(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) 🎵Music🎵 🎵Music🎵 🎵Music🎵 🎵Music🎵 🎵Music🎵 🎵Music🎵 🎵Music🎵 🎵Music🎵 🎵Music🎵 🎵Music🎵 🎵Music🎵 🎵Music🎵 🎵Music🎵 🎵Music🎵 🎵Music🎵 🎵Music🎵 🎵Music🎵 🎵Music🎵 🎵Music🎵 🎵Music🎵 🎵Music🎵 🎵Music🎵 🎵Music🎵 🎵Music🎵 🎵Music🎵 Good evening everyone, welcome to Steadfast Baptist Church. If you could please find your seats and grab your songbooks. We're going to start out with song 364, Standing on the Promises. 364, Standing on the Promises. Song 364, let's sing it out together. Standing on the Promises. 🎵Music🎵 🎵Music🎵 🎵Music🎵 🎵Music🎵 🎵Music🎵 🎵Music🎵 🎵Music🎵 🎵Music🎵 Let's open up in a word of prayer. Heavenly Father, thank you for this day. Thank you for our church services. Pray for all those people that were saved today that you helped them to grow in the Lord. And to start attending church. Please bless our pastor as he preaches to us tonight. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. Alright, for our next song, let's go to 172. Love divine, all loves excelling. 172. 🎵Music🎵 Let's sing it out together. 172. Love divine, all loves excelling. Joy of heaven to earth come down. Fix in us thy humble dwelling. Call thy faithful mercies crown. Jesus thou art all compassion. Your unbounded love thou art. Visit us with thy salvation. Mentor every trembling heart. Breathe, oh, breathe thy loving spirit into every troubled grasp. Let us all in thee inherit. Let us find that second rest. Take away our virtues in thee. Alpha and Omega be. And of faith as its beginning. Set our hearts at liberty. Come almighty to deliver. Let us all by life receive. Suddenly return and never, Never, Lord, thy temples leave. Be we would be always blessing. Serve thee as thy host above. Pray and praise thee without sneezing. Say glory in thy perfect love. Finish then thy new creation. Let us be. Let us see thy great salvation. Perfectly restored in thee. Change from glory into glory. Till in heaven we take our place. Till we cast our crowns before thee. Lost in wonder, love, and praise. Good afternoon. You made it to our first service time at 4.30. So thanks so much for being here. If you need a bulletin, lift up your hand nice and high. And anybody that comes in late will point and laugh. No, I'm just kidding. But we have the Bible memory passage there. A new chapter, Psalm 59. Make sure that you work on the new Bible memory passage. Also on the inside is our service soul winning times. Church stats, make sure you're turning that into our soul winning captains. On the right, we have a list of expecting ladies. And please be in prayer for them. Prayer list, please pray. Also we have the congratulations to the Larkies. And I left, oh here's my phone. I need to get the stats on that. We also have the congratulations to the Urbanic family. On the birth of Juliet Kay. 428, 838 AM, 9 pounds, 3 ounces, and 21 inches long. And then on the Larkies, it's Esther Rose who was born on the 29th. 8 pounds, 9 ounces, 20 and a quarter inches long. And so congratulations to both of those families. Praise God for blessing us with more and more kiddos. Also on the back, the note. Make sure if you signed up for the Mother's Day tea that you are able to attend. And you can always message my wife if something changes. Also, guys, help out with those kiddos. You can just throw peanuts, okay? That's how it works, right? Or throw baseballs at them, I don't know, whatever you want. Also May 18th is the last preaching class for this semester. May 19th is a graduation Sunday. So we're honoring those who did graduate. And then June 8th is going to be a wedding for Joshua Garcia and Cynthia Navajar. They are down in the Houston area, but they're coming up here for a wedding. And so if you'd like to just attend, you're welcome. I think the ceremony is going to be around 3 p.m. on that Saturday. As we get a little closer, I might give some of those details. But that's just to put that on everyone's radar. That's really all I have as far as announcements. We're going to go ahead and sing our Psalm of the Week, Psalm 146. Psalm 146. And your special handouts, sing it out nice and loud. All right, let's sing it out together, Psalm 146. And I'm your trust in Francis Nor in the Son of Man In whom there is no help Whom there is no help Praise the Lord, praise the Lord O my soul His breath goin' forth He returneth to his earth in that Very day his thoughts perish Happy is he that hath love God of Jacob for his help Whose hope is in the Lord The Lord is God Praise the Lord, praise the Lord O my soul Which made heaven and earth a seat And all that therein is which Keepeth truth forever Which executed judgment For the oppressed which giveth Food to the hungry The Lord lucid the prisoners Praise the Lord, praise the Lord O my soul The Lord openeth the eyes Of the blind, the Lord raises them that Are bowed down, the Lord loveth The righteous, the Lord Reserveth the strangers He relieveth the fatherless and widowed Praise the Lord, praise the Lord O my soul But the way of the wicked He turneth upside down The Lord shall reign forever Even thy God, O Zion Unto all generations Praise ye the Lord, praise ye the Lord As the offering plates are being passed around, please turn in your Bibles to John chapter 5. John chapter number 5. John chapter number 5. John chapter number 5. John chapter number 5. John chapter number 5. John chapter number 5. John chapter number 5. John chapter number 5. John chapter 5, the Bible says, After this there was a feast of the Jews, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem. Now there is at Jerusalem by the sheep market a pool, which is called in the Hebrew tongue Bethesda, having five porches. In these lay a great multitude of impotent folk, of blind, halt, withered, waiting for the moving of the water. For an angel went down at a certain season into the pool and troubled the water. Whosoever then first, after the troubling of the water, stepped in, was made whole of whatsoever disease he had. And a certain man was there which had an infirmity thirty and eight years. When Jesus saw him lie and knew that he had been now a long time in that case, he said unto him, Wilt thou be made whole? The impotent man answered him, Sir, I have no man, when the water is troubled, to put me into the pool. But while I am coming, another steppeth down before me. Jesus saith unto him, Rise, take up thy bed, and walk. And immediately the man was made whole, and took up his bed, and walked. And on the same day was the Sabbath. The Jews therefore said unto him that was cured, It is the Sabbath day, it is not lawful for thee to carry thy bed. He answered them, He that made me whole, the same said unto me, Take up thy bed, and walk. Then asked they him, What man is that which said unto thee, Take up thy bed, and walk? And he that was healed wist not who it was, for Jesus had conveyed himself away, a multitude being in that place. Afterward Jesus findeth them in the temple, and said unto him, Behold, thou art made whole. Sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee. The man departed, and told the Jews that it was Jesus which had made him whole. And therefore did the Jews persecute Jesus, and sought to slay him, because he had done these things on the Sabbath day. But Jesus answered them, My Father worketh hitherto, and I work. Therefore the Jews sought the more to kill him, because he not only had broken the Sabbath, but said also that God was his Father, making himself equal with God. Then answered Jesus, and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son of man can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do. For what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise. For the Father loveth the Son, and showeth him all things that himself doeth, and he will show him greater works than these, that ye may marvel. For as the Father raiseth up the dead, and quickeneth them, even so the Son quickeneth whom he will. For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son, that all men should honor the Son, even as they honor the Father. He that honoreth not the Son, honoreth not the Father which hath sent him. Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation, but is past from death unto life. Verily, verily, I say unto you, The hour is coming, and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God, and they that hear shall live. For as the Father hath life in himself, so hath he given to the Son to have life in himself, and hath given him authority to execute judgment also, because he is the Son of man. Marvel not at this, for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the grave shall hear his voice, and shall come forth, they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life, and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation. I can of mine own self do nothing. As I hear, I judge, and my judgment is just, because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me. If I bear witness of myself, my witness is not true. There is another that beareth witness of me, and I know that the witness which he witnesseth of me is true. Ye sent unto John, and he bare witness unto the truth. But I receive not testimony from man, for these things I say that ye might be saved. He was a burning and a shining light, and ye were willing for a season to rejoice in his light. But I have greater witness than that of John, for the works which the Father hath given me to finish, the same works that I do, bare witness of me that the Father hath sent me. And the Father himself which hath sent me hath borne witness of me. Ye have neither heard his voice at any time, nor seen his shape. And ye have not his word abiding in you, for whom he hath sent, him ye believe not. Search the scriptures, for in them ye think that ye have eternal life, and they are they which testify of me. And ye will not come to me that ye might have life. I receive not honor from men, but I know ye that ye have not the love of God in you. I am come in my Father's name, and ye receive me not. If another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive. How can ye believe which receive honor one of another, and seek not the honor that cometh from God only? Do not think that I will accuse you to the Father. There is one that accuseth you, even Moses, in whom ye trust. For had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed me, for he wrote of me. But if ye believe not his writings, how shall ye believe my words? Let us pray. Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for the gift of salvation. Thank you for the word of God. I ask you to bless Pastor Shelley as he preaches this sermon. In Jesus' name, amen. Amen. Now, that would be considered anti-Semitism, what we just read out loud in our country today. And really, it's kind of a sad day in America where really there's a lot of anti-Christianity. There's a big rise in that. The problem in America is not a rise of anti-Semitism. The problem in America is the rise of anti-Christianity. And I think that it's just insane to me, it's crazy to me how Christians, they're ignorant of what Jesus said. They're just ignorant of what Jesus said. And so I figured I would just dedicate a sermon to what Jesus said about Jews. That's actually the title. What Jesus said about Jews. Or what Jesus said about the Jews. What did Jesus say about the Jews? What is Jesus' opinion on Jews? Well, we just got a lot of great verses here. Let's go back and pay attention to some. And I've just basically highlighted a lot of verses that I want to just kind of walk through. Pretty much just, we're red letter Christians tonight. I mean, isn't that like what people like? Like, I'm a red letter Christian. Amen. Okay, well let's be some red letter Christians tonight and just see what the red letters say. And what is a red letter Christian? That's where someone's come and they've basically highlighted all the portions of the New Testament where they believe Jesus was speaking. And for the most part, I find them very consistent. Like from my own reading of the text, that they seem to be pretty consistent, they seem pretty accurate. I've never really read one and thought that was inappropriate. Some people think that all of John 3 is like not really Jesus speaking. And I think that's a bizarre idea. But I wouldn't go so far as to say the red letters are like somehow inspired or anything like that. But I do think that they seem logical. I agree with them. I like them. And I do believe that they are very good indication of Jesus speaking. But the text will often just simply say, Jesus said. And then we understand this is what Jesus said. Does that mean the red letters are more important? No, they're not more important. But some people think they're really extra important and I get why. If Jesus is speaking, you would think if there's anything in the text that's true, that would for sure be true. Because technically the Bible contains lies in the sense that it contains people lying. Like sometimes if you just cherry pick a phrase out of the Bible, it could be a lie. Because it's like the devil talking or it's a wicked person talking. And so it accurately records that person lying. Now, it's also true to say everything in the Bible is true. Everything in the Bible is true, but it contains lies because it truthfully and accurately represents people lying in the Bible. But when it's a red letter, you know it's always true. It's always right because Jesus can't lie. Every quote of Jesus is right. Everything Jesus said was good. I like how they think that Jesus was just so nice and kind. I agree. Let's hear his nice, kind words. Gentle, loving. John, chapter 5, verse 37. And the Father himself which hath sent me hath borne witness of me. Ye have neither heard his voice at any time, nor seen his shape. So you say, what does Jesus think about Jews? They've never heard the voice of God. They've never heard the voice of the Father. Now, I want to be clear though. I do believe that this verse is in reference to a literal hearing of God's voice and a literal seeing of God the Father. We could extrapolate that and through other texts of Scripture understand they also don't symbolically understand or hear his voice. But he's saying you've never heard his voice at any time. You've never seen his shape. Who did see God the Father and who has heard God the Father? Well, the only begotten Son which was in the bosom of the Father. He hath declared him, is what the Bible says. Verse 38. And ye have not his word abiding in you, for whom he hath sent him ye believe not. If you have Jesus inside of you, you're going to agree with and accept Jesus when he's literally there talking to you. So it's not possible to have Jesus Christ abiding in you and to hate the Bible and to not believe the Bible. These are incompatible things. And so you have this inconsistency that Jesus is constantly pointing out because the Jews have the Scripture. They have the Bible. They have Jesus in their hand, but they don't believe it. And it's manifest when they have the person Jesus there giving them the Scripture and they also don't believe that. They believe neither. They don't believe in the Old Testament. They don't believe in the New Testament. They don't believe in the Son. They don't believe in the Father. They believe none of it. He says they have not the Word of God inside of them. The Word of God is not abiding in Jews. Jews have never seen the Father. They've never seen his shape. Jews do not have the Word of God abiding in them. And they believe not. Look at verse 40. And you will not come to me that you might have life. He's also saying you're not going to get saved. You're not going to turn to Jesus. Verse 42. Ye have not the love of God in you. This is the creator of the universe looking at a group of people and this is what he's saying about this group of people. He's saying you have not the love of God. You are not going to have life. You're not going to come unto me. You do not abide in the scripture. You do not have the Father. That's what he's saying about them. Verse 43. I am come to my Father's name and ye receive me not. So they receive not Jesus. Verse 44. The last phrase. It says how can you believe which receive honor of one another or of one of another and seek not the honor that cometh from God only. Verse 45. Do not think that I will accuse you of the Father. There is one that accuses you of even Moses in whom ye trust. For had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed me for he wrote of me. But if ye believe not his writings, how shall ye believe my words? So to recap John chapter number 5, this is what Jesus said about the Jews. They have not his word abiding in them. They have not the love of God abiding in them. They seek not the honor that cometh from God. And they believe not his writings. And you want to know what Jews are like today? They do not have the word of God in them. They do not have the love of God in them. They do not seek the honor that comes from God. And they do not believe any of his writings. That is what Jews are really like according to Jesus. Jesus said this about them. And of course it's very clear in the world that we live in today that Jews of the religion of Judaism do not love God. They do not love the Bible. They hate both and they do not have Jesus Christ abiding in them. All of those are manifest today just as much as they were when Jesus Christ preached this to those Jews then. Look at chapter 6 and go to verse 36. Go to chapter 6 and look at verse 36. John 6 verse 36. But I said unto you that you also have seen me and believe not. Did the Jews believe in Jesus? No, they did not. Skip down to verse 43. Jesus therefore answered and said to them, Murmur not among yourselves. Why would you tell someone to murmur not? Because they're murmuring. I just wanted to explain that to you. It's really a complicated subject. So what is Jesus saying about these Jews? They're murmurers, complainers. Hey, this makes you start thinking of another verse in the Bible. How about in Jude? When we talk about wicked and evil reprobates, murmurers, complainers walking after their own lusts. This is the type of people that Jesus is describing. So when Jesus is talking about Jews, you know what he calls them? Murmurers. You know what he says to them? They don't believe. Look at chapter 7 verse 19. Did not Moses give you the law? And yet none of you keep it the law. You know what? I want you to understand. The Jews are not keeping