(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) It's got a polishy wax and I don't know what's behind this. It doesn't suit me, but I'm looking for a really good one. Is there a miss out here? Yeah, it's a little delay on it. Yeah, it's a little delay on it. It's broken. Yeah, it's broken. It's broken. Yeah, it's broken. Yeah, it's broken. It's broken. What's that guy? Just on his Fiji? You don't need it, it's a program. Yeah, you do. Is this live? Yeah, it's live. Is this a live program? It's a broadcast tune. This program. This broadcast. Live. Yeah, yeah. It's still part of it. It's actually shown in the work. I don't know much about it. Some of it is shown in the set. Some of it is shown. Some of it is shown. Some of it is shown. Some of it is shown. Some of it is shown. Some of it is shown. Some of it is shown. Some of it is shown. Some of it is shown. Some of it is shown. Some of it is shown. Some of it is shown. Some of it is shown. 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Some of it is shown. Some of it is shown. Some of it is shown. Some of it is shown. Some of it is shown. Some of it is shown. Some of it is shown. Some of it is shown. Some of it is shown. Some of it is shown. Some of it is shown. Some of it is shown. A pure and higher and greater will be. How wonder our rapture when Jesus we see. Praise the Lord, praise the Lord. Let the earth hear his voice. Praise the Lord, praise the Lord. Let the people rejoice. O come to Father through Jesus the Son, and give him the glory great things he hath done. Welcome everyone to the Shaw Foundation Baptist Church evening service. Only a couple of quick announcements. Just remember next week 10.30am is our morning service, 4.00am is our evening service. Sole winning today. We had one salvation. So it is our lowest one but one salvation. You know, praise God for that. And loads for me. Loads of mercy. Loads of God for salvation. Pretty much pretty good a few times. And quite a few people have come back the same. It all works guys. Whether or not we come back with none, or we come back with 20, we still do God's work there. Praise God. That takes us up to now 22 for February. 53 for salvation this year. And last Sunday the 20th is 4.04am. And this evening the 10th is 4.04am. We're still up there in the high 40s. Yeah, pretty good guys. Just remember who I said to pray for please. Loads of work here this morning. If you just had to put your nails into your prayers. Matty as well and Gary and Natalie. If you prayed for all of them just going to help please. And yeah, other than that, just remember to keep your phones on silent please. If you haven't given your 30th anniversary to my wife please, please do so. And with that, let's get on to our next hymn. Hymn number 3 is 212. Hymn 212. Over 4,000 songs to sing. Hymn 212. And sing it out on the first. Over 4,000 songs to sing. I pray for Jesus' praise. The glory of my God and King. The triumph of his praise. Jesus' name that shall appear. That his sorrows cease. His beauty in the sin is his. His life and health and peace. He brings the power and counsels him. He sets the prison free. He's glad and ain't the proudest king. His blood availed for me. He speaks a listening to his voice. Through life and accuracy. The humble, broken hearts rejoice. The humble, bold they leave. In any death his praise he done. Your innocent tongues employ. Keep life, behold your Savior come. And leave he aim for joy. My gracious Master and my God. He asketh me to proclaim. To spread to the world the utter growth. The honors of thy name. Let us pray. Heavenly Father, thank you for today. Please bless the offerings, Lord. For the favorings of your kingdom, Lord. Peace to you, brother. The end of the Holy Spirit is preached. And help us to be not only the doers, Lord, but the... Not only the hearers of the word, but the doers of the word, Lord. In Jesus' name, Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. All right, we'll be a minute from 1 Corinthians 3. 1 Corinthians 3. 1 Corinthians 3. 1 Corinthians 3. 1 Corinthians 3. 1 Corinthians 3. 1 Corinthians 3. For the wisdom of this world is foolishness in God. For it is written, He that taketh the wise in their own... He taketh the wise in their own craftiness. And again, the Lord knoweth the thoughts of the wise, that they are vain. Therefore, let not man glory in man, for all things are yours. Whether Paul or Apollos, or Caesar, or the world, or life, or death, or things present, or things to come. All are yours, and ye are Christ, and Christ is God. Amen. And Andrew, please face the rest, please. Tell the father, thank you so much for this today, and please, enlighten us, especially for a meeting with the Spirit of God. Amen. Amen. All right, so 1 Corinthians 3. 1 Corinthians 3. I'll start from verse 1. The wise brethren could not speak unto you as unto spiritual, but as unto carnal, even as unto babes in Christ. So we saw in the last chapter that spiritual things of God were built to us by the indwelling Holy Spirit, and we went through that last week. Now Paul is saying that you can't talk them as you would other spirit filled Christians, because they are carnal. Fleshly, sensual, opposite to spiritual is how carnal is described. Notice he still calls them brethren. So obviously no one here is a sort of, if you're in the flesh, you're obviously not saved. No, they're brethren. He calls them brethren, and I, brethren, make a point to call them brethren. They're brothers in Christ, but they're carnal. So fleshy, sensual, opposite to spiritual is what carnal is, isn't it? You know, I'm not going to try and pretend that I'm a linguist here. You think of words like carnal, which is probably one of the few Spanish words I actually know, but I'm not going to try and be a faster answer here than going into my Spanish knowledge. But, yeah, you think of me going fleshly, that's what it's talking about here, and the opposite to spiritual. Okay, Romans, turn to Romans chapter 7, and it's probably the most famous chapter in this, and it really does just put to bed all this, you know, work, salvation, and if you're saved, you're going to show it by your works, and everything else. Now, there is a daily battle, and we'll just go through it quickly from verse 14. So Romans says, verse 14, For we know that the law is spiritual, for I am carnal, sold under sin. For that which I do I allow not, for what I would, that do I not, and what I hate, that do I. If then I do that which I would not, I consent unto the law, then it is good. Now then, it is no more I that doeth the sin that dwelleth in me, but I know that in me that is in my flesh dwelleth no good thing, for to a will it's present be me, but how to afford that which is good I find not. For the good that I would I do not, but it is evil which I would not, that I do. That if I do that I would not, it is no more I that doeth the sin that dwelleth in me. I find then the law that when I would do good, easy is present with me, for I delight in the law that I would after be with man. So I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity for the law of sin which is in my members. O wretched man that I am, who shall deliver me from the body of this death? I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord, so that with the mind I myself serve the law of God, but with the flesh the law of sin. So let's pull it, making it clear there is a daily battle between the flesh and the spirit, and we want to be in the spirit, and we have to battle that, and the more you're in the spirit, the more you're aware of the flesh, of the harmful side of us, that we're trying to put away, we're trying to get rid of every day. And like I