(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) first Corinthians chapter 6 so starting in verse 1 dare any of you having a matter against another go to law before the unjust and not before the Saints so he's just left off here you know with Church discipline they're talking about kicking people out the church now he's going on to the next problem that's going on the Corinthian Church here so it seems that people from the church basically taking their problems and disputes and I think particularly financial disputes to the Greek authorities instead of to the church now notice a strong language here dare any of you dare any of you so this is pretty strong this isn't just you shouldn't do this dare any of you how dare you how dare you do this now he's saying go to law before the unjust the unjust are unbelievers and not before the Saints so we we know what we know what a saint is and again just you know like he says in the next couple of verses well saints and this nonsense is Catholic Church doctrine and you see around a lot of people and they even not terms of phrases society where oh what you want me to be a saint like it's some perfect person I know it's just a believer saints a believer I like to say the unjust are unbelievers obviously Romans 3 28 says therefore we conclude that man is justified by faith without the deeds of law so we're justified by faith Jesus Christ now verse 2 says do you not know that the Saints shall judge the world and if the world shall be judged by you are you unworthy to judge the smallest matters no you not that we shall judge angels how much more things that pertain to this life okay so what does he mean that we as Saints will judge the world and angels right turn of Revelation chapter 20 so we've had the tribulation the great tribulation we're raptured God pauses wrath out on the world ending with the Battle of Armageddon okay the devil is bound for a thousand years okay then verse 4 of chapter 20 and I saw thrones and they sat upon them and judgment was given unto them and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus and for the word of God which are not worship the beast neither his image neither had received his mark upon their foreheads or in their hands and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years but the rest of the dead live not again until a thousand years were finished this is the first resurrection blessed and holy is he that has part in the first resurrection on such the second death have no power but they shall be priests of God and of Christ and shall reign with him a thousand years okay so when he says we're gonna reign we're gonna reign with him here think about that we're reigning with Christ we're ruling so that will include angels as well and and not only not only here when he's talking about we're gonna judge angels yeah we're basically talking about being in a in a in a leadership role we're going to be ruling and reigning with Christ and we know he's above the angels we're rolling with him the angels are going to be beneath us which is a pretty sobering view or I don't know if it's sobering or what the word is for that but think about that if we're going to be ruling and reigning with Christ we're gonna have to make judgments aren't we gonna have to make decisions we're gonna have to be discerning things you know as it's at the end of the millennial reign there are going to be still some rebellious people that are going to be deceived for that when Satan's loose for Caesar there are going to be some people that are going to be deceived for that when it's not just going to be this perfect there's going to be no problems at all there are still going to be people that need some judgment made and everything else so we're going to be in that position so with that in mind if we're going to have to make judgments and decisions in the millennial reign it's probably a good idea to start getting used to that now and again as usual next chapter in Corinthians Corinthians is the anti-judge book or the anti-judge notebook isn't it because it's just time and time again telling you to judge judge judge judge situations judge people right look at verse four if you then have judgments of things pertaining to this life set them to judge who are least esteemed in the church right so there's two ways of looking at this so so he's either saying look the people that are least esteemed in the church get them to judge or he's talking about the people that need judging of the least in the church so if we have to judge things belonging to this life get that good judgment going on to problematic people in church the least esteemed either way or he's just saying look you could even get the least esteemed it'd be better than going to the world either way verse five says i speak to your shame is it so that there is not a wise man among you no not one that shall be able to judge between his brethren but brother goeth to law with brother and that before the unbelievers now therefore there is utterly a fault among you because you go to law one with another why do you not rather take wrong why do you not rather suffer yourselves to be defrauded nay you do wrong and defraud and that your brethren okay so defrauded here is basically deprived of property or right by trick artifice or deception injured by the withholding of what is due so it looks like these are financial disputes these are financial disputes so for example how that would work now is if i went into bit or once someone in church went into business with someone else in the church or maybe they've lent them something maybe they've lent them money or property or something else um sells them something and and you can imagine as the church grows more and more of that will probably happen um but now what they're doing is when things have gone wrong they're then going off to the authorities so we're going off the authorities about that now we're not talking here about like so here he's saying you shouldn't be doing that you shouldn't be going off to the greek authorities in the same way we could relay that with with if i don't know so i let some money someone at the church and then they didn't they didn't pay me it back and i i go off to to the small claims court or something else that would be wrong but it's not talking about heinous crime here he's not talking about heinous crime because if there was some wicked thing done we're not just going to sit and go all right let's get let's get a you know judge and jury going in the church and we'll decide well they're going to get kicked out the church they've just done something absolutely horrendous those times yeah we would because we don't have the power to be giving out what we should do is probably the death penalty for certain things and god's law unfortunately we can't do that that will happen in the millennial reign okay so he's saying he speaks this to your shame so it's shameful what they're doing and when he says is there not a wise man among you okay is there not a wise man among you and it it does it does need someone wise if you look at verse five here he says i speak this to your shame is it so there's not a wise man among you no not one that should be able to judge between his brethren so wisdom is different to knowledge just just a reminder here there are people that are blessed with a lot of knowledge a lot of knowledge about lots of things that are knowledge about the bible it doesn't mean that they're wise and it is different and it's a it's a spiritual gift as well but there are different levels obviously and there are people that don't have the spiritual gift but have some wisdom have some not in in there and they cross over obviously as well but it is different and and you know judging situations you can you can know where every single book of the bible is and and where every verse is and everything else doesn't mean you're going to be able to judge situations doesn't mean you're wise you're able to apply that knowledge and also it and be wise with it um wisdom obviously comes from experience as well so in general you'll find why you know as people get older they'll become wise it doesn't mean it's just because someone's old that they're wise there's a lot of very unwise people that are old and there are some wise people that are young as well aren't they and some people you just know have that sort of level of wisdom on them um okay but brother goeth to law with brother and that before the unbelievers so that's a pretty terrible testimony isn't it imagine if we had that here like in the courts taking each other to call and they'd love that and they love that when it does