the law. It's so obvious. It's so funny to me because today, like not that long ago in today's world, I got to do a little debate with a Jew. And it wasn't just me. Pastor Menes was also involved and he did a great job. But when we first kind of started talking to this Jew, he's making a big deal how they want to keep the law concerning Numbers chapter 19 of the Red Heifer. And they're just really excited to keep that law. And I said, well, what about Leviticus 2013? Why are the people in Israel not keeping Leviticus 2013? Because Tel Aviv surely has a lot of opportunity for you to exercise that law. You know why? Because they don't keep the law. Hey, hey, Adam, where's your Passover lamb? Oh, you don't have that either? That's interesting. You know, it's like if we just walk through the Old Testament laws, it's real quick, real fast, how they don't keep the law, nor do they care about the law, nor do they do these things, but they want to put on a show and act like they keep the law. Act like they want to keep the law. They do not believe the law even then. Those Jews, you would think like, oh, back then they weren't keeping those laws back then either. In fact, you know when they started keeping the laws? Never! According to the Bible, they never did it. They were always terrible at it. They always failed. They always came short. I mean, when was the last time you read in the Bible when they did the year of Jubilee? Like, at what point were they like, you know what, we've decided, yeah, we have all this debt that you owe us, we're just going to forgive you that. I mean, isn't that just in the nature of Jews to just forgive people of debt and let go of interest? I mean, that's pretty common, right? Or is it more like we read in the books of Ezra and Nehemiah that they're actually charging them interest to their own brethren? Did they keep the law about marrying only within their tribe? Or is it just instantly they're marrying, mixed, mixed marrying, other nations, nations they're not supposed to? It's just instantly. I mean, while they're getting the law, they're not keeping the law. Like, in the middle of getting the law, they're making a golden calf. That's how good they are at keeping the law. It was like there was no point. In fact, God got so mad at the Jews, he literally said he was going to kill all of them. And Moses had to say, please don't. Please don't start over. Because God even said, like, I'll start over with you. Moses is much nicer than some people in this room. Because I know a few people in this room that go by Israel, okay, who would not have allowed Israel to stand. God would have been like, I'm going to smoke them and be like, why are you waiting? Moses was like, no, Lord, please don't start over with them. And of course, Moses did this for the Lord's sake, too. He said, hey, not for your name's sake. We don't want the heathen to blaspheme and say, you weren't capable of bringing these people into the Promised Land, even though you took them out of Egypt. And we have a foreshadowing of Jesus Christ, obviously pleading our case, too. Of course, it's not only about Jews, it's about us, too. We're all sinners, we all are guilty, and we all in some way share some responsibility for the crucifixion of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. But at the same time, if we talk about the specific Jews of the Bible, Jesus is saying and making it abundantly clear, these people do not keep the law. And here's something, though, that's different from those people in us. Notice what it says in the next phrase, why go you about to kill me? I don't seek to kill Jesus Christ. You know, I'm not Sarah Silverman getting up and doing a comedy special saying that she would literally kill Jesus again. I'm not Ben Shapiro getting on Joe Rogan's podcast and saying openly that Jesus was a troublemaker and executed rightfully for being a troublemaker. I'm not that kind of a person, okay? So yeah, I am a sinner. You know what, I'm not seeking to kill Jesus. And think about the absurdity of how Jews, modern day Jews today, will openly admit that they would kill him right now if they had the chance. And let me explain something to you. If Jesus went to Israel right now, they would crucify him right away. I mean, obviously they have a little bit of time for him to open his mouth, but once he started opening his mouth and saying what he said here in John chapter number seven and all this, I mean, in fact, most of the time he had to kind of just get in there real quick, say a few things and then like get out of there. Because they were ready to kill him like on a drop of a hat. They are ready to execute him. And he had to constantly hide in the midst of the crowd and go byways and he couldn't have PayPal. He couldn't bank at Bank of Babylon, I mean Bank of America. What else does he say in this chat? Okay? Isn't that enough? I mean, just think about the absurdity of being a Zionist. Like, do you even read the book of John? Do you not like the red letters? I mean, who is Jesus talking about? Look at verse number 28. Then cried Jesus and the temples he taught, saying, this is what I also like about Jesus. He didn't just say it, he cried it. And it's not like, oh. No, it's saying he's yelled it. He screamed it. Okay? You both know me and you know whence I am and I am not coming myself but he that sent me is true. Whom ye know not? I like how base he is. He's just like, hey, you don't know this guy. He's screaming it. He's yelling at them. You don't know the father. You don't know God. You don't know the one who sent me. Hey, you know me but you don't know the guy that sent me. I'm not coming myself. He's basically saying, you know I'm God and you know I came from God but for some reason you just won't admit it. You won't accept it and you just don't know God. But I know him. I am from him and he has sent me. Verse 34. Ye shall seek me and shall not find me. It doesn't seem like Jesus is preaching a message of hope. Is anybody else picking up what he's putting down? I'm just being honest with you. Like some people are like, well that message isn't going to reach people. What about this message? Be honest with me. Is this a message to reach people? Ye shall seek me and shall not find me. Does that sound like he's trying to reach people? No. Now it says, and where I am, there you cannot come. Of course, this is in reference to a few different things. You could be reference to the fact and then he's going to resurrect again and he's going to go to heaven. They can't do either of those things. While they're still alive, they can't go down to hell and find him where he is. And additionally though, more specifically, when he goes to heaven, they can't go there because they're not going to get saved and they're not going to find him in heaven. And of course, they're still seeking him because you know what? Jesus is in the grave, Jews. Oh, where did he go? You can't find the body of Jesus. I wonder why. It's got to irk some Jew out there and it's got to irk the Jews at that time because they're like, we know he didn't rise from the dead and it's like, oh yeah, where's his body though? And they're like, they're so mad because you know what? If they had the body, then they could prove that he didn't rise from the dead. But you know what? His body saw no corruption and his body came out of the grave and his body is literally in heaven. They don't have the body of Jesus. Jesus is not here. He's up there. He's the only person who's like that. He's the first begotten from the dead and they can't find him. They'll never find him. John chapter 8, look at verse 15. Ye judge after the flesh. This is what Jews do. They judge after the flesh, verse 19. Ye neither know me nor my Father. If ye had known me, ye should have known. It seems like he's kind of like hammering a point. You don't know Jesus and you don't know the Father. He's just saying it over and over and over. Why? Because this is the group of people on the planet that say they know God. This is the group of people that say they're the children of God. And Jesus is constantly saying, you don't know him. You're wrong. I know you say you know him. I know you give lip service to that. I know you think you know him. Verse 21. Then said Jesus again to them, I go my way and ye shall seek me and shall die in your sins. Wow. How are you going to get anybody saved with that message? He's saying you're going to die in your sins. That's what he said to them. Verse 23, and he said to them, ye are from beneath. I am from above. Ye are of this world. I am not of this world. Die in your sins. When you just kind of slow down and start thinking about what Jesus was really saying to the Jews, isn't he making it pretty clear? Like you're not saved. You're not going to get saved and you're from hell. That's what he said to the Jews. He said you're from beneath. What's beneath? It's not a bunch of pillars on the back of a turtle, folks, okay? It's a fiery pit called hell. It's unquenchable fire. It's where their worm dieth not and the fire is not quenched. That's what's in the center of the earth. And he said they're from hell. Oh, you're cussing. Well, the Bible is the word hell. And even if I am cussing, then it's