said, it's clear as day for that, it's possible for half of the New Testament, it's clear as day that every single Christian has that battle. If you think you don't, you know, if you say you have no sin you deceive yourselves, and the truth is not in you, and anyone who thinks that they don't have any sort of battle with sin is in my life, so clear as day. So let me say a daily battle, then there's Corinthians here as a whole, so he's talking about the church here, the Corinthians as a whole are clearly losing that battle aren't they? He's telling them here, it's clear, he's saying to them, you know, I could not speak unto you as a Christian, it's up to quality, it's up to faith and Christ. Now even Christ is a new believer, and there's nothing wrong with that, there's nothing wrong with being a new believer, we want new believers, no we love new believers, but there's one thing being a new believer, and then we don't know the exact dates, it seems to be probably a few years down the line that Paul's writing this, a few years down the line when it's still being described as a baby Christ and new believers, something's wrong there isn't there? Something's wrong. And for us and for those of you who know, people who get saved and people who get to disciple, we want to be, we don't want to be seen as baby Christ, that's not by cussing ourselves up and trying to be knowledgeable, that's by resisting the flesh, isn't it? That's by being more spiritual, that's by walking in the Spirit. He says in verse 2, I have fed you with milk and not with meat, verse 2 and verse 3, I have fed you with milk and not with meat, if this are to you, you are not able to bear it, neither yet, now are you able. So what's the milk and meat he's talking about here? So it's not a baby really, it's a baby Christ, so start off with the milk, don't they? And there's nothing wrong with milk, babies love milk and you know, we hear everything, obviously they talk a lot about the rest is best of the course, you know, it's amazing, and there are some great health benefits to the rest of the world, aren't there? We hear, we're hearing more scientific research, show us how amazing it really is, and there's nothing wrong with it, we're not saying, oh, you baby can only deal with the milk, no, it's great, the milk is great for him, that's what helps him to grow it, a baby needs milk, a baby can't start off with the meat, he's not going into heavy thick doctories, somebody who's new can save his heart from it, that's why it can be hard, when they're coming into a new church, and you know, as a preacher here, I want to be preaching a bit for everyone, and you want to make sure there's nothing wrong with us going over things, there's nothing wrong with that, again, having a bit of milk, maybe not breast milk, but you know, we should still learn and grow and remind ourselves of some of the milk of the word, we should also be designing the meat of the word, and it's funny, isn't it, when you have children and you watch them grow, and after they're weaning as they start to get onto the food, you see them, they start to desire, they start to watch you eating, their mouths start moving a little bit, you see them start craving the food, and they need the food, we need the meat, don't we? We need the meat of the word, because if we just, if us here as adults especially, we're still on the breast milk, then we would be pretty unhealthy guys, I think, so there comes a point where the breast, you have to start giving them meat and start to do less and less breast and more meat, now I know there's a bit of a mood nowadays to be breastfeeding until they're like seven, eight years old, but I'm not a big fan of that, they need food, they need food, we need the Christians and the Corinthians here, they need to be moving on to the spiritual meat, don't they? Right, 1 Peter 2, 2, talk about this a little bit here, go to 1 Peter 2, verse 2, so start verse 1, 1 Peter 2, 1, Wherefore lay aside all malice, and all god, and hypocrisy, and envy, and all evil speaking, as newborn babes desire the sincere milk of the word that may grow thereby, if so be it tasted that the Lord is gracious. So again, as newborn babes, they should be desiring it, and we should be encouraging new Christians to desire the milk, and really that's kind of the simpler thing, the easier doctrines to understand, the things which are pretty clear, you don't have to go through sort of lots of different verses to explain why these verses work, clear things, obviously the gospel is clear, isn't it? Clear the simple doctrines of what a newborn, a new Christian needs, but like I said at some point they do need the meat, they have to be able to digest it, digest the person, and to get to that point they have to have the milk first, they have to grow to a point, now why haven't the Corinthians here grown? So why haven't they grown to a point where they're able to deal with the meat of the word, and to never have the strong meat of the word? Well first three, it says here, for ye are yet carnal, for whereas there is among you any being and strife and division, are ye not carnal and walk as men? Okay so, any being strife and division in the church is carnal, it's carnal. Turn to Proverbs 27, Proverbs 27 verse 4 Raph's is cruel, and Andrew is outrageous, but who is able to stand before envy? Envy is a massive problem isn't it? Now here's something I find interesting about envy, how many of those Corinthians do you think have been reading that, how many of them sat there and went, ye are envious? Any at all? Do you think anyone in here, anyone in this room in the back room here would sit here and go, ye are suffering with envy, ye are envious of that person, ye are envious of that? No one does it, because you don't, when you feel envious of someone, you don't go, ah, don't keep getting that envy again today, you start to dislike them, you find thought in what they do, you find problems in them, you start to, in your mind, you start to tell yourself that, ah, they're this or they're that, the way they talk to you, the way they look to you, the way they're acting, whatever it is, you start to get anger and hatred for them, and it causes strife and divisions, but really it's come from envy, and it's something, it's other, it's a really tough one people, and it's something that you have to really assess yourself, and really be honest with yourself, when you have this dislike, especially for fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, and it's not something you can really put a finger on and go, this is, this is a real reason, and it's got to be a strong reason, when it's a brother and sister in Christ, we should have love for each other, shouldn't we? That's how they should know us, that's how they should know that we're existed, by the love we have for each other, and if we don't have it, there has to be a good reason, or you've got to start thinking, is it really something a little bit envious? Because I think it's a big problem, it's a problem here in a church, isn't it? And the strife and division are only going to cause, it's going to ruin a church, and you know, we're a new church here, and if we think that we're somehow, we're all just so spiritual, oh no way is there going to be everything in spite of division, that you're living in a dream world, oh wait, it's going to happen, and it's not already happening, there's not already more problems, and now, I'm not saying everyone has to be best friends with each other, that's not, it's not going to work like that, but we, like I said before, we should all be making an effort, and a conscious effort, because it is a decision to love each other, okay, we should all