(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Stand up. Stand up for Jesus, 413. Will you all stand? Let's sing, 413. Stand up. Stand up for Jesus. Stand up. Stand up for Jesus, ye soldiers of the cross. Lift high his royal banner, it must not suffer loss. From victory unto victory, his army shall he lead, till every foe is vanquished, and Christ is Lord indeed. Stand up. Stand up for Jesus, the trumpet call obey, forth to the mighty conflict in this his glorious day. Ye that are men now serve him against unnumbered foes. Let courage rise with danger, and strength to strength oppose. Stand up. Stand up for Jesus, stand in his strength alone. The arm of flesh will fail you, ye dare not trust your own. Put on the gospel armor and watching unto prayer, where duty calls or danger be never wanting there. Great singing. I like that part of the song where it says from victory unto victory, his army shall he lead. And no matter what, as long as we're on the Lord's side, we have the victory. We know that. You believe in Jesus Christ, you have the victory. So that's great encouragement. Let's have a word of prayer. Dear Lord, thank you so much for this day, and thank you for our church. Thank you for some Christians here that are steadfast in the faith, that love you, that love your word, that are unashamed of your word. I pray that every single person in here would continue to be steadfast, and that you'd fill us all with the Holy Spirit. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. All right, for our second song, we'll go to Psalm 139. Your white handouts are in your King James Bible. Psalm 139, you may be seated. Psalm 139. Surely thou wilt slay the wicked. Surely thou wilt slay the wicked. O God, depart from me, therefore ye bloody men. Depart from me, therefore ye bloody men. Do not I hate them, O Lord, that hate thee? Do not I hate them, O Lord, that hate thee? Do not I grieve with those that rise up against thee? Do not I hate them, O Lord, that hate thee? For they speak against thee wickedly. For they speak against thee wickedly. And thine enemies take thy name in vain. And thine enemies take thy name in vain. Do not I hate them, O Lord, that hate thee? Do not I hate them, O Lord, that hate thee? Am not I grieve with those that rise up against thee? Do not I hate them, O Lord, that hate thee? I hate them with perfect hatred. I hate them with perfect hatred. I count them mine enemies. I count them mine enemies. Do not I hate them, O Lord, that hate thee? Do not I hate them, O Lord, that hate thee? Am not I grieve with those that rise up against thee? Do not I hate them, O Lord, that hate thee? Good evening. Thank you so much for coming to Steadfast Baptist Church. If you didn't already get a bulletin and you still like one, hopefully one of our ushers can come by and still get those to you. On the inside we have our service and soul winning times as well as our church stats. This is a reminder, continue to make sure to turn your soul winning maps to our completed bin, but also for soul winning counts, I'm not going to be gathering that in announcements, you need to report that to your soul winning captains. And if you don't know who your captain is, you can always ask me or ask brother Dylan, we can help you figure that out. We did post that over on the board on Sunday, but maybe somebody didn't pay attention to that or they weren't here. So if you are confused about that or who to report soul winning numbers to, just even email the church if you need to, or you can talk to me or brother Dylan, we'd love to help you out, figure that out. But for now we have a few different soul winning captains and leaders that are basically, and lieutenants that are helping capture that data and leading the soul winning. Also we have a list of our expecting ladies, continue to pray for all of them. We also have our prayer list, we'll go over this real quick. We have the Negara family, continue to pray for them. Miss Lucy, her mother, if you continue to pray for her tumors. Brother Cameron Hoff, you'd pray for his leg. And then we have Verity Baptist Manila and Pastor Kevin Sepulveda that we're praying for, for their churches that they would just have freedom and free course to preach the gospel. And I know they've been having to deal with a lot of restrictions in their areas and parts of the world. Continue to pray for the weathers, his work situation. Also brother Brooks, grandmother Vicki. So he's praying for her salvation and health. And then the Garcia's work situation and then the Guzman's health. So Veronica has been having some health issues, so we just pray for her. That's pretty much all I have on the prayer list. So we'll go ahead and say a quick word of prayer for those that were mentioned. Thank you Heavenly Father for giving us this opportunity to meet here and to hear the word of God being preached and sing songs unto your name. I pray that you would just bless all the ladies in our church that are expecting. You'd help them with their pregnancies, that you would give them strength in delivering. You'd help their babies to be fully developed and healthy. And we just thank you for the blessing of pregnancy. We also pray for the rest of our church family for their various health concerns. I pray that you'd be with our friends that are across the world that are being oppressed and having difficulty with their churches, that you'd give them freedom, that you'd be with them, strengthen them, encourage them through their difficulty and their affliction. And I pray that you just give favor and wisdom unto our church members about their various concerns. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. Also, just again, church reminder, make sure to turn in soul-winning maps. Also, soul-winning information. If you have extra soul-winning invites or something, you're returning back to our cabinet. Just make sure to pay attention to the English and Spanish bins and everything like that. Upcoming events. This Saturday, we have the Waco, Texas Soul-Winning Marathon, and we had a lot of people sign up. So I'm really excited about this. We've ordered a lot of food, so that means you have to show up, all right? And you have to come hungry. And I think we had about 80 people sign up from here, and then it seemed like maybe about 20 people from Pure Words are going to come. Plus, I've had other people indicate to me that they might be showing up or coming to the Waco thing. So I think we might have over 100 people potentially coming to the Waco Soul-Winning Marathon, and that's incredible. That's really great. I don't know that we've had over 100 people show up for one of our soul-winning marathons like that, but that's great. I hope, Lord willing, a lot of people will be able to make it, and God will give them grace going down there. I'm really excited about it. We've got a lot of maps printed out, and I think that we're going to be really successful down there. We also have our soul-winning seminar scheduled for March 24th, 25th, and 26th. We have a couple other soul-winning marathons, College Station April 2nd, a homeschool field trip April 29th, and then May 21st, the Austin, Texas Soul-Winning Marathon. So lots of events to still plug in, put on your calendar. We have a new church member board, and that's kind of a bulletin board, but for any activities that you guys want to schedule and invite people to do or organize, you can put that up on our church member board, or you can also use Facebook group as far as just organizing different events and scheduling things. We encourage you to do that because it really just makes our church even better when people have their own events and things like that, and we want to have an easy way for you to communicate those things. Also, we have the soul-winning tribes. Now, I preach a sermon about this on Sunday morning, and I highly encourage every person of our church to listen to that sermon just so they're aware of how we've organized soul-winning and basically the formalization that we're trying to put around what we've already been doing. Our soul-winning has been doing great, and we've really been excelling, and we just want to make sure that we're kind of putting into place some formality so as that we grow, that we're very diligent and we're doing a good