(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) 🎵Music🎵 🎵Music🎵 🎵Music🎵 🎵Music🎵 🎵Music🎵 🎵Music🎵 🎵Music🎵 🎵Music🎵 🎵Music🎵 🎵Music🎵 🎵Music🎵 🎵Music🎵 🎵Music🎵 🎵Music🎵 🎵Music🎵 🎵Music🎵 🎵Music🎵 🎵Music🎵 🎵Music🎵 🎵Music🎵 🎵Music🎵 Good afternoon, everybody, and welcome to Steadfast Baptist Church. It's great to see everybody here tonight. If we can go ahead and find our seats, we'll go ahead and get started. And for tonight's first song, we'll start in song number 143 in your hymnal. Song number 143, Blessed Assurance. Song number 143, everybody sing it out together on the first. 🎵Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine🎵 🎵Oh, what a foretaste of glory divine🎵 🎵Air of salvation, purchased of God🎵 🎵Born of His Spirit, washed in His blood🎵 🎵This is my story, this is my song🎵 🎵Raising my Savior all the day long🎵 🎵This is my story, this is my song🎵 🎵Raising my Savior all the day long🎵 🎵Perfect submission, perfect delight🎵 🎵Visions of rapture now burst on my sight🎵 🎵Angels descending, break from above🎵 🎵Echoes of mercy, whispers of love🎵 🎵This is my story, this is my song🎵 🎵Raising my Savior all the day long🎵 🎵This is my story, this is my song🎵 🎵Raising my Savior all the day long🎵 🎵Perfect submission, all is at rest🎵 🎵I am my Savior and happy and blessed🎵 🎵Watching Him waiting, looking above🎵 🎵Filled with His goodness, lost in His love🎵 🎵This is my story, this is my song🎵 🎵Raising my Savior all the day long🎵 🎵This is my story, this is my song🎵 🎵Raising my Savior all the day long🎵 Alright, great singing everybody. Let's open up the service with a word of prayer. Lord, we love you and we just thank you again for Steadfast Baptist Church. We ask that you just bless the fellowship, bless the singing, and bless the preaching. And it's in Jesus' name we ask it. Amen. Alright, for our next song, let's go to song number 169. 169, Come Thou Fount. Singing out real well in the verse, 169. 🎵Come thou fount of every blessing🎵 🎵Tune my heart to sing my praise🎵 🎵Strings of mercy never ceasing🎵 🎵Call for songs of loudest praise🎵 🎵Teach me some melody of sonnet🎵 🎵Flung by the flaming tongues above🎵 🎵Praise the mount I'm fixed upon it🎵 🎵Mount of thy redeeming love🎵 🎵Here I raise my Ebenezer🎵 🎵Hither by thy help I'm come🎵 🎵And I know by thy good pleasure🎵 🎵Safely I'll arrive at home🎵 🎵Jesus sought me when a stranger🎵 🎵Wandering from love full of God🎵 🎵Need to rescue me from danger🎵 🎵Interposed his precious blood🎵 🎵Oh to grace how great a debtor🎵 🎵Daily I'm constrained to be🎵 🎵Let thy goodness like a feather🎵 🎵Mind my wandering heart to thee🎵 🎵Grown to wander, Lord I feel it🎵 🎵Grown to lead the God I love🎵 🎵Here's my heart, oh take and seal it🎵 🎵Seal it for thine hearts above🎵 service up an hour to the 430 time and then we're also going to move our Spanish service to 9 in the morning and so I'm really excited about that change hopefully that will accommodate everybody a little bit better also on the right there is several people you can be in prayer for are expecting ladies as well as our prayer list on the back if you would like to attend our preaching class it's April 27th the 29th is our homeschool trip the fourth is the baby shower for the Hernandez family the fifth is the spring swap that's just kind of in between services there and then also May 11th is the Mother's Day tea there is a sign-up sheet out here in the foyer so for all of you ladies that are attending please make sure you do sign up for that and of course if you'd like to invite your mother your grandmother sister anyone you're welcome to do so please just make sure that you're adding them into your total when you sign up so that we have everybody we have room for everyone also we had the congratulations to the Oz family on the birth of Heidi Lorraine she was born on the 20th at 4 31 a.m. 9 pounds 9 ounces and 20 inches long congratulations them and that's really all I have as far as announcements we're gonna sing our third song Psalm 126 it's in our special handouts Psalm 126 all right though Psalm chapter 126 sing it out together on the first things for them the Lord things for us where we are turn again our captivity Oh as the streams in the south they that so in tears shall be enjoyed hey that's so in tears are we can enjoy he that go forth and weep it bearing precious seed shout out let's come again shout out let's come again with rejoicing bringing his sheets with him then said they among the heathen the Lord had done great things for them the Lord had done great things for us whereof we are glad great singing everybody now as the offering plates are being passed around go ahead and turn in your Bibles to numbers chapter 19 the book of numbers chapter number 19 you you numbers chapter 19 the Bible says and the Lord spake unto Moses and unto Aaron saying this is the ordinance of the law which the Lord hath commanded saying speak unto the children of Israel that they bring thee a red heifer without spot wherein is no blemish and upon which never came yoke and you shall give her unto Eleazar the priest that he may bring her forth without the camp and one shall slay her before his face and Eleazar the priest shall take of her blood with his finger and sprinkle of her blood directly before the tabernacle of the congregation seven times and one shall burn the heifer in his sight her skin and her flesh and her blood and her dung shall he burn and the priest shall take cedarwood and hyssop and scarlet and cast it into the midst of the burning of the heifer then the priest shall wash his clothes and he shall bathe his flesh and water and afterward he shall come into the camp and the priest shall be unclean until the even and he that burneth her shall wash his clothes in water and bathe his flesh and water and shall be unclean until the even and a man that is clean shall gather up the ashes of the heifer and lay them up without the camp in a clean place and it shall be kept for the congregation of the children of Israel for a water of separation it is a purification for sin and he that gather at the ashes of the heifer shall wash his clothes and be unclean until the even and it shall be unto the children of Israel and unto the stranger that so journeth among them for a statute forever he that toucheth the dead body of any man shall be unclean seven days he shall purify himself with it on the third day and on the seventh day he shall be clean but if he purify not himself the third day then the seventh day he shall not be clean whosoever touches the dead body of any man that is dead and purify not himself to file at the tabernacle of the Lord and that soul shall be cut off from Israel because the water of separation was not sprinkled upon him he shall be unclean his uncleanness is yet upon him this is the law when a man dieth in a tent all that come into the tent and all that is in the tent shall be unclean seven days and every open vessel which has no covering bound upon it is unclean and whosoever touches one that is slain with a sword in the open fields or a dead body or a bone of a man or a grave shall be unclean seven days and for an unclean person they shall take of the ashes of the burnt heifer of purification for sin and running water shall be put there too in a vessel and a clean person shall take hyssop and dip it in the water and sprinkle it upon the tent and upon all the vessels and upon the persons that were there and upon him that touched a bone or one slain or one dead or a grave and the clean person shall sprinkle upon the unclean on the third day and on the seventh day and on the seventh day he shall purify himself and wash his clothes and bathe himself in water and shall be clean at even but the man that shall purify but the man that shall be unclean and shall not purify himself that soul shall be cut off from among the congregation because he hath defiled the sanctuary of the Lord the water of separation hath not been sprinkled upon him he is unclean and it shall be a perpetual statute unto them that he that sprinkles the water of separation shall wash his clothes and he that touches the water