(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) The part of the chapter I wanted to focus on was in verse 1 where the Bible read, What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? God forbid! How shall we that are dead to sin live any longer therein? Know ye not that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his death? Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death, that like as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life. And the title of my sermon this evening is Why Water Baptism? Why Water Baptism? Now if you look at the big banner outside you'll notice this is Pure Words Baptist Church. So we are a Baptist Church. We think that baptism is important. Baptism is a commandment of God. So we want to emphasize baptism today. Now in an effort to protect the gospel, in an effort to make sure that we teach people that it is by faith alone, I feel sometimes there is not much emphasis on baptism. They want to shy away from certain verses. But the Bible puts a lot of emphasis on baptism. We see that the people when they go out and get them saved, I mean they are getting them baptized straight away. I mean they are just like hey once you believe let's get baptized buddy. So baptism is something that we should emphasize as Baptist. We should know what we believe about baptism. And the question sometimes somebody would ask is say well why water baptism? Like why is that a thing? Why are we using water? And so I think when you understand certain parts of the Bible it helps just bolster your doctrine. It helps bolster your faith. It helps bolster the fact of why you are encouraging people to get baptized. So before we explain that point let's just understand what we mean by baptized. Because sometimes there are people that don't even understand what baptism even means. Go to Matthew chapter number three. So we see here in chapter number six he is saying look, now that you are saved should you just continue in sin? And that is the question. People say that once saved always saved is a license to sin. And the reality is the Bible teaches that no matter what sin you commit in the future, grace will cover that sin. Grace will abound. God's grace is greater than our sin. That's the song, okay. But the question is should you do that? Should you just commit whatever sin knowing that God's grace will cover it? God forbid. And he's saying look don't you realize that when you got baptized you were buried with him so that you could then what? Walk in newness of life. What's the point of getting baptized? To say well I realize that no matter what I do I'm saved by the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ. But you know what? I don't want to just live in the old sins that I used to live in. I don't want to just live how I was. I actually want to be pleasing unto God. I actually want to live my life for God. That's why you get baptized. To say you know what? I'm going to be dead to sin now. I'm not going to try and live according to the lust of the flesh. I want to walk in newness of life. This is why you'll never see someone on fire for God that's not baptized. You want to know the common denominator from all people that are actually serving God? They're all baptized. That's for one. They're obviously all saved but you know what? They're also all baptized. You're not going to see some on fire preacher for God. Well I just decided not to get baptized. Not going to happen. You're not going to see someone coming to church three times a week sold out for God a soul winner doing following God's commandments. You know what they all have in common? They're baptized. It's just a reality. And so the people that decide not to get baptized it's really just a lot of times the outward sign of the fact they don't really want to serve God. You know they want to get saved. Hey they want to see the free gift but they don't really want to walk in newness of life. They don't actually want to try and follow God's commandments. So it's important to compel people to want to be baptized too. Say look it's important for you to get baptized. Start walking down the right path. Start deciding to actually try and serve God. That's your first step is to get baptized. Look at Matthew chapter 3 verse 13. Then cometh Jesus from Galilee to Jordan unto John to be baptized of him. But John forbade him saying I have need to be baptized of thee and comest thou to me? And Jesus answering said on him suffer it to be so now for thus it becometh us to fulfill all righteousness. Then he suffered him and Jesus when he was baptized went up straight way out of the water and lo the heavens were open unto him and he saw the spirit of God descending like a dove and lighting upon him and lo a voice from heaven saying this is my beloved son and whom I am well pleased. So there's two things that we need to understand about what baptism is. The first one is it's being submerged in water. Now you can prove this from a lot of different ways in the Bible. We already read in Romans chapter 6 that you're buried with him. Now can you really be buried if you have your head out? You'd be partially buried right? So that gives the picture that look you're completely submersed under water. So baptism is a complete submersion underwater. If that doesn't happen guess what you weren't baptized. Even the word baptized in the Greek like baptismal it means immerse. It means to literally immerse something to be covered or surrounded with something. Now you could be baptized with something not water. You'd be baptized in sand. You could be baptized with fire. You could be baptized with all manner of things. But we're talking about water baptism and we see what did the Lord Jesus Christ do? He came up straight way out of the water picturing the fact that what he went down into the water then he was come straight way up out of the water. But there's so many people they'll call themselves Christians or sometimes you just ask him are you a Christian? No I'm Catholic and guess what the Catholics do not baptize. They sprinkle or sometimes they'll take babies and they just kind of dip their head in some water. So they don't really actually even baptize them. It's weird to baptize babies as it were but go to Acts chapter number eight. So the first point you see I was never submerged in water. You weren't baptized. You weren't baptized according to the Bible. You're not baptized according what the Bible teaches. You weren't buried with him. So if you want to be buried with them you got to get buried with them. That's the whole point. You got to come straight way out of the water. This is what the Bible teaches. Now even people that are not Catholic they're Catholic light. You know the Episcopalians they sprinkle. The Methodists sprinkle. You see all kinds of different denominations. They don't actually follow the clear commandments of God's Word. They don't try to understand what baptism is. Look at Acts chapter 8 verse 38. And he commanded the chariot to stand still and they went down both into the water. Both Philip and the eunuch and he baptized them. Now here's the question. If you're not getting submersed why do you need to go into the water? I mean if you're just sprinkling you just got to have a water bottle with you right? I mean you just got to have a pitcher or just I mean just kind of sprinkle and do whatever. Look they're going into the water down into the water so he can what? So then he can submerse them down in the water and then he can come straight way up. Picturing the death burial and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. Picturing the gospel. Picturing the fact that they're putting their trust and what Christ will do for them to save them. It's you saying hey I'm trusting that to save me. The gospel. It's my outward public profession of what I believe. And if we read the verse before that he says what doth hinder me to be baptized? And he said if thou believeth although in heart thou mayest. So the second requirement of baptism is that you're saved. So in order to have a baptism according to the Bible these two things must be present. You must be submerged in water and you must have been saved beforehand. Otherwise didn't happen. You say well yeah but I was playing in the pool my brother dunked me. That's not baptism. You just got wet. And look I don't care if the guy called himself father and dressed like your mom. I don't care if he was calling himself a prophet. I don't care if he was a pastor. Look if you weren't saved then you weren't baptized. So the Bible makes it clear you get baptized after you're saved. To picture what? The fact that I trusted Christ. That's why before I baptize him I say hey have you trusted the Lord Jesus Christ as your savior? I get an acknowledgement from the person yeah I did. We see Philip he's saying hey you got to answer a question before me do you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ? He says yeah I believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. He believes with all his heart. That's why he gets baptized. So we need to understand those two points when we talk about