(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) 335 if Jesus goes with me should be a new one for us tonight hopefully you know it but if not you can learn it all together 335 again that's 335 if Jesus goes with me all together it may be in the valley where countless dangers hide it may be in the sunshine that I in peace abide but this one thing I know if it be dark or fair if Jesus is with me I'll go anywhere if Jesus goes with me I'll go anywhere tis heaven to me where I may be if he is there I counted a privilege here his cross to bear if Jesus goes with me I'll go anywhere it may be I must carry the blessed word of life across the burning deserts to those in sinful strife and though it be my lot to bear my colors there if Jesus goes with me I'll go anywhere if Jesus goes with me I'll go anywhere tis heaven for me where I may be if he is there I counted a privilege here his cross to bear if Jesus goes with me I'll go anywhere but if it be my portion to bear my cross at home while others bear their burdens beyond the billows foam I'll prove my faith in him confess his judgment fair and if he stays with me I'll go anywhere if Jesus goes with me I'll go anywhere tis heaven to me where I may be if he is there I counted a privilege here his cross to bear if Jesus goes with me I'll go anywhere it is not mine to question the judgments of my Lord it is but mine to follow the leadings of his word but if to go or stay or whether here or there I'll be with my Savior content anywhere if Jesus goes with me I'll go anywhere tis heaven to me where I may be if he is there I counted a privilege here his cross to bear if Jesus goes with me I'll go anywhere Amen. Great singing. That's the word of prayer. Father, we love you. We just come before you in prayer asking you to please hear us. We thank you for this church we have. We thank you that we have the fellowship and the preaching, all the wisdom you've taught us. We just pray you bless the sermon tonight and you fill Pastor Shelley with your Holy Spirit. Help us Lord to listen to the preaching and apply it to our lives. We love you Father and we just want to pray these things in Jesus Christ's name. Amen. Next is going to be 346. Bring your vessels, not a few. We've done this a few times so hopefully you remember it. 346. Sing it all together on the first. Are you looking for the fullness of the blessing of the Lord in your heart and life today? Claim the promise of your Father come according to his word in the blessed old time way. He will fill your heart today to overflowing as the Lord commandeth you. Bring your vessels, not a few. He will fill your heart today to overflowing with the Holy Ghost and power. Bring your empty earth and vessels clean through Jesus' precious blood. Come ye needy one and all and in human consecration wait before the throne of God till the Holy Ghost shall fall. He will fill your heart today to overflowing as the Lord commandeth you. Bring your vessels, not a few. He will fill your heart today to overflowing with the Holy Ghost and power. Like the cruise of oil unfailing his disgrace forevermore and his love unchanging still. And according to his promise with the Holy Ghost and power he will every vessel fill. He will fill your heart today to overflowing as the Lord commandeth you. Bring your vessels, not a few. He will fill your heart today to overflowing with the Holy Ghost and power. Amen. Thanks for coming to steadfast Baptist Church. If you need a bulletin lift your hand nice and high. One of our ushers can come by. We have our Bible memory passage and on the inside we have our service and soul wanting times. Also make sure if you have any soul wanting maps turn those back in if they're completed. Order brother Dylan. On the right we have the list of expecting ladies. And then we have our prayer list. Please submit those via email. We also have upcoming events. Baby Shower June 11th and we have the men's conference August 18th through the 20th. On the back we have the baby shower in honor of the names. It's going to be from 1230 to 230 and it's going to be here at the church if you'd like to get them a gift. She is registered on Amazon and also bring an dessert or a dish to share. Nursing is only preferred. We do have these cards still on the back. There is like a box next to there as well so if you think we ran out I think we still have plenty. I want to try and get through these cards as quickly as possible. And then we still have also these other invites. I was going to ask there is a soul wanting marathon this Saturday in Lawton, Oklahoma with our Oklahoma church. Is anybody by chance planning on going that? Ok so we do have the millsteads. I might have you just double check if you can bring some stuff for me to that. Alright just a double check with me on that one. I think that's pretty much all I have for announcements this evening. Let's go ahead and go to our third song. 396 in the hymnal, 396 so little time. That's 396 so little time. Great song about soul winning, great reminder for us all. Not a whole lot of time left to go out and share the gospel so do it while we can. 396 So little time the harvest will be over Are we being done? We reapers taken home Report our work to Jesus Lord of harvest And hope he'll smile and that he'll say well done Today we reap or miss our golden harvest Today has given us all souls to win Oh then to save some dear ones from the burning Today we'll go to bring some sinner in How many times I should have strongly pleaded How often did I feel to strictly warn The spirit moved, oh had I pled for Jesus The grain is fallen, lost ones not reborn Today we reap or miss our golden harvest Today has given us all souls to win Oh then to save some dear ones from the burning Today we'll go to bring some sinner in Despite the heat, the ceaseless toll, the hardship The broken heart or those we cannot win Misunderstood because we're all peculiar Still no regrets we'll have but for our sin Today we reap or miss our golden harvest Today has given us all souls to win Oh then to save some dear ones from the burning Today we'll go to bring some sinner in A day of pleasure or a feast of friendship A house or car or garments fair or fame We'll all be trashed when souls are brought to heaven And then how sad to face a slacker's blame Today we reap or miss our golden harvest Today has given us all souls to win Oh then to save some dear ones from the burning Today we'll go to bring some sinner in The harvest wide with reapers few is wasting And many souls will die and never know The love of Christ, the joy of sins forgiven Oh let us weep and love and pray and go Today we reap or miss our golden harvest Today has given us all souls to win Oh then to save some dear ones from the burning Today we'll go and bring some sinner in Deuteronomy chapter 6 will read the whole chapter prior to the sermon And follow along silently starting in verse number 1 where the Bible reads In Deuteronomy chapter number 6 Now these are the commandments, the statutes and the judgments Which the Lord your God commanded to teach you That ye might do them in the land whither ye go to possess it That thou mightest fear the Lord thy God To keep all his statutes and his commandments Which I command thee thou and thy son and thy son's son All the days of thy life and that thy days may be prolonged Hear therefore O Israel and observe to do it That it may be well with thee and that ye may increase mightily As the Lord God of thy fathers has promised thee In the land that floweth with milk and honey Hear O Israel the Lord our God is one Lord And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart And with all thy soul and with all thy might And these words which I command thee this day shall be in thine heart And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children And shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house And when thou walkest by the way And when thou liest down And when thou risest up And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thine hand And they shall be as frontlets between thine eyes And thou shalt write them upon the posts of thy house and on thy gates And it shall be when the Lord thy God shall have brought thee into the land Which he sware unto thy fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob To give thee great and goodly cities which thou buildest not And houses full of all good things which thou filest not And wells digged which thou diggest not Vineyards and olive trees which thou plantest not