(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hey guys 1st Corinthians chapter 16 and we're finally in the last chapter of 1st Corinthians learned a lot from this I've learned a lot from this myself and from verse 1 now concerning the collection for the Saints as I have given order to the churches of Galatia even so do ye so this is an offering for the believers in Jerusalem and Romans 15 explains this nicely you go you go back to Romans 15 and in Romans 15 from verse 25 Romans 15 25 where Paul says but now I go on to Jerusalem to minister unto the Saints for it is pleased them of Macedonia and Achaea to make a certain contribution for the poor Saints which are at Jerusalem it has pleased them verily and their debtors they are for if the Gentiles have been made partakers of their spiritual things their duty is also to minister unto them in carnal things now you can imagine that it was probably pretty tough going in Jerusalem don't you think only pretty tough going being in Jerusalem at this point remember I don't think a lot has changed since the persecution of Jesus Christ the death of Christ you've got all sorts of adversaries there you got you know the organized religion of Judaism now they're just a pretty much anti everything going on there so I can't imagine that it was probably so easy for them to be getting by for them to be meeting and everything else so they're collecting for them there and you could you probably think it say it says there you know in Romans 20 15 27 it says for if the Gentiles be made partakes of their spiritual things their duty is also to to minister unto them in carnal things so I'd imagine there's probably still some teaching coming out from there maybe maybe some Old Testament manuscripts I don't know there's stuff coming out of there isn't there they're where they're partakes of their spiritual things now with that in mind 1st Corinthians 9 11 says if we have sown unto you spiritual things is it a great thing if we shall reap your carnal things and there's a good principle there isn't there there's a great principle there and we've probably all of us and I've said this before I've probably found it hard to minister unto carnal things at some of the churches we've probably all been to in the past haven't we I think that's probably been quite difficult to part with things such as money going to a church which seems to do little or no outreach to a church which sometimes you're questioning do they even have the right gospel and you're kind of waiting for it to come out sometimes aren't you and and it can be hard it can be hard and it's not just money is it because there are other carnal things what other carnal things of the church all the help that's needed to run a church properly you know there are other things the cleaning duties some of the organizing duty some of the things we have here the Bible reading the ushering you know some of the food stuff some of the organizing soul-winning events the sound the videos the you know there's so much isn't there that goes into a church there's going to be more and more as we grow and and to minister unto those carnal things we need to all kind of have that heart and head on us don't we that we want we want this church to grow we want it to function properly we want it to give those things back to the church because we are all partakes of the spiritual things and it's not that every week you're just spiritually growing necessarily but you are still a partaker of it aren't you even if it was just literally from the admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs you're still a partaker and that's something that I used to remind myself was of going to these bad churches that I'm still benefiting in some way I'm still attending church I'm still involved in a local New Testament Church maybe it wasn't so local and with that in mind we should then be ministering unto the carnal things shouldn't we with that because the church can't function without that and there is a tendency like we said to go there just feel well what am I getting from this does it do I really do I have to give any money do I have to help out here what am I benefiting from the church or the church can't function without without people giving their carnal things to the church yeah okay and like we saw this morning that could be particularly hard when you're wondering where that's going okay that could be particularly hard when you're wondering where on earth is that money going but with this is you know this church although pastor Thompson is in control ultimately of it all including the finances you you are welcome if you had a question you are welcome to come and ask me and say look you know I've got a real question about this I would hope that people wouldn't feel the need to every week be asking to see bank statements and everything else but if they wanted to they are welcome okay they are welcome we do have a ledger book and it's probably quite good this on the end of what what what we talked about this morning with that wicked wicked guy Salaam Kamara but who should never obviously ever be preaching ever again anywhere but but we have a book that's written out it's it records exactly what's being paid in it it records exactly what's been paid into our bank account from what's come into the offerings it's always witnessed by three witnesses as well we know exactly what's coming in exactly what's going into the bank account the bank account is there it's always open to be seen as well if anyone ever want to see the statements yeah happily show you the statements there isn't a problem we're saving right now for a new building and as we all know as well in that going forward already this church you can see outgoings going out it's not a few cheap flyers from our mate up the road okay but even with that yeah we're saving some money and we're going to be moving to a building where there's going to be some high outgoings and we need obviously people to minister unto the carnal things but with that you need to be confident so if anyone's not confident by all means come and talk to me and I'll show you exactly where that money's going so with that in mind though you could also you could also apply this to merit many spiritual things that have been sown to us by men of God in a faraway land such as this you could couldn't you and we of all we of all everyone here I would say been a partaker of the spiritual things sown to us by some of the great churches out in the States haven't we I would say everyone here I mean so a lot of people here probably got saved due to those churches got their doctoring due to those churches etc now think you're that say things got really bad out there say the persecution got really bad and say that they were finding it hard people were finding hard to get to church they were having bank accounts closed down and other things would it be a bad thing if we had a collection for the Saints out there I don't think that would be a problem at all would it and I don't think anyone here would have a problem if we said look there's some church that we have all benefited from that we still continue to benefit from don't we who they're having a hard time we need to do a collection for them and I would you know I'd be one the first said to put my money in a collection for that and that would be over and above over and above what we're already tithing and we should and I don't see a problem with that we are what we partake of and what we have done over the years from those churches is beyond anything we could probably ever earn isn't it I mean the changes in my life from hard preaching from listening to proper preaching from proper biblical preaching I can't put that in money and I'd imagine a lot of people here can say the same yeah okay verse 2 upon the first day of the week let every one of you lay by him in store as God has prospered him that there be no gatherings when I come okay so Paul doesn't want a last-minute whip round now whilst whilst they're having abundance because don't forget we read earlier 1st Corinthians 4 a few weeks back now you are full now you're rich he have reigned as kings without us I would to God you did rain that we also might rain with you and it's an interesting point by the way considering all the massive problems of the Corinthian Church their money isn't a sign of their of their Bible living is it and it's not you know we don't want to go too far the other way we recognize there are blessings which aren't necessarily monetary blessings from living for God but also there are many people that have money there Christians that have money which aren't living in God's will yeah okay we don't preach a prosperity gospel here obviously okay now so he