of separation shall be unclean until even and whatsoever the unclean person touches shall be unclean and the soul that touches it shall be unclean until even. Let's pray. Dear Heavenly Father thank you for this day. Thank you for Steadfast Baptist Church and everyone here. Please help us to do great works for you. Please bless Pastor Shelley as he preaches the word in Jesus name. Amen. Amen. I wanted to talk about this chapter number chapter 19 where it brings up this idea of a red heifer sacrifice and it's so for some reason just very popular in the news and online and social media these days because there are individuals who are trying to supply the nation of Israel with red heifers to perform sacrifices again. Now this is actually big news in the sense that animal sacrifices have essentially been nonexistent since 70 A.D. since 70 A.D. the children of Israel have not been performing daily sacrifices or animal sacrifices. This has not been something that's happening. And you'd ask why why have they not been doing that. Well it's pretty obvious that they rejected their savior the Messiah the Lord Jesus Christ and as a result God punished them and took away their temple and took away their nation and took away the sacrifices because they're blasphemous at that point because Christ was their once for all sacrifice. So to reinstitute any of that would be a rejection of Jesus Christ as the lamb of God would be to reject Jesus Christ and the symbol that he is found in all of the Old Testament. But at the same time you know it still doesn't mean that this part of scripture doesn't matter. It doesn't mean that we can't find some significance it doesn't mean that it doesn't relate to us even today it's just that we're not going to actually literally find a red heifer and do this ritual or do this ceremony or do this sacrifice. That would be a rejection of the New Testament. But let's understand what these verses are saying. Verse 1 and the Lord spake unto Moses and unto Aaron saying this is the ordinance of the law which the Lord hath commanded saying speak unto the children of Israel that they bring thee a red heifer without spot where in his noble omission upon which never came yoke. Why is it so important that they find an animal specifically this red heifer that doesn't have a spot and has no blemish and upon which never came yoke. Well this is to signify things about the Lord Jesus Christ because every animal sacrifice in the Old Testament is a picture of Jesus. Now not everything about Jesus can be encapsulated in one sacrifice. That's why we have so many different sacrifices is because there's so many different things that are going on with the Lord Jesus Christ. And so God has used so many different animal sacrifices to illustrate all the different things that are going on with Jesus Christ. So the red heifer sacrifice while it does foreshadow and picture some aspects of the gospel and of Jesus Christ it doesn't do everything. So it would be wrong to think that everything is encapsulated in Christ's sacrifice in this one sacrifice or sometimes it's also to make the errors to say that everything going on does directly relate to Jesus. Sometimes it's not going to always directly relate either but much of what we're talking about does have a direct correlation. Keep your finger go to Second Corinthians Chapter number five the Second Corinthians Chapter number five. Why is it that this animal could not have a spot or blemish. Well I would submit to you that everything that God gave has at least a dual purpose. It is a carnal on the surface for that time purpose and then it has a significance from a spiritual picture. What is the purpose of them having this red heifer without spot and blemish at that time. Well God wants you when you sacrifice to sacrifice the best. God wants your heart and at your heart that there's this battle over money that's kind of at the heart of every single person. And so when you're going to do it animal sacrifice back then they don't have dollar bills and they don't have Bitcoin they don't have all these other monetary system their money's tied up in their animals. That is really a major source of what their income actually is. And of course their income is dependent on how healthy the animal is. How good of an animal it is. They're going to yield a greater return or greater profit. So when you have to sacrifice an animal if you sacrifice an animal that's lame sick disease full of blemishes it wouldn't be worth as much money as an animal that's perfect spotless without blemish. So on the surface if we're just examine why God's saying this he wants them to offer the best of the flock. He wants them to offer the cream of the crop. He wants them to take their most significant thing that they could possibly sacrifice and sacrifice that to God. And of course when it comes to animal sacrifices what is the cream of the crop. It is the heifer. The heifer is the best. I mean this is where you get filet mignon. OK. This is where you get the t bone. This is where you get the all the different great cuts of meat ribs and brisket and just everything. I mean the cow provides the greatest meats that you're going to have when it comes to an animal and quantity the quantity I mean if you were to slaughter a cow especially a healthy large cow you get a lot of meat. I mean these things yield so much food. And so the heifer is kind of in a sense the king of the jungle when it comes to animal sacrifices it's the top it's the cream of the crop it's the greatest. So of course you're going to take the best animal the best quality. It doesn't necessarily matter that it's a red heifer but just the fact that it is a cow or a bullock. Those are the greatest of the animals as far as sacrifices go. So just from a kernel perspective a lot of those things make sense. How would that then translate into pictures of the Lord Jesus Christ. Well frankly speaking comparing him to us. He is the cream of the crop. He is the greatest. He is the the best in every kind of possible sense. Additionally if we were to take the greatest person they still have blemishes in the sense that they've still sinned because the Bible says for all of sin it comes short of the glory of God. There's not a just man upon the earth that doeth good and sineth not. No one is perfect and without spot. We all have sinned. But when we talk about Jesus Christ the difference between him and us is that he never sinned. And so that's why it was important to find an animal that had no blemish or had no spot. And in Second Corinthians chapter number five it relays this point kind of indirectly but it tells us here look at the end of the chapter. Look at what it says in verse 18. In all things are of God who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ and have given us the Ministry of Reconciliation to wit that God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself not imputing their trespasses unto them and have committed unto us the word of reconciliation. Now then we as ambassadors for Christ as though God did beseech you by us. We pray you in Christ said be reconciled to God for he hath made him to be sin for us who knew no sin that we might be made the righteousness of God in him. So the Bible says that Jesus Christ knew no sin or it says he you know what that means is he never had a sin. He didn't he didn't ever try to sin. He wasn't going to sin. Nothing about sin in him happened. He was perfect spotless without blemish. And that is the foreshadowing we have here with those animals that spiritual picture go back to Numbers chapter 19. So of course this is not limited to the red heifer when we talk about the lamb sacrifice of the Passover it's also supposed to be a lamb that's without blemish that's without spot. And when you read a lot of the Bible as far as the Old Testament you'll find that often throughout history a lot of Jews especially the worst ones they would try to offer the worst animals they would offer sick and blind and lame and they were always trying to like Jip God they're