(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Right, so Genesis chapter 6 we're up to now and there's a lot quite a bit to talk about there isn't there? Well, just remind you what happened in Genesis chapter 5 We saw God called their name Adam. We talked about that for a while last week You know how that you know is obviously that sets a precedent there and something sadly that so many seem to have pulled away From in our modern world. We saw we saw that Genesis 5 focused on the genealogy from Adam to Noah And then we had a look at Enoch the seventh from Adam who it said walked with God and Hebrews 11 5 said that he pleased God and we looked at how this comes from following him being a disciple Enoch was a preacher as well wasn't he preached on the end times the second coming of Christ and the punishment of reprobates didn't they? Which is quite interesting to see in the book of Jude and and we saw that Enoch was translated in Genesis 524 said that God took him and we looked at how he was one of two men along with Elijah who didn't physically die but went straight to heaven and we then went to revelation 11 to see the two witnesses how how they could be hurt and and are Eventually killed aren't they in in Revelation chapter 11 not consistent with the description of the resurrected immortal body In fact, they also come before the rapture too, don't know when you look at the kind of timing with that as well So the two witnesses were described as a two candlesticks standing before God in Revelation 11 for Zechariah 4-14 as the two anointed ones that stand by the Lord of the whole earth And that's the present tense for me. That's the the only two men that hadn't died yet Okay, and I don't know, you know Like I said, you know, I don't know exactly how God made that work where they're able to be in heaven But they were weren't and they were translated They at least you know, he's described as being translated Elijah went up in a whirlwind So for me they're the two witnesses finally we saw the oldest man Methuselah live until the flood it looked like you know he died either in the flood or just before and And no Noah's father lamech died at seven hundred seventy seven years and I didn't go into the seven seven seven there but basically It was seven hundred seventy seven years. So You tell me what you think that means. I'm not sure but And in verse 32 it finished and it said and Noah was five hundred years old and Noah begot Shem Ham and J fifth and then Genesis 6 starts in verse 1 with this and it came to pass Where men began to multiply on the face of the earth and daughters were born unto them that the sons of God saw the daughters Of men that they were fair and they took their wives of all which they chose I'd like to pray before we continue with the chapter father. Thank you for this chapter of the Bible that I'm going to preach from now For the truths we can get from this Lord help me to just preach against the false doctrine That's coming come from this as well clearly accurately Lord I want to just have open hearts and and just just to be able to hear just what your words got to say not not Have come in here with preconceived ideas of things Maybe they've heard elsewhere just to see what the word has to say Lord I would have preached out clearly accurately boldly filming the spirit please Lord. She's known for all of this. Amen Alright, so first thing to clear up is who are the sons of God? Turn to John chapter 1 now, this should be one of those easily solved questions However, like I just mentioned in that prayer. There's a lot of false teaching out there Okay, and we have obviously Jesus often called the Son of God with a capital S That's a title for him being the only begotten son But but the term sons of God sons of God plural with the small s Is often used multiple times in the Bible and here in John chapter 1 is one of those times It's used John chapter 1 and we're gonna look from verse 10 is talking of Christ and it says He was in the world and the world was made by him and the world knew him not He came unto his own and his own received him not But as many as received him to them gave he power to become the sons of God Even to them that believe on his name which were born not of blood nor of the will of the flesh Nor of the will of man, but of God So when you receive Jesus Christ your Savior you become a son of God Which is why Galatians 3 26 says for your for you are all the children God by faith in Christ Jesus Okay, you become a child of God you become a son of God When you put your faith in Jesus Christ turn to Romans 8 while I read Philippians chapter 2 you turn to Romans 8 Philippians chapter 2 says this in Philippians 2 and verse 14 It says do all things without murmurings and disputings verse 15 says that you may be blameless and harmless the sons of God without rebuke in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation among whom you shine as lights in the World so again seen we're seen as believers being described as sons of God clearly talk to believers there Yeah Then Romans 8 where you've turned to Paul is speaking of the now New Testament New Testament indwelling of the Holy Spirit amongst believers, and he says in verse 9 Romans 8 and verse 9 But ye are not in the flesh But in the spirit if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ He is none of his and if Christ be in you the body is dead because of sin But the Spirit is life because of righteousness But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you he that raised up Christ from the dead shall Also quicken your mortal bodies by his spirit that dwelleth in you Therefore brethren we are debtors not to the flesh to live after the flesh for if you live after the flesh Ye shall die But if ye through the spirit do you modify the deeds of the body you shall live Verse 14 says for as many as are led by the Spirit of God They are the sons of God. Okay again who's led by the Spirit of God. It's believers Okay, that indwelling Holy Spirit we're talking about now in the New Testament being sons of God now turn of Job chapter 1 Well, I read yet another couple of verses where it's clear that believers are the sons of God I don't think you know, we should just be able to look at that and go Okay Clear as day believers are the sons of God Okay first John chapter 3 Says behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed upon us that we should be called the sons of God Therefore the world knoweth us not because it knew him not Beloved now are we the sons of God and it does not yet appear what we shall be But we know that when he shall appear we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is talking about the glory Of our body to come into rapture. Okay, so clearly sons of God sons of God sons of God constantly We are sons of God. Yeah, we're sons of God by by being believers by faith in Jesus Christ You become a child of God It's pretty clear while apparently not because Genesis 6 along with a few verse in Job results in all sorts of crazy teachings Okay, there are some real crazy teachings out there that sons of God. This is kind of the common one are actually angels Okay often devils fallen angels of then for some reason they've had children with normal women resulting in jack-in-the-beanstalk type Giants Okay, so seriously this stuff's out there when I say this stuff's out there. This is a popular belief Okay, this isn't just there's a couple of crazy guys with a couple of crazy conspiracy theory kind of type, you know Bible teaching YouTube channels these are I mean there are so-called passes that believe this stuff Okay popular passes out there as well They're coming out with all this stuff and they'll have like a whiteboard behind them and on it Well, I'd imagine it'll be a very tall giant compared to the small one and it'll be around Genesis 6 that you start seeing this And then they'll probably be like a maybe a flying devil at the top