(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you life you you you you you you you you you I mean just saying you would have to be absurd or just wicked to tell a mother not to feed her baby when it needs the nourishment and just as absurd and wicked as that person would be would be the same to say that the church does not need the word of God or that we should not have the scripture so I'm already liking how I like this you know this is good isn't it second paragraph yet for all that okay the learned know that certain worthy men have been brought to untimely death for none other fault but for seeking to reduce their countrymen to good order and discipline you know who that is? William Tyndale you know what he's saying? He's saying some people have been put to death untimely meaning that he didn't die of old age William Tyndale was put to death burned at the stake I mean his first you know killed and then burned at the stake but essentially his life ended for what was his fault to bring good order to bring discipline from the scripture to give the Bible to people so they could live a better life I mean obviously it's for the Bible but why is it that what's the bigger picture here the bigger picture is to give people a chance to serve God to be right with God to know the scriptures and he's like men that just want to have a good church and a good Bible are being killed and being put untimely death that's their sin their sin is trying to give people the Bible to give the Word of God he says Now I'm going to pause there for just a second but he's trying to say that essentially it was a capital crime in cases to give people the Bible it was a capital crime to translate the Word of God it was a capital crime to do these type of things and that it took a long time for the leadership of their areas to end up harkening and changing their opinion and being willing to give people the Word of God to you know essentially get better laws like hey it's not really a capital crime to have a Bible like we can keep rape and murder on the books but can we take off the stupid law that says having a Bible is a capital punishment that teaching your children the Lord's Prayer is a capital punishment and he's saying like we need to change this he says and fourthly that he was no babe but a great clerk that gave forth and in writing to remain in prosperity and passion for adventure but yet he gave forth that he had not seen any prophet to come by any synod or meeting of the clergy but rather the contrary and lastly against church maintenance and allowance and such sort as the ambassadors and messengers of the great king of kings should be furnished is not unknown what a fiction or fable so it is a steam for no better by the reporter himself through superstitious was devised namely that at such time as the professors and teachers of Christianity in the church of Rome then a true church were liberally endowed a voice for sooth was heard from heaven saying now is poison poured down into the church etcetera this was a really hard part of this to read and and again makes the King James Bible seem like cake but one thing I noticed about what they do is they they struggle with this problem they they believe that their audience already has certain information so because you don't have a lot of information about this it's kind of harder to read but when they say here and fourthly that he was no babe but a great clerk they're talking about King James and they're talking about how finally there was a guy that's going to have some reasonableness and some sense but he's not just some child here he's not just some person that doesn't know what he's doing and he's the one that's going to actually give us this opportunity to write this wrong and give people the word of God but what happens is essentially there's this lie coming from Rome saying oh now is poison poured down into the church so King James saying hey let's give everybody the word of God from the original Hebrew and the original Greek what did the Catholic Church say about that oh now the church is being poisoned now poison is coming and entering the church which fits if you think about what does he say is the title of this passage the best things have been illuminated meaning what the best things are slandered falsely accused being attacked who's really upset about this the Catholic Church because they know once everybody has a King James Bible wow the Catholic Church by good luck with that staying in power and of course there was a big power shift they were nervous about it so they have to lie and say oh no no poor poor poisons entering into the church and going to destroy the church there's no new thing of the Sun anytime someone tries to do a great work for God anytime someone is standing on the right side of history standing with the word of God people are going to lie and falsely accused and slander they called the mass of the house Beelzebub how much more they have his household and so it's the same kind of accusations that they're facing in their day that they're being claimed that this is book is poison and you know if you meet real Catholics they'll say that they'll say the King James Bible is wicked they'll say that it's a horrible translation it'll be like oh King Henry just wanted a divorce so that's where you got the Bible like King Henry didn't write it number one King Henry didn't even ordain it you know your history is really off buddy but you know Catholics don't like the King James Bible and they'll speak against it because it's supposedly poison but really they're the poison he says thus not only as often as we speak as one saith but also as often as we do anything of note or consequence we subject ourselves to everyone's censure and happy is he that is least tossed upon tongues for utterly to escape the snatch of them it is impossible now censure would be someone's criticism so he's saying hey if you try to do anything of course everybody's gonna want to criticize you and and happy is the guy that is notice this least tossed upon tongues the tongues here is meaning people speaking against you going against you and he's saying happy is the guy that got the least of it you know the least amount of