(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen. Okay so I want to focus specifically on verse 15 there, so 1st Timothy chapter 3 and verse 15 which reads, but if I tarry long that thou mayest know how thou ought'st to behave thyself in the house of God, which is a church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth. And the title of my sermon today is how to be a good church member, how to be a good church member. Let's go to the Lord in a word of prayer. Father I thank you for your word, I thank you for this church. Please help us to all just have attentive ears, attentive hearts. Help me to preach boldly, to preach what you want me to preach here and for people to just to listen and act upon the things that your word says today. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. Okay so I'm not, this isn't to re-preach a sermon that was posted on our group the other day, although that is a great sermon. I'd recommend anyone to listen to that and it's not just you know to be a lecturer either because something I was thinking about when I was thinking about this topic at church and how we behave in church, how we act in church, how we be good members in churches. Let's have a show of hands, who actually grew up here in an IFB church? Not one person in the whole church grew up in an IFB church. Who grew up in a Baptist Church? Not one person grew up in a Baptist Church. Who grew up in any church? A few people, several around and church we use, you know we're using inverted commas here. Okay so few people that handful of people have grown up in a church at all. Who's been going to a proper church for over ten years? No one? For five years? Okay one, two, three years. Just about okay again handful of people in this whole church. So let's be honest everyone here is relatively new to this aren't they? So everyone in this whole church is relatively new to this so but regardless of being new to this being a part of a church, being part of a proper church, being a regular part of a church, you don't have to say no but Numbers 15 15 says one ordinance shall be both for you of the congregation also for the stranger that sojourneth with you an ordinance forever in your generation as ye are so shall the stranger be before the Lord. So regardless of what inexperience most people have here we should still all behave the same way shouldn't we? Okay we should behave and we should act and we should be the church member that God wants us to be yeah. Okay now this sermon is to lay out what's expected okay because like I said a lot of people probably don't really might be sitting and thinking I don't really know I think I'm doing things right because it's one thing listening to sermons online it's another thing to know exactly how we should behave how we should act things we should and shouldn't do in a church yeah and everyone's at different levels of that so this sermon is to lay that out so it's a bit of a different sermon I don't think there's anything necessarily groundbreaking here but I'm just gonna preach what what I know that myself and Pastor Thompson want from this church and how we want people to behave and then it's up to you whether or not you want to act on that it may tread on some toes okay so this sermon is probably going to tread on most toes at some point during it because I'm you know no one here is perfect there's going to be people and some some people probably have all ten toes trodden on and some some might have just the little pinky toe yeah but either way the trick is is to listen yeah and to want to act on it because this is important stuff for this church to function properly yeah why is it important because without some ground rules some do's and don'ts in a church we end up like the book of Judges don't we and in fact it's mentioned twice you don't have to turn there again but in both Judges 17 6 and Judges 21 25 it reads in those days there was no king in Israel but every man did that which was right in his own eyes how did that go for them not so well there are some pretty crazy stuff going on in the book of Judges isn't there okay what's right in your eyes is different to someone else's isn't it okay so what's right in someone's eyes here is completely different to someone else's eyes there different someone else's eyes there okay so it can't be what's right in your eyes can it for a church to run well can it okay that's not going to work so let's start with the basics then let's start with the basics of fundamentals and all I say here as well you know make some mental notes if there's something you're a bit unsure on and look this this sermon I would also probably encourage when we do get new believers and other people come encourage them to listen to this because this is just going to set down what we expect out of this church and look you know we're what are we ten months in now coming up to ten months okay so look after this sermon there shouldn't be any reason after that not to not to be able to act upon some of this okay okay right so the basics the fundamentals are we just another Baptist Church here no we're not another Baptist Church are we what what what are we because there are a lot of Baptist churches in South End aren't there a lot of Baptist Union I think they call them a lot of these these so-called Baptist churches but as we know they're not even churches really are they in God's eyes okay we're not another Baptist Church we're an independent fundamental Baptist Church okay and again some people yeah we're saved yeah this is a church we go to but do they really know what that is what's the difference what is an independent fundamental Baptist Church and I'll deal with a new bit in a minute okay but let's just go with the basics we're an independent fundamental Baptist Church we are independent now obviously we are a satellite Church okay and we we are a church plant of our past eventually we will be completely independent but until then we are a satellite plant of an independent Church okay so we come under the umbrella of an independent Church okay that means we're also independent from other NIFB churches okay so remember that when you're here we're not we're not you know we are independent of whatever your favorite churches and how they do things okay we're an independent Church Shaw Foundation Baptist Church is independent we're a fundamental Church okay we're a fundamental Baptist Church basically we believe the Bible we believe the Bible in this church the fundamentals of the Bible and again this for most people shouldn't even be an issue but such as salvation is grace through faith yeah okay we believe that in this church we know obviously verses like Ephesians 2 8 and 9 for by grace he saved through faith that not of yourselves it is a gift of God not of works as any man should boast not of yourself that means no turning from sin no trying not to sin none of that that's got nothing to do with salvation we should do that of course but it's got nothing to do with salvation obviously everyone understands that but with that obviously is once saved always saved that just goes that's exactly the same isn't it okay because without once saved always saved you don't believe in grace through faith to you because it doesn't matter whether works or are before or after its works isn't it okay obviously words verses like John 10 to 8 and I give unto them eternal life and they shall never perish neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand yeah my father which gave them is great them at all and no man is able to pluck them out of my father's hand okay we believe these verses we believe the Bible don't we in this church we believe the fundamentals and it starts with salvation but to be a good church member here it obviously starts with being saved doesn't it okay obviously starts with being saved and look we're gonna get unsaved people in here okay and that's par for the course and of course we wouldn't we've got no problem with unsaved people coming here obviously we want to give them the gospel when they're here okay we're gonna have unsaved people coming in here what we want to watch out for is heretic so don't we okay because an heretic of the first and second and initial reject and of course we will admonish them first we will try and show them but that's what we're looking out for is heretics here again we're not on a witch hunt we're not trying to you know keep checking each other and everything else but being a good church member obviously means not preaching a false gospel okay obviously means that okay and obviously means just just keeping your ear out for that and when you hear someone doing that not to you know because it will happen with time won't it there will be someone there will be some some issue come up with time it means it's coming straight to the leadership about that yeah okay and obviously if you're in conversation admonish them yeah but come to the leadership it's not well well you know well I can't get on with them or they're quite and they're probably just a bit muddled up obviously I spoke about this last week okay this is the fundamentals that's the first part of being being an independent fundamental Baptist we believe in the we believe the gospel don't we okay okay right we believe as a fundamental Baptist Church of the King James Bible is he inspired preserved inerrant words of God don't we okay we believe that here I don't I hope no one is here thinking well it's you know it's an okay translation probably could have improved on a few places you know because there was some scholar that said that actually we you know those 47 plus you know 47 maybe once said whittled it down men of God actually or maybe not many God but but I tell you what great translators with some great knowledge oh well they got this bit wrong look God's clearly preserved his word hasn't he okay preserved his word in English for us at the King James Bible isn't it okay we believe that here obviously again verses like Psalm 12 verse 6 the words the Lord of pure words as silver tried