(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen. Okay, so we're on Genesis 19 still and we're going to look at it in another light this week. Last week we were in Genesis 19, the reality of the Sodomites. The reality in the Bible and what is true and 100% truth as opposed to how our world wants to paint Sodomites nowadays. Lessons that we could learn about then we went through, didn't we? And also about Lot especially, a saved Christian who basically ruined his life by hanging around with queers. I mean that's basically what happened, wasn't it? Lot absolutely destroyed his life and he was hanging around with them because of his own covetousness. And it was just, what a nightmare his life was, right? We saw that it wasn't all over after he was rescued but the repercussions continued with a couple of daughters so desensitized to perversion. So out of God's will that they were getting their father drunk et cetera at the end, okay? And it's pretty unpleasant reading there, isn't there? And today, look, I want to look at another aspect of the events of Genesis 19 and like I said how they're a picture of the end times, okay? And there's some real, not just a picture, for me there's a lot of stuff here that we can learn about I believe how it's going to be and things we're going to be looking out for. And there's a lot of lessons we can learn about what's going to happen just before Christ's return. But before we start, I'd like to pray. So Father, thank you for this chapter, the Bible, Lord, a chapter which is hard reading for many of us in places, but a chapter which is also essential, a chapter which not only has just taught us so much about this subject of Sodomites, you know, the first just clear story, clear as day story about him in the Bible and how much we can learn from that, but also a chapter which can teach us so much about things to come in this world, Lord, maybe even in our lifetimes. Lord, help us to, help us, just everyone here to just learn from this chapter, help me to preach it accurately and boldly. Lord, please fill me with your spirit and just help me to preach it in a way that you'd want it preached. Everyone have attentive ears and just don't progress. Amen. Okay, so let's have a little look from verse one again. It said, And there came two angels to Sodom at even, and Lot sat in the gate of Sodom, and Lot seeing them, rose up to meet them, and he bowed himself with his face toward the ground. And he said, Behold now, my lords, turn in, I pray you, into your servant's house and tarry all night and wash your feet. You shall rise up early and go on your ways. And they said, Nay, but we will abide in the street all night. I'd like you to keep a finger here, obviously. We're going to be regularly coming back to Genesis 19. So wherever I get you to turn, please just keep a place in Genesis 19. But turn to Luke chapter 17, Luke 17. These events are a picture, a prophetic picture of what's still to come with the second coming of Christ. Now, in Luke 17, the Lord tells us just that, I believe, okay. In Luke 17, we look closely at the wording here. It says in verse 22 of Luke chapter 17, Luke 17 and verse 22 reads, And he said unto the disciples, The days will come when ye shall desire to see one of the days of the Son of Man, and ye shall not see it. Now, imagine where you live being like Sodom, okay. That would be pretty crazy, wouldn't it? We'll look at verse 23, it says, And they shall say to you, See here, or see there, go not after them, nor follow them. For as the lightning that lighteneth out of the one part under heaven shineth unto the other part under heaven, so shall also the Son of Man be in his day. So when Jesus Christ returns, there'll be no doubt about it. But first he must suffer many things and be rejected of this generation. And as it was in the days of Noree, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of Man. They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage until the day that Noree entered into the ark and the flood came and destroyed them all. So is Jesus saying that similarity will just be that it's a surprise? Is that what he's saying? No, he said, as it was in the days, plural, days of Noree, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of Man. Okay, he didn't say just in that one day it will be a surprise, he's talking about the days. There's some similarities about the days, plural. That's not referring to the point, the day that he returns, referring to those days being similar. Now keep a finger here and flick back to Genesis 6 to remind yourself of what it was like then. So sorry if you might need to use a bulletin at times here, but flick back to Genesis 6 to remind you of what it was like in the days of Noree. Genesis 6 and verse 5 says, and God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. Verse 6 says, and it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth and it grieved him at his heart. Doesn't sound good, does it? Verse 11 says the earth also was corrupt before God and the earth was filled with violence. And God looked upon the earth and behold it was corrupt, for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth. Then God said unto Noah, the end of all flesh is come before me, for the earth is filled with violence through them and behold I will destroy them with the earth. So filled with violence, corrupt, corrupted their way, filled with violence. Again he says, sounds like a load of reprobates to me, doesn't it? That's what it sounds like to me. Jude said that Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these people and the end times. In Jude, you don't have to turn there, verse 15, he said that Christ was returning to execute judgment upon all and to convince all that are ungodly among them, of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him. That's why back in Luke 17, if you just keep that in mind, go back to Luke 17, he then also compares it to Sodom. So we've just seen that, look, when the flood came it wasn't, oh well, you know, God just got a bit tired of everyone. No, they were wicked people, right? Ungodly, ungodliness, you know, it grieved him at his heart. Well, it was a bad place and it seems that what we've just read there is it's going to be the same in the days when the Son of Man comes back. Okay? Then he says in verse 28 of Luke 17, likewise also as it was in the days of Lot, they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded. But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom, it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all. Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of Man is revealed. Yet the wrath is coming the day that the believers are raptured, okay? That's one part of that. So yes, part of that is that the wicked are living their wicked lives, but this isn't just talking about sudden destruction. It is as well talking about it being similar in the days of Lot, like it was similar in the days of Noe, there's some similarities we're going to see. And for me, there's a great picture we're going to see in Genesis 19, turn back there, where there are therefore some things that we can also then learn about what's to come. He said, likewise also as it was in the days of Lot. So again, talking about plural days, not just talking about that moment that they go at being a surprise, yeah? Otherwise, he would have just said, oh, by the way, it's going to be a surprise, okay? But no, there's some other things to learn from the days of Lot, from the days of Noe. Well, back in Genesis 19 and verse 1, I want to show you a couple of things here. Verse 1 says, and there came two angels to Sodom and Eve, and Lot sat in the gate of Sodom. And Lot seeing them, rose up to meet them, and he bowed himself with his face toward the ground. The angels represent the two witnesses. And now, some people look at this passage and just look at it as it just being a representation of the rapture. Now, there's two angels for a reason. They represent the two witnesses. Revelation 11, 3, you don't have to turn there, it says, and I will give power to my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days clothed in sackcloth. That's one thousand two hundred and sixty days, which would take us from the antichristic power and the abomination of desolation, which I think many believe will be some sort of statue image that people will be having a worship, along with taking the mark of the beast, unto the destruction of Babylon. Okay, that's the timeline there. That's twelve hundred and sixty days ago. This is a small scale picture for me here of this, with the two angels representing the two witnesses in the two and a half month period before the wrath begins. That's what I believe we're seeing here. Now, what's interesting is that Lot, okay, and we're going to see, and you're going to see, I hope as we go through this, that you're going to kind of understand this, if you don't already. What's interesting is that Lot ironically, and this is the ironic part of it, he represents the watching Christian. Can you believe that? Lot represents the watching Christian. Look at verse one, and there came two angels to Sodom at even, and Lot sat in the gate of Sodom. He sat in the gate of Sodom, and Lot seeing them, rose up to meet them, and he bowed himself his face toward the ground. Now keep a finger here and turn to Matthew 24. Now, if the picture is based on the reality of Lot's life, how on earth did Lot even make it to the rapture? So in case you're sitting there going, look, no way, he can't, he can't, you know, represent the way, look, Lot would never have even made it anywhere near to the rapture, okay? The guy was a clown, but he's a picture. Matthew 24, 13 says, but he that shall endure until the end, the same shall be saved. Okay, and for anyone there that's got any leanings towards work, salvation, this isn't talking about salvation. It just suddenly shoved in, by the way, this is how you get saved, okay? No, that's not what it's talking about. It's talking about enduring until the end of the tribulation to be able to be physically saved and not to be either decapitate or whatever other weird and wacky way that those reprobates are going to kill us, yeah? Okay, so it's followed by verse 14. It shows us how you endure to the end, where it says, and this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations, and then shall the end come. So, no Lot didn't endure, no Lot wasn't preaching much, but he's a picture of someone that did, same as legging it with the angels was a picture, okay? And the fire and brimstone was a picture of God's wrath, okay? You know, this passage in Genesis doesn't then have three and a half years of wrath coming down and all the, it's just a picture, right? And in case you're going, I don't know, Samson the ladies man is also a Christ figure, okay? So are many other people in the Bible. Moses the murderer is a Christ figure, yeah? Hagar represents the law, okay? She was a bomb mate, but she represents the law, okay? That's just the way it is. So Matthew 24 42, Matthew 24 verse 42 says, Watch therefore for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come. And that's exactly what Lot's doing, he's sitting in the gate of Sodom watching, which is why Lot gets rescued out of there and he ends up fleeing and then we're going to, I'm going to show you what that's a picture of in a minute. It is ironic, but he is a picture of the watching Christian enduring unto the end. He's a picture of it, okay? Keep a finger here and go back to Genesis 19. We are going to be going back to Matthew 24. 2 Peter 3 12 says that we should be looking for and hasting, looking for and hasty unto the coming of the day of God wherein the heavens being on fire should be dissolved and the elements shall melt with fervent heat. Lot is looking, isn't he? He's watching, he's sitting in the gate, he's looking, he's watching, he sees the angels come and he responds straight away, doesn't he? Verse 1 says, And there came two angels to Sodom at even and Lot sat in the gate of Sodom and Lot seeing them rose up to meet them and he bowed himself with his face toward the ground as he showed reverence to the two witnesses. Then he said, Behold now my lords, turn in I pray you into your servant's house and tarry all night and wash your feet, you shall rise up early and go in your ways. And they said, Nay, but we will abide in the street all night. And he pressed upon them greatly and they turned in unto him and entered into his house and he made them a feast and did bake unleavened bread and they did eat. Now I mentioned last week how the first mention of unleavened bread is here in the Bible and for me obviously we see that leaven and represent sin, the unleavened bread is a representation of Christ's sinlessness. Here there is a representation I believe of it being imputed unto Lot in being saved a picture of salvation but I also believe that the house may picture the house of God, a church in the tribulation. What is one of the things that we do in the house of God? One of the two New Testament ordinances is the Lord's Supper isn't it? Here he invites these two people into his house, he's a saved guy with we know some saved family I believe as well because they're a picture of escaping it as well and they come in and they're eating unleavened bread and it makes a real big point of the unleavened bread here. It's clearly emphasised verse 3 says and he pressed upon a great and they turned in unto him and entered into his house and he made them a feast and did bake unleavened bread and they did eat. There's nothing like coincidental there okay, there's a reason that we're being pointed out that he baked unleavened bread and they did eat. What will happen to houses of real believers, soul winners, the house of God, what will happen to that house that have endured unto the end? Well that's what I think we're seeing here, verse 4 says but before they lay down the men of the city even the men of Sodom compass the house round both old and young all the people from every quarter and they called unto Lot and said unto him where are the men which came into thee this night bring them out unto us that we may know them. Now you say no I can't see that happening how would that be allowed to happen? How could that happen where a load of Sodomites surround be it whether you want to believe well that's just like the average Christian's house or it is like I said a picture of the house of God in these end times and the few that those few remaining are doing because here's the thing at this point if we're just coming up to great tribulation okay do you think you're just going to be soul winning if you're not in the house of God? I'll tell you what you need to be in the house of God don't you? Anyone here thinks they're soul winning more or less since they're regularly in the house of God? More right? You need to be sent out don't you? Some people can do it a little bit from afar but some of us have but there's a difference between your house of God being sent out being preached and being edified and sent out sent out sent out that's what we're doing the whole time aren't