(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) ["Pomp and Circumstance"] ["Pomp and Circumstance"] ["Pomp and Circumstance"] ["Pomp and Circumstance"] ["Pomp and Circumstance"] ["Pomp and Circumstance"] ["Pomp and Circumstance"] ["Pomp and Circumstance"] ["Pomp and Circumstance"] ["Pomp and Circumstance"] ["Pomp and Circumstance"] ["Pomp and Circumstance"] ["Pomp and Circumstance"] Alright folks, it is about that time. We're going to go ahead and get started this morning. Welcome back to Steadfast Baptist Church. If you would find a seat, grab a hymnal, and turn to our first hymn this morning, number 145, It Is Well With My Soul, 145. Now I do have some instruction for this song. We're going to sing the chorus in parts as it's written. So the top part will be the ladies, the bottom part will be the men. Okay, so 145, It Is Well With My Soul in the chorus, top part for the ladies, bottom for the men, and a key change on the fourth, just watch us. 145 on the first. It is well, it is well with my soul, it is well, it is well with my soul, with my soul, it is well, it is well with my soul, it is well with my soul, it is well with my soul. Oh Satan should love it, though trials should come, let this blessed assurance control that Christ has regarded my helpless escape and has shed his own blood for my soul. It is well, it is well with my soul, with my soul, it is well, it is well with my soul, it is well with my soul, it is well with my soul, it is well with my soul, it is well with my soul, it is well, it is well with my soul, it is well, it is well with my soul. It is well with my soul, it is well with my soul, it is well with my soul, it is well with my soul, it is well with my soul, it is well, it is well with my soul. Amen. Amen. Let's open with a word of prayer. Heavenly Father, we thank you for this day, for the ability to gather together freely, to sing praises out in your name, and to hear preaching from your word. I just pray that you would be with us for this service, that everything would be done decently and in order to your perfect will. These things we pray in Jesus' name, amen. Amen. All right, for our next hymn this morning, turn if you would to number 406, who is on the Lord's side. Hymn number 406, 406, who is on the Lord's side. If you're on the Lord's side, sing it out, 406. On the first. Who is on the Lord's side? Who will serve the King? Who will be his helpers? Who is on the Lord's side? Who for him will go? Who will serve the King? Who will serve the King? Who will serve the King? Who will serve the King? Who will serve the King? Who will serve the King? Who will serve the King? Who will serve the King? Only a lot of things have changed, but it hasn't changed in the King James Bible. What hasn't changed is that we're fundamental Baptists and what hasn't changed is that we emphasize soul winning and what hasn't emphasized is the great spirit amongst brethren around here and so it's great to be here. The Bible says better is the end of the thing than the beginning thereof and I told brother Oz this is way better for me than him. We're really excited for today because today is going to be an ordination service so it's a special service for brother Oz. He's going to be ordained as pastor today and I'm going to be doing that after my morning service and then we do have a luncheon immediately following the service. Now we're not going to have it in this room. We've been gracious enough to be afforded another suite that's just down the way so it's kind of just down here on the corner and so after service we would love for all of you to please join us for some Texas barbecue. We actually had to import it from Texas so we had to bring some of that Texas spirit up here with y'all and I'm still the pastor for a little bit longer. We're bringing some of that Texas spirit up here but we really love this church. We really love the people who have made this church what it is and it's always been so much fun to come up here. Me and my family have always greatly enjoyed it. The people here are very special. This has always been a very special church because the camaraderie and the familiar aspect of church, it's very rare and hard to find a church where the congregation really makes spiritual family feel like family and that's something that's not normal, not always common in a lot of churches especially even smaller churches but it's always been very impressive to see how much fellowship and how much love and how much support and how much friendship has existed amongst people in this church and I hope that that will continue and again a very, very special thing that you have going on here and also Brother Oz has been just such a great blessing to our church and his family and he's really grown a lot. That was from the Texas brisket but also he's grown matured and spiritually and he's really gone through a lot of difficulty. You can ask him this but I told him before he ever came to work for me, I said, hey, working for me, there's going to be some intense persecution, there's going to be some opposition and you're going to go through some hardships and trials and I don't think he really understood what I was saying but it really did happen and he really was steadfast through that and so it's great to see someone that's already gone through a lot of battles, a lot of testing, a lot of proving. One thing I knew about Brother Oz before bringing him to work for me was the fact that he was a great preacher and he's only gotten better since then, great preacher, very loyal, great soul winner. One thing that I love about Brother Oz is he's got to have one of the best attitudes of anybody that I've ever met and he's just very positive, he's got a lot of positive energy, he's very encouraging and so I just very much love that about Brother Oz and he's a great family, great kids, he even has a great father-in-law who's here with us today and he's going to be preaching this evening so I've already been replaced, it didn't even take long. No, it will be great to have Pastor Thompson preaching a sermon this evening as well and so if you can stay, if you'd like to stay, we'd love to have you for our 4.30 service. Pastor Aaron Thompson is going to be preaching for us, we also have soul winning of course from 2 to 4 and so it's going to be a pretty normal day as far as the service times but it's a special day and we want to make sure that it is special. If you are here, make sure at some point to congratulate Brother Oz and his family on the ordination service today, on their hard work and even beyond today, make sure that you're still praying for Brother Oz, praying for this church, praying for the work that's being done here. It is going to change names but hopefully they will remain steadfast in their hearts and I'm very excited about Anchor Baptist Church, I think that's a great name and it's the ABC's, it couldn't get simpler than that and so I'm really excited about the work that's going to be done here and of course I will always be friends of this church and Anchor Baptist Church and Brother Oz and we look forward to continue to work together and doing all kinds of stuff for the Lord and while we're independent in the sense that I will have no more authority in the future and I won't necessarily be the overseer, I'm still looking forward to having friendship and working together and coming alongside. You see the Bible, a camaraderie amongst other churches and the disciples and the apostles and the pastors and the bishops and the elders and I think it makes sense to have friends and it makes sense to continue having relationship with other brethren until the Lord Jesus Christ takes us up to heaven and we're forced to be friends again, okay, so some of us sometimes have a hard time being friends on this side of heaven but eventually we'll all have to be friends to some degree, alright and so I'm really excited about this. I want to go through a few announcements in our bulletin and then we'll go ahead and sing our third song for this morning but working on Hebrew 6 as a Bible memory passage and so that's a great chapter of the Bible. Also on the inside we have our service times, soul winning times and those are going to stay the same moving forward so even as you go through this transition, I've talked with Brother Oz and he for now is continuing to do the service times like this so Sunday mornings 1030, Sunday evenings 430, Wednesdays at 7, also soul winning times, they have soul winning times today 2 to 4, Wednesdays at 530 and then a Saturday rally. Yesterday we had a good group come out, I think we had what was it, 14 salvations for yesterday and so you know Oklahoma's a great place to go soul winning and there's a lot of good opportunities here, I believe the metro area is about 1.4 million people and so there's a lot of people here, there's a big map and you know we've done some work as you can see but there's still a lot of work to do, a lot of doors that can be knocked and a lot of people that need to be reached with the gospel and not just Oklahoma City but the state of Oklahoma and not just the state of Oklahoma but the country of the United States of America and not just America but yay the whole world and so we need to take that gospel to every single creature and preach the gospel to them, there's approximately 8 billion people on this planet, it's a big work but little is much when God is in it. They also have a nursing home ministry if you'd like to participate in that for extra preaching there's the stats down below and definitely doing a great work here, several hundred salvations so far, on the right we have some expecting ladies list if you'd be in prayer for the reeds, also if you'd be in prayer for some of the other upcoming events this is the holiday season, Christmas and so they have caroling, a Christmas party also on the 21st there is a soul winning push and then New Year's Eve party on 7 o'clock and so lots of different things there, there is a code down below if you'd like to give and donate to the church, if you have any questions about that you can also ask brother Oz for the future on the back we have a prayer list and so if you want to help us and pray for those that are here you can do that, keep this bulletin with you and just pray through the week that's a great way to remind yourself of prayers, just stick it in your Bible wherever you're in your Bible reading and then maybe that can help you to pray for the brethren when you read your Bible in the morning so that's pretty much all I have for announcements but I do want to say again that you know it's been a great honor and privilege to be able to pastor this church even from afar and I know that I haven't necessarily been able to be here for every service and I haven't been able to preach you know as much as maybe I'd even like to be up here but I definitely have always had you guys on my heart and mind this church has been through a lot of battles of its own and has had ups and downs and has had good seasons and sometimes difficult seasons and I just want you to remember you know where you've come from and that in the future it's not always going to be ups either there's going to be difficulties, there's going to be hardships, there's going to be tribulations you know what the point of church is not to just always have fun and to only enjoy the good times but also get through the bad times so that you can celebrate days like today and remember days like today remember the first day so much fun and remember the day like today where there's a great excitement and great joy and there will be good days but there will also be difficult days and to make sure that you are just continuing to stay steadfast the only thing that really really matters at the end of the day is the works that we've done for Christ and you know as a pastor I believe that my primary goal is just to help others serve Christ better wherever that is wherever life takes them however they end up and I hope that you know brother Oz will also have the same vision and to try to just bless people where they're at and encourage them and just to help them to be a