be loving each other, and we should be going home, and praying for each other, and watching the best for each other, but if we're not, then you need to assess why that is. Yeah, you might not, yeah, you might be a bit awkward between certain people, some people just don't click, do they? Some people, you've got different personalities, it's just sometimes like, this thing just doesn't come out, right, and some people don't, mate, it's not anything nasty or anything, just sometimes, you don't have that particular chemistry, there should be a certain amount, considering we're all believers, we've got something in common that no one else has, but, but, we've got to make sure we don't have the stuff you really need, make sure you love each other, and you should, perfect love should cast that out, shouldn't it? Okay, cast that theory, cast that theory as well. Okay, so, verse 4, it says here, for one said, I am a fool, and another, I am a capitalist, I need not carnal. Okay, and we talked about this a little bit last week, it's carnal to cause division over your favourite teacher, isn't it? That's carnal, we're kind of, you know, getting annoyed with each other, getting angry with each other, having strife, division, because we like to do it this way, and again, if it's doctrine that's different, if it's biblical doctrine, yeah, we need to be stronger than that, but on the other things, the little things, how the little things are where a church goes and everything else, or the way someone teaches, I don't see that here at this point, but that could happen, it could happen. So Paul goes on to say here, it says in verse 5, who then is Paul, and who is Apollos, the ministers by whom he believed, even as the Lord gave to every man. Okay, so Paul and Apollos is a service, but it's the Lord that did the hard work, and that's a good thing to remember, isn't it? Because even when we're looking at some of my favourite preachers, it really is God working through them, isn't it? And yeah, okay, we're not, again, that extreme where you've got the cowardice point where literally no one has any say in anything, we're not saying that, and sure, you can have respect for people, there's nothing wrong with having a love and a respect, and learning from people, for sure, but still, you've got to understand that it really ultimately comes from God. It's God that's working through them, and that's who we should be loving and uplifting when we see a great man of God, preaching and teaching the world, you should be, praise God, praise God for that, it all comes from God. Okay, verse 6, I have planted Apollos Walter, but God gave the increase, so the glory has to go to God, not man. And it's a good thing to remember, because we can get it going, we're out-soul winning, and well, you can get a bit proud, or salvation, or whatever else, it's all God, it's the word of God, it's Jesus Christ that did the hard bit, we should be pleased that we're going out and working God, but don't start getting puffed up about it, I'm not saying people are, but we talked about this a little bit anyway. Okay, verse 7, so neither is he that planted anything, neither he that watered it, but God gave the increase. Now just bear in mind here, particularly if this is the Apostle Paul, Apollos is described as an eloquent, which is based on the power of speech, an eloquent man who might be in the scriptures, but they say that still it comes with God, and I don't think we have people at this level, do we, writing half the New Testament, people like Apollos or Paul, but they're nothing, there's nothing, it's God that gives the increase, it comes with God, they do it with God that's working through them. When you put man on a pedestal, again I know I'm going to teach you a bit of stuff here, but the fool, it hurts, it hurts you, you start putting men too high up, and we can all do this, we can all do this with famous preachers, pastors that we want to listen to, that taught us loads, and great, great men of God, but when you put them too high up, when they fall, and when you start seeing the faults, it can hurt you, and it can shake your faith, it can shake your faith in doctrine, if you're not grounded in yourself, in the word of God, and remember that it's from God, it shakes your faith. Verse 8, Now he that planted, and he that watered, was one, and every man shall receive his own reward according to his own labour. Okay, so there's one, I see that as there being one in Christ Jesus, but here it says, and every man shall receive his own reward according to his labour, so it doesn't mean then, you don't have to do anything, it all just comes from God, we work with God, don't we? And we will receive a reward according to our labour, we are rewarded according to our labour, and that's a really good thing to remember, it says, Rightfully so, we preach and talk about grace a lot, don't we? That grace through faith, that we don't have to do anything, we preach it so much, but we have to remember as well that there's a whole load of rewards we can earn after faith, in heaven, and I know that we talk about this a lot, but how much do you think about that? How much are you really thinking, I'm going to be trying to earn these rewards? We're going to talk about them in a second, it comes up in a few verses. It says here, we are labourers together with God, we are God's husbandry, we are God's building. So like I said before, we labour with God, and it's not just that God saves. So, I used to hate this at these churches where if you talk about any positive, getting someone saved, whoever it's God that does the saving, it's not you, it's God. It's always going to be the don't know how to give out the gospel or offer false teachers. We still have to work with God, the way God's worked it is that we give the gospel, don't we? We work with him, we're fellow labourers, we are labourers together with God, says verse 9. We are God's husbandry, we are God's building. Okay, so husbandry is a business of farming, so we're basically his business of farming. We're working with him, of course he's a boss, we're the one down here managing it from churches going out giving the gospel. We're part of that planting and watering team, aren't we? We plant, we water, do it different times. We're built by God, he says, you are God's building. We're built by him, we are made and owned by God. That's a good thing to remember, what are you really here for? When you're owned by God, that's what God wants you to do, that's what we need you to do, doing God's work. Okay, verse 10. According to the grace of God, which is given unto me, as a wise master builder, I have laid the foundation of another builder thereon, but let every man take heed how he buildeth thereon. For other foundation can no man lay, and that is laid, which is Jesus Christ. Okay, so it says here, as a wise master builder. I don't know if you've ever been around, so really, really good builders, but it's impressive stuff. You see people who are just, they just know everything about building. You know, it's one thing when someone has one trade, but another one, they just get it all. Some people just have that little eye for it, and they're wise, and they just seem to know how to build things from scratch, you name it. I find that really impressive, it's such an impressive skill. And it's saying here that the grace of God was given unto me, as a wise master builder, I have laid the foundation. So, a wise master builder, the only foundation a wise master builder could use in this sense is Jesus Christ, isn't it? A foundation is really important, isn't it? If you know anything about any sort of building, what you start with is the most important