(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Good evening everyone, welcome to Steadfast Baptist Church. If you could all find your seats we'll go ahead and get started. We're going to start this evening off in song number 162, To God Be the Glory. Song 162, To God Be the Glory. Sing it out together, song 162. To God be the glory, great things he hath done, So loved he the world that he gave us his Son, Who healed his life and atonement for sin, And opened the life he had all made go in. Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, let the earth hear his voice, Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, let the people rejoice. O come to the Father through Jesus the Son, And give him the glory, great things he hath done, O perfect redemption, the purges of blood, To every believer the promise of God, The vilest offender who truly believes, That moment from Jesus the pardon receives, Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, let the earth hear his voice, Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, let the people rejoice. O come to the Father through Jesus the Son, And give him the glory, great things he hath done, Great things he hath taught us, great things he hath done, And great are rejoicing through Jesus the Son, A truer and higher and greater will be, Our wonder, our transform when Jesus we see, Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, let the earth hear his voice, Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, Let the people rejoice, O come to the Father through Jesus the Son, And give him the glory, great things he hath done. Amen. All right, next up we have song number 247, Saved Saved. Song 247. If you're saved tonight, let's sing it out all together. 247, Saved Saved. I've found a friend who is all to me, His love is ever true, I love to tell how he lifted me, And what his grace can do for you. Saved by his power divine, Saved to new life sublime, I know it's sweet and my joy is complete, For I'm saved, saved, saved. He saves me from every sin and harm, Secures my soul each day. I'm leaning strong on his mighty arm, I know he'll guide me all the way, Saved by his power divine, Saved to new life sublime, I know it's sweet and my joy is complete, For I'm saved, saved, saved. When poor and needy and all alone, In love he said to me, Come on to me and I'll lead you home, To live with me eternally. Saved by his power divine, Saved to new life sublime, I know it's sweet and my joy is complete, For I'm saved, saved, saved. As well as we have our prayer list, upcoming events. We have a wedding on June 8th for Joshua Garcia and Miss Cynthia Navidahar. It's at 3 p.m. Also, there is a Red Hot Preaching Conference on June 21st through 23rd. On the back, we have a couple of congratulations. We have the congratulations to the Naim family on the birth of Charlotte Rebecca. She was born on the 27th at 522 p.m., 8 pounds, 1 ounce, and 22 and a half inches long. Congratulations to them. Also, a congratulations to the Hernandez family on the birth of Micaiah Robert. He was born on the 27th at 10, 12 p.m., 7 pounds, 12 ounces, and 20 inches long. So congratulations to them. What you have to like about Micaiah is he never prophesied the good of Joe Biden. No, I'm just kidding. On the inside, we'll recap our prayer list. We've been praying for Brother Hall and his leg, which he's here in the flesh, so how's everything going smoothly still? Praise God for that. Yeah, praise the Lord for that. Also, we've been praying for the Naim's grandmother. We've been praying for the Carlson's mother. We've been praying for Ms. Miller's friend, Ms. Tamara. We've been praying for the Garcia son-in-law, Eric. We've been praying for the Scott nephew, Mark, for his heart. We've been praying for the upcoming trial that's going to be on Monday. And I think we were going to send an email about it, but it looks like it could even be a multi-day thing. So it's very, very unlikely anything will be resolved on Monday specifically, so it's going to be a multi-day thing. So just be in prayer for us, and I'll give an update whenever I have one. I don't even know what to expect at all, so just be in prayer for that. Also, we've been praying for Brother Johnson's family member for salvation as well. So we'll just say a quick word of prayer for those who are here on our list. Thank you, Heavenly Father, so much for all these ladies who are expecting. Please continue to be with them during their pregnancies. I pray that you'd also bless all of these new babies and their moms that are going through postpartum. I pray that you just help them with a quick recovery. I pray that you'd also bless our church family that needs healing, that needs health, that you'd please help them. You'd also help those who we're praying for, our friends and family members that also need a miracle or need health. I pray that you give them patience during their difficulty, and if possible, just give them a full recovery. I pray that you'd also just give us favor, that for your honor and glory, whatever happens in our upcoming legal battles, that we would be faithful and that we would still give you the glory no matter what the outcome. And I pray that you just continue to use our church to reach a lost and dying world. And in Jesus' name we pray, amen. That's all I have as far as announcements. We'll go ahead and sing our Psalm of the Week, Psalm 149. It's in our special handout, Psalm 149. All right, let's sing it out together, Psalm 149. Praise ye the Lord, sing unto the Lord a new song. And his praise in the congregation of saints. Let Israel rejoice in him that made him. Let the children of Zion be joyful in their King. Let them praise his name in the dance. Let them sing praises unto him with the temple and harp. For the Lord take in pleasure in his people. He will beautify the people's salvation. Let the saints be joyful in glory. Let them sing aloud upon their beds. Let the high praises of God be in their mouth. And a two-edged sword in their hand. To execute vengeance upon the heathen. And punishments upon the people. To bind their kings with chains. And their nobles with theirs a liar. To execute upon them the judgment written. This honor have all its name. Praise ye the Lord. As the offering plates are being passed around, please turn to Zechariah chapter 5. Zechariah chapter number 5. Zechariah chapter 5. Zechariah chapter 5. The Bible reads, Then I turned and lifted up mine eyes, and looked, and behold, a flying roll. And he said unto me, What seest thou? And I answered, I see a flying roll, the length thereof is twenty cubits, and the breadth thereof ten cubits. Then said he unto me, This is the curse that goeth forth over the face of the whole earth. For everyone that stealeth shall be cut off, as on this side according to it. And everyone that sweareth shall be cut off, as on that side according to it. I will bring it forth, saith the Lord of hosts, and it shall enter into the house of the thief, and into the house of him that sweareth falsely by my name. And it shall remain in the midst of his house, and shall consume it with the timber thereof, and the stones thereof. Then the angel that talked with me went forth, and said unto me, Lift up now thine eyes, and see what is this that goeth forth. And I said, What is it? And he said, This is an ephah that goes forth. He said, Moreover, this is their resemblance through all the earth. And behold, there was lifted up a talent of lead, and this is a woman that sitteth in the midst of the ephah. And he said, This is wickedness. And he cast it into the midst of the ephah, and it cast the weight of lead upon the mouth thereof. Then lifted I up mine eyes, and looked, and behold, there came out two women, and the wind was in their wings, for they had wings like the wings of a stork. And they had lifted up the ephah between the earth and the heaven. Then said I to the angel that talked with me, Whither do these bear the ephah? And he said unto me, To build it and house in the land of Shinar, and it shall be established, and set there upon her own base. Let us pray. Heavenly Father, we thank you for Zechariah Chapter 5, Lord, and pray that you bless Paticelli, Lord, fill him with your Holy Spirit, to preach unto us the truths that we need to hear, and that we'd be able to make those changes in our lives. Praise in Jesus' name. Amen. Amen. Zechariah Chapter 5, we are kind of transitioning in this book just to kind of a new vision that isn't necessarily been connected to some of the previous visions that we've seen or that we've talked about. And it seems like Zechariah takes a very prophetic turn here in Zechariah Chapter 5. But it really kind of contrasts two different things. It contrasts two flying things. One is a flying roll, and the other one is a flying woman in an ephah. And so we kind of have these two things that are being mentioned in Chapter 5. And it seems a little bit disconnected from some of the other chapters, but I think in the greater context, it'll make sense when we study the entire book. But it says here in verse number 1, Then I turned and lifted up mine eyes, and looked, and behold, a flying roll. Now, there's a restaurant in Missouri I've eaten. It's called Lambert's. And if you just yell, you just say, like, hey, they'll throw a dinner roll at you, okay? This is not what that's talking about, okay? But it's a great restaurant, and it's really fun to just knead bread and just be like, hey, and they just throw a roll. The roll here's talking about what we think of as a scroll or simply just a parchment of paper. This is what something's written on. When we think about the Bible itself, this is what we're talking about in a sense is a roll. And it's just called a roll because if