(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Well guys 1st Corinthians chapter 11 up to chapter 11 of this book and for me it's been a been a great study so far so much we can learn can't we as a new church and on that let's yeah start I mean that leads into verse 1 straight away because 1st Corinthians chapter 11 of verse 1 says be ye followers of me even as I also am of Christ and the Bible is clear here that we are to follow men aren't we I mean here he's talking about following himself Paul is saying follow me and we you know I had trouble with this at the beginning I was I'm not a man follower and try to make this point of that and and but if that man is following Christ and in Christ that's what we should be doing and it says as they even as I am also Christ I think that's as they follow Christ isn't it so we don't want to just blindly follow we should be like the Bereans and search the scriptures daily shouldn't we but we are we are to fall in we are to follow people and I'm going to talk about that in a second 1st Corinthians chapter 4 we went over before just have a look quickly at 1st Corinthians 4 and from verse 14 he said I write not these things sorry yeah 1st Corinthians 4 and from verse 14 I write not these things to shame you but as my beloved sons I warn you for though you have 10,000 structures in Christ yet have you not many fathers for in Christ Jesus I've forgotten you through the gospel wherefore I beseech you be ye followers of me now look at verse 17 for this cause have I sent unto you Timotheus who is my beloved son and faithful in the Lord who shall bring you into remembrance of my ways which be in Christ as I teach everywhere in every church so it's not only who saved you and remember I spoke before when we looked at this when we know when someone's actually got you saved that's someone you could trust that is saved can't you for starters and most a lot of people not everyone can remember who got them saved but when you can I mean that's a handy thing to know that least that person a hundred percent is saved but this chapter here it's covering the Lord's Supper okay and I'm not going to go really deep into the Lord's Supper for a couple of reasons because if anyone on our church group knows before we did our first Lord's Supper Pastor Thompson posted his sermon on the Lord's Supper yeah okay and I hope everyone here is watching if they haven't please do and it's pretty important actually because see Pastor Thompson is our pastor yeah so how he does the Lord's Supper is how we as a church do the Lord's Supper now we can have our own views and as we know in fact amongst churches that we probably all like and have respect for pastors they all probably have a slightly different slant on it all of them have different but there are many different views on how to do the Lord's Supper the frequency whether or not it's in a group at home etc but our Pastor Thompson does it is how we do it as a church because we're followers of Pastor Thompson aren't we okay and we should all be followers of Pastor Thompson because he's our pastor that's our church and this is where it's a bit difficult for many of us because not only have we had a bit of time at some bad churches and found it very hard to follow those pastors because they don't seem to be following Christ in many ways anyway but we've all most people here have come from a group a great group originally set up by brother who know over there UK soul-winning okay great but this church is not UK soul-winning Baptist Church and we've all got to get that in our head so what the reason I say that is because a way apart aside from Sundays listening to sermons by myself preaching and and of course that's getting looked at by Pastor Thompson any problems he'd let me know so far that hasn't been but who should be the next person that we should be listening to surely it should be our pastor shouldn't it so I would say this is something I do just out of interest is that at the like before I listen to anyone else in the week before I listen to any other sermons I listen to all the pastor Thompson's from the week now that could be tough what he does for service as well if you really want to be getting into some other series you into but he's our pastor so if I want to be lockstep with my pastor which I do I want to be completely understanding before we ever started this I just started listening to all his sermons and going back and listening sermons as well because I want to make sure that I want to follow him you know and and want to preach for this you know want to lead a church under pastor Thompson but also I want to make sure that what I'm doing is what pastor Thompson is preaching as well so will and but as a church we're in a funny world aren't we now where we could just pull up sermons and we could all be sitting there and listening to a series on that and a series on this but is that necessarily what our pastor believes and should we not be followers of him even as he is of Christ now of course if our pastor was preaching things which aren't biblical which he doesn't then yeah we could have a problem and understandably and we should be able to come to him and say look you know look at this look at that but I don't you know I don't want to assume but and this is it to have a go at anyone okay because I'd probably say probably a lot of the room maybe the majority here probably spend more time listening to whoever where their favorite pastors because we were all UK soul winning with our own well I like this one I like this one you know this is my favorite this is the one I listen to this is a group but we're a church now we're we're not UK soul winning church we're sure foundation Baptist Church our pastor is pastor Aaron Thompson okay he's our pastor so that's who we listen to now notice here as well where we just weren't 1st Corinthians 4 he sent unto them Timotheus now I don't think he would describe me as his beloved son but he is he will listen to everything I preach so if there's a problem that will be made clear and he would tell me to say look you know I was wrong about something if that happened which hasn't so far but on the same hand I'm a follower of pastor Thompson I'm the one preaching so obviously we want to be listening and listening to the sermons are not I hope no one is then going away and talking amongst all I don't know about that I don't know about this because in the same way that's really talking about pastor Thompson isn't it and I hope no one would be going away and going well I don't like the way you preached that I don't like the way he believes that because that ain't being a good church member at all is it so point being be followers of me even as I'll Sam of Christ Paul said and we should apply that to our pastor shouldn't we okay and then with we all did that and we all listen to his sermons we listen to him we learn off him if you have time on top of that and you want to listen to your favorite pretty that's fine by all means do that but that should be after shouldn't it shouldn't it doesn't that just make sense he's our pastor he's our leader let's listen to him and make sure we're lockstep with him yeah okay now with that in mind then let's see what he says in verse 2 in fact just quickly though no sorry one last point in that first Corinthians 3 just while we're in there 1st Corinthians 3 and verse 4 for war one saith I am of Paul and another I am of Apollos are ye not carnal so just quickly on that if you're thinking well I don't know you know this guy's my favorite of this one well according to according to 1st Corinthians chapter 3 that's carnal and we don't really want to be described as carnal I hope no one wants to be described as carnal we all can be carnal can't we but we should just be putting that behind yeah this is a great yeah great listen to the preach when you enjoy that when you want it when you have some time on top of Sundays a top of listening to your pastor but