in the furnace purified seven times thou shalt keep them o Lord thou shalt preserve them from this generation forever we believe God when he said he preserve his word okay we don't know well we believe it's inspired in the originals but we don't believe the preservation part no God said he'd preserve it okay we believe him that's that's part being an independent fundamental Baptist Church yeah we believe God okay we believe the fundamentals of the Bible to be a good church member here obviously you're not going to start going back to the Greek are you okay you're not going to start coming into church and going well actually when you look at the Greek this one should have actually said that because you've got some sort of you know some sort of Greek lexicon somewhere or something else okay if you come to our church and again like I said I don't think anyone here would have this issue but if you come to our church with a false Bible perversion we will happily swap it for you and we will happily bin or if you'd like burn it in the car park as well your false Bible okay we will happily do that and and when people do come in again it's not to shout them or anything else just ushers especially offer them a real Bible yeah have a little glance at the spine you know because again with time we're gonna have people coming in here and and again we don't want anyone sitting there with an NIV NASV RSV you name it whatever perversion it is we don't want them sitting there with that in this church although saying it could be a nice exercise in showing how false it is to go through some verse but anyway we don't want that okay so we believe that turn to Acts chapter 5 Acts chapter 5 in this church we go door-to-door soul winning don't we okay we knock on doors and we preach the gospel Acts 5 42 says and daily in the temple and in every house they cease not to teach and preach Jesus Christ so a good church member will regularly go so winning okay a good church member will regularly go so winning will want to go so many and when they don't want to go so so winning will still go so winning won't they okay that's how a good church member should behave okay but with that guys try and try and I understand some people live some distances some people have some some things where they can't but try if you can to get on board with the set so winning times okay because if look fine if you can't make you can't do I much prefer you go so winning than don't but if you can make one of those times sometimes it might be one person on their own then can't go so winning or at least he's going out on their own which isn't the biblical way and is it so easy and it's not going to be as effective because someone decides well I just prefer this time I'll meet up with my buddy and go at that time yeah so try and go with it if you can't you can't do it I prefer you to go I prefer you to go so winning the not if you can make some of the times or make a way to make the times it's also it's nice to support other people so winning it's nice to have that time together to encourage each other so we have them on the bulletin we have set times if you can make them work please make them work if you can't you can't okay that's the way it goes but I just hope we don't get to a point where people like yeah not really that I don't know I don't know about that I prefer to just go my mate down here you know because then you might be leaving someone out who's sitting there on their own who can't go now yeah okay so try and try and get on board the sole winning times visitors and newcomers okay and I was saying this the other week and again some of this is just new to people I don't think we should just be going up to somebody's first time in a church going are you going so winning would you like to go so winning okay for me wait for them to ask that we're all going it's pretty obvious we've got so many times that I read through the bulletin every time we make it clear we go at 1 p.m. people arrange and be able to go but but let's let them ask you want them to want to go okay and to what not once they start feeling pressured then you'll get people not coming to church because if I come this church they're just gonna force me going they might literally just be said they might not just be say but they might find that a bit you know that might be a big hurdle for them to cross but with time they're gonna hear the preaching they're gonna see people going they're gonna be inspired by other people doing it okay so let's not let's not question you people so so many captains please don't go up to new people and ask them if they're going wait for them to come to you okay if they want to come they're gonna come up or they're gonna ask someone okay how do I go so winning if someone asked that again if you're talking to a new person don't just try and force them out so winning okay wait for them to want to show it show an interest to want to do that okay um Turner John chapter 3 we're an independent fundamental Baptist Church we baptize here in water okay we baptize here in water look at John chapter 3 and verse 23 John 3 23 and John also was baptizing in a non near to Salem because there was much water there and they came and were baptized why was he baptized there because there was much water okay it wasn't so that he could just sprinkle a million people okay there was much water there because we believe in immersion okay baptism by immersion now on that a good we believe that if you're saved you should get baptized we don't believe it has anything to a salvation but we believe that you should get baptized so if you're saved a good church member will get baptized okay and if look if you've been baptized when you were unsaved then I believe you need to get baptized again okay I think it's pretty clear it's baptism after belief so if you've been baptized at some look look and if you might be sin they go well I think I'll just you know just well that maybe I was saved but look if you're not sure to get baptized okay there's nothing wrong with that but God commands you to get baptized isn't it so if you're at this church and you haven't been baptized and you're saved then come and talk to me and we'd like to baptize you okay good church member will get baptized and obviously will encourage other people to get baptized yeah okay turn of Romans chapter 12 I know this is a bit of a Bible flick here and a lot of individual verses but there's a lot of points to cover here in the time so turn of Romans chapter 12 we sing traditional hymns of the faith in this church yeah Romans 12 and verse 2 says and be not conform to this world but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind that ye may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God so obviously don't come to church and start requesting your favorite contemporary Christian rock song or something else along those lines yeah and again I don't think we've had that but you haven't had that yet but but obviously don't do that okay so so we don't believe in being conformed to the world we believe in traditional hymns of the faith yeah for us the doctrine is very important isn't it in the hymns and just on that as well because hopefully it won't come soon but but if you do end up needing a funeral at some point yeah there won't be my way being played at your funeral all right or any of the rest of it well everyone sits and croons along to some old you know some old jazz favorite or anything else that you know and same with weddings I've been talking about this a bit with weddings okay look it's pretty simple if you want an independent fundamental Baptist Church wedding as our church will do it yeah and again any any you know kids take note to this as you get older as well look it's traditional hymns okay or it's traditional wedding March and tradition and that's it okay they're the options okay so don't start you know sending lots of different contemporary songs or anything else okay that's not how it works or you can do your own your own wedding look we don't agree with that sort of music so we're not going to do that at a church wedding okay so we sing traditional hymns of the faith here as well okay that's part of us being an independent fundamental Baptist Church okay turn to 2nd Timothy 4 we believe in biblical preaching here turn to 2nd Timothy chapter 4 and verse 2 the Bible reads preach the word be instant in season out of season reprove rebuke exhort with all long-suffering and doctrine so we believe in preaching the Word of God we believe in preaching it here okay it's not all just a little kind of seminar or something else we believe in preaching okay as Timothy was clearly instructed by Paul under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit but that means you're going to get rebuked and reproved sometimes okay that's what happens when you come to a church where there's preaching you're going to get rebuked you're going to get reproved you need to deal with it okay look I'm not expecting look a good church member will be able to deal with that okay and to be honest to progressive life you need to be able to deal with that I'm not expecting high fives after the sermon by by someone whose toes have been trodden on okay look you know it'd be nice if you did but I'm not expecting that you don't have to be fake about it but I would hope that within a short amount of time you're gonna get over you know the kind of the feeling of offense or anything else because God's Word does that does it cuts to the heart sometimes yeah okay but you should you know good church members able to deal with that aren't they able to deal with that and move on from that and understand and not to not not get offended and not feel like it's just on at me look I'm just preaching the Bible I'm preaching what I see needs preaching in the church okay and and you know I I hope and pray that you know that the Holy Spirit fills me when I preach as well I'm preaching what the Holy Spirit wants as well okay so look it with that as well though it's preaching it's not