(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music 104 lean on his arms 104 lean on his arms let's sing it out now 104 lean on his arms 105 lean on his arms 101 lean on his arms Nursing in his arms your heart with song. Lean on his arms, trusting in his love. Lean on his arms, all his mercies prove. Lean on his arms, looking home above. Just lean on the Savior's arms. Just lean upon the arms of Jesus. He'll brighten the way, brighten the way. Just follow gladly where he leadeth. His gentle voice obey. Lean on his arms, trusting in his love. Lean on his arms, all his mercies prove. Lean on his arms, looking home above. Just lean on the Savior's arms. Just lean upon the arms of Jesus. Oh, bring every care, bring every care. The burden that is seen so heavy take to the Lord in prayer. Lean on his arms, trusting in his love. Lean on his arms, all his mercies prove. Lean on his arms, looking home above. Just lean on the Savior's arms. Just lean upon the arms of Jesus. Then lean all to him, lean all to him. His heart is full of love and mercy. His eyes are never dim. Lean on his arms, trusting in his love. Lean on his arms, all his mercies prove. Lean on his arms, looking home above. Just lean on the Savior's arms. Good singing. Let's open up in a word of prayer. Heavenly Father, thank you for this great day and thank you for another opportunity to gather together and worship your name and to hear your word preached. Pray that you bless every aspect of our service and help Pastor Shelley to deliver his message to us this evening. We love you and Jesus, we pray. Amen. Alright, for our next song, flip over to 224. There shall be showers of blessing. 224. There shall be showers of blessing. 224. There shall be showers of blessing. This is the promise above. There shall be seasons reflashing, sent from the Savior above. Showers of blessing, showers of blessing we need. Mercy drops round us are falling, but for the showers we need. There shall be showers of blessing, precious, reviving again. Over the hills and the valleys, sound of abundance of rain. Showers of blessing, showers of blessing we need. Mercy drops round us are falling, but for the showers we need. There shall be showers of blessing, send them upon us O Lord. Grant to us now a refreshing, come and now honor thy word. Showers of blessing, showers of blessing we need. Mercy drops round us are falling, but for the showers we need. There shall be showers of blessing, O that today they might fall. Now as to God we're confessing, now as on Jesus we call. Showers of blessing, showers of blessing we need. Mercy drops round us are falling, but for the showers we need. Good evening, thank you so much for coming to Steadfast Baptist Church. If you did not already get a bulletin you'd like one or you need another one just lift your hand up real quick. On the front we have our Bible memory passage, Psalm 9 is what we're working on, service and soul winning times there on the left and our church stats on the right, expecting ladies. Also on the church stats make sure you're submitting any emails you gather or your soul winning stats to your soul winning captains and everything like that. Prayer list down below, continue to pray for our church family. Upcoming events, today was graduation Sunday and also we had the Chicago soul winning marathon coming up on May 24th through the 25th. That's a foundation event that I was invited to go preach at and so I'm very honored to get to do that. Just pray at least that our event would go well and smoothly. Also June 8th is the wedding for Joshua Garcia and Cynthia Avahar, so if you'd like to attend you are welcome. On the back was the congratulations to Miss Miller on her high school graduation and we also had Sophia Robertson who is also another graduate. We didn't have her in the bulletin, we might add her next week, but congratulations to them on their graduation. We'll go ahead and sing our psalm of the week, Psalm 148. Psalm 148 From the heavens praise him In the heights praise him All his angels praise him All his hosts praise him Sun and moon praise him All ye stars of mine praise him Heavens of heavens any waters And he above the heavens let them praise the name of the Lord For he commanded and they were created he had also established them forever and ever he hath made a decree which shall not pass praise the Lord from the earth he dragons and all deep fire and nail snow and vapor stormy wind fulfilling his word mountains and all his fruitful trees and all cedars beasts and all cattle creeping things and flying fowl kings of the earth and all people princes and all judges of the earth both the men and maidens all men and children let them praise the name of the Lord For his name alone is excellent his glory is above the earth and heaven he also exalted the horn of his people of praise He loved the children of Israel all people near unto him praise he the Lord As the offering plates are being passed around please turn in your Bibles to Matthew chapter 19 Matthew chapter number 19 Matthew chapter 19 Matthew chapter 19 we're going to read the whole chapter as is our custom and the word of God says and it came to pass that when Jesus had finished these sayings he departed from Galilee and came into the coast of Judea beyond Jordan and great multitudes followed him and he healed them there the Pharisees also came unto him tempting him and saying unto him is it lawful for a man to put away his wife for every cause and he answered and said unto them have you not read that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female and said for this cause shall man leave father and mother and shall cleave unto his wife and they twain shall be one flesh wherefore they are no more twain but one flesh what therefore God hath put together let no man put asunder they say unto him why did Moses then command to give a writing of his divorcement and to put her away he saith unto them Moses because of the hardness of your hearts suffered you to put away your wives but from the beginning it was not so and I say unto you whosoever shall put away his wife except to be for fornication and shall marry another comitteth adultery and whosoever marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery his disciples say unto him if the case shall the man be so with his wife it is not good to marry but he said unto them all men cannot receive this saying save they to whom it is given for there are some eunuchs which were so born from their mother's womb and there are some eunuchs which were made eunuchs of men and there be eunuchs which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake he that is able to receive it let him receive it then were there brought unto him little children that he should put his hands on them and pray and the disciples rebuked them but Jesus said suffer little children and forbid them not to come unto me for of such is the kingdom of heaven and he laid his hands on them and departed thence and behold one came and said unto him good master what good thing shall I do that I may have eternal life and he said unto him why callest thou me good there is none good but one that is God but if that will enter into life keep the commandments he saith unto him which Jesus said thou shalt do no murder thou shalt not commit adultery thou shalt not steal thou shalt not bear false witness honor thy father and thy mother and thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself the young man saith unto him all these things have I kept for my youth up what lack I yet Jesus said unto him if thou wilt be perfect go and sell that thou hast and give to the poor and thou shalt have treasure in heaven and come and follow me but when the young man heard that saying he went away sorrowful for he had great possessions then said Jesus unto his disciples verily I say unto you that a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven and again I say unto you it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of the needle than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God when his disciples heard it they were exceedingly amazed saying who then can be saved but Jesus beheld them and said unto them with men this is impossible but with God all things are possible then answered Peter and said unto him behold we have forsaken all and followed thee what shall we have therefore and Jesus said unto them verily I say unto you that ye which have followed me in the regeneration when the son of man shall sit in the throne of his glory you shall also shall sit upon twelve thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel and everyone that hath forsaken houses or brethren or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands for my name's sake shall receive an hundredfold and shall inherit everlasting life but many that are first shall be last and the last shall be first let us bow our heads for a word of prayer heavenly father lord thank you for Matthew chapter 19 lord I pray that you bless pastor Shelley lord and fill him with your holy spirit and help us to make applicable