criticism the least amount of slander the least amount of false accusation anything to escape it is impossible I love these guys attitude you know what they said you cannot please everyone let me put it in really modern okay you cannot please everyone and anytime you try to do anything good anything right be it known people criticize you people are gonna attack you people are gonna come against you I'm liking these people's doctrine so far you know and of course it's biblical if you think about it says if any man can seat that this is the law and portion of the meaner sort on me and that princes are privileged by their highest date he is the seed as the sword devoureth as well one as another as it is in Samuel nay as the great commander charged his soldiers in a certain battle to strike at no part of the enemy but at the face and as the king of Syria commanded his chief captains to fight neither with small nor great save only against the king of Israel so it is too true that envy strike if most spitefully at the fairest and at the cheapest so what they're saying here is if you think that only you know the lowest of people the most average normal people are going to be criticized you're wrong you're dead wrong if you think because you have a high lofty position or because you're a leader or because you have prestige no one's gonna criticize you you're wrong in fact you're gonna get the worst is what he says and essentially who's the top of this list would be King James so what they're saying is don't be confused and think that if someone is the top leader if someone's the king if someone's the pastor whatever that they're somehow not gonna get spoken against saying no no they're gonna get the worst of it they're gonna get the most of course who's our top Jesus so it gets the worst of it Jesus obviously and and they're trying to say just like in the book of Samuel when we read about how you know they wanted to the enemy kings wanted to kill the king of Israel they were like don't fight with anybody great or small just get the king just kill the king let's only target him and of course is a story where they did a swap and everything like that but with the point that they're trying to draw from the text from the scripture is that of course many evil people realize you just need to knock out the top domino and everyone else falls typically and this is very true everything rises and falls with leadership and when a great leader goes down consistently through the Bible everyone falls with them everything kind of goes down with them and so it's important that if you ever going to be in a position of leadership that you have thick skin that you're willing to take a lot of criticism that you're not thinking like oh well if I finally become the pastor then people stop criticizing me wrong and it doesn't matter what position right what's probably the highest position in our world is probably president of the United States anybody that wants to be the president of the United States for any kind of good reason they're going to be severely attacked severely malaligned now of course if you want to be the president for wrong reasons like Joe Biden you know you'll probably get a lot of grace there from the media and everybody else but you know and I don't know maybe it's like 15D chess or whatever you want to call it but it's like the fact that the media hates Trump kind of makes me sympathize for him sometimes because I'm just thinking like he must have some good reason now does he have bad reasons probably is he a good guy not really but I'm guessing that he has some good reason otherwise they wouldn't be so vicious and attacking the guy and trying to arrest him and falsely accuse him and just slander him hating on him just regularly he must he must intimidate them for some reason he must scare them for some reason and of course there's no leader throughout history that's like Jesus Christ except for Jesus Christ folks okay so you can't you can't just damn every leader because they're not a good person or damn I mean what are you gonna say like I could never support any king that had multiple wives or slept with multiple women it's like good luck finding that leader I guess you can't like David I guess can't like Solomon I guess he can't like anybody so you know while I would not support Donald Trump he's an adult or he's committed a lot of sins and issues or whatever I don't want to just throw the guy into hell just because of that because how many other men of God or even just leaders or presidents fell victim to a lot of these sins and a lot of these issues but you know he doesn't seem to be the reprobate that Joe Biden is he doesn't seem to be as bad as some of these other individuals he's arguably the most prideful person ever and that's a serious issue too but you know maybe someone like Donald Trump could get saved eventually you know that would be cool or or what if other leaders could get saved there's other Kings there's other lead I mean how about the president of Uganda talk about a stand-up guy and I don't know if he's saved or not but everybody hates this guy why because he's trying to pass somewhat biblical laws on the alphabet mafia and you know what God bless Uganda God bless their president I hope he gets saved and if he's not if he is saved then good job brother you know but if you try to do anything for God you try to stand for any kind of righteousness you're gonna be attacked malaligned and and basically that's what he's trying to say says this David was a worthy prince and no man to be compared to him for his first deeds and yet for as worthy an act as every did even for bringing back the Ark of God in solemnity he was scorned and scoffed at by his own wife go to second Samuel chapter six go to second Samuel chapter six they say man this is arguably the greatest guy to ever live and for sure at the time of his life the greatest guy I mean there's he is literally the Chad of all Chad's I mean there is no guy that a woman would not want to be with more than David I mean David is your guy he's he's good looking according the scripture I mean he's one of the best looking guys he's the strongest you know best warrior that's ever walked on the planet