(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Pray in your magnificent name, Amen. Amen. Right, Titus chapter 2, I just want to focus on the first five verses, which reads, But speak thou the things which become sound doctrine, that the aged men be sober, grave, temperate, sound in faith, in charity, in patience, the aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour, as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things, that they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed. And the title of my sermon today is feminism versus femininity, feminism versus femininity. Let's bow our heads in a quick word of prayer first. Father, thank you for your word, thank you for this church, thank you for all these great people here. Please just fill me with your spirit now, help me to preach clearly, boldly, just help help your word to just penetrate people here, for them to just, to just, you know, actually listen to what you've got to say, to act upon it, help us all to just take this message in the spirit that it's given as well, and just help all these things to be done in your name. Amen. Okay, so what is feminism? What is feminism? Well, it's the advocacy of women's rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes. What's femininity? It's the quality of being feminine of womanliness. Why am I preaching about this? Because the world's idea of being a woman, and God's idea of being a woman, are literally poles apart. In fact, they are probably completely the opposite, are they not? Completely the opposite, I would say. And because most of us here have been more influenced by the world for probably a lot more of our lives than we have by the word of God, sadly. And some of you maybe grew up hearing a bit of Bible, some of you might have grown up in churches, most people I think were saved in this church in the last several years, there's probably a few maybe that weren't. But regardless, even if you were saved your whole life, you will have had it from every angle, okay? The world's version of what a woman should be like, the world's version of as men what sort of women we should be looking for, and also obviously how we should be as men as well. I'm not saying it's just about the women, but that's what I'm preaching about today. And if your kid's here and you're thinking, well, thank God that I've been raised as a Christian, look, the brainwash is only getting worse, okay? It's only getting stronger, it's only getting worse and worse. So what we put up with when we were younger is nothing like what you're having from every angle, barring hopefully when you come into this church and hopefully not when you're at home with your parents. But there's been a lot of influence on this. Now turn over to Isaiah chapter 5, because the world is literally changing the definition of what it means to be a woman and to be a man. And now there's nothing new under the sun, but like I said we've seen some huge changes even in our short lives. In our short lives here we've seen some massive changes in this way, and I'm sure many societies have gone down this route before, many cultures throughout history, many civilizations, but in our world right now we're in the middle of what we see as a massive shift on this. And in case you think you are sitting here thinking, well, I'm pleased we've moved away from that old-fashioned biblical standard, that was for those days, that was written for that society. Do you know what I'd say unto you? Woe unto you, okay? Woe unto you. If you're sitting here thinking, well, I'm just pleased that we're a lot more, you know, progressive in this way now, I'm pleased about that. Woe unto you. You will never be happy, you will never be content. Isaiah 5 20 says woe unto them that call evil good and good evil, that put darkness for light and light for darkness, that put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter. Woe, that's sorrow, misery. Has anyone here ever met a happy feminist? Anyone ever met a happy feminist? No, they're always angry, fuming, on a hair trigger for an argument, aren't they? All the time, just can't, just want that row, just, you said what, what, did you just say men? You know, does any, they just, that's every feminist I've ever met, these are not happy people, woe unto them. Okay, and it's not just like I said that the angry fuming feminists, anyone that's calling evil good and good evil, anyone sitting here thinking, yeah, but it's a bit better, well, I prefer that we're not doing things God's way. Woe unto you, you will not be happy, okay, you will not be content in life, that put darkness for light and light for darkness, that put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter, and it is literally the opposite, okay, it is literally the opposite that we're seeing out there. Now, you might be thinking, but, but, but isn't, isn't feminism a good thing? It's creating equality for women, isn't it? Because isn't it such a righteous political movement, isn't it? Well, like many tactics of the devil, it's dressed up to look so righteous, yeah, it's dressed up to look so, so, you know, just, just so attractive to everyone, isn't it? Like pretty much every false religion attracts people in some way or another, and it's pretty much a religion, this as well, and, and it is dressed up to look like, well, it's just fairness, and these poor women, and, and, and look, however many old period dramas they put on tv where these poor women are just so depressed, so beaten down, so unhappy, that doesn't make it true, and let's be honest, the world, if they're living outside of, you know, God's will anyway, they probably are unhappy, but it's got nothing to do with the feminism part, or the lack of. Now, at its core, it's evil, okay? Even at its most basic definition, the definition of feminism is the advocacy of women's rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes, so straight away, before you go into all the complicated jargon, and trying to bamboozle you with their so-called scientific words, and names for things, and, you know, and philosophical long words, and things, before you go into any of that, it's a falsehood, equality, because it says here, the advocacy of women's rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes, or isn't anything other than equality evil? Well, equality is a state of being equal. Does man equal woman? No. No. Man does not equal woman, and woman does not equal man. They're both different. They both have unique strengths and unique weaknesses, do they not? There's no equality there. You cannot make them equal. You can't make one and three equal. They're not the same. They're different numbers. We're different, aren't we? We're different. We're made differently, we're designed differently. Turn to Genesis chapter 2. Male and female created he them. Because as soon as you judge each gender by the other gender's strengths, someone's going to fall short, aren't they? Soon as you judge everyone by the same mark, the same sort of qualifying criteria, someone's going to fall short, because we're not the same, are we? Genesis 2 and verse 20 says, and Adam gave names to all cattle, Genesis 2 20, and to the fowl of the air and to every beast of the field, but for Adam there was not found and help meet for him. That means suitable, fitting. Women were designed to complement men. Women were designed to complement men, to be a help suitable for men. They weren't designed to be the same as men and the Lord God calls a deep sleep to fall upon Adam and he stepped and he took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh instead thereof and a rib which the Lord God had taken from man made he woman and brought her unto the man and Adam said this is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh. She shall be called woman because she was taken out of man. Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother and shall cleave unto his wife and they shall be one flesh. They go together perfectly because they have weaknesses of their own, they have strengths of their own, they're basically like a perfect very simple two-piece puzzle. It doesn't have to be complicated does it? And away even from marriage, take away marriage, they complement each other don't they? If this church for example was just full of men, all it was was men, the whole church was just men and maybe some kids as well. Wow, it wouldn't be such a great environment would it? Some of us men might enjoy it for a little while, it would get pretty filthy pretty soon wouldn't it? The kids would probably be hanging out the window within a day or two, it would go downhill wouldn't it pretty quickly okay? We're going to miss out on things, we're going to miss the things that women see but in the same way if it was full of women nothing would get done, it would just be one big chat. Now I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that, at least there'd be some chatting done but look, we all have strengths and weaknesses don't we okay? And we complement each other and it's great to have a mixture, to have both isn't it? And obviously there are some things where that's not suitable but in a church it is suitable in many other areas of life. Now the feminists would say no, they wouldn't call me brother Ian, it would be no Tavener, if I was lucky, it's equality and status, rights or opportunities yeah? Isn't that what it's about? That's what the equality is, status, rights or opportunities. But if the genders are different how can they be equal? How can they be equal? Now in case you're wondering, yes God loves us the same yeah? God loves us the same, God puts no difference when it comes to salvation to the inheritance of heaven. He says in Galatians 3 28 29 there is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female for you're all one in Christ Jesus and if ye be Christ then are ye Abraham seed and heirs according to the promise. Clearly talking about salvation and yes God respects us the same too doesn't he? There's no favouritism based on the jobs he's given us based on the way he's designed us. One of the many fallacies of our world is that manly jobs are somehow better and less demeaning isn't there? That's pushed so it's to make women feel insecure. That manly jobs are less demeaning than more more womanly jobs, jobs suited to women are somehow demeaning. How does that make, how does that work at all? God clearly distinguishes between the status of men and female though, doesn't he? Evidence for example just in a simple way something I discussed with some people a little while back by the taking of the man's name. Notice that in scripture that's why we have surnames being known by her husband's name. Turn to Genesis 5, hopefully you're still there I should have told you to keep a finger there. Genesis 5 and from verse 1 shows God referring to Adam and Eve by the husband's name. This is a book of the generations of Adam in the day that God created man in the likeness of God made him. Male and female created he them and blessed them and called their name Adam in the day when they were created. Don't turn a bit, Ephesians 5 23 says for the husband is ahead of the wife even as Christ is ahead of the church who is the Savior of the body. A wife leaves the headship of her father whose name she currently goes under when she marries her comes under the headship of her husband. That's who she's known by, her husband's name. This is evidence many place in scripture however many double-barrelled name feminists there are out there or those that want to keep their own name biblically that's completely wrong what a surprise. Look at Genesis chapter 11 and verse 31 Sarai is the only one whose description is of a husband not a father and Tyra took Abram his son and Lot the son of Haran his son son and Sarai his daughter-in-law his son Abram's wife and they went forth with them from her of the cowardice going to the land of Canaan and they came unto Haran and dwelt there. And I'm going to just quick fire some of these in case you're still not convinced some of the many examples where wife is known by husband's name. Judges 5 24 says blessed above women shall Jael the wife of Heba the Kenite be blessed shall she be above women in the tent the wife of Heba the Kenite. 2 Samuel 12 10 says now therefore the sword shall never depart from thine house because as despised me it has taken the wife of Uriah the Hittite to be thy wife. Talking about Bathsheba there 1 Kings 14 5-6 says and the Lord said under Hijjah behold the wife of Jeroboam cometh to ask a thing of thee for her son for he is sick thus and thus shalt thou say unto her for it shall be when she cometh in that she shall feign herself to be another woman and it was so when Hijjah heard the sound of her feet as she came in at the door that he said come in thou wife of Jeroboam why feignest thou thyself to be another for I am sent with thee with heavy tidings. Luke 8 3 says and Joanna the wife of Chuza Herod's steward and Susannah and many others which ministered unto him of their substance. John 19 25 says now they're stood by the cross of Jesus mother and his mother's sister Mary the wife of Cleophas and Mary Magdalene. So where they have husbands they're known by their husband's name aren't they? Does that mean that God doesn't like women? Is that what that means? God must not like women. No it just means we have a different not equal status. We have a different status. They're known by their husband's name. What about rights? Turn to 1 Corinthians 14. What about equality and rights? I just read Ephesians 5 23 earlier which says for the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church and he is the savior of the body. 1 Corinthians 14 34 says 1 Corinthians 14 and verse 34 says let your women keep silence in the churches for it is not permitted unto them to speak but they are commanded to be under obedience as also saith the law and if they will learn anything let them ask their husbands at home for it is a shame for women to speak in the church. Yes the Bible teaches there are different rights in the church. Yeah that's clear that the teaching and preaching is to be done by men. The Bible's clear about that isn't it? Does that mean that men are better? No did he say because men are better? No because they're different. Better at teaching and preaching? Yes yes men are better men are better at teaching and preaching yes yes the Bible says they're better at teaching and preaching in the church okay the Bible says that but probably much worse at listening probably much worse it was probably why women chat so much when they're together because they actually listen to each other and I just go yes yes dear yes yes well folks the anxiety girls okay yeah we're better at teaching and preaching women are probably better at listening oh poor men poor men oh it's not equal yeah well that's the way it is we're not made the same oh but that was over 2 000 years ago that was written we know better now don't we we know much better now because we're 2 000 years along that was written for back then isn't that what they say well look at verse 36 what came the word of God out from you or came it unto you only anyone want to add to the Bible here no yeah anyone here want to say they've actually got a newer prophecy a newer prophecy about how God sees things and how he wants us to behave no and really why is that why is it that people say that it's to appease their own preconceived or more likely preconditioned ideas isn't it that's what it comes from verse 37 if any man think himself to be a prophet or spiritual let him acknowledge that the things that I write unto you are the commandments of the Lord but if any be ignorant let him be ignorant if you want to be stupid go ahead yeah but no one's sitting there going well wow girl power man you're just so so much better than these these old these old traditionalists no these are the commandments of the Lord okay okay that's not going to change is it okay heaven and earth shall pass away but my word shall not pass away you'll never be happy if you fight against God's word woe unto you woe unto you because what happens with the twisted upside down darkness for light and light for darkness world it just ends up with women feeling inferior angry but inferior they're not sitting they go I'm just so happy because they are inferior in those things where they're trying to compare with men and and in a way maybe the more they do it there are men out there that feel inferior to women in certain ways because they're just not caring enough they're not loving enough they're not meek enough they're not whatever it is while they're trying to push your feminacy on men as well but instead of being in celebrated for their strengths they're basically just constantly feeling insecure and angry about their weaknesses aren't they that's