you think about it, especially back then, books or what we think of as documents, they were rolled together. So it's simply just that document was rolled together to preserve it and keep it. And so it's just a flying roll is what we're talking about. So we're just talking about some written document that's flying, verse 2. And he said unto me, What seest thou? And I answered, I see a flying roll. He's really good at explaining exactly what it is, right? The length thereof is 20 cubits and the breadth thereof 10 cubits. So essentially it's double in length as opposed to how much its width is, similar to how we have our Bibles and other books where we notice that the length is more than the width. And so it's very similar again. Verse 3. Then said he unto me, This is the curse that goeth forth over the face of the whole earth for everyone that stealest shall be cut off as on this side according to it. And everyone that sweareth shall be cut off as on that side according to it. And I will bring it forth, saith the Lord of hosts, and it shall enter into the house of the thief and into the house of him that sweareth falsely by my name. And it shall remain in the midst of his house and shall consume it with the timber thereof and the stones thereof. And the angel that talked with me went forth and said unto me, Lift up now thine eyes and see what is this that goeth forth. Now, I guess really I didn't mean to read verse 5 there because that's kind of getting to the next part, but verses 1 through 4 are really just kind of detailing and talking about this specific flying role. It says that this role is a curse that's going over the whole earth and it says it affects everyone. Everyone is affected by this role. Well, I believe what's being mentioned here is just very clearly the word of God. The word of God is this role, and what some people falsely understand is the idea that the Old Testament is only for the Jews or only for Israel or something like that, but no, God's word, God's law applies to all people of all time. And so it's not like, oh, in the Old Testament, if you weren't part of the nation of Israel, you could just do whatever you want. No, they were still bound by the law of God. They were still supposed to observe God's commandments in the Old Testament, and I think it's important to prove that just because there's so many misconceptions about the Bible specifically on this point, but this is saying, and God's kind of re-emphasizing the idea that everyone is going to be cursed that steals. There is a curse associated with stealing, and it's not like we don't want to take this idea of, oh, okay, he's just saying this is the only thing that's wrong. No, it's just an example of how breaking God's commandments brings a curse in your life. And notice that that curse even follows this person, specifically even into their house. Verse 4, it shall enter into the house of the thief. So the curse follows the thief, and, you know, I don't like this word, but we kind of use it in our modern-day speech, this word of karma, where it's kind of like you, similar to the biblical principle of you reap what you sow, and in essence, when you steal or you do wrong, well, God may cause you to be just cursed in general, and bad things are going to happen to you as a result of your actions. Okay? And so there's a little bit of truth to the concepts of karma in the sense that, you know, if you're a bad person, bad things may happen to you. Now, that's not always the case. Or even when the Apostle Paul goes onto a small island and a serpent comes out of the fire and bites him, they say, oh, he must be a murderer. And it's kind of like there's a movie series called Final Destination. I'm not going to ask for a raise of hands, okay? But there's this movie series called Final Destination. It's like this idea of someone escaping their death, but then it just inevitably comes and gets them anyways. And, you know, a lot of those principles, those ideas are coming from the Bible in the sense that, hey, when you do wrong, just because you get away with it, just because no one else noticed, God still notices. And because you're cursed, evil things will happen to you. So there's no point in stealing because the God of the whole universe will know and you'll be punished accordingly. There'll be a curse upon you and your house and everything that's going on with you specifically. In fact, he may even just destroy your house. Notice that it would consume it with the timber thereof and the stones thereof, saying things in your house could break because you steal. Like, God could literally curse your physical structure or the things in your life as a result of your daily actions. Now, I want to prove this idea of the Old Testament law or commandments being in the Old Testament as well. Go all the way back to Genesis, if you would, to chapter 20 for a moment, and we'll come back to Zechariah in a little bit, here, to explore this idea of there being this curse or these commandments that are worldwide. Now, in the book of Genesis, we don't have the law yet, as we know it, as the Old Testament, because we haven't gotten to Exodus. We haven't gotten to the children of Israel leaving Egypt. We haven't gotten to Mount Sinai. We haven't gotten to the Ten Commandments being given to Moses on the tablets of stone. Yet, the commandments of God are still to be preserved in the book of Genesis. And even if you weren't one of the main people, even if you weren't God's the apple of His eye when we look through the lineage of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and all these other individuals, it doesn't mean that God still didn't require you to follow His commandments. Now, an evidence of this is look at Genesis chapter 20, verse number 3. But God came to Abimelech in a dream by night and said to him, Behold, thou art but a dead man, for the woman which thou hast taken, for she is a man's wife. Now, Abimelech is not part of the lineage of Abraham. It's not part of the children of Israel or any of those things. Israel's not even born yet. This is just another guy outside of that particular family. He's not coming through the patriarchs or the descendants of Jesus. And so he's just an outsider. He's the king of Gerar, as the Bible describes him. But God still comes to him and God talks to him, meaning that God cares about everybody. It's not like God only cared about Abraham or only cared about Isaac. And in fact, Abraham's the father of many nations anyways. It's not just one nation. But he comes to Abimelech and says you're going to die because you've taken this woman. Verse 4, But Abimelech had not come near her and he said, Lord, wilt thou slay also a righteous nation? And said he not unto me, she is my sister and she even I'm sorry, she even she herself said, he is my brother in the integrity of my heart and innocency of my hands have I done this. And God said unto him in a dream, yea, I know that thou didst this in the integrity of thy heart, for I also withheld thee from sinning against me, therefore suffered I thee not to touch her. Notice that Abimelech can sin against God. And this is a really important reference in the Bible because not only does it prove that Abimelech can sin against God, it's also proving that Abimelech can sin against God even when he doesn't realize he's sinning. Because he said, I made sure that you didn't touch her even though you didn't think you were doing anything wrong, you had no awareness of doing anything wrong, but if you had done it, it would have been wrong and you would have sinned against me. Meaning ignorance is not an excuse for sin. And in fact, God takes this so harshly that the punishment for adultery was what here? You're a dead man. Was death. Which is what's coming down the pike in the future when God delivers the law and puts the death penalty on adultery. So God felt the same way about adultery here before the law, then he does in the future when we get into the giving of the law it's the exact same punishment it's the exact same feeling and what's even incredible about this is it's the same punishment even if you didn't realize. So if someone lied to you and you committed adultery with them, not knowing according to God, you're still guilty of adultery. It's still a horrible sin. That's why it's important not to even mess around with people or going out and committing fornication. Many people go out trying to commit fornication and they end up committing adultery not even realizing it. And you know what? They're sinning against God in the form of adultery. Even though in their mind and their heart they didn't even try to commit adultery. And so we need to make sure that we recognize the fact that God still holds people accountable for their actions regardless of what they know. I'm a Christian so God's not gonna judge me. Wrong. God judges everyone. Did you read in Zechariah about the flying scroll? It didn't say all the people that read this the curse is coming after them. No, it said all the people that steal. You know why it's important for us to go out and preach the law? Because it applies to everyone. People get mad at us for preaching every part of the law or preaching the Old Testament and they say it's hateful. You know what's hateful? To not warn people about the fact that God cares about these things. To say, oh you know adultery's not a big deal. Let's just you know we're in the New Testament. Oh it still applies buddy. The New Testament still applies. God's law still applies. And you know he didn't change his mind in the New Testament and think like you know what? Adultery's cool now. Murder's fine. Rape, no big deal. It's not like because we entered the New Testament he thinks like you know what? These sins aren't that