(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) So Genesis chapter 19, those of you that have been waiting patiently, we got there. And it is a famous chapter of the Bible isn't it? And it follows on from chapter 18 where Abraham was visited with the Lord Jesus Christ and two angels appearing as men. He served them cooking up, if you remember, some freshly slaughtered veal, milk, butter and cakes, and no, the Lord is not a vegan or a vegetarian or any of that, he had some nice field didn't he? And the Lord told them that he'd be returning for Sarah to conceive, and it was a sort of miraculous conception being 90 years old at this point, and if you remember Sarah laughed in amazement along with referring in her heart to her husband as Lord, and we looked at that didn't we? Just what a great example she was, she spoke in her heart and called her husband Lord, and then we saw that Abraham, being close to God, was revealed to her about what was going to happen to Sodom. Genesis 18 20 read, and the Lord said, because the cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and because their sin is very grievous, and remember Genesis 13 13 had already said, but the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the Lord exceedingly. So this isn't a normal sin, and we're obviously seeing that in this chapter, there's nothing normal, nothing run-of-the-mill about it, their sin is very grievous, okay? They were wicked and sinners before the Lord exceedingly. This is a wicked place full of wicked people, the Lord was sending in physical witnesses as an example, but also a picture of the end times, and Abraham drew near to God and was there for able to understand him more, and he got a good understanding of how many righteous or saved, we showed that that's what it's talking about here, would be needed to spare Sodom, okay? And eventually we saw that only ten saved people would have been enough for Sodom to have been saved. A place as wicked as you've just, if you paid attention at Bible reading, that is a wicked place, with a lot of wicked people, and it would have been spared for the sake of ten righteous people. He wasn't bartering, okay? He, and I've often read that as if he was, but looking at it closely, he wasn't, he wasn't correcting God, he was getting to know him, wasn't he? He was getting to know him. Verse 32 said, and he said, oh let not the Lord be angry and I'll speak yet, but this once, peradventure ten shall be found there, and he said, I will not destroy it for ten's sake, and the Lord went his way as soon as he had left communion with Abraham, and Abraham returned unto his place. And then Genesis 19 and verse 1 begins with, and there came two angels to Sodom, and even a lot sat in the gate of Sodom, and Lot seeing them, rose up to meet them, and he bowed himself to his face toward the ground, and he said, behold now my lords, turn in, I pray you, into your servant's house, and tarry all night, and wash your feet, and ye shall rise up early and go on your ways, and they said, nay, but we will abide in the street all night. I'd like to pray before we continue with this chapter. Father, thank you for your word, Lord, the word of God which, you know, it doesn't necessarily jive with what the world tries to teach, or what at least our Western society tries to teach all and sundry out there, but it's your word that we have faith in, Lord, it's your word that's true, it's your word that doesn't change. Lord, we thank you for that, we thank you for this chapter, the Bible, a chapter with some pretty, you know, hard to read passages here, and some pretty grim stuff, but it's there for a reason, Lord, we should learn from it, we should be edified by it, we should grow from it, we should understand and get more in step with how you want us to think, and less how the world wants us to think. Help us to do that tonight, Lord, help me to preach this accurately, boldly, Lord, and full of your spirit, and in Jesus' name, Amen. Okay, so, just so you're aware, this is part one tonight, and I couldn't leave Genesis 19 with just a one-parter, but also because there is so much in this chapter, okay, so much in this chapter, so, and I was thinking, how am I going to do this, because as I started studying through it, I thought, I can't preach all this in an hour and a half, you know, you know, I couldn't even do a long sermon to get it all in, so I decided that part one is going to be the non-prophetic side of Genesis chapter 19, so tonight we're looking at it without looking at what it is, because a lot of Genesis 19 is also a prophecy of end times, but we're not going to look at the prophecy tonight, okay, and I'll remind you a couple of times that we're not doing that, however, tonight what we're going to look at is basically just the plain facts here, what's in front of us, what's going on at the time here, and how that applies to us today without looking at the end times, and all the prophecy in there as well, next week we'll be looking at that, so we've got these two angels come to Sodom, okay, Lot's sitting in the gate, which is the entry into Sodom, and, you know, you could look at a few reasons why he might be in that entry, but it seems to be a gathering place in a lot of cities, the entry in, he seems to be at least part aware of who they are, doesn't he, he rose up, he bowed himself with his face toward the ground, if you notice, he then invites him to his house, and by the way, when Lot first parted from Abraham, he only pitched his tent that way, didn't he, so he pitched his tent towards Sodom, now he's living in Sodom, okay, and in fact it seemed that he's probably living in Sodom when he was kidnapped however many years earlier, rescued by Abraham, and he goes back to Sodom and he's living in Sodom, and here he's, look, he's invited them there, but it is clear for me here that he's living in Sodom, he's living in the city, why is he living in this city, we've just seen, just, just, if you've paid attention to that Bible reading, just absolute wickedness going on in that city, and Lot's living there, this man of God, this, this nephew of Abraham is living in Sodom, you go, well why is he living, I'll tell you why, because he's been desensitized over time, he's, it started off pitching his tent that way, it started off him being at least willing to go that way for the money, and now he's living amongst the most filthy, just rank, vile people, and we often now will call them Sodomites, because it comes from this, this passage and others in the Bible, and the Bible starts referring to them as Sodomites, these types of people, now, now Lot is continuing to show respect to the angels here, referring to himself as their servant, if you notice as well, but they seem happy to stay out in the street, now remember that they've come as a witness to the sins of Sodom, that's what we saw in the last chapter, they've been sent as two witnesses to it, Genesis 18 21, Jesus said, I will, I will go down now, this is him talking, remember we looked at that last week, it's the Lord Jesus Christ, I will go down there and see whether they have done all together according to the cry of it, which is come unto me and if not I will know, and I suppose it's by proxy, because it seems to be his angels that have gone down, they go down there to see, however Lot doesn't really want them staying in the street, does he, okay, so they've gone down, they've gone down to be these witnesses, and for good reason it seems, verse 3 it says, and he pressed upon them greatly and they turned in unto him and entered into his house and he made them a feast and did bake unleavened bread and they did eat, why the unleavened bread? This is the first time that it's been mentioned in the Bible by the way, unleavened bread, turn quickly to Exodus 12, where the Passover is instituted, they were commanded to eat unleavened bread alongside here and for the seven days following, so in Exodus chapter 12 and verse 17, Exodus 12 17, the Lord says, why unto Moses? It says, and you shall observe the feast of unleavened bread, for in this selfsame day have I brought your armies out of the land of Egypt, therefore shall ye observe this day in your generations by an ordinance for heaven, forever, sorry, so leaven being a representation of sin in the Bible, leaving it, Egypt being a picture of salvation, so for me it's a picture of Christ's sinlessness being imputed unto us and back in Genesis 19 I believe that we're being given probably a small sign here at least in the Old Testament that Lot was saved. Now yeah, when we look at it in life, the New Testament, we see that