job and we're getting better with what God's blessed us with. We have several church captains. They're listed there below, and so if you have questions regarding soul-winning, you don't have to ask me. You can ask these men. They've been empowered to make decisions regarding soul-winning and to help lead with the soul-winning, and hopefully this also encourages people to want to get plugged into church, get plugged into soul-winning, and to have something to strive for. It's a really honorable position to be a soul-winning captain and a tribe captain in our church, and so I really appreciate men for stepping up and being willing to do that. Make sure to treat them with respect and help assist them in their job duties of trying to help soul-winning go forward. you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you all right that song 409 the fight is on the trumpet sound is ringing out the cry to arms is heard afar and near the lord of hosts is marching on to victory the triumph of the christ will soon appear the fight is on oh christian soldier and face to face with armor gleaming and color streaming the right and wrong engage today the fight is on but be not weary be strong and in his might hold fast if god before us his banner or us will sing the victor song at last the fight is on a rousey soldier's brave venture jehovah leads and victory will assure go buckle on the armor god has given you and in his strength forever will endure the fight is on oh christian soldier and face to face in stern array with armor gleaming and color streaming the right and wrong engage today the fight is on but be not weary be strong and in his might hold fast if god before us his banner or us will sing the victor song at last the fight is leading on to certain victory the bow of promise spans the eastern sky his glorious name in every land shall honor be the morn will break the dawn of peace is nigh the fight is on oh christian soldier and face to face in stern array with armor gleaming and color streaming the right and wrong engage today the fight is on but be not weary be strong and in his might hold fast if god before us his banner or us will sing the victor song at last good singing as the offering plates are passed around please turn in your bibles to second timothy second timothy chapter two second timothy chapter two we'll read the entire chapter prior to the sermon second timothy chapter two the bible reads thou therefore my son be strong in the grace that is in christ jesus and the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses the same commit thou to faithful men who shall be able to teach others also thou therefore endure hardness as a good soldier of jesus christ no man that worth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier and if a man also strive for masteries yet is he not crowned except he strive lawfully the husbandman that laborerth must be first partaker of the fruits consider what i say and the lord give thee understanding in all things remember that jesus christ of the seed of david was raised from the dead according to my gospel wherein i suffer trouble as an evildoer even unto bonds but the word of god is not bound therefore i endure all things for the elect sakes that they may also obtain the salvation which is in christ jesus with eternal glory it is a faithful saying for if we be dead with him we shall also live with him if we suffer we shall also reign with him if we deny him he also will deny us if we believe not yet he abideth faithful he cannot deny himself of these things put them in remembrance charging them before the lord that they strive not about words to no profit but to the subverting of the hearers study to show thyself approved unto god a workman that needeth not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth but shun profane and vain babblings for they will increase unto more ungodliness and their word will eat as doth a canker of whom hymenaeus and philetus who concerning the truth have erred saying that the resurrection is passed already and overthrow the faith of some nevertheless the foundation of god stand assured having this seal the lord knoweth them that are his and let everyone that nameth the name of christ depart from iniquity but in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver but also of wood and of earth and some to honor and some to dishonor if a man therefore purge himself from these he shall be a vessel into honor sanctified and meet for the master's use and prepared unto every good work flee also youthful lusts but follow righteousness faith charity peace with them that call on the lord out of a pure heart but foolish and unlearned questions avoid knowing that they do gender stripes and the servant of the lord must not strive but be gentle unto all men apt to teach patient in meekness instructing those that oppose themselves if god para adventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth and that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil who are taken captive by him at his will let's pray father god we thank you for our church lord and for the opportunity that we have this evening to hear the word of god being preached i pray that you would protect our church lord and encourage us and also that you would fill pastor shelley with your spirit and enable him to thunder forth the message you've laid on his heart tonight and in jesus name i pray amen amen let's look back at verse number seven where the bible reads consider what i say and the lord give the understanding in all things remember that jesus christ of the seed of david was raised from the dead according to my gospel wherein i suffer trouble as an evildoer even unto bonds but the word of god is not bound and this verse makes me think of a particular phrase or thought it's things they can't take away from us things they can't take away from us now why i like this verse for this particular thought is because the apostle paul has been greatly restricted on a personal level the bible says he's in bonds what does that mean that means he's in prison now you and i both know that the apostle paul is not deserving of being in prison the apostle paul hasn't done anything wrong the apostle paul is completely innocent so for the apostle paul to be in prison that means that people lied about him falsely accused him they twisted his words and they caused him to be put into prison contrary to the law contrary to reality contrary to truth the apostle paul was not a thief the apostle paul was not a liar he wasn't a murderer he wasn't going around and doing all these wicked actions that caused him to be led into bonds rather he was a preacher of the gospel of jesus christ he was a minister of the word of god he was faithfully serving god in fact paul's probably one of the most loving people in the bible yet we find him in prison evidencing the fact that just because someone goes to prison doesn't make them a bad person also evidencing the fact that god will allow evil to prevail against you on a personal level but here's one thing that they can't take away from us it's the gospel i mean they can put you in prison they can kill you but you know what they can't stop the gospel of jesus christ hey the gospel doesn't end with the apostle paul it may have started with him in a lot of areas throughout this world but he's saying hey the word of god is not bound today and there's something they can never take away and it's the gospel of jesus christ and you know what you can't take away someone's salvation you can't reprobate anyone okay i know that gets thrown around out there like people are reprobating people but here's the reality you and i can't do anything to someone if someone's believed on the lord jesus christ they are saved and they are going to heaven it's a done deal once you're saved you're always saved they can't take away your salvation they can't take away your home in heaven they can't take away the fact that you're a son of god they can't take away the holy ghost that's living inside of you you've been sealed with that holy spirit of promise you can't take away any of the gifts of god that he's given unto you i mean it's yours for the taking you are a child of god you have you have been saved and you know what the gospel of jesus christ can't go away