(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Constantly abiding 336 Constantly abiding Song 336 Let's sing it out together. Constantly abiding Music There's a peace in my heart that the world never gave, a peace it cannot take away. Though the trials are wide, they surround like a cloud by the peace that has come there to stay. Constantly abiding Jesus is mine Constantly abiding After divine He never leaves me lonely Whispers of so kind I will never leave me Jesus is mine All the world seemed to see All the Savior and King When He sweetly came to my heart Traumas all fled away And my night turned to day Blessed Jesus, how glorious Thou art Constantly abiding Jesus is mine Constantly abiding After divine He never leaves me lonely Whispers of so kind I will never leave me Jesus is mine All the last This treasure I have In a temple of flame While here on this bloodstool I roam But He's coming to take me some glorious day Over there to my heavenly home Constantly abiding Jesus is mine Constantly abiding After divine He never leaves me lonely Whispers of so kind I will never leave me Jesus is mine Great singing. Let's open up with a word of prayer. Heavenly Father, thank You for Your word. Thank You for the great promises that we have. And just thank You for this church. Pray that You bless this evening's service to Your honor and glory. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. Alright, for our next song, let's go to 223... 223 Springs of Living Water. 223. Sing it out together. I first stand in the barren land of sin and shame And nothing satisfying there I found But to the blessed cross of Christ the day I came Where springs of living water lay abound Drinking at the springs of living water Happy now and high, my soul lay satisfied Drinking at the springs of living water Oh, wonderful and bountiful supply How sweet the living water from the hills of God It makes me glad and happy all the way Now the free breaks and blessing of the path I've trod I'm shouting hallelujah every day Drinking at the springs of living water Happy now and high, my soul lay satisfied Drinking at the springs of living water Oh, wonderful and bountiful supply Oh, sinner won't you come today to Calvary A mountain there is flowing deep and wide The Savior now invites you to the water free Where thirsting spirits can be satisfied Drinking at the springs of living water Happy now and high, my soul lay satisfied Drinking at the springs of living water Oh, wonderful and bountiful supply Great singing, right before we do announcements If you guys will allow me, I would just like to sing one more song It's one of my favorite songs, it's 238 Christ liveth in me, if you'll help me sing this out nice and loud Great hymn here, 238 Christ liveth in me Let's sing it out together, 238 Christ liveth in me Once far from God and dead in sin No light my heart could see But in God's word the light I count Now Christ liveth in me Christ liveth in me Christ liveth in me Oh, what a salvation this Christ liveth in me As rays of light from younger sun The clouds of earth set free So I can light and love before The Christ liveth in me Christ liveth in me Christ liveth in me Oh, what a salvation this Christ liveth in me As lives the flower within the sea As in the cloud the tree So praise the God of truth and grace His Spirit welleth in me Christ liveth in me Christ liveth in me Oh, what a salvation this That Christ liveth in me With longing all my heart is filled That life in mine may be As all the wonders God, I will And Christ liveth in me Christ liveth in me Christ liveth in me Oh, what a salvation this That Christ liveth in me Great singing this evening. At this time, we'll go through our announcements. If you don't have a bulletin, go ahead and raise your hand and an usher will bring you one. On the front cover there, we have our verse of the week, Psalm 59, 14, if you're 18 or under. And you can quote that to an usher after the Wednesday service, you will get an ice cream cone. On the inside left, we have our service times there. Just make a note of that Spanish service is every Sunday at 9 a.m. If you're out soul winning, you run into a Spanish speaker. Make sure to promote that service for them so that that ministry can grow. We have our church-wide soul winning times listed there and all those meet here at the church building. And then the regional soul winning times all meet at different areas throughout the DFW metro. So if you're interested in a soul winning time at that particular day, get in touch with that soul winning leader. As always, make sure you're returning your soul winning maps to the bin in the hallway there and reporting your salvation numbers to your captains. If you were in my tribe, Pastor Shelley this week made the switch to where he's taking over that tribe. So if you were reporting your salvations to me, going forward, make sure you report that to Pastor Shelley either by texting him or emailing him. And he made a special note that he'd like to know the name of your soul winning partner, yourself, and how many salvations you got. So if you were in the Oz tribe, go ahead and do that going forward. We have our church stats listed there on the bottom year to date. Please be praying for our expecting ladies there on the top left. And we have some upcoming events. Pastor had mentioned he was gonna give some special instructions for tonight, so I'm sure he'll do that either before or after his sermon. August 15th, we have the Mighty Men's Conference coming up. Please do sign up for that. There's a sign up sheet in the hallway. And that's gonna be great. Pastor Menes will be preaching for us during that time. On August 24th, we're gonna be having a joint baby shower for Miss Hannah and Miss Lori May. So please come to that. And if you're interested in bringing them a gift, they are registered on Amazon. On September 4th, or September 1st, is going to be the pastoral ordination of Brother Salvador Alvarez down at Pure Words Baptist Church. So if you can make it out for that, I'm sure he would appreciate the support that weekend. September 8th, we're gonna have Dr. Phil Stringer, guest preaching for us, a great defender of the King James Bible, so please do come to that. And October 4th through the 6th is going to be our Heritage of the Lord Conference. That conference is more geared towards the youth. So please come to that so that we can be a blessing to your families in that area. A little note about the baby shower there. On the back is our updated prayer list. As always, keep emailing your prayer requests into the church email, and we do update those weekly unless you say specifically otherwise. So if you want something to stay in there, please let us know. Lastly, before we go to our Psalm of the Week, we have a congratulations in order to the Spurgeon family on the birth of Flint Edward Spurgeon, 4th, 707 A.M., weighing 6 pounds, 11 ounces, and measuring 19 inches long. So congratulations to them. Alright. Let's go ahead and go to our Psalm of the Week. Psalm 147 in your white handouts. Psalm 147. Let's sing it out together. Psalm 147. Our God. Our God. For it is good to sing praises unto our God. Our God. For it is pleasant and praises come the Lord of Jerusalem. He gathered together the outcasts of Israel. He lit the world great in one infinite of their wounds. He dealt with the number of the skulls. He called them all. He called them all by their names. Great is the Lord. And the great God. His understanding is infinite. The Lord lived with the weak. He casted the wicked down to the ground. Sing unto the Lord with thanksgiving. Our God. For it is pleasant and praises come the Lord. Our God. For it is infinite and praises come the Lord with thanksgiving. Our God. For it is infinite and praises come the Lord with thanksgiving. Our God. For it is infinite and praises come the Lord with thanksgiving. Our God. For it is infinite and praises come the Lord with thanksgiving. My my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my Galatians chapter 6 the Bible reads brethren if a man be overtaken in a fault ye which are spiritual restore such an one in the spirit of meekness considering thyself lest thou also be tempted bear ye one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ for if a man think himself to be something when he is nothing he deceiveth himself but let every man prove his own work and then shall he have rejoicing in himself alone and not in another for every man shall bear his own burden let him that is taught in the word communicate unto him that teacheth in all good things be not deceived God is not mocked for whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap for he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting and let us not be weary in well doing for in due season we shall reap if we faint not as we have therefore opportunity let us do good unto all men especially unto them who are of the household of faith you see how large a letter I have written unto you with my own hand as many as desire to make a fair show in the flesh they constrain you to be circumcised only less they should suffer persecution for the cross of Christ for neither they themselves who are circumcised keep the law but desire to have you circumcised that they make glory in your flesh but God forbid that I should glory save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ by whom the world is crucified unto me and I unto the world for in Christ Jesus neither circumcision availeth anything nor uncircumcision but a new creature and as many as walk according to this rule peace be on them and mercy and upon the Israel of God from henceforth let no man trouble me for I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus brethren the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit amen let us pray dear Heavenly Father thank you for the Bible I thank you for steadfast badgers Church thank you for pastor Shelley please bless him now as he