little bit better and draw a little bit closer to Christ every single service and every single day and that we all just get a little bit more steadfast grow in grace that we have a little bit more zeal and become better husbands better fathers better mothers better brothers and sisters better soul winners and ultimately just better Christians in general and you know I think sometimes it's hard to recognize this but something we all need to do especially as we come to the end of the year think about where you were a year ago think about where you were two years ago think about where you were five years ago and notice and think have I had any change and I think a lot of people if they were honest they say hey I've been in this church for a while I've actually grown a lot spiritually I've learned a lot of doctrine I became a better soul winner I actually started making some better decisions in my life I actually improved there's this area of sin that I've gotten better in or maybe even God willing you've completely you know eliminated it for now but really think about that and say wow I noticed the progress that I've made I must be on the right path and continue to allow that memory and that that motivation of saying wow I've already made these positive changes allow you to continue to make even more positive changes and continue to grow and continue to do great works for the Lord Jesus Christ so those are my admonitions to you we're going to sing 81 when we see Christ and we want to make sure that we've left nothing in the tank that we've done all that we could possibly do so that we can have as much joy when we see Christ song one a song 81 in our hymnals brother Cameron's gonna lead a song 81 all right hymn number 81 when we see Christ it will be worth it all hymn number 81 when we see Christ sitting there starting on the first forever over in God's eternal day it will be worth it all when we see Jesus life's trials when we see when we see amen as the offering plates are being passed turn if you would to 1st Timothy chapter number 1 1st Timothy chapter number 1 1st Timothy chapter 1 Paul an apostle of Jesus Christ by the commandment of God our Savior and and Lord Jesus Christ which is our hope unto Timothy mine own son in the grip in the faith grace mercy and peace and God our Father and Jesus Christ our Lord as I besought thee to abide still at Ephesus when I went into Macedonia but thou mightest charge some that they teach no other doctrine neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies which minister questions rather than godly edifying which is in faith so do now the end of the commandment is charity out of a pure heart and of a good conscience and of faith on fame which some having swerved have turned aside under vain jangling desiring to be teachers of the law understanding neither what they say nor where of they affirm but we know that the law is good if a man use it lawfully knowing this that the law is not made for a righteous man but for the lawless and disobedient to the ungodly and for sinners for unholy and profane for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers for manslayers for harm poor mongers for them that defile themselves with mankind for men stealers for liars for perjured persons and if there be any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine according to the glorious gospel of the Blessed God which was committed to my trust and I think Christ Jesus our Lord who hath enabled me for that he hath he counted me faithful putting me into the ministry who was before a blasphemer a persecutor and injurious but I obtained mercy because I did it ignorantly and in unbelief and the grace of our Lord was exceeding abundant with faith and love which is in Christ Jesus this is a faithful saying and worthy of all expectation that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners of whom I am chief I'll be it for this cause I obtained mercy that in me first Jesus Christ might show forth all long-suffering for a pattern to them which should hereafter believe on him to life everlasting now under the King eternal immortal invisible the only wise God be honor and glory forever and ever amen this charge I commit unto thee son Timothy according to the prophecies which went before on thee that thou by them mightest war a good warfare holding faith and a good conscience which some having put away concerning the faith of made shipwreck of whom is fine Hymenaeus and Alexander whom I have delivered unto Satan that they may learn not to blaspheme let's pray Lord we're so thankful for the great weather today I want to look back at verse number three here in verse 70 chapter 1 the Bible says as I besought thee to abide still at Ephesus when I went into Macedonia that thou mightest charge some that they teach no other doctrine and the instructions given from the Apostle Paul is that the young preacher the young Timothy should also instruct other pastors and other teachers to teach nothing else other than the doctrines on upon which they have learned the Bible the doctrines of the Word of God and that they're not teaching something else they're not teaching things that are not found in the Bible but rather they're preaching what the Bible says and I have just two simple points for my sermon and it's really coming from the title the title of my sermon this morning is this truth and grace truth and grace and most of my instruction is going to brother Oz today because he is going to be the primary preacher of this church as pastor and as pastor the first thing the most important thing that you can possibly do as a pastor is just preach the truth preach what is true and preach no other doctrine don't preach anything other than what the truth is and the only thing that we know is true is this book is the Word of God is the King James Bible and you need to be charged to preach no other doctrine you preach what the Bible says now if we keep reading he says in verse 4 neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies which minister questions rather than godly edifying which is in face so do now the end of the commandment is charity out of a pure heart and of a good conscience and of faith on faint the word end here is meaning goal saying what is the goal what is the end of preaching what is the point of preaching it is for people to have charity out of a pure heart and so the preaching of the truth of God's Word is to help encourage people to have charity and to have a pure heart and have faith unfeigned and so that's what the truth will do is it'll purify and it'll draw out the charity of people and that's what we need in this world is we need the truth go to chapter 4 of 1st Timothy go to chapter 4 of 1st Timothy we already have enough preachers in this world we do not need more preachers we do not need more churches we do not need more instructors in Christ what we need is somebody to tell the truth what we need is someone to preach the truth and the problem is why we do need more preachers and why we do need more churches is because the ones that exist won't preach the truth but let me tell you something in Texas and in Oklahoma when you drive to church you will pass dozens and dozens and dozens of churches and not just all the cults and weirdos and the freaks but there's even Baptist and evangelical churches and churches that are supposed to be based on the Bible and the problem is is they just won't preach the truth and you know what we don't need just another church we don't just need another preacher we don't need just another pastor we need a man that will preach the truth no matter what the Bible says we have a dearth in this country of preachers that will preach the truth today and let me tell you something there's plenty of churches in this area that will preach the truth in some parts of the Bible there are plenty of preachers here that are right on the gospel that are right on salvation there are churches here that are right on which Bible to use but let me tell you something they won't preach the truth on every single page of the Bible they won't preach every single section they won't preach every uncomfortable truth they won't stand on the Word of God unashamedly and so that's why we need a church here that is going to preach what the Bible says someone's got to say the truth someone's got to be a messenger for God and actually tell people what the Bible says and there's so few people that will just say what the Bible says they want to say what their opinion is they want to say what their thoughts are they want to say what's popular they want to say what will grow a church they want to say what people like to hear but they won't preach what the Bible says and you know what the last thing we need is more people to fill hot air in this country we need people to say what the Bible says it's frustrating 1st Timothy chapter 4 look at what it says in verse 12 let no man despise thy youth you know what I don't care how old Dylan is he's a great man of God he's mature he's been living his life separated for years he's been studying the Bible well he knows the Bible well and you know what no one should despise his youth if he's preaching what the Bible says hey don't let people despise you for being young because pretty soon you'll be old you know there's no middle word you're either young or you're old and you'll notice you're too young as a preacher and then pretty soon you'll be too old you'd be like when was I just right and it's like Goldilocks Baptist doesn't exist folks you're either too young or you're too old but you know what who cares what your age is preach what the Bible says hey if you wouldn't listen to young men you wouldn't listen to Jesus because he was 30 years old I mean at this point it's pretty clear it's pretty obvious that I've probably eclipsed the age of what Jesus Christ would have been before he died on the cross yet there's still people today that would say I'm too young or I can't necessarily preach the Bible or I don't know what I'm saying or I don't have enough wisdom but here's the thing you wouldn't listen to Jesus then because Jesus very likely was under the age of 35 36 when he died on the cross so if you wouldn't listen to Jesus at age 30 don't kid yourself and think well I don't like this guy because he's 30 well you wouldn't like Jesus then you know what it's not really about the age is not age is just a number folks there's a spiritual age and that's what matters the Bible talks about not a novice not about their age physically but their age spiritually and you know what that's what matters and if somebody who's humble enough they might recognize hey I may be a lot older than Dylan physically but you know what he's older than me spiritually and he's matured himself and he knows what the Bible says and he's only gonna get older every single day of his life anyways and so you know don't let people talk badly about a pastor just because of his age you know what if they're making fun of you for your age that tells me you're doing great because there's nothing else to talk about hey if they have to bring up age then that sounds wonderful because it doesn't sound like there's anything you're saying that's wrong because you when you say things that are wrong they'll point that out but you know when you're not saying anything wrong then they have to attack you in every other way the way you look the way you dress your age your car your wife whatever they want is this just they'll bring all kinds of accusations out that aren't really tangible because they have nothing really to say and they're just gonna hate anyways but you know what don't allow people in the church to disrespect you just because you're young if they're gonna be disrespectful that needs to be corrected because you know what no one should disrespect the pastor just because of his age and if you can't handle a pastor being younger than you then you know what you're prideful because it's not about age it's not about a number and you know what you shouldn't despise people just because of their age you know that shows immaturity on your part not immaturity on their part the Bible