and then like a fair woman You know at the bottom and then there'll be arrows pointing to it's crazy Yeah, but but this is what these these people get from this now What you then have with that is and this is kind of go will go hand in hand You'll get like a few fake news cuttings anyone seen this stuff Proving that all museums had 50 foot or many museums had 50 foot Yeah, a few 50 foot long giant bones in them and it's been covered up Look, there's a press cutting from like the 1900s or something and it's like must be true You know, you think they found a press cutting so that museum they've just all been hiding these giant bones, you know with 50-foot Femurs and things like this. Yeah, this is what people believe now then what you have This is just so you kind of have an understanding how this stuff works then add a mysterious Hebrew word like Nephilim Hey presto Bob's your uncle and you've got something which many people run with it and and oh Don't forget the hidden banned books from the Bible and you'll come across these people sometimes outsold when he won't you going well What about the hidden books? What about the book of Enoch, you know, or whatever else is it the book of Enoch? I think is the one isn't it that they try and link with all this stuff don't know Okay, so then they'll say they're these hidden books and they've hidden them for man Well, you know, thank God that he actually said he'd preserve his word, right, you know What would be the like hat what God just can't they just managed to hide it. God just couldn't stop them hiding it You know, it's just ridiculous, isn't it? But it's conspiracy candy Okay, this stuff is conspiracy candy people love this stuff and and especially the unsaved love this stuff Because I think it appeals to the pride as well doesn't it because I know something you don't I have a higher form of knowledge than you because I found the secrets to the giants of Nephilim or Something else and and it appeals to people's pride. They really get off on this sort of stuff But what is it in job that apparently? Disqualifies the usual rule of looking to the New Testament to cast light in the Old Testament because that should be it Shouldn't it you and obviously look when they're looking at the the Old Testament would you they're seeing through a dark glass Lee Sorry glass darkly aren't they? And now we have the New Testament shine light upon it and the New Testament is clear as day what a son of God is So what is it then that kind of they've because surely they haven't just gone off the one verse well No, they they've gone to job as well. We'll have a look at there's a few verse enjoy We're talks about sons of God as well. So look at job chapter 1 and verse 6 job 1 6 says this now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord and Satan came also among them and the Lord said unto Satan whence comest thou Then Satan answered the Lord and said for going to and fro in the earth and for walking up and down in it now Because it mentioned Satan coming among them. Does that mean that these are now angels where the fallen or not? Of course not. However, there are people that are all look, you know is the Satan there It's all these angels sons of God, isn't it? Well, it's not but but like I said with the clear teacher what sons of God are This is for me a day when believers are coming before God right nowadays. We call that church don't we? I mean, that's what I see there There's a day when they all came before God and maybe that was on the Sabbath at this point, right? But there's a day when they're presenting themselves before God and by the way, this is for me The main application of this verse or at least one of the main applications is it's yet another reminder in the Bible that Satan comes In among us that when we present ourselves before God and we're coming as a group to worship God Satan comes in among them Okay, that's the application here. But unfortunately not many people then suck. You know, they're the sons of God Satan it must be up in heaven must be angels And again, they start running with this stuff look at Joe chapter 2 we see it again verse 1 Joe 2 verse 1 says again There was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord and Satan came also Among them to present himself before the Lord and the Lord said unto Satan From whence comest thou and Satan answered the Lord and said from going to and fro in the earth and from walking up and down In it. Oh and a lot another lesson by the way, is it he might fool us but Satan doesn't fool God He sees him coming in my loft, isn't he? Okay, so God sees everything going on But but again nothing here to suggest that the sons of God are anything other than believers Unless and here is what it comes down to Unless you believe in multiple Gospels and this is for me often the issue. It's these Dispensation lists who they don't want to believe that there are people that are sons of God by faith in Jesus Christ Before there is Jesus Christ So instead because they believe in there being multiple ways of salvation They have to explain this way in another way and when you're basically confounded because you're unsaved or even worse You're a false prophet you start coming up with all sorts of fanciful ideas of angels mating with people and everything else Rather than just going going well their sons of God by faith in Jesus Christ and it always was faith in Christ Whether it was right at the beginning or right at the end. Yeah, and that's how that's really where a lot of it comes from Doesn't it? Okay But here's the thing what's funny about it is that often they'll go to Joe We're gonna see the main place to go to the job in a minute even though job said in chapter 19 in verse 25 for I know that my redeemer liveth and That he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth Joe was trusting in the coming Savior in the Redeemer, wasn't he? Okay However, these people they they just again you're off on salvation. You're gonna get off on many other things as well So now Turner job 38 which is a go-to passage from what I've seen before in this To somehow prop up their exciting unbiblical theories that make Christians look like idiots This is what a lot of this stuff does Okay, basically because you've got this big amount of people that claim to be bold or believe in now Look, it's one thing when the Catholic believes in crazy stuff It's one thing when whatever other just false religion that don't even believe the bomb It's another when these people are claiming to be Studies of the Bible where they talk about their exegesis of the Bible where they talk about all this stuff Like they're they're getting it straight from the Bible and pick and it discredits the Bible People are like what a lot of nonsense. You believe there was like 50-foot Giants walking around Where's the evidence and then they're like the Bible talks about? 