(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Bible reads the Lord is a man of war The Lord is his name and the title of the sermon this evening is this the Lord is a man of war the Lord is a man of war and Unfortunately today there is a weak type of Christianity There is an effeminate type of Christianity today that wants to say well Christianity is just this passive religion and we just let people trample all over us And we're not supposed to fight We're not supposed to do anything like this and the Lord would never want to fight anybody or hurt anybody Well, I guess you don't read the Bible because the Bible says that the Lord is a man of war And you can't you just basically drop the Bible open. Just let it just fall open and it's gonna be fighting I mean It's gonna be war and battle and conflict and fighting and the Lord is fighting battles from the beginning Of the Bible to the end of the Bible its battle and war and fighting and enemies and the Lord's constantly Victorious, how can you be a victor if you're not fighting against anybody you're not competing against anyone. It's a weird Nonsensical viewpoint of the Bible. Okay, and if you in fact, you just look the word war up in your Bible. It's mentioned 380 times the word war I Mean look just just try to find a place in the Bible where it's not talking about war at any capacity It's very hard. It's very difficult. Maybe like Song of Solomon. Okay, but even then it still mentions Battle and and warriors and stuff like that to describe each other, you know Dave is describing his wife like a great army, you know And they're raised they're raising their banners like a terrible army and you know I would think like Ruth like Ruth was the one book. I was like, okay Where's the book where it's not about war or bloodshed or just people dying or conflict? It's like maybe Ruth Okay, but the rest of the Bible is just filled It's filled with war and battle and fighting and look the Bible says that the Lord is a man of war and God Will fight and you know what God's people are supposed to fight too now I Want to show you a lot of verses here But let me think let me just give you a few more to think about just to chew on for a second the Bible says This there's a time to love and a time to hate a time of war and a time of peace Obviously in the Christian life, we're supposed to be balanced. We don't want to have an in balance view where It's only war no love, but you know, we also don't want only love and no war We have to have both. We also have to have peace and you know what there's gonna be time when there's not peace It's called war. Hey, there's gonna be a time to love and there's gonna be a time to hate We have to be balanced and we have to figure out. Okay, when do I love when do I hate? When do I have peace and then here's another thing when do I war? When do I war and there's gonna be a time to war now Let's keep reading in this chapter for a moment and let's read a few things that the Lord does look at verse number four Pharaoh's chariots and his host had the cast into the sea his chosen captains also are drowned in this Red Sea The depths have covered them They sank in the bottom as a stone thy right hand o Lord has become glorious in power thy right hand Oh Lord hath dashed and pieces the enemy. Does that sound like it was loving? When the Lord just destroyed people with his right hand, he just dashed them in pieces. No, he Decimated the Egyptians. He utterly destroyed the Egyptians and it says with his right hand It says he's the one that took the battle Look all the great battles of the children of Israel win. It's because the Lord fought for them It's because the Lord was battling for them and doing the battling go forward to Exodus 13. Just go back Go back to Exodus 13, you know This this language makes me think of Psalms 2 which also talks about the Lord Jesus Christ in the millennial reign It says thou shalt break them with a rod of iron thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel Look, the Lord is not someone you want to fight against He's not an enemy that you want to be going against because the Lord will destroy you and he is not afraid to fight The Lord is a man of war. He's not someone you want to mess around with He's not someone that's going to be taken advantage of he will destroy you Deuteronomy 20 the Bible says for the Lord of God is he that goeth with you to fight for you Against your enemies to save you so the children of Israel are told hey The Lord is gonna be with you. The Lord's gonna fight with you But unfortunately, there is an attitude in man that does not like this There is a natural tendency to avoid conflict to avoid battle to not engage in war this is the natural tendency and the Lord even understood this and looking at what the Bible says in Exodus chapter 13 verse 17 and It came to pass When Pharaoh had let the people go that God led them not through the way of the land of the Philistines Although that was near for God said less peradventure The people repent when they see war and they return to Egypt Now are the children of Israel coming out of Egypt are they super spiritual or they kind of carnal I Feel like it's pretty clear