says this as we keep reading but be thou an example the believers in word you need to be an example of preaching the truth the pastor needs to be the example of preaching what the Bible says and saying what is true in conversation and charity and spirit and faith and purity till I come give attendance to readings of exhortation to doctrine neglect not the gift that is in thee which was given thee by prophecy with the laying on to the hands of the presbytery meditate upon these things give thyself holy to them that thy profiting may appear to all take heed unto thyself and unto the doctrine continue in them for in doing this thou shalt they'll save thyself and them that hear thee when you have problems preach the Bible when things are going good preach the Bible no matter what's happening just continue in the doctrine don't think like well you know at the church isn't growing I need to just fish out some new doctrine I need to find some other doctrine or hey I don't like how people are behaving and the Bible doesn't seem to have anything to say about this so I'm gonna make up my own opinions and my own ideas and preach about this subject no no just continue in the doctrine of the Bible preach no other doctrine preach what the Bible says in the Bible fix things the Bible will always make sure that you're good it's sufficient you don't need to add anything to this you don't need to take away anything from this you don't have to think like man I wish God had addressed this situation look if God didn't address the situation quit worrying about it you should worry about the things that are actually in the Bible and stop worrying so much about things that are never even mentioned or not brought up or vaguely brought up you know we should be focused in on the clear statements of the Bible not all the stuff that you think is important because what you think is important I don't care it's not important and if it was important God would have put it in this book and look this books long there's enough Commandments there's enough instruction Christianity is already hard enough let's not make it harder by adding the doctrines of men and teaching them as Commandments no we want to teach the commandments of God and say you know what the doctrines of men they're always capable of being changed they're always subject to being is inspected to see if they're actually right but you know what we just say the commandments of God are right period now I want to keep going through some of this pastoral epistles go if you would the second Timothy now and I want to look at chapter 3 for a moment second Timothy chapter number three point one of my sermon is preach the truth this is the pillar and ground of the truth this is the one institution where you're supposed to go and hear the truth and the worst thing that can happen is when a preacher starts preaching lies when a preacher starts preaching his opinion when a preacher gets up and just says whatever he wants to say and not what the Bible says there's so much in this Bible to preach you could never preach it in a lifetime quit worrying about preaching your opinion and preach with God actually said trust in the Bible trust in the Word of God but you know what you'll notice is that a lot of preachers are too lazy to read the Bible they're too lazy to memorize scripture they're too lazy to meditate on the Bible and all they do is just listen to TV and listen to newspapers and listen to podcasts and then they get up and they have to preach on Sunday morning and so it comes out of their heart it's a bunch of junk and garbage because they wouldn't study the Bible and you know what you cannot hide from your preaching you cannot hide from your sermons whatever you put in your heart will come out and brother Oz unity putting truth in your heart every single day so that the truth will come out of your mouth and when I listen to a preacher and I just constantly hear lies and deception and manipulation that tells me he's not eating this on a regular basis we eat preachers to preach the truth and let me tell you something I've learned this as a hard lesson especially recently is you know you can hide a lot of things but you cannot hide what's going on in your heart when you get a lot a lot of their words and we need to judge people based on their sermons we need to judge people based on the quality of what they're preaching because let me tell you something I've noticed this consistently that quality preaching or quality people and garbage preaching or garbage people and I've been trying to think of exceptions and even if I could find one that would be an exception I can't even find one and you know what the greatest preacher to ever live is Jesus Christ and he's the most quality person you'll ever meet and the worst person on this earth is a false prophet they are always the scummiest worst people on this planet and you know what there's something to the spirit of truth and the spirit of error and we need preachers to preach the truth and we need to listen to preachers of truth and we need to gravitate towards preachers of truth and we need to follow preachers of truth because the war in this world is over the truth the war in this world is the word of truth against the father of lies and we need ministers we need preachers we need men of God to stand up and preach what the truth is and slice through all the lies in this world all the deception and all the darkness and all the filth the only way that Christians can fight is by preaching the truth we don't war against flesh and blood we don't call to arms we're not waging a physical battle in a physical war what we do is we just simply say what the truth is and boy that'll get you enough enemies you could you couldn't even count them you could be so friendly and nice and kind and help people but if you tell them the truth boy they hate you I am for peace but when I speak they are for war that's what the Bible says and that's true it is true that people hate the truth and they want to destroy the truth they didn't kill Stephen because he was a bad guy they killed Stephen because of what he was preaching and he was preaching what the Bible said and he was filled with the Holy Spirit and let me tell you something there's no new thing under the Sun the reason why people hate preachers of truth is because they hate truth and let them hate you for preaching the Bible not for other things 2nd Timothy chapter 3 look what it says in verse 10 but that was fully known my doctrine that should be your job brother Oz is that everybody knows what you believe you're not hiding what you believe we're not the Mormons we're not the Jehovah's Witnesses there's not some special ritual there's not some special doctrine that we have for the ten-year members there's not some special newsletter that you have to pay and get a subscription there's not curtains in the back where you get married with a secret handshake no no you should fully know the doctrine hey what we believe is that our doctrinal statement and not just core doctrines I have secondary doctrines and they're not not secondary doctrines unpopular doctrines that's what I've always had like pretty much everything you could want and a bag of chips and Leviticus 2013 okay all of it on our doctrinal statement on the website right out in the clear putting all of our sermons online putting all of our preaching online telling people what we believe making documentaries trying to give it to people you know what if you have the truth on your side you should fear no investigation the liars are the ones that want to hide the liars are the ones that hide their sermons don't want people to listen don't want people to know what they're saying don't want people that's a red flag when a preacher's hiding what he's preaching second Timothy chapter 4 it's a red flag when you ask a preacher what he believes about salvation he won't answer what do you believe about repentance I don't want to talk about it you should what the one doctrine you should want to talk to everybody about is how to be saved like if you're hiding what you believe on salvation that's a huge red flag that just doesn't even make any sense whatsoever I mean that is almost par with somebody that's selling of selling something selling cars selling anything and they say hey tell me about this product that I can buy it they're like I don't talk about it I mean you'd be like why isn't your job to literally sell cars or sell whatever why wouldn't you want to tell me about it you know that doesn't make any sense isn't our job to give the gospel freely if someone's asking about it we should be wanting to give them the gospel we should be telling them what the Bible says we should be making it clear people should walk away and say well I know everything he believes now I don't know what he believes I don't know what he thinks about sodomites you know I don't know they should be the front of the head of the back of head no no we know he's we fully know his doctrine okay now you may not like that but hey at least you know it right I mean you know I don't like going to churches and you're trying it out and the doctrinal statements vague and then the preachers vague and then you're like well just come for six months and then maybe we'll kind of find out like what we believe or what's going on no no I'd rather just kind of like already know and here's the thing when it's vague you know why it's vague is because it's always gonna be vague it's gonna stay vague and I guarantee if they told you everything they believe there's lots of things you disagree with them on too that's why they're vague you know you're never gonna agree with any preacher or any pastor or any church 100% but you know what just go to the best church in your area that's always been what I've said I've always said it I will always believe it I'll always emphasize it and always encourage it go to the best church in your area period not the church that you thinks perfect because then you'll never go to church go to the best church in your area always do this 2nd Timothy chapter 4 verse 17 the Bible says notwithstanding the Lord stood with me and strengthened me that by me the preaching might be fully known notice that the goal is that the preaching might be fully known we don't want anybody to not know why do you think we're knocking on every single door because we want everybody to know what steadfast Baptist Church and what now in the future anchor Baptist Church believes about salvation we want people to be warned about the danger of hell we want people to know the danger of all these cults of all these false religions of all these works salvation packages that damn people to hell the fact that broad is the way which lead to the destruction and many there be which go in there at because straight is the gate and narrow is the way which lead on the life and few there be that find it few people know how to get saved and so we want to make sure that the preaching is fully known that's why God even delivered him he says and that all the Gentiles might hear and I was delivered out of the mouth of lion Paul was delivered so that people could hear the gospel why because there was so few people willing to make the sacrifices that the Apostle Paul did and let me tell you something it's not the many that are the sole winners of this world it's the few that are the sole winners of this world that's what Jesus Christ literally says the harvest truly is plenteous but the laborers be few you want to know why because it's laborers it's a little it's work and you get no carnal wages you know I've never I'm not handing out $20 bills for every salvation when you get back because then I'd have a lot more people like Doug Trowbridge you know what I mean you have a lot of people come back I got 20 people saved in five minutes okay but you know what us that are actually caring about getting people saved we realize we'd rather that spiritual wage than the carnal wage anyways I'd rather get whatever God's gonna give me them 20 bucks in this world anyways look at verse 2 of the same chapter preach the word the Bible could not be