(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Song number one for Kneel at the Cross, Christ will meet you there. Song number fourteen, everybody sing it out on the first. Kneel at the Cross, Christ will meet you there. Come while he waits for you. Listen to his voice, beam him with your care. And begin life anew. Kneel at the Cross, leave every care. Kneel at the Cross, Jesus will meet you there. Kneel at the Cross, there is room for all who would his glory share. Bliss there awaits, arm can ne'er befall those who are anchored there. Kneel at the Cross, leave every care. Kneel at the Cross, Jesus will meet you there. Kneel at the Cross, give your idols a book on two rounds above. Turn not away to life's sparkling cup, trust only in his love. Kneel at the Cross, leave every care. Kneel at the Cross, Jesus will meet you there. Great singing everybody, let's open up the service with a word of prayer. Lord, we love you and we just thank you once again for Steadfast Baptist Church. We thank you for allowing us to gather here and praise you and hear your preaching. Lord, hear the word of God being preached. And we just ask you to bless this church and bless this service and fill it with your spirit. And it's in Jesus' name we pray, amen. For our next song, let's go to song number 44. Song number 44, We'll Work Till Jesus Comes. Song number 44. O land of rest for thee I sigh, when will the moment come? When I shall lay my armor by and well in peace at home. We'll work till Jesus comes. We'll work till Jesus comes. We'll work till Jesus comes and we'll be gathered home. To Jesus Christ I fled for rest, he made me cease to roam. And he bore secure on his breast till he conduct the ode. We'll work till Jesus comes. We'll work till Jesus comes. We'll work till Jesus comes and we'll be gathered home. I sought at once my Savior's side, no more my steps shall roll. With him I'll pray, death's chilling, time and grief my heavenly home. We'll work till Jesus comes. We'll work till Jesus comes. We'll work till Jesus comes and we'll be gathered home. Great singing everybody. Thanks for coming to Steadfast Baptist Church. If you need a bulletin you can lift your hand nice and high. One of our ushers can come by. Get you guys a bulletin if you don't have one from Sunday. On the front we have our Bible memory passage. Psalm 59 and any child 18 or under that can quote the verse of the week can get an ice cream treat immediately following the service. I was actually in Phoenix this last Sunday and so I really appreciate Brother Oz and Brother Ben preaching for me while I was out there. And it felt like I was visiting the sun. But other than that it was great to be out there. And I really love Faith Ward Baptist Church. It's really a great church, great people. It was good to see a lot of familiar faces. And so if you're ever obviously in that part of the country you got to go check out Faith Ward Baptist Church. They're kind of having a what they call mega conference where they have a lot of guest preachers coming in for about a month period right now. And so I got to go out there. And also Brother Oz is going to be going out there to preach for them in August as well for their Wednesday night service. And so that's definitely just keep on the horizon. On the inside we have our service time, soul winning times. And then church stats. Also on the right a list of several expecting ladies. Please be in prayer for all the ladies who are expecting. I'm going to go over our prayer list in detail here in just a second. But just a couple upcoming events. August 15th through the 17th is the Mighty Men's Conference. And if you want to put the date down. There should be a sign up. There's a sign up sheet right? Or no? I don't know. Okay. Just at least get the dates and we'll get a sign up sheet going pretty soon if we don't have one over there. I can't remember. Also September 8th Dr. Stringer is going to be preaching for us. Both services. So I really encourage those who maybe are Sunday morning only to try and come at least that Sunday night. I won't be preaching so you don't have to worry about that. But come see in here Dr. Stringer. He's a great preacher. Guest preacher. He's going to be coming in preaching a couple different sermons on the King James Bible. And he's a wealth of information on that subject. And so even though I feel like our church really emphasizes that. We've made documentaries and we've talked a lot about it. He still brings a lot of fresh perspective and a lot of new information. And so he usually preaches a lot of really interesting things. So I highly encourage you to participate. Also he's one of the most highly sought after guest preachers that exists. I mean in some cases you have to book him two years in advance just to have him come and preach at your church. And so it's definitely something you don't want to miss. October 4th through the 6th is the Heritage of the Lord conference that we're planning on having. And then it's not in the bulletin yet. But I want to just add something to the bulletin and I'll put it in Sunday. Brother Oz is going to be actually moving to Oklahoma City in the near future. And so we don't know exactly what day because a lot of things are going up in the air. August 4th, that evening service we're going to kind of have a dessert and just kind of fellowship for everybody to kind of say bye. And it may not be the last time he's here but we feel safe that he will be here for sure but it could be his last Sunday as well. So we just want to at least have that. And if you would like to get them a gift or do anything you can we'll also probably have a basket. Just collect either cash or gift cards or anything that you'd like to just give them to help them with moving expenses and just anything if you'd like to help them to be a blessing. So that's just to put that out there. August 4th, that's Sunday. That's Sunday evening service. We're just going to have a dessert fellowship. And so if you want to bring your best desserts, I don't know, what do you like, Dylan? German chocolate cake. All right, someone make that. All right, there we go. So we'll have a fun time of fellowship then and it'll be bittersweet but we really appreciate the Oz family and we're looking forward to them moving up there and helping out the Oklahoma City church. So I just wanted to put that on your radar. On the back we have some church rules and reminders. Again, no running in the church building. No children on the stage. Children should also not be in the kitchen area unattended. If you have an upset child or crying baby, of course you can use our Mother Bay rooms at your full discretion but if you're in the sanctuary, if you'd please at least step out of the sanctuary. Of course you can use that Mother Bay room the entire service if you'd like. Also on Sunday afternoons we have a quiet time from 2 to 4 and that's where if you would like to just stay here in the sanctuary you can. We just kind of turn off half the lights and allow those toddlers or babies to take a little bit of a nap. And then also we have Mother Bay rooms that are shared for everybody if they'd like to use them. We just want the children to be attended with their mother and we have our fellowship area where you can do quiet activities such as reading or using maybe an electronic device with headphones. So that's pretty much all I have is those announcements. We're going to go to our prayer list for a moment and talk about that and we'll have a prayer as a church. We've been continuing to pray for the Naims, for their grandmother, for her vision, health, and salvation. Also we've been praying for the Carlson's mother, Miss Rebecca, and we've been praying for the Miller's friend, also Miss Tamara, Brother Scott's nephew Mark, Miss Garcia's daughter who's also expecting. That's exciting news. We're praying for the Oz family. We're praying for Brother Foley's fiance. We're praying for also Brother Foley had another request for a co-worker, his wife was hospitalized and so we've been praying for her. Brother Guzman was asking for prayer for Pastor Gomez. I guess he has some health issues and so we prayed for him and then also his mother. So several prayer requests there and you can pray throughout the week for them. We'll say a quick word of prayer as a church family now. Thank you Heavenly Father so much for our church and this opportunity to have services this evening. Thank you so much for all these ladies who are expecting. And blessing them with pregnancy. I pray that you would just help them during their pregnancy and give them a smooth delivery. I pray that you would also please bless these church members and friends and family that have serious health issues and serious concerns. I pray that you would, if possible, just give them a full recovery. If they need a miracle, that you would just grant them a miracle. I pray that you could just also help those who are maybe temporarily sick or just under the weather that they could have a speedy recovery and they could get back into church. And I pray that you would continue to give our church family favor for their work and for their jobs. I pray that you would also help give us the opportunity to present the gospel to those that need it and that are lost and they'd soften their hearts. And in Jesus' name we pray. Amen. That's pretty much all I have as far as announcements. We'll go ahead and sing our Psalm of the Week. It's going to be Psalm 126. And we have our special handout if you'd like to use that. It'll make it a lot easier. Psalm 126. Alright, that was Psalm chapter 126 in your Bibles or special handouts. Psalm 126 and everybody sing it out together on the first. Great things for them the Lord and great things for us Whereof we are glad Turn again our captivity O Lord As the streams in the south They that sow in tears shall reap in joy They that sow in tears shall reap in joy Then said they among the heathen The Lord hath done great things for them The Lord hath done great things for us Whereof we are glad He that goeth forth and reapeth bearing precious seed