(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Genesis 34 now and we're just continuing on with just so much about Jacob right now and we've been going on, we've been looking at Jacob now for many chapters of Genesis and just to remind you in Genesis 33 there was that reunion between Jacob and Esau which wasn't looking too good if you remember with Esau turning up with 400 men. However it seemed as though the gifts of cattle and you know that humble seeking of forgiveness by Jacob did change things, being a result if you're a member of his praying and wrestling with God to be blessed. The appeased Esau tried giving back the cattle that Jacob had gifted him if you remember that as well but Jacob said I have enough and requested that he take it and Jacob is an example of humility, a lack of greed, he's giving God the credit for all of his wealth and children. I mean he's a really great example isn't he, especially in that chapter. Then he declined the offer of going with Esau but where he has his young children and young amongst the flock he said he'll stay back and lead on softly and we looked at how that can you know how we can apply that to our spiritual lives, leading families, leading the young and there's some great lessons there I think. Then Jacob came to Sukkoth and stopped there it said in verse 17 of chapter 33 and Jacob journeyed to Sukkoth and built him a house and made booths for his cattle therefore the name of the place is called Sukkoth and Jacob came to Shalem a city of Shechem which is in the land of Canaan when he came for Padanaram and pitched his tent before the city and he bought a parcel of a field where he had spread his tent at the hand of the children of Hamor, Shechem's father for 100 pieces of money and he erected there an altar and he called it Elalohi Israel and in chapter 34 we're jumping forward now it says in verse one and Dina the daughter of Leah which she bear unto Jacob went out to see the daughters of the land I'd like to pray and we're going to carry on with this chapter father thank you for your word thank you for um well this chapter and the many things we can learn from it lord help me to preach those just clearly and in a way that people will remember and apply it to to their lives to to you know the lives of their children as they grow up as well just just the children here to pay attention and just to understand what your word saying the warnings that were being given here I hope you just preach this chapter just accurately lord and clearly and boldly fully your spirit please just don't pray amen so back in verse 20 of chapter 33 Jacob having bought bought the field um sorry uh yeah back in verse 20 so having bought the field he built an altar straight away what's the altar for why would he build an altar it's for sacrifices isn't it so Jacob built an altar the second he bought this field um so it seems that he's continuing is to fulfill his vow to tithe to God and for me it's probably a sign that he was planning to stay there a long time too and I say that because chapter 34 is clearly now many years after leaving Padanaram okay in case anyone's wondered this and we've seen how much Jacob has grown over the years since conning his brother in his earlier years okay by the last couple of chapters we've seen him pray with genuine humility we saw that we we saw him being close to God and prevailing in the wrestling we looked at that we saw him continue that humility with Esau the generosity the thinking of his family and that godliness continues when he arrives in Shalem however just because we're right with God okay just because someone's right with God the the pitfalls don't suddenly disappear do they okay just because you're right with God now okay that's it everything's plain saying no a lot of the time the pitfalls even probably get sometimes they can become more can't they they don't suddenly cease and here having had some great victories which he did with Laban with Esau Jacob messes up here okay make no mistake about it Jacob messes up which is often when we mess up okay we mess up often we get slack after victory so we get a victory in our spiritual lives we get some sort of achievement we we make a step up we get somewhere you know some sort of you could call it even a level up in one way or another you're like i'm on top of things now and that's often when we then mess up because we do the humility maybe less than slightly and you just maybe you're not quite as wary you're not quite as on guard and that's often when we fall and this is what we're going to see here with Jacob here it says in chapter 34 verse 1 and dean of the daughter of leah which he bear unto Jacob went out to see the daughters of the land now when i said Jacob messed up well it was Jacob that messed up because he let his young daughter go out to hang around with the worldly young ladies that's Jacob's responsibility there okay 100 now just quickly on this and the reason i said that we jumped forward how old is dina here well remember that she was the last born before joseph now look at chapter 30 and from verse 19 just just to see that chapter 30 and from verse 19 it says and leah conceived again and bear Jacob the sixth son and leah said god had endued me with a good dowry now will my husband dwell with me because i've borne him six sons and she called his name zebulun and afterwards she bear a daughter and called her name dina this is when dina was born and god remembered jake now notice it said and so we've seen the ands and it's leading on it's like one after another so it's kind of a continuance so it goes from and leah conceived again in verse 19 and leah said in verse 20 and after she bear a daughter and god remembered right so this is after she bear a daughter and god hearkened to her and opened her womb and she conceived so that's after that and bear a son and said god has taken away my reproaches she called his name joseph okay so this is the last born up until this point benjamin hasn't been born yet and said the lord shall add to me another son and it came to pass when rachel had born joseph that jacob said unto labor send me away that may go into my own place to my own country so so it seems to me as odina was born and then rachel conceived afterwards you can see that right so it wasn't it because remember these are different mothers so it wasn't that dina was born and then sort of you know joseph is born you know a few months after that after she's born then we see that the that rachel can conceives and then after that we see her give birth to to um to joseph so that would make joseph approximately the i would say a minimum nine months probably a year younger than dina it could be more okay but bear in mind that these children have all been born in a 14 year period as well okay so we had the two lots of seven at that time and we've got basically 12 born with dina here now i say that because after these events here they traveled to hebrewon via bethol in the next chapter okay now that's only 70 odd miles in a few days travel so i know you're going only 70 miles possibly but probably by foot at least you know they could probably leading animals and stuff but that was a short journey compared with a lot of the journeys they're doing okay it's only a few days travel then in chapter 37 we then see the genealogy of edom okay then in chapter 38 joseph is 17 years old now i'm saying all that because that could literally have been a matter of weeks after this point here because there's no reason there's there's nothing else that takes a long period of time it might not be it might be a matter of years but in the next chapter he's 17 years old at the chapter after that story in genesis 37 in verse 2 it says genesis 37 2 says these are generations of jacob joseph being 17 years old was feeding the flock with his brethren and ladders with the sons of bilhar and with the sons of zilpa his father's wives and joseph brought unto his father their evil report and i'm saying that because with that in mind dina could only be a maximum of 18 years old i believe here but likely a little younger now i don't think that she's much younger so because you can imagine the muslims reading this or something and trying to imagine that she's a few years old or something because they're all sick twisted perverts they try and read that into anything they can write however verse seven says this sorry when i say they all i'm talking about the teaching of it and everything else in case anyone gets on me on the generalization there but verse seven says this and the sons of jacob came out of the field when they heard it and the men were grieved the sons of jacob came out of the field when they heard it and the men talking about the sons of jacob were grieved and they were very rough because he had walked fully in israel in line with jacob's daughter which thing ought not to be done so they're being described on the whole as a generalization as men which