(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Wonderful words of life. Three, six, three, wonderful words of life. Music Music Music Words of life and beauty. Teach me faith and beauty. Beautiful words, wonderful words, wonderful words of life. Beautiful words, wonderful words, wonderful words of life. Christ the blessed one gives to all. Wonderful words of life. Sinnerless to the loving call. Wonderful words of life. Also freely given. Moving us to heaven. Beautiful words, wonderful words, wonderful words of life. Beautiful words, wonderful words, wonderful words of life. Sweetly echo the gospel call. Wonderful words of life. Offer pardon and peace to all. Wonderful words of life. Jesus, Holy Savior, sanctify forever. Beautiful words, wonderful words, wonderful words of life. Wonderful words, wonderful words, wonderful words of life. All right, at this time we're going to go ahead and go through our announcements. If you do not have a bulletin, go ahead and raise your hand. Usher, we'll bring you one. We're still working on Proverbs chapter 31. And so if you can quote the entire chapter, you can get a prize on the inside your service soul winning times or church stats. Also the list of expecting ladies, continue to pray for all of them. We have our upcoming events, the Mexico missions trip. Please make sure to be praying for that. Our ladies' Christmas party is nurselings only. So you guys need to help watch the kids. On the 11th we have our Christmas caroling. The 16th we have the Christmas music recital, our children. There should be a sign up sheet for that. Also we have a cookie bake off on the 24th. And then the 31st we have the New Year's Eve party. On the back is our prayer list. One other just reminder, friendly reminder. Our fellowship room is definitely somewhere you can go and fellowship after the services. Make sure that children are still not running around or horsing around in that area either. So they shouldn't be running anywhere in the building at all. Not just the sanctuary area but that area as well. So please be respectful of that. We don't want anyone to get hurt or injured. And sometimes people can be kind of rowdy in that part of the building. So no problem being in there. Just make sure that if you have kids in there or you notice kids in there that you're reminding them not to run around or horse around or anything like that to get injured. So that's pretty much all I have as far as announcements. We'll go ahead and sing our Psalm of the Week, Psalm 146. It's in your special handout, Psalm 146. All right, Psalm 146. Praise ye the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul. While I live, will I praise the Lord, I will sing praises unto my God. While I have any being, put not your trust in Francis, nor in the Son of Man, in whom there is no help, whom there is no help. Praise ye the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul. His breath goeth forth, he returneth to his earth in that very day his thoughts perish. That the God of Jacob pour his love, whose hope is in the Lord, the Lord is God. Praise ye the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul. Which made heaven and earth the sea, and all that therein is which keepeth truth for ever, which executeth judgment for the oppressed which giveth food to the hungry the Lord, who sin the prisoners. Praise ye the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul. The Lord openeth the eyes of the blind, the Lord raises them that are bowed down, the Lord loveth the righteous, the Lord. Praise the earth with the strangers, he relieveth the fatherless and widows. Praise ye the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul. But the way of the wicked, he turneth upside down, the Lord shall reign forever, even thy God, O Zion, unto all generations. Praise ye the Lord, praise ye the Lord. All right, at this time, as the offering plate's being passed around, please turn in your Bibles to Genesis chapter number 13. Genesis chapter number 13. Genesis chapter number 13. Genesis chapter 13, the Bible reads, And Abram went up out of Egypt, he and his wife, and all that he had, and lot with him into the south. And Abram was very rich in cattle, in silver, and in gold. And he went on his journeys from the south even to Bethel, unto the place where his tent had been at the beginning, between Bethel and Haai, unto the place of the altar which he had made there at the first. And there Abram called on the name of the Lord. And Lot also, which went with Abram, had flocks, and herds, and tents. And the land was not able to bear them, that they might dwell together, for their substance was great, so that they could not dwell together. And there was a strife between the herdmen of Abram's cattle, and the herdmen of Lot's cattle, and the Canaanite and the Perizzite dwelled then in the land. And Abram said unto Lot, Let there be no strife, I pray thee, between me and thee, and between my herdmen and thy herdmen, for we be brethren. Is not the whole land before thee? Separate thyself, I pray thee, from me, If thou wilt take the left hand, then I will go to the right. Or if thou depart to the right hand, then I will go to the left. And Lot lifted up his eyes, and beheld all the plain of Jordan, that it was well watered everywhere, before the Lord destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, even as the garden of the Lord, like the land of Egypt dost thou comest unto Zoar. Then Lot chose him all the plain of Jordan, and Lot journeyed east, and they separated themselves the one from the other. Abram dwelled in the land of Canaan, and Lot dwelled in the cities of the plain, and pitched his tent towards Sodom. But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the Lord exceedingly. And the Lord said unto Abram, After that Lot was separated from him, Lift up now thine eyes, and look from the place where thou art, northward and southward and eastward and westward, for all the land which thou seest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed forever. And I will make thy seed as the dust of the earth, so that if a man can number the dust of the earth, then shall thy seed also be numbered. Arise, walk through the land, in the length of it and in the breadth of it, for I will give it unto thee. Then Abram removed his tent, and came and dwelt in the plain of Mamre, which is in Hebron, and built there an altar unto the Lord. Let's bow our heads for a word of prayer. Father God, we thank you for the souls that were saved at our afternoon soul winning time. And I pray that you would bless the sermon this evening, and give Pastor Shelley the fullness and power of the Holy Spirit, as he preaches his message to us, soften hearts in the room, and open ears, Lord, so that we may be attentive to the preaching of your word. We love you, and in Jesus' name I pray, amen. Amen. I want to look back at verse 13, and maybe this is why 13 has bad connotations. Chapter 13, verse 13, but notice the Bible says, but the men of Sodom were wicked, and sinners before the Lord exceedingly. And the title of my sermon is this, there's something different about sodomites. There's something different about sodomites. And you say, why do you say this? Well, according to the text, notice that it says that they were sinners before the Lord exceedingly. We shouldn't ignore that word there, exceedingly, as if it doesn't have any kind of special meaning, or if it doesn't actually add something to the text. Why didn't God just say, oh, the men of Sodom were sinners? Why does he have to say that they were sinners exceedingly? That shows that there's something different about these sinners, okay? And really, I have basically seven points that I want to bring up tonight about why there's something different about sodomites. But point number one is the fact that the Bible tells us that they were sinners exceedingly. This is just point number one right off the bat. The first kind of mention when we talk about Sodom, we talk about this city, we talk about this group of people, the Bible is saying there's something different about this group because they're not only wicked and sinners, but they're doing it exceedingly, meaning they're sinning more than other groups of people than other types of sinners, and so the Bible is kind of making it, there's something special about it. Now, you could kind of think about today, you know, a similar idea of the sodomites today. Why is it that the object of their sin, the symbol, the emblem of their sin is the rainbow? I mean, this is a symbol of kind of mocking the fact that God won't flood the earth and destroy wicked people. They go around gallivanting and celebrating with a rainbow flag when virtually almost all of them, virtually all of them say there is no God. Why is it that they run around with a rainbow flag? Because they're trying to mock the God of the Bible, aren't they? And they're not just trying to sin, they're trying to sin exceedingly because it's one thing to just say, I don't think that there's a God. It's another thing to take the rainbow flag and dance around with it while committing some of the worst sins imaginable, basically trying to say, ha ha, rubbing in God's face. We see kind of the same picture today where there's a group of people that are sinning exceedingly in comparison to other groups of people. There's