(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) The verse I wanted to focus on this evening was at verse 12 where the Bible read, But when Jesus heard that, he said unto them, They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick. And the title of the sermon this evening is Vaccination Snake Oil. Vaccination Snake Oil. You say, well, what are you about to preach about? I'm about to preach about the fraud of modern day vaccination, of this lie of vaccinations, and how it's actually a snake oil. Now, before I get into this, let's understand this verse first, okay? Because I am taking this verse somewhat out of context, but let's understand what it's saying. He says, When Jesus heard that, he said unto them, They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick. Now, who's he addressing? He's addressing the Pharisees. Now, the Pharisees, they don't believe they need a savior. They think that they're righteous, they think they're going to go to heaven, they think they don't need anything, they think they're whole. And Jesus Christ is saying, look, if you think you're whole, you don't need me. Because Jesus Christ is considered the great physician. And those that understand that they have a sin in their life, that they are worthy of going to hell, they need a savior. They need a physician. So the Pharisees are saying, why are you hanging out with all these sinners, all these publicans? And he's like, look, they need a savior. They need someone to spiritually save them from their sins that are taking them to hell. And because the Pharisees thought, oh, I'm good. I don't need Jesus. I don't need a savior. I'm good. I don't believe that I'm going to go to hell. Look, he's like, well, I guess you don't need a physician then, do you, buddy? I guess you think you're whole. We'll figure out how that works out on judgment day when you're judged according to your works. So what does Jesus use? Jesus uses a carnal truth to illustrate a spiritual truth, okay? He's saying in a carnal way, someone that is whole, meaning someone is healthy, they have a clean bill of health, they have no issues, they don't need to see a doctor. He's saying you don't need to go see a doctor if you're healthy. If you don't have a physical ailment, why are you going to the doctor? In the same way, he's trying to say it negatively to them, saying, look, if you think you're perfect, if you think you're righteous, why do you need me? Isn't that what he's trying to say? So that's what he's illustrating at this point. The spiritual truth is that we have to admit that we're sinners deserving of hell before we can call upon him to be saved, okay? But Jesus Christ does not use carnal examples that are false to prove spiritual truths. No, he uses carnal truths to prove spiritual truths. And the carnal truth still applies that if you're healthy, you don't need a physician. And that's why I hang my hat, you say, what do you think about vaccination? Well, why would I give a healthy baby a disease? Why would I stab my children with diseases when they're perfectly healthy, when there's nothing wrong with them? That goes against all common logic. That goes against all common sense. Hey, here's a perfectly healthy baby. Well, maybe we should give him 30 diseases. What? That doesn't even make any sense. And if we didn't have the modern push for all these vaccinations, would it be very easy for someone to walk up and say, hey, is your kid really healthy? Yeah, can I stab them with 30 diseases right now? But guess what? You get to pay me lots of money to do it too. I mean, think about that. I mean, it goes against all instincts of a parent, all instincts of common sense. You know why? Because it's stupid, because it's a fraud, because it's not biblical. Now, I'm going to show a lot of different things, okay? I am going to show what the Bible teaches about this, but I also have a lot of articles with me. I have a lot of research. This is something that I've had to research a lot myself. You know, I have young children. In today's culture, the young children, there's a lot of pressure on parents to take their kids to the doctor and get all kinds of vaccinations, all kinds of inoculations. The doctors are trying to hound parents. The schools are hounding parents. The government's hounding parents. So, hey, it's an issue that we have to deal with today. So let's see what does the Bible say about it. Well, before I get there, I'm going to look at, I looked at some of the charts. The 10 leading causes of death in the United States, because let's figure out, what's something we should worry about? I mean, if people are just dying rampantly, let's just figure it out. So I looked out through history. What are just the common, you know, the 10 leading causes of death? In 1900, the number one leading cause of death was pneumonia, then tuberculosis, then diarrhea. Man, that sounds terrible. It says diseases of the heart, intracranial lesions, vacuolar origin, nephritis, all accidents, cancer, senility. Then number 10 was diptheria, okay? Now I'll go through 1940, so we'll speed up. Now diseases of the art becomes number one. Then cancer, then intracranial lesions, vascular origin. I'm talking about stroke, things of your brain, blood vessels constricting, nephritis, pneumonia, accidents, tuberculosis, diabetes, motor vehicle accidents, premature birth. 1960, number one, disease of the heart, okay? Malignant neoplasms, vascular lesions, accidents, certain diseases, influenza, arteriosclerosis, diabetes, congenial malformation, cirrhosis of the liver. So it's pretty much kind of the same things, just over and over and over, maybe different orders. Number one keeps being heart disease. Then I looked today. What's the number one leading cause of death? It says heart disease. Now, apparently, we just keep having heart disease because we don't eat healthy, we don't get any exercise. These are reasons. Number two, cancer. Three, injuries. Four, respiratory conditions. Five, stroke. Six, Alzheimer's. Seven, diabetes. Eight, influenza. Nine, kidney. And ten, suicide. Suicide. I was kind of surprised by that one on the list, okay? Now here's the thing. If these are all the main causes of death, okay, why is it that you have to get all these vaccinations for nothing on these lists? Literally nothing on this list is any of the vaccinations you're going to get. So you're telling me all the leading causes of death are other things? And I have to get all these vaccinations? Now, diptheria, that is one of the vaccinations, but that was from 1900. That was the only time it even showed up on the list. So the last hundred years or plus, we haven't even seen these things as being a major cause of death. So my question is, why are we so worried about it? Why is it such a big deal? I mean, are all these people just dying every second from all these diseases? You know what the number one cause of death is, though? They left it off. Abortion, murdering children, that's the number one cause of death. Pro-choice, that's wicked as hell. Now, go if you would in your Bibles. I want you to go to Mark, chapter number five. We'll take a minute to get there. But I printed off some articles. This is the Texas Department State of Health Services website. Okay, I went there because we live in a state called Texas, okay? And if you live in Texas and you have children, most parents decide to put their kids in the public full system. And if you decide to put your kids in the public full system, you're mandated to give them all of these inoculations, all of these type of vaccinations. It says through K through six, there's 16 doses of different vaccinations or different vaccines that are required for children between ages of K through the sixth grade. It says in dipthera, tetanus and pertussis, or the DTaP shot, they have to have five to four doses. It says polio, they have to have four to three doses. And measles, mumps and rubella, two doses. Hepatitis B, three doses. Varicella, two doses. Miniconocle, one dose. And hepatitis A, two doses. Now, are any of the things that I listed, which are usually the name of the disease, were they on that list of the leading cause of death? No. They're just random things that are older diseases that nobody even contracts anymore, that nobody's dying of. Why am I stabbing my children