When thou shalt have eaten and be full Then beware lest thou forget the Lord Which brought thee forth out of the land of Egypt from the house of bondage Thou shalt fear the Lord thy God and serve him And shalt swear by his name Ye shall not go after other gods of the gods of the people which are round about you For the Lord thy God is a jealous God among you Lest the anger of the Lord thy God be kindled against thee And destroy thee from off the face of the earth Ye shall not tempt the Lord your God As he tempted him in Massa Ye shall diligently keep the commandments of the Lord your God And his testimonies and his statutes which he hath commanded thee And thou shalt do that which is right and good in the sight of the Lord That it may be well with thee And that thou mayest go in and possess the good land which the Lord sware unto thy fathers To cast out all thine enemies from before thee as the Lord hath spoken And when thy son asketh thee in time to come saying What mean the testimonies and the statutes and the judgments which the Lord our God hath commanded you Then thou shalt say unto thy son We were Pharaoh's bondmen in Egypt And the Lord brought us out of Egypt with a mighty hand And the Lord showed signs and wonders great and sore upon Egypt Upon Pharaoh and upon all his household before our eyes He brought us out from thence that he might bring us in To give us the land which he sware unto our fathers And the Lord commanded us to do all these statutes To fear the Lord our God for our good always That he might preserve us alive as it is at this day And it shall be our righteousness if we observe to do all these commandments before the Lord our God As he hath commanded us Let's bow our heads for a word of prayer Father we thank you for Deuteronomy chapter 6 And for the man of God I pray that you fill him with your spirit And enable him to thunder forth the message that you've laid on his heart Help us to listen and apply the message this evening And be with us as we go our separate ways after the service In Jesus name I pray, Amen Amen So this evening I want to be preaching on a current event that recently happened It's a Vivaldi school shooting And this happened in the state of Texas I think most people are probably aware Who's heard of this thing? Yeah, basically everybody Okay, so everybody probably has some level of information about what's happened here And I think there's some lessons that we can take from what happened And kind of apply the Bible And really kind of see some important biblical lessons I think that are evolving around these type of scenarios These type of situations Of course, I don't know all the facts about this I don't think anybody knows the facts about this Even the governor of Texas came out and said He basically didn't know all the facts And gave bad information And they keep getting updated And I don't even know if we'll ever know everything that happened Obviously there's a lot of information to be known But there's definitely been a lot of reporting about this situation And I wanted to give a little bit of information about the situation But on May 24th There was reported a school shooting in Uvalde at an elementary school And the person responsible His name was Salvador Ramos He was 18 years old And at 11 a.m. on that day According to the official story According to the narrative of what they're saying has happened Around 11 a.m. This individual ended up shooting his grandmother And took her car And started driving it Where he then ended up crashing About two miles away from his house Near an elementary school So this happened on May 24th around 11 a.m. And about 1128 So this is around the time he arrived at the school Crashes the vehicle And then he ends up just shooting at random civilians In the area that kind of noticed a crash Were coming upon him Just trying to figure out what's going on He gets to these individuals And then they flee and call 911 Additionally I didn't mention this At 11 a.m. when he shot his grandmother in the face It said that she still called the police So the police had been alerted I guess At about 11 a.m. Of a gunman of a shooting He's about two miles away from this original shooting And he had fired Two minutes later So after he had arrived near this elementary school As an elementary school teacher Called 911 So at 1130 a.m. An elementary school teacher Called said that she saw the crash And saw him shooting And coming towards the school 1133 He entered the school Through a back door Upon which a teacher had apparently propped open At 1135 The police arrived So I guess that's a pretty good response time 35 minutes from the original shooting I don't understand You know I think this is like an extremely small town too So I don't even know what was going on With this particular situation But it took them several minutes to get there 1137 So the police have entered the school There's a guy in the school with a gun An 18 year old with a rifle Says at 1137 The gunman fired 16 rounds And I'm guessing they're in the direction of the police department At 1143 Rob Elementary and Yuvaldi Police posted on Facebook That there was an active shooter And that the school was locked on lockdown It says at 1144 The police officers Arrived and were inside And there was gunfire And they told people to stay To stay away So I guess that was maybe like an official Statement that they had made At 1151 more police arrived So they've been in the school Since 1135 To about 1151 More police are arriving At 1154 They have a person named Angel Or Angel or Angel Ledezima He was streaming live video of parents That had already arrived at the school And were begging police to enter the school So we don't know exactly when they showed up But already at 1154 parents were Begging for police to go in the school And stop what's going on At 1203 pm More police arrived A student called 911 And essentially said That there was a shooter In their classroom At 1210 the student called back And said that more people were dead At 1213 a student called The third time And the police didn't release the statements At 1215 A border patrol tactical unit arrived At 1216 Another student called 911 And said that there was more students alive At 1217 The school announces an active shooter on campus More onlookers and parents were begging For the police to go in And to stop the shooter Parents were trying to break windows of the school And get their children out I have seen video Of parents being arrested Tased And stopped by the police For trying to enter the school At 1219 Another student called 911 And Was hanging up After a student told them to Because they were worried about being heard At 1221 the gunman fired Again Three gunshots could be heard At 1236 Think about it, this is an hour After cops have already been in the school And The gunman At 1236 another student called And they told them to just stay on the line Quietly At 1243 The gunman shoots at the door Presumably cops were near the door At 1246 You can hear on the call I can hear the police next door 1247 The student is saying please send the police now At 1250 P.M. The border patrol killed the gunman So Apparently Someone called the police at 11 A.M. to say that there was an active shooter And at 1250 The police finally stopped An 18 year old With a gun Now you would say well maybe he's really experienced Well this happened on May 24th The 18 year old Bought the firearm Sometime between May 16th And May 20th He had a max of a week With the weapons that he had He had Purchased a DD M4 B7 and a Smith & Wesson M&P 15 According to the reports and he took the DD M4 M7 Into the school What's kind of interesting about that Is if you know anything about Assault or I'm sorry An AR If you know anything about an AR-15 A DD M4 is a Daniel of Defense That's the brand Of the gun It's not a cheap gun Like if you were going to go buy An AR at the store today If you were looking for a cheap or an economical An economic rifle You'd probably see someone buying like a Bushmaster Especially if they're poor Because a Bushmaster is like $500, $600, $700 Still going to be a very Effective gun Still works and everything like that In fact I looked it up There's like 12 Brands Of AR-15s that you can purchase That are around $500, $600, $700 If you were to buy a DD M4 Depending on exactly what specs you got It's anywhere from $1800 to $2000 And apparently this kid's like a poor kid That lives with his grandmother Has no money But he's just going into stores Just buying some of the