something different about this group of sinners. When's the last time we saw a group of murderers walking up and down the street with a rainbow flag? When's the last time we saw the adultery community walking up and down the street with a rainbow flag? I mean, what other type of sin do we see in our culture today where people are all gathering together and then taking the literal symbol of the fact that God won't destroy them and then dancing and parading it up and down the street? There's only one group doing something like that, so there must be something different about this group of people. And I would argue the text from Genesis all the way to Revelation makes it clear there's something different about sodomites. There's just something really obvious. Now go to chapter 19 for a second. Go to chapter number 19. Point one, according to the Bible, sodomites are sinners exceedingly, meaning they go beyond. What does it mean to exceed? You could get a ticket today and they'll say you exceeded the speed limit. What does that mean? You went above the speed limit. What would it mean to go above sin or go beyond sin? I believe the right understanding of that would be to say doing something that's not even a natural sin, because we all are sinners. We all commit natural sin. But isn't there some sins that go beyond just sinning and they get to a gross point, a vile type of sin point, something that's not normal? Then we kind of see, well, ours isn't just sinning. This is exceeding sinful. This is the epitome of sin. This is the worst things imaginable, okay? Now look at Genesis chapter 19. This is the story of Sodom, and we have two angels coming down to see how bad it is, and they end up wanting to know these men, committing just horrible acts. Verse 11, the Bible says, And they smote the men that were at the door of the house with blindness, both small and great, so that they wearied themselves to find the door. In the story of Sodom and Morah, we have the entire town gathered together around the house of Lot, banging at the door, saying they want to know these men, meaning they want to do some kind of a Sodomite type act, and as a result, Lot tries to kind of intercede. Lot kind of tries to say, hey, don't do this thing. This is gross. This is vile. Don't do such a wicked thing. But they don't listen to Lot, and they're going to destroy Lot too. They say, we're going to even do this to you too now. But the two men, they grab Lot, pull him back in, and then the Bible says they smote them with blindness. Now, again, the things in the Bible are not just accidental. The Bible is giving us metaphors consistently through the story to picture things. So what would be a picture of foreshadowing here? Well, you see all the men of Sodom being blinded, and then it says that they wearied themselves to find the door. Well, often the Bible symbolizes Jesus Christ as being the door and being the way to salvation. And notice that according to the text, they become blind and they can't find the door, can they? Which would be, what, a picture of a spiritual blindness of someone that's incapable of what? Finding salvation, finding Jesus Christ, getting saved. And so I would argue there's another issue with Sodomites is that they're blinded spiritually today. And we can see this in the world that we live in today, not just in the biblical text, but we see it today where they're just completely spiritually blinded, and they can wearie themselves finding the door, but they just never seem to find it, do they? Now, go if you would to 2 Kings, chapter 23. So point one about there being something different about Sodomites, number one, they're sinners exceedingly. Number two, when we read about them in the Bible, they get blinded. Well, that's pretty unique. There's something unique about that, that they all get blinded to the point where they still, though, even after being blinded, try to destroy these men. Did you notice that when they got blinded, they didn't have a reflection period? They didn't say, wow, that was bad. Maybe I'm doing something wrong here. Because there are other people that have moments where they get kind of punished, or you could even argue get blinded. Doesn't the apostle Paul get blinded at one point? But does the apostle Paul then say, you know what? I'm still going to kill the Christians. Or does he have a reflection point and say, you know what? Whatever the Lord wants me to do, I'm going to do at this point. But did the sinners here in Sodom, did they say, you know what? What do the angels want me to do? What does God want me to do? Maybe I'm on the wrong path. No, they're still trying to destroy, even though they've been blinded, meaning that they're, what, insatiable, that they're incapable of being placated, they're implacable, that they just want death and destruction no matter what, and they're going to drag as many people down with them as possible. Sounds like the devil. I mean, isn't the devil kind of one that's just trying to drag as many people down with them as possible? And so we kind of see in the text that these people are sinners exceedingly, they get blinded, meaning they can't get salvation, and even after being blinded, they still are just trying to do death and destruction as much as possible. They're not quitting. They're not giving up. They're just trying to do it as much as possible. Now look at 2 Kings chapter 23, and there's a lot of stories in the text that bring up kings, how they would break down the houses of the Sodomites when they would do that which was right in the eyes of the Lord. But I want to pay attention to this one kind of in detail. Notice what the text is kind of just talking about in its context. Look at 2 Kings chapter 23, verse number 4. And the king commanded Hilkiah, the high priest, and the priests of the second order and the keepers of the door to bring forth out of the temple of the Lord all the vessels that were made for Baal, and for the grove, and for all the hosts of heaven, and he burned them without Jerusalem in the fields of Kidron, and carried the ashes of them unto Bethel. And he put down the idolatrous priests, whom the kings of Judah had ordained to burn incense in the high places, in the cities of Judah, and in the places round about Jerusalem, them also that burned incense unto Baal, to the sun, and to the moon, and to the planets, and to all the hosts of heaven. So we're getting this like cleanup period, and I know I'm kind of just jumping straight into context here. I'm just jumping straight into a story. But what we're talking about is we're talking about the king of Judah. Josiah has come into power. They found the Bible. They're trying to get right with God. And as a result of trying to get right with God, he's trying to cleanse the kingdom. And what does he do? Well, in verse number four, he gets all of the false religion that's in the house of God, and he tries to get it out of there. You know, this would be like visiting the Catholic church, the Roman Catholic church, and being like, let's get the Mary statues out. Right? What if you bought a Catholic church building, and you're going to repurpose it to be a Baptist church? What would you first do? You'd go in there, and you'd take all the idols, and you'd get rid of them, right? You'd destroy them and burn them. But it's not just physical objects here. You notice very carefully in verse number five, and it says, and he put down the idolatrous priests. So not only that, they got rid of all the false teachers, false prophets, and the false priests associated with false religion. They got rid of the person. Why didn't they just preach them the gospel, Pastor Shelley? Well, you have to understand that there's some people that it's just too late for. There's just some people that are just too wicked. There's just some people that are just children of the devil. And when you're a priest of Baal, you are a son of the devil. And what do they do? They just get rid of you. And the Bible says they did that which was right in the eyes of the Lord. Every time you have the man of God doing that, which is right in the eyes of the Lord, he's putting down the false priests, the false prophets, the false teachers. This is what we have as context. Look at verse six. And he brought out the grove from the house of the Lord without Jerusalem and the Brook Kidron, and burned it at the Brook Kidron, and stamped it small to powder, and cast the powder thereof upon the graves of the children of the people. That's an intense statement. I mean, he's like, not only am I going to destroy your groves and all these items, we're going to take the dust of this and we're going to sprinkle it on your children's graves, too. So not only is he ending it at that generation, he's ending it for all generations. You and your whole family, we're putting them down and all your images, and we're going to take the dust and we're going to put it in the graveyards. It kind of makes sense when you think about how these satanic and occultic type groups, where do they love to go to worship? The graves, where their fathers are, their spiritual fathers, and do all these weird enchantments. Why do they love graveyards and all of these weird places? A lot of times that's a picture of where they're from. And if you look at verse seven, it says this, And he break down the houses of the