five, six, seven, 13, 16, 30 times with all these shots of these diseases? Doesn't make any sense. But we'll get there, okay? So there is an exception, though. If you live in the state of Texas, it says there is an exception for including a religious belief. So you can get out of giving your children these vaccinations. And I highly recommend that you opt to do that. If you decide, hey, I'm still going to send them to the public full system, I don't care if they're a communist that hates God, you know, when they come out of it, at least they didn't get diseases or something. At least they didn't get inoculated with all these vaccinations. But there is an exemption. You can go on their site. You can print out their affidavit. I'll even give you the information. And it says, if you're requesting an exemption for reasons of conscience, it says to claim an exclusion for reasons of conscience, including religious belief, the child's parent, legal guardian, or student 18 years of age or older, must present to the school or child care facility a completed, signed, notarized affidavit on a form provided by the department stating that the child's parent, legal guardian, or student declines vaccinations for reasons of conscience, including because of the person's religious beliefs. Now, that doesn't sound to me like we live in a free country. You tell me we live in a free country, you have to sign paperwork to say I don't want to stab my kids with poison. What in the world? With some disease. Well, you say, I don't understand. Where do vaccinations even come from? I mean, should we, you know, what do we think about them? Well, I'll give you the history of vaccinations. It says inoculation was adopted both in England and America nearly half a century before Jenner's famous smallpox vaccination in 1796. Now, if you go online and you do research, which I highly recommend, I highly recommend that you do as much research as possible because I'm not afraid of the truth about vaccination. If you research it, if you study it yourself, you'll find all the things that I'm saying are the exact same information. And if you don't research it, you're basically saying, I don't care about my children. I don't care. I'm just apathetic. I want them to die. I want them to suffer. I want them to have autism and autoimmune disease and all kinds of illness. That's what you're saying. But if you go back, basically, they're trying to like pick out stuff that sounds kind of like a vaccination. Really, it came into existence in the 1796. So, it's kind of where we really see vaccination coming into play. So, that's where I'm going to focus. It says there was a smallpox vaccination in 1796. Now, in this vaccine, they had a death rate of about 2%. So, one out of 50 people that got this vaccine just died. Like, hey, one out of 50 of y'all, you're just going to die after we inject you with this vaccine, okay? Sounds pretty safe, huh? It says there were so many dangerous outbreaks of the disease, it remained controversial. It was noticed during the 18th century that people had suffered from the less virulent cowpox, were immune to smallpox, and the first recorded use of this idea was by a farmer, Benjamin Jessely, at Yes Minister in Dorset, who had suffered the disease and transmitted it to his own family in 1774, his son subsequently not getting the mild version of smallpox when later inoculated in 1789. So, what happened? There was these big outbreaks of this disease called smallpox. So, they created a smallpox vaccine, but, you know, 2% of people are just straight out dying from this vaccine. So, then somebody has a different vaccine called cowpox, which is basically they get the disease from the cow and they inject it in the people, and they found that they were somehow getting immunity from smallpox from this other vaccine, but they weren't dying immediately. You know, there was less death from this. So, basically, this is when somebody has the idea, I'm going to just pick a child that doesn't have the disease, I'm just going to give them this cowpox vaccine, and we'll see, you know, what happens. Well, it says it was Edward Jenner, a doctor in Berkeley and Glucashire, who established the procedure by introducing material from a cowpox vestal on Sarah Neelms, a milkmaid, into the arm of a boy named James Phillips. Two months later, he inoculated the boy with smallpox, and the disease did not develop. So, basically, they gave this kid smallpox after giving him the vaccine to see, and he didn't get sick. So, they were like, oh, wow, I guess, you know, the vaccine really worked. On a seven-year-old, what in the world? What kind of people are, you know, experimenting on random seven-year-old children to try and see, hey, is this vaccine going to work? It sounds like a really, you know, great way to start off. Maybe they were shooting him in the arm. After they felt like they had, you know, developed this, it says, by 1801, his report was translated in six languages, and over 100,000 people were vaccinated, even though there's many people that are against it because they're injecting with animal products or animal diseases and all kinds of stuff. It says, since then, vaccination campaigns have spread throughout the globe, sometimes prescribed by law or regulations. Vaccines are now used against a wide variety of diseases. Louis Pasteur further developed the technique during the 19th century, extending its use to killed agents, protecting against anthrax and rabies. The method Pasteur used entailed treating the agents for those diseases, so they lost the ability to infect, whereas inoculation was the hopeful selection of the less virulent form of the disease. Let me just explain what they're doing. Basically, what they've decided is they're going to take a small version of a disease. They're going to try and take a small, maybe it's an activated or it's a deactivated version of it, depends on the timeframe or whatever, but they're just going to give you a small dose of the disease in the hopes that your body will create antibodies, will create the response of immunity in your system to where if you're exposed to a larger version of it or you're exposed in the future, you somehow wouldn't get sick. So they're basically saying, instead of you getting sick in the future, we'll just try to get you a little sick now so you won't get really sick in the future. That's basically how vaccines work, okay? And even in the modern today, they'll say, well, we'll give you an unactivated version of the disease, and it triggers in the body what's called a T2 cell response. So you have different parts of your body. A T1 response in your cells is basically when you get the sickness and your body starts producing antibodies to fight that illness. Your body can produce a certain response to a disease to fight it and to kill it, and once that's in your body, now you can become what's called immune, meaning if you're exposed to that particular illness or whatever in the future, your body already knows how to fight it. You're not going to contract it again. We think of like chickenpox. If people get chickenpox when they're really young, their body builds an immunity to it, okay? So then they're very unlikely to get that disease ever again in the future because their bodies produce this immunity. So they're trying to fake it by you not getting really the disease but rather getting an deactivated version of the disease, hoping that your body will produce these antibodies or this immunity in your body and you won't get the disease. The problem is it doesn't really work. They don't actually trigger the same response as the disease. They trigger a fake response, so it ends up really not doing anything. Now, if it was true, let's say, you know, if you could trigger this response and get the immunity and then in the future you're never going to contract the disease, maybe you could argue that somehow it would kind of make sense. I still don't think it makes sense because Jesus Christ said they would be holy, not a physician, right? But the problem is it's not just that. It's all the other ingredients that they're also injecting in your body along with these deactivated diseases. So what's the mechanism? How do they do this, all right? I'm going to read for you a little bit more. It says, generically, the