would make sense if zebulun who was her her next older brother was maybe 18 to 19 iskall 19 to 20 and the rest bearing barring joseph's story in their 20s right if does that make sense so you just described them as men like the men being the brothers because the majority are over 20 which is you know according to the bible that's when someone becomes a man yeah so the events of the next chapter could have taken place like i said in fairly quick succession but regardless okay so regardless of any of that whether she's whatever she's look whatever teen she is this is a very real danger for parents of daughters whether they're older or younger okay so whether they're 13 14 or whether they're 19 20 this is a danger what we're going to see in this chapter this is a risk this is something that we all need to pay attention to okay verse one says and dean of the daughter of leah which she bear unto jacob went out to see the daughters of the land okay this isn't a young child okay this is clearly someone in their teens i believe probably around the 17 18 sort of mark okay and when she come the the son of haymore the high right prince of the country saw her he took her and lay with her and defiled her so what's happened here jacob's teenage daughter has gone out to hang around with these high vite girls yeah next thing you know she's fornicated with one of the young men now just to make some of the terminology clear okay haymore is the prince or principal so it's haymore okay he's a boss basically he's a guy in charge of this is his whole family okay the prince here means principal it's not that she comes some sort of prince with a crown on or something else okay it's talking about a principal a leader okay she come is his son but it didn't say that he forced her did it just to make that clear he lay with her the reason that she's defiled is because it was fornication defiled means made dirty polluted corrupted in verse 26 just in case you're wondering about that no no i think that he's like forza she's still hanging around in his home this is after the circumcision agreement it's after they've all talked together and stuff she's hanging around with this guy okay she this is consensual but he's defiled her she's she's a female she's a young girl he's defiled her by fornicating with her it said in verse verse 26 and they slew haymore and she come his son with the edge of the sword and took dina out of sheikham's house and went out so she's in the house okay so what made dina the daughter of this now godly man jacob we looked at how godly at least he'd been up until several years before you know we saw some great examples from him what made her fornicate with this worldly guy well look at verse one and dina the daughter of leah which she bear unto jacob went out to see the daughters of the land i'll tell you what made a fornicate with this guy it's hanging around with worldly girls and you can add worldly women it's hanging around with the worldly ones and this is what has encouraged her to do this turn to proverbs 13 if you want your kids to ruin their lives then let them yoke up with the world's kids you want them to ruin their lives go ahead let them yoke up with them care more about their popularity care more about their socializing forget forget biblical things forget the principles we see in the bible forget all of that as long as they socialize oh i just so need them so because that's the attack on homeschooling that's the brainwash that they want to go at you with usually that's the one because and it does it it's to turn your head and make you think oh the poor kids they they're going to be so unhappy if they're not just spending all day every day hanging around with a load of worldly kids but are they that much happier when they're doing that because you know what i look back at school and yeah there was some fun times school but there are also some pretty grim times at school and there were times at school where i felt it was pretty horrible going into school you're like what have i got facing me today what sort of argument i've got are these ones trying to gang up or am i going to be pulled into this or that school isn't this just amazing place where you're just kind of you know walking down the road arms around each other's necks going isn't this fun i'm so glad i'm not at home oh you know with my parents being tall with my siblings it's not really like that and as you get older there's a lot more stresses there's social stresses some of the kids get like talk to half the kids that get beaten up every day at school and tell me how fun that is when it's when their lives are living hell yeah we're we're we're they try and put it on you don't they the family and the friends and the people that don't homeschool try and put it on you as if your kids must be so unhappy they're just so desperate to be running around getting bullied or something else by the other kids or being the bully i mean a lot of the time it's kind of they kind of got one of the it's not just it's not as simple as that it can be pretty like that can't it you're either gonna bully or you're gonna get bullied it's kind of it's a bit of a school of hard knocks isn't it and it's not always as simple as that but it can be pretty rough gone at school and i don't just mean physical as well some of the mental stuff i mean i i used to talk about this a lot when i first started homeschooling because i got this this attack a lot okay a lot of people family friends i've got but what about their socializing like somehow you know that you know kids are just like they just need to be around 100 something kids of their own age because that like what else in life do you ever hang around with a hundred people of the exact ages you within sort of a year i mean it doesn't happen but apparently that's how you train them for life yeah and then what what happened is i was coaching people and every time these kids were coming in especially ones that are teenagers they were coming in to to be coached and and you'd say hi my name's ian and it'd be like this hello hello like you know they can't look at you in the eye they can't talk to you they they they're like they they're a lot of the time they're these emotional messes because they've spent however many years getting mocked and scorned and laughed that and everything else if they say one word wrong if they pronounce something a funny way if they don't say a cool way if they don't act this way and they're just like they're like socialize i mean they're like the opposite a lot of the time and i feel sorry for the kids right because it's such an unnatural environment really and their kids just getting mocked it's gone or they're the complete opposite and they come in and they're overly confident well they've got their trousers halfway down their legs and you know they're walking in like this and like you know what on earth is wrong with you it it's like one or the other a lot of the time right well this is the attack is it and it is something that we get our heads turned by and do you know what the answer is really if in case you've ever had that and you're thinking yeah but like you know what if i home school and they kind of they don't get to play with you know 100 kids a day you know like am i going to have failed them you know what the answer is if you get in a good church get a good church where there's other kids around and and it's so essential for that because then look your kids around other kids they get to have that time but it's not eight hours plus a day basically getting influenced by the kid who's watching who knows what every night on tv the kid who's you're going well at least my kids don't watch tv send them into school they've been told about every single thing that was on tv right oh they come home knowing all about each tenders and all the queried away and everything else you can't stop it i mean the playgrounds i mean the playground is unbelievable right a lot of what goes on in schools and stuff like this unsupervised and you've got like sometimes you've got like well it is unsupervised you go don't have a couple of playgrounds yeah usually about two playground assistants and about 100 200 500 how many kids running around no one knows what they're doing half the time it's nuts well the answer is get them into a proper church and i say a proper church because i'm talking about a church which preaches against the school system okay i'm talking i'm talking about a church which preaches against fornication because if you don't have all of that well it's not really much difference a church which preaches against dressing inappropriately a church which preaches against for example popular culture and the wickedness of it because if you're not taking them into a church like that do you know what you're going to be taking them into the same thing a load of worldly kids a load of worldly kids being raised by worldly parents they don't give a damn that