They're really carnal and they're really not focused on the spiritual things and notice What does the carnal person like does the carnal person like war or do they want to flee from war? The carnal person wants to flee from war. He doesn't like warfare It's difficult for him to want to engage in battle or to engage in war and look this is common today Even in the military even amongst the ranks if you told somebody hey, I'm gonna put you on the front lines They would be nervous about that in many cases Obviously they have special battalions like the the Marines where they're trained to want to die or something And so I guess they go out there But you know, look your average person is not wanting to get on the front lines of a really tough battle you have different eras and different times where people have to give great motivational speeches and they have to try and Encourage people to go to war and encourage people to fight encourage people to go out and do the battle You know the epic Braveheart scene where he has to try and encourage all the people You know to go and fight with them to fight for their freedom and not just run away Why cuz it's a natural tendency for people to not want to fight You know what? The Lord is a man of war and if you want to be like the Lord you two have to be a man of war But you say why do people run away from war? Let me tell you my first point because war is ugly War is ugly Now, let me show you this in the Bible go to 2nd Samuel chapter number 8 go to 2nd Samuel chapter number 8 Why would people evade war? Why do they run from it like a plague? Why do they not want to engage in battle day? Because war is ugly And obviously if we lived in an idyllic situation in an idyllic atmosphere we wouldn't want war, you know It's not that you want war. It's not that you desire to war. It's not that you desire to kill It's not that you desire to just do these type of things But the reality is if there's a battle raging on it's cowardice to not get into that battle It's cowardice not to fight when someone's attacking you and coming after you and so that's why it's important to work You know the Lord is Gonna fight for us He doesn't have to fight But why does he fight for us? For our freedom for our Liberty for all the things that he wants to bestow upon us and look the reason to fight Is to give liberty and to protect people But you know what? Sometimes you're gonna have to fight, you know, if someone breaks through the door at my house I'm not gonna sit there and be like honey. Let's just lay over and you know, the insurance will cover it, you know No, I'm gonna it's time to put on the war cap It's time to get out the hand cannon and you know I'm not gonna be asking politely like please put that down sir. Tell me about your mother and your father Did you have a rough upbringing? You know, no, it's war and you know what war is ugly and if you don't want to find out that it's ugly Well, don't read the Bible because the Bible will tell you all about war and it's very ugly look at second Samuel chapter 8 verse 4 and David took from him a thousand chariots and 700 horsemen and 20,000 footmen and David hopped all the chariot horses But reserved of them for a hundred chariots So David when he gets the spoils of war when he gets these horses from these enemies What does he do? He hopped all the chariot horses now? What's hot mean? Means the kind of hamstring to sever it could have been just a slice or cut or could have been literally to take the legs Off these animals, but he was basically permanently damaging just horse after horse. I mean Peter's head would explode I mean, they would like what are you doing? And you're like, what was the purpose? Are they gonna eat it? No The purpose is just to literally destroy and decimate the enemy's horses It's gonna get worse go to first Samuel 15 go backwards go to first Samuel chapter number 15 Well, that was horses. What about people? Yeah, the Lord's men true men of God They have to fight they have to war and they have to do some severe damage to the Lord's enemies look what it says in first Samuel chapter 15 verse 33 and Samuel said as thy sword has made women childless So shall thy mother be childless among women and Samuel huge a gag and pieces before the Lord of Gilgal Look, you see what's war like it's like cutting people in half It's like chopping them up and just destroying them and look people didn't want to do this Saul refused to do it Saul refused to war against a gag Saul refused to kill a gag So the real man of God had to stand up and the real man of God had to get a sword out and the real Man of God had to heal him in pieces You know what? He you know I did that because he was like the Lord and the Lord is a man of war and the Lord Commanded him to do such a thing and I'm sorry that it's so ugly. But you know what? I love the Word of God is beautiful Go go to Joshua chapter 8 the Bible says in Psalms 144 Blessed be the Lord my strength with teaches my hands to war and my fingers to fight You know what if you're gonna be like God if you're gonna be like the Lord You have to be willing to fight you have to be willing to war and you know what? He'll teach you how