Lot saved, right? But however, don't bear in mind that this was written 1,500 years before the New Testament, okay, so here we've got this being written, you know, by Moses and for that amount of time I think there's a picture, there's at least an idea there, a clue there, that he was saved, not because he ate unleavened bread but because of what it represented, and like I said it's the first time we see unleavened bread, the next time is in Exodus 12 where it's being instituted with the Passover, and of course last week we did look at 2 Peter 2 where it's described as just, justified, and then in 2 Peter 2 8 described as righteous, it said for that righteous man dwelling among them in seeing and hearing Vex's righteous soul from day to day with unlawful deeds. Lot was clearly saved, okay, the New Testament makes that clear as they hear, I think it's a clue for those before the New Testament perhaps, but, and there is I believe another picture as well that we'll see next week when we look at that, but for the 1,500 years before I think that's what we see, little clues in there to help God's children understand what's going on, these angels were described as men in the chapter before, they're in Lot's house eating a feast, so they look like men, they appear like men, they're described as men but we also see them described as angels, okay, messengers of God, and obviously they have some supernatural power we're going to see in a minute as well, but before they lay down, verse 4, it says, but before they lay down the men of the city, even the men of Sodom, compass the house round both old and young, all the people from every quarter, and they called unto Lot and said unto him, Where are the men which came into thee this night? Bring them out unto us that we may know them. So what's going on here, okay, it's nighttime and the men of Sodom have surrounded the house and they're calling out Lot to bring these men or angels out, okay, why, why? Well when we see the term to know them in the Bible it's not that they want to befriend them, okay, it's not that they're upset they haven't had a chance to show them some famous Sodom hospitality, well kind of really ironically, yes, it's to know them is a euphemism for a physical relationship, you don't have to turn there, I think most people have read the Bible will understand, it's Genesis 4, 1, it said, and Adam knew his wife, so he knew Eve his wife and she conceived and bear Cain and said, I've got gotten a man from the Lord. So these men have heard of these new men in town and they want to basically abuse them, okay, that's what we're seeing here. Now was it just a few bad eggs, was it just, oh well there are a few bad guys in Sodom and, well look at verse 4, it says, but before they lay down the men of the city, even the men of Sodom, compass the house round, both old and young, all the people from every quarter, and they called unto lot and said unto him, where the men which came into thee this night, bring them out unto us that we may know them. It might seem amazing, okay, but to me it appears that it's all the men of all ages, doesn't it? Now it did say men, so I know some people go, look it must have been some real young, well men have 20 upwards in the Bible, so now I don't know, it doesn't say only these and, you know, you could look at this as just being sort of general language, but for me, reading that, it looks like all the men of Sodom, which is basically everyone from 20 until however old they got there, all came to compass the house roundabout into just some wicked, vile gang mentality to basically surround the house, where where a few came the rest came, and you go, well why would they all come? What on earth is going on there? Well, strength in numbers, because these are savage, vile, reprobate psychopaths, and the more of them there are, the more likely they're going to get in a wicked way, because they're bullies, because they're more likely to force people if there's a lot of them, because they're just all got a pack-herd, predatory mentality. Think of a few reasons, right? So what's the point as well with that? How is all these men Sodomites, how is basically all the men of Sodom happy to surround a house and force what they consider to be new men into town, I don't think they're aware they're angels, to come out to be abused? Well, the point is that these vile Sodomites are recruiters. They spread like a cancer to the point where whole cities are overrun by them. But we see that out there, don't we? Anyone been to that wicked town Brighton in the last couple of years? Last time I was there was at a church there, and that is a wicked place. And you know what? That hasn't just stayed as it was 20 years ago, 30 years ago, that's just got progressively worse and worse. San Francisco or San Francisco is just full of Sodomites, isn't it? And wherever you see a few, they just start to grow and grow and grow and grow. They spread like cancer, because they recruit. You go, well how do they recruit? I'll tell you how they recruit. They abuse children. That's how they recruit. They abuse children and then those children end up turning and hating on God, and they end up, sadly, a lot of the time, what sort of angle do they go down a reprobation often sodomy because of stuff that's happened to them? That's reality, folks, yeah? Yeah, that's not what the world teaches you. The world is trying to tell you that, oh, they're born that way. No such thing. False science, no such thing. Impossible. I think I was listening to this possibly on that new documentary that's come out recently, I think LGBT Terrorists, where they had like twins, where you'd have these twins with almost identical genetics, identical twins, and the chance of them both being Sodomites was like minimum. So you have one Sodomite, one not. And in so many of the cases where there's a Sodomite identical twin, it's only one, because there is no gene. It's not a gene. He's a Sodomite because something happened to him and the recruiting and him ultimately rejecting and giving up on God, turning away and turning that way, right? But the world will tell us otherwise, or the world will tell us it's just a lifestyle choice. It's not a lifestyle choice, okay? It's a wicked symptom, a vile symptom of reprobation, isn't it? However, they try and encourage that in people by abusing children, which is why they want access to children, which is why they want access to your kids, which is why we're just seeing it everywhere right now. They're just pushing and getting bolder and bolder and bolder to try and get access to your children. And why it's so important, isn't it, to just to protect the children? So important. Verse 6 says, a lot went out at the door unto them and shut the door after him and said, I pray you brethren, do not so wickedly. Lot the back slid and Christian, just Lot, righteous Lot. Yeah, we've just seen, he's a saved guy, right? He's calling these dogs, these filthy animals, brethren. What on earth? How has Lot got to the point of calling these sodomites, these queers, whatever you want to call them, brethren? Brethren! Now, I was looking at this, I think maybe they were down at the local non-denom religion. Do you reckon they were? I reckon they probably were. I reckon there was some sort of religion in Sodom that they were claiming to be some sort of, you know, God followers in one way or another. Maybe the Repent of Your Sins, queer, Baptist Union style church mincing around with all of the other effeminate Christians. Don't you reckon? Because there's a lot of them, aren't there? You go into one of those churches, don't you? You go into one of those evangelical churches, one of those Baptist Union churches, one of those Fellowship of Evangelical churches, whatever. In fact, you go into any false religion, pretty much, but these sort of places full of effeminate Christian types, mincing around, acting as if that's normal. So you go to those places and you kind of really stand out. If you're not kind of talking with a bit of a limp wrist, with a bit of a soft voice and everything else, they're all a bit queer, aren't they? I reckon there was one of those going on in Sodom, at least. And he's probably, and he, because he's such a backslid of Christian, he's going, oh well yeah, they're probably brothers. Probably brothers in Christ, aren't they? Because what? You think that someone that you've gone and got saved recently, who never comes to a proper church, never reads their Bible, never hears biblical preaching, don't you think they'd think the same? In fact, everyone here, when you were first saved, most