not wrong. How could you? If you're going to say that cussing is saying the word hell, bastard, or damn, then it can't be wrong because the Bible says that. So maybe you just don't know what the Bible says. Why are you so mad at the red letters? Because Jesus said hell in Mark 9. I'm not going there right this minute. I could if I needed to, but I don't need to. Christians are also like the Jews sometimes. It seems like they don't believe his writings. You don't believe the red letters or the black letters, do you? I like what he says here in verse 37. This is where it gets spicy, okay? I know that you're Abraham's seed, but you seek to kill me because my word hath no place in you. This is an interesting thought. Have you ever thought about what he just said? Think about this for a second. Dwell on this for a second. My word hath no place. He's not saying like you don't have the word or you're not going to get the word. He's saying you don't even have a place for it. That sounds like a reprobate. I just want to explain something to you. There's not even a place to put my word inside. You have no place to get Jesus in there. Wow, that's harsh. I speak that which I have seen with my father and you do that which you have seen with your father. They don't have the same father. Verse 39. They answered and said to him, Abraham is our father. He said to them, if you were Abraham's children, you would do the works of Abraham. Notice the word if. If. You know why? Because they're not Abraham's children. Now here's the thing. This is what Jesus said. The Jews are Abraham's seed, but they're not Abraham's children. And here's the thing. We're all God's offspring, but we're not all the children of God. We're all physically related, but we're not all spiritually related. And here's the reality. You have to become a child of God. You have to become a child of Abraham. Abraham is the father of many nations. Here's a phrase you should learn. Abraham is the father of many nations. Abraham is not the father of Israel. Abraham is the father of many nations. Why? Because being a child of Abraham is a spiritual birth to all nations who believe in Christ. Problem is most of Israel, if not the 99 percentile, do not believe in Christ and they are not the children of Abraham. Only by believing, not by being a physical Israeli, not by being the physical seed of Abraham. And Jesus didn't even contest that these people were the seed of Abraham. He didn't even bring into question their genealogy or their DNA or any of that kind of stuff because it didn't matter to him. In fact, he confirmed it. Look at verse 37. I know that you're Abraham's seed. So it's not even a question if they are Jews. But you know what? At the same time, he's saying you're still not the children of Abraham. You're not the children of Abraham. But you know who would say they're the children of Abraham? The Jews. What did they say in verse 39? They answered and said to him, Abraham is our father. Partially it's not true spiritually and of course that's what Jesus is getting at is the spiritual understanding here and they are not the children of Abraham spiritually. They have a different father. Here's the thing. You can't have two fathers. Sorry to explain biology to you here for a second. Now, Gene Kim disagrees with me, okay? But he's a weirdo. He's a freak. He literally taught that Cain, well, I can't even remember. Maybe I can't remember what he taught him. Something weird like somehow Cain and Abel were born at the same time, like they were conceived at the same time with two different dads or something. I don't know. But if you throw out the weirdos, okay, no one would disagree with me that you can't have two fathers. So when he's bringing up you have another father, then their father can't be Abraham. Well, who is that? Well, let's see, verse 41. Ye do the deeds of your father. Well, that makes sense. Almost everybody follows in their father's footsteps. That's why we need fathers not to leave the home, certain communities, because then they do that. It's a vicious cycle. Verse 42, Jesus said unto them, If God were your father, you would love me. You know, I know God's my father because I love Jesus. Verse 43, why do you not understand my speech? Even because you cannot hear my word. Year of your father, the devil. That's what Jesus said. Jesus, if Jesus were here today and he got on a podcast with Ben Shapiro, he would say, hey, I know who your father is. It's Satan. That's who he would say. If Jesus was on a podcast doing an interview with any of these Jews today, he would look at them and say, ye are of your father, the devil. That's what he would say to these individuals. And then, you know what they would want to do? They would want to kill him. Censor him, ban him, de-bank him. Says, in the lust of your father you will do, for he was a murderer from the beginning and abode not in the truth because there's no truth in him. When he speak of the lie, he speaketh of his own, for he's a liar and the father of it and because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not. Why is it that Jews do not believe that Jesus is the Christ? Because it's true. That's the reason why they don't believe it. Because they can't believe things that are true. This is what scares me about people that are flat earthers. I'm like, the reason why you're flat earthers is because you apparently can't believe truth. You just deny reality. It's a scary position to be in. That's why you notice people who love truth get saved and people who do not love truth do not get saved because what gets you saved is acknowledging the truth and when you can't acknowledge the truth you can't get saved. And he's saying, why can't you not understand what I'm saying? Because you don't like things that are true. Our world's so confused today because they don't understand what I'm saying and they don't like the truth. Verse 47. He that is of God heareth God's words. Ye therefore hear them not because you're not of God. What has he said? You're your father the devil. You're not of God. You don't hear the truth. This is what Jesus said to the Jews. This is what Jesus believes about Jews. He said that they would do the will of their father or the deeds of their father or the lusts of their father and what was the lusts and the will of their father? A murderer. A murderer. And Jesus is saying, ye Jews are just like your father a liar and a murderer. That's what Jesus said about Jews is that they're liars and murderers. That's what they're like. Verse 49. Jesus answered, I am not a devil but I honor my father and ye do dishonor me. Jews dishonor Jesus Christ. So much so and I've said this before but I'll keep repeating it. They literally won't even allow you to have a plus sign in math. They have to take the bottom part out because they hate the cross so much. They don't even want to say the name of God. They spit when they say the name of Jesus. They spit on Christians. They hate Jesus. Your sermon is so hateful Pastor Shelley. All I'm doing is reading what Jesus said. Yeah, I've elaborated a few times here and there but you just didn't like what Jesus said. Just be honest, okay? Ah, you're so mean and so hateful. All I'm, I'm just preaching the gospel. This is what I love. You'll do anything and then people are like, why don't you just preach the gospel? This is called the gospel of John. This is what Jesus is saying. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. It's like these people that never go soloing a day in their life. They get mad at anything and everything you do that's not literally preaching the gospel. And then even when you're preaching the gospel they still get mad at that too, okay? So, don't be fooled. You can't please an idiot, alright? Verse 49. Jesus answered, I have not a devil but I honor my father and you dishonor me. Verse 45, or verse 55. have not known him but I know and if I should say I know I'm not I shall be a liar like unto you I mean he can't even just get a sentence out without just like totally just just attacking them he's this is what you'd call name calling this is good old-fashioned name calling he just said hey I would be a liar like you are this is some hardcore does you want to learn how to talk trash Jesus has got you covered buddy hey if I said I didn't know the father I'd be a liar like you are that's what Jesus said well you see mean-spirited I'm trying to be like Jesus who you trying to be like oh well the false prophets talk really sweet always talk positive Micaiah never preach as good concerning the Jews oh okay well you know what I'm trying to be like Jesus maybe you just don't know what Jesus is like go to chapter 9 and look at the last verse of chapter number 9 look the Bible is really clear on the subject Jesus is really clear on the subject sorry to wake you up with a little bit of Bible today John chapter 9 look at verse 41 Jesus said to them if you were blind you should have no sin but now you say we see therefore your sin remaineth oh well when we kill the red heifer it gives us forgiveness of sins no it doesn't your sin remaineth oh when we go and pray at the welling wall gives us forgiveness sin nope your sin remaineth oh we're the physical children of Israel