50-foot joints and then everyone's kind of laughing and mocking and scorning and everything else. That's the point in this crazy stuff Okay, well that ultimately that's that's one of the goals of it anyway, but in job 38 God has had enough of listening to Joe's friends talking nonsense. Okay, and he says this in verse 1 job 38 and verse 1 He says it says then the Lord answered job out of the whirlwind and said who is this at darkness counseled by words? Without knowledge, which is kind of a fitting verse F what we're talking about But he basically said stop listening to people who think that they know it all Okay, you've got to be careful not to listen to people who think that they know it all Okay, who dark and counseled by words without knowledge? Yeah, and a lot of people do that by the way Just just a quick point now It really winds me up but he just talked like they have a full knowledge of something they have no knowledge about at all and it really winds me up and They try and it also a lot of the time it comes down to them having fragile egos So they're trying to Brit puff themselves up and they'll claim to be an expert on something and then it's kind of sometimes can be A long way down the line you realize actually have a clue about half of what they've been telling me It's so bizarre, isn't it? But there are a lot of people out there like that You know be careful for people like that a lot of people pretend to be experts on things They have no knowledge about he said who is this at darkness counseled by words without knowledge Good up now thy loins like a man for I will demand of thee good answer this thou me Where was our when I laid the foundations of the earth declare if thou hast understanding? So it's basically saying that no one really knows much True understanding comes from God and and obviously therefore what he reveals through his word Yeah, true knowledge your understanding comes from the Word of God, doesn't it? He said who is laid the measures thereof if thou knowest or who have stretched the line upon it so basically who's even accurately measured the world and and Even today, by the way, it's still an approximate measurement So even today with the so-called technological advances and these experts apparently seem to know everything about everything It's still an approximate measurement. It's still not exactly spot-on He said in verse 6 whereupon are the foundations thereof fastened or who laid the cornerstone thereof? When the morning stars sang together and all the sons of God shouted for joy I see so when the world was made there must been a load of angels around before he made man That's what they'll try and say now. Oh, so the sons of God here when he laid these foundations They're all singing. So what's this talking about? Because he made man This is what they try and go to right. I'll keep a finger here and turn to Ephesians 2 because what what is the cornerstone? Is it a big stone at the bottom of the earth? No, what's the cornerstone we all know what the cornerstone is don't we Ephesians 2 we're gonna go to in verse 19 tells us who the cornerstone is Who is the cornerstone when Ephesians 2 19 says? Ephesians 2 19 now therefore year no more strangers of foreigners But fellow citizens with the Saints and of the household of God verse 20 says and are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets Jesus Christ himself being the chief Cornerstone so Jesus Christ is a cornerstone turn to Isaiah 28 Well, I will I read again Job 38 6 and verses 6 to 7 your turn to Isaiah 28 Job 38 and verse 6 to 7 said whereupon are the foundations are of fasted or who laid the Cornerstone thereof when the morning stars sang together and all the sons of God shouting for joy Your turn to Isaiah 28 and we can look at verse 16 Isaiah 28 and verse 16 I know it's a bit of turning but it's worth it says therefore thus saith the Lord God behold I lay in Zion for a foundation of stone a tried stone a precious cornerstone a sure foundation He that believeth shall not make haste we sit referred to by Peter in the New Testament as well It's clearly referring to the Lord Jesus Christ. Now. Where was he laid in Zion Jerusalem, isn't it? So when was he laid? Well, although the crucifixion took place around 2,000 years ago a long time after job Jesus Christ is from everlasting though, isn't it? In fact, not only is he from everlasting the gospel is as well revelation 13 8 Turn it says and all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world the Gospels an everlasting gospel Which is again why we one of the many reasons we know that people from the Old Testament All the way through have always been can only have been saved one way Okay, which is by faith in Jesus Christ, but go back to job 38 because that sacrifice was an eternal truth Which is for me eternally celebrated in heaven So although it's you know, yeah the sacrifice when we sit physically on earth with 2,000 years ago. It's an eternal sacrifice He was at the the lamb slain from the foundation of the world and verse 6 in job 38 says where upon are the foundations are all fastened or who laid the cornerstone thereof when the morning stars sang together and All the sons of God shouted for joy basically that saved people celebrating the Savior and it could be either two different descriptions or you know of the same people or perhaps where Daniel 12 3 says and They that be wise shall shine as a brightness of the firmament and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars Forever and ever maybe job is differentiated between those singing soul winners They're the ones that are going to be shiny as the stars and then all save people Celebrating where he then says and all the sons of God shouted for joy I don't know but either way this doesn't suddenly mean the angels of sons of God. Does it? Okay, is that do we suddenly then go away from every other plate where it clearly says what they are? Well because you can't go off that with this verse even more so because Hebrews chapter 1 of verse 5 says for unto which of the Angels said here any time thou art my son this day have I begotten thee and again I will be to him a father and he shall be to me a son. Okay Angels aren't the sons of God Okay, that's it's nonsense. It's ridiculous But it's popular and just look heads up on that stuff. Look, there's a lot of full-stop tune Which is popular out there take the pre-trib rapture. For example, I mean that's all over the board and it's it's the once When you know and you just read the Bible I had you forget this stuff and it's saying with the sons of God stuff How do they even come up with this stuff? Yet people it's I think again, it's conspiracy candy and it appeals because I think people like the idea. It's a bit exciting, isn't it? Formed by angels with like people and it's a bit sci-fi It's a bit kind of Lord of the Rings II isn't it and people like that sort of stuff, don't they? Go back to Genesis chapter 6 so with all of that in mind where we've just seen That that unto which of the angels said here anytime we've seen clearly what the sons of God are we've seen that the that job clearly isn't talking about angels and verse 1 says this back in Genesis 6 and verse 1 it came to pass when men began to multiply on the face of the earth and Daughters were born unto them that the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair and they took them wives of All which they chose so the believers Those that had put their faith in the coming Christ those that are called upon the name of the Lord We saw from Genesis 4 didn't we then began men to call upon name the Lord. They were marrying unbelievers Okay, that's the issue. We're seeing first here. Okay, that's what we're getting from this verse They were marrying unbelievers now turn a second Corinthians 6 which spells this out Okay, this is a big problem for saved people a big problem Going in in into marriage into into that that equal yoking With an unbeliever is madness. Okay, if you want to basically have a fulfilling spiritual life You're gonna have problems gonna have big problems second Corinthians 6 and verse 14 says this second Corinthians 6 14 Says Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers And by the way, marriage is yoking. Okay, you become joined together as one flesh I mean, this is a kind of the the greatest yoking ever really, isn't it? Okay, you're joined together like a yoke is basically something which joins two animals to basically do the same low the same work together well as a as a As a married couple you are you are one flesh, okay, you're yoked together there He said for what? Fellowship has righteousness with unrighteousness and what communion have light with darkness and what? Concord has hath Christ with Belial or what part of he that believeth with an infidel and look however fair she is Or however charming he is it is madness. Okay, and it's not just if you're thinking well Maybe I'll just go for it because I don't really need to have a