what baptism is just so we understand. If you say you're gonna get baptized according to the Bible according to God's word what you have to be submerged in water and you had to be saved beforehand. This baby baptism is a joke. It's stupid. It's just dangerous. It's a weird ritual. It has no symbolic meaning in the Bible. It doesn't mean anything. It's ridiculous. It's pagan. Go if you would to Exodus chapter number 30. We'll look at our first point this evening. And John chapter 3 and verse 22 it says and after these things came Jesus and the disciples in the land of Judea and there he tarried with them and baptized and John also was baptizing an anon near to Salem because there was much water there and they came and were baptized. So he's saying look the reason why we're baptizing in this one area is because there was a lot of water because you know what you need a lot of water to submerge an adult man. You know it's hard to submerge a complete adult man in just a little bit of water. You know look at brother Samson. I mean this guy requires much water. We need much water to baptize many people. So let's look at my first point. You say why water baptism though? Because you know we understand what baptism is. Okay it's being submerged. Why can't I be submerged you know in dirt or some other in mud or you know or why are we choosing water? What's the significance about water? Well look at Exodus chapter 30 verse 17 and the Lord spake unto Moses saying thou shalt also make a laver of brass and his foot also of brass to wash withal and thou shalt put it between the tabernacle of the congregation and the altar and thou shalt put water therein for Aaron and his sons shall wash their hands and their feet thereat when they go into the tabernacle of the congregation they shall wash with water that they die not or when they come near to the altar to minister to burn offering made by fire unto the Lord so they shall wash their hands and their feet that they die not and it shall be a statute forever to them even to him and to his seed throughout their generations. Now one of the things that the Bible signifies water as being is something of cleansing. Water is used to signify being clean. Now in the Old Testament a lot of things are done in the physical world things that you just physically do to represent spiritual truths in the New Testament and the physical truth the physical commandment of God is that the priests had to physically wash their hands with water and their feet before they were allowed to enter into the tabernacle before they were able to come into the presence of God. What is that doing? It's a physical cleanliness. It's a physical being clean before you're going unto God and in the New Testament what do we have? We need to have a spiritual cleansing when we want to come into God's house. We want to be clean before the Lord when we lift up our hands in praise when we offer a gift upon the altar. We don't want to have ought against our brother. We don't want to come to the Lord with you know unclean hands with blood on our hands with all kinds of evil and cleanliness uncleanliness. So one of the significances of water baptism is that water throughout the Bible consistently pictures being clean. It is a matter of cleanliness. Go to chapter number 40 now chapter number 40. So the Old Testament priest if he wanted to go and worship the Lord he must be physically clean. The Lord our God is a clean God. He's one that likes cleanliness. Some people even use the phrase cleanliness is close to godliness. Look the Bible emphasizes cleanliness being a clean person. Look at Exodus chapter 40 verse 11 and thou shalt anoint the lather and his foot and sanctify it and thou shalt bring Aaron and his sons under the door of the tabernacle of the congregation and wash them with water. Look at verse 13 and thou shalt put upon Aaron the holy garments and anoint him and sanctify him that he may minister unto me in the priest's office and thou shalt bring his sons and clothe them with clothes and thou shalt anoint them as thou didst anoint their father that they may minister unto me in the priest's office for their anointing shall surely be an everlasting priesthood throughout the generations. Thus did Moses according to all the Lord commanded him so did he. Now just for sake of time I'm not going to explain everything here but essentially what they're going to do they're going to kill the animal okay they're going to kill the sacrifice then they're going to wash their hands wash their feet then they're going to put on the holy garments then they're going to come into the tabernacle then they're going to come to the sanctuary and a lot of the things of the service of God they picture spiritual truths the fact that once you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ that's the sacrifice that's making you saved that's how you get you know the purging of the iniquity is from the Lord Jesus Christ's blood so the blood of the animal then what do we have they have the physical washing representing baptism that's the next step then you put on the garments and guess what that's your righteousness that's you trying to follow God's commandments doing right does that save you no it was the blood is the sacrifice of the animal look the cleansing is a good conscience towards God then you put in the garments then they come into the tabernacle now they're worshiping the Lord so if you want to worship the Lord you got to get all those parts you can't just pick and choose which ones you want if you don't sacrifice the animal not getting in and look if you don't believe on the Lord Jesus Christ you're not going to be pleasing unto God the father but not only that if you come in dirty if you come in without the hands washed the bible said you would die in the old testament if you're trying to come in and spiritually look God is not going to have respect under your prayers when you're not following his clear commandments you just decide I don't want to get baptized I don't want to follow his commandments I don't want to live in righteousness and holiness look God is not going to have respect unto you you know what his commandment is for you get baptized you know he keeps telling you get baptized hey you want to do right get baptized and look the people that don't get baptized they're not the ones even trying to put on the garments they're not even the ones trying to do that which is right look it just makes sense why don't you get clean why don't you get your hands and be clean then put on the garments and then come and serve the Lord so we have a lot of symbolism here you know you could even parallel this the Lord Jesus Christ at the last supper what does he do he gets on his hands and knees and he washes the disciples feet a lot of you know symbolic reference to the fact look these priests were washed by Moses Moses got down and he washed Aaron and his son's feet you can see pictures of the Lord Jesus Christ through Moses and look just as much as Joseph pictures Jesus so does Moses picture the Lord Jesus Christ all the prophets picture the Lord Jesus Christ so go if you would to Numbers chapter 19 Numbers chapter 19 not only this the Bible says in Leviticus 15 verse 5 and whosoever touches his bed shall wash his clothes and bathe himself in water and be unclean till the even so throughout the Bible it also talks about just being unclean in general and the cure wash yourself in water wash yourself he say hey and he that sitteth on anything wherein he hath sat that hath an issue shall wash his clothes and bathe himself in water and be unclean until the even. Leviticus 15 7 and he that touches the flesh of him that hath the issue shall wash his clothes and bathe himself in water and be unclean until the even. So the Bible is saying look if somebody had some kind of you know puncture wound and they're bleeding they literally have blood coming out if you were to touch that person the Bible says you know what you should do wash your hands wash your clothes and don't touch anybody for you know the rest of the day basically just stay away why so they don't spread germs so they don't spread disease God's a clean God and God's just giving practical common sense cleanliness tools why water symbolizes cleanliness why because it is a clean instrument running water will clean your body this is just a truth so God uses physical truths to represent spiritual truths why are we getting water baptism it's symbolizing cleanliness it's symbolizing something becoming clean look at Numbers chapter 19 verse 1 and the Lord spake unto Moses and Aaron saying this is the ordinance of the law which the Lord hath commanded saying speak unto the children of Israel that they bring thee a red heifer without spot wherein is no blemish and upon which never came yoke and he shall give her unto Eleazar the priest that he may bring her forth without the camp and one shall slay her before his face and Eleazar the priest shall take of her blood with his finger and sprinkle of her blood directly before the tabernacle of the congregation seven times and one shall burn the heifer in his sight her