(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen. Okay so Psalm 57 and I want to focus on verse 6 which reads Psalm 57 6 they have prepared a net for my steps my soul is bowed down they have digged a pit before me into the midst whereof they are fallen themselves sealer and the title of my sermon today is the 12 pitfalls of Christmas 12 pitfalls of Christmas let's not go to the Lord in the word of prayer father I thank you for your word I thank you for this church I thank you for everyone here I pray that you just give them open ears now open hearts and help me to preach boldly help people to just take in the message and and and just fill me with your spirit please Lord in Jesus name we pray all of this Amen. Right it's a short Psalm and that's probably quite a good thing because 12 pitfalls of Christmas is a 12-point sermon so buckle up guys because you might be here for a little while but we've got a bit of time so that's good um it's that time of year isn't it it's that time of year I haven't done a Christmas sermon yet and I think quite a lot of our friends churches are probably this is their Christmas service so I thought I better better get going with the Christmas one before our Christmas service next year sorry next week but it is that time of year and look for us as Christians there's nothing wrong with celebrating Christmas is there no one here is thinking oh you can't celebrate Christmas it's so heathen well it's the birth of Christ isn't that what we're celebrating where we here are celebrating the birth of Christ not seasons greetings not festive fun not happy holidays not Xmas but Christmas right we're celebrating Christmas we celebrate the birth of Christ or the Messiah don't we the birth of the Messiah on the 25th of December and yeah it probably wasn't the 25th of December but that's when we celebrate it but the Christ rejecting rejecting an often Christ hating world out there also celebrates at this time of year don't they what are they actually celebrating though anyone got any ideas Santa for one anything else yeah I mean there's a few ideas a few options but they do seem to have a celebration I tell you what they celebrate pretty hard some of them as well don't they now this is something I've noticed out so when you're and is it just me or I've noticed a trend that every house which is full of decorations and lights and everything else are the most unreceptive anyone experience that at all okay okay right so it's not just me I was thinking this is just me every time I think oh here we go you know they call this you know they're celebrating hard this time of year and you knock on the door and they do not want to hear even a word do they I don't want to hear a word it's a bit of a strange phenomenon that isn't it but the world is celebrating something but um look with that some of the traditions of the world aren't necessarily sinful though are they some of those traditions aren't I was thinking about some of these I don't believe Christmas trees are sinful Christmas cards anything wrong with Christmas cards depends what's on the cards but they're not the card itself isn't sinful gifts yes swapping gifts is that sinful I don't think so nice meal nice meal nice feast together nothing wrong with that what about mince pies unless someone's gonna tell me it's some pagan recipe or something and I'll get it all right I like a mince pie yeah okay I like a lot of mince pies my wife's be makes a good mince pie so mince pies I'm wrong with that is there Christmas pudding again if it's not soaked in brandy nothing wrong with that Christmas cake crackers look and they're ones off the top of my head there's a lot of traditions which I don't think a sinful um you know someone might come up to me after the service and tell me in fact you don't understand this is based on some mother son God worship or something else but I don't think it is but a lot of what our world does is sinful though isn't it a lot of what our world does at Christmas is sinful and there's a lot of sinful stuff out there and it is a net for our feet okay it's a net for our feet and it is a pit in front of us okay at Christmas so there is a net out there for our feet and there is a pit there in front of us and yeah they are in the middle of that pit like in Psalm 57 verse 6 here they've digged a pit before me into the mids way of their falling themselves but often they've got hold of your feet Christian and they're trying to pull you in with them okay and that's what happens at Christmas time a lot of the time they might be in the pit but they're trying to pull you in there there's a pit there there's a net there well I said it all of my sermon is the twelve pitfalls of Christmas pitfall number one is worldly music worldly music at Christmas everywhere you go the rest of the year you can walk into a store into a into a supermarket into a clothes shop whatever it is you need to go to and not have to hear anything barring the murmuring and mumbling of people around in the shop whereas now you walk in and all you can hear is some sort of worldly rubbish can't you and look I don't want to hear that stuff I don't think we should want to hear that stuff we should want to ideally avoid hearing that stuff and I'm not saying well you can't go shopping but it's pretty wicked isn't it and look you might say well it's just a bit of fun they're celebrating because they're mentioning Christmas in it they might even mention Jesus every blue moon although I think that's getting rarer and rarer at least they're Christmas songs maybe that's what you think well no not only is it usually completely ungodly lyrics but these tunes can be catchy too can't they they could be pretty catchy next thing you know you've walked in to grab a pint of milk and you're humming along or singing along to some sort of wickedness like all I want for Christmas is you or something along those lines and who's that that's Mariah Carey singing about one of the latest on a string of lovers that whore Mariah Carey and you are humming along to one of her wicked songs on yeah Turner Ecclesiastes chapter 7 or maybe you're singing about Satan sorry Santa yeah along at Christmas singing singing to Satan and we'll get on to that in a minute but Ecclesiastes chapter 7 and verse 5 Ecclesiastes 7 5 says it is better to hear the rebuke of the wise than for a man to hear the song of fools so it's better to be here and I'm saying the wise from the Word of God here probably not that wise myself but it's better they hear that rebuke of the wisdom of God then they hear the song of fools and look that stuff's catchy that stuff gets in your head and look we don't want to hear it and we can't always avoid it can we we can't always avoid it sometimes some of you are in the workplace you can't avoid it sometimes you're out some of you you're in shops you're in places you can't avoid it but we can't avoid it when we can can't we okay we should make our best effort to avoid it and that means don't have the radio on listening to that rubbish oh well they're lovely Christmas songs it reminds me of my childhood yeah but it's all wicked isn't it it's all wicked I don't know I've heard very few Christmas songs I'm thinking yeah that's a pretty clean there's always something in it isn't there I want to hear that and music's powerful isn't it gets in your head don't put on the YouTube playlist for your kids oh well at least they can listen to a load of Christmassy songs but it's sinful isn't it it's sinful it's it's it's a song of fools and it's worse than that because really