big a deal anymore. But you know what? Because of American culture we have normalized some of these grievous sins. To the point where it's not even a big deal. You know it used to be even in America if the President of the United States was guilty of committing adultery or doing any of these kinds of sins they would be impeached. It literally happened. Bill Clinton who is impeached for committing adultery and lying about it. And then of course nothing happened except for just embarrassment on our country. Embarrassment for our nation. But people that would commit adultery or commit these sins it was looked down upon. It was shameful. It was embarrassing. Whereas today people just almost brag about it. Act like it's not even a big deal. They almost encourage others to do such a thing. Act like it's manly or cool. But you know what? God doesn't feel that way. Stealing. There's nothing honorable about stealing. There's nothing honorable about breaking any of God's commandments. Yet our society and our culture is so brainwashed today that they literally glory in their own shame. They glory in their own sin. Not recognizing there's a curse attached to sinning. Go to the New Testament go to Matthew chapter number 14. I want to show a couple more examples of this. This is an important point. I think we also need to remind ourselves. Just because you're saved and just because you come to this church doesn't mean that God doesn't isn't going to hold you responsible for your sins. Or like God isn't going to be mad at you for sinning or something. Oh well I know a lot so God's going to treat me differently. Even the ignorant he's going to punish. And the more you know the more likely you'll get punished in fact. It's not even knowing more helps you in that regard. It probably only makes you more likely to be held responsible. But it's better to know because you're then less likely to commit grievous sin. And Matthew chapter 14 verse 2 the Bible says this is Herod talking. And he said unto his servants, this is John the Baptist. You know I don't remember reading about any Methodists or Pentecostals in the Bible. I just remember reading about Baptists. That seems like a good thing to name your church right? A Baptist church. Now here's the thing. Is John the Baptist referencing Roman law? No. He's referencing God's law which applies to everyone. And even at this time we're in the Old Testament. In the Old Testament and Herod is not a Jew. Herod is not under that specific Judean requirement. You know he's not a part of the nation of the Jews. He's a Roman ruler over the Jews. But notice that God's law still applies to him. Hey it's not right for you to be married your brother's wife. Who says God? Because God is the one that's still in charge of the world. I want you to go to Acts chapter 15 for a second. Go to Acts chapter 15. We're just taking a quick journey through a few different places. Notice the consistency of how God's law and God's word applies to everyone. I remember hearing from a family member one time. They said well if I wasn't born in the right nation in the Old Testament God wouldn't love me and I'd have no chance of salvation. No it wasn't about your ethnicity at any point. Like it's never been about ethnicity. In fact if you actually study Jesus Christ's own lineage plenty of people in his own lineage are not natural born Israelites or Hebrews they got grafted in as well. You know like Rahab the harlot. She's not part of the appropriate lineage. She got grafted in and brought in. So even the Lord Jesus Christ there's not this quote pure genetics of Hebrews or something. There's a little bit of mixture even in that. And of course when we look at the broad scope of the nation of Israel this is not some purebred horse folks. It's a mutt. Whether you like it or not. And there's nothing about the Old Testament that prevented people from getting saved because of their ethnicity or their race. But on the flip side there's also nothing preventing them from being held accountable for their sin. Everyone is held accountable for their sin. Why would God even want to judge Nineveh in the Old Testament if they can't even sin against God? God wanted to destroy Nineveh because it was a bloody city because it was wicked because of the evil that they were doing. Why did he judge the Canaanites? I mean why did he massacre and destroy all of them? Because they were doing abominations. They were committing grievous sin. When he talks about Sodom and Gomorrah and he burned them with fire. Why did he do that? Because they were exceeding sinful. He wasn't like, oh well they can't sin because they're not a part of the nation of Israel. The nation of Israel doesn't exist yet. And when they came into existence it's not like sin disappeared. Sin still existed. Now in Acts chapter 15, this is an interesting point that's being made. Look at verse 21. For Moses of old time hath in every city them that preach him being read in the synagogues every Sabbath day. So you know what the Jews said? The Jews said, hey Moses has been being read in virtually every city and the whole world from a long time ago. Everywhere. I mean it's not like Moses was limited just to the children of Israel and one specific time. It's saying no, no, no. The law of Moses has been preached everywhere. Everyone's heard of this. Now does that mean that everybody was a Jew or everybody practiced the laws of Moses? No. But it's saying that that truth that scroll, that flying scroll has been everywhere and it's always going out. Just like in the times of Jeremiah when he's commanded by God to go into all the nations and all the world and to preach the Gospel. Well and arguably it's not so much specifically the Gospel but to preach the Bible. I'm sure there's a Gospel message hidden in there at bare minimum but Jeremiah was going out and preaching a decree about submitting unto the king of Babylon. Otherwise they were going to have to drink of the wine and the fierceness of the wrath of God. That's that hell fire and damnation preaching. Jeremiah was a traveling preacher. Going out there and the word of God was spreading all over the world. God's word is constantly going out throughout the whole world from every generation from times past to times present and we should get this idea of well God only cares about specific people no he cares about everyone he's the God of the whole earth and whole heaven. Now go over to Galatians chapter 3 this is an even better point a more specific point to what we've been talking about this curse because notice if you steal a curse comes upon you. Well this applies to breaking any commandment. You are cursed according to the Bible and in Galatians chapter number 3 it addresses this point look at what it says in verse number 10 for as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse for it is written, cursed is everyone that continueth not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them. What does the Bible say? Every single person that has not kept every single commandment perfectly is cursed. You say how many commandments do I have to break to be cursed? One. Then you're cursed. So what if I repent of all my sins? Well you're still cursed because you've already broken one of those commandments. Okay. And then it makes it clear in verse 11 but that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God it is evident for the just shall live by faith. Meaning it's obvious that no one could be justified by the law because everyone sinned because everyone is guilty. So the only way someone could be just is by faith. That's why it's evident. Verse 12. And the law is not of faith but the man that doeth them shall live in them. Boy I wish that people when we knocked on the door understood verse 12. Because you'll say hey how do you get saved and saved by faith. And you say what does that mean? Keeping the commandments. No no no no. Oh I'm sorry. Read verse 12. And the law is not of faith. Keeping the law is not faith. Faith is not keeping the law. Okay. These are two different things. Okay. The Bible is making it clear. The law is sight. The law just tells you what to do and you just do it. Okay. Faith is something that is not seen. Okay. Faith is us putting our trust and our confidence in the gospel message of the Lord Jesus Christ. That's what faith is. And it's not being justified by my works. It's being justified by his works. Okay. Not by works of righteousness which we have done but by his mercy he saved us. And the Bible is clear that the law is not of faith. In Romans chapter number 10 it contrasts the faith that Paul preaches with the law and makes it very abundantly clear that the Jews are striving to be righteous according to the law not understanding the faith that comes through Jesus Christ. Okay. Here in Romans chapter, I'm sorry, Galatians chapter 3 verse 12 it makes this a sharp contrast and the law is not of faith. It's not of faith. That the man that doeth them shall live in them. Meaning the law is what you would hear and you just do it but you know what? That doesn't give you righteousness. What gives you righteousness? Christ, verse 13. Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law being made a curse for us for it is written cursed is everyone that hangeth on a tree. So in the Old Testament there's a reference to those who are hung on a tree as being cursed and that was a prophecy of the Lord Jesus Christ and how he was going to be hung on the cross meaning he had to die that specific way. Jesus had to die being hung on a tree so that the curse could be applied to him and so that all of our curse could be put on Jesus Christ and he is that skate goat for us. He took all of the punishment that we deserve so that we could no longer be cursed. Did you notice what it's saying though? Have redeemed us. Did you realize that Galatians are not Hebrews? Hey, he's not talking about only the Hebrews he's saying that our curse hey Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law meaning that Galatians were under the curse of the law. Did you see that? Just like that curse that's being mentioned in Zechariah chapter number 5 is upon everyone hey everyone was under the curse of the law when they broke a commandment. Everyone. And the only way to be redeemed was through Christ. What does it say in verse 14? That the blessing of Abraham might come on the what? The Gentiles is this like a replacement theology book or something? I'm not getting this. I thought the blessing of Abraham was to a bunch of Christ rejecting Jews in Israel. Why does it say Gentiles there? Oh, because the Bible is true. And that the blessing of God didn't come on a bunch of Christ rejecting Jews it came on people who accepted Christ in their heart by faith. Those are the people that got it. What through Jesus Christ that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith. So notice again that the blessing came not just on the Jews but it came on the Gentiles as well. Of course the Jews were in on this as well. It's anyone. It was everyone that believed got saved. Everyone that sinned cursed. Everyone that believes in Jesus Christ saved. There is no such thing as well I'm Jew. I'm special. I'm not Jew. I'm not special. No if you believe in Christ you're saved. If you haven't you're cursed. And so it's important to recognize that the Old Testament is not something that oh well that only applied to this one specific group and they're the only ones that are bound under that curse. No. Everyone is bound under the curse of the law. Now obviously if you didn't join the nation of Israel and you weren't a citizen of the nation of Israel in the Old Testament there wasn't really any need for you to get circumcised or go have the Passover perform a lot of the ceremonial aspects of the law but at the same time everyone was essentially supposed to get saved believe in Jesus in the Old Testament and then join the nation of Israel and then become circumcised and then observe the Passover. So yeah it still would have applied. But I don't think that Gentiles were necessarily guilty for not observing the Passover what they were guilty for was lying stealing committing adultery all of those other things that are very clearly timeless sins that are mentioned everywhere in the Bible and just like Abimelech was going to be held responsible everyone's being held responsible for stealing everyone's being held responsible for falsely swearing in God's name. What is falsely swearing in God's name? Saying that you're going to do something and invoking God and not doing it you say as the Lord liveth don't we have a lot of quotes like that in the Old Testament or in the Bible people say as the Lord liveth or something this is an example of swearing by God's name. It's where you make a promise and what are they trying to say? They're saying just as certain as the fact that God lives is as certain as I am that I'm going to perform this action which he's the great I am there's no doubt that God lives he lives he lives Christ Jesus lives today yeah we know that Christ lives but you know what to say that you're certain of doing anything and the same level of God existing is just wrong that's why he's saying don't even don't swear that's why Jesus even said in the New Testament swear not at all but then on top of that what's even worse is to swear and then not do it that's the swearing falsely by his name and who did this a lot false prophets false prophets would say oh thus sayeth the Lord and then insert lies that was swearing falsely by God's name and he was saying those people were cursed when they would preach lies in God's name or they would invoke God's name and break their O's break their commandments break their promises there was a curse put on those individuals and so we need to make sure that we recognize the fact that God's law applies to everyone go if you want to do Zechariah chapter 5 let's go back to the chapter that we're studying here but that's a good point to you know sit there and think about how this applies to everyone the curse is going forth over the face of the whole earth God is the God of the whole earth is he the God of the Jews only now he's also the God of the Gentiles is what the Bible says so there's only one God the same Lord over all and he's rich unto all that call upon him there's only one God specifically now when we look at verse number 5 it says then the angel that talked with me went forth and said unto me lift up now thine eyes and see what is this that goeth forth and I said what is it and he said this is an ephah that goeth forth I like he's like hey what is this well what is it you know it's like I don't even know it's just funny how these conversations go he's just like he doesn't even know this is an ephah that goeth forth he said moreover this is their resemblance through all the earth now an ephah is like a measurement so I kind of liken this unto things that we use in today's economy when you think about like oil oils measured by like barrels of oil and so this ephah is probably not only just a measurement there's probably some style of container that's equivalent to an ephah as far as a measuring unit and so when it's referring to the ephah it's just referring to some container that would measure out to an ephah worth of wheat I think typically is what is a barley or something like that some kind of grain that it's being referenced some people picture this as maybe a basket some kind of a container is what is being referenced here as an ephah so he's saying that he sees some ephah that's going forth verse 7 and behold there was lifted up a talent of lead and this is a woman that sitteth in the midst of the ephah so verse 7 is kind of giving this idea that there's this maybe container we can just say it's like a basket it may not be a basket but something similar it's the size of an ephah there's a talent of lead on the top so it's kind of probably most likely talking about a lid okay and it's saying like when we took the lid off what did we see in there well behold there's a woman that sitteth in the midst of the ephah so there's like a basket with a woman in the basket and there was some kind of a lead covering over the top of her it says in verse number 8 and he said this is wickedness yeah don't put women in baskets okay I mean you know it's not where they're supposed to be right the women's lib movement alright release the women no I'm just kidding and he cast it into the midst of the ephah and he cast the weight of lead upon the mouth thereof then lifted I up mine eyes and looked and behold there came out two women and the wind was in their wings for they had wings like the wings of a stork and they lifted up the ephah between the earth and the heaven then said I to the angel that talked with me whither do these bear the ephah and he said unto me to build it and house in the land of Shinar and it shall be established and set there upon her own base so this is a lot of imagery a lot of symbolism that's being mentioned here I would not base a lot of doctrines on this specific vision by themselves cause what will happen is people will take this specific portion of scripture that we just read and run with it with all kinds of crazy ideas I don't even have time to debunk all the crazy ideas because there's just so many crazy ideas but when you don't have other verses in the bible or clear statements to back up anything you're saying you probably don't want to just base a lot of doctrine on this some people talk all about women angels and wings and all this stuff and it's like well it never said that these women were angels okay it just said there was women with wings it's also not even saying that this is even necessarily a real thing this is a vision of what he's seen okay so we can't make some doctrine and say there's all these women angels with wings out there we don't know that that's true okay all we know is in a vision he saw this and it somewhat is symbolic it's representing something here what is it representing? Wickedness okay so it's not even a positive mention at all nothing about this image nothing about these symbols is positive whatsoever it's considered a negative a negative prophecy a negative vision if we think about it in the first half we have God's word going forth which is a positive thing albeit it has a curse associated with it okay and the second one we kind of have a negative thing that's flying around we have wickedness so we have the word of God flying around and then we have wickedness flying around and wickedness here is represented by a woman now why? well let's look at some Bible on this go to 1 Timothy chapter number 2 go to 1 Timothy chapter number 2 and we'll kind of look at some of the layers potentially here of what this could represent but 1 Timothy chapter number 2 look at verse number 11 the Bible says let the woman learn in silence with all subjection but I suffer not a woman to teach nor to usurp authority over the man but to be in silence for Adam was first formed then Eve and Adam was not deceived but the woman being deceived was in the transgression so if we were going to argue who's bringing sin in the world the Bible makes it clear that Adam is the one that's the first person to sin but in the same token the woman is described as being in the transgression and of course she was the first to partake of the fruit of the tree in the midst of the garden she was not allowed to eat and so in some ways the woman just generally represents rebellion bringing sin into the