to do it. He'll show you how to war he'll teach you how to fight and Obviously fight the way that he does and how does Samuel fight? Well, he just hacks people and pieces Yet today it's like some people they get really mad about us or they get mad about churches they're like they're so savage It's like Samuels hacking people in literal pieces What's more savage than that? I Mean, I mean, what do you want it to say? Joshua chapter 8 look at verse 23 and the king of Ai they took alive and brought him to Joshua and It came to pass when Israel had made an end of slaying all the inhabitants of Ai in the field and the wilderness wherein they chased them and when they were all falling on the edge of the sword until they were consumed that all the Israelites return In the AI and smote it with the edge of the sword So we kind of read a little bit about this story or we kind of got introduced to this story but after they kill Aiken for his trespass they go back to Ai and They basically bring some troops Before and then behind but they sneak the ones behind and they just draw them in out of Ai and kind of pretend like they're losing So then all the people from the rearwood can come they surround them they kill all the men in The battle and you're like wow, that was gruesome and they just killed every single guy in the city Well, it gets worse. Look at this verse 25 and it was and so it was that all that fell that day both men and women were 12,000 even all the men of Ai not only they kill all the men that were in the battle They went back to the city and they killed every single person You say that sounds ugly it is you know what war is ugly Does that change how God viewed this? No, God's the one that gave them the commandment to do this God is the one that told them to go in and to kill every single person Look what it says in verse 26 for Joshua drew not his hand back Wherewith he stretched out the spear until he had utterly destroyed all the inhabitants of Ai Only the cattle and the spoil that city Israel took for a praying themselves according unto the word of the Lord which he commanded Joshua and Joshua burnt Ai and made it a heat forever even a desolation unto this day Notice that Joshua held out his spear until they killed every single person at the commandment of God And you know what war is ugly and war looks like this Everyone dying. That's why you don't want war in your city That's why you don't want war in your area because they will literally burn every single person They'll destroy everything in its way. And look these are the Lord's people doing this The heathen are even worse when you read about the heathen I mean they're chopping off people's thumbs and they're making all kinds of worse They're doing way worse things ravaging women and doing all kinds evil Hey God's people are just putting them to death. Okay, go to 2nd Kings chapter number 9 2nd Kings chapter 9 but one thing's crystal clear in your Bible is There's a lot of warfare. I mean, how do you read the Bible and think that there's no warfare? How do you read the Bible and think there's no battling? How can you read the Bible and feel like there's no conflict? I mean It's just conflict after conflict after war after battle after battle after killing after slang after death and destruction It's just like kill this person and they killed this person and they killed that multitude And then these people died and the Lord murdered them and it's just like death death death war war war and then people are like Oh, you know, it's all about love It's like do you even read the Bible like what were you reading like what chat are you just like only reading Song of Solomon? Like what? What is it that you're even reading? because my Bible has a lot of stuff in it and you know, there's a lot of love and there's a lot of other stuff too and You know when you go through the Old Testament It's a lot more just brutal murder and death and destruction and rebellion and sin and just everything It's ugly. It's literally ugly. Okay, but that's reality Reality is like that. You know, I like reality more than I like your your fictional island that you live on 2nd Kings chapter 9 look at verse 1 in Elisha the Prophet called one of the children of the prophets and said to them gird up thy loins and Take this box of oil in thine hand and go to Ramoth Gilead So Elisha is sending a messenger and he wants to anoint someone as a king Says in verse number five you skip down for sake of time and when he came behold the captains of the hosts are sitting And he said I have an errand to the old captain and Jehu said unto which of all of us and he said to the old captain and he rose and went in the house and he poured the Oil on his head and said on him thus saith the Lord God of Israel I have anointed the king over the people of the Lord even over Israel and thou shalt smite the house of Aab thy master That I may avenge the blood of my servants the prophets and the blood of all the servants of the Lord at the hand of Jezebel so does Jezebel the whore was killing all of God's people constantly murdering them But you know what her day of reckoning is coming Jehu has been anointed. He has the oil upon him, which