always trying to offer him this lame animal sacrifice. But you know what that pictures that pictures work salvation because you know you're offering you're offering yourself and guess what you're lame blind and have all kinds of blemishes and everything and so instead of taking the perfect spotless lamb as your sacrifice you're offering yourself and unfortunately yourself is not accepted because your works are not going to be accepted before God you cannot be saved by your works because you're lame blind you have blemishes you need a perfect and spotless lamb which is Jesus Christ and you know what you need the red heifer spiritually speaking Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is that picture of that animal sacrifice. Now look what it says in verse 3 and he shall give her unto Eliezer the priest that he may bring her forth without the camp and one shall slay her before his face. Another aspect foreshadowing of Jesus Christ is that this specific animal sacrifice is done without the camp. That's just meaning it's not in the the main area of the city and that's kind of a word that we are familiar with it's out of out of town it's kind of on the outskirts of the society. Now this is the foreshadow of course and a picture the fact that Jesus Christ how he would die that he was not going to die in the city. He was going to die on the outskirts or outside of the city. Now go to Hebrews Chapter 13 keep your finger and go to numbers. I'm sorry go to Hebrews Chapter 13. Of course this foreshadows how Jesus Christ was taken without the camp and how he was slain. He does not killed inside the city limits or in their town which is kind of incredible to think about like how the Bible written that far ago could tell us all the precise details of Christ's death at that time. I mean to predict anything in the future is very difficult let alone something we're talking about thousands of years in the future with such precise detail. And the writer of Hebrews is explaining to us what that means. Hebrews is probably the greatest commentary on understanding the Old Testament law understanding the Old Testament law and sacrifices Hebrews is basically your commentary to tell you what these things mean. Hebrews Chapter 13 look at verse 9. Be not carried about with divers and strange doctrines for it is a good thing that the heart be established with grace not with meats which have not profited them that have been occupied therein. We have an altar where have they have no right to eat which serve the tabernacle for the bodies of those beasts whose blood is brought into the sanctuary by the high priest for sin are burned without the camp. Wherefore Jesus also that he might sanctify the people with his own blood suffered without the gate. Let us go forth therefore unto him without the camp bearing his approach. So what the text was saying is that these animals many of the sacrifices were taken out of the camp to be burned. And that was a picture of how Jesus was going to die outside of the camp. Now this specific red heifer sacrifice is a burnt offering is a whole burnt offering and it is done without the camp. But not only is it burned without the camp it is slain without the camp which is interesting because some of the animal sacrifices are slain at the altar. In fact they have them slain at the altar and they burn like some parts there and they take the other parts outside the camp and they burn them. When we talk about the red heifer sacrifice specifically it is taken outside the camp and then killed outside the camp which is exactly how Jesus Christ was killed. Jesus Christ was taken out and put on the cross and he died on the cross without the gate. And so that's a picture of Jesus. Now what's interesting about this in verse 9 is it brings up this idea of not being carried about with divers and strange doctrines. Now the word divers is kind of a strange word but all you have to do is add the word E or the letter E to the end of it and then it starts making sense because diverse you kind of think of multiple or being kind of different and that's what it means by divers just being multiple. So it's just saying there's all kinds and multiple and strange meaning foreign not common something that you're not used to something you've never heard before. It's new to you. Strange doctrines. There is a lot of false doctrine when we talk about animal sacrifices. And right now in America there is a bunch of Christians who are Zionists and they are falling for divers and strange doctrines. They are somehow believing that they should be giving money to organizations to help bring in red heifers into Israel and then literally sacrificing those animals in Israel. That is a diverse and strange doctrine. And that is not what the Bible says we should be doing. In verse 9 it also says it's good that our hearts be established with grace and not with meats meaning we shouldn't be living for the carnal. Of course the animal sacrifices the priests would eat that specific animal the Passover sacrifice is an animal sacrifice that they ate. And when we talk about the other animal sacrifices they're eating and they're eating the best meats. Notice what it says in the end of this verse which have not profited them that have been occupied therein. Meaning the priests that are constantly I mean they do a daily sacrifice they're slaughtering cows and eating beef every single day. And what does it say. It did not profit them. People that are doing this every day it didn't profit them. Why because animal sacrifices didn't profit anything. They were foreshadowing Jesus which was the only thing that was actually profitable. Notice verse 10 we have an altar where they have no right to eat which serve the tabernacle. Now this is important verse. Let's break down what it's saying. It's saying that there's a certain group of people that are not allowed to eat. Who are these people. The ones that serve the tabernacle. Who are those who are serving the tabernacle when the book of Hebrews is written. That is the Jews that are in Israel doing the animal sacrifices. So unsaved Christ rejecting Jews at the time when this was written he's saying they have no right to eat at our altar. What altar. Well here's the thing. To Jews and to the religion of Judaism they believe that the right altar should be in Jerusalem in the temple. And they would say oh man we're not doing sacrifice because we don't have all that if we had that then we would be offering the animal sacrifices. It'd be pleasing to God. That's what God wants us to do. OK. Well let's just go back in time because back in time they had the right temple and they had the right carnal altar and they were taking the animals there and sacrificing them. But guess what. That was wrong. That was wrong back then. And guess what it would be wrong right now as well. And when he says that we have an altar which I again believe the author of Hebrews is most likely Paul. But Paul was not concerned with animal sacrifices that are going on in Jerusalem or having anything to do with that. He's saying that his altar is somewhere else. You know why? Because his altars in heaven. And he's saying the carnal Jews of that day they have no right to eat at that heavenly altar. Why because they rejected Christ they don't believe in Jesus Christ. This is a proof text that the apostle Paul which again I'm saying that I believe he's the author of this but whoever the author is of this and of course it's intended for all Christians anyways. It's a proof that we don't care about the animal sacrifices going on in Jerusalem. We have nothing to do with that. That is not for us. We care about the altar in heaven. Where was a better sacrifice the blood of Jesus Christ put on and they have no right to eat at that. And of course what we were sanctified by was the blood of Jesus not any animal. And I like you know the fact that it says that we're supposed to also kind of go out the gate. Did you notice that it says let us go forth therefore unto him without the camp bearing his