world in this picture another way to look at this though and another way you can kind of look at women in the Bible is women just represents mankind because Eve is the mother of all living so Eve bringing sin in the world is also mankind and who's bringing sin in the world mankind mankind is bringing sin into the world in reference but because the woman pictures mankind because Adam pictures Christ you can see this in 1 Corinthians the Bible tells us that Adam is the first Adam and then Jesus Christ is the second Adam and he's the figure of him that is to come and the woman is there and she has the transgression and we notice that because of the woman transgressing what does she have to do? or what does she do? She gives it to the man and then the man partakes well a couple things you got to think about in this is number one you know let's just look at it from a basic level man didn't sin until he gave him a woman no I'm just kidding this is a joke when we look at this symbolism here we're actually describing the gospel okay because we are represented mankind as a whole all of us men and women are represented by Eve and Eve is deceived and sins and then she gives the apple unto Adam he doesn't he's not deceived okay and he partakes the apple anyways this is a picture of Christ Christ knew what was going to happen to him and yet he took our sin upon himself to redeem us and so a picture of Adam partaking of that sin is a picture and foreshadowing of how Christ was going to take our sin and what was the sin? When you sin what happens? You die so what did Christ have to do? He had to take our curse and he had to take that sin and he had to be willing to die for her for mankind which is a picture of the gospel of Jesus Christ dying for us okay I'm trying to just generally explain that because I think it helps us just recognize that woman pictures sin I mean woman pictures evil pictures wickedness and we don't want to get a understanding of this where we just start thinking like women bad okay that was why I was joking earlier okay obviously men aren't just so much better than women or something like this don't give this stupid MGTOW idea we gotta take the symbolism here because we're both represented by sin but you know if we were gonna talk about MGTOW for a second alright since y'all brought it up no I'm just kidding is aren't you glad that Adam didn't just desert Eve after she sinned you know there's this false doctrine out there called Lilith okay that Adam somehow had like a first wife named Lilith and then he had to like get rid of her because she was too bad or something like that I'm thinking like was Eve much better I mean I don't know like she sinned pretty quickly in the Bible too okay but no there's no such thing as another first wife of Adam okay it was just Adam and just Eve she came from his rib folks okay but aren't you glad that Adam didn't give up on Eve and this stupid MGTOW doctrine it's like they have this idea in their mind that women are just somehow worse than men or they're so much more evil or they have a stronger proclivity to sin or they can't be as godly or just insert insult okay that is the MGTOW viewpoint it's a woman hating movement out there and they look at and there's some bad women in the world and they look at them and they think like well look at this bad woman like Amber Heard or something okay and it's like okay so does that mean there's no bad men in the world or something like you know you like to cherry pick all the worst women in the world and act like men are good but it's like aren't there some pretty bad dudes out there too like when was the last time a woman just like axed murdered like 30 people or went somewhere and shot up a whole bunch of people and when we talk about famous serial killers I'm having a hard time remembering all the women that did that I'm having a hard time remembering all the women that implemented communism I'm having a hard time remembering all the women that are in charge of all the banks and in charge of all the wicked industries that we have in this world it seems like men run a lot of those things too I think that men have their problems okay so this women hating attitude is an ungodly unrighteous attitude but even if you did think and it is true that women are the weaker vessel even if you just had that idea well why don't you just help her anyways like think about it from our perspective woman is the weaker vessel okay according to the Bible as opposed to a man it's not saying that she's more sinful or something it's just saying in general she's not built the same way well in the same way we as mankind are weaker vessels than Jesus Christ and you know what I'm so glad that Christ didn't go his own way I'm so glad that Christ condescended to men of lowest state and was willing to redeem us and help us and love us and encourage us and lead us and so you know you want to be a great godly example oh I come here a woman she's weaker than me well why can't you isn't that the whole point I mean isn't the whole point of Christ coming and redeeming us showing that great example of love and compassion and leading us and guiding us in the same way that a husband is supposed to take upon a wife and is supposed to take on a woman and supposed to lead her and nurture her and guide her and do good under even if she is weaker who cares like that's a great excuse for you to lead her then you know this mid-tow attitude is a satanic doctrine because it's teaching people to not get married which is an end times false doctrine that's a doctrine of devils and you know what it's a wicked attitude you know what oh there's all these bad women well there's a lot of bad men too you know what but you don't have to marry a lot of bad women you just have to marry one woman and stop just thinking you're so much better than every woman out there because you're not you're not better than every woman out there that is a stupid attitude it's a wrong attitude and you know what why don't you just be like Christ anyways and go find some young woman that you can go lead and lead by example and lead by being a godly husband because that is the right attitude and you know if you think that women you could just cherry pick anything in the Bible to get any doctrine you want have you read Zechariah 5 women are literally wickedness have you read that hmm have you read Ecclesiastes I could show you some passages in Ecclesiastes about women being horrible you know you could cherry pick anything you want in the Bible folks but that is not what the Bible is teaching in Zechariah you know it's represented by the woman that's just like mankind in general now there's other symbolism that is attributed to this as well go to Revelation chapter number 17 go to Revelation chapter number 17 here's another thing that'll probably make some people not like that point is you know it's not saying that this woman just represents Jews okay I know that Jews cause a lot of problems in this world but they're not the only source of evil you know that men's thoughts were only evil continually before Genesis 6 when no Jew had ever existed because man is evil man does wicked things and man is trying to cause all kinds of horrible things on the world not not just the Jews okay and so we have to represent the idea and understand the concept that when we talk about wickedness it's not limited to women physically it's not limited to Jews it's mankind okay there are people that are men today that are not Jews and they're who we're talking about they're unsaved people that are MGTOW that are red pilled that have gone down the rabbit hole they know the truth about Jews and they're just as wicked as all the people that they hate as all the people that they denounce and they think are bad and they're also who we're going to describe here as Mystery Babylon now it says in Revelation chapter 17 in verse number 3 so he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet colored beast full of names of blasphemy having seven heads and ten horns notice that the woman's always sitting did you notice that? stop being lazy okay laziness is wickedness alright it's always a woman sitting it's not like describing a woman making me chocolate chip cookies or something you know cause that is not wickedness alright it's a woman sitting around doing nothing okay sitting it says in verse 4 it's quite the name verse 6 and when I saw her I wondered with great admiration Revelation chapter 16 we have another vision of a woman and she's described as Mystery Babylon she's described as a mother of harlots if you look back at verse 1 it also describes this woman did you notice this in verse 1 I will show thee under thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters so notice again that the whore is sitting but it's sitting upon many waters well look at verse 15 is this just saying Jews and Jews and Jews no no it's saying all kinds of different people isn't it and specifically look at verse 18 the woman which thou sawest is that great city which reigneth over the kings of the earth so it's saying there's a woman that is picturing what a city so the woman is not a woman the woman's not just talking about mankind as a whole it's talking about specific groups of mankind it's talking about a specific city and that city is made up of what the city is made up of all kinds of peoples, nations and tongues so it's a very diverse city that is described as the whore and who's in this city men and women because the Bible is not a woman hating book it hates sin and both men and women sin and the woman that's being pictured here in Revelation chapter 17 is known as Babylon the whore and it's not just women it's both men and women that are pictured here as Babylon Babylon is representative