changes to our lives help us to have a soft heart lord to receive your word and I praise in Jesus name Amen Amen I want to focus on the beginning of the chapter in verse 3 the Bible says the Pharisees also came unto him tempting him and saying unto him is it lawful for a man to put away his wife for every cause and he answered and said unto them have ye not read that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female very profound statement that we have here of the Lord Jesus Christ and to me it really kind of puts to bed this silliness and this idea that irritates the fire of me when I hear people say well what you have to understand is the culture at that time was different than our culture and this is what a lot of preachers will do when they're about to basically just say whatever the Bible just said doesn't apply to you you'll read something in the Bible and it's just as plain as the nose on a Jew's face and they'll sit there and they'll tell you hey well you have to understand in the culture back then it was different therefore this doesn't really apply to you and look there's nothing wrong with understanding the cultural connection or the relevance of the time in which we're talking about but the Bible itself when we talk about God's word it's not like well this applies to this culture but not that culture no God's word is a timeless culture and that's the title of my sermon this evening is timeless culture I love how Jesus Christ when asked about the law he says well let's just go to the very beginning and let's just understand what God set forth at the very beginning he doesn't say what we have to understand is that at the time of Adam and Eve it was a different culture at the time of the law there was this different culture today now that we're under Roman authority there's this different culture no he just says have you not read have you not read because God didn't decide well there's a culture for Adam and Eve and there's a culture for Moses and there's a culture for the time of Christ and there's a culture for the 1600s and there's a culture for Africa and there's a culture from America no it's a timeless culture God's word's the same that at the very beginning God created God created them male and female so what are things that are a timeless culture well here's one that marriage is between one man and one woman period there's no such thing as a cultural connection there it's just from the very beginning marriage was one man one woman it doesn't matter what culture dictates it doesn't matter what society it doesn't matter what timeline we're talking about it's always just been one man one woman one woman sometimes Solomon got confused on that point okay and it's timeless it's timeless and of course this is what people bring up they'll say Solomon David they have multiple wives yeah it was wrong just because you can point out people sinning doesn't prove that it's right okay yes men in the Bible sinned yes men made mistakes if you can read about Solomon's life and then think that having multiple wives wasn't a problem you're just not reading the Bible it's super clear they took his heart away from God it caused him to lose the kingdom even and God was very displeased with him he got so far away from God that he was allowing his wives to sacrifice their children unto Molech this is an extreme evil why because having multiple wives was never intended it's not what God desired it's not God's perfect plan it's always been marriage between one man one woman and it's not like one woman at a time he didn't say that either it's just one woman till death do us part and that's crystal clear in the Bible now the Bible does give provision in the law for people to get remarried for a widow or a widower to get remarried but he's saying divorce is off the table what does he keep let's keep reading and he said for this cause shall man leave father and mother and shall cleave to his wife and they twain shall be one flesh wherefore they are no more twain meaning two but one flesh what therefore God hath joined together let not man put asunder he's saying you religious leaders do not allow someone to get divorced when God has joined these two and holy matrimony and one union let not man put asunder divorce should be off the table and I've preached whole sermons on this topic but you should just never divorce you say what about this scenario you'll get the same answer from me every time I just have the one button meme just never divorce you say well what about this never divorce what about this never divorce but you don't understand I do never divorce you don't know my scenario yes I do well I don't want to know actually but it's like I married the devil well you know what don't divorce just pray for their death okay be like Abigail and just pray for the I mean I understand why someone would divorce or reprobate but here's the thing the reason why people divorce is one reason to get remarried that's the reason and here's the thing you just shouldn't get remarried until they die and so therefore you shouldn't allow divorce okay once you have said I do in the presence of God you should stick with that person till death do you part okay and it doesn't matter what the culture is it doesn't matter what they're doing and I understand in today's world divorce is rampant you don't understand Pastor Shelley you know this person's such a bad person and blah blah blah you don't think that God understood that you don't think that God realized that some people are not good spouses but he said hey it doesn't matter then what do they say in verse 7 they say unto him why did Moses then command to give her riding and divorce meant to put her away you know why they're asking that question because of what Jesus said he said never divorce like if we just ask Jesus what his opinion is never divorce and they're like well then why does the law give a provision for that why in the world does that happen to be in the law that would be like someone saying well how many wives should someone have one well then how come the Bible talks about not forsaking your second wife okay yeah it's going to explain hypothetical situations and how to handle that but that wasn't a recommendation for a second wife bro okay Mormon sorry he's not saying get another chick he's saying if you did if you made that mistake well now you're stuck paying for both of them okay but it's not saying hey let's just see how many wives we can rack up and again what will be a modern day context is none of us can legally get remarried it's like called bigamy and it's illegal Ken Hovind but the thing is you're not supposed to do that but you know what a lot of people have to do is they get married and divorced and then they have to pay alimony well that's kind of biblical in a sense because you have to pay for that person and you chose those things sometimes obviously today we live in a divorce happy society and I get it if a woman just really wants to divorce her husband often it's just granted even at not the wishes of the husband specifically and that's evil but you know what we'll fix that preaching against it if he would actually preach what the Bible says instead of giving all these excuses there's all these excuses well you have to understand about the culture back then or you know God wouldn't want you to be in this unhappy marriage okay ask Hosea about that really oh your marriage is so bad how about Hosea's marriage how about Abigail's marriage how about his spiritual marriage unto Israel okay and what they were doing all right you just you're just willing to just accept the fact and the reality that Jesus said never and of course you know who doesn't like what Jesus has to say Pharisees so they're like well what about the law well what does he say he said that Moses because of the hardness of your hearts suffered you to put away your wives but from the beginning it was not so hey in the beginning no divorce and then he's saying hey this is the timeless truth I don't care that Moses gave this this provision because ultimately that wasn't the right move so just because something's technically legal doesn't mean that it's the right thing to do it doesn't mean it's the most righteous thing to do Jesus Christ elevated righteousness when he came to this earth saying not only is it wrong to kill your brother physically it's also wrong to just hate him in your heart and it's not like the law you know prescribed something the law doesn't have thought crimes but at the same time the spirit of the law goes beyond just what the letter of the law says and he's saying the spirit of the law is that you should never divorce for any reason once you say I do it's supposed to be locked in and if people actually treated marriage with that much intensity you know what divorce would decrease you may consider who your spouse is a little bit more you might get to know them a little bit more you might really check and make sure that they're saved and they like the same things and you're on the same plan recognizing hey this is a serious thing ok so what's