people, when they were first saved, would have looked at these people and thought they were brothers in Christ. I remember seeing a fish on a card thinking, oh great, must be another Christian. Oh, he's got a cross, must be a Christian. And it's only with time, if you're actually starting to grow and live for God and read your Bible and serve God, you start to understand and learn and grow, but Lot clearly hasn't, has he? He's calling a brethren. And like I said, these places, these places with these types of people are so full of them, that then they do expect you to just be the same, don't they? People just expect you to just be like these other queers, like these other, because they're not Christians, they're fake Christians. But it's a massive fake, isn't it, out there? And then they're a bit shocked when you're just like a regular person, regular guy with regular, just guy kind of interests and stuff. People act like you're some sort of heathen. Are you some sort of Christian? I had the same question again the other day. I mean, what does God think about fighting then? You know, because I was hitting some pads at a Thai boxing place. Mate, you want to read the Bible. God's got people hacking people up. Take out a thousand people with a jaw of a doggie. What are you talking about? What does God think about me putting some pads on my hands and punching someone who asked me to punch them in the face? What's wrong with you? But that's what, because they think that. Where does that come from? Where does that come from? It comes from just all these sodomites basically infiltrating false Christianity and making it a culture where then people just expect Christians to be a load of queers. And I think that's what's going on here. He said, now look, I mean, Lot is just beyond wicked, isn't he? I mean, for a Christian you just can't make this stuff up. He said, Behold now, I have two daughters which have not known man. Let me, I pray you, bring them out unto you, and do you to them as is good in your eyes, only unto these men do nothing. For therefore came they under the shadow of my roof. You look at this, you just say, What on earth, Lot? How do you stoop to this low of thinking? How does a man of God, and when I say a man of God, just a saved person, stoop to this? He's offering out his daughters instead. Now, some could look at this and say, This is a bit far-fetched, couldn't they? They could go, Really? How does someone do that? So I was looking at this, I was thinking, But is it much different now to how fathers send their daughters out to walk the streets? Is it much different? Is it much different to Christian and non-Christian fathers who send their daughters out dressed like absolute whores? Just literal whores. Just send them out in the street, on their own, teens upwards, drop them off at the park, drop them off at their friends house knowing full well that that liberal parent's gonna go out and do what you want. Is it much different? Because what are they really doing? They're just offering them up to all the reprobates out there. I mean, they're sending them out young like that. They're offering them out to paedophiles. They're offering them out, and that's what we're seeing here. I mean, these people, they're sodomites, they're paedophiles. And it's no different. Look, people do that, don't they? And you know what? You think that there aren't Christian parents who do the same. I bet there are. Or send their daughters out to all sorts of places, the dads dropping their daughters off at the teenage parties. What, you think they don't know what's going on? Of course they know what's going on. It's just easier for them to turn a blind eye. To convince themselves that, oh no, I'm sure nothing's going on. Sending them off to the pubs and clubs. Yeah? Who's lurking there? Who's lurking at the pubs and clubs? Where all those, who do you think is lurking around when all those young girls, all those underage or borderline age in this country for drinking, and basically still kids, are out in all these bars, clubs, pubs, getting drunk, getting high and everything else. Who's lurking? I'll tell you who's lurking. Sodomites. Reprobates. Paedophiles. They're all out there. And these people just let their kids go out like that. Is there much difference? How about saving money up to send them to university? How about that? Oh no, no, that's all right, because they're getting an education. Oh, they're getting an education. And then they're getting abused by reprobates. And then they're getting pounced on by whoever can. Then they're getting encouraged to get high and drunk on a regular basis. Oh no, that's all right though. That's all right, isn't it? Why? What are you doing? You're just sending them off? Sending them out to the sodomites, basically. And by the way, it's often the same with the young boys as well, with the lads. Sent out at 18 years old to live on some university campus, where who knows what happens to half these kids? It was a horrendous story. I still always think about it. In Bath, it was just a horrific sodomite. Anyone heard of this story before I go on about it? There was this horrific sodomite who, it was something like about 300 male victims of basically university kids, because they're kids really, getting drunk and he would go up, get them in the street on their way home and offer to charge their phone and stuff, get them home and basically drug them and it was horrific. Videoed it, like the police who went through it needed counselling for years, had to go through it. Just horrific stuff these people are capable of. And people are just sending their kids out, sending their kids out to the world. Is it much different to what lots do? Maybe a little, but not a lot. Nowadays the grooming starts the local library, the schools, shoving them in front of the TV. You're least prepping them for it, aren't you? Oh yeah, just sit and watch that, much easier. Much easier, I'd just leave the kid in front of the TV all day. Oh, it's easier for me if they just sit in front of the TV. What are they even watching? What are they watching? What are they being prepared for? The difference with Lott, I haven't messed up, was that he at least thought that he was protecting some men of God, some angels. I mean you could go, well on the flip side with Lott, and look I'm not trying to justify what he did, but at least he's going, well I'm trying to stop this sodomy going on, so I'm sending other, like most dads out there, just send him out anyway. Send him out to get richer, send him out to keep up with the Joneses, send him out just because it's easier. Send him out so they don't have to have a row with their teenage daughter, telling them why I'm not sending you out to get drunk, get high, and possibly get abused. And by the way, there's a hell of a lot of abuse out there. Verse 8 said, Behold now, he said, I have two daughters which have not known man. Let me, I pray you, bring them out unto you, and do ye to them as is good in your eyes, only unto these men do nothing, for therefore came they under the shadow of my roof. He cares more about his guests and his daughters. Why? Why does he care more about his guests and his daughters? Because he spent years around predators, that's why. Because he spent years in Sodom around predators who, like today, have likely been pushing all sorts of detached parenting. I reckon in Sodom they were going around going on about helicopter parents. I reckon that it's the same stuff, that's what the predators like to go on about. I reckon that there was probably all sorts of schools, clubs, random babysitter services, different ways of having as little as possible to do with your kids. You know, the stuff that we see right now in our Sodomite run Western society. Just basically get rid of your kids, get rid of them any which way you can. What could, what could go wrong? I reckon he'd probably become a bit detached. Probably they were demonizing normal child correction, you know. How terrible it must be, you know, to chastise a child. Probably encouraging the spoiling of children instead. I mean, just the word spoiling itself kind of says what that is, doesn't it? Yeah, you spoil all your children, you ruin them. You know, probably all of that sort of stuff. And I'll be honest, his daughters were probably a right disgrace too, probably, but due to Lot and due to his wife as well. You know, he said they've not known man, that was a lie. Okay, verse 14, it seems to be the same daughters, verse 14 shows that, well, they were actually married but he was just lying. And look, I'm not excusing him. Look, I'm