of all of these specific people now notice again it's constantly called Babylon Babylon right? We'll go to Daniel chapter number 1 for a moment, go to Daniel chapter 1 in Zechariah chapter 5 we read about how this woman that was flying, where was she flying? She was flying to Shinar, the land of Shinar to be established to be established we're going to make this something that's not going to change, there's something about her that's not going to change in the land of Shinar well Daniel chapter number 1 I want to read just the first two verses here the treasure house of his god so where is Babylon? Babylon is in the land of Shinar let's read this one more time go back to Genesis again and go to Genesis chapter number 10 and look at verse number 9 the Bible says and he was a mighty hunter before the Lord wherefore it is said even as Nimrod the mighty hunter before the Lord and the beginning of his kingdom was Babel or Babel and Erech and Akkad and Cali in the land of Shinar did you notice where is Babel or where is Babel or where is Babylon, it's in the land of Shinar, so we talk about the tower of Babel, what are we talking about? we're talking about Babylon that's an early indication of Babylon, and what is Babylon symbolized by? what is the tower of Babel or the tower of Babel symbolized as? it symbolizes everybody having one tongue, all of humanity working together one government, one world religion one effort to what? build a tower up into heaven you know what's interesting? and you should look at this up, did you know that Japan is literally building some kind of a structure where you can ride all the way up into space into heaven I don't even know, like I think it's going to take a long time to construct but they're literally trying to build a tower into heaven and there's like this mini little city pod that's going to be up there and you can like be up into outer space in this like Japanese construction but you know I don't know if they're going to have to have a lot of people working together on that specific construction project or not but when mankind comes together, what are they always trying to build? stuff into heaven you know specifically even when you talk about outer space, most of our outer space projects are international projects, have you ever heard of the international space station? the ISS that is not the efforts of one country, that's the efforts of multiple nations working together additionally there is a specific and I don't know the right terminology here but something similar to the ISS that's also orbiting the moon and it's called the gateway and it's a specific structure that's going around, it's also an international creation where multiple countries are coming together working together on this specific gateway project and that gateway is to allow different astronauts to be able to hook into it and be able to travel the moon more often, to do more experiments, to do more projects, research and to potentially refuel, to possibly send more spacecraft into Mars or other distant places in the galaxy and that's why it's called the gateway because it's supposed to be the door to open further space exploration beyond the moon. Oh, you think we went to the moon? Just don't even talk to me about it, alright? I'm not really interested in that but at the end of the day, you know, is it interesting that we constantly have to have these international efforts to do what? Explore heaven and to build things into heaven and to have these heavenly constructions and that was the same attitude that was the same spirit of these people when we get to that specific point in time and God had to literally confound the language to stop them from doing things. And God even said specifically that whatever man imagined to do would not be withheld from them. But you can't go to the moon. No, the Bible says anything that man has imagined to do, he can't accomplish. So I believe it. I believe that, you know, if man can dream it up, they can figure out a way to accomplish certain tasks. Now I think there's always limits on humanity. The two limits that I've always said and will always continue to say, man cannot create life from non-life and man cannot give something free will. I know that artificial intelligence is going to be really cool in the future and it's going to seem very persuasive but it's not real. And I was thinking about there's a lot of movies about this and I haven't seen any of them and I'm not going to raise your hands on this but there's a couple of movies called like Blade Runner. I don't know if you've ever heard of this or something but I've just read the plot of it before because I've never read it. I think they're like evil films but there's Blade Runner, there's like a new one. I think they're even coming out with a third one but the whole premise of the movie is like trying to identify what's really human and they create these things called replicants. And these replicants specifically are just what we think of as robots but they're made to look like humans. And they had difficulty convincing people that they're really human or really alive because they basically came out of a spontaneous generation in a sense. They have no real past. So what they would do is they would inject fake memories into these replicants minds to make them think that they were really alive themselves. They had to first trick the replicant into thinking that they were real to then trick other people. Well in later editions in the second movie apparently the concept is that somehow these replicants can actually give birth and they can actually create their own genesis of new replicants. And a lot of the movies just tied around like all of these concepts. And this is what I was thinking is like you know what the doctrine of Calvinism is almost no different than this. Because like in their mind like they say well if a replicant thinks it's human and it's indistinguishable from a human and even though it's been programmed and it's just executing all of its programs or whatever why is it not human? If it can reproduce and it thinks it's real and it thinks it has free will then how is that any different than an actual human? And I was thinking well from a Calvinist perspective it's not any different. I mean from a Calvinist perspective we're just like glorified robots that think we really have free will and think that we're doing stuff but we're all just fake. Okay. And you know that's a weird ideology. Okay. I believe that we do have free will. I saw a Calvinist post. I love being a Calvinist. And I replied like you had a choice. I mean it's just it's just so silly that doctrine or that concept or that idea. So I think there are limits on mankind. I don't think we can give something free will. Sorry Calvinist. Yeah we have free will. And I don't think that you can ever take something that has no life and create life. I don't think you can get a bunch of molecules and just balance them together enough and then all of a sudden you know a frog comes out or something. Or an amoeba or a bacteria or a single cell organism. Anything. Nothing. Okay. But outside of that I do think that mankind has the capability of doing virtually anything that he imagines to do. I mean think about some of the technologies that are on the cusp of entering our society. I mean Elon Musk is thinking about and has successfully put chips on people's brains. And I've noticed there's some guy that's like a paraplegic or something and he's like playing chess in his brain. Or something like that. Like somehow I don't even know how it's working. I've just only seen the videos. But supposedly he has the neural link and they have the computer screen and he's able to just literally play chess while thinking. That's crazy. But of course someone dreamed it up or figured out how to possibly tap into the neurons and all the things that are firing. I mean just think about the fact that we do heart transplants or think about blood transfusions or think about a lot of the things that we have in our society. I mean these are incredible technologies. The satellite technologies that we have. Our phones. The internet. Computers. Airplanes. I mean just all the stuff that we have is just incredible. And if you put you or me on an island we would never be able to make any of that. But given us enough people and enough time and enough will power the Bible is saying hey nothing would be restrained from them. What will keep technology slowed down is us not having the same language. But as we've seen an increase of communication, people being able to cross those language boundaries and be able to communicate has really escalated technology. And it seems like perhaps God did that because he wanted technology to abound at the right time. At what time? The end times. When we have essentially everybody receiving a mark on the right hand of their forehead and if they don't receive this mark they can't buy or sell. That is impossible to regulate without technology. There'd be no way to really have that be enforced in any kind of meaningful way without a serious form of technology in place. Because you'd have to literally have soldiers enforcing it at every corner and none of them ever disobeying that order. I mean it's just unrealistic to have such a thing. But with technology if we get rid of cash, if we become a cash society and it's all run by computers and they have the switch they could literally turn off the economy to whoever they want. And they could make it to where apart from bartering and selling on the black market there is no such thing as buying and selling. And it would be a meaningful thing if they implemented this specific mark. And it makes sense. What do we see? This woman is being carried into the land