(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) you you you you you All right good afternoon everybody and welcome to steadfast baptist church We can go ahead and find our seats. We'll go ahead and get started And for our first song tonight, we'll do song number 288 Song number 288 I am resolved Song number 288 I Am resolved no longer to linger song number 288 Everybody sing it out together on the first I Am resolved no longer to linger charmed by the world's delight Things that are higher things that are nobler these have a learn thy side I Will a sin to him a sin so glad and free Jesus greatest highest I will come to thee I Am resolved to go to the Savior leaving my sin and strife He is the true one. He is the just one he hath the words of life I Will hey sin to him hey sin so glad and free Jesus Greatest highest I will come to thee I Am resolved to follow the Savior faithful and true each day He what he sayeth do what he will if he is the living way I Will hey sin to him a sin so glad and free Jesus Greatest highest I will come to thee Alright great job. Everybody. Let's all pray together Thank you Lord for Steadfast Baptist Church and allow us to gather here today and sing unto you Lord We love you, and we just ask you to bless the service in your son's name. Amen Alright for our next song. Let's go song number 153 Song number 153 How firm a foundation song number one five three Everybody singing out on the first Real loud how firm a Foundation he's saints of the Lord is laid for your faith in his Excellent word what? More can he say than to you? He hath said You for refuge to Jesus Have bled in every condition In sickness and health in poverty's veil or Abounding in wealth at home and abroad As days May demand shall your strength ever be? when through fiery Trials thy pathway shall lie All sufficient Shall be thy supply the flame shall not hurt thee I only Design We Old age all my people shall prove my sovereign Eternal Changeable love and when hoary hairs shall their temples adorn With all that on Jesus Hath lean for repose I will Do I'm sorry Hell should endeavor to shake Never no never no never forsake Good evening. Thank you so much for coming to steadfast Baptist Church If you need a bulletin lift up your hand nice and high one of our ushers would love to come by Get you guys a bulletin. Also, we are continuing our series We only got a couple more left, but we're doing the translating the reader we've got a couple more sermons that will go through this and so the sermon is a little bit different this evening, but It helps to kind of follow along if you'd like to read with us And so if you don't have one, please just lift up your hand We got ushers going up and down and they can get you guys either a bulletin or and or Also another handout on the front. We have the Bible memory passage Revelation 1 verse 11 It's a really good one. And on the inside we have our service and soul winning times our church stats Please make sure to continue updating our church stats. Please pray for expecting ladies. We have another one to add If you'd be in prayer for Haley Williams, she's Daughter of brother Wallach. She got married recently and so they're expecting and so congratulations of them And so we're excited to have them in our prayer list as well. Also continue to pray for Everyone here. We like to go over things on Wednesday nights just to have Corporate prayer for everyone. We have the niguiras who've been praying for health. We would have miss Lucy's mother We've been you need to pray for brother Cameron's leg. We've been praying for been praying for our friend brother Pendleton Brother Wallach's friend won for cancer treatment. We've been praying for miss Cooley's dad's stepdad's cancer treatment We've been praying for brother sue hails fiance's visa process We've been praying for miss Ophelia's daughter who was diagnosed with inflammation of the heart Been praying for miss Linda for car and job we've been praying for the Zermanos whose grandmother had recently passed away and also If you'd add to your list just pray for brother Ben Naim I guess he got kind of sick and he's hoping he'll recover so he can still go on our trip to the Bahamas. So we'll say a quick word of prayer for our church family and Those who are expecting Thank You Heavenly Father for Our church. Thank you so much for giving us this opportunity to be here this evening Please please bless all of our expecting ladies and Please bless their child and their development. I pray that you give them a timely birth. Please. Give them strength I pray that you'd also bless our church family that has a lot of chronic sicknesses and health issues I pray they just perform miracle in their life. Please give them healing and restoration I pray that you also give them comfort while they're going through this affliction I pray that you'd also bless our church family that needs favor whether that be through traveling or a job and I pray that you'd also Help us as we look to many different soul-winding opportunities in the future. Please bless our soul-winding trips and our labors Please be with us. Please open our doors and just help us to get many people saved for your honor and glory And Jesus name we pray. Amen Again the bombest trips next week, please please Pray for it. Also if you are planning on Attending if you already signed up, please just pay attention to your email In the next couple days, we're gonna be sending out a tentative itinerary Along with just some friendly reminders travel reminders just so that way you have that So, please just do pay attention to your email on that also Mother's Day teas at May 13th And then on the back we have the congratulations to the West family on the birth of Opal Jean West She was born on the 9th at 12 28 a.m. Weighing 7 pounds 12 ounces and measuring 21 inches long. So congratulations to them. That's exciting Great to see our church family growing all the time. So that's that's definitely a big blessing I do want to make a couple quick You You You You You You You You You You Week Psalm 139 and you can either use your special handout or you can use a Bible You All right now Psalm 139 everybody sing it out on the first Surely thou will slay the wicked Surely thou will slay the wicked Oh God The part from me there for ye bloody men Depart from me there for ye bloody men Do not I hate them Oh Lord that hate thee do not I hate them Oh Lord that hate thee Am not I grieved with those that rise up against thee do not I hate them Oh Lord that hate thee For they speak Against thee wickedly for they speak against thee wickedly And thine enemies take thy name in vain and thine enemies Take thy name in vain Do not I hate them Oh Lord That hate thee do not I hate them Oh Lord that hate thee Am not I grieved with those that rise up against thee do not I hate them Oh Lord that hate thee I Hate them with perfect hatred I hate them with perfect Hatred I Count them mine enemies I count them mine enemies Do not I hate them Do not I hate them Oh Lord that hate thee Am not I grieved with those that rise up against thee do not I hate them Oh Lord that hate thee Alright great job everybody now as the offering plates are being passed around go ahead and turn in your Bibles to Haggai chapter 2 Haggai chapter 2 You You Haggai the chapter 2 the Bible reads in The seventh month in the one in 20th day of the month came the word of the Lord by the prophet Haggai saying Speak now does rubable the son of she'll teal governor of Judah into Joshua the son of Josadak the high priest and to the residue Of the people saying who is left among you that saw this house in her first glory and how do you see it now? Is it not in your eyes in comparison of it as nothing yet? Now be strong those are bubble sayeth the Lord and be strong Oh Joshua son of Josadak the high priest and be strong All you people the land sayeth the Lord and work for I am with you sayeth the Lord of hosts According to the word that I coveted with you when he came out of Egypt So my spirit remaining remaineth among you fear ye not For thus saith the Lord of hosts yet once it is a little while and I will shake the heavens and the earth and the Sea and the dry land I will shake all nations and the desire of all nations shall come and I will fill this house with glory Sayeth the Lord of hosts the silver is mine and the gold is mine sayeth the Lord of hosts The glory of this latter house shall be greater than of the former sayeth the Lord of hosts and in this place Why give peace sayeth the Lord of the hosts and in the four and 20th day of the ninth month in the second year of? Darius came the word of the Lord by Haggai the prophet saying thus sayeth the Lord of hosts ask now the concerning the law saying if one bear holy flesh in the skirt of his garment and With his skirt to touch bread or pottage or wine or oil or any meat? Shall it be holy and the priest answered and said no Then said Haggai if one that is unclean by a dead body touch any of these shall it be unclean and the priest answered and said It shall be unclean then answered Haggai and said so is this people and so is this nation before me sayeth the Lord and so Is every work of their hands and that which they offer there is unclean And now I pray you consider from this day and upward from before a stone was laid upon a