process of artificial induction of immunity in an effort to protect against infectious disease works by priming the immune system with an immunogen. Stimulating immune responses with an infectious agent is known as immunization. Vaccination includes various ways of administering immunogens. Some vaccines are administered after the patient already has contracted a disease. Vaccines given after exposure to smallpox within the first three days are reported to attenuate the disease considerably, and vaccination up to a week after exposure probably offers some protection from disease or may reduce the severity of the disease. Let me read that for you again. So if you get the vaccine, it offers some protection from disease and may reduce the severity of the disease. So they don't even promise that it's going to do anything. They say, hey, this might help you, and it could help you. We don't really know how or when. Maybe it's just a sugar pill, but we're going to say that it actually helps you somehow, maybe. It says, since then, it has been found that people with healthy immune systems, four doses of rabies vaccine over 14 days, wound care and treatment of the bite with rabies, immune globulin, commenced as soon as possible after exposure is effective in preventing rabies in humans. Other examples include experimental AIDS, cancer, and Alzheimer's disease vaccines. Such immunizations aim to trigger an immune response more rapidly and with less harm than natural infection. Most vaccines are given by hypernetic injection, as they are not absorbed readily through the intestines. Live attenuated polio, some typhoid, some cholera vaccines are given orally to produce immunity in the bowel, while vaccination provides a lasting effect that usually takes several weeks to develop, while passive immunity, the transfer of antibodies, has immediate effect. Okay, so what they're just trying to say, they're trying to fake it, okay? They don't want to actually use the disease, or sometimes they'll inject you after you get the disease, and they're saying, well, maybe it helps a little bit, but after you get a disease, your body builds immunity, okay? So if you were to go to school, they ask for your immunization and vaccination records, or your immunization and inoculation records. Now, what are they saying? What they're saying is, immunity is if you got a disease in the past, and now your body is immune to it. Inoculation means we shot you up with their perverted, twisted version of it, and maybe it helped you, or maybe it didn't, okay? So you don't actually have immunity from getting a vaccination. It's just you're inoculated with it, okay? Now look at Mark chapter number 5, verse 24, where I had you turn. It says, And Jesus went with him, and much people followed him, and thronged him. And a certain woman, which had an issue of blood twelve years, and had suffered many things of the physicians, and had spent all that she had, and was nothing bettered, but rather grew worse. And when she had heard of Jesus, came in the press behind, and touched his garment. For she said, If I may be touched but his clothes, I shall be whole. And straightway the fountain of her blood was dried up, and she felt in her body that she was healed of that plague. So we have a woman who, she spent twelve years with a horrible blood issue. She's trying to get better. She keeps going to the doctor. She keeps giving money to the doctor. And what does the Bible say? Nothing bettered, but rather grew worse. Did the doctors help this lady? No, she actually got worse, and worse, and worse. If you take a healthy baby to the doctor today, and they just jab them with a bunch of diseases, they only got worse. They did not get better. Don't believe the lies, but they're going to tell you, believe what the Bible says. But you say, you don't understand. You don't understand all the reasons why to get a vaccination. So I went online. I printed out the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases, the ten reasons to get a vaccination. And if you go to the CDC, they have the top five reasons to get a vaccination. You can look on all of the sites. They all say the same things. They all say the exact same thing. All ten points are the same thing. They really only have one point. I'll read for you. Number one, vaccine-preventable diseases haven't gone away. They say, why should you get a vaccine? Because all these diseases I'd read for you that you've never heard anybody get, that you've never seen, that nobody's dying from, they supposedly haven't gone away. So they're just saying there's still an existence somewhere out there. It's basically the boogeyman effect. If somebody has measles out there somewhere, we don't know anybody that has it. We haven't seen them, okay? You don't know them, but they're out there somewhere. So you still need to get that vaccine, all right? Number two, that was a great number one point. I mean, the best reason to get a vaccination is the fact that some of these diseases are somewhere? That's the best point. Number two, vaccines will help keep you healthy. What? How could you ever prove that getting stabbed with a disease is going to help you stay healthy? They admit that if you are not healthy, if you have a child that's having sickness or illness or does not have a strong immune system, do not give them a vaccination. They are very likely to die and develop serious illness and disease because they actually severely injure the child temporarily. I mean, they're causing fever and headache. They will say that. On the insert, it'll say, look, fever and headache. And many parents that would vaccinate their child when they're ill or sick or do not have a strong immune system, it causes very traumatic results from them. You're going to tell me that vaccines are going to make you healthy? I thought being healthy was eating healthy food, was getting exercise, was, you know, doing things that are healthy for your body, not injecting poison into your body. Number three point, vaccines are as important to your overall health as diet and exercise. What? You're going to tell me that going out and running and jumping and getting exercise and, you know, lifting weights and eating the right diet is the same as injecting a disease into your body? What in the world? And how is that even different than points two and one? I mean, they're just saying the same rhetoric over and over. Oh, it's so healthy. Oh, it'll keep you healthy. It's important. It's so healthy. Number four, vaccination can mean the difference between life and death. Well, I think that's true, but I don't believe it's, you know, the way they mean it. Number five, vaccines are safe and effective. Oh, they're just so safe. You know what? Nine out of ten people that get punched in the face don't die. It's just so safe, isn't it? I mean, just because you can be injected with the poison and God's made your immune system, God's given you such a healthy body that you can actually withstand that and not die, doesn't mean it's a good idea. Doesn't mean it's something you should try with your toddler, with your baby. Number six, vaccines won't give you the disease they're designed to prevent. Show me proof of that. They're saying, man, you get this disease, sometimes you won't get it. The problem is that you don't have immunization and un- or vaccinated children constantly get these diseases, just as much as unvaccinated children. I mean, you look at reports, they'll say, hey, all these vaccinated kids got the measles. All these vaccinated kids got these diseases. It doesn't prevent you from getting the disease that they're supposed to even prevent you from getting. My point's, why do you get the shot? What is it actually doing? Besides lining the pockets of all these filthy, wicked people that dream it up. Number seven, young and healthy people can get very sick, too. What does that have to do with getting a vaccination? I mean, I get hungry. Old people get hungry, young people- I mean, people can get sick. Okay, why does that mean I should get a vaccination? These don't even make any sense. None of these points even have anything to do with me getting a vaccination. I mean, if you're going to try and convince me to stab my child with the disease, the best thing you're going to tell me, hey, you could get