a lot of time you're just brainwashing your kids that's what you're doing with music music is a powerful tool to brainwash okay you're brainwashing your children turn the Philippians for how about another Christmas song last Christmas by Wham yeah last Christmas I gave you my I'm not gonna sing it so you don't get it in your head you know how big a long while I do it last Christmas I gave you my heart but the very next day you gave it away what a whore this year to save me from tears I'll give it to someone special what a whore monger look at these people oh he's got even wait wait a year he's gone for another one people singing about whores and whore mongers at Christmas that's what they're doing aren't they oh I'll give you this one the one you you take it away I'll give it to another one it's just all it's all about that but what you think this talk about their future spouses do me a favor you know what it's doing you know what it's talking about you know it's getting into people's people's heads isn't it ironic isn't it it's ironic where Christ said in his word in Hebrews 13 4 don't worry you've turned a Philippians 4 Hebrews 13 4 says marriage is honorable in all and the bed under file but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge yet at Christmas Christians think it's okay to sing along about whores and whoremongers Philippians 4 8 though says finally brethren whatsoever things are true whatsoever things are honest whatsoever things are just whatsoever things are pure I know everyone can memorize this is your did your memory verses before I'm sure whatsoever things are lovely whatsoever things with good report if there be any virtue and if there be any praise think on these things that rules out the Christmas songs doesn't it that rule out the popular Christmas songs it look I think as a Christian you've got no business listening to that rubbish look sometimes you can't avoid it but you shouldn't be playing at home surely okay definitely not to your kids 12 pitfalls of Christmas number ones worldly music number two alcohol alcohol what a pitfall at Christmas what a net for our feet in this nation of just about functioning alcoholics just about Christmas seems to be a time to get drunk doesn't it Christmas is all about getting drunk which is again rather ironic considering Jesus wrote the Bible didn't he the Bible which says in where are we let's go with Proverbs 20 verse 1 turn to Isaiah 5 the Bible which says in Proverbs 20 verse 1 wine is a mocker strong drink is raging and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise because the world wants you to deceive you in the thinking that drink is okay doesn't it the world wants to deceive you in the thinking that drink is okay it's the best way to have fun at Christmas that's how you have fun at Christmas well you know yeah okay maybe the rest of the year Christian you should avoid it but Christmas that's okay isn't it oh we should celebrate we celebrate with something which says that you're not wise that it's a mocker that it's raging and if you're deceived into thinking that alcohol is okay you're not wise okay you're not wise if you think that there's any time the year where when oh well we just can't sit out now you're not wise now Isaiah chapter 5 you in look at verse 11 whoa unto them that rise up early in the morning that they may follow strong drink that continue until night till wine inflame them I know people I know people I know some some and they're not of ours but in-laws of some family who drink champagne on Christmas morning some of you probably know people like that as well they start Christmas Day with a glass of champagne but they're atheist what that they get up in the morning and drink a glass of champagne to celebrate what an excuse to get drunk isn't it to start in the morning but whoa unto them and you know what they didn't do they don't just finish oh well we've had a glass of champagne now we'll have a nice respectful day no they continue through till night until they're red raw puffed up in the face slurring staggering around swelled up whoa unto them whoa unto them what a joke look at verse 22 in Isaiah 5 whoa unto them that are mighty to drink wine and men of strength to mingle strong drink the mighty man is such a degenerate that he can drink all day and still appear half sober that mighty man oh you know he's such a heavyweight oh what a man what a man because he can drink all day what does that say about him whoa unto him that so he's so strong that he drinks 40% liquor 40% whiskey brandy oh what a strong guy he drinks real strong stuff whoa unto him whoa unto him what a fool the state of his liver the state of the woman's liver that's drinking like that the state of anyone that's drinking any Christian that's still drinking for me they're nuts why would you do that they're the poison cells in your body this is poison 40% 40% poison people drink that Christmas don't they people drink that all throughout the year but there are Christians that think okay well now's the time to have my brandy or to have my whiskey or whoa unto you but it's not just drinks is it what else at Christmas I know in this country what we got you got there like I said the brandy soap Christmas pudding yeah you gotta watch out for that because a lot of people put a lot of brandy on that they put a lot of brandy on that I could still get you drunk oh well they light it yeah light it if it even goes up to so soaked that it might might go up for a split oh we saw a bit of blue light now we'll eat it and all get drunk okay all about the brandy cream as well anyone ever seen that stuff so they like mixing up the brandy in the cream as well again a lot of people were just shoving off bottle of brandy in that in that little litre of cream and look and I don't know there's probably a load of other versions as well just just avoid it avoid it Christians aren't we avoid that pitfall avoid that net 12 pitfuls of Christmas number one worldly music number two alcohol number three gluttony and by the way I'm probably gonna tread on some toes today over all of these and hopefully someone's toes do get trodden on and look you know if the cat fits wear it number three gluttony and look there's nothing wrong with a feast at Christmas is there okay I'm not saying right that's it you can't you don't don't have a Christmas meal because it's gluttony that's not gluttony is it and there's nothing wrong with that because the Bible's full of feasts isn't it feast days feasts when when you know there's many many Sabbath feasts aren't there throughout the Old Testament and food and fellowship do go well together don't they the old saying if we ain't eating we ain't meeting yeah and look there's nothing wrong with that and we had some nice food and fellowship last night as well and look nothing wrong with eating but Christmas can become a period of gluttony can't it for many it does turn to Proverbs 25 boxes of chocolates every night and some other junk food and well I don't need to cook anymore I cooked a Christmas meal so every night now I'm just gonna get takeaways for the rest of the week well like I say the chocolate because it's an easy present isn't it box of chocolate and then suddenly you're eating a box of chocolate every night well I've just got given so much chocolate by those family members who just kind of didn't couldn't think of anything else to get me but and that can become a gluttony issue can't it Proverbs 25 verse 16 says has thou found honey eat so much is is sufficient for thee lest thou be filled therewith and