a Q&A forum okay so just remember that look look it's we're Baptist here yeah we're independent fundamental Baptist it's nice when you preach it here's some agreement here's some Amen's and and other such things don't start trying to get too involved to the point where you're questioning and pulling up new things in the preacher can I'm not saying you know I'm not saying we've necessarily had that but just just bear that in mind because it can be it you know you want to try preaching you know week in week out our sermons and it you know there can be distractions when you preach and it can be hard if someone suddenly just pulls out a question in the middle of you preach or something else so agree sure but it's not a Q&A forum okay this isn't this is this is someone preaching to you okay and that's same whoever whoever preached in the future as well and with that as well with distractions look I'll say it again lateness when you're preaching okay when you preach again suddenly someone walks in you could be in the middle of a thought and it can distract you for that second on that as well you know what also distracts you and you know you'll find this men as you start to preach more in the future when you're preaching and then someone two three or whoever walks in halfway through a quarter of the way through they might just miss some really important point which explained your next points and in your mind it starts going through your mind well they don't they haven't heard the beginning of that point you know and then it can make you just feel a little bit off sometimes a bit like do I need to go over that again now and you look lateness is a is an issue okay and and look you know you're being preached to here if you miss part of a sermon you could be missing a vital part which explains the rest sermon can't you okay so please like it look it's not it's it's 1030 it's not the crack of dawn okay okay with that as well because we have what we have here is we we we have a buzzer for people that are late that means that the ushers now missing part of the sermon as well okay so whoever's going down and and opening the doors it look again before I carry on with this I understand there can be emergencies it could be problems it can be issues okay and look the odd one-off thing is one thing but if you're regularly late look you need to sort that out because basically you're missing out part of sermon you're distracting me you're you're making you know you're you're at least distracting me if not starting to change bits of sermon thinking about you know your mind starts racing while you preach it and of course the person that's having to let you in as well okay and and it could distract many it's not sort of church where you can just sneak in the back and even then you're missing out okay and look as a preacher you see it all okay right okay um on that as well you'd by the way yeah and by the way cuz I'm gonna explain a few things in a minute anyway you know there are churches that lock the doors once the sermon starts there are there are many churches I like for I heard a preacher not long ago talking about when he turned up late to preach and got locked out and the usher wouldn't I don't care who you are and he's like well you know you don't care you know you're not coming in shut the door walked off said it you know that's a rule here okay so that he ended up not preaching the sermon because he was locked out of that church okay look some churches are strictly that and I've been our old IFB churches where look if you if they hear a pin drop you see I'm looking around like your kid even like just coughs in the sermon and they're like they're starting to get a bit distracted and wound up by it let alone people just piling in and walking in and ushers getting up and opening doors okay so look look really need to sort that out yeah like I said if it's an emergency if there's a one-off there can be issues as traffic I know people travel from far but please try your best for that okay okay turn to first Timothy chapter 2 first Timothy chapter 2 okay we believe in the men preaching and teaching in the church okay we believe in the men preaching and teaching the church turn to first Jim Timothy to him from verse 11 where the Bible reads let the woman learn in silence with all subjection but I suffer not a woman to teach not to usurp authority over the man but to be in silence for Adam was first formed then Eve and Adam was not deceived but the woman being deceived was in the transgression okay with that as well silence that means not calling out in the preaching women okay that means not calling out however much you just want to get involved however much you feel that burning desire to shout aloud a.m. amen or something else it means not calling out in the preaching okay that's what you know you and and look you might think why why can't a woman because look some people will will amen potluck and you know people are amen points which and I'm not saying they will but that can kind of make a bit of a point carne okay they're basically showing their support they're almost teaching themselves to a small degree on that point sometimes well and it's not just a men's and other things they might call out for a point which wasn't maybe a point to a member they want to amen that point to highlight that point to everyone else they really agree with that or something else look that is a minor small amount of teaching women aren't to teach okay in the church okay they're to learn in silence so a good church member a good female church member isn't trying to test it well what what can I say or what could I just call out no just just keep quiet keep quiet and ask your husband afterwards okay it's pretty simple isn't it we just follow the Bible we believe the fundamentals of the Bible okay and it might not jive with today but we don't care do we because we're independent fundamental Baptists amen okay so that doesn't mean no women that doesn't mean that once you're out of these four walls there's now time to make up for okay that doesn't mean now I'm outside of here and now I can start teaching the church and look there's a danger that was social media isn't there okay because there's a danger that where women then decide right now I'm outside the church now I could start posting stuff on the social media on the group chats everything else things that I want people to listen to things that look you're teaching okay I don't agree with it I don't like it and and we women are not to teach okay and that thing that's in the church the church of the congregation isn't it oh yeah you're outside these four walls now you can teach everyone okay now it's time to start telling you and teaching doctrine and teaching this and telling people what you they shouldn't listen to you know the Bible says not to teach okay it's pretty simple isn't it okay men look we as men and husbands here look sometimes you have to you have to explain that to your wife okay and we to be a good leader you have to you have to make it clear to them that look that that's what has to happen in the church and as a congregation okay that's pretty obvious right turn to Deuteronomy 22 Deuteronomy chapter 22 there are clothing standards in our church okay there are clothing standards in our church Deuteronomy 22 and verse 5 says a woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man neither shall a man put on a woman's garment for all that do so of abomination unto the Lord thy God right we don't have a rule where the usher won't let in a person if they're if they're dressed like a man yeah and that's what wearing trousers and jeans and whatever it is is is dressing like a man ladies okay we're not gonna we're not gonna ban someone for coming here but please a good church member wouldn't test the boundaries would they okay good church member is like oh well let's see what I could get away with you know let's see what I can push while I'm here let's see you know because we believe that women should adorn themselves in modest apparel don't we here as well so don't women come here thinking well let's see how much I can push that and what what look that's not a good church member is it okay good church member just just listens to the listens to what the Bible says listen to the rules that but sorry not rules but this is standards that we want to keep at this church no we get a new person we're not gonna say anything yeah especially new believers etc people that have been at other churches okay they don't understand that because a lot of time they haven't really had the word of God preached them have they okay but we believe and if we set the standard here people quickly realize won't they okay look you know we don't want to show nakedness that means women not skirts up above your knees that means that we don't want to be flaunting you know try trying to basically have people staring at us okay and same with men here as well you know let's just have some standards when we come here men yeah let's just dress dress smart and come to church yeah basically in the house of God yeah the pillar and ground of the truth and look again there's no dress code but for me I look long before I was preaching I wanted to dress smart I've always dressed smart when I go to church okay now look if you don't want to you don't want to that that's up to you yeah but look there's certain things that we don't want to see okay and obviously that's going to be nakedness that's going to be provocative clothing etc okay and look if you can't afford clothing that's fine we're not going to judge people for that are we okay that's clear James too I think says that clearly doesn't it we're not going to say oh well we don't want that person here because they can't afford smart clothing but look you know a lot of the time people will come in in very unsmart clothing which is quite expensive isn't it okay and we just want to encourage that we courage that by the way we behave so on that as well if you want to help out in the church ushers money collect