what we're creating here yeah we've got a happier world right now just a load of people walking around are so happy at life it all seems so angry about it so you're angry about the politics of it how about equal opportunities though we'll turn the numbers chapter one isn't it unfair and evil that women don't have exactly the same opportunities as men in the world isn't that just the wickedness of our patriarchal society they say you know like the like like the benefit of going out and getting your head cut off for your nation poor women just don't have that right to go and do that well look at numbers chapter one and verse one and the lord spake unto moses in the wilderness of sinai in the tabernacle of the congregation on the first day of the second month and second year after they will come out of the land of egypt saying take you the sum of all the congregation of the children of israel after their families by the house their fathers with a number of their names every male by their poles from 20 years old and upward all they're able to go forth to war in israel thou and aaron shall number them by their armies no god didn't give women that opportunity because however much the hollywood movies with their fem you know their feminist stars their tough beating up men every five minute stars of all the movies try and tell you no actually fighting a war isn't glamorous is it okay it's not glamorous however much ufc tries to promote these butch women smashing each other up in a cage it's not actually very nice it's not enjoyable it's not pleasant but it's not nice going to war okay poor women what about the poor kids that weren't allowed to do it oh poor poor five-year-olds how unequal they're not allowed to go out and fight with a sword no well no 20 years and upwards god said he said males turn of genesis 3 because going to war is anything but glamorous but neither are most jobs in the world most jobs in the world are anything but glamorous because what about equal opportunities in the workplace oh that's righteous isn't it that's right no that's okay but the reality of a life life of work is spelled out in genesis chapter 3 where it says from verse 17 and unto adam he said because thou has hearkened unto the voice of thy wife and has eaten of the tree of which i commanded thee saying thou shall not eat of it cursed is the ground for thy sake in sorrow shout thou eat of it all the days of thy life thorns also in thistle shout it bring shall it bring forth to thee and thou shalt eat the herb of the field in the sweat of thy face shout thou eat bread till thou return onto the ground for out of it was our take for dust thou art and unto dust shout thou return do these feminists want equal opportunities to graft all day in the field do they they want to be digging all day do they want to be on site lifting and carrying and smashing up their fingers ruining their backs no they just want to usurp authority over the man don't they let's be honest they don't want equal opportunities to hod carry they don't want equal opportunities to plaster all day they don't want equal opportunity to dig ditches all day do they they want equal opportunities to go into kushti jobs and to usurp authority over the man and then to get paid even while they're having babies the whole thing is absolutely ridiculous isn't it yeah when talking about younger widows you don't have to turn their pool under inspiration of the holy ghost so god speaking says in first timothy 5 14 i will therefore that the younger women marry bear children guide the house give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully oh but that's so demeaning why why is it demeaning to marry to bear children to guide the house why is having children demeaning is it demeaning having children having children is glorious having children i talked about this the other week is to be entrusted with the life of a child to be entrusted with that delicate life in your womb to protect it let's be honest most of us men the child wouldn't last those nine months to be entrusted with that is an amazing thing isn't it to be able to bear those children to guide a house is a hard job isn't it is a hard thing that again i'll go out on a limb and say every one of us men here would fail at we would get it terribly wrong okay and we at the end of the day those kids would be lucky to to survive until 20 years old to get their head cut off in war okay we wouldn't have an army okay because they wouldn't get through it because we're not we we don't have that same nurturing and caring side do we okay what's wrong with that why is that demeaning because the world tells you it's demeaning that's why no other reason because we've been brainwashed by this junk for years to somehow that it's almost like a joke amongst these idiots that think that they're doing an anti-feminist joke they're making a joke women tied to the sink stay indoors it's like that's somehow demeaning there's nothing demeaning about it it's it's it's a great honor it's a great privilege and it's something we're unable to do men can't even get that equal opportunity of bearing children okay as much as we fight for it as much as we go to the picket lines and and go political about it we're never going to be able to have children okay it's just not equal that's life life we're not the same are we but why why do they say why are they still pushing it why do people think that it's so demeaning should i tell you why it's because the synagogue of satan says it is because that's what it comes down to it comes down to satan it comes down to the devil and let's get a bit more specific it comes down to the synagogue of satan those that say they are jews and are not what do you mean what i mean is that every single one pretty much of the early feminist writers and influences were all of the synagogue of satan yeah it's massive if they they even celebrate they go on about all their jewish feminists all the the the influence of upon the the righteous movement of feminism amongst what are called jews and are not but of the synagogue of satan that's what it's it's been pushed it's been promoted it's anti-biblical okay and we know why it is because it destroys families it destroys society it destroys churches even because we're all influenced by it yeah and what's one of the main doctrines of this false religion what's one of the main rights that they push for yeah the right to murder your baby how wicked is it okay because that is a massive part of the feminist movement the right my body my right my choice no it's not you're murdering a child you're murdering a child it is absolutely wicked and if anyone's sitting here thinking well no i think parts of it okay no it's wicked yeah they dress it up yeah they put a few bows and ribbons on certain aspects of it that sound like well that bit's not so bad but that whole thing is wickedness it's wickedness and it's anti-bible the whole lot of it yeah it's and and it's ridiculous anyway the whole thing is ridiculous the whole lot of it is just it's just light for dark and dark for light if you just took a step back and looked at it just from the beginning it's just nonsense the whole thing is nonsense however many ugly women with short green hair tell you otherwise it's nonsense okay however many long words they use and show how long they've been at university learning about different society and it's nonsense yeah it's like atheism dress it up all you like come out with a lot it's nonsense it's a load of rubbish and it just shows your ignorance if you even if you even try and support any of that now i'm not saying anyone here supports the political movement of feminine i hope no one here does but sadly every single one of us here has been influenced by it okay we will have been influenced by it massively go back to titus too it's obvious it's completely unbiblical but what is god's idea of a woman then what's biblical femininity because there's actually a lot of confusion out there about being feminine or womanly who do you think knows best god the creator knows best doesn't he the guy that designed us the guy that made us surely knows what he wants from us doesn't he he knows how because there is there's a lot of confusion out there a lot of people don't really understand look at verse one titus chapter 2 verse 1 but speak thou the things which become sound doctrine so the following is sound doctrine no it's not something in light