Shall doubtless come again Shall doubtless come again With rejoicing bringing his sheaves with him Then said they among the heathen The Lord hath done great things for them The Lord hath done great things for us Whereof we are glad Great singing everybody. Now as the offering plates are being passed around go ahead and turn in your Bibles tonight to Zechariah chapter 12. It's the book of Zechariah chapter number 12. Zechariah chapter 12. Zechariah chapter 12. The Bible reads The burden of the word of the Lord for Israel saith the Lord Which charges forth the heavens and layeth the foundation of the earth and formeth the spirit of man within him Behold I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about When they shall be in the siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all the people All that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces Though all the people of the earth shall be gathered against it In that day saith the Lord I will smite every horse with astonishment and his rider with madness And I will open mine eyes upon the house of Judah and will smite every horse of the people with blindness And the governors of Judah shall say in their heart The inhabitants of Jerusalem shall be my strength and the Lord of hosts their God In that day will I make the governors of Judah like an earth of wood A fire among the wood and like a torch of fire in a sheaf And they shall devour all the people round about on the right hand and on the left And Jerusalem shall be inhabited again in her own place even in Jerusalem The Lord also shall save the tents of Judah first That the glory of the house of David and the glory of the inhabitants of Jerusalem Do not magnify themselves against Judah In that day shall the Lord defend the inhabitants of Jerusalem And he that is feeble among them at the day shall be as David In the house of David shall be as God as the angel of the Lord before them And it shall come to pass in that day that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem And I will pour upon the house of David and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem the spirit of grace and of supplications And they shall look upon me whom they have pierced And they shall mourn for him as one mourneth for his only son And shall be in bitterness for him as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn In that day shall there be a great mourning in Jerusalem As the mourning of Hadadrimmon in the valley of Megiddon And the land shall mourn every family apart The family of the house of David apart and their wives apart The family of the house of Nathan apart and their wives apart The family of the house of Levi apart and their wives apart The family of Shimei apart and their wives apart All the families that remain, every family apart and their wives apart Let us pray Emily Fall, Lord, thank you for Zechariah chapter number 12, Lord And thank you for allowing us to be here I just pray that you'd fill a past show with your spirit, Lord To preach unto us your word and that we'd receive it with a glad heart And I pray this in Jesus' name, Amen Amen Zechariah chapter 12, again makes a little bit of a transition from chapter 11 And of course it makes an obvious chapter break here Where it brings up another subject Says the burden of the word of the Lord for Israel And so in the previous chapter we had talked a little bit about The shepherds that were being described in the chapter 11 Of basically God being kind of this shepherd unto the flock of slaughter And providing for them and taking care of them Whereas there is coming a other kind of shepherd Not the good shepherd but really the antichrist Which was the idol shepherd, the false shepherd That was kind of alluded to Now the book of Zechariah is a prophetic book of course But what we have to understand is that it has multiple layers Of course a lot of Zechariah is being prophesied of the coming next 500 or so years And the leading up to the Lord Jesus Christ But then there's also tie-ins with the end times What you don't want to do with any of these books, especially in the Old Testament Is you don't want to get so dogmatic about any particular sequence of verses All talking about the exact same event Sometimes we kind of just have a random verse here or there That kind of just allude to maybe a future event And so we want to make sure that we're kind of considering All of the different contexts that may exist in a chapter like this I would say that Zechariah chapter 12 though admittedly is a little bit vague And so what I kind of would assume is that a lot of people Are going to probably approach a chapter like this Especially not thinking about the entire book with whatever bias they already have Or whatever predisposition they already have And so they might just try to twist a lot of things in the book of Zechariah And really what's important when you have any book of the Bible That's not necessarily extremely clear or very detailed Is you don't want to establish your doctrine on Zechariah chapter 12 You want your doctrine to be established in clear places in scripture And then allow that to help us have an idea of what Zechariah 12 is really trying to describe and talk about The end part of the book of Zechariah is a difficult book And so we don't want to necessarily say Well I have this unique doctrine and the only place I can prove it is Zechariah chapter 12 Well that's a scary place to be in You want to make sure that in the multitude of counselors there's safety here And we understand all the different passages in one cohesive narrative In verse 1 it kind of talks about in a sense our minds And we'll kind of address that when we finish this chapter here But when God is describing himself here in verse number 1 I think he's just trying to remind the audience Remind Israel, remind us as viewers or listeners or readers That hey this is the Lord who really created everything He's the all powerful being He's the one whom we should really fear when it comes to our world and what's going on in it Why? Because the Lord is the one who stretched forth the heavens And layeth the foundation of the earth And formeth the spirit of man within him So God is a supreme creator And created just things that are unimaginable for us Stretching forth heavens Laying a foundation of the earth Whatever that means exactly Of course we understand the earth has a crust But inside somewhere is hell essentially And a lot of liquid fire How does that even work? And then specifically even more complex than either of those is the spirit of man itself Which is more of a supernatural creation It's not even necessarily a physical creation It's something that goes into the spiritual realm And it goes to show that God is not just a carnal God God is a spiritual God And he created us to be spiritual beings And we're supposed to have a spiritual connection with God Not just merely a carnal connection And a lot of people today they're just so focused on the carnal And they think that that's how God wants them to interact with them But God wants us to interact with them on a spiritual level You know the Catholic today is trying to maximize his carnal experience with God Going into a giant beautiful building Going and eating the Eucharist Which is blasphemous by the way They have all the fancy garb and clothing and outfits And the sanctuary service is just this pious exhibit For them to be on display But you know none of that really matters when your heart's not right with God None of that really matters when you're not even saved None of that even matters when you don't even care what the Bible says You know God created us to worship God in spirit and in truth And you know when you come into a church like this You're not going to see the beautiful stained glass windows You're not going to have all the fancy accoutrements It may not even be the most enjoyable sensation carnally speaking But you know what? People here actually care what the Bible says And actually are here because they love God in their hearts and in their minds And most of the people in here actually drive pretty far to come to church I mean who in here would say it takes me over 30 minutes to get to church on Wednesday night? Yeah, I mean that's more than half of the crowd It takes over 30 minutes just to get here on a Wednesday night crowd home For all people All that burden themselves with it Shall be cut in pieces Though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it In that day, saith the Lord, I will smite every horse with astonishment And its rider with madness And it will open mine eyes upon the house of Judah And will smite every horse of the people with blindness And the governors of Judah shall say in their heart The inhabitants of Jerusalem shall be my strength And the Lord of hosts their God In that day will I make the governors of Judah like a hearth of fire among the wood And like a torch of fire and a sheaf And they shall devour all the people round about On the right hand and on the left And Jerusalem shall be inhabited again And her own place even in Jerusalem Now this is what's interesting In verse 1 we've had the burden of the word of the Lord But in verses 2 through 6 He's not bringing a burden unto Israel He's not bringing a burden unto Israel Because he's going to somehow make all of those outside armies They're going to tremble at Jerusalem They're going to be afraid of the God of Israel And the God of Jerusalem He's going to make Jerusalem seem like a cup of trembling unto them They're going to be terrified of this city They're afraid of the God of the Bible He says in verse 3 Because he's also mentioning the fact that those that would make Jerusalem a burdensome stone Well let me word it this way because it's kind of confusing language In verse 3 the second part says all that burden themselves So he's saying like There's individuals that they're so burdened That Jerusalem exists And think about it this way There's all these atheists and leftists That are just so burdened with the idea that Christians exist There's just all these individuals