money collecting the Bible and obviously some song leading as well then you need to wear a tie okay fortunately we had a nice offering by by brother Dan a while back we got a box all sorts of time some are a little bit dodgy there's a few all right ones in there aren't there boys yeah so um look if you need a tie you haven't got a tie please put one on but if you know we just want to keep those standards up when we're when you're doing a job in the church I'm not saying everyone has to wear tie if they come to church but if you're doing one of those particular jobs in the church and we want you to wear a tie yeah make it clear that you're that you're you know basically part of the team at that point yeah and part then the team of this church wears wears a tie okay right they're all for me they're all classic independent fundamental Baptist you know church do's and don't or mainly dues there aren't they and how we behave how what we believe in everything else yeah take away like that shouldn't have anything to do with whether you're what you call a new IFP or old IFP or anything else they should be saying now obviously there are some wicked church something that had just gone into liberalism and and have lost half of that and I was at a church which claimed to be an independent fundamental Baptist Church and they had like a prayer thing where this you know every time the pastor's wife was praying 10-minute prayers doctrine and all sorts in there like that's wicked yeah the Bible's clear about that isn't it but but you know usually that stuff you should find in most independent fundamental Baptist churches but we've obviously we also feel you know as what we would describe as new independent fundamental Baptist we believe that that we've improved on some things as well haven't we okay because things can always be improved can't they and this one though is something that was in successful IFP churches excuse me so this was in successful independent fundamental and still in so if a church is successful this this needs to be for me the format okay but sadly it's something that's becoming rarer now when you look around these churches and so this is more distinctive now with new independent fundamental Baptist churches and that is if you turn to Hebrews chapter 13 we believe in a pastor led church okay we believe in a pastor led church here we believe in strong leadership okay we we don't have some sort of committee we don't have the members voting with things in and out of the church that's not that's not how it works in our sort of church okay and look many people have been to probably spent time at other church that do things other ways yeah that where the deacons basically decide what in essence what is and isn't preached okay they'll have a group or they call them the elders and they basically tell the pastor what you should and shouldn't do that's not how it works in our sort of church okay so Hebrews 13 in verse 7 says remember them which have the rule over you who have spoken unto you the Word of God whose faith follow considering the end of their conversation right no just say that they have the rule over you okay they have the rule over you this is in the church and obviously when it comes to church matters okay we're not this isn't in your homes this isn't in your jobs yeah I'll preach stuff which which I believe you should implement in your home and in your jobs but I have no no I have no ruling there okay but but here remember them which have the rule of you when you come to this church you're coming under the rule of our pastor pastor Thompson okay when you come into this building and when you come to church and when you're anything to do with church matters you're under the rule of our pastor pastor Thompson okay that's pretty clear and when he's not present me okay okay I'm I'm the man on the ground as he describes it I'm leading this church of ruling this church look oh he's getting so puffed up no that's what the Bible says yeah I'm in this church for pastor Thompson okay when he's not here and sadly he lives in the States well maybe not sad for him but so he's not here most of the time okay now you might sit here and think yeah look we get it brother in you know pastor Thompson's decided the church service format you preach the sermons print the bulletins set the dates yeah we get it okay but being a good church member by submitting to leadership is more than that isn't it okay it's more than just well okay we come here and we sit through and we put up with what he does you know Hebrews 13 17 so you're in Hebrew searching go to verse 17 where it says obey them that have the rule over you and submit yourselves for they watch for your souls as they that must give account that they may do it with joy and not with grief for that is unprofitable for you okay notice those words obey and submit there okay you see those words there obey them that have the rule over you and submit yourselves the ones that us husbands love to remind our wives about those words obey and submit yeah okay we're told to submit ourselves so those that have the rule over us okay look you might say oh this is a bit strong you know what do you mean submit well and you might be sitting here thinking I oh well I'm a bit of a rebel though you know I'm not used to being submissive you know because I'm too much of a man to submit to someone you know well then get right with God yeah get right with God if you can't submit to leadership okay because that means you're the problem it's not it's not anything else you're the problem first Samuel 15 23 says you don't have to turn this is for rebellion is as a sin of witchcraft and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry because as reject the word of the Lord he has also rejected thee from being king obviously talking to Saul there Samuel but look Saul is a good example is that of someone that messed up that's the same man of God that did some wicked wicked things didn't he okay and that starts with rebellion and rebelling and not being able to submit to leadership is a problem no one's looking at you going oh what a strong guy you know you know people are looking at you thinking what a poor Christian what a poor church member if you can't submit you need to sort yourselves out you need to get right with God okay because it's a big problem it's a big problem in churches and that's why so many churches have failed today because people won't submit to the leadership and the leadership won't try and instill it because they just want to be everyone's mate everyone's buddy I don't really want to you know offend people or anything else no that's not how a church runs there has to be leadership in every area of your life doesn't there okay now with that how does that work then in a church because okay this isn't a marriage yeah I'm not saying that you have to cook my dinners or anything else you know though the odd one wouldn't hurt no but okay I'm not saying that am I what am I saying then well firstly let's make sure that people are addressed properly in our church okay so our pastor is called pastor Thompson or pastor Aaron Thompson yeah notice the word pastor and that includes other pastors okay so when you refer to pastors a good start is make sure you use the right term so don't just talk to that like refer them as their surname like like these reprobates do online that just cannot address them as their proper address name is that show them the respect that they have earned by these men have earns and I believe they've earned a lot of respect and you know what I've gone I've been this under some pretty bad pastors and I've still called them pastor okay pastor pastor this pastor that that's how we show respect to start with I'm either brother Ian or brother taverna okay I'm not I'm not you know mate or you know what Ian or bro or anything else I'm brother in a brother taverna okay because I'm your leader at this church and it will help you get get that your head around that okay in this church so let again look these are things some of you might not have known this is what how we want it going forward okay speak to me then with that respect obviously speak to our past with that respect and that goes for kids by the way too okay so any of you kids if I'm gonna and look when you come into this church and I say hello to you and I greet you I expect you to be polite back okay not just ignore me not when I say you how are you doing yeah I'm fine and then walk off okay that's rude sort yourselves out and also it does make me wonder when the kids are getting older then I start to wonder what is the problem is it at the parents not not maybe so respectful where but outside of these walls kids be respectful at church and not just to me to everyone to every adult in this church you should be respectful you should answer back when people talk to you should be polite to them okay kids that's clear okay don't ignore and that goes from my wife to kids so when you're you're playing your board games and my wife comes up and says kids you need to tidy up or kids you need to put that away now you don't ignore her you say yes either miss Lisa mrs. taverna sister Lisa something with respect and you and that's how you that's how you reply to my wife okay that goes obviously for everyone else as well okay show respect show respect when you're in this church because we're leading this church and if you can't do that then why are you in this church why are you here if you can't respect the leadership and that includes kids as well okay mate you need to respect it and and look that that's adults in general we all need to show respect to each other don't we okay but especially the leadership needs that because how are we going to submit to leadership in a church with no one can respect the leadership okay and like I said kids especially that's in the first Peter 3 8 says finally be all of one mind having compassion one of another lovers brethren be pitiful be courteous we need to be polite don't we polite courteous to each other and obviously