Really, you know really fulfilling spiritual life Well, I'll forgot a few rewards, but at least I ended up with this really fair lady or this really great guy or something else You know, maybe maybe people as a you know, it's not just as they grow up here singles, etc but It's more than that as well because it will really like you'll just with time You'll just start to see this chasm grow and I've seen it with people Who are in marriages and do you know what generally, you know, where what ends up happening? They just stopped serving God they stopped going to church They stopped doing the things of God I've seen it with people who are together as saved people But one of them isn't really got a heart for God Let alone when both run save now This does create a problem because the reality is in a nation like ours where all the same people What as a single person that's tough it is tough because you're like well, where on earth are they and Well, let's have a look. We're gonna have a look at that in a second This is in verse 16 and what agreement and the temple of God with idols for you are the temple of the Living God It's God has said I will dwell in them and walk in them and I'll be their God and they should be my people And it's and if it's not the idols of obvious false religion and the truth is most people have some sort of faith whether it's in Science or whether it's in some version of God that kind of you lets everyone into heaven or whatever else it is Or most people apart for the people they don't like or whatever it is. It's all an idol, isn't it? Yeah, all the gods of the nations are idols But what about the idols of life as well the money the status of fame worldly achievement all that stuff It's all idolatry really is it's all making a god of these things and if you're in a marriage with someone like that That's a big problem, isn't it and it's a painful problem A lot of people get very frustrated in marriages because they can't ultimately force them to do what they want them to do And you don't want to be in a situation like that He said wherefore come out from among them and be ye separate saith the Lord and touch Not the unclean thing and I will receive you and that's important impossible if you're married That's simple. You can't come out from among men because marriage is for life. It's not just for Christmas Okay, you can't come out from among them if you're married you're married for life Yeah, and look last place you want to be is married to an unbeliever He said and I will be a father unto you and and and ye shall be my sons and daughters saith the Lord Almighty and now look like I said is a single person that stuff and do you know what I believe look as a single person? What do you do then? Okay, because you know, you know, I want to find some people We've got right now a church averaging. I don't know 50 odd on a Sunday, you know, where all the other save people You know, there are people that kind of treat so winning like they're kind of out on the you know What whatever you want to call it like secret, but that's not that you're not in the spirit then are you really? Okay, so that's not really the goal. So what do you do? What do maybe kids are here? Like thinking man if let's hope we get some numbers Well, we go up and ultimately we don't want this to be like, you know Blind date and meet after act like silly silly black when you come into church That's not really kind of what we want it to be like either But you know what? I think look the goal is for that is is or what how you should look at it is number one Is well, let's let's grow the army of God Yeah, if you're single you've got a lot of time a lot more time than the married people do, you know And look, I know it's not always okay You might not have a wife to be able to do your cooking and cleaning and things like that But ultimately you don't have a family and all those other things at a time that comes out for that any extra work you have To do for that. Okay, and the extra money you have to provide and everything else So you've got time to soul win. You've got time to be in church You've got time to help and and make this church grow to the point where ultimately we want to plant other churches So it's not like blind date when you come down here There's actually other places other believers and people will know other believers and and network with other people etc as well Here's another thing as well. Is it if you're if you're a single man or a lady, you know, ultimately Look, you should be working on being that spouse that You need to be right you need to work on being that leader for the men. That's gonna mean that God's gonna Consider you as a good leader for basically one of his daughters. That's what it comes down to doesn't it? And and How'd you do that? Well, there's a great time to be serving. It's a great time to be putting that time and effort I mean, we're not gonna go there, but you could go to 1st Corinthians 7 Can't you and just see you know, basically if you don't have a wife you don't have a husband We have this extra time to put into God don't you and saying the other way around as ladies, you know It's a great time to be serving God to be becoming that godly lady that that then look a man's gonna look at and say Okay, yeah I want I want a lady like that etc and and there are many churches around the world and their place ways of networking stuff like that, however It's not about going and marrying outside of that now, you know something I've thought about a bit as well We are very male heavy type of church because it's a truth and because ultimately in general women will need leading to a place like this Okay, that's the truth of it Okay They'll generally be more single men in a place in a in a church preaching the truth because a lot of the time even safe single women will end up going down the fun club and everything else because a Lot of the time they're gonna need that spiritual leading So what I would say with that as well is it with the men with that? Look I you know, and I've preached before that you need to make sure you've got someone who's been here for however long etc but that can feel like a bit rough because you're thinking wait a second where all these single women that you're just gonna be coming down the Church and and this church or another church and they're just they're kind of you know Showing themselves to be a great Christian everything else now Ultimately, if you're a good enough leader and you're convinced that she saved and you think she's got the necessarily sari Qualities to be led into the things of God and to be a good wife for you Then I think maybe you can kind of judge that on its own merits if that makes sense but they need to be someone that's willing to come to church though, because again if you get married and And maybe in a dating period you can start seeing if they're willing to come to church stuff like that But you get married and they don't want to be in church. You're gonna have a big problem because Like we've seen for so long. What is what is a Christian life all about? Church without church. It's not even a Christian life. Is it and Anyway, sorry the singles here think yeah, man. This is getting a bit hot under the collar But and you won't be sitting there guy I don't even want a wife for a husband so Great, and look if you can do that then great, you know, but serve God so Okay. So what was it in Genesis 6 so which made them marry unbelievers? What was it? Was it because they just saw that they were such great, you know godly women and everything else, you know They really like the the you know, the the hard-working sort of qualities. They had no it's because they were fair Because they were fair That's what it came down to and that that is a weakness of men a lot of the time, isn't it? And a fair woman doesn't make a good wife necessarily now you could you could argue as well You could say often the women