approach. There's probably a lot of interpretations of this. There's probably a lot of applications of this verse. But this is the one application that I want to make that I think is really interesting and I think it's really important for this book specifically. The Jews after they got saved the ones that were saved Peter John the disciples they stuck around in Jerusalem. God did not want them to stick around in Jerusalem. You know what he wanted them to do leave and go out the camp and go without the gate and preach the gospel and all the world and to go into the Gentiles and preach the gospel. And I believe what's kind of being referenced here is the idea of like get away from the altar and get away from that temple and go without the gate go out into the world and preach the gospel to every creature. You know what our calling in this life is to not set up some place to just eat animal sacrifices. We are here to go without the game the camp and to suffer for the approach of Christ and to preach the gospel to get people saved. You know the book of Hebrews if you study it in chapter number 11 what is the big deal chapter 11 people being sojourners and traveling and going somewhere to do the works of God and you know what to be honest with you many times in order to get people saved and do great works for God you have to go you have to be willing to go instead of just setting up shop and just hey I'm just going to slaughter cow after cow after cow and just eat my heart's content. Well what does the Bible say in verse number nine. For it is a good thing that the heart be established with grace not with meats anything. I love meat. You will never meet someone that probably likes steak and meat more than me. But you know what that is not what my heart should be established on. My heart to be established with grace. I should even be willing to travel to countries where I can't even have that just to preach the gospel because you know what it matters more that we suffer for the cause of Christ in this life and that we do the will of God then we just pleasure ourselves and just satisfy our bellies. You know Christ didn't come here to be ministered unto but to minister and to give his life a ransom for many. And you know that's what we're supposed to do is we're supposed to give our lives as a ransom for many. Of course this is a complete rejection of the Lord Jesus Christ to go back to Israel. There are Christians that are obsessed with getting sacrifices back in Israel. It's like no you should be obsessed with getting people the gospel. Not trying to bring animals back into Israel. That just doesn't make any sense folks. And of course those are the people that crucified your savior and now you want to go give them more cows. I mean it just doesn't make sense. Go back to Numbers if you would. Numbers chapter 19. We have an altar and that altar is in heaven. The reason why they can't eat there is they have nothing to do with heaven or God. They don't care about the heavenly altar. They only care about. They only care about the carnal and their current status. Now I want to go back to Hebrews so I should probably told you keep your finger there but I want to read another verse here. The Bible says in verse 4 and Eliezer the priest shall take of her blood with his finger and sprinkle of her blood directly before the tabernacle the congregation seven times. So they slaughtered this animal and then they take the blood of this animal and they sprinkle it seven times. Now what would be the significance of this. Well if you kind of study the Bible you get this general idea that the word seven or the number seven references completion. You have the seven days of creation. You have other things that you know just the seven days of the week is kind of coming from creation. Seven is often a number of completion. Well what in the world with this blood being sprinkled picture that would come that would picture the completion of our salvation through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ that everything was completed through Christ's sacrifice and through the sprinkling of his blood on the altar in heaven. OK go back to Hebrews. If you would I'm sorry go back to Hebrews chapter 13 and the Bible makes it abundantly clear that Jesus Christ took his blood up into the holy place and presented himself in the presence of God and sprinkled the blood and that's what gave us forgiveness of sins. That was the atonement. That's why people say I believe in the blood atonement because we recognize that it was the blood of Jesus Christ that gave us the forgiveness of sins not an animal sacrifice. Therefore we don't really care if you have the right mentality. We don't care about this place and this world. Yeah. In the Old Testament if you wanted to be a Christian and you want to serve God you know is important is important to make pilgrimages to Jerusalem is important to go there. That's where the Lord's people were. That's where he went to find the word of God. That's where God's oracles were. God was dedicated and committed to that specific area and it was an important area. And you know what if I was a Christian at that time I probably would try to move there and try to live there. Right. I mean if I was a Gentile try to join one of the tribes and try to be part of those people and try to live in Jerusalem and try to serve God. And of course at times you would still travel into all the world to preach the gospel. I mean Jeremiah traveled and left preach the gospel to all kinds of different people. So it's not like you wouldn't leave but you would probably want to live there. But in the New Testament there's this idea of leaving Jerusalem. Jerusalem doesn't matter anymore. There is no specific geographic location that Christians need to live in. And that's why it says in verse 14 for we have no continuing city but we seek one to come. Why are Christians obsessed with rebuilding Jerusalem? We have no continuing city. We're just sojourners here. The only Jerusalem you should care about is the heavenly Jerusalem that we seek to come. And this is what's emphasized in Chapter 11. Go to Chapter 11 now for a minute. Well we've got to get those heifers in Jerusalem. No no no no. Who cares about that place? You know building your local area is just as important as building any other local area. It doesn't it doesn't really matter. And it's all going to be burned up eventually anyways. We should stop worrying about carnal things and trying to usher in the Antichrist. And we should worry about the things the Bible actually says. Now Hebrews Chapter 11 is the Hall of Faith. It's a very famous portion of scripture. Look at verse 10. This is talking about Abraham for he looked for a city which has foundations whose builder and maker is God. Abraham was not trying to set up a heavenly Jerusalem I'm sorry a carnal Jerusalem. He was not trying to set up a physical place that he could live. He was looking for what a foundation that was built by God. Abraham already had the idea hey I'm living for the New Jerusalem not for this one. And of course that's the same philosophy that every saved person should have. Even David and Solomon recognize that when they built a temple that wasn't really God's dwelling place. They're like how can I build you a dwelling place like you're you you fill the heavens. You know it's just a representation or a model but there will be one day a heavenly Jerusalem that descends down out of heaven and that's where God lives. You know what God's building was made by him folks sorry. I know there's some people that work in construction here some carpenters and plumbers and whatever. God doesn't want you to build it. All right. We've seen your work. OK. No I'm just kidding. He's going to make he made it himself and it's better. It's got gold that's transparent glass. I don't even know what that means but it sounds cool. All right. I mean this thing is so massive and so great. And you know what he made it. And frankly speaking I'm glad it wasn't made in China. OK that's just my you