to the leadership in this church as well that means but under the under submitting to leadership especially here that means not criticizing or basically really publicly questioning at all church policies okay you're a guest you're you're at this church this church is being led and run for you to come to okay that doesn't mean that you start picking on things and pulling out things and questioning interrogating me about stuff okay that's not how you behave in a church if you're submitting to leisure or you're saying you can't submit okay and we'll talk about that in a minute in fact if that's where you are putting pressure on on myself my wife to add new ministries okay look we'll add ministries as and when we as the leadership think they're ready to be to be added okay we'll add extra things well look no problem if you want to come up and say look this is a really good idea but leave it a lot yeah okay don't start trying to trying to dictate what the church should and shouldn't do because you're not submitting to leadership there are you and look pastor Thompson I discussed with him many things he'll make it clear if there's something he wants me to do okay look ideas are fine don't start putting pressure on that means don't organize your own ministry okay you cannot organize your own ministry you can't just decide right we're gonna do a weekly this or two if it's a church thing and it's only church people and it's church members you're organizing your own ministry outside the leadership aren't you okay what that needs to go to the leadership that's to suggest you wait for the leadership to do it okay that that's not submitting to leadership and you might think well what if it's something outside church look if you want to meet up with your mates fine you start actually setting a day that this is when we're doing some sort of homeschool this or kids out or this is when we're doing a men's thing or whatever else you you're out you're out of bound there aren't you because this is a church this church it has to be one for legit you could surely everyone here could see how that could end up in the future yeah okay we need to start as we mean to carry on as we want to carry on with this okay then when you come to the church that I run for Pastor Thompson okay with the support of my wife when you come here treat it with respect okay treat the church with respect look I don't care how how old the building is I don't care that we've been given the building free for now treat it with respect yeah because you're coming like you wouldn't walk into someone's house and treat it like sadly how a lot of people treat the church okay treat it with respect try saying hello and goodbye especially to the people that spend literal multiple hours and days every week making this church work yeah like you'd be amazed how many people just disappear each week and you're like where did they go it's like you've literally spent however many hours preparing a sermon sorting out the church cleaning the church doing all the other stuff that goes with it paying it money doing all the different things trying to look for future all the jobs that go along and people literally turn up and not even say a word to you and leave without saying a word to you and I don't care if your wife either say goodbye you can say you are allowed to talk to me you know yeah I'm not saying we need to go and have a private chat somewhere but you are allowed to talk to me oh well my wife does it you've got if you're not benefited at all you know if you're not getting edified at all find a new church yeah try actually you know some matters does again I look at that and I just think do you really have respect for the leadership well you can't even say a word when you come in and you leave look if I'm at if I'm not so you've got away you've got away you know brother is in there talks I'm not saying that I'm saying when it starts me every week and you're like what on earth you know that's just weird okay pick up after yourself yeah please pick up after yourself look it's one thing that will we run the Hoover around we tidy up at the end of the church yeah but when there's literal just rubbish rubbish under chairs on the floors ripped up bulleted stuff that's just again that's weird pick up obviously I'll pick up after your kids okay it's simple is it show treat the church with respect or you say you either don't respect the church and that's the leadership as well whether it's me pastor Thompson my wife look with that ask before you start rearranging furniture I wouldn't come around your house and just start going right I'm gonna put that there do that there and this is where I want to deal with this so this way I want my kids oh yeah it's pretty simple is it let's get let's you wouldn't go to another church do that I hope you wouldn't maybe some people would okay but look ask before you start changing things in the church rearranging things doing things your own way and look now this one's going to be unpopular okay let's hear me out ask before you throw mini birthday parties okay and I'll tell you and I'll tell you why this is pastor Thompson's rule and I didn't understand he told me this at first and I thought he meant he said look you can't start letting people host birthday parties at the church and I thought he meant on a separate day okay so that was an obvious man he's saying he's saying no not in it not like after church cakes come out and everything else now you're thinking well why what why can we not do that and look again I don't maybe people weren't aware of this because I didn't understand I thought he meant on a separate day reason being yeah he wants us to think like a big church so what when we're running 150 200 250 okay so what we're going to have a birthday every single week now how many cakes are you going to make for that so then people start to get excluded don't they okay and and on that as well then you're deciding when you're doing it at what time that he said no you just can't you can't do it wait a second it's my kids birthday I'm coming to church they will not advocate firstly you should run it by me anyway but forget that his rule is no because look that's going to be a problem in the future it could already be a problem at the beginning when certain kids might not be invited or might not hear about it or I mean the other week I didn't even have any idea I just suddenly started hearing birthday happy birthday being sung I'm sitting in the front of the church and I'll leave the church don't even know that someone's doing that look come like it should be talked about but he says no his rule is no because it's just going to be a problem there's going to be a problem in the future people start to feel left out you know you won't be able to make enough cake for a church of 200 okay and then you're just going to have it week in week out happy birthday happy birthday cakes coming out everything else so he says no it might be how you oh but but we've come to church look church isn't it's not a playground okay look we want kids here of course yeah and we want kids to have fun here as well we want them to enjoy being at church but ultimately what's the main point of this is to build up the believer this is to preach the Word of God okay for believers to come together so it's not well look if their birthday falls on church day was cooler we'll sing happy birthday to them look they can have a nice day don't have to go so winning if you want to go in the way or you don't want to go that week well that's up to you go out do something okay but this isn't obviously just a place for for kids parties and everything else okay right respecting the rules that includes opening and closing times I spoke about that the other week okay if you respect the leadership you're just going to respect the rules you're not going to dig out about it you're not going to have problems about it you're not going to be constantly you know like just seem irritated pushing it to the last minute look look look I don't want to say this but you have no idea the work that goes into running running a church yeah I don't think anyone here could it could believe yeah the amount of work and stress and effort and goes in yeah I don't want people to make me feel like I'm out of order me and my family because there's only an hour after church till we're going to clean the church and leave okay because the Sunday we're whacked every Sunday where it's hot you would try preaching two sermons going soul winning yeah like let alone the rest that goes with it okay like so again if you respect the leadership you're going to respect that and you're actually going to you know you're going to actually want you don't want me to do it with grief you want me to do it with joy don't you okay because Hebrews 13 17 says obey them that have the rule over you and submit yourselves for they watch for yourselves as they that must give account that they may do it with joy and not with grief for that is unprofitable for you for you okay if it's a grief and it's a problem if it gets the point well we just like we can't do this anymore yeah like that's going to be a problem yeah if it gets to a point where where I just like I don't have the time because of all the other grief to spend time on trying to write a sermon which I think is going to edify and help yeah like and the rest of it if I'm constantly annoyed I'm starting to get more and more irritated with things and people that just can't submit can't can't follow the leadership it's it's you can imagine all the knock-on effects that's going to have yeah okay and like I said the knock-on effectism is eventually for the whole church isn't it the whole church is affected by that okay which now leads me on to one of the clear differences with an NIFB church new independent fundamental Baptist Church turn in Matthew chapter 19 we're a family integrated church okay we're a family integrated church here we don't send the kids off to some downstairs dungeon where you know where some weirdo that