preaches your word please remove distractions and help us to be attentive in Jesus name Amen I wanted to read this passage again and I want to look at verse 7 the Bible says be not deceived God is not mocked for sober man soweth that shall he also reap this is a very famous verse in the Bible and it's very applicable and we need to really think about this and I kind of have three simple points that I want to make this evening but I want to first just address the word reap and you know what does it mean to reap according to the dictionary it says receive a reward or benefit as a consequence of one's own or other people's actions now that's what a lot of people think of I would like to say that the Bible's broader than that though it's really not necessarily always a reward or benefit it's really just the product of what you've been sowing because you can reap things that are bad you can reap things that are negative you can reap things that are what more we think of as a consequence not necessarily actually just a reward or benefit but you will reap what you sow and another aspect that I want to address is the idea that even if you're not in your mind sowing something you are always sowing every action and every decision you make you are sowing the question is really what are you sowing and so that's the title of my sermon is what are you sowing because you're going to be sowing something the question is what are you sowing and my first point it sounds a little bit contradictory to that but I just want to make it clear what I'm saying is that many people are just not sowing but by default you're still sowing something okay so I don't want it to seem contradictory but I'm just trying to explain these concepts that many people are not actively sowing anything or they're not trying to sow anything but in a sense they are still sowing okay and that's the first group that I want to talk about go if you went to proverbs chapter 12 proverbs chapter number 12 what does this look like well not sowing would be someone that's just basically just living their life with no direction no aim just simply living for pleasure and unfortunately by doing that you are sowing something many people live a very hard life of sin they're drinking alcohol often they're doing drugs they're fornicating they're perhaps even going into more illicit drugs fentanyl marijuana cocaine all these different things but what they're sowing is a potential alcohol dependency some kind of an addiction to alcohol that's what they're sowing and what they're going to end up reaping is that alcohol dependency alcohol addiction because they are drinking alcohol on a regular basis whether that be drugs fornicating doesn't matter what you're doing in your life but when you sin you're still sowing so you're not necessarily even reaping a reward or a benefit you're reaping a consequence you're reaping difficulty or tribulation because of your actions and by just literally doing nothing just by being lazy just by being slothful you are still going to be sowing something and reaping something look at proverbs chapter 12 verse 24 the hand of the diligent shall bear rule but the slothful shall be under tribute so by doing nothing by being lazy what you're sowing there you're going to reap tribute you're going to reap oppression you're going to reap someone that's going to be a dictator and bring harsh rules into your life by being lazy so no matter what you're doing even by doing nothing you're technically sewing in a sense now again i titled this you're not sewing but it's really just you're not doing anything with your life and unfortunately a lot of people are in this category where they're just not doing anything with their life they're just simply living day by day decision by decision with no real purpose no real aim in life and they're just constantly sewing all of these negative things and they're going to reap a lot of negative consequences as a result of that you know us as christians we should try our best to avoid sewing sin sewing drinking and alcohol and drugs and all the different consequences that come from those actions but even if you didn't do any of that even if you're avoiding all that you say hey i'm not doing that some people are just they're sewing pleasure they're not really sewing anything of value they're just living a life of pleasure and by doing that they're going to reap a lot of negative consequences too you know a lot of young men they're simply just sewing video games like they just that's all they do and look i know what that's like because i grew up i had every video game console i played video games a lot now fortunately for me my parents made a rule that i could not play video games monday through friday so like during the school week i couldn't play but boy as soon as that green light turned on i was just i could not stop playing video games until that turned off again like it was just like hey as soon as i could on friday night i just started playing until sunday night and then i was disappointed that it was monday and i was just like waiting until i could do that again and i i played a lot of computer games a lot of video games and i was it was fun it wasn't it wasn't even that it was like something i didn't like i loved it i thought it was fun it was engaging i did it with friends this is kind of before the internet so you had to have land parties or you had to bring the the xboxes together and play halo we had halo parties back in my day okay who did a halo party all right i see that hand god bless you all right all right see that was back in the day but it was still fun you know and we enjoyed it but you know i'm reaping nothing positive from halo parties today now again there's nothing wrong with having some fun but you know today i think a lot of people are addicted to games like fortnight there's there's other new games that people are really addicted to in fact video games has gotten to a whole another level to where now it's actually a collegiate sport i know somebody they told me like their their child is going to school on scholarship to play some video game and and i kid you not the video game that they're playing somebody probably can help me with this name i can't i can't remember the name of this game but it's like you're playing soccer with a with a car rocket league there you go thank you like not only are there video games in college but the video game is playing soccer with a car i'm just like how stupid can our society get and i'm just thinking like this is what we're sewing for the nation of america we are literally sewing young men and young women we're paying them to go to school to play a video game of a soccer game with a car like there's probably some benefit to some video games like you know something that was like really realistic as far as like flying a plane or maybe some kind of military strategy game or something i'm sure there's some benefits you could draw from that but playing soccer with a car out of maybe a little bit of hand dexterity i mean there's virtually no benefit whatsoever and what are we gonna reap as a nation and as a society from these young men that are desiring to be a professional video game player in rocket league right i mean that's and look some people some kids they literally are investing in that like it i know a kid that's going to college on scholarship how many kids didn't make it though how many kids spent hours and hours and time playing all these games and doing all this and they didn't make it they're not going to be professional they're not going to make any money on this it's not a career it's not something that is going to last you know what are they going to reap from all that sewing from all that time invested in those things people spend a lot of time in college going to parties and that's what they're all focused in but what are they going to reap stds what are they going to reap from that bastard children uh broken relationships broken marriages the fact that nobody now wants to get married to them because they're just used up trash or because they ruined themselves or they they cause themselves all kinds of problems and really people aren't thinking like you know right now i'm sewing into the party life in college that's why i'm putting in this category of your quote not sewing even though you are sewing that's what people just don't understand by not sewing you're sewing and by spending all this time playing video games or partying or or even maybe traveling there's nothing wrong with traveling but look at proverbs 21 and i want to show you verse 17 even by traveling you're sewing and what you're sewing is poverty what does it say in proverbs 21 verse 17 he that loveth pleasure shall be a poor man he that loveth wine and oil shall not be rich notice individuals that are just constantly sewing pleasure and just sewing just gratifying the flesh and just living it up and just having fun what does the bible say they will be poor you said like why are people poor most of the times because they just love pleasure they can't say no to the flesh they're just living it up and and what's sad is a lot of their pleasure isn't even fun anyways it's kind of boring or it's it's drinking alcohol is fun to them or doing drugs is fun to them or all these different things and and they're really just going to become very poor go with me into south dallas and you'll find a lot of poor people and i guarantee most of their decisions are based on one thing and it's pleasure watching stupid videos online going out and partying hanging out with friends you know the talk of lips tend at the penury is what the bible says you know you don't accomplish a lot by just talking people that have money and people that are successful they work and they work hard and they're sewing into things and even individuals that have made tons of money in their life because they just live a life of pleasure and luxury they lose all of it individuals