sick. What? Do you have any research? Do you have any studies? Do you have any numbers? I mean, we're talking about people's lives here. We're talking about people's children. How precious are your children to you today? And you're going to just base it on some rhetoric, oh, it's healthy, it's safe. We're not going to give you any numbers. We're not going to give you statistics. We're not going to prove anything that we said. We're just going to tell you it's safe. Trust us. You know, we would never tell you anything wrong. The government would never tell you anything that was wrong. The government's never hurt anybody for any reason. They've never lied. Trust us. Oh, okay. Vaccine-preventable diseases are expensive. Whatever that means. When you get sick, your children, grandchildren, and parents are at risk, too. Number 10, your family and coworkers need you. I need to get vaccination because my coworkers need me. What a compelling reason. I mean, who even cares about their coworkers that much? Really? I'm going to stab my child with a disease because my coworker needs me? Again, these are stupid. Are you kidding me? Are you kidding me that I have to be forced to give my child vaccination in the public school because my coworker needs me? Someone wrote that. Someone thought, this is a good idea. This is a good reason. And look, if you go online and you say, well, you picked a stupid article. They're all stupid. They all say the same things that I just read for you. Was there any really different points? Hey, we did some study and unvaccinated children versus vaccinated children. Here's all the results. Here's why you should do it. Here's data. Here's study. Here's research. They don't have any of it. And you know what? There's no study where they have vaccinated versus unvaccinated children with all these research and all this. It doesn't exist. The only people that even have those type of studies are just people that have been discredited because they were against the vaccine industry. They were against vaccines. They did their own little research, their own kind of study and be like, oh, that's just a fraud. Wasn't, you know, not reputable. Oh, it can't be in a science journal. Even though the CDC and all these other places, they say, oh, we don't have any of these results. It's junk. So I'm going to focus on one. Now, here's the thing. When I was researching vaccination for my children, I had no dog in the fight. If vaccines were really good for my child, do you think I wouldn't want it? Do you think if it was really this big of a deal, if it was something, I mean, I love my children, do you think I want my children to just die of diseases and have all these problems? Of course not. I love my children. I want to protect them. So I was looking at it from unbiased precision. Hey, give me all the reasons why I should vaccinate. And when I read articles like that, it made me really mad because I'm thinking, well, these guys sound like a bunch of liars. These guys sound like a bunch of frauds teaching a bunch of lies. But there was one thing, there is one argument that they try to prove that sounded good. I said, okay, what's your best thing? And they didn't have, I don't know why they didn't have that piece of paper. You do the research, you study it. They have one thing that they always pull out. This is their one gotcha card, okay? They have this. They say, well, vaccines work. And if you go to the CDC, they'll have this big, you know, grid, okay? And I don't have everything in here. I just kind of highlighted a few for you, okay? They have about 10, 20 of these or something like that. They all say roughly the same thing. They'll say, well, look, we have proof that vaccination works, okay? So they'll say, diphthera. That was the one on the list, right? That we talked about 1900, okay? They say, this is called the pre-vaccine era, whatever that means. They didn't really define that. They're just saying before vaccines really came into prominence or whatever, how many people in the United States died from this particular disease? And they're saying 21,053, okay? Now this is not one year. This is not two years. This is like decades, okay? They're saying like over decades of years, this is how many people died. And they're saying after vaccines really came into existence, now we only have one case of this disease. So it's been eradicated to 99%. So they're not even saying one person died. They're just saying only one person even contracted it. Oh yeah, let's go back to that sheet where it said, hey, the vaccine for venous diseases are still out here today. But they're telling you there's only been one case? Since the vaccine. I mean, why am I still getting the vaccine? Nobody has this disease. There was only one case, okay? But you start looking at these numbers and it kind of sounds right. I mean, it kind of looks like, well, this looks like pretty good evidence, right? Let's focus on measles because this was the largest number. I mean, half a million people died. That's a pretty big number. I mean, that's something we should pay attention to, okay? And they're saying now, you know, there's only been 55 cases. It's pretty much eradicated. And they'll show you this chart, okay? This really fancy, nice looking chart. It's not exactly, I tried to draw it as close as I could, okay? It's not exact, but it gives you the effect, all right? So they say in 1960, this is how many people were contracting, you know, measles. Okay, this is how many cases. There was like 400 or 450 or whatever. And they're saying this is when the measles vaccination was licensed, okay? And then you see this huge drop, right? So 1963, it's introduced. Then you see this huge drop and it basically comes down. Basically gets down to basically nothing. And since then, if you look at different articles, they'll say in 2000, according to the CDC, measles was considered eradicated. Because if you have like less than so many cases, it's basically just considered eradicated, even though maybe one or two people contracted, all right? So you look at this and it says the number of cases of measles between 1960 and 1981. Now, I mean, just trying to be as unbiased as possible, I looked at this and I said, okay, maybe there is some truth to it. Maybe the measles vaccine is really good, right? Here's the problem, is what happened before 1960? Maybe, maybe, maybe statistics could lie. I mean, do you think statistics could lie? Do you think that's possible? Now, here is the United States measles deaths chart from 1900 to 1980. Interesting that they don't use this to prove the measles vaccine is being really good, okay? So if you look at this chart, this is how many people were dying from measles from 1900 to 1910 to 1920 to 1930. Man, this is getting really low, isn't it? And then it's basically almost gone. Then they introduce, you know, measles vaccine. I wonder what other random things happened in 1963. I mean, can we just put some other random lines here and just say, oh, it looks like, you know, this is what caused, you know, people to stop getting measles, right? So if you look at this side of the chart, oh, man, it just looks, oh, wow. I mean, it really works. Look how great it is. And you look at this side and you're like, oh, it looks like something else is what's causing this to drop, isn't it? And anybody with a brain in their head would admit, hey, it doesn't look like the vaccine is what caused this. This is just stupid, okay? Now, here's the reality. Why do people get sickness? Let me tell you, they get around sick people. And you know what? There's been this stupid idea from parents for years and years and years. Even my mom had this stupid idea. They said, well, if some kid gets sick, let's bring all of our kids over and so they can all get sick so they have immunity to it. Is that what the Bible teaches? Does the Bible teach? Hey, this kid's sick. Let's all, you know, get around him and get their germs and try to get their sickness and illness. That's stupid. You know, when they started using, you know, sanitation and clean food and clean drinking water and, you know, let's get away from sick people, you know, let's people start dying from illness. You know, that's what really causes these type of things to decline. Obviously, there was even advents of antibiotics