that are just so upset That Steadfast Baptist Church is even here And that we have a building and that we're meeting And that we're even allowed to just read the Bible out loud Or that we're allowed to just preach what the Bible says I mean they're just so burdened with it and it just bothers them It just irritates them so much And many of them want to see you destroyed This is what he's saying is there's people that are burdening themselves with Jerusalem They just can't stand the fact that there's the temple That the children of Israel are rebuilding it You see this even at the beginning of the reconstruction project Of all these individuals that are just so bothered With them coming back, Ezra and Nehemiah And them rebuilding that temple And they have to go and cry to Artaxerxes And they have to go and cry and whine And Tobiah is sitting here just like And they're just all mad about the fact that They're rebuilding the temple And they're burdening themselves with Jerusalem It's not that Jerusalem's a burden unto them In fact they could just leave it alone It's not a problem They're making it their problem They're just making this an issue Who knows how big the earth was population wise at that time Could have been a million Maybe it was less, it was most likely way more Could have been a hundred million I mean they had plenty of time And really almost no reason not to just have expanded Just in an extreme way at that point Plus if you really kind of study archaeology And you study geology You'll notice that we have just an enormity Of fossil fuels that are spread all over the earth And all kinds of fossils everywhere And the number of fossils is just considered just extreme I mean think about geologists today They think we have hundreds of millions of years Of life from this planet based on just the number of fossils So it seems like what died in the flood Was a giant number A huge number of animals, plants, humans All kinds of things were destroyed at that time Showing that God is willing to destroy many Isn't that evident through animals indiscriminately in the Bible all the time? How about when there's one man that's possessed with a legion of demons And he just sends them into a herd of swine And just slaughters just countless pigs Thousands of pigs violently in the stream Just to save one man Meaning that God doesn't care about animals the way that the left does Or the way that you do even potentially You know God is just slaughtering I mean think about how many animal sacrifices there are in the Bible I mean God is just slaughtering animal after animal after animal I mean the Bible teaches that animals are for us Not us for the animals I've never seen it, praise God But I guess there's like a more recent adaptation of the Noah movie And I've just heard from a few people that have seen it That like Noah felt so bad about man like hurting animals And like hurting the environment or something like that And it's just like that's so stupid You know just it would be better off to just kill literally every animal Than for just even one human to die or be injured or harmed You know God doesn't care about the animals Their spirit goes back down into the earth And God could create new animals whenever he wants, however he wants You know animals are here for us, not us for animals And if it's a bad animal If it's being used by the wicked God will just kill it too Cause he just doesn't even care about that That's meaningless to him And so we have to understand that God is gonna slaughter A lot of animals and humans here One application that we could take probably from these three verses that we've already read Is probably a more A more near future prophetic interpretation here That you know if you study history The Greeks obviously kind of come through this period Come through this area And they don't necessarily destroy Jerusalem Alexander the Great doesn't really do anything But then you have later kings and Tychus, Epiphanes and other individuals that try to destroy Jerusalem Come against it in certain military conquests And God constantly delivers Jerusalem over and over Because it's necessary to keep that city intact Keep this people intact And keep all of that ready for the Lord Jesus Christ who's coming down the pike So I believe that some of these verses Could very well have some level of application For some of those battles Some of those skirmishes That we saw in the 200-100 BC area of timeline Okay So some of this would for sure have a A prophetic semblance for that period of time And I think even in verse 5 it says And the governors of Judah shall say in their heart The inhabitants of Jerusalem shall be my strength and the Lord of hosts their God So even the rulers They kind of recognize that what's keeping them alive Is the people of Israel The people of Jerusalem Because God cares about them so much And they're kind of his life blood So they're their life blood And it gives them strength in God Saying oh wow these people worshiping God That's what's keeping me alive That's what's preserving us And their strength is in the Lord ultimately He's recognizing how much God cares about these people Therefore they have strength in God Because they're recognizing that consistency Verse 6 He's kind of using a little bit of metaphor here Somehow the leaders are going to just turn into fire And basically just torch everybody on this ideal siege Or this idea of a siege where there's all these armies I think what's potentially being alluded to here Is an end times event If you keep your finger and go to Revelation chapter 20 for a moment Go to Revelation chapter 20 The Bible does talk about an event That pretty much fits what we've read As far as verses 2 through 6 The idea of the inhabitants of Jerusalem We gather together in Jerusalem Armies compassing them about all around And then God somehow bringing a fire down That would devour all of those enemies Well that sounds like the battle of Gog and Magog Which is mentioned in Revelation chapter 20 That would make sense considering the prophetic timeline That we've been seeing through the book of Zechariah How it's been mentioning a lot of the events in the last 7 years Of Daniel's 70th week That we've been trying to study here And in Zechariah, I'm sorry in Revelation chapter 20 Look at verse 6 The Bible says Blessed and holy is he that hath pardoned the first resurrection On such the second death hath no power But they shall be priests of God and of Christ And shall reign in them a thousand years So according to the timeline We kind of have a last 7 year period of history Of human history Some people refer to it as Daniel's 70th week And at the end of this Christ has come down from heaven with all the saints To rule and reign on earth physically for a thousand years That's what's being alluded to here in verse number 6 And specifically these people have taken part in the first resurrection How in the world do people that are amillennialists or postmillennialists interpret that verse? Like are they literally saying they've already been resurrected? Because the people that are in this particular thousand year reign of Christ Have been resurrected They've already been taking part in the first resurrection Did you read that with me? I read it Blessed and holy is he that hath pardoned the first resurrection On such the second death hath no power But they shall be priests of God and of Christ And shall reign in them a thousand years How does anybody interpret that? With this amillennial or postmillennial view it's ridiculousness And it's mentally brain dead It's like a Biden moment It's Biden doctrine Because there's no way that that can even be interpreted with their viewpoint So they probably ignore a verse like this But it says after the thousand years, look at verse 7 And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison This verse is even worse for them Because are you gonna tell me that right now Satan is bound in hell And that there's no deception of Satan in this world right now? Like I'm supposed to believe that Satan is somehow just in hell And he's bound right now And he's not deceiving the nations And no one's being led by the devil I mean this is just utter ridiculousness Okay If anybody says like, oh I'm postmillennial That probably doesn't mean much to you But think of it, this is what they said I'm mentally retarded and think that the earth is flat That's what you should hear coming out of their mouth And I voted for Biden I mean that is almost what is basically coming out of their mouth When they say this kind of stuff I'm all amillennial, I'm postmillennial It's like you're just retarded Okay And again I understand that when it comes to end times I give grace to people, I'll also be friendly with people But just generally speaking, your idea is ridiculous Your idea is foolishness, it's nonsense It makes no sense And it sounds like you haven't studied this at all Or even thought about it I mean how could you interpret the devil being bound in hell right now I just don't even see what you would think there Did you watch the Republican National Convention? It seems like the devil's alive and well buddy Okay, I'll get to that in a minute Look at verse 8 You know, it's pretty clear what's happening For a thousand years it's just peace That's why we have the literal prince of peace And for a short space, which we have no idea how long this is How long is the devil going out and deceiving the nations for? A day, a year, longer, I don't know But, you know, it doesn't necessarily give us an exact timeline of how long the devil's going out But he's going to gather all of the ungodly And what's in Jerusalem? All of the saints Okay, now, just think about this It's like okay, well this is how you have to determine Like, what in the world? Like, that's not happening Okay, of all the places I might flee to, that is not number one on my list Or two or three or four, like there's just no way But it's painting this picture of everybody flinging there But think about it If you're at the millennial reign of Christ Where Christ is literally