(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Let's look back at verse number 15 where the Bible reads the way of a fool is right in his own eyes But he that hearkeneth unto counsel is wise and the title of my sermon this evening is this the way of a fool the way of a fool and the thing is is that a fool cannot be convinced that they're wrong a Fool thinks everything that he believes or everything he's been taught or just his outlook on life is right and The reality is all of us Generally think the way we think is right and what we believe is right and all the things that how we see is right But if you were to be honest with yourself That's constantly changing when you're a child your outlook on life was a certain way and as you continue to get older and older You start realizing well, that's actually kind of wrong and you start evolving your viewpoint You start changing your ideas about certain things Well, that's actually good But the problem is that we need to make sure that every time we make a change in our viewpoint It's what the Bible says it's what God is telling us because unfortunately we on our own are not going to come to the right Conclusions we need to read the Bible and let God tell us which things are right and which things are wrong But you have to understand that the way of even a fool even the most Simple-minded even the most idiotic type person they think everything they think is right They believe everything that how they see it is right and really we need a litmus test We need something to check us and make sure that we're right and that's the Bible God's Word helps us understand what actually is right and what is wrong, you know It's just a measuring tool in a lot of ways if I were to wonder hey I think that this is about 10 feet tall What I need to do is get the measuring tape and measure it and see what's actually The height is that's gonna give me the actual dimensions and what the Bible is telling us is that people think that they're right They believe that they're right, but we have to check the Bible to see if they're actually right now What's frustrating about this is is the fact that? People can be shown though how they're wrong from the Bible and they still reject it They still don't believe it because they're hard-hearted because they're not a person that wants wisdom They're not a person that wants truth someone that actually wants truth when they've been proven in the Bible something that's different They'll change their mind. They'll accept what the Bible says, but let me tell you this Christian There's a lot of people in this room that I could show them things in the Bible and they would still not believe it And you know what? You're gonna go to a church with people that decide not to believe what's preached behind the pulpit and not to do what is preached behind the pulpit and unfortunately, that's the way of a fool a fool will decide to disregard what the Bible says a fool will disregard the good instruction that they've been given and Let me say this also just because someone doesn't do everything that I say doesn't mean they can't come through the door Because that would be all of us Myself included I preach against every single sin and you know what? I have problems too And so you you can't misunderstand the fact that since we all are on different journeys and we're all learning and growing together That somehow it's okay for people to sin or it's okay for people to disregard the instruction It's not okay for them to do that and you'll notice people they'll come to church They'll heal the preaching but they don't apply it to themselves. They don't actually implement that into their family They don't implement it into their life and you don't get confused in thinking that it's okay They will suffer the consequences of rejecting what the Bible teaches of going down that bad path now I want to give you a lot more verses and I'm gonna give you some really clear application in the sermon Okay, go to Proverbs chapter 9 Proverbs chapter 9. Look at verse number 6 the Bible says forsake the foolish and live and go in the way of Understanding so when you notice someone is not listening to the Bible is Not implementing clear scripture into their life The Bible is saying that person's a fool and you need to forsake the foolish I have nothing to do with fools who have don't want to hear the Word of God Don't want to implement it in their life. Look at Proverbs chapter 10 verse 8 The wise in heart will receive commandments, but a prating fool shall fall So the Bible says a wise person Will accept God's Word will accept the commandments of the Word of God and they'll actually implement them in their lives But the prating fool he's gonna end up destroying himself. It may not be today. It may not be tomorrow It may not even be five years from now, but eventually they will fall Eventually, they will destroy themselves and a lot of the applications. I'm gonna give to you are things that don't have an immediate consequence It's it's decisions that you can get away with for a while but you sitting in this room don't think just because someone that comes to this church is getting away with sin that you will and Don't think that consequences won't come to the fool and you know what the way of a fool is right in his own eyes You know what? You should hearken unto counsel You're gonna be wise when you apply God's Word and I can't tell you how many people I watch do stupid things in church Messing around with sin in their lives and I'm thinking like what is this person doing? You know, eventually they fall Eventually they get exposed eventually something bad happens to them. You're not gonna get away with being a fool Proverbs chapter 14 look at verse 9 Proverbs 14 look at verse 9 Fools make a mock at sin, but among the righteous there is favor, you know There's a lot of people that have you told them. Hey, that's not right. This is a sin They'll laugh at you. Hey, there's a lot of people that would laugh at me for my lifestyle Hey, you go to church three times a week You don't drink alcohol You just let your wife get pregnant. Just as God sees fit. Yeah, and they would just laugh at that They're like, hey, you know what causes that, huh? And I'm like, yeah, I do. It's great They're like when you gonna stop that never Why would I want to stop that it's the greatest thing it's a double win you Know the people can look at me and they can mock me and they can ridicule me and you know What fools are the ones that mock at sin though? I? Get favor from God by following his commandments go to Proverbs chapter 17 Go to Proverbs chapter 17 and look at verse number 10. The Bible says this a Reproof entereth more into a wise man than a hundred stripes into a fool But this is saying is that if someone's truly wise all I would have to do is gently tell them that they're wrong and They'll fix it But as a stupid person I could literally sit here and beat them Just beat them over and over and go you're wrong. You're wrong. You're wrong and they still won't get it They still just get dig in Because they just choose not to accept it and it's a hard issue. It's frustrating I've known people in my life. You can show them every verse in the Bible. You could prove it from logic You can prove it from every single angle They're even suffering the consequences of their bad actions and you're like change your mind and they just won't it's a foolish attitude a Wise person will hear how they're wrong and change their mind. They won't dig in they won't be like well I'm the exception or I don't know if that's right. Look the Bible is always right Proverbs chapter 17 look at verse 16 Wherefore is there a price in the hand of a fool to get wisdom singing hath no heart to it The Bible is saying it's silly because fools will actually spend a bunch of money trying to figure out the answers to this life But they don't have a heart to receive it It's like hey pastor, you know people come to me and they'll say hey pastor. I really have this important thing Will you give me some advice and they give the advice and like I want to do that You Know people go to college and