know that's just my opinion but hey everything right now is made in China. But you know what the heavenly Jerusalem was not. It was made in heaven. All right. It was made by God. And that's the type of city that we should be focused on. Look at verse 16. Just skip forward a little more. And this is just talking about in general all the patriarchs of the faith. It says but now they desire a better country. That is and heavenly wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God for he prepared for them a city. So again. Before Jerusalem even existed in the context that we think of it before David prepared for that first temple before Solomon built that temple all of the spiritual patriarchs were saying I'm seeking for a heavenly city a heavenly Jerusalem a better country. They didn't care about the physical temple. You know the disciples are trying to show Jesus like have you seen the temple how amazing it is. And he's just thinking like hey one stone is not going to be left upon another buddy. Like who cares who cares about this place. And we talked about a temple being destroyed. He was actually talking about his own body because he's the temple. Did you ever recognize that the temple gets destroyed and then rebuilt. What do you think that represents how Jesus Christ would die and be buried and then resurrect. That's a picture of the death burial and resurrection. And of course why would that temple go away. Well we had the real temple come. So we don't need that second temple has been destroyed. What would this third temple be. That's a representation of the Antichrist and his blasphemous. OK folks we don't need that. That doesn't make any sense. And in fact the New Testament temple. I don't have this in my notes. Keep your fingers. I want to come back to this. Go to Ephesians chapter number two. You want to know what the real temple is of God in the New Testament. It's me. You say that's weird. Well it's not just me it's you too. OK. All right. Don't get all weirded on me. I'll prove this to you. Look at Ephesians chapter two. And look what it says. Let's read in verse 19. Now therefore you're no more strangers and foreigners but fellow citizens with the saints and of the household of God. You know what I'm a Jewish citizen. I'm a Jew and a Jewish citizen. Verse 20 and are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets. Jesus Christ himself being the chief cornerstone. And all the building fitly framed together growth unto an holy temple in the Lord. And you also are building together for a habitation of God through the spirit. So you know what. We are the temple of God. We are the habitation of God. And God literally dwells inside of us because we're saved. That is the temple that Christians should be concerned with. And you know what. They should be concerned with building the temple of God which is the church of God. Which is the pillar and ground of the truth. Instead of Christians building the temple of God they're building the temple of the Antichrist in Jerusalem. And they want to offer a blasphemous animal sacrifice when they already had their once for all sacrifice. Jesus Christ. It was completed. The seven times of sprinkling were performed. It's done. We don't need it again. It's over. To offer such is just so wicked and so blasphemous. Go back to Hebrews chapter 11. I want to look at it another few verses here. Stop getting your eyes set on a carnal Jerusalem. Don't be like all of our politicians. Don't be like Donald Trump who goes and puts on the little hat and bows at the wall. Don't be like Joe Biden to go put on the hat and bow at the wall. Don't be like Ron DeSantis and Greg Abbott. He can't even walk and he still did it. OK. He's getting carted over there. Apparently Rand Paul. You know I guess the I guess you can't count on sons being as good as their fathers. It's like Ray of Boem. They call Ray of Boem Paul. So they should call him. It's not Ron Paul. That's for sure. I mean it's just it's just weird. Why are all these people going over to some wall and bowing down and putting on a little hat. And in fact many of them even claim to be Christian. It's so weird. It's like you need the book of Hebrews. I don't even think many of them are saved probably it's probably fake but I'm sure there are saved people. I know people that are saved that are just like enamored with Israel. It's just like oh this is so amazing. You know I just can't go I just can't wait to go over there and buy everything they have and get all the souvenirs and it's the Coke bottles written in Hebrew. It's still corn syrup. Like it didn't magically become better. It still looks like the Black Sea. OK you know whatever. Like the Dead Sea you know it doesn't become mystical because as Hebrews letters on it. Look at verse 32. And what shall I say and what shall I more say for the time would fail me to tell of Gideon and of Barak and of Samson and of Jephthah of David also and Samuel and of the prophets. You know when we talk about all this group of people that are looking for this heavenly city. It's David also. That's an interesting character. David doesn't care about your little Jerusalem. Yet David built or prepared to build this temple. You know what he was thinking of a heavenly. He wasn't only concerned with the carnal. And look at Chapter 12 20 verse 22. The Bible says in verse 22 but you're coming to Mount Zion unto the city of the living God the heavenly Jerusalem and to an innumerable company of angels. You know we should care about is the heavenly Jerusalem. I want to go one more place go to Galatians Chapter 4. I'm kind of belaboring this point but it's such an important point that I think is missed in our society. Quit worrying about a carnal Jerusalem. Like the carnal Israel the physical Israel the nation of Israel today is not something we should care about. We care about the heavenly Jerusalem. That's the city that matters. You say oh there's a bunch of Muslims occupying physical Israel today. Who cares. Let them have it. I don't care. I don't care who has it. I don't really because I don't really want to be over there. I'm not interested. Now of course I'm not like pro Islam. Obviously Islam shouldn't even be a religion that exists. But of course I don't really care who has it or what's going on over there. But what I do care about is the heavenly Jerusalem and it's weird for Christians to be so obsessed with a physical Israel a physical Jerusalem. That is it's never going to be a place to go. I don't know if you know this but Tel Aviv is the most faggoty place in the world. OK. Israel is they just love fags so much. Not only that if you go to Israel as a Christian the Jews many of them they will spit on you literally. If you go outside if you're walking around in the city they will walk up you just hop loogies on you and spit on you and curse at you if you walk up and down their streets. No not everywhere. Obviously there's a lot of tourist companies that are trying to take you to some really specific places to make you think it's all nice. And they'll lie to you like Wells Fargo and treat you like your customer or something. But they're just trying to get bucks from you. They're just trying to get your goyim dollars. OK. And at the end of the day they hate Christians. They hate you guys. They just want to use you like a whore like a whore of Babylon. OK. You can imagine that. And it just doesn't make any sense because if I build that temple guess what's going to happen then they're going to offer blasphemous sacrifices. Why would I want to be there for that. And then pretty soon there's another person showing up. He's called the Antichrist. I really don't want to hang out there then. There's really no reason to ever be there. I mean if you're going to show up and give people the gospel. God bless you. That's going to be rough. OK. If you want to do it have fun. You'll be you'll be in for a ride. All right. But that's probably not the next mission strip we're going to take. OK. I don't know how many will sign up. But you know I mean look