most expensive AR-15s They have to offer In fact he also bought 375 rounds Of 5.56 That's like another $255 In ammo Here's some questions I have Where do you get all the money for all these guns and ammo? I hope we investigate that I hope we investigate that I hope we investigate why it takes 30 minutes for police to find Someone that shot their Grandmother I hope we investigate Why police are in the school and did nothing For over an hour Essentially as far as at least stopping the threat I mean what's going on Why is there a door just Conveniently open for this kid That he comes in because most schools Have really strict policies on these types of things They're not allowed to just open these doors I really hope that the cops And the investigators actually Try to answer some of these questions But I don't know that it's going to be answered I don't know what's going to happen And I'm not going to speculate too too much on that You can have your own ideas I would just say this, this is weird And if you say like, oh this story is just All about how bad guns are There's a lot more going on Than just guns are bad And I don't know if you realize this But guns existed before public school Ever existed There's never been a time Where school and guns Didn't always exist Simultaneously Yet it's interesting how throughout history We didn't just have all these school shootings I mean people that are older than me They didn't have all these threats Of all these school shootings And all these type of events happening And people want to blame guns But how can you blame guns If you did a scientific experiment And you said okay well guns always existed Yeah But apparently that's not the catalyst Not guns that are going to And in fact a gun didn't walk in there by itself And kill anyone An 18 year old person went in there And we don't know all of his reasoning We do know that pretty much not living In a father led home Which I've already preached on this But mass shooters There's a really strong connection Where they have no good father in the home They either have no father Or a horrible father And in this case Pretty much you know same scenario You know weird stuff going on With the family Students have said that the student would like to cut himself At times And say all kinds of weird things We know in the bible those who cut themselves Are filled with devils The demonic spirits But of course you know when you live In a secular world they don't want to ever analyze Anything as being spiritual Or being under demonic influence Or anything like that You have to realize when you take the Ten Commandments out of public school When you have public school even in general And you're just basically trying to become the most godless Nation ever That yeah there's going to be bad things that happen As a result of that Now Here's two lessons that I think we can learn from this Number one We should remind ourselves What does the bible say about education for children Anyway What is the right way to educate our children And what should we be doing as far as education Well in Deuteronomy chapter 6 Where you're here look at verse 6 again And these words which I command thee this day Shall be in thine heart and thou shalt teach them Diligently Unto thy children and shalt talk of them When thou sittest in thine house And when thou walkest by the way And when thou liest down Notice that the teaching Is from the parents To the children and in every single Life circumstance It doesn't have anybody else teaching them in this passage It doesn't bring up any other scenario It doesn't bring up some kind of a Public school system Or some kind of an education system Where you're dropping all the kids off to learn these words The parents are supposed to be teaching Their children these words And notice everywhere When you're at home You're just at the grocery store You're shopping You're going out to the ball park You're doing whatever you're doing You're driving Hey you're teaching them the Bible You're talking about the Bible And he says hey When you all go to bed at night What kind of bedtime stories Genesis 19 Judges 19 You're going to teach them about the 42 children You want to teach them the right kind of Bible stories My son says that's one of his favorite Bible stories In the whole Bible And I say amen He wrote his own copy of the Bible out He's practicing and writing I don't even know My children are I don't get it But they just make books Is anybody else kids just make books? I never ask them to make a book But they'll just come up and be like Hey here's a book I wrote And it's all kinds of stories They just write the Bible They'll call it Holy Bible And I'll just look it open They just copied parts of the Bible He just copied the story about these 42 children being torn up by She-bears and I'm thinking Doesn't my wife teach my children? I said I was just like so why did you put that in Why did you copy that one? It's one of my favorite stories I was like amen Nothing wrong with that But you go to bed Hey you're at dinner You're teaching the Bible Everywhere you should be teaching them the Bible You shouldn't expect your children to learn the Bible at church You should expect them to learn it everywhere And some parents They expect the church to teach Their children the Bible And then they expect the world to teach them Every other subject That there is out there But again is that biblical I will submit to you no There is zero verse that illustrates a public school education In fact everything the Bible is teaching Is for parents teaching their children It says in verse number 8 And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thine hand And they shall be frontless between thine eyes And thou shalt write them upon the posts of thine house And on thy gates In fact you should be teaching the Bible so much It should just be written everywhere Writing Bible verses on your walls And writing on your house And not like these pretentious virtue signaling Jews You just have this little tiny What looks like a scroll attached to the door You can't even tell what that is You couldn't read anything The point was that he would actually put the words So that when you looked at the doorboards You could actually see the words You could actually see something like Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ Or daily in the temple In every house they cease not to teach And preach Jesus Christ Trust the Lord with all thine heart And lean not on thine understanding These are the type of things that you should put Where it would be visible He's not saying just virtue signal by Going up and just putting this Bible right here Let's just staple a Bible right here And let's just staple another one over here That's not the way you decorate The way you decorate Is by putting the actual words up Like steadfast That's a good thing to put up there And we should try to put Decorations in our lives That remind us of the word of God Not anything else Go if we went to Deuteronomy 4 Not some kind of false religion And look I'm not against Other kinds of decorations Obviously my house Has things like hems even Like it is well with my soul We'll put that up or something You can do whatever you want But part of your decoration according to the Bible Would be the words of God Which makes a lot of sense I'm not saying you have to But I'm saying that's what the Bible is teaching you I only want you To teach them the Bible I want you to literally write this everywhere Why? Because it's really important That we teach our children the Bible Look at Deuteronomy chapter 4 verse 5 Behold I have taught you statutes and judgments Even as the Lord my God commanded me He should do so in the land Whether you go to possess it Keep therefore and do them For this is your wisdom and your understanding In the sight of the nations Which shall hear all these statutes And understanding people Notice when they hear Leviticus 20 They're saying man that makes sense Okay Verse 7 for what nation is there so great Who hath God so nigh unto them As the Lord our God is In all things that we call upon him for You know what signifies To people that you're close with God The law of God He's saying the more you know the laws Of God the more you know the statutes And the judgments of God They say this person is close with God Whereas today in our culture You bring up the law and they say Oh you're so judgmental God told us never to judge I don't know what God you're talking about But our God is full of judgment