(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) a great chapter here look at verse one again the Bible read and Ben-Hadad the king of Syria gathered all his hosts together and there were thirty and two kings with him the horses and chariots and he went up and seized Samaria and warred against it and he sent messengers to Ahab king of Israel into the city and said unto him thus saith Ben-Hadad thy silver and thy gold is mine thy wise also my children even the goodliest are mine and the king of Israel answered and said my lord o king according thy saying I am thine and all that I have the messengers came again and said thus speaketh Ben-Hadad saying although I have sent unto thee saying thou shalt deliver me thy silver and thy gold my wives my children yet I will send my servants under thee tomorrow about this time and they shall search thine house and the house of thy servants and it shall be that whatsoever is pleasant in thine eyes they shall put it in their hand and take it away then the king of Israel called all the elders of the land and said mark I pray you and see how this man seeketh mischief free sent unto me for my wives and for my children and for my silver and my gold and I denied him not and all the elders and all the people said unto him harken not unto him nor consent wherefore he said and the messengers have been hey dad tell my lord the king all that thou didst sin for thy servant at the first I will do but this thing I may not do and the messengers departed and brought him word again and Ben-Hadad sent unto him and said the gods do so unto me and more also if the dust of Samaria shall suffice for handfuls for all the people that follow me verse 11 and the king of Israel answered and said tell him let not him that girdeth on his harness boast himself as he that putteth it off now what's happening in this story well Ben-Hadad he's an enemy to the king of Israel he comes unto Ahab and he asks he says hey I'm gonna well he doesn't really ask he just makes a declaration he just says hey your gold your silver your wives your children mine now what man is this gonna be like sure no problem what kind of a weak person just hand that over you know Ahab must not like his wife which if it's Jezebel I get it all right but he was just like sure take her he's like you can have her right but then when he says hey I'm gonna take everything that I like just anything that I look at I'm just gonna take that too somehow that crossed the line with Ahab well Ahab tells him no and Ben-Hadad says well you don't even know how many people are coming with me I mean if you just looked at how much sand is on the seashore you know you can't even count how many people are with me how many armies are gathered together and to get an idea of the number we don't really know but it tells us later in verse 29 that they slew a hundred thousand men in one day so we can guess this is hundreds of thousands of men in army and when we see who's with Ahab he only has like 7,000 men so they're vastly outnumbered it's something that would be very extreme but I like what Ahab says and what Ahab says is very interesting he says in verse number 11 let not him that girdeth on his harness boast himself as he that putteth it off what does that phrase mean now it's a great phrase okay but essentially the harness is something that you put on for battle okay it's some kind of an instrument or some kind of a piece of equipment you know a girdle is usually around the loins I played roller hockey for a long time and you have a girdle and that girdle is something you kind of put on your loin it kind of protects your leg areas and just the upper portion of your groin area so a girdle is typically something gonna be similar and girding is putting on his harness so it's probably going around that portion of his body it could be some kind of instrument used for his horse or his chariot or something like that but he's saying look you haven't even put your armor on and you're already bragging that you won the war he's saying you know when you should brag when you've taken it off because you've already won the war that's when you should go ahead and start bragging so it's basically counting your chickens before they hatch okay but the title of the sermon this evening coming from this phrase here is too big for your britches too big for your britches now the word britches is not a word found in your Bible but the word breeches is found in your Bible several different times the Levites were commanded to wear linen breeches breeches are like pants or your shorts okay now what does it mean when someone says you're too big for your britches okay well I got an article online or just some kind of a definition from a dictionary online that phrase means that you're conceited yourself important it says it gives an example it says ever the guy's name's ever sorry he's not here but you know this has ever since he won that tournament he's gotten too big for his britches there's it says basically so he's saying what after he won he thinks he's hot stuff he thinks he's the best ever it says there's no talking to Jill anymore she's too big for her boots so I guess they use it as a synonym for boots it says this metaphoric idiom alludes to becoming so swollen with conceit that one's pants or boots no longer fit so basically you just think you're so great and you just get so puffed up you can't even put your pants on anymore okay and that's basically what happens with Ben Haydad doesn't it Ben Haydad thinks he's such hot stuff he's there to just take them over you don't even understand how big and bad we are you better just give me your stuff already you have isn't that his attitude basically but he's too big for his britches he's making he's writing checks that he can't cash okay what does that mean you don't have the money in the bank to cover the check that you're writing look at verse number 19 says so these young men are the princes of the provinces came out of the city an army which followed them and they slew everyone as man the Syrians fled and Israel pursued them and been a dad the king of Assyria skate on a horse with the horsemen so they go to battle Aab only has 7,000 men God uses him as his leader and they defeat this great host this great army they end up fleeing then later in the story they come back a year later with the exact size army and they get wiped out and destroyed again it says in verse 29 and they pitched one over against the other seven days and so it was that in the seventh day the battle was joined and the children of Israel slew of the Syrians a hundred thousand footmen in one day so just in one day they're slaughtering a hundred thousand footmen so they're like 12 people 12 guys apiece basically I mean they're just slaying and slaying and slaying they're killing these guys like clockwork now what's the cattle so that what's the you know idea of the story well when you defy God you're gonna lose I mean when you go against the Lord when you think you're too big for your britches and you go against God you will be destroyed we actually see this a very common theme constantly throughout the Bible think about Pharaoh king of Egypt he goes against the Lord utterly destroyed he's too big for his britches he's like who is the Lord that I should obey him he's the he's the god of the whole heaven and earth he's the one that's gonna put you in your place we could think about Sennacherib king of Israel of Assyria as well Sennacherib comes and he's like you know where is the kings of Hamath and Sepharvayim and you know don't trust in the Lord don't let Hezekiah deceive you to trust in the Lord that you'll be delivered of me he becomes too big for his breeches too and he dies he gets destroyed you know we could think of the king of Babylon thinking how great and wonderful he gets so swollen he becomes a like a bird dog or something you know I don't know what the thing is he's just in the grass you know he's got feather type claws and like he grows weird hair and he's just like eating grass like a cow and he's just he's out of his mind why because you don't defy God when you start becoming too big for your britches God will knock you down God will take you down a notch how about the Pharisees go to Acts chapter number five go to Acts chapter number five what about Goliath wasn't Goliath too big for his britches I mean this guy's coming the Bible says when David was talking with him David says thy servant slew both the lion and the bear and this uncircumcised Philistine shall be as one of them seeing yet defied the armies of the living God because Goliath went against God because he got too big for his britches you know what God took him out with a little shepherd boy with just a little stone I mean just wiped him out who did God take out been hey dad with just 7,000 men just a small little tiny army it talked about him being like two little flocks of sheep amongst a huge herd it was just like nothing basically why because whenever you start getting swollen God's gonna pop that balloon God's just gonna like you know prick you and you're gonna explode on yourself how about the Pharisees they were too big for their britches they thought they were hot stuff they thought they knew and understood everything about the Word of God yet they understood