is a picture of what being filled with the Holy Ghost And you know what he's supposed to do Destroy Jezebel and Ahab and all of his house to war against him verse four verse eight for the whole house of Aab shall perish and I will cut off from Aab him that pisseth against the wall and him that is shut up and left in Israel and I'll make the house of Aab like the house of Jeroboam the son of Nebat and like the house of Beasheh the son of Ahijah and the dogs shall eat Jezebel in the portion of Jezreel and there shall be none to bury her and he opened the door and fled So notice the messenger comes he says wipe everyone out Destroy them and dogs are gonna literally eat Jezebel. Okay, you're not even gonna find her. So, you know Jehu's You know like any normal guy he's like, let's go He takes it on, you know, that's a pretty Interesting message to have someone deliver you it's like hey, guess what go just destroy everyone Just destroy and wipe out your master and whatever and you know what Jehu drives as fast as he possibly can to get there This is my philosophy when I drive I try to get there as fast as humanly possible. All right Look at verse 31 So he goes and he destroys all these people just for sake of time I'm skipping a little bit but Jehu finally comes back. He destroys all of Aab's house. He has Jezebel killed it says right here in verse 31 and as you entered in the gate she said has Zimrai peace who slew his master and He lifted up his face to the window and said who is on my side who and There looked out to him two or three eunuchs and he said throw her down So they threw her down and some of her blood was sprinkled on the wall and on the house on the horses and he trod Her underfoot so he comes into town and she tries to pull this game of you know, oh did Zimrai have peace What happened to Zimrai? Zimrai rebelled took over and basically destroyed the whole city burn it on himself And ended poorly for him But here's the problem with or here's the difference between Zimrai and Jehu. Zimrai was self-lil. Jehu is doing what God said Jehu is rebelling against a wicked authority and Destroying his wicked master because that's what God had told him to do. And so he throws Jezebel out the window I mean via the the eunuchs, of course, but Here's the reality. Sometimes you got to throw the Jezebel out the window And you said that's kind of ugly. It was kind of ugly You know, she was ugly. She had to paint her face. So, you know, there's that but look at 2nd Kings chapter 10 and look at verse number 7 and It came to pass when the letter came to them that they took the king's sons and slew 70 persons and put their heads in baskets and sent them to Jezreel and there came a messenger and told them saying They have brought the heads of the king's sons And he said lay ye them in two heaps at the entering end of the gate until the morning Not only Jehu killed everyone that was of the heaps house basically But he sent messengers to all of the different princes and the men and said hey You need to take the other masters of you the ones that are over you that are in a heaps house And you need to take their heads off and bring them to me And so literally they have heads of all these different men from a abs household and they just lay them up in pot a pile Of heads when's the last time you saw a pile of severed heads? That sounds real pleasant doesn't it that the time of peace No, this is a time of war and you know what it's ugly. It's super ugly I don't want to see one severed head let alone dozens piled on each other and two heaps look This is for man woman boy child look you think walking into church when a few fags are out there protesting I mean how about if I just piled up heads? Just right outside the door you think that would scare anybody away It's like do we really go to church here like What's going on? You know? That's the reality this really happened It's in your Bible go to verse 25 Now here's the thing Before I get here someone would say well gee who's just too zealous You know gee who just went over and above and and gee who wasn't really following the commandments of the Lord and look how? Savage gee who is You know we don't even have to guess if gee who was right or wrong We don't have to wonder if what he did was right We don't have to wonder if it was too harsh or if it was too evil look the Bible will tell us exactly how God feels about you look at verse 25 and it came to pass as soon as he had made an End of offering the burnt offering that gee who said to the garden of the captains go in and slay them So this is another time where he has all the the priests of Baal and all the fags and whatever come into the house And he tricks them and says you know like hey Let's worship Baal together And they all show up for their their conference of Baal, and then they closed the doors and they just kill them all They're just gonna destroy them all And so he lied to them obviously and it says and gee who said to the guard and to the captains go in and slay them and let none and let none come forth and they smoke them with the edge of the sword and the guard of the captain's cast Them out and went to the city of the house of Baal Makes