like michael jackson michael jackson had earned over a billion dollars in his lifetime and even at some points in his life he was making around 50 to 100 million dollars a year he did that for like a decade there was like a decade of michael jackson's life where he was making anywhere from 50 to 100 million dollars every year and at his at the time of michael jackson's death he had a 500 million dollar debt he didn't have a 500 million dollar net worth he had a 500 million dollar debt he didn't have money he owed 500 million dollars how do you make a billion and then owe a half a billion because you live a life of pleasure and luxury another individual mike tyson mike tyson has reportedly earned 400 million dollars up to you know this point or whatever point this article that i saw but he's currently in in debt up to 27 million and you know why the article said that he spent four hundred thousand dollars a month that's his lifestyle he's spending like honestly if someone gave me four hundred thousand dollars i don't know if i could spend it in a month now i know some wives out there probably could but i'm just saying like i don't even know like what are you gonna do with four hundred thousand i mean that's a lot of amazon boxes folks okay i mean the front yard is gonna be filled up pretty soon i'm just saying like how do you spend four hundred thousand dollars a month but you know that just goes to show that it doesn't really matter how much money you make you spend it anyways if you have the wrong attitude the wrong mindset if you're not a diligent person most people just spend what comes in i've seen doctors making millions of dollars living paycheck to paycheck literally just because they just get used to spending whatever and it's because they don't have the right mindset go to ecclesiastes chapter 11 and you have to understand that you're going to reap what you sow period and even by doing nothing you are sowing what are you going to reap when you're sowing nothing when you're sowing laziness slothfulness life of pleasure well you're going to reap poverty shame embarrassment all kinds of evil consequences are going to happen as a result of doing nothing ecclesiastes chapter number 11 look at verse number four the bible says this he that observant the wind shall not sow so notice there's people out there that are not sowing and that's where i get the the basically the idea of this first point there are people that are quote not sowing but technically while that's true in a sense they're still sowing right when you're not sowing you're being lazy when you're not sowing you're not really doing anything and by doing that you're basically going to end up reaping the consequences of poverty and tribute and just all kinds of oppression as a result of being slothful the bible says and he that regarded the clouds shall not reap as though not was the way of the spirit nor how the bones do grow in the womb of her that is with child even so they'll notice not the works of god who maketh all in the morning sow thy seed and in the evening withhold not thine hand for that knows not whether shall prosper either this or that or whether they both shall be a light good so according to the bible we should avoid the idea of not sowing by just being lazy and just doing vain things and sinning because you could get horrible consequences like addiction but rather we should try really hard to sow we should be sowing constantly we should be actively sowing not sowing by proxy or sowing by laziness go to proverbs 22 i want to show you another verse in proverbs it's just a few pages to the left look at verse number eight notice again that you can technically sow something bad the bible says he that soweth iniquity shall reap vanity and the rod of his anger shall fall shall fail so a lot of people are sowing iniquity you know who would be someone like that like andrew tate who was sowing iniquity what do you mean well when you start businesses based on selling women well then you know hey that's sowing iniquity and what is he going to reap vanity the people that like andrew tate are vain people there's not he doesn't have genuine andrew tate does not have genuine friends nor does he have genuine women that are ever interested in him in fact he has psychos that are interested in him i i saw a video i think it was his brother tristan tate and he was complaining about being famous because he says there's like this there's this woman that's like obsessed with him and like wants to marry him so she just goes and stands outside of his house and just like screams all day about how much she just wants to like marry him and love him or whatever and it's like that's what you reap that's what you reap by just being a complete just sower of iniquity and just giving yourself to vanity and just worrying so much about what people think about you online and just you get these crazy weirdos and stalkers that are just obsessed with you and the women that chase them are only gold diggers they're complete whores only a whore would be with andrew tate there is no self-respecting godly woman that would ever ever be with andrew tate and the guy's probably a sodomite anyways but i'm just saying like you sow iniquity you're gonna reap vanity many people are just the hollywood celebrities athletes musicians they're constantly sowing all kinds of iniquity and they just reap all kinds of vanity from that and and really it's them just not proactively sowing anything good they're just they're simply just being bad they're not like trying to think like you know i want to plant some fornication and see what that turns into i wanted to plant a little bit of alcohol or they're not like thinking that they're sowing anything they're just living this life and sowing iniquity by proxy but again they're really the category of this person that's not sowing so what i'm trying to encourage you to do or to think about is this you should be actively sowing every day you should be actively sowing every day and purposefully sowing something many people fall in the category of not doing this if you just wake up and you're just like okay today i'm just going to look at my phone i'm going to play some games i'm just going to eat food and then i'm just hoping to do that again the next day and then i'm gonna go traveling then i'm gonna play video games then i'm just gonna go to the bar then i'm just gonna hang out with my friends then i'm just gonna play a game like this is someone that's just not sewing where you're just spending all of your time all of your thoughts all of your energy on just doing vain things meaningless things you're just the person that's just not sewing and in case many times you're even sewing iniquity you're sewing sin you're doing things that are not even right and you're going to reap a lot of negative consequences so we should be spending a lot of time sewing every day what should be sewing in you should be sewing in your physical body what does that look like being in shape you should be sewing every day into your physical body as a man you should be either doing some push-ups or lifting weights or doing some running you should be doing something to sew in your body and if you don't well we'll see the consequences of it you know by not sewing in this area we'll see the consequences of it you know the reason why men look really strong and fit and good looking is because they've sewn a lot in that area that's just the fact it's just the fact that the men that look good are strong are in good shape and are healthy they're sewing in that area of their life okay and you know being athletic you know being athletic there's a little bit of genetics to this but a lot of it is just putting a lot of time and energy into it and you know i think that's fine i think that it's good for people to work on being athletic because it helps you with all areas of your life being able to stand sit carry things move things just being generally athletic just helps you working your physical body eating good food here's a question what are you sewing what are you sewing into your body because you are what you eat you are what you eat sometimes you even smell like what you eat okay but if you're not eating good healthy food you know it'll change your physical appearance it'll change how healthy you are it'll change how strong you are you know you should be eating good food you should be eating healthy food and hey you children you should be eating lots and lots of healthy food in fact you should eat as much as possible but you know what don't necessarily load up on the junk now we're gonna have some tonight okay you have a little bit but you know i think all the children you should be eating as much healthy food as you can possibly you know eating meats and breads and produce all the stuff that god created you should just be eating as much as possible it'll help with your growth it'll help with your attitude and you know it literally will help the boys grow taller like you they really can't get fat on good food obviously i'm not saying eat unlimited candy sugar ice cream sugar cereal those kind of things i'm saying like eggs i'm saying like steak i'm saying like you know vegetables i'm saying like fruit you can't eat too much of that as a kid as a kid you should just be loading your body with this it'll make you sharper smarter healthier it'll make you grow the tallest that you can be it'll make you the strongest that you can be and i believe that you should be sewing in that area and we see the consequences of our society where young children today are not sewing into their physical bodies they they can't do anything physically active in fact we've had presidents of the past that said it would be embarrassing if our nation was a bunch of overweight children and criticizing that you know it used to be if you had pe like if he was mandatory in school and the pe and most schools in times past would be like boot camp today