no one's ever met is going to look after your child for an hour and a half during the service so the you know so it can you can hear a pin drop in the in the auditorium okay we don't believe in kids down there coloring in pretty pictures of Jesus in a dress with long hair and everything else okay and while they sing you know songs look and probably I'd imagine most people have heard preaching understand reasons why why we don't do that why you know and there's some obvious reason there's some safety issues as well with that because that's been a massive issue in the past isn't it in many churches sadly that's where people will infiltrate but regardless regardless we believe that kids need to hear the Word of God don't they okay and they need to learn to be able to listen to the Word of God look and with that there'll be kids that that you know that might be a battle that a moment you know mum and dad it might go through for a bit longer with a younger kid to get him to sit and listen and some might be quick with that they might be slow with other things okay and look but we believe ultimately you want your kids to eventually be sitting in here okay and sitting in here and just being able to sit and listen because then they're going to be set up well for life aren't they and not be a fun Center Church where they're where they're making you know making like I said pretty pictures downstairs and then suddenly they turn to an adult and it's like well where's all the fun gone you know the church is serious business isn't it but we have some fun sometimes but it's serious business okay Matthew 19 and verse 13 says then where they're bought unto him little children that he should put his hands on them and pray and the disciples rebuked them and Jesus said suffer little children and forbid them not to come unto me for such is a kingdom of heaven okay Jesus doesn't want us to restrict them gee they're not a problem oh we don't want the kids anywhere near all they might make a noise or they might distract or no look we want the kids here don't we don't want to forbid them from coming and hearing the Word of God and being part of the church service but there are obviously rules still for the kids here okay there are rules here how they behave is even more important when they're representing this what is a rarer way of doing things amongst churches isn't it okay by having them within the service by not having separate children's ministry where you know they do all the modeling and whatever else they're making and cutting and all of that stuff okay so okay it's it's important and look how they behave again I'm not talking about one two three even sometimes for you it could take a while sometimes there's something I'm not talking about that okay but with the older kids especially now is what I'm talking about okay and look getting getting trained okay kids should be should be trained yeah we look some of them will take a while to break with certain things okay but just keep going persevere if you if that's a problem you're having with a young child or everywhere else with certain issues just keep going persevere okay we want them to be able to sit here without distractions without being fed you know just be able to sit and quietly listen to the service okay now older kids so older kids okay you're in a church here okay that means not running around in the church again it's hard look okay we don't have a big fellowship area we are going to have that when we move okay that's one of the criteria for the new church we are going to have a fellowship area but until then you have to just learn to respect this this area there's expensive equipment here as well okay so when you're tearing it about there are people that don't want you charging into them some of you bigger kids as well okay there's stuff here that there's plenty of hazards anyway so kids running around tearing it about and to be fair we haven't had a big amount of that and and look you know some of them they've been sitting there playing board games and that's probably been a you know in a way being good but but respect the fact that we don't have room for a lot of tables here as well so you should be able to come to church and not play a board game every single week and then people can't sit down and use the table or anything else yeah okay but fighting okay fighting in church and I want to especially talk talk here like look older kids yeah there should be no reason why there should be no reason why kids should be hitting other children at all younger they might need a bit of training with that when you get older if you're hitting attacking grabbing threatening or anything else young kids like that you need you need to sort out quickly and parents obviously we as all parents need to sort that out don't with our kids because really any other situation that's assault isn't it okay if I was walking up and grabbing people in here and you know they gets you know but brother who would say brother John just wound me up just now and I just went over and just game a dig with sharp John you know and like it probably dig me back but you know it's gonna be a problem is and I'm not gonna do that and look that means kids you need to not be doing that either okay if that's the way you try and respond to younger kids or even kids your own age or ever else look you need to say especially not in a church I don't want to get to a point where kids don't want to be here because they're worried or they start to get scared they start to feel like that kid I need you I'm bit wary around that kid we they want to have a happy atmosphere here so kids no fighting in the church obviously in the church but even when you're outside there and this includes soul-winning marathons we're representing the church aren't we I was that we were the last one we're at we're in the park a lady asked me in the car what's going on here so I told her you know that we're a church blah blah blah and and you know some look it wasn't that bad but some of the kids were literally like right red like trying to swing the swings as far as they could there was rubbish strewn everywhere when when we left and everything else it wasn't a good good advertisement I don't think we're so winning look kids yeah they want to play I understand that okay but just make sure that you you are representing the church okay obviously in the church as well there are people that will come to this church they've never been to a church where it's family integrated you're advertising our type of church okay right obviously on so many marathons as well so with that load same with Shaw Foundation Baptist Church Vancouver okay so if anyone wants to criticize oh well it's just you know Ian and Lisa way they want to raise their kids no this is exactly the same at other churches okay we have to watch your kids okay watch your kids I'm not saying you have to follow your ten eleven twelve thirteen whatever you're old around you know and not let them literally out of your sight obviously that would be pretty hard in a place like this but you should be aware of what they're doing the whole time okay whatever age are especially when they're young because there is hazards there's dangers I've personally stopped children from hazards here multiple times and the parents don't even know where they are look it's not us being weird it's not us being helicopter parents whatever the buzzword is for people that watch their kids the other church is saying exactly the same at Shaw Foundation in Vancouver as well they're constantly on at parents to watch your kids know what your kids are doing because it's a church and because kids will get up stuff just just just a couple of things okay I've found now on a couple of weeks running toys that have been thrown out the window right where my van is out of that window there now who's doing that now kids I'm not asking you to raise your hand if you are but what I am saying is that parents we should be aware shouldn't we and look if you find your parents do that you should get a thrashing for that and and that shouldn't be happening and we should be aware shouldn't we you know hope to God it wasn't one of my kids but but seriously I know it's not one of my kids you know I know that's not so look it it's not to pull it look my kids are gonna misbehave yeah all of our kids here are perfectly able to misbehave aren't they okay no one's got perfect kids here but we want to be able to catch that out when they do okay and obviously we should be able to go up to someone and say look your your kids done this your kids done that please don't be shy to do that because the only way sometimes it's parents we're gonna know because we can't have eyes in the back of it some of us have quite a few few kids here but please be aware please at least know or want to know where your kids are for example kids just helping themselves to boiling water there's you know one like just didn't like a drink poured it in the bin you know like a hot full cup of full mugger drink like stuff like that like don't do it yeah like if you're doing that kids like like if you if you have no idea they just helped look that's hot boiling water there you know kids look they're clumsy we all know that don't we we don't just leave them to it look they slightly older kids okay it's not so bad that's up to you as a parent to decide that we know or I'll make a rule that just no kids but younger kids like just helping themselves making their own drinks making their own teas and coffees and just most churches won't let you help yourself to your teas and coffees okay and look we can do that and we just have a rotor if you want and just have you can only have something served because it's it's a church you know that's not we're trying to be nice for that some people seem to have quite a coffee addiction or we're trying to be like welcoming and what you know and accepting of that but on the same side look have some rules for your kids that goes with biscuits like every time we've bought biscuits in the