(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) 🎵Music🎵 🎵Music🎵 🎵Music🎵 🎵Music🎵 Good morning, everyone. Welcome to Steadfast Baptist Church. If you could please find your seats and grab a songbook. We're going to start out this morning with 410, Faith is the Victory. Let's sing it out nice and loud. 410, Faith is the Victory. 4-1-0, let's sing it out. 🎵Music🎵 410 on the second. 🎵Music🎵 🎵Music🎵 🎵Music🎵 🎵Music🎵 🎵Music🎵 🎵Music🎵 🎵Music🎵 🎵Music🎵 Heavenly Father, thank you for this great day. Thank you for the victory we have through faith in your Son, Jesus Christ. We pray that you bless our church this morning. Help us to sing out with love in our hearts for you. In Jesus' name we pray, amen. All right, for our next song, let's go to 217, He Included Me. 217, He Included Me. Song 217, let's sing it out. 🎵Music🎵 I am so happy in Christ today that I go singing along my way. Yes, I'm so happy to know and say Jesus included me too. Jesus included me. Yes, He included me. When the Lord said, Whosoever, He included me. Jesus included me. Yes, He included me. When the Lord said, Whosoever, He included me. On the second, gladly I read, Whosoever may come to the fountain of life today. But when I read it, I always say, Jesus included me too. Jesus included me. Yes, He included me. When the Lord said, Whosoever, He included me. Jesus included me. Yes, He included me. When the Lord said, Whosoever, He included me. Ever God's Spirit is saying, Come, hear the bride saying, No longer wrong. But I am sure while they're calling home, Jesus included me too. Jesus included me. Yes, He included me. When the Lord said, Whosoever, He included me. Jesus included me. Yes, He included me. When the Lord said, Whosoever, He included me. Freely come drink words of soul to thrill. Oh, with what joy they might find to fill. For when He said, Whosoever will, Jesus included me too. Jesus included me. Yes, He included me. When the Lord said, Whosoever, He included me. Jesus included me. Yes, He included me. When the Lord said, Whosoever, He included me. Amen. Great singing. And if you don't have a bulletin yet, but you'd like one, lift up your hand nice and high. One of our ushers can come by and get you a bulletin. We are starting a new Bible memory passage, Psalm 59. If you did complete our previous challenge of Proverbs 31 and you have not claimed your prize, please make sure to do so immediately after the service. You can ask Brother Oz or myself and we can help assist you in claiming your prize. Thanks to everybody who participated in the Proverbs 31. A lot of people did and I really appreciate that because there's a longer chapter of the Bible and it definitely is about a lot of great verses in it. And to me, you know, even when you memorize something, you may forget a little bit. You still just have it with you there and the Holy Spirit can just remind you of those verses at different times in your life. And so it's just a really great exercise to memorize scripture and to get it into your mind and get it into your heart. And so I really commend you on doing that. Also, you know, work on some of these shorter ones with us as well. Psalm 59 is kind of an interesting Psalm and it's a little bit shorter. So if you're doing it just for the prize, you may be less incentivized because obviously we don't give out, you know, my wife was like, give out brand new cars for, you know, do Psalm 119 and give out a car. And I'm like, a lot of people probably memorize that, you know. But, you know, we should memorize scripture because it's more important than having a car is having the Word of God in our heart, okay? And, you know, if I had the ability, I would give you a car like Oprah, okay? But I can't do that. So, you know, but even better, you know, better than gold and silver is the Word of God. And so I try to challenge you to memorize different passages of the Bible. Work on Psalm 59 with me. This is a little bit harder verse, but a lot of the other verses are a little easier. So once you get this one, it should be pretty smooth. Go into the inside of our bulletin. You'll notice our service times have actually changed. Today is the first day of that change. So we had our Spanish service this morning at 9 a.m. and I really appreciated all the people that came out. It was a great service. Sermon was on charity and I highly recommend our Spanish service, especially if you're just trying to learn Spanish or get better at it. The services are really good. You can sing the Psalms and they sound great. Also, we have a lot of good preachers in this church and so it's just a great opportunity to learn Spanish. Also, if you know people that speak Spanish, please do invite them to those services. Give them the information. We would love to continue to grow that ministry. Pray for that ministry that will continue to go. Also, God willing, maybe we need to have a couple more soul and earthons locally that are geared towards Spanish-speaking areas. I know Duncanville has a large Hispanic population. Of course, every city has a lot of Hispanic people because we all have restaurants and someone's got to cook that food. No, I'm just kidding. Someone's got to mow the lawn. No, I'm just kidding. It's kind of a joke. At the end of the day, there's a lot of people in America, and especially Texas, especially this part of the world, that only speak Spanish. I mean, you just run into them and it's not like they're lazy or something. They just simply live in that environment. That's what they've been exposed to. They just haven't had a lot of chance to learn English necessarily. And because of the way that Spanish has its own culture, there's not necessarily an incentive for all of them to even learn English. So many people are going to only speak Spanish and will probably never even choose to learn English. And so if you want to reach those individuals, we have to speak with other tongues. We have to speak in Spanish. And so I definitely encourage you, if you can, learn Spanish. Learning a foreign language is hard. And, you know, it's difficult. It takes a lot of time, effort, energy. But if I was going to have to learn another language and I lived here, I would learn Spanish because, frankly speaking, it has so much utility, so many ways you can use it. And I run into so many people that only speak Spanish. And a lot of my salvations in the last five years have been as a result of Spanish specifically. So a lot of people that I would have not gotten saved, or a lot of people that I got saved would have not gotten saved if I had chosen not to learn how to speak Spanish. And, you know, especially in Houston, I feel like it's almost 50-50, the salvations I got. And it's just because, you know, people that speak Spanish are more receptive and they're very nice. And even though I'm a gringo, they're usually really nice about that as well. And in fact, a lot of them are a lot easier to get saved. You know, in English, you kind of have to combat like a lot of false doctrine and people are weird and all this stuff. Whereas in Spanish, there's a lot of people that are just kind of right there and ready and a lot more willing and a lot easier to get saved than people that I find in English. There's a lot more objections in English that I kind of run into. Not to say that there isn't a lot of Catholics and people that speak Spanish and won't get saved, but at the end of the day, you know, from my experience, there's a lot of very receptive people that only speak Spanish, and they need someone to come and bring them that gospel. But we don't want to just get people saved. We want to get them plugged into church and learning the Bible and growing and reading and singing the Psalms. And so, you know, definitely pray for that ministry. I'm really excited about this change. And then also in response to that, our evening service is now going to change to 4.30. So, you know, this is for all you Sunday morning glories. You have an opportunity to still come Sunday night, 4.30. And I was hoping that would just make things a little bit smoother as far as eating dinner, getting back home sooner, and everything like that. So I'm really encouraged to have that. Actually, I did it just so I could preach for an extra hour. No, I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. Maybe. All right, so, also with soul winning times and then church stats down below on the right, we have the list of expecting ladies. Please be in prayer for them. Our prayer list, if you have any other prayer requests, you can add them in here. It looks like there was one written in here to pray for Miss Celia's mother, her cancer, so surgery, if you want to add that. Also, I have a couple birth announcements. The ones not in the bulletin, but I did want to at least announce it, was for the Larke family. They gave birth to Esther Rose on the 29th of April, so just a few, just not that long ago, 2 19 a.m., 8 pounds, 9 ounces, 20 and a quarter inches long. So congratulations to them. And then also congratulations to the Urbanic family on the birth of Juliet Kay. She was born on the 28th at 8 38 a.m., 9 pounds, 3 ounces, and 21 inches long. Congratulations to them as well. It's great to see how our churches grow so much, so fast. Also on the back, the note, our upcoming events, Mother's Day Tea, May 11th. So make sure you pay attention to any details on that and you guys make sure to help out with the kiddos so she can enjoy that. And just as a hint, guys, that means that the next day is Mother's Day, all right? So if you're like, it caught me off guard, and you came to my church service, you have no excuse, okay? So we have a Mother's Day Tea before Mother's Day, okay? And you might want to do something, all right? I'm just throwing that out there, all right? May 18th is the last preaching class that we're gonna have for this semester, May 19th. We're gonna have a graduation Sunday. Now, I know we have at least one. Is there anybody else that's, I don't think that we have, do we have another graduate? Does anybody know of any, okay. If you have another one, please just let me know, or if you're listening online, just let me know if there's someone else that's graduating. But we do have at least one graduate from high school, or even it could be college, May 19th. We'll be celebrating that. And then there's actually a couple that I've known from Houston. They actually came to our first service at Pure Words, but they just haven't been in church for that time, but they're planning on getting married, and they're actually gonna have the ceremony here on June 8th. And I just asked them, I just said, do you want to invite people? And he said, sure. So, again, I don't know that anybody would probably know them, but if you want to come, you're welcome. There's gonna be a wedding, I believe it's 3 p.m., it's a Saturday, it's June 8th. So I'm just putting that there on the announcements so that people would be aware that that's going to take place. So that's pretty much all I have as far as announcements. We do have new cards as far as our service times. So please feel free to hand those out. If you do by chance notice anything that says 5.30 or whatever, just let us know if we need to change it, or you can throw away old invites, or you can still use them, because frankly speaking, a lot of people don't really come to the service based on the card alone, okay? So it's not like a huge deal. And if they came a little late one day, it's not the end of the world, right? We do have pictures still. If you haven't taken your pictures, please see Brother Alex after the service. We'd love to get a photo for you for the church directory. Additionally, there is a swap that's going to be happening today. I believe it's supposed to happen outside, but I guess weather permitting. So if that changes, we might do the fellowship room, but as of now, it sounds like we're going to probably be doing that in the outdoor patio area. The swap is simply just items that are free. So like, if you