vomit it okay we need to not eat until we're sick okay we need to not eat until we see it to have some self control and it sounds sounds you know you'd think that people would just go yeah of course but sadly at Christmas that's kind of when that goes out the window isn't it it's time to just stuff your face waddle to bed in the evening and and and for quite a few days after that well turn to Proverbs chapter 23 go back to 23 Proverbs 23 and verse 20 says be not among wine bibbers among riotous eaters of flesh for the drunkard and the glutton shall come to poverty and drowsiness shall clothe a man with rags gluttony as well as drunkenness leads to poverty it says here and not only do they spend a lot of money because some people do spend a lot of money on food don't they a lot of money on overeating on on whatever takeaways and everything else you go through a lot of money on takeaways can't you and obviously with alcohol as well but the drowsy drunkard and glutton is also unable to work hard aren't they and the thing is this stuff is slippery oh well it's only Christmas it's only Christmas I'm gonna wanna Jesus Christ by being a glutton and a drunkard but what happens that then then after that is it easy to get back to work in January people find it hard don't they I bet it's pretty unproductive month January that's why they have dry January don't they try and encourage them but but look it can be a slippery slope for some that can be the start of something which becomes a bit of a problem you know you start being a glutton you get addicted to whatever it is whatever comfort food it is over Christmas the next thing you know you are an unproductive drowsy drunkard and glutton and now it said here it said be not among drunkards and gluttons which leads on to point number four I think we're up to so twelve pitfalls of Christmas number one worldly music number two alcohol number three gluttony number four the Christmas party the Christmas party from the office party to the old friends that like to gather every year at Christmas for some people the invites come thick and fast for some they don't and you're probably blessed if they don't but for some they do you know and you're getting invites to this party that party what's the problem a you know we've you know we're not of the world but we're in the world well you got to be around it what do you Proverbs chapter 23 where we just were it said be not among wine bibbers among writers eaters of flesh be not among them now let's be honest the majority of these parties contain most if not all of these first few points don't they okay and look definitely the alcohol in the music okay and the work Christmas party is full of that and you could say being not among means don't be one of them you know what actually means don't be one of those people I don't know I think it means don't be around I don't I don't want to be around drunkards and gluttons to be honest because it rubs off and yeah but Proverbs 23 verse 31 says look not thou upon the wine when it is red when it giveth his colour in the cup when it moveth itself awry so if we can't look at it and we don't want to purposely listen to ungodly music that kind of cancels out most of Christmas parties doesn't it doesn't that cancel them all out I don't know for me that counts them out and you might be think well what about my career but are you really gonna get sacked for not going to the work Christmas party is that really a reason to sack you because you didn't want to be around drunkards because you didn't want to be sitting there with a load of people getting wrecked look that's hard to look even if you think well I'm not going to be tempted even if you think well I could be a good I could be a good testimony here are you really gonna get people saved at the work Christmas party are you gonna get the drunkards save look and look they're different work maybe some work Christmas parties all right maybe they're just a quiet meal and nothing else maybe there there's you know something that that's that's not full of sin but look why don't you get them saved at work get them saved try and get a one-on-one time if you think that you can get them saved but the work Christmas party I don't think that's for a Christian okay not most the ones I've heard of unless unless you see one that's not what what do you want to be around how are you gonna do like shut your eyes while they're drinking and don't want to you know look we don't want to be around there we don't look on it we don't be around that we don't worry around the music we don't just for me just avoid it I don't want to be there fortunately I don't have a work Christmas party but look truthfully I don't want to be around I've been at a few over the years and they're pretty wicked okay they are wicked and and look that's without going into the promise security the drugs a lot of them as well and and the rest of it I don't want to be around that second Corinthians 6 17 that return this is wherefore come out from among them and be separate saith the Lord and touch not the unclean thing and I will receive you I think that's very hard to be a work Christmas party and to be be coming out and be separate for them for me I think that's really difficult so 12 pitfalls at Christmas we've got number one worldly music number two alcohol number three gluttony number for the Christmas party and number five family get-togethers the family get-togethers look the same applies to meeting up with your unsaved or liberal Christian family doesn't it doesn't the same apply with that look and I'm not saying you can't see them okay all right that's it you know you can only see other Bible believing Christians that follow the Word of God that have got a good test me not saying that but but is the worldly music the drunkenness the gluttony is that now okay because it's family is that well that's okay well so what do you do though what you do because it's hard look I'm not saying you have to just that's it you can't see your family but maybe you can do something I've done is just explain that you don't want to be around drinking so if I'm gonna bring my children my family my children to your house would it be okay if we did it without alcohol and and then you kind of get to get the idea where they really love you and where they actually want to spend time with you if they just want to try and poison and brainwash your children and be a bad influence to your children or say to them how about you come to me come to my house and make a point of saying can you not bring a bottle of whatever it is with you if you think that's what they're gonna do because they are do you want do you want to be at the house with the unsaved or whether they're saved not don't really make much different the drunkard family members who work with your children with your young kids you don't know where they are and anything else do you really want that I don't want that I don't want my kids seeing that I don't want I don't want my kids going well it's okay for for the cool uncle or the cool auntie or whatever else well they said well they drink they seem to be I don't want my kids seeing that I don't want them around that and the Bible says to not look upon it the Bible says to not be among those people among wine bibbers among life seeds of flesh so why is that okay at Christmas shouldn't it be the opposite Christmas is an important time isn't it look like I said I think I've had it family members have said okay cool cut out the outcome if I was an alcoholic a recovering alcoholic they'd say fine