we're the physical children of Abraham your sin remaineth they're sinners and their sin remaineth and you know what they're not gonna get forgiveness of sins because it only comes from going to Jesus and they will not come unto Jesus chapter 10 verse 25 I told you and you believe not the works that I do in my father's name they be witness of me but you believe not because you're not of my sheep man Jesus kind of you know rip don't you think he's already told them enough ease up Jesus come on why would you want to keep hammering this point on them why would you have to keep telling them these are all the criticisms that I usually get so I'm just kind of repackaging them you say that seems blasphemous it is blasphemous to question Jesus here is that blast get mad at Jesus oh you see mean and your name calling and you just have a bad spirit and how you gonna reach people with that kind of message he's not he literally said he's not gonna reach them that's the whole point well I don't think that's profitable to preach you don't think the Gospel of John's profitable like if you don't like the Gospel of John what other parts of the Bible not a lot of use yeah I think you should read something nice well I'm just gonna preach what Jesus said I don't care what you think verse 36 say ye of him whom the Father hath sanctified and sinned in the world thou blasphemous because I said I am the Son of God I just threw that one in there because it's funny how Muslims say that Jesus never said he's the Son of God it's in my Bible didn't you notice that because I said who's who's I it's Jesus saying I said what did Jesus say I am the Son of God yeah is it a question in this context sure but you have to understand that context to realize he must have been said that Jesus said I am the Son of God he did say that we're here literally he literally said it here and of course he's referencing the fact that he has said it in the past that he is the Son of God when they asked him art thou the Son of the Blessed he said in the book of Mark I am clear answer now Jesus never said he was the Son of God liar you sound like your brother the Jew and your father the devil I want to go to chapter 15 go to chapter 15 for a moment we'll get a brief break from Jesus ripping on Jews to come back to it but yeah it's like oh well I don't like Islam okay and they'd be like well I don't like Jews it's like okay I don't like the devil it's like I don't like their whole family that's my view I just I just dislike that entire family that entire family of Lucifer and Satan is just a bad family Islam and Jews and we'll just throw in their distant Hindu cousins and their Catholic adopted bastard children their Catholic their Catholic bastard children that were with their mistress concubine of the Roman pagan religion you know I don't like any of that whole family that's coming from the devil it's like oh well we should fight Islam well you know I'm not gonna fight Islam by teaming up with the devil and his son the Jews that makes no sense Jesus wasn't teaming up with the Jews to try and combat some other false religion at this time the paganism and the hedonism that's going on in the Gentiles he was ripping on the Jews is preaching against the Jews but you say well this message that you're saying people aren't gonna like because it sounds like you're against everyone I mean you're bringing up Hindus you're bringing up Islam you're bringing up Catholics and you're bringing up all these people like who do you like well I like fundamental Baptists that are saved people are like always getting mad at me for all the things I don't like I still like some things you know I like you guys I like the Bible I like Jesus but you know what nuts to the world I mean you would think that if if we're supposed to be loved of the world and people are going to think we're so wonderful Jesus would have told us that right I mean wouldn't Jesus be like hey just FYI here's a litmus test to know if you're of Jesus everyone likes you everyone can recognize your sweet spirit everyone just sees just the kindness oozing out of your heart and mind and they just know you're of Jesus well what does he say oh verse 18 if the world hate you you know that it hated me before it hated you people think this is what people literally think they think if Jesus showed up everyone would love him and crown him as king if Jesus came back today the Jews would crucify him again and the whole world would hate him if Jesus showed up on any podcast on any show in any country and most churches and all synagogues and all I don't know what you call the stupid Muslim temples mosques yeah any mosque any of these places I mean he would they would kill him they would hate him you know they say all Muslims say Jesus peace beyond him you know what here's the thing they would kill the real Jesus though there Jesus is another Jesus and look most Muslim people are very nice I'm not against Muslim people in general but their religion is wicked as hell and the people that really believe in their religion would kill Jesus and a heartbeat yeah they hate him and just like they hate him they hate you if you love Jesus and say what Jesus said verse 19 if you were of the world the world would love his own but because you're not of the world but I have chosen you out of the world therefore the world hated you you know what this tells me this tells me that technically speaking you could have a one-world religion or you could have at least a one-world tolerance policy it's saying that the world in theory could have it's they get Muslims could like Catholics and Catholics to like Hindus and we could just all coexist but you know what there's one wrinkle in there that can never quite be accepted of everybody it's called Christianity and saying hey if you were of if you're of the world they could love you they could like you and isn't it interesting if we were to think about it if if I go to the workplace today and I say hey I'm a Muslim and you know of course some of us believe fags should be thrown off of a building violently and their heads crushed by the ground and their blood oozing out they'd be like I don't agree with you but we're not gonna do anything to you like you're welcome to work here no workplace discrimination right I mean you're a Hindu and you say we literally worship cows and eat their dung and we look at rocks and we pour milk on it and we just like do a bunch we smell so bad we don't even take showers we won't discriminate against you we love your religion it's so wonderful please take off all kinds of days off of work we won't say anything negative about it it's like hey boss I go to steadfast Baptist Church bye isn't that interesting it's like you could literally say like any you can say I believe in the Flying Spaghetti Monster I'm a flat-earther I'm a retard sorry that's the same religion you can say like anything you can say like hey I'm a Catholic and yeah virtually almost all of our priests are literal pedophiles and our priests wear dresses and skirts and you know we believe in we every Sunday eat human blood and human flesh oh we don't want to disrespect your religion you walk in you say hey do you want to watch the sodomite deception bye have you not recognize that have you not realized it's like we can literally tolerate every religion except for yours except for yours you think that's an anomaly you think that oh it's just a coincidence right nope verse 20 remember the word that I said and you the server is not greater than his Lord if they have persecuted me they will also persecute you if they have kept my saying they will keep yours also notice what he's implying in verse 20 that the Jews persecuted Jesus if they persecuted me it's bringing that up the Jews persecuted Jesus they don't have the father they're of their father the devil they're not seeking Jesus they persecuted him and what will they do to you they'll persecute you just like they persecuted Jesus here's the problem they don't have a Jesus to persecute today so you know they're gonna persecute the person closest to Jesus whoever's looks the most and sounds the most like Jesus they're gonna persecute that guy the most because of their hatred for Jesus so you know what you want to find the guy that's following Jesus find the most persecuted Christian on this planet and that's the guy following Jesus all these churches we've never been persecuted oh you must not be like Jesus then verse 21 but all these things will they do unto you for my name's sake because they know not him that sent me if I had not come and spoken unto them they had not had sin but now they have no cloak for their sin so what the Jews that Jews have no cloak for their sin it's open it's obvious it's manifest go to chapter 18 for a moment I want to show you another verse here we're only in the Gospel of John folks I don't think that Jesus liked the Jews just throwing it out there I don't know I heard someone say you know they're going to make anti-semitism illegal they're gonna have to get rid of the whole Bible yeah and I was like yeah it's not you know like we like to emphasize verses like first that's when it's chapter number two verse 15 and it's in context of the Jews that killed the Lord