ruling and reigning in Jerusalem The new built Jerusalem Okay, yeah, that would make sense It's like, we're all going to run there We're all going to hide there That makes perfect sense that we would find sanctuary in that particular city Not a realistic scenario for today, folks, okay Plus, it's not filled with saved people It's filled with, you know, mixed multitude there at best Many unsaved people in Jerusalem today So this is not talking about some modern day, current event This is talking about, if you read the rest of Revelation to this point You would understand where we are in the timeline We're way past the tribulation and the wrath period of God And this is after the thousand years But there's this one-time battle where people are gathered together against Jerusalem God rains fire and brimstone down from heaven And destroys them, devours them all And then the Bible says, finally the devil's cast in the lake of fire and brimstone And that's where the beast and the false prophet are, okay So the beast and the false prophet don't even partake in this event Think about that If you were going to say that we're in the period of time Where the devil is going out to deceive the nations one more time That means we've already had the antichrist and the false prophet And that the antichrist and the false prophet are already in the lake of fire And we'll never see them again You would have to have said that the antichrist has already come When? Okay, I know it's Adolf Hitler forever But, you know, there were some worse people than Adolf Hitler If you could believe that It's called the Bolshevik Revolution Now, go if you would to Ezekiel 38 Because I want to prove this a little bit more Like, Revelation's very minimal in the details that it provides It doesn't provide a lot of information about this But I believe Ezekiel gives you more And I should probably preach another sermon on it at some point But I've tried to explain this a few times already But if you understand the book of Ezekiel It kind of gives an end times picture as well And you have that valley of dry bones The valley of dry bones is the resurrection It's very clear, okay Immediately following that in the book of Ezekiel Zechariah It brings up this, like, battle of Gog and Magog Well, the thing is, obviously, that just matches perfectly With what we just read in the book of Revelation But I believe what you have to do is you have to kind of understand That things can be used multiple times in the Bible And that what's actually being referenced initially is the battle of Armageddon The battle of Armageddon Which is a similar style event It's where all these armies are gathered outside of Jerusalem And God destroys them all with the sword that proceeds out of Jesus Christ's mouth, okay Then afterwards, after the battle of Armageddon You have the millennial reign of Christ where you're rebuilding the temple That makes perfect sense with the book of Ezekiel Because we have what? The dry bones, resurrection We have the Armageddon event Then we have them building the temple Which is basically the rest of Ezekiel If you've ever read Ezekiel, you get towards the end And it's just like, temple, temple, temple, temple, temple, temple Foreshadowing, what? Two things, number one The temple that we're reading about in Zechariah being built Which is being built And then the future, I believe Rebuilding of Jerusalem and the city When Jesus Christ is going to literally rule there And reign there, okay Some people get upset because, like, obviously the book of Zech- I'm sorry, of Ezekiel brings up animal sacrifices And, of course, we're not going to do animal sacrifice in the middle of the reign But they did do animal sacrifices in Zechariah's timeline All the way up leading into Christ So any verse about the animal sacrifices is only for that period of time And yet I do believe a lot of the temple can be dual fulfillment About that second temple And then, depending on how you're counting, the third or the fourth, okay If you count the Antichrist reconstruction as the third Then this would be the fourth If you discard that one, then this would be essentially the third rebuilding of a particular temple in Jerusalem But what I think is interesting, then, is when you come back, though You can have Gog and Magog then also be Gog and Magog again So it's like a dual fulfillment And you kind of notice in Esther, like in Esther, they get this, like, special day to, like, slaughter all their enemies And then they go back and they're asking, like, can we do it again? And then they have, like, the exact same vin again And I believe that's kind of also helping you understand, like, hey, there's, like, the Battle of Armageddon And then, like, we have the Battle of Gog and Magog And they overlap and they kind of have that same similarity So don't get too confused on this This is my interpretation of these chapters But I want to do show you here, here in Ezekiel 38, a few verses Look at verse 14 Therefore a son of man prophesied, saying to Gog Thus saith the Lord God, In that day, when my people of Israel dwell safely Shalt thou not know it? And thou shalt come from thy place out of the north parts, thou and many people with thee All of them riding upon horses, a great company and a mighty army And thou shalt come up against my people of Israel as a cloud to cover the land It shall be in the latter days, and I will bring thee against my land That the heathen may know me, when I shall be sanctified in thee, O Gog, before their eyes Thus saith the Lord God, Art thou he of whom I have spoken? And old time by my servants, the prophets of Israel, which prophesied in those days many years That I would bring thee against them? And it shall come to pass at the same time when Gog shall come against the land of Israel Sayeth the Lord God, That my fury shall come up in my face For in my jealousy and in the fire of my wrath have I spoken Surely in that day there shall be a great shaking in the land of Israel So that the fishes of the sea and the fowls of the heaven and the beasts of the field And all creeping things that creep upon the earth And all the men that are upon the face of the earth shall shake at my presence And the mountains shall be thrown down and the steep places shall fall And every wall shall fall to the ground And I will call for a sword against him throughout all my mountains Sayeth the Lord God, Every man's sword shall be against his brother And I will plead against him with pestilence and with blood And I will rain upon him and upon his bands and upon the many people that are with him And overflowing rain and great hailstones, fire and brimstone Thus will I magnify myself and sanctify myself And I will be known in the eyes of many nations And they shall know that I am the Lord And they shall know that I am the Lord There's only one God, there's only one Lord And he is going to make it known unto them in this particular event Now of course a lot of this fits perfectly with the Battle of Armageddon Because what happens? The nations of the cities fall And then you have the Battle of Armageddon and he destroys all of them Perfect Also Gog and Magog, similar event Horsemen, everybody gathered from all the four corners of the earth against Jerusalem He rains fire and brimstone down in the Book of Revelation The Book of Revelation gives us like four verses on this approximately Or a handful of verses so there's not a lot of detail This I believe gives us a little bit clearer description of just a few of those minutia details Okay So if you combine all those I believe that is what's kind of being alluded to in the Book of Zechariah Now we don't want to go so far as to say like every single one of those verses is only about Gog and Magog Or that particular future event Because I believe some of them are probably present day application And then they ultimately have that ultimate fulfillment as well in the Gog and Magog battle Go back if you went to Zechariah chapter number 12 now With that in mind So again you know some of these things that are future events There's just very little bit of scripture just kind of sprinkled in a few different places And you kind of have to kind of read them all just get maybe the best glimpse of what's going to happen We don't have all the events, we don't know everything I think it's still impressive that God can tell us things that are going to happen in the future and they're still going to happen Like obviously if he just maybe spelled everything out with every tiny detail Sometimes it could throw people off But it's impressive to me how much he can actually even be honest about and just kind of tell you point blank And then people will still do it I mean think about the devil The devil's like knows the Bible Okay folks he's read it He's already read like oh so Jesus is going to actually die on the cross But you know he tried to stop that didn't he Didn't he still kill a bunch of babies in Bethlehem trying to stop Jesus but he failed He tried to stop Jesus Christ from rising from the dead They sealed the tomb But the angel rolled away the stone and Jesus Christ came out And the devil constantly tried to kill all the apostles and stop the gospel from spreading And use the Jews to move their move of envy and they fought the apostles and tried to destroy the gospel from going to all nations But he failed again And the devil keeps planting his tares amongst the wheat But you know what he just keeps failing And of course the devil's going to come with his antichrist And he's going to try to destroy the entire earth with a flood But then the earth's going to open up its mouth and it's going to swallow the flood And he's going to fail again And then he's going to fail in a worldwide catastrophe of warfare and famine And he's going to fail with the mark of the beast And then even after all of that and he's in hell for a thousand years He comes out and he's like I'll try again This is the reprobate mind The reprobate mind You know some people think that prison reform is a real thing And it's like show me that in the Bible You