said here he said upon the first day of the week and the first day of the week is a Sunday it's a Sunday when they meet that was the first day of the week and acts acts 20 verse 7 says that upon the first day of the week when the disciples came together to break bread Paul preached unto them ready to depart on tomorrow and continued his speech until midnight that was a long sermon that one okay and and there it's it's just that principle of meeting on the first day of the week and it's a good thing to sometimes have up your sleeve actually had a talk with someone a seventh-day Adventist I didn't have quickly those scriptures a hand to go to but you know I was trying to explain to them they met on the first day of the week that's when they gathered on the first day of the week you know and that's why we copy that it's got nothing to do with the Sabbath okay it's nothing to do with the Sabbath we don't follow the Sabbath it's the first day of the week that we meet okay and obviously here as well he it's following the tithing principle of being relative to what you earn okay because he said here in in verse 2 let every one of you lay by him in store as God hath prospered him okay so as God has prospered him and and we you know obviously it should be what you can spare as well but you don't have to feel bad if you if you're not earning as much as someone else and you're not giving as much that is not because you're a lesser person or anything else yeah it's as God has prospered you okay verse 3 says and when I come whomsoever you shall approve by your letters then will I send to bring your liberality unto Jerusalem so Paul is leaving it to themselves to choose that faithful servant isn't he okay because Paul's not judging who that faithful person is he's leaving it to them to choose that and he's deciding who that faithful servant is and verse 4 says and if it be meet that I go also they should go with me so if it's suitable then he'll go to now verse 5 and 6 says now I will come unto you when I shall pass through Macedonia for I do pass through Macedonia and it may be that I will abide yea and winter with you that ye may bring me on my journey whithersoever I go now to winter with them is to stay with them during winter so long can you imagine some of these long sea voyages must have been pretty unsafe for the winter right okay and a lot of the time people would winter somewhere in that in that worst weather of winter and and that's just one of the many things that Paul went through in his ministry and Paul went through a lot in his ministry didn't he I mean wow you know so much stuff he went through and so many hardships so you could imagine that the majority there would have probably been happy to house him wouldn't they to house him feed him when he's saying he's going to winter with them they're going to look after him there aren't they they're going to provide for him and and something we should think about as well when we do eventually eventually and hopefully travel does ease up let's let's hope and pray for that and we have our pastor visiting and maybe there'll be other people visiting with time and hopefully we'll get some preachers visiting with time as well then we need to think about that that we need to provide for them as well we need to help them when they're here we need to you know a lot of churches will do a love offering I don't know if you know much about that as well they'll basically give them a gift as well and and look after them when they're here and get and we'll we'll look to do that over and above our tithing when we start having that people that we have benefited from spiritually yeah and that we continue to do so verse 7 says for I will not see you now by the way but I trust to tarry a while with you if the Lord permit so he's saying that he won't see them on this current journey but we'll spend some time when he you know when he does come if it's God's will and he's always putting it back to God's will isn't he Paul there verse 8 says but I will tarry at Ephesus until Pentecost so if you're wondering there Pentecost means 50th it was a feast festival 50 days after the Passover okay it was a 50th day after the Passover verse 9 says for a great door and effectual is opened unto me and there are many adversaries so Paul was getting opportunities to go all over the place wasn't he with the gospel yeah and when you do big things for God there are lots of enemies trying to stop you aren't there okay when you start making changes in your life when you start turning corners when you're setting your sights on doing something for God you'll generally come up against opposition that's not because it's not God's will is it it was God's will that Paul was going out and giving the gospel but he was coming up against a lot of a lot of trouble and a lot of grief now not to compare us with Paul because we're not doing nothing on the magnitude that Paul is but when this church started just a few things off that when I was writing this off the top of my head we had the council on our case we had the local paper writing stories about us we had the Covid police on us first official service we had YouTube railing straight away from the beginning we had private messages being sent and the same sort of vein emails email complaints rude emails we've had that I actually received on one account thousands of spam mail just started coming through as well piles of rubbish dumped in the car park still got a bit of that left and among among other issues and we we have you know nothing like Paul but we have had our fair share already haven't we and I'm sure that we're gonna get a lot worse to come okay we're gonna get a lot worse to come but that doesn't mean that what we're doing isn't God's will does it in fact that's the opposite we know when we're coming up against the adversaries we know that we're doing something big for God and there are many adversities on the outside aren't there that's obvious and many of them don't realize even that they are Ephesians 6 12 says for we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against powers against the rulers of the darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness in high places they're just easy puppets some of those things are listed I don't think those people you know in there at least not consciously are thinking I've got to stop this church at all costs they're getting people saved they're just just easily manipulated easily controlled easily just just just moved around but we've got to ensure every one of us okay this is I'm not talking about a reprobate hunt here every one of us is sure that we're not that adversity on the inside don't we we've got to make sure that we're all not that adversary and again I'm not talking about about hunting out the the infiltrate the reprobate what I'm talking about is is to make sure that we're not the easy puppet inside the church okay because there are many ways we could affect we could be the adversary to God's work in this church couldn't we all of us all of us could be causing upset making people feel unwelcome in the church starting rows rows that could easily have been avoided Oh being overly sensitive could be a problem card it where you just kind of got a problem with everyone that looks you think there's look to you the wrong way but not at all sensitive could be a problem there are people that literally aren't even sensitive to how other people might view and and react to what you say and do okay you could be both sides of that can't you easy to selfishly cause drama isn't it selfishly cause drama because of your own selfish wants or annoyances or whatever else and suddenly you're causing drama in the church cause division because you don't like someone so you don't like someone they've wound you out there's something you don't like about them so now I'm gonna cause division about now I'm gonna try and encourage other people not to like that person too and and Christians do that don't they this isn't just the infiltrator the reprobate the division cause you know he's doing it for the devil these are people that that that are just carnal carnal Christians do this don't they even said to the church at Corinthian there be divisions among you envy envy is a big one isn't it for that people start to envy others and then they start to hate on them covetousness coveting what they have coveting their stuff coveting their things coveting their money whatever it is now look at the next two verses in here verse 10 now if Timotheus come see that he may be with you without fear for he worketh the work of the Lord as I also do let no man therefore despise him but conduct him forth in peace that he may come unto me for I look for him with the brethren