nothing and God exposed that look at Acts chapter 5 verse 37 after this man rose up Judas of Galilee in the days of taxing and drew way much people after him he also perished and all even as many as obeyed him were dispersed and now I say unto you refrain from these men and let them alone for if this council or work be of men it will come to naught but if it be of God he cannot overthrow it lest happily he be found even to fight against God so he's warning them saying look you're rising up against these men but if these men be of God you're gonna be destroyed if you start defying God you're gonna be the one that's taken out now think about the Pharisees they said to the to the people they're like have any of the rulers believed on him have any of the rulers of the Pharisees believed on him you know we're not the ones believe they were too big for the britches they thought they were over-important they were better than all the other people well I know you guys believe him but y'all are just laymen you know have any of the really important Pharisees believed in Jesus it's like you guys are of the devil and then they get exposed and they end up fighting against God himself what about the Antichrist go if you would to Revelation chapter 19 for a moment I'll read for you in Psalms 81 the Bible says the haters of the Lord should have submitted themselves unto him but their time should have endured forever he should have fed them also with the finest of the wheat and with honey of the rock should I have satisfied thee so the haters of the Lord in Psalms 81 is a picture of the Jews that rejected God they didn't want to harken unto him and they end up being the haters of the Lord whereas they should have just submitted they should have just humbled themselves accepted the Lord trusted in the Lord gotten saved and then he's saying if you had done that you would have lasted forever but now you're gonna be destroyed with utter destruction now the end of the Bible the end of the world is gonna have the exact same and as we saw with Ben Hadeb somebody who gets too big for their britches who's that the Antichrist the devil himself gets too big for his britches he thinks he can fight against God look at Revelation 19 verse 19 and I saw the beast and the kings of the earth and the air armies gathered together to make war against him that sat on the throne and against his army and the Beast was taken with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the Beast and them that worship his image these both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone so they get a ticket straight into the lake of fire they don't even get to the first death they go straight to the second they don't go to hell there's no pass and go it's just straight to the lake of fire alive now notice that they were instantly destroyed they thought that they could fight against God himself against the Lord how could someone do that because they get too big for the britches they start thinking that they're better than they really are they're stronger than they really are they're smarter than they really are this is a dangerous attitude okay go go to first Peter chapter number five now I'm quickly going through and showing you some examples of how the ungodly the unrighteous the wicked have this attitude but let me make it clear to you today that even Christians can get this attitude where they get too big for their britches they start having too much self-importance they think too highly of themselves and this is a very dangerous attitude and you can still get a very dangerous physical destruction you're in danger when you get too big for your britches period look at first Peter chapter 5 verse 5 likewise younger submit yourselves into the elder yay all of you be subject one to another and be clothed with humility for God resisted the proud and give it grace to the humble so notice God will resist the proud this is not a caveat just for the unsaved this is everyone and this is specifically written to the saved first Peter chapter number five okay and he's talking to who I mean everybody here he's saying all of you be subject one to another well he left me out because I'm you know I'm pretty important I'm pretty special no every single person's supposed to be subject every single person's supposed to be humble go to James chapter 4 James chapter number 4 what does it mean to be humble well if you're truly humble then you're not gonna sit here and compare yourself with other people you're not going to think well I deserve this more than that person or vice versa you know you're gonna steam other better than yourself you're gonna think more highly of other people and truly you know the unsaved don't have this toward God at all they should humble themselves and accept God's free gift realizes power realizes might realize salvation's only through the Lord Jesus Christ it has nothing to do with them yet they want to resist God they want to resist his free gift of salvation but even for a Christian who's accepted God's gift sometimes we might compare ourselves amongst our brethren and really what comes into play is the sin of envy look what it says in James chapter 4 verse 5 do you think that the scripture saith in vain the spirit that dwelleth in us lusteth to envy but he giveth more grace wherefore he saith God resisteth the proud but giveth grace unto the humble if there's two guys and they're competing for the same job and one gets it over the other typically the one will think well I was better than him I deserve it but really it's coming from a place of envy because if the other person is truly better than you in your eyes and they get it you won't care about great I'm glad that they got that because they're truly better than me you know you're steaming someone better than yourself and I'm not saying you're denying reality I'm saying objectively if you can look at that situation and say hey this guy deserves it more than me because it's not about the position it's not about the goods it's about someone being worthy of getting that title worthy of getting that job and if that person gets that job and they're worthy you shouldn't go against them you shouldn't have this prideful envious type attitude okay go if you would to Proverbs 16 for a moment Proverbs 16 but if you're too big for your britches you deserve everything don't you everything should be yours you should be in charge of everything you get everything you're so smart and this is a very dangerous attitude that we can get we want to be like saw at the beginning of his ministry where he was little in his own sight yet he stood ahead or shoulders and head above the people I mean someone that has the ability to be prideful of someone that's bigger than everyone I mean he's stronger than everyone he has all this might yet he was little in his own sight when they were calling for the king he hid himself among the stuff he's hiding he's like who am I you know I'm of the smallest tribe you know who am I to be the king who's why would you pick me it's not like of course I mean look how big I am have you seen I'll tell him I mean obviously you pick the big guy it's me right no he was little in his own sight humble in his own sight and he wasn't coveting a position or some kind of goods that weren't his no he was he was good at the beginning and then he went sour afterwards when he started getting too big for his britches and a lot of people do this now the Bible says in Proverbs 27 I was read for you wrath is cruel and anger is outrageous but who is able to stand before envy envy is a very dangerous sin it can destroy people look at Proverbs 16 verse 18 pride goeth before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall when you think too highly of yourself you're in danger of destruction you're in danger of falling okay now go if you would to first Timothy chapter number two for a moment we think about the unsaved what do they do when it comes to envy well they're envious of the fact that God is worthy of praise that God has the ultimate respect so what they do is they try to make themselves the God so that they can steal that praise think of how the atheist the Richard Dawkins how they try to elevate man to he's the God and then ultimately of mankind being God who do they elevate above that all the scientists all the people that came up with the theories of evolution and atheism so they ultimately try to deify themselves and give themselves all the honor and the praise and they want people to worship them for their brain they want people to worship them for their ideas and worship them for all the things that they've done whereas all that worship and honor and praise is supposed to go to God you know even if mankind does something amazing even if we go to space even if we build the space stations even if we have incredible technology nanotechnology and computers and phones and spacecrafts and airplanes just everything that we have today that should just be a testament to how great God is that he can give us the ability to make those things that we have the power and the might and the ability to create such wonderful things that should just go to give more glory and honor to God but they try to steal that they're envious of God getting that praise aren't they they're envious