in the world ain't defending them from that you don't know what could happen right but do you know what i know will happen if things can change if god's people get right if god's people in sheffield get right and if god's people in sheffield by getting right therefore add more of god's people to sheffield things could change and hopefully before we just have another rather room in sheffield because the reality of it is it's probably going on but just not to the extent where it's going to make the news and everything else or where people are actually getting arrested for it yeah but it's going on they haven't suddenly changed they are man you know oh yeah we've learned our lesson now can't believe we went down that route you know it's going on all over the nation it's going on all over the world because they're following a pedophile they're a scourge they're spoilers they're spoiling this land and they're spoiling this city the answer though is god's people need to start serving god and they can put an end to this the title was how to combat sheffield's muslim spoilers number one identify the cause and it's god's people forsaking him number two identify the solution it's god's people serving him and number three take action and the answer is get working god's people in sheffield get working get meeting get soul winning get grafting and maybe one day there'll be a church here doing the same right and on that we're going to finish in a word of prayer father thank you for this well this beautiful part of the country lord and um lord thank you for for what is a you know a great place with so many friendly people here as well so many people they're just happy to chat that seem you know to to still still be friendly despite that the hordes of spoilers that take over vast areas of this city lord there's areas where they're just looking looking on the census at 70 80 90 percent muslim strongholds and lord we just pray that you just wipe these people out get rid of them lord get rid of them off this land those are the reprobates just destroy them lord the ones that aren't to well to just put an end to so much of their wickedness before they end up just just you know given over maybe as well lord we pray that you just just help this nation but help this city especially right now help god's people here to be inspired to work for you to grow off you lord to just keep putting in the time and the effort knowing that you don't lie lord you don't you don't offer you know false promises you said that you know if they turn to you lord if your people will will turn to you and seek your face lord and turn from their evil ways you will heal their land we pray that you do that in this area we pray that you just bless um bless our soul winning tomorrow lord help us get many people saved and help us to to encourage them and inspire them to to get in touch again in contact and to learn to do the same and help us to grow a soul winning army here in the church in the future and if not here then lead us to those right places where that's going to be viable help us to just do a great work for all of us lord in Jesus name pray amen