thing. And I've done this a bit with, you know, patches, fence, driveway, things like that, and it makes such a difference. If you take your time and your foundation's alright, you can have a good job in general after that. And that's where, you know, you see, I don't know, I find it interesting, when I drive down roads or walk down roads, or even when I'm doored on here, I'm looking at driveways, or here a lot of the time it's kind of patio areas or whatever they are on the front. And especially when there's cars in it, just how much they're sunk, where the tires are, and it's the foundation. Because what happens is people come along, and someone says how many thousand pounds? It's like, oh, I can do that for a couple of grand. And the only reason it's so much cheaper is because they're not digging out anywhere near the depth they should, therefore they're not putting in anywhere near the amount of foundation they should put in for that driveway to be able to take cars laying on an office. So you see, they look beautiful at the beginning for a couple of weeks, and then the tire tracks just start to sink, and you just, it's terrible, isn't it? They're not so bad, and it's all about the foundation. And again, the only foundation that we can use when, as it says here, so why is my spiller? I've made the foundation, another build of their own, but every man take in how we build their own. It goes on and on. So there's the other foundation, but no man have a name. That is the native language of Jesus Christ. There is no other foundation. So when you're talking to people who claim to be Christians, and they don't really have that foundation of faith in Christ, the rest of it, it's just useless, isn't it? It's rubbish. It's like, like you say, lame lot paving over a one inch, two inch face or something. It's a waste of time. It's all going to come, it's all going to fall, because they've never had that foundation in the first place. Okay, so it says here, let every man take in how he buildeth their own. Okay, so Paul says just earlier there, let the foundation, another buildeth their own. So, for example, you might go out and get someone saved, then someone else, maybe a teacher, maybe someone at church, maybe someone else is disciplining them and building their own. Maybe they're listening to a sermon, maybe they're coming to a church like this. Okay, now let every man take in how he buildeth their own. Okay, so how we build upon that foundation, we need to say heed, that means take care. Look at Ephesians 2. Ephesians chapter 2, verse 20. It says, and have built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief cornerstone, in whom all the buildings fitly framed together groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord, in whom ye also are builded together for inhabitation of God through the Spirit. So, part of that foundation is the apostles and prophets, the chief cornerstone, that very beginning, that first bit of Jesus Christ. Okay, verse 12. Now if any man build upon this foundation gold, silver, precious stones, wood, paint, stubble, every man's work shall be made manifest for that they shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire, and the fire shall try every man's work of whatsoever it is. If any man's work abides which he has built thereupon, he shall receive reward. If any man's work shall be burned, he shall suffer lost. He himself shall be saved, yet so is by fire. Right, now that passage there, it's not about hell, and it's not about salvation. It's not about hell, it's about salvation. Save Christians, they labor in life. Their work is being either eternally rewarded or being burnt up. It's the difference between working for God and working for ourselves. So, let's have a look at it. First of all, now if any man build upon this foundation gold, silver, precious stones, wood, paint, stubble, so gold, silver, and precious stones last, don't they? They last, they can be tried by fire, they last. Take a picture of eternal rewards, and a picture of rewards that will last forever. Wood, paint, stubble, so stubble are the stumps of grain left in the ground after harvest. You know, wood, paint, stubble, these aren't evil things, there's nothing wrong with stubble, they're all wood and paint, quite useful wood in a lot of ways, and paint is, depending on what you're doing here. It's not that they're bad things, but they're things, they might have their use at the time, but they don't last eternity. So things like temporary things, big bank accounts, you know, respect at your work, at your job, nice houses, sports trophies, whatever it is in life, beauty, I don't know, whatever, whatever it is, they're things which don't last forever, and they're things which won't last into eternity. They're not bad things, but they're not the things which we should be focusing on. Turn to Matthew 6, Matthew 6, and verse 19, Matthew 6, 19. Lay not up to yourself treasures upon earth, where moth and rust are corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal. Lay up to yourself treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust are corrupt, but where thieves do not break through nor steal, but where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. So it's clear, isn't it, what should we be focusing on? We should be focusing on the treasures in heaven, the wards in heaven. Now, again, it's not right, whatever, I'm just going to quit my job and that's it, there's no responsibility to be having men, we do, and as women, you know, like we said before, the main goal, as God would have ordained us from the beginning, many of us have come into faith having already made mistakes in our lives, but at the beginning, it should be that women should be looking to guide the house, marry, have children, rock off their children, look after their husbands. Now, that doesn't always happen, but all the other stuff, all the other responsibilities, that's all fine, but our focus, our goal, what we should be fixating on, what we should be meditating on, what we should be aiming towards, is the things that God has worked for us. In verse 13 it says, every man's work shall be made manifest, back to the first three of these three, every man's work shall be made manifest, but their faith shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire, and the fire shall try every man's work for what it is. Okay, so, we're talking here about the judgely seat of Christ. Now, a nice simple one for this, if you turn to Romans 14. And verse 10. Romans 14 verse 10. But why does our judge thy brother, or why does our setter not thy brother, for we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ? For it is written, as I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God, so that every one of us shall give account for himself to God. Now, there's some false teaching out there that claims that we're going to be getting punished in heaven, maybe, or wherever it is, that we're going to be sitting standing in front of Jesus Christ, getting punished for what we've done, post-salvation, or even pre-salvation, as saith the Christian, and that's a lie, that's a false teaching. Now, the judgely seat of Christ, if you look at verse 10 there in Romans 14, Romans 14, 10, but why does our judge thy brother, why does our setter not thy brother, for we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ? So, the Lord's going to judge our works, what we've done, and give us rewards in heaven and in the millennial range, based on what we do on earth. And that's a great incentive, isn't it, to go out and do some amazing works for God. Now, verse 12, look at verse 12, so then every one of us shall give account of himself to