just trying to understand the mess, okay. This is a mess and it can be hard to read this chapter and just try and just even just have some understanding. What on earth is even going on here? But I think that he's living in Sodom and Sodom, as we're going to see next week, is a picture of society before basically Jesus Christ returns. And look, it doesn't feel like we're a long way off this, are we? Because this sort of stuff for me isn't a great deal different to so many parents out there today, with Lot, to just what we're seeing out there with just this filth, this just sodomites everywhere, surrounding people. So now you go, well, I haven't seen them surround people's houses. I tell you, I don't think we're a long way off there. I really don't think we are. And look, just in case you're sitting there and you're thinking, what are you talking about, brother? This is an animal. You might be sitting there going, I don't know about this, this is sounding a bit off and everything else because, look, we're in the West, right, we know best, don't we? We know best. Come on. I mean, how could we have it? We had the British Empire. I mean, the sun never set on it. How could we be wrong? Well, interestingly, we've probably got quite a few different cultures here in this church who have already lived or previously lived in a different nation. It just, interestingly, how many people here have lived in a nation where they have noticeably or much stricter laws or at least much stricter views by the majority of society on sodomites? One, two, three, four, five, six, yeah, that's quite a lot, quite a few people, right, have lived in a nation where they don't think how we think here, at least how we're told to think here, where there are nations, for example, you're from Uganda, where it's a crime. In fact, trying to abuse children is a capital crime punishable by death, right? Of course, we have someone here from Russia and they don't think the same way as we do here, right? And we have people from various nations where they don't think how we're told to think here. So what, are they all wrong? Are we right? And when we say we, who? Who are we really talking about? Our mainstream influences. Do you know who we're talking about? Sodomites. Sodomites in our government, sodomites in our mainstream media trying to teach us how we should think and act towards are the sodomites. It's crazy. And they said, stand back, verse nine, and they said again this one fellow came into sojourn and he will needs be a judge now will we deal worse with thee than with them and they press sore upon the man even lot and came near to break the door. Basically they said, how dare you judge us? I'm even more persuaded by that that part of that verse that there's some sort of liberal fake Christian types. Oh really? That's what I think. I think there's like the equivalent back then of what we would see today, right? Judge not, judge not. That sort of thing, isn't it? What sort of Christian are you lot? You're judging us. Judging our sin. All sin is equal. It's that sort of stuff, isn't it? Now you're gonna judge us? Love is love. They're probably saying that sort of stuff, weren't they? You evil Christian. Oh, you're one of those fundamentalist lot. And he sure as hell ain't no fundamentalist. Lot is an absolute disgrace. And they're going, how dare you judge us? Because the thing is you can't appease, if you don't fully support these types of people, you can't appease them. You can't appease them. And look, before we continue, let's just remind ourselves what our first experience of sodomites in the Bible entails. Attempted gang rape. Just before you kind of, if anyone is just out there going, yeah, but, this is just, we're just this type of church, but, you know, we're just kind of taking these passages. This is a first experience of open sodomy. What happened with Noah is debatable for many, okay? This is just open sodomy. And what's the first experience? Attempted gang rape. Not a good sign, is it? Not exactly how the world pictures it. But the Bible says in Psalm 119 and verse 1, 16, I have to turn there, it says, thy word is true from the beginning and every one of thy righteous judgments endureth forever. Do you know what one of those judgments was? Fire and brim sign on the sodom, raised to the ground. God's word doesn't change to fit in with the latest liberal PC brainwash. It doesn't need updating to appease a load of filthy sodomites that have got to high, high levels in society, okay? God's word doesn't change because of that. And if you want God's word to change because of that, then you're in the wrong type of church, because we stand on the Word of God here, yeah? What the Word of God says is what we care about. The Bible tells it like it is. Turn to Romans 1. See how the Bible describes sodomites, how the Word of God explains these grotesque people, because the Word of God just tells it how it is. And look, the more you grow, the more you learn, the more you grow as a Christian, the more you'll just understand the Bible is absolutely spot-on. The more you experience these people in life, the more you see these people, the more you realise, wow, the Bible just gets everything right, doesn't it? And the Bible says this in Romans 1 and verse 26, for this cause God gave them up unto vile affections, for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature. And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another, men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet. Okay, these are sodomites. And even as they did not like to attain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, okay? That's what they have, a reprobate, a reprobate, a rejected mind, to do those things which are not convenient, being filled with all, and this is the average sodomite, being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness, full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity, whisperers, backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, without understanding, covenant breakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful, who knowing the judgment of God that they which commit such things are, not were, are worthy of death, not only do the same but have pleasure in them that do them. The Bible makes it clear, doesn't it? That's the description of your average sodomite. That's not how the world depicts it, that's not really the Will and Grace kind of best friend next door type, is it? Girl's best friend, babysitter material, funny, quirky, innuendo filled laugh that we just want to hang out with to show how liberal we are and how a-okay we are with it all. That's not the sort of person you want to be hanging around with, is it? Reading Genesis 19, you can't come away and wonder why these people deserve capital punishment or why they, you wouldn't come away and wonder if they should or shouldn't. They're gang rapists. Romans 1 says basically just gives a description of a full-on psychopath. And you say, well, I know some sodomites and they're not surrounding houses. Yeah, maybe some people might think that. Wait until they're the majority. Wait until they're the majority. Wait until they have more and more power and able to do more and more. Wait until they're able to get away with more. Wait until the whole government, the police force and everything else, is just overrun by them and I reckon you're going to see more sodomites surrounding houses. With every bit of increased power, they do get bolder, don't they? Yeah, it started off, we looked at this a while back, you know, the first sort of so-called, and they didn't call it a pride march I don't think at the time, was like a couple of hundred of them. And they were just talking about having some sort of, you know, extra sodomite rights and, you know, not being, it shouldn't be illegal at that point is what they were trying to march for. And now, I mean, you're talking thousands and thousands of these sodomites dressing in next to nothing, doing all sorts of wicked stuff in front of people's faces, trying to get access to children. Where's it going to end? I'll tell you where it's going to end, surrounding people's houses. Surrounding people's houses, telling people to bring people out to them. The psychopath can hide their true motives. They can hide behind a mask for years, okay, especially when other psychos are perfecting and promoting masks, and that's what we see. The media is just perfecting and promoting that mask, isn't it, and trying to encourage us to just look at them like they're normal people. And look, that's clear as day, isn't it, out there? I