timeless number one marriage between one man and one woman number two you should never divorce here's another wonderful truth there's only two genders did you notice that? he created the male and female now it doesn't matter what Todd at Transformation Church says because Todd blasphemed God and falsely accused him of saying that he made it confusing by only having two genders and if it was up to Pastor Todd, Michael Todd at Transformation Church in Tulsa Oklahoma he would specifically have had four categories a, b, c, and d now he did not elaborate what that meant but obviously that's way more simple than a and b right? I mean way easier than two is four no and what a fag loving idiot to get up and blaspheme God's word falsely accuse God and act as if hope well the culture today is acting like people you know they don't know what they are idiot you know why are pastors getting up and defending culture against God's word why can't you get up and just say have you not read Pastor Todd? I use the word pastor loosely very loosely okay because he's a false pastor he's a fake fag loving idiot he's wicked as hell and he's sitting here blaspheming God and acting like the culture is what we can acquiesce to no no I care what the Bible says there's only two genders and yeah could someone be born a eunuch yeah he brings up this passage but they're still either male or female if you got a why you're a guy it's that simple oh I wish God made it simple it's simple you got the white chromosome dude it doesn't matter what's going on with the body hey if they chop off half my body and I only have the upper half I'm still a guy if you take a bunch of tree limbs and chop them off and glue them to my body I'm not a tree okay I'm still a dude alright if you paint my skin black I'm still a white guy if you bleach your skin you're still black Michael Jackson sorry it didn't happen there's a famous baseball player that did this too you probably know Sammy Sosa he's still Cuban or whatever buddy he's Dominican I don't know if he's Dominican it's like hey it's okay you can't can a leopard change his spots I mean no folks it's just it's silly to try and transform who you are because physically you can't you can only spiritually transform yourself and you know what avoid transformation church because they are promoting trannies oh I wonder where it's coming from maybe the name of the church they literally want the men to turn into women based on the culture here's another great truth that we learned though in this passage is that you should leave mom and dad did you notice that verse 5 for this cause shall a man leave father and mother and shall cleave to his wife another timeless cultural truth but parents get mad about this I've experienced this I know other people have experienced this I know tons of people have experienced this where parents will literally condemn their children from leaving their hometown and I'm not even saying like leaving their house I'm saying just like leaving that area they'll say like oh it's wrong for you to leave our area no it's not wrong sometimes you leave mom and dad and even really far away now there's nothing wrong with living near them generally speaking I'm not against that whatsoever if you live near your parents God bless you I'm not against you but you know what if you choose to leave them there is nothing wrong with that whatsoever and what's more biblical is to be further away than to be closer because I do not recommend anybody living with the parents apart from a temporary very needful situation I mean yeah if you're moving between houses and you need a temporary place to stay you're visiting whatever okay it is not healthy for anyone's marriage to be around mom and dad regularly you need to leave and cleave you need to leave and cleave and this goes for both sides of the equation this isn't just like mama's boys this is also for women hey you need to cleave under your husband and leave mom and dad both parties need to leave this is a timeless culture well some cultures they live with mom and dad and they hang out with mom and dad all the time and that's just their culture well you know what I got God's culture and it says to leave and cleave and you need to get away from them if you want to have a strong relationship you want to have a strong marriage you want to cleave onto one another and you need to sometimes just leave get away from them and look it's going to hurt their feelings my wife wants her children to stay with her forever she even jokes with me she's like y'all are never going to leave right and they're like no of course not but they're kids and they're liars okay when they become teenagers and they get hormones and they get married they're going to be like some of them might just be like see a sucker okay and it's not that I like it it's not that I want it I'm not promoting that but you know what I'm not going to fight it because it's biblical for them to leave and to cleave to leave and to cleave well how am I going to seal my grandbabies you got to come to us you know what I mean and you know that's just life that's how life works it's fine sometimes they push you out of the nest and that's great too okay go all the way to Genesis chapter 1 I want to show you one more thing here Genesis is a great place to get doctrine in fact you could probably argue that almost every fundamental doctrine is found in the book of Genesis specifically now again some things aren't as clear I think there's still other things to be learned that aren't necessarily in Genesis but the main principles the main foundational beliefs are pretty much all intact in the book of Genesis specifically even Genesis 1 it has so much good doctrine in it and if we think about the most important commandment I would argue that in some ways it would probably be the first thing that God instructed us now again obviously the most important thing is just people get saved and I would never fight that and of course I was preaching the gospel but just carnally speaking and just our lives in general pretty much the most important commandment that God gave I would argue is the first commandment he gave which if you look in Genesis chapter 1 verse 28 and God blessed them and said unto them be fruitful and multiply now when you read the Bible you have to understand not everything is chronological on the surface because technically the first time God commanded man he commanded Adam to not eat of the tree in the midst of the garden that would have been the first thing from a chronological perspective that God said but as far as the first thing that we read in our Bible this is the first commandment that we read in our Bible and this is a commandment given to both Adam and Eve and that commandment is to be fruitful and to multiply and I believe this is a major important doctrine that God is giving but culture today is attacking this commandment culture is saying no back then they had to have a lot of kids because they had the farm and because of the farm they needed all these extra helping hands well back then they didn't have access to birth control well back then they didn't have to go to college well back then they didn't have inflation well back then they didn't have all these problems I don't care what it was back then it's right to have lots of children today yesterday and forever God said to be fruitful and to multiply and I believe it it is a timeless culture oh I don't know about that well have you not read have you not read and look this is just one of many times that God commands to be fruitful and multiply I've heard some people say well that's just a blessing it's not a commandment that's a dumb way to read your Bible that's a silly way to read your Bible this is clearly the first commandment given in the text to mankind is to be fruitful and multiply and you could argue that this is both spiritual and physical because then if you take that approach it really is the most important thing for us to spiritually be fruitful and spiritually multiply and to physically be fruitful and to physically multiply and this is what Christians should aim their entire life around that's why if you've ever noticed a bulletin from our church did you notice it starts out with spiritual multiplication and then it's physical multiplication but the most important things that we have in our bulletin are be fruitful and multiply why because that's what God said and it's a timeless culture well our culture doesn't do that okay well you have a dying culture you have a dying culture that doesn't make sense whether that be physical or spiritual you know what being fruitful and multiplying is very very important and America is slowly dying and a lot of countries are slowly dying because they're not having a high birth rate anymore we need a higher birth rate people say like oh we need more white people okay well start pumping them out we need better black people pop them out okay you know if you start popping them out you'll replace the culture pretty soon anyways who cares we need more badness all right let's