God. So, we're going to give account of our works, and receive rewards for them. So, obviously, when you're standing in front of Jesus Christ, the judgely seat of Christ, we're not going to be standing there lying about the synoptic, you know, you're going to be giving account, but it's going to be an honest account, isn't it? And the Lord is going to award you an Amen to that, because without that, we would like to sound spiritual, because I have so much love for the Lord that after he saved me, I just want to do everything for him. And that's a great way to be, let's be honest. We don't always all feel like that, and we do need that incentive, and like we talked about this morning with kids, they need incentive a lot of the time. And it's quite handy, the chastising of incentives as well, isn't it? Because we know that when we go in the opposite way, on this earth, in this life, we all chastise. But heaven is glorious, and there's nothing in the Bible that says that we're going to be in heaven and get punished for all the bad things that have come, because it would be a good thing, because basically it would be hell, wouldn't it? Because we've all done a lot of bad things, and we all still do, we all still sin. The more you understand, the more you read through the Bible, the more you see how much sin there is, how much, how massively we fail, and we all do. And that battle with the flesh and the spirit, we don't always win. And thank God that it's rewards in heaven and nothing else. So back to 1 Corinthians 3, verse 14, let's look at some of these rewards. So if any man's work abide which he hath built thereupon, he shall receive a reward. So we're going to receive rewards for our work. So what sort of works are we going to receive rewards for according to the Bible? So, soul-winning, society-free people, we've just seen that in verse 8, haven't we? If you just have a quick look back at chapter 3, verse 8 there, verse 14, the he that planted the he that walked with the one, and any man should receive his own reward according to his own labour. We're going to get rewards for planting and watering. Now, part of that, planting and watering, what about raising godly children? You've got to be children, that's watering, isn't it? I've seen some awards coming for that, for sure, especially with your mums out there. You know, didn't want to just pay heavy on you this morning, the shame and everything else, because on the flipside, you can earn a lot of awards there, because it is more your job than it is a member. But the men still have a part to play in that as well, like I said. Raising godly children. How about helping the church to function? The church is watering, the church is watering, and for that church to run and function, there's a lot of stuff that needs doing in a church, there is a lot of stuff, then helping that happen, you're partaking of that watering, aren't you? You're partaking, it's just me up here preaching the word of god, it's not just the people doing the song leading or whatever else, it's a whole lot. Everything done to make this church work is part of the watering. Okay, how about, have a look at Matthew 5. Matthew chapter 5. Matthew chapter 5 and verse 19. Right, whose swimmer therefore shall break one of these lease commands and shall teach men so? He shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven. Just a quick point there, notice how they haven't been kicked out of heaven, or sent to hell. The saying is, I know I'm preaching to the choir here, but we hear so much, don't we? It works, it works. We should be called the least in the kingdom of heaven. Whose swimmer shall do and teach them so about commandments, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. So again, doing the commandments and teaching them, that's the watering, isn't it? That's that watering, and you can easily say the planting as well there, because it's the compartment and every man will seem to believe on it. Okay, that is part, it says here, you shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. Now I don't know if that's talked about great in terms of as great men of God, you know, great men of the earth being a wealth, or maybe it's just that you're going to get some good recognition. I think that sounds like a good reward to me. Okay, go to Matthew 5, 11 now, sorry Matthew 5 and 11. Blessed are ye when men shall revile you and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you, falsely the knife of my name's sake. Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven, and so persecuted they were prophets which were before you. You're getting persecuted, for Jesus Christ's sake. But when you're getting persecuted for Christ, the Bible says here, rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven. You get rewarded for that, and that's a good thing to remember when you're in a minutestution, since like we said before, now having a proper church was just, it's going to come, for sure it's going to come. And we only had a little taste of it, and we're going to get rewarded for that. Praise God for that, we're rewarded for getting persecuted in the name of Jesus Christ. Okay, let's look at something else here. Matthew 6, over to the next chapter, Matthew 6, verse 1. Take heed that you do not your arms before men be seen of them, otherwise ye have no reward of your Father which is in heaven. Therefore when thou doest thine arms, do not sound a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory of men. Verily I sound to you they have no reward. But when thou doest arms, let not thy left hand know that thy right hand do it, that thy arms may be in secret, and thy Father which seeth in secret himself, shall reward thee openly. Their arms are basically charity, when you're doing your things and you're giving to others, there are many different ways that we can do that. It says here that if you're doing that, take heed to it, be careful, if you're doing that before men be seen of them, then you're not going to get any reward in heaven. So if you are making a point of telling people, and the thing is, like I said before, for example, we spoke to someone on the door, and it's great, isn't it, when you find someone saved, and for me, once it's clear that they're saved, the next thing they're doing is going to out-soul with them. For me, what am I going to do now? Try and encourage them. Yeah, I'd like to get them along to church, because I believe that this is one of the only places in the UK really that teaches the truth, in many different areas, and there's a couple left for you to have the gospel right. But regardless, we want to encourage them, don't we? Yeah, there's something wrong with that, and try to encourage people, but make sure that you're writing a heart. Why are you telling people about soul-willing? Why are you telling people about whatever it is? Sometimes I tell unsaved people about soul-willing, because it's a good way to then get onto the gospel and say what we're doing. Try showing them people get saved, how easy it is to get saved, etc. Okay, there's not a problem with that, but we want to be aware that there is, in the heart, a wicked heart, that desire to try and look great in front of others, in front of other people. You are armed before people, tell people about it. I mean, we're not. I don't think anything here is of that kind of Facebook type who literally takes pictures of their charity work and things they've done. The latest one is a vaccine, isn't it? Here's a picture of their vaccine certificate. I'm sorry, please, I'm a little hungry. Okay, I don't think there's anyone there like that, but still, it's not just the world that does it, either. It's a fleshly