Sodomites that were by the house of the Lord, the woman wove hangings for the grove. Notice they're destroying, they don't just destroy priests and Sodomites, they destroy the houses of the Sodomites on top of it. They don't even let their own structures survive. That tells me there's something different about Sodomites. Because, you know, it doesn't say, And then they broke down the houses of the murderers. And then they broke down the houses of the adulterers. And then they broke down the houses of fornicators. And then they broke down that, it doesn't say that. It says they broke down the houses of who? The Sodomites. Meaning there was something different about Sodomites. There's something different about their houses. There's something different about the practices in which they do. And the location where they're at. And the associations that they have. There's something evil about this. We need to destroy not only them, we need to destroy their houses on top of it. Meaning there must be something different about Sodomites. And, you know, it didn't just randomly change subjects. Look at verse 8. And he brought out all the priests out of the cities of Judah. And defiled the high places where the priests had burned incense from Geba to Beersheba. And break down the high places of the gates that were in the entering in of the gate of Joshua, the governor of the city, which were on a man's left hand at the gate of the city. Nevertheless, the priests of the high places came not up to the altar of the Lord in Jerusalem, but they did eat of the unleavened bread among their brethren. And he defiled Topheth, which is in the valley of the children of Hinnom, that no man might make his son or his daughter to pass through the fire to Molech. So he's saying, verses 4 and 5. Hey, we're getting the images of Baal and priests of Baal. Then we're getting all the groves and we're breaking down the houses of the Sodomites. And we're getting all the other priests that just offered incense and did other kinds of practices with these people. And we're just putting them all down. Why is it that you have priests of Baal, and then in the middle, Sodomites, and then the priests offering all of this other incense to false gods and false religion? Because there's a connection between Sodomites and false religion and satanic false practices and satanic false religion. There's something different about the Sodomites. And a lot of times it's the same people. A lot of times it's these priests are the Sodomites, are these same types of individuals and the same people. And we're going to see that even more in other texts of the Scripture. We're going to see there's a strong connection to Sodomites and false religion, false prophets, false teachers. And notice he's sandwiching it all right here in the middle. What is the horrible sin that he's bringing up that these priests are committing? They're taking children and murdering children in this valley. They're sacrificing children to the devil. You've got the priests of Baal, Sodomites, sacrificing children to the devil. And look, I'm telling you, these people are all related, they're all buddies, they all like each other. Why is it that the Sodomite community seems to just really be pro-abortion? Like they are always seeming to go to the same rallies and they're just so excited about the abortion rallies. And then we see in the Bible, it's like, oh yeah, Sodomites and these false religious teachers and the people sacrificing children. They're all connected in the Bible too. It's not a coincidence, folks. It's the same thing, it's the same group of people, it's the same mentality, it's the same heart because it's the same devil that's inhabiting these people and causing them to do the worst sins to be sinners exceedingly. Sinners exceedingly. Why? Because there's something different about Sodomites. They're sinners exceedingly, they're blinded, and you know what? When men of God dealt with them correctly, you know what they did? They break down their houses. They didn't just say these people are bad. They're literally destroying their habitations. And it even keeps going, let's read a little bit more. Verse 11. And he took away the horses that the kings of Judah had given to the sun at the entering into the house of the Lord by the chamber of Nathan Belek, the Chamberlain, which was in the suburbs and burned the chariots of the sun with fire, and the altars that were on the top of the upper chamber of Ahaz, which the kings of Judah had made, and the altars which Manasseh had made in the two courts of the house of the Lord, did the king beat down and break them down from thence and cast the dust of them into the book Kidron, and the high places that were before Jerusalem, which were on the right hand of the Mount of Corruption, which Solomon the king of Israel had builded for Asherah, the abomination of the Zidonians, and for Chemosh, the abomination of the Moabites, and for Milkom, the abomination of the children of Ammon, did the king defile. And it says in verse 40, and he break in the pieces of the images and cut down the groves and filled their places with the bones of men. So he turns all these things into graveyards. He just destroys them, breaks all their images, breaks all their houses. Notice that these freaks had something weird to do with horses and animals. And this is how false religion always is. They always are doing weird things with animals and all kinds of weird acts. All of this stuff just needs to be completely just destroyed, just turned into a graveyard somewhere no one even wants to go, just completely and utterly just desecrated. Because, you know what, it's gross, it's disgusting, and there's something different about these people. And I don't even want to know what it is. Just destroy it. Just burn it. Just knock it down. We're not selling this San Francisco lot. It's just, hey, we're just turning it into a graveyard. And notice again, that coupling. It's sandwiches. Sodomites are right in the middle of all this. Would any Christian think that there was anything normal about being in the midst of this conversation? We're talking about bail, children's sacrifices, false religion, the abominations here. And is it any coincidence that, notice who's kind of being brought up at the tail end of this, the children of Ammon and Moab. Well, who are the Ammonites and the Moabites? If you actually study it, they come from Lot's daughters. And where did Lot's daughters come from? Oh yeah, Sodom, where they ended up learning a lot of these practices, didn't they? So do you think there's any coincidence that a lot of these acts are coming from two women that learned a lot of stuff about Sodom, and Sodom was sinners exceedingly before the Lord? I'm betting the men of Sodom probably were doing a lot of the same stuff, weren't they? Probably involved in a lot of these same activities, as we see kind of coming from the same origin. And even today, it's the exact same practices. Now, I want you to go to Jude, in the New Testament. Let's flip all the way to Jude. So point one, why do you think there's something different about Sodomites passionately? Well, number one, it says they're sinners exceedingly. Number two, they were blinded in the story about them. Number three, the righteous men were always breaking down their houses. Show me another text where we see another group of sinners where all the righteous kings broke down their houses. Oh, and then the king did that which is right in the eyes of the Lord, and he broke down the houses of the murderers, and broke down the houses of the adulterers, and broke down the houses... You know, it doesn't say that, does it? But it does say it about Sodomites multiple times. And they're sandwiched in false religion. Here's a fourth point, and I'm not going to go to any text on this. I'm just kind of bringing up this point because it's kind of a point that doesn't have a text. That's the point. Show me a Sodomite who's saved in the Bible. They're just never saved in the text. Like, you never see, like, oh, and there was this one disciple who just was a Sodomite, right? Or there's this one man of God who used to be a Sodomite. Or there's this guy over here that's this ex-Sodomite, or still a Sodomite. Like, we just never have that. But we have plenty, plenty of examples of men of God or disciples having a litany of sins. And we've got murderers doing stuff for God. I mean, how about Moses? Moses the murderer. Moses kills a guy and then later in life gets used by God. King David, murderer, adulterer. We see Samson. Boy, did that guy have a harlot problem, okay? I mean, this guy's got some serious issues. I mean, we see men of God getting drunk. We see men of God committing murder. We see men of God committing prostitution. We see men of God committing all kinds of crazy things. I mean, Judah, he commits whoredom with a family member. Like, that was, like, extra weird, okay? We see all kinds of just crazy sin, crazy problems, tons of examples of people. I mean, we even see Ahab, who is super wicked, get saved. I mean, Ahab humbles himself, gets right with the Lord. It even appears that Manasseh may have even got right with the Lord and gotten saved in a later portion of his life. These guys are super evil into all kinds of horrible sins. But you know what you just never find is that one Sodomite