it's it's the best message that'll ever be preached and it'll always be preached someone will be preaching it you could kill everybody that's preaching it now and another generation will rise up and preach it and then when they take all the christians out of the world through the rapture then 144 000 will come then the angels will come you know the the stones will give rise to the gospel something's gonna happen though the gospel is going to be preached the gospel will be preached and they cannot take it away go to second corinthians chapter number four now here's the reality though to this verse while the enemy cannot take the gospel away from you men can stop themselves from preaching the gospel you can take things away from yourself and you can't take away your own salvation we know that but you know what a lot of christians are doing is they are not preaching the gospel no one's stopping them from preaching the gospel they are stopping themselves from preaching the gospel of jesus christ and that's a huge problem look at second corinthians chapter number four look at verse number one therefore seeing we have this ministry as we have received mercy we faint not but have renounced the hidden things of dishonesty not walking in craftiness nor handling the word of god deceitfully by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of god but if our gospel be hid it is hid to them that are lost and whom the god of this world have blinded the minds of them which believed not lest the light of the glorious gospel of christ who is the image of god could shine under them what a sad verse that there's people in this world that the gospel could shine under them yet the gospel is being hid the gospel is being hid to them and it's saying the god of this world talking about the devil he doesn't want people to hear the gospel and so he's trying to stop christians from preaching the gospel of jesus christ but at the end of the day the devil can't force you to stop preaching the gospel he has to trick you into not preaching the gospel he has to deceive you and not preach in the gospel he has to distract you from not preaching the gospel of jesus christ because why they can't take the gospel away from us we're supposed to open our mouth and to make known the mystery of the gospel we're supposed to have boldness we're supposed to have courage and what is it that the enemy constantly does he tries to put fear into the heart of man to stop him from preaching the gospel what would be that fear the fear of being embarrassed in front of your friend the fear of being ashamed in front of your family member the fear of your co-worker or your boss or your neighbor saying oh you actually believe in jesus you believe the bible or how dare you question my christianity in our area it's more like that's the real question isn't it oh i'm a christian i know how to be how dare you say that i'm not saved i go to church every week what does that have to do with being saved well i've been baptized 18 times that doesn't convince me you're saved i've rescued cats you know definitely not safe no i'm just kidding why would you rescue a cat no i'm just kidding but what is what is its fear that the devil wants to put on people to stop people from preaching the gospel you know and i know why is it that people don't want to preach the gospel because they're afraid or they're afraid of just how they look whenever they whenever they knock on a door they're afraid of someone not wanting to hear it they're afraid of the apartment managers now i kid you not i went to an independent fundamental baptist church i was visiting this church and i was asking them hey do you have a soul winning program and he said no we don't do so when we do bus ministry and i said well you know why not why not so any and he said well if you go to the apartments the apartment managers will get mad at you and call the cops on you so i got and yeah i've been there yeah we get i almost feel like i get a email every week if not multiple every week of an apartment manager threatening us and getting mad at us i mean it's just basically like tuesday about in the mid-morning i got an email you know and then friday night and then saturday morning and then saturday afternoon and then sunday afternoon and i'm just like yep and then they're like i think someone from your church is going yep yeah because i guess we're the only people that have the bravery to go out and preach the gospel and have an apartment manager say please leave oh you know and say like no thank you no i'm going to preach the gospel no i'm going to open my mouth to make known the mystery of the gospel you know why do people not preach the gospel just for the fear of an apartment manager saying tsk tsk but why would i want to stop preaching the gospel just because of an apartment just because of karen why am i going to let karen stop me from preaching the gospel she may be a minister of the devil but you know what even the devil himself can't stop us from preaching the gospel of jesus christ that's right why would i censor myself or people are afraid to preach the gospel out publicly because of other religions because of other christians it's just no one wants to take a stand typically because of fear fear is the number one thing that the devil is trying to put on people today but god has not given us the spirit of p of fear but of power and of love and of sound mind the sound mind to say you know what even if the apartment manager gets mad at me i'll preach because if you're afraid of the apartment manager how can you even talk to the apostle paul when you get up into heaven i mean that guy going into town he wasn't afraid of karen he was afraid of rocks being thrown at him not from the apartment everyone everyone beating him with rods everyone just attacking him and trying to literally kill him and he would say hey pray for me that i have boldness when i go into this area to preach the gospel because karen's gonna ask me to politely leave he'd be like are you sure you don't got that one like do i really need to pray you know but doesn't it make sense at least if they're like hey pray that i have boldness to reach because they're gonna try and kill me like that's that's an intense level of persecution that's an intense situation but you know what even in that situation you still preach the gospel why because they can't take it away from you only you can stop yourself from preaching the gospel only you can allow yourself to get distracted with the cares of this world with the deceitfulness of riches being afraid of losing whatever's precious to you whether that be your house your money your body your relationships i don't know what it is that's precious unto you you know what you should say i'm gonna put it all in the fire if it it's gonna cause me to stop preaching the gospel of jesus christ because they can't take it away from us go to jude chapter number one go to jude chapter number one we as a new testament church need to keep preaching the gospel of jesus christ no matter where we find ourselves in in acts chapter number eight they made havoc of the church take ripping them out of their houses dragging them into jail do you know what they did they just went into samaria and kept preaching the gospel it's like oh how could god cause me to leave my own home i mean think about the persecution in acts chapter number eight we're not talking about they didn't have a building to meet in they didn't get to live in their own house they were drug out of their own bed and forced to go into prison and you know what they said we're going to still preach the gospel of jesus christ why because you can't take it away from us because guess what when i go into samaria i still have the gospel with me you know what i don't even need this book i can preach the gospel because i have the word of god written on my heart you know what i have john 3 16 right here and right here and it's going to keep flowing out of these lips because you can't take it away from me i can preach the gospel in spanish without my bible if i need to and you know what it's not because i'm special it's because i have the holy ghost living inside of me and because i'm saved and you know what if you're saved you have the gospel somewhere deep down and you