they'll try to they'll spend all this money on Information and how to live their life and the answers of life, but then they don't even have the heart to it It doesn't make any sense Why would you want answers if you're not willing to receive them? Why show up at church this evening if you're not willing to change your mind? It doesn't really make any sense You should be willing to change your mind if the Bible says something different than you already believe Look at chapter 18 verse 2 a Fool hath no delight and understanding But that his heart may discover itself What is the Bible saying the Bible is saying that a foolish person is not interested in learning? They're done grow. They've already arrived. They already have all the information They just want to just pour out all their stupidity out of their own mouth and just discover their own fools They love to hear themselves talk You know what you're not gonna learn anything by talking, you know, you learn listening By reading by studying by paying attention to others You should take advantage of other people's information and you know when you perceive Someone as a fool get away from that person You don't want to hear bad things But when you identify a good source of information soak in as much as you possibly can go to Proverbs 28 I want to show you one more verse here and then we're gonna get in some some application Now I think everybody in this room Probably agrees with everything I've said so far because it sounds right and it sounds good But then when I get into practical application, that's where people are gonna, you know, dive off the cliff away from what I'm gonna say All right Look at Proverbs 28 verse 26, but keep this in mind He that trusteth in his own heart is a fool But who so walketh wisely he shall be delivered So I'm gonna challenge you To not trust in your heart this evening I'm gonna challenge you that whenever we look in the Bible when it says something different than what you believe Why don't you let the Bible? Tell you what's right not your own heart because your heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked who can know it is What the Bible says and you can't trust in your heart don't believe Disney Disney wants you to follow your heart into hell That's what they really want Okay, but we're not supposed the Bible says don't trust in your heart trust the Lord with all thine heart and lean not under Their own understanding and all the ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths. So according to the Bible don't trust your heart at all Be a wise person be delivered from the the deceits in your own heart and trust what the Bible says Now go to go to Proverbs 14 Let me give you the first practical application of where you can prove this beyond a shadow of a doubt in the Bible yet most people reject what I'm about to say most people reject this doctrine and this doctrine is the fact that birth control is a sin and Birth control is always wrong Now most people reject this in fact a lot of parents put their daughters on birth control at 12 at 13 at 14 at 15 at 16 that is just so Warped you know in our country used to be the president of the United States would publicly say that birth control is wrong in The United States, I can't imagine buying saying that now, okay? But I'm telling you there used to be a day when most people agree to this doctrine You know there wasn't a big Negative factor of having lots of kids in fact having lots of kids was viewed as being a positive thing it's only a recent modern invention of Wickedness to say that oh we need to limit our families or whatever You know for hundreds and hundreds of years in this country People just had lots of kids that was just fact I mean the average size of a family's eight kids Average was eight why because they didn't have birth control and they weren't exercising birth control most birth control mechanisms are less than a hundred years old even that are employed today, and I don't want to go through all of them because they're all Gross and disgusting, but look what the Bible says okay? Don't just trust what I'm saying. Let's trust what the Bible says verse 1 every wise woman Buildeth her house, but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands So the Bible says a wise woman tries to build her house a foolish woman destroys her house Now you're saying are we talking about the brick and the veneer and the siding no? Just like acts chapter 16 verse 31 says believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved in thy House what is that referring to is that your your sightings not coming up to heaven, okay? The indoor plumbing is not coming. You know I know you like it. I know you like the tile job or whatever It's not coming. It's not getting saved. It's talking about your family You know my home is wherever we are It's not a physical structure, and you know what a wise woman is going to build her family You know she's going to do everything in her power and pray to God that God will bless her and build her family She's not going to destroy her family and you know what the worst thing you can do is destroying your family with abortion and birth control and A lot of people will say I'm against abortion, but did you know that birth control also has a board of patient side effects in? fact you know a lot of times a woman will become pregnant and she doesn't know and Because the birth control will harden the lining of the uterus that Embryo that's been fertilized will travel down. It'll try to plant itself into the uterus and it will die You say are you just saying this no look up on the birth control? Pamphlet it'll explain this and notice the name birth Control is that saying conception control? No, it's saying birth control it stops a child from being birth It doesn't stop a child from being created. It doesn't stop a child from being conceived in fact. I believe that it's murder Now it's not the same I wouldn't say it's the same type of murder is just walking up and putting gun to someone's head and pulling the trigger That's obviously a little bit more in your face I wouldn't say it's as bad as you know straight abortion, but you know what it's still a lever of murder It's still wrong. It's still a sin and the Bible says only foolish people will do this and Let me just give you some anecdotal evidence go to Genesis chapter 38 Go to Genesis chapter 38 in the beginning of your Bible, but you know what I've never and I'm sure I could meet one But to this day, I've never met an older person that when I talk to them about children, and I asked this question Do you wish you had more kids that they said anything other than I then yes? Every older person I even I've met people that had like eight nine ten kids I said you wish you had more you know what they always say yes People they didn't have any kids. I wish I had more people had lots of kids I wish I had more people that are good bad tall young old doesn't matter the religion You know what all the old people say hey, I wish I had more kids So I think if every single old person says I wish I had more kids It's probably better. I'm just saying and You know what I bet you when I'm old and you come up to me say hey pastor Shelly you wish you had more kids. You know I'm gonna say yes, I do Yes, I do and you know what me and my wife We unfortunately made that mistake and we could add a few more kids, but you know what it's never a bad time to start Never a bad time to start and you know you can't control what God how much he opens or closes the womb But I don't want to be the one that closes it for him I don't want to be the one that's that's destroying my family I want to be building my family now look at Genesis chapter 38 and look at verse number four the Bible says Give me one second Genesis 38 look at verse number four because you say oh you're talking about birth control Well, there's only one time we can really find in the Bible all right Genesis 38 look at verse 4 and she conceived again embarrassed son and called his name onan and She yet again conceived embarrassed son and called his name Sheila, and he was at Kizib where she bare