they're raising worldly kids a church which preaches against lying against disobedience against all the stuff that they need to hear preaching on against laziness churches need to preach about that stuff don't they so if i'm just behind a pulpit just telling you every week how much god loves you and how it's just grace man and whatever else that you get these liberal churches you know just make sure just whatever you do don't discriminate against homos i've got 100 sermon this year for for how not to discriminate against homos and there's not really going to be much difference is there because the people in the church they need feeding they need reminding we all need it right and i'm not like i'm not saying oh you guys need it for me because i'm learning and growing when i'm reading as well i need it right i need to be preparing sermons i need to be in the word of god you guys need that as well we all need that right and then what happens we should then see then the difference between the children in a church like this and the children out in the world and it can take a while can't it it take a while for those kids to get like that and and just quickly if if you're unable to homeschool so look you know i'm not preaching at you here okay that can look that many what many people have different circumstances situation and we just have to do the best we can right and god will help you you're doing the best you can in your circumstance in your situation but what it does mean yeah it does mean that that if you're sending if if you're in church you've got other good kids around and stuff like that that could be a nice time to have some fun with with other kids right but if the kids are just if the kids are like the the the roughest inner city school that you've been across right well it doesn't really help at all does it it's the opposite but do you know what that means that means that the kids here have a responsibility to then not be a negative influence on the other kids here and this isn't like this isn't reaction preaching okay in case someone's thinking oh no what they've been up to now this isn't okay we've got a great group of kids here but you have a responsibility here kids as well because you know as we grow as a church with time there'll be people coming along going oh so great yeah you know i can bring our kids to this church you don't want them to come here and then come away going what on earth has my kid just been told by this other kid or what how does this happen why like they're all ganging up on there or something else and i i don't think we hopefully will never have that but but it's not just you know it's not just to be negative not to be a negative influence we want the kids here to be kind right to be welcoming to be nice to the other kids as they come in to understand that you'll have kids come in here they've literally just come out maybe they'll be at school their whole lives or maybe not and to be able to be that good influence on them and we don't what we don't want is alone is our kids going away going you know being maybe a bit judgmental or holier than thou with them and stuff like that and again this isn't reactive preaching i just something to remember for the future guys right this is sometimes there'll be people coming here bringing their kids going thank god they could be around some other kids and not being a headlock you know at the end of the service and and get flushed down the toilet or get their lunch money nicked or something else you know this should be a nice place to bring your kids shouldn't it but homeschool homeschooling itself isn't problem solved okay just to make that clear so it's not that well we homeschool our kids we bring them to church my kid reads the bible in the morning what could go wrong because did you know that dina was homeschooled dina was homeschooled you go how do i know dina was homeschooled because there weren't any schools because the school system is a is a recent invention so anyone who thinks oh i just don't know if we're doing the right thing here look you're doing something that's been tried and tested for years parents teaching their kids okay dina was homeschooled and here's the thing is what what is she doing with her free time though well dina's was spent with the daughters of the land wasn't she and that's the thing is that you can homeschool you can bring them to church everything else but what your kids doing with their spare time what are your kids doing with their free time because they can spend their time in church they could be homeschooled in the day they can they can you know come out soul winning with you you can have them reading the bible you can have them doing some good chores and stuff but what are they doing with their free time because they can still spend their free time like dina here with the daughter of the land you say well i don't let them do that well nowadays that's done through pop songs isn't it nowadays you can have the daughter of the land serenading your kid in their bedroom every day their favorite song their favorite pop songs their favorite worldly music and they're listening to that stuff every day the same the same message and a lot of the time what's the message fornicate fornicate fornicate with sheikham fornicate with sheikham that's pretty much the message they're getting isn't it in one way or another and you can be hanging around with the daughters of the land not even know your kids are hanging around with the daughters of the land movie stars i mean that's a lot there's a lot of influence in that isn't there people look you you watch the stuff you're watching these oh no it's a family movie oh don't worry they just wake up in the morning and then put their clothes on and it's like they're constantly just trying to push this stuff in their face in the head and then they look up to these people but it's like the heroine of the movie who's like cartwheeling around and beating up every man in sight in a cat suit and she just happens to be a fornicator who are they spending their time with the daughters of the land right soap stars same sort of thing i don't know do people watch soaps much anymore i used to be big maybe not so much now what about what about social media well influencers or influencers i mean these people are poison are they're diseases and and again like people have look they're so pulled into that stuff so you might you might have your teenage kids but they're just on whether it's facebook instagram tick tock all that stuff just again being influenced by the daughters of the land spending their spare time with the daughters of that it doesn't take long as well now look we can't just shield them from everyone and everything but it doesn't take long for that influence to kick in does it i don't think it took long with dina here and she'd been raised you know she'd been in padanaram and she'd probably been raised a good way and everything else i hope i don't know i mean they had a bit of a funny family situation but i don't know but i do know that she went out to see the daughters of the land next thing you know she's fornicating and it's not just that again you go well okay i'll cut out all that stuff even books you gotta be careful with books kids can spend like hours and hours and hours really and suddenly the hero of the book whoever it is is just it's subtle influence a lot of the time let's put it this way how how here's a question yeah we see in the bible yeah in a in in many places but we see for example uh verses like in whom the god of this world have blinded the minds of them which believe not right so how long has he been the god of this world well that was written two thousand odd years ago yeah in second corinthians four so he was the god of this world in second corinthians four written then and i'll tell you what he's been the god small g of this world let's be honest ever since really okay men have made gods of all sorts of things other than god and who's behind all that the devil okay at least we see in the new testament because there were physical battles in the old testament that we wrestle not against flesh and blood right do you think that the the the negative influence of the devil is consign is sorry it's confined to just the last however many decades of tv and that sort of popular culture no way he's been negatively influencing children and adults alike for thousands of years and and i'll tell you how he did it before mass tv and nowadays probably more before mass internet and social media and stuff like that it was through publishing through books and stuff trashy novels just just filth filth in in print i mean that was half the stuff they're burning in germany wasn't it was all that sort of filth and smut that was being produced and look it's not just it's safe if it's black and white and look there are some good books out there i'm not saying you've got to ban your kids for it but you need to be careful