know the real prison reform is the people that went there innocently Like Joseph or something right Or they did their time and they weren't even guilty We don't really see the prison reform system working Maybe the guy that Joseph ministered to the chief butler or whatever right Oh but as soon as he got out of prison he forgot Joseph I don't even know like what is your example of prison reform Maybe I'm forgetting somebody in there But generally speaking you know prison reform is not a real thing And when it comes to reprobate reform that's definitely not a real thing You know some people get second chances and some people can learn from their mistakes Don't hear me wrong But you know the reprobate he is going to continue being a reprobate The murderers and the rapists and the whatever They need to be put to death according to the Bible because they're so likely to repeat offend And so you know a reprobate will always offend He even after going to hell if he got out would still wouldn't believe in Jesus He would still just do reprobate things or whatever just like the devil does And so you know I have no problem with them going to hell Because that's where they have to be permanently You know forever because that's what they're like Now let's read verse 7 and we're kind of transitioning in this chapter It says the Lord also shall save the tents of Judah first That the glory of the house of David and the glory of the inhabitants of Jerusalem Do not magnify themselves against Judah This verse is a little bit of just kind of to keep everybody in check God doesn't want leaders to think that they're more important than the average man And so he's saying not only am I going to preserve leaders I'm going to preserve the tents So he's kind of contrasting the tents of Judah with the glory of the house of David What's the glory of the house of David? Well the house of David is exemplified in the kings They're specifically like the royal lineage And the glory is the king of that lineage So not just the cousins and the uncles and the aunts like the king himself Saying I'm not just going to preserve the king I'm going to preserve the tents of Judah as well So that the leaders and the royalty and the governors don't think that they're special And the other people aren't Because God's not a respecter of persons God doesn't sit in heaven and say Well I'll kill 10,000 regular people to spare one king Because he's just so much more important That's not God's attitude God's attitude is that everyone is precious And that everyone's special and unique in his sight And he cares about the widow He cares about the fatherless He cares about every single person And we never get lifted up in our hearts and our minds Against people that are lesser than us Against children or the elderly or whatever You know there's these suicide pods That are being put out there in foreign countries And overseas, I believe Canada I believe in parts of Europe They're bringing in these pods to just kill people And they're trying to recommend to the elderly Or to the feeble or the weak or the injured Just kill yourself because you're a burden on us You're a burden on us economically You're costing us too much money in healthcare They're not costing us too much in healthcare If we were going to try and eliminate the people that are costing us the most money We would start with the government That's who we would start with We would start with all our congressmen and women And all of our leaders Because they're the ones that are sucking our economy dry We'd start with the bankers That's who we would start with Those are the people that are sucking our world dry of money And causing problems for everybody It's not these elderly people We have plenty of money We have plenty of resources All the famines and all the economic problems They're caused by the rich people Trying to suck more wealth out of everybody else That's what's really happening It's ridiculous to sit here and think that we need to save money and resources By killing elderly people They're not as much value You're not worth it very much either If you have that mentality And you're definitely not worth more than those people We shouldn't have this attitude of just like This person's kind of a burden Let's just kill them Let's just get rid of them It's funny We'll kill elderly people And think about it this way Why is it that someone's even elderly? Most likely it's because they honor their father and mother That's the reason why they're old And we won't be putting the murderers and rapists to death Like we're going to keep them in the prison system Paying all this money Taxpayer money Which I guarantee is probably even more Than just keeping these elderly people alive But then we're going to kill the elderly You know they're not offering these pods To the pedophiles in prison Or to the murderers in prison I mean if you said like Hey we're going to put suicide pods In the pedophile wing in the prison I'm like okay great Alright Let's make it not voluntary Alright I mean I'm all for saving a buck right But it's like They're not trying to do this because they genuinely care It's just the devil wants to kill people And he doesn't want to kill the bad people He wants to kill the nice people So he's just like Let's just slaughter elderly people through suicide pods And look I don't care if you're a burden on everybody And you can't walk And you're sick or whatever Do not kill yourself You still have value You can still worship the Lord in spirit and in truth You can still read your Bible You can still pray Hey you know Some people have been telling me about this app I have no idea what it's called Maybe you can help me out It's like something like Omegle or something I don't know You can just like Get some random person on the phone Just like that What is it called? O-M-E O-M-E O-M-E O-M-E O-M-E O-M-E T-V Who's heard about this? Three people I don't know There's this There's this app That apparently It just You I don't know how it works So forgive me if I say everything wrong But in some way You can just basically connect With another person That's just online But it's random So just like Give me somebody Give me somebody You know It's just like A shuffle And then You just get this person Well a lot of people At Faithful Word Apparently have been doing this Just to try and give people the gospel So they're just like Shuffle Just give me somebody And then they're like Hey You wanna So instead of door knocking Doing that Now here's the thing Do not forsake door knocking for this app Okay But I'm just saying like If you were just bedridden Or you were sick Or whatever Or you just can't get out And you genuinely wanna see people saved Like that's an opportunity You could use it Like you could get someone saved So I'm just trying to say like No matter what If you have breath in your lungs Use that breath to serve God Don't kill yourself That is just not the right move Now I get it If you're Samson And you're being tortured In your military event And you can just knock down the building And take everybody out You know I don't fault them for that In fact You know We like to say that he committed suicide It's arguable he didn't even really commit suicide He was just killing them And died in the process You know what I mean Now again Yes obviously he ended up killing himself That for sure happened But you could argue that he wasn't purposely Just trying to kill himself He was just trying to kill everybody that was in there And he knew he was gonna die in the process As that particular result Obviously Saul killed himself And But that one didn't really have much of a benefit For anybody Okay Except for him just not getting tortured Which again If someone's in a situation where they're wounded Under death And they're trying to avoid torture You know I'm gonna look the other way Alright But You know You're not that person Okay And so you know There's just no legitimate reason Really in my mind To kill yourself I don't think you should Because you know According to Hebrews The people that were being tortured They didn't ask for mercy And they didn't kill themselves That they may obtain a better resurrection So even in those scenarios I'm still saying Killing yourself is not the right move Okay I don't want anybody to hear me wrong on that You should never kill yourself I never will Okay I don't know anything about Hillary Clinton I don't know what happened to Jeffrey Epstein You know I don't know how he hung himself You know It's impressive Okay It's impressive that he got the cameras off And got the guards out of there And then killed himself You'd think like that would be the time to escape It's like Oh the cameras are off The guards are gone Let's kill myself You know Like what Like that was weird Right Okay There's a lot of weird stuff going on Right So you know I don't have a death wish But at the same time You know We should Make it clear That our lives are here to serve God Even unto death though Even unto potential slaughter Whatever it is You know But you know I'm not gonna go out willingly I'm not gonna go out purposely And we should recognize that Even if you are in a position of prominence Even if you are a pastor Even if you are a deacon Even if you are an evangelist Or whatever Or maybe you're a CEO Or you're a business manager You know Don't think like Oh well this little kid's not as valuable as I am Or this elderly person They're not as valuable as I am Or I'm more important than them You know that's the wrong attitude We should be humble in our own sight And that's what he wants them to understand here Verse 8 In that day shall the Lord defend the inhabitants of Jerusalem And he that is feeble among them At that day shall be as David And the house of David shall be as God And the angel of the Lord And as the angel of the Lord before them So You know Just saying that God's gonna strengthen them And you know When you rely on God You rely on God And you allow him to take vengeance for you And you win That can help strengthen you And give you more confidence You know we've allowed