who just got right with God and got saved. That's significant, folks. There's something different about Sodomites because they just never get saved. They're described as being exceeding sinful, as blinded. We just break down their houses. They're never saved. And you know why I think they're never saved in the Bible? Well, let's look what the Bible says about them in Jude. Look at verse number 7. This is describing, you know, really what I'm trying to say here. But verse 7 says this, Even as Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance, notice this, of eternal fire. Now, this is such an important phrase in your text because Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed with fire physically, but that wasn't an eternal fire. That was just death. And many people died, just a physical death. Many people died in fire. That doesn't mean that they went to hell. But you know what this text is saying? If you're suffering the vengeance of eternal fire, it means you're in hell. Meaning that what? All the men of Sodom went to hell. That means there's something different about them. And notice he says this is an example to everybody. Here's an example of people that are going to go to hell, sodomites. Why is it that you never find a saved sodomite in the Bible? Maybe it's because they're always an example of someone that's going to hell. How about that explanation? Now, that actually seems to fit what the text literally says. Show me where it doesn't say that. Show me another text where the Bible says, hey, this group of murderers are an example of people who suffer eternal fire. Oh, you don't have that text. Because you know what? There's people that have committed murder that are in heaven. You see all manner of other kinds of sin where people are in heaven. And it doesn't say, hey, here's an example of people that are going to always go to hell, but what is the Bible saying? Here's a group of people that are an example of people that are going to go to hell, and they were doing what? They were going after strange flesh, meaning they were desiring things that just don't even make sense, weird, just perverted, queer, however you want to describe that. But also notice if you pay attention to the context of Jude, what's the context of Jude? We're talking about false religion, aren't we? We're talking about false providence. Is it any coincidence that when we were in 2 Kings and we were talking about Sodomites, it was in the middle of what context? False religion and false prophets. And then we get to Jude, what's the context again? False prophets, and in the middle of it, who's it talking about? Sodomites again. That's not a coincidence, folks. Look at verse 3. Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you and to exhort you that you should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered on the saints, for there are certain men crept in unawares who were before of old ordained to this condemnation. You know what that means? People that are going to hell. Now, if I was going to write a whole passage saying, hey, I want to remind you and tell you about people that are going to go to hell, why would I then bring up a group of people that are not like that? Right? I mean, if I'm going to say, hey, I want to write a whole passage and I want to explain to you how there's this group of people that are destined for hell, then I'm going to bring up a group of people that are not destined for hell. That wouldn't make sense, would it? But, you know, what makes sense is if Sodomites are destined for hell and then the passage talking about people who are destined for hell, he brings them up in that passage, in that context. Right? I mean, isn't this really clear? Hey, there's certain people, not everyone, just specific people, that there's something different about them. You know what's different about them? They're destined for hell. And who are those people? False prophets, false teachers. And who are they like? They're like Sodom. What does the word even mean in verse 7? Specifically. Specifically, Sodomites are people that are destined for hell. What is verse 8, the first word there? Likewise. Likewise. Meaning he's making a comparison. Making a comparison of who to whom. He's making a comparison of Sodomites to who? False prophets. Saying that false prophets are the same as whom? Sodomites. Likewise, also these filthy dreamers defile the flesh, despise dominion, and speak evil of dignities. What verse 8 is saying is it's saying that likewise, false prophets also do what? They also defile the flesh. They also despise dominion. They also speak evil of dignities. So who did that originally? Sodomites. Sodomites are the ones who defiled the flesh. They're the ones who despise dominion. They're the ones who speak evil of dignities. And he's saying, just like they did it, false prophets do the exact same thing. Meaning there's a really strong connection to false teachers and Sodomites. Because they do similar things where they destroy their bodies, they hurt their bodies, they defile their bodies, they do gross things to their bodies. Consistently in the Bible, the prophets, they cut themselves. They're cutting themselves, they dress weird, they're hurting themselves, they're performing all kinds of perverted acts. And this is why, you know, we should discourage our children from getting into the, like, goth lifestyle and these emo lifestyles. Because a lot of these groups and teenagers, you know what? They're getting into these weird perverted things, aren't they? Wearing only black, putting on lipstick, cutting themselves, listening to weird satanic music, going to graveyards, hanging there out at night. They say, look, what are they trying to be like? They're trying to be like Sodomites and false teachers and false prophets. Hey, you know what? We shouldn't be like them. There's something different about them, but we don't want to be like them. Look, there's nothing wrong with being different. Being different can be good. But you know what? This kind of difference is bad. We don't want to just be different to be different for different's sake. We want to be different because it's right. But these people are being different because they want to be evil and wicked. And there's something different about these Sodomites, there's not another seminary in the Dallas-Fort Worth area that's dedicated to promoting a major sin. There are literal whole seminaries and whole universities, like Bright Divinity School, that's basically solely promoting Sodomy is a cool thing, as a good thing, and they fly the rainbow flags. I mean, they're pumping out preachers and pastors who are literal Sodomites. But show me the university in the Dallas-Fort Worth area that's saying, hey, we're the pro-murderer divinity school. Right? We support murderous pastors. And so there's this stigma against murderers, and we want to resolve it, and we want to start ordaining murderers as pastors. Show me that specific divinity school. Show me the specific divinity school that says, you know what, we think that pastors should be hardcore drunkards. Like, we're pro just drinking as much... That's the Roman Catholic Church, sorry. It's like, where's the seminary where they're just saying, you know what, adulterers are getting such a bad rap, and we want to make sure that adulterers are being sent out to be pastors all over the country, so if you've committed all kinds of adultery, come here, sign up, and we're going to talk to everybody and show you how adultery is not a problem. We don't see that. You don't see any other major sin being highlighted in seminaries and Bible colleges around the country and being promoted, like you do sodomy. But you do have literal bright divinity school and other seminaries going around, pontificating about how they're so much more godly, and they're going to send out these literal open sodomites and dykes and lesbians as pastors. Why? Because there's something different about sodomites, folks. Why are they so obsessed with being a pastor? Why are they so obsessed with infiltrating churches? Why are they so obsessed with putting a flag up on churches today? Where's the murder flag? Where's the adultery flag? Where's the drunkard flag? Where's all the other sin flags? There's something different about them, isn't there? They fly their flag, they're exceeding sinful, they're blinded, their houses should be broken down, and their church buildings should be broken down. And you know what? They're never saved in the Bible. And you know what? According to the Bible, they're an example of people that are going to suffer eternal fire. That's what the Bible's saying so far. Now, there's a lot more in the text we talk about. Let's go to Romans chapter 1. Romans chapter number 1. So far, we're just bringing up all the passages that talk about sodomites. You're not painting a very pretty picture, Pastor Shelley. I'm sorry, I'm just reading what the Bible says. Do you not like the Bible? Why don't you preach something loving? Well, you know what? I love the Bible. Sorry you don't love the Bible. Nobody has a problem with negative things in any other context. They go see movies and it's filled with evil characters and villains and bad scenes and bad things happen. Why don't they go, oh, this movie's so hateful. It's like, look, that's just how the world