why should Timothy come with fear to the Corinthian Church why would he be despised anyone ever thought about that when you've read this so I have a look just turn over quickly if the first Corinthians 4 verse 17 says for this cause have I sent unto you to Mothius who is my beloved son and faithful in the Lord who shall bring you into remembrance of my ways which be in Christ as I teach everywhere in every church so he's already told them that he's that he's his beloved son and faithful in the Lord isn't he okay in the previous chapter just bear in mind he did just speak about people that don't believe in a resurrection didn't he okay these were unsaved people in the church preaching that Jesus Christ didn't rise from the dead okay so there are some unsaved people but I don't think he didn't say here mark them did he it's a mark them that despised Timothy I think he's talking to the saved here I think he's talking to the majority of the church which are the saved saved people in the church and if first Timothy 4 12 he says let no man despise thy youth talking to Timothy but be thou an example of the believers in word in conversation in charity and spirit and faith in purity okay so there's some youth there isn't there from Timothy so here's if here's something I'll think about say we keep growing in size over the next couple of years okay so say we keep growing as a church and then we start having some problems in the church say maybe I'm preaching some pretty iffy doctrine it's a little bit suspect some of the stuff that I'm starting to preach yeah I'm not saying that I'm that it's unsaved you know so I like damn the ball heresies but it's just a bit off and we're getting stuff from the church is getting stuff wrong it's because we're starting to be described as quite a carnal Church okay pastor Thompson looks from from over in in Vancouver Washington is like man they need some help I don't want this church to fail I'm gonna send over one of my young prodigies yeah I'm gonna send over one of the guys from the church there they got some good preachers at that church he's like well I'm gonna send someone over here yeah to set us straight you had to teach us the things that he teaches to try and get us back on course yeah do you think we're all going to conduct that young prodigy fourth in peace I know it'd be a challenge for me wouldn't it these guys coming up who just basically rebuking being sermons rebuking what I'm teaching rebuking what we're all doing what we're all teaching how we're all acting some of us gonna find that hard don't you think especially if it's some young whippersnapper he's just you know turned up here yeah he's mature in the faith but we're looking at you you know he's just rocked up here starts preaching setting us straight on things which is what Timothy's gonna do isn't he when he comes here and I think a lot of us would find that hard wouldn't we a lot of us that would get our egos going a bit get our pride going a bit this guy's teachers going with you your soul winning all wrong you're doing this wrong you're dealing with that wrong that would be a problem but he's working the way of the Lord like pastor Thompson isn't he so he's not doing anything wrong he's coming over here to try and help us out okay he's actually made that trip over as well you know he's sat on that plane with a mask on he's gone through all that you know he's having swabs done and all the rest of it or whatever they're doing nowadays to get on it he's then had to quarantine maybe for a week two weeks I don't know hopefully that will change in a couple of years time but anyway he's going through all that nonsense to get over here and then I reckon a few of us would find that hard wouldn't we we would find that hard it would be a challenge and some might that might turn to despising him because you're not gonna go it's just my ego I can't deal with it you're gonna find fault with him aren't you let's start finding a problem well he's just so arrogant I do you know he's just he's always preaching on me you know he's obviously got a problem with me that's why I don't like him or whatever else it is you know there would be a temptation there wouldn't there and then what have we become we've become the adversaries of the church haven't we we've then become the adversaries of the church but we're saved Christians we're in this church we wanted what's best for this church we fought for this church we've done a lot but then we become the adversaries and obviously that that can happen it you could imagine many different scenarios where that could happen couldn't it okay look at verse 12 he says it's touching our brother Apollos I greatly desired him to come unto you with a brethren but his will was not at all to come at this time but he will come when he shall have convenient time so Apollos is a guy that some were saying in chapter 1 I am of Apollos do you remember that okay this guy's was described as might in the scriptures and Paul Paul doesn't force Apollos against his will does he okay and that's a good thing to remember I think that's a good thing to remember with anything in ministry as well leadership I want to force people into jobs force people into tasks because they're not gonna do it with their heart like that are they yeah everything we do we want people who want to serve the church what people who want roles want jobs want doing things want to go so winning you're gonna be a pretty lousy soul winner if you're just being forced into it you want people their heart you want the spirit to convict them and then want to go you want people to want to do stuff in the church yeah and that's where we want to get to so we want to be careful that we're not just forcing people into roles and jobs and tasks for the church okay verse 13 he says watch ye stand fast in the faith quit you like men be strong let all your things be done with charity now verse 13 what a great verse if someone needs some toughening up hey what a great verse and nowadays I think we all need some toughening up don't we we all need some toughening up I mean this is 2,000 years ago this was written and this is specifically addressing men here isn't it okay this is it's not telling the women to quit like men this is specifically addressing the men okay and let's be honest each generation of men that I've seen since I've been been alive and what I've witnessed of other you know in the few generations alive have been getting more and more feminine haven't they haven't they all been getting more and more effeminate and it's not just the way they're dressing I'm not just talking about the way they're dressing but what are they dressing like hey what are they dressing like nowadays the so-called straight young men yeah claim to be straight for all intensive purposes are straight the skinny jeans Brigade what is all that about and I you know you see a lot of this oh yeah so so I remember lad where I was working asked this guy he was in his mid 20s he wasn't that young I said you know I was kind of only about skinny jeans he said oh I love my skinny jeans I said why so he's telling me because his legs are the best part of his body so straight guy straight guy the legs and you know these guys are just like fair enough you know what we're talking about this I'm like what he's like their legs are the best part of my body I like to show them off what are you talking about yeah this is where we've got to isn't it um the skin tight tops just skin tight plastered on them what's that how effeminate is that a skin tight top showing every single bit of your your body your physique and and people look at a lot of that and and nowadays that's manliness isn't it some manly guy at the gym who's been spending hours per day like days of his life when you look at it over weeks months years trying to look good in the mirror that is queer yeah that is effeminate as anything isn't it bodybuilding is queer oh yeah I've said it bodybuilding is queer you want to get strong great you've got a reason to be strong you're standing in front of a mirror checking every bit of your muscles every angle different lights and stuff for you you're queer yeah you're you're effeminate and you're not a man in in in my eyes I don't think in God's eyes either I mean it's ridiculous isn't it and this is what these guys are like and this is what we've been promoted and these are somehow manly men skin tight tops yeah because they've got you know we used to call them our dairy leaf slices because they look big like this but they can hide behind a lamppost like this because they there was no real strength to them it was just all trying to look big in front of people but they didn't have anything in their backs and in their core