happen i mean it's bad enough is it's bad enough with the false religions it's bad enough with the amount of mud that's kind of sticks to christianity through the false versions of christianity and and that's what people think don't they when you talk to them about being a christian or church or anything old they're just thinking in this country especially they're thinking about some old place with stained glass windows you know images all over the place people in dresses waving around things and pedophilia really aren't they that's what that's what the stuff starts bringing to mind and organized religion and money and grand buildings and everything else let alone when you then are giving them even more you're like no no we're by believing baptists but they're by believing baptists in the news because they're they're taking each other to court and there's you know big lawsuits and stuff like i mean i was at sikhirisi people that i used to listen a bit of like like the hovines for example and just what a bad testimony that was when his family they started getting in some legal dispute for the business ken hovand i'm talking about here and eric hovand just the whole thing's just a little wicked wasn't it wicked and it's just such a bad testimony to so many people that enjoyed his creation stuff and i don't want to go into all his other stuff because some of it sounds pretty dodgy now um right verse seven now therefore there is utterly a fault among you because you go to law one with another why do you not rather take wrong why do you not rather suffer yourselves to be defrauded nay you do wrong and defraud and that your brethren okay so he's saying here that they've made the problem even worse they've made the problem worse um and they would be better off to just accept the loss and why is that it's because of the greater good of the church and something i've been trying to get across a bit or i feel like the bible has been and the holy spirit has been getting me to get across to people is the importance of this church the importance of this church as a body of christ as a whole much more than us it's not about us it's not about how i can appear to the others in here or it's not about me with the preaching it's about the edifying it's about people growing learning it's not i want to get up here and have a good shout you know i have a good you know i can really sound this or sound i sound so old you know so new ifb if i really go on about this god about that that should never cross my mind as a preacher because anyone on the men's preaching nights either it's all about the church it's about edifying each other about teaching things that the holy spirit puts us it's about people in the church people in the church wanting the church to succeed it's not about them okay it's not about you it's not about lifting yourself up it's not about you know how you how you're going to be yeah sure we're human we're going to think about ourselves of course we're going to think about the benefits we get from the church but the ultimate goal should be the church yeah and with that me for the sake of however much money me then just destroying the testimony of this church and and you know the unity in it for the sake of getting back some money that i think i'm owed or whatever it is wicked really it's wicked so instead yeah they're so basically they're taking them to court to basically defraud them back because a lot of times you take people to court with the lawyer then trying to get back you know you're not just taking them there going i want what's owed a lot of the time they'll then be expenses and people then paying for things at the court it just starts getting out of hand now have a look at matthew chapter 18 and see what god's way of dealing with this is so matthew chapter 18 and verse 15 18 15 more over if thy brother shall trespass against thee go and tell him his fault between you and him alone if he shall hear thee thou has gained thy brother but if he will not hear thee then take with thee one or two more that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established and if he shall neglect to hear them tell it unto the church but if he neglect to hear the church let him be unto thee as an he the man and a publican okay so god's way here is one firstly if there's a problem and it's obviously not just financial disputes but if there's a problem between two brothers or two sisters in a church or brother and sister okay first you go to them and you tell them their fault alone so you try and sort it out between you don't need to involve everyone in every problem every dispute and again it might sound a bit silly now but we're a building growing church so this this could happen in the future okay if he shall hear thee great you've gained a brother okay so so things are all right you're not going to fall out everything will be fine but if he will not hear thee then take the one or two more so then it's in front of witnesses okay to try and sort out this dispute but in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established and if he shall neglect to hear them tell it unto the church so then it gets brought in front of the church but if he neglect to hear the church let him be unto thee as an he the man the publican so basically i i believe with that if someone refuses to hear what the church judges in that situation and and there's a dispute they're basically they're at the church they're heathen and republican okay so let's add another one to the list of kicking out of the church fences okay um okay but but that's what the bible says and that's not what they're doing that's not what a curriculum church doing it sounds like they were just going straight straight to the law okay so okay so he says here so i think earlier on sorry let's go back to verse seven here i think he says now therefore there is utterly a fault among you because you go to law one with noel why do you not rather take one why do you not rather suffer yourself to be afforded now you do fraud and that your brethren okay so he then he then goes into after this so he's explained this to me saying that that basically what they're doing to their to their brothers and that you're defrauding their brothers he then starts talking about the world here so have a look at verses 9 10 11 i want to focus on these a little bit he says here know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of god be not deceived neither fornicators nor idolaters nor adulterers nor effeminate nor abusers of themselves in mankind nor thieves nor covetous nor drunkards nor revilers nor extortioners shall inherit the kingdom of god and such were some of you but ye are washed but ye are sanctified but ye are justified in the name of the lord jesus and by the spirit of our god right paul is reminding them who they are going to get judged by okay he's reminding them who the world is who they're basically going to for judgment okay this is a a sub like you can see the context of it here and and unfortunately this section gets jumped on by a couple of different people and we're going to go through that in a minute one is the work salvationists so the work salvationists love jumping on this and they love use it to say look it says here that you shall not inherit the kingdom of god if you're a fornicator an idolater an adulterer effeminate abuser themselves of mankind thieves covetous drunkards revilers or revelers nor extortionists shall inherit the kingdom of god there you go can't do those sins now that some will say those people couldn't get say some will say and this is more often more common is that that if you're saved you can't be doing those sins or basically you're unsaved or basically you're either going to lose your salvation or it's showing that you're unsaved if you do any of these sins now just quickly what's called either revile or reveler it's not a reveler it's not someone who's reveling it's basically one who reviles another one who treats another with contemptuous language so if you remember the description of last week it's basically a regular and it's used interchangeably so if you notice here if like in here is every single one of the sins that we just went over last week in chapter five if a brother yeah there'd be a fornicator and he gives a list of sins over in chapter 5 verse 11 if you want to look at it quickly in chapter 5 11 now i've written unto you not to keep company of any man that is called a brother be a fornicator or covetous or an idolator or a regular or a drunken or an extortioner with such one note not to eat okay so these are brothers and it's funny isn't it people love to grab a verse