of his worship so they want to be worshipped people want to be worshipped today they're called celebrities they're called the musicians they have the fathead poster of themselves that they want to sell you they changed you know Chad Ocho Cinco they changed their name to a number of their Jersey just so they can be worshipped and they can be praised you know they get all kinds of different things done in their name you can buy a billboard you can buy all this stuff in their name and they promote themselves and it's just all about the worship aspect of it musicians they love for people to come and basically worship them while they sing songs don't they they want to steal his honor his praise and and really when we look at it it's a lot this problem is really driven by envy this pride and this arrogance because they want to steal that from God but this can even happen you know with Christians but before I get there you know this level of self-importance and being you know thinking more highly than yourself I really think of our government I mean these people think they're very important very special and you know the one of the things that makes me really sick that makes me really frustrated is women governors and if anything has taught me it recently there's been so many women governors I actually looked it up there's a women governor in Alabama like currently Iowa Kansas Maine Michigan New Mexico Oregon Rhode Island and South Dakota you know the Bible says but I suffer not a woman to teach nor usurp authority over the man but to be in silence what kind of man has his wife as the governor so what does your wife do oh yeah she's the governor what do you do you know I wash the dishes I say yes ma'am what kind of weak dude you know has his wife ruling the state I mean this is weird go to second kingship number 11 let's see a woman who got too big for boots or I say britches these days right Hillary Clinton's too big for britches she needs to trade her britches for a dress and grow her hair out and stand on trial for all the wickedness that she's done second Kings chapter number 11 here's a woman that got too big for britches verse 1 and when Athaliah the mother of a Isaiah saw that her son was dead she arose and destroyed all the royal but Jehoshua the daughter of King Joram sister of a Isaiah took Joash the son of a Isaiah and stole him from among the king's sons which were slain they hid him even em in his nurse in the bedchamber from Athaliah so that he was not slain and he was with her hid in the house of the Lord six years and Athaliah did reign over the land so obviously this is post birth but basically she just commits abortion genocide on her whole family so that she can be a leader it's not what a lot of women do today they have to murder their own children consistently so they can help positions of authority so they can go out and get a job so they can go out and have high positions of authority so they just murder their family there's no new thing under the Sun Athaliah kills all the men so that she can rule so that she can be in charge and you know what that's a shame when women are in charge you know the Bible says in Isaiah I'm not gonna be turned there keep your finger because we're gonna keep looking Isaiah 3 verse 12 as for my people children are their oppressors and women rule over them all my people they which lead the cause thee to err and destroy the way of my paths he says when children are in charge they're oppressing you when women are in charge they're causing you to err and they're causing to destroy all the way of your paths they're destroying everything there's a complete destruction and look women governors in this country are destroying America they're oppressing America they're ruining America they need to step down and let a man get up and take charge of their state they are not born the same way I don't care what you think a man's different than a woman and there's a reason why God wants men to be in charge now you say why well because men can actually enforce the laws that they create imagine I mean is there really really gonna think that a woman army is gonna go and start taking over the world what nation to take over France I mean that might work okay I don't know I mean aside from France and Canada I mean you really think women are gonna go in and take over other countries you really think if we had an all-woman police force they might not be killing anybody because they'll be slaughtered I mean you really think those thugs are gonna be like yes ma'am I'm so sorry I'm not gonna do that again they're gonna tear them up and you know what the only defense a woman we even have would be lethal force a gun if you really want to have less people being shot don't have women in the police force because that's pretty much their only defense against any kind of you know person attacking them some grown man it's ridiculous you know when they talk about women's suffrage women's rights you know people would combat they say look women can't enforce the laws they create it's just a true statement it's just facts okay they need a man to go there and protect them you know what athlete didn't have a man to protect her so what happens look first end and the captain's over hundreds of the priests give King David Spears and shields that were in the temple Lord and the guard stood every man with his weapons in his hand round about the king so this is the young boy that grew up he's seven years old says him from the right corner of the temple the left corner of the temple along by the altar in the temple he brought forth the king's son and put the crown upon him and gave him testimony and they made him king and anointed him and they clapped their hands and said God save the king and without a lie heard the noise of the guard and all the people she came to the people into the temple Lord and when she looked behold the king stood by a pillar and as the manner was and the princes and the trumpeters by the king and all the people land rejoiced and blew with trumpets and at the lyre in her clothes and cried treason treason but Jehoiada the priest commanded the captains of the hundreds the officers of the host and said unto them have her forth without the ranges and him that follow with her kill with the sword for the priest has said let her not be slain in the house of the Lord so what happens well she cries about it and then she gets killed they just take over why because she's not capable of ruling by her own might by her own strength and women are horrible leaders she killed her family the king the kingdom of Judah went to serving you know the devil basically during her reign they were not worshipping the Lord there was all these people worshiping bail at this time and they had to get rid of them out of the land now we take this in a practical example we could think of like the mayor of Seattle the mayor of Seattle is Jenny Durkin now Seattle if you haven't heard about it by now you probably have parts of downtown have been taken over by a group of just vigilante protesters and they renamed it called Chaz so now there's a new nation in the United States called Chaz the Capitol Hill autonomous zone where all these protesters they took over like a six block radius and then in part of this area is a police station they took over the police precinct because the mayor's told the police force to retreat what person does that a woman well we don't want the officers to get hurt what about the 500 residents that live in that area imagine living in Chaz I don't want to live in Chaz a bunch of renegade you know atheists antifa LGBT you know Black Lives Matter just freaks roaming with and you know it's an open carry state so they're walking around with you know ARs and all kinds of ammunition and weaponry even though they stand against you know guns whatever I don't know how that works guess who the chief of police is Carmen best a woman so how are these people in charge look they're destroying their state they're destroying their city you know a man needs to stand up somewhere in Seattle and just crush them and say you bunch of losing lie you know rioting looters need to get squashed like the bugs you are you know you need a real man to stand up and take over and crush that rebellion why because this Chaz has gotten too big for its riches they think they're so important and you know if you don't crush that rebellious period you know you're gonna cause more of it they're gonna try and create that everywhere else they're gonna try and do it bigger you know whenever your teenager mouths off to you if you don't fix it it's gonna get worse it doesn't get better you need to crush rebellion when you see it whenever you see it popping up its ugly head you just destroy it right away and you know what maybe mom is not ready to squash that rebellion but dad needs to squash that rebellion and say you better not mouth off to your mom again or you won't have a mouth to do it I mean whenever you see that rebellion coming up I mean you need to just get rid of it when you get too big for your britches you know another group that's too big for the britches is that black Hebrew Israelites group talk about people that think they're better than everyone else I mean these people are the greatest people on the planet according