him and Judah took a wife for her her firstborn whose name was Tamar an heir Jews force firstborn was wicked in the sight of the Lord and the Lord slew him you know that tells me don't be wicked verse 8 and Judah said onan go in into thy brother's wife and marry her and raise up seed to thy brother and Onan knew that the seed should not be his and it came to pass when he went in unto his brother's wife That he spilled it on the ground less that he should give seed to his brother so this is the one time we have a story about someone doing exercising some level of birth control and What does the Bible say verse 10 and the thing which he did displease the Lord? But a God like this nope what was his punishment wherefore he slew him also? Now he slew the first brother because why he was wicked Then he slides that slew this guy because it displeased him that sounds like what he did was wicked if you ask me Hey, here's your one mention of birth control the guy dies I'm just let's go to Jesus chapter number one. Let's get a clear statement from the Bible. Hey birth controls a sin you can get mad at me you can throw stones at me, but you know what the Bible still true and I love children, and you know I hope after the sermon our list increases, okay, please pray for expecting ladies all right Genesis chapter 1 verse 28 look what the Bible says and God blessed them and God sent on them be fruitful and multiply and Replenish the earth and subdue it and have the minion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air And over every living thing that moved upon the earth so God commanded man and woman to do something be fruitful and multiply So let me tell you when you're not doing that. It's a sin When you're killing the babies that he's giving you it's a sin it's wrong and You know what you're only hurting yourself because children are a gift from God as what the Bible says You know there's so many people that want a child And they can't and for you to destroy the ones that God is giving you is just such a just spitting in the face of God it's spitting in the face of other people. It's gross Go to Psalms 127 go to Psalms 127 But you know what the way of a fool is right in his own eyes You talk to people that are in birth control. They think it's awesome. They think it's great. They think it's wonderful They love the fact that they're gonna get more cancer from all the birth control that they're taking they love the fact that it's destroying Their body they love the fact that they're gonna miss out on the blessings of God they love the fact that they're murdering babies They love the fact that they're drying up portions of their body and permanently damaging them. I guess they just love it's so great Try it now I Don't think it's great Psalm 127 look at verse 3 Low children are in heritage of the Lord and the fruit of the womb is his reward So you know what you're doing you're saying. I don't want rewards from God I Don't want blessings from God that's what you're saying because the Bible says chill it doesn't even give an exception all children Look at verse 28 128 and look at verse number 3 Thy wife shall be as a fruitful vine by the sides of thine house thy children like olive plants round about thy table Behold that thus shall the man be blessed that ferret the Lord Hey that fool might think that all of his extra money and all his extra income and all this extra time is so great But you know what I think is great my children And you know what price tag I'd put on their head you couldn't put one It doesn't matter Children are always better than not having children in every case go to Matthew chapter number five go to math chapter five I'm gonna get my second point here You say I don't like the sermon well you're not gonna like the rest Birth control the sin though You show me something the Bible that's contrary and look any honest person would be like yeah, that's wrong And what's the point of birth control so you can commit more fornication? I mean? There's not a legitimate use. It's garbage Matthew chapter 5 look at verse 31 It hath been said whosoever shall put away his wife let him give her a writing of divorce meant But I say unto you that whosoever shall put away his wife saving for the cause of fornication Causeth her to commit adultery and whosoever shall marry her that is divorced Committed adultery so notice what Jesus says he says that divorce is always wrong now He does bring up this caveat of you know saving the cause of fornication We have to understand about this is before they come together He finds out she's not a maid or right at the beginning of his marriage He finds out she's not a maid as a marriage fraud and it's annulled immediately the only thing similar this in our country is an annulment and You know what no one gets a divorce and an annulment you only get one And you know I'm not even advocating annulments, and you know what Jesus Christ doesn't even advocate annulments Go if you would to Matthew chapter number 19 you know when Christ when he's point-blank asked about divorce He says it's okay to divorce never Hey pastor Shelley you you have to listen to my scenario. What do you think about this one never divorce? Hey, if you want to come up and ask me a question of when it's okay to divorce Let me already give you the answer never I Will never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever tell you it's okay to divorce ever You say I'm confused. I don't know how people are still confused, but they are Because the way of a fool is riding his own eyes so coming to pastor Shelley. Have you seen this in the Bible yes? at least a dozen times Well, what about this? Yep? I've seen that too Look it's already settled It's never okay And you're gonna literally have to contradict the red letters of the Bible to prop up your doctrine Look what it says Matthew chapter 19 verse 3 the Pharisees also came on him tempting him and saying them is it Lawful for a man to put away his wife for every cause so the Pharisees. They're super liberal Hey, they want you to be able to divorce your wife because you didn't make you a sandwich You know because she looked she looked at another guy one time or something I mean every cause it's any reason What is Christ answer and he answered and said to them have you not read? That he which made them at the beginning made the male and female and said for this cause shall man leave Father and mother and shall cleave to his wife and they twain shall be one flesh Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh what therefore God hath joined together Let not man put asunder He says hey, you know when you should do it never You say well, what if he's a horrible person What if she's a horrible person? Well, you know, there's a story of Abigail. She was married to Nabal. He was a reprobate And you know what? She didn't divorce him. She just prayed that he would die and eventually did. All right She literally cursed him. She literally walks up to him and curses him and you know eventually God just you Reprobates his heart and then ten days later he dies. Okay So there's your there's your message. All right, if he's really bad. I'm not that's a special exception or reprobates You don't take that too far. All right. I know your ex-wife's not great, but she's not necessarily a reprobate. Okay? But let's keep reading because people will bring up what about that exception of saving the cause of fornication Well, let's see what the Bible says Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh right what therefore God had joined together. Let not the man put asunder They say on him. Why did Moses then command to give a riding and divorcement and to put her away? Let me answer this. They didn't ask that question because they genuinely cared. Okay, FYI Verse 8 he said to them Moses because of the hardness of your hearts Suffered you to put away your wise but from the beginning it was not so Now I if I got up to you and said hey you have a hard heart and we're gonna suffer you to do this Does that sound like I think it's okay No, because it's not okay. It's wrong, but he's just saying he's allowing them to do it He