and other things that doctors were using. Look, if you're sick, if you've contracted the disease, I'm not against you going to the doctor and asking them to help you, you know, for something. But if I'm healthy, why am I going to go get this disease? Give me a compelling reason. Well, this one kind of signed on, maybe it made a little bit of sense, and now it doesn't really make a lot of sense anymore, does it? It's easily proven a fraud, okay? So, well, that's just the measles one. The other ones make sense. You know, doctors wouldn't lie about this kind of stuff. Go to 2 Chronicles, chapter 16. I'm spending a while to get all of the Bible. I just want to kind of prove these points first. But I printed out another article. So, there's this article that says the seven most outrageous medical treatments in history. Number one, snake oil. Why are you calling vaccination snake oil? Well, let's figure out what snake oil even means. Where did that even come from, okay? Snake oil is a real thing. There was really people going around selling snake oil. You say, where did it come from? Well, it says, while today a snake oil salesman is someone who knowingly sells fraudulent goods, the use of snake oil has real medicinal roots, extracted from the oil of Chinese water snakes. It likely arrived in the United States in the 1800s with the influx of Chinese workers toiling on the transcontinental railroad. Rich in omega-3 acids, it was used to reduce inflammation and treat arthritis and bursitis and was rubbed on the workers' joints after a long day of working on the railroad. It says, Clark Stanley, the Rattlesnake King. Originally a cowboy, Stanley claimed to have studied with the Hopi medicine man who turned him on to the healing powers of snake oil. He took this newfound knowledge on the road, performing a show-stopping act at the Chicago World's Fair in 1893, where he reached into a bag, grabbed a rattlesnake, cut it open, squeezed it. He extracted, and then he labeled the extract snake oil, even though the FDA later confirmed that his products didn't contain any kind of snake oil, rattlesnake or otherwise. That didn't stop the unscrupulous doctors and fraudulent salesmen who also started traveling the American West peddling bottles of fake snake oil, giving the truly beneficial medical treatment a bad name. So where does snake oil come from? Basically from Chinese medicine, they found that snake oil had some type of remedy for arthritis, some kind of muscle and joint pain. If you rub that oil on your body, you would get some type of relief. And so this guy gets this idea to start selling snake oil. But the problem, he didn't even sell the snake oil. He just makes up his own concoction that's basically like a sugar pill, and just starts going around peddling it. Now, if you listen to the article, it says it didn't stop unscrupulous doctors and fraudulent salesmen from selling it. So it's saying, look, there's literal doctors that knew there's no snake oil in here, there's no benefit, but they still sold it anyways. They still pushed it on to people. They're still giving it to people. That's where snake oil comes from. What is snake oil? It's just a fraud. It's when someone's coming up to you, they're telling you all the benefits and all this great stuff that's gonna do for you, but they're lying through their teeth just to sell you something, just to get your money, just to line their pockets. So that never happens. It did happen. It happens all the time. It constantly happens, and especially in the medical industry. Here's another one, cocaine. You say cocaine? What are you talking about? That was like a hard street drug, right? Well, in the 1890s, there was literal advertisements for cocaine toothache drops. So if your tooth ached, they would sell you cocaine to literally apply on your tooth to give you relief from your toothache. It says in 1884, an Australian ophthalmologist, Carol Kohler, discovered that a few drops of cocaine solution put on a patient's cornea acted as a topical anesthetic. It made the eye immobile and desensitized to pain and caused less bleeding at the site of incision, making eye surgery much less risky. News of this discovery spread, and soon cocaine was being used in both eye and sinus surgeries. Marketed as treatment for toothaches, depression, sinitis, lethargy, alcoholism, and impotence, cocaine was soon being sold as a tonic, lozenge, powder, and even used in cigarettes. It even appeared in Sears Roebuck catalogs. You know the Sears that you go and sit at the mall? They literally were selling cocaine as a cure to alcohol. Let's replace alcohol with cocaine. Let's see how well that works. Oh, you got a toothache? Hey, little Johnny, let's give them a little bit of cocaine. I mean, this literally happened in America. They're literally pushing cocaine on people. It says not only that, but they were pushing it for hay fever, throat troubles, nervousness, headaches, sleepiness. In reality, the side effects of cocaine actually caused many of the ailments it claimed to cure. So they're saying, most of the things that they're saying it's actually curing, it's causing. Like, you know, you can't sleep. Like, you have constant headaches. Yeah, it's actually causing those. And doctors are pushing this. Pharmaceutical companies are pushing this. The major companies are pushing this on people. Even Coca-Cola. Say, where'd that name come from? They literally had cocaine as an ingredient in their drink. Talk about an addictive drink. Talk about really liking some Coke. Man, it says by 1902, there were an estimated 200,000 cocaine addicts in the US alone. I mean, they just start ramping up the cocaine addicts. Look, these are outrageous. But you know, if you look back in time, it makes no sense to us. But if you look back on vaccinations in time, guess what? It will make no sense to anybody because it's a snake oil fraud. I'm going to read another one. Fin Fin. Fin Fin. Now, this one was really recent. It was actually in the 1990s, if you've ever heard of this. Fin Fin. So, in the weight loss industry, it's a $60 billion business today. $60 billion are spent on weight loss in America every year. It says, basically, Fin Fin. It's a Fin Fluoramine, or anti-heptamine, Phetamine. I can't say that. Then they are marketed as short-term diet ads, but proved largely ineffective on their own. In the 1970s, they basically took these two drugs and mixed them together, and they had a study of 121 patients, two-thirds which were of women, and they lost an average of 30 pounds with seemingly no side effects. It says, they started marketing, and it says 6 million Americans started using it. But in 1996, after a contentious debate, the FDA agreed to approve the drug pending a one-year trial. Almost immediately, reports of grave side effects started pouring in. That in July, the Mayo Clinic said that 24 women taking Fin Fin had developed serious heart valve abnormalities. Now, what do we remember? What was the number one leading cause of death? Heart disease, wasn't it? People taking all these drugs, taking all these things, damaging their heart, doing all kinds of wicked things in their heart, and they're like, oh, heart disease. Yeah, because you're destroying it with drugs constantly. It says 100 more cases were reported by September 1997. The FDA officially pulled Fin Fin in 1999. The American Home Products Corporation agreed to pay a $3.75 billion settlement to those injured by taking the drug, and there was more than 50,000 liability lawsuits. So now, when these pharmaceutical companies, they get caught as being a fraud, it is a big penalty. $3.75 billion. And you know what? These companies, they don't have that like sitting in the bank. They've already spent all that money. They've already given all their money to their CEOs, riding on their yachts and doing whatever. Look, they don't have this type of money to give away. So there's a big incentive when pharma pushes some product that's a fraud to cover it up, to make sure that it doesn't get publicly announced so then people can constantly sue them and get all this money and get all this retribution for their actions. You say, what was Fin Fin? Well, basically, what it would do is it would destroy the sensors in your body that caused you to be hungry. You basically just had no