and I've actually had that before I saved where the where a really close family friend of my parents she finally started dealing with her alcoholism the lady had been like a functioning alcoholic and and everyone agreed no alcohol when she came round they're fine with that why can't they be fine with that with the Christian because we got we got a good reason and we why can't they be fine with that around my children because it is a crazy world we live in isn't it where where a kids party where family dudes with little kids running around is when people get wrecked and get absolutely hammered and they're staggering around and all sorts of filth is coming out of their mouth who knows what wicked thoughts going on and let's be honest a lot worse happens isn't it a lot worse happens because people think well it's no problem what's the problem with them getting drunk around your children I want that so for me you know that's something to avoid that's a pitfall that's a net for our feet isn't it what do we want to be around people like that for just tell them tell them and be polite about it you have to be you have to tell you your your drinkings we could just say look we're Christians we don't like drinking you know I don't I don't have it around my children would it be okay not to have it and if not come to my house and if not is that really the end of the world that's how I see it look if they were smoking crack they would be okay wouldn't they they would say okay yeah I'll cut out the crack today well and you might laugh but I tell you I think probably more abuses have happened to children from alcoholics and drunkards at Christmas parties than from crackheads yeah and they and oh oh yeah but but cracks illegal oh yeah because our righteous government they've got it right haven't they yeah because because alcohol is okay because Boris Johnson says it is or whoever whatever other idiot is in government no I don't want to be around it I'd look politely politely you can say that and you can be a good testimony that way can't you as well and show them that actually you could celebrate the birth of Christ without getting drunk yeah okay that's what everyone is doing that's sadly what most of this world is doing isn't it turn of first Peter chapter 4 and look in case you're wondering well they might take this one they're probably gonna speak evil of you okay that's the truth they're gonna speak evil of you but I prefer them to speak evil of me than God speaking evil of me who do you care more about person me um you know as for me in my house yeah we'll serve the Lord first Peter chapter 4 says for as much then as Christ from verse 1 for as much then as Christ has suffered for us in the flesh arm yourselves likewise with the same mind for he that has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin but he no longer should live the rest of his time in the flesh to the lust of men but to the will of God for the time past of our life may suffice suffice us to have wrought the will of the Gentiles when we walked into seriousness lusts excess of wine revelings banquetings and abominable idolatries that sounds like most Christmases in this country doesn't it wherein they think it's strange that you run not with them to the same excessive right speaking evil of you who shall give account to him that is ready to judge the quick and the dead they can speak evil of you but they're gonna give the count in one day aren't they okay and for me no I'm they can speak evil of me but I want God to be pleasing me okay and let them give account to him when they start wickedly slandering you and everything else because you dare to not want to have your family and look it's not just family those of you that don't have kids so you that are single same thing what would you want to be around drunkards for I think the Bible teaches that well okay 12 pitfalls of Christmas number one worldly music number two alcohol number three gluttony number four the Christmas party number five family get-togethers number six hella vision hella vision yup the traditional Christmas movies EastEnders whatever it is that you you grew up doing and this is what happens in life a lot we remember those fond memories from when we're young we try and repeat them when we're older so that well it's only on Christmas Day that's when I watch whatever wicked movie that's when I watch that fornicator James Bond yeah that's when I watch whoever it is because it's Christmas Day yeah that's okay oh cuz it's Boxing Day that's okay is that okay is that should we really should we be staring at the TV well I don't think so turn to Psalm 101 because it's pretty much all wicked here isn't it anyone who's put on the TV recently it's pretty much all wicked Psalm 101 and verse 2 Psalm 101 verse 2 says I will behave myself wisely in a perfect way oh when wilt thou come unto me I will walk within my house with a perfect heart I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes I hate the work of them that turn aside it shall not cleave to me is it wise to watch the TV do you think no I will walk within my house with a perfect heart not just at church when around other Christians is it that's within your house with a perfect heart that's behind closed doors I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes that pretty much cancels out about 99 probably 0.9 percent of what's on TV at least around the 99 mark I'd say anyone want to debate that no okay 99 percent I would say and what about for the other 1 percent now well yeah but there's you know there's I'm pick and choose I've got like this really good thing on TV well turn to Psalm 119 well no don't turn now really 119 verse 37 says turn away mine eyes from beholding vanity and quicken now me in thy way well the rest is vanity isn't it I know there's very very little on TV that I would say isn't either wicked or vanity okay emptiness just rubbish just nonsense it's vanity and here he says and quicken now me in thy way color does the opposite to quickening or making you alive doesn't it because let's be honest when you sit there and stare at the TV you kind of become half dead that's the true like you can sit down in front of a television and within half an hour an hour you are absolutely knackered aren't you you don't even want to get when you do yawning your eyes are bleary and everything else well well turn away mine eyes from beholding vanity and then you I think you're easy to be quickened according to God's way yeah okay so look most is wicked though isn't it okay most of what you see on TV is wicked it's not just vanity and when like when you stare at stuff as well it cleaves to you doesn't it it cleaves to you it sticks to you you end up it's hard you can't just wipe out what's gone into your mind into your head and look people that make this stuff they know that you can't just delete what you've seen or heard in life can you and you definitely can't do that with your kids either can you oh okay we'll cut that bit out that goes in the mind it's almost sits in some little bottom recess of the mind somewhere and look out of all the times of the year when we're celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ is that a time to be dabbling with that is that a time to be setting wicked things before all right now it's time to celebrate with some wicked stuff it's just a complete opposite isn't it twelve pitfalls of Christmas number one worldly music number two alcohol number three gluttony number for the Christmas party number five family get-togethers number six television and number