I'm sure there's some cool biblical sites over there. I'm sure there's some cool stuff and fun stuff to do. I'm not against someone that travels over there. I'm not saying you can't preach the gospel but just generally speaking it's not any better than any other place. And if I had to pick like OK Bahamas beaches you know all that stuff or Israel it's like let's go to the Bahamas you know like let's go somewhere else. Like if we're going to enjoy a missions trip that's where I would like to enjoy. And if you really want to suffer there's always Africa. You want to you want to suffer. That's a great place to go to suffer. But again Africa is the one of the greatest places to preach the gospel. Almost everybody's ever gone there and said it's like the most receptive easy to get people saved. Great opportunity to get a lot of people saved. Israel doesn't have a lot of things going for it. It's also dangerous apparently. You know like I don't highly recommend it. But there's so many Christians they're so obsessed with this piece of dirt over there in the Middle East. And let me tell you something there's nothing to be obsessed about. It doesn't make any sense. Even at the time of Christ or right after it doesn't make sense. Look at Galatians Chapter 4 verse 22. For it is written that Abraham had two sons the one by a bondmaid and the other by a free woman. But he who was of the bondwoman was born after the flesh but he of the free woman was by promise which things are an allegory for these are the two covenants the one from the Mount Sinai was gender at the bondage which is agar for this agar is Mount Sinai in Arabia and answer at the Jerusalem which now is and is in bondage with the children. Now this was funny. I actually did a little bit of a kind of a debate recently where I was arguing with a Jew and like a Judaizer and this this Judaizer kept saying that we as Christians and we as the church were constantly spiritualizing things and we're like allegorizing things and we have all this Roman theology. Well you know what it's not me allegorizing things when the Bible says in verse twenty four which things are an allegory. You know I'm not allegorizing the Bibles allegorizing things. I didn't think like I wonder if there's a spiritual or allegorization that I can make out of this. It's like the Bible is like hey here it is dumb dumb. It's an allegory and you want to understand what the allegory is. Well you know this bastard child in essence this agar of agar which is what you think is Islam is you. This is what's so funny. Jews hate Muslims. Jews just despise them. They want to destroy them. They think that they're so wicked and so evil. And the Bible is basically saying those people that you hate you're the one that pictures them. If we were going to do an allegory you're that person. That's who you are really. And look what it says in verse 25. And for this agar is Mount Sinai in Arabia and answer it to Jerusalem which now is. He's saying the Jerusalem that was then at the time after Christ is of agar is Ishmael the spiritual Ishmael is the Jerusalem that was then. How much more than today. Because back then you could you could say without question that they were the seat of Abraham. Jesus Christ when he talked to the Jews he did not contest the fact that they were the seat of Abraham. Today there's some legitimate questions of all those people are the seat of Abraham. OK let's just say that that's even true even if it is true. Well guess what they're still spiritual is Ishmael. They're still agar and they're still in bondage. So why in the world would an eye care about physical Jerusalem today. You know in the Bible says cast out him and cast out the bond woman. You know they have nothing to do with the children of the free verse 26. But Jerusalem which is above is free which is the mother of us all for it is written rejoice thou bearing that bear us not break forth and cry thou that travail us not for the desolate hath many more children than she which hath and husband. You know what that means. More people are going to be in heaven. That did not come from the Jewish line but are coming from the Gentile line. That's what it's saying. It's saying hey or you could even interpret another way that the people that are saved are going to be more numerable than physical Israel was. However many people lived in Israel. There's going to be more saved people than there was in that. But it's just basically saying hey there's a lot of Gentiles that are going to be populated in heaven. Either way however you want to interpret that. Verse 28. But now sorry now we brethren as Isaac was are the children of promise but as then he that was born after the flesh persecuted him that was born of the spirit. Even so it is now. Nevertheless we'll say the scripture cast out the bond woman and her son for the son of the bond woman shall not be heir with the son of the free one. Notice this shall not be heir. The Jews don't have a special covenant. The Jews are not the chosen people. The Jews are not going to be heirs of the children of Israel. The choke the people in Israel today are going to be cast out into outer darkness where there's weeping and gnashing of teeth. They're not an heir. They've never been an heir. They never will be an heir. It's not their land. They keep telling me that that's their land. Oh we're the heirs you know because of Abraham. But you're not of Abraham. If you were the children of Abraham you would do the works of Abraham. You know what they're not that so they're going to be cast out. They have nothing to do with that. Verse 31 so then brethren we are not children of the bond woman but of the free. Go back to Numbers Chapter 19. I belabored that point. But what's the point. The point is that we should not care about a physical city called Jerusalem. We care about a heavenly city Jerusalem. And when you don't care about a physical area in Jerusalem you know you're not going to care about bringing them red heifers. Building their temple. Doing you know giving them unlimited foreign aid. For them to just do whatever they want. Because you know if we didn't just give them unlimited foreign aid you know what they would have to do. Stop bombing Gaza. And you know if they stopped bombing Gaza you know what happened. Less people would die. And if less people are dead you know you can do you can give the gospel to more people. So if you're pro gospel you should be anti bombing places. And if you're anti bombing places well then you're going to stop giving the money. And if you stop giving the money you know you don't care about that you care about a heavenly Jerusalem. You know Christians be doing giving their money to their church not giving them to some foreign nation. But of course our politicians are bought and sold that's a whole different sermon but. When we talk about this red heifer that sprinkling of the blood seven times was a picture of how the gospel was complete with Christ. We're done with the animal sacrifices. We're done with all that. That was a only imposed on them until the time of affirmation as the book of Hebrews says. Verse 5 and one shall burn the heifer in his sight. Her skin and her flesh and her blood with her dung shall he burn and the priest shall take cedarwood and hyssop and scarlet and cast it in into the midst of the burning of the heifer. I think you could say there's some loose pictures here perhaps obviously the cedar wood can picture things like the cross hyssop and scarlet could picture obviously aspects of Jesus's death. But of course the burning and it's a whole burnt offering would foreshadow and picture the fact that Jesus Christ went to help us. And the Bible makes that abundantly clear in all kinds of places Acts chapter 2 verse 31 says that his soul is not left in hell. You can see in the book of Jonah out of the belly of hell cried I is what he says in chapter number two. You can see in Matthew chapter 12 verse 40 for his Jonas was three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. So so the son of man I'm