clearer it let me explain this and it's so easy to say so hard to do knowing what to do is not the hard part it's doing it you know it's not hard preach the truth you know it is hard preaching the truth it's not hard to say hey preach the Bible you know it's hard to preach the Bible because you know what the Bible is a deep book the Bible takes a lot of study the Bible can be very dark the Bible has a lot of difficulties in it the Bible has a lot of different verses that seem contradictory maybe on the surface or the carnal mind and so it takes time to study and to develop and to read and to meditate and to pray and to ask this God will you just please open mine eyes that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law because let me explain something to you you can study your heart's content and still not understand the Bible in many cases it's just God blessing you with understanding that you understand the Bible and you know what you should be thankful that there's other men who have got on their knees every day of their life and prayed God give me wisdom there's other men that have read their Bible scores of times that pray and meditate and memorize scripture so that they can get these wonderful revelations and then just spoon feed them to you on a Sunday morning there's so many people that understand so much truth of this Bible that they didn't even labor for they didn't even work for they just simply just showed up maybe even disgruntled the church and they were just spoon fed the wonderful honey and the butter and the manna that's coming from God's Word and you know what don't despise the guy that's giving you all of this wonderful spiritual treasure you know what is it is it really a big thing if he reaps your carnal things when you're reaping his spiritual things so it says in verse Corinthians chapter number nine you know if brother Oz gets paid by this church you should be thankful that he's willing to return the favor spiritually because that's so much more valuable anyways go to what to first Peter chapter 5 go to first Peter chapter 5 people that hate pastors are bad people people that want pastors to suffer more than they already do are bad people and I can say this and you'll never understand it but here's the reality pastors suffer way more than you'll ever understand way more hardships and difficulties and afflictions and and problems and lies and struggles than you'll ever understand you don't need to add to it you don't need to try and make it a little bit extra hard on them you know what you should be praying for them and encouraging them and helping them and and realizing you know think about it this way as a single guy you had no idea how hard it was to be married and then throw kids in there and you should realize wow I didn't realize you know having kids was this hard because otherwise I wouldn't done it think about God doesn't tell you how that works God's just like hey get married this is the greatest thing this is one of the most fun things you'll ever do and you're like I want to do that but you don't realize what comes at the end of that you know why do you think he makes that one thing so enjoyable so that after you have a couple kids you'll keep having kids because otherwise I mean if it was like eating broccoli like you know what produces kids eating broccoli you're like I'm not having kids ever again but you know what God hardwired us to want to do the thing that causes children so that children because having children is hard it's a thankless job in many ways and a lot of us also to understand that the hard part is the early part once they grow up and they get older it's over you know we have to go through the hard parts now we have to go through the difficulty in the labor now but you just don't really understand things until you go through them and having kids is one of the hardest things you'll ever do but it's always worth it having having a wife can be very difficult but it can also be a great blessing and she can be she can be the person that can hurt you the most and also give you the most joy because when you let people get close to you they have the ability to hurt you and when you let people get close to you you also have the ability to grow and have a great deep relationship and here's the thing being a pastor you're gonna have a lot of wounds but it's also worth it it's also worth it so we have to realize you know if you're gonna do something great if you're gonna do something difficult hey you have to will be willing to accept the difficulties the hard parts with the good parts hey having kids yeah you gotta you gotta clean up diapers not only have to clip diapers you have to clean up the vomit when they vomit on themselves in the car and you don't have anything there you're like where's the wipes we're out I mean there was a day I was seriously thinking like I want to just run away from my family I mean we we were like driving back home and the kids are throwing up on themselves and and my wife has the strong gag reflex she's just like oh and I'm over here like I'm like I could just run I kept thinking like I don't know how we're gonna escape this we're here today all right I don't know how it happened God was gracious that was a rough day that was a brutal day and you know what but I saw my kids I still love them and you know you have good days you have the days where they just come out of nowhere they say I love you and you're just like wow this is awesome or the first time they say dad or mom or they learn how to tie their shoes wow they learn how to read Wow okay there's some amazing days out there ahead of you but there's also difficult days and you know Christian is the same way and we need preachers that are gonna preach the truth and let me tell you something when you preach the truth you're gonna have hard days you're gonna have days where you make people in this room upset you're gonna have days when you make the people out there upset that's almost every time you're gonna have days when you make yourself upset you have days when you make your family upset but you know what you have to just preach the truth we need somebody that'll say you know what when I get behind this the only thing that I care about is saying what's true and you know let's just be honest I always say this people that come up to me like hey was that sermon about me and I'm always saying yes you know what that someone is about me too hey the sermons edify me the sermons rebuke me the sermons correct me too and you know what it's my job to get up here and just preach the truth and let the chips fall where they may and we need to encourage if you have a preacher if you have a pastor that'll tell you things that you didn't want to hear but were true you should love that man you should encourage that man you should come back to church you should say thank you may I have another hey if the brother and smite me it's a kindness is what the Bible says the Bible doesn't say being smitten is evil in some cases while saying me smitten is good being smitten by your parents that's love parents that spare the rod hate their son the Bible says whom I love I chasten I rebuke and chasten be zealous therefore and repent God wants I mean why do you think God is telling the apostle Paul it's hard for thee to kick against the pricks do you think it was fun do you think it's fun to be pricked by the Lord Jesus Christ and you know you guys in Oklahoma you probably forgot what a cowboy is but cowboy has spurs and those spurs dig into the hide of the of the animal there's another word I could use but I already get accused of that too much so they get into the eye the hide or the rear end the behind of that animal and it hurts and it's the cause that animal going the right direction and God is saying hey sometimes I got to do that to you I got to kick your hide with a spur to get you in the right direction and you know what sometimes we need men of God to take the Word of God as a goad and to provoke people to do the right thing and sometimes it hurts no chastening for the present seem it to be joyous but grievous is what the Bible says if it wasn't grievous it wasn't chastening and so we have to recognize that we need people to preach the Bible first team at first Peter chapter 5 verse 1 says this the elders which are among you I exhort whom also an elder and a witness of the sufferings of Christ and also a partaker of the glory that should be revealed feed the flock of God which is among you taking the oversight thereof not by constraint but willingly not for filthy lucre but of a ready mind high there's being Lords over God's heritage but being in samples to the flock notice again the main application the main admonition the primary thing is to feed the flock of God as a pastor as a preacher you need to feed the flock you need to make sure you're taking the truth that you know and you're preaching it not holding back not being deceitful telling people what they need to hear not what they want to hear go to Ezekiel chapter 3 go to Ezekiel chapter 3 as a pastor you will say things that no one else will say say them as a pastor you will have to say things that no one else there's not another institution there's not another group there's not another person there are things that the pastor and the preacher have to say that no one else is gonna say and if he doesn't say it no one's gonna say it someone has to say it someone has to say what the Bible says somebody has to offend people with the word of God and make sure that the most offensive things you say are what the Bible says whatever you're gonna say that's gonna offend people make sure the most offensive things you say is what the Bible is clearly saying we don't need to be offensive just to be offensive we don't want to hurt people's feelings just hurt people's feelings but we need to say what the Bible says even when it is going to and let me say something brother Oz is fun to be around brother Oz has a great personality brother Oz is friendly brother Oz is cool so you know what it's gonna be really hard because he's gonna be friends with a lot of people in this room and a lot of people are gonna want to be his friend but you have to be their pastor first and their friend second and when he's your pastor first don't stop being his friend and you know what just because you disagree with them doesn't mean that you can't stop being his friend and here's what I've noticed a lot of people when they disagree with you it's because they're wrong okay but even if you're right you can still give your pastor some grace hey I've had people come up to me and say things to me and say that I was wrong and they were right but is rare I also have people come up to me after every sermon and tell me that in heaven we're gonna have eternal fornication argued me every single I'm just like what in the world and that's that's just the tip of the iceberg of doctrines that I was being taught after every sermon and it's so funny to me because then people accuse our churches and they'll say about steadfast or anchor or whatever they say you know what whenever these controversies all the weirdos stay and the normal people leave and I'm thinking like hmm y'all are the weirdos the guy that believes in eternal fornication was the normal guy that left yeah okay it's so it's so interesting how that really works but you know what as a pastor sometimes you have people come to you and say hey this you're like no you're wrong nope that's not what the Bible says here's what the Bible says here's here's what's going on you have to tell people that they're wrong they don't need more friends they need a pastor people in this room don't need more friends they need a preacher people in this room don't need more friends they need a prophet and you know you shouldn't be afraid of offending people with the truth or what the Word of God says because ultimately it's not your truth the dispense it's God's truth and we should not be ashamed of what the Bible says should not be embarrassed of what God says we should not we should not withhold what the Bible says and the Bible gives us warning