we? Getting people soul winning. Send him out soul winning. We're not going to be ashamed about that as a church we're going to always try and encourage people to soul win and here's the thing is that these people here for me picture those at the very end who are still meeting in the house of God going soul winning and now they've been encompassed about and you're going oh wow on earth it's already happening isn't it? Look those churches out in the US almost all of them have been getting encompassed encompassed surrounded by sodomites by sodomites surrounding their churches you go yeah but they're not trying to get them out to do wicked things what you think that they wouldn't if they could? If the police weren't there wouldn't they say bring them out that we may know them? We'll teach these Christians a lesson or two and I'll tell you what you know when that will happen was when when you start to get to the point where it's majority sodomite in the police and it's already on the way there isn't it? Well you think those rep rates those sodomites in the police force are just going to go oh no no no leave them alone no no no leave those Christians those people that are you know that are daring to preach what the bible says about sodomy oh no no leave them they'll be going yeah bring them out they'll be joining in and we're not far off that are we does it feel like we're far off that what's been happening at steadfast recently over the last year or two especially sodomites surrounding the place basically threatening abusing harassing terrorizing right what's happened at Verity previously the same thing faithful word first work shore foundation shield of faith you name it church is preaching the whole counts of God church is soul winning church is standing on the biblical stance about sodomy are being surrounded and being told basically being at being threatened and the rest of it and it's not far off them saying bring them out that we may know them. The only reason they're not attempting gang rape is because there's still majority straight men on the police there preventing it but that does seem to be changing doesn't it? I tell you what I don't know I've seen a lot more sodomite policemen around here and I think it's the same out there isn't it? A lot went out at the door under them and shut the door after him and by the way that door is shut to sodomites isn't it? If it does represent the church is that door shut to sodomites that door shut to sodomites this door is shut to sodomites okay no sodomites are coming in this church not unless we don't know verse 7 said and said I pray you brethren do not so wickedly behold yeah it's wicked absolutely wicked behold I have two daughters which have not known man let me I pray you bring them out unto you and do you to them as is good in your eyes only unto these men do nothing for therefore came they under the shadow of my wing. Now aside from lots now warped mind okay just there's a point here there's no appeasing these animals there's no look look you can have the there's no appeasing them there's no look when we get to that point you ain't going to appease them okay because there never is any appeasing the only reason is because they have to still conform and act like they're normal but we're going to get to a point eventually where the the balance tips and they don't have to pretend they're normal anymore verse 9 said and they said stand back and they said again this one fella came into sojourn and he will need to be a judge now will we deal worse with thee than with them and they press sore upon the man even a lot came here to break the door and they like now would despise the judgment of God's house in his word okay look in the it's gonna get worse isn't it now they despise it imagine when the numbers get bigger and bigger and get more and more power and that's ultimately what they hate the judgment of God's word don't they hate it but the men put forth their hand and pulled lot into the house of them and shut to the door and perhaps that pictures of protection those that have made it through the tribulation if there's a picture like I said he's a picture of the enduring Christian he's a picture of the watching Christian and what happens he gets pulled into the house and where's the protection in the house of God believe it or not yeah we've got a big sign up there saying sure Foundation Baptist Church yeah the sign says fundamental independent KJV family integrated but you know what it's the safest place to be because you're under the protection of God in God's house he pulls them in and they smoke the men that were at the door of the house with blindness both small and great so that they wearied themselves to find the door now turn to Revelation 13 you turn to Revelation chapter 13 and while you turn there revelation 11 6 says of the two witnesses if you quit you can go there but we're going to Revelation 13 these have power to shut heaven that it rained not in the days of them prophecy and have power over waters to turn to blood and smite the earth with all plagues as often as they will and here they smoke them with blindness okay so again they do picture the two witnesses but is this also a picture the spiritual blindness of these reprobates do you think as well yeah they're smoked with blindness so they wear themselves to find the door we know that the sons of Belial these sodomites are beyond hope okay I hope everyone understands that if you're unsure about this topic I'll happily explain it to you after as a Bible I believe is very clear about that it's a sign of their reprobate mind that's what sodomy is okay it's not that are no it's because they're so to be given over Romans 128 says and even as they did not like to attain God in their knowledge God gave them over to a reprobate mind to do those things which are not convenient but don't forget that before Christ returned the majority of the world will be taking the mark of the beast okay there will be taking a mark of the beast we see that if you go this mark of the beast well the Bible teaches that basically there's gonna we're gonna get to a point where to be able to buy or sell to be able to trade you're gonna have to have a mark in your right hand or in your forehead you won't be able to buy or sell without that and it seems at least he's gonna try and cut he's gonna cause all now I not all will take it otherwise there'd be no one left in the in the millennial reign of Christ right however I think a large majority world revelation 13 where you turn to verse 16 says of the Antichrist the one world leader and he causes all both small and great rich and poor free and bond to receive a mark in a right hand or in their foreheads do they all get it no but he's the cause of all that do okay he's the cause of it and that no man might buy or sell save he that had the mark of the name of the beast the number of his name here is wisdom let him that had understanding count the number of the beast for it is the number of a man and his number is six hundred threescore and six and as you know many ideas and ways and wise as to as to why that is but basically we've got this cashless society where you can't trade without a mark but it sounds too unbelievable now does it probably did a while back it probably did a couple of in fact probably not even a hundred years ago it sounded pretty on how on earth could you not allow anyone to mark buy or sell without a mark what sort of spiritual witness is it now it's time to say wait you could just see this take away the spiritual aspect what about a microchip or