Jesus because that's real explicit but I've showed you a lot of stuff already that really is anti-semitic look at verse 36 Jesus answer my kingdom is not of this world if my kingdom are of this world then when my servants fight hey you know how I know that the Jews are not God's chosen people because his kingdoms not of this world it's not an Israel those aren't his people notice this that I should not be delivered to who what's that oh the Jews oh the Romans killed Jesus wait a minute what does it say that I should not be delivered to the Jews okay well reverse 35 again pilot answered am I a Jew by no nation and the chief priests have delivered the unto me what has thou done who delivered Jesus the Jews who did Jesus say he got delivered by the Jews who killed Jesus the Jews killed Jesus that would be insane that would be like me pushing someone off of a cliff and saying the rocks killed them I didn't kill them I just delivered them to the rocks to let the rocks aside with their fate I didn't kill them the bullet did you know this is like all of Hillary Clinton's witnesses they didn't I didn't kill them they killed themselves I held their hand on their hand and forced the gun to their head and pulled the trigger but their finger pulled the trigger albeit I know I forced it and shot them in the back 20 times it was interesting how they did that to themselves like it's it's not rocket science folks the Jews killed Jesus who's your witness Jesus who's your source Jesus Jesus said that hey if you're gonna get rid of things that answers medic you have to get rid of the Gospel of John that's scary I want to go to Matthew 23 let's just get to the good part hey there's so much more we could talk about I'm just covering a little bit of what Jesus said about the Jews I already have plenty I'll give you I'll give you a quick recap he said you have not his word abiding in you you have not the love of God in you you seek not the honor that coming from God you believe not his writings you believe not he murmur none of you keep it the law they go about to kill him they know not the father they shall not find him they judge after the flesh the word has no place in them they haven't seen the father there of their father the devil and Jesus was delivered to the Jews to be killed of the Jews and their sin remaineth that's Jesus said about the Jews look at Matthew 23 let's just look at verse 13 let's start here but what would you scribes and Pharisees hypocrites for you showed the kingdom of heaven against men for you neither go in yourselves neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in they're not going to heaven verse 14 what would you scribes and Pharisees hypocrites for you devour widows houses and for pretense make long prayer therefore you shall receive the greater damnation you know what Jesus is saying about Jews they devour widows houses and that their religion is fake that's what pretense means it's fake what is what do you think about the religion of Judaism pastor Shelley it's fake it's not a real religion what is pure religion to visit the widows in their affliction and to keep himself unspotted from the world what is their religion it's fake they devour widows houses the Jews don't devour widows houses pastor so what are you talking about reverse mortgages oops oops interest hi hi how about just probate taxes and stuff the this is what you don't understand like a man will die and he was the sole bread income winner and then the widow has to pay a bunch of taxes on the money that was already hers from her own husband in some cases through probate and some of these issues now again not always obviously sometimes it depends on what state and law and all these things work but sometimes you can literally have scenarios where widows are having to pay taxes on the deceased plus they have to pay for all the deceased payments there is there's a racket out there to take advantage of these individuals to take advantage of the elderly of the week we give them social security and then through inflation devour widows houses what I mean we're talking about their house we're going to literally take their possession from and it's not like they're not dwelling in it we've just taken the deed we've taken the note we've taken their ownership away and now they're just in the retirement home to eventually die and they've taken all their possessions the Jews are no different today as they were back then you know what he calls them in verse 15 woe and you scribes and Pharisees hypocrites for you compass sea and land to make one proselyte and when he is made you make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves number one they don't have a lot of converts they have to go sea and land they have to compass sea and land I like this word compass compass compass you know the compass does it measures spherical objects okay they compass sea and land and they make one proselyte Ivanka Trump okay and they make her twofold more the child of hell than themselves look at verse 27 woe and you scribes and Pharisees hypocrites for your like unto whited sepulchres which indeed appear beautiful outward but are within full of dead men's bones and of all uncleanness Jews are apparently full of all uncleanness 28 hypocrisy and equity verse 31 you're the children of them which killed the prophets how dare you attribute the death of Jesus to the modern-day Jews they didn't kill Jesus oh wait a minute he said they're the children that of the people that killed the prophets he's directly associating their actions with the actions of their spiritual fathers those who would kill the prophets and how they killed Jesus verse 33 he serpents degeneration of vipers that's what Jesus thinks about the Jews today also I think there's 34 is really important of course he says they can't escape the damnation of hell verse 34 wherefore the old I send unto you prophets and wise men and scribes and some of them ye shall kill and crucify and some of them shall ye scourge in your synagogues and persecute them from city to city this sounds like he's talking about future like he's gonna send people to them in the future and where is it say that they're gonna beat them up in their synagogues who is in synagogues Jews Jews are the ones that say they're Jews and Jews are the ones that worship in synagogues that makes me think of a verse in the New Testament that was also in red letters Revelation chapter 2 verse 9 and Revelation 3 verse 9 where Jesus says there's people that say they are Jews and are not but do lie and are the synagogue of Satan that is what God said that's what Jesus said he said in the New Testament book of John that they're of their father who the devil and that they're in synagogues and then he says in Revelation there's a group that says they're Jews they're not like how they said their Abrams their father and he's not their father and how he specifically says that they're of their father the devil and that they're in synagogues and they're persecuting and killing Christians that's hand in glove folks it's like what is Revelation 2 9 talking about it's talking about Jews it's who it's talking about and who was this how about Paul didn't Paul go in their synagogue didn't they go and harass and provoke Paul and attack Paul he sent under them Peter and John he sent under them the apostles and they were in Jerusalem for a long time preaching these people and they just persecuted them they killed I mean obviously through the hands of Herod they killed James James is killed by Herod verse 35 that upon you may come all the righteous blood shed upon the earth that's rough from the blood of righteous Abel into the blood of Zechariah son of Barakas whom you slew between the temple and the altar verily I say and you all these things to come upon this generation Oh Jerusalem Jerusalem thou that killest the prophets and stonest them which are sent unto thee how often would I have gathered thy children together even as a hen gather chickens under wing and ye would not behold your house is left on you desolate what's that 7080 the destruction of the Jews because they would not they hate God they killed all the prophets they killed all the righteous men and last of all they killed his son and Jesus even asked them that parable what do you think God's gonna do to those miserable men what is he gonna do to them he's gonna take away their vineyard and he's gonna give it unto others me and you well replacement theology it's pretty simple okay it's not that scary okay it's scary for you all right I just want to read one other thing it's not in the Bible but recently our house passed a bill some kind of an anti-semitism bill and I want to give you the exact numbers House bill eight hundred and ninety four now I'm sure a lot of who's not heard this okay like a few people have not okay our United States House of Representatives passed a bill eight hundred and ninety four this is the title strongly condemning and denouncing the drastic rise of anti-semitism in the United States around the world so a recent bill has been passed in the house in order to become law it has to also be approved by the Senate and signed by the president that's how bills become law they originated in the house voted