we don't want to be described as carnal well yeah but I just you know this is my faith this is who I've always it doesn't matter we're a church do you want to be part of a church be part of the church listen to your pastor follow your pastor and obviously follow the leader of the church or do you want to well no because I prefer the way he does I prefer this past or whatever else well you're carnal then aren't you because you're choosing a favorite away from what what the ordained positions are in the church yeah so with that we need to be following our pastor listening to our pastor getting lockstep and then we're not going to have all the divisions that we see throughout throughout the Corinthian Church we've all everyone's got a different idea a different doctrine because all carnal because they're all well I want Apollos and Paul and you know and Cephas and it's carnal because really the church there's a structure there's a leadership for a reason we should be listening and agreeing with our pastor yeah and if you don't keep keep that to yourself if there's something you disagree that if it's a real major problem by all means raise that but otherwise just get on with it yeah because we are like I said we're not UK soul-winning Church again that's something I've just been thinking about a bit recently so it's not having a go at anyone here but if you if you do feel like having a go at you right and verse 2 right so back to 1st Corinthians 11 verse 2 now I praise you brethren that you remember me in all things and keep the ordinances as I delivered them to you okay so there's a positive a rare positive for the Corinthian Church of 1st Corinthians that they do keep the ordinances well done Corinthians they're keeping the ordinances but obviously judging by the rest of this letter keeping the audience ordinances isn't enough though is it okay so there's some ordinances and there are different ordinances obviously the obvious ordinance is a baptism and the Lord's Supper in the New Testament but there are many things aren't there many ways that probably Paul has told them to do things in the church and that's good if you could keep that sure we want to submit and do as do as our leader wants us to do our pastor has told us how he wants church services run you know it's clear from the Bible what we should be and shouldn't be doing in other ways as well but it's not all of it is it so yeah that's good but it's obviously not enough when you look at this whole letter to the Corinthians because they might be keeping the ordinances but they're getting a lot wrong aren't they okay look at verse 3 but I would have you know that the head of every man is Christ and the head of the woman is a man and the head of Christ is God okay just before I carry on any feminine arts he's here okay okay so because they could be pretty pretty aggressive can't know that time right so obviously Paul is about to explain the differences in hair length here isn't he but he gives this truth first he gives his truth truth in verse 3 but I would have you know the head of every man is Christ and the head of the woman is a man and the head of Christ is God which of course flies in the face of our modern wisdom doesn't it our so-called modern wisdom is completely opposite to this now how's that new way of doing things working out then hey how do you think that's working out in our Western world in fact in most of the world I would say not too well hey divorce rates pretty high aren't they divorce rates of this new you know new feminism and equal equal between men and women and exactly the same and the same roles what about unwanted pregnancies and child murder like we talked about before we're up to a record over 200,000 in a year in its wicked nation which is really really you know they've just just really taken on this feminism haven't they here children who barely see their mums see all over the place don't you quite a lot of people homeschool but those who have been or are at school gates you would see so often nannies picking up kids dropping them off after school clubs they're in it so they get dropped off in the morning by the nanny then they're in the after-school club then the nanny picks them up in the evening or the child mind or whatever it is I mean I barely see the parents at all fornication rampant don't we is rampant in this country I don't you know I don't know what the stat is here for how many people actually appear on their wedding days but I'd imagine it's pretty much in the point something percentage yeah is an interest one between 95 and 2005 the imprisonment rate for women in England and Wales increased by 175 percent okay compared compared to an 85 percent increase for men 175 percent more in imprisonments for women among men so again this feminism doesn't seem to be doing too well does it when you look all that we could go on and on and on and on couldn't we and it's not the only reason but it definitely hasn't had the successes that we're told it should do now you might be sitting at the killer I'm not into all that stuff yeah I'm not into all this feminism of course you know but I don't need someone above me I don't want to submit to a man I mean that you know I'm not a feminist but that is life isn't it there's a chain of command in every single part of life is there not everywhere you go if there isn't it's always a problem I've always talked about it in business whenever ever I've been involved you know in a small way in business partnerships or I've spoken to people in partnership always fails always a problem you have to have a final authority in every aspect of life in the workplace there's always a boss isn't there there's always a boss and even if you're a self-employed guy running your own company the truth is usually every single customer you have ends up being your boss yeah I've had that I'll be self-employed for years and every customer I've ever had and some of them are some hard pussies you know it can be tough because you just wish you had a normal boss because they can be tough but they're paying the bills they're paying your money they're the boss in a family there has to be an authority and we accept it as kids don't we or some sadly don't and maybe that can be part of the problem when there's not really an authority figure in the house it's then harder to accept that in life when you continue on to marriage in the church there's an authority isn't there there's an authority and as we talked about earlier there is in countries in government and everything else there is always a chain of command in verse 3 here in 1st Corinthians 11 he said the head of every man is Christ the head of the woman is a man so the head of every man is Christ he said here and we accept that don't we yeah I'd imagine most Christian women accept that that their men should be subservient to Christ so what's the problem with then another another step in that why is it why can that be such a problem for women he said here that the head of the woman is a man now turn to Ephesians 5 and we just quickly hit this quickly and you can never go over this stuff too often can you but truthfully because in this culture we're in it's it's so opposite to what we're being told the whole time obviously Colossians 3 18 you don't have to turn there says wives submit yourselves unto your own husbands as it is fit in the Lord Titus 2 5 says to be discreet chase keepers at home good obedient to their own husbands that the word of God be not blasphemed okay Ephesians 5 and from 22 verse 22 the Bible reads wives submit yourselves unto your own husbands as unto the Lord for the husband is ahead of the wife even as Christ is ahead of the church and he is the Savior of the body therefore as a church is subject unto Christ so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing okay that's pretty clear isn't it and I've just read you a few other verses and just to add one more you don't have to turn there to stay in Ephesians