works. Some parts are good, some parts are bad. Some characters are good, some characters are bad. And look, the Bible has a lot of bad characters. Who's one of the biggest bad characters in the Bible? Sodomites. It's consistent. It's regularly taught about. Well, that's Old Testament. We've been in the New Testament so far. Let's get some more New Testament. So I've given you five points so far of why there's something different about them. Here's the sixth point. The sixth point of why there's something different about Sodomites is that their sin is described as a revealed punishment. Their sin is described as a revealed punishment. Now look at what it says in verse 16. What does the Bible say? Number one, it says every single person who believes is saved. Say, what's your view on salvation? Every single person who believes is saved. You're like, oh, you know, the new IFB teaches that you have to do works in order to not be saved. And I'm like, what? And they're like, you have to not be a homo. Well, first of all, that's not work for me, okay? If that's work for you, you've got problems. Number two, no, I've never said that. There's no, like, adding works to salvation, okay? And me thinking that homosexuals won't get saved does not add works to the gospel. Just like if I said, hey, do you think that Joe Biden can get saved? I'd ask this question to all these people. Do you think Joe Biden can get saved? And you know what they'll tell me? No. Oh, so you're adding works to the gospel because now you have to believe in Jesus and not be Joe Biden. No, it's not the, I'm just having a personal opinion about someone I don't think is ever going to believe in Jesus. If he said, hey, I met a Mormon. He's been a part of the Mormon Church his whole life. He's gone on mission. Hey, Pastor Shelley, do you think this person is going to get saved? No, I don't. But you know what? I'm not adding works to the gospel. I'm not saying, like, you have to believe in Jesus and not be a Mormon for a few years of your life. No, it's just those people just don't want to believe in Jesus because if you've ever run into them and talked to them, it's just like, they're a brain-dead zombie, folks. They're just dead men walking. They're, as the Bible describes, twice dead. And you say, I didn't believe that. Okay, well, you go with me to Utah or to Phoenix and let's go talk to all these people and see how many people you get saved. Good luck. The people that have done thousands and thousands of hours soul-winning in these areas and talk to these people regularly, they realize it's the biggest waste of time. And, you know, here's another thing. If I personally don't think someone can get saved or not, it doesn't determine if they get saved or not. They could still get saved, couldn't they? Right? And doesn't that happen? Doesn't Jonah kind of not want the Ninevites to get saved? And then they get saved anyways? So, you know, oh, Jonah, you're sending everybody to hell. He didn't want them to get saved. And then he preached to them against his will and they still got saved. You know, and this is what's so funny to me. People will accuse me of like, you're sending homos to hell or something. It's like I have literally given the gospel to dozens and dozens of homos. So go figure. How many of you? Well, none, okay? Usually is what they would say. And it's like if they could get saved, I've done everything I could do anyways. I've already done it. And I guarantee more Sodomites have heard my preaching than yours anyways. They've probably heard me accidentally giving them the gospel so many times it's not even funny. They could probably quote it by now. And is it any shock that usually when you run into these people, they could usually tell you the gospel before you even showed up? It wasn't the fact that they didn't know. They don't want to believe it. But what does the Bible say? It says salvation, the way it gets revealed is by someone opening their mouth and telling them the gospel. And isn't that what we see in our world today? Show me the person that understands Show me the person that understands the gospel that didn't have someone explain it to them. Where they were just sitting around eating apples and an apple fell from the tree and hit them on the head and they just magically understood salvation. Sorry Martin Luther, I don't think that's how it works. People aren't just randomly figuring out the gospel on their own, are they? What's helping them figure out the gospel? A soul winner showing up and preaching the gospel and then that makes the gospel what? Revealed. Made obvious, it's clear to them. So what is the text saying? It's saying something's being made obvious. The gospel's being made obvious through what? Preaching of the gospel. Well, what's the next verse say? For the wrath of God is revealed. You have to, if you're going to interpret Romans 1 accurately or care about the text you have to explain to me how the wrath of God is being revealed. Or what is revealing the wrath of God. Because it's saying something is revealing the wrath of God. The wrath of God is revealed. What is that then? What is it? Well let's keep reading and see if it will tell us what that is. For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all unguilements and righteousness of men who hold the truth and unrighteousness because that which may be known of God is manifest in them for God has showed it unto them. So he's saying these people it's obvious to them. Verse 18 I'm sorry, verse 22 Let's skip down a little bit. Professing themselves to be wise they became fools and changed the glory of the uncorruptible God Wherefore, God also gave them up to uncleanness, to the lust of their own hearts to dishonor their own bodies between themselves. Notice the Bible says in verse 24 that God gave certain people up. He gave up on certain people. He's done with them. Why? Why did he do that? It says in verse 24 Wherefore, meaning the reason why What was the reason why? Because they became a fool and changed the glory of God into an uncorruptible God. Into an incorruptible God. Into an image. Or the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corrupt a man. This sounds like idolatry. I feel like I remember reading in 2 Kings when we were talking about these wicked people that the first group was the idolatrous priest, wasn't it? Turning God into images. Turning God into something that's corruptible and worshiping that. This sounds similar. Meaning when the king came to power what did King Josiah do with the idolatrous priest? Did he reveal the gospel to them to get them saved? No, he just put them down, didn't he? Look, if God gives up on you why in the world am I? How can I redeem you? I can't redeem you. And you know what the righteous king did? He did that which is right. He put down the idolatrous priest too, didn't he? That's the right attitude. It says in verse number 25 who changed the truth of God into a lie and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator who is blessed forever. Amen. For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections. So you're saying because they continued they changed the truth of God into a lie. They're serving and worshipping these false gods. God is going to then give them up. Notice, unto vile affections. What is it? What is this vile affection? Specifically, their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature. So the Bible is explaining that because they went down this road God specifically gave them up to do something gross and what did they choose to do? They chose to be homosexual. They wanted to be homosexual as a result of being given up by God and hating God so much. Verse 27 And likewise, meaning the same way the women did it also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman burning their lusts one toward another men with men working that which is unseemly and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was mean. So if we just try to be honest with the text for a few minutes it says something has been revealed. The wrath of God. What is the wrath of God so far? God gives you up. God gives you up. God gives you over. And what does he give you up to? Vile something gross. And what did they choose? What was the lust out of their own heart? To become a homosexual. So they ended up becoming homosexuals which is gross, which is vile according to the text and notice it's a punishment. So how do you know it's a punishment? Well here's a really important word maybe you could circle, underline, copy, memorize How about in verse 27 that recompense What is recompense? It means he's rewarding them. But you know it's not really a reward because the reward is negative it's a punishment. What was their punishment? It says in receiving in themselves that recompense or that punishment of their error which was mean. Meaning that they were punished with what? Homosexuality. Their sin according to the Bible is not a normal sin it's a punishment. And what is the punishment Making obvious or revealing? Well what does it say in verse 18 for the wrath of God is revealed from heaven It's revealing a special punishment to people that what? Hate God don't want to believe in him What does it say in verse 28? And even meaning specifically as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge God gave them over to a reprobate mind