skin and her flesh and her blood with her dung shall he burn and the priest shall take cedar wood and hyssop and scarlet and cast it into the midst of the burning of the heifer then the priest shall wash his clothes and he shall bathe his flesh in water and afterward he shall come into the camp and the priest shall be unclean until the even and he that burneth her shall wash his clothes in the water and bathe his flesh in the water and shall be unclean until the even and a man that is clean shall gather up the ashes of the heifer and lay them up without the camp in a clean place and it shall be kept for a congregation of the children of Israel for a water of separation it is a purification for sin so again we see the exact same you know symbols all throughout they have the red heifer without spot taken without the camp we see the lord jesus christ without spot the the perfect lamb of god taken without the city of jerusalem hung on the cross died for the sins of all of us then we have what then you have the priest coming in washing his clothes washing his body bathing such picturing baptism so you see what first you believe on the lord jesus christ first you get saved then you get baptized then what do you do then you come into the camp where you can dwell with god's people where you worship the lord this is how a lot of people would you know structure their church they would say to be a member of this church you have to be saved you have to be baptized and then you can become a member now look i don't get really strict with this if people are just wanting to come to the church and learning the doctrine i'm not going to throw you out just because you're not baptized but i'm going to be you know emphasizing that they need to get baptized i'm going to be instructing them to get baptized i'm going to emphasize the fact that hey if you really want to serve god you need to get baptized so i'm not saying it wouldn't be unbiblical for a church to try and say well based on these symbols it seems like people need to be saved and baptized to be a part of our church that's why they get these type of things that's where they get this type of instruction so go to ephesians chapter five we've been looking a lot of just old testament physical truths to try and represent some spiritual truths and i think some of these they're pretty straightforward i mean you see the spotless you know heifer being slain without the camp i mean man if you can't see the lord jesus christ at that i mean are you saved do you have the holy ghost inside you not only that you see the washing which obviously represents baptism in a sense look also at ephesians chapter 5 verse 22 wives submit yourselves into your own husbands as unto the lord for the husband is the head of the wife even as christ is the head of the church and he is the savior of the body therefore as the church is subject unto christ so let the wives be to their own husbands and everything husbands love your wives even as christ also loved the church and gave himself for it that he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word that he might present it to himself a glorious church not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing but that it should be holy and without blemish so the bible says look cleanliness is represented by water is represented by water in the old testament it's represented in the new testament and here he's saying the washing of waters with the word you want to clean yourself up it comes through the word of god you want to constantly wash your hands and wash your feet and wash the sins and iniquities off of you get the filth off of you it's through god's word that's going to constantly wash you so why do we get water baptized because water symbolizes cleanliness water is a symbol of being clean and when you decide hey i want to be buried with them like in baptism what's the purpose to walk in newness of life representing the fact that i want to be cleaner i want to serve the lord jesus christ with a good conscience with good integrity why not have water which is the symbol throughout the whole bible being clean be the representation of you getting a new start a fresh start having that new beginning to go and to serve the lord so go to hebrews chapter number 10 so my first point is that water why water baptism because it represents the cleanliness it represents being clean look at hebrews chapter number 10 verse 22 let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water so that's the bible saying look you have your bodies washed with pure water now it's obviously in a spiritual sense because when you go down into the water and you come back up it's not like oh wow now my sins are for you know forgiven now i'm so much you know more godly of a person it's a spiritual reference but we see look having your heart sprinkled what is that the blood of christ coming on your heart when you believe on the lord jesus christ and you realize his blood was sprinkled for you and the lord jesus christ literally sprinkled his blood upon the altar in heaven when he came you know after his death burial and resurrection so we see also the washing it with pure water so again the symbolic reference but go if you would to first peter chapter number three first peter chapter number three so my second point is that why water baptism because it provides a good conscience towards god the bible teaches that having baptism going through the water it gives you that good conscience it says being washed with pure water having that that water symbolizes something that's pure symbolizes something that's good something that's right water is a great thing we need it to live we're mostly consistent of water water is something if you don't drink you'll die i mean there's so many good characteristics of water but it's having a good conscience i'll read for you a couple places it says in matthew 311 i indeed baptize you with water under repentance but he that cometh after me is mightier than i whose shoes i am not worthy to bear he shall baptize you with the holy ghost and with fire so he says the baptism of or the water unto repentance so that's what he's baptizing with well john the baptist he preached the same gospel that we all did he preached to believe on him that should come after him that is on christ jesus is what the bible says but look it's the water of repentance how can you have a good conscience towards god believing on the lord jesus christ repenting of your unbelief repenting of your false belief repenting of whatever is stopping you from trusting in christ and then you picture that by going down in the water and coming up saying i have a good conscience now i know that i trusted in christ and i'm going to live for him mark chapter 1 verse 4 says john did baptize in the wilderness and preach the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins mark 16 16 he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved but he that believeth not shall be damned so even the bible is emphasizing believing and being baptized why because it's solidifying in your mind the decision you made to trust christ that's one way i sometimes word it to people i say when you decide to get water baptized it's just helping solidify in your mind you're trusting his death his burial and his resurrection as the payment for your sin and that's just going to give you a better conscience towards god let's let first peter three tell us this look at verse 16 having a good conscience that whereas they speak evil of you as of evildoers they may be ashamed that falsely accuse your good conversation in christ for it is better if the will of god be so that you suffer for well-doing than for evildoing for christ also has once suffered for sins the just for the unjust that he might bring us to god being put to death in the flesh but quickened by the spirit by which also he went and preached into the spirits in prison which sometime were disobedient when was the long suffering of god weighed in the days of noah while the ark was a preparing wherein few that his eight souls were saved by water the like figure wherein to even baptism doth also now save us not the putting away of the felt of the flesh but the answer of a good conscience toward god by the resurrection of jesus christ who has gone into heaven and is on the right hand of god angels and authorities and powers being made subject unto him so now let's break apart this verse because church of christ or people that believe in baptismal regeneration will point to this section and say well look it says that baptism doth also now save us they'll say you have to be baptized to be saved when you get baptized that's the washing away of your sins wrong what does it say in the parenthesis not putting away the filth of the flesh but the answer of a good conscience toward god you want to have a good conscience toward god get baptized after you've been saved that's how you're going to have a good conscience because you know the person that's real honest with themselves they realize i was a really wicked sinner i've committed some sins that do deserve of hell you know a