like free items, if you say like, I need free items, there's going to be free items out here. See, I didn't participate, I didn't bring anything. We don't care. It is not, if you brought something, you are now just takers. All the people that were going to bring something already did. So what we really need the takers, because there is a lot of stuff, I saw a lot of cool stuff. So check it out. It's first come, first serve. Or if you can punch them in the face and take it. No, I'm just kidding. Please don't wrestle anybody or hurt anybody. But obviously, first come, first serve. You got to put it in your car. And so we'll do that in between services this afternoon. I believe it's between 1 and 3 p.m. So if you'd like those things, you can check them out. Hopefully, it'll all get taken. That's pretty much all, again, I have as far as announcements. We'll go ahead and sing our third song for this morning. It's going to be Psalm 146. Psalm 146. All right, let's sing it out together. Psalm 146. Praise ye the Lord, praise ye the Lord, O my soul. While I live will I praise the Lord, I will sing praises unto my God. While I have any being, put not your trust in princes, Nor in the Son of Man, in whom there is no help, Whom there is no help. Praise ye the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul. His friend going forth, he returneth to his earth in that very day his thoughts perish. Happy is he that hath the God of Jacob for his help, Whose hope is in the Lord, the Lord is God. Praise ye the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul. Which made heaven and earth the sea, And all that there in it which keepeth truth forever, Which exuciteth judgment for the oppressed, Which giveth food to the hungry, the Lord looses the prisoners. Praise ye the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul. The Lord openeth the eyes of the blind, The Lord raiseth them that are bowed down, The Lord loveth the righteous, The Lord preserveth the strangers, He relieveth the fatherless and widows. Praise ye the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul. But the way of the wicked he turneth upside down, The Lord shall reign forever, He is our Messiah unto all generations. Praise ye the Lord, praise the Lord. As the offering plates are being passed around, please turn your Bibles to 1 Timothy chapter 4. 1 Timothy chapter number 4. 1 Timothy chapter 4. 1 Timothy chapter 4. 1 Timothy chapter 4. The Bible reads, Now the Spirit speaketh expressly that in the latter time some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their conscience seared with a hot iron, forbidding to marry and commanding to abstain from meats which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth. For every creature of God is good and nothing to be refused if it be received with thanksgiving, for it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer. If thou put the brethren in remembrance of these things, thou shalt be a good minister of Jesus Christ, nourished up in the words of faith and of good doctrine, whereunto thou hast attained. But refuse profane and old wives' fables, and exercise thyself rather unto godliness. For bodily exercise profited little, but godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is and of that which is to come. This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptation, for therefore we both labour and suffer reproach because we trust in the living God, who is the Saviour of all men, specially of those that believe. These things command and teach, let no man despise thy youth, but be thou an example of the believers in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity, till I come give attendance to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine. Neglect not the gift that is in thee, which was given thee by prophecy, with the laying on of the hands of the presbytery. Meditate upon these things, give thyself wholly to them, that thy profiting may appear to all. Take heed unto thyself and unto the doctrine, continue in them, for in doing this thou shalt both save thyself and them that hear thee. Let's bow our heads for a word of prayer. Father in heaven, we thank you so much, Lord, for Pastor Shelley and his family. I pray that you fill in with your spirit and enable him to preach the sermon that you've laid on his heart with boldness. And Lord, I pray that you would soften hearts in the room and give us ears to hear so that we can apply the message to our lives and make necessary changes to serve you better. We love you and in Jesus' name I pray, Amen. Amen. I want to look at verse 12. The Bible says, Let no man despise thy youth. And that's a really great phrase in the Bible. Really, we can all learn from this specific phrase. Number one, if you're older, this is really geared towards you, that you should not despise people for being young. And additionally, the counterpart would be if you are young, that you should take this as an admonition that just because you're young doesn't mean you can't do something great for God, or that you can't be spiritual, or that you can't be a Christian, or that you can't be used by God. And in fact, I believe the Bible emphasizes young Christians throughout the Scripture. And that's the title of my sermon this morning, is Young Christians. Young Christians. If you use the word young, it's a relative term. You can say, who are you talking to? Anybody that claims that title, okay? So if you're two years and younger, I'm talking about you, okay? And I'm going to bring them up, all right? If you're three years old in the service, who is three years old and can understand what I'm saying? Raise your hand if you're three years old. We have a three-year-old, there's a three-year-old in the building. I see that hand, all right? If you're four years old, raise your hand. All right, I'm talking to you this morning, okay? I'm talking to you and you, all right? If you're five years old, raise your hand. There's a five-year-old, I see. Oh, I see that hand. Six years old. If you're six, there we go. We've got a couple six. We've got a lot of six-year-olds. Wow, we have a ton of six-year-olds. That is a popular age. All right, seven. If you're seven years old, all right, there we go. I see that hand, yep. Eight years old. Several eight-year-olds, wow. How about nine? Got one. All right, oh, there's another nine. Ten. Ten years old, there we go. We got like every age covered, all right? Eleven. Do we have, there's an eleven-year-old, all right. Twelve. Multiple twelve-year-olds, all right. Thirteen. There we go, thirteen. Fourteen. We got a fourteen-year-old. Fifteen. We got fifteen. Sixteen. All right, good. We can drive home safely, okay? Seventeen. Do we have a seventeen? Eighteen. Nineteen. Oh, there's eighteen, yep. Nineteen, twenty. All right, twenty to thirty. All right, yeah, yeah, yeah. There we go. Yeah. Hey, I'm talking about y'all, okay? You say like thirty-one, you're still young, okay? Don't worry, don't hesitate, all right? Everybody else can raise their hand in their mind, okay? We're all still kind of young, relatively, right? According to, you know, Jacob, he was talking about how he was still young when he's like over a hundred, all right? Because he's like thinking about his father's being really old, so. But what I want to emphasize is the idea that the Bible is for everyone that raised their hand. Not just older people. It's not just for mature adults or older people. It's for every single person that I just talked about right now. And the Bible emphasizes young Christians. I want to go to 1 John chapter number 2, go to 1 John chapter number 2. Of course, 1 Timothy 4 is written to a pastor. And think about this, that it's talking about a pastor being young and nobody despising them. And of course, you know, Jesus Christ was around 30 years old when he began his ministry. Many other great men of God did things in their 20s and 30s. And frankly speaking, if you don't want to gain wisdom from someone like me who's 36 years old, well, you wouldn't want to have learned from a lot of great people in the Bible because Jesus Christ, he was 30 years old when he was out there preaching the Word of God. John the Baptist, his contemporary is about the same age when he went out preaching the Bible. Joseph was literally in charge of the whole world at age 30, okay? I mean, albeit in the throne, yeah, of course, Pharaoh was greater than Joseph, but Joseph basically was in charge of the entire world at age 30, okay? And yet so many people look down upon young people or people that are younger than them and think like they can't serve God or they don't have wisdom or they shouldn't be running things or they shouldn't even be in charge. In fact, according to the United States, someone could correct me, but I'm pretty sure you have to be 35 years old to be president, isn't that true? So they wouldn't even let Joseph lead our country. And we have to have someone like Biden, right? We have to have someone that's literally got two feet in the grave already. And of course, we see where a nation is headed, and there's this attitude of like despising youth. I mean, virtually no one in our government or Congress or Senate is young. I mean, it's pretty much just like they're literally walking zombies, okay? And there's nothing wrong with someone being older. You can have great wisdom. You can be used of God. But there's also nothing wrong with being younger. And I want to encourage the young people in this room to take their Christianity seriously. We have a lot of children in this room. We have a lot of children in this church, and you're being brought here by your parents. You're being forced to come to church. And you know what? I don't want you to be here feeling like you're forced. I want you to serve God because you want to serve God, because you love God. And you know what? The Bible is trying to encourage you to have a relationship with Jesus Christ no matter what your family thinks. The Bible says in 1 John 2, look at verse 12, I write unto you, little children, because your sins are forgiven you for his name's sake. Yes, little children get saved. Children get saved. You know, I think it's very rare, but sometimes they get saved under the age of five. You know, it's possible. I don't think that every kid is capable of doing that. Most kids are not capable of fully understanding everything until they get a little bit older than that. But on rare occasions, you can have a very precocious child that's ahead of his contemporaries, and they can even get saved younger than that. Most of the time, kids need to get around five, six, seven before they typically are understanding the gospel and even have a chance to be saved. But yes, I believe many five, six, seven-year-olds are getting saved in this world, and the Bible is saying that their sins are already forgiven them. Praise God that a five-year-old can have all of his sins already forgiven at five. The worst sins that kid's going to commit, he hasn't even tried yet. He doesn't even know what they are. He hasn't even thought them up. But all the sins that he's going to commit in the future, they've already been forgiven him when he trusted in Christ as a little child. You know, I believe I got saved at age five, and you know what? My worst sins were not when I was one, two, three, and four, and five, okay? It was not. People might think that you have to repent of all your sins to get saved. Well, I didn't have big sins when I was five. I don't even know. You know, I made fun of fat people one time when I was five. I don't know. Like, I probably stole, I stole my sister's cereal, you know, when I was a little kid. I don't know, like, I can't think of any big sins. I don't know what I did, and you know what? I know this for a fact. Whenever I accepted Christ, I wasn't sorry about either of those. I know I wasn't sorry, and I did it in the future, okay? But I was still saved because salvation is a free gift, and he's writing to the little