thing, and we all have to battle with the flesh. So not to do your arms before, you'll lose your reward. But we do get rewards, don't we? So when we do these rewards, when they're in secret, my Father would see us in secret himself, shall award the opening. That's going to be where I believe that's openly in heaven, and maybe you all get some lessons in this world as well. Okay, verse five and six in Matthew 6 here. And when thou pray, thou shalt not use the hypocrites, for they love the praise standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, and they may be seen of men. Very I send you, they have their reward. But now, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to my Father, which is in secret, my Father, which seeth in secret, shall award thee openly. So again, we're talking about rewards here for prayer. And again, it's not saying you have to be secretive every time you pray, but we should have a private prayer like this. 100% we shall have a private prayer like this. And that praying to be seen of men, it's wicked, isn't it? And I've had this experience in churches as well, the public, the open prayer. I love the way we do it here, and just a short, simple, to the point prayer. And yes, sometimes after a sermon, it might be a few points in the sermon or something that I'm feeling kind of stirred to pray about, but it's not these long drawn out prayer where I'm ticking every box of the prayer and everything else to sound amazing. And you can get drawn into that. And you can be at these churches, and they're all doing it, and they go around the church to pray, and it's like you either make this big point of just saying a quick five second prayer, or you get drawn into it, or you just have to not do it. And they'll do it, and it starts with how it just seems competitive at the least to be seen of men to pray. And that's not what praying's about, is it? So again, a short prayer prayer like this, that's how it should be. Not these long prayers that they do here. Okay, verse 16 of Matthew 6 now. We talked about this the other day briefly when I was teaching our classes. Moreover, when ye fast, be not as the hypocrites of a sad countenance, for they disfigure their faces, that they may appear unto men to fast. Very essentially, they have their reward. But thou, when thou fastest, anointed my head, wash thy face, that thou appear not unto men to fast, but unto thy Father which is in secret, and thy Father which is in secret, shall reward thee openly. I talked the other week about all the many different circumstances of fasting, but something here is that we get rewarded for it as well. So as well as being grateful when you're coming up to an important time in your life, something you're about to do a great work for God, you're suffering persecution, tribulation arising, whatever those reasons, your mourning, whatever else, all those reasons to fast, and add as well to that, you get rewarded for it. Amen. You get rewarded for fasting. So there's some great things that we get rewarded for. So there's some that I can find just looking quickly in the Bible. I've said this for soul winning, for cycling, for raising God's children, for work in the church, for doing a teaching command, for getting persecuted, for your arms, for your charity, for praying, for fasting. There are some crowns. There's crowns to earn as well. I don't know how many of you are into the idea of a crown or not. Sounds pretty good to me. OK, there are crowns. We've got the crown of life for enduring temptation or persecution. Look at James 1-12. James chapter 1 verse 12 says, Blessed is the man that endureth temptation, for when he is tried he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him. So you've got the crown of life for enduring temptation or persecution. Some believe that this is like an analogy for something else. Maybe they're not busy crowns. I don't know. I'll go with physical crowns. Revelation 2-10. The chiefly them that walk after the flesh and the lust of uncleanness. I have heard of this recently. I blame it on this Bible. Revelation 2-10. So that enduring temptation, being faithful unto death, it's not just a crown because you've had a bit of a problem. The crown here is enduring it, isn't it? The crown is going through it, being faithful all the way to the end. And there are many Christians that, when the going gets tough, they fall away. They fall back into sin, back into their old life, come out of church. No, if we want that crown of life, you need to be faithful unto death. And we can... I hope that we don't just talk a good game here, but we want to be... No, we're going to be faithful, faithful to the word of God. Faithful no matter what. And there we go. Then you get the crown of life for enduring temptation. What about if you go to 1 Peter 5? OK, verse 1. The elders which are among you I exhort from also an elder, and a witness of the sufferings of Christ, and also a partaker of the glory that shall be revealed. Feed the flock of God which is among you, taking the oversight thereof, not by sin's strength, but willingly, not for filthy lucre, but of a ready mind, neither being lords over God's heritage, but being in psalms to the flock. And when a chief shepherd shall appear, ye shall receive a crown of glory that fadeth not away. OK, so the crown of glory is for leaders who are willing examples. So for leaders who are willing examples, who have got it right, they're not there doing it because they want the praise of men, or they're leading because they need to be top dog. Or they're leading because they want a pay packet out of it. Yeah, you might think, well, how can you get paid much for leading a little small Baptist church or whatever it is? Some people, it's money, it's easy money, they don't like their jobs or whatever else. It doesn't have to be the multi-millionaire preacher that's only doing it for money. But the Bible says here, feed the flock of God which is among you, taking the oversight thereof, not by sin's strength, but willingly, not for filthy lucre, which is money, but of a ready mind. And you do it with a ready mind, neither of these being laws over God's heritage, not because you just need to law it up over everyone, being an example to the flock. It's an example, isn't it? An example to others. And when the chief shepherd shall appear, ye shall receive a crown of glory that fadeth not away. That's the crown of glory for the leadership. Right, what about the crown of righteousness? Have a look at 2 Timothy 4. And this one's for... 2 Timothy 4 verse 7. This one's for all those that love the Lord's appearing. I have fought a good fight. I have fought a good fight. I have finished my course. I have kept the faith. Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day, and not to me only, but to all them. Also love is appearing. If you love the Lord's appearing, the Bible says here, that you will receive a crown of righteousness. Now, it might sound a bit like that's pretty easy, that one. So, what about when you're deep in sin? What about when you're just not even in the temple? Maybe you're not really willing that battle, and you're just in the flesh of the country. Are you really willing to go through tribulation to get to the Lord's appearing? Are you really? Because if you're not, I don't think you're going to be going to the crown of righteousness. The crown of righteousness is those that love the Lord's appearing. They want the Lord to come. They want that to happen. They want it. They need to go through that, because they just love the Lord. They want to see the Lord. They're ready. And they're ready maybe because they've done a lot already. They've fought the fight. And this is at the end of life. And he's done what he knows God wanted him to do. So now, I'm ready for it. And how many of us can say that? Say, look, I'm ready now. I know I've done everything I possibly can. I know that I fought that fight. I've kept the faith. Okay, last one here. Last one. So, Revelation. Pouring that. Seems a bit more simple here. Revelation, chapter 4 and verse 4. Revelation 4, 4. And round about the throne were four and twenty seats. And upon the seats are four and twenty. Elder city, clothed in white raiment. And they had on their heads crowns of gold. Crowns of gold. So, we can... Now, this is a bit of a title one, this one. You've got to be one of the twenty-four. I don't know if it's actually in his head, but you've got to be like, Oh, maybe it is. Maybe someone's sitting here going, Let's bring you up here. I think I've got a chance at that. But there is a... There's twenty-four guys that made it. There are twenty-four guys that made it to those twenty-four elders, those leaders that made it to the select. They're going to be elite and they're going to be crowns of gold. Right, back to 1 Corinthians 3 and verse 15. If any man's work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss, but he himself shall be saved, yet so as by fire. So, it's got nothing to do with salvation, is it? Yeah, obviously. It says, he shall be saved. Now, you might lose your temporal achievements, but you're saved from hell. And here it says, yet so as by fire, as if it was by fire. Okay, it's got to say, saved by fire. Saved as if by fire. Now, look at verse 16. Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and the Spirit of God willeth in you? Okay, if you look at 1 Corinthians 6, let's go over a couple of pages, verse 15, 619. It's a similar statement there. Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price, therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's. Okay, so in 619 there, you say, you're not your own. And that's a good thing to remember, isn't it? That we are not our own. We are a temple, and I'm not just talking about the bodybuilders out there, but we are a temple, and that's probably where he is, that's what he's going for. Okay, but we're a temple of the Holy Spirit. Sometimes I think it's good to let that sink in a little bit, isn't it? That you are a temple of the Holy Spirit. Praise God, he's got the Holy Spirit inside you, and your body is described as a temple. I've pictured this a while back, and it was about 1 Kings 6, you don't have to go there, but it's just talking about the precision that went into the building of the temple. And if you want to go back into 3 and 1 Kings 6 and just see just how precise it is, how simple, seven years, seven years of building that temple, we are now that temple. Each and every one of you are saved by the temple of the Holy Spirit, including some of you, the majority of you kids here, except those hopefully that are too young, but you are saved all again, Christians, the temple of the Holy Spirit. If we want to start suspecting ourselves as that, and I've preached a little bit on what we put in and out of our bodies as well, I think it's important, but obviously how we behave massively as well. It's a big deal, isn't it? It's a big deal. Verse 17 there, If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy. For the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are. So defile is made dirty or foul, polluted, soiled, corrupted, violated. So that kind of works in three ways. If anyone defiles us, God will destroy them. That's one way of looking at it. How about if we defile ourselves? We can defile ourselves, can't we? God will destroy you. Again, it's to say that on the 6th year, you hear about, say, Christians, they're going to hell, but God can destroy you in this life, can't he? And there are examples of that with Christians putting the world over when they've got to that point when they're just in deep, it's in there defiling themselves, and it's over for them. I had a friend recently who got him saved, but he had a real, real, real life. A horrible life, really. It was, you know, a pretty wicked life. He was really, really on some pretty nasty drugs, and he got saved, and he gave him that chance, and he just couldn't win that battle with flesh. And sure enough, he got about maybe a year, a year and a half, I was sure he was saved from probably about a year and a half. I really tried him, but he was in real Egyptian problems, and then just went up there. That's it. Done. Gone. Destroyed. Now, he's in heaven, and praise God he's in heaven, and when I have the rewards of God, it's still in heaven, but he became of no use. He had that opportunity, he had that chance, and we don't want to be slipping like that, and I'm not saying anyone will necessarily go down and repeat it, but we don't want to be slipping, get to the point where God ends it. Maybe you've got eternity in heaven, eternity to be able to talk about and receive the rewards for the great things you do, an eternity to regret the things you didn't do. And again, I do think heaven's going to be a great place regardless, but there's so much we can do, isn't there? What about if we defile a brother or sister in Christ? If we defile a brother or sister in Christ, and again, remember I said if I made dirty or foul, the loot and soil were corrupted, violated. There could be a few ways that could be done, I don't mean in like the most grotesque ways either, in different ways as well. If we defile a brother or sister, and I'm sure that's happened and can happen, I'll be defiling you. If I was up here preaching heresy, down-the-wall heresy, I'd be defiling you, wouldn't I? No, you might think, well, maybe he's not saved if he does that, but maybe it would be just a lot of heretical teachings you'd be defiling me. And we need to be aware of that around each other, aware of what we're teaching you kids as well. Okay, verse 18, Let no man deceive himself. If any man among you seemeth to be wise in this world, let him become a fool that he may be wise. And don't seriously seemeth to be wise. Seemeth to be wise. And this is in the world's eyes. Anyone seemeth to be wise could come a fool. So it's saying, let him become a fool. Let's become a fool in the world's eyes. And we saw what was being a fool in the world's eyes in 1 Corinthians 1.23. But we preach Christ Christ crucified unto Jesus. He's a stumbling block done to the Greeks foolishness. So let him become a fool. Preach the gospel. And start doing God's will. Stop seeing yourself as wise and start living for God. 19, For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God, Now I don't think you can do that to death enough, but we have done that quite a bit over the last couple of chapters about the wisdom of this world being foolishness with God. And Paul's like, you know, he's going to get quite the vibe in him, because he can't assist you if he's talking to you, isn't he? And I think here, like, they've ended up, I think here, like, they can convince themselves, can't they? The world itself and people and worldly Christians just start to convince themselves of, really, of the foolishness that they think is wisdom. And you get a bit puffed up, and especially the world. A lot of these, like we were talking about the other way, a lot of these, like, atheist protesters and other wise of the world, they seem to really believe that stuff. And it is foolish that they've convinced themselves that they've convinced themselves of that. And then what happens? It says, really, it's written, you take the wise in their own craftiness. So I think they've convinced themselves, and then they suffer eternally for it. And then you