lot of people say i don't deserve to go to hell look i do believe that i deserve to go to hell i've committed some whoppers and you know what the reality is i just receive a free gift so now my question is well how am i going to have a good conscience though i mean what i mean you know just because i received a free gift doesn't mean you're necessarily going to feel that great about how you live so god's saying look you want to have that good conscience go ahead and get water baptized and say now i want to walk in newness of life now i want that fresh start i want to be clean in the eyes of god i want to cleanse myself and say you know what from now on i am going to try and serve god from now and i do want to have that good conscience toward god because everything i've done up to this point has just been wicked it's just been filthy rags and all kinds of ungodliness so now i actually want to serve god now i actually want to do that which is right and he's saying look baptism is going to save you from what it's going to save you from having a bad conscience toward god it's going to save you from the filth of this world it's going to save you from doing wickedly and the whole point of first peter chapter number three is deciding to follow god's commandments he's saying look and verse number 16 having a good conscience that whereas they speak evil of you as of evildoers they may be ashamed that falsely accuse your good conversation in christ so he's saying look it would be way better for you to go through suffering in this life for being a christian than go through suffering for actually being a bad person from actually just being ungodly from being a liar and a thief and just somebody that nobody likes look i would way rather be in jail because i preach the gospel because i hate sodomites or something than be in jail because i committed fraud than being in jail because i'm a liar than being in jail because i'm a derelict bum because i just like to go out and drink booze and i have no you know good conscience and the bible is saying look baptism is going to help save you and having a good conscience toward god and helping you decide i actually want to serve god i actually want to walk in newness of life i actually want to do that which is godly because the person that decides not to get baptized i guarantee they're not going to be consistently going to church they're not going to be consistently following his commandments they're going to burn out they're going to get done with they're not going to do it god's telling us hey here's a great way to get kick started in your christian life after you believed on the lord jesus christ why don't you go ahead and get baptized and decide i want to serve god now that you just got saved now that you just realized all your sins are forgiven why don't you also have a good conscience it's going to save you it's going to save you from the heartache and the pain and the suffering of sin these days it's going to help you from that bad conscience you have towards god and realizing hey you can't have a good conscience you know what god's already forgiven all your sins and all of your iniquities he's already purged them and he's a long-suffering and merciful god there's new mercies every single day why don't you just decide i'm going to do serving with whatever i got no matter what what happened in the past i am what i am what paul said and now i'm just going to go serve christ with all that i got but he also says it's a figure what is a figure a figure is a picture i think some some kids have these things called figurines what are they like a gi joe i had these like gi joes you know cobra commander and all these type of people you know they're figures there's a picture of something he's saying look noah actually pictured some spiritual significance the fact that what the whole world was corrupt before god go to genesis chapter number three let's let's really dig into this point now the whole world was corrupt before god in genesis chapter number three look at verse number five and god saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually and it repented the lord that he had made man on the earth and it grieved him at his heart and the lord said i will destroy man whom i have created from the face of the earth both man and beast and the creeping thing and the fouls of the air for repent with me that i have made them but noah found grace in the eyes of the lord these are the generations of noah noah's a just man imperfect in his generations and noah walked with god and noah be at three sons shem ham and japeth the earth also was corrupt before god and the earth was filled with violence now here's the thing some people don't like the truth of the bible but the bible says before you got saved you did nothing good it's called repentance from dead works meaning everything that you thought you did good before you got saved was a dead work and the bible says it's as filthy rags the bible says it's impossible without faith it's impossible to please him meaning everything you did before god was wicked now when we look at this world in genesis chapter three what is god saying about this world it's only evil continually it's only wicked representing someone who's unsaved representing the person that's not saved yet look the only things that are happening are evil are wicked then what's going to happen now he's instructed to build an ark which is what salvation the ark pictures salvation he has the single door if you want to be saved how do you get saved you walk through the door jesus christ said he was the door so if you walk into the ship guess what's going to happen you're going to get saved and that's the same picture that he has there and guess what it's once they'd always saved because you know what the lord shuts them in in that ark and you know what there's nothing they can do to stop from being saved from that flood god has shut them in the ark they're saved once you're saved you're always saved but then what happens what happens immediately after it's shut in the whole earth is baptized the whole world is baptized and we see that say eight souls are saved now again this is a figure was every single person on the ark saved no ham was a sodomite ham was a wicked reprobate but this the physical truth represents a spiritual truth that those that were on the ark were saved from the flood just as those that believe on the lord jesus christ that enter in through the door of the lord jesus christ they will be saved they will be saved and then what's the next step getting baptized and those that were not baptized they didn't get to serve god they didn't get that fresh start they were all wiped out in the flood they were all destroyed in the flood so those that got on the bark they were saved and then they were saved from the baptism of the whole world now they get a fresh start they get to start over the whole world is now theirs to go and have a fresh start a brand new beginning and this is the picture of baptism what it's going to save you from the fact of all that wickedness and gives you a whole brand new start now the reality is what does noah do well he gets drunk and he commits a bunch of sins so just because baptism is going to save you and have a good conscience doesn't mean well now automatically everything i do is roses and you know everything's great it's just basically you get to hit that reset button one time in your christian life and say you know what now i want to serve god now i have a chance now i got that fresh start now i get to go so we see it's a figure we see there's so many things that oh man wrote the bible good night give me a break i mean the sim the symbolism of the bible is so perfect it's so clear it's uncanny but look at genesis chapter number seven i'll reconfirm this point look at verse 16 and they that went in went in male and female of all flesh as god had commanded him and the lord shut him in so we see once saved always saved right then the whole world's baptized all the evil is purged and killed all of it i mean all evil this is the picture of the fact that once you believe on the lord jesus christ you are dead to sin is what the bible says so go to acts chapter number two action or two so why water baptism well first of all pictures cleanliness second of all it pictures having a good conscience toward god we see that's what it says very explicitly in first peter chapter number three it's saying look it's not the putting away the filth of the flesh if you go home tonight and you decide to take a shower or bath that's the putting off the filth of the flesh that's not giving you a good conscience toward god getting baptized though is not you're not getting you know the soap and we're not you know i don't give you the towel hey now you're clean physically it's not about that it's about the spiritual significance of having a good conscience toward god saying now i followed god's clear commandment to get baptized and now i have a good fresh new start but not only that it pictures the fact that you're dead to sin look all the wicked filth was destroyed in the flood picturing