stone in a temple of the Lord since those days were when one came to a heap of 20 measures there were but 10 When one came to the press vet for to draw out 50 vessels of the press there were about 20 I smote you with blasting with mildew and with hail in all the labors of your hands yet You turn not to me sayeth the Lord Consider now from this day and upward from the four and 20th day of the ninth month even from the day that the foundation Of the Lord's temple was laid consider it is the seed yet in the barn Yay As yet the vine and the fig tree and the pomegranate and the olive tree have not brought forth from this day Will I bless you and again the word of the Lord came on to Haggai in the four and 20th day of the month saying Speak to Zerubbabel governor of Judah saying I will shake the heavens and the earth and I will overthrow the throne of kingdoms And I will destroy the strength of the kingdoms of the heathen and I will overthrow the chariots and those that ride in them and the horses and their riders shall come down everyone by the sword of his brother and That day sayeth the Lord of hosts Well, I take the Ozerubbabel my servant the son of Shealtiel saith the Lord and will make thee as a signet for I have chosen The saith the Lord of hosts, let us pray father. Thank you To edify us tonight. I pray that you will bless Mr. Strip next week and prepare hearts for us Lord and help us all to be healed and from our sicknesses and give us strength Lord and also any attacks that we might be experiencing personally or churchwide I pray that you will deliver us from those Lord and I pray these things in Jesus name Amen so we've been continuing our translators of the reader and Unfortunately, I wish they had been numbered Just to give you an idea of kind of where we're at We're kind of on what's considered like the fifth page But the title is kind of at the bottom says translate translation out of Hebrew and Greek Into Latin and that's where we're gonna be starting. It's kind of on your fifth page translation out of Hebrew and Greek in the Latin now, we read Haggai chapter 2 and I'm gonna get there in just a moment But just to give you a quick recap again This is a preface to the King James Bible and it gives us kind of just a clue as to you know What people were thinking at the time of the King James Bible is translated But what I really like about this particular piece of literature is how much Bible they themselves use in reference And so I think what's really edifying for us is when we look up those same References and we apply them in their context and even there's other contexts in which they could be applied Also, it gives us a better perspective of why we have a King James Bible now just to give you a quick summary And of course most of their topics are or most of the the paragraphs here are topical So even though you miss stuff before that's fine You're not going to be missing out necessarily on anything that we learned tonight, but they had brought up previously how the best things were Columniated and that's the word they use but it just means is spoken against or attacked how you know Whenever someone does something good, they're attacked. Anybody tries to do a good work It's attack examples were Solomon's Temple people get upset about that people get upset about the Bible people get upset about Jesus In fact, they killed him I don't know if you remember that and so he's saying even the best things are spoken against even the best people are Spoken against David had many people that were against David. Yeah, it's David like why don't you like David right and So they kind of go through and talk about just kind of an opening about how the best things are Spoken against and in fact the work that they're doing is spoken against which doesn't really make any sense because they're just trying to better Christianity better get people as far as just understanding the Word of God and better the Bible itself They talk about how translation itself is very Important because even though the Bible is perfect and they said they believe it's perfect in the original It doesn't benefit you and me who don't speak Greek in Hebrew If you don't speak Greek in Hebrew, what benefit is it that you have a perfect Bible? Not really much So they talk about the necessity of having translations and their benefit then we also talked about The translation specifically of the Old Testament into Greek which is called the Septuagint That was what we last touched upon and they made it abundantly clear that they believe that That translation work while good and had some good fruit was not perfect and was not Something that they were going to rely upon for their translation process So when it came to the Old Testament the King James translators were not going to use the Greek Septuagint They were going to rather use the Hebrew Old Testament. Okay, so that's where we left off now They bring up translation out of Hebrew and Greek into Latin This is where they're also explaining the fact that there's a lot of Latin Translations that exist and have existed says in here There were also within a few hundred years after Christ translations many into the Latin tongue For this tongue also was very fit to convey the law and the gospel by because in those times very many Countries of the West yay of the south east and north spake and understood Latin being made provinces to the Romans But now the Latin translations were too many to be all good for they were infinite now Of course, there's a little bit of hyperbole here and a little exaggeration But they say man when it comes to Latin by if you think there's a lot of English Bibles They're saying the Latin number of translations was infinite There was just too many of them and you know what? I like about this this perspective is notice what they said there were too many to be all good You know if that proves to me it proves to me that the King James translators would never ever accept The modern view of Bibles today, which says look at all these English translations. They're all good Because there are too many to all be good I mean, that's a foolish attitude to suggest or have the idea that you can have just a Gluttony of English translations all saying different things and they're just all good So they're saying from a Latin perspective This doesn't make any sense. All the Latin translations can't be good. That just doesn't make any sense Now they give us a little bit of Latin itself latini and third patas new low moto numerare posun Say it st. Augustine. What does that mean? Well, it's kind of what they he had said previously, but essentially it just means Latin translations cannot be counted in any way Okay, so if you take that literally it's saying there's no way we could ever decide to use the Latin for our translation Again, they were not out of the Hebrew fountain We speak of the Latin translations of the Old Testament, but out of the Greek stream Therefore the Greek being not altogether clear the Latin derived from it must needs be muddy So now unpacking the sentence is important, what is he saying? He's saying the Latin translations that exist all these various Latins almost all of them are coming from the Greek Septuagint they're not coming from the Hebrew. That's why he says they're not coming out of the Hebrew fountain They're saying they're coming from what Greek stream and notice what they said. Therefore the Greek being not altogether clear The Latin derived from it must need somebody so he's saying since the Greek Septuagint already has problems It's of course then gonna manifest itself in the Latin too. So the Latin is gonna be muddy as they describe it Now it says this moves st. Herome now just to give you context because this Particular literature has names a little bit goofy to us, but this is who we think of as Jerome You know Jerome's a really famous church father quote-unquote because he's the guy that Translated the Bible into Latin that became the official Latin of the Catholic Church st Jerome here consistently through this document. It's Herome. Okay, same person All right, but that's just who that is. It was three hundred and forty seven eighties when he was born four hundred and twenty Eighties when he died and so and that in his lifetime. He was a really Excellent scholar he produced the Latin translation that the Catholic Church relied upon For a very long time. Did it get changed and corrupted along the way? It's on we don't know how good was his work I don't know, but it seems to reason that it was probably a pretty good work Who knows how perfect it really was? But notice is that this moved st. Herome a most learned father and the best linguist without Controversy of his age or of any other that went before him to undertake the translating of the Old Testament out of the very fountains themselves Which he performed with that evidence of great learning judgment industry and faithfulness That he hath forever bound the church unto him and a debt of special remembrance and thankfulness Now, of course the translators themselves, how do they feel about Jerome? They have a very high respect for Jerome and they say Jerome is Arguably the greatest linguist to ever live Especially from his lifetime and prior to they're saying this guy was the most studious one of the most educated one of