me think of like a gay nightclub where they go and shoot it all up or something and they brought forth the images out of the house of Baal and burned them and They break down the image of Baal and break down the house of Baal and made it a draught house under this day Not only did they destroy all the the Baal worshippers all the prophets of Baal Not only they kill all of them then they break down all their temples and their houses and everything and they basically just made it the toilet What a draught house is it's the toilets the public restroom where you go and relieve yourself of all the evil Toxins in your body you put that now on Baal's house Okay, because that's what Baal's house is. It's dumb. It's worthless. Okay. It's evil He says thus do you destroyed Baal out of Israel? So this is how do you did it? Now obviously when you're rebelling against your authority and you're trying to rid your country full of all kinds of evil wicked people You know, it takes a little bit of cunning. It takes a little bit of craftiness You're saying is that okay for him to lie? Well, look it's never okay to lie, but this is how he did it This is what he did Okay, and as a whole the question is was God pleased with that as a whole did God approve of him destroying all these people killing all of them wiping them All out laying heads and you know piles verse 30 and the Lord said unto Jehu because thou has done well and executing that which is right in mine eyes and As done under the house of Aab according to all that was in mine heart Thy children of the fourth generation shall sit on the throne of Israel. Hey, I wonder if God approved Oh, yeah, he said you did exactly what I wanted you to do. It was in my heart to notice It wasn't even Jesus idea. It wasn't Jesus planning. It was God's affection It was God's desire that they would destroy and wipe out all these wicked evil people Why because the Lord is a man of war, but you know what war is ugly That's pretty ugly. Okay, go to X Ezekiel chapter 30 go to Ezekiel chapter 30 it gets uglier We just keep building up. Look the Bible doesn't get like oh now it's the nice section, you know It's like war war war war war Hey, you know what changes the New Testament is just spiritual war, but guess what it's still war And it doesn't get any prettier because then you just start nailing up Jesus Christ to the cross and that's not pretty and they start Persecuting the apostles and killing them and murdering them and look it's still war. It's still a constant battle It's still a constant fight. It never ends. It ends once all the enemies are destroyed and the last enemy is called death But you know what God is gonna fight until death is destroyed And you know what if God is gonna fight why can't I fight? How am I not supposed to fight? But let me tell you something war is ugly War is ugly. If you're looking for your best life now don't get involved with Christianity Because it's war and let me tell you something war is ugly. Look at Ezekiel chapter 30 verse 19 Thus will I execute judgments in Egypt and they shall know that I am the Lord And it came to pass in the 11th year in the first month in the seventh day of the month That the word Lord came unto me saying son of man I have broken the arm of Pharaoh king of Egypt and lo it shall not be bound up to be healed To put a roller to bind it to make it strong to hold the sword So God has broken the arm of Pharaoh and he says it's not gonna be healed says verse 22 Therefore thus saith Lord God behold I am against Pharaoh king of Egypt and will break his arms the strong and that which is broken and I will cause the sword to fall out of his hand. This is just incredible the Lord is saying look I'm gonna just take his arm and I'm just gonna break it and Then I'm just gonna let it heal just a little bit and then I take the broken arm and then I'm just gonna break it again That sounds ugly If I were just to take some person up here and just break their arm in front of you The scream and the cry that they would have and then hey Let's take your other arm and you break the other arm and then say hey, let's break that broken arm again Just breaking it and breaking it Look what it says It says in verse 23 and I will scatter the Egyptians among the nations and will disperse them through the countries and I will strengthen The arms of the king of Babylon and put my sword in his hand and I will break Pharaoh's arms and he shall groan before him with the groanings of a deadly wounded man This is your Bible Welcome to the Bible This is ugly. This is difficult. But you know people don't like reading Ezekiel. It's not as much as fun. I like Ezekiel It says in verse 26 and I will scatter the Egyptians among the nations and disperse them among the countries and they shall know That I am the Lord Notice God does not mess around God is a man of war and he doesn't take lightly to sin and wickedness and his enemies look his enemies are gonna get their heyday and God is gonna break their arms and look hell is way worse. You think that what I'm saying, but we haven't even touched hell Hell is just like Indescribable, it's so awful How about David and glass, you know David after he kills