here in Ezekiel chapter number three I'm not gonna read all of it I would like to but for sake of time I'm just gonna read a little bit says in verse 1 moreover he said unto me son of man eat that thou findest eat this roll and go speak unto the house of Israel so I open my mouth and he caused me to eat that roll let's talk about the Bible eat the Bible not literally don't eat this read it that's what he's saying get this inside of you metaphorically spiritually eat the Bible eat the Bible study the Bible so that you can speak the Bible verse 3 and he said to me son of man cause thy ability and fill thy bowels with this role that I give thee then did I eat and it was in my mouth as honey for sweetness notice the Bible is compared and likened unto honey and it's sweet the Bible is very sweet but but here's the problem he said in verse 40 said unto me son of man go get thee into the house of Israel and speak with my words unto them tell them what I'm gonna say and he says in verse number let's just skip down to verse 8 behold I have made thy face strong against their faces and thy forehead strong against their foreheads as an adamant harder that than Flint have I made thy forehead fear them not neither be dismayed at their looks though they be a rebellious house let me tell you something when you preach uncomfortable things you get some weird looks in the congregation and at first you're thinking like maybe she's just having a bad day today and then you're like wow it's a bad night too and it's a bad Wednesday and it's a bad next week then you start realizing she's not just having a bad day she's got a bad attitude he's got a bad attitude you know what just preach the truth anyways and you know I mean I I look around I try I try to look at people the same no matter what if you have a bad face at me I'll just look at you anyways if you don't I want to you know and in a smaller church it's just that much more awkward so so here's my advice just look at everybody just make them all uncomfortable okay don't and and even even reverse psychology people people who play every game they'll think like well he wasn't looking at me because he was talking about me and they'll say he was looking at me because he's talking about me it's just because people think everything's about them and let me take here's a little secret buddy 90% of the time when people tell me you're preaching about me I wasn't I wasn't now here's the thing when you ask me I'll just say yes anyways though because I didn't know but it obviously was for you because if you feel like the preaching is for you it's because it was for you I would sure hope that preaching is for me and we all need to make changes we all need to grow and you know what people are gonna be rebellious that's not your fault that's their fault that's their problem hey they don't want to hear okay but let's keep reading because this is important verse 17 son of man I have made thee a watchman in the house of Israel therefore hear the word of my mouth and give them warning for me when I say unto the wicked thou so surely die and thou give us him not warning nor speak us to warn the wicked from his wicked way to save his life the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity but his blood will I require at thine hand hey you better preach uncomfortable truths because God will hold you responsible if you don't tell people we as God's preachers must tell people that they're wicked we must tell people when they're wicked that they're wicked and that the iniquity that they're doing is iniquity and that they're sinning and that God is mad at them how dare you say that God's mad at me no how dare I not tell you that God's mad at you the Bible is not saying hey you know what how dare you speak for God it's how dare you not speak for God you are the preacher of God's Word preach what the Bible says no matter who it affects no matter who it applies to and say hey if you're wicked you're wicked get right with God quit doing quit being rebellious quit having a bad face on your quick bad look on your face quit being bitter that's your problem why verse 19 yet if thou warn the wicked and he turned not from his wickedness nor from his wicked way he shall die in his iniquity but thou has delivered thy soul hey why warn people because God is not someone to be messed with God is not someone to play around with you reap what you sow verse 20 this is important to again when a righteous man the turn from his righteousness and commit iniquity let me explain this it's called being backslidden backslidden people that are in a good church going soul-winning knowing what the Bible says and then they turn from that they stop going to a good church they stop reading their Bible they stop going soul-winning whatever sin they were struggling with they go back to their sin they go back to the bottle they go back to weed they go back to marijuana they go back to their bad friends they go back to the people that you shouldn't be around they go back to some bad church they go back to some whore that they were hanging out with they go back to some ex-boyfriend they go back to that evil person in their family they go back to the reprobates of their family you know what that person is in danger what does he say when he turns from his righteousness and committed to Nick we I will lay a stumbling block before him he shall die this is crazy think about it he's saying when you get backslidden God is then gonna put something in front of you to make you trip and fall God will God will purposely try to trip you up and destroy you because of your rebellion and what should the preacher say don't go over there there's stumbling blocks set by God himself don't go down the road of booze there's a stumbling block called a DUI there's a stumbling block called killing somebody while drunk and driving there's a stumbling block of something laced in that marijuana and it rotting your brain there's a stumbling block with this whore that doesn't really love you and will destroy your marriage and destroy your family and destroy your brain hey you go to that church there's a heresy they're just waiting to trap you and for you to start giving money to build a third temple for the Antichrist that's that would be really frustrating you get up to heaven and you're waiting for your awards God I gave half a million dollars to that church no you gave it to the Antichrist Wow that would be disappointing that would be disappointing hey you know what's cool about steadfast Baptist Church we take some of our money and we give it to brother Duncan or bannock and the Philippines who's doing so winning all the time who's literally getting hundreds of people saved every month what in it what awesome he's helping churches he's trying to plant more churches he's trying to reach people in an area that sucks to live in like if you think going to the Philippines is fun as a silver-spooned American you are mistaken we're about to have Texas brisket today you're gonna be spoiled and let me tell you about Oklahoma it may not have anything fun to do it may be pretty boring and dry it's really windy but you have some good food here and when you go to the Philippines you're gonna be like wow I miss that Oklahoma food I miss the the delicacies of American life I miss how amazing Oklahoma was because it is literally living like a king over here and comparison and you know what it makes sense for us to be sending people out there to these places where they're living a major sacrificial life a major detriment to what their personal well-being had been in the prior time to reach people for Christ because that's the only thing that matters and think about all the people that he got saved that you're gonna go up into heaven and they're gonna say oh wow I got saved because you were giving money to this church and you were sending an evangelist and they preached me the gospel and I got saved and you're gonna rejoice with the guy because you planted another watered and God gave the increase but let me tell you something building a physical temple in Israel is meaningless it is wood hay and stubble and God you think God's pleased with all these churches today that have all these building funds for a temple in Israel they're drying up they're sucking all the money out of their congregation and they're not even getting the people saved here let alone across this world hey you want to go believe those heresies go ahead go have fun but you know what this church won't preach that heresy the pastor will tell you the uncomfortable truths that Jews own everything and they're the synagogue of Satan oh but you might get some opposition sure but you know what we should be more afraid of God than lies and demons and the synagogue of Satan because God can put a stumbling block in your life because God can destroy you hey we need to deliver the righteous not just the wicked what does he say in verse 21 nevertheless if thou warn the righteous man that the righteous sin not and he doth not sin he shall surely live because he's warned also that's delivered thy soul hey sometimes people do listen I've noticed hard preaching works not only does hard preaching upset people and make people mad and causing problems it changes people's lives for the better too notice there's well over a hundred people here today how did that happen it wasn't the fancy building it wasn't the programs it wasn't the fact they had coffee I could even find coffee I don't know where that it wasn't the chairs you know what it was hard preaching they were saying I don't know I'm having a hard time finding a place that's just gonna preach it hard and encourage me to go soul winning and you know it's hard to find people that all have a really great spirit about them and let me tell you some there's something special about the people in this room you you find other churches you're not gonna find people that love the Lord like this they want to talk about the Bible that want to encourage you to get sin out of your life they want to encourage you to go soul winning they want to encourage you to have a family they want to encourage you to do the right thing even when it's not fun you know what it just doesn't really exist that much anymore there's very few churches very few people and this is something special folks you need to appreciate what you have some people are very spoiled some people maybe have never gone to church that that much in the past and they don't know what they have here go to Joshua chapter 1 you know I grew up in church my whole life you know how many times the pastor took took the church out for lunch when I was growing up zero you know many times they had a conference in an event that I didn't have to pay to go to zero times you know how many times they offered me free invites and and tracks to go out hand out so winning never you know how many times they offered me to go out and do a free soul winning trip or go on a small town so winning and bought me lunch and oh never you know many times they took me to a movie theater to watch a movie that they made for me never you know how many times I could call the pastor and just ask him a question never but then everyone wants to go to light church don't they where you can go pay for everything and never talk to the pastor ever not have any relationship with him and just be spoon-fed some garbage that's coming out of their mouth you know what this is a different kind of church folks I've never seen a church like these kind of churches spend so much money back on the congregation you go you go find me I mean I've been to other Old Ivy churches and they had meals and stuff but you'd have to pay for them you had you had to do all kinds of extra stuff for it people literally there's churches that pay like make you pay for the tracks I mean that's weird I don't I don't get it okay I don't like that molo I like our mom I like where we're just giving stuff away and smell but then you do all that and people hate you anyways Jesus fed all these people and as soon as he stops feeding them just out they just leave in droves you know I don't even know if people are here