to do those things that are not convenient So he's saying, well hey if you think about me, fine I'll just completely reject your mind I'll just totally give you such a debased mind a reprobate mind to where you're going to do things that are just unimaginable And then it gives us a whole list of the horrible things they do including verse 30, haters of God Now the Calvinist he just says, oh this is just mankind in general But wait a minute Are we all just being punished What does that say, being punished with homosexuality right now? Is it like 95% of the world sodomites until they get saved? That's weird That's gross, in fact then it wouldn't even be a vile affection because that's what everybody does The reason why it's vile is because most people think that it's gross That's what makes it vile That's why we think it's vile And that's why it'll also never ever be worldwide It's going to be the common thing because it's just naturally gross So it's impossible to be widespread It's only ever going to be a subset of the population because it is vile because it is gross because it's against nature What is nature? It's something you do without trying You didn't have to tell me as a young man that women were attractive I didn't have to be convinced No one had to explain it to me I didn't have to go to a class on why you should be attracted to women It was just natural's reign It was just automatic That's what natural means No one had to convince me to eat steak It was great It was wonderful Someone had to do a lot of convincing to tell me, hey, this cricket tastes good This rat? It's wonderful It would take a lot of convincing and I'm sure I still wouldn't even like it Things that are just easy, natural just come about without even trying and you know what? It's saying that this doesn't happen that way There's not something natural about it There's something unnatural about it and it's a punishment Now what other sin in the Bible is described as an obvious punishment and wrath from God? It doesn't say that about other sins It doesn't say, oh yeah, murder is this obvious other punishment from God or adultery is this obvious other punishment for God or drunkenness is this obvious other punishment from God No, it's saying, hey, there's one sin that we're bringing up and it's in context It's not questionable what the context is The context is super clear talking about men with men, women with women what they're doing, that it's gross and that it's a revealed punishment from God That's the context Meaning what? Why? They're being punished by God They have the wrath of God upon them They're reprobate according to the text I didn't decide I want sodomites to be reprobate I just read what the text said and that's what it said about them And a lot of people get offended by this They say, well I don't think that that's true Well, okay, you can think whatever you want But that's what the text says Have we seen anything different in any other portion of the Bible? How can you then tell me the Bible, your final authority if every single place that we bring up they're not getting saved And I want to bring up a seventh point This is not necessarily based on a specific text I just want to bring in a little logic too Because what if someone just said something preposterous What if they just said, you know what I don't think that white people can get saved Well, you know what would prove that wrong in about five seconds? The millions of white people that are saved Right? I mean, what if, you know we live in an area that's like got a large black population What if we just said, well I don't think black people can get saved But then you go and knock on the door some young black person, you preach in the gospel and then they believe it It's like, wouldn't that kind of just throw it in your face? And wouldn't you kind of get proven wrong just like that? I mean, wouldn't it just be like, BAM! And wouldn't be probably the easiest way to get proven wrong is doing soul winning Like soul winning is going to really test your doctrine Because if you have something kind of weird or off about your doctrine Well, soul winning is going to constantly either confirm or not confirm what you believe If you say, I don't think Mormons can get saved But what if every single time we knocked on a Mormon door they just kept getting saved Wouldn't we be like, well I got to change my view on this Or what if I said, I think Mormons are the most receptive people ever And then you start knocking on all their doors And then you start realizing, wow! The most receptive people ever! I mean, doesn't soul winning just instantly prove to you your views and your biases And sometimes we have to shift our opinion I think rich people get saved really easily Well, try going soul winning in Southlake Try going soul winning in Scottsdale, Arizona Try going soul winning in the richer parts of the world And you'll start realizing, like, that's not true And then You know, we keep testing this theory Because we keep going to poor countries all over the world And aren't they the most receptive places you've ever been in your life? You know what I did? I looked at all the areas around the Dallas-Fort Worth area Years ago And I was trying to figure out, we're going to do small town soul winning What would be probably the most likely? And I'm looking, hey, there's, like, Waco There's Wichita Falls A little bit north There's Abilene There's Ardmore, which is halfway in between Oklahoma City and here And we've gone to, like, all of these places And then I also look, hey, what's the poorest city in America? That's like a pretty big size city You know what it said? Shreveport, Louisiana I said, I wonder if this place is going to be receptive to the gospel And you know what? Any of us that have been on these soul winning trips And gone places, they realize, hey, Shreveport's better Than a lot of the other areas we've gone to It's just more receptive Which keeps doing what? It keeps confirming the idea that poor people Are more receptive to the gospel So let me explain something to you If I Got up here and said, I think that homosexuals Can't get saved And we have thousands and thousands Of soul winners going out every single week Across this country Constantly running into these people You know what would prove us wrong? Them getting them saved all the time But you know what we don't see? Them getting saved Not only do we not see them getting saved If they could get saved like regular normal people We wouldn't find one We would find millions, folks Because there's approximately 1% of our population that's homosexual And if you look at this What do we have, like 340 million people Or something like that? 320 million Americans What is 5% of that? I mean, just 1% would be 3.2 million What is that times 5? We're talking 15 million people approximately Okay And in my estimation, at least Around 5% of people seem to be saved In America, right? 1 out of every 20 16 million people in any kind of subgroup You're still talking 7, 800,000 people That would be saved in that category If they're the same as everybody else But you know what we don't find in America? 7, 800,000 saved Sodomites who believe in free grace Who believe in salvation by faith alone We don't find that That's not even a question mark If you can find that or not People are like, well I found someone's cousin's brother's uncle's dog sitter That's saved, and he's a sodomite Well, number one We don't know about that person And let me ask you this question How many people of your friends and family members Would say that they're saved and they're not? Like, the vast majority of them? How about Isn't the vast majority of people in this country Claiming that they're saved not actually saved? So then I'm supposed to believe This super distant relative Person that you've never met Who claims to be saved is saved though For sure It just isn't, folks It's not that hard It's not rocket science to realize Oh, but I found one out of a million And they have the right answers Okay, well you know who also gave the right answers? Tyler Doka Tyler Doka used to say that he was saved And salvation was a free gift And it was just by faith Now he's Jesus Christ So, does that Hey, I found one person That doesn't prove anything necessarily And they didn't believe it Okay But let's just admit some fact If we don't have seven to eight hundred thousand of them There's something different about them, isn't there? Then there's obviously something different Because, you know, when we look at other sins I know people that have committed a lot of other Like, adultery, murder All the things you can list on the map And they're saved But I just don't know that sodomite that's saved For some reason Why? There's something different about sodomites, folks Now go into 1 Corinthians chapter number six Go to 1 Corinthians chapter number six Here's what's funny Even after all of that All of the texts of the Bible There'll still be people I still don't agree with you Okay, well, you know what? You're probably not going to get convinced I mean, if you can literally hear all of that And then still say You know what, I think it's just normal And natural's rain It's just kind of brain dead And there's probably no help reviving you But there's a couple passages that people Bring up and they say Well, I still think