mean, how much are they being pushed and promoted in every show? Soap operas, movies, just, it's constant, constant, constant, constant. All the talk show hosts, just sodomites, sodomites, sodomites, sodomites, like they're funny, like they're normal, like they're okay. But that's not what the Bible says, and the reality of it is it's not what just experience would say. Just go out here and see the next sodomite that walks down the road, and you look at them going, oh yeah, they look like a great player, they're just absolute freaks, complete weirdos. And they don't look very happy either. Anyone see them and think they look happy? They look miserable. Too right. First 9 said, back in Genesis 19, they said, stand back, and they said again, this one fellow came in sojourned, and he will need to be a judge, now will we deal worse with thee than with them. And they press sore upon the man evil lot, and came near to break the door. Here's another lesson to learn, you can live amongst them, you could call them your brethren, you can offer your children, but if you don't fully support them, they'll turn on you like anyone else. They're implacable, they're unmerciful. Okay, you're not gonna please them. You're not gonna, oh well yeah, I'll call them brethren, and I'll bring, it doesn't matter, unless you're fully behind them, unless you fully support them, they hate you as much as anyone else. But the men put forth their hand and pulled lot into the house to them, and shut to the door, and they smote the men that were at the door of the house with blindness both small and great, so that they wearied themselves to find the door. Now that was a close call for lot, wasn't it? The angels pull him inside and make this baying mob of sodomites blind, okay, yet they're still trying to get to the door, they're wearing themselves, I mean you can't make this up, can you? They're blind and they're wearying themselves, tiring themselves out, still trying to get to the door. Implacable, unmerciful, they're just heart set on that, right? And the men said unto lot, has thou any here besides, has I here, sorry, any besides son-in-law, and thy sons, and thy daughter, whatsoever there has in the city, bring them out of this place, for we will destroy this place, because the cry of them is waxing great before the face of the Lord, and the Lord have sent us to destroy it. Now at first glance it can seem as though it's a cry of the victims, okay, in the previous chapter, chapter 18 and verse 20 it said, and the Lord said because the cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and because their sin is very grievous, okay, so it talked about this cry, but it said the cry of Sodom and Gomorrah and because their sin, seems to be the same people being referred to, and cry really in the Bible refers to shouting, yelling, doesn't it, as opposed to weeping, because I think some people maybe would read that and think it's talking about people praying against them, or calling out the victims, but I believe that the cry of Sodom is sort of unified noise made by the Sodomites. I think the cry of Sodom is some sort of, basically the noise made, it's like, and maybe whether that's spiritual or not, it's a unification of Sodomites, and again we're going to see pictures next week as to what this, you know, what this picturing in the end times to come, but maybe it's a physical chanting, like the animalistic chanting at pride parades, yeah, you heard that stuff, and they pride, what's the one they chant, they chant basically, we're something, we're queer, we're coming for your children or something, don't they, that's it, we're here, we're queer, we're coming for your children, I mean, and they chant that stuff, maybe it's that sort of cry he's hearing, some sort of chanting, some sort of just wicked satanic chanting, some sort of spiritual shout of defiance, I think that's what it's talking about. Like I said last week, it's not that God needed those witnesses there to tell him what was going on, God sees everything, the eyes of the Lord are everywhere, beholding the evil and the good, but they were physical witnesses to what was going to be a physical punishment, he had already sent them to destroy it, hadn't he, and it said in verse 14, and Lot went out and spake unto his sons-in-law which married his daughters, and said, up, get you out of this place, for the Lord will destroy the city, but he seemed as one that mocked unto his sons-in-law. Why did Lot seem as one that mocked? I'll tell you why, because Lot was a clown Christian, Lot was a clown, he was a joke, he was a joke of a Christian. Turn to Philippians chapter 2, you can imagine them saying, well what do you know about the Lord, Lot, what do you know about the Lord, what do you know about who's gonna come and destroy, you're a joke. Oh, old Lot, who's just been offering offering their wives out to these sodomites, Lot is calling sodomites brethren, and they're like, what do you know? Oh, good old Godly Lot, Godly Lot's telling us what's gonna, Lot the prophet, that's what they'd be saying, oh yeah, Lot the prophet, while he's hanging out with sodomites. And by the way, if you want your family and friends to take you seriously, don't be a Lot, don't be a Lot, you want to get your family and friends saved, don't be a Lot, it's not just swerving the sods, okay, and not offering your daughters to them. You go, well I'll never do that, okay, that's not the only way that you could be a Lot. Philippians 2 shows us other ways that we can be not, at least not be a negative example. Philippians 2 and verse 14 says, Philippians 2, 14, do all things without murmurings and disputings that ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation among whom ye shine as lights in the world, holding forth the word of life that I may rejoice in the day of Christ that I have not run in vain, neither laboured in vain. So, yeah, you don't want to be offering your daughters out to sodomites, but you're hardly a shining light if you're just constantly complaining to your unsaved family and friends, are you? So, oh yeah, no, I don't do any of that, I go to church, I'm a soul winner, yeah, I preach the gospel to people, but I'm just constantly complaining about everything in my life to my unsaved family and friends. Well, you're doing things with murmurings, right? You're really a shining light, are they looking, going, oh, you know, in that day of visitation, are they at that time when they're really most receptive, are they gonna look back and think, oh yeah, you know, you could really see that difference with that family member, it's gonna be like it's another murmur and another complaint. How about if you're just constantly getting aroused with all your family, aroused with your unsaved, with your unsaved family, unsaved friends, just constantly disputing, getting an argument, and look, sometimes you get, I'm not saying, look, right, avoid any, sometimes you're gonna have a row now and again, right, but some people just love that stuff, don't they? Some people kind of use Christ too, Row, use the truths of the Bible, not really because they were trying to get them saved, just because it's a good way of having a debate, right? It's good to just, look, if you know the Word of God, you can work people in a debate, can't you, because you got the truth, and you can make people look foolish and you can show them their foolishness and everything else, but if you're just constantly murmuring, disputing, rowing, maybe, look, maybe you're not being that shining light, you're not gonna shine as lights in the world, and it'll be the same, so-called Christian, but they're just constantly complaining, so-called Christian, but they're always just picky on me, getting in fights with me, and it may take many years, but people's salvation is always possible, and here, look, a lot failed here, didn't he? The son's in law, it came to that point, it came to that time, the angels were there, it was time to go, and he failed, didn't he? And look, look, you're not gonna get everyone saved, but you know what, you try to give the gospel to someone, you've given it to a family member, they haven't got saved, still try and be a shining light, yeah? Obviously, you know, doesn't mean you have to, like, some people go too far, better just carry on hanging out with them in the pub and everything, no, you don't, don't do that, but be a shining light, right? Do things without murmurings and disputings, be blameless and harmless, without rebuke in the midst, we're in the middle of a crooked and perverse nation, we are in the middle of a crooked and