to them no one's better than them they're the chosen seed they're the chosen race everybody else is just you know pond scum in their eyes it's no different than the Jews all the racist groups right they think they're better than them and look racism is an attitude that comes from being too big for your britches thinking you're better than other people other people are lower than you or worse than you this is an ungodly attitude and it can even infect churches it can infect ministries pastors can get infected with this can't they they get too big for their britches and you know what they want they want to be worshiped pastors want to get worship pastors want to get praise and it's a wicked attitude pastors start thinking that they're better than the people the wicked attitude is a bad attitude now go if you would to John chapter number seven I kind of quoted this for you but I want to read a few verses here and it's sick me when pastors start getting too big for their britches look being a pastor is one of a great titles a great responsibility it's a wonderful position but let me make it clear a pastor is no better than any other person the little baby in here is of equal importance as the pastor there is no one that's above another person and value or inequality now when it comes to who's gonna make decisions around here yeah there's an authority structure but that doesn't change value of importance just like in a marriage the husband should be the one making the rules but that doesn't make it more important than the wife that doesn't make it more important than the children there are equal importance but someone has to be in charge someone has to make some rules around here John chapter number seven the Pharisees thought they were better than the people look at what says in verse 45 then came the officers the chief priests and Pharisees and they said unto them why have you not brought him the officers answered never a man spake like this man then answered them the Pharisees are he also deceived have any of the rulers or of the Pharisees believed on him but this people who knoweth not the law are cursed so notice what are they saying well even if everybody believes in him have any of the rulers though have any of the Pharisees why because their opinions better than theirs their opinion has more merit doesn't it according to them they're saying unless we believe in him you can't do it that's a bad doctrine hey if everybody in this room believes something and I'm I'm kind of out to lunch I mean I need to change I'm not more important than everybody else now obviously you could have a multiplicity of scenarios here but hey when everyone in your church thinks that you're wrong that should be a good conclusion that you might be wrong because if you cannot garner a bunch of sheep to the water of God's Word that sounds like you might not be drawing them to God's Word you might be leading them to a different place and they're like I want to drink from the water I'm not interested in drinking from the gutter I'm not interested in drinking the pond scum over here look if we're all saved in this room and I get up and show everybody clearly what the Bible says you know in the Spirit of God some people should believe it right I mean if the whole church is just like no I mean if I get up and start preaching pre-trib I don't care how good I preach it I doubt anybody to be convinced if I get up and start saying the NIV is the Word of God I you know without error I don't think I'm gonna convince a single person in this room okay if I start teaching you know the oneness I really hope no one would fall for that if I start teaching flat earth I mean please run away screaming okay don't even try to convince me on that one but if I get up and I start showing you spiritual truths in the Bible you should believe that and look if all the people believe in Jesus the rulers should say maybe we're missing something not the other way around it's not like they have some greater importance or they're so much better go if you would to Romans chapter 16 Romans chapter 16 what what is this issue well they're too big for their britches they think that they're better than they really are and the Bible gives us some verses on this you know people that are desiring to be teachers of the law understanding neither what they say nor where have they affirm there's some people they just want to teach even though they don't know anything even though they don't understand anything and you know the worst person to teach something someone that doesn't understand if you say hey I don't understand this but I'm gonna teach it to you you already failed you're already wrong the only person that you get up and teach something is someone that already knows something hey I knocked on your door do you want to know how to go to heaven yeah why don't understand it but can I show you how I don't know how to get there myself maybe we can just stumble across the Bible and see if it says something you know that's a bad idea you want to show you want someone to say you know what I do know is how many people do I heard it today well no one could know you're like you're right no one can I don't even know I don't even understand can I just show you some verses anyways let's just go on our way no you know the Bible says you can know I actually do know let me show you what I do already know that I'm safe look at sec well I get I'm gonna read this verse because I didn't have you turn there but second Corinthians 11 verse 6 says but though I be rude in speech yet not in knowledge but we have been thoroughly made manifest among you in all things the Apostle Paul said that he was rude in speech and you can find this in a lot of different places but he wasn't in knowledge meaning what the way he articulated himself may not have been the most eloquent okay what does what does what the word rude mean well the root the word rude in your Bibles found once okay so we kind of have to just gain from the context or just generally speaking but if you look up rude in a dictionary it says not skilled or practiced raw rough not properly developed you know sometimes I would say my preaching is a little rude because you know I didn't necessarily articulate I didn't think of every word how I was gonna place it before I got up and preached you know but I knew what I was talking about I knew the concepts I'm trying to deliver so sometimes it doesn't always come out the most eloquent sometimes a little just raw and blunt okay people can't handle that but at the end of the day the Apostle Paul saying even though I could be rude a little bit in my speech maybe even a little impolite little crass for you like the word bastard sorry you know whore faggot okay a little rude you know I'm not knowledge right that's what he's saying but what are the wicked like what are the evil people like we're Roman 16 verse 18 for they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ but their own belly and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple what's the word fair mean it's not saying it's equitable it's saying that it's beautiful it's saying that it's eloquent that it sounds so good you know you look at these false prophets they preach once in a blue moon for 15 minutes guess what they already know everything they're gonna say they have every word picked out exactly how they're gonna place it they know exactly how they're gonna word it they've thought about it and they've kind of measured it up and they decided how could I word this so as to offend no one how can I word this so as to teach nothing so can I how can I word this so as it has no meaning you know basically that's what they come across with and they just build it so eloquently and it's so beautiful and it's good work they picked out all the good words we can't use faggot that'll offend somebody let's just say you know someone who's not nice just a good word you know Maleficent a Maleficent person even though nobody knows what that means it's still pretty bad okay it's a good word though we make movies about these people and how wonderful they are well go if you would go to second Peter I'll get there in a minute so let me give you some real practice because I'm building a little bit of a foundation here I want to get in some application who are people that love to have these fair speeches and deceiving the hearts of the simple yet they don't understand what the heck they're talking about people like Peter Ruckman Peter like people like Sam get people like Gail Ripplinger now if you don't know anything about Sam gift Sam gift is a disciple of Peter Ruckman you say who's Peter Ruckman Peter Ruckman preached in Pensacola Florida he was a pretty prominent independent fundamental Baptist preacher there he had a big church he created Pensacola Christian College I think or was very instrumental in this Christian College and he has lots of different disciples that he sent out now Peter Ruckman he's a very you know he's a false teacher at the best situation I mean I don't even think the guy say okay and I'm gonna give you some reasons why but at the end of the day his fruit is awful his fruit is people like Sam Gipp who says that Jesus Christ is not as Messiah people like Jean Kim who is just like the craziest person you've