but first Peter 3 1 says likewise you wives be in subjection to your own husbands that if any obey not the word they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives that's even unsaved it's even an unsaved husband but notice how it's your own husbands your own husbands because there's a there is a there is a tendency isn't there amongst men to think that all women should be subservient to them that's not what the Bible says does it it doesn't say that it's to their own husbands okay and and if if women really took that into consideration and didn't then go out to the workplace and be subservient and submit to other people's husbands we probably wouldn't have half the amount of adulteries and problems that we have in life would we I mean I grew up like half of my parents friends ended up in some sort of adulteries and divorces and all sorts and it was always in the workplace they were spending eight hours plus a day with the same what like men with and I know it sounds cliche but it's true secretaries with these bosses and it just nuts and and what's the wife what does the Bible say being subjection to your own husbands not to someone else's husband and it causes so much trouble okay and Ephesians 5 24 where we just were it says therefore as the church is subject unto Christ so let the wise be to their own husbands in everything in everything okay as the church is subject unto Christ house how much subject are we to Christ as a church we are in everything aren't we oh we should be sadly many churches aren't but they should be according to the Word of God and that's how wife should be with a husband and and it's not dependent on how much he loves and yes of course you know they have commands for husbands and we'll talk about that in a second but but if when wives do that when they do that it does make a difference isn't it to men it makes a difference in the relationship what however the man is however the man is and it's something that is it can be hard for a lot of women because there's been so much brainwash for years and years and years in this country and I'm not beating up on women here because those that find that hard it you know they've been assaulted with this by through this wicked nation for and not just here most of the world isn't it for a year after year after year just hammered with it through romance novels from when they were ever aged to all the movies to the series to the soap operas the schools their own parents you name it just every angle and then suddenly you get saved and it's like right time to submit you know and for many that can be really hard can't it because it goes against everything many women have been taught their whole lives so you know and what we should do as well as this Chris's we shouldn't then be looking at new Christians even Christians that have been saved for how many years even say Chris's that have read their Bible have many times and doing the works we've got to look at that because it's a battle for many women isn't it same as it's a battle for many men it's a battle for many men to actually be a be a leader be a dominant leader as they're told to be because for many of them it doesn't come naturally because they've had that brainwash their whole life as well okay and we need to obviously that's how we should be that's how we should be aiming to be that's how it should be preached we also need to have grace for people as well and especially if you're saved or you've newly got saved or you get someone saved and you know be gentle sometimes with that you don't want to hide the Word of God but that could be that could be a hard jump for people for many people others it's not okay 1st Corinthians 11 and verse 3 notice how it said here in 1st Corinthians 11 verse 3 but I would have you know that the head of every man is Christ and the head of the woman is the man okay that's again the head of the woman that's not all women this is obviously talking about in in there in married life isn't it the head of the woman is the man it's not all women or all men and that's a good reminder have because many men can kind of look at this and then get a bit puffed up and start talking down to all women all women all Christian women well you should be submitting your woman now that she ain't your wife is she and same in the other way women don't have to submit to all men in the church setting no it's talk about wives and husbands there and it says here and the head of Christ is God okay and that's obviously referring to God the Father isn't it but they're still there there's and with Christ and God there's that example of hierarchy and Jesus gives us that great example if you turn to Philippians chapter 2 and from verse 5 let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus who being in the form of God thought it not robbery to be equal with God but made himself of no reputation and took upon him the form of a servant and was made in the likeness of men okay and that that you know that's just a great example of Jesus Christ Sarah isn't it that he was happy to just take on that form of a servant to submit and that you know there is obviously that hierarchy in in you know in the Trinity of the of the Godhead but here's the thing this is what we're committing to this is what all men and women are committing to in a proper marriage aren't they they're committing to this and if you're committing to submit to your husband and husbands you're committing to love a wife whether she submits or not by the way you need to make sure you need to make sure that that person is the right person you're marrying because very I mean right now it's you know I think unless this church just explodes and I hope it does you know it might be hard for some of our kids going forward with marriages some other if there's singles here and etc trying to find not only a believer but a believer that believes the same things as well i.e. the Bible you know clearly as it says clearly in black and white in front of you to find people like that is going to be difficult then on top of that you need to find someone that as a wife that you are happy to submit to and you should it shouldn't be why am I happy you should just do it anyway you got to make sure you're going to do that and as a husband you make sure that you're gonna love because go back to Ephesians in Ephesians 5 I don't want to be one of these you know one of these preachers every time he preaches on women submitting he has to quickly give the well make sure you love your wives but it is important because you know if I was preaching to a bunch of new believers here then this probably wouldn't be as much of an issue but because there's a lot of Christians here that have grown up over the last several years with some really good preaching they understand this concept but I do believe as men we can kind of go a bit a bit too far the other way because look at look at Ephesians 5 25 husbands love your wives even as Christ also loved the church and gave himself for it that he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word he might present it to himself a glorious church not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing but that it should be holy and without blemish so want men to love their wives as their own bodies he that loveth his wife loveth himself okay that's really clear isn't it and we can all obviously as men probably get a bit too hung up on the on the wife submit bit you know what I've submit submit and then it's kind of you know you just treat them like they're just this secondary person now you're just there to submit to me and on the other hand maybe there are women that could just constantly focus on well you should be loving me you should be loving me but they're not dependent on each other it's clear is it none not any part of any of these verses said if they love you like you should like they should or if she submits to you then love your wife they're just what we do and you know so many