seven we're on to him Satan Claus number seven Satan Claus yep Satan Claus the false god the false god Satan Claus he sees you when you're sleeping he knows when you're awake he knows if you've been good or bad so be good for goodness sake if I see anyone blocking their kids ears here I'm gonna know okay because if you call yourself a Christian you don't hate this false god lie then you're not right with God okay you're not right with God if you think that that's okay he's a false god and he's taken over from from Jesus Christ at Christmas isn't it in everyone's hearts and minds pretty much in this country and most of the world now that wicked false god is now what people think about Christmas it is isn't it so all about Satan Claus and that includes his false god buddies as well the elves the reindeer the flying reindeer and all the other magic and nonsense out there that these people are we've got family members to do this elf on the shelf I don't know what what is this what is this what is Christmas it's the birth of Christ not magic and fairies and all of that junk yeah it's wicked it is wicked okay no look I'm not oh well you know now it's not look it's wicked okay and if look you might sit then think well I haven't okay I haven't really thought about this before okay remember you do now okay now you should be thinking about that and thinking what am I doing we're celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ and you're instead worshiping some fat false god yeah in some stupid outfit because it is a stupid outfit let's be whoever thought of that outfit that stupid all red outfit wicked and look he has been slowly taken over Christmas because he started as St. Nicholas and it was just you know a little kind of you know Catholic fairy tale or something then it then it increased you know that then he became well after that Father Christmas it sound too bad and now it's just it's open just hope of false God with an anagram of Satan Santa Claus yeah it's ridiculous and and now it's not I mean most people miss out the clause but now it's just sad Santa isn't it all about Santa is Santa coming this year and going up to kids oh what did Santa get you and everything that's what it's all about isn't it that's what it's becoming this in this wicked world but it isn't there is a net for it's a trap for us and look like I said you might not have thought about it before oh it's just what people do it's just a tradition that we lie through our teeth it's just a tradition that in our country we lie through our teeth to our children okay does that make it right does that make it okay it's part of the magic of Christmas oh it's all the magic of Christmas he knows if you've been good or bad how about you tell your kids that there's none that do with good no not one Santy ain't coming this year kids because no one's good yeah give him a bit of truth sorry kids it's done but now this is what people get upset about they go but what if he ruins it for another kid what if she ruins it for another kid what if they go and tell one of the unsaved kids and it ruins it for them because that's what we worry about what about other people forget God forget the full score what if they go to school and everyone hates them because they've just ruined it all the parents go what I remember getting told off because when I when I revealed to some kids you know he pretended he already knew he done me up the hell yeah yeah I know I said so I said okay you know and next thing you know I'm getting told off by everyone his mum hates me and everything else well look we tell our kids about all the other lies in the world don't we don't you I hope you do I hope you warn your kids about the other lies what if they ruin that cute story about us all coming from apes well if they ruin that for the other kids yeah cuz they could couldn't they they might go to school or go to the club or whatever it is a ruin that cute story the cute story that most people are going to heaven because they're not that bad what about that cute story I hope your kids aren't going to school and saying that organic whatever club it is or around the unsafe kids what if they ruin that cute story about all religions being the same God we're not fussed are we because they're saying the truth and in the same way I don't care if they ruin about the Santa lie or more likely the Satan lie because you know what happened when they grow up don't you and find out that it's they've been deceived that they've lied you know the first thing my sister said when she when my mum said to her that Santa's not real and she said is God real first thing she said is God real okay and and look that's what happens isn't it because they're like well wait a second you'd be lying about old Satan Claus the false God who seems to have said godlike powers what else you mean lying to me about okay look sorry if I've just ruined it for anyone here but I'm not sorry okay because look that's what they'll do turn to Proverbs 12 we tell our children and here's another thing we tell them not to lie don't we for good reason okay and we want to be an example to our kids we don't want to be hypocrites do we you don't want to be a hypocrite I hope you don't want to be a hypocrite Proverbs 12 22 says Proverbs 12 22 lying lips of abomination to the Lord but they that deal truly are his delight so lying lips of abomination to the Lord unless you're lying about that false God that's taken over Christmas unless you're lying about that false wicked God that has basically captured the hearts and minds of not only just the world but also a lot of Christians let's be honest how many Christians are still going on about Santa how many kids are lying they're thinking about Satan clause instead of God is that is that course it's not okay it's even worse isn't it it's an abomination to the Lord but they that deal truly are his delight Christmas is a time to encourage the praise and worship of God isn't it not a time to basically encourage the praise and worship of some big fat fake okay it's wicked 12 pit bulls of Christmas number one worldly music number two alcohol number three gluttony number four the Christmas party number five family get-togethers number six television number seven Satan clause number eight graven images graven images okay turn Exodus 20 the false gods of the worldly Christmas if it's not Satan clause and his magic helpers it's graven images of Jesus Mary Joseph angels well Exodus 20 in verse 4 to 5 says thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above or that is in the earth beneath or that is in the water under the earth thou shalt not bow down thyself to them nor serve them for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me so what's the other we're not bowing down or worshipping them we're not serving them so then why have you got some graven image of an angel on the top of your Christmas tree well why why do you have some weird angel usually in a dress some weird he she angel a lot of the time in a dress on the top of your Christmas tree I hope no one does here but I'm not picking on anyone in particular here but because you know what these nativity scene images do don't you what do they do well they create a mental image that's not real they create this mental image just like those stupid kids storybooks with Jesus in a dress and every one of the disciples and everyone else running around with long hair and a dress they create this false mental image don't they I knocked on the door the other day it was I with brother John there at the back and he came