that new start that they're dead to that all that is gone look at acts chapter number two verse 38 then peter said unto them repent and be baptized every one of you the name of the jesus christ for the remission of sins and ye shall receive the gift of the holy ghost so he's saying look what should you do you should repent meaning believe on the lord jesus christ and then what should you do you should get baptized for the remission of sins the fact that all your sins have been remitted all your sins have been forgiven you are dead to sin go to romans chapter number six and we'll read more that we read in romans chapter number six now not only does noah represent a symbolic truth about baptism but even the egyptians and even moses when moses has the passover in exodus what happens it's the picture of the fact that they spring when they they put the blood on the doorposts that's the sacrifice of the lord jesus christ the fact that he is going to be their sacrifice and they will pass over we sang that song the lord will pass over you why because of the blood because of the blood of the lord jesus christ he's going to pass over you but what happens immediately after that immediately after that all the children of israel they pack up and they start walking through the wilderness and after a three days journey they're caught with the water they're caught at the red sea and the egyptians have surrounded them they're going to kill them and what do they do they walk through the red sea and the bible says that the cloud of god was overshadowing them so they were literally baptized with water in a physical sense they had water on this side they had water on that side they had water above them it was a picture of baptism and then what do they do they wander in the wilderness for a long time and look just because you get baptized doesn't mean you can't be a backslidden christian doesn't mean you can't decide i'm just going to wander in the wilderness of sin for the rest of my life but if you decide i want to actually walk in faith then you'll get to walk in that promised land and the correct application of moses and the symbolism is the fact that if you want blessing from god in this life if you want to be pleasing unto god in this life you have to have faith all the way through and god will lead you in the land of milk and honey god will lead you in the land of milk and honey in this life and the next if you'll follow him he'll give you the desires of your heart he'll give you that which is you know great you got to do it through faith and you'll win many victories we see when the children of israel you know go into the promised land what do they do they're constantly fighting and battling and gaining inheritance look this is the picture of the christian life when you go out and you soul win you know what you're just conquering more land you're getting more inheritance more rewards but in heaven they did it physically on the physical earth they won more land now i get more land now i get more houses now i get more cities as well in when you go out and you battle spiritually and you win people to christ you're laying up physical inheritance for yourself in heaven and the new heaven in the new earth look there's so much symbolism in the bible but we see what the passing of the red sea was the picture of baptism and here's my question can you get to the promised land can you start winning the battles can you do that which is pleasing to god if you don't go through the red sea no you're going to die and be left in egypt you're going to die and be left to the bondage of sin look the people that are going to serve god they got to get baptized that's that's the step that's the first step why you're dead to sin don't stay in egypt don't don't linger wrong it's dead it's been destroyed look egypt was destroyed by all the plagues of god look at romans chapter 6 verse 6 knowing this that our old man is crucified with them that the body of sin might be destroyed that henceforth we should not serve sin for he that is dead is free from sin now if we be dead with christ we believe that we should also live with him knowing that christ being raised from the dead dieth no more death hath no more dominion over him for in that he died he died in sin once but in that he liveth he liveth unto god likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed in the sin but alive unto god through jesus christ our lord let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body that you should obey it in the lust thereof neither yield your members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin but yield yourselves unto god as those that are alive from the dead and your members as instruments of righteousness unto god so you say well why water baptism well if you didn't have water baptism you wouldn't have the great pictures of you being dead to sin you wouldn't have the great picture of them walking through the red sea hey we're dead to sin why are we gonna live here anymore why would i live in egypt anymore it's been destroyed why do i want to keep living an ungodly life now that i'm saved there's no point in that let's get baptized and go to the promised land let's actually win some spiritual battles let's actually get some people saved let's actually get an inheritance no i just want to hang out in egypt no i just want to stay home and just live my life however i want i don't care what the bible says i don't care about god's commandments look this is why we have that great picture you're dead to sin don't live there anymore don't live in your sin anymore become godly decide to walk through the red sea get baptized and then you can go through to the promised land this is what the bible is teaching us go to look at verse number four now not only that though it says therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death the like as christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the father even so we also should walk in newness of life so my fourth point is that the water is used to represent the burial is represent something being buried that's why i use water think of a better substance to be buried in i like the fact i'm buried in water because you come back out and it's not that bad and then think of you being physically buried in dirt or buried in fire literally buried in all you know pick pick a better substance to be completely immersed in i like the fact that it's water you know it's it's a pretty good uh thing to do go to first corinthians chapter number 10 first corinthians chapter number 10 and we see look they were literally baptized as they walked through the red sea weren't they they represented the burial being completely immersed being completely surrounded it says in first corinthians chapter 10 verse 1 moreover brethren i would not that you should be ignorant how that all our fathers were under the cloud and all passed through the sea and were all baptized into moses in the cloud and in the sea and it all eat the same spiritual meat and it all eat the same spiritual drink for they drank of that spiritual rock that followed them and that rock was christ but with many of them god was not well pleased for they were overthrown in the wilderness now these things were an examples to the intent we should not lust after evil things as they also lusted so he's saying look the children of israel pictures they were physically doing these type of things but they really they represent spiritual truths in the christian life the spiritual truth that we should be buried with them in baptism that we don't want to live in sin any longer not only that though after you get baptized look he's saying all the bad things they did in the wilderness they're just representative a lot of the sins you'll struggle with lust envy complaining discontentment not trusting the lord all these type of things are going to be thrown at you as a christian and the physical example of them is the spiritual example you'll see in your life the fact that you'll be tempted with lust with discontentment with complaining with all of these different struggles and temptations look there's no temptation taking you but but such as common to man we're all going to have the same type of temptations we're going to have the same type of struggles you look at those people you think oh i'm better than them but i'm not going to go to church i'm not going to read my bible i'm not going to go soul wanting look you're not any better than them they just had a different style of temptation than you did i don't i would read my bible i'd read um just basically the first five books and then i would like tail off and i would feel bad and i was like i want to read the bible cover to cover again but i was like i don't know where exactly where i stopped and i kind of forgot all the beginnings so i just start over again and then i'd read the first few books again and i would kind of pad or you know pan out and i'm like all right i'm gonna start over again and then one time i woke up and i realized i thought you know maybe god's making me just constantly read this over and over to realize i'm