problems in marriages could be could be maybe not completely solved but helped so much if we just focus on our role stop focusing on their role stop focusing on them submitting or stop focusing on them loving you like they should have cherishing just do your bit and a lot of the time it just works out you know God will bless you and and and and it does work out they're not dependent on each other okay verse four in in in 1st Corinthians 11 says every man praying or prophesying having his head covered dishonor with his head okay so prophesying here I think is preaching in it obviously it's not just behind a pulpit is it we're all of us here we know that we're we're all to preach the gospel and we all go and preach the gospel and and I don't think it's saying I'll just preach the gospel but you know we preach him anyways don't we there are mums that preach to their kids and you know obviously there's husbands that preach their wives and preach I'm and go out and preach the gospel and I believe here when it's still about praying or prophesy I think it's basically talking about believers actively serving God so it's believers who are trying to live for God and actively serving God now what's it talk about having your head covered well jump forward to verse 14 and it says does not even nature itself teach that if a man have long hair it is a shame unto him but if a woman have long hair it is a glory to her for her hair is given her for a covering okay so quite clear here that he's talking about long hair a man serving serving God with long hair is dishonoring his head yeah okay I actually think here that he's referring to verse 3 here this is just how I read this and his head being Christ I'd have you know that the head of every man is Christ and the head of the woman is a man and a head of Christ is God then he goes forward it goes on to say that praying or prophesying you know without with your head covered sorry every man praying prophesying having his head covered dishonor with his head and I you know I I think that's talk you out dishonoring his head being Christ okay first five says but every man that prayer for prophesy with her head uncovered dishonor with her head for that is even all one as if she were shaven okay so a woman serving God without long hair is dishonouring her head and again I believe that's her husband she's dishonouring her husband or maybe her father if she's unmarried okay the head of her household now who's been in churches with the false doctrine of berets or woolly hats or women anyone been yeah yeah a couple of you yeah we've all been at the same church with that okay so there's this bizarre doctrine now I first encountered this when I was first saved we were trying to find a King James Church and we went down to a strict and particular Baptist Church anyone know what they are okay these are heavy Calvinist churches and I don't think there's many saved there there's a lot about works in fact the first son was all preached about how you can tell if someone saved by how they dress and everything else yeah this is our first service in there and interestingly every single woman in that church had a beret on they had this funny little woolen beret and they were sitting there with these berets on but half of them had long hair and the beret on as well and I was a bit confused by this and I remember my wife going home say to me there's no way I'm wearing a beret to church yeah and I was like well we have to look into this so we went back and we're reading the Bible and we're just very confused because in the same verse in the same chapter sorry it makes it clear what covering or uncovering your head is and okay and that's a strict in particular you think oh fair enough they're unsaved and it okay it turned out the last church we were at they were unsaved as well but at the time you know it was very confusing because you're like well they seem to preach the right gospel most of the time and yet they seem to the the wife there and some of the other women from the college who come to be basically babysitters yeah apparently they're what doing work experience they all were putting these berets on their head in the church service and did they well you know what they did they looked at this one verse and they didn't bother to read the rest of the chapter which is just crazy isn't it it's absolutely crazy but this is the sort of thing you see in so called Bible believing churches okay so that's yeah the full stock tree the berets of wooly hats always quite wooly these things aren't they maybe it's good those chapels always so cold but you know what I just put something on be interested they all at least had a different fashion maybe one had like a big Sun hat or something it's really odd though is it's really odd okay but what what's he saying so he's saying here that he said everyone that praying or prophesied with their head uncovered dishonored her head for that is even all one as if she were showing so basically it's the same as being shaven it's the same as a woman being a skinhead having a head uncovered okay now obviously I'm not you know there are people that have illnesses and things like that where obviously this hair loss due to treatment and things like that we're not talking about that here we're talking about women who who choose to have short hair he says in verse 6 for if the woman be not covered let her also be shorn that's basically all cut off but if it be a shame for a woman to be shorn or shaven let her be covered okay so shorn is cut off yeah he's saying if it's not long it might as well be cut off he then it's in a rhetorical question isn't it it is a shame okay so how long is a covering or not so this is you know where the question comes out how long is a head covering well he's talking about covering the head isn't he which obviously includes a face this is your head isn't it on the end of your neck that's quite obvious I think in case anyone wants any more biology lessons that we know afterwards quite expert you see okay so so I would say long enough to go from the top of your head to below your face yeah to your neck level that's that's a covered head isn't it so it doesn't have to be down to your knees obviously and anything below here is covering your head is it not and obviously if you didn't have it back it would be covering you the front of your face as well it's not about having your hair as well it's just covering your head now what about men well that's exactly the same isn't it but here's the thing so then you get men who might try and push it a little bit so again at this same church as a guy that had a little kind of rat's tail thing everyone remember rat's tails I remember when I was young yeah whenever you went on holiday abroad if you went like we'd got on these campsites in France and all the German kids always had rat's tails I don't know what it was about Germany but they always seem to have these little kind of and some of them would be quite long they're like skinhead and just a rat's tail coming down I don't know if that counts or not because by anyway so what's he talking about well because if you had it shorter than here as a man then what's gonna happen it's just gonna get in your face you're gonna look like a plonker aren't you so you kind of got two choices haven't you either have it short and off your face or you start having it down here and then you get to here and it's a covering anyway only way here and it's just ridiculous in a waste of time so with a woman if you have your hair a bit higher then it starts getting in your face it's hard to tie it back so it's quite clear isn't it either you have it down there you have it up here okay pretty obvious okay he says in verse 7 for a man indeed ought not to cover his head for as much as he is the image and glory of God but the woman is the glory of the man so men shouldn't have long hair because they're the image and glory of God which leads us on to the obvious point