of the world will be fair Why because well Maybe it's one of the stumbling blocks to salvation a lot of the time Obviously, I'm not making a rule here, but it can be a stumbling block on it for many because it's a pride Because how many of the fairest women walking down the road with their heads up in the air? Strutting along the road and everything else. Do you think that they're just waiting to hear the gospel? Most and that's it. They're too prideful because pride is a big stumbling block for the gospel, isn't it? And it's the same with men as well. You'll find a lot of the time So case in shit, you know, obviously this there's many exceptions to rule but point being that it's always gonna work like that Is it so fairness? Yeah, look, of course, you want to find someone that you you know You don't want to find someone that you can't stand the sight of however I don't think that's a good goal. Just the the one thing you look for and did God say well fair enough No, because those those women will ruin your spiritual life Okay, those types of women and those women that you've just oh, yeah, well, she's just so pretty well She's all right, you know, but she's not even saved. Look it's gonna gonna fight make life really hard And look kids growing up here as well That you need to you need to make sure that you've got your focus on the things of God Yeah and then ultimately look if you're serving God and you're doing things for God and you're praying to God and you're you're being that that That spouse that the the godly for the ladies that a godly man is going to want and you're being that leader that that for For you know that that ladies and and God's gonna want for his for his female Children then look great. You're gonna eventually find someone but It's not easy though not easy and right now in the early days of a church like this It's not easy for many but I said if you're a single man a single lady get our soul winning build the church Okay, and then we can build other churches too. So look at verse 3 He said and the Lord said my spirit shall not always strive with man for that He also is flesh yet. His days shall be in hundred and twenty years so it seems that at this point God started reducing the lifespan and Post-flood, we see the ages start to drastically drop don't we? Okay, so from where we're looking at up to I think 967 is it for Methuselah it starts to drop a lot after this and I believe here He's saying that he's putting a limit on that striving that unequal yoking between the sons of God and men I think so and and and and obviously men being you know, the daughters of men, etc But both both being flesh but life without eternal life is only 120 years That's what I think he's kind of saying here He's saying my spiritual always started man for that. He also is flesh yet. His day should be in 120 years now Because again, you know people that are unmarried Sorry that are married and they're saved and the spouse isn't there's a lot of striving there Okay, you'll see a lot of striving there if they're trying to serve God or they end up just submitting to not now look at us for it then says there were giants in the earth in those days and also After that when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men and they bear children to them the same became mighty men Which were of old men of renown. I'd like to make a couple of points on this verse Okay, because again, this is a verse with what we saw previously where these kind of crazy sort of you know We're gonna run with this whole weird angels, you know mating with women and all this stuff or sorry or the other way around They even know how it's meant to work. But um, okay Were the Giants the result of the sons of God coming in unto the daughters of men? Is that what that verse says? No, there were giants in those days and also after that did it not say There were giants in the earth in those days Then it says and also after that when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men So it doesn't even necessarily say that these giants were it doesn't say it was a role to that Result that says the Giants were in the earth in those days now The Giants became became mighty men of old men of renown for me Okay, the same became mighty men which were of old men of renown now. What is a giant then? What's a giant? Well turn of 1st Samuel 17 to see a very precise description of one These weren't magical creatures. They didn't say fee FIFO fun Probably did it. Okay, and and that they were just very big people. They were big people 1st Samuel 17 is the story of David and Goliath, okay, and Israel is at war with the Philistines and we're gonna look from verse 3 1st Samuel 17 and verse 3 says this and the Philistines stood on a mountain on the one side and Israel stood on the mountain on the other side and there was a valley between them and There went out a champion out of the camp of the Philistines named Goliath of Gath Whose height was six cubits and a span? Right now a cubit is the forearm Okay Now there's some debate whether or not it was a length from the elbow to the middle finger Which is like the longest point usually or from or to the base of the hand here But I believe it is likely the middle finger and again it I think you can obviously measure with your hand here But it's basically from the elbow from the actual bones. That's probably a little bit lower now I tried this at home and mine is actually about 18 inches if you go from the bone here Okay, so it's about 18 inches from there to there now span is this distance between this finger and this thumb and guess what? That ends up being funnily enough about nine inches. So you've got you've got cubits Which is basically about 18 inches and then you've got spans which is half of that which is about nine inches, right? So That would make Goliath nine and a half feet tall That's a giant, isn't it? That's a giant but it's not a ridiculous giant where we're talking about magical things and everything else. Yeah, but it is a giant and Look in case you're going well, I didn't call him a giant Well, it doesn't here but he's referred to as a giant with his sons constantly called the sons of the giant in 1st chronicles and 2nd Samuel many times Okay, so he's clearly referred to as a giant in that they talk about the sons of the giant of gath, etc Clearly referred to Goliath. Okay, so And I've just said nine feet and up so about nine foot six inches even in recent history There have been men like Robert Wadlow or Wadlow eight foot eleven inches I think he's a tallest of recent history John Rogan eight foot nine inches John F Carol at eight for eight inches He's at all from the United States by the way Now there was a guy from Vietnam quite recently called ho van Trung who kept growing and apparently Even though I think he was officially recorded about eight foot five He measured nine foot post-mortem in 2019 But that was post-mortem. That's what the undertaker said. He weighed when they did his ten foot coffin That's a tall guy It's big and and and by the way, you know, we're talking early human history Here where we are in Genesis with all of these genetic origins Is it that surprising that even you know, where when Goliath was that surprised it was on nine foot six Maybe even a bit taller than that where we're talking about maybe ten foot or something like that Sounds about right, isn't it? And there are people up now who are nearly that high I mean, why why is it so shocking or why is it? Is it something to laugh at the Bible because it talks about these types of people because right at the beginning there was every single basically genetic variation And there are some theories other than I'm something I've thought about a bit I don't really have the time to look at some people talk about well Maybe it could be to do with maybe earlier meat-eating and stuff, you know We talked about some of the kind of farming and things that people that