start popping them out you know what I'm not getting rid of the label badness I'm just going to make badness great again you know what I mean hey you want to make America great again well let's start let's start let's multiply okay yeah if we import a bunch of foreign things then we'll have a lot of issues there but we can't stop that independently so we have to just do what we can and that's to be fruitful and to multiply go to 1 Corinthians chapter number 10 go to 1 Corinthians chapter number 10 honestly you say like well this just seems like you know you're trying to attack the culture I'm not trying to attack the culture I'm trying to preach what the Bible says your wicked culture is just in so much of contrast of the Bible that it seems like I'm triggering you all I'm trying to do is preach the Bible and this sermon might seem like a really like triggering sermon when I get done with it but at the end of the day it's not because I try to trigger people I'm just trying to tell you that our culture is not matching the Bible and it doesn't matter what the culture is or what you think the cultural context was back then God has a timeless culture marriage is always one man one woman there's only ever been two genders there only ever will be two genders you should leave your parents when you get married no such thing as divorce and hey you should be fruitful and multiply I'm sure I've offended almost everybody outside of these walls already okay and if I haven't gotten to you yet I'll try alright 1 Corinthians chapter 10 look at verse 6 now these things were our examples to the intent we should not lust after evil things as they also lust I love this he's saying hey you know all that stuff we read in the Old Testament that wasn't like you have to understand that culture he's saying in fact all of that stuff was written for what us they're our examples it's not like well you have to understand their culture that was for them that was back then no no he's saying all of that was for us right now well what dispensation are we in the New Testament I mean this is 1 Corinthians this is the New Testament he's saying all the stuff in the Old Testament was for us it's our example it's for right now so what we should do verse 7 neither be dollaters as some or as were some of them as it is written the people sat down to eat and drink and rose up to play neither let us commit fornication as some of them committed and fell in one day three and twenty thousand hey you know what fornication is still wrong well the culture says you should live together for a while before you get married wrong well you should let people go out and soil their wild oats wrong well but you don't understand no it's cool man it's not as big a deal no it's wrong fornication has always been wrong it always will be wrong and you should avoid it is what the Bible says and you say well how do you avoid fornication you have to get married well if I'm gonna avoid fornication I'm gonna have to get married young you better believe it you know what that's the only way I don't really see how it's very possible for people to be 28 29 30 and plus and just not commit fornication it just seems like you're really just making it impossible on yourselves to me it's like you should strive to get married young and people that usually get to those ages have screwed up made mistakes done things they wish they hadn't you know what there's nothing wrong with getting married young and you know from my own personal experience the only regret I have is not marrying my wife sooner and we got married pretty young I mean I got married at 21 years old that's pretty young and for a lot of people they're like scared I was at the restaurant today and I heard this guy he seemed like he was mid late 20s and they were asking him about marriage he's like well I'm not in a rush and I'm just thinking like you know that's our culture today our culture is putting marriage way on the back burner deciding it's not important and you want to know why men are 28 years old and thinking that marriage isn't important because of fornication because of the internet because of sin because if they weren't getting that they would think marriage is really important they'd be like that's on the forefront of my mind they'd be like hey I want to make sure I can get married ok but because they're getting sinful access to that area they're deciding well I guess I'll just put that on hold no no no get right with God and get married if you have a problem in that area that's your solution according to the bible you say well it's hard to find one well look harder look harder ok and again I am sympathetic to this because I'm not saying that it's not difficult to get married because it's definitely probably harder in some ways but it's also in my mind easier at the same time it's harder in the sense that a lot of women today are not interested in marriage there's a lot of women that are not very godly today but you know what you've never had more women on the table you never had more beta males on the table you never had more men that are not interested in marriage in fact it seems like a constant theme online women complaining about how no one wants to get married and so to me I would think there's a lot of people on the table now I get it some people don't want to marry Rahab the harlot and I get that ok but at the end of the day you know what I think that if someone really wants to get married and has a desire if they're praying and seeking the lord and putting a lot of effort and energy that they can totally get married now most of the time it's just people are just having unrealistic expectations or they're trying to find something that doesn't really exist the unicorn house or the unicorn marriage or the unicorns whatever and it's just like because of bad expectations yeah people aren't getting married you ask women they're like I want a guy that's 6'5 makes a million dollars only cares about me has made no mistakes and it's just like oh that person doesn't exist you know they describe somebody and then it's just like they put all the filters in and it's just like nothing no results and then they just complain about it well you're still not going to get married you know you're going to have to have some realistic view same with guys you're going to have to have somewhat of a realistic view and you might have to say they might not literally fall into my lap I might have to go and talk to girls and approach other women and seek marriage on my own but you know what it's a godly thing it's the right culture don't sit here and get mad about the culture you know what just have god's timeless culture and say if I want to get married I'm going to do it people are still getting married we're still having marriages we're still having weddings it's still as possible you know what just put the effort and the energy in and try to avoid that particular issue it doesn't matter how sinful the culture is it doesn't matter how many bad women are out there you don't have to marry any of them you just only have to marry one person and you know what there's plenty of women in this room that were not new IFB that are now new IFB where do you think we found them out in the wild dancing okay we just grabbed them like the bench of my I'm just kidding hey you can you can take women and you can change them you always one thing I know for sure all the single guys they believe that women are weaker than them they tell us all the time okay so go ahead and wrangle that steer you know wrangle that calf or whatever and bring it home okay someone's getting mad and say calf okay obviously over the age of 18 or whatever okay whatever don't get mad at me go to Hebrews chapter 9 chapter 9 but the longer you wait the worse it gets sometimes and you know some of you younger guys get in the hunt now and you know you're competing against all your friends you know I don't care about that slang out there I'm gonna ditch my bro and get a wife alright I'm gonna hey she's mine you know stop hanging out with dudes if you want to get married stop hanging out with guys like hey let's have a guys night every night you're not gonna get married let's have land parties let's watch Star Wars again you know I'll bring the costumes this time it's like dude you're not gonna get married that way okay go where the women are go to the coffee shop go to the mall go wherever I don't care go to the library visit another church go to another country I mean just find some woman somewhere and just be like hey my name's so and so do you want to go on a date do it it's not that hard okay it's not that hard to try it's hard to you know seal the deal I get it Hebrews chapter 9 is another point that I want to make before I get to some of my topics but I want to prove this idea of the culture it doesn't really matter 1 Corinthians 10 is making it clear that hey these things are written for our admonition these things are our example there's no such thing as this well back then it was for them now it's different no no no now admittedly some things