he's the king of the greatest nation he's God's like favorite person on the planet he's the man after God's own heart I bet he's a pretty good guy generally speaking everyone seems to like him I mean he's written all these songs he's musically gifted and you know let's just be real about women for some reason they just love musicians don't they I mean if you know anything about women it's just like the guy's ugliest sin but he can sing well they're just like you know he's the sweet psalmist of Israel I mean David's got everything going for him the greatest guy what just super awesome but you know what his wife just can't be content can't she I mean you got David and she's not content second Samuel chapter six look at verse fourteen and David dance before the Lord of all his might and Dave was girded with a lengthy fight now here's another thing David loves God I mean there's no question that David loves God he has great faith he's shown himself most he's shown himself mighty on God's behalf and he's just so excited to bring back the Ark of God that he literally is just dancing with all of his mind I don't know what that looks like that's intense I mean this guy's excited and he's moving and he's dancing and what is the Bible say cause this is the narrator which is the Holy Ghost according to the Scripture David is doing all of this to the Lord And David danced before the Lord with all his might. So why is David doing all this for God? David is trying to serve God with his life. He's trying to do with all of his might, which is what the Bible prescribes, that we're supposed to do with all of our might, everything that we have. And yet, even trying to serve God with all of his might and doing one of the greatest tasks, he's bringing the Ark of the Covenant back into the children of Israel. He's going to build it a house. I mean, everything that he's doing makes sense. Think about, it's kind of similar to what the King James Bible translators are trying to do. He's trying to restore the Word of God back to Israel. You know, he's literally bringing in the Ten Commandments, the physical, the originals. I mean, he's bringing back the Word of God. He's bringing back the mercy seat of God to the children of Israel. And yet, look at verse 20. Then David returned to bless his household. Is David even in a bad mood? David is going to now bless his... He first blessed God. What is his next move? Now I'm going to bless my house, okay? Wife is in position number two. And Michael, the daughter of Saul, came out to meet David and said, how glorious was the king of Israel today who uncovered himself today in the eyes of the handmaids of his servants as one of the vain fellows shamelessly uncovered himself? This is a mouthful. Man. It's like, what in the world? This guy is serving God better than anybody could ever serve God, and his wife is saying, oh, you're doing it because you're carnal. You're trying to pick up ladies. You're trying to do this for yourself. You're vain. What you're doing is meaningless. What is vanity? Meaningless. There's no point to it. There's no benefit to it. And you know what? This can happen. Where a man tries to serve God, tries to do something big for God, and even his own wife would say, no, what you're doing is meaningless. Saul winning? That was meaningless what you did today. Oh, reading your Bible? That was meaningless what you did today. Going to church? That's meaningless what you're doing. And they'll try to undermine your spirituality and try to attack your spirituality. Look, if it can happen to David, it can happen to us. And how wicked is it for a wife to criticize David when he's trying to serve God? Look, I personally believe that she doesn't even have the right to criticize him at all, but especially when he's trying to serve God. I mean, it wasn't like she's criticizing him for adultery or something here. You know, at least he'd be kind of like, well, he shouldn't have done that. He wasn't even doing anything wrong. He's trying to serve God, and he's being malaligned, misrepresented by his own wife. What was the title of this section again? The best things have been columninated. This is one of the best things. And then it gets twisted into this junk. And of course, God punishes her so severely that she can never have children again. I mean, that's a harsh punishment from the Lord, is just to make her just barren, you know, for the rest of her life because she spoke against David. But you know what? God didn't like that. God was very displeased with her for having done this. And, you know, David got pretty upset about it, too. He even said in verse 22, and I will yet be more vile than thus and be base in my own sight, and of the maidservants which thou hast spoken of, of them shall I be had in honor. Now, some people get confused about that verse. I don't think that... You have to understand what David's trying to say. I don't believe that David is trying to say I'm just going to be bad on purpose. I think what David's trying to say is, in my life, there's going to be times when I'm worse than that, okay? Because that was actually a high point for him. If your wife is going to look at you and judge all your actions, it was like that was my peak of what I could be as a person. So every other part of my life, it's going to be worse. And, in fact, there's going to be days where I'm not even pleased with myself. I'm not even pleased with my own actions. I feel like I screwed up. I did something wrong. And yet, that day that I feel bad about myself, the handmaids are going to still think I'm awesome and worthy of praise and not criticize me. And he's trying to say that's how a wife should actually be is that even on your husband's worst day, you can still praise him and be on his side and be on his team because he's David, because he's your husband. You know, the cheerleaders still score when you're losing the game. Think about it. Cheerleaders just criticize the football team. You know, as soon as the other team scored, they're like, you guys suck. You know, what are you doing? Get an eye formation. You know, it's like the cheerleaders don't know football, folks. They're not there to try and criticize the football team. She