the smartest guys to ever live and Him when he made a translation He wasn't gonna make a mistake like using the Latin or using the Greek but rather Notice what it says the very fountains themselves. So he's gonna only use the originals Now this is important concept and I think it makes a lot of sense. And this is why I had us read Haggai chapter 2 look again at verse 12 Haggai chapter 2 verse 12 if one bear holy flesh in the skirt of his garment and With his skirt do touch bread or pottage or wine or oil or any meat? Shall it be holy and the priests answered and said no Then said Haggai if one that is unclean by a dead body touch any of these Shall it be unclean and the priests answered and said it shall be unclean now This is an interesting concept of the Bible is describing but essentially, you know, what is the skirt? You know a skirt can be in reference to a few different items It could be what we think of as a female garment that only women wear But also many times with the Bible means by skirt is it says the it's the edge of a garment is all that it's in reference to so essentially what it's saying is if I went and I'm having dinner and the edge of my coat just kind of like Falls into the oil dish or something And if let's say I was holy which I'm not saying that but I'm just saying You know if I'm the holy man and my garment touches that oil Does that just make the oil holy all of a sudden and they're saying no They're saying something that's holy Touching something that's not doesn't just make it holy But notice that the reverse is actually always true if I'm dirty You know if I'm gross or something's defiled and you put that in the oil dish if you put dirt in The oil dish or you put something dirty and you know, this isn't that now unclean and they're saying yes This is the phenomena that we observe in our physical reality is That you cannot Make something clean by touching it with just something else that's clean that doesn't just make it clean and This makes sense, right if someone's sick, I can't just walk up and just touch them and I'm not being sick They're gonna instantly not be sick either because that would be healing or something something's unique But just in general that's not how we make things clean just think about this way when you have molded bread You don't take good bread and just touch it with the moldy bread and now you make the moldy bread good What happens the good bread becomes moldy now the good bread becomes defiled because it touched the moldy object and this is exactly how Everything emanates from the scripture itself. This is a really important principle. So think about it let's let's apply it first to what they have and then I want to make a couple of applications here, but If I have a corrupt Bible if I have a Bible it's not really the words of God how am I then gonna take from that and get a good Bible I Can't so if I come and I translate from something that's already defiled That's not gonna give me something that's pure and clean The only way to get something pure and clean is to go from something that is pure and clean and then get it If I have milk that's been sitting out and it's curdled I'm not gonna get any good milk from that milk. It's spoiled I have to go back to the fridge and get the fresh milk and then pour a glass from the fresh container Then I would have fresh milk. And if I pour some of the fresh milk into that curdled milk, it's not now good It's still defiled right? So this is the same concept when it comes to the scripture of Okay, the Greek Septuagint is not perfect. It has some level of defilement has some level of issue here. So How can I then go from that into Latin and then believe the Latin is gonna be pure or the Latin is good No at best it's gonna be at the same level of corruption at the very best and most likely probably even has more issues Just like you take any document and you copy it. The original is gonna look better than the copy and then if you take that copy and you copy it it's gonna look a little less good from that copy and the more you Just copy something over and over and over the more it deteriorates from that copying process And if you wanted to know exactly what the original said you wouldn't want the 50th copy You would want the original you'd want to copy it from the original again So you could get the best idea of what that was now, of course We don't have the actual physical originals of the Bible No one has that No one you know We don't have like this is the one that Paul pinned down or that actually this is one that Tertius pinned down From the Apostle Paul speaking. We don't we don't have that. Okay, so if we did though Logic would stand let's use that and copy from that or let's use that as our source document, but we don't have that But here's the thing. What's the closest thing that we have? Something that was a copy of that right and of course that's what we use we use copies of copies of copies of the Hebrew and of the Greek and The way that that can be authenticated is the fact that these copies have been spread out throughout all the world in different areas and when you compare the two That agree that makes it really clear. That must have been what the scripture was. Okay, that's what the scripture said if I have 10,000 Documents all saying the same thing and one that doesn't It's really easy to realize what the original probably was and have some kind of idea And of course, this is what we believe in we believe in what's called the Texas Receptus What has been handed down and of course this family of manuscripts is the majority of manuscripts There are some people that would go a little bit too extreme on Majority text and they would say only majority counts The problem with this view is that the further we go back into history the more it's it's a it's a it's kind of a it's a false sense of security when it comes to a majority of Manuscripts and what I mean by that is this there's approximately especially when you think about Greek there's approximately 5,000 extant manuscripts there might even be more of Greek New Testament some of them are fragments. They're not even necessarily a whole New Testament. They're just portions of the New Testament. Okay? But within that there's certain books that you may only have 200 So you have a family of 200 documents that all have like a particular book of the Bible of the New Testament within that there may only be a smaller even number that have a specific chapter or a specific portion of a chapter and so Sometimes you're comparing and it's like, okay. Well, we have 10 that say one thing and we have five That say something else but think about this Do you really think there was only 15 New Testaments floating around at the time that those were originally copied? No, there was probably thousands and thousands and thousands. So our sample size is so small That the majority may not always be the right pick Okay, when we have ten that say one thing and we have five that say another there could be other Reasons or criterion why we would pick a particular text things like okay. Well, what did Church Fathers quote? You know throughout history, what did people use and and here's the what's in use? Right, and of course we rely on what was in use That's what the whole that's what the Texas Receptus position believes is that whatever was in use What was handed down and being used by everybody must have been the one that was right because otherwise You know the the doctrine of preservation everything else just falls apart it doesn't really make any sense and of course you and I thinking about it this way when you didn't have the the abundance of Printed works that we have today. You only have the handwritten copies or you have books are very expensive The one that you would hand your children would be the one that you believes, right? but that doesn't mean you necessarily have a ton of those and of course the one that's right is gonna get used and it's gonna Wear away whereas the ones that weren't as good. Well, you know, but on the shelf they might be preserved more likely So majority text we I agree with this viewpoint But only to some extent only to some degree So some people that are majority text only they just say give me the total number of manuscripts And that's just the text I pick every single time That's not exactly what we have in the King James Bible There are a few places where technically it's a minority reading of extant Manuscripts but that doesn't that doesn't cause me to lose faith in those verses or to not believe in them There's other reasons even from a secular viewpoint why they're legitimate but at the end of the day Of course, I have to take the whole Bible by faith But what I don't want to do is I don't want my faith and logic that's flawed Okay, what's a flawed logic of having a perfect Bible one that came from a Greek Septuagint that came from a Latin You know because of course you can't have a clean thing come out of an unclean Just like if someone starts pulling their dinner like I go to your house for dinner and you start pulling food out of the trash Can I'm gonna be suspicious of that? Now if you're pulling it out of the refrigerator Right. I might think okay that must have been preserved But if you're pulling it out of the trash can I'm thinking that wasn't