of China to be established. What I think that's meaning is we have the whore of Babylon being established. Because the whore of Babylon is described as representing all kinds of different kingdoms from times past. But why does it always have the name Babylon? That's just where it got established. The name that it stuck with. For whatever reason Babylon is the name that we're stuck with and what's being referenced. But it's movable isn't it? Just like it moves in the vision to there well it can move from the land of Shinar to what? Washington DC. Or to New York City. Or wherever. And it's representing what? A multitude of people and tongues that are very wicked, very evil, doing evil things. And Babylon is going to be an end times nation that's very evil and very wicked. So we've talked about a few things and I just kind of want to recap again. When we talk about this woman it can represent just mankind and sin. And we talked about some of the positives when we look at Genesis and we look at Adam and Eve. The pictures and figures of Christ and us. Also the importance of hey if you like that symbol then marry a woman, MGTOW. Stop being MGTOW. And additionally it can represent Mystery Babylon. I think another thing that we could take from this and this is not the main interpretation. The main interpretation is the end times Babylon that we've talked about. But another thing that's really you know to me symbolic here is just the symbolism of feminism. I mean think about wickedness as being spread by a woman and two women and boy it's just hard for me to get away from the fact that it's like it just seems like feminism is being spelled out in this specific chapter. And when you understand anything about communism or Marxism you have to understand that feminism is essentially the initiating force to bring in this totalitarian government and all of this wickedness and feminism specifically has ruined the developed nations of the world. Now feminism, I looked it up in Wikipedia just to see what they would say, but they attribute feminism to being started by a woman named Mary Wollstonecraft. Okay, it's quite a last name. Wollstonecraft she was born in 1759 and died in 1797. So she wrote a book and that's where they kind of get this term for feminism at least that's what it's being attributed to on Wikipedia and I'm sure that they're probably pretty accurate. This woman was surprisingly a whore. I didn't know if you were surprised or not. I was you know, really surprised. But she's famous for having multiple affairs and having a bastard child out of wedlock. She's also famous for convincing her sister to leave her husband. And then she's also famous for finally marrying someone. So she had a bastard child and then she got pregnant again out of wedlock with another bastard child, but they decided to get married quickly before the baby was born just so it would seem legitimate and that baby's name is Mary Shelley. It shares the same last name as me, I know, okay. But Mary Shelley is the author of the famous novel Frankenstein, okay. Interesting coincidences of all these things, right? But you can study, there's a lot of other people that were influential in the feminist movement, of course. When it comes to America specifically, they talk about feminism as coming in four waves is what a lot of people refer to, and the first wave coming in 1919 with the 19th amendment which gave women the right to vote. We finally gave women a voice. But I thought I remember a verse about that that we already read in First Timothy chapter number two that women are supposed to keep silence in the churches. Okay, there's certain realms of our society that women shouldn't have a voice according to the Bible. It says, let the women keep silence in the churches. So in the church, women are not supposed to have a voice. And additionally, I think that would extend to other areas of life, not all areas, in certain areas specifically like authority and especially God-given authority and that women are not supposed to usurp authority over the man but to be in silence for Adam's first form, then Eve. But we see the complete reversing and the flipping of this and we see that the devil comes and attacks the woman and tries to get the woman to sin first because you know what, of course, women are more likely, are a little bit more susceptible to that deception. Okay, generally speaking. Doesn't make them more wicked, doesn't make them more evil. Just means they're more susceptible. Just like children are more susceptible than adults, generally speaking, women are a little bit more susceptible than men. That's why 1 Timothy 2 explains that women should give birth. Women should have children. And I think it's just trying to say, sometimes we struggle to make the right decision and by having children it helps force you make the right decisions. Teenagers are not good at making decisions. Sometimes they need their parents to help force them make the right decision. And what ruins that college, what ruins women is them getting this voice and thinking oh, now they should be voting. What great things have women voted into our country? I mean, you know, if you say I don't agree with you pastors, I think that we should only have women vote. Or whatever your view is. I don't know. Something weird and satanic. But, I mean, show me an example of women getting the right to vote than positively affecting our nation. Positively affecting our country. Because I see them bringing in abortion. I see polls out today that say that women are much more likely to vote for Joe Biden. Which again, I'm not like advocating Trump but to say that you would vote for Biden is just there's something wrong with you. Something evil about that. I mean, if you say like I don't want to vote for either that makes sense. I could see why people vote for Trump. Because they just don't want Biden. Someone that wants to vote for Biden? There's just no logical explanation for that. And even as women you're voting in your own oppressor. You're voting in your own destruction. You're just taking the tree that's in the midst of the garden and you're eating right off of it. You're eating the fruit that's named Joe Biden. It's probably a fruit. And you say, oh you're so old fashioned. Yeah I am. I'm so old I go back to the Garden of Eden where Adam was first form and then Eve. That's where I get my doctrine. Feminism is wicked and in order for communism and Marxism to exist you have to first initiate feminism. And you have to give women a right to vote and then you have to trick women into voting for Joe Biden and voting into things that would literally harm them and they just don't know any better. And that's what's happening in our society. The second wave was in the 1960s with women's liberation where they essentially wanted to overturn the patriarchy. What's wrong with the patriarchy? You know this is like the opposite reaction to MGTOW is women going their own way right? But it's so silly because if we let women just live on their own island by themselves they would destroy themselves very quickly. I mean if you watch Survivor the women aren't doing great. They're complaining and starving and dying and whatever. They're not the ones leading society building society. They're not building all the roadways. They're not building all the buildings. It's Hispanic people folks okay. They're not the ones in the kitchen. They're not even the ones in the kitchen. Have you ever been to a restaurant? Who's worked in a restaurant? Okay yeah. In the restaurant was it not Hispanics making the food? Okay. Can I get a witness? It was Jorge and Jose and Juan and most of them didn't even speak English at all. Okay. It's like you know women they're given just these fake jobs and fake responsibilities. They make up HR departments which if they cease to exist would only benefit society. Women cops is a joke on our society. And look you know maybe there's a case for specific women in law enforcement to help with like children that have been abused or something. I'm not saying that there couldn't be an exception. But just generally speaking they shouldn't be patrolling our streets. They shouldn't be going up and down and trying to defend us from all the criminals that are out there. All the evil cartel and thugs and gangsters. I mean do you really think that the women were going to destroy the mafias in Chicago and New York? I mean were they the ones going to go into the snake pit and drag out all the sodomites back in the Stonewall riots and everything like that? I mean give me a break. They would have been like let's go shopping. That's what they would have said. Okay. This women's liberation movement only exists on the back of patriarchy. And once they've destroyed patriarchy it'll just be a vicious cycle where they'll go back into hardcore slavery. They're basically just dooming themselves into hardcore slavery and abuse and the real oppression that they claim that they have right now. Because the women are not going to build society. They need men to build society. And once you destroy all those men, well now you have no society. Third wave feminism is 1992 with diversity. This is all your diversity hires. This is where now when you go to the NASA website go to nasa.gov and click jobs. It'll be a picture of only women. And it's like they wonder why we can't go back to the moon. Okay. Like diversity. Okay. It's real easy. It's like we've lost the technology. Yeah. We've lost a lot of things. Okay. Fourth wave 2012 this is the me too movement. And just all kinds of, believe every woman unless they accuse a Democrat and then they're a liar. Okay. Feminism has destroyed America. And you know what's interesting is when you study feminism it basically came into Australia