had the cat. I don't know but regardless Even now with none of that there are people that get really tall So I think it's more likely there is sort of a gene somewhere Which can which can result now know some of this they talk about it being some sort of overactive I can't remember what the gland is pituitary gland I think which then can result in people keep growing keep growing There's one of these guys. I think I was looking at a guy from from Thailand who? He I think he had a fever and then it was 17 he was like five foot five or something at 17 years old had a fever and then just kept growing I Was feeling rough fever Well, okay, so Goliath though was also strong as well so might some people are Robert Laudlow was like really skinny or something Wadlow, sorry, however, look some of these guys aren't the girls look at some of these pictures something That's not these guys like some big massive guys Goliath was strong It said in verse 5 where you are it said and he had an helmet of brass upon his head and he was armed with a coat of mail and the way to the coat was 5,000 shekels of brass and he had greaves of brass upon his legs and a target of brass between his shoulders and the staff Of his spear was like a weavers beam and his spears head weighed 600 shekels of iron and one bearing a shield went before him so he's tall he's strong, but he's still a man, isn't he? He's still a man. He's not a creature. He's not some weird alien sort of half angel half Woman creature I don't even Daughters of men at least look how King Saul describes him to David in verse 33 Verse 33 says and Saul said to David thou art not able to go against his Philistine to fight with him For thou art but a youth and he a man of war from his youth He's described as a man. He's not like he's a creature or something else. He's a man of war Okay, because he's a person. He's just a very tall. He's a very big person now go back to Genesis chapter 6 And verse 4 with this in mind so I'm gonna speed up with the rest of this chapter in case you're getting worried Genesis 6 forces there were giants in the earth in those days and also after that When the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men and they bear children to them the same became mighty men Which were evolved men of renown so there were these huge people around in those days and after that too as we as Well, we've just seen nearly 1500 odd years later with Goliath Yeah, could those daughters of men perhaps be referring to some of Noah's daughters-in-law? Maybe he said and also after that Genesis 10 talks of Nimrod the grandson of Ham and it's debatable about Ham Obviously and you know, however, it's interesting that it says of Nimrod and Kush begat Nimrod Okay, this is the grandson of Ham. He began to be a mighty one in the earth He was a mighty hunter before the Lord Genesis 10 9 where for it is said even as Nimrod the mighty hunter before the Lord in the beginning of his kingdom was Babel and Eric and Akkad and Kale knee in the land of Shinar So, okay Ham was probably not a son of God, but maybe Kush was or maybe just those genetics were brought along. I Don't know. However, there is nothing there to suggest half-angel half-man fifty-foot giants is there Anyone see half anyone see anything that no No Some fantasy novel giant or something else but people run with this it's crazy Okay, and that needed sorting out. Why does that need preaching because the false doctrine ultimately, what does that do? Like I said just discredit survival so if you're going around and you're saved and you're talking to your family and friends and you get because we do we start talking about This stuff sometimes you get under these subjects. It's earlier Although there were 50-foot giants in the old days because I've been listening to you know, Gene Kim or you know Robert breaker or whoever else I don't know something one of these like clowns online Then really just discredit the Bible don't you because it's nonsense It's not a rubbish because if there were 50-foot giants hundred-foot giants and everything else Well, there'd probably be some evidence of that But but what the Bible does describe is very tall people very big people which we then do see evidence of today, don't we? Fact our pastor you can argue He's a big guy There are giants to this day, right? Okay, so Right, where are we right so look at verse 5 and he then says and God saw the wickedness of man Sorry saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil Continually, so it took a little over 1500 years to get this point But how do you get to this point where it says That every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually Just over 1500 years since the creation of the world since Jesus Christ was walking with Adam Like what what's going on here evil continually and for me, it's some sort of reprobate majority That's basically what it is. It's reprobates everywhere. Oh, you just see reprobates everywhere brother in well cuz everywhere in the Bible I mean we had Kane who was of that wicked one. Yeah, anyone wondering if Kane was a reprobate No, he came became a reprobate. I think we saw him become a reprobate We then see lamek one of his kind of great great great grandsons Boasting of his murders and boasting of the fact that basically he's allowed to live and that no one can avenge it Okay, what a what sick freak But Kane's line seemed to grow quickly and often reprobates breed more reprobates You know often, you know when you see these just freak parents and stuff what happens to the kids They just grow up as like nice well-rounded normal people all the time they end up reprobates as well and Enoch was preaching about reprobates and the end times and in Luke 1726 after energy said and as it was in the days of Noah The Greek for Noah socially also so so so shall it be also in the days of the Son of Man now Obviously follows up with that talking about they were eating drinking etc. But there is a point there as well Why is he talking about that because he also says the same about lot as well Because look when when Jesus returns the majority of the world will have got the got the mark of the beast one day And when I got the mark of the beast, what are they? reprobates They're done They can't be saved Okay, and and and that's what I think we're seeing here I mean it said here that that every imagination thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. That's some wicked people Wicked and that's a majority of wicked people That's what we're going to see when Jesus Christ returns and that's what we see with a picture of the rapture with lot in Sodom We see a town Basically full of reprobates now. It's a little bit concerning, isn't it? Because you think wow like it's bad enough just seeing all these quiz when you drive down the road I Mean it's bad enough. Just having a look at that filth let alone that we're gonna have what seems to be the majority But it is gonna happen, isn't it? And they're gonna all be taking the mark and I think to even get to that point Look, they're gonna sort of like oh man. I took the mark. Oh, no No, I'm suddenly some sort of weird reprobate with some sort of evil wicked vile lusts and everything else I look there ultimately they choose to do it They choose to reject and they choose to take the mark and We're gonna see I think a lot of these people right and that's what we're seeing here That's because I think often people look back I like he was just flooding the earth and there was just all these people like sort of regular people as we see him Right, just kind of normal people just walking around doing their daily business. Suddenly. They're all drowned You know, it's all too late for him But that's but when you start to look at the Bible and see that even there's a picture obviously of the end times isn't there and God basically Destroying the world as we know it in the flood and then when we see that as it was in a days