just it's like you've literally just read that in the chapter four but they don't read bibles they can't understand the bible so instead they just oh i've got a verse someone's that you know some some false prophets pulled out this verse there we go look you can't do it you can't inherit the kingdom of god there we go um okay he's just told them to kick out saved people that do these sins how is that lost on these people but but obviously it is a lot of you say it's not really that that i want to i want to sit on too much but just quickly on that um obviously they're handpicking verses to suit and in verse 11 there in chapter 6 of verse 11 he says and such were some of you he says but ye are washed but ye are sanctified but ye are justified present tense in the name of the lord jesus and by the spirit of our gods it just explained what it is it's not by you not doing these things it's in the name of the lord jesus um okay so no because our sinful flesh won't inherit the kingdom of god this is what we're talking about we're not our sinful flesh isn't inheriting the kingdom of god is it so the kingdom of god is going to be inherited by the new body that we're given aren't we and and no that sinful flesh isn't praise god we're not going to have that sort of sin in heaven um and obviously in god's eyes as well he sees he's when he sees us he's the righteousness of jesus christ but now this is what i want to focus on more though because i don't think we need to focus on that i mean that's just ridiculous it's silly it's literally just come after chapter five but this is used by the sodomite lovers and compromises this is used by the sodomite lovers and compromises of the world so they say this is what they'll do they'll go to this and they'll go well have a look at this they go they say effeminate and abusers of themselves with mankind so we just saw that in in verse nine so it says no you know it goes on neither fornicators nor adulterers nor adulterers nor effeminate nor abusers of themselves with mankind and then it goes on and it says such were some of you there you go there we go these are these are sodomites that are now saved such are some of you so of course they could be saved now this is where they have a bit of a problem here because have a little think about this are they saying that you could be saved and then commit that wicked sin that there are saved people there are saved sodomites running around in their bars and in their whatever you know all the filthy little haunts that they go to that there are saved christians doing that and they say no so where do they then go so these guys they always start veering to the work salvation and repent of your sins oh well you well of course they can't have done that so then it starts to make sense and well you've got to at least stop certain sins or whatever else now you know and most of these people when you talk to most of them are unsaved most of them are of the repent of your sins crowd and it doesn't and you know what the reprobate doctrine just clears all that up doesn't it because without it without it it's like you're looking at that and by the way you know i know the world says that well that's sin you know it's love and everything else and i don't want to start joining with the world but for example what about like the worst type of people that that the world could imagine what about like that the and i know that's probably changing now but what about like the the pedophiles and and whatnot what are you saying that someone that has saved christian with the spirit of god in them is doing those sins or no they would say well surely they've got to stop that sin to be saved it's work salvation which one is it because it's not of works let's say he managed to boast so which one is it well it's neither is it it's neither as we know and as we're going to see and as i let's go over this so i've heard this out of the pastor's mouth by the way i've heard a pastor talk about when mentioning the reprobate doctrine calling people andersonites just quoting oh he's a liar such were some of you you know job done it's up to some of you so okay well what does the bible clearly say because that includes me let's see what the bible clearly says okay because people are desperate to fit in with this world aren't they they're desperate to fit in into this world or fit in with this world and it's interesting as well that out of those saved ones it's the ones with no spine isn't it that compromise it's the ones that don't have have that backbone to be able to stand there and preach against what the world is telling us is normal now and preach against what the world only only recently only recently in recent modern history has now managed to convince half the world it's absolutely normal it's absolutely fine it's love it's just love no it's not it's disgusting let's see what the bible says so first clear example first clear example is in genesis chapter 19 let's go to genesis chapter 19 now i don't believe that noah and ham is an example of this for those of you that know that story i don't believe it is i actually believe it it's it's a it's an indictment on revealing nakedness and that's serious but i believe that this genesis 19 is the first example okay so god has come to destroy sodom and gomorrah because the cry is great and because their sin is very grievous their sin is very grievous as the bible so his angels go ahead yeah god's angels go ahead and lot brings them into his house they come into the city he brings them into his house so look at verse 4 here so genesis 19 verse 4 but before they lay down the men of the city even the men of sodom compass the house round both old and young all the people from every quarter and they called unto lot and said unto him where are the men which came into thee this night bring them out unto us that we may know them a lot went out at the door unto them and shut the door after him and said i pray you brethren do not so wickedly behold i have two daughters which have not known man let me i pray you bring them out unto you and do ye to them as is good in your eyes only unto these men do nothing for there therefore came they under the shadow of my roof and they said stand back and they said again this one fellow came into sojourn and he would need to be a judge now we will deal worse with thee than with them and they pressed sore upon the man even lot and came near to break the door but the men put forth their hand and pulled a lot into the house of them and shut to the door and they smote the men that were at the door the house would blind us by smaller grates that they will they wearied themselves to find the door okay so verse four just a couple of points here verse four but before they lay down the minnesota even a minnesota covers house right now both old and young and the people from every quarter so old and young rich and poor okay this sin isn't just a certain group this just went across a lot and this is what happens in places like like what sodom became it just starts getting more and more and spending it becomes rampant and old and young rich and poor every quarter verse five it says here where the men which came unto thee this night bring them out unto them that we may know them okay now know them most people aware here is basically talking about intimately it's just a euphemism for for basically physical intimacy okay absolutely disgusting okay now have a look at verse eight verse eight this is lot saying behold now i have two daughters which have not known man let me i pray you bring them out unto you and do you to them this is good in your eyes only unto these men do nothing for therefore came they under shadow my room a couple of points here firstly lot yeah how poisoned does he become being in a place like that how poisoned how warped does his mind become but even being in a place like that even being in a place like that and clearly getting to the point of suggesting this look how wicked he thinks what they want to do to these men is he's even offering his daughters instead i mean but still what what on earth what on earth and that goes because he spent some time there isn't he and what that does to you being around that sort of field but just lot he was justified by faith in christ still but wow he wasn't living for christ was he with that sort of thing um okay verse 11 here and they smoke the men at the door of the house with blindness by smaller grades they were so that they wearied themselves to find the door they're still trying to find the door they're blind they've been blinded and they still want to try and get in the men of the city the men of sodden