children, hey, your sins are forgiving you. Now, is that encouraging me to sin? No, I didn't want to sin as a little kid. I didn't want to do things that were wrong. I liked serving God. I liked obeying my parents, but at the end of the day, I already knew that all my sins were forgiven me. Verse 13, notice it says, I write unto you, fathers, because you've known others from the beginning. I write unto you, young men, because you have overcome the wicked one. I write unto you, little children, because you've known the father. Notice he's writing to the little children, and then specifically in verse 13, he also brings up young men. Why? Because the Bible is written for little children and young men, young Christians. He's emphasizing three groups. Two of them are objectively young. He's identifying three groups, and two-thirds of those groups are young people. Why? Because God cares about children. God cares about the young men. And you know what? It's really important that you take Christianity seriously at a young age. At a young age. Many of the people that do great things for God started Christianity at a young age. A lot of people that I know, and I'm not saying that there isn't people that are late comers and that you can't, there's never a bad time to start serving God. But when I look at some of the people that I greatly respect and have done really great things for the Lord, they took Christianity serious at a young age. And they got really serious as little children, as young adults, as young men. They took Christianity as important to them, and that their walk with God is important. And you know what? The Bible says very specifically about the young men, they've overcome the wicked one. The devil is trying to destroy the youth in this country. And we need to really encourage them to combat that with the power of the Word of God. No one's really defending the children. We talk about, oh, we need to give teachers guns. Oh, we need to put them in a specific private school. Oh, we need to do these things. We even need to homeschool. But here's the thing. Those aren't going to protect the children. You know what's going to protect children? The Word of God. Amen. Is the Bible, is Christianity, is being saved? Those are the things that need to be emphasized today and encouraged today. And you know what I don't like? I don't like that almost every other church, they literally make their children as second rate citizens because they put all of the children in a separate program. They have a separate program for the children, and that second program is run by who? The lesser pastor. Right? I mean, let's just be honest. Is the best, the absolute best preacher and the best sermons and the best things being taught to the children, or is it the random guy that just graduated from Bible college, or this random, I mean, in fact, many times it's a random single dude. It's a random single dude that is teaching the children and the youth and the teenagers. A lot of times they're predators, they're perverts, they're weirdos. There's not a lot of scrutiny. There's not a lot of accountability. They don't even know what's going on. And again, I'm not against youth ministers. I'm not against people that want to help serve in the younger generations. I've served in all of those things. I served in the nursery. I've served in young kids ministries Sunday schools. I've served in junior high and high school ministries. I've served in everything you could probably imagine. I've served in college ministries. I've done all kinds of different things. I've had basketball groups. I've taught classes. I've gone to different things. I've done camps. I've done it all, and I'm for that. But I know back then, objectively, I was not the top person. I was not the best person. I wasn't the person that was really keen on delivering the right sermons. And one thing I did appreciate, though, is that my parents wanted me to go to big boy service to get the best preaching. And even at a young age, five and up, I was always in main church service with my parents even though there's almost no other kids in there. You know what? Kids can understand the preaching. I was five years old, and I understood what the preachers were saying. I was six years old, and I understood what the preachers were saying. I knew what they were talking about. I liked the Bible. I also knew that they said weird stuff, too. Okay? They said garbage and junk sometimes, and there were certain people that would come in. I'm like, I don't like that guy. He preached lies. He preached false doctrine. He said things that aren't even in the Bible. And you know what? Even a five-year-old can tell people who are fake and who are insincere, and you know what? They can also tell that flat-earthers are stupid. Okay? Because I was asking all my kids about this, and they were preaching to me how the earth is a sphere. Okay? I didn't even tell them. I was just testing them. I'm like, hey, what's the shape of the earth? You know? And I'm like, how do you know that? And it was funny because I asked my nine-year-old. I said, you know, asking him about the earth, and I said, is the earth moving? And he said, yeah. I said, how? Prove it to me. He said, well, you know what? The earth goes around the sun in a one-year cycle, and that's how we know that it's a year. And I was like, wow, that's a brilliant point because in Genesis chapter number one, it literally tells us that the sun, moon, and stars are for the times and the seasons. And here's the thing. On that stupid, idiotic, retarded flat-earth model, you just have this little mobile thing. It's arbitrary what a year would be. It's arbitrary what a day would be. It's arbitrary what a month would be. It's meaningless, whereas according to the Bible, these are for signs and times and understanding of our calendar. Our calendar literally comes from cosmology. You understand what a year is? It's a full cycle, a full orbit of the earth around the sun. You understand what a moon is? It's a full orbit of the moon around the earth. You know what a day is? You understand what a day is? It's a full cycle. It's a full turning of the earth. And you want to know where a week comes from? From the seven days of creation. It comes from the King James Bible. And even atheists have to understand there's seven days in a week because of God. Everything's because of God. Everything comes from Genesis chapter number one. And you know what? Even children know what that is. And you know how I know my kids aren't going to be flat-earthers? Because they're already teaching to me when they're young. It's never a bad time. You know why someone's a flat-earther? It's the same reason why young black men go into gangs. No father in the home teaching them. The reason why you're a flat-earther is because your dad didn't teach you the shape of the earth. It's a father problem. Because you know what? In order to have that problem, it's a spiritual delusion. It's an issue where you were never taught something from your dad. And if you learn it from your dad, you'll never forget it. You won't go down these crazy, weird trains of thought. And at the end of the day, we need to encourage the youth to take Christianity seriously. We need young men to take it seriously. And we need fathers to invest in their children and not think like, oh well, maybe when my kid gets older, he can take Christianity seriously. They need to be taking it seriously now. You need to be teaching and training them now and investing in them now. And there's so many great Christians in the Bible that are very, very young. Look what it says in verse 14. I have written unto you, fathers, because you have known him that it's from the beginning. I have written unto you, young men, because you are strong, and the word of God abideth in you, and you have overcome the wicked one. Notice he gives so much admonition to the young men. Hey, you have the word of God inside of you. You've overcome the wicked one. Don't get sucked into his traps and to his ploys. He's saying also in verse number 15, love not the world. Neither the things that are in the world, if any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. Let me tell you something. It is so much harder to stop loving the world when you're older. When you're older. When you've already got a taste for that, it's so much harder to get it going backwards. What's easier is being a young person and just never getting that love of the world deep into your heart and going down that worldly path. We need to keep our youth pure. We need to keep them to have a love of God, a love of the Bible, and to not get infected with this carnal, sinful desire of loving the world. The Bible is really explicit on this. Verse 16, For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the pride of life is not of the Father but is of the world, and the world passeth away and the lust thereof, but he that doeth the will of God abideth forever. You know what this makes me think of specifically? It's high school. High school really, really emphasizes what? The lust of the flesh. The lust of the eyes. It really comes out in high school. It's a really big deal. Specifically, the pride of life. In high school, it's never been more important to be popular. Like, there's no environment where popularity is as important as high school. Like, for some reason, high school is just this heightened situation where everybody just feels like they need to be popular or it's important to be popular and to care what other people think about you. And you know what? All of this stuff is junk and it's carnal. It's not spiritual. It has no meaning. The pride of life, of course, being a jock, being on varsity, being the smartest, being the valedictorian, or having all these accolades. It's just so important. The pride of life. You know what? Or having just money. Frankly speaking, you know where the cool kids were in school? The ones that had money. It's just because their parents bought them Nikes or bought them the cool clothing or they had the nice watch or they had the nice car. I mean, let's just be honest. When you're 16 and you're driving a beat up Honda Accord, nobody's like, hey, let's get in your ride. But there are kids that are going to public school today and they will show up at school at 16 with a brand new Corvette. In fact, if you drive by the parking lot of South Lake Carroll High School, it is like a luxury car dealership. I'm not even joking. I drove by it and I thought like literally every single one of these 16 year old kids is driving a nicer car than me. Like it's all BMWs and Land Rovers and Teslas and pimped out trucks and just like I was just thinking like these are a bunch of 16 year old kids and they have the nicest cars I've ever seen in my life. Why? Because at that time it's so important, right? Who's going to give you a ride? You're going to lunch. You're going out. You're hanging out with people like they want to get in the cool cars and just it's the pride of life is that an epitome, folks. You know, this is another advertisement for home school of why, you know, public school system, that environment just really ruins children. Because just like this verse is saying and I don't know if you noticed this in verse 16, it says, or verse 17, and the world passes away. You know what also passes away? High school. In a moment. In the blink of an eye. All of a sudden, it's just over. All that popularity, all of that pride, all of that lust, all of the things that were going on, your status in school, who you were, if you were on varsity, if you were the valedictorian, it's just, you graduate and it's over. And it's meaningless and it'll never matter again. And some people, they even try to like relive that or try to like keep it going, but it just ends almost immediately. And it doesn't even matter at all. It's vanity of vanities. And so many children, they're chasing after that. So then they go to college and they try to replicate