I know he so shall it also be you know, when the Son of Man cometh Then we see what really was going on when we know that yeah We're gonna have a majority of people taking the mark of a reprobate armies out there We're gonna have is and it's like it was in the days a lot as well It must be pretty bad then right and by the way and not only was was we saw Enoch preaching at this Sort of coming up to this time anyway But we also see that that we're gonna talk about it next week that Noah was a preacher as well No was a tough guy No was out there preaching in what would must have been a pretty hard time to be preaching and building absolutely huge boats at the same time He's moonlighting Okay, but look at verse six it says and it repented the Lord that he'd made man on the earth and it grieved him at His heart. So God's now regretting making men now now some some might say well didn't he see this coming? You might have heard people say this sort of thing before talking about didn't he? He must have known they would have done this etc. Well, although God is omnipresent He still made man with free will didn't he and he allowed man to choose between good and evil between life and death Between him and the devil And at this point it just seemed that the majority were now choosing the devil and he gave them that free Well, he gave them that and he watched it happen and it's repenting him It grieved him at his heart and the Lord said I will destroy man Who I have created from the face of the earth both man and beast and the creeping thing and the fowls of the air For it repenteth me that I have made them by the way clearly repenting isn't talk about sin is it but we don't I don't think we need to go there yet again, but Let's just keep going with the chapter. So by the way notice how it's a whole lot because we're all part of the creation He said he said Repenteth me that I've made them and it seems to me that he's talking about the whole lot Because the man was key to the creation it kind of all goes hand in hand, doesn't it? Okay Verse 8 says but Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord These are the generations of Noah Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations and Noah walked with God So what does it mean that Noah was perfect in his generations? Because again anyone heard of this So again these same clowns that go to these verse will then try and say that it's because he didn't have the angel hybrid stuff Anyone heard this stuff? Yeah, they come out with yeah, they'll be like, yeah Well, Noah didn't have like the angel genetics. He was perfect in his which is why it's Crazy stuff but okay. No another way of saying that is basically these are the days of Noah. That's what it's saying He's a generation though. These are the days of Noah Noah was a just man by the way, that means he was saved Okay, Ecclesiastes 7 20 says for there is not a just man upon earth that doeth good and sin if not Okay, he was just or justified through faith in the coming Savior Perfect is whole okay complete So for me lived how he was supposed to in those days Which were pre Levitical law pre obviously then later on the temple pre New Testament Church any of that But he was perfect in those days. Okay, he lived for me how he was supposed to yeah He wasn't sinless, but he basically had a heart set on the things of God He was doing things as he was meant to and Noah walked with God Okay, and like Enoch in the previous chapter Noah walked with God and we looked at that We looked at our walking with God, you know, it's basically following God, isn't it? Okay when you walk with God who's leading God Yeah, you're a disciple. He was a disciple of the Lord Okay, and then it says in verse 10 and Noah begat three sons Shem Ham and Japheth The earth also was corrupt before God and the earth was filled with violence. So so Noah he so we got this guy here He's basically following God He's a good guy He's saved in this time of just wickedness of all sorts of scum and villainy everywhere by the looks of it It was corrupt before God the earth was filled with violence and this is where you know We I remember talk about this before a while back talk about hobbies and stuff where people are like Oh, it's so violent like a physical sport or something That's not what it's talking about still about like vile things going on the sort of things you see and you know described in Leviticus 20 and Leviticus 18 and things like these just just disgusting sort of abuses of people and other things and like I said This is a picture or at least this is a kind of precursor or whatever you want to call it Basically things are gonna be similar Maybe I'll use two wrong words ever things are gonna be similar as we get to the end times here and with this amount and again It will only get like that one it with that amount of just basically God rejecting reprobates around Yeah, and we're seeing that. I mean, we're just saying that just exploding aren't we right now really are I? Someone shocks me because I'm not you know, I'm when I'm out I just look around and especially especially city cities are bad, aren't they? I look around in the city when I'm in London, you just just so many reprobates everywhere now They're everywhere and the hobos more and more just stumbling around and most of them look like reprobates as well just everywhere I mean you could you it's it's it doesn't seem like a big kind of jump anymore Does it and you know why if you're sitting there thinking this is getting a little bit concerning, isn't it? Because how are we gonna how are we gonna be? All right, you know, we're gonna be all right with God Do you know that's why you need to be in the things of God even more because now you're out there Just kind of trying to do your own thing and keep safe But not really doing too much church and much soul winning and things with God and you know Just kind of keep you out of any of that sort of stuff You're gonna be in trouble because you ain't gonna get the protection The only way you get it The only way you you're the only way you're saved in the end times when to about say physical salvation is by enduring to the end Okay, and we have to endure we have to endure and then we have God's protection But as soon as we start trying to you know, shirk shirk the things of God We're gonna have trouble because the earth here was filled with violence and the earth here is becoming filled with violence, isn't it? Yeah, always all the violence. I tell you where a lot of it is behind closed doors a lot of it I mean we were talking just just about the establishment just briefly and Jimmy Saville and people like that That's the tip of the iceberg, isn't it? Can you imagine what really goes on? Look the stuff that's not reported the stuff that doesn't make it to the media. I just it's horrific Absolutely horrific But look at look at verse 12 says in God looked upon the earth and behold it was crap full flesh had corrupted his way upon The earth and God said unto Noah the end of all flesh has come before me for the earth is filled with violence through them And behold, I will destroy them with the earth. So there is a point when God says enough is enough, isn't there? Okay and verse 14 says make the anarka go forward room shall I make in the arc and shout pitch it within and without With pitch now many believe that this is a cypress tree. It's hard to know for sure I thought well, what's the cypress tree like is again? You know, I suppose it not that it's that important what it is But I think for some reason people believe the go for it is a cypress tree according to borrow sawmill Cypress wood is very durable stable and water and rot resistant make it suitable for building in a heavy construction other uses where its properties making a good choice include caskets piers bridges boats siding sashes doors stadium seats post cooperage and railroad ties, so Probably something like that. At least he