on once passed then they go to the Senate they have to then also pass the Senate and then we have to have the president sign it technically if the president wouldn't sign a particular bill it could go back to what's called Congress and the greater Congress which is a conglomeration of the house and the Senate could override the president and can still pass it into law okay I don't think that Biden's ever gonna do something like that if you ever have the house and the Senate agree on something Joe Biden will mindlessly sign anything he will sign anything that you put on his desk okay but this is what it says and I'm not gonna read the whole thing but I read some portions of it says whereas acts of hate intimidation discrimination of violence based on ethnicity or religion have no place in our country nor in the global community okay how about the protest of steadfast church how do y'all feel about that says whereas the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance working definition of anti-semitism is widely accepted and serves as a critical tool to help individuals comprehend and identify the various manifestations of anti-semitism so they want to adopt a particular definition of anti-semitism not the dictionary the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance but here's the problem with this organization is it's founded by Jews and the problem with anything founded by Jews is they're of their devil I'm sorry they're of their father the devil who is a liar and Jesus said they were liars now they bring up events that were important to this like October 7th 2023 I'm not gonna read all that but this is what I thought was funny then they basically are trying to make a case and there's all this anti-semitism in the world and they want to demonstrate all the events that have been happening and there's so much rise to this so they said this the phrase from the river to the sea has been a rallying cry for the eradication of the state of Israel so they're upset that people use this phrase from the river to the sea it says in October 8th a car with individuals holding Palestinian flags appeared to a niche to intentionally swerve out of its Lane nearly hitting a visible Jewish family I'm sorry they said this is the rise there are some Palestinian drivers and it looked like they may have swerved towards some Jews they didn't hit them praise God I mean maybe it's just a woman driver you know I don't know I'm like is that really anti-semitism maybe it's just because they're from the Middle East they don't know how to drive they don't even know what a road is that was like their third one like this is the thing about this is the case that you're making our country has extreme anti-semitism someone may have accidentally swerved towards some people whoa get the troops out now martial law on October 15th an individual in New York City punched a Jewish woman in the face solely because she was Jewish really I know they have big noses but I don't I'm like do you really think there was someone that was just like there's just this innocent Jewish woman that's just like huh and so just walked up and just like BAM Jew look I know for a fact I actually went out so winning and one of our soul winners literally got punched in the head first going so winning so do we have a rise of anti-christianity now how do they even know that it was based on that am I also supposed to believe that she didn't do anything to provoke it she's literally just being Jewish and just gets punched in the face for no other reason October 28th a Jewish man in Sydney Australia okay let me read this again I thought this was a problem in America think think about they're stretching so they've stretched so much already that they've run out of American examples that they now have to go to Sydney Australia they're not going to get the six million examples I don't think it says a Jewish man in Sydney Australia was severely injured by three anti-israel rioters when he was punched in the head at least 12 times they don't explain why they don't explain what happened someone was injured okay happened to be Jewish November 3rd a Jewish woman store in New York City okay at least we're back to the United States was attacked by a mob of anti-israel protesters because she hung posters of Israel or Israeli hostages in the store window it doesn't say how she was attacked I don't know what that means on November 3rd four masked men walked into a restaurant in Philadelphia and proceeded to tear down an Israeli flag and yelled free Palestine this is when you need pastor Jones to say but did you die they tore down their flag okay November 4th an Arizona man was arrested by federal authorities for threatening to execute a local rabbi and quote every other Jew I can find the night at midnight of your Sabbath he didn't do it he just threatened it who knows what that was said November 4th during an anti-israel protest in Washington DC writers shouted their support for Hamas okay also during the same protest the White House fence was vandalized well that that was when they put the print the rainbow flag up when they vandalized it they vandalized by standing blood-red handprints on the side of the White House pillars and spray-painted death to Israel and glory to our monitors on the buildings of DC do we even know if that was the FBI or not I mean how do we know November 6 Paul Kessler a 69 year old Jewish man tragically died due to injury sustained when anti-israel protesters struck him in the head with a megaphone in Los Angeles California okay well at least at least now they're representing like someone died and again I'm not saying that's a good thing I'm just saying like if you're gonna point out a serious problem at least they have an example of where there's of someone that died and that's not good I don't think anyone should be struck in the head and killed for no reason November 11th as part of a massive anti-israel protest road tester set off smoke bombs we need legislation because of smoke bombs swerving drivers of a couple flags ripped down in the middle of a riot someone got injured enough to die I mean this is so far-fetched folks like what do we really think that Jewish people are so afraid to walk up and down our streets like people are just gonna randomly punch their big nose like is that really happening November 13th a mezuzah was torn off the doorpost of a Jewish person's apartment and a knife was stuck into the wood in its place in Milan Italy again this is not America oh the smoke bombs they weren't even America that was in London they have two more November 13th the evening before the March for Israel and Washington to see anti-israel rioters vandalized a Jewish medical tent by spray-painting free Gaza Palestine will be free and Gaza will win November 15th anti-israel protesters illegally blocked and violently attacked the Democratic National Committee headquarters endangering the lives of individuals inside including members of Congress injuring six Capitol Police officers you know Democrats being in danger doesn't even sound like a horrible thing they were blocking people you know let I wonder what the rap sheet would look like if we just got the LGBT terrorist documentary and just document all the stuff that happened to us maybe we should have a national crisis for steadfast Baptist Church maybe we should have a national I mean what if you just read a rap sheet of what happened at a BLM event just one of them not even all of them for a whole summer for all year just like one I mean do you think it would be more or less than what we just read I mean what happens in Chicago on a daily basis is more than what we just read and I pretty much more or less I didn't read everything verbatim I wasn't trying to be deceptive in anything I pretty much just read it as they're saying this is the examples all the examples they could think of of why we need a literal bill condemning anti-semitism and again did a few of these things are some of these things bad sure do I support violence no do I think people should just be punched in the face or just being a Jew no I don't believe in that but at the same time do we need to then violate the First Amendment of the Constitution and do pass a bill in the Congress that says it's illegal to be anti-semitic and take the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance's definition which literally says that by saying that the Jews killed Jesus you're now anti-semitic and you're breaking the law it is illegal to say that the Jews killed Jesus if this bill passed what's the punishment they don't even say what the punishment is I think it's supposed to apply only to title six funds or something like that and again they're being pretty vague about all this oh they're so worried you know this doesn't this doesn't make me feel like their museum is very honest about the Holocaust oh you're a holocaust snare what does that even mean your definition of anti-semitism is saying that the Jews killed Jesus so you know what I don't like any of your definitions your definition of gender is what a person feels like well that's stupid too I hear this stupid phrase Hebrew cosmology and they teach a flat earth okay well Jews are wrong about everything