that. And then they graduate college and they just keep trying to do it. There's people that just try to keep partying and being these college frat people and sports junkies and whatever for the rest of their life, but it's all vanity. You know what the children should really be emphasizing when they're 13, 14, 15, 16, 17? Serving God. Reading their Bible. Being spiritual. Doing things for God. And the crop and the product of our world today is not generating young Christians who love the Lord, who are zealous, who are on fire. They're going to a lot of these programs where they go to church and it's literally just eating candy and just eating crackers and juice and just singing songs. They're like, wah! Wah! And they're all getting up and down and just yelling and screaming. And then you know what? As soon as they get older, they quit going to that church and they start going to Stephen Furtick's church. Because church is a circus. I've worked in those environments. I know what it's like. These youth programs are a circus. I went to an independent, fundamental Baptist church. I visited this church one time. One time, okay. And we went there and the service had about 30 people in it. Maybe, I'm just throwing out numbers, around 30 people. But their youth department had like hundreds of kids because they bust all these kids in. And most of the people just even worked. They didn't go to the church service. They just went to this kid's service. They're all dressing up in costumes, like characters, like Buzz Lightyear. Like what does Buzz Lightyear have to do with the Bible? This is an independent, King James only, fundamental Baptist church. They're busting in kids. Hey, I'm all for, if you want to bring kids into church, I'm not against that. Obviously, you need to be careful who's doing that. And there could be some problems. But I can see the heart in that. I can see people wanting to reach people and bring people in. I'm not going to tax somebody for wanting to reach kids. But you know what I'm not going to do? I'm not going to dress up like Buzz Lightyear. I'm not going to get the B team to go and preach them some kind of a hyped up, juiced sermon and give them crackers and basically teach them that this is what church is. You know what I'm going to do? I'm going to give them a King James Bible. And I'm going to have them sing an old-fashioned hymn. And for some reason, you know, my kids love this. Other kids in this room love this. It's so bizarre that my kids' number one activity is playing church. They love church. They go and they sit there and they'll sing hymns. I didn't tell them to do this. I've never told them to ever try this, play like this. I wanted this. I'm thinking like, you probably had so much church you never want to do it again. They have church services like every day. They're sitting here setting up church, preaching to each other, preaching the fags out the door. In fact, my kids are harder preachers than me because they're sitting there like, take that crying baby out of the service. And I was thinking like, I've never even done that that I can remember. They're like getting in there and I'm just thinking like, hey, this is great. You know, kids are going to just replicate whatever they see and whatever they hear and whenever they see Buzz Lightyear preaching sermons, I wonder where they're going to go to church when they grow up. You know, my kids are going to go to the church where they're taking the babies out of the service, okay? They're going to the church as being, they have to walk through the protesters to get into the building. That's how you know you have a good church. If they're not protesting, then there's nothing worth protesting there. That's what I view it. Go ahead to Proverbs 1. I'm just getting started. Here's the thing. If you're young, I'm preaching to you. You take Christianity seriously. You read the Bible because you want to read the Bible, not because I'm telling you. You memorize Scripture not just for an ice cream treat because you want the Bible in your heart. Hey, you learned how to go soul-wanting because you want to get people saved. When I heard the gospel as a five-year-old child, it took me a few weeks to decide to accept it, but after I accepted it, immediately after accepting it, that same day, I went and tried to tell my friends how to get saved and tried to get them saved at five years old. If you're five years or older, you could potentially get someone saved. Now, I'm not saying that you have to. I'm not saying that every kid's capable of this, but here's my criterion of someone being capable to get someone saved. They're saved. That's it. I mean, if you're saved, you should know how to get someone else saved because if you're saved, you know how to get saved. If you don't know how to get someone saved, here's my question. Are you saved? Because it should be really simple. I talked to a pastor at a church I was attending, and it was an old IFB church. I loved the church. It was a blessing to my family. They didn't have an official soul-wanting program, and I said, hey, I'd go on Saturdays. I would love to have extra people going with me. If you ever can make an announcement or encourage people to want to go, that would be great. If not, it is what it is. We don't want to just encourage people to just start going out there. They don't even know what they're doing. I'm thinking, if they're saved, they already know what they're doing. Sure, maybe you're not the best soul-warter in the world, but I'm just thinking, how could you be saved and not be able to explain it in your own language? It's believing in Jesus. Here is John 3.16. Again, should we be really good soul-winners? Yes. Should we use a lot of wisdom, and should we study and memorize these verses? Yeah. I want to be a prepared soul-winner, but at the end of the day, if you're saved, you're ready to go. You're ready to be a silent partner at the least. We need more people to go out there soul-winning. We need more children to even go out there soul-winning. We want to encourage the next generation to be soul-winners, not because dad dragged you out there, but because you want people to go to heaven You know why I told my friends how to get saved? Because I didn't want them to go to hell. That's why. I don't know what happened from that experience, but I do know this. In my adulthood, I actually thought about this, and I looked both those people up, and both of them go to church. Both of them are now Christian. I don't know if they're saved for sure or not, but here's the thing. I know their parents weren't. Their parents were atheists, and they never went to church. They were in that environment choosing to go to church in their adulthood. Well, I don't think that it hurt that I tried to tell them how to be saved or how to go to heaven. That probably planted at least some seed, even if they didn't for sure get saved with me. They may have planted a seed for later to be watered, and then get saved. Again, I tried my best. I even prayed with them, so it's not like I didn't try, but at the end of the day, we need children to take the gospel seriously. You know, it was a blessing when we went to Bahamas, because there was a lot of young people there who were trying to get people saved. I mean, little Aliyah's over here knocking out of the park talking to all kinds of people. She's very young at the time. She's under the age of 10, and she's out there showing the gospel to a lot of people, trying to give them the gospel. You know, that's encouraging to see a young person caring about people getting saved, because you know what? She didn't have to. She could have just been like, this is a fun vacation. I'm just gonna sit back. I want to be timid. I want to be shy. But you know what? When you realize that this person's gonna go to hell, it should motivate you, even as children, to say I need to open my mouth with boldness and make known the mystery of the gospel. People are like, what do you think about women preachers? Well, I don't like Joyce Meyer, but I like little girls like Aliyah preaching the gospel. And you know what? That's more important anyways than Joyce Meyer getting up and showing everybody her tattoos at age 80. It's like, what profit is there of an 80-year-old going out there and, hey, look at my tattoos? It's disgusting, and it's gross. Even the guy that gave the tattoo wished he had never had to do it. You had to pay him. It's disgusting. But you know what? I love little women, little girls that want to go out there and preach the gospel. That's a blessing. And we need to recognize that the Bible is for young people. Look at Proverbs 1, verse 4. To give subtly to the simple, to the young man knowledge and discretion. Young people are being destroyed today by the sins of this world. They're being corrupted. They're being infected with all kinds of just junk and degeneracy. And the Bible is saying, this is the cure, Proverbs. The book of Proverbs, and honestly, if you really read the book of Proverbs, you'll understand it's written specifically to young people. It's trying to tell them, you don't have to make every mistake. Learn from other people's example. Learn from what the Bible's saying and just realize you're never going to make that mistake. I've never had to learn what it's like to take LSD. I could just use other people's experiences to recognize, I don't want to do that. I have made mistakes, but at the end of the day, I never know what it's like to do hardcore drugs, and I've never smoked pot, and I never want to. I've never done some of those things, and I'm so glad that I've never done it. I'm not sitting here like, man, I wish I had tried it a few times. That would have been cool. No, in fact, the mistakes that I have made, I wish I didn't even make those. And I remember being a young person and really having a strong desire to be pure and not go down these roads, and I remember being in high school, having a zeal to be right with God, and many times I was encouraged to drink alcohol and to do drugs and do all these kinds of things, and honestly, I turned it down. When I was in high school, I had offers multiple times. Like, I could have done it if I wanted to so easy, and multiple times I turned it down, and it was only because of the fact that I cared what the Bible said. It's the only reason, because other people in my family drank, it wasn't even really an issue. It was just simply, I just was trying to stop. But here's the problem. I didn't have other people around me just keeping reminding me of that, and you go to college, and you're around it just so much and so much pressure, you can finally make a mistake and you can go down a dark path. And I wish that, you know, I hadn't even gone to college. I wish that I hadn't even been around some of those people. I wish I had been an independent fundamental Baptist at that time in my life. I wish I had heard hard preaching at that time, because I believe as much zeal as I had, I would have never touched that stuff if I had just had a little bit of encouragement, if I just had like a few people alongside me. And you know what? You as a young person encourage the other young people to do likewise, to serve God. I had no friends in my life that wanted to serve God. Nobody. Even when I went to church, it was so weird, because I grew up in this non-denam church. I call them non-evangelical churches. But our youth department would come and go. Like, it was weird. It was a church running 10,000 people. But their youth department would just come and go. They'd bring in a new guy, and basically the youth department would turn into like 500 kids overnight, and then he would do something shady and get fired, and then it would go away. And then they'd bring a new guy. It was like the same story. It was just like they bring in a guy, and then he does shady stuff with the kids, and then it goes away, and then just repeat, rinse and repeat. So at different times, it's just like I'm the only