of the culture of the day it's sound doctrine okay that the aged men be sober grave temperate sound in faith in charity in patience but we're on to the women today so let's move on to verse three we'll hit the men another week the aged women likewise that labian behavior has become holiness not false accusers not given to much wine teachers of good things okay so aged here is old towards the end of their lives okay and we don't have that in this church okay we don't have aged women in here okay towards the end of their lives it's talking about here the ideal the ideal would be that the uk just had loads of good churches proper churches around with people of all ages with people of all stages of christianity in there to be able to see the example of those elder women that have been there and done it to be able to see that but sadly finding someone in any of the few churches left in this country that even wants to follow the bible is pretty hard isn't it yeah pretty much impossible so instead i'm stepping in for old mrs maggots no i'm not because really look when it's talking about teaching there it's not that that woman has to be there and teaching and do lessons and everything else she's being an example i can't be an example no one here is able yet to be that example because they're not they haven't been there and done it they're not of that age okay where they're because christian life's measured in decades okay so instead we're going to preach what the bible says here and we're hoping we're going to create women that will in future be able to be an example to young women because we want to raise up generations of aged women that like that don't we that's what we want okay we want to be here for a long time so notice in verse three there it said the aged women likewise that they be in behavior as becometh holiness not false accused not given to to much wine teachers of good things i believe that it's teaching by being an example okay that's what it's talking about it's by behavior teach by being an example because look reading this and similar passages yourself hearing them preached is great but seeing it in action is very helpful isn't that's why a lot of preaching you try and give examples and analogies and things to give people a picture it's even better when you can see see that in real life isn't it yeah it's not that you need older women up here reading be sober love your husbands love your children be discreet chase keepers at home good obedient to your own husbands that the word of god be not blaspheme that's not what it's talking about is it it's by their behavior and because if they were doing that that will contradict first tim sorry first corinthians 14 wouldn't it that would contradict first timothy too so no it's talking about the women of in their behavior being an example to others so the women here are planning to be here for the long term will one day be those women in this church won't they yeah okay people that are planning to be here in the long term and i hope everyone is some might not i hope that you're one day you're going to be these women that are going to be an example to others in the church and look the truth is that's a great responsibility and and in fact some of you already are naturally just going to be examples to people okay that that's the way it goes because we don't have that people are looking to the mums in the church people are looking to other and sometimes not always sometimes the young will come in and look to someone who's just a little bit older than them the singles might look to how singles behave the the married might look to how other married people behave the the mums might look to other mums yeah many people look at different areas and we are all an example to others in the church so we want to make sure we're going to be a good good example aren't we they want to make sure we're a good example so let's see what femininity is in light of the bible is it a high voice pink or flowery dresses hair down to the knees arms flapping when you're running is that is that what it is well the bible doesn't actually say anything about that stuff well it does it does a little bit but not about the actual femininity side because what we're talking about really here what we really want to look at is a hidden man of the heart don't we okay we want to see the inside here and that's why i'm not going to proverb 31 and the virtuous woman that has a great examples great stuff you can learn but it's showing what she does in her life this is talking really about what comes from the inside here so let's have a look at this says here the aged women likewise that they be in behavior as becometh holiness not false accusers not given to much wine teachers of good things a holiness when applied to people is purity of heart or dispositions moral goodness obviously not perfect so behavior that shows moral goodness having a heart for the things of god that's the opposite isn't it of what our feminist world teaches my body my choice isn't that what it teaches completely up to you as long as it feels good do it type thing well that's not what the bible teaches does it its behavior has become holiness not false accusers so not slandering accusing people of things to lift yourself up or to turn others against whoever it is you don't like okay and again if you compare that to the world how about the me too movement that was popular over the last few years the me too basically anyone who's got any sort of recollection that they might possibly have been somehow abused or sexually assaulted or something else to just speak up and accuse them and see what happens well no we're a woman is not to be a false accuser are they not a slander they better make sure they're right about any accusations they make about anyone yeah not given to much wine so they better stop at a couple of glasses is that what that's saying yeah do they only have a couple of glasses of wine well in case you're unaware wine can in the bible can be both alcoholic and non-alcoholic juice okay it's fruit juice and it's either alcoholic or not depending on the context and look that was a rare luxury okay and that's something that we can look at in in the time of the day because you know in the time that was written because it's pretty obvious before refrigeration before the mass production and everything else that we had that was a luxury fruit juice was a massive luxury and it still is really just we don't treat it like that now with every sort of drink just so quick and easily available but it is a luxury now considering that proverbs 23 31 says look not thou upon the wine when it is red when it giveth his color in the cup when it moveth itself away that's fermentation the role says not to even look upon fermented wine so basically we shouldn't look at alcoholic beverages so if we're not meant to look at it not given to much wine is there for someone that's for me not spending their money on the luxuries of fruit juice is just basically hammering the you know something that's expensive that's rare that's just constantly focusing on those sorts of things otherwise it wouldn't add up now you might look at oh no no brother Ian you're just trying to you know fit your own doctrine no i'm just trying to fit the bible in because the bible doesn't contradict itself so if the bible says don't look on alcoholic beverages then how on earth can you then have some wine so therefore you have to take this in context it's only our own carnal minds that look at it and try and see alcohol well i must be able to have a couple then i'll be all right all as long as i just get a little bit tipsy it just helps me relax no don't look at it how are you going to drink it if you can't look at it so clearly there clearly it for me it's talking about then the un-alcoholic type not being given to too much of it why what isn't fruit juice good for you no it's actually full of sugar it's all right in small amounts yeah but you drink it's basically liquid sugar if you're just hammering that down you're going to end up not very well and i've talked about this before look drink what you drink is really important it's not just you are what you eat it's what you drink as well yeah okay and for me that's what it's clearly talking about here so even though again pretty much the opposite to our world isn't it full of adverts telling women to indulge spoil yourself yeah have some me time yeah just just