right we need to be aware of of how and which angle they could be they could be going out to see the daughters of the land and last one that that that i put in my notes there to think about as well another one is gaming right no no oh they're just playing a game they're just shooting some people and stuff and you know sometimes that stuff could be quite fun right but then who are they kind of in a team with when they're gaming who's the people on the other end of the whatever it is you know some like suddenly they're in teams here on the internet and whatever and people coming out with all sorts of stuff and filth and everything else trying to encourage them to watch this and look at that after the game and everything else i mean some people are trying to share the gospel through gaming that could be quite fun but you know i'm sure there's a lot of other stuff that's shared that isn't so good right so just stuff to think about but proverbs 13 20 did you turn to proverbs 13 proverbs 13 20 says he that walketh with wise men shall be wise but a companion of fools shall be destroyed and by the way in case you just think well we're just talking to the parents here we're just talking to the kids this applies to adults too doesn't it this applies to a whole lot of us what happens yet let me give you just a simple way of it how it works we get desensitized to sinful behavior the more we see it the more we get desensitized and the more we just start to excuse it a little bit we justify the lesser evil when we're exposed to the worst so when you're hanging around someone that's doing some real nasty filthy stuff some real bad stuff some real sinful stuff now the lesser sin seems even less doesn't it oh it's not that bad at least i'm not doing what they're doing and that's how we see with the hygalian dialectic isn't it just keep lowering the bar of decency and then the sort of the the happy medium just gets lower and lower and lower as well right and look you've got to be careful that in your own life because the more you're hanging around with people that are just doing bad stuff or wicked stuff the more you get desensitized through it and let me tell you who's more who more often not all the time but as a rule is more at risk ladies that's just the truth sorry ladies that's just the truth whether young or not young ladies yeah but but ladies in general are just more at risk of the attacks of the brainwash of the conditioning now don't get me wrong we can all get led astray every single one so i don't think just because you're a bloke that's it i'm immune to it but the reality of it is it's the women that are often targeted more they're more easily led you know why because they're meant to be led women are meant to be led they're meant to have a head leading them so when they don't they're even whether they are or not they're more easily led that's why so much of it is targeted that's why we see so many green-haired vegan liberal like ultra hyper liberal just weird sodomite protesters around because you're thinking like these people that are like queuing up outside places with all their freaky outfits and freaky hair and everything else you would think that's well man you've got a that's probably a bit of a dangerous thing to be doing out there protesting and stuff it's usually majority women so many of them because sadly they are more easily led as a general rule and if you're a lady that's managed to to avoid all that good on you right i'm only ultimately i'm only complimenting you here but that's just the reality that's why first timothy 214 says and adam was not deceived but the woman being being deceived was in a transgression but here's something interesting do you know who was to blame though adam was not deceived but the woman being deceived was in a transgression but romans 5 12 referring to adam says wherefore is by one man sin entered into the world and death by sin and so death pass upon all men for that all have sinned it's a man that was held to account for it because he should have been leading her and you know who who was to blame back in genesis 34 jacob jacob was to blame it's his daughter he should have been leading her he should have been protecting her he got complacent he let her go and hang around with worldly women and that is just recipe for disaster now we looked last week at softly and gently leading which is several years before this point and maybe the approach look maybe the approach because you go oh maybe he just was too softly gently no maybe the approach wouldn't have been thrashing dina for wanting to go out the house maybe that wouldn't have been the right approach to deal with her maybe she might have rebelled more maybe it would have been harder but it is called softly leading not softly compromising and i said that last week you don't look at that and go okay that means we just got to be a pushover and let them do what they want no it's softly leading maybe the answer would have been sending one of her brothers to chaperone her when she wanted to go out and do some stuff maybe she's getting a bit bored and want to go out it's like okay well you know what maybe we'll send simian or levi out right because i'll tell you what no one would have messed with them i mean see me the levi like a two-man army send out them boys with her and everyone will just run out of the way and she could go and have a little stroll around and no one's going to get in the way of them right but there's ways of doing it right but but it's softly leading not softly compromising here he's just he's let her go out to hang around with worldly girls i mean what a mess what a mess this is right now whatever the option he could have chosen okay it would have been better than a hanging around with the ungodly daughter of the land because that's what they are okay that's what we're seeing here these are the ungodly daughters of the land and she's hanging out with them and by the way just because someone's saved it doesn't mean that they're automatically wise we looked at the verse which said he that walketh with wise men shall be wise but a companion of fools shall be destroyed okay just because they're saved doesn't mean they're wise okay the fear of the lord is the beginning of wisdom just because you're saved that's just the beginning right okay so we want to be careful with with who we don't oh well they say they're safe they must be all right you know that doesn't necessarily uh count does it but without that okay without salvation at all that's the beginning so if someone ain't saved i don't want my kids yoked up with them now just just a caveat here yeah look your kids your your children as they grow up as well look it doesn't mean they're not allowed to be around anyone like that i've had my kids play some sports and do things like that but i don't want them being best friends of these people i want to hang and i don't really want them with these people away from me really or away from my wife for good reason right because it doesn't take long for the brainwash for the influence everything else to ruin them and in dina's case you can imagine that her new friends would have viewed the boss's son as a real catch wouldn't they you can imagine that wouldn't you she can the son of haymore the boss that's probably a catch isn't it someone to be desired right you can imagine why she probably thought yeah this guy this must be all right and that's what happens okay you spend too long with the world and suddenly for many women the wealthy guy the influential guy the bad guy type and suddenly a catch and they shouldn't be should they she'll be looking at this guy going this guy's an absolute idiot he's trying to get me to fornicate what a moron but instead she's hanging around with the daughter of the land she's thinking this guy's great she's she's in his she's in his home however long after well you spend too much time with the world and fornication becomes less of a wicked sin as well doesn't it you hang around with fornicators and suddenly fornication doesn't seem so bad but back in first corinthians you don't have to go there 618 we're told to flee fornication aren't we to flee it it is a wicked sin but god hates it and and we're told to flee it okay we should be going the other way she ends up hanging around with basically people that are for me pro-fornication so when it says flee fornication that means don't let your daughter buddy up with a load of fornicators don't let your daughter don't leave your daughter alone with shechem yeah and with the many she comes out there or they'll end up being defiled said in verse 2 when she came the son of haymore the high vite prince of the country saw he took her and lay with her and defiled her and that's reputation ruined it's done you go well come on you know many of us have come to faith late you know and made mistakes and stuff all our reputations ruined i'll tell you what children growing up in a christian family