kid at church, or I'm one of the 500. But when it was the 500, it wasn't church folks, because those 500 kids weren't godly. They didn't care about the Lord. They're coming in telling us how Harry Potter teaches the Bible, like finding Jesus in the book of Harry Potter. We literally even had kids committing fornication in the church bathroom. It was like a literal party. Like, there was nothing. I actually didn't even go because I found it too reprehensible to go to the kids' services because I was like, this is so bad. Like, I'm not just gonna go to the big boy church. But then I'm like by myself. In public school, I didn't have any friends that wanted to serve God whatsoever. And you know what? You being a young person that wants to serve God, you need to inspire the other young people to serve God. And you know what is gonna really give you this? Is the Bible, is the book of Proverbs. Notice it gives you the young man knowledge and discretion, knowing where to go and what to do. Here's another good advice for young people. Chapter 5, verse 15. Chapter 5, verse 15. Drink waters out of thine own cistern and running waters out of thine own well. You know, hey, this is a context, though, that's not just talking about water. Water's great. I drink a lot of water. Drink a lot of water, okay? But this is talking about something specific. It's talking about marriage and look at what it says in verse 16. Let thy fountains be dispersed abroad in rivers of waters in the streets. Let them be only thine own strangers with thee. Let thy fountain be blessed and rejoice with the wife of thy youth. Here's the word I want to emphasize in this verse. Thy. Rejoice with the wife of thy youth. It's not talking about the age of your spouse. It's not talking about her age. It's talking about your age saying, you know what, getting married young is a good idea. Is a good idea. And frankly, the temptations of the world, drinking alcohol fornication, drugs, getting into mischief, you know what'll help you is having a help meet. Keeping you grounded. A lot of times they say, oh, it's the old ball and chain. This is what's commonly referred to in the world. They say, oh, this guy is gonna get married to the ball and chain and he's not gonna be able to have fun anymore. No, he's not gonna be sinning and doing wicked evil things. Yeah, having a wife will literally stop you from doing a whole bunch of horrible things. Oh, you're stuck with your wife. You know, I'm not stuck with my wife. I love my wife. I wish anything, you know, if I could go back in time, I'll go back to the honeymoon phase of our marriage. That was great. I love that time. We constantly reminisce of the times in our life when we didn't have kids and we were married. Wow, that was easy. Man, that was fun. For some of you, it was a short period, okay? Me and my wife got the experience of her five years and it was a lot, a lot of fun. We really, but at the same time, I wasn't wise enough to even utilize that time to its fullest potential. We could've even had more fun and been enjoying that part of our life even more, but I'm telling you this, you know, living that party, world lifestyle, it has no satisfaction. It's not fun. You're gonna regret it. You need to rejoice with a wife, with a youth. We need to encourage the children to decide, hey, getting married young is a good thing. It's not a bad thing. I am not against people getting married young. That's a positive. That's a pro. We should encourage this. This will help them when you have that buddy, you have that person, that companion to come alongside of you and to help keep you from sin, and probably the only real regret I have when it comes to my relationship and my marriage with my wife is that I wish I had gotten married sooner. If I had gotten married sooner, I would've sinned a lot less. I would've made a lot less worse decisions in my life and I wish that I had even gotten married younger, not older. There's this idea, oh, you need to wait until you're certain, you know, get older and then maybe you can marry or, you know, graduate from school and get a job and do all these things and then maybe you can get married. What about all those years in between? I mean, the Bible says it's better to marry than to burn. Hey, you know what's gonna keep a lot of people pure and Christian and godly is getting married young and having a companion to come alongside and serving God together. It's good to have, you know, one being alone, the Bible says it's not good. The man being alone, God didn't think that was good. You know when God said it was very good? When he had Adam and Eve, then it was very good. And you know what? It's hard being a young, single man in this world. I can't even imagine. The temptations are out of control. The sins are out of control. The young people are out of control. I remember reminiscing of times when I think about in the past and I thought literally no one my age wants to serve God. That's how I felt. And when I say literally, I mean it to the most extreme point, like I didn't even know a single person. If you have other friends that are around your age that want to serve God, you have it better off than I did because I genuinely thought like nobody cares about God, nobody cares about the Bible, nobody cares about truth, nobody cares about doing things that are honest and pure and lovely and serving God. And you know what? It's a shame and embarrassment how bad our society and culture has come. But it's reality. And we need the young people to get the Book of Proverbs deep into their heart because this world is a tough, tough, temptation-filled place. The boundaries of society have been lifted. It's almost complete anarchy when it comes to morality in our country. And the thing that'll give you boundaries is this book is the Book of Proverbs. You as a child need to start building boundaries for yourself and building walls for yourself because you know what? Trump's not going to build the wall for you, okay? Go to 1 Samuel, chapter number 16. Go to 1 Samuel, chapter number 16. I want to get into three points, and I'm going to try and go quickly through these points for sake of time. But this is an important sermon, and there's so much Bible that I would love to bring up. I'm not even able to get to it this morning, but I have three simple points that I want all of you young Christians to really, really emphasize in your life. And again, who am I talking to? Zero to two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15. We don't have the 16-year-old, but I'm still thinking about you. 17, 18, 19, 20, and plus. Hey, I want you to take these things seriously, what I'm bringing up. And what I want to bring up, number one, point one is this, we need young Christians to praise the Lord. You were created to praise the Lord at every age. And what I find fascinating is when we think about certain people in the Bible, David is greatly used of God. But what's like the first thing that David does? What's the first real mention of David is his ability to praise the Lord, his ability to make sweet music under the Lord through musical instruments. You know, we've had recently a few times a children's music recital. We have children playing musical instruments. And I'll be honest, some of them are extremely impressive. They're all great. Honestly, the best music recitals I've ever been to, and I've been to some really bad ones, okay? I actually hated music recital. Like, if it was a children's music recital, I would be like, I'd rather go shopping. Okay? And I'd rather talk to the Flathearther almost, okay? But I actually enjoy the music recitals here. They're good. And some of the kids are really good. And you know what? David was an excellent instrumentalist. Excellent. What's so crazy is they're literally scouring the entire country for the best musician to help King Saul. The absolute best. And you know who they find? The youngest son of Jesse the youngest son of Jesse, David. Look at 1 Samuel 16, verse 16. Let our Lord now command thy servants, which are before thee, to seek out a man who is a cunning player on a harp. And let him come to pass when the evil spirit from God is upon thee, that he shall play with his hand, and thou shalt be well. Look, we're talking about the most significant person on the planet is the king of Israel. He has a specific need. We need to find the absolute best musician on the planet to help the king, who's the most important person on the planet, and who are they gonna find? They're gonna find a young man named David. Look what it says in verse 17. And Saul said unto the servants, Provide me now a man that can play well, and bring him to me. Notice even what they're looking for. They're not looking for a child. Give me the man. I'm looking for a man. Give me a man. Verse 18, Then answered one of the servants, and said, Behold, I have seen a son of Jesse, the Bethlemite, that is cunning and playing, and a mighty, valiant man, and a man of war, and prudent in manners, and a comely person, and the Lord is with him. Wow. Wouldn't that be great if someone said that about you? Hey, I found this guy, and not only is he a good musician, let me just explain something. He's epic in every area of his life. This guy is a man of war. This guy, the Lord is with him. Think about, in order to have all of these attributes told of you, this didn't happen overnight, folks. This is years, and he's young. That means from a very young age, David was a man of war. At a very young age, the Lord was with him, a very young man. He had learned how to play musical instruments, and he was a great musician. And you know what? We need to train the young people to be great musicians for the Lord. What is high school treating you to be? A great musician for corn, for Metallica, for Van Halen, for some band, to be popular on YouTube. Why can't we have musicians that are training now to be great musicians for the Lord? That's what we need. We need people that are gonna praise the Lord with skill. Did you know that most, let me clarify, that very many popular musicians in our world actually got their start in church? Elvis Presley was actually initially a gospel singer, as crazy as that is. Now, as part of the Pentecostal church, I don't even know if the guy was saved, but he was a part of that. Katy Perry, if you can believe it or not, was raised by Christian parents and was in the church choir and was highlighted as a singer. And you know what? Maybe that's a case against special music. Cause I guess she really liked the spotlight. And then, of course, what was her first single that came out? I Kissed a Girl and I Liked It. What a reprobate. What a disgusting degenerate. She has to sell her soul to the devil day one. And you know what? We need young people that like God and love the Lord and are gonna sing a sincere heart and are gonna praise God and be like a David. You know the Bible says this about David? He was the sweet psalmist of Israel. Do you think it's a coincidence that the guy that's prepared his heart and his mind to play instruments unto the Lord is then used to literally pin down some of the greatest songs of human history? The Book of Psalms. And again, they're not all Davids, but the vast majority of the Book of Psalms is from and authored by David because he dedicated himself unto praising the Lord. I would love to see more young people dedicating their lives to writing great music, new psalms, new hymns that we could look to someone and say that is the sweet psalmist of Texas. The sweet psalmist of steadfast. The sweet psalmist of Baptist. The sweet psalmist of Israel because you know what? We're Israel. Not a bunch of Christ rejecting Jews in modern day Israel, right? There is your one anti-Semitism, okay, for the day. Go to Psalm 150. I wish I had more time to put all kinds of psalms in music, and maybe I will, Lord willing, but I do it also to try and inspire you and other people to make great ones. And a lot of people have tried. A lot