in halfway through and I'm and I'm trying to preach to this to this lady and she was pretty pretty early on she said well she said she was a Christian then she said well I only believe parts of the Bible I said oh okay and I believe the New Testament I said all right so you believe that the Bible says that that sadly you know sin means that we'll go you know we all should be going to hell no no I don't believe in that oh okay why not well I believe in a loving God my God is a loving God I said okay well yeah your God is a loving God and you know what he did for you and then kind of weird a few more you know funny comments and then she suddenly out of nowhere right so she's at the front door here she's just suddenly grabbed this picture I got this is my god and it was this complete effeminate so-called picture of Jesus she said this and for her this effeminate long-haired queer looking Jesus is my God and he isn't sending anyone to hell because look how queer he looks that was basically what she was saying but and I just went she went she's gone this is my god I'm gonna what someone's done a painting of Jesus well he's my love and anyway and then we pretty much left it at that didn't we but yeah um and that's what it does so doesn't it that's what these images these false fake images they start creating this mental picture I mean this one was an extreme of this but people will have that to some degree don't they and that's what it does and look what's the difference with the nativity Joseph in a dress what's the difference our Joseph wore a dress all the shepherds were running around in dresses and frocks and and long hair and everything else but but Jesus didn't no just it just constantly reaffirms that false image doesn't it that false narrative a basic hypocritical George God as well that said clearly that long hair is a shame unto a man so so either whichever way you look at it if you say oh well well he didn't have the long hair but but that's all it's just constantly just pushing promoting this but look he said clearly not to have long hair didn't he and then what happens when you're bowing to Jesus what's the image a lot of the time in in many Christians heads when they're bound to Jesus some long-haired hippie in a dress sadly and where does that come from from all this junk okay so just get rid of that get rid of that nativity junk you'd have to know first John 5 21 says little children keep yourselves from idols amen I'm into that 12 pitfalls of Christmas number one worldly music number two alcohol number three gluttony number for the Christmas party number five family get-togethers number six hella vision number seven Satan claws number eight graven images and number nine greed greed kids are you listening here okay kids listen up here because kids are often sport rotten at Christmas aren't they kids are often absolutely sport rotten and our worldly Christmas it encourages greed like nothing else isn't it does it just encourage that greed for what can I get what can I have stuff stuff stuff things things things you know possessions what's gonna be spent on me what am I gonna get what are you getting for Christmas what did you get for Christmas the first church I was really part of this liberal church a wicked liberal church at Christmas forget the sermon no sermon that the pastor in inverted commas stood at the front of the church and just invited kids up with their presence to show everyone what present they got now look again there's nothing wrong with exchange of gifts but what a waste of a Christmas service just coming up and it was you know and then it was I easy cheat laughs where he could kind of mock what the kid says and it was so funny you know what he's going oh what have you got there little why did that guy I've got you know whatever it is a thousand pound computer great next one comes up it was wicked look again nothing wrong with gifts but we got to be careful we don't get greedy at Christmas don't we and it's not just kids is it because a lot of adults do as well a lot of adults get a lot of money spent on them and get a lot of stuff and a lot of things and start you know it's not writing gift lists lists of what I want I want this I want that you know people do that it's not just kids kids do that as well but in again you have to know Luke 12 15 Jesus speaking and he said unto them take heed and beware of covetousness for a man's life consists of not in the abundance of the things which he possesses and adults can be bad for this like I said too and and look kids adults just just think about that it doesn't it's not really important is it plotting and planning your gifts turn to Acts chapter 20 so there is nothing wrong with giving and receiving gifts but we want to be different don't we not just focusing on what we can get not just focusing on well what am I going to get for Christmas Acts chapter 20 and from verse 33 Acts 20 verse 33 says I have coveted no man silver or gold or apparel yeah ye yourselves know that these hands have ministered unto my necessities and to them that were with me I have showed you all things I look so laboring you ought to support the week to remember the words of the Lord Jesus how he said it is more blessed to give than to receive and that's a great thing to remember at Christmas isn't it's more blessed to give than to receive and something that again I'm sure myself my wife get many things wrong as we all do as parents but something what we thought was quite a good thing that we started doing is at Christmas we used to get up because we had like a lot of family that were just giving presents sending presents our kids were just getting all this stuff so we basically made them money at Christmas and then go to the pound shop and buy presents for everyone that was constantly giving them presents and then they then started really enjoy it you know what you can get some good stuff at a pound shop as well that that that you know actually people are quite pleased to get it's not just a load of old junk it kind of is junk but it can be quite useful junk and for me that was a really good thing they started enjoying the giving they like giving the gifts to people they wanted to see them to give them their gift not just to see them to get their gift and I think that's a nice thing to do something along those lines again you I'm sure you all have your own ideas of stuff you can do but look it is more blessed to give them to receive isn't it and and we can create little monsters at Christmas can't we because they can become monsters to the point where they could literally have just opened I don't know a brand new car and they'll just go next one next one next because they just become like present mad and all they want to do is open more and more and more and more because they just got this big stack of like what what they what are they benefiting from that at all and they do they become monsters from it as well and they're rude and then they're not appreciative because all they want to do is open the next present you're almost trying to pull them back and suddenly they got the strength of ten men rip open the next present more presence presence you know what have we created with that and we don't have to encourage that do we okay Christians we don't have to encourage that look again encourage them to want to give and when we give to our kids do we have to give them like a hundred presents surely not okay so right and that's that's kind of you know what we should be focused on more on but but that giving rather than receiving but then