and you know what I reject your stupid idea of anti-semitism because I'm not anti-semitic I don't hate people because they're Jewish I don't hate people because they're from Islamic country or because of Muslim descent you know I hate people because they're a faggot that's why I hate people I hate people because they're a pedophile and I hate all pedophiles and faggots which is like a large percentage of the Jewish population it's like do you hate Jews I'm sure there's a lot of Jews I hate but you know what I don't hate all of them and they say oh being against trannies is anti-semitic well thou sayest it and you know what if they pass a law saying it's illegal to preach that the Jews killed Jesus and that's like it becomes official like it becomes law that will be my next sermon I you say well that sounds scary I I don't care I do not care if you think that I will back down leave our church now because I will not back down and I am not joking I'm not trying to be cool I'm not trying to puff up my chest and be like I will be tough I'm just trying to warn you to let you know that that is exactly what I'm gonna do and I hope through the history of our church and the other things I've done you'd notice I will say what I said and I will do what I did doesn't mean I'm like everything I have to do doesn't mean I even like everything I have to say but I'll like that sermon okay I'll even like it I've already lived enough of a life you know I love my children and my family but I will die for Christ I will be steadfast the bible says be thou faithful unto death and you know what I will do that do I want to no do I want to die I love my family and my children I will fight for them but you know what I will not back down and the the what will destroy our country and our world and Christianity is when Christians tuck their little tail behind their legs and piss down their little leg and cry oh well you know all the Zionists they're not even worried about this because they already worship the devil with the Jews they're basically like joining an affinity with the kings of Israel and worshiping false gods hey quit loving the ungodly and helping the ungodly I mean is it is it really a radical sermon for me to say hey I'm just going to cherry pick a handful of verses of what Jesus said in the New Testament but how many churches will would never ever preach what I just said it doesn't fit their narrative they have to cherry pick only a handful of them love thy neighbor well you know what I love my neighbor so I'm going to warn them about the Jew you say well my neighbor's a Jew I'm going to warn him of the other Jews Jesus was warning his disciples who are Jews about Jews and you know what there's plenty of Jews that recognize that Jews are evil they're like yeah these Jews are bad you know it's just like you know there's a lot of people that are committing crimes and a disproportionate demographic black people but that doesn't mean all black people are bad and there's plenty of black people to recognize that sucks hey you know there's a lot of bad white people pretty much atheism is dedicated to white people flat earthers are pretty much all white people and you suck and you're retarded white people suck okay I get it you know what white people are terrible I mean they they're the ones that are ruining our country white women feminist women are some of the worst people on this planet you know what it almost seems like all the women preachers are white women Joyce Meyer Beth Moore Jezebel one and two oh you you're so racist I don't even know what racism is because I don't even believe in race I couldn't be racist if I wanted to because you know what we're all the same race oh you're anti-Semitic I'm I don't even know what that is because you change the definition every week just like your numbers for the holocaust until you got the six million you know it's just it's just so stupid and you know what I'm not gonna back down I don't care they've already cancelled me from so many things it's like you know basically next it's just like prison and death or whatever it's just like bring it on because if they kill me you know what it'll just make Christianity more popular it'll make steadfast more popular more people get saved you know when Stephen died he was a great he was a great person that was a loss he was probably one of the greatest people alive but you know what it inspired so many other people do great things for God and you know what I I'm not supposed to increase Christ is supposed to increase we're not supposed to honor Christ in our life we're supposed to also honor him in our death and you know most of the time when people are afraid of going to prison or the fears of prison it wasn't even that bad anyways he somehow performed miracles and got him out or whatever and in my view is like if you're so vitriolic they'll kill you fast anyways you know like I don't I just wanted to you know I want them to just feel like they need to get it over with quickly okay I don't want this slow burn okay but at the end of the day it doesn't matter we have one short vapor of a life why why wouldn't the world you know we live in the most important times in human history why would I want to back down from the bible now hey I love what Jesus said about the Jews because it's the truth and I love the truth and I love the bible and I love God and we're gonna be I'm gonna be here for a long time for eternity I'm not really worried about this one we should stop worrying about this world so much and we should preach what the bible says and you know what if every preacher and every spirit-filled man of God would just get up and say that they can't arrest all of us you call their bluff but you know what when everybody backs down and just a few people stand up well they got to kill those people and so be it even so come Lord Jesus you know it just doesn't it's just not this life this this one sucks anyways it's getting so bad so fast think about it if everybody cowers just think about how the trainees are going to take over this world even more why would you want to hang on to that I joked and I say this I'm like prison might be the coolest place to hang out anyways everybody in there's making cool memes and we're just like making cool jokes and whatever you know this world is nuts this world is psycho this world is creepy it's like something needs to happen you know what did Patrick Henry say give me liberty or give me death and this is what I say give me fundamental baptist Christianity or give me death I don't want to be here serving a compromised Christian God I want to serve the Lord Jesus Christ who's not a compromiser who's still seated on his throne who's coming back in flaming eyes and power and wonder and you know what I love the words of Jesus I love the red letters of the gospel and I'm not ashamed of what Christ said I'm ashamed of this wicked and adulterous generation that's who I'm ashamed of I'm ashamed of our congress that sold us out as a bunch of traitors our government is a bunch of traitors and anti-christ and devils and there are vipers and serpents and you know what they're not going to escape the damnation of hell and I don't care what they think hey they might want to kill me after this sermon but you know what it's because they hate the truth and we need to be lovers of truth it's easy to say it now but I'm going to say it when it's hard you say it when it's hard so that Christ isn't ashamed of you let's close in prayer thank you Heavenly Father so much for giving us the Bible and giving us boldness from the spirit of God I pray that you would continue just to encourage our faith and strengthen us that if we have to go through difficult times that we would remain steadfast we'd remain unmovable we'd always abound in the work of the Lord we know that if the world hated Jesus is going to hate us we should embrace it we should recognize it as we're on the right path we're doing the right things we shouldn't care and seek the honor and the glory that comes from this world we should seek the honor and the glory that comes from God only and I pray that you would just help us to preach the gospel and to stand on the truth and not be ashamed of Christ or his words but rather be ashamed of this sinful and wicked generation in Jesus name we pray amen all right for our final song let's sing 401 set my soul afire 401 set my soul afire 401 let's sing it out set my soul afire 401 set my soul afire lord for thy holy word burn it deep within me let your voice be heard burn millions grow in darkness in this day and hour i will be your witness fill me with my power of fire waiting for thy word my soul for the lost in sin give to me a passion as i seek to win help me not to falter never let me fail fill me with thy spirit let thy will prevail prevail set my soul afire lord set my soul afire make my life a witness of thy saving power millions set my soul afire set my soul afire lord in my daily life nothing else will matter for me i will be your witness as you live in me set my soul afire lord set my soul afire make my life a witness of thy saving power millions grow in darkness waiting for thy word set my soul afire thank you all for coming god bless you are dismissed