desire to eat. But the problem is, is it would rapidly produce your heart rate. I mean, your heart rate would just be pounding and pounding. Look, your body can't sustain your heart just pounding and pounding constantly. And it would cause all these problems in people. It was destroying parts of their brain. I mean, it said they knew in apes that this Fin Fin drug was causing all kinds of abnormalities in the brain. It even made certain animals not be able to sleep ever again. Never sleep again. They gave this drug to chickens. The chickens died while never sleeping again. Because it just, it just puts your body on hyperactive and you're just like, yeah, yeah, I'm so excited. So, yeah, they just lost all this weight real quick. But what are they doing to their body? Look, and that's what these drugs are doing. They're trying to play God. They're trying to cause all these fake, you know, responses in your body that God did not produce. And they're trying to do all kinds of damage to your body because they don't even know what they're doing. They just try it on people. They just try it on animals and see all the animals die. And they're like, well, maybe humans can withstand a little bit stronger. You know, let's just try it on these women. Oh, they lost some weight. No side effects. Look, you don't know what kind of long-term side effects happen to any drug. You need to be careful of any drug that you inject in your body, anything that you're doing to yourself. I'll read one more just for fun's sake. Heroin. You say heroin? I thought we were talking about cocaine. Yeah, heroin. In 1900, they had a magazine promoting the use of heroin for cough. Oh, you got a cough, buddy? Get a little bit of heroin. All right. They said it was a safe and non-addictive substitute for morphine. Oh, I remember reading on that piece of paper, vaccines are safe, right? Oh, we can always trust what people... Oh, heroin? That's safe. That's not addictive. Are you kidding me? That's what people are literally printing in papers and people are taking these drugs. Give me a little bit of heroin. You know what they were marketed towards? Children. You know what the ads look like? Children, you know, looking up for mommy, begging for the heroin. I wonder if it was because they were addicted. I wonder if it was because they were struggling with addiction to the heroin that mommy was giving them. Oh, but they just, you know, they have a cough. And mom just, you know, mom's so eager to give these sick kids heroin on a spoon. What in the world? You could read this whole article. It's pretty cool. It talks about lobotomies. Look, lobotomies is where they are literally drilling into people's heads or getting an ice pick and stabbing it in your eye socket to disconnect certain parts of the frontal cortex of your brain to basically help people that were mentally ill or having emotional problems. Oh, you're having emotional problems? Well, let's just disconnect some of the circuits in your brain and see what happens. And these people would just become, you know, paralyzed, die. All kinds of wicked, weird stuff happen to them. Look, don't tell me that the medical industry doesn't have its skeletons. Look, it's full of skeletons. It's a fraud. The Bible does not lift this up. Where did I have you turn? I think I had you turn to 2 Chronicles, right? Look at verse number 12. And Asa, in the thirty-ninth year of his reign, was diseased in his feet, until his disease was exceeding great. Yet in his disease he sought not to the Lord, but to the physicians. And Asa slept with his fathers and died in the one and fortieth year of his reign. Look, the Bible's saying, look, he wasn't seeking God. He wasn't seeking answers from the Bible. He's seeking the man. He's seeking the physicians. And did he get better? No, he died. Go to 1 Timothy chapter number 6. You say, well, why are they pushing all these vaccinations? It's because they love my kids, don't they? I mean, they just really love my kids. They want my kids to be healthy. There is no ulterior motive. There's no other reason to push all these vaccinations, all these doses. Hmm, let's think about that. What about 1 Timothy chapter 6, verse number 10? For the love of money is the root of all evil, which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. You want to know why vaccinations are pushed? Money. You follow the money, you find out the motive. Now, these vaccine companies, they're just despicable as hell. They get these contracts from the government. There's a company named Merck. They got awarded in 2011 a $1.7 billion contract by our government to produce these vaccinations. You're going to tell me there's no motive when you're getting a $1.7 billion contract from the government, and all of the contracts from these pharmaceutical companies, $5.7 billion. You're paying the government to give the government all this money to all these fake companies to basically produce all these diseases that they inject into your children. $5.7 billion of our dollars are going to these junk companies? You say, well, why are they giving you these companies? Well, there's a thing called lobbying, and lobbying is wicked as hell. You say, what's lobbying? It's where pharmaceutical companies, it's not just pharmaceuticals, it's any company. Any company can just basically line the pocket of some politician, and then the politician, guess what he does? Hey, the government's going to award you this $1.7 billion contract, right? So Merck, what did they do? In 2010, they gave, let's see, $3.2 million in lobbying in just one quarter to politicians. You're going to tell me, hey, hey, this guy's lining my pockets with millions and millions of dollars, and then I just happen to give him a $1.7 billion contract. That doesn't sound like motive to me. That doesn't sound like anything nefarious going on. Now, not only that, what about the pediatricians themselves? I mean, they love your children, don't they? I mean, you go to the pediatrician, he's so kind, he's so nice, he talks to the little Johnny, he can make them smile, right? But then he wants to give you a vaccine, doesn't he? He wants to stab your child with a vaccine. I have another article here. You say, well, where do pediatricians really get their money? Do they get their money from just all the visits and all the follow-ups? Honestly, no. You know where they get it? From vaccinations. Now, I'm going to read this other article for you. How much money do pediatricians really make from vaccines? All right, it says, when my friend's child suffered a life-threatening reaction to a vaccine a week after her first birthday, my friend assumed her pediatrician would write her a medical exemption from future vaccines. Shortly after receiving a routine set of vaccines, the happy, vibrant one-year-old spiked a 106-degree fever, began having seizures, and was hospitalized. When the unexplained illness passed after a week was in the hospital, the little girl had lost her ability to walk. So this person takes her child to the doctor. The doctor says, you need to get this vaccine. Immediately after getting the vaccine, she gets a fever, she's having all kinds of problems. They have to immediately take her to the hospital. She can't even walk anymore. This perfectly healthy one-year-old child who's been walking for months has no problems. Now she can't even walk. Now she can't even react. Now she's a completely different child. Now she's been hospitalized. Oh, it's just a coincidence, isn't it? Well, this person is a lawyer. It's an attorney. It says a few months later, when she took her back from the pediatrician for a visit, the pediatrician is saying, you need to get your daughter vaccinated again. She's just like, what? Do you know what just happened? I mean, I literally brought the kid in, and it immediately after getting the vaccination is having kinds of shock and having all these problems. We had to take him to the hospital. You say, why would the pediatrician be pushing this on them? Well, it says that the average American pediatrician has about 1,500 patients, okay? And Blue Cross Blue Shield, who's heard of that insurance company? I've heard of that one, yeah? Some people even have it. Blue Cross Blue Shield pays pediatricians $400 per fully vaccinated child. If your pediatrician has 100 fully