really preserved was it? There could be issues. In fact, my rule is once it goes in the trash can it's defiled Right, it's not like well, it's it's still good I know it's touching a bunch of gross stuff, but it's fine. You know, we'll just wash it off or something It's like no, no, no once it's once in the trash always in the trash Okay, just like once they'd always say it's like once in hell always in hell, you know, you got your Jesus exception But out of the side of that, I mean, it's just like, you know when it comes to trash, you know I'm not trying to recycle The same exists in every area of our life and and think about the incredible aspect of this chapter when it comes to Cleanliness, okay, because what about us? Aren't we defiled that when we get the filed by sin? Okay. Now, how do you make something clean though? Right. How do we make things clean? You have to wash it exactly, okay, so let's say the table is dirty How do I get the table clean? Well, typically you may take paper towels. You may take a dish towel you may take some item and You clean it off But what happens to the paper towels or the dish towel that you use to clean it? What happens to it? It becomes dirty, doesn't it? And the only way to get the table clean was to take a perfectly clean Undefiled object and for it to take all the defilement from the table off And it takes the defilement away from it so that it can be clean the tables clean But the cloth is now dirty The tables clean but the paper towels are dirty and then we have to dispose of them the same applies with us spiritually when it comes to the fact that we were dirty and Jesus who is perfect came and took our dirtiness took our defilement so that we could be clean But the if someone dirty came to try and save you it wouldn't work You had to have someone perfect holy and righteous and clean that could come and take your dirtiness But here's the thing you have to understand about dirtiness dirtiness can't just go away It's transfers Notice it as the transfer just like sickness illness all these different things it transfers and that's the way so the way to get clean is to be healed or Anything like that and of course the bad substance has to be discarded Trashed and done away with this is the same principle. We have everywhere in the Bible Something that's unclean, you know, like the house of the sodomites break it down You Know and things that had leprosy you could try and wash it or clean it or purge it with fire But if it didn't get clean Then you have to just destroy it and get rid of it because they had no hope and so of course when it comes to Us as well, you know our only Salvation is not through our filthy rags, which is our works But rather it is from the pure spotless lamb Taking the blood for us, you know We're we're washing his blood and his blood took all of our sin and it was spilled for us And it's put on the mercy seat and that's what gives us, you know forgiveness of sins So what a great picture and when it comes to our Bible again If I'm gonna have a pure Bible, it's got to be coming from a pure source So, you know what? I'm not gonna do I'm not gonna take the NIV and try to make it good I'm not gonna try and clean, you know, they keep updating the NIV and they don't get any closer They keep updating all these modern versions. They don't seem to get it get any better do they? But why is it that they're not getting any better? It's because they're not coming from the right stream They're not coming from the Hebrew in the Greek stream. That's correct. They're coming from the Septuagint They're coming from other sources that have defilement that have these problems and of course the critical text And so that's why they're unclean. That's why I reject them That's why the argument we made in our film was so important to me when you talk about the doctrine of preservation You know you either believe in the doctrine of preservation your King James only or you just don't believe either You can't have one without the other King James Bible is the preserved Word of God and it came from a pure source That's what they're teaching and that's what I believe. Okay. It's the same thing now Let's go to the next section the translating of the scripture in a volt into the vulgar tongues Now though the church were thus furnished with Greek and Latin translations Even before the faith of Christ was generally embraced in the Empire for the learned know that even st Jerome time in the Council of Rome and his wife were both ethnics and about the same time the greatest part of the Senate also Yet for all that the godly learned were not content to have the scriptures in the language which themselves understood Greek and Latin as The good lepers were not content to fare well themselves But acquainted their neighbors with the store that God had sent that they also might provide for themselves but also for the behoof and edifying of the unlearned which hungered and thirsted after righteousness and had souls to be saved as well as they they provided translations into the vulgar for their countrymen in so much that Most nations under heaven did shortly after their conversion hear Christ speaking unto them and their mother tongue Not by the voice of their minister only but also by the written word translated. So What they explained here now I'm not gonna go to second King seven for for sake of time because I want to get through more of this but the story being brought up is the four lepers who get out of Israel and they end up realizing that the Syrians have fled and they have all this like merchandise and food and everybody's been starving because they've been seized and So they go and they're having a good time eating and having you're like But then they feel bad because they're like we're having a good time here Well, the whole rest of the city is starving and that's not fair So they end up going back to the city and telling the whole city and then they went spoiled all the tents and brought back As well, he's saying the same with the Bible in the fact that okay you speak Latin or you speak Greek or you speak Hebrew? You might be feasting But how is that fair to the people that don't have that ability don't speak these languages and so in fact many people strove to Translate the Bible into every language at that time and it's saying shortly after it's saying Almost immediately after the time of Christ and the Apostles people are already Translating the Bible into every language all kinds of languages. Everybody's getting the Word of God You know, we we we try to We kind of have this superiority complex of like English or something, but you know, if you go to a Bible Museum You know, it's incredible. You'll you'll find Bibles in all kinds of languages way before English even existed even thought of being a language and It's not like oh well The Bible didn't exist before 1611 of course it existed and of course it was going into all kinds of languages all kinds of tongues because everybody That's a Christian knows the importance of preaching the gospel spreading it and for people to not just hear the Bible But they will see it and read it and have a written word in their tongue and that's what they're bringing up says if any doubt here of He may be satisfied by examples enough and enough will serve the turn first st. Arome saith Mottarum gentium linguist scriptura ante translata docet false a essay cry Aditha sunt Etc. He says and you say what does that say? Well says this the scripture being translated before the language of many nations Does show that those things that were added by Lucian Hirsch's are false. So He's saying He adds the parenthesis to that quote in Latin But what they're saying here is that the scripture was translated into all kinds of languages Every kind of language you can kind of think of coming from the original source So then when people later came and tried to add to the Bible it was easy to pick that out Is what they're saying they're saying they had all these different languages to compare with and look to So when someone would just add in a Bible it was really easy to be like no That's not what this version, you know We have eight different languages and they all said the same thing and your bozo one that you came up with You're you're adding to the scripture So it's kind of a way to prevent fraud and is Essentially what they're alluding to so st. Jerome in that place the same Jerome elsewhere affirm it that he the time was had set forth the translation of the 70 Sua linga omen ebus Etc for his countrymen of Dalmatia Which words not only Erasmus doth understand to purport that st. Rome translated scripture into the Dalmatian tongue, but also Sixtus sinusus and Alphonsus acostro that we speak of no more men not to be accepted against by them of Rome do ingenuously Confess as much so st. Chris's stone that lived in st. Jerome's time giveth evidence with him the doctrine of st. John he saith he did not in such sort as the philosophers did vanish away, but the Syrians Egyptians Indians Persians Ethiopians and infinite other nations being barbarous people Translated it into their mother tongue and have learned to be true philosophers. He meaneth Christians, so What is the point of this paragraph and I'll just give you the essence of this paragraph is this many people throughout