perverse nation, aren't we? And the more you grow, the more you look at those old family and friends and just think, it's really hard to get on with them sometimes, isn't it? It's really hard to have that much to do, but you can still hold your head high and still shine as a light amongst them, and it may take years, but their salvation is still possible, you don't have to turn there, but 1 Peter 2.12 talks about having your conversation honest among the Gentiles, that whereas they speak against you as evildoers, they may by your good works which they shall behold glorify God in the day of visitation. Lot didn't have that, did he? But that's something that we should aim to have. Lot was a joke, okay? Back in verse 14 of Genesis 19, it says, a lot went out and spake unto his sons-in-law, which married his daughters, and said, Up, get you out of this place, for the Lord will destroy this city, but he seemed as one that mocked unto his sons-in-law. And by the way, one of the reasons was, as well for me, that he wasn't soul-winning, was he? A lot didn't get, you know, Lot had been there many, many years, hardly anyone was saved. We see, in fact, the only people that get removed are him and his two daughters and his wife, theoretically, but again, if he's not out there preaching the gospel, are people really gonna listen to him? Do people really, and that's the thing, are they really gonna take you seriously? You know, I know the truth, but why aren't you telling anyone? Get out and tell people, right? If you're getting out and telling people, and you don't have to show off about it, people will start to know, hey, yeah, he's out soul-winning, okay, he's out doing, what's he, again, locked doors with Jehovah's Witnesses or whatever else, but you know why we knock doors? Why we got, because we've got the truth, because we're getting people saved, and if you're doing that, people might take you more seriously in the future, right? Think, yeah, look, they obviously, they got something they really believe. They really, it's not just Sunday Club, no, it's Sunday and Wednesday Club. It's not just Sunday and Wednesday Club, it's Midweek Soul-Winning Club, as well, and it's Sunday Soul-Winning Club, and it's Saturday Marathon Club, and because we have the truth, because we want to show people the truth, right, because we're serious about it. Verse 15 says, when the morning arose, and the angels hastened a lot, saying, arise, take thy wife and thy toodles which are here, lest thou be consumed in the iniquity of the city. They basically said, get out of this filthy place, and look, we're gonna move on from the Sodomites in a minute, okay, but just last point on it. That was the first chapter in the Bible where it's as clear as they talk about Sodomites, and that is probably one of the worst stories in the Bible, isn't it? Absolutely horrific. Horrific story. We've not just seen the depths that when you have majority Sodomites in a town or city that they'll that they'll go to, and we'll see that basically nothing's out of bounds to these people, they're that rat, and obviously Judges 19 is another story with exactly the same sort of stuff, okay, and it shows also that it's not just men that they'll go for, they'll do wicked things to anyone, okay, but what we also see from Genesis 19 is the effect that they can have even on Christians, that the effect that they had on Lot to the point where Lot is probably, I mean, can you think of many worse Christians in the Bible? Lot's as low as it gets. Why? Because he lived in Sodom. Because he lived among Sodomites because he was basically, he tolerated Sodomites. He was around them, he hung around with them, he lived with them, he buddied up with them, and look, maybe that's you, maybe you're sitting here watching, you're going, yeah, I do have a Sodomite cousin, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, whatever it is. Maybe you do, right, and if you do, if you have that, well, you need to get away from it. You need to put away for you among yourselves that wicked person. You need to basically, you need to make a choice because they'll ruin your life. These are wicked people, really wicked people. Now verse 16 says, while he lingered, the men laid hold upon his hand and upon the hand of his wife, and upon the hand of his two daughters, the Lord being most flunted him, and they brought him forth and set him without the city. Now remember in the last chapter we saw Abraham hastening, didn't we? We saw in the chapter before that, he got on with the circumcisions of self same day. Okay, we saw him, we saw someone who was just like, God tells you to do something doing it. He was, what a contrast he was. What a contrast. Really in these opening, many of these opening chapters of the Bible, of the book of Genesis, we're just seeing this massive contrast between Abraham and Lot. Right at the beginning, you know, right early on when there started to be strife between Lot and Abraham, Abraham says you choose where you want, Lot goes for the money. Soon after that, not long after, Lot's being kidnapped from Sodom, he's being kidnapped, Abraham's looking to go and help him and rescue him. Lot gets rescued, what happens after that? Abraham, he's tithing to Melchizedek, he's doing the things of God, Lot goes back to Sodom. You're just seeing this massive contrast between the two. Lot ends up back in Sodom, Abraham is doing more, he's like, God tells you to do stuff, he's doing it. Yeah, he made some errors along the way, Lot's living in Sodom doing nothing. Abraham, we see, was having an effect on those around him, to the point where even, you know, we see the iniquity of the Amorites not yet full, because for me, Abraham's getting people saved there, and then on the flip side you've got Lot in Sodom and no one's getting saved. And there's such a contrast between these two, and they're both saved, and that absolute wicked teaching out there that good works will follow salvation is a lie from the pit of hell, okay? No, they won't follow, look at Lot, where is good works? Where are Lot's good works? But he was described as just, he was described as righteous, but the guy's hanging around with filthy Sodomites, offering his daughters to him. It's such a lie, isn't it? And then you've got people questioning salvation, questioning salvation, because they're not showing the works that you think they should be showing. Well, tell me what works you saw in Lot. I saw a guy hanging around with Sodomites in Sodom. I mean, let alone what we can learn about, I mean, you can learn a lot about Sodomites in this, can't you? Just keep away from, get away from, these people are wicked, wicked, vile people, but I tell you what, you can learn a lot about what effect they have on a Christian as well. So we got a contrast here. Lot here now is lingering, so he's lingering in Sodom. The men laid hold upon his hand, upon the hand of his wife, upon the hand of his two daughters, the Lord being merciful unto him, and they brought him forth and set him without the city, okay, God was merciful regardless, and it came to pass when they brought them forth abroad that he said, escape for thy life. Now it seems like it's the Lord talking to him. Look not behind thee, as opposed to, we saw, it was the angels talking before. Escape for thy life, look not behind thee, neither stay thou in all the plain, escape to the mountain lest thou be consumed. Now I believe that it's God talking, like I said, it's the Lord talking here, and what does our negative example Lot do when God's talking to him? Look at verse 18. Lot said unto them, O not so, my Lord, behold now, thy servant hath found grace in thy sight, and now has magnified thy mercy, which thou hast showed unto me, and saved my life, and I cannot escape to the mountain lest some evil take me, and I die. Behold now, this city is near to flee unto, and it is a little one, O let me escape thither, is it not a little one, and my soul shall live. So you've just been pulled out of Sodom by two angels. Probably not a good idea to start pushing your wicked will. I mean, what is wrong with this guy, right? I mean, you've got Abraham just going, yeah, old circumcision's, what, 400 plus? Yeah, let's do it ourselves, same day. God told me to do it, I'm doing it. I mean, I don't even want to think about that. But Lot, he gets pulled out of Sodom, he's told, go into the mountain, he's like, oh no, no, let me go where I want to go. In fact, I want to go to a little city which was also infected by this as well. But the thing is, is that so many Christians all over, isn't it? God's merciful, God helps