ever seen in the planet okay people like Andrew sleuter look up to Peter Ruckman as being so great so wonderful sometimes he'll be alluded to as the preacher they'll just say the preacher and they're referring to Peter Ruckman so you ever hear that term or that phrase that's what they're referring to but he's planted all kinds of different bad churches and bad seeds and wicked people and the thing about Sam Gipp is Sam Gipp is a traveling evangelist so he just goes around to different churches in the United States different independent fundamental Baptist churches and guess what he does he preaches the same sermon he just goes and preaches the same sermon he'll go to 20 churches and preach the same sermon to all 20 churches so you know what it's this fair speech that he's been working on he knows exactly what he says the same jokes the same stupid nonsense the same garbage he has it perfectly timed how he's gonna deny that Jesus is Messiah and a whole bunch of other filth and nonsense he's not filled with the spirit he doesn't have any real knowledge he just put together this little eloquent sermon of his this little fair speech of his that he's gonna bring forth even though it's chock-full of lies okay now Peter Ruckman he preached consistently so he has a lot more false doctrine that he's preached on okay and Gail Ripplinger all these people are what you'd call a King James onius but here's the thing they've done a lot of damage to the King James only position because they use bad arguments and support of our King James Bible and look I believe the King James Bible is God's Word without error in the English language we don't need anything different anything changed and in fact I believe that God the words that were chosen for the King James Bible is exactly how God wanted it I mean I don't I don't have any I don't think that there's anything we need to change update do I don't want to touch it period now there's sometimes people ask the question what happened if the English language evolved to the point where you could no longer understand the King James Bible well I would say that we need a new translation but here's the thing I wouldn't change the King James that's no different than Spanish if it changes into a new language that you can't understand that's a new language therefore we need to create a Bible in that language that's equal to the King James but I'm never going to change the King James because if you speak English you can understand this book if it turns into some weird language in the future that's no longer English then we need it in that language just like the King James Bible is formed you know English didn't exist always you realize that it came to be and you know what old English is not this language even though might go by the same name it you wouldn't understand any of it it's just complete this nonsense to you I wouldn't say if we had a Bible in old English we need to change it we just need a completely new one that matches it obviously that's equivalent to it but I think God speaks every language and I'm gonna prove that in a minute I'm gonna go to that but first I want to just give you a little sample of what someone like Peter Ruckman's like okay now Peter Ruckman is someone who put over importance on something he was too big for his britches on being a man now you think that that's like something you couldn't dive off the cliff like thinking that men are important it's not a clip that you could dive off but he did okay let me give you a quote from his book he said this about men and you know it's kind of just going straight into the quote so it says this means that every saved woman and the body of Christ is in dwelt by a man at least as far as carnal designations are concerned someday the saved woman will be fashioned like unto his glorious body now I'm gonna give more quotes so you understand exactly what he means by this because it's weird he says this would mean that every saved woman in the body of Christ will eventually become a 33 and 1 half year old sinless male she would be a perfect replica of the Lord Jesus Christ he literally if this is in print this is a book that he wrote in print that he wrote and he's preached on it I've seen clips where he says this I mean he literally believes when the Bible says that we would conform to the image of his son he twists that and says that all of us are gonna be a 33 year old exact replica of Jesus Christ in heaven that is blasphemous that is wicked it's stupid it's nonsense are we gonna have the holes in our hand to what kind of blasphemy is that what kind of wickedness and look the Bible says as we took the image of the earthly so shall we take the image of the heavenly it's in 1st Corinthians chapter 15 Peter Ruckman which is dead probably in hell all right I don't know that's my guess but at the end of the day I don't look like Adam and I know that you don't because we don't look the same we don't all look like Adam but we do in comparison to a bear we do in comparison to a panda to a giraffe to a tortoise in the same way that we took the image of Adam as being man is the same way we're gonna put on glorified flesh like the Lord Jesus Christ to say that we're all gonna be a man in heaven is a bizarre weird doctrine but just wait it gets worse okay so up in heaven ladies you're gonna be this is a quote I'm quoting from his book so up in heaven ladies you're gonna be a 33 and 1 half year old male just like your Savior if that seems odd or peculiar or distasteful to you Christian ladies just remember that you have a man living inside of you and that your destiny as a child of God as we conform to that man's image now this is where it gets really weird this is another quote in this condition the Christian throughout all eternity is in a 33 year old male sinless body just like Jesus Christ and he enjoys fellowship with God in the Saints forever he meaning us is called out on trips and these trips take him to Mars Jupiter Venus Saturn Uranus etc transporting couples into gardens placing them down and saying be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth this is the weirdest satanic nonsense I've ever heard he just said everybody in heaven's a male and he's gonna take couples into other planets that are gonna procreate I mean if you don't run away screaming from his preaching after that I don't know what'll take you there this man is sick this man is perverted and disgusting who could sit there and listen this type of preach this is not the Bible this is carnal nonsense this is Phil he's taking the Bible to unbiblical extremes you know and then some people look at it well I just believe the Bible by faith is that we can pour in the image of Sun no that's a dumb idea that can be proven wrong with the scriptures okay you can't you want you want to take these things the unbiblical extremes you know the Bible warns in 2nd Peter chapter 3 where I do turn like verse 16 as and also in all as the epistles speaking in them of these things in which are some things hard to be understood which they that are unlearned and unstable rest as they do also the other scriptures under their own destruction so notice what the Bible says the Bible says there's some people they twist the scriptures they rest the scriptures to their own destruction and what was their problem they didn't have enough faith what does it say it says they were unlearned you know that means it was they were stupid they were an idiot they were a moron and that's why they rested the scriptures it doesn't say well they just didn't have enough faith no it says that they were stupid and that's why they twisted the scriptures and look stupid people get up all the time and they say dumb things about the Bible and look you can't hide behind a cloak of faith yeah faith is the cornerstone of our religion here cornerstones the most necessary component to getting saved amen praise the Lord on that but guess what if you're stupid you're gonna have a hard time understand the Bible yeah and God wants you to use wisdom get wisdom to gain from his knowledge God's not stupid so why would I ever look at the Bible and say hey this stupid thing I believe by faith no everything the Bible is wise everything the Bible is true everything the Bible is logical everything the Bible makes sense this world is stupid this world is nonsense this world makes no sense go try and argue with a Mormon because guess what that everything they believe is stupid but then they'll just say what I believe it by faith you can't appeal the logic with them you can't appeal the facts with the Jehovah's Witness with the Muslim with the Mormon look Christianity is a different religion yeah it's not one where we hide behind a shield of faith when proven how we're stupid and proven how truth and reality are different than what we believe no we believe the truth we believe reality okay let me give you another quote from the sick disgusting pervert he says I did not teach that abortion is murder direct quote although I grant that a fundamentalist can teach that if he wants I don't teach it for two reasons in the first place the clear scriptures in Genesis 2 as well as in Job 30 31 and Ezekiel 37 teach that there is no life in the human sense until there is breath he's the clear the clear scriptures okay this guy