first and then it came into like the UK second and then third into America. And so sometimes if you want to figure out what life's going to be like in America just look at Britain and then look at Australia and then you're just like wow that's what's going to happen. And it's you know they're just warming pods for us. And we need a real awakening back to God's word. We need to be recalibrated with the word of God. And recognize the horror that exists out there and the evil and the sin that exists out there. And you know if America's Babylon we probably can't stop it. But you know what we can stop it for ourselves. We can get off of the horror program. We can get out of the matrix. Okay. You can unplug and you can say you know what I know that this is right. And even if you know women can vote for the rest of our lives and women can wear pants and women can you know divorce men for no reason and women can be these diversity hires and women can run NASA. Just choose to be a godly housewife instead. Just say you know what I know that I could do all those things but I want to choose the right path. I want to choose a godly path. And I want to raise children. And you know what you'll be really happy in the future. And you know the Bible says that women will be saved in child bearing. With holiness and sobriety. You know with humility. Just recognizing you know what that's what God wants me to do. That's the role that I have in society. And being a man is not what makes a woman great. Being a woman is what makes a woman great. You know it's not like women are second class citizens they just have a different role. And what's silly is to try and put them in a man's role. Just as silly as it would put a man in a woman's role. A man to say I'm going to stay home and I'm going to raise kids. What a weirdo. I'm going to wear the dress and the skirt. I'm going to just sit around and watch soap operas. Kill me now. I mean you know like you know what a man gets satisfaction from? Working. Going out there and working and making the money and protecting and providing. This is what makes men feel like a man. And you know what women are very happy when they're in the household running it. Ruling that. Taking care of the children. Loving on those children. Doing their job and their role. Don't get this idea that no I need to go along with the Whore of Babylon and I need to fly off to work. And I need to go out there and I'm a woman hear me roar. There's that famous speech that was recently famous is this Harrison Butker talking to a bunch of Catholic women at the Catholic college and saying you know the best choice his wife made was to become a homemaker. And I'm saying hey instead of making that decision after college make that decision before college. Even better. And just say like I didn't need that that worthless degree and to waste a whole bunch of money. And of course you say well that's where the guys are. Well you know there's a lot of guys you know getting jobs. There's a lot of guys in blue collar work. There's a lot of guys in churches. There's a lot of there's a lot of other opportunities you don't just have to go to college to find a spouse. But you know if women are in college to find themselves a spouse drop out and just get married. Quit wasting time. Quit wasting resources on something that's not the right path. There's never a bad time to repent. There's never a bad time to get on the right path. But instead of encouraging women to go to college to get married why don't we encourage them to stay with mom and dad until they get married. And then once they get married now they're under the authority of their husband. Because women that go off and live by themselves and live in college are just very susceptible to all kinds of evils. And a lot of bad things can happen and you know it's better for women to go from one man under the other. To go from dad to go unto husband. And for there to not be this four year gap where they're just in the dormitory in the sorority house doing who knows what. Ruining themselves destroying themselves. I'll finish on one last parable alright. Imagine you went to buy a new car. And you show up at the car dealership. And you say hey I kind of want to test drive this car. Like I don't want to just buy it. I'd like the test drive. And he's like no problem. He hands you the keys. And you say when do I have to bring this back? Whenever you want. So you're like really? Like what if I don't come back tomorrow? Just whenever you want. So you just drive it for the next five years. But now the car is kind of like busted up. The tires are messed up. There's issues with it. So you bring it back to the dealership finally. And you say like hey I really like this car but it's kind of broken. And he's like well if you want that car you're going to have to pay full price. You're going to have to pay that brand new price. And he's like but it's not a brand new car. It's a five year old car. And he's like sorry that's the price. He said what about this new car? And he's like well do you want to test drive it? Like yeah. So he gets in that car and he drives that car for another five years. And then he comes back and says hey do you want to buy this? No I want to try a new car. He's never going to buy a car. And then you realize that cars are women. And you realize why in the world would a woman allow herself to get test driven for five years and not get bought and paid for because after that five years he's going to trade up for a new car. It's a bad idea to allow someone to test drive you for five years with no price. And you know what that's what women are doing in society today and then they're waking up at 30 and saying boy I am a used car will someone buy me full price? And it's like no. You know who will buy you full price? When you're a brand new car. And you know men and women are not created equal folks. Men are more like houses. We appreciate over time. Women unfortunately they're like a car the day you drive it off the lot was the best day you had it. I'm not kidding. I'm joking to some degree. Let me say it right. I'm joking. Obviously I love my wife more than the day I married her. I'm just trying to wake you up to the reality. To the carnal truths that are out there. And it's just a bad idea to allow yourself to just take all your worth and just waste it. Get married. Once you have a car and it's your car it has nostalgia. You love it. You never want to get rid of it. The only reason I even got rid of my truck is because it literally just didn't drive anymore. It was till death through us part. Folks, I didn't want that to happen. I wanted to keep it going. But it's gone. Now I'd have to get a new car at that point. But this guy that's test driving it, you know what? He'll take it back whenever he wants. He'll just use it and abuse it because it's not his. He didn't pay for it. He doesn't even care about it. Women are going to college and just allowing everybody to test drive it. And you know what? The worst idea you can make. As a young woman, you know what? You should never allow that to happen to you. Because you're only hurting yourself. And the guy that doesn't want to buy the car was never going to buy it in the first place. He was never going to buy it in the first place. Jacob worked seven years before he could get married. And it was short time He liked it. He was excited about it. There was nothing that he was like, oh man, that's terrible. This is great. So, we need to make sure that we have the right ideas when it comes to life and society. Don't let feminism say, hey, let's fly off and let everybody test drive us or whatever. That's wickedness. Now, be a virgin on your wedding night. That is going to be the best testimony. It's going to give you the best mileage in life, okay folks? Sorry for all the allergies, alright? Let's close in prayer. Thank you Heavenly Father so much for giving us the Bible and giving us these words of wisdom. I pray that we'd recognize that we're under your law no matter what and that it's important not to just sin against you because of the curse that's associated with it. But I thank you that you took the ultimate curse of dying and going to hell away by putting it on your son, the Lord Jesus Christ. I pray that we would also beware of the whore of Babylon that's out there and that spirit of anti-Christ that exists in this world. I pray that we detach ourselves from that way of thinking from that world, but rather we care more about what God has for our lives. I pray that you would raise up a generation of women that decide to be virgin and to be homemakers and to love the Lord and to be humble and to accept their role in life. And I know that you'll greatly bless them for it. I pray that you would allow us to, as men, to lead the women that you give us and that you would help us to discourage this satanic doctrine of men going their own way. In Jesus' name we pray, Amen. Amen. Amen. Alright, so last up we're going to do song number 256. Sorry, that's not right. Song number 157. Come Thou Almighty King. Song number 157. Sing it out. Come Thou Almighty King. Help us Thy name to sing. Help us to praise. Father, all glorious for all victorious. Amen. All victorious. Come and reign over us ancient of days. Come thou incarnate earth. Gird on thy mighty sword. Our prayer at hand. Come and thy people blessed and give thy word success. Spirit of holiness on us we stand. Come holy, comforter. Thy sacred witness bear. In this power thou who Almighty art. Thou who in every heart and there from us depart. Spirit of power to the great one in three. Three and several more. His sovereign majesty may we in glory see. And to eternity. Come and adore. Great singing everybody. You are all dismissed. Thank you.