says and I stand you who Sarah shall put away his wife except to be for fornication and shall marry another Committed adultery and who shall marry her which is put away does commit adultery. Now. This is an interesting verse because Technically speaking if you divorce your spouse that doesn't mean that either of you committed adultery Okay But you know why he's saying this because people are just gonna go ahead and get remarried anyways People are just gonna disregard the Bible and they're just gonna do it anyways And you know what then they're in eventually gonna end up committing adultery. Literally, that's why he's bringing it up because people just can't you know Abstain, I mean, it's just it's just reality They just decide not to they wax wanton against Christ and they marry having damnation is what the Bible says Now go if you would to 1st Corinthians chapter number 7 1st Corinthians chapter number 7 not only is divorce always wrong There's no exception to it. But then when you remarry on top of that, it's adultery You say when is it adultery every single time? Every single time there is no exception now go if you would to 1st Corinthians chapter number 7 and Again, you bring up the whole saving cause for fornication Like I said, that's an annulment thing That doesn't even exist in our society virtually, okay? Hypothetically if someone did you know go through the ceremony and then found out the person's not a virgin and just broke it off Then yeah, you could you could run around that stupid exception, but you know when you preach exceptions to things people think oh How can I fit into that exception hole or whatever? I? Don't I still think you shouldn't even do it if you came up to me even in that scenario I said well have you already said I do then do it perform your vow that you made to God Hey that you vowed no, he said because of the hardness of their hearts He allowed them to be treacherous against that woman or that man that they made those vowels. Hey stick with that vow stick in that scenario now it says in 1st Corinthians chapter number 7 verse 10 and Under the myriad I command yet not I but the Lord let not the wife depart from her husband But and if she depart Let her remain unmarried or be reconciled to her husband and let not the husband put away his wife So what does the Bible say it's saying if you divorce don't get remarried The only exception would be back to the same spouse that you already had and you say why well go to Romans chapter 7 Go to Romans chapter number 7 See the Apostle Paul understood this doctrine You know after Jesus Christ had preached he said he that hath an ear let him hear and his disciples are like This is a hard thing Because it's like you actually have to do what you said when you said till death do us part When does the Bible say it's okay to break your vow unless you ask Adam Fannin the answer is never I Mean I didn't look I didn't force you to make any vows I'm not gonna force you to make any vows. I wouldn't even ask you to make a vow well, here's the thing you should take your vow seriously God did I Like God's vows. I like the fact that I have eternal life. I like that when I believe in him I'm saved forever You want God to go back on that vow when he looks at how sinful you are and how much you screw up in the? future I Guarantee you trespass more against God than your spouse does against you And you're still going to heaven. He's not like really again and again No, you still get eternal life Romans chapter 7 look at verse 1 No, you not brethren for I speak to them that know the law how does the law dominion over a man as long as he? liveth For the woman which hath and husband is bound by the law to her husband so long as he liveth But if the husband be dead she is loose from the law of her husband So then if while her husband liveth she be married to another man, she shall be called an adulteress But if her husband be dead she is free from that law so that she is no adulteress though She'll be married to another man, so the Bible saying if a woman is married to a to a man The only time she can get remarried is when she becomes a widow meaning that her husband has physically passed away now This is where some people will take the Bible and fools will take the Bible the wave of fools right is on us They'll take this verse, and they'll twist it to mean anything that they want Well the Bible says faith that works is dead My wife doesn't have any work, so I just divorced her You know the Bible that says that she doesn't liveth in pleasure You know while she liveth is dead, so you know she's living in pleasure, so she's dead It's not a spiritual deadness, or they'll say oh well. She's not saved So they're spiritually dead so therefore I can know this is physical death And I'll tell you you can prove this to people and they they just don't want to see it They just want to believe what they want to believe why because the way of a fool is right in his own eyes We should hearken into counsel, okay, but would you don't any chapter 23 you don't write chapter 23? These are some hard sayings pastor Shelley. Well. It's in the Bible, so I'm trying to help you not be a fool today Fools will disregard this instruction and let me say this too. There will be people that will make all of these mistakes And most of the mistakes that I'm bringing up to you are ones that I can't throw you out of church necessarily for making these mistakes You know someone decides to get divorced well I think that's horrible and that's wrong and you're gonna ruin your life And there's gonna be consequences, and you're basically teaching your kids It's okay to divorce, and they'll make these horrible decisions. You know if they show up. They're gonna still be at the church I don't personally hate you and Then people people don't get the wrong idea just because that person shows up doesn't mean that pastor Shelley thinks is okay And don't let your children think that it's okay, and don't you think that it's okay? And don't you think there won't be consequences of sin hey, I've seen people Disregard this they get divorced they get remarried. They're in the church and now guess where they're at in a trash can Because they married a stupid whore okay They married a stupid bimbo that hates the Word of God and look if a person's willing to say you know what I don't care What the Bible says let's commit adultery what else are they open to I? I Mean what kind of hey you love the Bible? I love the Bible. Yeah, well the Bible says this is adultery you want to do it sure What else are they willing to disregard in the Bible I mean if you're willing to commit adultery I feel like the sky's the limit I Would rather have a person that says you know what I don't want to do that. I respect them the Bible I respect them to God's Word not just saying who cares whatever I'm sinful if I go to the bar. I'll drink so I'm just gonna go down there and drink anyways Well, I'm just you know I struggle just don't go to the bar Then you won't drink you won't drink alcohol But people disregard what I'm teaching go to generally chapter 23 doesn't mean I hate you doesn't mean that I don't want you to come to my church. You know what? I'm not gonna follow your actions if you're a fool And you shouldn't follow other people's actions in this room that disregard the preaching Look at Deuteronomy chapter 23 look at verse 2 The Bible says a bastard shall not enter in the congregation of the Lord even to his 10th generation Shall he not enter and the congregation of the Lord you know what I? Fear the day, but it's most likely there will be a person in our church that commits fornication And has a bastard child, and I rue that day and shame on that person You know what I'm not gonna. Do I'm not gonna walk him to be like congrats on your bastard Honestly, that's a shame And you know what children are not ashamed children are a gift children are a blessing But you know what having a child out of wedlock It's a bastard and it's a shame and it's a reproach, and I'm not gonna congratulate you on your bastard I'm not gonna sit here and be like super excited that you're having a bastard