they're implacable aren't they implacable and you know this is the first example and at first a lot of the time first in the bible have some significance don't they and you read that and you just think what on earth look at the contrast between the behavior of that and what the world tells us these people these sodomites are like because the bible says something very different right so god goes on to destroy he destroys that whole place look at verse 24 then the lord rained upon sodom and upon gomorrah brimstone of fire from the lord out of heaven and he overthrew those cities and all the plain and all the inhabitants of the cities and that which grew upon the ground so he just raised it he just absolutely destroyed it and everything that grew there just wiped it out now the world would say to this the the worldly christian sorry would say oh it's just because they were rapists and they try and call him the rapists of sodden then it's it's not it's not exactly what they did it's just because they were rapists well let's see what the well in fact we're not going to go there but what does the next clear story of them in judges 19 if you remember that in judges 19 very similar don't worry about turning there but basically because we went over it uh not long ago in i think sermon he was surrounded but still victorious but it might be nice fasting the power fasting okay and in in that we looked at that story and in that story that the levite basically he has to give them his concubine his concubine to appease him because they want to do exactly the same to him exactly the same to him as what they wanted to do here to the angels that were in lot's house and in that in that in in judges 19 they're called the sons of belial which are basically sons of the devil okay that's how the bible describes these people they're sons of the devil okay now turn to leviticus 20 are we going over a bit of old ground for some but let's just get this right leviticus 2013 says if a man also lie with mankind as he lies with a woman both of them have committed an abomination they shall surely be put to death their blood shall be upon them okay they've committed an abomination it's it's an abomination by the way interestingly we talked about other things about abomination earlier you don't want to be have anything to do with something that that's called an abomination but this is an abomination and it says here by the way lying with again like we talked about it's physical intimacy lying with and again the bible just just calls it calls it that and and some wicked false bible versions are just really graphic and i don't want to see anything graphic i don't hear anything graphic about that but it says here the man also lie with mankind as he loved them both of them have committed an abomination they shall surely be put to death their blood shall be upon them okay so the bible is really clear there isn't it and and you know like like you know i've talked about before and many people here will talk about as well it's oh well that's the old testament what a load of nonsense okay god's the same isn't he god hasn't changed it's oh well that's the new testament we'll just let him get on with that no no yes we don't live under that law we're not in in old testament israel but a perfect world would would be under that law wouldn't it okay it's really for me there's no doubt about that okay so have a look at first kings 15 so just just just kind of showing you the background of this first kings chapter 15 and verse 11 first kings 15 11 okay and asa did that which was right in the eyes of the lord as did david his father and he took away the sodomites out of the land and removed all the idols that his father had made so he did right in the eyes of the lord and he took away the sodomites out of the land that was right in the eyes of the lord get rid of them okay now we see you don't have to turn a bit first kings 22 46 jehoshaphat removes the remainder of them and then turn to second kings chapter 22 second kings chapter 22 and verse one second kings 22 verse 1 jesiah was eight years old when he began to reign he reigned 31 years in jerusalem and his mother's name was jedi the daughter of adaiah of boscath and he did that which was right in the sight of the lord and walked in all the way of david his father and turned not aside to the right hand or to the left okay so this is david who wrote wrote a lot of the psalms yeah okay and he did that which was right and walked in all the way of david his father okay let's see what he does then go to chapter 23 and verse 1 chapter 23 verse 1 and the king sent and they gathered unto him all the elders of juda and of jerusalem and the king went up into the house of the lord and all the men of juda and all the inhabitants of jerusalem with him and the priests and the prophets and all the people above small and great and he read in their ears all the words of the book of the covenant which was found in the house of the lord and the king stood by a pillar and made a covenant before the lord to walk after the lord and to keep his commandments and his testimonies and his statutes with all their heart and all their soul to perform the words of this covenant that were written in this book and all the people stood to to the covenant and the king commanded hilkiah the high priest and the priests of the second order and the keepers of the door to bring forth out of the temple of the lord all the vessels that were made for bale and for the grove and for all the hosts of heaven and he burned them without jerusalem in the fields of kidron and carried the the ashes of them unto bethel and he put down the idolatrous priests whom the kings of juda had ordained to burn incense in the high place in the cities of juda and in the place around about jerusalem them also that burned incense unto bale to the sun and to the moon and to the planets and to all the hosts of heaven and he brought out the grove from the house of the lord without jerusalem unto the brook kidron and burned in at the brook kidron and stamped it small to powder and cast the powder therefore upon the graves of the children of the people and he break down the houses of the sodomites that were by the house of the lord where the women wove hangings for the grove and he brought all the priests out of the cities of juda and defiled the high places where the priests had burned incense for giba to be a sheba and break down the high place of the gates that were in the entering end of the gate of joshua the governor of the city which were on a man's left hand at the gate of the city okay look at the link between false religion and these perverts look at the link there and look how it all goes hand in hand all part of the same gang the same group together and we see that now in this world don't we we see that everywhere you see that in the catholic church you see it in in the church of england churches and i don't know if i mentioned this before but i i grew up when i was young going to this higher churches church of england church every single vicar there was a sodomite every one one after another was a sodomite the ones which weren't openly it turned out later turned out to be sodomites the church that my my mum my mum was at a wicked wicked place disgusting people the last one was an ex-catholic monk who then decided to what did he call it to whatever the word is to suddenly you know change to a to a c of e there's hardly any difference by the way at all to then become a priest and actually had his sodomite disgusting pervert whatever i don't even want to call it coming and living half the time in what they call the vestry or vicarage or whatever i think it's a vicarage they call in the house which is provided by the church of england it's disgusting what goes on in these churches is discussing their sons of beal and they're preaching false false gospels aren't they it's false religion and it's not just in christ Christianity it's at the head of all religion and the head of judaism just the amount of rabbis convicted of these sorts of filthy wicked crimes against children and yes they do go hand in hand a hundred percent do they and i haven't brought the statistics for me but you can double check on this is that that it is clear that with many many not servers but many crime reports you've got basically 40 percent 40 percent over 40 percent and by the way they're only the ones that have gone to law and admitted to what's happened to them 40 percent of victims of child sexual abuse are male 40 percent in prison pretty much 100 i think in this country there's like two three women in the whole of the country