where you're running jumping lifting doing push-ups like it wasn't like well i'm not that athletic it was like you're doing it like every single man is going to be running jumping lifting as a nation as a society and you know it makes sense as a society we become lazy slothful we become fat obese and and we're reaping the consequences of that why because people are sewing into their phone tablets playing video games just wasting time all day rather than getting up and doing some exercise playing a sport doing something to actually keep them in shape also you need to be sewing and work regularly you should be working hard if you're a young single guy you should be working a lot and constantly sewing and work instead of sewing in like i said video games vanity worthless things i mean as a young man you should be going you should be hitting the gym up you should be working maybe a second job i mean you should just be constantly sewing in this area as a man providing for a family we many of us have to by necessity but you know you should be sewing into your career trying to get further into the career field and think about it from a growing crop perspective you know you you take some seeds and you plant let's just say you plant and you get a tree well that tree produces a lot of fruit it produces a lot of apples then you take those apples you take all the seeds then you plant a lot of trees so now you get five ten trees then the next season you plant all those now you get 20 trees and then you keep planting and you have this multiplication factor that's how it works in the career world that's how it works in america at least i know other parts of you know socialism and communism doesn't this doesn't make sense but in the real world in our world in america if you spend all of your time reinvesting in your work and your labor you stick with a career and you keep getting better at it you you build a business you reinvest in that business things will start to multiply over time but the reason why people are in debt and jobs have no skills can't find a job don't have money can't get anywhere it's because they don't sew into work they don't learn anything they don't have any skills they're not putting any extra effort they're not trying whatsoever and you know what you reap what you sow many people that are doing well financially i guarantee they've sewed a lot into work they've sewed a lot into a career and today it's never been easier to do side businesses side hustles you can learn anything and everything you should be sewing a lot into work otherwise you'll reap what being you know under tribute being poor you know you could sew into a business hey here's something to sew into how about church and and here's the thing how about the pastor of a church a pastor of the church should be constantly sewing you know many pastors they constantly think about growth like they're worried about growth of a church and how to grow the church you know what they should be worrying about they shouldn't be worrying about growing their church they should worry about sewing into their church and so the pastor if he wants to have a successful church he should constantly be sewing soul winning that's what he's sewing he's sewing you know and for us we do things like we sew documentaries we sew conferences we sew inviting friends and family because here's the thing if i never go soul winning if our church doesn't go soul winning if i don't make any documentaries if i don't put our sermons online if we don't host any conferences if we don't invite our family and friends let me explain something we will never have visitors you know why we have visitors because of soul winning you want to know why we have visitors because of documentaries you want to know why we have visitors because of conferences you want to know why we have visitors because we're inviting friends and family you know why we're reaping something from that it's because we're sewing but churches that are not soul winning not doing documentaries not having conferences not inviting friends and family not preaching the bible you know what they're dying and we see there's so many independent phenomenal churches today dying because they're not sewing anything and you know you want to have something successful well you better start sewing you can't just expect to have an apple tree just show up in your house for no reason you got to plant it and water it and you got to sew it if you want to actually reap something and you know you young men you say hey i want to have a successful career i want to make good money i want to take care of my family well you know what you have to sew and sometimes you have to sew year after year after year after year and constantly put an effort and energy into that me included i spent a lot of time in the work field and not being very successful and you know i worked banking i didn't like it i went back to school that wasn't really working i tried side jobs and finally when i got with software it made sense to me i was like okay well at least this career is something that if i sew it can start to multiply over time but you know when i switched careers i actually made less money and it was it was painful and i made so little money that if it was today and i had to switch i couldn't do it like i have too many bills too much money and this is why people get stuck in dead-end jobs is because they wait too long to get into a career-minded job where they're thinking about the future they're thinking about making a lot of money so they make just enough to where they can't start over but not really enough to really be that satisfied and so they just kind of get stuck making this particular salary that they can't get away from and then you start having a lot of kids you start having bills and it just it starts becoming an impossible game this is why they literally call it a dead-end job or being stuck is you know you can't really advance and for most people the only way to really make good money is to own your own business but you know what no one can just do that overnight you know be self-employed do it yourself and you know it's very difficult a lot of work very intensive but you know you can start sewing now and five years ten years you can actually reap the benefits of it but a lot of people they just want to reap benefits now hey i want to have a successful business and be my own boss today okay well that doesn't happen but if you want that you could sew now and you could sew next year and say next year and so next year and so next year and so then a year after that and then maybe eventually you get to that point but the reason why people have businesses are successful are doing things is because they've been sewing hey you want to win a lot of people to christ well you got to do a lot of sewing so winning and you know praise god you live in an area that's actually very receptive but there's places in the world that aren't even that receptive you have to put a lot of hours a lot of energy into sewing no one just gets someone saved without trying yeah no one you do not just accidentally get someone saved you don't like just trip and fall down and drop a track into someone's lap and they get saved from it or something like and you know you you've almost never have someone just randomly coming up to you and just being like sirs what must i do to be saved sometimes it might happen in a soul-winning environment but it's certainly not happening like at you know walmart or something i'm not like walking down the aisles of walmart and they're like sirs what must i do to be saved you know that's not happening it's i'm lucky if they're even wearing clothes when you're walking up and down those aisles hey learning a foreign language does not happen automatically after a young child as a young child it was a free gift after that it is the most difficult thing you can imagine learning a foreign language and being good at that language you only get there by constantly sewing and to get to learn more i mean as soon as you stop you stop reaping i mean if you want to learn a foreign language i mean you have to put effort and energy and learn and learn and learn let me explain this this is for your children you want to think about where you want your children to be when they're 18 this is what you should really do every mom in here that homeschool you need to think this is what i want my child to be like at 18 this is what i want my child to know this is what i might i want my child to do and then you have to go backwards and think how am i going to get them there or you could just be like most people and just do absolutely nothing and then be shocked when they're a brain-dead video game addicted loser at 18. it's like hey i want my kid to be able to speak fluently this language when they're 18 well you better start when they're like six or seven you better start making them do it for a few hours every single day hey i want my kid to be a great pianist well you better make them practice piano two or three hours every single day for a decade hey i want my kid to do whatever you know whatever it is that you want them to do you better start them now and you know for you children that are old enough to understand what i'm saying even if your parents aren't forcing you to do this you do it you know no one's holding children back in the homeschool environment from learning all kinds of stuff you know you could just sit there and just like i just want to get the answers right to be done and go play or you could actually think about the material you're studying read things on your own you could ask your parents how to learn something or give you the tools to learn stuff on your own many of the greatest people at any activity or task were never instructed they just learned it on their own they just learned how to play guitar on their own they learned how to be a piano player on their own they learned some engineering they