not better than these people because every time i keep reading their stories i think well i wouldn't do that i wouldn't be like that i wouldn't lose faith i would just keep you know serving the lord but then i just keep panning out of my bible reading look i'm not better than they were look it's the same temptations of the same struggles we need to realize we need to die daily we need to take diligence and care when it comes to our christian walk and go if you would to john chapter number three john chapter number three the bible also says in colossians two that we are buried with them in baptism wherein also you're risen with them through the faith and operation of god who hath raised him from the dead what's the picture of the burial the fact that you're dead to the sin it's a lot of the same points that we're kind of talking about we're looking at them different perspectives though because it represents the burial we like the fact that it's you know pictures that were dead to sin they're two different points because we're buried with them what is that picture the fact that you're dead to that sin no longer but not only that when you come out of the water what is that going to represent the fact of life the newness the newness of life that's why it said in the end of that verse even so we also should walk in newness of life saying look now that we're dead to this we're alive unto god we're alive unto christ now we can live through christ look at john chapter three verse five jesus answered verily where i say unto thee except a man be born of water and of the spirit he cannot enter in the kingdom of god that which is born of the flesh is flesh and that which is born of the spirit of spirit marvel not that i said unto thee he must be born again now when you're physically born guess what happens there's water we have heard a woman say her water broke i mean look birthing has water with it it's a physical truth so you say well why did we get water baptized well you're being born again so again it's a picture of the fact that now that you've died with christ now you're risen again to walk in newness of life so what is what is baptism well if you think about it when you get saved a lot of things happen a ton of things happen when you get saved and baptism is just an outward picture of a lot of the things that happened what are some of the things that happen well you died to sin but now also now you're alive to christ now you're going to walk in newness of life so it's just helping what solidifying your mind a lot of the things that happen god would tell people to erect altars you know of some of the great things that happen in egypt when they walk through the red sea he's like erect an altar and then when your children see the altar and say what is that you can say that was when we crossed the red sea that's when god delivered us you say why are you getting baptized dad it's to represent the decision i made to trust christ that i'm buried with christ and i'm now raised to walk in newness of life i trusted his death burial and resurrection their pictures to help solidify things in our mind to help teach our children to train our children and water represents life that's how you i'll tell you you're here today you're here today because your mom delivered you and guess what there was water there and you know what the second birth it's talking about the water of baptism now look you technically don't have to be baptized to be saved do you has nothing to do with being saved but it's just an outward sign to picture the spiritual truth that you now have new life go to first john chapter number five so kind of encompassing the next point is the fact that baptism is a public witness it's a public profession of the fact that you trusted christ it's your outward sign because i can't look in your heart and tell that you got saved as much as i would like to you know if i pray with somebody after giving the gospel i ask them questions to see what's in their heart to get a good idea but i can't look in that heart is it new you know is it are they saved did they really believe on jesus christ are they just lying to me i can't tell but you know what you getting baptized is just an outward sign to show other people this is what i did i trusted christ i believe on the lord jesus christ it's contagious it gets people excited about the things of god look at first john five verse five who is he that overcometh the world but he that believeth that jesus is the son of god this is he that came by water and blood even jesus christ not by water only but by water and blood and it is the spirit that beareth witness because the spirit is truth for there are three that bear record in heaven the father the word and the holy ghost and these three are one and there are three that bear witness in earth the spirit and the water and the blood and these three agree in one it will receive the witness of men the witness of god is greater for this is the witness of god which he had testified of his son so now there's a lot of things in this uh passage but we see that the lord jesus christ he was born of what water he's you know how everybody's born of water it also makes clear that you understand it was also by blood meaning that it was a physical flesh and blood person he really had blood in him he really was born of the water look this wasn't just an apparition lord jesus christ didn't show up as a spirit no he really became a man he really had blood his blood was really shed for you and for me but it also says look there's three that bear record in heaven let's keep that number in mind three there's actually three he said what three what three persons there's three persons in heaven that bear record and look they have the same record they all say the same thing they're all pointing to the lord jesus christ to his death burial and resurrection they all have the same gospel it's all the same record of god that's how you get saved that's what first john five says look you have to believe the record that god gave his son to be saved and you know what the father bears record of the son the son came to this earth and he bared the record of the father saying you got to believe on me you know what the holy ghost does when you read your bible he bears record of the son look these three have one record that's what first john's teaching us about does it say well these three are one person like that's so stupid that's not even that's taking it so out of context and it's saying look the witness of god is greater like how if it's just one person is that a greater witness the bible says that the testimony of two men is true out of the testimony of two or three that's how you get something that's true we have three witnesses in heaven three people that all have the same record but not only that you have three physical witnesses what does it say in verse 8 and there are three that bear witness in earth the spirit and the water and the blood so on this earth today we have three that bear record of what the gospel of the death burial and resurrection so go to john chapter number 19 we'll understand what he means by this he said the spirit is bearing witness and the spirit is truth the spirit is telling us something now you say what is the spirit the spirit is what you're holding in your hands and flipping the pages today it's the word of god the word of god was bearing witness we have it today men have the spirit today it's right here this god's word this is the spirit and guess what it's bearing witness it's bearing record this book that i have in my hand is telling you something today it's not these physical pages talking but it's these words these words are spirit they are truth is what the bible says and look at verse number 30 in john chapter 19 when jesus therefore had received the vinegar he said it is finished and he bowed his head and gave up the ghost the jews therefore because it was a preparation that the body should not remain upon the cross on the sabbath day for that sabbath day was in high day besought pilot that their legs might be broken and that they might be taken away then came the soldiers and break the legs of the first and of the other which was crucified with them but when they came to jesus and saw that he was dead already they break not his legs but one of the soldiers with a spear pierced his side and forthwith came there out blood and water and he that saw it bare record and his record is true and he knoweth that he sayeth true that he might believe for these things were done that the scripture should be fulfilled a bone of him shall not be broken and again another scripture saith they shall look on him whom they have pierced so keep your finger here and go to zachariah chapter number 12 you say what happened well they pierced the lord jesus christ's side and what came out water and blood signifying the fact that jesus became a man he came to this earth he was not born of just water he's born of water and blood and it was spilled on the ground and he died why because there's a great event that's been done by no other man by no other god it's called the