something like that I mean we're not I mean that covid accelerated everything pretty quickly didn't it with all that well so you've got this whole mark system what happens though if you get that mark then what happens if you get that mark well revelation 14 chapter 14 and verse 9 says unfortunately you won't be able to be deceived however the unsaved who will take that mark says revelation 14 and verse 9 the third angel followed them saying with a loud voice if any man worship the beast in his image and receive his mark in his forehead or in his hands if anyone does that the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of god which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the lamb no hell is it separation from god by the way in case anyone's wondering no they're tormented in the presence of the lamb verse 11 says in the smoke of their torment ascendeth up forever and ever and they have no rest day nor night who worship the beast in his image and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name that's reprobation rejection beyond the hope of salvation isn't it no rest day or night who worship the beast's image okay the smoke of their torment ascendeth up forever and ever whosoever receiveth the mark of his name and by the way john 12 40 talking the reprobate jews it says he has blinded their eyes and hardened their heart that they should not see with their eyes nor understand with their heart and be converted i should heal them back in genesis 19 this is a picture of basically whether they're reprobate and obviously they all seem to be sodomites but ultimately if people have been given over by the mark and i think what we're seeing here is it's not just oh they've taken that mark they're otherwise normal people they took the mark damn now they can't get away from god hell no they've taken the mark they're therefore now given over to a reprobate mind and you've got a whole city surrounding the house saying pull them out that we may know them everyone in the city it seems is reprobate because it's a picture of what's to come and when you've got these cities with people on mass taking the mark they're capable of all this stuff now you go yeah but you know not all reprobates are in suddenly yeah but all reparations are capable of sodomy okay because they've got a warped mind it's gone and when the masses are doing it it's a way of punishing christians and everything else they're perfectly capable of doing that they're not going oh no no i don't fancy i'm more into this they're reprobates they're disgusting they're perverts it's just debased it's the most debased pretty much debauched thing you can do and reprobates will do anything it's pretty scary isn't it however you don't have to be scared go back to genesis 19 verse 11 says and they smote the men that were at the door of the house with blindness both small and great so they wearied themselves to find the door reprobates weary themselves finding the door don't they with their filthy rags of works of righteousness think about that there's a lot of reprobate false profits there's a lot of reprobate work salvationists that weary themselves to find a door they'll never find the door they're wearing themselves all day long trying to prove their way and trying to try and it's so weird isn't it you've got people that are literally reprobate yeah they've been given over to a reprobate mind and they still somehow convince themselves that they're going to get saved due to their works i mean like i've said before without the heady high-mindedness without the pride and everything that goes with reprobation you just you can't even fathom it can you because they're so messed up they're so warped that they actually convince themselves they're good people i mean how does that work well they weary themselves to find the door verse 12 says and the men said unto law has thou here any besides son in law and our sons our daughters and whatsoever thou has in the city bring them out of this place for we will destroy this place because the cry of them is waxing great before the face of the lord and the lord have sent us to destroy it now a lot then continues to picture those enduring into the end still trying to get people saved right up until it's flea time look at verse 14 and lot went out and spake unto his sons-in-law that's a picture of a soul-winning christian which married his daughters said up get you out of this place for lord will destroy the city but he seemed as one that mocked unto his sons-in-law so the pictures are so many christian right up until the last point right up until flea time right up until great tribulation now is kicking in it's time to leg it and he's still going out and trying to speak to people and get him saved that's the man enduring into the end right he's going out of the house he he's he's been sent out of the house the house of god to go and preach to go in anyone else you think you can get and then we're legging it right isn't it amazing that lot one of the poorest examples in the bible pictures a christian enduring into the end but maybe look maybe there's something there to say look however poor a christian you are you still have a chance however lame you might be yeah however many sodomite best friends you've got at home somewhere you know and you're like i just don't want to you know like i don't want to give up on all of them you know however backslidden however down and out however useless you might be in you know as you feel as a christian there's still a chance maybe to sort your life out i don't know i don't think he did i think ultimately it's just ironic that we're seeing a lot here as that picture it's not that oh lot sorting himself out however it's an interesting thing anyway so it's now at this point that it's time to flee so he's like he's like that last ditch he's like there's so many christian is a picture right then it's time to flee verse 15 says and when the morning arose and the angels hasten lot saying arise take thy wife and thy two daughters which are here lest thou be consumed in the iniquity of the city and i'd say they're fleeing from being consumed in the iniquity of the city they're not fleeing from being rained down fine brimstone at this point they're fleeing for being consumed in the iniquity of the city this for me pictures fleeing in the great tribulation this isn't the rapture yet okay the rapture is you're getting raptured this is fleeing and now i know they're pictures of things you got yeah but it's some kind of picture of the rapture escaping the name no no for me they're fleeing in the great tribulation okay that's what we're seeing here go back to matthew 24th where we see that there comes a point when it's time to just run if anyone's going wait a second what i thought the enduring to the end yeah you're enduring to the end at this point it's like right now we know now we know the abomination of desolation the two witnesses now it's time to leg it right it says in verse 13 but he that shall endure until the end the same shall be saved matthew 24 verse 13 but he that shall endure until the end the same shall be saved and this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations and then shall the end come and that's the point being represented in genesis 19 when you therefore shall see the abomination of desolation spoken of by daniel the prophet stand in the holy place who so readeth let him understand and like i said before this seems to be some sort of image or statue to be worshiped this also coincides with the prophecy of the two witnesses then let them which