arrested for it basically a hundred percent in this country of people in prison for those sorts of crimes against children a hundred percent basically are men now in this population from all surveys done as much as the world and the tv will try and tell you it's borderline 50 about two to three percent of the world sorry two to three percent of the uk of our society claim to be what the what the world calls homosexual yet nearly half of victims are male how does that work i'll tell you how that works because statistically let's take away everything else statistically forget what the Bible says statistically they are literally i don't even know what the do the maths one day if you want but multiple times more likely to be a pedophile okay and and that it's not just it's not just judaism it's not just christianity islam islam as well they try and cover that stuff up i mean islam itself look at the religion anyway look at what muhammad muhammad had a six-year-old bride consummated at nine i issue it's disgusting it's disgusting you can have millions billions of people worldwide that follow that pervert it is disgusting and it and this is a world over with false religion and you name it across a lot of it and you look at the bible and it just makes it so clear so why is it okay with those people go well they're deceived or they're in false religion they've chosen false religion how is it that a bible believe in christian cannot just see what the bible clearly says it clearly says it okay so how does someone become a sodomite how does someone become one of these wicked wicked people one of these children of belial okay they're not born that way that is ridiculous because what the bible says is where they're going and how wicked it is what so do we believe in a god do these christians claim they believe in a god that will literally just make someone something that is an abomination from birth are you anyone looking at any child any baby and child and look at them going that's a sodomite it's ridiculous but but again where does that sort of feeling that sort of thought come from or where does it go hand in hand with calvinism doesn't it because as far as they're concerned people are just born to hell people are just born with no chance no chance of salvation they were born just to go to hell and that's what a sodomite is they're going to hell but they weren't born that way and there is absolutely no scientific evidence at all and i'm talking about real science here there's no scientific evidence at all that there's any sort of gene or anything else they're not born that way so how do they become that way well let's go to romans one romans chapter one amen to romans one okay romans chapter one and verse 18 let's see what the bible says not what the world says what the bible says verse 18 for the wrath of god is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who hold the truth in unrighteousness because that which may be known of god is manifesting them for god has showed it unto them for the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made even his eternal parent godhead so that they are without excuse because that when they knew god they glorified him not as god neither were thankful but became vain in their imaginations and their foolish heart was darkened professing themselves to be wise they became fools and changed the glory of the uncorruptible god into an image made like to corruptible man into birds of four-footed beasts and creeping things wherefore god also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts to dishonor their own bodies between themselves who changed the truth of god into a lie and worshiped and served the creature more than the creator who is blessed forever amen for this cause god gave them up unto vile affections for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature and likewise also the men leaving the natural use of the woman burned in their lust one toward another men with men working that which is unseemly and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meat and even as they did not like to attain god in their knowledge god gave them over to a reprobate mind to do those things which are not convenient being filled with all unrighteousness fornication wickedness covetousness maliciousness full of envy murder debate deceit malignity whisperers backbiters haters of god despiteful proud boasters inventors inventors of evil things disobedient to parents without understanding covenant breakers without natural affection implacable unmerciful who knowing the judgment of god that they which commit such things are worthy of death not only do the same but have pleasure in them that do them okay and if you're wondering what a reprobate is jeremiah 6 30 says reprobate silver shall shall men call them because the lord has rejected them they're rejected they're reprobate okay so how again i was saying how do people become like this well jude 1 7 says just just interestingly when they're given over this it says even a sodom and gomorrah in the cities about them in like manner giving themselves over to fornication going after strange flesh and set forth for an example suffering the vengeance of eternal fire so it's an example and they're wicked disgusting filthy ways when they're that that conscience is gone the way they behave should should be an example to people and it should have people look at that god i want to reject god i do not want to reject god that's what it should be doing and that's what sodom and gomorrah was was an example of what god thinks of this but have a look in romans 1 have a look at verse 28 it says to do those things which are not convenient now convenient is suitable or fit now they're given over to do that they're given over to a reprobate mind to do that and it it's not just it's not just the sodomite that's a reprobate there are similar filthy sins that are not convenient that are not suitable fit for the body yeah okay and and i don't want to start listing them i'm sure some of you here could probably think of some in fact leviticus 20 leviticus 20 covers a lot of those as well okay and there are many many disgusting things when people are doing that they're burned in their lust and they're doing these things they're reprobate they're done they're done they're given over now have a look at second timothy three second timothy three and i think roe man's one just speaks for itself anyway you know even without any other any other verses romans one just says it all how are you going to argue and that's why again i don't know if any of you guys have ever heard expository preaching on romans one by anyone that doesn't believe the reprobate doctrine and the reprobate doctrine is not new christians bible believers it's there it's clear as day they've always believed it until more recently until it's we're getting pushed and and and the thing is so why am i preaching this probably i would assume everyone here understands and knows the reprobate doctrine and doesn't have a problem with it but you could be at different levels of it as well it's a good reminder of what god really thinks and believes because we're constantly being attacked with the opposite by the world and it's going to strengthen you in god's word because the lies just come thick and fast don't they the brainwashing conditioning and it could be it could be hard for some to palette because family friends we've got all of us like i've said before most people here have been saved at some point let maybe you know in their adult life so they have friends family and things which which are given over to a reparate mind so they don't want to believe it but the bible makes it clear it's so clear it is so clear second timothy chapter three and verse one says this this also know that in the last days perilous times shall come for men shall be lovers of their own selves covetous boasters proud blasphemers disobedient to parents unthankful unholy without natural affection truth breakers false accusers incontinent fears despisers of those that are good traitors heady high-minded lovers of pleasure more than lovers of god having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof from such turn away for of this sort are they which creep in the houses and lead captive silly women laden with sins led away with divers lust ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth never able now as janice and jambres withstood moses so do these also resist the truth men of corrupt minds reprobate concerning the faith but they shall proceed no further for their folly shall be made shall be manifest under all men as theirs also was okay by the way