learned some skill but they were sewing into their future they weren't just like how can i just play all day childhood and youth are vanity according to the bible and we noticed that most of the youth today they are very ill-prepared for their future because they haven't been sewing anything and what are they reaping vanity you know i wish that my parents had prepared me more and tried to instruct and instill in me the importance of working very hard at a young age because that was going to impact the rest of my future thinking about being more educated reading the bible reading in general being well educated maybe learning a foreign language younger in life these things would have been really important you know i stopped playing piano at a young age when i was actually very good if i had kept on the trajectory that i was on i may have been a very good piano player you know i'm not i'm just basic or average at best right now but it's why because i stopped sewing so i've stopped reaping and now i've probably even gone a little downhill because i don't play as much i don't practice as much anymore but you know the people that are really really great at stuff whatever it is piano sports business anything you go and talk to those people you ask those people they say they did it for hours every day for decades at this point there are occasional savants that exist in society but you're not that person so why are we talking about it because if you were we'd already know yeah there's occasionally a random person that's like i've never played piano then they just play it and it's perfect and you're just like what's wrong with your brain you know but that's not anybody else and you're not that person you know the reason why people are really great at piano is because they just played it for hours a day every single day govie wood to second corinthians chapter nine point one is this don't be the person that's not sewing you need to be sewing every single day you know as young ladies in our church that are raising families this is so important that you're constantly thinking about what are you sewing what are you sewing what are you sewing in yourself and your and your children and here's the second point that i want to make is some people though are only sewing into themselves again there's nothing wrong we need to do that we all need to sew into ourselves but some people are only sewing into themselves and you know as especially mothers and fathers we need to make sure that we're also sewing into other people you know here's another relationship you need to be sewing into is just marriage in general people think like i want to have a good marriage but they don't want to sew anything into the marriage you will not have a good marriage if you don't sew into your marriage the only way to have a good marriage and to maintain a good marriage is to sew into that relationship what does that look like talking to each other spending time thinking about the other person doing things that are selfless doing things that are selfless you know many parts of a relationship are doing things that you don't want to do you know giving my wife a back massage is not like benefiting me i don't know if that you know it's not like my fingers enjoy that or something like that or my elbow or something you know in fact giving a massage can actually just be physically grueling in some cases you know especially if you do it for a long time you know what i like to do it just because it makes my wife feel better sometimes you know it's for her right and of course vice versa men and women should do things for each other to help them feel better and sometimes they do things that aren't even necessarily they're that into it's just to bless the other person and by doing that they're sewing into their relationship and they're going to make their marriage better you know me going out and providing i don't even necessarily need all the money that i make like it was just me living by myself i don't need all the money that i'm making but i have to make so much extra money so i can also have my wife and i can have my children and we can have nice things and they can have things that are luxuries even sometimes not even just the necessities why i'm trying to sew into that relationship and my wife she's doing things that she doesn't necessarily have to do or want to do she's when she makes dinner she never makes a portion that's just for her she's making giant portions to feed this army of children and me that we have at the house and we're constantly having to think about each other if we're going to have a good marriage and when does our marriage at a low point when we've been neglecting each other we're not talking we're not spending time and you know maybe we're not thinking of each other doing things together investing in each other you're only sewing into yourself when you get into a season where you're just sewing only in yourself you'll notice your marriage will start to dip and it'll start to go down because you're not doing anything for your spouse you should be sewing into your spouse every day every single day you should be doing something that's an activity a thought a choice whatever with them talking to them sitting down hanging out doing activity and you know be smart about the decisions you're making i'm bringing up all kinds of things you need sewing about right what if you hey i'm gonna sew into my marriage by us taking a walk together well now i'm killing two birds with one stone because we're doing something physically active and we're spending some time together right so you could even hey i'm gonna help her make dinner so we're hanging out we're spending time together and making it go quicker you know or ladies sometimes maybe your husband maybe has a side job a business or some kind of activity and you're like hey i'm gonna help him with that job or that business or this extra task he has so that we can spend that time together but then he's still accomplishing work so you you can be smart about the time that you have and actually try to sew because you know you why you get close to people and you have a good relationship is because you work together many people they're not sewing into others they're only sewing into themselves and when it comes to your kids you just can't make up for lost time and you and i both know that when we go out to these ghetto neighborhoods and we reach these young people these 20 22 25 year old men and we give them the gospel and they believe they're going to heaven we know that but let me explain something we can't make up for all the lost time of the neglect of their life we can't just magically make them very educated a good reader not have drug addiction not have a criminal history not have all the baggage that that person's existing with and they're right now reaping some hard consequences of their life and i wish that we could undo it because you know you look at these young people you think like man if you could just get plugged in and start reading the bible and start trying and trying to work hard you could kind of go in a good direction you know for a lot of them they're starting from scratch and life just like if you've never played basketball in your life and you're 25 years old you're not going pro but many people many young people it's like they haven't even started life yet they're not even well read they've read almost nothing they can't even read well they can't even write they can't even communicate they have a criminal history they have all these problems and then it's like oh man getting saved is not going to fix any of that and let me explain something to this you homeschool moms just by getting your children saved are not going to make them successful in life you better teach them how to read you better teach them how to write you better teach them how to be highly educated critical thinkers how to work hard how to be disciplined and have all kinds of activities and tasks that they're working on and when they're getting closer to the age of going into the career force giving them jobs and tasks and giving them skills that they can carry with them into the future of their life because if you don't you will reap and they will reap and we should constantly be putting effort and energy into them hey if you want your kids to be really really great at something they better be doing it often and all the time see like hey i want my kid to be really good at baseball well you better teach them how to throw and hit all day every day basically i mean the people that are really good at soccer and baseball and golf and all these things i mean they're spending hours every single day you know and again i'm not saying that that's exactly what you want but for many parents they want their kids to be good at certain things and they want them to have some skills you're not going to get there accidentally hey you want your kid to be physically fit you want them to be a good fighter you want them to be a good shooter you want them to be a good fisher you want them to be a good surfer you want whatever the you know whatever it is that you're wanting to do you better invest time into that child and teach them how to do it or they won't be able to do it and you young children even if your parents won't find something that you like and you want to do and start doing it and start learning it and don't just spend all your time just playing and wasting time readers are leaders and let me explain something you cannot make up eight years 18 years of lost time if your kids have just been goofing off and you've been doing what's called no schooling by some people boy you're setting up your kids for failure in a lot of ways you need to be diligent and putting a lot of effort and energy in your children there's so many children today that are dumb lazy disrespectful and argue all the time and they're addicted to media because that's what their parents are sewing into