anything else they're just a dairy leaf slice you know and these guys are weak as anything anyway but regardless it's just all queer isn't it it's just how I look how I look staring in mirrors mirrors all over gyms mirrors at home it is ridiculous and you but this is the modern man isn't it this is a modern man the lycra how about the lycra how about you see what these guys wear in the gyms as well they're walking around in lycra that the bicycle craze now what is that about and I talked about this the other week as well but that really winds me up what self-respecting man gets on skin tight lycra and then cycles around the streets then stops at cafes you know the cycling cafe and they're waddling around in those cleats with like skin tight it's disgusting what about when you're stuck behind them and they have to cycle and stand up to cycle up the hill it's grotesque isn't it I used to I used to get really wound up I used to wind down the window and shouting them out the window get some proper clothes on pervert and everything it just wound me up I don't want my wife my kids having to watch that and you're stuck behind them it's so annoying what about when they're in groups as well and they're in groups like three four of them in a row all in skin tight lycra cycling up a hill and you're just like staring at these grotesque disgusting image of them from behind and there's it just what are you doing what you're doing and then they don't even go in single file anyway yeah I don't like that hours on their hair what about the hours on their hair these guys spent have you seen that stuff these young kids they've literally spent two hours to look like a scarecrow every bit is out in a different direction with a wax and gel men my word and and the fake tan what about a fake tan see mister fake tan okay so I've worked in gyms a long time yeah so in the gyms these guys are getting fake tan they're going on sunbeds I'm even like and again I'm not saying there's no reason to say these guys are any more manly but you would assume the guys in the fight gyms who at least you know they're getting in the ring and fighting people toe-to-toe you'd think well maybe they might have a little bit less of that no there were people that used to go and get some beds and put fake tan on to go and fight to go and fight because they wanted to look good in front of the crowd it's queer and the waxing the waxing as well waxing every area of their body bunch of fags okay but that's just the way they look how about the way they act how about the way they act and look it's easy to find fault in the world isn't it it's easy we could you know I mean that's not a hard job I could stand here and just you know go on and on about all these worldly people and people in the world and the way they act and how effeminate they are and how are manly but how are we as Christian men then how are we as Christian men are we watching are we being vigilant are we all being vigilant vigilant for false doctrine around our families we vigilant for that vigilant to what what preachers are listening to are we vigilant for that guys vigilant for what our kids are reading what they're looking at vigilant for what they're being taught what they're being taught whether it's school or home school what we you know any of that are we vigilant for what's what they're actually what's in front of them whether it's on a screen on a paper we've been vigilant men are we being vigilant about that vigilant for for who they're in front of who vigilant for the like I said the preaching they're listening to the music because we know that you get admonished don't you but by spiritual music by him Psalms hymn spiritual songs you get you teach yourselves with them are we are we being vigilant about what our wives what our children are listening to at home okay because that's part of being a man being vigilant vigilant for problems people that can affect us and our families are we vigilant about who and what and where our kids are playing who our wives are associating with are we vigilant for that are we aware do we care do we care or is it just oh well I'm earning the money let them deal with it are we are we being men in that respect vigilant for problems at our church yeah this is our church isn't it are we vigilant for that we keep you now making sure there's no problems going on no whisperings no little no division being caused no false doctrine being peddled around the church are we vigilant for that because that's all part of being a man it is stand fast in the faith are we secure in our beliefs men unmovable are you unmovable in your beliefs or are you as Ephesians 4 14 says that we henceforth be no more children tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine by the slight of men and cunning craftiness whereby they lie in wait to deceive we don't want to be going down every doctrinal rabbit hole do we we don't want to be going down every doctrinal rabbit hole and there's a lot of doctrinal rabbit holes and there's a lot of cunning craftiness whereby they would lie in wait to deceive and people are cunning and crafty aren't they and they could be the people that try and sound so intelligent online that they you know written article on this oh it sounds so intellectual but they're just trying to con you down a doctrinal rabbit hole but that could be the people that just innocently ask you a question to shake your faith as if they need setting straight oh you know have you ever seen this can you explain that but really they're just trying to sow a seed of doubt in your mind okay you got to watch out for that watch out for that and you need to especially watch out for that with your families men who have families and men who don't you need to be watch out for that you need to be training up and be ready to have families yeah are we questioning our faith every time we go through some tribulation I hope not but that's not manly is it that's not standing fast in the faith is it unmovable if every time you have a hard time you like oh god are you really there are you real that's not that's not being a man is it no way no way is that being a man are we questioning core beliefs core beliefs of the Bible and of our church every time some clever sounding guy uses long words professing himself to be wise are we starting to go oh I don't know actually because that guy you know gave a pretty strong strong reasoning for the you know for the pre-trib rapture there or bit for whatever else it is you know no we need to be standing fast I'm movable yeah I'm movable in the faith but he says here then he says quit you like men means acts like men manly brave yeah this phrase is used in one other place it was actually by the Philistines turn to 1st Samuel okay 1st Samuel and it's in chapter 4 1st Samuel 4 1st Samuel 4 and from verse 5 and when the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord came into the camp all Israel shouted with a great shouts that the earth rang again and when the Philistines heard the noise of the shout they said what meaneth the noise of this great shout in the camp of the Hebrews and they understood that the Ark of the Lord was coming to the camp and the Philistines were afraid for they said God is coming to the camp and they said woe unto us for there has not been such a thing heretofore woe unto us who shall deliver us out of the hand of these mighty gods these are the gods that smoke the Egyptians with all the plagues in the wilderness be strong and quit yourselves like men are you Philistines ye be not servants unto the Hebrews as they have been to you quit yourselves like men and fight and the Philistines fault and Israel was smitten and they fled every man into his tent and there was a very great slaughter for their fell of Israel 30,000 foot men and the Ark of God was taken and the two sons of Eli Hophni and Pinahas were slain okay so the Philistines started panicking there didn't they they're a bit off on on on obviously the nuances of the Trinity but they're right to fear God aren't they okay they're fearing God although they're calling him gods but you know they just got got that terminology wrong now I think but but they say woe unto us woe unto us and when an army is talking like that they've already lost haven't they you're thinking it when an army's going woe unto us you're thinking you're done that's the end of you but see it's still the Philistines talking here in verse 7 yeah plural and the Philistines were afraid for they said God God is coming to the camp and they said woe unto us for they have not been such a thing heretofore okay and then it goes on to say be strong in in verse 9 be strong and quit yourselves like men oh ye Philistines so being strong and quitting yourselves