be in judea flee into the mountains let him which is on the house stop not come down to take anything out of his house neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes and woe unto them that are with child and to them that give suck in those days but pray ye that your flight be not in the winter neither on the sabbath day so basically he's just you know for example if you're giving suck if you've got a baby a young baby and you're in the great tribulation that's going to be pretty rough isn't it trying to flee you're trying to flee especially in this part of the world on the sabbath day where a lot of things are closed are not happening and it's going to be pretty rough as well okay that's going to be hard to get away in fact even here on a saturday might be a bit rough there's traffic everywhere all day on a saturday can't even miss rush hour it is just rush hour isn't it unless you get up early okay but then he says this and he says for then shall be great tribulation such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time no nor ever shall be and except those days should be shortened there should no flesh be saved but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened so they're shortened because the lord jesus christ will turn around to those believers that made it to this point okay so is it time so in case maybe you're sitting here you go right okay that's some that's some strong stuff going on brother in time to plan that escape route yeah maybe mark your cave somewhere do we even have caves here somewhere i don't know maybe bury the weapons time to start get the by the crossbows here to bury them is that about the best thing we can get here isn't it well i'm not saying that stuff is wrong okay but if lot's house where the unleavened bread is a picture of the church and i believe it is and it sows enduring into the end by preaching the gospel that will be saved you do better to put your efforts into serving god than stockpiling food and weapons wouldn't you now don't get me wrong you you want to kind of you know the horses prepared against their battle great okay however safety is of the lord right and you want the lord to to give you that safety and protect you and everything else you need to focus your time and efforts on serving the lord you go well it might not even come in our lifetime well i'll tell you what set a good example to your kids oh well it might not come in as well maybe they will then for their kids right because look you want your you want your line saved you want your seed saved don't you and you want them not only saved but you want your seed to then go and serve god and then to make it through the tribulation and actually due to the end with hopefully a ton of rewards and a great eternity and you never know it might count on your account as well you know you know brother whoever sister whoever you know they set them up good there right but regardless of any of that regardless of any of that if it's us and and and we should look people generations should be living and expect that and if it's not this you're going to go through tribulation anyway okay let's deal with that right okay but if it is us in our time then you would be better off serving god now if you want to get stop passive stuff have a escape route whatever but you're safer in the house of god firing spiritual weapons spiritual bullets at these squares aren't you really that's where you're safer it's here and and firing those bullets from behind the pulpit just even being here you're firing spiritual bullets at sodomites really just being here supporting amen being part of this church when the whole world is just going nuts on this stuff and being in one of the few places in the country which is actually saying it for how it is and every one part of that is firing spiritual bullets there you're safer marching out to battle with your king jay's bible than any kind of weapons out there aren't you because we're still marching out of here with the kids at home and do you know what they've been doing at all those churches i just mentioned while all those gangs have just foaming at the mouth freaks they're outside they're shouting stuff screaming stuff threatening them death threats throwing all that stuff do you know what they're all doing on a sunday do you know what they're all doing in the midweek they're marching out to battle with the king jay's bible still they're still going they're still gaining strongholds or regaining so they're still pulling them down out of people's lives they're still going they're preaching the gospel to every creature they're marching to battle they're getting people saved what they're not doing is going the sodomites are outside quick let's you know run off to the cave they're still preaching but then there's going to be a point when it is time to flee lot was protected by being pulled inside the house wasn't he so he was protected by being pulled inside the house not by being told quick look there's an escape route get out no at that point it was still in the house and then we're going to see the going out then we're going to see the fling because if you make it to that point of eventually fleeing it will still be god's protection that will sustain you so it's not you know it's not like okay well i've just hidden out i've hidden out we've got to the great tribulation okay they might find my cave now i've just got to run no no you still need god's protection verse 16 says a while he lingered the men laid hold upon his hand upon the hand of his wife and upon the hand of his two walls of his two daughters the lord being merciful unto him and they brought him forth and set him without the city that's the spiritual help that will need to survive the great tribulation that and for me you'll survive it pretty much by getting out of the city so when when it starts get to that point where they're encompassing your house encompassing the house of god trying to pull you out to know you and all that filth then i think it's time to get out of the city right okay and and it's interesting isn't it if you think about at least where it's going in this nation i'll imagine everywhere else that whole climate change and you know electric this and everything else is ultimate control isn't it the 15-minute city stuff you're going to need to get out of cities aren't you when it gets that point we don't need to get out right now so guys you're thinking oh man i gotta go and live in like in a farm somewhere never see anyone ever again well you won't get anyone saved either and then you ain't enduring they'll be surrounding your farm quicker they'll be surrounding this place in the middle of south end city because you're useless you ain't getting no protection so don't start trying to plan that stuff right but i do think when it gets that point then it'll be escaping the city and they are it does seem they're making travel harder they're centralizing centralizing things in cities and taking away farms and and basically country living aren't they they're making it harder and harder and harder and make it much more difficult to be able to live that sort of life and bringing everyone into the cities and it will get to the point where we then need to be set without the city to escape right verse 70 says it came to pass when they brought them forth abroad that he said escape for thy life look not behind thee neither stay thou in all the plain escape to the mountain lest that be consumed so for me this is still a picture of the great tribulation okay rather than the view of it being the rapture