doesn't it if they're the image of God so they shouldn't have long hair why on earth does everyone think that Jesus had long hair I just absolutely and I don't want to just pipe on about this every other week but it does wind me up it does wind you up doesn't it because it just gives this complete false image of Jesus doesn't it and it's this long flowing lock Jesus and it's ridiculous isn't it well clearly this verse is flies in the face of that and the verse saying it's a shame unto a man to have long hair I mean what well how do you then and where as we said where does it come from it comes from queer Michelangelo doesn't it and and other queer artists drawing him like that and and and now we just have this every single kids book every single Sunday school coloring thing and everything else is always this long head queer Jesus and it just gives a completely different image of what the Bible says Jesus is and and even his character because it just changes that doesn't it when you got this long head you know kind of hippie beard you know long sorry long flowing dress Jesus it's just that's not the Jesus of the Bible is it clearly okay okay so well we write okay so verse 7 we are and notice how the woman isn't the image of the man there but is the glory so he says here for as much as the image and glory of God but the woman is the glory of the man so she's not the image she's a glory of the man now I think in this use it's basically a treasured possession like a treasured possession and she is a treasured because all it she's just your possession I don't like any feminists here get wound up here by the possession part it's a treasured possession yeah which is how we should cherish them shouldn't we okay because verse 8 it says for the man is not of the woman but the woman of the man I think you know pretty clearly that's Genesis 2 but let's have a quick look at that referring to Genesis 2 and verse 20 Genesis 2 20 and Adam gave names to all cattle and to the fowl of the air and to every beast of the field but for Adam there was not found and helped meet for him and the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam and he slept and he took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh instead thereof and a rib which the Lord God had take from man made he a woman and brought her unto the man and Adam said this is now bone of my bones of flesh of my flesh she shall be called woman because she was taken out of man okay so clearly there she it's talking about the woman being of the man and I think obviously being made of the rib of the man and you know let's just let's just make it clear yeah it doesn't matter how cool or modern women look with crew cuts and whatever they think they do it's masculine and unattractive okay that clearly like it's masculine it's unattractive there's nothing attractive about women acting like men dressing like men looking like men it's vile okay it's disgusting it's an abomination in God's eyes and I don't care how much this wicked world pushes it it's wicked because a wife's goal shouldn't be to please her worldly friends a wife's goal shouldn't be to look more like the world or to fit in a bit more with the other mums a wife's goal should be to please her husband shouldn't it it should be to please her husband and I don't think you'll find any Christian at least men that are reading their Bibles and in the spirit and everything else who are going to want their wives to have a short haircut and to cut off all their hair and look like a man however many side partings they have and ever many highlights or whatever else got a bit of whatever they put on it and it looks you know it's all messed up here and there no that's not that's not what I what we want as men okay and if you do want that well good luck to you okay verse 9 says neither was a man created for the woman but the woman for the man so look long hair can be a pain I know it can be a pain because I've got two daughters and you should see the noises coming out of our house and they get their hair brush wow it's like something's being killed yeah and I mean the other day I think one of them had something tied up walk past the door handle and got it hooked it was like this you know you felt really sorry for her and I'm trying to unhook her hair and yeah gets caught in zips and gets caught in all these things and yeah I can imagine it can be a bit of a pain yeah but she was created for the man wasn't she okay eventually a woman is created for the man and men like long hair don't they men like long hair so tough you know that's the way it is and and because the woman is off the man and the man it was created for the man and men like long hair so suck it up okay and it says here in verse 10 okay verse 10 it says here for this cause ought the woman to have power on her head because of the angels right okay now this has been a riddle for many people I'm about to suck no I'm not really okay okay this is what I believe I believe he's saying that she should have the long hair as a sign of her submission okay so basically power on her head as a sign of her submission because of the angels maybe where she's showing a sign of submission she's gonna get more protection from you know from a guardian angel type thing maybe it's to do with that maybe that kind of angels angels looking after you I'm not really sure anyone got any ideas on this no no if you want to come and talk to me afterwards that's about what I've got with that I think okay power on her head he's saying yeah that she should maybe have long hair as a sign of her submission I think because of the angels maybe because then she's not in sin she's submitting to her husband she has that kind of protection of angels but it could be I could be well off right verse 11 nevertheless neither is a man without the woman neither the woman without the man in the Lord so I believe that Paul's saying that if you're in the Lord then husbands and wives are one flesh aren't they okay they are still one flesh and this is kind of he's just reminding us here because it's got a bit you know he's obviously saying that the you know the man was it created for the woman the woman was of the man you know the man is not the woman but the woman of the man and this is where the men start lifting their chests up a bit and getting a bit yeah yeah you're of me you're for me and everything else but now he's saying wait a second look you're one flesh as we see in Genesis 2 and says in verse 12 for as a woman is of the man even so as a man also by the woman but all things of God so what's he saying here well I think he's making a point yeah Eve came from Adam but men still have mothers men are still giving birth through by women they kind of go hand in hand and ultimately we're all created by God so yes we have different roles but it's not that we're more important than women okay and again men can really get carried away with that can't they it's quite easy to do that reading these sorts of things submit to me and probably that's part of the brainwash as well that if you're one of those men you must be this type of man who's you know kind of treating the women like dirt and and we don't have to be like that yes our wives should submit but yes we should love them and yes we're all equal in God's eyes yeah we have different roles yeah there's a hierarchy in the family setting but in the family setting yeah there's hierarchy in many other settings but just a reminder again the women in this church aren't some shouldn't be submissive to any men in this church other than obviously their husbands other than in the chain of command in the church and that's only in things of the church yeah okay and that's pretty clear okay so okay on that let's let's move on so verse 13 he says judging yourselves is it comely that a woman pray unto God uncovered okay and and obviously not okay verse 14 says does not even nature itself teach that if a man have long hair it is a shame unto him