child You know what I can still love that child, and I can still love you as a person but you know what I'm not gonna go around and tell people when they sin that it's okay and You shouldn't either you shouldn't go around and be like oh, that's great. It's not great That's terrible. That's bad That's a shame people should be shamed for committing sin today, but you know what people are so judgmental well You're welcome You should deserve some judgment. You should deserve some shame every once in a while Maybe it'll cause you to not do it again because you know what those women that get all this support and all this love Then they do it again don't they Whereas if every single person in your life shamed you maybe you'd say I don't want to do that again I don't want to make that bad decision. You know it's not my fault when people break Commandments, and you know what I'm not The Bible says in the Old Testament What did the Old Testament say there the bastard wasn't even allowed to go into church for ten generations? And then you're gonna get mad at me for not wanting to congratulate somebody on a bastard I'm not even harsh. This is harsh Saying your bastard kid can't come to church and the next nine kids of his can't either Think about that. That's some strict rules right there. That's how God feels about bass You know and I already read this morning 40% of children are bastards in this country 40% it's a shame. You know what the way of a fool is right his own eyes. They don't think it's bad You know what I only care what the Bible says Now go to the journal me chapter 4 go backwards. You say this isn't popular. Well, you know what? Everybody likes the first part of the sermon when I talk about being a fool's dumb But you know then you actually start applying the Bible and it starts. You know not being as cool. I like it I like the Word of God. I would rather I would rather have a small church That's not full of bastards and divorce and remarried Adulters and not full of all these sins and trying to teach our kids that it's okay and encouraging them in sin You know what if I have to push people out of this church and my kids don't make these mistakes then praise God Because you know what? I'll tell you something. I love my kids way more than you guys Way more and I don't want my kids to think that it's okay to make these bad decisions I don't want my kids to think oh well They got a bastard kid and look the church is throwing them a baby shower And everybody's telling them how great they are and everything's going wonder for them I want them to be like, wow, they got publicly shamed. I never want to make that bad decision Who do you care more about do you care more about the one person that sinned or all the kids that haven't sinned that are? looking to them for that example, I Care a lot more about the people that I've been trying to help them not make that that bad decision not make that mistake Deuteronomy chapter number four look at verse number nine Only take heed to thyself and keep thy soul Diligently lest thou forget the things which thine eyes have seen and lest they depart from my heart all the days of my life But teach them thy sons and thy sons sons The Bible tells us that we're supposed to teach our own children We're supposed to teach them the commandments of the Lord and you know where the teaching stops according the Bible. It doesn't But a lot of people will put their kids in public school and they'll never teach their kids anything Public schools become the complete replacement for education and when do the Bible ever teach that it never did It's you know public schools are kind of a modern thing again. It didn't you go back a couple hundred years It's not like there was the kindergarten in the elementary school in the middle school and what look kids were taught by their parents or you were just uneducated and So it's the job of a parent to teach their children. You know what people come to this church They'll hear the preaching and they'll just take their kid off to public school to learn about how LGBTQ history month is wonderful and they'll learn about how to get on birth control and They'll learn about how to have a bastard kid and you know go down to the the the crisis you know pregnancy center and have an abortion and Then the government how to get on welfare and How to get on all the government programs and they won't teach you how to read and write and arithmetic They won't teach you anything that actually has any substance. They won't teach you any real history They'll reject any of Christianity in there You know, it's a shame and the way of fool's right is like they think oh, man You guys are with your kids 24-7 you teach your own kids. Oh, that's terrible No What you're doing is terrible giving them to a communist Satanist agenda and letting them be fed all the filth and the smut and the Deceit of public school. That's where the real problem is. Look at generally chapter 6 verse 6 Deuteronomy chapter 6 look at verse 6 and These words which I command thee this day shall be in thine heart and now shall teach them Diligently unto thy children and shall talk of them when I'll sit us in thine house And when I walk is by the way and when that lies down and when thou rises up You know when you should be teaching your kids every second you have an opportunity Hey if your kids ask you a question teach them Now if they ask the same question over and over I get it all right, sometimes there's a there's an off button All right, but I'm saying give them an opportunity to learn You should why your kids to ask you questions Be afraid of the day when your kids don't ask you questions anymore That's a scary thought I want my kids to constantly come to me all my kids to constantly ask for my opinion all my kids To constantly learn from their father from their mother from those that care about them the most and look It doesn't matter who it is on the planet. No one loves your kids as much as you do no one And if you really love your kids, why wouldn't you teach them the Word of God? Why wouldn't you instruct them go to Proverbs chapter 13 Proverbs chapter 13? But you know it's not that I You have to understand people get mad at me because they're like well our kids go to public school Can we even come to your church? It's like yes, you can Well, I've been divorced can I come to your church? Yes, you can Well, you know I made this was it look we're all sinners Okay, but don't think that I'm not gonna preach against your sin number one Number two don't think I'm gonna congratulate you in your sin Don't think that I'm gonna give you a free pass on your sin Don't think that I'm if I'm nice to you. I think that you're living a good life Okay, I'm gonna be not that's called grace and long-suffering You know we should be gracious to people and we should be long-suffering with people because we want them to grow We want them to stop being a fool. We want them to get the wisdom and the instruction But you know what when I identify a fool. I'm not thinking I want to be like him I'm thinking I want to be like this and I'm telling you don't chase the fools in this room. Don't chase the fools out there chase the Word of God like a private chapter 13 later verse 20 The Bible says he that walketh with wise men shall be wise but a companion of fools shall be destroyed Public school is a companion of fools And I'll tell you this not only is the instruction bad not only is the agenda bad But I think one of the worst aspects of public school is this the other kids there Because if you ask me like some of the worst decisions you made Why did you make them because your friends talked you into it? That's why because all the peer pressure and all the exposure and look you're not being exposed to just any old kids You're being exposed to every kind of kid. You're being exposed to the kid whose parents give them alcohol You're being exposed to the parents who put their little 12 year old daughter on birth control and said have fun You're putting yourself. Hey, you're putting yourself around kids whose parents are Satanists Not just like we're talking like in a pretend