the Lord to fight some of our battles Already And he's already shown himself victorious For our church specifically And so that should give us confidence and strength That you know what God actually cares about us God is gonna take care of us We don't have to always fight every single one of our own battles We can allow the Lord And just trust in him I think maybe what's kind of interesting is the way this is worded It says In the house of David Shall be as God Well at some point It is God right Cause at some point it's just gonna literally be Jesus And Jesus is God So you know that's kind of just an interesting illusion That's kind of maybe there in the text Verse 9 And it shall come to pass in that day that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem Now that's kind of a package 1 through 9 We've talked about hey God's gonna defend Israel against its enemies Verse 10 And I will pour upon the house of David And upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem the spirit of grace and supplications And they shall look upon me whom they have pierced And they shall mourn for him As one mourneth for his only son And shall be in bitterness for him As one that is in bitterness for his firstborn In that day shall there be a great mourning in Jerusalem As the mourning of Hadarim on in the valley of Megiddon And the lancha mourn every family apart The family of the house of David apart And their wives apart The family of the house of Nathan apart And their wives apart The family of the house of Levi apart And their wives apart The family of Simei apart And their wives apart All the families that remain every family apart And their wives apart Now This is important We gotta think about this chapter in two chunks 1 through 9 Is God's gonna defend Jerusalem against its enemies and destroy its enemies That was really clear in the text No way to misinterpret that Second chapter Second portion Is this bringing of the spirit He's pouring out on the house of David The spirit of grace and supplications And somehow it's bringing up someone being pierced And they're gonna mourn for him as an only son And then it's just saying all these families are gonna mourn for him Well I think every Christian could probably tell you that this passage is about Jesus You know that one was pretty easy When we look at this language right here it says And they shall look upon me whom they have pierced That's a real iconic phrase in the Bible So it's pretty clear that we're talking about Jesus Let's finish that point out and then we're gonna talk about this summary again So keep your finger here but go to Psalm 22 for a second We're gonna go to Psalm 22 We'll see that the Bible brings us up about Christ being pierced And we have a lot of Old Testament prophecies about the Lord Jesus Christ Just interwoven throughout the entire text The entire Bible is about Jesus It's so funny to me when I asked somebody in the times past I used to go to not a very good church But I was helping the youth program And I had asked one of the youth ministers like Do you care what part of the Bible you know I like bring up or anything And he was just like as long as it's about Jesus And I was like okay well it's definitely about Jesus So you know, check I can't say, you can't say that I didn't ask Alright that was basically the point of that conversation But in Psalm 22 look at verse 16 For dogs have compassed me The assembly of the wicked have enclosed me They pierced my hands and my feet So here was an allusion also to the Lord Jesus Christ And him being compassed about with dogs Go if you would to the New Testament now to John chapter 19 Go to John chapter 19 So actually Zechariah is not the only verse that brings up him being pierced I wanted you to know that okay So there's multiple places that bring up the fact of Christ being pierced specifically And go if you would to John chapter 19 Look at verse 33 Let's just read verse 32 It says then came the soldiers and break the legs of the first And of the other which was crucified with him But when they came to Jesus and saw that he was dead already They break not his legs But one of the soldiers with a spear pierced his side And four of them came there out blood and water And he that saw it bare record and his record is true And he knoweth that he saith true that you might believe For these things are done that the scripture should be fulfilled A bone of him shall not be broken And again another scripture saith They shall look on him whom they pierced So there's the reference to the book of Zechariah You could argue it's also a little bit of Psalm 22 But this is important and it's interesting because of the extreme accuracy of the Bible Because the other two thieves that are crucified next to Jesus Christ They're not pierced They're not pierced because they were alive So they break their legs so that they couldn't stay alive on the cross anymore I guess, you know, I'm not an expert on the cross But I guess part of what makes the cross so painful Is the fact that you can lift yourself up to get a breath By, you know, your feet that have been pierced with that nail Which would obviously hurt But when you're about to die from suffocation That instinct inside of you that doesn't want to die That need to live kicks in And it's so strong enough that you'll even hurt yourself just to get that next breath But once your legs are broken, even if you wanted to, you just can't So Christ had already died So there was no need to break his leg But they had to check and make sure that he was really dead So they stabbed him with the spear And out came the blood and the water As a proof that Jesus was dead And that's an important proof too Because we know that Jesus Christ rose again from the dead He wasn't just injured and then came out of the grave No, he was literally dead And his blood was spilled And that blood was then taken and then put on the mercy seat Well, that's incredible How did you know that all of these events would happen exactly like this? There's only one way It's because the Bible is written in heaven before the world even began The word was already established Forever thy word is settled in heaven You can't just have all these random prophecies just all perfectly lining up exactly of Christ Except for the fact that this is the work of God This is the divine finger of God And we even see in reference again to Jesus This is not the Messiah that the Jews were looking for They're not looking for someone to be a servant To preach the gospel to the poor To die on a cross To be pierced In fact, they were not looking for him so much That they literally cried and screamed, crucify him Crucify him, that's what they yelled Now, go to Mark 16 for a moment And I'll explain this mourning thing Because there's some weird doctrine attached to this That I've heard People have all kinds of ideas And it's usually like they already have their viewpoint And then they just come to these passages And then just try to interpret them based on their viewpoint Rather than letting the context help you understand what it's trying to say Some people might try to say like Oh, well what this is talking about is how Modern day Israel, whenever Christ returns Is going to all see him And they're going to feel, they're going to be like mourning Like, oh man, we should have believed in you And then they're going to all get saved That is a doctrine that's out there And that is not what the Bible is teaching at all For a lot of reasons, and I'll explain that in a moment But what it is explaining, I believe, and it's pretty clear Is it's talking about Jesus dying on the cross I mean, how could you read that in Zechariah And read what we read in John chapter 19 And not say that that event is Jesus dying on the cross It's not Jesus coming back It's him dying on the cross Now here's the thing People were mourning at Christ's death Who was mourning? All the Jews that did believe in him And of course, Jews at this time in history Is a kind of a conglomerate term for just all of Israel But that doesn't mean that they were all of the tribe of Judah Because don't you remember the Apostle Paul Telling us specifically what tribe he's from Is the Apostle Paul of the tribe of Judah? No, he's of the tribe of Benjamin And he knows that, doesn't he? So even at this time There are still remnants of different tribes that exist And they know their particular, maybe tribe distinctions At that particular time Today this does not exist, okay? And that's a whole other sermon But I just want to show you a few different verses here Look at Mark chapter 16, look at verse 9 Now when Jesus was risen early the first day of the week He appeared first to Mary Magdalene Out of whom he had cast seven devils And she went and told them that had been with him As they mourned and wept Notice there's a lot of people somewhere Mourning and weeping Why? Because Jesus was killed Go to Luke chapter 22 Go to Luke chapter 22 I'm going to look at a few different places in Luke here It's important in understanding what we're talking about in this chapter Luke chapter 22, look at verse 26 But ye shall not be so But he that is the greatest among you Let him be as the younger And he that is chief As he that doth serve I don't I feel like I wrote this down wrong Now that I'm looking at this What is the verse that I wanted? Yeah, sorry, it was chapter 23 I just, it's my scribble Bear with me Look at verse 26 of chapter 23 And as they led him away They laid hold upon one Simon I say, Rhenian Coming out of the country And on him they lay the cross That he might bear it after Jesus And there followed him A great company Of people and of women Which also bewailed And lamented him And there followed him A great company Of people and of women Which also bewailed And lamented him Notice there's a lot of people mourning at Jesus' death But Jesus turning unto them said Daughters of Jerusalem Weep not for me But weep for yourselves And for your children For behold the days are coming In the which They shall say Blessed are the barren And the wombs that never bear And