start preaching it out of your mouth what is it what did jude say in chapter one verse three beloved when i gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation it was needful for me to write unto you and exhort you that you should earnestly contend for the faith notice the admonition we should earnestly contend for the faith we shouldn't be backing down we shouldn't become quiet we shouldn't censor ourselves we should become more bold we should say i'm gonna i'm gonna try and preach the gospel more now i'm gonna approach more people with the gospel i'm gonna become more spiritual i'm gonna make it more of a full-time job i'm not gonna back down i'm not gonna slow down and preach in the gospel hey i'm gonna preach it harder i'm gonna preach it more i want to encourage more people to preach let's have more soul-winning marathons because guess what we don't have to meet in the building for a soul-winning marathon come catch me if you can because guess what you can't take that away from me i'm just going to go to the next town and the next door and i'm going to keep preaching the gospel of jesus christ why because they can't take that away from us go if you went to romans chapter number eight go to romans chapter eight you know in acts chapter number five when the apostles were beaten they were excited they rejoiced that they were counted worthy to suffer for the cause of christ now some people they they like are ashamed of suffering for the cause of christ do you know what the bible says the bible says that you're worthy think about that it's almost more of a shame not to get persecuted it's more of a shame i mean what do you would you rather be the apostles that were tucked in their bed and sleeping really nice and no persecution or the two apostles that were in jail for preaching the gospel it's like and you stand before god which one do you want to be where were you andrew what were you doing Bartholomew hey doubting thomas are you still doubting no it's john and peter going out and preaching the gospel and they were counted worthy to suffer shame hey coming back and saying hey god must think that peter and john are better than you guys because they suffered not not sitting here saying like what's wrong with you like what's going there's something bad going on here rather than saying you guys are great you guys are wonderful god must consider you guys of great value to allow you to have great suffering for jesus sake and and some people get confused on this they say well how do you know it's for jesus sake well what is it that they're saying are they saying well you stole that's not for jesus sake hey you murdered that's not for jesus sake hey you preached this in the bible that's for jesus sake hey i don't like what you preached hey i don't like what the bible says hey i don't like you meeting for church that is for jesus christ's sake my friend and you don't get confused you don't let the enemy lie to you you know what when you're doing that which is right when you're following god's commandments when you're preaching the gospel of jesus christ and they don't like that you're suffering for jesus sake and jesus considers you worthy we've had soul winners go out and literally get punched in the face when preaching the gospel and you know what i thought i'm i'm just step up my game because i didn't get punched i'm thinking you guys are better than me you know i need to go out there and preach a little bit harder apparently i need to go out and do more because these guys are counted worthy to suffer you know what am i doing wrong right romans chapter number eight look at verse 35 who shall separate us from the love of christ shall tribulation or distress or persecution or famine or nakedness or peril or sword now here's what would happen what happens when you go through persecution you think like does god really love me god really care how about the famous love does jesus care i mean isn't that kind of ringing in your ears but notice that the bible says can that separate us from the love of christ what does verse 36 say as it is written for thy sake we are killed all the day long we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter let me tell you what a life for christ looks like slaughter oh wait what is it slaughter you know what they do to an animal they chop its head off and it bleeds everywhere i mean do you think that was justice for the animal do you think the animal enjoyed that do you think it was great for him and notice the attitude of a christian is where's the slaughterhouse i'll get in line not like i'm gonna run away not like well i don't like this plan it's like i'm next here am i send me just getting ready all day long notice it doesn't say there's a time to stop either hey they just keep slaying sheep after sheep after sheep hey i'm the next one in line hey i want to get up there hey it's my turn to suffer for the cause of jesus christ he says in verse 37 though nay and all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us notice you know what they can't take away from us the love of jesus christ they can lie about you they can hate on you and you know what the devil which is the accuser of the brethren he's up in heaven trying to convince god every single day why he should hate you why he should forsake you and you know what jesus just keeps loving you why for the gospel because they can't take away the gospel from us jesus still died on the cross for me jesus still died on the cross for you he paid for every single one of your sins he loved you every single moment of his life every single even before the foundation of the world he already knew you and he already loved you and you know what that can't be taken away from me and it seems like when we go through difficulty or we go through struggle we could say like where's your love jesus but you know what it's there it's sometimes you just have a warped idea of what he wants you to do he wants you to be a lamb for the slaughter why because it shows your love for him he says hey i'm willing to suffer for you you suffer for me i'll suffer for you he says in verse number 48 38 for i am persuaded that neither death nor life nor angels nor principalities nor powers nor things present or things to come nor height nor depth nor any other creature emphasis on faggots shall be able to separate us from the love of god which is in christ jesus our lord hey i don't care what the beasts do they can't separate you from the love of god nothing can separate us from the love of god they can't take the gospel away from us my friend impossible go to second timothy chapter number three go to second timothy chapter three and let's see how bad it gets let's see what the bible says men are going to be like but notice it said none of these creatures can do anything to us as far as taking away our love but they could hurt us they could slaughter us hey they can take away your money they can take away your house they can take away your building they can take away all these carnal things they can take away your head i mean they could they could take off your hair some of you already there but you know what they can't take away from you the gospel they still can't second timothy chapter number three this is what the bible says the world is going to be like when we get close to the end this is a true saying if a man i'm sorry i'm in first timothy this know also that in the last days perilous times that means dangerous men to be lovers of their own selves covetous boasters proud blasphemers disobedient to parents unthankful unholy without natural affection how about this word truce breakers like signing a five-year agreement that you'll let a church be a church and then you break your word truce breaker i mean what kind of a devil just goes back on his word and says yeah you can be a church but if you're a church you know we'll just break the agreement truce breaker that's what people are going to be like the bible says this is what the world is going to be like well in order for that to happen in order for us this this to come fruition we have to see it and guess what we see it it's going to happen and you know what that's just part of the slaughter part of the slaughter is that you're going to have to deal with truce breakers and let me tell you