it's about you you know drink what you like oh unwind with a glass of actual alcoholic wine according to the world so here he's here he says that what they should be teaching and again like i said from their behavior then he says teachers of good things and here for me is what they should be teaching that they may teach the young women to be sober to love their husbands to love their children now sober here is of sound mind regular calm okay something that can be taught through other people's behavior because when you're around people that are of sound mind that are calm that aren't flying off the handle every minute that aren't just a complete roller coaster that can help you to be the same can't it now keep a finger there and go back to first timothy chapter two okay go back to first timothy chapter two so the sound mind regular calm is pretty much the opposite of the angry contentious feminist isn't it i would say that's the opposite the the ranting raging you know rings through her nose bright colored hair in a crew cut feminist first timothy two and verse eight says i will therefore that men pray everywhere lifting up holy hands without wrath and doubting in like manner also and i think the like manner also here is basically the holy hands being holy that women adorn themselves in modest apparel with shame-facedness and sobriety not with broidered hair or gold or pearls or costly array but which becometh women professing godliness with good works okay so adorn it says oh it says in like manner also women adorn themselves so to adorn here is to decorate to beautify to make pleasing the point here is that it's a modest apparel or clothing that makes women pleasing okay it's not the it's not the the clothing that shows everything it's not the expensive you know ridiculously expensive clothing he's saying here that they adorn themselves so they decorate beautify make pleasing themselves in modest apparel with shame-facedness and sobriety this the shame-facedness if you're wondering what that is that's bashfulness extra modesty shyness easily shy not trying to stand out not trying to stand out again the opposite to the hey look at me of the of the world yeah the opposite to the power suit and the power walk and uh make sure you stand out when you walk into the room make sure you turn heads it's the opposite the eye catching outfit and let's be honest we know what most of the time those those outfits are catching the eye with or lack of the head turning make sure you know they make sure men are turning their head at you that's not what it's talking about is it this is the opposite sobriety is calmness regular just blending in so that's what should beautify make women pleasing okay not the broided that's decorated hair it's not saying you can't oh you can't have a hairstyle it's not saying that it's saying that you should be adorned it's what should be showing you should be your modest clothing your shame face in this your sobriety the girl the pearls are costly array that's expensive clothing that's not what's making you pleasing that's not what's beautifying you but especially the good works if you're claiming to be godly it says in verse 11 let the woman learn in silence with all subjection but i suffer not a woman to teach nor to usurp authority over the man but to be in silence so there we go again the women aren't to teach to usurp or seize unlawfully authority over the man think about the amount of wicked false prophetesses there are everywhere they're absolutely everywhere i was looking at a building uh for a different building for a church i went and visited it and fortunately i had a little check up and what looked like an entrance for a pentecostal church down the other end it actually ended up being right on the top of this building okay and it was gutting because this building was absolutely spotted okay it was everything we we needed we wanted it was just it was great it was just about affordable it was what we wanted but it literally had this pentecostal church sitting on top of it okay and when i say this pentecostal church i thought well i'm going to check them out online see hopefully they might have an announcement saying we're closing down or something else and and no it was some wicked false prophetess and the preaching was i mean i actually listened to a bit of it just just for my own education or lack it was so bad yeah literally every five seconds praise be the lord you know hallelujah praise be god and then just some other junk worldly junk praise me you'll get blessings you'll get and this goes on for about an hour yeah but who is this woman how dare she claim clay they claim through thorough biblical teaching so what you can't even get past the books of timothy you can't even get past that you can't even get past the book of corinthians have you ever read the bible how you even up there calling yourself a pastor it's absolutely wicked isn't it yet people millions billions maybe maybe not but millions of people around the world go to churches like this don't they with female pastors female teachers female preachers the pope says no like i said before no it's not because women are worse than men it's because we're suited to different things we're suited to different roles okay like we just said no men aren't as good as women at many things in life but in the same way neither women as men and god makes it clear what he says you can and can't do he says but i suffer not a woman to teach nor to assert authority over the man but to be in silence for adam was first form then eve and adam was not deceived but the woman being deceived was in the transgression it's basically for everyone's own good because women need that spiritual leadership that's the truth that's how it goes and any of you that have been in the christian life for a while will know that sometimes your wives will be getting attacked your and it's how you lead them and how you how you lead your wife in that situation because wives get attacked by the devil like at the very beginning with eve he went through eve okay that's what happens okay and and look all of us here as as husbands have a responsibility as a spiritual leader there okay and look that's why they're not to be in that role that's one of the many reasons because adam was first form then even adam was not to see but the woman being deceived was in the transgression it's not because they're worse people it's not because god doesn't like them it's because they're not suited to spiritual leadership go back to titus 2 4 does that mean that they're lesser people no no just different just different different strengths titus 2 4 says that they may teach the young women to be sober to love their husbands to love their children loving their husbands the children should be automatic shouldn't it well believe it or not it's not just about submitting to your husband it's putting them first wanting what's best for them not resenting them that's what he's talking about actually loving your husband not just okay well i do i will i stay at home i do as i'm told you know that's not what it's about loving your husband thinking good thoughts towards them and if he's telling them to teach that does that mean it's automatic all the time no it means it needs to be led by example it needs to be shown that means that the aged women are not slagging off their husbands that the aged women aren't in here just just disrespecting them mocking them clearly showing some form of basically not showing love towards their husband it's that they're teaching them to love their husbands through their behavior again the opposite it seems to our feminist world where the husband is basically some sort of annoyance the baby dad or whatever else or because that's how they're almost viewed now isn't it okay but what about loving your loving your children now that's automatic isn't it i mean that just goes without saying you're a mum you must love your children motherly motherly love is it automatic though no because i see men and women all over this nation that don't even love their child enough to punish them yeah that don't even love their child enough to chastise them that don't love their child enough to smack their bottom when they're naughty yeah no you have to love your child to do that okay the no i'm sorry let's rephrase that no if you love your child you'll do that because there are people that do that don't love their children sadly