should have thrown it harder. You know, what are you doing? Run it up the middle. You know, it's like, that would be silly if they're like, give me an R. Give me a U. Give me an N. Run up the middle. You know, it's like the cheerleaders don't do that. They just say score. They just say win. They just say go fight. You know, and that's how a wife should be to her husband. And what is the symbol here? The symbol here is that men of God trying to serve God should be also held with high esteem and high respect and not just criticized for everything that they do. And not always looked at in just this negative light and always trying to just knock them down, rather be someone that would be willing to support them. But let me tell you this. The whole essence of this is that men should realize if you want to do something big for God, you have to be willing to even face your own wife. Hey, men that can't lead their wives should never be a pastor because she might tear you down. And if she's the one in charge, you're going down. You know, you need to be someone to support him and to stand by his side and to help him and to assist him. And, you know, this is why it's so important that we have biblical teaching that men lead their wives. How many churches today is a co-pastor? It just drives me insane. There was a church across the street from us in Watauga and it's like co-pastors, the husband and the wife. And I'm just thinking, like, how does that even work? Good sermon, honey, you know. Can you imagine? What if she starts ripping on husbands or something? Wouldn't that be weird? Well, they don't rip on anything, let's be honest. But it's like that's just so out of order. It doesn't make any kind of sense. But, you know, women are not designed and built to take this kind of pressure, to take this kind of heat. You know, it takes a real man to be able to stand up to this scrutiny. That's why you don't see strong women leaders doing anything because any time you're in a position of leadership, you're going to get a lot of scrutiny, a lot of heat. You, as men of your household, you will get scrutiny for the decisions that you make. Your mother-in-law, your father-in-law, your cousins, your brothers, your sisters, your mom, your dad, everybody's going to come and attack you, and you'll be wanting to do something good for your children. Hey, we're not going to give them poison injections called vaccines, and you'll just be malaligned. You'll be falsely accused. Hey, we take our children to church three times a week. Oh, what are you, in a cult? No, I go to a church. No, we actually study the Bible. Oh, well, you're just a terrible person. But think about it in the same context. Well, we're not drug addicts. We're not drug dealers. We're not committing all these horrible crimes. So why are you so worried about us going to church wanting to learn the Bible more and wanting to be around other brethren and helping people and preaching the gospel? How is that so wrong? It's like this doesn't even make... This is absurd to speak against. You must be wicked or absurd to say such a thing. Look at the next part. Solomon was greater than David, though not in virtue, yet in power. And by his power and wisdom, he built a temple to the Lord, such in one as was the glory of the land of Israel and the wonder of the whole world. But was that his magnificence liked by all? We doubt of it. Otherwise, why do they lay it in his son's dish and call on them for easing of the burden? Now, what do they mean by this? They mean... I'm going to 1 Kings chapter 12 for a moment. Go to 1 Kings chapter 12 for a moment. You know what I like about these guys? It seems like these guys read the Bible. It's always bringing up Bible stories. Now, this is what they say, and we'll read a little bit more of this, and we'll read the Bible. Make, say they, the grievous servitude of thy father and his sore yoke lighter. Be like he had charged them with some levies and troubled them with some carriages. Hereupon they raise upon a tragedy and wish in their heart the temple had never been built. Look at 1 Kings chapter 12 verse 3. The Bible says that they sent and called him in Jeroboam, and all the congregation of Israel came and spake unto Reboam, saying, Thy father made our yoke grievous. Now, therefore, make thou the grievous service of thy father and his heavy yoke, which he put upon us lighter, and we will serve thee. So what they're trying to say here is that even Solomon, having built arguably the greatest building ever built in human history, Solomon's temple is definitely considered the greatest, if not the greatest building ever constructed. The house of God, literally. I mean, it's where God is going to sit. I mean, he's going to literally descend down from heaven and sit on the mercy seat of all the places on earth. That's where he's going to be. In fact, the high priest can only enter in once. And if he doesn't do everything right, its instant death is how holy this place is. He gets to build the house of God. I mean, it's built out of gold and the most precious stones. The construction itself, they couldn't even use a hammer. It had to be quiet and just so sacred and set apart. The whole world wanted to come and see this marble of Solomon's temple. It's considered one of the greatest constructions. And many of these men got to be a part of it and notice how they complained about how hard it was. We didn't even get to use hammers. You know, it was so grievous. It was like, dude, you got to build the house of God. Why are you complaining? And that's what he's trying to say. He's like, no matter how hard that was, you got to be a part of one of the most important projects that's ever happened. Why are you complaining about it? Why are you upset about it? And he's saying, even if you give someone a really important job, they're still going to complain about it. They're still going to be upset about it. They're still going to argue, well, if you make our job a little bit easier, then we'll serve you. But, you know, it's almost as though he said, or as the translator said, it's like in their heart, they wish they'd never even had to do any work. It says this, and I even highlighted this one, I like