their children they're sewing into their children to be dumb to be lazy to be addicted to phones if if all you do is look at your phone all day and let your kids watch tv all day it's gonna be bad when your kids are 18 they're gonna be dumb and that's all they're gonna want to do and look i'm not against tv i'm not against media i'm not against the phone i'm not against us having some some enjoyment and some pleasure in our life but boy please do not be sewing this for 18 years you cannot make up 18 years of time you can't make up 20 years of time going down this path you will reap what you sow and we go out into the ghetto we see the evidence of that people that are reaping the horrible consequences of their upbringing many people in this room are have experienced the horrible consequences of their upbringing do not pass that on to the next generation because you're too lazy to sew into your children look at second reading chapter nine verse six but this i say he which so sparingly shall reap also sparingly and he which so bountifully shall reap also bountifully now this is the context of money and giving money how about you know sewing money into missionaries that's not you sewing money into an evangelist or in a sewing programs into other people what god is literally saying that if you sow sparingly you're going to reap sparingly but if you sow bountifully you would reap bountifully now of course this is important verse seven every man according has he purpose within his heart so let him give not grudgingly or of necessity for god love of the cheerful giver you know hey i want to be successful i want god to bless me financially why don't you work super hard and then give money to evangelists maybe god will bless you more than you could ever imagine oh but i'm but what am i gonna i can just i need to take that money and sew it in myself sew it in all of my things you know god is able to give you all the things that you need and even more than you can realize in in this context it says that god's going to minister bread and us that are the givers and the sewers go to Galatians chapter number five go to Galatians chapter number five what are you sewing most people aren't even sewing and then many people that are choosing to sew they're very selfish in that or they're making bad investments well i'm gonna sew into becoming a professional video game player bad investment i'm gonna sew and going to a division one school and getting a degree in liberal arts it's a bad investment well we're gonna you know we're gonna homeschool but we're not gonna teach our kids anything that's a bad investment i'm gonna read a book called becoming michelle obama bad investment of your time i'm gonna go to a liberal church bad investment of your time you know what what are you sewing in your life you know it's it's it's really important you know if you're not sewing into your marriage you know how do people commit adultery they sew into a different relationship i wonder how many people would actually be happy with their spouse if they actually sewed into their spouse they spent time with their spouse now here's the last one i want to make and i kind of made a lot of this point this morning but here's the third problem that people make when it comes to sewing is they they only sew to the flesh it's very important though we need to sew to the flesh but we can't only sew to the flesh so here's the mistakes that people make in sewing because they don't sew purposefully they don't do anything second thing is they may only sew into themselves but thirdly is when people will only sew to their flesh and here's the thing we have to think about what mode are we in our lives what are we walking in are we walking in the flesh or in the spirit if i wake up and i'm just thinking okay i need to work out i need to eat healthy i need to go to the gym i'm gonna go play i'm gonna shoot some hoops i'm gonna play golf i'm going to work really hard in my business there's nothing wrong with any of that but what i'm doing is only sewing to the flesh only sewing carnally and what the bible says if you only sew to the flesh you're going to reap corruption because eventually you're not going to be strong you're not going to be young things are going to change you're not going to necessarily have everything you want to go to john chapter four if you would we need to make sure that we're sewing spiritually and when we're walking in the spirit you know we're not going to fulfill the lust of the flesh and think about it giving money to a missionary doesn't help you carnally at all it hurts you taking money that you have in your bank account and giving it to another person does not bless you carnally but it can spiritually and then because of that spiritual blessing god may decide to give you more carnally not it is a miracle in a sense it's a supernatural act of god to bless you when that happens because it cannot happen carnally speaking it doesn't it doesn't make sense on paper but things on paper aren't necessarily what's real there's a lot of things that happen in our universe that we can't see and we can't understand there's emotion there's the spiritual aspect there's things that are invisible and the bible is not written to a carnal people it's written to a spiritual people when we read a passage we're not supposed to read about what we're supposed to do carnally we're supposed to read about what we're supposed to do spiritually look at john chapter 4 verse 35 say not ye there yet four months and then cometh harvest now think about why is he saying this because in four months there will be literal harvest he's saying hey in four months you're we're gonna all harvest the wheat we're gonna harvest the crop we're gonna harvest our fall we're gonna have our fall harvest or we're gonna enjoy the the fruits of our labor and he's saying don't say this why i sand you lift up your eyes and look on the fields for they are white already to harvest he's saying there's a harvest that you can have right now what's this harvest verse 36 and he that reapeth receiveth wages and gathereth fruit unto life eternal that both he that soweth and he that reapeth may rejoice together and here is that saying true one soweth and another reapeth i sent you to reap that wherein you bestowed no labor other men labored and you're entered into their labors what christ is saying is it's so important to sow carnally so that you can reap carnally but more important than that is sewing spiritually so that you can reap spiritually the problem is we live in such a lazy and derelict society i have to explain first why it's so important just even so carnally but we need to do that but then we need to go beyond that and realize even more important than investing in sewing into my business and making money and earning literal wages is going out and preaching the gospel and getting people saved and earning a heavenly wage a spiritual wage and think about this there's so many people in this world that are not earning any wages spiritually whatsoever and what are they going to reap in heaven nothing they will reap nothing they will suffer loss as it says in first corinthians chapter number three when they see all their wood hay and stubble all their works being burned he shall suffer loss and when we go out and we preach the gospel no one's going to insert money in your bank account that is something that you have to believe by faith but of course we walk according to the spirit not according to the flesh and we recognize when we go out in the ghetto neighborhoods it's harvest right now so how's it harvest like 102 degrees outside it's super hot dude the fields are white into harvest and it's not because the field's white because if you go into a white neighborhood it is not white under harvest as brother dylan loves to say it was black under harvest okay and it's like boy this looks like a fruitful field but doesn't that make sense i mean imagine you're a farmer and you're looking at all the fields out there you're like hey this one got fruit on the ground i can literally just walk up and just pick fruit on the ground and then you look at another field and you can't even see any fruit there like maybe if we inspect and look through every branch we might be able to find one little piece of fruit somewhere it's like i'm gonna go to the fruit where there's or the field where the fruit's just on the ground i can just go start picking up by handfuls that's like the Bahamas field that's like the Philippines field that's like the Mexico field that's you know and and there's even areas here in Dallas Fort Worth in Houston in Shreveport Louisiana where you can go out and it's easy pickings who does that the person that wants to earn wages and here's the question there will be a payday how much are you going to get paid on payday well the person that didn't so i mean there's nothing wrong getting saved at the end of our life in the sense that it still counts and you still go to heaven but here's the downfall of getting saved later in life is that your spiritual bank accounts zero you know it's the benefit of getting saved at a young age that you can start earning wages every single day for the future you can start earning it nine years old ten years old and just think about how great and how much joy that person's going to have when they get to heaven saying hey i was a soul winner for 60 years of my life that's a lot of wages to earn and it's a blessing to get saved at a young age it's a blessing to go to a good church you know you're going to reap what you sow it's a blessing to learn how to read at a young age it's a blessing to learn multiple languages it's a blessing to be educated by your parents you know for many children they don't choose these things we as parents have to decide to invest in them and not just carnally invest them spiritually and teach them how to be a soul winner and teach them how to love jesus christ and teach them why we use