they buy themselves they buy them things to shut them up oh yeah they buy them gifts they give him sweets they they shove them in front of computers and tv all day to keep them quiet but is that loving them no proverb 13 24 says he that spareth his rod hateth his son but he that loveth him chasteneth him be times that's early but it's also not just about the punishment though is it because we could get a bit hung up on that bit and think well i love my child because i i punish my child well what about the rest of it because there are mums all over this nation that would go worse than that they would literally mutilate and murder their own babies do they love them no no they don't love them they don't love them but there is something amazing about seeing that bond isn't there between a mother and their child okay that love that nurture that that that bond that a lot of the time let's be honest our dads us dads can't match can we okay we can't and there is something great about seeing that that love that a mother should show her child proverb 31 26 talking about the virtuous woman says she openeth her mouth with wisdom and in her tongue is a law of kindness because it doesn't always come naturally a mother sometimes needs to work on this believe it or not okay some mums need to work on loving their children being kind to their children like i spoke about earlier keeping them from harm actually not wanting your child to to come to harm want caring about your child because what's the opposite in the world shove them in front of a tv shove them in child care from whatever age get them in the preschool club if you can as well because then you can do more hours of work or you can get to the gym a bit earlier and then you can also turn up in your activewear shove them in preschool whatever it is whatever club put them in the club after school as well and if you're lucky you might be able to find some stuff to occupy them on the weekends and half terms and holidays as well half-term clubs holiday clubs and anything you can to basically not raise your child because that's that's the world's version isn't it at least in our western world that's the version but that's not what the bible says it's just the opposite and whenever you see something being pushed and promoted by the world that's always time for alarm bells isn't it and the world loves to push this whole you know world a child knows best the child led basically leave them to it yeah leave them to it it's always the opposite isn't it proverbs 29 15 says the rod and reproof give wisdom but a child left to himself bringeth his mother to shame why the mother because they're the primary carer aren't they and it's them that's going to be brought to shame okay because it falls back on them so women women to be a for biblical femininity part of that is loving husbands loving children it's said to be discreet chased keepers at home good obedient to their own husbands that the word of god be not blasphemed now what does it mean to be discreet what does it mean to be discreet well part of that's prudent wise in avoiding errors of evil and in selecting the best means to accomplish a purpose circumspect cautious wary not rash and we apply that mainly nowadays to not sharing all of yours or someone else's secrets etc yeah to being discreet with your mouth but it actually covers all of that as well it's wise it's being it's being prudent wary not rash cautious but that obviously would include with your mouth now you have to turn there proverbs 11 22 says as a jewel of gold in a swine snout so is a fair woman which is without discretion i love that proverb i've shown that proverb to worldly people who love it people who are the same they're like yeah that's a good problem okay beauty without discretion is like decorating a pig's nose with jewels okay that's basically what it's saying okay you have beauty you're fair well i look good in the mirror but you don't have any discretion you're like a pig with a jewel in its nose okay yeah there's a little there's a little attractive bit there in the nose yeah but the rest of it stinks discretion is being sent for wise where does that come from the word of god doesn't it it comes from the word of god the feminist world the opposite here is literally pigs with jewels in their noses isn't it basically i mean the opposite there you actually have a literal picture of it as well okay so discretion discretion is is yeah you know if you're going to be what god wants in a woman it's being discreet with the things you say the way you talk the way you act being wise being cautious about things okay it's not just shouting off everything that comes into your mind chased what's chased pure especially when it comes to fornication and adultery now turn over to first peter three obviously keep a finger there we're going to be coming back to titus so again this is the opposite to our feminist utopia out there isn't it chased pure with fornication and adultery because in our feminist utopia out there fornication is just fair game isn't it nothing wrong with it your body your choice what about adultery hardly hardly frowned upon it it must have been a man's fault he was probably not loving it he probably you know was too controlling actually he was probably too you fill in the blank well first peter chapter three verse one says likewise you wives be in subjection to your own husbands if any obey not the word they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives while they behold your chased conversation coupled with fear okay so this is unbelieving husbands i believe here that haven't obeyed the gospel the believing wife is still told to be in subjection isn't she as their behavior could still help them win them to the lord particularly it says here their chased conversation which is behavior and fear of god so is that just saying well if a wife doesn't commit adultery then her husband might get saved is that what it's saying i think it's it's a behavior it's not flirtatious not trying to get sexual attention it's not oh well now we're no longer at church now i'm going to be showing you know whatever bits and pieces of my body to try and get attention try and you know just give that lingering look when i talk to people hopefully not at church but gone from church it's the whole thing it's a whole behavior isn't it it's just cutting out all that worldly junk verse three who's adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair and of wearing of clothes or of putting on of apparel and by the way this isn't saying a woman can't have a plait in her hair i've heard this come out before okay because if the adorning is not the outward adorning of plaiting the hair and of wearing of gold of putting on of apparel that means that women can't wear clothing either yeah okay but it's not saying that is it it's that her personality stands out the adorning like we said the beautifying of her okay isn't those those external things a beautifying of her is what the hidden man of the heart verse four it's her personality that stands out it's what's inside that stands out that's what should be shining forth beyond any of the those exterior things of putting on of apparel that's clothing the wearing of gold the plaiting the hair you want to wear gold fine you want to plait your hair fine you want to put on clothing fine in fact you better put on clothes if you want to come to this church but but that shouldn't be what's what's what's beautifying you it should be what's on the inside okay let it be the hidden man of the heart in that which is not corruptible even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit which is in the sight of god of great price how important is a meek and quiet spirit in the sight of god very important it's of great price what's meek well meek is mild of temper soft gentle not easily provoked or irritated yielding given to forbearance under injuries appropriately humble in an evangelical sense it's submissive to the divine will not proud self-sufficient or refractory which is basically opposing stubbornly so yet again the exact opposite to what's pushed in our feminist society right the exact opposite god looks at the heart he knows your thoughts and he wants to see a meek and quiet spirit doesn't he that's what he wants to see he says it's of great price because what's the world pushing the world's pushing what mild of temper be angry let them know you know