sorry in the well's belly so so the son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. So Jonah was in the well's belly for three days and three nights just like Jesus Christ was in the heart of the earth for three days and three nights. And so that's a picture of the burning a lot of people don't like to bring up that a lot of pastors will get mad about the fact that Jesus went to hell and I don't know why that's so upsetting because if that's what the text says then why would I ever be upset anything the Bible says you should believe every part of the Bible you know doesn't offend me. All it does is it makes me have a greater appreciation for what Jesus did makes it even that much more real why he's in the Garden of Gethsemane saying let this cut pass for me. If there be any other way you know because because all of that's rough but hell's even worse. The humiliation the shame the pain the torture all of it was gruesome and it's to show the ugliness of sin is to show that sin has to be dealt with. God doesn't just let sin up the hook. And so you have to take either the bloody sacrifice of Christ and his burnt offering or you have to be the burnt offering you have to go into hell and to suffer and the problem is you're never going to pay it off. The problem is you don't have enough to pay it off. You know it's like that idea of you go to a restaurant you don't pay they make you clean dishes. Well the problem is you're never going to be done clean dishes. There's just too much. And so that's why you need to accept his sacrifice. And what he did. Verse 7. Then the priest shall wash his clothes and he shall bathe his flesh in water and afterward he shall come into the camp and the priest shall be unclean until the even and he that burneth her shall wash his clothes in water and bathe his flesh in water and shall be unclean until the even and a man that is clean shall gather up the hedges of the heifer and lay them up without the camp and a clean place and it shall be kept for the congregation of the children of Israel for a water of separation is a purification for sin and he that gathers the ashes of the heifer shall wash his clothes and be unclean until the even and it shall be under the children of Israel and under the stranger the sojourn of among them for a statute forever. Now we've read in essence everything about the red heifer as we continue reading in this chapter it's going to bring up other aspects of purification and sin offering you know this isn't the most prevalent portion of scripture it's not necessarily highlighted that much but it's still a great picture of the Lord Jesus Christ and it's not to say that it's not significant but this is what Jews will do they'll say we need the red heifer sacrifice because we need it for the purification of sin. Now this is where it of course is confusing and there is a Jew out there that I talked to recently and he's saying yeah once we get this red heifer sacrifice going people are going to wipe out of comas and people are going to be the blinds going to see again and it's like you know well that did happen one time it was when Jesus was here. And here's the problem. You have to understand how the Old Testament worked in the Old Testament when you sinned in order to atone for that sin in a carnal way you had to offer a physical sacrifice. OK. This is not really that much different than how it works in the New Testament. OK. And this is why I want to explain to you when you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ you're saved. That was Old Testament. That was New Testament. As soon as you put faith in Jesus Christ you are counter righteous. Abraham had faith and it was is imputed unto him for righteousness. That's when he was saved. But what happens when you sin tomorrow. Well guess what. You're going to be punished potentially for that. There's a punishment. But you know what you do. You should get on your knees and you should pray and tell God I'm sorry for that. Please forgive me for that. Please don't impute that unto me and ask for grace. And God can then not punish you as he may still. I'm not saying to get off the off the hook for free but it's likely and it's possible that God will give you grace and not necessarily punish you for that sin. Well in the Old Testament when you sinned you didn't need an animal sacrifice to go to heaven. But you know what you need to do the animal sacrifice to get right with God again just like we quote repent of our sins or pray or do these different things in order to get right with God in the New Testament. They had to do these animal sacrifices to get right with God in the Old Testament. You know that's another reason why this is the better testament that we have a once for all sacrifice. The Bible does warn Hebrews I'm not going through all this chapter. It does warn that if they were punished harshly in that system how much more are you going to be punished in the system that we have when you're doing despite the spirit of grace. So it's important to take seriously the commandments of God even though you don't have to take an animal sacrifice. And you know to some degree you could see how the animal sacrifice might actually even help people take sin more seriously because of all the actions they had to do in order to cleanse themselves from that particular sin. So when they take this animal sacrifice when they take this red heifer and they perform this ritual and they go out and they sprinkle the ashes. It said specifically in verse number nine it is a purification of sin. It did not do anything to them carnally. It was a spiritual picturing of how they're now right with God again in that current moment. But here's the problem with animal sacrifices in the Old Testament law. As soon as you sinned again you need to do another sacrifice. And then you sin again another sacrifice. You know what this reminds me of? Catholicism. Where you sin and now you have to do penance and now you have to go to the confessional. You just do this all over. And again their view is like you have to keep doing this in order to go to heaven. And if you die in a status where you weren't right then you won't go. And it's like Catholics always have to kind of pray and try to do the rosary and do all these things to try and stay right. I remember talking to a Catholic priest about salvation and I said are you sure you're going to heaven. He says Yeah I had a really good confession today. Like you're still on your way to hell buddy. You know your confession didn't do anything. OK. And I'm sure you sinned since then anyways all right. But when we talk about this purification it did not purify them carnally. No one took the ashes of a red heifer and then all of a sudden they're physically healed or something or it blessed them physically. And you know why I know that's true because when you read this did you read what it said in verse number seven. It said that the person that touches this stuff the priest shall be unclean until even. Did you notice the verse number eight it says he that burneth her shall wash his clothes and water and bathe his flesh and water and shall be unclean until the even. Did you notice that everybody's unclean when they touch this. Look at verse 10 and he that gathered the ashes of the heifer shall wash his clothes and be unclean until even. Touching ashes makes you dirty. Touching asses makes you unclean. And so if people are going to go into Israel. Take this red heifer slaughter it and then start covering their body and ashes. They will be unclean physically. It will not bless them physically. It's there's no special post. Don't go out and think like I got this new lotion called black ash heifer. You know. Red heifer ash lotion it's going to fix my problems. No no no no no. That's that is not what the Bible is teaching. The Bible is literally teaching that touching this stuff was dirty and it made you unclean. What it did do though was an atonement for your sin. And the thing that did make you clean you know it was water. Praise God that's the most