And our God In fact if you want to be close to him You have to know the judgments People that don't know the judgments That don't know the law that don't know the statutes They're not close to God Those that know them are the ones that are close And nigh unto God That has statutes and judgments so righteous As all this law Which I set before you This day He's saying hey what country is greater than this country You know We're going to make America great again Let's put more of God's laws Into our laws That would make a nation great And you know it's embarrassing How ungodly our nation is When it's a supposed Christian nation Me and brother Ben We went to Chicago This week And we got an interview with Another fundamental Baptist Who believes the King James Bible is the word of God And I think it's going to be a great interview for our film But what's interesting is on our way back On our flight back A young man comes and sits by us And he's like forced by the flight attendants You know I don't know It's interesting nobody ever sits by me It's like it's a full flight every time And then just no one sits by me And he's forced by the flight attendant to move For like a family or something And he sits down next to Ben And he asks him like Hey something about church I don't know And the guy just said I'm a Muslim or something He told him he's a Muslim Well the flight attendant because they forced him to move Gave him a free ticket And I didn't know what it was It was like a voucher or something But it was a voucher for free alcohol And the guy's like Oh I don't want this I don't drink alcohol And he's like I'm a Muslim I don't drink alcohol And I'm thinking like How can Muslims Not have a problem admitting like I don't drink alcohol Because I'm a Muslim But then Christians They're afraid to make that known They're afraid to admit And you know Muslims they look down upon Christianity today Because they know what's right and wrong In a lot of areas And they see Christians who don't They think like Well you guys have a fake religion And you guys like faggots And all kinds of weird nonsense that's going on And it's like to a Muslim They're thinking like how could your religion be right You guys are wicked You guys are evil You know whereas if they actually looked at real Christianity And saw okay Oh yeah Leviticus 2013 that is a good statute And not drinking alcohol that is a good statute And they look at fundamental Baptist Dressing modestly You know they look at the women of America today And it justifies the hijab to them Because they look at the women today And they're literally like naked walking everywhere I mean you go anywhere And it's just women are just so immodest They're just showing off all the parts of their body today And to the Muslim he's thinking like Man these girls are whores Man these women are wicked today I mean it wouldn't be hard to convince a Muslim today That American women are whores They look like whores today And you know what A fundamental Baptist though Wouldn't look like that And it might actually cause them to say Okay well the hijab seems a little crazy Seems a little bit over the top Obviously these women Who are dressing modest That's not as big a deal You know it's embarrassing That our nation is even considered Christian Even if it is Because it doesn't look anything like Christ It has none of the statutes None of the judgements You know we should bring that back And we should be more bold Than the Muslim In our faith We should be more willing to say Hey I don't drink because I'm a Christian As opposed to I'm a Muslim But this is what causes People to realize Hey the Lord is a righteous God And you have the righteous judgements You're observing his laws He says in verse number 9 Only take heed to thyself and keep thy soul diligently Lest thou forget The things which thine eyes have seen Apart from thy heart All the days of thy life But teach them Thy sons and thy sons' sons Especially the day that thou sittest Before the Lord thy God in horror When the Lord said unto me Gather me and the people together And I will make them hear my words That they may learn to fear me All the days that they shall live Upon the earth And that they may teach their children We need Christians to teach We have a nation We have a generation That were not taught by their parents And they've forgotten the statutes of the Lord They've forgotten the judgements of the Lord They don't know the Lord They are so far from the things of God And that's why it's so important That we teach every generation And every single one of our sons And not just their sons Our grandsons I mean every single generation that you have your fingers on You need to be teaching them the word of God And you know what? Grandparents often spoil their children They should do the exact opposite They should be teaching them the commandments of God We need a generation to rise up That's going to say I'm going to teach all of my children Grandchildren, nieces, nephews, uncles Everybody is going to learn the Bible And for them to fear Grandpa Instead of getting spoiled by Grandpa It should be that if you give your kids to Grandpa They come back better, not worse It used to be the case But it's a shame today You give the kids to Grandma and Grandpa And they come back like spoiled little brats They come back on a sugar high And all they did was watch TV Because Grandpa and Grandpa don't know what's going on And they don't care And they don't have the energy or something to watch the kids You know what? That's a shame And that's an embarrassment You know what? The older generation should take on that The older generation should take on that responsibility And to teach their children And grandchildren how to behave Go to Titus chapter number 2 Go to Titus chapter number 2 So far What are we learning though? This is what we're learning That public school system is not shown here in the Bible We're seeing a parent Taught children We're seeing grandparent taught children We're not seeing Just some random person in the society And why would I want A random person In our county To teach my children I don't even know if this person is saved I don't even know if this person is a Christian You know the Bible says that we're supposed to separate ourselves Wherefore come out from among them and be separate Sayeth the Lord How am I being separate When I literally send my kids To be with an unsaved person More than me Because the public school system Is 8, 9, 10 hours a day I mean that's way more time Than most dads are spending with their children So you're going to literally send Your child to go and learn The instruction of the heathen For 8, 9, 10 hours a day And then you're going to go to church And read verses like Oh come out from among them and be separate You know a lot of fundamental Baptist At least they get that point But then instead of that Instead of like They just do their own private school Where they grab some woman In the church or they grab some of the ladies In the church and they are the teachers And they start building a school Start having this private school And everything like that But again just because someone comes to our church Doesn't make them a Godly person And many times even these schools Will really stretch limits To bring in teachers Because it's hard to fill those roles and those positions And they let a lot of people in They're teaching these types of things And the only person that really loves your children The way that you do Is you Look at what it says in Titus chapter 2 Look at verse 1 So he's telling a pastor He's telling a preacher Hey preach things that are sound doctrine Here's a sound doctrine verse 3 The aged women likewise That they may behavior as become of holiness Not false accusers Not given to much wine To teach women to be sober To love their husbands To love their children You know we need the older women to teach the younger women to love children And here's a good way to love them Says in verse 5 to be discreet Chase keepers at home Women should be keepers at home And you say well what are they going to be doing at home all day? Teaching the children You know of course it wouldn't make sense For a woman to just go and stare at the wall For 8 hours a day While their children are at the public school system Okay yeah I get that You know what that's because she's supposed to be teaching them She's supposed to be the keeper at home Raising the children And of course You know while I teach what the Bible says That