children growing up in a in in a bible believing family you get into this that's reputation done reputation ruined because so many of these second generation christian children here people care about that stuff for good reason right not going oh yeah whatever look many of us have made mistakes in the past right but we're not raising our kids to make those mistakes and and and that's reputation done she's defiled defiled and we've got to be really careful parents dads to protect us both but especially because they're easily led a lot of the time our daughter's reputations and that means as well you've got to be careful and think about your daughter being alone with someone that might accuse her of something she hasn't done that's a very real threat and something i've been warned about in the past by by more mature christians amigo you've got to be very careful because there'll be people that will literally just try and get children on their own and then accuse them of something that hasn't necessarily even happened but they do that do you know why they do that because they want to destroy you they want to destroy your family they want to destroy their reputations they want to try so you've got to be really careful about that stuff that's why we want our kids chaperoned that's why we don't that's why we're family integrated and we say we don't want your kids unattended and things like that because as we grow as a church in numbers and everything else that is a very real risk isn't it it's not just what might happen it's what might be suggested or accused of happening that maybe didn't right and boys you've got to be careful that stuff as well you just you're on your own one-on-ones with girls stuff what happens if someone accused you of something and who's your witness to that and suddenly you've got reputation ruined that will always hang over you as well sitting in verse three and it's soul clave unto dina the daughter of jacob he loved the dams and smite kindly unto the dam so she could have fallen in love with her so is that all okay then oh love conquers all yeah is that all okay no he still defiled her and he'll still ruin her life he's already ruined her life to some degree and he'll continue and continue to ruin her life because it's just some unsafe guy who's like you think he's gonna he's gonna help her to live for god and everything else no oh but he loves her so what doesn't matter does it and by the way if you're wondering a dam is a young unmarried woman or girl okay verse four says the sheikham spake unto his father hamo saying get me this dam's little wife and jacob heard that he had defiled dean of his daughter now his sons were with his cattle in the field and jacob held his peace until they would come and hamo the father of sheikham went out onto jacob to commune with him so i think that jacob is waiting for his sons to be there before he has this conversation that's what i think he's saying it says in verse five now his sons were with the cattle in the field and jacob held his peace until they were come hamo the father shaker went out unto jacob to commune with him so i think kind of he's on his way and he's waiting for his sons to come and the sons of jacob came out of the field when they heard it and the men were grieved so like i said they're described as men here and they were very wroth because he had wrought folly in israel and lying with jacob's daughter which thing ought not to be done now israel referring to their family their clan i suppose but but israel means who prevails with god some say it means a prince or leader prevails god or someone that prevails with god so there's a kind of irony in those that prevail with god committing fornication isn't there as well i mean it's kind of an ironic statement isn't it that that that lying with jacob the fornication there being being of israel which means those who who who prevails with god okay this is a this is like a horrible slight worse than that isn't it this is shame right a shame unto their family this isn't just some random fact it's not just a shame it should it is a shame to any family but for them even more so right this is a a godly family at least trying to be godly family and don't get me wrong they've got a lot of issues this family anyway okay so our brothers are understandably angry they're very wroth okay now that's a normal response to someone committing fornication with your sister so that should be the response shouldn't it someone's committed fornication with your sister you're very wroth you're angry now that's kind of just been wiped out of of kind of consciousness in this country i'd imagine probably guys that try and set up their friends with their sisters and stuff it's that bad right but that should be the response shouldn't it should be like what on earth with my sister right there and and you can understand they're being angry right they said which thing ought not to be done they're saying like how on how dare this guy do this right and haymore communed with them saying the soul of my son sheikham longeth for your daughter i pray you give her him to wife and make your marriages with us and give your daughter's son to us and take our daughters unto you you shall dwell with us and the land shall be before you dwell and trade you therein and get your possessions therein so if you notice notice how haymore is trying to entice them how's he trying to try some wealth money cash and isn't that what has enticed so many christian families over the years though hasn't it and it's not just the wealthy unbeliever that they might try and marry their daughter off to i look you can imagine there's a lot of believers out there be like great look he's he's got money he's a doctor he's a this or he's a that brilliant right you know why wouldn't you marry your daughter off to them forget them forget the the christian guy he's just making ends meet there's someone rich there i could look i'll tell you what that's going on all over the world right but there's other ways that works as well the extra cash for example of both parents working which results in kids being given to the world so that's like they're trying to entice them with the money and many people do that anyway they'll just like they'll barely raise their kids because they can get more cash get more money i don't worry well the school will deal with it the the after school club will deal with it and the preschool club will do with it and the weekend club will deal with it and the half-term club will deal with it because we can make more money cash i don't well we'll take them on a lovely holiday once a year we send them off with the kids club and we can put our feet up and say well we did it all for them you know and that's what goes on with it with many of the wealthy around and what they're really doing they're ultimately just choosing the wealth aren't they choosing the wealth above above their family dropping the kids off all the time with the worldly family to be able to dwell more in the world because it said here dwell and trade you therein and get your possessions therein and again look i'm not saying cut off your family members okay you don't have to do that but some people will go too far with that won't they well they're like barely there with their kids because it's much easier to drop them off and be able to live the world's life right get all the enjoyment of the world and everything else oh well we can go out on a date here and a thing there and look you need to go out on a date now and again husbands and wives but some people will take this overboard right i turn to second corinthian six so many fall into this snare in one way or another okay whether it's partnering up in business in fellowship in marriages to be able to partake in the wealth of the world that's so often what it's about the wealth at least to get on at least well i might lose my job if i don't yoke up in this way i might maybe lose this i might be able to get more money if i yoke up in that way verse 14 though in second corinthian six i know these are famous verses but just have a think about them for a minute it says in verse 14 of second corinthian six be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers for what fellowship has righteousness with unrighteousness and what communion has light with darkness and what concord hath christ with belial or what part have he that believeth with an infidel and what agreement has the temple of god with idols for ye are the temple of the living god as god have said i will dwell in them and walk in them and i will be their god and they shall be my people and i believe that all of the different descriptions here help us to apply this to our lives so he could have just said don't be yoked up and then moved on to another truth but he really expands this doesn't he expands this yoking up and gives us some examples of how you can be unequally yoked unequally yoked with unbeliever and yoking