in the Bible did change and that's what is brought up in Hebrews chapter 9 look at verse number 8 the Holy Ghost is signifying that the way into the holiest of all was not yet made manifest while as the first tabernacle was yet standing which is a figure for the time then present in which were offered both gifts and sacrifices that could not make him that did the service perfect as pertaining to the conscience which stood only in meats and drinks and divers washings and cardinal ordinances imposed on them until the time of reformation so is there some aspects of the Christian culture that have changed yes yes what the meats the drinks the divers washings and the cardinal ordinances but you know what it tells us that but you know what there's a lot of things in the Bible that are a timeless culture and those things didn't change the Bible makes it clear for the priesthood being changed there's also necessity a change of the law but you know what it didn't say the law is gone it said the law was changed meaning what the meats drinks divers washings and cardinal ordinances are no longer imposed on us they don't apply they were not a timeless culture but you know what all the stuff we read in Genesis timeless culture the things that Jesus bring up timeless culture everything that's not specifically in this list is a timeless culture and we need to embrace all those truths of the Bible verse 11 but Christ being come and I priest of good things to come so that was only until the time of reformation what was that until Christ came so now we're in the better testament yes eating bacon was forbidden for a period of time that's why it's the Old Testament that's why it's decaying and waxing old and it's gone and that's why we have the better testament the bacon testament okay alright bacon was good before the law then you had the restriction now we have the new better testament praise God we're in the New Testament we have air conditioning albeit it didn't work as great this morning I'm sorry about that okay but I guarantee it was still better than the tabernacle in the wilderness folks no air conditioning no air conditioning no bacon I mean it was rough okay you didn't have an iPhone you didn't have a car you had a camel alright I mean it sounds like Ben's homeland or something you know it's just like it's rough some people didn't advance with technology okay I'm sorry about you but I love America too hey I'm in Texas we got brisket we figured out how to learn how to cook food some people still haven't learned how to cook brisket it's like every other state you go and it's like hey we have barbecue and it's like no you don't it's like what is it's chewy it's like this is like beef jerky it's like this isn't brisket you after you have Texas brisket everything else is beef jerky okay where it's chewy and gummy and it's like it even looks scaly when they do it wrong if you've ever seen brisket that's not been cooked right it has this weird scaly look to it and you're like metallic look over the cross and you're like what is this what did you do and they're like well we cooked it in two hours of course you did of course you cheapskate you cooked it in two hours that's why it's terrible okay but here in Texas yeah we know how to make good food and so you know we're not going back we're not going back to the Old Testament we're not going back the old ways we have now what we need to establish is that timeless culture okay but there's other places in the Bible that bring up these concepts of going back to the Old Testament going back to and when I say Old Testament I'm talking about Genesis not necessarily the law I'm just saying going back to the book of Genesis to establish timeless cultural truths what would be that first Timothy chapter 2 look at verse number 11 let the woman learn in silence with all subjection but I suffer not a woman to teach nor do you super authority over the man but to be in silence for Adam was first form then Eve and Adam was not deceived but the woman being deceived was in the transgression notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing if they continue in faith and charity and holiness was a bride so what is the Bible doing it's again appealing to a timeless culture what is the timeless culture that women are not supposed to be the spiritual leaders and teachers of the house of God that women aren't supposed to be the pastors they're not supposed to be the deacons they're not supposed to be the evangelists in the church they're not supposed to get up and preach the Bible they're not supposed to be the main leaders of the church they're supposed to be in silence and he gives a reason for that hey Adam and Eve and this is a timeless truth that women are never to be the pastors and of course someone will be what about Deborah what about Deborah show me the passage in the Bible where it says Deborah the pastor of the local church oh yeah that doesn't exist in fact Deborah is just sitting under a tree minding her own business if you actually read the Bible and then they come under her and they ask her Bible questions well yeah if someone comes to you and you're just sitting by yourself under a tree and they ask you about the Bible you can tell them about the Bible there's nothing wrong with a woman telling someone about the Bible but that was not church folks and in fact when they come and ask Deborah what to do she says you're the man you're the king go and fight she didn't say well now that you've asked well I'm gonna lead the charge she said you're supposed to do it you're supposed to go and then the guy begs the woman to go with him how weak and how lame and then she's like oh yeah by the way God's gonna now give the glory to a woman because you're so weak and so cowardly as a judgment against you and then jail of course becomes one of the greatest women of the Bible the Bible talks about but again you know what she wasn't doing she wasn't having a Bible study in her tent she made milk and butter okay and then she shoved a spike into the head of the wicked king but she didn't sit here and have a Bible study teaching a whole bunch of people the Bible she wasn't starting a church in her house folks she was being a housewife yeah is there anything wrong with women knowing the Bible no I hope they know the whole Bible is there anything wrong with a woman asking or I'm sorry someone asking a woman a Bible question and answering it no there's nothing wrong with that is there something wrong with a woman going out and preaching the gospel absolutely not there's nothing wrong with a woman preaching the gospel but you know what they shouldn't be in the church teaching and how embarrassing is it that you don't have a man in the church that can teach the Bible cause literally every man is more qualified than any woman it's embarrassing that you don't have a man that can do that job that you don't have a man willing to lead that is an embarrassment in her approach and that's why God used that example of Deborah to show the embarrassment of letting a woman lead anything and then they'll pull that out as an example of having women pastors day Joyce Meyer or what's the most common theme today is that most churches that are these evangelical churches it's pastor so and so and his wife they're the joint pastors of the church it's just silly look my wife is not the pastor of this church she will never be the pastor of this church no woman will be the pastor of this church I will burn it to the ground before a woman is the pastor of this church okay and if it does burn it wasn't me alright that was just go to 1st Corinthians 14 go to 1st Corinthians 14 we have a timeless culture where women are not women were not the leaders in Moses' day women were not the leaders with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob women weren't the leaders in the kings and in the chronicles of course you had a few times where there was that wicked queen Athaliah you know that was a wicked reproach under the children of Israel shouldn't have been done and just because they did it that wasn't like oh wink wink nah nah we should have queens lead too no women should never be in charge they should never be the judges they should never be the leaders they should never do any of these things it's a timeless truth and in the New Testament church they're not supposed to be the teachers they're not supposed to be the leaders they're supposed to be in silence which so many churches are not doing today well you're just not up with the times I don't care what the times are you can have Athaliah and Jezebel and whoever you want to teach but you know what I'm never gonna do it and frankly speaking it's not to be up with the times because Jezebel out dates you did you realize that it's like oh we gotta we gotta keep up with the times hey in their times they had women preachers and it was wrong today we have women preachers it's wrong it's still wrong it's always wrong my morality does not come from culture at all it comes from the Bible and the timeless culture of God's word now look at 1 