janice and jambres are you probably wondering who are these in the bible janice and jambres doesn't actually clearly say some people believe that it was the magicians that withstood moses whoever it is it says here they resist the truth men of corrupt minds reprobate concerning the faith okay and it said earlier in verse seven ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth they're not able they're not able to come to the knowledge of the truth okay have a look at john 12 john 12 again just just to strengthen you with what the bible clearly says john 12 verse 37 john 12 37 but though he had done so many miracles before them yet they believe not on him but the saying of isaias the prophet might be fulfilled which he spayed lord who has believed our report and to whom have the arm of the lord been revealed therefore they could not believe because that isaias had said again he had blinded their eyes and hardened their heart that they should not see with their eyes nor understand with their heart and be converted and i should heal them okay so these people clearly could not believe they could not believe and these are reprobates they're unable they cannot so you get these stupid questions don't you and you've probably heard these things if you've discussed this stuff well well i had one of these the other day the guy's saying he's trying to understand this stuff and he's saying to me so but what if someone you know what if someone who's gay then believes on jesus you know and he's they can't they cannot believe on jesus because the bible said they'd be given over to a reprobate mind says they cannot believe they cannot believe okay it's impossible they can't and i i don't know if any of you guys i've actually given the gospel to to someone who who i knocked on the door and it was someone that i knew their family and i hadn't seen it for a while i actually coached them a while back this this young young lady and i started going through the gospel she was just polite and started listening to me and again this is you know some double blind placebo trial but this is just an interesting story anyway that i was going through the gospel with her and then in my mind i'm suddenly remembering i'm like yeah i remember what her dad had told me had happened since i'd last seen her and she she she had a baby then she'd gone off with her i mean something out of the back soap opera her something like her grandmother's new boyfriend's granddaughter or something it was wicked absolutely wicked and they were living in in an estate not far from where you used to live so i'm going through the gospel with her and i'm going through it clearly and then i've gone to check in with her just literally like she hadn't heard a word of it just could not understand literally a word of what i said you know every single question got wrong every single one and then i and then at this point i'm like yeah i remember that okay just take that maybe you know i'll leave you to it because it sounds like you're busy okay so um and they can't and they can't they can't be saved now listen yeah but the what people will attack us we're so mean we're so horrible what everyone can be saved there's never too late for anyone you have this doctrine this is a more recent doctrine on this now isn't it every single person can be saved up until their last dying breath is that what the word of god says no it doesn't say that other reasons the unsaved can lose hope of salvation blaspheme in the holy ghost the bible says they're without forgiveness taking the mark of the beast taking words out of the bible it's clear as day yet it's just lies it's people that don't read the bible it's people that just don't want to believe because they don't want to have to stand up they don't want to have to stand up and preach the truth because they're scared they're scared of people and i'm not saying we have to preach it every week but it needs preaching doesn't it it needs preacher we need to be strong with it because these people the bible says the sons of elio these people are the sons of the devil and it's not always obvious that they're that but but i'll tell you what when they're making it clear what they are you just know you know straight away who they are and actually we're we're out soul winning on on thursday and how simple was it went past the lady tried to get tried to start talking to her she said oh no actually i'm i'm a lesbian um and she said and what what did she say i'm not going to heaven i'm a lesbian then she said something like god doesn't like me or yeah doesn't like people like us job done you didn't have to go waste five ten minutes with her but she knew she knew there was no like oh i don't believe in him or no no she knew she knew deep down she knew the truth and she's like no it's done and that's what what a terrible way to live what a terrible thing to do to reject god and that is the warning that's what it's about is when you reject god when you reject the truth of god at some point and i don't know what point that is because it's not everyone i don't know how many times i don't there is some crossover with the lusts of your heart i don't know how exactly how that works but i know what the bible says it says it does happen and it's and we see that we see that don't we okay now with all of that in mind with all of that in mind what the bible says about and now let's look at these these verses so back to first corinthians and look at chapter six and verse nine know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of god be not deceived neither fornicators nor idolaters nor adulterers nor effeminate nor abusers of themselves with mankind right firstly effeminate is not a sodomite okay effeminate is not a sodomite effeminate is having the qualities of the female sex soft or delicate to an unmanly degree tender womanish voluptuous it's not a sodomite it's a sin though it's a sin it's a wicked sin like don't be raising your kids like that snap that out of them straight away do whatever you need to do yeah don't be raising your kids to be effeminate and kids don't start acting effeminate because the world tries to encourage it doesn't it's a sin that is pushed on by the world and you know and we can all think of ways they do that hundreds of ways it's it's wicked but they're not sodomites but now look at this next term first nine abusers of themselves with mankind okay now let's debate over this and i've heard debate over this i've seen debate over this it was a new word it was a new greek coin greek word i think and i don't you know i'm not going to attempt to go back to the greek it's also used in first timothy 110 where it says for all monkeys for them that defile themselves with mankind for them that defile themselves with mankind or as we just saw abusers of themselves with mankind now there's a few options here some would say well maybe it's some sort of like pagan thing some sort of weird kind of ritualistic thing um maybe it's having been some form of like non-willing recipient maybe so you basically you're abusing yourself mankind but you're not burning in your last you're not some sort maybe it's something you've done something but you weren't you know you're coercive you know people come up with different ideas now all the false versions make it into sodomites in one way or another some of them are pretty graphic about it as well they just say men who do this and it's like wow you know and i look at some of the different versions of this um i would say that rather than whatever they want to call it sodomite abusers of themselves or those that defile themselves is more damning if that's really what they what it does mean if that's what it means that's pretty damning isn't it they're abusers of themselves they defile themselves yeah okay now the king james bible for whatever reason use that term and if it did mean that so so people try oh well it kind of mean that because they're trying to work out how this could work okay if it did mean that if we go go down a little bit so it says it says here it says and such were some of you in verse 11 such were some of you what does that mean such for some of you now there's many ways that such can be used number one when you look in the dictionary is of that kind of the like kind okay so here's an example i'll think about this here's an example yeah okay let's think about lists of of and this just something came in my mind i don't even know why okay so lists of kids paid jobs yeah paid jobs that some of you might have done or some of you kids might do okay so and who was a paper boy anyone was a paper boy when they're young i was a paper boy as