of people put effort in. But you know what? We need skilled people that have a lot of talent to do it, not just every yahoo. And I'm not against people trying, and you know what? If you create a song and it helps you and it's a blessing, praise God. But if it's not great, we probably won't sing it, okay? I'm just going to be honest. I'm not trying to hurt your feelings or anything like that, but we want to keep a certain level of excellence when it comes to praising God. So we're not just trying to just get anybody and everybody to just write some kind of a ditty because I've heard some and I'm just thinking like, okay, you know, whatever, but if you enjoyed making that, go team, right? I'm not against you. You sing it. You learn it. Have fun. But I don't think that people were struggling to want to sing the songs of David. It was probably a melody in their heart. It probably was really catchy. They probably really liked it, okay? And I want to inspire people to do that. Look at Psalm 150 verse 6. This is what the Bible says. Let everything that hath breath praise the Lord. If you can hear what I'm saying and you're breathing, this is you. You little children, you're supposed to praise the Lord. Go backwards to chapter 148 and look at verse 7. And of course, we sing these. Praise the Lord from the earth, ye dragons, and all ye deeps, fire and hail, snow and vapor, stormy wind fulfilling His word, mountains and all hills, fruitful trees and all cedars, beasts and all cattle, creeping things and flying fowl, kings of the earth, and notice this, all people, it's not just some people, it's all people, princes and all judges of the earth, both young men and maidens, old men and children. Hey, we need young Christians to praise the Lord. Hey, when we're singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, we want you little children to sing it out with all your heart too. Amen. You sing unto the Lord, you make a joyful noise, you make a loud noise, and you know, we need some young Christians to sing and praise God. You know what we need? We need young 18, 19 and 20-year-old men to get loud and to sing hymns and not singing Metallica and not singing rap and rock music and destroying their minds and their hearts because you know what? Music destroys the mind and the heart today, and so much music today is corrupting the youth because it's getting their minds only infected with the love of money, with fornication, with drugs and alcohol and being cool and prideful and being famous, and everybody just wants to be famous today. Everybody wants to be an influencer today, and everybody wants to be so cool, and you know what's the most popular videos online? It's music videos, it's dancing music, it's dancing to songs, and it's always the worst songs, the most filthy communication imaginable. It's disgusting. You know what we need? We need 16, 17, 18, 19, 20-year-old men 16, 19, 20-year-olds who are praising God with hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in their hearts unto the Lord. That's what we need, and if you want your children to serve God and love God, you know what? They need to be singing hymns and spiritual songs, not Madonna, not Katy Perry, and you know what? These are a little outdated because the modern artists are so bad, shame on you if you even know their names or sing their songs. I don't even know what they are because they're so, they're so degenerate. I don't even want to mention, just even mentioning them are filthy. Just the song title. The song title of certain artists today are so degenerate, so ungodly, so satanic, it's hard to even want to bring it up and make attention to it. They just use acronyms for them because they're so bad, and it's so funny. People think that that's okay. You explain what Let's Go Branded means and they're all offended, but you explain what WAP means and they're not offended, right? The world's not offended by that, but they're offended by what Let's Go Branded means. It's disgusting and it's filthy. It's abominable. Our country, we're supposed to be simple concerning evil. Praise God for people that are just like, I don't even know what's going on. I don't even know a lot of rap music is so unintelligible. It's like, brush, brush, brush, brush, brush, brush. It's like, it's stupid. Now of course, they use really sensational beats. It's not like the music isn't catchy. The music is designed to be the most sensory overload, just sound great. Even with AI now, AI can just make amazing sounding music. Hollywood and the music industry has been pumping out really great tunes. they can make it sound amazing but then they attach these satanic evil lyrics to it and I'm not even pro the contemporary Christian movement that's trying to be like well let's have the exact same rap song and just swap the lyrics for Christian lyrics look I don't want it to sound like that let's make it sound like a sweet melody out of the Lord you know our music sounds different if you came here you're like I didn't listen to this on the radio you know Hollywood doesn't have songs that sound like hymns with bad lyrics they just they're not the same and I don't want to be the same I don't want to get close to that when it comes to this church service you know what you do on your free time I don't care what you do obviously there's nothing wrong with a tune some people get mad about tunes I'm not mad at tunes or musical instruments or anything like that but when it comes to our church services we want to be old-fashioned go to Psalm 119 go backwards a little bit go someone 19 rap and rock is destroying our country college is destroying our youth and it's not because they're too anti-semitic that's not the problem with college they want to talk about defunding colleges because of their anti-semitism that's not the problem with college the problem with college is almost everything else that's the real problems that we have with college and you know what if they shut down a bunch of colleges I wouldn't cry tear that's for sure I wouldn't be sad that would actually help America because we're corrupting our youth we're destroying our youth through these programs and it's so important to the government that these colleges pop out or pop out the right propaganda not the wrong and so they're really upset that they're kind of confused on all their propaganda they're like we don't know what we're creating anymore because because they're just wicked but you know what we need the youth to love the Bible and say you know how I'm gonna become a better person it's not college it's the Bible look at Psalm 119 verse 9 wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way how are you gonna get better by taking heed thereto according thy word the Bible is what cleans up young people and makes them better and you know what if you want to stay pure it's the Bible that's gonna keep you pure go to Acts chapter 21 I kind of mentioned this earlier but I want to emphasize this again to not only are we supposed to praise the Lord and of course Jesus even said out of the mouth of babes and sucklings that was perfect to praise we're not just talking about youth as far as teenagers you know what three four five and six year olds singing out loud with their heart of the Lord God loves that I think I love that when little kids sing it's like the coolest thing ever in fact some of the most popular singers of all time were actually children how about Michael Jackson Michael Jackson was one of the most popular singers in American history at a very young age very iconic voice extremely talented extremely talented individual but he didn't use his efforts towards the Lord did he he used his efforts to give his father money and he was exploited by his father his father wasn't taking his son to church to sing praise unto the Lord he was saying my son's really talented so I'm gonna take advantage of him and his brothers and we're gonna make a lot of money and look where that in where's the Jackson family now where's Michael Jackson now Michael Jackson was so confused in his head that he literally bleached his skin to become white now he did end up realizing that Jews ripped him off that was that wasn't that wasn't his problem but at the end of the day the guy had a great talent we could use more great preachers and singers of the Word of God you know what would the God we had Michael Jackson become an independent Baptist but you know when they're young and you get them in an early age they go down a path of destruction look at just look at Hollywood's young people they put them in this Mickey Mouse Club and it's really just a pedophile ring and they come in and they I mean these kids are some of the best best-looking most talented filled with energy and life and then in about four years they look like they want to kill themselves looking the most depressed suicidal drugged out just all of their youth has been robbed from them these there's some of the worst-looking people I mean some of the girls especially they just looked so awful like Miley Cyrus she was so popular the Hannah Montana thing was like the most popular thing ever and she at that time looked young energetic whatever and then she turns 18 19 and she just looks like a used prostitute like she looked like a 50 year old prostitute that smoked every cigarette and done every drug and been just taken advantage of by LSD and of course again why because her dad prostituted his daughter Billy Ray Cyrus prostituted his daughter and pimped out his daughter and you know what we need the fathers today to say hey my children are important instruments to serve God you know Samuel's mother said I'm going to dedicate my child under the Lord and I'm going to give him under the Lord and you know what Samuel as a little tiny baby child was given the Bible and given the Word of God and was a minister of the Lord and you know we need women also to minister look instead of prostituting your daughter once you turn him into a preacher into a preacher of the gospel into a soul winner you know a great man in the Bible was the Philip the evangelist Acts chapter 21 look at verse 8 it says this and the next day we that were of Paul's company departed and came in a Caesarea and we entered in the house of Philip the evangelist which is one of the seven in a boat with him and the same man had four daughters virgins which did prophesy that tells me they were young because if they're virgins and it's four I mean most likely you know the oldest is probably only 18 19 years old and you know having kids around two years apart is probably very likely it's probably very similar so he's got like a 18 year old a 16 year old a 14 year old a 12 year old that are preaching the gospel that are taking evangelism seriously they're not just saying that's what dad does no that's what we do we as a family are evangelists taking their dad's occupation seriously taking their love for the Lord seriously and you know what it's not possible to really force someone to be a soul winner that's something that you have to decide in your own heart you have to get your own zeal and your own fire and you know what praise God for Philip the evangelist praise God for four daughters that say you know what we're gonna preach the gospel to we're gonna take it seriously and you know what they were so good at it it was obvious like this could be happening in a dark secret nobody knows it's being mentioned because obviously they were known for being preachers known for being evangelists instead of being known for being on ole fans instead of being known for being the cheerleader that's easy instead of being known as the girl whose body's all over the internet instead of being known as the teenage girl that got pregnant hey when I was in school girls were getting pregnant now got the little boys are getting pregnant you know I'm joking of course guys can't get pregnant but it's so weird it's so weird the world that we live in and we need to remember that the youth are important we