resurrection and to prove the resurrection you first have to have the lord jesus christ do something die he died on the cross and this is the significance this is the record this is the witness that the lord jesus christ he died he died on that cross his blood and his water was spilt and look the spirit is bearing witness the spirit is bearing record before this ever happened and zachariah he's already telling us it's going to happen look at zechariah 12 verse 10 and i will pour upon the house of david and upon the inhabitants of jerusalem the spirit of grace and supplications and they shall look on upon me whom they have pierced and they shall mourn for him as one mourneth for his only son and shall be in bitterness for him as one that is in bitterness for his first born so you're saying look they're going to look upon me whom they pierced and john knew hey when i saw that happen i know it's true the scripture already told us it was true the scripture already told us these things were going to happen look there's three that are bearing witness in the earth the spirit and the water and the blood they physically they're physically on this earth and they physically were witness to the fact of the lord jesus christ the the record of god that jesus christ died on the cross for all of our sins that's what the bible teaches so what is water representing here it's a witness the blood was a witness the water was a witness and what was also witnessed the scriptures are a witness so why are we getting water baptized because it's a witness can i get a witness this isn't that kind of church you know what i mean look the bible is saying look water represents the witness it represents the the public profession and we see the public profession of christ death we see when you are getting publicly baptized it's just a witness it's a type of witness so go if you would to acts chapter number eight we'll get to my last point so we had a lot of reasons why we got water baptized you know someone asked me this question and i didn't really know at first i thought i don't i don't know you know they said why water baptism but i think when you study your bible you can see there's a lot of reasons why water specifically is used but my last point i think this one just makes the most sense it's practical and look god is a god of practicality god likes to do things that make sense everything that god does is logical it makes perfect sense god's not going to pick something that's stupid that's ridiculous that's impractical and look water is everywhere on this planet you want to know a substance that you can bury people with water it's very practical it's very easily accessible people have options to do all kinds of options to do baptism it's practical let's see how practical is look at act chapter eight verse 34 and the eunuch answered philip and said i pray thee of whom speak of the prophet this of himself or of some other man then philip opened his mouth and began at the same scripture and preached on him jesus and as they went on their way they came under certain water and the eunuch said see here's water what does henry baptize so he's preaching the gospel he gets him saved he's like hey look there's some water over here why it's so practical he's saying look there's a river let's go get baptized but wait let's make sure what are the two things about baptized getting immersed we'll check he sees a river he sees water right what's the other thing and philip said if thou believeth with all thine heart thou mayest and he answered and said i believe that jesus christ is the son of god and he commanded the chariot to stand still and they went down both into the water both philip and the eunuch and he baptized them and when they were come up out of the water like they had to go in the water and they come out of the water the spirit of the lord caught away philip that the eunuch saw him no more and he went on his way rejoicing so why does god pick waters practical it's everywhere i mean you can anybody can get water baptized look if you got if you don't have water you're in trouble i mean you're you're in a bad situation if you don't have any water it's from practicality standpoint go to matthew 28 matthew 28 now i like this because false religion loves the impractical false religion loves that which is stupid which has no spiritual significance they they'll say we do all these rituals we do all these traditions and you say why i don't know it's just because we just do that now we're talking about why we do water baptism how much symbolism have we already looked at and it's not all of it look i'm not covering every single thing in the bible i mean it's just story after story after story old testament new testament is pointing to water baptism it's pointing to the significance of water baptism it's picturing all these things it's practical too just to top it off it's not even just something impractical but how about some other traditions that religions have how about some other things that people do well the sheite muslims they practice self flagulation you say what's that it's where they literally beat themselves they'll beat themselves with knives with glass with sharp objects on the day of asura you say what's the day of asura it's the death of the prophet muhammad's grandson imam hussein so just i guess this guy was real special he was the grandson of their prophet the prophet of muhammad and just to celebrate his death they literally are whipping themselves with like metal and knives and just hurting themselves now here's my question where's the symbolic reference to that in their book are they going to show you all the great symbolism of you know self-flagulation that's not even practical that's going to hurt that's going to cause a lot of pain to your body i'm glad we get baptized i'm glad that all we do is go down in the water and come up out of the water it's not waterboarding here not only that the yanami tribe of the amazon so this is just a weird you know tribe religion they literally will cannibalize their own people dead corpses not just alive people dead corpses because they want people to live forever so they say look if we take the dead corpse and eat it with you know a live person then they'll get to live on with that person and then when that person dies then they get to keep living on look this is impractical what's the spiritual significance of that junk that garbage when you get outside of the bible it doesn't make any sense it doesn't even become practical look you're going to design you're going to die from that you're going to die from the disease eating dead corpse that's disgusting how about in tibet this one's a little bit better they offer their bodies to the sky uh birds or whatever that's what they call they call sky burial so they basically just put the dead corpses out and let vultures eat them this sounds like the marriage supper of the lamb but that wasn't a blessing that's a curse upon the people that get the wrath of god the people that die the battle of armageddon they have all the birds come and they eat their flesh that's a cursing now obviously you know people borrow all kinds of things from the bible and of course one of the most ungodly things in the bible that's what false religions like to do they like to symbolize that which is wicked and evil and surrounding what death death and harm and destruction what does baptism you know symbolize you're dead to sin now you have new life a new beginning a new start oh but we love to celebrate death and destruction and that which is wicked and ungodly it's just over and over and over in indonesia they do a practice called teeth chiseling teeth chiseling they have their women their hope they hold down women okay and they chisel their teeth to be sharp pointy teeth because they think that looks real pretty they think that's what's real attractive they do it without anesthetic anesthetic there is no pain relief in this process while they're chiseling down their teeth and afterwards they'll give them green bananas to dull the pain look this doesn't even make sense and why is everything about physically harming people doing physical damage to their bodies in south india this one's really weird devotees are hung with metal hooks to the vehicle of lord vishnu it's called eagle hanging they literally will have people get metal hooks and they'll jab it into their skin and hang they'll be hanging by their flesh on these things and driven through the city again what is the symbolism in that junk in that wickedness in that ungodly filth not only that mormons they have their secret underwear i guess you want i don't know what the symbolism that is i guess the fact that they'll always be married and the women will always be pregnant how great that is get the sermon this morning about pregnancy not only that the jewish kaparot you say what's the jewish capra it's where they'll take a live chicken and they'll hold it in their hand out okay and then they'll swivel their head three times and as they're doing this all their sins are going onto this chicken now now if you read your bible okay there's there's