world. We're talking about their literal Satanists They literally worship the devil. They have a shrine in their home and they worship the devil You have all kinds of other false religions and demonic influences Why would I want to send my kid and just say I hope you get lucky with your friends at school? Like I I was exposed to any and everything in public school and that was a long time ago for me And it was bad. I can't even imagine what it's like today. I can't and I was in a small town I don't even know what's in Dallas Fort Worth. I guarantee there's some really bad stuff going on in public school today Go to Proverbs chapter 11. We're here in Proverbs. Look at chapter 30 or verse 30 chapter 11 verse 30 The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life and he that win his souls is wise You know, there's gonna be people that come to this church and they hear about soul winning every single week They see all the soul winning times they know that it's a wise decision and they won't go so winning That's the way of a fool Only a fool could come to my church Only a fool could come to step back at this church and decide not to go soul winning if they they're capable of doing it I mean, but you know what you don't look at them and think oh, well, they're getting away with it. No, they're foolish You you earn rewards You go out there and preach the gospel you do that which is right Don't look at what everybody else is doing Look at what the Bible saying and do it and you know what? Sometimes it may even feel like you're standing on an island by yourself You know what? God's gonna reward and give favor to those that trust in his promises and you know what you're gonna have Consequences to those who reject his word you could go to a church where no one's going so winning Does that make it right? No They're foolish That says he'll take away the candlestick. You won't be a church anymore. Go to Matthew 5 and look at verse 13 Matthew chapter number Matthew chapter 5 verse 13 Ye are the salt of the earth, but at the salt of lost a saber wherewith shall it be salted It is thins forth good for nothing but to be cast out and to be trodden underfoot of men God says hey if you don't want to be a soul winner. Hey, you want to lose your salt? You don't want to go out there and preserve the world today. You're good for nothing I'll just cast you out and you'll be trodden underfoot of men. Is that how you want to go? I don't want to go that way. I don't my family go that way. Well, I see some guy he's not doing it Well, you know what? He's in danger then Hey every branch that beareth not fruit and me you might just rip that thing out of the vine and cast it out It doesn't mean you lose your salvation, but you might lose your physical life. I don't want that Go go to Luke chapter 4 go to Luke chapter 4 I'm gonna speed up because there's one that I want to get to I have too many but look let me say this There's so many things that people do so many bad decisions people make you preach it clearly you can show them from the Bible All the way till Sunday night. Okay, and they still just reject it. They still don't want to do it Maybe it's because they got that whores forehead. We talked about in the morning, right? Because they just can't be ashamed or whatever, I don't know but Luke Luke chapter number four look at verse four and Jesus answered him saying it is written that man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God You know, there's people that come to this church and they don't read their Bible The way of a fool is right in his own eyes. I don't need to read the Bible. I'm good I've heard it. I got the gist. I Got John 3 16 You know what? It's interesting how you never no one in this room has stopped eating food Isn't that interesting I Mean anybody who's feeling like I'm just done with food for now. I'm good I've had enough that last meal is gonna satisfy me to the end. I guarantee most people probably eat three meals a day Maybe even more I'm not gonna raise your hands, okay But how is it the you know, how come you eat a meal every single day Because you know, it's important to you, right? It's something you need but you know what you need more than physical food is spiritual food You Know what? It takes faith to realize that need for the spiritual food a way of a fool is thinking I'm good But what have you applied that to physical food you would die? And you want to die spiritually stop reading the Bible You want to die physically stop eating? You can't last very long and you know, you can laugh how long you can last spiritually not as long either Don't think it's any different Your physical body is very important, but you know, it's more important your spiritual body and we need the Word of God Go to first Timothy chapter 4 first to me chapter 4 Revelation chapter 1 verse 3 says blessed is he that readeth There's a blessing to reading the Bible. It's our daily food. Give us this day our daily bread You know, it's more important than the physical bread is the bread of life, which is the Word of God We need that daily bread Jesus said hey, I need every word of God to that's why I'm a King James Bible and first Timothy chapter number four look at verse 13 Till I come give attendance to reading to exhortation to doctrine Look, we need to be a church that reads the Bible We will destroy ourselves if we don't read the Bible the wave of fools right in his own eyes That's why you need to constantly read the Bible to be reminded what it says to be corrected by the Bible When I read the Bible, I often think wow. I need to improve in a lot of areas When you read the laws when you read the Proverbs and the Proverbs is just like Like oh man, I'm screwed up here and here and here and it's just like if you just let the Bible apply itself It's just like man. I need to get better. I Need to work on some things and hopefully if you're hearing some spirit-filled preaching you're like I have some areas I can improve in Go to Titus chapter 3 go to Titus chapter 3. We're right there Here's another one that really just drives me up a wall And if I could throw people out for things that aren't biblical this would probably Probably be up there, but it's listening to heretics You Listening to heretics Titus chapter 3 look at verse 10 a man that is in heretic after the first and second ammunition reject Knowing that he that is such is subverted and senteth being condemned of himself You know, you'll throw somebody out of church for being a flat-earthed Idiot, you'll throw someone out of which is bizarre that anybody ever believes that you'll throw someone out of church for being a oneness Pentecostal or you'll throw them out of church for believing just raging damnable heresy And then people in your church will still hang out with them and you're like, what are you doing? They're still being friends with them. They're still talking with them You'll point to this guy and be like this is a raging heretic. Look at all the false doctrine He's preaching and they still listen to him and you're just like what are you doing? Like are you just a moron like what but you know the way of fools right his own eyes Well, we really know if those NASA pictures are real. It's like yeah, we do Yeah, you're stupid Well, do we really know that you know, there's three persons one God, yeah, it's a settled Well, we really yeah, we already figured it out Okay, and the Bible says reject this person, but you know what if someone comes in our church is like man I've been hanging out with all these losers. I can't just be like, well, you're out, too I'm just like I'm gonna stay away from you though and Don't think that you're gonna get away with it You know, the purpose of a false prophet is just to get you to listen because when you listen to poison and you listen to filth Sometimes it can corrupt even a good person Even a good person can have their faith overthrown when they're just hearing false doctrine after false dogs That's why it's so important to cut it off at the spigot Because if you hear a lie over and over and over again, you can start to believe it You can start to think oh, is that really