doesn't mean that every single person Is always going to be You know meeting all this criterion I was raised in a public school system Some kids in our church are going to go to public school Some people are not going to be in an ideal situation And of course my Hope My hope is that people if they have an opportunity To make a change that they will make this change If they can't But if you can't you know what Who in here was home schooled I just want to know like of the adults Who was home schooled Almost like 4 people okay So that tells you that almost everybody We were the exception though to the public school system Alright Praise God that there was some exception I'm not saying that you can't come out of it You know what you come out of it a little scarred You come out of it a little damaged You come out of it with some thoughts And images And words And songs and outfits And all kinds of stuff Some hair colors Some hairstyles I mean the MC hammer pants I mean I don't know what it is you came out there with But you got some issues And we all can recognize hey I think if my parents had just kept me at home They probably would have shielded me from some stuff That I got into Some decisions and some friends that I had That I wish I hadn't And so look Home schooling while Could sound weird Always going to be superior And I couldn't tell of the home school people Maybe some of you know It's Even if they are weirder I'd rather my kids be weird And innocent Than cool And know all the stuff that the public school kids know And be doing All the stuff that the public school kids are doing There's a lot of wickedness In that arena and you know We need to encourage Mothers to be keepers at home to raise their children You know as long As you got children in the home I think you should be there with them Keeping that home Go to Lamentations chapter number 4 Lamentations chapter 4 and if you have a wife That's willing to teach your children at home You need to raise that woman And I'll tell you this You know it's not easy It's not like raising kids is easy Ask this question like Why does public school exist Because it's hard It's not Going and working in a secular job As far as if you're just going to go What do women typically do Whenever they don't Home school or something like that If they go get a career Maybe they're a secretary Or maybe they're a marketing person Or maybe they're a manager or whatever That's going to probably be easier From a mental perspective Because dealing with children is hard You know raising children, teaching children to read Is going to be one of the most frustrating things On the planet And some children learn better than others And I'm not going to name any names for myself But some of our children are easier To teach than others And the ones that are hard It's really frustrating Like I have to say Of all the tasks I've ever done in my life It's up there It's like one of the most frustrating things ever And maybe I don't have a lot of patience I don't know But I'm just saying like I think it's a very difficult task And if you were to say hey Pastor Shelley Do you think it's easier to stay home With all those kids and raise them And like teach them school Or like come to work and deal with all your issues And I'm like my job is way easier And people often look at me like Oh your job is so hard You got all these issues You got all these haters I do but it's so much easier I mean I'd rather deal with a terrorist Without than the terrorist within And I'm telling you It's real But it's a very necessary job You know you need a person in there And women are tough Women can deal with a lot They have the ability to multitask A lot better than I do And so you know God made them for this role God gave them this ability To manage you know this household And I think it's important that women embrace That role and do this Look at what it says in Lamentations chapter 4 verse 3 It says Even the sea monsters draw out the breast They give suck to the young ones The daughter of my people has become cruel Like the ostriches In the wilderness Cleaveth at the roof of his mouth for thirst Young children ask bread And no man breaketh it unto them Now in this passage Lamentations is about The destruction of Jerusalem And the prophet Jeremiah is lamenting Over the destruction That's why it's called Lamentations Lament is to be sorrowful Sad He has all these emotions tied Because he doesn't like the destruction of his people You know when I look at America I just feel sad I feel sad that our country Is just destroying itself Is just ruining itself And that women are ruining themselves And destroying themselves by Not deciding to have children You know they're taking drugs to destroy Their uterus And they're literally destroying their children Through abortion And destroying their children through birth control And they're you know Taking these drugs causes breast cancer Causes all kinds of other Evils and all kinds of other Problems Because women take birth control It also destroys their drive To be with their husband in the bedroom It's like one of the side effects Is that it basically causes you to not even Want to have that type of relationship And because all these women aren't wanting To have that relationship It's causing more marriage problems And it's causing all kinds of issues And because they're messing with all their hormones I mean women All those hormones lined up right You know what I'm talking about And when you're taking all these drugs I mean you're getting it even weirder You're messing these things up And you're causing all these types of problems And because their hormones are changing It causes their affections to change And one of their affections Is even just towards children in general You know Little girls You don't even have to tell them anything You know what they love playing with? Little dolls They love playing mommy They love playing all of these I mean they just want to be moms from like day one And they just love the idea of children It's our society and the hormones And all this other junk that has to come in And warp their mind And brainwash them And get them to where they don't love their children anymore Because it's a natural affection To love children And for women to want to have children And here in this passage The fact that it's like animals Seem to be better mothers Than the women here in Jerusalem He's saying look even sea monsters Grow out the breast And they get stuck with the young ones But he's like but the women here They're literally forsaking their own children Now Let's give a context so we understand this Go over to Job 39 But in Jerusalem The women have become so hardened against their young ones That they have roiled their own children and ate them So because they're starving Because they have no nourishment for themselves They You know in this kind of metaphor seemingly They're not feeding their children Because they just have no nourishment Because like even the animals Would like basically feed their children These women they're not even feeding their children They're not even taking care of them They basically are more in concern With them than they are their children Which is actually against Nature Women by nature Naturally care about their children more than themselves They love their children more And they would willingly hurt themselves Or cause a detriment to themselves Rather than to their children Whereas it's showing This group of people have gotten to a point Where they care about themselves way more Than children and you know that reminds me Of America Where it seems like there are so many women In America that Way easily sacrifice their child Over themselves They care so much more about themselves Than their children And you know even in the most grotesque Ways they care more about their own career Than they do children right They would rather just rip their children Into parts and suck them Through a vacuum Just so they can have their career Just so they can have their dreams Just so they can have their big house or whatever They can have their vacations They can have their shopping spree Or they can have that purse That matches every outfit God forbid you would have to have A purse that goes with like 4 or 5 outfits God forbid You would actually have to have A 4th bedroom Rather than a workout room Or a movie theater room Or God forbid You would actually have to go to the park As your vacation Then get to go to Can Can or you know wherever Right I mean that's