all centuries have translated the Bible into every kind of language and He's saying even your own beloved st Jerome Catholic Church Because who doesn't like this the Catholic Church the Catholic Church hates the idea of the Bible being in any language other than Latin It's Latin only okay, and so and they forbid people to have the Bible in other languages But he's saying hey even your own beloved st. Jerome. He translated into Dalmatia He's like put that in your Pope and smack it. You know. He's like how do you reconcile the fact that your beloved st? Jerome Didn't just give you a Latin he translated it into other languages and st. John Chrysostom another guy you guys love He's translating other language, and they say here's some examples you got the language of India Persia Ethiopian he's like all kinds of the Syrian Egyptian. He's saying the Bible was in every language There's so many examples. What do you what's your guys problem? Why do you hate people from having the Bible and multiple translations your own church fathers don't agree with you He says this to this may be added the Odor it as next on him both for antiquity and for learning his words be these Every country that is under the Sun is full of these words of the apostles and prophets and the Hebrew tongue Now that's important to think about what he said there and the Hebrew tongue. He's not saying the Greek Septuagint He's saying even the Hebrew you look this up, and let's go there acts 15. I want to show you one more place I wrote this down Elise. Let's go to Acts chapter 15 and notice what they actually even said about the Bible you know history is a funny thing and Honestly most history is just a made-up nonsense and and people don't really know what they're talking about You know what kind of history we can actually trust the Bible The Bible's history is always accurate, and it gives us the right depiction and of course the Bible gives us concepts that we need to never Forget there's no new thing under the Sun So the Bible is everywhere now. Just like it's always been Acts chapter 15 look at verse 21 for Moses of old time Have in every city them that preach him being read in the synagogues every Saturday notice What they didn't say Moses only right now is in every city It says Moses of all the time have in every city then that preach up Does it sound like the Apostles believe that the Word of God is limited to a certain group of people for a certain amount of? Time or are they saying hey the Bible has been everywhere all the time That's what they're saying and of course We they're getting specific here and what we're reading and they're saying the Hebrew tongue And of course they're truly worse than I mean, how do you think the Apostle Paul was in a synagogue everywhere he went? You know and of course he's going in there and arguing with them in the Hebrew tongue and probably the Greek too, but It says this he mean at the scriptures in the Hebrew tongue is Turned not only in the language of the Grecians but also of the Romans and Egyptians and Persians and Indians and Armenians and Scythians and Saromatians and briefly Into all the languages that any nation use it Wow Sounds like they're pretty clear that if you study Church history the Bible went into every single language Now notice what it says that a nation used That a nation that's an important distinction because even today this is pretty much true But some people will be like, oh, there's all these languages the Bible isn't translated into okay Maybe some clique language of an African tribe somewhere But the official language of a particular nation virtually speaking. I mean we have the Bible in every language and virtually, even these weird click language people they typically speak multiple languages and speak a more common broad tongue that has a Bible in it now, of course I'm not against improving that adding more to finding other places where there's a there's a lack and let's fill that gap But generally speaking the Bible is in every single tongue more or less That's what they're saying they're bringing they're making this point abundantly clear he says also or it says here So he in like manner Uplis is reported by Paulus daikonos and Isidore and before them by Susan men to have translated the scriptures into the gothic tongue John Bishop of Seville by Vasus To have turned them into Arabic about the year of our Lord 717 betta by sir Sis-ter-tenneous to have turned a great part of them into Saxon ethnard by trithemous You were thinking about names for your kids. You got some you got some options here To have a bridge the French Psalter as beta had done the Hebrew About the year 800 King allured by this said Sis-ter-tenneous, please don't name them that that's hard to say to have turned the Psalter in a Saxon methodius by Aventius printed at in Gloestad to have turned the scriptures into Sclavonian Valdo Bishop of frizzing by bettas Rhenianus to have caused about that time the Gospels we translated into Dutch rhyme yet extent in the library of Corbinian Valdis By divers to have turned them himself or to have gotten them turned into French about the year 1160 Charles the fifth of that name surname the wise to have caused them to be turned into French About 200 years after Valdis his time of which translation there be many copies yet extent as witnesseth barreled offs Much about the time even our King Richard the second's days John Trevisa Translated them into English and many English Bibles in written hand are yet to be seen with divers Translated as it is very probable in that age So the Syrian translation of the New Testament is in most learned men's libraries of wid mis Thaddeus his setting forth and the Psalter in Arabic is with many of Augustinius Nebentius Set in fourth so postal firmeth that in his travel. He saw the Gospels in the Ethiopian tongue and Ambrose Thisius Alleged the Psalter of the Indians which he testifieth who have been set forth by Paakton in Syrian characters so that to have the scriptures in the mother tongue is not a quaint conceit Lately taken up either by the Lord Cromwell in England or by the Lord Radville and pull it colony or by the Lord Unganadis in the Emperor's Dominion But hath been fought upon and put in practice of old even from the first times of the conversion of any nation No doubt because it was esteemed most profitable to cause faith to grow in men's hearts the sooner and To make them to be able to say with the words of the psalm as we have heard So we have seen go the way to Psalm 48 now again that was long and I just wanted to read through it so we leave no stone unturned but What's the point they belabored that point folks, but they're trying to make it abundantly clear everyone's translating the Bible into every language over and over and again again you go to the Bible Museum in Washington DC and What you'll notice is that there are Bibles and all kinds of languages from every century I mean there's all kinds of French Bibles and all kinds of crazy languages and and all kinds of examples And we're talking about things that they actually have physical copies of left We're not even talking about the things they actually have we're talking about they still have them left We still have examples of this we can still look to this okay, so the Bible is truly Been in every single language of every kind of people You know there's a verse that comes to my mind that I wasn't gonna have us turn there but you know the Bible says that this gospel shall be preached into all the world and Then the end shall come now. There's a couple ways to interpret that verse but Some people suggest there's gonna be like this mass soul-winning army That's just gonna encompass the whole world right before Christ comes back and look I'm all for trying to do that, and I'm not even saying that that's wrong But you know another way to interpret that verse is that the gospel has truly spread the entire earth from the time of Christ until now and I think that's more likely what it's actually trying to say Because think about it if the gospel and the Word of God has gone to everywhere Why is it that certain areas are really light and some areas are really dark? It's not because they didn't have the Bible. It's because they rejected the Bible folks it's because they as a nation hated the Bible and the Bible talks about the curse that comes upon nations and Areas that reject the Bible and how it's going to be punished from it from a very long period of time Under the third and fourth generation of them that hate me There are certain areas of this world where truly you could say Four or five generations have hated the Bible not just the immediate generation Now of course we would love to still get the gospel in there and and get people saved but many times what needs to happen and if you study history is that an era gets really dark and then God destroys it and Then the light comes back in there, but it's usually not think about this Sodom and Gomorrah There wasn't a whole lot of light spreading going on there It was really just nuke them off the planet, and then we'll bring the light back in there the nation of Israel It was like we're going to destroy them and Lake the land rest for a long period of time Then we're gonna bring the light back in there And and that's happened consistently