right? Is that really be careful what you listen to? Be careful what you subject yourself to and when you identify a heretic the Bible doesn't say hang out with that guy It says get rid of him get out of his presence Go to Romans chapter 16 Romans chapter 16. Look I I've had to deal with a lot of people like this Unfortunately, this church is unfortunately, you know, it's fortunate and unfortunate. It's had to throw out a hundred and two people A hundred and two people now praise God I've thrown out zero people from pure words, but steadfast is different scenario. Okay Hundred and two people, you know what and you say oh I hang out with all hundred and two every single week That's a bad idea, but I can't throw you out of church for that And like I said if I could I would all right But I have to be restricted to what the Bible says Romans chapter 16 look at verse 17 Now beseech you brethren mark them which cause the visions and offenses conjure the doctrine which you've learned and avoid them He says for they that are such serve not a Lord Jesus Christ But their own belly and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple Notice what it says they deceive the hearts of the simple You've already shown to be a fool since we mark the guy and you're still hanging out with him So it sounds like you have the same foolish heart that could also be deceived by him and You know what these wicked people deceive simple-minded people and destroy and ruin their lives Don't think that you're better than them. Don't think that you're more righteous than look the devil works subtly and his lies They kind of sound good But then when you check them with the Bible, it's horrible Go if you would to second thessalonians chapter 3 Forsake a time. I'm not gonna prove these other ones, but people that dress wrong, you know There's women that'll come to this church and they'll dress right on Sunday morning, but not on Monday morning Not on Tuesday morning Not on Wednesday morning And they change for Wednesday night church and then not on Thursday morning and not on Friday and not on Saturday Hope it's Sunday But the goal is not for people to just pretend like they're righteous or pretend that they have the right doctrine It's for their heart to change and them actually believe what the Bible says Don't pretend to be a righteous Christian just be one and don't pretend to be something that you're not Why don't you just be the person that you are, you know, there's people they'll do all kinds of drugs you preach against drugs They'll do drugs Well marijuana, it's a plant God created the plants. So therefore it must be good Therefore I can do it. You know that everything on this earth God created have you used that logic? Created poison all must be good then Great arsenic. Don't try it You know, he created bleach don't inject it you Trump's of order you know, I'm just kidding Look don't do the drugs don't destroy your life. But you know if someone does it's not like You know depending on the scenario. Okay, some to an extreme use Yeah, obviously they might be thrown out of church. But you know people little mess around with drugs and do stuff I don't approve of that. I Guarantee if we went through this list all of us have been guilty of some of these at some point like Not reading your Bible or something I'm not gonna throw people out of church I'm not gonna get up in your face and start screaming at you, but you know what? I am also not gonna be like you I'm gonna try to be like Christ Now here's one that really just makes me mad because the Bible is crystal clear But people just don't care what the Bible says apparently look at second Thessalonians chapter 3 verse 6 now we command you brethren in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ that you withdraw yourselves from every brother that walketh disorderly and Not after the tradition which he received of us now Here's the thing manly Perry said that I walk this orderly and so that's why it's separating for me He obviously doesn't read the chapter. Okay, because this orderly doesn't mean whatever you want it to mean It means what the Bible says look at verse 7 For yourselves know how you ought to follow us for we behaved not ourselves disorderly among you Neither did we eat any man's bread for not But wrought with labor and travail night and day that we might not be chargeable to any of you Not because we have not power But to make ourselves and in sample unto you to follow us for even we were with you this we commanded you that if any Would not work Neither should he eat The Bible says don't feed the lazy The Bible well, what about this guy? Well, what does it say if any? Don't ask a Calvinist what that word means Ask me, you know what the word Annie means any Yeah, but you don't know this person. I do know their situation because they fit in the category of any and The Bible says if someone will not work. You should never feed them. You're you're destroying yourself and you're destroying them My mom used to teach me don't feed stray cats because they won't go away and Let me tell you I already preached this but that Church of Christ that was pretty close to us over there They had some transient come in there and they were feeding him And as soon as they turned off the spic and he walked in with a shotgun and started blowing people away Don't feed the stray cat because as soon as you stop feeding he's gonna bite you Well, I just I feel bad for him don't feel bad for him he's lazy He has problems. And here's the thing if you feel bad for him. Why would you hurt him more? You're actually hurting someone who's lazy by feeding them. I Know this this sounds radical Because the world that we live in they look at the lazy bum on the corner and they think oh I feel so bad for You know, I don't feel bad for him Because the Bible makes it clear he should get to work and know if you feel bad for him The worst thing you could do is feed him That's the worst thing you can just give him money Help help him out You know what? You should give him a job That's the only thing that they should be offered to these people and when you offer him a job You're never gonna find out. Oh, I don't do that Well, I'm not interested in that Look, I've had homeless people that come in to be like, can I get money? Can I get bucks? Why don't you just sit through the service, you know many times they show up this many times They're lazy. They're lazy jerks and you know, how many people I give how many lazy jerks I give money to none zero I'm not gonna help a lazy jerk. I'm not gonna help someone that refuses to work. I'm well, it's just so hard getting a job well, you know what if you're hungry, you would figure out how to get a job and Let me just prove to you that these people have problems Let's read a little more of this verse and then I'm gonna prove to you that these people have problems Look what it says verse 11 for we hear That there are some which walk among you disorderly working not at all, but are busybodies Apparently according to manly pair. I don't work at all. I didn't know that I have to figure that one out verse 12 now them that are such we command and Exhort by our Lord Jesus Christ that with quietness they work and eat their own bread But ye brethren be not weary in well-doing and if any man Obey, not our word by this epistle note that man and have no company with him that he may be ashamed. I Feel like the Bible is crystal clear But you know what? I see people just suckers. Just like they're like an ATM machine to lazy people They're just like here you go. Here you go. Here you go. And it's like you're you're hurting them You're hurting you and you're breaking God's commandments. Why would you do it? And Then they come up to me and they're like, oh man, I got taken by this guy and I'm just like, of course you did You know why go to Psalms chapter 37 go to Psalms chapter 37. Let me tell you why Because these people have problems more than you realize Go to Psalms chapter 37 and Look at verse 25 Psalms 37 verse 25. Let's get some wisdom from somebody in the Bible that lived a long time It's very wise person about David Psalms 