I mean that's literally what women are choosing And I hear it I hear it without even trying I remember being on elevators And I just women will get on the elevator And they're just talking it up Because women like to talk apparently And they're just like man I don't want another child They're so awful They're going to tie me down I don't like being around them I couldn't even imagine staying home with my child Like it's so hard It's so difficult Like I have to get away from them And it's just a weird Culture that we live in And look every woman Has moments where she wants to get away from her children Okay I'm not trying to get down on you Typically my wife is kind of the type of opinion Where she's just like I want to break with my children I want to break with my children And as soon as she gets it she's like I want to be with my children I can't win for losing I guess right Because you know you have that just strong desire To be with them and you love them And look we all need a break Women don't get enough breaks We get that But you know what they're built to be resilient I have to get way more breaks right But Job chapter 39 look at verse 13 The Bible says this Gave us thou the goodly wings under the peacocks Or wings and feathers under the ostrich Which leaveth their eggs in the earth And warmeth them in the dust Forget it that the foot may crush them Or that the wild beast may break them She is hardened against her young ones As though they were not hers Her labor is in vain Without fear Because God has deprived her of wisdom Neither have they imparted her understanding You know what this makes me think of American women today Taking their children and just dropping them off At the public school system Not realizing that the foot may crush them Not realizing that the wild beast may come and destroy them Why? Because she's hardened against them She's not worried for them She doesn't have any kind of concern I mean who looks at our government today And thinks like oh man they're a really safe place to be You know that's a really great group of people That can really take well Good care of my children A bunch of government officials A bunch of government servants A bunch of government workers You know this is in my opinion Almost the worst people you could hand your children to Maybe like a fault Maybe like a false religion Would be like above that But I mean if you're just talking about like Who should I not give my children to The government's got to be up there Yeah isn't that what public school is I mean it's just run by the government You're literally letting Joe Biden And Kamala Harris Decide how to take care of your children I mean this makes no sense It only makes sense if you just don't really care about your children at all And you've become hardened against them to the point where Well whatever happens happens And you know you can see this There are certain areas where you'll go to apartment complexes And certain apartment complexes They literally let their kids just run everywhere I mean you're just looking outside Just like two year olds Four year olds just running everywhere And you're just thinking like What are you doing Dodging cars and whatever And it's just like They just not care That's the answer They really don't care Children to them are a burden And they're not really willing to kill the child themselves But if it happened well whatever You know if I lose a few eggs here and there I mean this is the type of Situation that we live in You know what where are the parents is a good question Where in the Bible teach Like hey just drop your kids off some random place And then come back with them You know my kids don't know about public school They don't know about public school We'll go to 2 Kings chapter 2 for a moment They don't know what public school is Or how these things work They love the idea of a school bus That's really cool to them And they think everything is a school bus You know when we go to the When we go to an airport They're like we get to ride the school bus Because you know you park your car and you ride the shuttle And it's like it's the school bus And they think it's awesome I remember explaining the concept to Clayton Recently it's just like yeah you know Some people they just take their kids and they just drop them off With a random teacher and they're there all day No mom or dad Like would you want to do that? No Why would they want to do that? He's like that doesn't sound like fun He wants to be with mom He wants to be with mom more than me And I get it you know the kids like mom More than me right now and that's fine I like that But they want to be where mom is And that's natural It's not natural just leave your kids some random place And when kids are by themselves Bad things happen Look what it says in 2 Kings chapter 2 Verse 23 This is what I always think Where are the parents? Look at this little children They're literally roaming out of the city That's not going to do anything good And you know you don't mock The bald headed guys You know be careful Be nice to brother Jason Alright And he turned back and he looked on them And cursed them in the name of the Lord And there came forth two she bears out of the wood And tear 40 and 2 children of them Here's another thing Don't mock the man of God You know what you just let kids on their own They'll just do anything say anything Look little children are foolish You know The Bible makes it clear that foolishness Is in the heart of a child It's bound in the heart of a child You know the rod of correction shall drive it far from it But it doesn't say like Oh every child starts out good It says every child starts out terrible That's why raising kids is hard And you thought it was going to be Look you have to drive the foolishness Out of your children Let me tell you something You say why do my kids not behave Because you haven't driven any foolishness out of them That's why If you want your children to behave If you want them to be well instructed You have to drive that foolishness out of them On a regular basis Go to Proverbs chapter 14 Not let the public schools do it And you know they don't do it anyways They used to actually in public school They used to spank And again I don't want a stranger spanking my children But it's better than nothing And you know Public school systems are so screwed up I don't want to talk about their policies Because all their policies suck Why don't we stop paying property taxes And giving it to these public school systems And just fund all of them Okay That is stupid I don't believe in the public school system It doesn't produce High quality results It's just a glorified babysitter So mom and dad can just go do whatever they want It's not right Proverbs chapter 14 verse 1 Every wise woman builds her house But the foolish pluck it down with her hands You know another weird thing about public school If you think about it Is why do you get the summer off I don't even understand it Like it basically just Treats you to be lazy for a few months every year Because in real life I don't get a summer off I mean what job Just gets a summer off No one gets, you know other countries They don't have this idea of just like Oh we just get the summer off Or something like that That's why even with our homeschooling You know while we do take some breaks in the summer You know we still want to keep teaching them stuff Because we don't want to create a lazy Attitude in our children or a habit Where they just get used to just taking these Giant chunks of time off doing nothing Just using your children Nothing good You know they can still work They can still do tasks They can still learn things Even when it's hot outside Okay makes more sense anyways So if you went to Exodus chapter 22 Exodus chapter 22 So here's the thing point one And this is the main chunk of my sermon this evening Is this we need to teach our children Not let someone else do it And here's the thing We suffered from this school shooting But you know there could be a day Where even a homeschooler Suffered from something like this If the parents weren't armed And we need to defend ourselves And we need to eliminate gun free zones You know where I believe there should be a gun free zone? Nowhere I mean I've worked with people And I think if their gun was waterproof They would shower with it But I'm thinking like that's fine Okay There's nothing wrong with having a weapon On you or near you at all times It makes logical sense Gun free zones Bad things