throughout history where you have really dark areas or bad areas they get wiped out and destroyed by another nation and That allows you have that reset button for the gospel to come back in and for the gospel to spread again But you know let's not necessarily be unrealistic about the fact that some areas that are very hostile to the gospel may never change until they get destroyed until they get wiped out and From my perspective while I'm still alive. I'm gonna try and witness the people that are the most receptive first I'm not you know you might get mad at me, but I'm not gonna go start trying to witness in Sodom and Gomorrah You know Abraham didn't go down and try and get people saved in Sodom and Gomorrah Okay, and look there. There were where it could places. There's Nineveh Nineveh you know had light come into it, and they got saved But there sometimes comes a point where it's like this is not necessarily the area to go and witness right now Even the apostles brought this up there be times where they would say hey We're forbidden to go into Asia or we're forbidden to go in this place or we're kept from this area For a specific time and a specific you know place Paul was being told by the Holy Ghost over never don't go to Jerusalem Don't go back to Jerusalem, and then what does he do he goes back to Jerusalem? And then what happens he gets arrested, and he basically doesn't accomplish anything for several years He's basically just in jail for a really long period of time, and he's not doing much for the Lord He's not doing the same amount of works as he was when he was just traveling abroad and getting people saved and doing what God Really wanted to do now that God still accomplished his purpose despite Paul's rebellion Yes, he did that. He still get Paul to Rome. Yes. He did, but I bet there could have been a better journey If he had done with the Holy Ghost said right, it's like hey don't do this But you know God still works with our broken will okay, so you know he still he was still with Paul He didn't leave him he never forsook him. He still used him He still got people saved and so even when we screw up. God's like well get the guy saved in jail. Okay, you know Get your cellmate safe if you're not gonna obey me but you know God doesn't want us to just hear the Bible he even wants us to read it and And I like this verse it says verse 8 Psalm 48 verse 8 as we have heard So have we seen and the city of the Lord of hosts and the city of our God God will stop you but you know whatever you hear it's gonna it's gonna actually be we see and experience and That's the God that we worship Let's look at the next section. It says this the unwillingness of our chief adversaries that the scripture should be divulged in the mother tongue Now the Church of Rome would seem at the link to bear a motherly affection towards her children and to allow them the scriptures in Their mother tongue but indeed it is a gift not deserving to be called a gift and a provable gift that they must first get a license in Writing before they may use them and to get that they must approve themselves to their confessor That is to be such as are if not frozen in the dregs yet soured with the leaven of their superstition It sounds like America where you have to get like a fishing license to go fish It's like the gift to be able to fish and have freedom We have to pay for that, you know, you have to get a license and they're saying hey Yeah you could translate the Bible in another language if you get a license and If you go and ask the government and they say that you can do it But here's the problem bureaucracy was alive and well back then too and people weren't getting these licenses and Of course, they have superstition What's their superstition that anything outside the Latin is corrupt and bad and it can't be good You can't translate the Bible that was and that laypeople aren't can't be trusted with the Bible That's their doctrine But were they really superstitious or were they claiming that because they really just didn't want the truth to get eat out, right? They didn't want people to know what's really going on How be it it seemed too much to Clement the eighth that there should be any license granted to them in the vulgar tongue and therefore he overruled and Frustrated the great the grant of Pius the fourth so much. Are they afraid of the light of the scripture? Lucifer scripta to Rerum as Tertullian speaking that they will not trust the people with it No, not as it is set forth by their own sworn men No Not with the license of their own bishops and inquisitors yay So unwilling they are to communicate the scriptures to the people's understanding in any sort that they are not ashamed to confess That we forced them to translate it in English against their wills now This is what they're saying. They're saying it's so hard to get the Catholic Church to give you a Bible in your language that They won't even give it to their own sworn men their own sworn dedicated Catholics their own bishops Nobody can be trusted with this but then they say but we forced them to give us an English translation What is that called the do a reams? Okay, so the do a reams is an English translation, but it's not coming from the same stream of Our King James Bible. It's not the same lineage of the King James Bible. It's actually coming from the Latin so remember when they talked about how there was the Bible translated from the Septuagint into Latin and then into You know other languages or whatever. They didn't want to do that Well, the do a reams is coming from the Latin now to their credit that Latin is based on Jerome's Latin and Jerome's Latin Was coming from the Hebrew but still nevertheless They didn't want to come from the Latin they didn't want to trust the Latin and notice they're saying we forced them because basically we're gonna put them out of business and Everybody's gonna read our English version. So they had to come up with their own to try and just get well No, no read our English version Don't read their English version Okay, and of course they come up with lies and say the King James Bibles translated to give King Henry the 8th a divorce Not true, okay, but obviously that bad event did culminate itself into allowing More people to translate Bibles in English, but the King James didn't come from King Henry. It came from King James. Hence the name This says this this seemeth to argue a bad cause or a bad conscience or both Saying we don't know if we don't know if you have bad reasons or a bad conscience or both It's like are you stupid wicked or both? It's like oh, yeah Sure We are that it is not he that have good gold that is afraid to bring it to the touchstone But he that at the counterfeits neither Is it the true man that shunt of the light but the malefactor lest his deed to be approved now? That's coming from John chapter 3 how it talks about evil men not coming under the light lest his deed should be reproved But he that doeth truth cometh of the light that is these may manifest that they're wrought in God. So according to the Bible For some reason there's a connection With people being wicked and not wanting to get saved And that's just interesting. We have exceptions, but I believe this is also generally true. And what do I mean by this? The worst people in society are the least likely to get saved Now do we have exceptions? Yes, we have process getting saved. Yes Do we have examples of the Apostle Paul who was and his mind chief of sinners getting saved? Absolutely, but just generally speaking People that get saved usually were the better people They were the people that cared more they liked truth more. They didn't go down really dark paths Necessarily they and of course the Bible saying people that just love truth are the ones who need to get saved Because they're like at the end of the day. I would rather just know the truth and be shown how bad I am Then to not have the truth whereas wicked people they're just so afraid of even finding out about how to get saved because they they're afraid of their sins getting exposed of what they're really like and The things that they've really done. They're too ashamed and too embarrassed of how wicked they've actually been But they're unwilling to come to the light and you know that is a deterrent to people getting saved is they won't humble themselves and Believe on Jesus Christ, they won't humble themselves to hear the light or to hear the gospel and and I've even meet people like this I've knocked on doors and they say I'm going to hell And you're like, whoa, why that's an important question to ask why okay now this is either a sodomite just why? So this is like I've just done really sinful things and it's like well, can I just show you the Bible? You don't have to be a good person. They're like, no, I don't want to hear it And it's like they just they just think they're too bad And they or really they may be done some really bad stuff and they just don't want anybody to know and they're just too afraid And so they're just gonna shun it and that's that's a sad reality But the point that's being made here is the person that hasn't really lived that bad a life that hasn't really gone down these dark Roads is more likely to face scrutiny than the guy that's doing a lot of wicked things And so