okay that's pretty clear that verse isn't it I mean that's a pretty clear verse and not just for the for the silly Jesus pictures but but for the vast majority of cultures across the world it's pretty innate that isn't it it's pretty innate you look at a lot of cultures I know probably we probably get a lot in our face now you know these sort of weird queer cultures with these men with you know long flowing locks and everything else but in general across the world men have had short and women have had long hair haven't they okay and I think probably without the Bible that's just going to be a case anyway and because women are more feminine there's more stuff to do with hair and men who are spending hours on their hair let's be honest a little bit like that aren't they because they shouldn't really be because it's not a very masculine feature to be like that and and we do we see you know across the world this isn't some weird teaching but have you noticed as well how all these old like you see all the adverts from all these warfare movies and what you name it whatever it is even if it's fantasy land Lord of the Rings and everything else it's always got all these men with long hair right like some of the going into battle with the hair across their eyes while they're trying to swing swords and stuff it's absolutely ridiculous why wouldn't they just cut it off why wouldn't whatever his name from Lord of the Rings just cut his hair off use a sword it sharp enough because why would you want that flowing in your face while you're in warfare it's ridiculous anyway so yeah it really winds me out that because it's just trying to push it and promote it all the time it says in verse 15 but if a woman have long hair it is a glory to her for her hair is given her for a covering okay so remember that women when you're brushing your knots out having to spend hours you know treating it and conditioning it and everything else it is a glory it's a glory to you and your hair is given for a covering verse 16 says but if any man seemed to be contentious we have no such custom neither the church to God basically we don't have any room for contentious people trying to argue this point okay it's ridiculous it's clear okay right and by the way if you are a contentious type you know be careful right verse 17 now in this I declare unto you I praise you not that you come together not for the better but for the worst right okay so unlike verse 2 now where he's praising them remember he said now I praise you brethren that you remember me and all things keep the ordinances as I delivered them to you okay now he's saying that this particular ordinance is doing more harm than good okay so he says in verse 18 first of all when you come together in the church I hear that there be divisions among you and I partly believe it for there must be also heresies among you that they which are approved may be made manifest among you okay so no surprise and with all of the problems that we've already seen Paul rebuke them for their divisions in the church yeah that's no no no surprise after everything we've read now just a reminder on this because we can look at this and kind of mock the Corinthian church carnal church everything else they didn't have a complete Bible like us they didn't have a complete Bible they couldn't just pick one up down the shop sure they didn't all have the scriptures up to that point all there everyone had their own maybe few different you know a few different collections at home each there wasn't any of that was there so maybe we could give them a little bit of leeway or at least we need to say to ourselves that there should be a lot more expected from us shouldn't there a lot more expected we got it clear in black and white fact we got the example of the Corinthian Church is how we should not behave okay I couldn't even order it online could they couldn't even order it alone we could literally you know you have to leave your house you just sit there and type something you know don't even have to get out any cash just type in a credit card number if you already got it saved just click something and Bosch next thing you know you got someone at your door with a Bible okay that's a different world isn't it okay so he says in verse 19 there he says there must be heresies now he says there must also there must be also heresies among you okay and then he says that they which were approved maybe may manifest among you so I think he said there must be heresies for some of them to then become apparent there must already be multiple heresies for them to start start becoming apparent being manifest then the word heresy here you know can be used slightly differently but I think he's talking about a division over doctrine divisions over doctrine here not least all that damnable heresies okay verse 20 and we're just going to read a few here because they go hand in hand a bit here when you come together there for into one place this is not to eat the Lord's Supper for in eating everyone taketh before other his own supper and one is hungry and another is drunken what have you not houses to eat and drink in or despise you the church of God is shame them that have not what shall I say to you shall I praise you in this I praise you not okay so they seem to be having feasts and calling them the Lord's Supper don't they okay so they're having a bit of a feast up it's a bit of a party they call it the Lord's Supper and in verse 20 I think Paul's telling them not to do this isn't he in verse 20 where he's saying this is not to eat the Lord's Supper you shouldn't be doing that okay so basically it's turning into a free-for-all some are going hungry and he says and another is drunk and now I don't think that's intoxicated here you can be drunken on food because notes in verse 21 he says here for in eating everyone taketh before other his own supper and one is hungry and another is drunken okay but even if it was talking about drinking alcohol if you are well no way it must be talking about alcohol because then he talks about houses to eat and drink him well Paul is rebuking them here anyway isn't he he's rebuking them but I don't think he I don't think it is to grow call verse 22 Paul is saying here it's I look at verse 22 he says what have you not has to eat into drinking or despise you the church God is shame them that have not what shall I say to you shall I praise you in this I praise you not so if you want a feast don't come to church and call it the Lord's Supper unless you hate the church okay and and you know you can look at you could you could put a few things into this can't you if you come in a church with some sort of blatant sinful attitude or you know that's that's a problem with the church isn't it because you're directly at the church really it affects a church right now he says here as well in verse 22 he says um despise you the church God is shame them that have not and I think then the shaming knows that don't have houses to eat and to drink in in a way here and obviously he's not praising them for keeping the ordinance of the Lord's Supper he says this shall I praise you in this I praise you not and then he goes on now the following verses to show them the correct way okay so he shows in the correct way here now like I said before I know that there's many interpretations of the Lord's Supper and I know that different passes that we respect probably look at this in different ways and you know for me I don't really want to for me how pastor Thompson wants us to do it that's the way we're doing it that's the way I believe we should do it and that's it really but we'll just look at a few different things anyway here but either way we do it how he says and that's it okay um right so he shows him the correct way here and in verse 23 it says for I've received the law that which I also saw that which also I delivered unto you that the Lord Jesus same night in which he was betrayed took bread and when he given thanks