is i'm sure you all know i've preached on this recently is to be joined or coupled together okay the picture is is that is two animals yoked together okay and you don't want two animals uh have different strength sizes etc uh yoked together to do work okay but these are some applications so for what fellowship has righteousness with unrighteousness fellowship is companionship mutual association of people on equal and friendly terms that's what the fellowship is it's equal terms now we should be friendly to the lost but should you be seeking equal companionship with them should it be an equal an equal companionship an equal relationship for example best friends should my best buddy if if if you know if if i was saying to you oh yeah guys you know i'm just hanging around with my best friend um when i get back tonight and i'll probably be seeing my best friend on the weekend and my best friend next week and and then i was telling you guys that my best friend's unsaved my best friend's a muslim my best friends are whatever my best friends are repent of your sins baptist or something you know what's that with what's that with pastor taverna like why is he why is he best friends with some unbeliever that's what like i don't have to cut off all my old friends kind of did but you know there's the odd one i might try and catch up with now and again never know right and and but should i be best friends should i be yoking up with them of course not right and that's if it if that applies to me it should apply to everyone shouldn't it apply to everyone right what communion had light with darkness communion includes fellowship but you know in other ways intercourse between two persons or more being interchange of transactions or offices a state of giving and receiving agreement concord now this would include business partnerships so going 50 50 with someone on something where you have to make joint decisions you can see how hard that would get with time wouldn't it you're just yoked up in some business relationship you have to constantly agree with someone that has completely different principles morals he's unwise by the you know in terms of how the bible would say it wants you to make decisions on whoever and whatever with it that maybe will be against your you know your beliefs being a bible believing christian that's just going to not work in the future is it he said uh he said what concord hath christ with belial so concord is agreement between persons so union in opinion sentiments views or interests peace harmony and i was thinking that this applies to political stances so how are you going to have concord with someone who follows some worldly construct viewpoints because that's what all politics is really isn't it think of those that want to wanted to team up with the anti-covid demos or some other political cause so during covid those that wanted to go and like you know campaign in london with all the you ain't got nothing in common with all those unsaved mask haters and everything else no and i get it yeah you know a lot of it was ridiculous but do you need to be like that's not your battle right and people want to team up and yoke up and that's just not going to work do you know what happens in the end they always just end up just pulling away from being aligned with the bible so those people if you ever come across them that seem to be saved but just so into the conspiracy so into the whatever the the political fights and political battles you notice they just get pulled away from the things of god don't they so instead of going out and soul winning they're no no but we're like holding a placard it's like like in the battle like that will waste your time right but again why because because of the concord that they have of christ's abelio and then last one and what agreement have the temple of god with idols and that's yoke up with false religion so ecumenical fellowship stuff again just crazy isn't it all that stuff and and i spoke to a guy today he said he was amazed and we believe that all religions uh a pathway to the great architect kind of right in a way borrowing one right bar in biblical christianity because yeah you know that architect is right yeah but anyway the point being that how does that even work i mean i couldn't even you know you could have got into a just just gone how does that work considering some of those like in one way or another one saying you do this one saying you do that one you just choose the easiest one wouldn't well that should be the gospel right because that is literal easy believers but you go okay well i'll go with sort of you know whatever religion is a bit more fun or something else because they're all just a different way right why am i going to get into all that like you know five pillars stuff i could just do a much easier one but ridiculous right okay but all of that stuff ecumenical stuff that would be the temple of god with idols he said wherefore come out from among them and be ye separate saith the lord and touch not the unclean thing and i will receive you and will be a father unto you you shall be my son's a daughter saith the lord almighty however back in genesis 34 the enticing is done with money possessions young ladies to marry that could be an enticement for single men can't it be like yeah i mean i don't really want to be in a world but if i get on that worldly dating site might find a lady to marry that claims to be a christian and all that stuff and people do it's like they'll yoke up and get drawn into the world because of i've gotta find myself a wife that's not how god wants you to do it he doesn't want you yoked up with the world how many men compromise because of that how many men end up marrying some woman or getting involved with someone sadly a lot of the time fornication or something else and it's just a mess right well verse 9 said and make he marriages with us and give your daughters unto us and take our daughters unto you that's part of the temptation for them and you shall dwell with us and the land shall be before you dwell and trade you therein get your possessions there in a sheik of said unto her father he's talking to jacob here and unto her brethren let me find grace in your eyes and what you shall say unto me i will give ask me never so much dari and gift and i will give according as you shall say unto me but give me the damsel to wife so she can be there and willing to give anything to marry her okay again he's trying to entice with money yeah and the sons of jacob answered sheikham and hamo his father deceitfully and said because he had defiled dean of their sister and they said unto them we cannot do this thing to give our sister one that is uncircumcised for that will approach unto us in this will we consent unto you if you will be as we be that every male of you be circumcised then will we give our daughters unto you we will take your daughters to us we will dwell with you and we will become one people but if you will not hearken unto us to be circumcised then will we take our daughter and we will be gone so before before we continue okay jacob is continuing to drop the ball here why are his sons communing why are jacob's sons can why are they involved in this discussion why did he hold his peace until they came in verse five anyway and jacob heard that he had defiled dean of his daughter now sons were with the cattle with his cattle in the field and jacob held his peace until they would come so jacob isn't leading so well right now is he and we saw some great leadership when the kids were young and he and he was being guided by god at that point but maybe a combination of the harem and whatever else other things have resulted in this weird situation with a pretty bad bunch of sons calling the shots i mean think in a in a couple of chapters time in a few chapters they're going to be trying to basically murder murder joseph and then at least sell him off to like slave traders and stuff i mean this is a pretty bad bunch that he's going oh i'm going to wait till my sons are here and then they can deal with it i mean this guy's that he for me he's just he's gone pretty downhill over the last half many years and at least in this in this situation this isn't a good situation but but what it should be for us it's a reminder that you might be close to god okay and he like he had a bad start and then we saw like some great examples we saw like he was a great for me is a real example in many ways in the last couple of chapters he's winning victories he's doing great things but don't forget the christian life's a marathon you you might you might have done some great stuff you might have done some got some great salvation maybe you had a really good year this year i don't know maybe you've been in church a lot maybe you've been doing a lot of good stuff you've been out solely you've read your bible a lot of times you've been learning you've been growing you're getting sin out your life you