them in this way, God helps in that, and then they're back to trying to push their wicked will. They're back to saying, but I want this, I don't want to do that. Oh God, thank you for helping me in this situation in my life, but I don't want to do what you tell me to do. I don't want to go somewhere, I don't want to go to church, I want to do what I want to do. I want to go here, I want to get there, I want to go and make more money, I want to do this. Again, we look and we mock, but so much of what's in Lot you can see in so many people in the world today. And he's choosing to dwell, like I said, in one of the infected cities in close proximity to Sodom. We looked at this in Genesis 14. If you remember, Genesis 14 8 said, and there went out the king of Sodom and the king of Gomorrah and the king of Adama and the king of Zeboim and the king of Beelah, the same is Zoar, this is the place that he's asked to go to, and they joined battle with them in the Vale of Sidim. So these cities were joined in affinity and proximity with the Sodomites, and Deuteronomy 29, if you want to look you can, we did look at this previously, Deuteronomy 29 shows us the consequences. It says in Deuteronomy 29 and verse 23, Deuteronomy 29 23, and that the whole land there is brimstone and salt, and Bernie talk about this area, that it is not sown nor bareth nor any grass growth therein, this is the result of God raining down fire and brimstone, like the overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah, Adama and Zeboim, which the Lord overthrew in his anger and in his wrath. One was missing. What was missing? Beelah, also called Zoar, which is where Lot requests fleeing to in Genesis 19. So it was one of the Confederate cities with the king of Sodom, however it didn't get destroyed after Lot requested to flee there, but it should have done, and it was also one of the infected, one of the Confederate, one of, it would have had Sodomites, you know, the Sodomites weren't just consigned just to Sodom, those around, those close to these sorts, look, and that's just, we talked about this before, that's just the way it is, isn't it? Look, you think you think that the neighbouring towns to Brighton, for example, which probably the most famous place in the UK for it, well you think that they haven't got a load of Sodomites in all those towns? You think it hasn't pushed and spread there? Of course it has. Same everywhere. People, when they're around them, when they're around them a lot, it just starts to spread and spread and spread, like a cancer. Well, back in Genesis 19 it said, Behold now, this city is neared to flee unto in this little one, and let me escape thither. Is it not a little one in my social living? For me, Zoar, look, Zoar survived, okay, and I suggested when we looked at this previously that maybe the size was to do with, and again, I'm not saying definitely, just something I thought, where Sodom would have been spared for ten righteous, Zoar was clearly spared for a few righteous, wasn't it? And it was just a little one, it was but a little one. He does say it twice, doesn't he? There's a reason he's talking about it only being little, and he goes there and it's spared, whereas had it been Gomorrah or somewhere else that was obviously bigger, and him and his family had come, I think God probably still would have destroyed it, right? As we've seen previously that he would have spared Sodom for ten, maybe spared Zoar for three. And he said unto him, see, verse 21, I've accepted the concern of this thing also, and that I will not overthrow the city for the which thou has spoken. Hey, see, escape thither, for I cannot do anything till thou become thither. Therefore the name of the city was called Zoar. Zoar means little or small. The sun was risen upon the earth when lot entered into Zoar, then the Lord rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah, brimstone of fire from the Lord out of heaven, and he overthrew those cities and all the plain and all the inhabitants of the cities and that which grew upon the ground. He absolutely wiped out those cities, plural, okay? All of these cities got wiped out, but that's what God thinks about place given over to Sodomy, doesn't he? Look, that's God, that's God. That is the Lord Jesus Christ, by the way, okay? That's what he thinks about Sodomites. He doesn't change. He changeth not. The Lord Jesus Christ wiped out Sodom with fire and brimstone and all the cities around it. He hasn't changed his mind about it. He hasn't kind of softened up on Sodomites now. He hasn't watched a load of Hollywood and now softened up and gone, okay, I'm wrong, you know, thank God for, you know, director, whoever, Berg, Stein, whatever else. Thank God they told me. It's true, isn't it? Okay, he hasn't, oh, you know, finally just watched a few more Will and Grace shows before this. No, he hasn't changed his mind. He'd do the same again. He absolutely wiped them out. Jude 1.7 says this, Even as Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities about them in like manner given themselves over the fornication and going after strange flesh, that means queer flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire. The idea is it's an example. It's in the preserved Word of God, yeah? He didn't kind of, when Moses wrote the book of Genesis, he didn't leave out this story for a reason. The reason is it's a really important story and it's meant to be set, they're meant to be set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire, by the way. The example, the physical example, is a picture of eternal hell fire. And who's the example to? It's not to the Sodomites, it's already done for the Sodomites. Who's the example to? It's to leaders, to kings, to queens, to governments, to people to keep away from these filthy people, for governments to actually do what they should do and actually enact laws which would protect the people from these types of people. Because they're only going one place, hell. That's why Leviticus 20 13 says if a man also lie with mankind as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed abomination, they shall surely be put to death, their blood shall be upon them. The whole point in what happened is it's a reminder how wicked that sin is and how important laws like this were in the Bible and should still be under what at least some form of at least slightly godly government. They wouldn't tolerate this, they shouldn't tolerate, it's nuts that you've got some of the most vile dangerous people in society just running around without, it's not even a crime anymore in this nation. It's nuts. And where does it lead? Well, it eventually leads to just gang rape and all sorts of absolute filth. And it should be, we should look at this and just remind ourselves and go how wicked that is. So-called God-fearing government should look at this and go yeah we need to make sure that we enact the laws of God and protect citizens from this sort of filth. Verse 26 says but his wife looked back from behind him and she became a pillar of salt. Okay so firstly this actually happened okay. Perhaps she literally melted on the spot. Salt being like ashes, the elements that make up the human body, maybe she just literally melted. But it is obviously a picture of looking back to your old life as well isn't it? Okay and when you're getting, when God's rescuing you from your old life don't start looking back, don't start you know just just wishing you were back in your old sins, in your old life, in your old wickedness because you're as good as dead when you do that. It's just what a waste of your life as a Christian. What a mess. And look she was saved, look she's in heaven right? But she wasted what could have been productive years right? And not a nice way to go either I don't think. But again we're gonna look at that next week when we look at the pictures of the end times as well. Verse 27 says and Abraham got up early in the morning to the place where he stood before the Lord and he looked towards Sodom and Gomorrah and toward all the land of the plain and beheld and lo the smoke of the country went up as a smoke of a furnace. What a sight to behold that. I mean that must be amazing right? To get up in the morning just see the whole place is level and just smoke going up in the sky. And it came to pass when God destroyed the cities of the plain that God remembered Abraham and sent Lot out of the midst of the overthrow when he overthrew the cities in the which Lot dwelled. And look aside from anything else and pictures of the rapture etc your relationship with God can have an effect on family and