sodomites could be saved And, you know, this is what somebody will Accuse me if they say You think that sodomy is an unforgivable sin I don't think it's unforgivable sin I think it's a punishment That evidence is the fact That you didn't want to believe in Jesus Christ Okay, but someone could technically Have been guilty of that sin Okay, maybe they did it through The act of being forced Maybe they were taken advantage of Maybe they were a child Maybe they were young and got confused Obviously it's not the sin that sends someone to hell But people that are willingly and actively Participating in that sin They're a reprobate They've been obviously given over to that They're obviously being punished by God There's something different about that individual And they're gross They're super, super gross So, they'll say Well, but you just don't believe the Bible Because in 1 Corinthians 6 it says that Sodomites are saved And I'm like, okay, let's read the verse Verse 9, this is what they bring up Know ye not that the unrighteous Shall not inherit the kingdom of God Be not deceived Neither fornicators, nor adulterers Nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers Of themselves of mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous Nor drunkers, nor revilers, nor extortioners Shall inherit the kingdom of God Wasn't that so clear? Wasn't that so obvious? You know, it's kind of funny to me When they act like their text is so clear When it doesn't even bring up What they're talking about At all It's a complete second or third type of logic That they have to appeal to Whereas all the passages that we brought up Were the direct context It was talking about sodomites Specifically men with men Saying that it's vile Then they have to go to obscure texts To try and say how we're wrong And this text is just saying people are going to hell That was the text Did you read it with me? Let's read it again Verse 9 Know ye not that the unrighteous Shall not inherit the kingdom of God Saying this group of people that just got brought up Will not go to heaven Did you hear that? This group of people are not going to heaven This is a proof text What does it say of people that are going to heaven? Well it doesn't kind of start off Saying the exact opposite It does Then they say Verse 11 And such were some of you But you're washed But you're sanctified But you're justified in the name of the Lord Jesus By the spirit of our God So this is their argument They say, well in verse 9 The last phrase abuses themselves of mankind Sodomites And I would say almost every modern Bible In this text It does say sodomites They do change the text to say that It doesn't say abuses themselves of mankind Many lexicons Which lexicon is just another word For dictionary Many lexicons will say That this word means Sodomites You break the word down And it kind of just says like men in bed But it doesn't say sodomites It just kind of says that so then it's assumed As being sodomites again So I want to approach this As looking at it from both angles For a second One angle would be Maybe this doesn't mean sodomites And then let's just say it is First of all I want to give my line of thinking Why I think this is not sodomites Or could not be sodomites Number one Is ambiguous, right? Abusers of themselves of mankind doesn't denote If we're talking about men or women Because it's just saying abusers Which is just kind of ambiguous And I would argue that the King James translators When they approach this underlying Greek word or translating the Bible Recognize there's some level of ambiguity To the text Therefore they left it as ambiguous So I don't think That it's actually clear That it's sodomites They just put men with men It's not like they didn't know how to use that phrase It's using Romans chapter number one, isn't it? It's not like they're afraid of making mention of that topic They made mention of that topic in other places So if they're going to put Abusers of themselves of mankind Leads to some level of ambiguity And I would suggest that it's plausible That it is ambiguous It could just be in reference to prostitution Okay That's a very valid interpretation We know from later in the text Fornication is a sin against your own body And let's be honest Prostitutes are usually abusing themselves If you look at this in Ezekiel And you look at the horrors of Ezekiel The two women, a whole Obama You know, their sisters It says they're bruising their teats Like it's talking about Abuse And what they're doing to their bodies The Bible talks about fornication defiling the body So it's not a stretch To suggest that He's just talking about female prostitution Okay Here's another reason why I think It's very likely This is not bringing up homosexuals Is look at chapter 5 verse 1 The Bible says It is reported commonly that there is fornication among you And such fornication As is not so much as named Among the gentiles that once had had his father's wife This is an important phrase Because number one We don't really know what the historical Context was like in the first century No one does Anybody that's gonna tell you With just absolute certainty This is exactly what the culture was like In first century Is a liar They have no idea Now what they will do typically Is they'll try to take some Primary sources And they'll read about their journal entry Of what the world was like And then they'll super Pose that as just history But there are very few texts Let me explain something None of them were written in English So they obviously had to get translated And many times these translators have very Personal biases that they read in these texts Let alone Who do we know's diary even survived? I mean are we gonna trust Josephus The first century Christ rejecting Jew As being the most authoritative subject I mean what if the only thing that survived In the future or 2000 years in the future Was Ben Shapiro's diary And his viewpoint on the world Are we gonna really say that that's the most Accurate reflection of what society was truly like Or what if we found Anderson Cooper His writings or a clip from The Anderson Cooper show Or Dave Rubin Or just any singular person What if we just found a random Hindu Or a random Buddhist Or a random Roman Catholic Who's gonna be super tainted You know many people today That don't live here They literally think that we ride on horses To work and wear cowboy hats everywhere That's what they think Texas literally is And many times when we think about foreign Countries we kind of superimpose The same barbarism To them we think of like Africa's They're all running around in tents Half naked You know whatever You know when we talk about the reservations Like I'm not joking when Pastor Anderson was talking About visiting Indian reservations I'm literally thinking about people riding around on horses With like bows and arrows And they're just like You know But then you show up and it's just like an apartment With a guy that looks Hispanic Like oh okay You're an Indian? Okay Whatever Like you know sometimes we have The wrong idea of the world And without travel like we do With airplanes and cars And the internet How ignorant we would be Of what the world is really like When we're just so isolated Yet we're gonna take a singular primary source That wasn't saved And then tell everybody the history Of what the world was really like back then You know there's an agenda To also try to say that everyone was Like a sodomite in the times past Like every civilization in the past Embraced or loved homosexuality The Greeks were just super into homosexuality And the Romans were super into homosexuality I've read a lot of things That contradict that And actually that the Romans and the Greeks Were not like that by and large And that it was only a special small Group of elites that are kind of like Your Epstein Island type folks Where all of society looks down And hates So we don't really know They say oh but look at all the pottery Of homo art from Greece And they're like okay well there's 30 Fragments out of a hundred thousand It's not a lot I would almost argue that There's more today In our art and culture by proportion Than that So I think that there's a lot Of revisionist history folks But what you can trust is what the Bible says About the culture of the day And what does the apostle Paul says the culture was like He says Notice very carefully in the text That this fornication is not so much As named Among the Gentiles Saying that this type of fornication Did not exist at all No one No Gentile Was guilty of this No one was guilty of this type of fornication Anywhere in society So you expect me to believe That in this society No one would have ever been caught guilty Of this type of fornication But then there's just tons of sodomites Walking around That doesn't make sense at all folks That would be like saying hey At this restaurant They would be super offended If you serve them quail or rabbit But they do have Rat and bugs And all kinds Balut on the menu And you're like who would be offended By balut Or a rat Like can you imagine someone being like I'm not offended by rat but rabbit's gross meat It's like no The person that's willing to eat rabbit Or the person that's willing to eat rat Will definitely eat rabbit You know what I mean? So it's like if there's just Sodomy in homosexuals is just