vaccinated patients turning two this year, that's $40,000. Yes, Blue Cross Blue Shield pays your doctor a $40,000 bonus for vaccinating 100 of those patients. But here's the catch. If they did 200, that'd be 80,000 in one year. They're getting $80,000 just on top profit for getting your kids vaccinated. But here's the catch. According to their rules, pediatricians do not get the bonus unless 63% of their patients are fully vaccinated. So they have to make sure they meet a complete ratio for all their patients. So if you go into your pediatrician and you say, I'm not gonna vaccinate, they're gonna say, see ya. You have to get out of my office. You say, I don't believe you. Yes, I literally told my pediatrician I'm not gonna vaccinate my children. He said, see ya. You can't be one of my clients. I just care so much about your child that I can't even see them unless you stab them with poison so I can line my pocket book, is what he's basically saying. You know what? These clinics, we're talking about hundreds of thousands of dollars that they're reeling in from these vaccination programs, from these incentives that are just being paid to them by their insurance companies. And I have the sheet right here. The Blue Cross Blue Shield sheet, it shows the printout, says $400 per combo. They basically got this information, Blue Cross Blue Shield, saying you have to have a 63% ratio. Look, the love of money is the root of all evil. You say, why do these pediatricians, how do they make their money? From vaccination. Now let's go to the Bible. I know I've been just boring you to death with all this fun stuff, but look, go do your own research. Go look up your own studies. There's so much other stuff I have here, but let's see what the Bible has to say. Now if you look at the ingredients of these vaccinations, you'll find that they contain things such as formaldehyde, monosodium glutamate, the marisol, yeast, animal cells, GMOs, bovine products. Not only that, aborted baby fetuses cells. They'll literally take an aborted baby and extract cells from this aborted child and they'll use that to create certain vaccinations. So you're basically, in a way, supporting vaccination. Go to Haggai chapter number two. Haggai chapter number two. It's a minor prophet, so you kind of go towards the end of the New Testament, Haggai. Now Job, in the book of Job verse 14, it says, Who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean? No, not one. Now that's just common sense. If you have food and you drop it into something dirty, you drop it into the toilet, you're not going to be like, oh, that's going to come out clean. You're not going to want to touch it. You're going to say, this is gross. This is disgusting, right? But that's what vaccinations are. They're unclean. Why am I going to inject that in my body? Not only that, in Leviticus 15, the Bible says, when you have an issue that is cleansed of his issue, then he shall number to himself seven days for his cleansing, and wash his clothes, and bathe his flesh in running water, and shall be clean. According to the Bible, when somebody would have an illness, or would have a sickness, or there's something wrong with their body, they're supposed to cleanse themselves in running water, because the Bible is protecting against disease and all kinds of filth. Look at Haggai chapter 2 verse 11. Thus saith the Lord of hosts, Ask now the priest concerning the law, saying, If one bear holy flesh in the skirt of his garment, and with his skirt do touch bread, or pottage, or wine, or oil, or meat, any meat, shall it be holy? And the priest answered and said, No. Then said Haggai, If one that is unclean by a dead body touch any of these, shall it be unclean? And the priest answered and said, It shall be unclean. Then answered Haggai and said, So is this people, and so is this nation before me, saith the Lord, and so is every work of their hands, and that which they offer there is unclean. So what is the Bible teaching? It's saying, look, if you are sick, can you just touch someone that's not sick and get healthy? Is that how it works? No, actually what's going to happen is the unsick person now sick. Now they're infected with whatever disease you touched them. You don't touch clean things with dirty things to get it clean. It actually makes the clean thing dirty is what it does. That's what the Bible teaches. So you're going to take a dirty disease and inject it into a clean baby. What happened? Well, the baby just got dirty. The baby just got diseased. The baby is now unclean. Go if you would to Leviticus chapter number 13 now. Go back in your Bibles towards the beginning. Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus. The Bible says in Exodus chapter 15, it says, And he cried unto the Lord, and the Lord showed him a tree, which when he had cast into the waters, the waters were made sweet. There he made for them a statute and an ordinance, and there he proved them, and said, If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the Lord thy God, and wilt do that which is right in his sight, and wilt give ear to his commandments, and keep all his statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians, for I am the Lord that healeth thee. You know, when God brought the children of Israel out of Egypt, he said, Look, if you follow my commandments, if you do what I said, I will put none of the diseases on you that I put on the Egyptians. You know, the problem with a lot of people why they get so much disease is they don't follow God's commandments. Now, there's two ways to apply this. One way is just that you're sinful, but another way is just in cleanliness. If you actually read the Old Testament law, it proves how to be clean. It says when someone's sick, they're supposed to be covered. They're supposed to cover their mouth. They're supposed to go without the camp. You're supposed to bathe all their clothes in running water. You're not supposed to be near them. If any of the things they touched got unclean, you're supposed to burn them and get rid of them. He's talking about sanitation. He's talking about, you know, removing people from the camp, you know, putting them somewhere else. It's teaching all kinds of cleanliness standards, and when you see people constantly dying for rampant disease, they're not following what God told you. They're not doing these things. They're not doing these things. They're bathing themselves in standing water. They don't have good, clean living conditions. They're touching all kinds of dirty, unclean things. People are living in unsanitary situations. They're not eating clean food. Look at the third world countries today. Why are they so rampant with disease? Because they're not following what God said. They're not following God's commandments. And if you follow God's commandments, He says, look, I'm not going to put any of these diseases on you. I'm not going to put this filth on you. So you know what's better than getting all these vaccinations? How about following God's commandments? How about being clean? How about protecting yourself from disease, not putting it on yourself? According to the Bible, look, when you have a clean thing and an unclean thing, you're supposed to take the unclean thing and put it away, not touch the clean thing and get it all next to the clean thing. Look, it's going to make dirty the clean thing, just common sense. Look at Leviticus 13, verse 43. Then the priest shall look upon it, and behold, if the rising of the sword be white reddish in the bald head, or in his bald forehead, as the leprosy appearth in the skin of the flesh, as the leprosy appearth in the skin of the flesh, he is a leprous man. He is unclean. The priest shall pronounce him utterly unclean. His plague is in his head, and the leopard in whom the plague is, his clothes shall be rent, and his head bare, and he shall put a covering upon his lip and cry, Unclean! Unclean! And all day of the days, wherein the plague shall be in him, he shall be defiled, he is unclean, he shall dwell alone without the camp shall be his habitation be. Okay, so it's saying, look, when you diagnose somebody that had leprosy, they are supposed to say, hey, I'm unclean, don't come near me. They're supposed to take off his clothes, okay, and they're supposed to get rid of it. His head bare, they