37 verse 25. I have been young and Now I'm old. So this person's been around for a while. They've seen a lot of things He says yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken Nor his seed begging bread Well, this guy's forsaken, you know why cuz he's not righteous Well, this guy's begging bread. You know why cuz he's not Righteous he has severe problems and let me tell you what the person that wants to work in America will find work Now you go to another country where I Mean poverty just abounds Yeah, I'm gonna help people like that But you know what the reason that they're in such a bad shape is not because they don't want to work is because they have no opportunity And let me tell you what in America. It's called the land of opportunity for a reason And you know, there's gonna be people that come on hard times and you know The Bible says, you know, but who so half this world's good and see this brother have need You're not supposed to shut up your bowels and compassion from him It would say like how dwell the love of God in him You know what? You can't take that one verse and apply it to every scenario You know what that looks like? It looks like your brother in Christ that's in this church serving God faithfully and then all of a sudden they get hit with medical Bills out of nowhere all of a sudden they get in an accident and they can't work They want to work but they literally can't well help that guy Help the guy that has random medical expenses help the guy that's working really hard and just can't get by Why don't you help that person? Why are you helping the lazy? Why are you helping in righteous? Why are you think you really think that God is gonna be like, I know I commanded you not to help this person But I'm just gonna reward you in heaven anyways Like that doesn't even make sense you might as well buy lottery tickets with that kind of logic Don't help the lazy Proverbs chapter 29 go to another place Proverbs chapter 29 Yeah, but this lazy guy is really nice I don't care it says any And you know what if no one helped the lazy they would get to work I Haven't seen any of these lazy people die They in fact, sometimes they're overweight. You know, I really Got a beer gut. It's like what do you? You're not like skipping meals here, buddy You hand them you hand these people healthy food and they will throw it on the ground You hand them a carrot and an apple You're not hungry if you hand a carrot or an apple to a person in Africa, they will eat the core That's how you know the difference Someone who's hungry and someone who's not if you're not look I've gone on a diet before Like a really strict less than 2,000 calorie diet a day, which for a man is extreme Okay, I went on this I was so hungry that I was excited to eat carrots. I Was just like I had carrots as my app as my morning snack and I couldn't even wait to eat it I was so I was just like I have to eat it When I was that when I was dieting and I was eating like three meals a day I was still getting a lots of food. I was just starving every thought was about food I'm sitting I can't even program and just like I'm just like I would catch myself going to Google Images. Just looking at burgers Look when you're hungry, you'll start changing your attitude And you're like, I'll go work again But you know what when you just keep getting fed money and money and money, you know you do you don't work Quit feeding the lazy. Hey if they slept on the street last night, they can do it again tonight It's Dallas. Okay, they're gonna make it You know what? The worst thing you can do is give them more money to feed their unrighteous addiction of laziness Would I give it would I give a beer to an alcoholic? Would I give cocaine to a cocaine addict, you know what the worst thing you give to someone who's lazy money The worst thing you can give to them Proverbs 29 look over seven the righteous Consider it the cause of the poor but the wicked regardeth not to know it You should think about why is this person asking for money and Most every scenario where someone's asking you for money. It's probably bad You should try to identify people that Need something and then help those people not the people that are panhandling Not the people that are coming around and look this is a hard saying, you know people get mad about most churches Have a food pantry most churches have a homeless ministry My homeless ministry is I will not give you anything that's my ministry to you Do you do you guys pay bills? No Oh, do you have any ministry for us? That's the ministry Our ministry is we don't pay your bills. We don't you know, look I'm not interested in helping the lazy Now look if someone goes on our times. Yeah, we'll help people that go on hard times We'll help people that have bad problems or whatever, but I'm gonna consider the cause Of the poor too. I'm gonna think about why is it that you're struggling here? What's your problem? And if there's a way to fix it without giving you money, that's better. It's always better to help them that way Go to verse to me chapter 5 Let me give you one last thing that people do, you know, it's a lot smaller crowd tonight Some people forsake Church, but you know what? That's the way of a fool Hey, I'm gonna obtain on the wise counsel I'm gonna listen to the Word of God as much as I have an opportunity to hear the Bible being preached I'm gonna go and get that good instruction Don't forsake Church. Oh I don't need church. I got I got I got the Sunday morning one Well, you need the Sunday night one too And you know what? You need the Bible study too and you know what every time the doors are open. You just show up anyways Don't be like the fool first to me chapter 5 look at verse 8 But if any provide not for his own and Especially for those of his own house. He hath denied the faith and is worse than infidel Do you apply that verse to the lazy when a lazy person comes in? Do you apply this verse to them? They're not even providing for themselves Let alone a family the Bible says this guy's worse than an infidel They should be rebuked for being so lazy They should be rebuked for being a jerk I'm not gonna sit here and feed your addiction of being a lazy jerk get a job Well, I put in one resume a week. You're not hungry enough Well, you know, I'm just look you'll find a job I've never seen the righteous forsaken. I've never seen his seed bake begging bread These people have severe problems and you know what? I'm not gonna feed their addiction I'll give them advice. You know what the wave of fools right in his own eyes You know, I could show them over and over again get a job work hard do this and they're just like not gonna do it Hey, don't get divorced. I'm gonna get divorced Don't marry someone that's divorced. Well, I'm gonna do it anyways Hey, you know these people aren't going to church. Well, you should go to church, you know Well, I'm gonna dress like a whore don't dress like a whore Don't do drugs Don't put your kids in public school and you know what if someone comes into church and they make these mistakes Don't think that pastor Shelley thinks it's okay Don't think like oh, well, that must be a free ticket. No, they're a fool and I will preach against you if it wasn't just in this sermon. It'll be more. Okay Buckle up. Let's close in prayer. Thank you father so much for your word. Thank you for giving us great instruction I pray that we would see the the wisdom and your Commandments and the truth and your word that we would not forsake The Word of God that we would not just see the fools destroying themselves and envy them or try to follow their ways but rather we would trust in the Lord with all our hearts that We would see the importance of not going down the way of a fool of us changing our hearts and our minds from what we believe To what the Bible believes and as we see our brothers and sisters in Christ struggle that we would pray that you would help them That we could just pray that you would give them life You would pray that you would just help them, you know change their heart and their mind But that we would not follow in their pathway in Jesus name we pray. Amen