by the angels removing him a lot said unto them oh not so my lord behold now thy servant has found grace in thy sight and now is magnified thy mercy which thou has showed unto me and saving my life and i cannot escape the mountain lest some evil take me and i die behold now this city is near to flee unto and it is a little one oh let me escape there there is it not a little one and my soul shall live turn to matthew 10 okay matthew 10 which imparts is is in parts of it at least is almost identical to mark's version of the olivot discourse which we've been reading matthew 24 uh which which is in mark 13 by the way you're telling matthew 10 though but there are parts which are identical and the olivot discourse basically a posh name for what we've been reading matthew 24 okay and this is this you know telling us about what's going to happen in the end times but matthew 10 in matthew 10 we see something interesting about when it comes time to flee so this is sort of like a a pre-sermon to the olivot discourse that jesus christ gave in matthew chapter 10 and we get something interesting in it says in verse 15 verily i sound to you in verse 15 in matthew 10 it shall be more tolerable for the land of sodom and gomorrah in the day of judgment than for that sith and he's talking about those that refuse them and those that reject them now we often see in scripture the comparison between sodom and gomorrah and the judgment don't we because there's a lot to learn from it like we're seeing verse 16 says behold i send you forth the sheep in the midst of wolves be ye therefore wise as serpents and harmless as doves but beware of men for they will deliver you up to the councils and they will scourge you in their synagogues you shall be brought before governors and kings for my sake for a testimony against them and the gentiles but when they deliver you uptake no thought how or what you shall speak for it shall be given you in that same hour what you shall speak for it is not you that speak but the spirit of your father which speak within you and the brothers shall deliver up the brother to death and the father the child and the children shall rise up against their parents and cause them to be put to death and like i said so much of this you're recognizing you will have seen it in various ways but mark 13 is almost identical here and you shall be hate of all men for my name's sake but he that endureth to the end shall be saved and we saw that in matthew 24 what's that referring to but when they persecute you in this city flee ye into another for verily i say unto you you shall not have gone over the cities of israel till the son of man become read that again this this is unique here but when they persecute you in this city flee ye into another for verily i say unto you you shall not have gone over the cities of israel till the son of man become so although it seems that a lot of the persecution of wickedness will be in these centralized cities there will be places that aren't quite there yet for me there will be places that there may be smaller cities there may be cities that may be for whatever reason aren't at the point of you can imagine the major cities will be long gone right i mean london's almost there already isn't it and so other places brighten i mean it's already long gone right and i think your last there with you with a proper church they would be bringing you out if you had a proper church in brighton they'd be pulling you out of there right now okay but we don't have a church you can be bright and thank god um but perhaps look smaller cities like with lotter and so on yeah so what i'm saying is that surviving a great tribulation won't be down to your survivalist skills basically okay it's not like man okay so we're gonna have to flee the city right okay i better start doing some bear grills courses and you know and everything else i need to know how to like make something make something anything you know look if that's not your skill great because there will for me be places you can go to they're not going to all suddenly go at the same time there'll be places you can flee to place that won't be as far along and be places maybe that for whatever reason there aren't as many reprobates like i said you can imagine certain place already that would be quick to be at that point that we see in sodom he said very essentially you shall not have gone over the cities of israel till the son of man become okay even israel even israel and the wickedness there and it being you know tel Aviv being what is it the queer capital of the world isn't it now even the pure filth that you see out there there will still be cities in israel where you could still flee to and and and still go to cities in israel before the son of man comes i mean that's an interesting thing to think about and if there are cities in israel that makes me think there'll be cities in the uk where you could still flee to and maybe you have to then flee from that one to the next one i don't know but what i do know is that there is look god can protect you he will protect you in that time if you've endured to the end he's going to protect you i believe verse 20 says behold now this city back to sorry where we are genesis 19 verse 20 lot said behold now this city is near to flee unto and it is a little one oh let me escape with her is it not a little one and my soul shall live okay so i think that's the point here he's going to and maybe like i said the smaller cities maybe a bit safer maybe you'll be be able to still get away there and he said unto him see i have accepted the concern of the single so that i will not overthrow this city for the which they are spoken hey she escaped thither for i cannot do anything till they'll become thither therefore the name of the city was called zoa the sun was risen upon the earth when lot entered into zoa now i believe that this is a point that pictures christ's return okay the sun being the light of the world it being unmistakable like in matthew 24 27 for as the lightning comes out of the east shining female to the west social losses are coming of the son of manby his return coincided with lot's safety picturing the rapture verse 22 said for i cannot do anything till they'll become bitter so for me this is a point this is this now then pictures the rapture or at least his pictures are coming of the of the son of man i think it's all pictured the great tribulation so he returns and everyone lives happily ever after right oh great jesus christ has returned and and everyone you know maybe everyone following or a relative of someone following the babylonian tolma just everyone automatically just gets saved and it all works out you know for the best no when he returns the believers are raptured it's time for the wrath of god okay and then we see obviously that picture here verse 24 obviously he couldn't do anything until until the safety of lot and then we see verse 24 then the lord rained upon sodom and upon gomorrah brimstone and fire from the lord out of heaven and he overthrew those cities that all the plane and all the inhabitants of the cities and that which grew upon the ground by the way revelation 8 7 it says the first angel sand there followed hell and fire mingled with blood and they were cast upon the earth and the third part of trees is burnt up and all green grass is burnt up that's the first angel sounding and when it comes to the real thing is wrath will actually continue for three and a half years okay like i said the picture isn't identical but there's a lot in that picture everyone that has rejected