well okay great boy who was uh did a milk round or anyone did a milk delivery round okay did a paper boy had a real man wow which one came first you do the same time oh okay i would say let's go up to like 16 okay okay who was a car washer anyone done car washing as a kid yeah yeah okay for money uh laborer any sorts of like site laboring darren there we've got gary over there looks at the back um okay who was a clean did any cleaning for money anyone ever done any cleaning for money yep done that as well um what about hairdressing assistant any hairdressing assistants i think my wife no no no you didn't no no okay we've got no hairdressing assistants what about a shop worker any shop workers yeah we've got a shop alex has done every job as a child child laborer there um okay butcher's hand anyone works in the butchers no my brother did that um paid like about a pound a day for it sounded pretty savvy with the bow sword just trying to cut through these bones anyway what about what about a pick pocket anyone was a pickpocket what we got a hand up over there what is going on there with the lizards okay um what about a tourist guide anyone was a tourist guide as a child no any in any country yeah we got a tourist guide over there it's like yeah actually chimney sweep any chimney sweeps going back a bit far here now gary you had a chimney um okay what about a ball boy anyone been a ball boy okay we've got a ball boy in there as well okay okay now here's a thing yeah now listen to this okay okay kids jobs yeah here's some kids jobs we've got paper boys milk deliverers car washers laborers cleaners hairdressing assistants shop workers butcher's hands pickpockets tourist guys chimney sweeps board boys and such were some of you is that a lie is that a lie i'm not lying am i such were some of you such of the like some of those such were some of you i'm not lying here but i'm not saying that everyone here was any in fact no one here apparently was a hairdressing assistant that was one of the ones i thought someone would someone was apparently a pickpocket but um another one no one was but okay a butcher's hand but i'm not lying still such were some of you of this list yeah of the like of similar jobs of similar sins to the list that we've just gone through it's not saying that the corinthians were abused that anyone there was an abuser of themselves with mankind it's not saying that if that's what what what really the king james bible was trying to tell us what it is is a sodomite and regardless it's not saying that but either way whether or not you but i'm not so sure maybe it is saying that well then then abuse themselves with mankind doesn't mean that because you can't go against clear doctrine in scripture and take one verse which is completely out of context when you take you it's talking about the world judging people it's not talking about oh well actually paul i just want in case you're looking at romans one and you're looking at all these other places in scripture i just want to make it clear to you that in fact uh sodomites can get saved he's not saying that is it he's talking about going to law against it with going to lord and going to the world and but anyway um do you know it does do that list when you go through that list like in verse 11 verses 11 says there's such as some of you but ye are washed but ye are sanctified but you're justified in the name of the lord jesus by spirit god does it just make you grateful and make you grateful that we're washed that we're sanctified that we didn't reject the gospel time and time or reject the knowledge of god even just the knowledge of him to the point where where we've been given over to a reprobate mind and amen and praise god that that we're saved by the blood of christ they're not by our own works now he says in verse 12 all things are lawful unto me but all things are not expedient all things are lawful for me but i will not be brought under the power of any day expedient what's expedient that's fit or suitable for the purpose yeah he's saying yes we're not under the law but god still has a purpose for us he still has a purpose for us we're not under the law but sin can still have power over us and it does doesn't it sin has power so again people will try and pick a verse this all things are lawful you're like like jesus christ died on the cross paid for your sins so you could just go out and do wicked sin things which god has said are disgusting and terrible or abomination no you know all things are lawful unto me it's fine no it's saying we're not under the law yeah we're not under the law anymore but these things are not expedient and they'll be brought under the power of these things he's saying he's not brought under the power of these things um first john 5 3 says for this is the love of god that we keep his commandments and his commandments are not grievous the love of god is that we keep his commandments and it's not well we're legalistic no we're not we're actually trying to live a life that got what it's pleasing to god and will therefore be pleasing for us and like we said earlier life where we'll then be blessed and and they're not grievous the commandments are not grievous they're not because the more you start following god the more you start living for god the happier you are the happier you are when you're living in sin it's not a nice place to be especially more so as a born again child of god okay verse 13 meets for the belly and the belly for meats but god shall destroy both it and them now the body is not for fornication but for the lord and the lord for the body okay i think this is talking about just fulfilling carnal desire the lusts of the flesh meets for the belly of the belly for me's but god shall destroy both it and then yeah you're not under the law you're not under the law but god will still punish you god will punish you god shall destroy both it and them when you're just living with that carnal desire of just and you know it's kind of the world's mantra is that really in some way isn't it basically that the body is for fornication it that that you know that just you know enjoy yourselves you know why would god ever giving you that you know for the kind of so-called you know nominal christian why did god give us you know something so pleasurable or something some nonsense like that meets for the belly and belly for meats enjoy our life they say or fulfill your heart's desire you heard that stuff as long as it makes you happy do what you like as long as it makes you happy oh you go to church as long as it makes you happy um or these you know these pleasures are here to enjoy god's given these things to enjoy i've heard that from a pulpit i've heard that from a pulpit not talking about these particular sins necessarily but saying all these you know god's given us he sings to enjoy there's nothing wrong with and talking about alcohol and talking about all these other types of things just wicked wicked um but this is by contrast the truth he says here in in the bottom of that verse verse 13 he says the body basically is for the lord and lord for the body okay so and this this this verse here of course you can apply that to your own body but it's also applies to the church also called the body of christ isn't it have a look at ephesians 5 25 and ephesians 5 25 husbands love your wives even as christ also loved the church and gave himself for it that he might sanctify cleanse it with a washing of water by the word that he might present it to himself a glorious church not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing but it should be holy and without blemish so christ gave himself didn't he the lord for the body of the church but the church is for the lord isn't it to present it to the lord and that's this church our church is for the lord okay and and that's a good thing to remember what i was talking about earlier it's not about us individually it's about presenting this church to the lord doing our utmost to make this something that the lord will look at look down on and and see it without spot wrinkle or any such thing that should be holy and without blemish that's how we want god to see our church and we all we all every single person here plays a part in that um verse 14 says and god has both raised up the lord and will also raise up us by his own power yeah we know that we're going to be raised up aren't we look at verse 50 know ye not that your bodies are the members of christ shall i then take the members of christ and make them the members of an harlot god forbid so if you had a finger in ephesians ephesians 5 3rd says from we are members of his body of his