a king james bible and teach them why we go to a fundamental baptist church and teach them why we believe that there's the trinity teach them the doctrines of the faith we teach them the importance of avoiding heresy and sin and teaching them what the word of god says the bible says they that sow in tears shall reap in joy but here's the question what are you sowing and there's so many christians today that they're not sowing anything they're sowing absolutely nothing they're sowing junk they're sowing their little bible study they're selling they're sowing their devotional they're not going to reap anything go to first john chapter number two go to first john chapter two when you think about your life we all need balance so i don't want you to take the sermon the wrong way i want you to be i want you to understand what i'm saying clearly we need to sow into ourselves and we need to sow both physically and spiritually and then we also need to sow into the things of god and other people's lives carnally and spiritually and so this is why i said early in the sermon we need to be constantly sewing you need to you need to have a plan every day hey i'm gonna i'm gonna spend an hour sewing into myself carnally i'm gonna spend an hour sewing into myself spiritually i'm gonna spend you know five or six hours sewing into my into my family carnally because i gotta go work or whatever eight hours or ten hours right then thinking like hey i'm gonna sew spiritually in my family you know have a family bible time i'm gonna sew into my marriage and then pretty soon you're thinking like what else i mean if i just do that then i'm not gonna have a lot of time for fun exactly will work till jesus comes will work it's like how are you gonna have fun i'm not this world's not even that great anyways anymore i work so much it's stupid i don't even have a day off i just like i have to work so much every single day and you know it's not because i have to it's because why wouldn't i why wouldn't i just constantly be so there's there's i'm actually constantly disappointed on how little i get done and how little i how much i accomplished even though i may be working a lot a lot of hours and it just it boggles my mind when i look at other individuals who have so much more time than me and they're not sewing anything and you know if you're a young single guy boy you have so much time to be sewing into so many incredible things and my question is just like what are you so well we're gonna have game night tonight we're gonna play dungeons and dragons it's like you want a wife and that's what you're sewing like you should have like a third job you know you should have so much money you could get any lady to walk up to you and just be interested right where you can overcome all where you can overcome all those looks that you have on your face right i mean why would you not i mean if i was single i would be working so hard starting all kinds of businesses working hard on my physique i mean why wouldn't you and you know even though i am married i still do you know work for your relationship work for your spouse work for your children and you know don't get caught up in the pleasures of this life and i think that's what really is the is the point of this passage but it's really strong language says in first john chapter 2 verse 15 love not the world neither the things that are in the world if any man loved the world the love of the father is not in him for all that is in the world the lust of the flesh and lust of the eyes the pride of life is not of the father but is of the world and the world passeth away and the lust thereof but he that do it the will of god abideth forever you know we need to do you know we need to do the will of god and let me explain something the will of god is for us to invest in our children the will of god for husbands is to provide for their family the will of god for wives is to submit unto their husband and to raise their children and to guide the house and to give none occasion the adversary to speak reproachfully i mean this is that is the will of god that's what the bible says the bible says that the whole duty of man is to fear god and to keep his commandments the bible is commanding us to go to church and to read our bible there is so much work and so many things to do and we need to do it but the but most people are just loving the world loving pleasure and they're not sewing anything and you know what they're going to reap that too and and i just i i i want to be really dramatic and bombastic i don't even know if i've done a good enough job because five years from now so many people are going to be so lazy and have done nothing and i'm gonna i'm just gonna think like why what are you doing what are you sewing what are you doing with your life and we can't i can't hit a button you know there's gonna be children that i'm gonna see and i'm gonna think like man it's a shame what you've done to your child and and really what you've not done you didn't teach them they're not well educated they're not well behaved they're not you just you didn't you didn't sew anything and you know what you can't undo the 18 years or the 20 years that you had with that child when you just didn't do anything now is the time to sew now is the time men will get late into their career and it's like you know why didn't you start sewing in your career when you were 16 why didn't you sew into your career when you were 15 one of my bosses that i had for a software company he started coding when he was 14 years old and he was already getting paid because and again it was a family business but hey he started coding and getting paid at 14 by the time he was 18 he was way better than virtually any college kid that's going to school getting a computer science degree way better and by the time he's in his 20s then he was leading the company and a management position running the company i mean and that's just one industry it doesn't matter one industry it could be construction you could start doing jobs and working with people 14 15 16 i know there's labor laws and stuff i'm not trying to ignore that but i'm just saying like you know you could start learning this stuff and doing stuff at a young age and getting plugged in and the people that are successful they started young and worked hard they weren't just going to college playing rocket league what degree are you getting i don't know i'm just playing rocket league for now and see how it works out you know from a career perspective just pick something and stick with it hey from a spiritual perspective pick a church and stick with it pick the king games bible start in genesis and stick with it and get to revelation find a neighborhood that you want to get saved and finish that neighborhood and then move on to another neighborhood you know just pick something and stick with it and sew into it and invest in it hey pick a wife and sew into her the rest of your life hey most of you have already picked quit worrying about that decision and just embrace that decision and so into your wife hey wise hey you're stuck with him just feed him all right you know so into so into that relationship god gave you those kids you know you may want more or less or different things about them but that's the kid you got so into that kid invest into that kid do what god has already given you and just don't let's just not be a church where we all get to heaven and we're like boy we had a good time down there on earth didn't we but we don't have anything to show for now we want to be a church where god looks down from heaven and says that's a church that's sold a lot and and we have to balance these things you have to spend time doing all of it because you say like well i'm just going to only so spiritually that this doesn't exist folks you got to take care of yourself you got to take care of your family you got to take care of of all the areas of your life and find that good balance because if you don't invest in those other carnal areas you're not going to do it spiritually if you didn't have to do any carnal sewing wouldn't we go out into these neighborhoods where there's these poor ghetto thugs and getting them saved and they'd come in here and be the best christians why is it that they're not why is it that virtually most of the the really great people that are used of god have even been doing it young and i'm not saying there isn't exceptions but let's let's just think of a couple examples i don't know how about like pastor anderson who's literally raised the independent fund of a baptist who read the bible as a young kid who loved the king james bible was always in church who was serious about preaching at a young age who learned foreign languages on his own who then went to bible college purposefully to be an evangelist and a missionary who went to europe on missions trips who memorized large sections of the bible and then he became a great pastor it's not like i'm just going to run into a random person that's done nothing for god and never tried and get him saved he's like now he's gonna be a great pastor let's look at like pastor minutes oh yeah raised in the same church worked hard in the military memorized the bible you know i mean these are the people that god are using and you know you want your children to be great start them on a trajectory right now and a course that they can continue for the rest of their lives don't just sit here and just be like man you're so annoying just go watch tv oh you're so annoying just go out there and play with sticks and stones i mean just go into the ghettos with us and you'll just see kids just running around with nothing to do aimless no one cares about them no one's feeding them no one's teaching them anything no one's training them anything they're just wandering around with nothing to do just mischief and then we just wonder why they're just so terrible when they become adults it's because no one invested in them