probably suggested a wood. It's going to be a good waterproof timber there pitch pitch is asphalt Or here we call it bitumen don't weave so it's that sticky sticky sort of semi solid form of petroleum you see out there Used for among other things waterproofing. Okay, so that's why he says to put pitch within and without He said in verse 15 and this is the fashion which thou shalt make of it the length of the art shall be 300 cubits the breadth of it 50 cubits and the height of it 30 cubits now Based on and again, there's some some people try and go a little bit bigger with this because they try and go with the 20 inch Cube here. I'm more of an 18 inch cubit man and Based on that it would be five thousand four hundred inches long Which is 450 feet Okay, that's long. Okay Basically, that's in it for those of you that kind of you know a bit younger and not into the feet in inches That's 137 meters That's a long way. Yeah, that's a lot isn't it and and it's by 900 inches so because it said by but it would be Fashionary at the length of it shall be 300 cubits the breadth of it 50 cubits. That's about 900 inches, which is about 75 foot wide Again, that's long. That's wide. Sorry that that's 23 meters wide by 500 and by the way this this building itself if I remember right is about 18 inches wide from wall to wall Sorry 18 meters from wall to wall. So we've got at the width here at 23 meters Just the width of it and then the length is going all the way down to the bottom of the road there This thing was huge. Okay, absolutely huge and then high it says here and the height of it 30 cubits, which is 540 inches which is 45 feet high which is 14 meters approximately Now bearing in mind that I'm about six foot. Okay, 45 foot. So you're talking about Over seven times me seven and a half times me if you think what would you get? Maybe two and a half of me up to the ceiling there and we're talking about Well about six and a half of me or seven or whatever like that's that's that's a big big boat Yeah, very big boat. Well 137 meters by 23 by 14 approximately there now Like I said some guy was slightly bigger, but it doesn't really matter. It's big what one calculation I saw Yeah was comparing it to livestock trailers that hold 250 sheep and it's approximately 450 of those so that would be about Capable of holding a hundred twelve thousand five hundred sheep. Okay, this it was huge absolutely huge Definitely not those silly little kids book boats that you see where they kind of like, you know They like just enough big enough for giraffe to poke his head out the back out the top or something in it But but again, although that's only fun stuff It does kind of paint this picture and then people are mocking go Oh, yeah The art got all the animals on it because there's all these silly little pictures with like about a dozen popular animals And that's it, you know, but no this thing was absolutely huge Anyone seen any of like the arc encounter sort of you know that where they built these sort of models or in fact They built like a life-size arc, isn't they? It looks big Yeah, maybe I should have bought some but I should have bought a whiteboard with some picture of that It's big so he Then said this in verse 16 a window shout thou make to the arc And in a qubit shout thou finish it above so I think like that that's kind of it's right near the top of the window and the door of the arc shout thou set in the side though of with lower second and third story shout thou make it and that's kind of the typical boat is it with the Hole containing most of kind of the storage and the levels etc. So that's kind of the lower part of it Which would be underwater? Obviously not inside if it's built properly verse 70 says and behold I even I do bring a flood of waters upon the earth to destroy all flesh Wherein is the breath of life from under heaven and everything that is in the earth shall die but with thee will I establish my covenant and thou shalt come into the arc thou and thy sons and thy wife and thy son's wives with thee and of every living thing of all flesh to every sort shout thou bring into the arc to keep them Alive with thee they shall be male and female Who fowls after their kind of end of cattle after their kind of every creeping thing of the earth after his kind two of every Sort shall come unto thee to keep them alive now We see in the next chapter that the clean animals come in by sevens as well But of course, it's minimum two of each type here and after his kind, so it's of the same family of animals, isn't it? So for example, he didn't require every subspecies of elephant, you know We got because I'm sure there are different types of elephant or different types is it was of every kind okay, and obviously from there we would have seen adaptation and stuff going forward and and and animals, you know, Sort of what what we what's known of as micro evolution, which we don't argue with do we there were animals adapt to their habitat They just don't turn into new animals. It's never happened. It never It never will happen. Yeah, I was where all the animals turn into new animals right now. It's absolutely ridiculous, isn't it? Anyway, so yes It's after his kind and then he says and take that one to thee of all food that is eaten Thou shalt gather it to thee and it shall be for food for thee and for them Thus did know according to all that God commands him So did he and we're gonna look at this in greater detail next week But just do it just one last point on now. I've heard some different theories on this as well I mean that was a huge boat, right but it is after hit after they're kind as well and some go What about you know, the biggest animals had that work. I used to say that he didn't bring young animals as well I used to say that he didn't bring elephant calves He used to say that he didn't bring you know And obviously people talk about the dinosaurs as well that were known of as dragons Maybe very young ones because it might got a bit hot on there, you know and things like that But look, you know, I'm sure there are many ways but however that was still a huge boat, wasn't it? It was a huge boat and that was perfectly able when it comes to of each kind And we don't know exactly how he did that inside, but we're gonna look at that next week and that yeah That was Genesis chapter 6. I'm gonna go in detail on the art next week. So on that let's pray Well, thank you for well for for the many truths We've just got out of your word there for for just you know for making it clear with things such as you know issues such as so it shouldn't even be an issue sons of God and Thank you for just the New Testament just explaining so many things for us help us to not be kind of you know Turned aside by false doctrine false teachings Lord and just just you know put our faith our trust in what the Word of God actually says the Word of God says sons of God of Believers and and not to then, you know, just read extra into verses which isn't there Lord help us to Also, just just stay close you Lord knowing that we are you know entering into more more just dangerous treacherous times Lord We saw we saw Noah in a time like that Putting so much effort into building that huge arc and at the same time preaching the truth as well Lord And you know, you you kept him alive. In fact, ultimately, yeah, you kept him alive You know through through that flood as well and help us to know that if we're close here for serving you then You know, we put our lives in your hands and that's the safest place to be help us to do that And do that this week Lord just to go out and and preach your gospel if we can Make it make maybe Thursday soul winning time or if not To you know, just make sure that we just have it have it ready We're prepared for people that we come across in our lives and also to return on Sunday For the services and also for going out and preaching the gospel as well. In Jesus' name, Prolineus. Amen