what the world's like right now a bunch of truce breakers a bunch of hypocrites false accusers oh look at the next false accusers incontinent fierce despisers of those that are good man do they hate good people righteous people man do they hate a man that actually provides for his family man do they hate a woman who actually submits to her husband wow they hate you they're just like how dare you obey your husband how dare you call him sir how dare you wear a skirt to dress they're offended by you dressing like a woman they're like just like a man you're like no cut your hair no i mean they just want you to look like a man and act like him they just want you to be ungodly like them and you know what you just say no and they just can't stand it they just despise you for being good they despise you for being a godly woman having and it says traders shocker petty high-minded lovers of pleasures more than lovers of god having a form of godliness but denying the power of the love you know what they denied the gospel and this world is described like this when we get to the end and i'm telling you it feels like we're getting there it feels like this world it used to seem like that just your average person down the street your average neighbor was a pretty good guy he was pretty honest he was pretty logical he hated faggots but apparently today we live in a clown world where people just think that men are women where people are so cowardly and afraid to actually stand on any truth today they're just lovers of themselves lovers of pleasures they don't actually care about anybody else they have no natural affection anymore they literally will send their kids to sodom high school and just let their kid learn about sodom and gomorrah in person and have a sodomite teacher and sodomite agenda and sodomite books and they just don't care why because they only care about themselves and they don't want to resist because they don't want the sodomites to come and beat down their door do they go if you went to first timothy chapter four now go to first timothy chapter four point one is this they can't take away something from us and you know what that is is the gospel the gospel of jesus christ can never be taken from us the love of jesus no matter how bad it gets and look it's gonna get worse not getting better and if they're already this truce breaking and traitorous and you know just covetous and just full of evil i mean we don't want to know how bad it's gonna get but it's gonna get bad look at second i'm sorry look at uh first timothy chapter number four verse number one now the spirit speak of expressly that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils speaking lies in hypocrisy having their conscience seared with a hot iron now number one they can't take away from us the gospel but here's another thing they can't take away from us and it's our doctrine they can't take away our doctrine from us but i'll tell you something some people they they fall away from the doctrine themselves you say well how can they not take away our doctrine because there's a king james bible on every shelf in this country and you know what if you have the holy spirit inside of you you can get all the right doctrine and they can't take it away from you but you know what some people they put their king james bible on the shelf and they grab the fag version they grab the hiv version and then they go to the hiv church down the street and they basically just let false doctrine creep into their ears and they start harkening to doctrines of devil saved believers are going to wicked churches where they're letting a devil teach them false doctrine from the pulpit today and the bible warned the bible said that's what's gonna happen the bible says there will be a great falling weight from truth a great apostasy in the end times before the anti-christ comes and we see that today where saved born-again children of god are going and listening to doctrines of devils today going and listening to all manner of evil and wickedness and false doctrine and they don't want to hear the bible they don't want to hear the truth they don't want to let the holy spirit guide them they don't want someone to rebuke them or approve them or exhort them in any way they just want to get their ears tickled go to second timothy chapter number four second timothy chapter number four but you know what they can't take away from us our doctrine you know they can never stop me from believing the bible not just the gospel every doctrine that god's taught me hey they can't they can't convince me that it's not right to use the rod of correction on your children because proverbs already taught that to me they can't convince me that a man isn't supposed to provide for his family because i already read that in the bible they can't convince me that my wife shouldn't stay home and raise children they can't convince me that having lots of children isn't the best thing i could possibly do because the bible is as happy as the man that happens quiver full of them they can't stop me from believing anything in the bible my friend and they sure as hell can't stop me from believing leviticus 2013 i still believe it i don't care if we never implement it again i still believe it and i still think it should be done and i'm never going to stop preaching it because you know what i'm supposed to preach all the bible i'm not going to be a compromiser and just allow doctrines of devils to creep into our church just because it's convenient because it's familiar because it's easier because it's sweet oh you guys don't have a sweet spirit yeah i have the holy spirit oh you don't have a sweet spirit yeah i have the spirit that's coming from the bible not a sweet demon you know unsweet devil that you have over there you know whenever they used to talk about guys and they would say he's a little sweet you know what they meant by that he's a faggot he's a little light in his loafers you know what they're saying he's a queer he's a sodomite why would i didn't want to say i want a sweet spirit no i want a holy spirit i want a steadfast spirit that's what i want which is what unmovable from the doctrine you know why because they can't take away from us our doctrine second timothy chapter four look at verse number one i charge thee therefore for god and the lord jesus christ who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing in his kingdom preach the word be instant in season out of season reprove rebuke exhort with all long suffering and notice this word doctrine notice that the man of god the preacher of god's word is supposed to preach all of the doctrine whether it's popular or not my friend whether people like it or not we're supposed to preach the bible and you know it's their problem for rejecting god's word they will be held accountable the world will be held accountable people that come to this church and don't believe the doctrine they will be held accountable because we will all be judged by this word and you know what it's my job to preach it so as long as i preach it job done if you agree or not i don't it doesn't affect me i can't i can't force you to do anything all i can do is preach the word of god i don't believe that god is mad at jeremiah for his whole city and his whole group of people for rejecting the word of god his job was to preach it if other people would not harken would not listen it was their fault you know the watchman is only guilty when he doesn't warn people of the coming danger but you know what if he doesn't warn he's in the problem and you know what there's a lot of watchmen today that are compromising on doctrine today and the blood of these people are in their hands people that are going to hell children have been molested by the sodomite uncle is on the hands of that preacher that wouldn't get up and condemn homosexuality but brought them in the church brought the tranny onto the front row and said love on him give him a hug invite him over your house oh yeah i'm talking about jd greer the queer bait false prophet getting up and saying hey invite your little sodomite buddy into your house let him hung out your children this is a doctrine of devil my friend and he's not preaching the word of god and it's sick and notice what's going to happen in the end times