Goliath. He just brings back Goliath's head. It's like hey, here's his head It's like what's with all the heads in the Bible, you know It's like crazy Go go to Jeremiah 21 go to Jeremiah 21 You Go to Jeremiah chapter 21 and look I'm just giving you a few highlights a few and when I say a few a minuscule amount probably like less than 1% of all the things that we could talk about and all the stories and all the war and look it's so much It's just a constant theme. It's a constant reiteration of battling and worry. Look. It's not just like oh and look all the peaceful times It's like the shortest verse and there was peace in the land 40 days, you know 40 years It's just like oh and it's over. Okay, and then it's like next battle Yeah, I mean it's just like battle scene after battle scene look that's what people like when they go to the movies Anyways, they're not interested in all the the peaceful times. They're like, that's where's the next battle scene, you know Where's the next epic, you know fight or conflict and look the Bible is just hammering Conflict and battling because that's what your life is like as a Christian if you're in the real Christian life It's gonna be a constant war and and here's the reality though. It's ugly war is ugly Jeremiah 21 look at verse 4 thus say the Lord God of Israel behold I will turn back the weapons of war that are in your hands wherewith you fight against the king of Babylon and Against the Chaldeans which besiege you without the walls and I will assemble them into the midst of the city And I myself Will fight against you With an outstretched hand and with a strong arm even in anger and in fury and in great wrath And I will smite the inhabitants of this city both man and beast they shall die of a great pestilence Notice God says I'm gonna literally just join with the Babylonians and I'm just gonna fight you Oh God's always on Israel's side not this time he's literally joining the Babylonians and gonna fight Israel and He's gonna kill them himself. He's gonna smite them. He says with an outstretched hand and a stronger look. You don't want to fight God You know how many battles he wins all of them there isn't a battle he can lose it's not even possible and You know what it's it's insane that I just given you just the smallest sampling of The Bible I just given you just such a small Sampling of what the Bible is like someone that's actually read it They know what I'm saying is more true than what I just said because they've read about all the battles They've read about all the war they've read about all the conflict and all the constant fighting and everything Yet there's people that will say oh the new IFB has a bad attitude Because they're all about fighting Let me give you some direct quotes actually The guy there's a pastor named Bob Gray jr. Of Emmanuel Baptist Church It used to be long view Baptist temple or long view Baptist Church. It's in long view It's not that far from here. In fact, it's you know, maybe just an hour or two to the east of us Well, he's yoked up with manly Perry now and put a hit piece out on Steadfast Baptist Church and yours truly and pastor Mejia I don't know why but I guess he just decides that that's the type of person He wants to be yoked up with his manly Perry and he made this hit piece Video that they're sharing around and he literally calls out our church Steadfast Baptist Church and talks trash on Steadfast Baptist Church Which I'm like, I've never even talked to Bob gray. Not even once I've emailed him and tried to call him and he never responds to me I don't know why But I've always liked him. I've had lots of people that have visited his church from our church and they gave me good reports I've never even heard a bad report from anybody in our church. I've I don't know a lot about him, but everything I've had we've been positive the few communications I tried to have with them were positive I was saying hey, I know people that are out in that area They may try your church or a church around that area Could you just help me out or find a church or something? Just no response There's nothing but he has no problem. Just talking trash on Steadfast Baptist Church and saying that you know We're just a bunch of railers and whatever Even though I don't I don't even know the guy I mean I've never even met the guy and they like the virtue signal mainly Perry and Bob gray about how they would Never talk bad about someone unless they call them first and talk to them and they try to give them a benefit Where's my call? It's like I'm in jail and I'm like, where's my phone call? I don't know but he recently put out a video and this is what he said direct quote He says I want to go on the record. He said I want to go on the record So we're letting him go on the record. Okay? He said the new IFB has an attitude problem. They are contentious by nature Usually that falls with people that are mid-trip post-trip pre-rath Because they truly believe that they're going to have to contend and fight till the very end Well, I hate to tell you this. It's not in the nature of God to leave anybody Yeah, it's not in the nature of God The little bit that I know about the new IFB I don't