the free gift of salvation okay that's chosen to rely on their works will have to endure a god's wrath won't they okay all those god haters all those gangs of sodomites those treacherous politicians those media influencers those banking cartels those false prophets all of these people will get what they deserve won't they and look i know it could be hard when you think about unsaved family and friends but then when you think about some of the most wicked and vile people in the world you kind of understand that don't you you can see exactly you can see why maybe there'll be those wanting front row seats couldn't you because you know what you do you know what those that have been martyred will be saying up in heaven how long how long till we're avenged they're not going oh god we just love them all forgive them how long do you avenge us of those wicked vile reprobates because that's real that's that's real people away from your fake christians away from your full pseudo christians who are like yeah well if someone did that to me and my family i'd just love them and forgive them no you wouldn't you liar you'll be up in heaven going please can you deal with them god because that's that's reality and when that does happen though okay oh well by the way they're going to experience hell on earth and then what they're going to experience hell for eternity okay so that three and a half years is kind of really in a way the least of their worries isn't it because all these people then it's direct to hell but other than those that maybe haven't got the mark and managed to get saved by the for me the two witnesses 144 000 in that time yeah because there will always be for me always be the gospel but for the vast majority they're going to get punished for three and a half years on earth and some of that sounds pretty gnarly to me and then there's going to be eternity and hell and when that happens how ridiculous will we feel about those times that we hang it after our old lives don't you think when this is all kicking off and kicking in and when you're you know when when you're getting raptured and you're just you imagine you're thinking why did i even care about any of that junk any of that vanity that just distracted me in my life and and there's much greater things at stake aren't there when you're watching people taking that mark that you just you didn't even get a chance to try and get saved you'll be thinking why do i care about the rest of that right and sadly lot's wife is an example of someone doing just that verse 26 says but his wife looked back from behind him and she became a pillar of salt so i believe she's an example of someone not just fleeing not just giving it all up and escape me she she she still wanted to hold on to her to her old life right she she's someone who just pictures you know she's someone who just wanted her old life she she she didn't she she basically lots wife she's an example for those few that that that make it to the great tribulation okay that that the reality of it is anyone who wants to cling to their old life they're not going to make it are they they're not going to survive they're not going to get through those people you can't do both you can't you can't live for god and endure until the end and still be looking back going i just wish i was still down the pub with the mate with my old buddies you know i just wish i was whatever your whatever it is whatever that that grass is greener situation we saw in first timothy five six about the carnal widow but she that liveth in pleasure is dead while she liveth didn't we whether it's actual physical death like lot's wife or as good as good as it by being a useless unproductive christian you know that that's basically what it comes down to isn't it you might as well be dead you're as good as dead if you're doing nothing for god and she ends up dying she ends up not mate now i i believe you know i don't i suppose i don't have a strong opinion either way she's probably saving she's just a picture of something that doesn't make it through the great tribulation she's still looking back to old life you could argue maybe she didn't even want to flee because you go oh well it's time to flee and look maybe not everyone's getting surrounded by the sodomites when it's time to flee it's time to flee maybe they think there's another way maybe they think oh maybe i could like talk them around maybe i could appease them maybe i could do something it's like no when it's time to flee it's time to flee she's like thinking yeah but i don't want to have to leave that i don't want to leave those people i don't want to leave my whole family we've only got a short amount of time i need to get them saved it's like no it's time to flee now it's time to flee maybe it's not about salvation with that maybe it's just like you know i still want to hang around with my old buddy i would still i don't want to leave my old life but i don't want to leave my house i've spent hundreds of thousands getting that extension and that patio and that driveway and all those things to make me look better than my neighbor i mean i can't believe it but i don't want to leave or maybe it's you know i can't believe i'm gonna have to leave that car that i'm still paying off every month for the next 20 years can't believe it you know because look people will find it hard won't they find it hard to leave the old life behind and her she's just looking back and that's a picture of that and that's why in luke 962 jesus said it says and jesus said unto him no man having put his hand to the plow and looketh back is fit for the kingdom of god because because that old life was trash wasn't it it was trash and once you're saved that old life isn't the same is it it really isn't and the more you start living for god even even more it's not the same you try going back you you kind of pick up one of those old cynic sins it's not the same is it now it doesn't mean that you still can't be lured into it it still doesn't mean you can't slide down with it's not like oh well it's all right because i won't even enjoy it look sin is still you know it's deceptive okay and it will take you further than you wanted to go as well but it's not the same you won't get that same pleasure that same enjoyment from that old life that you think you will the the pub isn't the same anymore the the the trash movies aren't the same anymore they just make you feel a bit guilty even watching them just something's not right is it those things you used to enjoy you used to love when you were unsaved it's just it's not the same and and it's not like oh that's automatic because you're saved it's because the more you're in the word the more you're living for god the more you're reading your bible the more you're trying to do things to god the more that that you're being filled with the holy spirit and the more that stuff is just vexing isn't it it's vexing the group the old group holidays with your old buddies your unsaved old buddies it's not the same you won't enjoy them anymore you know that that you know seeking after the things of the world it's just not the same anymore the the sports obsession you know they're like super sundays if maybe you know you like super sundays it's not the same it's a load of rubbish it just bore you and the adverts will probably just vex you even more won't they when they're just throwing sodomites and beer in your face for however many minutes but it's not the same is it the the the chasing riches just won't it won't satisfy you and it never does ultimately but even that little bit