shave off all the hair, okay, then they've covered him, then they're saying this guy needs to just be alone. Don't even come anywhere near him until he's healthy again, until he doesn't have this disease. Skip down to verse 52. He shall therefore burn that garment, whether warp or woof and woolen or linen or anything of the skin, wherein the plague is, for it is a fretting leprosy, it shall be burnt in the fire. So it's saying, look, the garment's even. Just get rid of them. Get rid of these filthy, diseased garments. Don't try to wear them again. Don't put the guy that got leprosy's garments on yourself. That's a horrible idea. Look, he's teaching you how to be clean. And if you read through Leviticus 13, there's so many things that you can learn about cleanliness, about sanitation, about how not to get disease. Go, if you would, to Psalms 58. That's the last way I'm gonna have y'all turn. Look, you know, in 1 Corinthians 11, in the New Testament, Paul's writing in the church, he says, for he that eateth and drinketh unworthily eateth and drinketh damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord's body. For this cause, many are weak and sickly among you, and many sleep. So even in the New Testament, Paul is admonishing them. He's basically rebuking them, saying, some of the things y'all are doing in the church that are wrong, the way you're observing communion and doing these other things, it's actually causing a lot of the people in your church to be sick. To be sick, when you're not following God's commandments, when you're not doing that which is right, God will put disease on you. God will cause you to get sick, to get ill, to have problems. Now this is, you know, we learn from the book of Job that just because someone's sick or has some kind of problem, like, it doesn't mean that they did something wrong. Okay, so we can't always judge somebody and say, well, that guy's just a wicked sinner because look how sick he is. But at the same token, the Bible says a lot of times when people are sick, it's because they're not following God's commandments, because they're doing wrong, because they're doing something sinful, okay. Not only that, the Bible says in 1 Timothy chapter 6, Oh Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings and oppositions of science falsely so called, with some professing of error concerning the faith. Grace be with you, Amen. The Bible warned that there would be people that would teach things using science that are false. They're trying to use science and justification and reasoning and man's logic to teach you certain things and they're false. What do I think about the medical industry? Look, there's a lot of false science in the medical industry. Now I'm not saying if you're sick, don't go to the doctor. I'm not a medical doctor. I'm not trying to give you medical advice. Do your own research. Make your own decisions. Do what you want with your children. I'm not going to rule over your family. If you give your kids every single vaccination, I'll still, you know, pray for them and I'll still, you know, want you to come to this church. You know, I might have to pray a little extra for you, but I'm just saying, look, do what you want, okay? But I don't want your children to die. I don't want your children to have autism to just wake up one day. Now they can't even walk. Now they can't even talk. You know, we have pregnant ladies in the room tonight. We have people with young children today. This affects all of us. And look, I want your children to be healthy. I want your children to be safe. I want us to know what the Bible says on this topic. And you say, well, what do you think about all this? Okay, but what do you think about all these doctors? Why did you call them, you know, snake oil salesmen? Why do you say vaccination snake oil? Well, let's read Psalms 58, look at verse one. Do you indeed speak righteousness, O congregation? Do you judge uprightly, all you sons of men? Yea, in heart ye work wickedness, ye weigh the violence of your hands in the earth. The wicked are estranged from the womb. They go astray as soon as they be born, speaking lies. Their poison is like the poison of a serpent. You know what I think about these vaccinations? It's poison like a serpent. That's a snake oil. It's a deadly poison. Don't inject your kids with it. Don't inject your kids with poison. Don't inject your kids with a disease. Where does the Bible teach that? Didn't Jesus Christ say, they that behold need not a physician? Do you believe what Christ said or not? No, I think my healthy baby, we just need to give him some diseases. He doesn't have enough diseases. Let's give him 30 doses. You know, and if you look at the schedule for the CDC, they say your kids before the age of like two should get like 30 doses of all these cocktails of all kinds of various poisons. Let's keep reading. Verse five. Which will not harken to the voice of charmers, charming never so wisely. What do I think about these people? Break their teeth, O God, in their mouth. Break out the great teeth of the young lions, O Lord. Let them melt away as waters which run continually. When he bended his bow to shoot his arrows, let them be as cut in pieces as a snail which melteth. Let every one of them pass away like the untimely birth of a woman, that they may not see the sun before your pots can feel the thorns. He shall take them away as with a whirlwind, both living in his wrath. The righteous shall rejoice when he seeth the vengeance. He shall wash his feet in the blood of the wicked so that a man shall say, verily, there is a reward for the righteous. Verily, he is a God that judges in the earth. Say, what do you think about all these, you know, pharmaceutical CEOs? They just line their pockets with millions and millions of dollars while they just see constant baby after baby die and have all kinds of problems, and they can't even walk anymore, and they can't even talk anymore. Break their teeth, O God. Break their teeth in their mouth. You know what? Cause them to melt like a snail. Cause them to perish like the untimely birth of a woman. That's what I say. It's wicked as hell. And there's such a snake oil salesman pushing these fraudulent things, teaching people, oh, you gotta, it's so safe. It's so safe. Even though they constantly have kids die and have all kinds of problems. That's why in the United States government, they have a program called the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. Oh, what is that? It's for paying billions and millions of dollars to all these kids that are constantly having issues. There's over 5,000 reported cases since they opened this program of parents coming and saying, my kid's been severely, severely like getting autism. Autism's a horrible disease. All kinds of huge issues. Children dying, having all kinds of ailments from getting a vaccination. And the government's literally paying millions of dollars out to these families. You say, well, the government says that it's safe. Well, they're also paying millions of dollars to people that have been injured by it, too, at the same time. Tell me how safe that is. But let's focus on what Christ said. They that behold me not a physician. Look, if you're healthy today, don't go see a doctor. Don't go let one of these physicians go ruin your life, make you none the better. And look, I'm never going to take my healthy baby to a doctor to have them stab poison in them, stab some disease. It doesn't make any sense. They have no evidence that it works. They have no proof. They have no good reason to do it. And look, the Bible's against every single part of it, okay? Let's close in prayer. Thank you, Father, so much for your word. Thank you so much for giving us instruction and commandments that we could live by. I pray that every single person in this room would take great heed unto your commandments and unto your word, that we not just trust things that we hear, that we would not just listen to big authorities and the government just decide they must be right, they must be true, but we'd actually have a care. We wouldn't be apathetic towards our children. We wouldn't be apathetic towards our family. But we'd do our own research, and we would love our own children, and we make the decisions that you have for us. In Jesus' name we pray, amen.