Corinthians 14 verse 33 for God is not the author of confusion Michael Todd you're the author of confusion because you have your father the devil for God is not the author of confusion but of peace as in all churches of the saints if women were the leaders of churches it would not be peaceful when countries have women leaders it's not peaceful when you have women police officers it is not peaceful when you have women in the workforce and the HR department it is not peaceful you know what is peaceful women at home and you know what's peaceful when men lead that's gonna be the most peace you're gonna possibly have and when we have the prince of peace he's a man the man Christ Jesus hey you want to have peace in your church have men lead it verse 34 let your women keep silence in the churches for it is not permitted unto them to speak but they are commanded to be under obedience I love this as also sayeth the law hey you want to learn about the timeless culture it's not just now baby it's the whole shebang even the law says the same thing they're not supposed to speak oh you're so misogynistic no I just love the Bible no I love peace no I love what God's word says and I love his culture because his culture is a culture of peace and you go to a church where there's a woman pastor have fun with that trash can go to a church where the deacons wise run it have fun with that trash can enjoy those weak watered down sermons look if women would not allow me to preach this hard I'm sorry if there was women running the church they would be so upset at many of the things that I said certain words I've said okay certain things that I do they may think that seems a little over the line you know that's not very nice I don't care what you think I really don't it doesn't matter and frankly speaking if you have a question what does it say in verse 35 and if they will learn anything let them ask their husbands at home for it is a shame for women to speak in the church it's embarrassing it would be embarrassing to have a woman preach it would be embarrassing not because that woman would necessarily say anything wrong I'm sure that the vast majority of the women in this church if they got an opportunity to actually speak most of the things they say would probably be right I think that the women here are very smart I think they love the Lord I think they probably do have a lot of great things to say and it's not so much that they don't it's that it's improper it's not the right thing I think a lot of children in this room could get up and say a lot of good things but it would not be proper it's not the right thing to do and of course women and children are more likely to get up and say things that aren't right they're just more likely to say things that aren't true or have the wrong opinion and God has not ordained that and even if you don't understand I don't care because God said it and that's the only person's opinion that I like God said it oh but you don't understand the culture Pastor Shelley back in the day they used to have men on one side of the church and women on the other side of the church and the women would shout to their husband and say honey what do you want for dinner after church and he'd be like hey woman I want a raisin cake no one ever say that so this is obviously a lie and there was this problem because the service was being disrupted by the women constantly yelling across the sanctuary at their husband people literally preach what I'm saying right now like I couldn't even believe it someone told me this is what people preach I didn't even believe them and then I literally heard it with my own ears a pastor from a former church I used to go to literally teach what I'm saying right now and it was so funny because in the sermon he literally started the sermon we don't let the culture dictate what's right or wrong I was like what? and he's like if we're wrong on this then our female pastor would be wrong and I'm thinking like right I didn't know where he was going with this I'm thinking like do you know what words are coming out of your mouth he was saying we don't let the culture dictate what's right or wrong and if what we were doing was wrong then the female pastor we have would be wrong and I'm like and and he's like well you have to understand the culture back then this is not saying we can't have women preachers it's just saying don't yell across the sanctuary really you think that that's what the apostle Paul was trying to communicate here you're a brain dead idiot and a liar because I don't see how any reasonable person can actually believe that that's just a cop out that's just a I don't want to believe what it's saying and I have nothing better to say so I'm just going to say that even though I don't even believe it this lie to the congregation I'll have more respect if the guy would just say well I don't want to believe what that's saying and I have no idea how in the world I can interpret it differently but I'm going to at least I can say well at least he's being honest but if you're just going to sit here and lie to the congregation that's wicked go over to 1 Corinthians 11 sounds like you hate women I don't hate women you hate the Bible how about that just because you know only one person is getting to preach a sermon anyways that's what's so funny to me it's like they get so mad that women can't be the preacher but it's like how many men in this room aren't the preacher too you don't see them getting all in a twist about that like oh no I didn't get to preach either look it's okay there's a reason why we have one person preaching at a time and it's to give a certain sound of course why would you want someone that's not the best communicator or the most spiritual or the most studied to get up and preach anyways wouldn't you want the most studied and the most prepared person to be the one delivering sermons on a regular basis and then wouldn't it make sense to allow that person to be afforded extra time to study and prepare and someone that's trained for it oh yeah that's what a pastor is and you let the pastor prepare and preach and lead and doesn't it make sense that he's leading his own home which is exactly what the bible says first and he's showing himself faithful in that area first which is the baby step and then once he's elevated past that now he has the opportunity to preach in front of the congregation so we're not just letting any yahoo off the street get up and preach it's not like oh you just hate women no there's a certain criterion necessary to fulfill before you let someone get behind the pulpit and you don't want to just let any yahoo off the street and educate God's people oh there's all your board of elders and board of this and council of that well you know what they're hanging out with Cora okay when did Moses have a council who was Moses council Moses a leader Joshua is a leader it's a one man leader David is a leader look in the multitude of counselors their safety I get that but you know what if you ever want to get something done you actually want to do something big for God you need a leader you need a single man that has a vision and he's going to do things and you know what this church is not some empire cult because we're trying to get rid of our church plants and ordain other men and say hey run we're just trying to get you ready to go and get you lined up and then we're going to kick you out of the nest we're going to cause you to leave you're going to leave us and cleave unto them and go do as much as you can I don't want to hold you back I don't want to limit some other man of God you know I'm not against other churches and other leaders and other men I'm pro that you know what I'm never ever going to ordain or get behind or support a woman preacher ever they're all wrong every single one is wrong look at 1st Corinthians chapter 11 verse 13 judging yourselves is it comely that a woman pray unto God uncovered does not even nature itself teach you that a man have long hair it is a shame unto him but if a woman have long hair it is a glory to her for hair is given her for a covering you know it's a timeless truth that men are supposed to have short hair and women are supposed to have long hair that's just a timeless truth it doesn't matter what the culture is well you don't understand our African tribe we don't do that ok what's wrong because it's not saying like this is a Christian thing this is a nature thing it is saying doesn't even nature teach you this and this is what's really harsh to some people and they won't like it but did you read what I read in verse number 13 judging yourselves is it comely that a woman pray unto God uncovered what is the uncovered well if you look at verse 15 for her hair is given her for a covering so what would be a woman that's uncovered someone with short hair what is the Bible saying I didn't write the Bible ok don't get mad at me for explaining to you what it means it is saying that when women have short hair and pray it's shameful it's shameful how many independent Baptist churches are getting up