they shall turn away their ears from the truth and shall be turned into fables sad reality when we get to the end most people are not going to want to hear the bible being true not a popular message it's not let's let's build the church and get to joel osteen level never going to happen that doesn't mean there won't be people that want to hear the word of god preached that doesn't mean that we can't have a revival that doesn't mean that you know we shouldn't strive for growth but what i am telling you is we're never going to be joel osteen never going to happen there's never going to be enough people that want to hear there's never going to be that many people that are that excited there was only seven thousand men that didn't valve the needle there wasn't 30 000 celebrities okay we're not going to have oprah winfrey on the front row and justin bieber and you know kanye west coming to do it a mini concert on friday night you know it's not going to happen my friend they're going to turn their ears away from the truth and turn unto fables lies just stories and isn't that what most preachings turn into is just stories just a bunch of just stories and you're kind of thinking like i don't think this has happened i think the pastor is making this up did he really do that did he really say that probably didn't he just stole it he just stole it from the the sermon that he bought online and that guy made it up too we're gonna say in verse five but watch that when all things endure affliction notice that we have to endure affliction god why do i have to suffer because you have to endure affliction why are things not going my way so they will endure afflictions notice if you're going to preach the bible you have to endure afflictions there's no other option here it's not like oh well we preach the gospel here and it's great and if there's anybody in the world that would think that they would have a free pass wouldn't it be a pastor in in dallas fort worth texas i mean wouldn't that be like the area where you think like here's a free pass not going to get a free pass my friend but you know what that just makes me feel like our church is counted worthy that's how i feel go over to titus chapter number two should be right on the same page or flip a page look at verse seven in all things showing thyself a pattern of good works in doctrine showing uncorruptness notice that we're never allowed to compromise on doctrine we're not allowed to say well people don't like this message anymore no don't corrupt it no don't change the message don't decide what's popular unpopular you know what's popular this because god wrote it it's god's word and it's going to thunder forth throughout all eternity who cares the fad of this world the fad of this world changes all the time they change on doctrine all the time at times you know hating fags is popular hating jews is popular that's switch i mean that's definitely going out the window i mean at different times different things have been popular i mean in america the preaching against alcohol was so popular it became the 18th amendment from 1920 to 1933 it was illegal to buy alcohol or sell it at least it was illegal to basically sell kind of alcohol or go and buy alcohol from someone you had to go to the gangsters and the mobsters and whatever to even buy alcohol today has that changed boy has that changed and you know something's got better i guess you know the southern bastard i mean baptist convention used to believe that you should own slaves but now they realize that you know red yellow black and white they're all precious in his sight so yeah it's going to always ebb and flow there's going to be times where the word of god is more popular not popular but it's not for us to decide what's popular we're just supposed to say i like it all give me a smorgasbord of all of it just just tell me what god said that's all i care about i don't really care if people like it i don't care how many people are going to receive it i just want an uncorrupt message i just want it straight from the words of god nothing altered nothing changed black and white just hand me a bible go if you would to uh proverbs four for a moment proverbs chapter four and i'm telling you this what does the devil want he wants us to stop preaching certain doctrines of the bible there are some doctrines that the devil does not want you to preach and he's not he's he's doing everything he can to try and get you to quit preaching those doctrines and what does he typically do he just affects people's pocketbook and then they shut up he starts tugging at them a little bit he gets to shut them down so quick and so easy but here's the thing you know what when you don't have anything you don't have anything to lose and man have they taken everything away so you know that's the worst thing you do to me hey if you want to you wanted to stop me from preaching any doctrine from the bible the worst thing you could do is take all our stuff away because now i'm going to preach anything i'll preach everything don't take my youtube channel away oh then the fag word will come out even more they can't take that away from me and you know what i love everything in the bible proverbs chapter four look at verse two for i give you good doctrine forsake ye not my law you know what's one of those things leviticus 2013 actually just all the biggest one actually everything you know i looked at the stupid idiotic comment on one of my videos recently i uploaded a video explaining our eviction situation and some moron said oh i know leviticus 2013 is in the bible but jesus said that we shouldn't kill anybody where did it say that are you forsaking the law of god now oh when are you going to be an advocate against the death penalty for murderers in the state of texas because you know in the state of texas murderers and and child molesters are still put to death oh is that did jesus get away with that you know that's done away with how dare you you know the person that believes in the death penalty for a child rapist but not for homosexuals is a hypocrite and you don't believe the bible and you know you're forsaking god's law if you believe in the death penalty for any person it should be for everything that the bible says nothing more nothing less just what god said and you know what god has ordained men to punish other men but you know what it should be strictly to what god said that's why our government sucks so bad is because they punish people for things that god didn't say to punish people for and then they don't punish the people that he said to punish them what our jails are filled with people that are on marijuana and drugs and alcohol and this other nonsense which the bible doesn't say to punish but then they won't punish murderers and rapists and child molesters and pedophiles and faggots and you know what they don't put to death adulterers either or rebellious children and look we're talking about a kid that won't harken to his parents is striking his parents is a glutton and has refused to obey them the bible says the parents should take them to the elders of the city and they stone them with stone oh i believe it i can't believe that how dare you believe the bible how dare you not to how dare you forsake the law of god and you know what in america it used to be the law and it still should be the law and i'm not going to back away from that you know why because they can't take away from us that doctrine they can't take away that part of the bible i still have it in my hand i have lots of bibles in my church i have lots of bibles in my office and you know what when we preach the gospel and we get somebody saved you know we try to hand them a bible hey you know what you got the gospel that can't be taken away from you here's a bible too because we don't want the doctrine be taken away from you you know it's another thing i like to give them a sodomite deception dvd and you know what you can't stop me from handing out sodomite deception dvds i'm just going to keep giving them out and you know what we already found somebody that'll make them and he doesn't care you know what we'll keep buying them and we'll keep handing them out and you can't stop me from handing out the truth about who you are oh we'll take away your building well you can't