the paps which never gave suck Then shall they begin to say To the mountains fall on us And to the hills cover us Okay This is an important verse To understand everything we talked about Couple things Number one Not everybody was screaming Crucify him Okay Peter wasn't Mary Magdalene wasn't There's plenty of people that were upset That Jesus was being killed Okay So obviously the crowd and the leaders They kind of got their way But not everybody was upset Or was willing for Christ to be killed They're all rejoicing But a large mob A large group Is still very upset And mourning Okay And I believe that this is what's being alluded to here In Zechariah Of these different families Mourning Now why does it say apart though? And this is why I believe it says apart What is happening at this time? What is the day that Jesus Christ is crucified? It's the day of preparation Preparation of what? The Passover Okay What do you do at the Passover? You go with your family Apart from everybody else And y'all eat the Passover sacrifice together As a family So you would have all these different families All separated Right after the crucifixion Because it's Passover So I believe what's clearly being illustrated In the book of Zechariah Is the timeline When Christ was killed It's saying hey When are you going to be crying and mourning for me Because you pierced me It's going to be on Passover And when is it that they When are you going to have the most tears and the most sadness? Probably immediately after the death What is the death? When they stabbed him in the side Which is probably between the third and the fourth hour It says at the ninth hour In the Gospel of John Which we understand is the third hour So it's not necessarily 3pm exactly But it's anytime between 3 and 4pm And at 6pm That evening They are going to have to eat the Passover meal Sacrifice So everybody just witnessed Jesus Christ Getting beaten Bruised Carrying his cross Nailed to it Died Pierced And the blood came out So they all know He's dead He's gone And then they're all in their own houses And their own families apart Crying and mourning And weeping for Jesus Christ And it's not just one group But go back to Zechariah chapter 12 Keep your finger actually Keep your finger here Go to Zechariah chapter 12 And look what it says It says In the land shall mourn Every family apart The family of David apart And their wives apart The family of Nathan apart And their wives apart The family of Levi apart And their wives apart The family of Simea apart And their wives apart Notice this All the families that remain Every family apart And their wives apart Also did you notice noticed like the women seem to always kind of be like not with the men, like Mary Magdalene and the other Mary, like they're coming to, they're coming unto the sepulcher by themselves. So again, I don't know all the rituals, I don't know all the customs, but it seems very realistic and reasonable that even in these situations, a lot of it was it was separations of families and even maybe the men and the women and how they did a lot of these things. That makes perfect sense with what we're talking about. What does not make sense is to say, well, God is just going to constantly deliver Jerusalem in the end times from all of its enemies and then Christ is going to come and we're going to, they're going to, all these Christ rejecting, God hating Jews in Israel are going to see him and then magically believe on him and then they also use this to justify the idea that they all know like what tribe they're still love or something, which is silly because they don't even know and I'll even talk to Christians and they'll say like, well, God knows which tribe they're of. And it's like, how does that even work? I mean, like think about it, think about intermarrying and intermingling Jews have had the last 2000 years in a diaspora. You're going to tell me that they're still distinctly like of Issachar, distinctly of Simeon, distinctly of Benjamin. There's no way. Even if you, even if I believe that they had only married descendants of Israel, they wouldn't be distinctly Simeon, okay? But at that time, yes, at the time of Christ, I do believe there's probably still people that are generally just Simeon, Benjamin, Judah, you know, Levi. Why? They had to have that to even have the temple, folks. Only the Levites were allowed to perform the sacrifices in that time. That's why Levi is important. Levi doesn't exist anymore. The Levitical priesthood has been done away with. It's gone. And when they reinstitute the daily sacrifice mentioned in the end times, that is not godly, that is not biblical, that is anti-Christ, okay? And think about what Christ is saying here in Luke chapter 23. He said in verse 29, for behold, the days are coming in which they shall say, blessed are the barren, and the wombs that never bear, and the pats which never get sucked. You know what? God wasn't saying, in this chapter, every single time Jerusalem's ever surrounded by armies, I'm always going to defend it. What happens when Titus comes in 70 AD and literally wipes them off of the map, folks? Did you forget that part of the Bible? So I'm supposed to believe that Zechariah chapter 12 just didn't apply in 70 AD, but it's going to magically apply to 1948 Israel or some other random event or today, modern-day event. Like, that is just such a twisting of scripture and has nothing to do with the Bible. It's a rejection of Christ, just like the modern-day Jews today reject Christ. You know, it's just gross. No, God was protecting Israel until Christ came, and at that point afterwards, they rejected him, he was wiped off the map. And the only other time that he's going to protect Israel is when Jesus Christ is ruling and reigning in the millennial reign. That is the next time he's going to deliver it. There is no other 1948 or other modern-day application where he's going to deliver it or defend it or whatever you think. Oh, you just don't like Jews. I don't care about someone being Jew or Gentile because they're both one in Christ Jesus, according to the Bible. And you know what? I went to Faithful Word, and I got to hang out with a Jew that saved. He was ethnically Jewish, and he was saved. And you know what? He made a lot of Jew jokes, and they were funny, all right? And I didn't hate him. I loved him. He's great. I hope every Jew believes in Jesus Christ. But you know what? I hate the modern-day religion of Judaism. It's wicked. And you know what? America is not a Judeo-Christian country. You know, that is ridiculous. That is foolishness. Oh, but you don't understand, Pastor Shelley. God's going to restore America with Donald Trump. Didn't you see? God intervened. He grabbed this bullet and, like, protect Donald Trump's head. I've seen all kinds of videos and posts about this. God saved Donald Trump. Well, okay, I want to go to a place in the Bible. Go to Genesis 14 for a moment. Go to Genesis 14 for a moment. First of all, I think it's not provable what happened. If you want to say God saved Donald Trump, that could be possible. If you want to say, I don't think that happened at all, I think that that's possible. To me, it doesn't matter at all. And it's like, well, but what if He saved Him? What if He delivered Him? What if God orchestrated that event to save His life? Well, you know what? God can save people's lives, and it's not a good thing. Let me prove that to you, okay? How about in Genesis chapter number 14? Look what it says in verse number 14. And when Abram heard that his brother was taken captive, he armed his trained servants, born in his own house, three hundred and eighteen, and pursued them unto Dan. And he divided himself against them, and he and his servants by night, and smote them, and pursued them unto Hobah, which is on the left hand of Damascus. And he brought back all the goods, and also brought again his brother Lot, and his goods, and the women also, and the people. And the king of Sodom went out to meet him after his return from the slaughter of Kedomah. God preserved the king of Sodom! God divinely preserved the king of Sodom. That must mean the king of Sodom is an awesome dude, right? Isn't the king of Sodom just a wonderful guy? Let's go to the king of Sodom's casino, and the king of Sodom's golf course, and let's hang out at the king of Sodom's marlago, you know? Because God preserved his life. He must be an important person. Just because God preserved the king of Sodom's life doesn't change the fact that he's reprobate trash, folks. And you know what? We shouldn't judge Donald Trump's character based on whether or not God preserved his life from a bullet or not. Oh, does that mean that 50 Cent is the vine of God? Because he survived some bullets? I mean, he's even more important and more valuable because didn't he dodge more bullets or something? Who knows? How many times has 50 Cent been shot? Nine times! 