that leads on to the next point so 12 pitfalls of Christmas we're doing alright for time here number one worldly music number two alcohol number three gluttony number four the Christmas party number five family get togethers number six hella vision number seven Satan clause number eight graven images number nine greed and number ten overspending overspending is a pitfall at Christmas isn't it yes it's more blessed to give than to receive it is isn't it but that doesn't mean that you should be spending thousands of pounds at Christmas does it okay again are you honoring a you glory and God with that because that people do don't know some people spend an absolute fortune some people get into massive amounts of debt at Christmas some people it becomes a massive stress they're saving up for Christmas all year round why why what is it that they they need to spend all that money on because you definitely shouldn't be getting into debt at Christmas should you buying your third cousin twice to remove presents for their baby that you think they might have just had with their you know with their girlfriend or something well I better get them and why why because a lot of times people you don't even know you don't even see you don't even care about really let's be honest but you feel pressured to get them a present what's it all about well turn to John 15 you know what it's all about to be popular that's usually what it's about to be popular for them to think well of you for them to think how generous you are for them to not be irritated annoyed or worried that they're gonna think you didn't get them something this year if you get it if you live for God they're gonna hate you anyway if you live for God if you if you're right with God sooner sooner rather than later they're gonna hate you okay John 15 and verse 19 says if you were of the world the world would love his own but because you're not of the world but I've chose you out of the world therefore the world hateth you if you act all worldly they will love you but God's chosen you out of the world hasn't he okay I believe that applies to us as well and look if you really want to get everyone a present because you're nice like that look that's fine but don't get in debt doing it don't make your husband or husbands you know don't make yourselves and not having to just work extra hours and you know and get the point you can barely put food in the table for the kids just so you can buy whatever distant relative it is some stupid present that doesn't look too cheap because you don't want to look like a cheapskate either because it's nonsense it's all rubbish isn't it who cares look if you want to get them something get them but just get them something cheap like I said a pound shop yeah stuff in a pound shop if you need go and get them some pound gifts and maybe go to a more obscure pound shop because a lot of people end up going in there and knowing what's in there but I'm joking look get them look because isn't it meant to be the thought that counts isn't that what the world says it's the thought that counts it's a thought as long as the thought had like at least 20 30 plus pounds behind it yeah cuz then I look like I've got a few quid I look like I'm generous but again it's just all about what people think isn't it all about what they what what they say definitely don't get in a debt you don't turn their problems 22 7 says the rich ruleth over the poor and the borrower is servant to the lender okay you don't want to get to the point where basically your servant some wicked basically false Jew usually credit card company or something else that you're now a servant to while they're telling you how much extra commissions in the small print when it goes over a certain amount of time whatever else don't get involved in that just just what you can afford and and if you really feel the need to give to all and sundry look get them something small a just get them something small and look be a wise and faithful steward with what God's given you yeah remember God's God's provided you with the work and whatever it is it's you know provides you with your money be a wiser faithful steward with that 12 pitfalls of Christmas and wives those of you that are wives here don't spend all your husband's money on gifts for someone that no one cares about yeah go to the pound shop number 12 pit was a Christmas number one worldly music number two alcohol number three gluttony number four the Christmas party number five family get-togethers number six hella vision number seven Satan Claus number eight graven images number nine greed number ten overspending number eleven pitfall of Christmas is neglecting God neglecting God because even if you cut out all of these pitfalls Christmas can easily become about everything else apart from God can't it become about everything else apart from Jesus Christ and if there's a time a year to be consistent with Bible reading it's Christmas isn't it shouldn't that be the time of year when we're most consistent with our Bible reading there's a time of year to be consistent with prayer it's Christmas isn't it it is would it be right to say oh no I'm too busy right now to be reading the Bible to be in prayer because otherwise it's like going to a birthday party and not even speaking to the birthday boy isn't it it's like turning up to the birthday party and now I'm too busy too busy with other things and other people to actually say anything to the birthday boy avoiding him when he tries to talk to you just turning away and going the other way because he wants to talk to you he wants to talk to and he wants you to talk to him but Christmas one of the big pit falls people well it's Christmas so too busy for that I don't have time for my Bible reading right now I don't have time for my prayer James 4 8 says draw nigh to God and he will draw nigh to you cleanse your hands ye sinners and purify your hearts ye double-minded because how many Christians do get so busy that they get stuck with this they do don't they they don't draw an eye they go the other way they draw away from God and how many won't even come to the birthday party how many just refuse to even come to the birthday party because they're so busy not coming to church because auntie agnostic and uncle atheist are coming round yeah well they're coming around so I'm not gonna go to the birthday that's true isn't it this is what happens you'll get Christians around the world that do that no well I can't make church because it's Christmas Day I've been invited to my unsaved worldly family's house then I understand some of you come from afar and there's travel issues at Christmas but for those of you that don't what sort of excuse and if you're you know and again even if you're not coming to church you should be glorifying God shouldn't you should be thinking about God and I know our church services a day after but on that day as well think about God glorify God read your Bibles pray sing to God shouldn't we be doing that isn't that what it's about or is it all about having that feast with your god-hating reprobate uncle whoever it is because that's what a lot of people do and look Christmas is a time to be in church to be in the Word of God to be in prayer isn't it isn't it yeah surely that's what it's about if we're gonna say look yeah look the worldly Christmas is a joke we're Christians we want it yeah no we're celebrating the birth of Christ why are you doing that with the Christmas tree yeah look there's nothing wrong with a Christmas tree but the Christmas tree isn't celebrating the