is satanic he's wicked he didn't even say that abortion is murder here's another one of his quotes at this point he's talking about conception and a baby in the womb he says he's an embryo beginning to turn into a fetus he likes to use those words in the womb he was not referred to as a person he's saying that a baby in a womb is not a person it's just a fetus he says he is merely the seed of God no the seed is in the man as long as Christ's body was being formed in the womb he was not referred to as a person go to go to Luke chapter number one okay says it was not until he was born that he was called the Son of God hence the future tense shall be well that's funny he uses Luke 135 just like Tyler Baker and twist it what's wrong with Florida man it's like Florida man doesn't believe the Bible should be the title of the next news article Florida man twist the Bible Luke chapter 1 verse 41 look at this and it came to pass that when Elizabeth heard the salutation of Mary the babe leaped in her womb and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost how did it leap let me tell you it's alive he said I don't know passage let's keep reading verse 42 and she spake out a loud voice and said blessed art thou among women and blesses the fruit of thy womb and whence is this to me that my that the mother of my Lord should come to me for lo as soon as the voice of thy salutation sounded in mine ears the babe leap in my womb for joy now how can something that's not alive have joy you wicked satanic evil perverted false teacher why would I want to listen to anything else this guy has to say he's too big for his britches and he truly was he touted himself as the greatest King James only is nobody wants to debate him probably cuz you're sick pervert I don't want to be in the same room as you and hear anything that comes out of your mouth a guy that advocates for abortion a guy that talks about women becoming men and all kinds of weird nonsense going on in the afterlife I mean this guy is wicked I can see why his wife dropped out of the car while I was moving he says that his wife he had women jump out of the car at 50 miles per hour he was divorced multiple times still pastored why because he's too big for his britches oh it's so important for me to be a pastor all he did is sit there and just draw stupid pictures and yeah he was a good artist but that was about the only thing good about him teaching wicked doctrine he's too lazy to look at the Bible says to just draw pictures all day out of his wicked imagination now I see this attitude in other in other situations not just related to Peter Ruckman but sometimes I see husbands they get this idea of being too hot too big for the britches about being a man and about a husband being in control but you know you sound like you sound like the Muslims but they don't even want their wives to look up I don't have to look up at them the women are considered dirt and Islam the women have to cover their entire body they can't speak unless spoken to they have to sit on the different side of the church oh their property and not people look just because your wife has to be subject to you does not make her less important she's of equal importance don't get too big for your britches well I'm the man I'm so much more important you're not any more important and if you think that you have problems that's scary you know the Bible says there's neither June or Greek there's neither bond nor free there's neither male nor female you're all one in Christ Jesus go to second Samuel chapter 2 I have one more main point that I want to get to but there was a guy that got too big for his britches name was as a hell look what it says in verse 17 and there was a very sore battle that day and after was beaten in the men of Israel before the servants of David and there were three sons of Zayariah there Joab and Abishai and as a hell and as hell was like a foot as a wild row and as a purse pursued after Abner and in going a turn not at the right end or the left from falling Abner then Abner looked behind him and said art thou as hell and he answered I am and Abner said to him turn the aside of thy right hand with thy left and lay thee hold on one of the young men and take thee his armor but as hell would not turn aside from following him and Abner said again to as he'll turn the aside from following me where for should I smite thee to the ground how then should I hold up my face to Joab thy brother how be it he refused to turn aside where for Abner with the hind her end of the spear smote him under the fifth rib that the spear came out behind him and he fell down there and died in the same place and came to pass that as many as came to the place where as a health fell down and died stood still so what happens as hell's a great warrior as it tells one of the fastest people on the planet yet he gets too big for his britches and he decides to pursue Abner when he shouldn't and Abner tries to give him a warning saying low buddy you know don't get him close to me cuz I'll have to kill you you know get some armor on at least I mean do something but he won't listen he thinks he's better than he is he thinks he's stronger than he is and he goes into the battle and he dies and you know you see a lot of people do this even though he was in the right battle he was on the right side he's on the right team pursuing the right enemy you know what he thought he was stronger than he was thought he was more ready and prepared than he truly was why because he got too big for his britches you know we sometimes have to realize that there's not the maybe it's not the right timing I need to slow down or I'm maybe not the right guy to attack Abner maybe someone else or maybe I'm not strong enough to take them by myself I need some help from other people but this comes from a place of humility not from a place of you know pride if you're too prideful you're gonna destroy yourself it takes humility you know some people you know take these things to an extreme I I'm not gonna go through all my notes but it just you know becoming a pastor you don't want to become a pastor too quickly you know the Bible says not a novice right why less being lifted up with pride he fall in the condemnation of the devil hey he could have been a great pastor but he decided to become a pastor too quickly because he's too prideful and he's a novice and he gets destroyed why because when you become a pastor there's a lot of attacks that happen to you and if you can't withstand the tax you're gonna get destroyed you're gonna destroy yourself look I know and you might even know there's been people that went out to start a church and they weren't a bad person starting a church is good work you know what they weren't ready they weren't prepared for that battle and they folded like a deck of cards whenever the the heat got turned up they quit and what a shame why would you want a source and now they don't even seem like they serve God now doesn't seem like they're doing anything for the Lord and it's like why would you go and destroy yourself why can't you just be humble and say you know what I'm as L here and maybe I need to stand aside maybe I need to go take some armor maybe I need to wait for someone else the Bible talks about deacons even being proved why you got to test people you never really know what people are like until they go through a stressful situation and if you can't handle stressful situations when you're not a pastor don't be a pastor I mean if you can't handle attack when you're not a pastor don't be a pastor I mean there's people are like they want to quit a church because one person talked bad about them and I'm thinking like don't become a pastor like I can't take all the drama it's like don't be a pastor they're like someone mistreated me don't go into ministry you know if you can't handle people bad talking you and treating you like crap and stabbing you in the back and going against you never be a pastor ever the Bible says confidence in an unfaithful man in a time of trouble is like a broken tooth and a foot out of joint being in ministry people will betray you lie about you stab you in the back good people even get disgruntled against you and I think that's the worst you know being a pastor when a wicked person lies and rails about me that's like fun that's like Christmas you know I get to preach against those people call them out for the flat earth loser that they are but you know when a good person just gets disgruntled against you and someone that you love and cared about and they just walk away from church and they don't like you that's the ones that hurt that's the ones that difficult and you know I see that destroy good people and I'm like hey in the ministry happens a lot they falsely accuse you or people don't even know what's really going on they start misjudging the situation they start saying I can't leave making that decision well you don't know everything you don't know all the facts all the time you know people harass you there's people they're so needy they come and they constantly need stuff from you they're constantly take take take take take and then they just leave and you're just like man that was frustrating but at the end of the day you know if you're gonna put someone in that position you