kids are just hammering them but but look tell your kids one biscuit that's it you know if you don't whatever your rule is but but you need to you need to know what your kids are doing be on your kids at this church please guys okay okay obviously look I know this is unpopular a lot of this stuff but it's important isn't it okay right turn to John chapter 2 okay John chapter 2 we don't make buy sell or do business in this church okay again something that that should be amongst all churches but sadly it's not is it John chapter 2 verse 16 Jesus said and said unto them that sold doves take these things hence make not my father's house and house of merchandise okay so I obviously won't be selling my new book on why Jews are God's chosen people okay I'm not gonna be trying to sell that with the pre-orders and everything else but but that goes for everything doesn't it and I'm look it is wicked what goes on a lot of churches with their book stalls with their coffee and tea you know have a much said oh well it's only 20p to pay for the cost you still what are you doing you still selling things in the house of God what is wrong with you and it doesn't matter whether it's outside and all well it's in the fellowship area and feel obviously we don't do that when I have a bookshop downstairs or when we get a new building or anything else okay books Bibles tea coffee obviously but as a as a good church member obviously we don't want to talk business in the church doing okay we shouldn't be talking business shouldn't be trying to you know organize that it's one thing to say oh okay well I might know something about that let's talk about it later let's talk about it at a later date okay we shouldn't be here trying to organize trying to work out ways of making money off each other employ each other whatever it is okay this is not a house of merchandise is it okay so we don't do that definitely don't come to this church thinking about networking or anything else okay and again I don't think we've got that going on here but this guy this happens at churches they had a you know it's your foundation in Vancouver they're some sort of weird pyramid scheme or something someone was trying to push people do this stuff they come to churches to try and make money off people okay okay so obviously we just need to knit that in the bud quickly and if there's a problem with that come and see me and again it eventually comes out of cover to see you in the house have gone all you think about is your money that's a problem isn't it okay turn to Proverbs chapter 3 last few just a few more distinctives Proverbs chapter 3 okay we believe in biblical tithing one of the reasons why we don't have to sell the books and the teas and coffees but look Proverbs 3 let's read it quickly first verse 9 to 10 Proverbs 3 and from verse 9 honor the Lord with thy substance with the first fruits of all thine increase so shall thy barns be filled with plenty and thy presses shall burst out with new wine okay who gets blessed for it you do okay you do the tithe is 10% and it's not something people feel comfortable some churches feel overly comfortable and preaching it and preach it all the time other churches won't and feel like well I don't want to say anything I've been to churches where you know really they're kind of they're still with with like 50 60 members and a school hall once a week still having to get paid by the by the you know they're sending church they're still sending out a load of money and that's because because people aren't tithing and look here I think you know from what I can tell people people are pretty faithful with the tithe yeah but we don't check up it's up to you okay it's between you and God look for me there's nothing in the New Testament to suggest that the tithe is finished in fact it started before the Lord didn't it with Abraham with Melchizedek so look it's it's up to you isn't it but as a as a biblical church we we do encourage that okay so we're not gonna be too shy to go no look that look the Bible's clear you should be given the first 10% of your increase okay if you don't do that that's up to you still welcome at the church there's no rule for that of the church but I would suggest if you one of the blessings of God you should do that okay we believe him in biblical tithing turn the first Corinthians chapter 5 okay this is my last one here and again this is another distinctive with a new independent fundamental Baptist Church and what we expect to be a good church member we believe in Church discipline okay we believe in Church discipline like the Bible says at this in 1st Corinthians 5 look from verse 11 but now I have written unto you not to keep company if any man is called a brother be a fornicator or covetous or an idolater or a railer or a drunkard or an extortioner with such a one no not to eat for what have I to do to judge them also that are without do not you judge them that are within but then that without God judges therefore put away from among yourselves that wicked person obviously a good church member won't be on this list will they and they won't be just slightly on this list oh I'm not sure it depends how you look at it just don't be on the list yeah you want to be a good church member don't test the boundaries or what's drinking and what's a drunkard just don't drink yeah the Bible's clear yeah wine is a mocker strong drink is raging whosoever is deceived there but there buys not wise yeah why would you even look you know you're told not to even look upon the wine when it giveth its color in the cup when it moveth itself right that's fermented alcohol yeah just just don't you know things like that just just tickle it then we don't have to sit there and wonder well now we got to decide are they drunk and because they won't stop drink look things and it's not just obviously a drunken a lot of people that might be the one or the fornicator yeah just make it clear look if you're single and you're dating you know just make it clear so there's no question no one sitting at all I don't know there's a bit no question you're not a fornicator or you're gonna get kicked out of the church or you're gonna be told make it right yeah don't either either stop shacking up together or or even giving the impression you are you know get married and within a short space of time you don't have to have some grand you know 50 grand wedding okay so worldly anyway all of that or or you're out okay and that goes for the others that goes for you know for people that covetous again just make it clear you're not yeah okay these these I would say like this list is like to be a good church member there should just be no doubt no one should be looking at you come on don't know it depends how you interpret this it should just be no doubt yeah if you want to be a good church member there's no one should be looking going is is he or she a fornicator are they covetous are they an idolater yeah and oh well you know we're not we're not worshiping so look look idolatry as well you can I do you can make idols and many things yeah just make sure that God is at the top yeah there's nothing that you're making idol and trying to put in front of God a railer okay and and look railing you know if you're making false accusations against people yeah at this church if you're if you're doing if you're railing about especially about the legit and look on that yeah if anyone does any of this stuff drunkard extortion extortion oh by the way sob stories I heard this talked about I think brother brother Matthew stuck here in Verity Manila he had a good angle on this which was a guy that was basically just constantly telling everyone how skinty was and getting money off people all that in a way that's there he's extorting them isn't it yeah because he's making them give money because they think that he needs money and that he's giving them all these sob stories why he needs it it's extortions that's another angle of that but look just make sure you're nowhere near that but I would go on to say yeah that that if a good church member should come to the leadership about anyone that they think is on this list okay you're not like I said this isn't I said this the you know a little while ago before this isn't gangland New York this isn't the hood this isn't you're not going to be called a snitch or a grass you know or you don't grow don't grass in church mate gonna get shanked for that that's not how it works here because a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump okay now I'm not saying we're all here trying to get dig up the dirt on him or I can get that one out the church no I'm not obviously not like that but if there's a clear blatant example of this you should be coming to the leadership otherwise you're a problem as well aren't you okay railing is a problem isn't it railing and people who are who are and I've talked about this before with whispering and slandering other people at church that's railing as well okay and that and that's it you know that gets to the point where it's that's a church that's an offense you know that that's then right get right are you out yeah okay so look on that list so as well so you should be coming like that includes Romans 16 it turned actually Romans chapter 16 sometimes we just go through first Corinthians 5 but Romans 16 and from verse 17 says now I beseech you brethren mark them which cause divisions and offenses contrary to the doctrine which you have learned and avoid them for they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ but their own belly and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple if there are people causing divisions whether it's through whispering or it's or it's open rebellion yeah because that's going to cause division isn't it open rebellion being rebellious look that that's on that list isn't it that's that's that's another person that is going to get kicked out of the church okay look a good church member will mark them and talk to the leadership oh well yeah they're a bit yeah they'd be slagging off