he's like if you have true gold if you have good gold You're not afraid of someone testing and making sure that it's good. Hey, if you have the Word of God You're not afraid of people testing this thing But you know what when you have a corrupted version with all kinds of problems and it doesn't really make any sense You're afraid of people scrutinizing your Bible you're afraid of or here's the thing when your doctrine doesn't line up with this You're afraid of people actually reading the Bible themselves and finding out what you believe Why do you think it is that I want you to read the Bible so much Why do you think it is that we reward people and and literally are just giving gifts out just thousands and thou I mean tens of thousands of dollars being given to the congregation just to read the Bible memorize the Bible study the Bible It's because the more you know this the more you're gonna want to come here The less you know this the more you want to go the fun center or something or do whatever, you know But of course who is afraid of you actually reading the Bible the fun center who is afraid of you actually reading the Bible the Catholic Church because you'll start saying like what's all this like graven image and idol stuff That's found in like every chapter of the Old Testament You know, where's this purgatory thing? You're talking of not in the Bible Hey, what's this part where Jesus says call no man father? What does that mean father? It's like Catholics just don't even read the Bible apparently and you know what? You know is afraid of people reading the Bible the Catholic Church But we're not afraid here. We love the Bible We want you to read it and it says this neither is it plain dealing merchant that is unwilling to have the weights or the meat yard Brought in place, but he that uses the seat, but we will let them alone for this fault and return to translation now It's funny is they kind of just kick the dog They were kind of like you guys yeah, you guys are wicked and evil and have bad intentions But you know, we'll just move on from now, you know, we're not gonna just belabor that point but you know Wink-wink nod nod. They're afraid of the light. Okay, and I want to just finish on this last one This last one will be good one the speeches and reasons both of our brethren of our adversaries against this work So here's what a lot of people are saying Against them and their answer many men's mouths have been open a good while and yet are not stopped With speeches about the translation so long in hand or rather perusals of translations made before and ask What may be the reason what the necessity of the employment at the church been deceived? Say they all this while hath their sweet bread been mingled with leaven her silver withdraws her wine with water Her milk with lime lack. They gypsum Malay miss a tour say a saint Irene and That's just saying you're mixing milk and lime or gypsum we hoped that we had been in the right way that we had had the Oracles of God delivered unto us and that though all the world that had cause to be offended and to complain Yet that we had none hath a nurse holding out the breast and nothing but wind in it hath the bread been delivered by the fathers of the church and the same proved to be Lapsidosis as Seneca speaketh. What is it to handle the Word of God deceitfully if this be not? thus certain brethren Also the adversaries of Judah and Jerusalem meaning Jerusalem like Sanballat and Nehemiah mock as we hear both of the work and workman Saying what do these weak Jews? Will they make the stones hole again out of the heaps of dust which are burnt although they build Yet if a fox go up he shall even break down their stony wall Was their translation good before? Why do they now mend it? Was it not good? You know that this is like reading all the troll comments on YouTube It's just troll comment after troll comment and true comment says why then was it obtruded to the people? Yay, why did the Catholics meaning popish Romanists always go in jeopardy for refusing to go to hear it nay If it must be translated in English Catholics are the fittest to do it They have learning and they know when a thing is well they can manum the tabla We will answer them both briefly So they finally get to their response all of this was a precursor just every accusation They're hearing under the Sun and notice people run their mouth back then just like they do today, and they're just saying Here's the essence though of the couple things that they're saying Why is it that you need to translate the Bible into an again? Are you saying that every Bible before it was wicked? Are you saying that everyone else was deceived? Are you saying that the Bible didn't exist before 1611? Are you saying that we're all wrong and everything's bad and if if the church needed to be updated? How come the Catholics aren't the one doing it? That's the essence that we just heard okay? We will answer them both briefly and the former being brethren so they're saying not everyone That's making this accusation is a bad person Some people are even genuine brethren, but simply they're still having the question Thus with st.. Jerome or st.. Jerome Dominus Verteris Minimi said post priorum studia and Domo Domini quote postumus labor omos Now you know exactly what button are you that is do we condemn the ancient in? No case, but after the endeavors of them that were before us we take the best pains We can in the house of God as if he said being provoked by the example of the learned that lived before my time I have thought it my duty To say whether my talent and the knowledge of the tongues may be profitable in any measure to God's Church Lest I should seem to have labored in them in vain Unless I should be thought to glory and men although ancient above that which was in them thus st. Jerome may be thought to speak so they basically Just allure to something that st.. Jerome said and they're like we have the same philosophy that st.. Jerome had What is their philosophy do we condemn the ancient? No all that which before us? Fine but Let us not think that the work of the men before us was perfect necessarily and that there could be no improvement or no adding to it and If anything should I not try that's what they say by a say it is our duty to say Whether my talent in the knowledge of the tongues may be profitable, so they're saying we're gonna try To see if we could profit the church Based on our knowledge Otherwise, I would have just been in church for no reason I want to labored in vain meaning that why would God put me here and Give me the opportunities. I have if at the end of the day. It was all in vain. I can't do anything to improve Like there's no way to improve anything There's no way to make anything better and that all the talents and the gifts and the knowledge that God has given me can never Achieve that which was before And some people have this mentality Some people have the idea that everyone before us was way better than us. So what do I have to add to the table now? Some of that's true. Is it true that there were men before us that were better than us in certain aspects. Yes Yeah, of course Solomon is arguably the smartest man to ever live. You already can't be the smartest But does that mean That you could not improve upon something of Solomon's work or Solomon's faith or or the things that were built by song No, that's not true. And just because you're not the best Doesn't mean that you can't contribute to the effort. God wants us to also contribute and when it came to the English tongue St. Jerome didn't translate the Bible in the English. So how is that gonna benefit English speakers to have st Jerome's Latin it's not So even if st. Jerome was the greatest person to ever translate the Bible he's dead and we need an English Bible So, you know who's God's gonna use? He's not gonna bring st. Jerome back from the dead He's gonna use you know, the men here they're gonna use Richard Bancroft and they're gonna use Sir Lancelot Andrews and they're gonna use the men that are here that could benefit the church and What I love about this is how They have this attitude of I want to do something profitable I don't want to just go to church and just do nothing for God and not add to the kingdom of God I want to be profitable. I want to do something and let me tell you something. Here's a way you can always do that So when? If you get someone say that's someone that I didn't get saved or anybody else got say you helped You can contribute to the kingdom of God, but don't be a Christian that never adds a brick to the building add bricks to the building do something profitable for God do something with your life and Also, let us not look to those of the past and say what they built cannot be improved upon What if they had done that when we'd have a bishops or we'd have a Geneva, but you know what? I'm glad we have a King James I'm glad that they said, you know what? This could be improved upon Let's improve upon it. Let's make the King James Bible and you know what I apply this also to church You Know I'm very thankful that we have independent fundamental Baptist churches that exist in our area and they're great And what I condemn the ancient no, but you know what? I like even more than that is the new IFB And let us not condemn the