abundant thing we have on this planet. You know when you're dirty you know you need to do wash yourself in water. It's called the shower. All right. That's how you become clean. And you know some people need that message. Take a shower. OK. If you're slaughtering animals and dealing with blood and dealing with ashes take a shower. OK. That is how you get clean and you know stay away from us for a little while. All right. That's basically the advice that it's giving. But go back to Hebrews chapter number nine go back to Hebrews chapter nine. If we look at it from a purely carnal perspective that's what's going on. Now. If someone in Israel did all this stuff it's all hocus pocus. Nothing's been going to happen but it is possible that if this is around the timeline of the Antichrist that maybe there's some lying signs and wonders. But generally speaking there's nothing if you go out and kill an animal you're not going to get any special benefit from that. There's no such miracle that's going to be performed. You're not going to see all of a sudden. Don't don't try this at home folks. OK. But of course back then in the Old Testament it did provide some kind of a spiritual benefit. Today it would be the exact opposite. You're not going to get any kind of spiritual benefit from slaughtering animals. God would look at you as being wicked and blasphemous. Now another aspect though is brought up in Hebrews chapter nine. Look at verse number eight. The Holy Ghost this signifying that the way of the holiest of all was not yet made manifest. While as the first tabernacle was yet standing which was a figure for the time then present and which were offered both gifts and sacrifices that could not make him that did the service perfect as pertaining the conscience. You know you Christians you're always trying to tell us that everything's a metaphor and a figure. No no no. Look at the Bible say verse nine which was a figure. Did I allegorize the Bible or is the Bible just telling me that it's an allegory. The Old Testament sacrifices were a figure. They were not anything but a figure. What is a figure. Think about a figurine. What have you had a Batman figurine. Is that Batman. No it's not Batman. It's a doll is what it is right. And so when we look at the Old Testament sacrifices did that do anything. No it was a picture. It was a figure. Only it's a model it's a representation. And it was only for a specific time which was a figure for the time then present. In which were offered both gifts and sacrifices that could not make him that did the service perfect as pertaining the conscience which did only in meats and drinks and divers washings and cardinal ordinances imposed on them until the time of reformation. But Christ being come and high priest of good things to come by a greater and more perfect tabernacle not made with hands. That is to say not of this building neither by the blood of goats and calves but by his own blood he entered in once into the holy place having obtained eternal redemption for us. So he's saying the blood of these animals did never never did anything. It was only a figure of what Jesus would do. Verse 13 for if the blood of bulls and of goats and notice this and the ashes of a heifer sprinkling the unclean sanctify it to the purifying of the flesh. How much more shall the blood of Christ who through the eternal spirit offered himself without spot to God purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God. He's saying if they felt right with God for doing those sacrifices how much more should you feel right with God for the sacrifice that Jesus Christ performed for you. So again if I sin in the Old Testament I offer these animal sacrifices and it was to help purge my conscience to feel right with God again. But how much more should my conscience be purged and feel right when I pray to Jesus and I think about what he did for me. That is what the New Testament is trying to emphasize and trying to bring up. You know in Hebrews chapter number four it tells us to have boldness when we're asking for the grace of God when we're going to God the Father. You know there was a terrifying aspect of God in the Old Testament because if you went to the sanctuary near the tabernacle if you touch the mount that God was near death just complete destruction. So they're terrified of the Lord. They're afraid of his presence. But you know what we can come boldly under the presence of God through Jesus Christ and we have grace because of Jesus Christ and we can stand before God blameless because of Jesus Christ not because of some animal sacrifice that I did. And boy it'll be a really embarrassing day when Jews stand before God and they try to justify themselves through their animal sacrifices. Well did you see the red heifer. I mean I didn't see a white hair on it at all. He's like you idiot. It was an animal. You were supposed to accept the Lamb of God you're supposed the real red heifer is Jesus. And it's not the the ashes of this heifer that's sprinkling you and and literally causing you to be right with God. It was Jesus Christ. Verse 15 and for this cause he is the mediator of the New Testament that by means of death for the redemption of the transgressions that were under the First Testament they which are called might receive the promise of internal inheritance. So of course Jesus Christ is what brought us the New Testament. That's why we don't have the Old Testament in effect anymore. That's why it's even called old. You know why it's called old because it's no longer in use. It's over. It's it's done. It's been fulfilled. We are now in the New Covenant and in the New Covenant there is no red heifer sacrifice. The red heifer sacrifice was a figure of Jesus and we already had that sacrifice. So us as Christians you know we should stop worrying about a carnal physical Jerusalem and we should worry about the heavenly spirit of Jerusalem. And I know I'm probably preaching the choir but it's good to get your minds on these things and try and remind other Christians because there's a lot of Christians deceived by this stuff. A lot of Christians are confused by this stuff. And I'll tell you what the greatest book on this stuff is Hebrews. Learn some Hebrews. Remember some Hebrews. And when you're talking to a Christian when they're bringing this stuff up show them things in Hebrews. Hey you know we have no continuing city. Hey this is a once for all sacrifice. Hey for the priesthood being changed there's also made of necessity a change of the law. You know that's Hebrews is your go to book. Of course it's a little bit difficult of a book but it is the greatest commentary on the Old Testament and really helps people understand how to interpret the Old Testament. And don't let these Judaizers come in and try to bring you back into the law. You know I'm afraid of you at that point. Let's go to prayer. Thank you Heavenly Father so much for giving us the sacrifice of your son Jesus Christ for his shed blood for us. I pray that we would not be focused on the carnal or this world or this city or a city over in the Middle East but rather we would care about the heavenly Jerusalem. We would seek to be pleasing unto you and to do your commandments and your will. And I pray that you would help us to be a bold witness to get many other Christians to focus on building this temple the house of God and getting people to be focused on the kingdom of God that's here and alive now and in Jesus name we pray. Amen. All right in closing let's go to song number one hundred and fifty five. Song number one hundred and fifty five. Doxology song number one five five. We're going to sing it out twice together. One fifty five. Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Praise him all creatures here below. Praise him of lovely heavenly hosts. Praise father son and holy ghost. Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Praise him all creatures here below. Praise him of lovely heavenly hosts. Praise father son and holy ghost. Great singing everybody you are all dismissed.