haven't arrived you never arrive and you can still so easily slide backwards again you can so easily still mess up you might have done some great parenting made some great choices done some real strong stuff led well gently led strongly led softly led done it all at the right time you feel like i'm really getting some fiction i've been guided by god i'm doing things well and you can still mess up and you can make grave errors as soon as you take your foot off the gas soon as you're not doing things how god would want you to do and jacob here like what on earth is he doing why is he not having a conversation why is his sons like maybe his sons might need to be there for backup before he maybe beat up sheikham or something said you've just you know you've just defiled my daughter but he didn't have to let his sons deal with the whole thing i mean what's all that about so he lets them take control of the situation they tell haymore and sheikham to circumcise all the men and then they can all yoke up together but it's a it's a lie okay they're deceiving it's it's a plot it said in verse 18 no and their words pleased haymore and shake and sheikham haymore's son why are they pleased doesn't doesn't sound so great does it oh yeah don't worry you just got to like get circumcised i mean i know his thoughts a bit scary well sheikham is pleased because he loves dina it says and the young men the young man so he deferred not to do the thing because he had delight in jacob's daughter and he was more honorable than all the house of his father so this fornicating guy is the most honorable amongst a lot of them okay and again this is like i said this is an of course you know there's nothing new under the sun but this isn't kind of nowadays where like you know the fornication brainwash has got to be up there i'd imagine but regardless this guy is the most honorable one he just wants to marry okay but what's haymore's motivation the rest of the men well whether or not look maybe yeah he you know sheikham might just really love and want to marry her but his dad and the rest of the men it says in verse 20 and haymore and sheikham his son came under the gate of the city and communed with the men of their city saying these men are peaceable with us therefore let them dwell in the land and trade therein for the land behold it is large enough for them let us take their daughters to us for wives and let us give them our daughters only here in will the men consent unto us for to dwell with us to be one people if every male among us be circumcised as they are circumcised shall not their cattle and their substance and every beast of theirs be ours only let us consent unto them and they will dwell with us it's back to wealth again isn't it look how rich we would become look how rich we'll become if we end up getting these guys to yoke up with us and it made me think i was thinking about this it made me think of the present day ashkenazi jews and other converts over the many centuries right who were willing to go as far as basically circumcising themselves to pretend that they were this so-called people and really what was probably the motivation wealth cash money because they seemed to get pretty wealthy on the back of it didn't it and look in a wider sense so there are many that are happy to do some sort of religious practice to fit in to yoke up to get wealth in one way or another there's that history of trying to pretend that they're godly people that they're churchgoers and things like that for people to trust them for business for things like that and maybe it's less now because it's less and less popular being a christian being a churchgoer but i'd imagine other religions nowadays what what's probably the popular one spiritualism isn't it oh yeah they're probably telling everyone how they do yoga and stuff because people think that maybe they'll be like a better employee because they're more in touch with their spiritual side or something you can imagine it right but the point being that that's what we're seeing here they're willing they're willing to just go oh yeah yeah yeah we'll do like this this circumcision thing this religious thing that means that we get richer yeah fair game well many people do this sort of thing and you have to turn to second peter two three talks of the worst kind that will do this thing it says and through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you whose judgment now have a long time ling with not and their damnation some with not many will just merchandise you in one way or another and they're like the worst types of people right the infiltrator types but just because someone claims to believe or here gets circumcised it doesn't make them one of god's people there's something to remember there look any someone get look these guys were literally willing to get circumcised were they suddenly god's people no they weren't and many people will claim to be god's people it's a warning there isn't it that look people will do whatever they'll look they've got all sorts of much uh all sorts of uh motivation and for many it's just to make money really they just want to make merchandise they wanted their money they wanted their cattle they wanted their cash and they're willing to just pretend and try and fit in with them to do that verse 24 says this and unto hamo and unto sheikim his son harkened all that went out of the gate of his city and every male was circumcised all that went out the gate of his city and it came to pass on the third day when they were saw that two of the sons of jacob simian and levi dina's brethren took each man his sword and came upon the city boldly and slew all the males so when we say city okay in case you're wondering and thinking how do they like find their way around the city just killing every male and no one realized think of it like a fortified collection of dwellings think of more like a castle combat if anyone has ever seen like any old castles and sometimes have the map of it and it's basically like a wall and just it's a safe place to live basically where you've got a bit more protection if some raiders want to come in and and try and you know kind of kill you massacre you take all your stuff okay so i don't think it was there was necessarily a load and a load of people but i think there were still probably quite a few right so they've come on they they they've took each man his sword came upon the city boldly and slew all the males okay now simian and levi were jacob's second and third sons by leah so these are dina's four brothers and they're the second and third eldest of the lot as well so these are kind of you know you know the second and third of the most mature of them they're they're definitely bold aren't they i mean they've come across this whole lot they'll obviously protect her over the younger sister but this is an extreme reaction okay just to say the least in case anyone said they're going yeah too right he defiled her kill them all you know like they've slaughtered the whole lot of them i mean this is this is pretty harsh okay this is this is this isn't a good time for them this wasn't okay so if anyone's ever read this and thought oh okay fair enough like god's not okaying this because this happened and even because it's at the time 11 of the sons of jacob that doesn't mean oh well it's okay because it's like i mean levi i mean end up being like the levites came from levi you know it must be okay it must have been a holy thing to do no okay turn over to genesis 49 to see what jacob said about this before he died so in genesis chapter 49 he's prophesying about what's to come of each tribe from his from his 12 children now at this point in genesis 49 he says this in verse 5 genesis 49 5 says simian and levi are brethren instruments of cruelty are in their habitations okay that's doesn't sound good right oh my soul come not thou into their secret unto their assembly mine honor be not thou united for in their anger they slew a man talking about sheikham and in their self-will they digged down a wall that's the whole city i think cursed be their anger for it was fierce and their wrath for it was cruel i will divide them in jacob and scatter them in israel no these guys were self-willed they were wrathful they were cruel okay this wasn't a good thing that they did they went well over the top here okay back in in with that in mind back in genesis chapter 34 it said in verse 26 and they slew haymore and she can miss some with the edge of the sword and took dina out of sheikham's house and went down can you imagine what she must have thought i mean her brothers just turned up it's not like her brothers oh he's coming like you know started on my boyfriend or whatever you know he's they've literally just come and slaughtered the whole lot of them and taken her out she's like why'd you always do this okay i'm sure i'm sure this isn't a regular thing but you can imagine just what on earth okay the sons of