for me or Dylan or for the food you know I don't know I guess we'll find out tonight won't we hey preach the truth anyways preach what the Bible says you know and Jesus wasn't afraid of calling people out and saying like you're just here for the food anyways but hey I'm glad you're here right so I could I could rip on you a little bit Joshua chapter 1 look at verse 6 be strong and of good courage for under this people shall thou divide for an inheritance in the land which I swear unto their fathers to give them only be that strong and very courageous that they may as observed to do according to all the law which Moses my servant commanded thee turn not from it to the right hand or the left that they may as prosper with us over thou goest this book of the law so not to part out of thy mouth but that's not meditate there in day and night that thou may as observed to do according to all that it's written there in for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous and then that should have good success hey you want to be prosperous meditate on the Bible and do it and just be strong just do what the Bible says you know it's you say like I want to be successful like other pastors you know why they were successful because they did whatever this said you see a transition from Moses to Joshua and there was success only because Joshua also did what the Bible said we see other successions that are not successful why because they didn't do what the Bible said and you just read through the Kings you read through the Chronicles you read through all these passages of the Bible first and second Samuel first and second Kings you read the first and second Chronicles and it's like this guy was successful because he did that which was right in the eyes of the Lord he obeyed God's commandments this guy didn't because he didn't obey God's commandments and it's just case closed every single King hey you obey the commandments success prosperous good things you don't bad things not success now all of them got attacked all of them had Wars all of them had enemies come and try to destroy them but the ones that were right with God God delivered every single time and the ones that were not right with God got carried to Babylon got their children to become eunuchs got their wives ravished in front of their eyes talk about one of the worst things imaginable some of them got their children slaughtered in front of them like Zedekiah and then their eyes poked out right after the last thing you've ever seen is your children destroyed in front of your eyes why because you didn't do what the Bible said do what the Bible says does not matter how unpopular it is Jeremiah has to be like this go to Jeremiah chapter 1 go to Jeremiah chapter 1 preach the truth see like man I thought you're gonna go to another point this point is what matters folks and it seems simple it seems so simple but it's so hard it's difficult it's difficult preach what the Bible says Jeremiah chapter 1 verse 4 then the word of the Lord came unto me saying before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee and before thou came as for that of the womb I sanctified thee and ordained thee a prophet to the end of the nations then said I our Lord God behold I cannot speak for I'm a child Jeremiah thought he was too young to preach the Word of God but you know what don't have that attitude you're gonna be a pastor you preach the Bible don't say you're a child don't say I'm not ready to preach this preach the Bible preach the truth he says but under the Lord said unto me say not I am a child for thou shalt go to all that I shall send thee and whatsoever I command thee thou shalt speak be not afraid of their faces frame with thee to deliver thee say it the Lord hey don't be afraid of these people preach the Bible preach the truth preach what God said don't be afraid of their faces why verse 16 and I'll utter my judgments against them touching all their wickedness who have forsaken me and a burn incense unto other gods and worship the works of their own hands now therefore gird up thy loins and arise and speak unto them all that I command thee be not dismayed at their faces lest I confound thee before them hey you stop preaching what the Bible says and God will make your sermons turn into junk I wonder how many pastors that's happened to go to Deuteronomy chapter 4 I wonder how many pastors started out hot we're ready to preach the Bible and then they started getting scared they stopped preaching what the Bible said they stopped saying what they need to say and now they're preaching weird stuff now they're preaching born that way and it's like now you just look like an idiot now you just look like a weirdo people repeating lies of Sam Gipp and the heresies of all kinds of false prophets of Schofield and all kinds of strange and winds of doctrine that creep in look if you won't preach what the Bible says then God will say okay I'll bring you something to preach and you just make you look like an idiot preach what the Bible says you won't look like an idiot preaching the Bible to God but you know what you look like an idiot to everybody when you stop he'll make you look so dumb don't don't stop preaching the Bible it's not like Joel Osteen's winning people over I mean somebody out there but frankly speaking he's kind of a laughing stock to Deuteronomy chapter 4 verse 2 the Bible says you should not add unto the word which I command you neither shall you diminish off from it that you may keep the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you hey don't add to the Bible and don't take away preach whatever it says go to chapter 12 and look at verse 32 how many how many verses do you need should only need one how about dozens preach the truth don't add don't take away preach the Bible says we use that in context of modern Bibles but you know it's also in context of preaching that you don't take away from what God said and you're preaching and you don't add to what God said in your preaching either you preach what the Bible says and if you have to express your opinion tell people that it's your opinion it's nothing wrong with expressing your opinion expounding on things trying to give application but you know what make a clear distinction when it's thus saith the Lord just like the Apostle Paul does in 1st Corinthians chapter number 7 hey now what I'm saying is not what I'm saying is what God said and he says now let me give you my opinion it's okay and he says I think I have the Spirit of God I'm not saying this just because I wanted to say something random I'm saying this because I think this is right but you know what trust God's Word over what I'm saying anyways you know as a pastor as a preacher sometimes we have to elaborate expand on and clarify things and give people practical example but at the end of the day make sure you're thundering forth what the Bible says and they are not making your ideas and your opinions God's Word hey here's my opinion on how you should do this but ultimately if God's Word contradicts us do what God said period do it on me chapter 12 look at verse 32 what's everything I command you observe to do it thou shall not add thereto nor diminish from it it's like God has a concept repeat himself because we're thick-headed you have to go to Proverbs 30 you go to Proverbs 30 you need to preach the truth I don't care I don't care what it is and you know what I'll always I'll always be pleased with this church as long as you're preaching the truth you can do so many things that I don't agree with and I'll still support you and love you and help you as long as you're preaching the truth I mean if you're preaching the truth I'm on your team and God's on your team and you're gonna make mistakes you're gonna have problems things aren't gonna go perfectly but just preach the truth you know God uses imperfect people but what he wants is the truth to be preached and to be proclaimed Proverbs chapter 30 look at verse number five every word of God is pure he is a shield of them that put their trust in him add them not unto his words lest he reprove thee and they'll be found a liar when you don't preach the Bible you're in dangerous territory where you could be exposed for lying go to Ecclesiastes chapter 12 go to Ecclesiastes chapter 12 point one preach the truth point two you also need to have grace the law came by Moses but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ and here's the thing you can still preach the truth and it be gracious and the the smart pastor preaches the truth the wise pastor preaches it with grace the good pastor preaches the truth the wise and understanding pastor preaches it with grace and sometimes you have to recognize you know this message might be hard for someone to hear so I want to make sure to present it where I'm not compromising the truth but I'm extending and giving grace to people that are wrong that have this issue that have this problem you know hey preach that whoredom is wicked but don't preach that they're reprobates because they're whore that's not gracious that's lying you can preach the truth and yet not necessarily be harsh in every way now sometimes the truths harsh and you can't you can't really hide the truth you can't really hide the harshness you can't hard the difficulty Jesus Christ said all men cannot receive this saying Jesus Christ said some sayings were hard sayings sometimes what Jesus said rebuked and offended the Pharisees you got to do it but the Bible is not saying that Jesus wasn't gracious because he was he talked to a lot of evil people a lot of sinful people a lot of people with problems and he was gracious under them and tried to give them opportunity to change the Bible says in Ecclesiastes chapter 12 verse 9 and moreover because the preacher was wise he still taught the people knowledge yeah he gave good heat and sought out and set in order many Proverbs verse 10 the preacher sought to find out acceptable words and that which was written was upright even words of truth hey you need to figure out what the best words to use words that are true but gracious the right words the words of the wise there is goes and nails fastened by the masses assemblies which are given from one shepherd make sure what you're saying is right but also when you can bring in grace go over to 2nd Timothy chapter 2 2nd Timothy chapter 2 what's the truth people deserve hell what's the grace you can be saved you need to preach that fornication is wicked but what's the grace you can get married and fix it you can stop fornicating you can fix it drunkenness is wicked but the grace is you can be sober hey when you fall from from church and you get backslidden in your sin that's the truth and you're in danger but you know what the grace is you can be restored the grace is that hey you're not doomed the women at the well the woman at the well what was the truth she was a whore what was the grace she could get saved and she gave other people saved and that Jesus loved her Matthew's the receipt of custom hey tax collectors are bad people but he can still be used of God and and here's the reality God always wants to use us and so God mixes truth with grace some people understand these words the truth will tell you what you're like grace will allow you to change grace will give you opportunity to be a better version of yourself and grace is not tolerating sin grace is not covering sin grace is not necessarily not exposing sin but it's giving you a chance to restore now of course God's grace covers our sin in the sense of salvation but at the same time it's not covering it automatically we have to enter into that grace don't we we have to receive that grace God's grace isn't just hey everybody's a sinner but you're still going to heaven God's grace is hey if you accept the gift of my son the Lord Jesus Christ you can get saved so grace gives you opportunity to change you're a sinner on your way to hell grace gives you opportunity to get saved and go to heaven but grace isn't just an automatic just hey we don't it doesn't matter that you're a sinner it doesn't matter that you've done wrong it doesn't matter that you