friends too. Obviously Abraham's did with Lot and saved family and friends and none saved but saved family and friends as well. You can pray to God and you can intercede and you can try and you know get get things. Look it's not just that if you're saved and you're doing the things of God look God's gonna have an ear out to your prayers as well right and for your loved ones. And here obviously we see it it says here he remembered Abraham which is why Lot was rescued here because there weren't ten righteous by the way there and Lot went up out of Zoar and dwelt in the mountain and his two daughters with him for he feared to dwell in Zoar and he dwelt in a cave here in his two daughters. Now what's going on here because he begged to go to Zoar he didn't want to go to the mountain now he's scared of Zoar and he's obviously seen this whole thing happen his wife's turned into a pillar of salt. I mean the guy's just probably an absolute wreck right now isn't he? He's also a double-minded man isn't he? And by the way James 1-8 says a double-minded man is unstable in all his ways okay look he made a decision he got granted that decision he shouldn't have just gone up into the mountain into the into Zoar and stayed there instead he's now going right now I'm gonna go in fact at the beginning should just gone yeah I'll go will you tell me to go God right so he's just like obviously just some sort of anxious mess and it says in verse 31 the firstborn said unto the younger our father is old and there is not a man in the earth to come in unto us after the manner of all the earth so they're fearful as well they seem to be dreaming up all sorts of weird things now I mean I don't know if they're saying they don't think anyone else is alive or I don't really know or they're saying or they're just saying that there's no men around now we're in the mountains but I don't think it was the biggest trek to get up there but either way I mean this is now this is some pretty hard reading this verse 32 says come let us make our father drink wine we will lie with him that we may preserve seed of our father and they made their father drink wine that night and the firstborn went in and lay with her father and he perceived not when she laid down though when she arose and it came to pass in the morrow that the firstborn said unto the younger behold I lay yes tonight with my father let us make him drink wine this night also and go thou in and lie with him but we may preserve seed of our father and they made their father drink wine that night also and the younger arose and lay with him and he perceived not when she laid down though when she arose thus were both the daughters of Lot with child by their father these were saved people I believe so backslidden so out of God's will so infected by that filth they were exposed to weren't they because that's not this isn't normal stuff yeah they've they've been living in Sodom but this is probably nothing compared with you know how it should have been this is this was I mean to even contemplate this that's why David said in Psalm 101 in verse 3 I will set no wicked thing before my knives I hate the work of them that turn aside it shall not cleave to me this family for me due to their father's weakness his covetousness his apathy towards perversion they ended up in a cave doing this absolutely wicked vile thing now you go oh you know they're saved right why one is if they're saying why one is daughters automatically right that's what people think don't they I mean this is I mean these are some pretty low depths aren't they these look they got rescued as well I think they were saved okay they got rescued they went with him the sons-in-law didn't I believe they were so why why weren't they doing why won't they have better standards why don't even contemplate this because lot was a useless dad the useless dad if you care about your kids you care about your children those who don't have kids maybe in the future maybe think about this look it's important how you behave as a father isn't it because you start letting them be exposed to this sort of filth and there's a lot of filth you could be exposing nowadays isn't there yeah exposed to filth just like we said before your handheld device not really knowing what they're looking at what they're watching what they're doing and you end up with daughters saved I think daughters doing stuff like this by the way his wife for me was probably a useless mum looking back to Sodom she's getting rescued from that filthy place she's looking back and that the idea there really that's what we're seeing is somebody's basically wanting longing for their old life still looking back to Sodom I mean what a useless useless woman she is instead of saying let them burn they were calling them brethren yeah they should have said let God burn him that way and instead they were going brethren my breath that's what lot was doing wasn't he by the way where do they get the wine from I think they got the wine from probably Sodom probably one of the things they took with them probably one of the first things they packed when the angels said get your things always a wine I mean can you imagine it you're legging it for something they've just been trying to pull you out of your house they surround your house and all of that and you're loading up the wine I mean what an absolute mess this family was weren't they absolute mess well maybe look maybe they got it in Zohar but either way why they're drinking and again what by the way what we just seen the second second instant of alcohol in the Bible and I mean this is possibly worse than the first one depending on what you believe happened in the first one with Noah really good advertisement for alcohol is it oh yeah yeah but you know it's all right to drink a bit isn't it oh you know God's given it for what a load of old nonsense isn't it Bob says look not thou upon the wine when it give when it when it is red when it giveth its color in the cup when it move itself right fermented alcohol look at the state of these families these Christians are boozing that are drinking what an absolute disgrace and the firstborn instead of verse 37 bear a son and called his name Moab the same as the father of the Moabites and to this day and the younger she also bear a son and called his name Benami the same as the father of the children of Ammon and to this day and there were two nations that end up being wicked by the way as well so didn't go much better for their for those that came for them they had a couple of diamonds amongst the rough roof being one of them to come in the future but however what I mean what an end what what chapter the Bible right that is it that is some grim reading isn't it however there's a lot you can learn from that isn't there and I think number one lesson to learn for that and it finishes on that as well just to remind us stay away from sodomites stay away from sodomites keep away forget about your life make sure you got nothing to do with them don't be combo where you might be able to get them safe no they're filthy vile disgusting people get them out your life get rid of them don't be anywhere near get all their filth all their promoted stuff all their junk get it off your phones get it off your YouTube get it off stop watching that stuff stop getting brainwashed but get away from them don't end up like law yeah good lesson for me from that chapter on that let's play well thank you for well you know what chapter of the Bible which is hard reading Lord it's hard to even fathom however it's the truth it's your word it's every single word of that is a hundred percent truth and and therefore we need to take heed Lord we need to understand that it's set forth for an example unto us Sodom and Gomorrah and there's so many examples so many lessons in that Lord and we're going to be looking next week at all the lessons all the all the pictures of the end times to come that are in there as well there's just so much in that chapter Lord I pray that you just help us Lord help us to take heed to that to understand how important it is to live righteously Lord to not live like lot put away the covetousness Lord put away all of the the double-mindedness all of the just just you know just weak Christian behavior we see from lot there and and instead behave more like Abraham to just you know do as you tell us to do to try and seek your will and all that we do to just just act quickly when you give us Commandments Lord and not to be like that help us to I get home safe sound tonight Lord and to return the Sunday for another day in your house g-snake all this army