jacob came upon the slain and spoiled the city because they'd defiled the sister and i think this is probably the rest of them you know they took their sheep and their oxen and their asses and that which was in the city and that which was in the field and all their wealth and all their little ones and their wives took their captive and sport even all that was in the house so it wasn't just the livestock they took the law even the children of wives who presumably would have ended up as some sort of bond servants or so i mean i mean this was pretty savage right they've just come and hacked down the whole lot kidnapped everyone else taken all the loot and jacob said to simian and levi you have troubled me to make me to stink among the inhabitants of the land among the kainanites and the perizzites and i being few in number they shall gather themselves together against me and slay me and i shall be destroyed i am my house so he's saying they're all going to hate me for this and group up and destroy all of us you can understand this concern here right and they said should he deal with our sisters within harlot you know so what response right it's just um yeah but is it okay what he just did amazing right so in their mind it's justified now just to make it clear okay i'm in no way am i condoning deceiving then killing all this bunch for one man's sin okay however it does remind us how serious fornication is too doesn't it so their viewpoint is well fair enough we killed the whole lot because he dealt with our sisters with an heart as as with an harlot now i'm not saying that's okay but i mean that viewpoint is over here and our kind of society at least in the uk and much of the world's viewpoint is kind of over here right i mean how pulls apart is that they're like we're hacked down the whole lot of them because they committed fornication and then you've got our world where it's just like fornicate fornicate fornicate i mean both are extreme but i'll tell you what one's probably not quite as extreme as theirs their reaction their response isn't quite as extreme as our world's view on fornication now which is just ridiculous isn't it absolutely ridiculous it's also for me it's an interesting thing how women committing fornication are compared to and harlot or at least basically fornicating with a woman is like treating her as an harlot and that's basically a prostitute okay and that's something to think about as well isn't it something to think about with our kids growing up something to think about boys it's something to think about single men as well you know when you treat someone like that you're basically treating them like a harlot it's not that oh well you know it's just that's what we like that's what we we both just consented no you've basically treated that woman you've treated that girl like a harlot i mean that's wicked isn't it what does that say to whoremongers that says you're wicked right you go around treating women like that it's wicked you're treating them as an harlot and how disrespectful oh when women if you're ever treated like that someone who's trying to do it it's not oh they just love you so much oh what what you know oh what what an amazing what amazing thing you know how how much more confident i am that someone wants to treat me as an harlot because that's kind of that's how the world's women spend their days is trying to basically be trying to have someone try and treat them like a harlot whether or not they actually want to go to that extreme but a lot of the time they want someone to at least look at them like they want to treat them like a harlot they spend the whole their days trying to look in a way that someone will treat them like an harlot but what is it really it's just an insult it's an insult isn't it when when some guy drives down the road and he's going like this and that basically he's looking at that girl going i want to treat you like an harlot that's an insult isn't it how about they cover themselves up dress modestly and not have the the goal is not to have a load of people craning their necks and beeping their horns and whistling and acting like absolutely that should be the goal of a young lady shouldn't it have some modesty have some self-respect and not want to be looked at like an harlot what's what a shame that is it's shame isn't it to go down the road because you've dressed provocatively because you've dressed a little bit like a just just like slight harlot you know i looked in the mirror and i'll go i'll just go just go semi harlot today okay no great now i've got a load of attention for people that want to treat me like it's a shame it's embarrassing it's embarrassing they said should he deal with our sisters within harlot and that's how we should feel about our sisters in christ shouldn't we we don't want people dealing with the with the girls in this church with the young ladies in this church the ladies in this church as with them we don't want people even planning to deal with them as within harlot and how do we how do we help that one way is helping them to be more modest another way is by chaperoning and not just being foolish about this stuff right and another thing to think about there is the whoremongers shacking up with god's children are considered by some extremists as worthy of death so if you're if you're a whoremonger out there whether you're saved or not and you're trying to shack up with god's children do you know what there are some simians and levies out there that think that you're worthy of death that they should they they would think they might as well come and hack you up for that and and they think they're justified and how do you think god thinks when you get young ladies young christian ladies and guys are just trying to shack up with them trying to treat them as within harlot now i'm not saying he's look these guys have gone a bit extreme but you know what it shows how some people would view it right and i don't think they're i think their extremity their extremism sorry is is not as far gone as the extremism of our wicked liberal world right now and for them even the repercussions are worth it too i mean they're just he's like yeah but like you know the canonites the perizites they're gonna all gather up to get into the gates they're gonna slay me i'm gonna get destroyed and everything else so they're just like should we deal with our sisters with an harlot it's almost like you can imagine a bigger bit confused like so is it worth it and you know why because it's based on him influencing their sister like that that's really what it comes down to isn't it because they're not going yeah well that dina and everything else that who are they angry with she can he's the man he's the one who's influenced the young girl now like i said who's ultimately to blame jacob but they're not going to turn on him but she comes the next one in line to blame isn't he he's a man and he's influenced this girl to end up committing fornication with him and he's to blame and that's another thing to think about young men out there you know you have some responsibility right anyway that's a hard chapter in the bible because look there's some great truths in there right but but there's some their eternal truths are things that we need to take on board and we need to think seriously about not just as fathers just as as members of a church and want to protect each other want to protect each other from something which is it's defilement isn't it really um no matter what our world says nowadays on that we're going to finish up well thank you for your word thank you for well you know what is a you know well a hard true story in the bible there um just just something that happened there many years ago that we could we're still learning from today lord and the pitfalls the the you know the mistakes made there that hopefully we won't repeat lord help us not to repeat that help our church here lord to just be strong in this to you know not not compromise so we end up you know having having these sorts of problems and issues further down the line help us just be a strong church lord a church which you know cares about cares about not just the kids here but but the young men the young ladies here just to just to to live as you'd want them to live lord and just just you know far removed from all that influence of the world help us to protect them from that lord help us help us to just be strong families here as well strong families although we gently lead we don't compromise lord we we do things the right way and do things it's guided by you and everything we do um help us to get home safe and sound this evening lord and and help us all return on sunday help um you know the church to to just just be able to to get back from illness and health issues and everything else for us to just start the year well or at least end the year well without that final final service of the year and in jesus name we pray all this amen