he break it and said take eat this is my body which is broken for you this do in remembrance of me after the same manner also he took the cup when he had supped saying this cup is a New Testament in my blood this do ye as oft as you drink it in remembrance of me okay so here what he's referring to here was the Last Supper which was the Passover yeah now we believe here at Shaw Foundation Baptist Church that the Lord's Supper is a continuation of the Passover okay it's a continuation of the Passover obviously without the lamb Jesus Christ was was the Lamb of God and is therefore once a year that's why we celebrate once a year because a Passover was celebrated once a year and again many churches do things differently that's how Shaw Foundation Baptist Church does it okay the bread is a picture obviously of his broken body yeah that we do in remembrance it's not some sort of magical incantation in case you got any Catholic leanings okay the juice is a picture of his shed blood isn't it a picture in remembrance okay always referred to as the cup Matthew 26 29 also in Matthew 14 25 it basically says the same thing it says but I sound to you I will not drink henceforth of this fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father's Kingdom that's not alcoholic is it it makes no sense for it to be alcoholic like you see across the world in false churches everywhere why is the bread unleavened in the Passover because leaven represents sin I think everyone understands that yeah what is it that makes leaven or the main constituent it's yeast isn't it okay and some people would would translate leaven as yeast well it's like a sourdough starter type thing isn't it okay what is it that ferments alcohol yeast yeah so clearly it's not alcoholic wine that you should be picturing the Lord Jesus Christ sinless blood with is it I mean it's just ridiculous but anyway that's what you get with false churches that don't follow the Bible okay now is another thing or like so eating the lamb in the Passover was personal amongst households wasn't it that was a personal thing per household and if obviously there weren't enough in a household there may be John with another household I think that's a as we could see that's a picture of salvation isn't it it's a personal decision we made but the unleavened bread was eaten together and I'm not going to go like I said please watch that sermon again pastor Thompson goes over at length I'm not going to re-preach what he preached but have a look at 1st Corinthians 10 and verse 16 the cup of blessing which we bless is it not the communion of the blood of Christ the bread which we break is it not the communion of the body of Christ for we being many are one bread and one body for we are all partakers of that one bread now that seems like a bit of a communal affair there as well doesn't it which is why we do it as a church okay and he he will expand that a lot more if you want to listen to re-listen to that sermon if you're wondering about if you haven't listened to it please do it's been posted on our group if you want to what if you want it I could send you a link okay verse 26 for as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup you do show the Lord's death till he come so here it's this bread in this cup so it's a particular food and drink at a particular time some argue that it's every time that you eat or drink but it's this bread in this cup isn't it that he's talking about at the Passover okay and obviously he's talking about he's referencing the Passover there okay verse 27 wherefore whosoever shall eat this bread and drink this cup of the Lord unworthily shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord but let a man examine himself and so let him eat of that bread and drink of that cup for he that eateth and drinketh unworthily eateth and drinketh damnation to himself not discern of the Lord's body for this cause many are weak and sickly among you and many sleep for if we would judge ourselves we should not be judged but when we are judged we are chastened of the Lord that we should not be condemned with the world wherefore my brethren when you come together to eat tarry one for another and if any man hunger let him eat at home that you come not together under condemnation and the rest will I set in order when I come right you probably all heard different preaching on this I've heard different preaching on this at the different churches I've been to in the UK I've heard different preaching on this okay is he talking about unsaved people well verse 32 says when we are judged we are chastened of the Lord that we should not be condemned with the world when we are judged we are chastened of the Lord that we should be not condemned with the world okay that's clearly talking to the saved isn't it and verse 30 obviously says that many sleep that's the saved isn't it okay that's the same but there are millions of unsaved around the world taking some form of communion aren't there millions of unsaved taking some version of what they consider communion around the world are they all dropping dead and all sickly and and weak and maybe they are I don't know but I I don't know so I don't think it's necessarily obviously talking about the unsaved there okay you're definitely unworthy though if you haven't accepted the free gift of salvation yeah you are definitely unworthy and you shouldn't be partaking if you haven't accepted the free gift of salvation that's pretty obvious yeah don't eat and drink of it unworthily okay is he talking about having any sin in your life and I've heard preaching on this at churches where basically if you have any sin in your life this isn't for you is what they'd say at their monthly sometimes even more regularly every couple of week Lord's Supper this isn't for you this is a sombre if you've got any sin yeah any um any unconfessed sin is another one they like to say any unconfessed it well the pot second that exactly while the past is standing there he just puffs himself up a little bit more if you got unconfessed in this is a feud you're looking at the guy really but anyway we're all sinners aren't we now you could you could argue about open sin though that we haven't maybe judged ourselves obviously in verse 31 it says for if we would judge ourselves we should not be judged now you could talk about the sins mentioned remember this is a letter in itself yeah and obviously it's nice that we could separate chapters but you could talk about the sins mentioned in chapter 5 would you think have a look quickly first Corinthians 5 and verse 11 but now I have written unto you not to keep company if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator or covetous or an idolater or a railer or a drunkard or an extortioner with such and one no not to eat for what have I to do to judge them that also them also that are without do not ye judge them that are within okay so with that because there are people that maybe are on this list in churches that the rest of the church isn't necessarily aware of that so maybe we should be obviously we should be judging ourselves shouldn't we on that well maybe he's just talking about the people that are treating it as a feed up okay and if you look at then the context of it verse 34 he obviously ends it saying but if any man hunger let him eat at home that you can't that you come not together under condemnation and the rest I set in order will when I come so obviously that's one of the things he is talking about is it the only thing I don't know like I said you know I'm happy to just follow exactly how pastor Thompson preaches it so let's have a quick let's go through it just quickly verse 27 says wherefore who so shall eat this bread and drink this cup of the Lord unworthily shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord okay so right you don't obviously just suddenly become a reprobate like Christ hating Jew or something yeah and then guilty of the body and blood of the Lord