take away our doctrine you're still a faggot that's going to hell hey you're still a disgusting age dispenser and you know what no one likes you no one likes you i don't care how much you try to force people to like you they still hate your guts they still think you're the grossest most disgusting vile putrid the worst thing imaginable they want nothing to do with you they're afraid of you if they saw blood coming out of you they would run away in short hair and just terror horror that they would get aids they want nothing to do with these people everyone hates you no one likes you why don't you just kill yourself okay and do the world a favor oh they're gonna sue you is that a threat i didn't threaten you i gave you a good suggestion because you know what john chris's son said it'd be better to be in hell than be a faggot anyways i'm just going based on what your saint said okay and look you know all you're doing is getting more wrath on this earth so from an eternity perspective it'd be better just go ahead and just end it all now go if you went to mark chap number eight mark chap number eight well i like the message until that point well i'm gonna keep preaching so these people are sick and you know what they can take anything they want away from me except for my doctrine they can't take away my gospel and they can't take away my doctrine because you know what it's not even mine it was given to me by god the father it's a king james bible good luck getting rid of every king james bible good luck good luck evicting all of them you can try you know what the word of god abideth forever even if you got rid of every king james bible on this planet it's still in heaven it's still in my heart and it's still in heart of every believer that believes the word of god and you know what i want to keep preaching it i'm not i don't want to not preach it what does it say in mark chapter 8 verse 38 whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of me and of my words and this adulterous and sinful generation of him also shall the son of man be ashamed when he cometh in the glory of his father with the holy angels you say how dare you tell someone to kill themselves well you know what the bible says i'm supposed to be praying that god would break their teeth in their mouth how is that anything nicer you just don't believe the bible do you you just don't want to believe that god hates anyone but i'm telling you there's a place called hell and everyone in hell he hates god's angry with the wicked every single day go go to john chapter number 16 john chapter 16 i have one last point that i want to make this is the best point now i mean obviously the gospel it's in coordination obviously being saved is the best thing that can ever happen to you but in coordination something comes with the gospel something comes with the doctrine of jesus christ and you know what that is it's joy it's joy the joy of being saved look what it says in john chapter 16 look at verse number 19 now jesus knew that they were desirous to ask him and said unto them be inquire among yourselves of that i said a little while and you shall not see me and again a little while and you shall see me verily verily i stand you that you shall weep and lament but the world shall rejoice and you shall be sorrowful but your sorrow shall be turned into joy a woman when she is in travail has sorrow because her hours come but as soon as she is delivered of the child she remembered no more the anguish for joy that a man is born into the world and ye now therefore have sorrow but i will see you again and your heart shall rejoice and your joy no man taketh from you hey you know what they can't take away from us is our joy in jesus christ our joy in the gospel our joy in the fact that we're going to heaven and he says hey you may go through birthing pains and let me tell you what those birthing pains are it's called life do you know what the moment you die and you're in heaven no one will ever be able to take your joy away from you ever again and you'll forget it all just the joy just like a woman had kind of forgets about all the birthing pain after it's all done and she's got that baby and she's thinking about you know everything about the baby breathing and all the worry they have for the baby just like when you go to heaven you're gonna forget all the suffering that happened here it's all joy at that point it's all just happiness it's all bliss and you know what no one can take away your joy and let me tell you something the devil wants you to be sad the devil wants you to be angry the devil wants you to be frustrated the devil wants you to be depressed the devil wants you to be just confused you know what god's not the author of confusion god wants you to be joyous god wants you to have real true joy and you know what when you get persecuted the bible's number one commandment is to rejoice not to get upset not to get frustrated and i'm telling you every human emotion that's normal natural is to get upset to be frustrated be depressed be sad you know what they can't stop you from being happy that's what they want what does the enemy want you to do what does the enemy want us to do they want us to stop preaching the gospel out in the neighborhood what do they want us to they want us to stop preaching leviticus 2013 what do they want us to do they want us to not be happy and they think by taking a building away from us they're going to stop all that well you know what i'm telling you you can't take that away from us you can't take the gospel away from us you can't take the doctrine away from us and you can't take the joy that's coming from jesus christ away from us go go into first peter chapter number four go to first peter chapter number four and i'm here to tell you this evening the church is not a building it's a group of people and you know what the gates of hell are not going to prevail against the church of jesus christ why because they're not going to stop the gospel they're not going to stop the doctrine and they're not going to stop my joy i still have joy you know unspeakable and full of glory is what the bible says and you know what first peter chapter number 12 look what the bible says beloved think you're not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you as though some strange thing happened unto you but rejoice and as much as your partakers of christ's sufferings that when his glory shall be revealed you may be glad also with exceeding joy hey even if you just fail as a christian you'll die and you'll be resurrected and you'll have exceeding joy lot is going to have exceeding joy at the resurrection i mean just you talk demus he's going to have exceeding joy he wasn't even that great of a christian why because they can't take it away from you do you realize that you are going to have joy for 99.9999999 of your existence and the only time you can have joy is now but the only person that's going to take that joy away from you is you you know you're the only one that can you could decide to be happy every moment of your life and then it would be a hundred percent you could rejoice you can have a good attitude you can be joyous you know and it's our commandment from god to rejoice when you suffer persecution not to be upset about it look what he says in verse 14 if you approach for the name of christ happy are you what is the right response happy yeah why would i want to suffer for any other reason he says for the spirit of glory and of god resteth upon you on their part he is evil spoken of but on your part he's glorified notice they're going to talk so much trash on god and the bible and jesus and christianity do you know what it's just more glory but let none of you suffer as an as a murderer or as a thief or as an evildoer or as a busybody in other men's matters yet if any man suffers a christian let him not be ashamed but let him glorify god on this behalf you know what don't be ashamed that you've been evicted glorify god hey you got punched out soul winning don't be ashamed glorify god say praise the lord praise god that something like that could happen to me that's what the bible commands us that's what the bible says verse 17 for the time has come that judgment will begin at the house of god and if it first began at us what shall be