you're you're annoyed don't put up with that soft and gentle no way it's just pushing and promoting kung fu kicking in cat suit women that are beating up 10 men at once soft and gentle sure not easy provoked or irritated they'll high kick them if they walk across them yielding given to forbearance under injuries that's putting up with things not having to fly off the handle and kick off at everything appropriately humble humble is something that everyone obviously can work on but it's here he's talking about about with women here humble submissive to the divine will okay that's every part of this this book isn't it yeah not proud self-sufficient or refractory again oh well i'm very self self-sufficient i'm very self-reliant you know i'm very independent woman and all of this stuff it's completely the opposite isn't it completely the opposite but here's the thing for us so as christians and for ladies here it's easy to get proud about the long hair isn't it the long skirt the soul winning because it's easy to then go to go well no i've got the outward i've got the outward part done so and then the pride starts going up they start getting puffed up what does god want to see he wants to see a meek and quiet spirit okay that's what he wants see a meek and quiet spirit turn to matthew chapter 23 turn there myself because look we might be able to get the obvious things right here and talking specifically to the ladies here but you want to make sure that you're not like the pharisees here matthew 23 and 25 says woe unto you scribes and pharisees hypocrites for you make clean the outside of the cup and of the platter but within they are full of extortion and excess thou blind pharisee cleanse first that which is within the cup and platter that the outside of them may be clean also god wants to see that meek and quiet spirit doesn't it he wants to he sees what's on the inside so you can have your your you know your church face right you can have your church clothing right you have all of that it might be in the week but make sure you don't neglect what's on the inside yeah the meek and quiet spirit go back to titus 2 and verse 5 says to be discreet chased keepers at home good obedient to their own husbands that the word of god be not blasphemed okay keepers at home that's a that's a housewife isn't it yeah that's a housewife remind me of the last movie heroine housewife anyone no mrs whatever the big hero in the movie it's not happening is it i wonder why i wonder why because it's always the opposite because it's brainwashed because it's conditioning because the synagogue of satan wants you to do opposite to the bible it's it's not really rocket science is it but yet how many of all of us how many of us are influenced by it we are all still influenced that's why you don't want to watch that junk because oh well it doesn't have swearing in it yeah oh well it's got no nudity in that movie so it must be all right oh well i shoved the kids in front of it because you know it seems to be a lie you know it's on before nine o'clock how much brainwash is on before nine o'clock on the tv if you're sitting staring at that box who's making that do you think that jesus would be sitting next to you watching tv anyone here think that if jesus came around your house he'd say can you just shove on and see what's on or if jesus was looking after your kids he'd put on the tv and sit down and watch something with him anyone think that so why do we think it's it's okay what look look and i don't want to get all that right you look if you decide there are things there are some of the odd documentary and things and there are some things probably that maybe there's no obvious wickedness here what i am saying is that it's so clear the brainwashing it all isn't it the vast vast majority is conditioning it's brainwash it's completely anti-apocalyptic and there's so much of it is subtle as well so much of it's subtle and the thing is is you're a christian yeah you know this you know this you know that you want to be in the word of god you know that you're almost trying to get rid of that out of you and and kind of fill up with the word how much harder is that when you're still watching that junk when you're still watching those netflix series when you're still watching whatever it is those movies you're watching still well they still watch that soap opera because it's just a bit of fun isn't it with the sodomite on every corner and the rest of the brainwash look you're going to find it that much harder to get in the will of god okay that's that's the truth of it so keep us at home like i said like i've said earlier it's the opposite to what the world says that's not demeaning that is a great honor isn't it a great honor that we as men would be incapable of doing and doing a good job with good no not naughty but nice good because again what's the world trying to say good oh that's boring oh well you need to be exciting you need to be a little bit risque or anything else no the bible says good obedient to their own husbands you sexist pig brother ian how dare you well that's what the bible says the bible says to be obedient to your own husbands oh oh but it's okay to be obedient to someone else's husband in the workplace that's all right is it oh you don't mind obeying the guy in the workplace you don't mind obeying the government with their ridiculous guidelines and not even rules and laws you don't mind obeying the policeman but you do mind obeying the person that actually loves you the person that you're meant to love what's up with that what's up with that the bible says to be obedient to your own husband and that's life the life involves obeying rules obeying people there's hierarchies there's people that are to be obeyed there's people that are to be obeyed okay wives are to obey the husband that doesn't mean you're any worse that doesn't mean you're any lesser that doesn't mean that you're you're somehow not as important in god's eyes that just means you have a different role okay that's that's what the bible says it says obedient to their own husbands ephesians 5 22 says wives submit yourselves unto your own husbands as unto the lord notice how it's always saying in the bible to your own husbands you're not here to obey anyone else's husbands okay men here you're not here to boss around other people's wives okay that's not your job that's not your role no one needs to obey to other people's husbands but you are to obey to your own husband amen that's what the bible says because really if you don't sadly the ones that don't want to and that don't and go that way a lot of the time they end up having to obey someone else's husband in the workplace then or something else because the marriage ends up being destroyed and everything goes wrong or whatever else or they have to obey whatever you know social worker it is or something else that you're going to have to obey someone it's much easier to obey the person that loves you the person that should love you and look men we have a responsibility there that's for another sermon okay it's not just obey and and men do what you like men should love their wives but either way women obey your husbands that's what the bible says why because the lord told you to amen wives submit yourselves unto your own husbands as unto the lord well look if you if you would i hope you would all say i would submit unto the lord i hope so and if you would submit unto the lord then that means submit unto your own husbands because the lord told you to it's pretty simple isn't it or if not if you just want to say yeah well thanks to the salvation i'll pick and choose my bits out of that look you're allowed to do as you know salvation is eternal you're still going to heaven do you think he's going to be happy with you yeah do you think that do you think is is is any children any children here think that your parents are happy with you when you just refuse to do what they tell you to do do you think you're going to get a blessed life wives when you refuse to do what god tells you to do do you are you going to be happy i i've yet to see a happy christian lady who's not submitting to her husband i haven't seen it it's not happening and why because you're disobeying god he has to be at the center of your life otherwise it's going to be a crap life that's the truth isn't it wives submit yourselves unto your own husbands as unto the lord it's so simple it's such