Christmas tree isn't drawing nigh to God the Christmas tree isn't thinking about God yeah that whatever else the other traditions they're okay a lot of them but if we're gonna say yeah no that's okay that's because really we're saying Christmas is okay aren't we and in which case if we're gonna pull away from that worldly Christmas we want to make sure that we're still thinking about God and being close to God at Christmas okay last bit then 12 pitfalls of Christmas trying to hit the list again okay that first bit worldly music we're up to the 12th time now okay if anyone's still listening to worldly music at the end of this right you're lost okay are you even safe okay number one worldly music number two alcohol number three gluttony number for the Christmas one number five family get to get number six elevation number seven centric blood all right great images number nine green number ten I was spent number eleven neglected gone that was wasn't bad come on and number 12 number 12 not enjoying it not enjoying Christmas because we can get so busy at Christmas so stressed can't we and a lot of people do they get stressed out at Christmas so focused on presents and catering that we forget to enjoy it we forget to enjoy Christmas so focused on all the pitfalls of Christmas some guy telling you to stop doing this is not it's not some guy I believe the word of God is saying all of that but we could get so focused on all these stresses of Christmas that we then don't enjoy Christmas and it is a time to we should be enjoying it more than all these worldly drunkards and champagne drinkers in the morning shouldn't we turn to Luke chapter 2 because it's meant to be a celebration and we can become that moody one at the party can't we we could be that moody one that ruins it for everyone else because everyone doesn't want to be around you because you're just so stressed out so moody just got the hump because I've got so much to do I've got so much on my mind I've got so many presents I've got so much to cook I've got so much to buy I've got whatever else and you're that unhappy guest well remember what we're celebrating Luke chapter 2 and from verse 8 and there we're in the same country shepherds abiding in the field keeping watch over their flock by night and lo the angel of the Lord came upon them and the glory of the Lord shone round about them and they were sore afraid and the angel said unto them fear not for behold I bring you good tidings of great joy which shall be to all people for unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior which is Christ the Lord it's good tidings of great joy has that changed as it changes it hasn't changed no it's great joy because of what he came to do isn't it it's great joy because of what what he came because of the reason of it coming and what he did for us and continues to do for people all over the world and if you're so busy you can't get that joy then you've got to change something don't you okay you got to change something at Christmas if you're so busy that you're not getting that joy you're not thinking about that joy and what that meant Jesus Christ coming being born born there in Bethlehem and what what that meant for you then then you got to change something you got change something at Christmas because it's about him isn't it it's not about the rest of it don't cook that tenth side dish yeah which you just saw this great recipe for and you just couldn't resist or maybe your husband told you got a cook or so but I look you know maybe you guys need to agree to not cook that tenth side dish sure don't get your baby who can't even talk yet a hundred more presents you know even know what's going on maybe cut down a bit go down to maybe 99 or something like that maybe cancel on the distant relatives whatever you know the fifth party the fifth family get-together to celebrate something they don't even care about really maybe cancel it just say look we've got too much on we're too busy it's Christmas yeah we're celebrating the birth of Christ because it shouldn't be full of stress instead of joy should it and right 12 pitfalls of Christmas I think you've all got it okay let's let's remember the last one again there though so not enjoying it not enjoying Christmas is a pitfall now what what to do to help you avoid them all then to help you avoid all these pitfalls well go back to Psalm 57 where we started go back to Psalm 57 because they David had the right idea to avoid the net and the pit in verse 6 he said in Psalm 57 verse 6 says they have prepared a net for my steps my soul is bowed down they have digged a pit before me into the midst where of they have fallen themselves sealer then he says my heart is fixed Oh God my heart is fixed I will sing and give praise I wake up my glory awake sultry and harp I myself will awake early I will praise the Oh Lord among the people I will sing unto thee among the nations for thy mercy is great unto the heavens and thy truth unto the clouds be thou exalted Oh God above the heavens let thy glory be above all the earth praise God get the worship hymns out that's a good way to keep you on on point isn't it get the worship hymns out listen great hymns at Christmas aren't they and hymns that we all know pretty well because we've probably you know in times past this country would have heard it a bit more over the Tannoy instead of wham and and and all the rest of them and look at the worship music get thanking him for what he did 2,000 years ago make sure that your prayers around Christmas time maybe have a lot a lot of thanks in them a lot of appreciation as well and it should get you more on point I think and maybe just get you to kind of reset a bit and realize what what really it's all about sing loudly sing at home loudly yeah sing those hymns sing those Christmas hymns so the neighbors here said here I will praise your Lord among the people I'll sing unto thee among the nations and now we're not gonna go Christmas caroling next year hey but but sing among the people sing among the nations yeah it's Christmas time you probably get away with that you know sing loudly in your car with your kids or whatever it is because it's a good time for that and I think it's a good you know for you for most people I'd hope that should hopefully try and just remind them what it's about and get away from all the worldly stuff and and by that and with that and we should be exhorting him at Christmas shouldn't we yeah let's exhort him at Christmas on that let's pray father I thank you I thank you for for that day you know two thousand odd years ago now thank you that we're in this period where we can think about that and focus on that help us to all to do that help us all as a church to do that when not only when we're together here but also in our day-to-day lives to to just put the focus on you right now and away from all this all this worldly distractions and and and help us to just keep away from these pitfalls these these and they are pitfalls and that's and look there's different everyone here will have different temptations and different pitfalls which which will be be a problem for them and I just pray that you help us all to get to deal with these to conquer these things to take this in the right spirit to just help us to just be more how you want us to be to exalt you more at Christmas and just help us to all to all enjoy it though as well help us to all have a great next couple of weeks and a time when we can really think about you and and and just really glorify your name in Jesus name we pray all of this amen