the end of them that obey not the gospel of god called hell called aids verse 18 and if the righteous scarcely be saved where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear wherefore let them that suffer according to the will of god submit the keeping of their souls to him in well-doing as unto a faithful creator you just have to you have to realize that god didn't stop being faithful when you suffer and it's really hard it's really difficult because you kind of think like what's going on you know like why you know judgment does never go forth as a back accept you're just kind of like but you know god didn't stop being faithful when you got persecuted you know god didn't stop being faithful when jesus went to the cross he continued being faithful god didn't stop being faithful when the apostle paul was in prison god didn't stop being faithful when peter and john were getting beaten god didn't stop being faithful when stephen was martyred god didn't stop being faithful in revelation chapter number two when he told the church in smirna be thou faithful unto death he didn't stop he said hey i'm going to give you a crown of life why because he was saying i want you to do this why it's the will of god it's the will of god that we would suffer so if you went to james chapter one just flip to the left james chapter one you're almost there after one look at verse two james one two my brethren count it all joy when you fall into diverse temptation notice what he says though count it all meaning what every aspect of it not just like well it's joyous when we get to hear everybody sing you know and they're kind of fired up fine right it's joyous when we hear a good sermon or it's joyous when there's no take joy in even the bad parts of it take joy in the suffering of it take joy in the evil of it take all of the joy count all the lies count that joy all the blasphemy count that joy all the all the deception count that joy then it's a lot easier not get mad about it because you're saying you know what i'm ready for that i'm just gonna count it i'm just gonna be excited because you know what makes you makes people mad when they're trying to they're trying to make you upset and you're not mad about it what do they want they want you to not be joyous but they can't take that away from you only you can go to second corinthians number eight go to second corinthians chapter number eight there's so many verses we could go to this evening and there's so many other things that they can't take away from us but i feel like these three are really important they can't take away the gospel from us they can't take away the doctrine they can't take away our joy don't let them because only you can let them they can't do it on their own you have to help them don't help the enemy take away these things from us don't let the enemy take away our gospel don't let the enemy take away our doctrine don't let the enemy take away your joy second corinthians chapter number eight verse one more of a brethren we do you to wit of the grace of god bestowed on the churches of Macedonia how that in a great trial of affliction the abundance of their joy and their deep poverty abounded on the riches of their liberality notice when you don't have much it's easier to be free i mean we don't got much it's just like hey our deep poverty he's saying like man we've got some deep poverty but you know what it just makes us freer it just gives us more liberty and you know what notice that they have so much joy the abundance of the joy you don't have to have money to have joy then does this but i mean well god you know i'm not very happy because i don't have any money well how about these folks they have deep poverty and they have joy so if you're chasing riches for joy you're chasing in the wrong place if you're chasing it in the carnal things of this world you're not going to have joy because they're all going to just decay and people are going to steal them people are going to take them away by fraud and deceit and breaking their promise and it's just it's a mess out there we get our joy from jesus christ and here's a great joy this is the last one i wanted you to go to psalms 126 psalms 126 you say why i feel like i'm lacking in joy well i'll tell you how to get some because you know what first of all you should get joy from just being saved but you've been saved for a while maybe say it's not working as much i don't feel it as much you know that you get joy from the doctrine of hearing the word of god being preached you know how you can get a lot of joy by preaching the gospel look at verse five they that sow in tears shall reap in joy you know what there is a special joy that goes in the heart of every believer when they preach the gospel to somebody and they pray and accept christ and you know what they can't take that from us you can still go to waco texas and you can still preach the gospel of jesus christ you can sow in tears and guess what reap enjoy hey we may have to go through all kinds of evil and suffering and we may have to sow all kinds of tears but guess what we're gonna have joy everlasting we're gonna have joy in the moment of salvation and we're gonna have joy in the heaven with all the souls that we pulled out of the fire of this world this world is hell and it's you know all the nations that forget god are going to be turned into hells what the bible says and let me tell you what nations those are all of them i mean what nation's not rejecting the bible anymore oh america is such a christian nation when you can't even have the first amendment anymore there's no freedom of speech there's no protection for bible believing christians anymore in fact the most hated people on this planet are white male christians you know what i count it joy because guess what i get to be one of the most hated people ever because i'm a white male christian i tell my wife what to do i'm a baptist i'm a fundamental baptist i'm king james only and i go to steadfast baptist church and not only that i'm the pastor oh i mean that's just i mean check the list but you know what i counted joy and you know what i love being the pastor of steadfast baptist church i love being in texas i love getting to preach the gospel of jesus christ i love pastoring this group of people i count it joy you know what when i show up here i'm not ashamed i love you guys i love seeing you guys you guys give me joy you guys give me courage and bravery and strength to go on to the next day and you know what we need each other and the only one that's going to take away our joy from us is us don't let them have it let's close in prayer thank you heavenly father for the word of god thank you for giving us the gospel of jesus christ thank you for giving us the doctrines of the word of god thank you for giving us a king james bible the most popular book in human history thank you for giving us joy even when we go through difficulty and struggle i pray that people would just be renewed with the spirit of faith of courage they would be overwhelmed by the love that you have for us and that we'd be willing to suffer we'd be willing to be sheep for the slaughter knowing that we're gonna have joy when we preach the gospel we're gonna have joy when we hear the doctrines of god being preached and we're gonna have joy in heaven in jesus name we pray amen all right for our final song this evening we'll go to song 411 hold the fort 411 hold the fort 411 hold the fort oh my comrades see the signal waving in the sky reinforcements now appearing victory is nigh oh before i am coming jesus signal still wave the answer back to heaven by thy grace we will see the mighty host advancing satan leading on mighty men around us falling courage almost gone hold the fort for i am coming jesus signal still wave the answer back to heaven by thy grace we will see the glorious banner waving here the trumpet in our leader's name will triumph over every foe hold the fort for i am coming jesus signal still wave the answer back to heaven by thy grace we will fierce and long the battle rages but our help is near onward comes our great commander cheer my comrades cheer hold the fort for i am coming jesus signal still wave the answer back to heaven by thy grace we will thank you all for coming god bless you are dismissed