deserve help we don't even need to talk about that God's not mad at you no no God is mad at you but grace gives you opportunity to be right with God and be blessed by God so we need to make sure when we're preaching the Bible hey we're gonna tell you what you're like and where you're at with God and what your status is but the grace is you have a change you have a chance to change you have a chance to get right with God you have a chance to clean up you have a chance to be used by God and want to make sure people are being used by God as long as you got breath in your lungs you can be used by God 2nd Timothy chapter number 2 verse 24 and the servant of the Lord must not strive but be gentle on all men hey be gentle when you can at the teach patient and meekness instructing those that oppose themselves hey if someone comes in here and they're not King James only what a reprobate what an evil worker you know you're carrying heresy around your head that's not very gracious that's not not very gentle that's not very meek is it because a lot of us probably use the bad version who in here read a bad version prior to the King James oh yeah so maybe we should be gracious to people that didn't know that truth already and lovingly show them hey here's some differences here's why we use the King James here's what's going on this not just crucifying people for their mistake that you had to make a change to why if God bear venture will give their repentance and knowledge in the truth and that they may recover themselves at the snare the devil or taken captive by him at as well of course salvation is great application here but we could extend that we always want to be meek and instruct those that oppose themselves and try to help them I just want to give a few more just admonitions I'm not going to go to a ton of verses here but you'll be to Matthew 5 you know the Bible says in verse Corinthians chapter 13 we have charity and the Bible says charity never faileth but it says hey prophecies are gonna fail here's the thing brother Oz your preaching is gonna fail people aren't gonna remember it people are gonna ask you questions about your sermon that you explained in your sermon right after your sermon it always happens and they're gonna forget and they're gonna get infused you'll preach it I preach this five times and they still don't get it but your charity will stick with them more your preaching won't necessarily stick with them as much as your charity will and charity never faileth love on people do good unto people help people and they'll stick with you focus on the people that you have not on the people you don't have hey that's that's for all of us hey focus on the wife you have not on the wife you don't have focus on the children you have none of the children you don't have you know if you want to have a big flock to me it's more important to become a great shepherd than to try and drag people in because I believe you become a great shepherd God will bring a flock to you give yourself time to to grow and learn how to pastor and to learn how to preach the Bible and just become a great shepherd of the people that you do have God will bring you more flock God cares about his sheep more than you do and more than I do and he wants to put his sheep with the right type of shepherds and when you're not a good shepherd God will try to take those sheep away from you and give them to the right kind of Shepherd give people clear instruction from your preaching don't let people guess let them know Jacob had a small flock for a long time but then God gave him all of Laban's David had those few sheep in the wilderness but then he had all of Israel Joseph was thrown in prison and had nothing but then he became ruler of all of Egypt focus on having character focus on having integrity focus on being someone that knows what the Bible says and having the truth and then God will give you the people that you need Jesus washed the disciples feet he fed them he taught them he loved them he died for them let his example be an example for a pastor and whenever you're in controversy whenever you have difficult decisions to make when you don't know what to do always make the spiritual decision whatever is the most spiritual decision always make that it doesn't matter who's with you you know what's right you make the right decision beware of flatterers beware of flatterers beware of ladders you're a young pastor you are very talented you're a good preacher beware of the person that comes up to you and says this is the greatest sermon ever heard every sermon you do not allow yourself to be eaten up with the pride of ladders they want to destroy you stay humble stay humble stay humble you're young if there's anything in the Bible that warns about young preachers being lifted up with pride stay humble stay meek look to the example of others that have gone before you trust in other people pride will destroy you Pastor Oz you will be lied about you will be hated you'll be called names and you'll be despised that's what the Bible says don't think that you won't be hated I remember when I was being sent out by Pastor Anderson and he said everybody's gonna hate you and I said nobody even knows who I am nobody cares I exist and he says just give them time to hate you they just need time Matthew chapter 5 look at verse 11 blessed are you and men shall revile you and persecute you and shall say all men are evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceeding glad for great is your reward in heaven for so persecuted they the prophets would have before you look they're gonna hate you look at chapter 10 verse 24 chapter 10 verse 24 the disciples not above his master nor the servant above his Lord it is enough for the disciple that he be as his master oh you're just like Pastor Shelley it is enough for the disciple that he be as his master you're like Pastor Anderson it is enough for the disciple that he be as his master oh you're like Jesus Christ it is enough for the disciple to be as his master hey I sure hope that no one ever says man Pastor Shelley he's just like Joel Osteen you know he reminds me of Kenneth Copeland you know what he's like John MacArthur you know I'm so glad that they compare when I get these comparisons is somebody that's actually a godly god-fearing good preacher and they can say well he's not as good as him that's fine as long as I'm just kind of like him you know that's good for me I'm so glad that I'm not like these weirdos and these heretics and these freaks you're not supposed to preach another doctrine anyways I mean he preaches just like them good I hope that is your accusation forever I hope it's like he always preaches like Pastor Shelley oh I hope so I hope it's not like what is this weird stuff he's preaching it says it is enough for the disciple that he be as his master and the servant as his Lord if they have called the master of the house beelzebub how much more so they call them of his household hey if they call Jesus a devil and a demon he's saying they're gonna call us worse names you're gonna be called everything you could ever think of and things you couldn't think of all of it go to Luke 21 go to Luke 21 so this is a long sermon well you know what ministry is gonna be a long time Dylan's got a long ministry ahead of him Luke 21 verse 15 it's the last time I get to preach here so you know for sure just trying to soak it in Luke 21 verse 15 I will give you a mouth and wisdom which all your adversaries shall not be able to gain say nor resist hey you want to preach good sermons ask God to help you do that and you shall be betrayed both by parents and brethren and kins folks and friends and some of you shall they cause we put the death and you should be hated of all men for my name's sake hey don't be surprised when your parents hate you don't be surprised when your brothers and sisters hate you don't be surprised when your kids hate you don't be surprised when your friends hate you that's what the Bible says I didn't say it Jesus Christ said it this is red letters people are gonna hate you people are gonna despise you people are gonna lie about you people are gonna separate you from their company why for Christ's sake but blessed are ye don't get discouraged say you know what I'm on the right path hey you're just adding to your mansion in heaven and you know what let it always be them that hates you and them that separate and them that do the bad but you know what you love them back we love our enemies we love our parents and we love our brothers and we love our children and we love our friends you know what they will stab you in the back they will stab you in the back it happens it hurts it hurts go to Philippians there's been people I thought were my best friend they were not there are people that you think are gonna go the distance with you and they will not there will be people that will do good unto you and that you will only do good unto them and they will stab you in the back I'm telling you now because it hurts just be ready just know that it can happen and never ever trust people with things you can't lose Philippians chapter 1 verse 27 the Bible says only let your conversation be as it become at the gospel of Christ that whether I come and see you or else be absent I may hear of your affairs that you stand fast in one spirit with the one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel and in nothing terrified by your adversaries you're gonna have enemies don't allow them to scare you don't allow them to intimidate you it says in nothing terrified by your adversaries which is of them an evident token of their petition but to you of salvation and that of God front you it is given in the behalf of Christ not only to believe on him but also to suffer his first sake pastor Oz it's not enough for you to just believe you need to suffer and if you preach the truth and you only do good you will suffer don't think hey I must be doing something wrong we all do things that are wrong but you know why you suffer because you did things that were right be afraid if you never suffer be afraid if you're without chastisement don't be afraid of the sufferings embrace the sufferings I have two verses left that I want to give for the congregation go to first that's known as chapter five here's to you to the congregation and we'll go eat brisket all right so that's the only reason I'm here well then this applies to you okay first lesson is chapter 5 look at verse 12 the Bible says and we beseech you brethren to know them which labor among you and are over you in the Lord and to admonish you and to esteem them very highly in love for their work's sake hey you need to esteem your pastors and your evangelists and your deacons and your leaders very highly very highly in love why because of the work that they're doing because of their soul winning because of their example because of their preaching love them for that and esteem them very highly for that oh you guys lift up pastors and you look up the pastors what does the Bible say sorry you don't like the Bible I love the Bible and you know what I love men of God and I love church and I love pastors and I love evangelists and I love deacons and you know what I love so winning captains and I love people that are just so winners and I love God's people and you know what we should have steamed them very highly in love for their work's sake you know usually hates is the people that are lazy because they're just mad at their own laziness verse 14 now we exhort your brethren warn them that are unruly comfort the feeble-minded support the weak be patient toward all men see that none render evil evil and any man but ever follow that which is good both among yourselves and all men hey you as a congregation love your pastor help your pastor respect your pastor and love the brethren and you know what when someone's upset with the pastor warn them that are unruly and the people that get weak and get backslidden what does it say comfort the feeble-minded and support the weak and be patient come alongside them now the the evil wicked you know haters have nothing to do with them go to