invest in the youth and keep them from being corrupted and you know what as a young person not only should you praise the Lord you should preach the Word of God you should be a preacher of the Word of God just like these four young virgins go to first Samuel chapter 17 first Samuel chapter 17 you know here's the thing Samuel was given the Word of the Lord and he was considered a minister of the Lord and this is like a little little child in fact the Lord appeared unto Samuel and spoke to him and gave him the Word of God and you know what I like about this when God gave the Word unto Samuel did you notice it was only a negative message he's like preaching hard against Eli and in fact the Bible says of Samuel you should read it read read first Samuel chapter 3 he says Samuel is afraid to tell Eli the preaching but then Eli said hey God's gonna do this to you if you don't tell me and even a young boy he feared God he feared the man of God and he told them the message that was hard to hear and you know what we need young people to be able to preach the truth without fear and to preach the uncomfortable message of the Bible people like how dare you show young people sodomite deception hey there's nothing in the Bible that's not for children it is for all ages and you know what I'm not embarrassed that my children have seen the sodomite deception or read Genesis 19 or judges 19 you know what I'd be embarrassed of my five and six year olds watching Nickelodeon watching a lot of the Disney movies you want to talk about the filth let's let's talk about the Disney movies for a second and talk about the pedophilia in those movies talk about the sodomy in those movies talk about the fact that half of the movies are kids mating with animals Beauty and the Beast oh that's that I'm I don't want my kids to read about pedophilia I want them to literally see a woman kissing a wolf dog that's what I want them to see and singing songs about that that's disgusting you know we need young people to want to preach the Bible and to care about the Word of God and to have boldness today to reach the Bible and frankly speaking sometimes the youngest or even the best if you're the youngest of your siblings don't think like well I can't do something because my brother hasn't Excel your brother Cain wasn't the better brother Abel was and Seth hey Jacob and Esau it wasn't Esau the older it was Jacob that was the younger hey of Joseph's brethren it wasn't all the 11 well the 10 older it was Joseph the youngest at the time that God revealed himself to that he used greatly Joseph was even a great man of God at age 17 Daniel and his companion Shadrach Meshach and Abednego were little children and they were serving God even though their parents weren't there you know what you serve God you read your Bible because you're have a desire to serve God and to preach the Word of God you know my parents never made me read the Bible if you're a kid in here who in here your parents make you read the Bible they tell you or force you to read the Bible you better be raising your hand back there cuz I force you all to read the Bible yeah some of y'all but you know what I'm for that I'm not against that but you know what it would be great if kids are reading the Bible not because the parents are forcing because they want to read it I read the Bible as a kid often and no one told me what to do no one told what to read no one told me I even had to read the Bible I just did it and you know what would God children today would want to read the Bible so they could preach the Bible so they could love the Lord and it's sad how so many people don't want to serve God and in fact even in the same family I believe that Jesse was a great guy I there's no reason to believe that Jesse wasn't a godly man wasn't a Christian man there's no indication that any of these children are even bastard children of his they all seem to be in a godly family I would liken Jesse's family unto a family that's coming to our church a great guy great brother but you know what only one of them really wanted to serve God only one of them was really spiritual only one of them wanted to do big things for God and that was David that was David and so you know what just because your family doesn't want to serve God you serve God anyways hey you little children if your brothers and sisters don't stay an independent fundamental Baptist you stay an independent fundamental Baptist hey you children if your siblings don't go soul-winning you go soul-winning if your siblings don't read the Bible you read the Bible if your siblings don't want to be a Baptist they want to just go to a Bible Church you go into a Baptist Church hey you be a fundamental Baptist you believe the Bible you take doctrine seriously so I'm so offended I get a Bible Church yeah we know you don't care about doctrine enough it wasn't John the Bible guy it was John the Baptist folks and you know what I know is the people that have Baptist on their name care more about doctrine than the people that don't I'm so offended okay well show me the Bible Church that's taking soul-winning as seriously as faith-ward Baptist Church show me a Bible Church that is preaching harder against faggots than a Baptist Church show me a Bible Church that has greater standards than the Baptist churches in this America don't tell me you love church more you don't if you love the Bible and if you love truth you would be a fundamental Baptist a King James only soul-winning fundamental Baptist I don't care what age and you know we need young people to say I'm gonna be an independent fundamental Baptist when I die and then I'm gonna still be one in heaven all right well I'll be fundamental Baptist in heaven all right whether you wanted to be a fundamental Baptist you're gonna be one in heaven so you might as well start now look at first Samuel chapter 17 look at verse 14 and David was the youngest and David was the youngest and David was the only hey you young children you serve God you know what I'm the youngest of my family but that doesn't stop me from being a great person of God that doesn't mean I can't do it and you know what I didn't have an example to follow I didn't have people that wanted to serve the Lord like I wanted to you know what you don't have to follow someone's example be a leader a leader is not a follower a leader is doing more than everyone around them a leader is inspiring other people to serve God more than they are a leader is someone like David who in the book of Psalms is saying that he has more wisdom than all his teachers why because thy thy word is a meditation upon his heart look at verse 16 and the Philistine drew near morning and evening and presented himself 40 days and Jesse said unto David his son take now for thy brethren of this parched corn and these ten loaves and run to the camp to thy brethren and carry these ten cheeses on the captain of their thousand and look how thy brethren fair and take that but you notice that it says Jesse said unto David his son Jesse is telling David to go and visit his brethren and see how they do you know that sounds like oh yeah God the Father is sending Jesus Christ to check on his brethren and see how they do now it says in verse 19 now Saul and they and all the men of Israel were in the valley of Elah fighting with the Philistines and David rose up early in the morning and left the sheep with the keeper and took and win and Jesse as Jesse had commanded him this is what I love about this as Jesse commanded him everything that David did was exactly how he was instructed to do it he didn't come up with his own will he was doing what his father told him and he came to the trench as the host was going forth to the fight and shouted for the battle for Israel and the Philistines had put the battle in a ray army against army and David left his carriage in the hand of the keeper of the carriage and ran into the army and came and saluted his brethren you notice every time David leaves something he leaves someone else in charge to take care of it too he's not neglectful he's not lazy he's making sure everything's taken care of and David left his carriage in the hand of the keeper of the carriage and ran to the army came and saluted his brethren and as he talked with them behold there came up the champion the Philistine of Gath Goliath by name out of the armies of the Philistines and spake according to the same words and David heard them and all the men of Israel when they saw the man fled from him and were sore afraid and when all the men of America saw the faggots they fled and were afraid when all the fundamental Baptist saw the faggot protesters they fled and were afraid when all the men that are Christians in America see the enemies of the day they're afraid and they're running away scared they're a pansy pansy Baptist not any different than today then then back then where was the fire-breathing preaching back then where was the guy that was willing to go in the battle when the men heard Goliath speak they were afraid when the house passed a bill saying you you're anti-semitic if you preach the Bible Baptist were afraid why are you afraid why are you afraid of a guy in pigtails in a tiny hat can't he get a hat that fits anytime I get a fitted hat I make sure it actually fits on my head before I buy it what an idiot it's like a little child it's kind of like a little baby cap and we see all of our leaders literally putting baby caps on and bowing down to a wall because they're afraid they're afraid you really expect me to believe that Donald Trump cares about that stupid wall in Israel you think that Greg Abbott cares about that wall in Israel you think Rand Paul cares about that wall in Israel oh yeah it's literally every other politician you can think of you think Lionel Messi the soccer player cares about the wall in Israel Bolsonaro Milly Javier Milly of Argentina you think they care no no they're afraid buddy they're cowards they're pansies they're afraid of Goliath it says in verse number 25 in the minute Israel said have you seen this man that has come up surely to defy Israel as he come up and it shall be that the man who killeth him the king will enrich him with great riches and will give him his daughter and make his father's house free in Israel hey here's an invite here here you go guys young single guys who want a bride kill Goliath there you go verse 26 and David spake to the men that stood by him saying what shall be done to them to the man that killed his velocity and take away their approach from Israel for who is this uncircumcised Philistine that should defy the armies the living God I like I like Davis attitude what in the how is this guy he's defying the armies of God of Israel like what are you what are you guys doing and the people answered him after the man are saying so shall be done the man that killed him he's thinking like hey I get a reward it's like someone should just kill this guy just to do it let alone there's a reward attached to it on top of that and the people answered him after this matter right verse 28 and Elliot Eliab that his elder brother heard when he spake unto the men and Eliab's anger was kindled against David and he said why camest thou down hither and with whom has thou left those few sheep in the wilderness oh oh your little tiny church oh you guys just have a tiny little church and you just don't you're just preaching online to get popular right you just preach to your sermons for clickbait and you have this little tiny church well what are you doing a lie up oh you have a big multitude of art you have a huge army shouldn't you be able to take Goliath I mean isn't it so sad that literally the churches that are running 10,000 on Sunday morning they can't take on Goliath how are you scared when your church is running 10,000 you're running 10,000 Christians and you're afraid of a bunch of sodomites I mean they would dwarf the protesters in their area I mean they have to scrounge up every freak and degenerate and