like men go together here don't they okay they're going together being strong quit yourselves like men now they say quit yourselves like men oh ye Philistines and then they say quit yourselves like men and fight okay so being strong and fighting seem to go hand in hand with being manly according to this yeah okay but the weapons of our warfare aren't carnal are they so the weapons of our warfare aren't carnal now there's nothing wrong with having some physical strength some ability to protect our families physically but it's more important isn't it that we're mentally and spiritually strong you could be the strongest guy you could be the toughest guy but if you're if you're a mental us yeah basically a mental wimp yeah then you're useless absolutely useless okay so mentally and spiritually strong and that's how man should be isn't it that's how man should be okay the man as a stronger of the two the man should be stronger looking after the weaker vessel in a relationship and regardless young men should be strong as well shouldn't they okay we need strong men and now more than ever we need strong men okay now I'm not talking about emotionless here though okay so just just bear that in mind because a lot of men think that they're showing their toughness and their strength by being void of any emotion okay I've seen this before in life where men are trying to be like really tough because nothing you know they don't get emotional at all well was King David strong and manly yeah sure he was King Dave was a strong and manly guy read through the book of Psalms you'll see a lot of emotion I want you you'll see a lot of emotion look at Psalms chapter 6 okay let's just read Psalm 6 what a great song says so Psalm 6 Oh Lord rebuke me not in thine anger neither chasing me in thy hot displeasure have mercy upon me I Lord for I am weak Oh Lord heal me for my bones are vexed my soul is also sore vexed but thou O Lord how long return O Lord deliver my soul Oh save me for thy mercy sake for in death there is no remembrance of thee in the grave who shall give thee thanks I am weary with my groaning all the night make I my bed to swim I Walter my couch with my tears mine eyes consumed because of grief it waxes old because of all mine enemies depart for me all you works of iniquity for the Lord have heard the voice of my weeping the Lord have heard my supplication the Lord will receive my prayer let all mine enemies be ashamed and saw vex let them return and be ashamed suddenly that's some emotion there isn't there verse 6 verse 6 especially I am weary with my groaning all the night make I my bed to swim I Walter my couch with my tears he's crying himself to sleep in fact he doesn't even get to sleep he's crying so much okay but David was mentally strong wasn't he David was a fighter he was manly okay the sort of man that wasn't phased going up against Goliath the only one that wasn't phased at all going up against Goliath I mean I mean didn't even seem to just register with him did it or to kill and circumcise 200 Philistines the sort of man that kills the circus sizes 200 Philistines a survivalist wasn't he as well living in caves and in the wilderness with the king hunting him down like a dog he became a war veteran didn't he as well he became a war veteran leading Israel to battle in his old age yeah and there you know we can pick out hundreds of stories couldn't we have manly David he was strong wasn't it wasn't he but why was he strong because he was humble and he relied on God didn't he because he was humble and he relied on God he said in verse 2 have mercy upon me Oh Lord for I am weak Oh Lord heal me for my bones are vexed okay so David knew clearly where it came from didn't he okay he submitted to God it's God's strength it wasn't oh I'm so great I am this and I'm that he was strong because of him putting his faith in the Lord and us 2021 UK Christian males we have a bit of work to do don't we we have a bit of work to do to get like that to get where David was Goliath most of us would have sulked off at the insults were we always offended me you know oh it's so offensive I can't believe he said I believe he said now I'm not gonna have that saying that about me not dealing with that 200 Philistine foreskins we would have probably fainted at the bloody nose a lot of the UK Christians in this country on the run in caves and wilderness can't even get to church without a sat nav you know going to battle as an old man more likely retired and watching antiques roadshow at 50 isn't it okay and that's the truth isn't it like we've got a lot of living up to do there but Paul under the influence of the Holy Spirit he's commanding the the Corinthian Church and that extends to all Christians doesn't it he's commanding all Christians to what she stand fast in the faith quit you like men be strong that's a command that's not a well I'm just not that type of man oh well I don't know you know I've been raised a bit funny oh well that no he's saying stand fast in the faith quit you like men be strong that's something we can choose to do it's something we can work on doing isn't it he didn't say well hopefully you can do that no that's something we should do he's saying be vigilant stand stall stand tall stop moaning isn't he he's saying he's saying stand tall stop moaning stop stop whinging about things man up deal with rebuke deal with the aches deal with the pains in life yeah deal with it he's saying wear your faith with pride isn't he say wear your faith boast in the Lord yeah boast in the Lord be strong with that don't be ashamed of that don't don't be a bit nervous to I don't know if I want to knock on that door want to tell that one I want to make it clear that one at work no be bold with it be bold in your faith boast in the Lord be bold in the gospel bold when we preach there's a difference when you preach boldly isn't there there's a difference when you got that boldness behind you when you preach he said protect our families but that's spiritually as well protect our families lead our families we should all be doing that shouldn't we men here yeah protect your friends lead your families we should be like chalk and cheese shouldn't we we should stand apart we should be like chalk and cheese with the modern liberal sissy boy puffs shouldn't we people should look at us and go that's something different about that there's something different about that man yeah that ain't like they should be looking at going well they don't make them like that anymore you know that's how they should that's how they should shouldn't they yeah we should it should just we should be unrecognizable by what the workers are well that is a joke isn't it that is a joke the limp-wristed scared of their own shadow types because they are aren't they these guys are a joke lazy spineless see them all don't we they're estrogen dispensers aren't they so they are just walking around some big emotional estrogen lump of whatever aren't they just just the the ones who have a new mental health condition every week every week there's a new condition that they've read about and they've decided they've got yeah the the excuses for everything eternal victims oh well it's because of this it's because of the way this happened and that happened that's not a bad is it that's not standing tall that's not quitting like men sneaky little rats most of them as well aren't they sneaky little rats whispering bitching about everyone that's that's that's a modern man isn't it that's a modern man and that's a we want to be completely different we want to stand apart quit you like men okay that should be us that should be every man in this church and that should be every one of you boys in this church that should be what you're aspiring to be like and that should be where you're already people should be starting to look at you young boys in this church and other kids when when they see you should be like that that boys different that boys strong that boys bold that boys not ashamed of the gospel that boys not ashamed of being a Christian that boys not oh yeah I'm a Christian you know our church you know no that should be that should be a young boys like yeah I'm a Christian I'm bold I'm a Christian yeah I'm a man of God because I tell you what a man of God any man here and any woman here would look at a man of God and go no that is already that's already ten times a man in any worldly man in this world aren't aren't we yeah because there's a different to have that boldness to even becoming a church we going out preaching the gospel you know and every single one of you boys should be aspiring to be like that yeah okay that's how we want our boys in this church and that was we as you grow up remember you've started young