people for a while now I'll just avoid him myself no because they're a problem aren't they and you become a problem if you're not making it clear because look we don't want this in this church we want this look the devil's going to attack this church isn't he okay and look we often just think well it's going to be that you know it's going to be some infiltrator some Judas and yeah you know obviously that's going to happen as well but you know what he can use saved people okay he uses them he he will manipulate all the sin and everything else look it happens at other church what look at Saul I heard a good sermon on him recently look at so how wicked did Saul become but is anyone questioning whether he is saved or not how wicked did Saul become and how much of a problem did he become okay so so oh well well no well they clearly got people saved so they can't be a problem no you can still get kicked out Joe in fact first Corinthians 5 is talking about a brother anyway okay that's talking about a brother okay and and here okay you could say with Romans 16 that okay they serve not our Lord Jesus Christ but their own belly and by good words of fair speech to see the hearts of sin but he's not saying well if they're saved let them cause divisions and offenses contrary to the doctrine oh well as long as they're you know they're unsaved then kick no look if you're causing problems in the church like seriously after this after this sermon it should be clear what shouldn't should be done now like I said a lot of this might be new to you okay and people that are feeling like man this is hitting me a bit here I hope this is new to you that's why I hope it's just things you haven't thought about hope maybe you're just not used to how a church like this runs okay remember Proverbs 9 8 says reprove not a scorn lest he hate thee rebuke a wise man and he will love thee so I hope anyone that's feeling rebuked here is just thinking look okay fair enough I want to be a good church member I want to make things work I want to I want to you know be part of a good church because this could be a great church okay everything we're trying to do we're trying to do everything biblical here okay so it look you might sit there and I remember my old church or this church or that church I've heard of you know you could do what you like in there what sort of you know horrible church is this what sort of a power freak you know are you you know and everything else no we're just trying to follow the Bible it's only going to work if we do it how the Bible says and you might have sat through this sermon and thought this isn't the church for me and if you have honestly there aren't going to be any hard feelings and you're not going to get preacher they left the church we're not gonna whisper must must be a backside if because look it might not be you might just say I cannot I cannot deal with this sort of church I cannot I can't submit to brother Ian yeah that no I went soul-winning him with him before it's too weird that now he's in leadership at the church content well then just leave the church it's not it's not you know do it politely you know I'll shake your hand and say look it's fine it's not look no hard feelings if you can't get on board with how a church like ours runs don't come to church and and look there are still a few churches with with with what seems to be the right gospel in the country go there and and look and I'm not gonna be like you know what sort of work are they doing for God look it's better than you being here and being a problem if you're here and you can't be part of the church as a church runs you can't submit to the leadership then don't be don't be at the church yeah and we're again like I said you're not gonna get preached about every week only every now and again no you are you okay it's not gonna happen we're just okay fair enough yeah no one's here and if you feel like you know if you're here because you you you know you feel like you have to be here because well everyone's gonna think you know that I'm not wanting to live for God you know I just have to keep quiet look then you're better off not being here if you don't want to be at a church you're better off not being sure I've been at church I don't want to be at okay and out of necessity and it's better that you're just not there because in the end it just starts to everything starts to wind you up because really you don't you don't support the leadership you don't respect you don't submit you don't want to do you don't agree with how the church does things that you either just have to deal with it and just go okay don't matter I'm just gonna submit or just just move on because you're gonna affect everyone else aren't you because it's not it's not just you it's not just oh well yeah me or my family or whoever it is you know I you know I'm God's gonna curse look God's gonna curse if you destroy a church God's gonna curse if you become a problem in the church yeah that it's gonna be a lot worse than you just moving on and going to you know maybe not repent of your sins Baptist but you know just somewhere where at least at least you feel like they're saved but hopefully look if you've sat through this and thought you know look that's what I want to do I want it I want to get on board with this I want to be a good I want to be a blessed this church might take you you know maybe a day to week to kind of you know get over it maybe not maybe people just sit here and go yeah fair enough you know I'll take all that on the chin yeah okay I can see how I could be a problem because bear in mind as well yeah as a leader of this church and pastor Thompson's a pastor of this church and considering how many problems yeah all good churches have had and continue to have with people okay like I'm not saying I'm just sitting and going who's the next you know Judas who's the next you know Tyler Baker or I'm not but I tell you what a lot of some a lot of the stuff here is stuff that that they you know that people like that did you know okay so you don't you just want to be furthest from that so there's no like you don't want me thinking oh is this going to be like going to be is this the next person that's going to be making videos about us you know you don't you just you don't want to you just want to be furthest from that yeah and just be a blessing to the church and if you sat here and thought look you know I'm just going to carry on doing what's right in my in my own eyes I don't care no I'm going to carry on coming here I'm just going to do it my way yeah I don't care what you said then do everyone a favor and get out before I kick you out okay and that that's that's the last thing I'll say on that if you sit here just say yeah whatever mate yeah I don't care I don't listen to no one yeah then then do everyone a favor and get out okay because if you don't I'll kick you out okay and and I hope everyone here will will support me in that and if they don't they can get out as well yeah okay but hopefully you're listening to this you're thinking no I'll take this on the chin you know if any of these things have hit you there okay and look hopefully you know this is some areas there'll be many other areas this was kind of the shortened version because there's many areas that we should you know that we could behave in a church and help each other but there's some key points there okay key things that we need to get on board with for this church to run properly like I said for people in the future as well look I don't care I don't care if a new believer looks at this and thinks oh this is a bit hard line yeah it's a church because a good a good biblical church is going to get attacked it's going to get attacked from the unsaved and from the saved there's going to be many ways to try and discredit the leadership to try and discredit the leadership's family to try and discredit to try and whisper to try and create bitchiness to try and create rebellion like it's going to happen and the devil will do it however he can and it's not just from from the Judas Iscariot that walks in or that already walked in it's not just the only way there's many angles and my job is to defend against all of that okay okay that's what I'm trying to do here so look you you need to help me with that okay everyone here needs to help me and then it will benefit all of us as a church yeah and we could like I said before we could have this is the start of something that could be amazing but we need to make sure we iron out all this stuff okay first Corinthians 14 you don't have to turn that says let all things be done decently and in order and and look and that order of doing this is important for a church to be a success isn't it okay there's only one order one way that things are going to work in a church yeah and that's that's however that's been handed down from the top we all just need to get on board with that let's pray father I thank you for your word I thank you for you know all the you know the many clear doctrines that you've given us that we try and follow as a church here and and I pray that you help us to do things you know according to your will and that we as a church will function and run as you'd want a church to do so and help me as a leader to to to encourage people to do that to be you know strong with people when I need to and obviously to be long-suffering with those that just need time to get things right and and please you know I pray that you just help everyone in this church here to to want to to be the best church members they can if they don't and if they don't to just you know make the right decision and say okay well this this church isn't for me and you know because ultimately we don't want to hinder your work and I pray that you know you you just help us with the day now you help us to to all start by being great church members by going out and getting people saved and help with the evening service with the baptisms and just help everything to go according to your will and in Jesus name we pray all of this amen