ancient Let us not look at those before us and say you know what they were just wicked and evil and deceit No, no, they were great and wonderful and did awesome works and we look to them with respect and dignity But we say hey, I think there's something we could add to the conversation. I think there's still something here that we can improve upon and if you understand my Perspective of church history is that churches can continually get better until the time of Christ There's no doctrine that I believe that says you know what church was perfected in acts 2 and and we can only Go back to that. We can only come to that perfection level. No. No, I think that churches can keep getting better Just like when I look in the 1600s, I don't look at any church in the 1600s and think I wish we had that church Because none of them I'm like, I don't want you have some weird stuff going on You have some good stuff. You have some weird stuff and it's like, you know, you should be you I be You know, we should keep improving church we should keep making church better and look I believe that our church is an improvement on churches of the past We're cleaning things up and look I think our church right now can be an improvement from what it was last year Let's not look at our church and say you know what we've arrived But rather look at it as a project where we can keep building it and making it better and better and of course God Blesses that which is biblical more Can God use the woman at the well who's in adultery to get people saved? Yes, but you know who he's gonna get more people saved through Peter He's gonna bless that which is biblical more. He's gonna bless he's gonna use the cleaner vessel more He's gonna do more through those who separate themselves and dedicate themselves of the work and are a willing vessel He can do more through them And so if our church wants to be greatly used by God then we ourselves should always look to how we can improve You as a Christian you should look to how can I improve I need to learn more I need to grow more I need to study more. I need to become a better soul winner. I need to become a better father I need to become a better husband. I need to become a better wife. I need to become a better child I'm gonna become a better just Texan. You know I'm gonna get beans out of my chili, and and I'm gonna become an Improvement of myself right or I'm just gonna become a Texan You know that's an improvement for many people right I'm gonna become a Baptist improvement. You know I'm gonna become a fundamental Baptist right there's there's always ways to improve ourselves and let us not think oh well You know I can't be like them or they were great or or even just even men today Thinking you know that guy is better than me. I can't I can't achieve that don't limit yourself by other people This this is our standard Don't even look at somebody and say like well I don't know if I could be like that person who cares your goal is Jesus Not some man in the flesh don't limit yourself and don't think more highly of men than you ought to think Many men that were great fell and had problems and have issues and if we're looking to men Then we'll never really achieve what God wants us to we should be looking to Christ and his example of perfection and always Trying to improve ourselves and always being willing to get better And you know what I love the new I have be I love that our church is trying to get better I Love that we're not content to do things just because but rather we study the scriptures to make sure whether those things are so I Like that we test things and we're trying things we're trying to experiment and see you know What's the best way to get people saved one of the best places to go and you know how do we do missions? And how do we just maximize getting people saved and what kind of methods and Improving our doctrine and and improving anything and everything instead of looking to the world and just saying oh Well what they gave us is all that we can use you know I'm so glad that the King James translators didn't say well. We're locked in with the bishops No, they said here's a King James And you know what why should we be content with what's been handed down to us and say we can't improve that Look You know when it comes to this you can always refine things you can always make things better when you look to the scripture And we compare things in the Bible. I think you can always find improvement No one's gonna be like yep I'm looking at this and it's you're perfect if you come up to me and say like pastor said I don't need more Bible I already arrived You're a fool, and why would I think that our church could be like that? Oh the church has already arrived no no Let us continue to improve and let us fine-tune and let us make sure that we're as biblical as we can possibly be and That we're striving for the right attitude and the right mindset and of course How do you make something pure you got to come from the right source isn't that where we kind of started with? We're not gonna get better from a defiled source we're gonna get better from the pure source and being washed by the water of the word and And cleaning ourselves up the most appropriate way, and we become more like Christ the more we read the scripture And we're coming from the right source This is why many Christians don't even live a separated life that don't use the King James Bible. Let's be honest but they're not using they're not using the source that could actually clean them up and And of course you know a dirty rag isn't gonna clean the table as well as a clean rag That's why we have the King James Bible And we want to get this and does the hands of people we want people reading this and studying this and Meditating on this and that's what's gonna make everything better including our country So I want America to be better there is only One way to make America great. It is the King James Bible You know what made America great the King James Bible. You know it makes this church great the King James Bible. You know it makes me Worth anything the King James Bible the only good qualities I have are because of the King James Bible The only good qualities of my family are coming from the King James Bible the only good qualities of this church are coming from the King James Bible the only reason why are so many so effective is because it's coming from a King James Bible The only reason why our country was great for so long is because their laws were coming from where from the King James Bible folks Why was it that we had such a great country is because it was coming from the King James Bible And the only way to make something great or to have purity is to come from a pure source Which is the King James Bible? It's not going to come from the politicians. It's not going to come from secular universities it's not going to come from logic and reasoning it'll only come from putting faith in this and trusting in this and let this be your light and your lamp and Let this be what washes you and let us appreciate the Bible more and more And and not look to ourselves as we've arrived but rather how can we improve? Let's close in prayer. Thank You Heavenly Father for the Bible and thank you so much for giving us such a pure Source that can clean up our lives and clean up our families and clean up our church can clean up our country Can clean up the world and I pray that you would help motivate us to get busy and do something for God Obviously we all have different tasks. We all have different abilities, but we all Were created with a purpose to do something and to Improve the kingdom of God and I pray that you would put it deep into our hearts that we would strive to be profitable That we wouldn't just be Christians in vain But rather we would take the opportunities we have to serve you to witness to the loss to get people saved and most importantly to get people back to the the real Bible the King James Bible and I pray that you would just help use our church for your honor and glory in Jesus name. We pray amen All right in closing let's go to song 64 Song number 64 Shall we gather at the river Song number 64 Shall we gather at the river Song number 64 shall we gather at the river everybody singing out on the first Shall we gather at the river? Where bright angel feet have trod With its crystal tide forever Forever flowing by the throne of God Yes, we'll gather at the river The beautiful the beautiful River Gather with the Saints at the river Flows by the throne of God On the bosom of the river Where the Savior King we own We shall meet in sorrow never Neat the glory of the throne Yes, we'll gather at the river The beautiful the beautiful River Gather with the Saints at the river That flows by the throne of God There we reach the shining river Lay we every burden down Grace our spirits will deliver And provide a robe and crown Yes, we'll gather at the river The beautiful the beautiful river Gather with the Saints at the river That flows by the throne of God Soon we'll reach the shining river Soon our pilgrimage will cease Soon our happy hearts will quiver With the melody of peace Yes, we'll gather at the river The beautiful the beautiful Gather with the Saints at the river That flows by the throne of God Great job everybody. You were all dismissed You