and preaching that to their baby boomer congregation where almost every single woman in that congregation has a buzzed haircut well lose people yeah you would lose people you know what the Bible says it's embarrassing for women to pray when they have short hair I didn't say that God said that well I don't like this preaching you're going to lose people I don't want to lose people I want women to have long hair that's what I'm saying I'm not saying don't go to church I'm not saying don't pray I'm saying have long hair well that's your opinion no it's nature's opinion it's God's timeless truth opinion but you know what I mean that's extreme but that's what the Bible is saying and how many women today they are praying thinking oh God's so happy with his prayer is he happy with your prayer let's go to Deuteronomy 22 for these baby boomer generation you know I was talking with somebody so many today my partner brother Joe and we were just saying like man things have changed in America pretty fast I mean if the Apollo 8 mission is reading the Bible on national television and now look at the culture it's like what happened how about a generation that forsook God how about a generation that forsook God and see the ramifications and you know what the same baby boomer generation not only do all these women have a short haircut you know what also they're doing when they're coming to church they have pants on they have pants on look at Deuteronomy 22 verse number 5 the woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man neither shall a man put on a woman's garment for all that do so are abomination unto the Lord thy God the Bible says that women wearing men's clothes and having a men's haircut are an abomination to God and it's a shame that they even pray to God that should just be basic like we're just talking about first base here and think about how many people are going to church and you're not even getting them on first base I mean would you be pleased with me if you took your kid to like a T-ball club or to learn how to play baseball and I'm their coach and I literally didn't even teach them how to go to first base like hey as soon as they hit the ball just go and sit down you're like why didn't you tell them to run to first it's like you're going to lose every game you're never going to learn like you have to learn first to run to first base and it's like how in the world can they have all these women going to these churches wearing pants and having a short haircut and they're not even getting to first base with God in their spiritual walk in their spiritual journey it's because of the culture and they're afraid Baptists and Christians are afraid of the culture today they have more fear of man and the culture than they do of God's word and you know what we should have a timeless culture and you know what you've got to preach these truths every single year and every single season because men and women need to hear these truths so that you don't wake up one day with a church filled with people that are an abomination to God well you know what you might not run ten thousand well you know what I'd rather run five people that love God than ten thousand that are all an abomination to God and if we don't preach this truth who knows what the men are going to be dressed like in twenty years from now Michael Todd at Transformation Church is saying he wishes there was A B C and D he's teaching this to children what are those children going to be wearing at his church twenty years from now are there going to be I mean what is John Goetz going to preach when he has literal dudes in dresses and skirts coming to his church on the regular I mean he's in California folks you don't think there's any fruits and weirdos in there how far are you going to let culture take you how far are you going to just keep riding the wave of culture and these Baptists and these other Christians they're just messing with fire folks oh I don't like what you're saying okay well go join their church and see where it's going I don't like where they're going I don't like what they're putting up with I don't think God cares about what we wear well then why would he bring it up well you just have to understand the culture back then men wear pants but now it's different no it's not different it's still pants it's always been pants it always will be pants and guess what it was always dresses and skirts for them then and now and forever oh what about in Ireland where guys wear Celts they're queers what about Muslims wearing dresses they're queers I don't care I don't care there's no way a man can feel natural putting on a skirt or a dress nothing natural about that it's going to feel all the hair on the back of his neck is going to stick up he's going to feel weird and queer and faggoty because it is go to Genesis chapter 9 well you've got to embrace that side no I want to put that side to death I don't care what you have to say people get mad at us they say oh they're a hate church they're mean they're bad they're this well you know what I'm glad that this culture doesn't like me because this culture is so reprobate I'm so glad me and it are not friends that we don't mix like beans and chili you know what I mean Genesis 9 look at verse 5 surely your blood of your lives will I require at the hand of every beast will I require it and at the hand of man at the hand of every man's brother will I require the life of man who so shed his man's blood by man show his blood be shed for he is in the image of God made him man hey the death penalty that's a timeless classic please start putting murderers to death put a murderer to death stop wondering what we should do with them kill them put them to death they deserve death and you know what let's not stop there let's do everything the Bible said on the death penalty all of them Jude chapter 1 go to Jude chapter 1 people are constantly having to figure out all these different complex situations what about fag marriage what about fag adoption what about fags in the workplace what about fag month what about fag this and fag that what about AIDS what about HIV okay Leviticus 2013 is done people are like we need to stop all of these faggots from adopting children I agree Leviticus 2013 we need to stop all these fags from teaching our kids stuff in school okay Leviticus 2013 well we need to stop these fags from having a whole month and a whole year and a whole country and a whole flag yeah it's called Leviticus 2013 buddy take back the rainbow they don't have a solution because there's only one solution and they're afraid of it stop being afraid of the right solution it's a timeless culture it's a Christian culture and I love that in the 16, 17, 18 hundreds of America they recognize the timeless culture of God's word and they said faggot should be put to death you say was that your opinion now yes it is well I don't like that I'm uncomfortable it sounds like you're kind of queer is everybody I know hates faggots oh that's just because you're around your church no I'm talking about everyone I'm talking about when I go out in the world they hate faggots too and they just don't know how to communicate it very properly but I try to help them try to give them the DVD try to give them the movie try to give them the soundtrack you know what I mean all of it hey what does the Bible say Jude 1 verse 7 even as Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities about them in like manner giving themselves over to fornication and going after strange flesh are set forth for an example suffering the vengeance of eternal fire notice that God has the same culture the timeless culture of how he feels towards faggots that they should be burned to death that they should go to hell that they are going to hell that they're wicked that they're reprobate that they're pedophiles it's disgusting oh we're about to celebrate June I'm not celebrating June you know I'll celebrate June I'll pass out more sodomite deception tickets that's how I'll celebrate I'll preach more about faggots or something oh but once you get protested no they're done protesting me because they recognize this is steadfast Baptist Church this isn't change with the times Baptist Church this isn't experience this isn't community this isn't Bible Church this is steadfast Baptist Church we are Baptist and we're going to stay Baptist and we're going to stay believing Leviticus 2013 and I'd love to see other churches that aren't Baptist standing on that truth show me the non-Baptist Church that's ripping on homos show me show me the non-denominational church is getting protested by a bunch of faggots where they're standing strong and saying we still believe Leviticus 2013 you know what we have a timeless culture a Baptist culture hey the Bible I believe they have the same doctrine as I do if we go back to Abraham Isaac and Jacob they have the same doctrine Abraham got to watch the sodomite deception for the first time he was the first one okay he likes our movie he's like that's yep he hates this culture Noah a preacher of righteousness hates