don't want to put an as a hell in that position because he'll get destroyed by the Abner's he'll get destroyed he's not ready now I'm gonna go back to my first point I was talking about this King James Bible because you know I think a lot of people are probably aware of this and there's been some consternation but there was this like King James Bible conference at Revival Baptist Church who we let have one of our church plants Jacksonville and they've been teaching a lot of really bad doctrine on the King James Bible and you know honestly that's not my business like I don't want to get involved with their church or other churches but just because I know that we like them we've been friends with them and vice versa I don't want this disgusting filthy doctrine of theirs to come into our church because they've been teaching some bad things from the about the King James Bible and you know where it's coming from it's coming from Peter Ruckman yeah Peter Ruckman has influenced a lot of churches to believe a lot of false doctrine and his views on the King James Bible have been trying to creep in to a lot of churches and I'm not going to stand for it statements like this the King James Bible corrects the underlying Greek and Hebrew upon which it was translated this is a stupid false doctrine this is a wicked doctrine okay now like I said I already told you I believe that the King James Bibles God's Word exactly how he wanted it worded I'm not trying to change this thing here but they take this to such a stupid extreme they'll say words like thoroughly and thorough are different thoroughly and thoroughly because there's an Oxford edition of the King James Bible and there's a Cambridge edition of the King James Bible and one says through Lee and one says thoroughly except for when you look up in the dictionary the word through Lee you know it says thorough you tell me the difference between through Lee and thorough you can't they say stupid things like this everlasting and eternal are different they're different huh well they take it to such an extremity that if you have a Bible that's not in English it's in a different language and you in John 3 16 have the word eternal it's a corruption well it didn't seem like a corruption today when I preached to two different people that speak Spanish and the reign of Alaira Gomez Bible John 3 16 la vida a terna and they both got saved that's interesting huh you explain to me the difference between eternal everlasting the Bible says the gift of God is eternal life so what does that make everlasting is that a different gift think about that it's nonsense it's foolishness and this type of junk is being taught and propagated and you know what they don't appeal the logic and facts they hide behind the shield of faith but it's not faith my friend it's imagination but it's the same faith the Mormons have and they're false God go to Acts chapter 2 let me destroy this stupid doctrine for a moment give me some grace on the time I know some we have some visitors but I want to make sure you understand how this is so stupid if the English language changed into a different language you have to have a new Bible for it okay if you don't understand the book you have to get a new one otherwise you become the Catholic Church who had services in Latin for hundreds of years even though no one spoke Latin this goes against the Bible this goes against clear scripture and they're so ignorant they don't realize how many verses they're violating by their false doctrines okay because they literally teach there's no version that's right it's never the King James like God only speaks English basically like the underlying Greek upon which the King James was translated somehow now wrong it's like what how did that work and they'll they'll peel the verses that say you know he's preserved his word you know we I named a church called pure word Baptist Church off of Psalms 12 there's talks about him preserving him from this generation forever you know what that was written in Hebrew how in the world could you read a verse in Hebrew that says it's gonna last forever and say I guarantee that means it's gonna be in English in the future only you've left the Bible and gone to the Lala land now you know what I believe I believe that is preserved in Hebrew and translated accurately in English they believe it transformed into English and no longer exists in the original Hebrew you just it's like wow it's hard to imagine how someone could even believe these things but they do Acts chapter 2 look at verse 1 now what happens in Acts chapter 2 they're filled with the Holy Ghost it says and when the day of Pentecostal fully come they were all one accord in one place and suddenly there came a sound from heaven as a rushing mighty wind and it filled all the house where they were sitting and there appeared in them cloven tongues like his fire and sat upon each of them and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak with other tongues as the spirit gave them utterance and there were dwelling at Jerusalem Jews devout men out of every nation under heaven now when this was noise abroad the multitude came together and were confounded because that every man heard them speak in his own language and they were all amazed and marveled saying one to another behold are not all these which speak Galileans and how here we every man in our own tongue wherein we were born Parthians and Medes and Elamites and Twelves and Mesopotamia and Judea and Cappadocia and Pontius and Asia Phrygia and Pamphylia and Egypt and in the parts of Libya around Cyrene and strange of Rome Jews and proselytes creeds and Arabians we do hear them speak in our tongues the wonderful works of God now if God cared so much about only one language having his words why when they all come to Jerusalem did they not say you guys need to learn Hebrew he gives it to them all in their own language and their native tongue so they can have the Word of God so they can have the gospel but now I'm supposed to believe that there's only one language that has God's Word what foolishness what nonsense you're going bass-ackwards okay when you say hey we went from Hebrew and now every language and it's gonna be give the New Testament in Greek which guess what's not Hebrew isn't that weird that we have the old New Testament different languages but somehow we else that only one language in the future which is based on no verses ever okay that's the type of doctrine that they're getting look if this doctrine did not exist we wouldn't even have the King James Bible think about it it was in a different it was in Greek they said well everybody has learned Greek then is that was referred no they said hey let's bring it into English because we have English speakers the reason they translated in another language is because they wanted us to have it too but then they just violate all of this logic all of the conclusions of Acts chapter number two go to 1st Corinthians chapter 14 1st Corinthians chapter 14 now let me prove this beyond a shadow of doubt at this point 1st Corinthians chapter 14 and again what am I what idea am I attacking here I'm attacking the idea that only the King James Bibles God's Word preserved look I believe it's reserved you know what it's not the only one God speaks all languages and the underlying Greek has been preserved and the underlying Hebrews been preserved too and you know what God's Word and other languages also preserved to say that it's not is just to deny all the clear scriptures and what we're gonna read here in a minute 1st Corinthians 14 look at verse 4 he that speaketh an unknown tongue edify it himself but he that prophesied edify at the church I would that ye all spake with tongues but rather that you prophesied for greater is he that prophesied then he that speaketh with tongues except he interpret that the church may receive edifying so the Bible is saying that speaking in an unknown tongue has no benefit unless it's interpreted did I did I miss something here is that not what that just said now they literally get up and say hey if I speak Spanish which I do they say learn English so if I go to Mexico I suppose to say hey buddy learn English I'm supposed to walk around just tell everybody learn English rather than just speaking in Spanish and giving the gospel in Spanish and using a Spanish Bible to preach in the gospel if they really want God's Word they need to stop being so lazy you just learn English that's their doctrine that's what they're teaching the Bible doesn't say hey if you're speaking in an unknown tongue admonish them to learn the real language of the Bible it's saying no interpret it well how could you interpret it if you can't really go in another language look at verse 6 now brethren if I come into you speaking with tongues what shall I profit you except I shall speak to you either by revelation or by knowledge or by prophecy or by doctrine and even things without life giving sound with a pipe or harp except they give a distinction in the sounds how shall it be known what is piped or harp where the trumpet give an uncertain sound who shall prepare himself to the battle so likewise he except the utter by the tongue words easy to be understood how shall it be known what is spoken for ye shall speak into the air there are