a simple command yet sadly it is so hard to follow it seems now maybe you're sitting here thinking well i can do the loving bit i can do that bit but i just can't do the submitting bit okay look like i said before we're all influenced we've all been conditioned by the world i'm i'm not sitting here going i'm going to really get this woman with this one i want to because i want the health of the church i want to help people i want you to come away from this and try and try maybe you're sitting here thinking i could do the submitting bit but the meek and quiet spirit bit that bit's hard for me or maybe whatever on this list here well maybe you're saying it's just not me i'm a product of this wicked world you said it brother ian there we go i'm going to keep to that that's the way i was raised that's the way i've been influenced that's the way i've been brought up i was saved too late i can't well look at verse four look up at verse four said that they may teach the young women to be sober to love their husbands love their children children you know what that tells me it's possible to change that tells me that god thinks people can be taught to behave right that god thinks that ladies can be taught to be more feminine and look some things when we think of femininity don't apply some things do as well a meek and quiet spirit isn't you know hey everyone listen to me and look at me a meek and quiet spirit isn't boasting about whether it's your soul winning whether it's your schooling your pet that's not a meek and quiet spirit and every single woman here will have things on this list to work on every single one and every single christian around the world has things on this list the most holy pastor's wife you know still has things to work on okay this isn't some big criticism where i want you to you know go away i'm just such a bad woman no look we all have things to work on in life don't we okay but what that does tell me is it's possible to change you have to be like the psalmist in psalm 119 33 which says teach me oh lord the way of thy statutes and i shall keep it until the end we should want to be taught we should want to change we should want to do what god wants us to do but married men this isn't a sermon to beat your wives around the head with okay this isn't one to play on repeat at home this isn't this isn't a sermon to keep putting on in the car every time you you're annoyed with your wives okay you have a responsibility because really where does where does where does it fall falls with leadership doesn't it yeah you married your wives it falls with leadership okay and you need to learn how to lead your wives to be like this you need to help your wives and in the same way that your wives are there to help you be the godly men that god wants you to be and we'll hit we'll hit you on another another day but you should be there helping to guide to dwell with them according to knowledge learn how your wife responds to become the woman that god wants her to be and it's going to be different for different women there how that's going to work the best you need to learn how to do that you need to somehow sometimes you have to lead them gently but sometimes you need to be strong as well sometimes you need to lead them firmly as well and and basically that comes down to who your wife is and who you are but the goal is for them to be like this isn't it okay that's what you that's what your your aim is now if you're a single man here you're thinking well what was the point in that whole sermon well i would hope that you're looking for a woman that you feel can be like this yeah you're not going to find a perfect woman don't set the bar up there because you're probably going to be single for the rest of your life yeah provost 31 10 says who can find a virtuous woman for her price is far above rubies they're quite few and far between to to be what the bible call virtuous okay but look there's nothing wrong with trying to seek someone that you think at least can tick a lot of these boxes okay and on that if you're trying to find a woman you know young men when you grow up here and everyone else here if you're trying to find a woman like this you better sharpen up yourselves as well yeah because her price is far above rubies okay so don't think that if you're you're just plodding your way through the christian life doing the bare minimum and and well at least i you know i read my bible for five minutes a day you know what more could she want yeah well you might be out of luck okay so make sure that that for you look you need to as well you need to be sharpening up and you need to be making sure that you're able to lead and understand what god requires that what god wants of a woman also parents here we want to be trying to get our raising our daughters like this as well and for some they're going to have certain things that will be harder to get to that to some of these and some will have different challenges and again it's trying to find that solution for all of that now it may not be easy hey because this isn't easy we're in a world of feminist brainwash aren't we we're in a world right now where we're at kind of the high i'd imagine the high end i don't think look we say look nothing you're under the sun you can look back and i'm sure past cultures have had a lot of this sort of stuff but have they had anywhere near the mechanisms for brainwash that they have now i mean i don't i don't know how many kind of pictures and engravings could brainwash you anything like the t the phone i mean forget the tv the tv is like you know i'm showing my age talking about the tv so what about just just staring on your phone all day every day at brainwash i mean it's not even now when you get home in the evening getting a bit of brainwash yeah and maybe a little bit on the radio now it's literally just like everything you're looking at it's just constant constant constant isn't it okay so this is this is a hard battle that we're in okay that's a hard spiritual battle but it shouldn't stop all of us trying to be the best we can and putting limits and being aware of of what's being pushed on you and how destructive it is and how much will ruin your lives how much it will ruin your marriages how much it will will ruin your kids lives and we should be training our kids up to how god wants them to be shouldn't we now this is literally the opposite of what the world teaches isn't it this sermon is basically you've got the world and then you've got this sermon over here haven't you okay this is the complete opposite but is that surprising should that be surprising should you be sitting and going when i was a bit far out no the bible isn't what the world teaches is it that's why our bulletin verse says in first john 216 for all that is in the world the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the pride of life is not of the father but is of the world isn't that true hey is that something to think about and to remind yourself of as you go through your week let's try to be more how the father wants us to be on that let's pray father i thank you for your word i thank you for your clear instruction in the bible i thank you for for you know a great church here of of great women in this church and and great men as well and great children and people that just want to live for you want to be more like you help them to take this uh sermon in the right spirit and and to to want to be more like you to want to to make those changes in their life to want to to think about the inside of the cup as well to to to think about that meek and quiet spirits especially to be to be discreet to be chased to be more like you want you want ladies to be you being the creator you knowing exactly how you want them to be how you design them to be please help help them to be more and help us as men to be more like you want us to be as men as well which would make it easier for our women for our wives for our daughters for for those in the church just just help us to to be the men you want us to be because we're where there's strong leadership then then there's strong followers and lord i thank you for all that you do for us i thank you for for just all the many blessings you give us please help us to have a great afternoon now going out soul winning preaching the gospel getting people saved and hopefully encouraging them to want to live for you as well and in jesus name we pray all of this amen