rampant In society and it's common in their society Then this type of fornication For sure Not be looked at as being so gross or vile Or being so perverse I mean this is Way more normal Of a man desiring his father's wife Than sodomites So that's another reason why I think He's not bringing that up In the next chapter Wouldn't that be kind of weird Hey the fornication you guys are into No one out there would ever dream of doing that But it is filled with sodomites It's like what? That doesn't really make sense It makes more sense that neither of those things Were happening in that society And they would have been grossed out by both That's my appeal To say that that's not saying it Let's just say for argument's sake It is saying sodomites You know it still doesn't change my opinion On anything I've taught so far Because first of all what did the text say? None of this group of people are going to heaven Sodomites aren't going to heaven Oh can we figure out what the context Of the first Corinthians 6 is again? Oh yeah isn't it? If I have a disagreement With someone in church that I shouldn't sue them Let's just think of the broad context here Don't go And sue your brother at court Because outside these walls It's filled with drunkards And idolatrous people And even sodomites And you know what? Some of us were even in the world And defiled And committed bad sins But now we are not like that anymore That doesn't mean that he's saying That people in here are literally sodomites It's just saying hey We used to be filled with lots of sins And if you've noticed the list It matches first Corinthians 5 almost Like identically Where it's bringing up the exact same sins Idolatry, fornication, extortioners, covetous And they're not welcome at church are they? You have to be a repentant Fornicator, idolater, covetous person Or whatever to get back into church So it's more likely that he's referencing That kind of a context of saying Hey, don't get judged by the wicked people That are committing these wicked sins And some of you might have been engaged in some of those wicked sins But you know what? Now you're saved and you're not living that type of lifestyle anymore You're not doing those type of things anymore And it's not the meaning that they have to do that to be saved It's just saying People inside the church Aren't allowed to be an idolater They're not allowed to be a railer They're not allowed to be a fornicator So if you have a civil matter You'd be better off getting judged by Someone in church Than these weird wicked people that are out in the world And you know what? If you actually enforce a high level of church discipline You actually make the least member in church Of a somewhat high status Right? Because even just the person in church They're already identified as someone that's not an idolater Or a railer Or an extortioner Or a covetous person Meaning that they're qualified to judge What was one of the qualifications of becoming a judge under Moses' system? Someone who's hating covetousness And notice you kind of have to cross that same bar To be in church And to be someone that's esteemed worthy enough To judge in the house of God But it makes no sense for us to go To law with one another Why in the world Would I ignore the fact that the Bible says That these Sodomites are sinners exceedingly They were blinded Their houses were broken down They're never saved in the Bible They're an example of eternal fire And a manifestation of God's wrath We don't have the same Percentage of them saved in our society as we do today And then I read a text about Losses between believers and say Throw all that out, nope, sodomites will be saved That's not being honest with the text That's just That's just really Flipping the Bible on its head And, you know, if they're just Normal and get saved like everybody else Then you know what people do, they'll start bringing them into church too Won't they? And wouldn't they love that? Wouldn't a bunch of false prophets And pedophiles and freaks Love to be welcomed into church And to try and get them saved No, hey, if God gave you up Sorry, I'm done with you too And just because I don't think they can get saved Someone can get saved Doesn't impact their eternity or not Oh, well, how are they gonna get saved With people like you Well, you know what, there's a hundred to one creatures that believe differently than me Like the vast majority of them Don't agree with me, let them get them Saved then Right, why do I have to be the person to reach All of them You know, I'm not gonna reach them But I guarantee I'll still reach more than you Because I still go out soul winning and accidentally give them the gospel All the time And they never ever ever Ever believe And it's not because I don't want them to It's because they don't want to Because, you know, I don't want anyone to go to hell I don't really have a desire I don't have a personal death wish towards anybody I would love for everybody to get saved And you know what, there was never a point in my life where I just thought I really hope homelands can't get saved It's just, just like running into Mormons That have been out on mission multiple times You start realizing I'm wasting my time And here's another big motive though I hate children getting molested And you start realizing It's the same group I hate children being aborted I hate children being sacrificed To false religion I hate pastors getting up and teaching lies And oh boy, isn't there a lot of sodomites That are these fake pastors And frankly speaking, I think we should preach What the Bible says about them And not blush So I am gonna preach what the Bible says about them They're an example of people that are gonna suffer the vengeance of eternal fire That's what it says If you don't like that Then you don't like the Bible But what's really clear In the text, no matter what you say There's something different About sodomites And you would be a fool Not to pay attention to the fact that the Bible Says there's something different about these people I think you should stay away from them Completely Have nothing to do with them I don't waste my time giving them the gospel I don't want to be around them And you know, as a policy of our church Even if Even if they could get saved I don't think they can Even if they could, they're still not welcome in my church I don't want Oh, I'm an ex-sodomite, bye That's an automatic Disqualification card for me Just like being a pedophile Well, I'm an ex-pedophile, bye Okay, I'm just not Church and these children Are too precious to me I don't believe you, number one Even if you were telling the truth, no I don't care I do think that in our society There's going to be a lot of teenagers and kids That they just say they're a sodomite or something And they're not And you know, hey, give them the gospel I'm not against giving people the gospel I'm sure a lot of those people could be saved Just because we live in such a gender-bending, weird society But I'm telling you what, adults that are living in this lifestyle are done And I'm done with them And I want nothing to do with them ever Ever And you know what, I have to stand in judgment of God And I would rather stand on that And welcome them in here And flying a rainbow flag Because there's something different about sodomites Let's go some prayer Thank you Heavenly Father so much for giving us the Bible And giving us warning about evil people that exist in our society Thank you for not making it ominous Where we would have no idea Who's an evil person But rather just making it super clear Who's wicked And I pray that we wouldn't be afraid To point out the people that you've pointed out to us That we wouldn't be afraid We wouldn't be afraid of saying That people are experiencing the wrath of God When that's very clearly what you're doing to them And I pray that we'd actually fear you And not man We wouldn't care what man thinks or what man says But rather we would trust in the Holy Word We would trust in the scripture And that we would be aware of evil and wicked men We'd be aware of dogs We'd be aware of the sodomites That we wouldn't have anything to do with them And I pray that you would help our church To have the right mindset And the right attitude about the text of scripture And that we would look at it as a whole And not try to cherry pick Or get led astray By evil teachers And I just thank you for all that you give us In Jesus' name we pray, amen Alright, for our final song this evening Let's flip to 472 This is my Father's world 472 This is my Father's world 472 This is my Father's world And to my listening ears All nature sings and round me rings The music of the spheres This is my Father's world I rest me in the thought Of rocks and trees Of skies and seas His hand the wanderers run This is my Father's world The birds their carols raise The morning light the lily white Declare their Maker's praise This is my Father's world He shines in all that's fair In the rustling grass I hear Him pass He speaks to me everywhere This is my Father's world Oh, let me ne'er forget That though the wrong seems off so strong God is the ruler yet This is my Father's world The battle is not done Jesus who died shall be satisfied And earth and heaven be won Thank you all for coming, God bless, you are dismissed Thank you, God bless, you are dismissed