with this us a lot of us men here we grew up with that sissy boy culture didn't we we grew up with the TV showing us every queer type man as some sort of role model we grew up with every movie we watch where every single battling gladiator had long hair and was wearing next to nothing like some sort of fag with with some sort of exactly you know sculpted body and the rest of it we grew up with all of that and I know it's worse now but we still had a lot of that we had a lot of that when we were young didn't we we grew up with he-man with long hair he-man had long hair down he had like some Bob didn't he down here queer yeah we grew up with that didn't we we did and he had a wife once on yeah and the rest of them all our superheroes that were all our heroes when we were young all wearing skin tight like crap and I hope that we're not shoving that shoving our kids in front of all of that stuff because really you guys have got it different you're growing up without all of that brainwash so we should see you in 20 years 10 15 whatever you wish we look at you go that's a real man man you know that we should be aspiring to be like you guys when you're older yeah okay okay so he said he said here what she stand fast in the faith quit you like men be strong and that's to every one of us here then he says let all your things be done with charity let all your things be done with charity now in case one and this isn't some sort of contradiction this isn't a contradiction this is oh well I better now just give the other side of it okay no doing things with with charity is part of being a man okay that's part of manliness that's part of being a man of God being manly doesn't mean you have to be selfish being manly doesn't mean you have to be selfish okay turn of 1st Corinthians 13 and of course we've already we've already gone over this a few weeks back but I tell you I don't think you could ever read this chapter too many times could you okay 1st Corinthians chapter 13 and from verse 4 charity suffereth long and is kind charity envieth not charity vaunteth not itself is not puffed up does not behave itself unseemly seeketh not alone is not easily provoked thinketh no evil rejoiceth not an iniquity but rejoiceth in the truth beareth all things believeth all things hope with all things endureth all things and that is part of being a man that's part of being a man yeah and if we can't look at ourselves and go yeah I do things with charity then you're you're you're lacking a part of being a man aren't you okay let all our things be done with charity verse 15 he says and I beseech he says I beseech you brethren you know the house of Stefanus that it is the first fruits of a chiron that they have addicted themselves to the ministry of the Saints that ye submit yourselves under such to everyone that helpeth with us and laborer now a chiron is the region of southern Greece it includes Athens and Corinth okay and Macedonia was the northern part now the household of Stefanus he's mentioned in 1st Corinthians chapter 1 verse 16 where he says and I baptized also the household of Stefanus besides I know not whether I baptized any other okay so one of the few that Paul baptized now they were possibly some of the first that ever got saved in the region and he says they have addicted themselves to the ministry of the Saints okay and what what what inspiration that could be to addict yourselves and I talked about this the other week didn't I think we're talking about talking about drugs and stuff and saying look you know because there are many people that are the more addicted types aren't they okay some people are a bit more like that do find that harder than others with addictions and if you're going to choose an addiction if you're going to find a way of replacing that don't find them whatever it is the energy drinks or the you know or even the exercise whatever else because it's all it doesn't have the same profit does it swap it for the Lord swap it for addiction to the ministry that the ministry of the Saints yeah that's where we should be if we're we're that tight we can make a great Christian can't we people are like that can make a great Christian if they're the type that have issues that can get addicted to things addict yourselves to the ministry of the Saints and with that he says he then says he says that they have addictive source of ministry of the Saints that you submit yourselves unto such okay so he's basically saying submit to these what we we can see for this a lightly more mature Christians aren't they than the people he's talked to the Corinthian Church okay and bear in mind that he's just talked about quitting like men acting like men then he says that you like within two verses that you submit yourselves unto such and and something we also need to get into our heads at submitting submitting to other Christians is also manly it's also manly being full of pride and unable to submit to authority is the opposite of manliness okay that's not manly that's being a whip that's being someone that's that can't deal with submission okay that's not being manly now he's just said quit you like men then he says submit yourselves unto these people these people that are doing plenty of stuff for the Lord they're addicted to the ministry of the Saints and to everyone that help with with us a laborer people that are laboring for the Lord work for the Lord submit to them submit to them that's being a man okay and if you can't if you can't take that then basically you're failing as a man because you're saying I'm too I'm too you know this or that no basically you're just puffed up and that wasn't part of being a man because that's without the charity part of it isn't it hey submit yourself submit yourselves to such okay and it says he says here in verse 17 I am glad of the coming of Stefanos of fortuitous at a kayakers for that which was lacking on your part they have supplied okay so it seems that Stefanos fortuitous and kayakers here they've come to Philippi where Paul is they brought some sort of offering haven't they with them yeah or they're taking on some work because verse 16 it says to everyone at help with with us a laborer so they're doing something aren't they which is helping they're basically giving some sort of carnal help here aren't they and I don't mean that in a bad way and and clearly here they're a help they're doing stuff for God and he's telling them submit to these types of people there he says verse 18 for they have refreshed my spirit and yours therefore acknowledge thee them that are such so they've they've refreshed Paul's spirit by whatever help it is that they brought or done and I believe he's saying here that that therefore also the Corinthian spirit too okay by refreshing pools and refreshing theirs now that could be by supplying his physical needs yeah or help it with the work or even with himself here even just the encouragement by making the journey it's it I mean I was looking it's a good 250 mile mile plus trip one way okay to where he was from where they were okay and and in in the same way how refreshed I know I am and I hope you guys too how refreshed is your spirit when someone travels a long distance to this church when when sister Stephanie comes his church with four kids yeah although I'm with four kids to this church from Bristol that refreshes my spirit I don't know about you lot but that makes me go amen to that you know and she already she's refreshing my spirit just coming to this church you know and and when other people when other people are around the churches some of you guys travel a bit of a way as well and we've had other people for example brother David there comes down to us from Coventry comes to a men's preacher not on a Friday stays a night goes home comes back again stays a night comes back on a Sunday that refreshes my spirit okay that refreshes my spirit brother who know where the brother who there is there he is so he brother who da for our trip from Sheffield and I don't think I haven't seen him for weeks now he's been here every single week four hours from Sheffield that refreshes my spirit 100% I hope it refreshes everyone else's spirit as well just by making that journey just by making that effort you're thinking amen to that yeah that that you know that that's what it does but how does that then refresh the Corinthian Church's spirit well first see verse 24 says that they wrote this epistle so if you just jump forward first Corinthians 16 of verse 24 sorry not verse 24 where where are we just a bit earlier on sorry I think sorry verse 17 I think where am I 19 the church the equivalent pretty much as in law with all the brothers salute you I missed it somewhere 18 sorry sorry for their research no it's