it may be so many kinds of voices in the world and none of them is without signification how many different kinds of voices look there's people that speak Mandarin people that speak Chinese there's all kinds of different voices what are the Bible say the only ones that matter English they said they all have signification they're all important they all have value look at verse 14 provide praying an unknown tongue my spirit pray it but my understanding is unfruitful what is it then I will pray with the spirit and I will pray with the understanding also I will sing with the spirit and I will sing with the understanding also else when thou shalt bless with the spirit how shall he that occupy at the room of the unlearned say Amen at thy giving of thanks seeing you understandeth not with thou sayest thou verily giveth thanks well but the other is net not edified he's saying look if I get up and I preach the Bible in Latin to you how can you even say Amen if I pray in Latin how can you say Amen even if I said everything right hey if I get up to a bunch of Spanish speakers and I preach from the King James Bible you know what I could do the best preaching ever but if they don't understand it no benefit it's not edifying to those people they need the Bible in their language they need God's Word and their language now what logic would it be to say okay I agree they need the Bible in their language but it could never it doesn't exist and none of its perfect and none of it could be right and if it doesn't say it exactly like the King James you know the word everlasting is not found in Spanish so I guess they're just damn because it says la vida terna in John 3 16 and you know what they're really doing they're discouraging people that speak a foreign language from reading the Bible in their language to try and get to a Bible they don't understand they're destroying their faith they're ruining people's faith and look they're missing the boat of what the Bible is even teaching just like Peter Ruckman did I'm shocked look at verse 18 I thank my God I speak with tongues more than y'all yet in the church I'd rather speak five words with my understanding that by my voice I might teach others also then 10,000 words and an unknown tongue he says you know what I'd rather to preach five words in Spanish then give them the whole King James Bible that they don't understand like are we reading the same Bible here what it's saying this is stupid he says in verse 20 brethren be not children in understanding how be it a malice be children but an understanding be men he also says don't be stupid he's not picking it up maybe it's because you're too stupid because the Bible is saying hey if you don't understand get understanding don't be a child children don't understand things men don't have that luxury you're supposed to be a man and you're supposed to understand things now look at verse 21 and the law is written with men of other tongues and other lips while I speak unto this people and yet for all that will they not hear me saith the Lord now God says I'm gonna speak to the children of Israel through other and notice this word tongues guess what that's plural he didn't say with other English language only am I gonna speak to this people with other tongues am I going to speak to these people verse 33 for God is not the author of confusion but a peace as in all churches of the Saints you know it's confusing telling everybody just learn English it's nonsense it's not biblical it's a Peter Ruckman type doctrine and Peter Ruckman took this so far as to teach that when they got the King James Bible the underlying Greek and Hebrew didn't even contain these words they got new words it's called double inspiration they teach that they got re-inspired and these words are what God said in English and you can't even find them in the Greek and Hebrew that's where they get the bizarre idea that this corrects the Greek and Hebrew they'll be like well you know I guess the Greeks wrong if it doesn't say it exactly like the English yet when you just compare that with the fact that the English Bibles gone through several revisions and there were several editions of it it's like at which point did they realize it was fully inspired they'll say we should never update this book even though this book that was written in 1611 was revised in 1629 and 1638 and 1769 so which editions right even though they changed words like mittest to midst yet these people say you can't change strengthen it to strengthens tell me the difference between strengtheners and strengthens tell me the difference between minutes and minutes yet they won't address these type of issues because it proves how stupid they are look at verse 36 what came the Word of God out from you or came it unto you only now this is a rhetorical question hey are you too big for your britches do you think that the Word of God only came to you did the Word of God only come to English speakers Peter Ruckman it's a rhetorical question the answer is no verse 37 if any man think himself to be a prophet or spiritual let him acknowledge that the things that I write unto you are the commandments of the Lord now you know what he just said there he said you reality deniers you have to accept what I just said if you really think you're spiritual if you really think you're a prophet you have to admit what I just said is true meaning what you can't tolerate fact deniers you can't tolerate truth deniers when someone's just you know hey this pulp it's green you're like no it's green it's like get away from that person when they say hey the earth's flat get away from that person when they just deny reality they deny facts what does the Bible say verse 38 but if any man be ignorant let him be ignorant don't go hang out with the guy though I'll be his buddy look at verse 39 wherefore brethren covet to prophesy and forbid not to speak with tongue they're forbidding people to speak with tongues aren't they with this stupid nonsensical doctrine we want the Bible to go to the whole world and you know what it's not gonna happen just in English we need to go in other languages that's why we take missions trips to Reynosa and you know what we didn't go out there with our English Bible and try to get people safe we went there with a Elena Ferreira Gomez went there with a Spanish Bible and we preached in Spanish the gospel and I didn't say hey this is like a corruption of God's Word but let's just use it anyways no I said this is exactly what God said in Spanish let me show you what it says let me say you can know you're going to heaven maybe you're getting too big for your britches thinking yourself what you know what when you get that way destruction can come a fall last verse I'll just quote for you Psalms 138 though the Lord be high yet hath the respect of the lowly but the proud he knoweth afar off let us not get too big for a britches at any point let us always accept the words of God and be corrected by facts and reality let us never be too big for britches that we just get destroyed with our own foolish ignorance okay let us be under have understanding like men and let the Word of God go out thundering forth you say why why bring this up actually why is important well you know what I can show them God's Word in Spanish and they'll say it's not God's Word and let me tell you something the Bible in Spanish is no more or less God's Word in the English if I show you a Bible in this book and I I show someone a word some verses and they say that's not God's Word what would you think about that person that's a problem right that's an attack on God's Word so when I can show them verses and a Spanish Bible and they say that's not God's Word they're attacking God's Word when you can show them words in a Greek Bible that are God's Word they say that's not God's Word that's an attack on God's Word and you know what just because I speak English doesn't mean I don't care about other languages I still do and it's a foundational doctrine you go to our doctrinal statement you look at the first words on there it's about the Bible and you know what we take them seriously here and just because I might be English speaking doesn't mean I can't defend all the Greek and Spanish and everybody else out there they need to be defended to and they can still have God's Word too I'm not so racist and prejudiced to say oh the Word of God only came to me and Peter Ruckman who's in hell probably that's my opinion let's close them for prayer thank you father so much for your word I pray that we be defenders of your word that we'd love your word that we'd never get blinded by pride and arrogance see that we not think too highly of ourselves but as we see stuff in scripture when people try to lovingly explain things to us and show us truth and reality that we would acknowledge the things that come from the Word of God that we acknowledge the truth of the scriptures that when we see your word that we would believe it I pray that you would just help us to constantly champion the Word of God not in just English but in all the world and every language and every tongue that you can get more honor and more glory we know that every tongue will be represented in heaven and we pray that we can get as many up there with you as possible in Jesus name we pray amen