Hebrews 13 and and you know what sometimes you got to kick people out of church give them tough love support your pastor back up your pastor don't call the hater and and and hate on your pastor with them now here's the thing I don't throw people out of church for talking to people they shouldn't but don't do it please don't do it when people get poisoned against your church and poison is your pastor when they're sinning when they're doing wrong you know what you don't go and hang out with them it's the same as leprosy you're not gonna go hang out with someone that's physical leprosy because you know it's sick but sometimes people have spiritual leprosy and you say like hey I'll talk to you from afar hey buddy get well stop quit drinking quit lying quit railing quit extorting quit doing all these things just get right with God you know and it hurts you know I have to separate from people that I love you know the point is to keep this pure is to keep this on the right path some people are going to destroy this some people are gonna try and derail this some people are gonna put stumbling blocks as the path a good pastor will occasionally remove trash I mean what if we what if you came to this church today and it's like we haven't taken the trash out of this building in fifth in 15 weeks it would stink it would be rotten you know what you like a place because if you go to a restaurant you want it to be clean if it was it was dirty you wouldn't like you wouldn't like the cockroaches and also you know what churches can have cockroaches and trash and all kinds of stuff come in and it's nice when the pastor just keeps it clean you know I show up at a restaurant and it's seating is 200 capacity and there's 15 or 20 people there I still love eating at that restaurant and if it's full I still like eating at that restaurant but I hate it when it's dirty and it doesn't matter how many people are there and you know I'd rather eat spiritually at a church that's running 15 people and clean than the one that's 200 and it's dirty it's 200 and there's cockroaches it's 200 and there's a tranny sitting over there right next to me and they get a rabbi to come up bless the congregation it's so funny people like I'm gonna leave this church because they're friends with somebody I don't like but then they'll go to a church that has literal pedophiles that they support false prophets and heretics and all kinds of people that support you know the synagogue of Satan they'll bring them in they'll bring the mayor they'll bring whoever and it's just like what are you trading here what does the Bible say in Hebrews 13 verse 17 obey them that have the rule over you and submit yourselves for a watch for your souls did you remember Ezekiel he was watching for their souls obey the guy that's in charge obey the pastors obey them that have the rule over you oh you think some people are in charge yes I do obey the ruler obey the pastor and I scream this is I'm not gonna be pastor anymore so you're like oh you're just saying that for yourself obey your new pastor do what he says and if you don't like it quietly disagree and then change your mind and realize he was right well then leave already we don't want you hey what is the Bible I'm telling you what the Bible says obey them that have the rule over you and submit yourself you know submitting is when you disagree well I can't do this I don't agree do it anyways now if he's telling you to sin never do it obviously there's clear boundaries you always do what's right for you and your family you always do what's right according to the Bible and the Word of God but if your pastor is telling you to do something and it's not a sin in the Bible you do it every time you just submit why for they watch your souls as they that must give an account give account that they may do it with joy and not with grief or that isn't profitable for you you know you're gonna have to stand before God Dylan and you're gonna have to give an account of what those people what these people did and you can say I told them and they didn't listen and he's like you're right but you know what I don't want and I don't want for you is for God to say you didn't tell that guy you didn't tell that lady you didn't tell that family you didn't warn that person I'm gonna require their blood at your hand you have to realize he has an important job he has a lot of pressure God is watching what he's doing and and some people have this idea I need to hold my pastor a cannibal why don't you just let God do it like I think God's got it you know people people that think that they need to hold their pastor accountable for everything they don't have a big God they don't have faith in God because you know what I'm way more afraid of God than you guys anyways and he knows everything that's going on that you don't know anyways we need to just trust the Lord and you know what as a pastor as a preacher you better preach the truth and you know what do it with as much grace as you can that's what the wise pastor will do and as the congregation just say in your heart I want truth whatever if it hurts me if I don't like it and and whatever I'm told I'm just gonna do it as long as it's what the Bible saying and if my pastor gives me grace great if he doesn't if it was true here's the thing we I would love for the pastor to always give me grace but sometimes I just need truth and here's the thing if you're offended always ask yourself this question but is it true because if it's true don't be mad at him only be mad if he's lying to you only be mad if he's not preaching the Bible and you know what if he starts preaching lies say what do you what does what about this hey pastor this is what the Bible saying hey pastor this when he's not when he's in his lane he's preaching the truth just just take it take it like a man gird up your loins like a man and just take the hard truths of the Bible and then be thankful when he gives you a little bit of grace too and you know what pray that this church will be a great success because there's too many people dying going to hell and we need more soul winners not less we need more people to preach the gospel not less we need more good churches not less and the only way for good churches to exist is for you to support people that are gonna preach the truth if you get offended by everything then it's just gonna be Jeremiah over here you know what as for me in my house we will serve the Lord I'm gonna preach the truth whether you like it or not whether the church grows or it doesn't whether I get to have friends with church plants or not I'm gonna keep preaching the truth I don't care if everybody stops being my friend I'm gonna still preach what the Bible says and you know what we need people to support those people that's the only way to have good churches in this world again is you guys all right let's close in prayer thank Heavenly Father so much for the truth thank you for giving us this this bright and shining light in such a dark world I pray that you would just bless this upcoming Church anchor Baptist Church so you bless brother Oz and that you would you would use him greatly that you would encourage him to preach the truth that you would allow him to be used mightily that you would protect him and his family and I pray that you would just knit the hearts of the people of this church to him and allow them to be used greatly by their new pastor and by the Word of God and reach many people for the cause of Christ I pray that this church would just be such a bright and shining light that you get so many people saved and and more people be turned to righteousness and that you could build this church over time I pray that you would help all the people here to just continue to live and serve Christ better in Jesus name we pray amen now at this time I want brother Oz to still come up here will you help me just unpack these things real quick come up here up right here so I'm gonna be laying hands on brother Oz and I'm gonna be praying for him and ordaining him as the pastor of this church this afternoon and I want you guys to also be praying with me and and essentially asking the Lord to bless him and his family and to encourage him after this after you know after this service he'll no longer just be brother Oz he'll be pastor Dylan Oz and whether he likes that title or not you like that title and you call him pastor Oz okay and congratulate him and his family and make sure to congratulate anchor Baptist Church and support them as well so I'm gonna pray with him I'm gonna pray over him and I want you guys to pray with me this this afternoon okay thank you Heavenly Father so much for brother Oz and his family I pray that you would just fill in with your Holy Spirit right now that you give him a special gift as a pastor of this new church anchor Baptist Church I pray that you would just fill them with so much wisdom and understanding that you would just open his mind and you would show him all the wondrous things in the Bible I pray that you would just strengthen him right now that you'd give him wisdom beyond his years that you'd help him to mature spiritually and to be able to lead this congregation I pray that you would just use him mightily to preach the Word of God to preach against all the spiritual wickedness in high places I pray that you would just protect him and his family they would encourage his wife and his children and that you would just help them to be a blessing and encouragement to Pastor Oz I pray that you would just help this congregation to be knit under their pastor to love their pastor and respect their pastor and I pray that you would just create an unbreakable bond between many of the people in this room I pray that you would use brother Oz voice to reach the world with the gospel I pray they would hear not only the gospel but all the parts of the Bible I pray that his doctrine be fully known because we know it's the Word of God that is being delivered I pray that you would also protect him from all the evil people that want to destroy him and I pray that you would destroy his enemies I pray that you would just go before him and that you would just open a great door that you would pour out a blessing from heaven upon him in this church that you'd bless them financially that you'd bless brother Oz financially that you would help him in his work and his endeavors I pray that you would bring him people that could be used mightily of God and I pray that you would use the people that are here to be a great blessing and to come alongside him and lift up his hands as he goes to battle I pray that you would continue to allow brother Oz to be a great friend but also a great pastor and I pray that you would just bless them in every way possible in Jesus name we pray amen congratulations so we have a couple gifts for you I have your ordination certificate here let's go ahead and give a round of applause and we have we have a nice anchor Baptist Church sign for you here right here let's give them another round of applause all right all right so we're gonna go ahead and see our last song and then make sure to congratulate them but you're free to go to lunch it's over in this this suite it's 836a yes 836 a all the way down in the corner there's free brisket and lunch and everything provided make sure to go down there and have lunch and stick around we'll have so many meet here at two thank you so much everybody for coming thank you for letting me be your pastor and thank you I love you guys so much even though I may not be your direct pastor I'll still always be your friend I'll still always help you and if you ever need anything please please talk to me I'd love to help you but also give your pastor of the preeminence talk to him first help him and encourage him but of course I'll still always be your friend I love you guys very much you which We have anger that keeps us whole, steadfast in sure how the billows roll, fast into the rock which cannot move, grounded firm and deep in the Savior's love. Amen. With that, the order is missed. I was just going to say we had 153 people in service today. And so thank you so much.