because you you've had it and you're not what we consider worthy on this list but I think you say you become worthy of punishment okay you become worthy of some punishment some chastisement from God verse 28 says but let a man examine himself and so let him eat of that bread and drink of that cup now there's an interesting verse which quite similar that comes in your mind when you talk about examining yourself turn a second Corinthians 13 and that's obviously examining yourselves in second Corinthians 13 verse 5 it says examine yourselves whether you be in the faith prove your own selves know ye not your own selves how that Jesus Christ is in you except ye be reprobate so that's basically examining yourself whether or not you're saying and I I mean that would obviously be a good thing to do anyway if you're going to partake of the Lord's Supper you want to make sure you're saved because there is obviously there's there's the first things first is that you want to get saved yeah you don't want to be partaking the Lord's Supper if you're not saved but is it talking about that sort of examining is it talking about the open sin it's talking about the sin in in first Corinthians 5 well what about being baptized as a natural order of things and that's how we do it here you we want you to be baptized to then partake the Lord's Supper go to Acts 2 just because of the natural order of things and it's not necessarily here talking about the Lord's Supper but Acts 2 41 it says then they that gladly received his word were baptized and the same day they were added unto them about three thousand souls and they continued steadfast in the Apostles doctrine and fellowship and in break of bread and in prayers and now the break your bread here wasn't necessarily the Lord's Supper but there is there is obviously that there's an order of things there okay one of the sins in chapter 5 maybe could be as well so we are we should be examining ourselves I think examining that we're in the faith is important and I think examining that yeah that we're not coming with all sorts of wicked open sin but yeah we are all sinners so it's not right if you've got any if you're a sinner if you've sinned this last week you can't partake of the Lord's Supper because that would be everyone okay so instead yeah it could be these open blatant sins of first Corinthians chapter 5 okay verse 29 says for he that eateth and drinketh unworthily eateth and drinketh damnation to himself not discerning the Lord's body for this cause many are weak and sickly among you and many see this is clearly serious stuff isn't it people getting killed by God people that are weak and sickly for eating and drinking unworthily now he does say among you okay so I would say that the chastisement here is for what we've read about and the context being what they're doing and basically having a massive feast up but it is something to take seriously isn't it and and I would say yeah we should be partaking the Lord's Supper but we want to make sure that we're not yeah okay that's why we when we do it at this church and we do it once a year it's not that everyone's getting piles and piles of flatbread and you know jugs of vats of grape juice so they can just have a right old feast up and think yeah well I'm not coming I didn't come the week before but everything coming that week because it's a free feed okay we don't do it like that for a reason most churches don't do it like that for that reason but it is obviously serious isn't it if you're doing it unworthily if you're doing it with them maybe the wrong intentions if you're not doing it maybe to basically be celebrating and in a sombre way what Jesus Christ did for us his broken body and his blood shed for us and I think that that's a lesson isn't it that when we come to the Lord's Supper next year that we should be coming with that in mind and with that on our hearts and knowing what we're coming for not coming for another reason not partaking the Lord's Supper just to show everyone yeah yeah well I'm a good Christian because that's not the right spirit not the right attitude and we should be having the right attitude that's how I read it that we should be really thinking about the Lord we should be coming there with seriousness about what he did for us and obviously has saved Christians and not in serious wicked sin that should be getting us kicked out of the church verse 31 says for if we would judge ourselves we should not be judged and that's a good thing for life anyway isn't it if we judge ourselves if you look back and it's a good thing I think maybe a good habit to get into at the end of a day look back and try and think about things that where you fall and short in that day and confess that you know if we confess our sins is faithfulness just to forgive us our sins cleanses from all unrighteousness we should be doing that shouldn't we should be looking at ourselves and judging ourselves and confessing to God and then with that and with a contrite heart a heart that wants to improve with any luck well maybe not just luck but I don't think then we're going to be due the chastisement that we're going to be getting if we're just nonchalant about it and just say whatever oh yeah well I fell short you know like like I've obviously preached about a bit recently that we can it can easy to have that attitude he said but when we are judged we're chastened of the Lord that we should not be condemned with the world so obviously definitely the saved here says wherefore my brethren during the save when you come together to eat tarry one for another and that's waiting for each other now he's in the context of what he was talking about him how they were doing it wrong because he then says that if any man hunger let him eat at home that you come not together unto condemnation and the rest will I set in order when I come so for the Corinthian Church here obviously no more Lord's Supper feasts okay and for us you know it's not I don't think that God will be coming they're saying you're getting this all wrong you're doing it all wrong but for us we should just have it we should have the right spirit the right heart when we're celebrating the Lord's Supper and with everything we do and you can just you could really go on to just being at church in general couldn't you and we're at church for you know with there's a reason we're at church we want to come with that right heart that right head on our shoulders about it and we're here to honor and glory the Lord we're here to help each other as brothers and sisters in Christ obviously some of us have different roles and things we do in the church but but we should be make sure we're doing that right with the right heart we should be here we should be going out someone because we want to get people say not just to show that we're going out soul winning or or because we feel like we've been forced into it or anything else it should all be with the right heart and the right head and and that's how we should be behaving as as a New Testament Church yeah on that let's pray so father thank you for your word thank you thank you for the examples you give us throughout scripture of how we shouldn't do things and obviously how we should do things and thank you for being with us thank you for for making it clear about things you know what some might consider arbitrary with things like hair length which are which are important that you know we are the glory of you and wives are glory their husbands and we should take that seriously we should take these commands seriously we should take it seriously how you tell us we should behave the sort of roles that we have towards each other please help us do that help us to obviously be respectful to you and your ordinances to give you the due respect the reverence of fear that we should we ask you that you bless our week going forward now help everyone have a safe journey home and and to all gather back here next week in Jesus name we pray Amen