50 Cent is nine times more godly than Donald Trump, folks. Wouldn't you know it? I mean, what kind of logic? I mean, this is just the grasping of straws that American Christians have today to just hope that something godly is going to come out of Trump. And then they go and watch the Republican National Convention, where it's just basically a Jew fest. We're just worshiping Jews. And then they bring in this witch, a literal witch Sikh, who starts praying to some false god, Wagar Gugu or something. I can't even say the name because it's so wicked. And says that's the god that founded our nation and gives us prosperity. How can the Republicans in that room and the so-called Christians in that room bow their head and nod along? I mean, at worst, can you not scream false profit or something or leave or throw something at her? What in the world? You believe that Wagar Gugu saved Donald Trump? And then they bring some prostitute on the stage to basically glorify sodomites and glorify faggots and get up and say, like, it doesn't matter if we're gay or straight, you know, we're all for Trump. That just goes to show me there's no one that's on our side. Wagar Gugu and sodomites and whores, and it's like, well, but she's changed her ways. What did she do? She's not going to vote for the brain-dead Biden, she's going to vote for Trump? Is that really repenting of your sins? I mean, good night. The chick is still doing online pornography. She didn't stop being a prostitute, literally. She's still a prostitute. This is the main speaker for Republicans today. I hope you get excited to go vote for the prostitute's Wagugu. Go vote for Jews, go vote for the Antichrist. I mean, just bring in the Antichrist already. Someone interviewed me this week about my views on the Antichrist and all this stuff, and they're just thinking, like, well, if the Antichrist is coming and you don't support it, are you going against God? No, you idiot. Just like in the millennial reign, I'm not going to go help the devil wrangle up Gog and Magog. Yeah, is it going to happen? Absolutely. Just like I knew that Jesus Christ was going to die on the cross, I'm not going to sit there and hold the nail for the Roman soldier. I mean, like, what kind of incompetence do you have to think, like, I'm going to go and give money to rebuild the Antichrist temple, or I'm going to give money to bring in red heifers, or I'm going to give money to bring in sheep or oxen or whatever in Israel to help them nuts to that. Now does that mean, oh, you must be pro-Palestine. Look, I can hate more than one person at a time, okay? I hate radical Islam. It's ridiculous. A bunch of, you know, sand jockeys that can't read that are a bunch of pedophiles. I don't like them. And you know what? I don't like the religion of Judaism either. I'm an equal opportunity hatist, okay? We need to make America hate again, and we have... How can you not hate Wagar Gugu or whatever? That didn't bring us anything. You failed already by bringing a woman on the stage and her little headdress praying to Wagar Gugu. You know, it's just like, where's a red, you know, blooded man to get up behind whatever podium they have and actually praise the God of the Bible? Well, I'm sure the Jews would have freaked out and cursed and pulled their beards out or whatever, but it would have been worth it to see. Go to Psalm 30, I'll finish, all right? Here's the thing. I could preach a whole sermon on that, all right? I'm not going to. It's already been too long. Let's bring it back to Zechariah for a second. What's the big picture? There was a burden for Israel. How was there a burden for Israel? The burden was the fact that Jesus Christ is going to come and He's going to die. That was the burden that was being mentioned. Obviously, God is going to deliver His people in due time at their appointed time. But it's not just for no reason. It's a specific event. And those that were there at Christ's cross, they were burdened. And they were mourning. It was real tears. They were very sad. And I believe that we, too, should understand that that should be our attitude right now. Our attitude should be an attitude of mourning. How can you not mourn when the president's options that you have is a brain-dead emperor with no clothes on that loves Satan and is going to appoint Jews in every position of our country's cabinet or the other guy that will put Jews in every single position of our cabinet that allows women to get up and praise the God of water goo-goo? How can you not mourn for our country at that point? How can you not mourn for our country when they're passing laws saying that by saying that Jesus Christ was killed by Jews that you're anti-Semitic and that it's illegal? How can you not mourn for a nation when we're still slaughtering babies through abortion? How can you not mourn for a nation when we're literally praising sodomites and saying that they're fine and there's no opposition party anymore? They're just great. The opposition is just like whether or not we give painkillers to kids being molested by them or something. I don't know. What is the opposition anymore? I don't know. Just let them get surgeries if they want. There's like no opposition anymore. It's just open Satanism. How can you not mourn for our nation and our country? It's gone, folks! You say, like, what's going to restore America? Well, if half the nation got saved. Let me give you a really, really sad dose of reality. Half of the people in our country don't want to get saved. Because if half of our nation got saved, then they might vote in someone that's saved. But elections aren't even real, number one. Number two, good luck getting a 50%. The only reason why our nation was godly for a while is because it started with a small group of people. The earth's been filled. There's not a new place for Christians to go and start a new Christian nation. Christian nations are pretty much probably done at this point. And really, there should be a lot of mourning. There should be a lot of mourning for how horrible our country is because of how many people are dying going to hell. How we're filled with false prophets. How we're filled with lies. How people are just so disillusioned today and they're so confused and they're just not interested in the things of God. And they don't want to hear about the Bible. You know, soul winning keeps getting less receptive every year, I feel like. That should cause you to mourn a little bit. To recognize if you just go to the store, if you just go to the mall, if you just go out where there's lots and lots of people, just recognize that most of these people are going to die and go to hell. And they don't even care. There's so many people just dying and going to go to hell. Jesus said this, though, blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted. But you know what? We need to mourn. Look at Psalm 30, verse number 50, and here's the mourning that you need to do. He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing as she's with them. Hey, we're mourning for the death of Christ. We're mourning for our country. We're mourning for the evil and the wicked that's out there. But you know what? Take that mourning and allow it to motivate you to do something for Christ. Because that's the only thing that matters. And yeah, we will have mourning. Hey, you know what's coming next? A great falling away and the man of sin being revealed. You know what's coming next? Tribulation. You know what's coming next after that? Great tribulation. You know what's coming next? Mourning. But there's a positive message. Psalm 30, verse 50. I don't know why I put 50. It's like 10 verses, 12 verses. For his anger endureth but a moment, and his favor is life. Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning. Yeah, blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted. Hey, there's coming a day when you will die and you don't have to work anymore. But this is the time to work. This is the time to take this world seriously, to take our opportunity seriously. And you say, like, I want to make a difference. I don't like seeing our nation being destroyed. Okay. Well, if you want to make a difference, go out there weeping, bearing the precious seed, and get someone safe. If you can't go out there, if your legs don't work, use the weird app. Ask Rich, okay? I have no idea how it works, okay? And you young, single guys, maybe you can meet a girl. I don't know. It's a double dip, right? But, you know, just do something. Don't say this. You know what? I'm going to vote in November for Israel. You're like, I'm not voting for Biden. It doesn't matter how you vote. You know, don't vote for that Israel. So vote for this Israel. Vote for the people that are going to get saved and that actually matter. All right, let's close with prayer. Thank you Heavenly Father so much for your Word. Thank you so much for the Scriptures. Thank you for giving us hope even at a time of distress or even with future doom. We understand that our nation is definitely turned away from you. I pray that we wouldn't, that we would recognize that you're the one true God, that you're the only God that exists. And we know that even if we are nobody in the world's eyes, you count every single man, woman, boy, child, older person, younger person, widow, orphan, you count them all as precious. And I pray that we would take that emotion that we may feel towards our country and we would put it in the right place. We would allow whatever mourning or sadness or disappointment we have for our country to motivate us to get someone saved. And that we could go out there and preach the only thing that matters which is the gospel of Jesus Christ. And I pray that you would just help our church to still be a bright and shining light no matter how dark this world may get. And we thank you for the unspeakable gift of your Son who died on the cross and was pierced for us. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. All right, in closing, let's go to song number 104. Song number 104, Lean on His Arms. Song number 104. Everybody sing it out on the first. Just lean upon the arms of Jesus. He'll help you along. He'll help you along. He'll help you along. If you will trust His love on failing, He'll fill your heart with song. Lean on His arms, trusting in His love. Lean on His arms, all His mercy's through. Looking home above, just lean on the Savior's arms. Just lean upon the arms of Jesus. He'll brighten the way, brighten the way. Just follow gladly where He leadeth, His gentle voice obey. Lean on His arms, trusting in His love. Lean on His arms, all His mercy's through. Lean on His arms, looking home above. Just lean on the Savior's arms. Just lean upon the arms of Jesus. Oh, bring every care, bring every care. Lean on His arms, trusting in His love. Lean on His arms, trusting in His love. Lean on His arms, all His mercy's through. Lean on His arms, looking home above. Just lean on the Savior's arms. Just lean upon the arms of Jesus. Lean all to Him, people to Him. His heart is full of love and mercy. His eyes are never dimmed. Lean on His arms, trusting in His love. Lean on His arms, all His mercy's through. Lean on His arms, looking home above. Just lean on the Savior's arms. Great singing everybody, you are all dismissed.