want that spirit because I think that spirit is not what God would want us to have He's saying hey, I don't want to have the new IFB spirit where they fight and contend because it's not of God How can you make such statements after all the Bible I just showed you? You're like blaspheming God You know whether or not you think I have a bad attitude who cares But why would you then say that God does not want you have an attitude to fight and contend? What kind of nonsense and look obviously the word contentious can have a negative connotation and you know, we shouldn't be contentious people and the regard of just arguing for the sake of arguing and You know trying to be divisive over carnal stupid petty things But you know what? That's not what they're bringing up and they're not even putting in that context They're saying oh, they're trying to fight and contend because they think that they're gonna go through the tribulation Well, I wonder what every other Christian has thought that's gone through tribulation since from the time of Christ to now Did they have to fight did they have to contend I mean, I Guess we should just quit. I guess we just you know what? No more sodomite deception. No more. Let's not fight anybody Let's not talk, you know, why preach against false prophets. I mean Judas got more people saved than all the other apostles So I wouldn't want to discourage him You know, I let's cheer on Judas. In fact, I Mean let's just go out there and you know, let's never fight anybody and let's never war Look, that is not the attitude or spirit of God. That's an effeminate attitude That's a queer attitude to not want to fight and not want to contend and he said he gave lip service to continue the faith But here's my question. How are you gonna do it? Now go to the numbers 25 for a moment go to numbers 25 and look It's not fair that these guys can go out and just put a hit piece on Pastor Mejia who's done absolutely Nothing wrong whatsoever And they just want to slander him and chop him up to pieces when listen I've talked to pass me a multiple times for several long periods of time I mean our conversations of multiple times and we've talked about Bob Gray and every time Pastor me he had talks about Bob Gray He talks about him with the most respect I've ever heard someone talk about and he looks up to him and he speaks very well Of him he's not trying to slander anybody or talk evil of anybody and any way shape or form He has a high level respect for him. He looks up to him and it's Bob Gray That's disappointing pastor me here by slandering a back rendering evil for good It's ridiculous It's when David loves saw and saw hates David, it's ridiculous It's nonsense and you know what saw has to reap what he's sown You know what if you're just gonna completely trash your friends just because they're in the new IFB Look what goes around comes around And you know what I know this I know that I'm saved and I believe that pastor me he and pastor Anderson is just as Saved as I am and you know what it's not fair for them to just hate brothers in Christ because of whatever they perceive the new IFB is But they think it's fine to just rail and slander us and all the while say this Oh, you guys are a bunch of ran y'all do a bunch of slander of railers and it's like, okay win What did we say prove it show us and it's like oh you just you know If he were not a malefactor, we'd not have brought him on to you on to you. It's like I just just slanderous and railers and whatever It's like, okay. Well, when did he lie? When did he rail, you know pastor me here concerned? for Bob gray juniors reputation because it's being put out there that he believes Judas is like the Superstar apostle basically and he's like hopefully he doesn't really mean that and hopefully didn't think Matthew 2315 was a proof text that that Judas is getting people safe. So you just calling him to say hey Do you are you where this is out here? Are you aware that this happened and Bob gray's just like oh wow. I didn't know that happened at all. That's not what I was saying That's not the context and he's like, well, do you mind if I make a public video and he's like sure so then he makes a public video and then guess who gaslighting mainly Perry calls him tries to twist the narrative on him and then Bob gray calls mainly or Calls back pastor me. He is like, oh Yeah, maybe you know That video He's like past me he's like was anything I said wrong he's like well no He's like Jesus want me to take it down and he's like well You know, I mean It's like it's just just nonsense and then on top of that then he makes a whole video with manly Perry Just slandering me. He saying that he's lying saying he's really what do you lie about? What did he rail about? What did he say that was wrong? He's just using verbatim quotes that you gave them by your permission Trying to help you trying to defend you is someone reaching out trying to help you and you just literally just slander them and attack them and betray them and Then you have to blaspheme God and just the whole new IP all of your just railers and you have an evil spirit because you actually want to fight and It's all because you you don't