not also I mean my first degree I have it 16 where are we where they've written it guys anyone find that here ah sorry no you know what it's in first Corinthians sorry mine I'm in the end on is it a chapter at the beginning he says this where he says that they've written the they've written this epistle oh nice why the end so it's after verse 24 if you've got that your boxes the first pistol to the Corinthians was written from Philippi best of all it's unfortunate us in a carcass into both yes sorry guys it was just kept throwing out verses it was like yeah he does all right yeah 17 19 you get it right one time when I wasn't actually a verse it was written at the end okay but that is I think in the original there as well so this was written by bison father's fortuitous in a carcass to my this so they have put some work in here as well they've written this epistle but for Paul to be able to spend the time writing this okay and of all the other work put into his ministry so for he needed that help didn't he so then right can you imagine like right that's quite a long epistle isn't it we've gone through that you might you write that handwritten and legible as well to be able to be read that's a bit of work isn't it now if Paul had had to do that that's gonna take time out from his ministry isn't it and now that's only one of the things he said that they helped and labored okay so so he does need help doesn't he he needs physical help he needs his physical needs met as well Paul does as well as help and labor and in the same way pastor Thompson leading this church he needs that as well doesn't he so where he is and yeah we're not able to give that physical help and labor but there are people there they're helping him because for him to have five churches that's a lot of work yeah that's a lot of work and I try not to harass him regularly with all my questions and everything else and help with things but he's got four other churches as well that all need help and all need things and all need need advice and all need guidance and all need the rest of it and and that's a lot of work isn't it that's a lot of work so he needs people to help him with that and the principle applies isn't it for supporting a pastor there doesn't it it so it applies there that we need to be helping them with that and and Hebrews if you turn to Hebrews 13 and I have read this before but turn to Hebrews 13 verse 17 says obey them that have the rule over you and submit yourselves for they watch for your souls as they that must give account that they may do it with joy and not with grief for that is unprofitable for you okay for that is unprofitable for you so if you want your spirits refreshed at the least acknowledge those that refresh the spirit of the one refreshing yours if that makes sense yeah ignore at least okay I'm not saying you have to well I've got to find a way to refresh the spirit of the person I'm getting spiritually fed by but the least at least acknowledge the fact that some people are and at least give them some credit that there are people that are refreshing the spirit of the person it's doing that and for me I acknowledge the fact that people that helping pastor Thompson because he helps us and I hope as well that if you're getting you know if you're if you're spiritually learning from from the preacher that I'm giving you I hope that you're at least acknowledging the people that refresh my spirit because we all need that we need physical help to be able to do this this you know to be able to do this job pastor Thompson needs that every pastor around the world needs that and every person who's leading a church needs that help they need that to be able to then be refreshed enough to refresh you and that's it's a knock on effect isn't it it's a knock on effect and he says here obey them that have the rule over you and submit yourselves for they watch for your souls as they that must give account that they may do it with joy and not with grief for that is uncomfortable for you if pastor Thompson was just grieved with us all the time go what are they doing now you know what are they are what what he's got problems now what he ends reporting to me with more problems or he's watching my preachers going what is he on about now you know it's just going to be grief to him isn't it it's good just gonna be grief and it's gonna be a problem is it that's gonna be a problem and then that's unprofitable for us isn't it because eventually we it's just gonna cause more problems and it's same with me if I'm just constantly grieved constantly fighting hard constantly having people just giving me grief give it like trying to put pressure on with things try to constantly challenge test trying to like you know try and try to lift themselves above or any of the rest of it it's it's just gonna cause me grief and it's unprofitable for the church isn't it it's unprofitable for the church okay verse 19 he says the church of Asia salute you a queer and Priscilla salute you much in the Lord with a church that is in their house okay so the churches of Asia here plural and it's nice to have some like-minded churches around to acknowledge you isn't it it's nice to have that okay we don't have that in this country do we okay but we do have that in the world yeah and you know what you know how nice it is when I see a YouTube comment on one of our videos for one of the brethren over in the state somewhere just going you know god bless you guys and you know we're praying for you I had one recently where it's like we're all praying for you in all these different churches I tell you what that is great to see isn't it to be acknowledged by other good sound churches say that we're praying for every single one of you here we're praying for your church we're praying for your ministry like that I'll tell you what that warms you that refreshes your spirit as well and it's nice to have that is this nice to have those around and you know and hopefully we're gonna have more of that in this country eventually aren't we eventually you know at some point let's hope we have that because that's going to be nice isn't it but that doesn't make you a denomination does it that doesn't make you a denomination and there's nothing wrong with calling yourselves NIFB because you know that you have like-minded faith and like-minded practice with those people that doesn't make you a denomination it's not a denomination okay and and people try and accuse that don't they because we want to have fellowship but as people say in the old IFB pre-trib you know churches are they all a denomination because they'll only fellowship with pre-trib churches no they're not are they the only fellowship with other lame churches that don't soul win you know they'll only fellowship with other churches that worship the Jew you know we don't call them a denomination for it do we no I mean and and the NIFB isn't a denomination what we are is we are churches which want to fellowship we want to be saluted we want to be acknowledged by other churches around don't we of a light faith and be able to fellowship and be able to eventually in the future help each other out as well you know it's stand stand with each other on on key problems and issues that arise yeah and I'm sure pastime here maybe recently like the fact that people and other church the friends of his were standing with it weren't they and standing up to those to those wicked wicked sodomites okay now he says a queer and Priscilla here salute you much in the Lord with the church that is in their house now clearly a queer and Priscilla are lesser-known giants of the faith okay so these are joints of the faith if you turn to Acts 18 turn to Acts 18 while I read Romans 16 3 to 4 which says greet Priscilla and a queer my my helpers in Christ Jesus who have for my life laid down their own necks unto whom not only I give thanks but also all the churches of the Gentiles okay so they're his helpers in Christ Jesus who have laid down their own necks and not only he gives thanks to them but also all the churches of the Gentiles okay in Acts 18 is when Paul first meets them in Corinth he lives and works with them and they're all tent makers okay so that's their job that was the Apostle Paul's job they make tents okay they then join him yes obviously he's got them saved they sail to Syria and he leaves them at Ephesus now acts 18 and verse 24 here acts 18 24 we see an asserted Jew named Apollos born at Alexandra an eloquent man and mighty in the scriptures came to Ephesus that's the policy we're just talking about this man was instructed in the way of the Lord and being fervent in the spirit he spake a talk diligently the things of the Lord knowing only the baptism of John and he began to speak