things that they're basically really perverting and getting wrong to try and you know represent some of these type of things but they're doing this with this live chicken then they slay the chicken and they give the the meat to the poor so but there's the thing then they read two scriptures out of your bible to justify this now i i want you to go to those two places all right keep your finger here we'll come back to matthew 28 but go to psalms 107 psalms 107 so immediately after doing this then they just recite some passages from the bible let's go to psalms 107 isn't it good when you you have god's truth i mean it just makes sense it's just right but then when you do this other stuff it's real weird psalms 107 let's look at verse number 17 fools because of their transgression and because of their iniquities are afflicted their soul abhorreth all manner of meat and they draw near under the gates of death then they cry to the lord in their trouble and he saveth them out of their distresses i don't even know what that has to do with it but i guess they just don't like meat their soul abhorreth all manner of meat so i guess the chicken's ungodly or something now they're now they can't they can't like meat at all like the bible says every god of every creature of god is good and nothing to be refused if it's you know sanctified with the word of god and prayer go to job 33 so they recite this then they go to job 33 verse 23 so just the the book right before job 33 look at verse 23 if there be a messenger with them an interpreter one among a thousand to show unto the man his uprightness then he is gracious unto him and said deliver him from going down to the pit i have found a ransom now here's the thing about this passage okay when it comes to the 107 i don't know what they're trying to say i guess just you hate mead and the meats becomes a sin offering or something but in here what are they trying to say with these two verses well they're trying to say that they get this ransom but here's the thing jews re reject their actual ransom their actual ransom is the lord jesus christ but they think by the physical offering of animals they're going to somehow be you know reconciled they're going to somehow get this ransom now here's the thing who are they getting this doctrine from now i preached a sermon recently maybe a few months ago where i talking about when you read the book of jobe you need to be careful because there's false doctrine in the book of jobe here's my question who said this was it jobe was it the lord well let's look at verse one wherefore jobe i prayed he hear my speeches and hearken to all my words behold now have i opened my mouth my tongue has spoken in my mouth so you say is this guy jobe well no so let's get back to verse number six let's go to verse number four i'm sorry of 32 so go back a chapter and go to verse number four now elihu had waited till jobe had spoken because they were elder than he when elihu saw there was no answer in the mouth of these three men then his wrath was kindled and elihu the son of baracko the bezite answered and said so then we just get a bunch of what elihu speaking elihu teaching you things and shocker the unsaved jews where do they like to get their doctrine they like to get it from elihu now flip over go forward in your in the book of jobe go to chapter number 38 so lie who goes on this rant just spouting all this junk spalling all this stuff that's not accurate now within his passage you will find things that are accurate and this is how false prophets operate they'll take something that's true and they'll put a bad context around it when the devil comes and tempts the lord jesus christ he's using scripture he's quoting scripture but he's quoting it out of context he's having a misapplication to try and trip up the lord jesus christ and then the lord jesus christ knowing the scripture he rebukes him with scripture back so you see there's a battle for the word of god and you say i think my pastor's you know a saved guy i heard him say something that's right look the guys that are false prophets the most deceptive ones they'll say things that are right they'll use scripture but you know what they'll use it out of context they'll deceive you they'll trick your mind and if you don't really know the scriptures you won't realize what they're doing but look at chapter 38 verse 1 then the lord answered jobe out of the whirlwind and said who is this that darkeneth counsel by words without knowledge so what does god think about what lie who said it's words without knowledge and that's what the jews are their words without knowledge their doctrine and their false teaching the so-called jews it's wicked and look they reject their true ransom the ransom of the lord jesus christ he was the ransom for all men so they have to get this chicken oh yeah this chicken's going to save them from their sins that's going to give them their freedom from their iniquity wrong it's going to give them zero it's going to add into their iniquity it's going to add because they're doing all kinds of blasphemous things and then they turn to a lie who for their doctrine shocker a guy that's just giving bad counsel the bible even tells us that so you have to be careful when you read your bible who's who's talking here because you just take all the quotes from satan you're going to be in trouble you take all the quotes from elihu and balaam and kaiaphas hey this is a good lineup you got going for you no you need to be careful who you're hearkening into so go back to matthew 28 last place we'll turn look when you have the word of god its symbolism is pure it's holy it's righteous it makes sense it's practical i'm so glad that we don't have to go find a chicken today and you know swirl around apparently in new york city when some of these jews were practicing this it was like raining so they just kind of abandoned all these chickens and then pita came to the rescue you know pita came and they're like oh man these chickens they're gonna die it's stupid look at matthew 28 verse 18 and jesus came and spake on them saying all power is given unto me in heaven and on earth go ye therefore and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy ghost teaching them to observe all things whatsoever i commanded you and lo i am with you always even unto the end of the world amen and mark 16 he said unto them go ye out into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved but he that believeth not shall be damned so when christ gives his charge to disciples when christ gives his charge to the apostles he's saying look he's emphasizing baptism and baptism is super important baptism is the next step after being saved i don't want a bunch of people to just stay in egypt i want to get them baptized and help them go with us to the promised land to go out and actually serve christ with their life to get an inheritance today look they're dead to sin don't stay in egypt come with us so it should motivate us to compel people to want to be baptized and you say how do you do it well the verse we started with romans chapter number six verse one right it says look what shall we say then shall we continue in sin that grace may abound but god forbid and i say to people i explain hey once they'd always saved in that verse but then also it goes in the next two verses talking about being buried with them in baptism the importance of baptism is what to walk in newness of life and i say if you don't get baptized you'll never serve god you'll never really do anything for god and look unfortunately there's probably a lot of people in this country that aren't going to you know serve god they don't want to walk through the red sea they don't want to get baptized but it's important for us to understand why baptism is important it's under it's important for us to understand the necessity of baptism to really serve god because like i said look you say oh i think somebody's going to get in here and be red hot and they're never going to get baptized not going to happen you find me the red hot on fire christian they were baptized i guarantee it every single time so if you want to reproduce red hot fire christians we need to compel them to get baptized we need to compel them to have the good answers good conscience toward god to walk in newness of life let's close in prayer thank you father so much for your word thank you so much for your truths thank you so much for giving us a restart thank you so much for giving us water baptism so that we could have a good conscience towards you that we could represent so many spiritual truths that happen to us that we're dead to sin that we have new life through you and thank you for making it so practical and something that we can do and i pray that it would just be a great witness unto this city and be a great witness unto the world of your death bear and resurrection that we could baptize many in your name and we could turn many towards righteousness that we could all walk into the promised land and that we could have a great inheritance for us awaiting when we go to be with the lord in jesus name i pray amen