you won't even get that the the the what about all the junk music is it the same when you put on that sort of stuff you're like yeah no you just feel dirty don't you you just feel just just wrong it's like well it's not that bad it's not got really sinful lyrics but it's still conformed to this world isn't it and it's not of god and it's not the same and whatever it was you've got to just just don't con yourself the grass isn't greener the grass wasn't greener the grass won't be greener but christians will still look back won't they and they still look back and they'll still hang after that old life and that's why after saying remember lot's wife jesus said in luke 1733 whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it and whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it and especially when it comes to tribulation okay and it's look that's a kind of that's a timeless a timeless truth but when it comes to tribulation you've just got to serve god don't you yeah when it comes to any tribulation no no well this is just for those in that time look when it comes to any tribulation you've just got to serve god okay and if you're looking back if you're trying to save your old life you're going to lose it and here she loses it physically and and you can either lose it physically or look regardless it ain't going to be the same and it's not going to work out you've got to serve god and and for me that will get you to the point of fleeing not negotiating not conforming not trying to wait find a way to stay in your old life it will get you to the point where right now it's time and now it's time to flee and you think oh yeah well of course you know the sodomites everybody believe me there's a lot of people that wouldn't you go right you've got sodomites gangs of sodomites roving around you just got to leave your home and not protect it that might be hard for a lot those people that have spent years paying off their mortgages and stuff who have just kind of been checking that that mortgage balance every single month and then it's nearly there and then it's like right time to flee what because that could be an idol for many can't it maybe it's not the mortgage maybe it's whatever it is right maybe it's it's you know that the weekly this maybe it's your kind of your sport that you're just so addicted to oh maybe if i just kind of deny christ a little bit i could still you know hang out with my buddies and make it through no there's got to be a point where you just go right it's time to flee and i think when it comes to that you've got to be willing to to lose your life right verse 27 says in abraham got up early in the morning to the place where he stood before the lord and he looked toward sodom and gomorrah and toward all the land of the plane and beheld and lo the smoke of the country went up as a smoker of furnace and it came to pass when god destroyed the cities of the plane that god remembered abraham and sent lot out in the midst of the overthrow when he overthrew the cities in the which lot dwell and if any of us or future generations live to see those days do you know why do you know why you're going to be sent out why you're going to be raptured why you'll be sent out of the city why you'll be protected through that tribulation through that great tribulation why ultimately you're going to be saved from the wrath of god no not safe from the tribulation okay there's a tribulation you're gonna have to live through that everyone every christian has to live through tribulation you live for god yeah all you that live godly across you shall suffer persecution right you're going to go through it however to to be protected to be to get saved in the first place do you know what that is no it's not your good works obviously it's because god remembers abraham that's why galatians 3 29 says and if you be christ then he Abraham sees and airs according to the promise and i'm not giving that to some head-banging magic hat wearing synagogue of satan follower okay that's not what it's talking about it's talking about those who are saved okay and i ain't giving away those promises that's why it's because of the plot it's because of the covenant with abraham ultimately it's because we're christ and we are there for abraham seed and airs according to the promise god remembered abraham here and ultimately that's what it comes down to verse 30 says a lot went up out of zoa and dwelt in the mountain and his two daughters with him for he feared to dwell in zoa and he dwelt in a cave he and his two daughters and i believe we've moved on from the end times pictures now okay and let's just finish it off the first one said unto the younger our father is old and there is not a man in the earth to come in unto us after the manner of all the earth come let us make our father drink wine and we will lie with him that we may preserve seed of our father and they made the father drink wine that night and the firstborn went in and lay with her father and he perceived not when she lay down nor when she arose and it came to pass in the morrow the firstborn said unto the younger behold i lay yes night with my father let us make him drink wine this night also go thou in and lie with him that we may preserve seed of our father and made the father drink wine that night also and the younger arose and lay with him and he perceived not when she laid down and when she arose thus were both the daughters a lot with child by the father and firstborn bare of son called his name moab the same as the father of moabites unto this day and the youngest she also bare of son and called his name benami the same as the father of the children amal until this day now it's a grim ending but you know what in a way it kind of it reminds you how nice it's going to be when we're away from all of that stuff right all of that filth all of that stuff's going to be over with done with when it does come to that time of being raptured and in the meantime we've got to keep serving god don't we right and in the meantime you know that's not just consigned to those that make it to that time alive in that time there's so much we can take from that isn't there just for us just for surviving through through life to keep serving to keep being in the house of god to keep that protection that comes from the house of god through all sorts of tribulation we're going to go through in life um that was genesis 19 part 2 and that was pictures of of the end times and on that we're going to finish up in prayer heavenly father thank you for your word thank you for um well lord just um you know the the warnings the clear prophecy the pictures all the things that you give us for your word lord to help us be prepared to help us to be able to watch to help us to know what we're looking out for all these things are written for us lord and we thank you for that we thank you for your word we thank you for the richness of your word help us to keep studying your word lord to keep understanding more to keep peeling back those layers lord and help everyone here also to to go away and just search the scriptures themselves and and you know and and be able to to be be informed by the word of god lord not just what they hear from the pulpit but but lord we we pray as well that um this week the rest this week now we'll we'll you know keep these things to heart know that ultimately we need to keep serving you lord we need that protection from you in life help us to make it out soul winning um and also to make it back here on sunday help us get home safe and sound and just thank for all this amen