this phrase, so hard a thing it is to please all. Even when we please God best and do seek to prove ourselves to everyone's conscience. He said, even if you try, you just can't do it, folks. And think about it. You know what's better construction than the Solomon's Temple? King James Bible. And yet, even when they please God best and do seek to prove everyone's conscience, so hard a thing it is to please all. How many people are so frustrated with this, and they don't even like the construction of the word of God, and they get upset about the construction of the word, and they complain about the word of God. Look, this is a marvel. This is a great example of a great example of a great example of a great example of all of this, this is a great wonder that we have on our hand here. What an amazing book, and look, this book is arguably the greatest book that's ever existed, like the English version, because look at the impact it's had on our world. I don't know how to compare it. Obviously, the Hebrew Bible was greatly used in a really important document. But obviously, in any time recent history, the King James Bible can't even be paralleled. Even the original Greek and Hebrew Greek and Hebrew has not been used the way that the King James Bible has been used the King James Bible and other translations the Latin or the or the Spanish or the French the German they can't compare this is one of the greatest books that's ever been written that's ever been manufactured and I don't believe they they could understand yet the impact they were going to truly have when they made this but wow what an incredible document and and they had to face a lot of adversity to make this and and I'll say this you know Steadfast Baptist Church I believe is a special church that's doing great things for God but many of us may not even realize the impact that's going to really have until afterwards but don't let that discourage you and let me tell you something if you try to build a great church and do a big work for God you will be malaligned you will be attacked you'll they'll say all manner of evil against you because they don't want it to go forward but you know what strong leaders are just steadfast no matter what they don't care they're unmovable they're gonna just say you know what we're gonna do a great work when you go so any when you read your Bible you try to raise your family for God you'll be lied about and slandered and provoked but you know what you don't even realize the great marvel it is that you're working for and we need to stand strong and not get discouraged and not allow the enemy to gainsay us into quitting but rather stay committed and to finish the course to finish the work that God has set us for I'm so glad that the translators didn't quit halfway through making the King James Bible I'm so glad that King James didn't change his mind later from all the pressure and all the lies and you know they always I always hear the stupid lie about him being a homosexual that's a lie from the pit of hell and of course they're gonna lie about that it's no different than any man of God today that preaches against the alphabet crew they'll just say oh you must be almost no you are I'm not afraid of what names you call me I'm not afraid of what names you label our church you've already we've already got them all anyways you know at this point there's not much left to say just join the club folks but you know what the King James Bible I believe is the Word of God without Aaron and I want to finish this series I don't know how long it's gonna take but I want to read through this because I feel like there's a lot of edification there's a lot of Bible and and I don't want to be a church that's just like I can't even read half the Word on the page you know I can't even put a puzzle together I just believe the Bible you know it's like that's stupid let's not be a stupid church let's have a little bit of education you know please read this on your own you know you got a copy no one's stopping you I think it's great literature and I think the more you understand you know we're supposed to the more you understand this better person you are let's be educated and let's not go to text lingo all right it's closing prayer Thank You Heavenly Father for giving us the Word of God such an important book that's changed our all of our lives and I pray that we would not look at the work that you've given us as a burden that it's something that's grievous but rather would be excited to have an opportunity to serve you would be excited to be a part of something that's that's special that's important building a church raising a family preaching the gospel there's nothing more important than these tasks that you've given us and we all have our part and I pray that we'd all be encouraged and provoked to continue to have zeal for things that are good things that are righteous that we work hard that would use the brain that you gave us that we'd use the hands that you gave us we'd use the feet that you gave us we'd use the mouth that you gave us to preach the Word of God and that we wouldn't be afraid but rather we would stand strong in the Word of God and we put our faith in you in Jesus name we pray amen and all right for the last song let's go to song number four song number four the way of the cross leads home song number four I must needs go home by the way of the cross there's no other way but this I shall ne'er get sight but the gates of light if the way of the cross I miss the way of the cross leads home the way of the cross leads home is they to know as I onward go the way of the cross leads home I must needs go on in the blood-sprinkled way the path that the Savior trod if I ever climb to the heights sublime where the soul is at home with God the way of the cross leads home the way of the cross leads home it is sweet to know as I onward go the way of the cross leads home then I bid farewell to the way of the world to walk and it never more for my Lord says come and I seek my home where he waits at the open door the way of the cross leads home the way of the cross leads home it is sweet to know as I onward go the way of the cross leads home great job everybody you were all dismissed