trash from the gutter and all the sewer rats to come and protest our church and they still can't outnumber us I mean they're trying to find as much trash in the dump heap as they can to bring out here and they still can't they're paying people to come out here and they can't even get enough folks it's like a church with 10,000 is afraid sick it's disgusting I know you're prideful and I am prideful for for Goliath wanting to be destroyed no you're wicked for not wanting to fight God's army or fight with God's army fight the enemies verse 29 and David said what have I now done is another cause and he turned from him toward another this we have to do when your brother's a bozo you turn to another okay you don't want to serve God that's your problem I'm gonna talk to somebody else and he turned from him toward another and he spake after the same manner and the people answered him again after the four manner and when the words were heard which David spake they rehearsed them before Saul and he sent for him and David said to Saul let no man's heart fail because of him talking about Goliath thy servant will go and fight with this Philistine and Saul said to David that were not able to go against this Philistine to fight with him what's the number one reason for thou art but a youth let no man despise thy youth hey you know what if you're a young person that wants to serve God and you see an area where someone's not willing to fight don't be discouraged and think you can't fight no you fight anyways if someone's not getting someone saved you get them saved if someone's not teaching the right doctrine you teach them right doctrine hey if someone's not willing to combat Goliath let some young guy get in there and fight him because you know what the old guys aren't getting it done and some people might get mad at a church like ours and think oh well post was surely was so young when he started this church or took over did all these things why didn't see anybody else lining up I didn't see anybody else getting so excited to jump in the battle and it's like David I guarantee I guarantee if someone else stronger bigger and elder than David said I'll fight David said okay good I'm on your team I'll help you you go you know why David stepped up because no one was getting it done he wasn't prideful it's not prideful to recognize that God needs a job done and you say if no one will do it I'll do it that's not prideful what's prideful is you know what attacking someone that's willing to do it and saying oh you're just you're young you're youth you can't do this yeah you know what who cares of age is a number folks there are really smart people that are really young and you know what there's a lot of people that have a lot of great zeal and we need to encourage those people I think there's a lot of people going to Bible calls today that have a lot of fire and they go to Bible cause and it gets watered down it gets weakened we need to take the David's of this generation and and add fire to their fire but we need to pour gas on that fire that's what I'm trying to do okay I want them to get more excited to preach the Bible and you know of course this is a physical battle but what's the battle that we're supposed to do we're supposed to preach the Bible I want to see more young preachers become the best preachers we've ever had don't think like well I'm not an older person I'm not Pastor Anderson I'm not Pastor Jimenez I'm not Pastor Hiles I'm not Lester Roloff I'm not these guys of the past you know what it doesn't matter if you've got the Bible you've got the Word of God abiding in you preach the best sermons that have ever been preached you fight Goliath you get in the battle you do something for God you don't allow people to talk you down don't be despised because your youth hey we're gonna potentially ordain a couple young guys to be pastors in the future let no man despise thy youth don't think because you're young you can't do something great for God you know what you do the greatest thing for God you get into the battle and you fight hard and you know what you serve God and you don't care about what this world has to say don't care about all the naysayers and oh you're prideful and you want attention and all this stuff no no you say hey there's a Goliath in this world and I'm gonna slay him I'm not gonna allow the armies of Israel to be defiled you know it doesn't matter if no one will fight them I'll fight them that's the kind of people that we need we need some young Christians young Christians want to go to one more go to Ephesians chapters no I'm sorry go to first Kings chapter 3 and I'll finish I know it's a long sermon but you need it I need it time would fail for me to bring up Jephthah's daughter Isaac Daniel and his friends Jesus at 12 years old having greater questions than anybody's ever asked before in church at 12 years old folks hey at 12 years old asking the pastor and asking men questions of the Bible time would fail to me to bring up Joseph and the great exploits of him at age 17 and then becoming such a great leader at age 30 I mean Joseph ran Potiphar's house in his 20s and in fact he was such a good ruler that Potiphar didn't even know what's going on he was just like Joseph's got it you know and his young 20s Joseph is ruling Potiphar's house over grown men he's such a Chad okay and and none of that it's an Egypt he doesn't even speak Egyptian he had to go to a foreign land under just being imprisoned think about the class elevation he took himself from because you know you don't just start like a slave and then become the master of the house overnight I mean that took time to be a faithful slave learn the language learn business learn economics learn management learn human resources learn all of these different aspects that come with running anything and you know he elevated himself at such a young age time would fail to me to bring up all of that we need to inspire the youth to serve God do something great for God even when you're young number one you need to praise the Lord number two you need to preach the Bible and number three you need to pray you need to pray and Solomon was found himself at a very young age we don't know exactly maybe 17 18 19 20 somewhere that range he's becoming the king of Israel the most powerful nation on the earth at such a young age and God literally tells Solomon to just ask for whatever he wants like he's so pleased with Solomon and you know what the word pray means ask you know what ask means pray you little children you pray to God you pray to God for the things that are important to you pray to him and what is Solomon pray for well and I do want to point out one verse verse 7 notice what he says in the middle of this verse about Solomon about himself I am but a little child in his view he was a little child he's ruling this nation he's ruling this country what you know that that would be refreshing to meet an 18 year old that doesn't think they know everything boy wouldn't that be nice for an 18 year old to recognize like I'm not smarter than everybody I don't know more than everybody I don't have understanding you know what I need to do I need to ask God to give it to me and of course that's what he does he says in verse number eight and thy servant is in the midst of thy people which thou has chosen a great people that cannot be numbered nor counted for multitude give therefore thy servant an understanding heart to judge thy people that I may discern between good and bad for who is able to judge this thy so great a people I do not think that I am above average intelligence necessarily maybe it is it doesn't matter I definitely don't think I'm a genius or anything that's smart but you know what I do know a lot of really important things and a lot of wisdom that comes from the Bible because God gave that wisdom to me from reading the Bible and I remember my whole life as a young man reading this story and you know what encouraged me to do every day of my life I pray at night and I ask God to give me wisdom when I was five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve and all the way up to 36 every day you know what I pray I pray and ask God to give me wisdom because that is the principal thing get wisdom and you know what we need children start praying for that you know what there's plenty of times where there was things in the Bible I just didn't understand I couldn't recognize and just the power of God the Holy Spirit just enlightened my eyes and just showed me great truths of the Bible and I couldn't it's not a carnal thing it's impossible in my mind it's not like putting the labor and effort or work or doing something gonna do it it's God blessing you from the Holy Spirit to teach you the Bible you know you get that you pray and ask God and he'll give it to anybody he'll give it to anybody there and in fact some of the coolest times of my life are just when something in the Bible finally clicked and you're just like wow you know for me some of the coolest times was and I understood Jacob and Esau and that chapter where they're basically swapping places and the inheritance because it was the weirdest story to me like why in the world is Jacob putting on animal skins the whole book of Esther made no sense to me and just one day it just like boom it was just like wow it all made so much sense there was a day where I was just I was actually gave up on trying to understand the timing of the Passover but there was just a day that I had by myself my wife was out of town I could do anything I wanted so I started reading the book of Mark and then just all and I didn't have this in mind and there's all of a sudden it was just like wow I understood the timing of the Passover and it's just like look these things aren't because I'm special you know what's special God you know it's special the Holy Spirit you know it's on the table for every single person gifts from God you know who gets them the person that asks for them you have I want the little children in this room to ask God for things ask God for a godly spouse that's something you should be praying for ask God for wisdom ask God to give you boldness ask God to give you a zeal and a fervor to serve God unlike your contemporaries unlike your brethren unlike your family we need to serve God because we care about God and I want the young people to do so the children the young men the young adults and hey even if you're old all this applies to you but please please encourage the young people in your lives to take Christianity seriously let's close in prayer thank you Heavenly Father so much for giving us the Bible and the Word of God I pray that you would just light a fire in the heart of all these young children that you would just help give them a zeal an unquenchable zeal for the Word of God and I pray that you would just help them to have their own personal relationship their personal desire to praise you to preach the Word of God to pray to read the Bible to take it seriously thank you so much for all these great examples thank you so much for caring about us when we're young I pray that people would realize that their life is important and these young children are important and I hope and pray that all the men and the older women in this in this church we would set our affection and hearts on the young and on the youth and trying to inspire and encourage them to be the next Davids of our generation the next Samuels the next virgins which did prophesy that we could actually have a great revival in the youth and that you'd help protect these young people from that wicked one and from the world in Jesus name we pray amen all right for a final song this morning let's go to 125 the solid rock 125 the solid rock one two five the solid rock my hope is Jesus blood and righteousness I dare not trust the sweetest frame Oh Jesus name on the second ah when all around my soul his way he that is all my hope and stay Oh Oh thank you all for coming god bless you are dismissed you you