his culture he's a Baptist in his heart he just didn't know it yet okay we're just following the footsteps of our fathers we have the same culture the same viewpoints the same ideology don't let culture dictate your philosophy I don't think you should say that about faggots faggots don't use that word faggots I don't care what you say go to Psalm 19 we'll finish stop letting culture tell you you can't use that word culture here's the thing people don't like this point and they won't agree with me on this point but I don't care what you think because I'm right if I stop saying faggot then it'll be a new phrase or a new word that I have to stop saying like oh you can't say queer and then it'll be another phrase and you know pretty soon you know what the phrase will be that you can't say Jesus Christ is our savior like even right now they're saying like Christ is Lord or Christ is King or Jesus Christ is our savior they'll be like that's anti-Semitic me just saying like faggot should be put to death is considered anti-Semitic and I'm not willing to it's pretty true honestly but I'm not willing to stop saying that because I'm trying to defend the Jesus statements too and as soon as I stop saying facts they'll come up with a new thing that I can't say well you know what I'm just gonna keep saying the most offensive thing I can possibly think of and you know what a faggot is it's a stick that's bundled together that's supposed to be burned it's a great word it makes perfect sense it describes them perfectly and their future and what they're gonna do they are faggots and they will be faggots forever they are faggots and that's why they hate that word they just if you wanna irritate them you wanna irritate the fire out of them say faggot and they're just like why because they know they know that's where they're headed they know that's what their future is I don't like this kind of preaching okay I don't like you Psalm 119 look at verse 34 give me understanding and I shall keep thy law I shall observe it with my whole heart we're supposed to love God's word don't let the culture tell you what's right let God tell you what's right look at verse 44 so so I keep thy law continually forever and ever timeless culture look at verse 51 the proud have had me greatly in derision yet have I not declined from thy law hey they might have circled us round about but you know I just stood steadfast you stood steadfast we stood steadfast and you know what where are they at now faggots look at verse 33 horror hath taken hold upon me because of the wicked that forsake thy law you know it should horrify you how bad our country has become you know what's not horrifying the word faggot you know what's horrifying Joe Biden Pete Buttigieg Dave Rubin and his partner adopting little boys that's horrifying that is horrifying why is it that faggots only adopt boys answer the question why is it that faggots only adopt little boys answer the question Joe Biden that's horrifying people sit here and be like I'm so mad and stiff as bad at church and the word thing is no get mad at pedophiles and faggots and you know what if every Christian would stand up and say we all believe Leviticus 2013 we all want that to be the law we're not going to support a politician that doesn't stand for Leviticus 2013 you know what our country would be different don't tell me you care about saving this country you don't oh I support Donald Trump so we can give more money to Israel faggot anybody that lets anybody use whatever bathroom they want that's your champion you don't care about pedophilia in this country you don't care about God's law that should horrify you horrify you look at verse 55 I have remembered thy name oh Lord in the night and have kept thy law verse 61 the bands of the wicked have robbed me but I have not forgotten thy law hey steadfast Baptist Church has been robbed but you know what we want to stick to the law of God verse 77 let thy tender mercies come unto me that I may live for thy law is my delight verse 97 oh how I love thy law it is my meditation all the day love God's word that's my culture my culture is this book 115 depart from me ye evildoers for I will keep the commandments of my God you know what they figured out they can't stop me from preaching the Bible they can't stop me from believing the Bible they can't stop us from doing what the Bible says and so you know what they departed because they recognized you can't stop them they're not going to change that's how you get people to quit on you is you be steadfast look at 1 26 it is time for thee Lord to work for they have made void thy law that's what we should be doing is praying for God to work God it's time for you to work a miracle in this country God it's time for you to work a miracle in this state and in this area and with this church and with us and with our families and for Christians to wake up and recognize that God's timeless culture is the right culture Lord it's time for you to work 128 therefore I esteem all thy precepts concerning all things to be right and I hate every false way you know what Leviticus 2013 is right and I hate every false way everything God said was right all of it divorce being wrong I like it women having long hair I love it women wearing dresses and skirts I love it I've never seen a woman and thought like man she looks so much better in pants that's stupid when a woman cuts your hair off you're like eww brother eww what's wrong brother it's like no don't do it 136 rivers of waters run down mine eyes because they keep not thy law oh man that's that should be our real response we should be sad about how our country is not keeping God's law 142 very important verse thy righteousness is an everlasting righteousness and thy law is the truth there's nothing well you have to understand the culture no no no God's law is just the truth it's everlasting it's always right it always will be right when we're in the millennial reign it'll still be right it's never going to be wrong 151 thou art near O Lord and all thy commandments are truth all of them all of them are truth 153 consider mine affliction and deliver me for I do not forget thy law and here's the one that I really wanted to focus on and end with 160 thy word is true from the beginning and every one of thy righteous judgments endureth forever you know what that is timeless culture hey you were right in the beginning and you're still right and you always will be right what was he right on marriage between one man and one woman two genders leave your parents no divorce be fruitful multiply women should never preach and teach in the church women should not be praying with short hair women should not be wearing that which pertains to the man and if you are a guy that wears women's clothing put a bullet in your head and we should have the death penalty for everybody that doesn't comply that's what the Bible says I don't like that well you know what I like the timeless culture of the Bible and you know what that would bring in our culture peace that would be peaceful that's the culture I want to live in and even if I can't live it in the whole world we can at least have it here we can at least have it among ourselves and you know what don't get offended at what I said get offended at this world let's close in prayer thank you Heavenly Father so much for giving us these timeless truths thank you for giving us your statutes and companions I pray that we would care only what you think and that our hearts would be knit to the word of God that we would desire to keep thy law that we desire to be right in your sight and we wouldn't let culture tell us what's right and wrong but rather we would only care what you think I pray that you would help our church to continue being steadfast and to be a bright and shining light and I pray that you would work on our behalf help us to reach more people and to change more people to have your timeless culture in Jesus name we pray amen for our last song let's turn to 441 great is thy faithfulness 441 great is thy faithfulness song 441 great is thy faithfulness oh God my Father there is no shadow of turning with thee thou takest not thy compassion they fail not as thou hast been thou forever will be great is thy faithfulness great is thy faithfulness morning by morning new mercies I see all I have needed thy hand hath provided great is thy faithfulness Lord unto me summer and winter and springtime and harvest sun moon and stars in their eyes of love join with all nature in manifold witness to thy great faithfulness mercy and love great is thy faithfulness great is thy faithfulness morning by morning new mercies I see all I have needed thy hand hath provided great is thy faithfulness Lord unto me pardon for sin and sorrow in thy own dear presence to cheer and to guide strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow blessings all mine with ten thousand each side great is thy faithfulness morning by morning new mercies I see all I have needed thy hand hath provided great is thy faithfulness Lord unto me God bless. You are dismissed.