happen Because you know what happens in a gun free zone Guns still enter Into your magic invisible wall It's interesting that People are dying from guns in gun free zones It doesn't seem like it stopped it Okay You know what stops guns from killing people? Armed security You know It's really hard to kill people like the president You know why? Not because he has a bunch of gun free zones surrounding him Because he has a bunch of armed people with guns surrounding him And hey You know what's a really well protected church? Not a gun free church A church where everybody's carrying Okay Because if you tried to come in it's a suicide mission Literally I don't even think you'll get in Because not only do you have a bunch of people carrying You have God defending us on top of that But you know what God is a practical God God doesn't want you To just walk around Just like a willy nilly And just asking to get hurt And just say Oh God will protect me God wants us to be practical God wants us to be smart It's like locking your doors Hiding valuables out of plain sight You shouldn't just put a kick me sign on your back And walk around And you certainly shouldn't advertise You know Guns are yucky or something like that You want to say the exact opposite at your house You know like the ones where it's like We shoot first and ask questions later You know And praise God we live in a state where there's still castle doctrine here Let me tell you something You need to defend yourself Stay away from gun free zones You know it's a gun free zone Every public school Virtually I think in some cases teachers have been allowed to carry But they should bring They should allow every teacher to carry And have armed police officers there As long as you're going to have public school I mean I strongly disagree with it obviously But as long as you're going to have it You should have as many people carrying guns as possible And you should have cops there that are willing to actually Shoot someone there Now look at Exodus chapter 22 Look at verse 2 If a thief be found breaking up And be smitten that he die There shall no blood be shed for him The Bible didn't say hey If you catch somebody stealing from you Just let it happen Reparations No You defend yourself And you know you should defend your family And you know if someone breaks through your house at night As a man You are obligated to defend your family Don't be a coward Don't be a weakling And if you say I'm not that strong Well get a strong gun Okay get a big gun This is how much strength it takes to defend your family I mean Can you do that one? I mean that one's pretty easy Okay And you need it and I need it and we all need it From all kinds of danger Not just from Fido Not just from Kujo or whatever If you go to Matthew chapter 24 You need it from other kinds of dogs too You don't know what these rabid beasts might try Have you ever read Genesis chapter 19? And you say why do you need an AR? 15 Have you ever read Genesis 19? It was every person in the entire city And at the rate we're going With these stupid pride parades And all these faggot Queer bait leaders In our city It's not going to decrease anytime soon All these people from California moving here Trying to bring in their liberalism And queer bait voting policies In here Trying to encourage people I've seen videos and they're asking people Would you end racism or homophobia? And they're like they can't even decide Man's rights are so important I mean how are people How do people even think that's real? A dude wearing a dress Is important in America? I mean I don't know what Where we're going I don't know how far we're going to fall But obviously God has given our Nation a spirit of slumber And it's filled with idiots It's filled with complete moronic People today And we need to defend ourselves from idiots That's why I don't get in cars with flat earthers You have to defend yourself Matthew 24 look at verse 43 But know this That if the good men of the house had known And watched the thief would come He would have watched And would not have suffered his house to be broken up Notice that the good men of the house This is Jesus giving the parable He's saying hey if you were the good men of the house You wouldn't let your house get broken up And you know what? Men need to defend their houses today Physically and spiritually And in every way And you know what? The public school system Is not the way to defend your children You're literally handing them to the Mental wolves And it might even be physical wolves As evidenced by what happened recently And who knows? The sky's the limit I think if Democrats had their way They would want hundreds of school shootings to happen Because they want to disarm our country You know what? Guns didn't cause the problem Guns have always existed In fact I think Daniel Defense They're under all this heat You know they sold like 50,000 AR-15s in 2020 That was a lot of them that didn't kill anybody I mean You want to get mad at the one that did Even though it didn't do it by itself Okay But how about the 50,000 that didn't? And how many people Are being killed by law abiding citizens? I mean How many law abiding citizens Are going around killing people? This guy's a criminal Walking into a school killing He's a murderer already He was a murderer before he ever shot a child And you're really precious You know police officers Who can save in two hours I mean how many of y'all are excited About the fact that if you call cops With an active shooter it might be two hours And that's in the case that there's Children at risk You know Don't tell them you're from steadfast or something They may come slower Okay I mean if you tell them it's a school shooting It takes two hours I mean man What if it's a drug dealer? They're not even coming They weren't coming But there's plenty of areas in America Where if you're in the wrong part of Chicago They're not coming You call them the wrong place in Portland They're not coming They'll literally let Antifa Just assault and shoot And do all kinds of manner of evil to people In front of their eyes and do nothing And you know police officers Have no obligation Legally to get involved They can save their own neck if they want Obviously they're a coward And we understand that they're a coward But what I'm telling you is that Cops, while I'm all for calling them When there's a problem and we need to You should never ever Depend on them as your only source Of safety They're just there To file the right report or something They're there To clean up the mess I guess But if you're waiting for them To clean up the mess They're going to clean up your mess They're going to clean up you Because criminals aren't waiting And criminals know that the police Response times are getting worse and worse Because now The police are more concerned with having An LGBT liaison officer In the city of Arlington They have a police officer Dedicated To ensuring that the LGBT Feels safe I mean What kind of world do we live in Where a couple decades ago the police Are arresting these freaks And now they have a police officer Dedicated to making sure that they feel Comfortable and safe and whatever They're taken care of I mean where's the Baptist Police officer Why do they get their own Police officer I'll give you one guess if it's a male or a female She isn't going to protect Anybody anyways Okay I mean this is bizarre the world Is heaven And the cops keep getting more Feminine I'm just saying they keep hiring more women And more ladies And look if you think the guys are cowards Just wait until there's an active shooter with a bunch of ladies There to Basically decide what to do They're not And again You have a problem and a lady cop shows up Are you really going to be like Let's let her deal with the situation What kind of man is waiting for a woman to save him In any situation This is bizarre A bunch of men that aren't really men The LGBTQ right Did you go to Proverbs 7 I want to make sure I can't remember where I told you to go Or where did you go Matthew 24 okay Go to John 10 I'm going to wrap up this sermon right There's too many good things to say but What can we learn from this Don't hand your kids off to the wolves And think that It's going to go well with them And you know I feel bad for all of these parents that lost children I'm not here to try and condemn the parents But I am saying this You should learn from your mistakes If you have more than one kid If these parents that lost a child Have another