take some of their own craftiness. They want to believe that in the end, because we know they're given over, aren't they? They're given over that great mind. And eventually, with some people, that's it. It's too late. They take the wise in their own craftiness. They carry on preaching their lies, their true cosmos, their false religions and everything else. Verse three, And again, the Lord knoweth the thoughts of the wise, and they are vain. And they are the so-called wise. It's not really wise. It's what the world calls wise. And it is, it's vain in the nonsense. They sound so intellectual, but it's so empty. And the more you grow, and I'm sure you can all probably relate to this, the more you grow, the more you grow in faith, the more you read your Bible, but you hear these so-called intellectuals, you just realise that they just go around in circles, don't they? It talks such nonsense. Say again? I'm sorry, I thought you said something. Yeah, you see through it. Yeah, you see through it. And you're listening to these people, and you just, like, you didn't even construct a proper sentence there. They start just going, hey, longer words, a longer, trying to go here and there and bamboozled. They don't even make a point half the time. And they think they're so wise, they think they're so intelligent, and it's just, because they're so foolish, they can't even construct a sentence, which they're told the audience will actually understand. And it can actually just relate to, oh, they just saw it forever, they've got to use all these words that the layman can't understand. Well, they're not really targeting them, you know? And yeah, there's intelligent people, sure. And there's nothing wrong with using, we've got amazing English language, there's great words, aren't there? But, come on, let's try and actually make sense. If you're preaching to the Baptist, you want them to be able to understand, don't you? And if people only can't, they don't do it, because they're preaching nonsense all the time. And when I say preach, I'm talking about the wise of this world and all their different theories and all their different, you know, philosophy and everything else. How much is such junk? Such junk when you start assessing it. And I'm talking as well about religion as well, the so-called wise professors of religion and the junk that they come out with as well. It's rubbish. Therefore, let no man be a man for all things that are yours. Okay, so when you know this, it stops you putting men on a pedestal, doesn't it? Why would you glory a man when you just see through all that stuff? And when you know that the wise men that we listen to, the wise men that we like to hear, the wise men preaching to us, the only reason they're wise is because they're safe and it's not coming from the wise God. And therefore, you can't put them up there, really, because it's God that you're putting up on a pedestal, because it's God where it's not coming from. And therefore, let no man glory a man for all things that are yours. So even godly teachers like Paul and Paul of Cephas and nothing without God, all their wisdom comes from Him. And it says here, whether Paul or Paul of Cephas or the world of life or death or things present or things to come, all are yours. Okay, have a look at Revelation 21 here. Okay, 21 verse 6. He said unto me, It is done, I am our friend and maker, at the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is the thirst of the fountain of the water of life freely. He that overcometh shall inherit all things, and I will be his God, and he shall be my Son. Okay, so we overcome the world by drinking of the fountain of the water of life freely. We don't overcome the world by not sin or whatever. Again, you hear the full speech you've done, and there's people trying to reach for these verses. It's ridiculous. You overcome the world by drinking of the fountain of the water of life. That's Jesus Christ. That's the fountain of the water of life, eternal life. And then we inherit all things. And that's what it's talking about. All things are yours. We are inheriting all things. We go to heaven and we inherit it all things. Especially when we go to heaven and we inherit it all. Don't forget, you become a son of God, a child of God. We are heirs. We're heirs. And that is amazing, isn't it? How do we manage that? You look at yourself and you say, How on earth did I manage to become an heir of the God of this whole universe? And I'm an heir. And I have been lied for all these great blessings and inheriting all things. Amen to that. So back to 1 Corinthians. And then verse 23 here. And Jesus Christ. And Christ is God. So he redeemed us. He bought us with his blood. And again, we're heirs but we're bought. So it's a good light. Just to remind yourself. Go and get through that. You're bought. Buy the blood of Jesus Christ. The precious blood of Christ. Now, in this chapter in the notes here. It's not a nice structure, is it? He rebukes them. He rebukes them at the beginning. He explains their error. He explains what the rebuke is for. And he encourages them with the truth of heavenly rewards. Which is a good encouragement. He reminds them that they are temples of the Holy Spirit. And then he ends by telling them that they aren't. And it's a nice, I think, it's quite a nice structure for correcting people, isn't it? Like you can explain their error as well. Encourage them. Encourage them. Give them the truth. You don't have to behave like this. You don't have to be like this. Remind them that they're the temple of the Holy Spirit. And also remind them that they are owned by Jesus Christ. And I think that's a good structure, isn't it? Oh no, that's great. Heavenly Father, thank you for your work. Thank you for your rewards in heaven. Thank you so much. Not only did we find them, we did nothing. We didn't own, way deserve it. The grace that you've given us with faith alone. It's not of our works at all. But thank you that after that, you've given us the opportunity now to know the words of heaven. To be heirs, to be potaters of all these heavenly things. It's just amazing. We thank you for the truth that you're working through. We thank you that when you compare these things, the very spiritual things, that you've discovered so much about what you have in store. So thank you for that. Pray that you'll help us to go forward this week and turn on those rewards. Keep that in our mind. I want to live for you. Live in the spirit, not in the flesh. We ask all these in Jesus' name, Amen. Amen. Okay, find your hymn. Please turn to hymn 493. Hymn 493, Blessed Assurance. Hymn 493, Blessed Assurance, starting on the first. Hymn 493, Blessed Assurance, Jesus is mine. Oh, what a false face for glory divine. Heir of salvation, precious of God. Born of His Spirit, washed in His blood. This is my story, this is my song. Praising my Savior all if they long. This is my story, this is my song. Praising my Savior all if they long. Perfect submission, perfect delight. A rapture runs from my sight. Angels descending, rainfall above. Echoes of mercy, whispers of love. This is my story, this is my song. Praising my Savior all if they long. This is my story, this is my song. Praising my Savior all if they long. Perfect submission, lawyers at rest. I am my Savior, I am happy and blessed. Watching and waiting, looking above. Filled with His goodness, lost in His love. This is my story, this is my song. Praising my Savior all if they long. This is my story, this is my song. Praising my Savior all if they long. Father, thank you so much for your words, the truth, and for Colossians 3. First, Colossians 3, please connect us on our own and ask us to go for a week. Amen.