no one's sowed into them we must sow into our children and sow into our marriages and sow into our churches and sow into the word of god and we need to go out there and sow these fields and get people saved and earn the wages that god has for us but you won't earn anything by doing nothing let us sow so that we can reap let's close in prayer thank you heavenly father so much for giving us this king james bible and giving us this church and putting us in a place that's so receptive and giving us so much opportunity to to earn wages thank you so much for your gift of salvation being completely free but i pray that we'd also consider the fact that there's many wages out there to be earned that you've given us family members and children and and wives to look after and to love and to cherish i pray that we would actually sow into their lives that we would take this seriously that you're not going to be mocked that what people are constantly sowing they will reap i pray that we take that very seriously that we think about the future we think about the people in our lives that we can affect and that we would start sowing and we wouldn't sow vanity that we wouldn't be lazy we wouldn't be slothful that we'd avoid sowing iniquity but rather we would sow the things that are in the bible and in jesus name we pray amen we have a couple baptisms all right we're going to sing one song before we have a couple baptisms this evening we're going to sing 248 now i belong to jesus 248 now i belong to jesus let's sing it out together nice and loud two four eight now i belong to jesus forever he gave his life me once i was lost sorrow and shame jesus on the last is jesus we have a sister kensley here coming for baptism she's eight years old yes so whenever i say the name of father son and holy ghost i'll have you hold your nose i'm going to dip you down and bring you back up out of the water okay sister kensley i baptize you the name of the father son and holy ghost buried in the likeness of his death raised to walk and newness of life congratulations i'll help you out are you next mr let's take a picture first maybe just sit all the way down on your bottom for me okay we have sister shardell coming for baptism have you trusted christ as your savior then i baptize you in the name of the father son and holy ghost buried in the likeness of his death raised to walk in newness of life congratulations and we have brother chris also coming i'll have you sit all the way down on your bottom for me perfect you screwed up just a little bit for me thank you all right we have brother chris coming here for baptism as well brother chris have you trusted christ as your savior yes then i baptize you in the name of the father son and holy ghost buried in the likeness of his death raised to walk in newness of life so all right make sure to congratulate all of our baptisms this this evening tonight we are celebrating a it's a bittersweet going away of brother aus and his family and we'll be having a dessert fellowship i want to say a few words then i'll explain the dessert fellowship but we are going to let the aus family go first this evening until y'all can get y'all's desserts but i really want to say thank you so much to brother aus and his family for coming here and being a part of our church they've been a huge blessing and a prayer request to me personally for our church at the time that i was considering needing another employee for the church i was really really needing it and and i was really hoping to have somebody that i felt that could be very loyal that loved the word of god that loved the bible and honestly i i didn't really have many options in mind i really kind of only wanted to hire dylan and he didn't even know that he didn't even know who i was hardly and uh but i just looking from afar and i had met dylan before is i could i could really tell and i listened to him i was preaching i could really tell he was someone that loved the lord he was very loyal and that's why i wanted him to work for us and and boy was that necessary because uh obviously steadfast baptist church while it's been fun and i don't know what it's like to work for me but i'm sure it's hard and i'm sure it's been hard at times and that we've gone through a lot of persecution a lot of tribulation i think that for any normal person there would been temptations to want to quit or find a new job even and so you know i i really appreciate brother awes loyalty that he's shown to our church the hard work and he has a great family has a great wife and i'm really looking forward to them transitioning up to oklahoma and and doing the work up there and god willing in a few months once they're established and everything's good you know being ordained to become the pastor up there and uh you know everybody in our church always has spoken very well of brother awes and of the awes family and i know that we're all going to miss you guys greatly and you've been a huge asset to our church great song leading great soul winning you know leadership and and efforts and really there's been a lot of things that our church has done successfully and well due to brother awes and his family behind the scenes that people don't know don't see and of course while you may be moving a little bit further away you're still part of our family i'm i'm glad that you're going to be so close you're about as close as i would plant a church so and uh of course they're always welcome and invited to our events and you know we'll see them often but this is this is most likely the last time we'll see brother awes here in the services they're going to be moving up to oklahoma and so please don't forget about them be praying for the awes family be praying for brother dylan be praying for the church in oklahoma of course don't be a stranger i'm sure he would love visitors and people coming up there i'm sure the softball team will miss you it might even die with you but uh yeah it's probably gonna die but hey you know what it's hard when you lose one of our star players and you know the thing about brother dylan he puts his heart into it and he has such a great attitude and uh he you know it's really nice to be around him because he's always very positive that's what i really like about brother dylan is even when we've gone through a lot of difficulty he's excited for the fight and the challenge that comes with being a christian and you know i'm gonna definitely miss you we'll miss you our church will miss you it's a huge it's a huge asset loss for us but it's a huge gain for oklahoma and that's what that's really what we're here for you know we're not here to just build a kingdom of steadfast baptist church we're here to build the kingdom of god and so sometimes that means we have to lose all all stars and our best talent and our best people and so you know that's definitely one of the things we're doing we're losing one of our best church members and uh you know it's gonna be it's gonna be felt we'll feel the loss but we're excited about what god will be able to do with you guys up there and so and of course if you ever need anything please don't hesitate to ask us i want to i just want to pray one more time as a church family for the oz and then i'll give you some instructions for dessert thank you heavenly father so much for brother oz and for his family i pray that you would just please help them in this transition for things to go smoothly for you to help them financially and to bless them and to help them spiritually and have the time to invest into their new careers into their new church i pray that the people up there that their hearts would be welcome and receiving unto the oz family and that things would hearts would be knit to brother dylan and to this family that's moving up there i pray that most importantly that the work of god would increase that you would just bless them that you would give brother dylan wisdom that you would bless their family with peace that you would continue to bless their children and i pray that you would continue to use this family to do great things for your son's name and it's his name we pray in jesus name amen all right for our dessert fellowship you guys don't need the instructions you and your family can go ahead and go all right the rest of us we're just going to wait we'll form a line one thing i do want to ask and this is new but because y'all haven't had dinner and y'all are hungry i want you to to limit yourself to only getting two items the first time through the line all right so you're gonna find the two that you look like hey that one looks good that one looks good and then leave because a lot of people would probably just load up their plate and waste stuff also if your kids can't even eat a whole serving you know get it and they can share right so there's nothing wrong with sharing um i don't want uh also children under five they don't need to get their own serving they can just share they can still have a plate but you know just have them share so everybody above five they can get two items i'm sure that you'll be able to go back through the line again eventually but what i don't want is just necessarily for it to get robbed for the first half of the line and the second half is you know not getting anything so go through the line get two items there should be drinks there's milk uh tea lemonade i think there might even be sodas out there if you want to get something but help yourself of course it's a time to fellowship hang out some of the items can be a little messy so please just please help us and be careful with your children on that one all right but also please make sure to say thank you to brother dylan say thank you to his wife say thank you to his children tell them that you're going to miss them and and be thinking and praying for them okay so at this time we are dismissed you can go ahead and line up have some dessert and fellowship and make sure to love on brother dylan and his family