student They should say I'm not going to take them back to that school The parents that didn't Lose a student Are screaming for the cops to do something And got tased and arrested for trying to protect Their own children I mean think about this Your child is in a burning building and the fireman Won't even let you go in and rescue your own child I mean why is that I mean it's like this doesn't even make sense You're literally being restrained From the people That are providing the safety This is foolishness Hopefully those parents will say you know what homeschooling Sounds really good about right now And realizing that evil people exist You know I think that the Democrats Don't want to they want to tell you Everyone's good the guns are bad Let me tell you something there's bad people Guns are neutral And it's interesting how there's Literally just so many guns I mean there's like 300 million guns in our country People aren't dying Every second from these guns The guns didn't go rogue not terminator They're not going to turn on or something Be safe I don't know about the Teslas They're a little scarier I don't know about your phone But the guns are okay right now When they started putting chips in those It's like whenever they put a chip in anything It's ruined right In your computer in your cell phone In your hand Chips always make things go bad But you know These cops should all be fired And investigated seriously I don't know what happened I personally don't believe That they're all cowards Because I just I don't think that Any police officer Very few police officers Would truly make These horrible decisions I think something weird going on Personally okay But let's just say that they did Let's just say that everything they said was right Just for the sake of argument Well then they're a bunch of hirelings anyways Look at John chapter 10 verse 10 The thief cometh not but for to steal And to kill and to destroy I am come that they might have life And they might have it more abundantly I am the good shepherd, the good shepherd Given his life for the sheep But he that is an hireling Not the shepherd Whose own the sheep are not Seeth the wolf coming Leaveth the sheep and fleeth A hireling and careth not for the sheep You know police don't care about you They are hirelings at the end of the day And you know I'm not saying Every cop's a bad guy because I think There's a lot of cops that have Sincere intentions That have You know a desire to protect and serve But at the end of the day you have to Admit he's just the hireling You know most cops aren't doing it pro bono They're getting paid They have a pension That's why they're still pleasing right now It's hard to switch Careers when you're a cop your whole life Because who's going to hire you to do anything else And You know when it comes down to the line Of their life or your life Many times Human nature kicks in And instinct kicks in and they're just going to be afraid And they're not going to you know stick their neck out I mean Think about Peter Peter thinks that he would die for Christ But then when the moment comes And a little girl is saying Do you know Christ? It's like no You know the Bible teaches that very few people Would be willing to die You know in Romans chapter number 5 Talking about how Christ died for us Even for a good man some would dare to die It's like yeah there are some brave people out there You know and I've heard cool stories I've heard stories of men in the military You know they're in a tank Some enemy throws a grenade down Into the tank hole And a guy just like dives on the grenade And swallows it up in his body So that the rest of the men in the tank survive You know that's a bold move That was a courageous move For someone to basically just take their life out You know there have been men in the battlefield There have been men in the police academy There have been firefighters There have been EMS There have been all kinds of men that have died in the line of duty But let me tell you something They're the exception Most of these people are cowards And they're hirelings And when push comes to sub They're not going to be willing to die for you That's why we need to defend ourselves And you know what the government And the police and the public school Will certainly not defend you From the spiritual dogs that exist today As evidenced by coming to our church anytime They don't care They're not going to protect them from predators You know what you as the man of the house They're going to protect their family from spiritual predators And from false information And from lies And all the deceit and the evil that's going out there And you know while If you don't put your kid in public school You still need to realize you need to teach and train them And you need to defend them You need to raise your children As if they're surrounded by wolves They are This world is a dangerous place The bible says perilous times are going to come Before the coming of Christ It's not going to get better It's waxing worse by the minute Waxing worse every single day That we live in this country And we need to learn how to defend ourselves We need to teach and train our children To be smart And they're going to be like Daniel Ten times wiser than the public school system And even if your kids go to public school You know what by you taking them to church And teaching them the bible and these things They can still overcome those obstacles Because even Daniel learned the wisdom of the Chaldeans But he's still ten times better than them because he learned the bible He learned the word of God And we need to do so We need to teach our children so Let's close in prayer Thank you Heavenly Father for the children that you bless us with Thank you for the opportunities that you've given us I pray that we wouldn't take them for granted We wouldn't be like the ostrich That's hardened against our children We wouldn't just consider children a burden But rather we'd consider them a blessing That we'd devote our lives to our children That we'd teach and train our children We'd love them I pray that we would take on the difficult task The responsibility Of defending them Defending them from predators Defending them from physical predators That men in this room would have courage and boldness To stand up against the evils of this day That by our boldness and our courage We could inspire other men and women To defend their children To protect their children from the predators From the evil that's out there in this world And we understand that we can't do it on our own We need you to help us I pray that we would do our part And we would lean and trust the Lord For you to do your part And that you would just protect and guard our children As we teach them and train them in the words of the Lord In Jesus' name we pray, Amen Amen, with that let's go ahead and sing one more song Before you head home You'll take out your hymnal there to 210 210 Wonderful grace of Jesus Song 210 210 Wonderful grace of Jesus All together Wonderful grace of Jesus Greater than all my sin How shall my tongue describe it Where shall its praise begin Taking away my burden Setting my spirit free For the wonderful grace of Jesus Reaches me Wonderful the matchless grace of Jesus Deeper than the mighty rolling sea Higher than the mountains Sparkling like a fountain All sufficient grace for even me Broader than the scope of my transgressions Greater for than all my sin and shame O magnify the precious name of Jesus In Jesus' name Wonderful grace of Jesus Reaching to all the lost By it I have been pardoned Saved to the uttermost Chains have been torn asunder Giving me liberty For the wonderful grace of Jesus Reaches me Wonderful the matchless grace of Jesus Deeper than the mighty rolling sea Higher than the mountains Sparkling like a fountain All sufficient grace for even me Broader than the scope of my transgressions Greater for than all my sin and shame O magnify the precious name of Jesus Praise His name Wonderful grace of Jesus Reaching the most deviled By its transforming power Making Him God's dear child Purchasing peace and heaven For all eternity And the wonderful grace of Jesus Reaches me Wonderful the matchless grace of Jesus Deeper than the mighty rolling sea Higher than the mountains Sparkling like a fountain All sufficient grace for even me Broader than the scope of my transgressions Greater for than all my sin and shame O magnify the precious name of Jesus Praise His name Hope you all have a wonderful night. God bless.