flesh and of his bones okay our bodies are members of christ said verse 15 now where we're at in first corinthians 6 um shall i then take the members of christ and make them members of an harlot so harlot is a woman who prostitutes her body for hire as we talked about earlier and and by the way it's not always for straight money there are many people that god will look down at and see a harlot and see a harlot who's not out there on whatever you picture you know on the street corner there are there are women that will basically prostitute their body for wealth for for esteem for positions of power for favor for many things and they're harlots now look at verse 16 what no know ye not that he which is joined to in harlot is one body for two saithi shall be one flesh okay so this is referring to genesis 2 24 so have a quick look at that so genesis chapter 2 she read will read from verse 23 genesis 2 23 and adams said this is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh she shall be called woman because she was taken out of man therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother and shall cleave unto his wife and they shall be one flesh one flesh this is what he's talking about here now he's saying here that when you're basically and if you think about this with fornication that you're basically becoming one body with whoever it is that you're fornicated with and especially obviously with a harlot you're becoming one body and and that's a wicked thing to do isn't it when it's out of marriage it's a wicked thing to do especially with the types of people that many people do that with because when it's out of marriage and i know you know again i know that we've we've lived in this world and many of us probably have our past that we don't want to think about but it is wicked it is wicked and the bible's clear about about how how bad fornication is but when you're doing that you're becoming one body with a harlot that now as a saved christian that's something else isn't it that's something else so he's because he says here in verse 17 but he that is joined unto the lord is one spirit now that one spirit is the holy spirit first corinthians 12 verse 13 says for by one spirit are we all baptized into one body whether we be jews or gentiles whether it be bond or free and have been all made to drink into one spirit so that one spirit's the holy spirit now let's have a look at verse 18 it says here flee fornication every sin that a man doeth is without the body but he that committed fornication sinneth against his own body right it says to flee it that means to get away run away just have nothing to do with it get away from it now that's strong language isn't it because now here's is what what i was thinking about when i was looking at this perhaps where genesis 2 24 says you become one body so when you're committing fornication you you're sinning against the other person too aren't you because you're you're defiling them you're defiling that other person whether or not you know you think that they're just so willing or whatever else so you're becoming one body one flesh and you're sinning against your own body that's how i was looking at it because there are the sins where it affects your body there are the sins i mean i was just thinking you know drunkenness gluttony for example and the health effects and the things you do to yourself so i was that's how i was looking at i was thinking well you're becoming one body you're sinning against and that's just a bizarre situation of being and it's it's therefore a bit of a unique sin because you're becoming one body but you're sinning against your one body and and maybe mentally spiritually it just makes it even worse of a sin um and it is it's a it's a disgusting sin and we talked about that last week um and the bible says to flee it he says here flee fornication and and obviously he's he's just been talking about that brother in christ and he's and he's talking to other saved people in the church these are saved people that paul is saying to to to flee it to he's he's having to preach about this and and like i've said this to these works salvations he's repenting of your sins types before what is the point in the majority or a large part of the new testament if we somehow are just clean from all sin and i know it sounds it's ridiculous isn't it to us but these people clearly believe that you somehow just you're stopping sinning you're going to give up sin to be saved it's constantly telling you constantly exhorting you not to see it and and he says here in verse 19 what know ye not that your body is a temple of the holy ghost which is in you which he have of god and you are not your own so what no you're not the temp that your body is a temple of the holy ghost which is in you which he have of god and you're not your own and and what a thought what a thought that we're a temple of the holy spirit we have the indwelling holy ghost which makes us a temple you are a temple we've got to get that through our heads sometimes and it's not just i'm not just talking about fornication we have many things have some self-respect and and at least have respect for the fact that you're a temple of the holy ghost you have the holy ghost in you and as paul was trying to encourage the corinthians to we wish we should respect this truth shouldn't we and that's what he's trying to do temple of the holy ghost sort yourselves out clean up your lives he says in verse 20 it's like that's not enough he says this for ye are bought with a price therefore glorify god in your body and in your spirit which are gods so let that sink in when we were redeemed by the precious blood of christ that means we were purchased we were bought it's not about you your it's not you or what you want and oh well i just want to do you know i want to do it my way i just want to you know i'll just do this part and take out that part that's not that's that's not biblical well we're all just under grace do what you like no you've been bought you've been bought with a price and that price it is a precious price let's have a look at first peter chapter one first peter chapter one verse 18 says for as much as you know that you were not redeemed with corruptible things silver and gold from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers but with the precious blood of christ as of a lamb without blemish and without spot and just quickly then he's saying from your vein conversation your behavior received by tradition for your father that's not not how you say but with the precious blood of christ as of a lamb without blemish and without spot it's precious the blood of christ is precious like he's died on a he shed his blood to pay for our sins and then we just look at it and go yeah but but i don't want to do that bit i don't want to do that all right well it just i'm just enjoying that bit too much it's just me that's the way it is like and and paul here he's saying to them look you've been bought with a price look at the price look at what you've been bought with like that that that is something that i think we should remind ourselves of a lot remind ourselves of a lot when we're just getting annoyed and angry with life or whatever else thrown in our way remind yourself that you were bought with a precious precious price okay that means get rid of your own selfish desires at once start glorifying god he says therefore glorify god in your body and it goes back to my sermon this morning as well or certain things about not walking away of sinners and glorify god in your body you're bought with a price and start glorifying god because the bible says he owns you he owns you okay let's let's pray on that heavenly father thank you for your word thank you thank you for clear doctrines of the bible that regards of what the world tells us we should be believing and what false christianity and and vain and empty teachers of the law try and tell us to thank you that we have your bible it just makes things so clear helps us to understand things helps us to understand stand your truths and please help us to with that to to follow your word to want to live for you to appreciate what you've done for us appreciate your the costs that you paid for us it's got nothing to do with us going to do what we do it was all thanks to you we thank you for that we we pray that you'll just help us now to go forward with that in our minds this week to be holy to be to be set apart to be to be what you want us to be help us to to resist the flesh resist the devil help us to have a good week now help us to to get home safely help us to honor you and glorify you in jesus name i pray