boldly in the synagogue who when a queer and Priscilla had heard they took him unto them and expounded unto him the way of God more perfectly and when he was disposed to pass into a car the brethren wrote exhorted subs receiving who when he was come help them much which are believed through grace for he mightily convinced the Jews and that publicly shown by the scriptures that Jesus was Christ so they instruct the mighty Apollos there and considering where they are in the greeting here that we've just seen was it not the Ephesian Church that was in the house I think that was probably the Ephesian Church if I've got that wrong then let me know afterwards was it not the Ephesian Church exacts that's in Ephesus and the Ephesian Church was in their house and this was a house church and a house church is completely biblical when it's a church yeah and that's when it's a planted church that's gone out from another church like like we saw with with Paul going out from Antioch and part and and planting church to planting a church in someone's house there's nothing wrong with that if it's a church okay and the reason I say that is because there's a growing and I read quite a lot about this you know I was interested in this quite a few years back now I was saved I was finding it hard to find churches and you're thinking well you know what's wrong with a house church it's not a church home church isn't a church without a pastor an elder a bishop yeah and our elder Bishop is in the States but obviously he's ain't got me to lead this church here but we are a church okay we have a pastor okay it's not a church it's not being planted okay if it's not gone out from another church I don't consider that a church we we are we are basically we've gone out for sure foundation cuz our pastor is leading our church okay a plant is it here with the Saints that be in the UK okay that's how it works but sitting around in a circle saying let's all do a Bible study isn't a church okay they're people that don't want to submit to leadership and don't want to submit to a church and let's be honest how many house churches are then going out and getting souls saved how many of them are really doing anything for God but what they call the people that call themselves house churches what they're really doing is meeting up calling it church and sitting there and and and playing church are they and that's the truth they're playing church and it's not Church okay and and there is there is I don't know if you've seen this before they even call it the organic Church and if you've heard of any of this there's this kind of movement where it's our it's organic Church and we don't believe in there being a leader we don't believe in this well you're just discarding half of the New Testament then aren't you okay it's ridiculous but you know the flesh wants that doesn't it okay he says in verse 20 all the brethren greet you greet ye one another with an holy kiss okay and it's warming isn't it to be greeted by real brethren that's pretty nice isn't it when you're greeted greeted by real weather like I said it's great when you get those messages come through it's great when you fit when you get that for a real brethren it's great to be around each other as real brethren and it's great to know other people it'll be great when we have people come and people visit and we've had that already people visit we had a brother Jamie and his family visit from Scotland and that was nice wasn't it greeting the brethren there's something just great about it isn't there now he says he greet ye one another with and holy kiss okay now Romans 16 16 you don't have to turn it says salute one another with and holy kiss the churches of Christ salute you first Peter 5 14 says greet you one another with a kiss of charity peace be with you all that are in Christ Jesus amen now here's a thought on this yeah we've got saluting with a holy kiss you've got the kiss of charity do you think there's a difference there if it was if this was a physical kiss and yes some people are going well in the culture they kissed each other you know as a greeting yeah maybe they did maybe they didn't know but I see that as a picture it's basically great he's I think he's saying greet salute one another with holiness or charity does that make sense to you because what's what's the kiss of charity it which the the holy kiss isn't is it like a special different kiss that you give no it's not is it so I think what he's basically saying is greet each other with holiness greet each other with charity that's how I see that but whether or not it is a kiss or not you know if that's the culture that's they're doing then maybe it is but that's how I see that verse 21 says the salutation of me Paul with mine own hand okay so maybe that particular bit Paul wrote that bit personally to show that it was him writing this you know so there I'd imagine there were forgeries and all sorts of problems going on verse 22 says if any man loved not the Lord Jesus Christ let him be anathema maranatha now this basically means cursed at the judgment okay let them be cursed at the judgment and I believe this is referring to the unsaved among them okay I believe this is referring to the unsaved we just looked at that didn't we in the chapter before about those that didn't believe in the resurrection they didn't believe the gospel okay and there are unsaved there and he's saying if any man loved not the Lord Jesus Christ it'd be anathema maranatha and and you know that's the unsaved here that for me is exactly the same here so anyone here who's here week in week out that isn't saved let them be cursed at the judgment you know because for me that's too late for him you know they're done okay anyone here that's not saved you know that you're not oh you're just kind of waiting to hear the gospel right now you've for me you're a reprobate you know verse 23 says the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you and and that's what we should pray for our brothers and sisters shouldn't we the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you and verse 24 says my love be with you all in Christ Jesus our men the first epistle to the Corinthians was was written we see at the bottom there from Philip I by Stephanus and fortuitous to the carcass and Timotheus so written by them he obviously signed a bit of himself but he says it he says my love be with you all in Christ Jesus so just make that point again okay I don't think it's his love in Christ Jesus it's to all that are in Christ Jesus okay he's making that point that's who his love is it's also oh you don't love any no because he's saying that anyone there in that Corinthian church now who've around saved people they're so winning you'd imagine he's you know he's make it clear then then there are and I don't want to just constantly talk about this because it's not what I don't want in this church is a reprobate hunt yeah or we like that's not what we want we want to love everyone here we want to be we want to just welcome everyone because God will make it manifest if we do have problems in the future when we do have people it will like God will just just expose them at the right time when it's the time for that and until then we just want to love everyone but my point in that sermon a few weeks back is to just be aware of common tactics of that because we don't want a bit pulled into that you know we don't want to get pulled into the tactics of of that that that reprobate type behavior but regardless we don't want to be hunting that down but our love is to all that be in Christ Jesus and and for all its purposes that's everyone here and that's everyone that ever comes to this church unless it's clear otherwise you know and we don't want to be just concerned I don't know you know and that's Paul's love to all of them there it's everyone that's in Christ Jesus and in on that let's pray heavenly father I thank you for your word I thank you for I thank you for for the book of 1st Corinthians and and thank you for all the truths we've got out of that thank you for for I feel leading us to study this and and you know how much help I think it's should give us and has given us to as a new church here as a new planted church in this dark land and oh you just help us to live up to what you want us to to do want us to live up to and help us to be that church that you want us to be help us to do things according to your word help us help us to go on now with our week like that help us to to put you first in everything we do to stay in your word stay in prayer to get out soul winning as well and help us to just all have a good week and a safe journey going home and a safe journey back here next week in Jesus name we pray amen