believe in the stupid pre-trib rapture Sorry, that's the dumbest doctrine Show me a verse in the Bible that you use to support your stupid doctrine this preacher rapture Of course, we have to find someone that believes the dumbest doctrine to go and support manly Perry Manly Perry is such a great man of God. He has to find someone that believes a stupid pre-trib rapture to defend his views Well, there's no way I can find that hates the new IP except for this guy That's pre-trib and this this guy that says that everybody that's not pre-trib is Just this contentious person and they have a bad attitude. It's like This is manly Perry post-trip What happened there He said that everyone that's been basically just lumped every person that's post-trib as having a bad attitude And being a bad spirit and being against God and this is manly Perry's response. Amen Amen to that. It's like What is it are you realize you're condemning yourself, I mean what these people just don't even make sense Well, I just don't think God would want you to fight anybody or attack anybody or go against anybody or point out sin Okay, let's read a story numbers 25. Look at verse 3 And Israel joined himself in a bell Peor and the anger the Lord was kindled against Israel and the Lord said to Moses take All the heads of the people and hang them up before the Lord against the Sun does that sound nice? That the fierce anger of the Lord may be turned away from Israel Hey all these guys that join false religion hang them high Kill them. Oh You guys are such you guys are just hit men, you know, you're so bloodthirsty He's looking for blood. Look they weren't looking for blood. God said hang him high and they hung him high Verse 5 and Moses said on the judges of Israel slay everyone his men that were joined in the Bell Peor kill him verse 6 and behold one of the children of Israel came and brought on his brethren a midi night dish woman in the sight of Moses and in the sight of all the congregation the children of Israel who were weeping before the door of the tabernacle the congregation and when Phineas the son of Eliezer the son of Aaron the priest saw it he rose up from among the congregation and Took a javelin in his hand and he went after the man of Israel into the tent and thrust both of them through the man Of Israel and the woman through her belly. So the plague was stayed from the children of Israel Look, this is an epic sight people are just being hung people are just being murdered women are crying everywhere and then Phineas just goes and he just walks in the tent of this Fornicating couple and he just stabs him in the belly and kills them and then finally God stops plaguing all the children of Israel That's the scene. That's what God wants. Oh you guys are you you're just so contentious Phineas You know just looking for blood look. No, he's trying to save the people there that are being plagued from God He's trying to get rid of sin in the camp He's trying to destroy that which is wicked and you know what? He's doing a very dirty job and look being a leader being a pastor is often a very dirty job It's an unpleasant task You know It's not fun to rebuke people and call people out and to try and attack people look some people think that it's so fun Like I think it's just fun to call people out and I think it's so great Look, I don't like it. I would rather preach the opposite. I'd rather preach Hey, here's two guys that are awesome and knocking out of the park and winning souls of Christ Let's support them. Let's join arms with them. Let's encourage them rather than saying hey Here's two guys that are trying to slander me and my friends for no reason other than to try to defend their heresy Other than to try to make themselves look better for some reason only because you know why they don't want any new IP person to walk in their church because they realize the preacher rapture stupid as Crap and so when you get up and preach pre trip, they're gonna be like And then if anybody in their church walks up you like oh, what do you think about that preach of sermon? They're not gonna lie and be like, oh, it's great. Yeah, they're gonna be like, I don't agree and They're like why well the Bible says immediately at the tribulation And they're gonna be like, oh wow Hey, hey pastor. Did you see this in the Bible? Immediately after the tribulation. Oh, that's don't worry about that. Don't look at that and They're just gonna look stupid they're gonna look like a moron and So instead of just changing for the right doctrine, they just have to lie about the new IFB so they won't go near them They have to rail on people like us and say us that fast. They just have a bad attitude. They don't like false doctrine What They call out heretics for being heretics they publicly Pete mark people on videos. Oh like you guys were doing Hmm. It's interesting how that worked It says in verse number 11 Well, let's get verse 10 to and the Lord spake unto Moses saying Phineas the son of Eliezer The son of Aaron the priests have turned my wrath away from the children of Israel while he was zealous for my sake among them That I consumed not the children of Israel in my jealousy wherefore say behold I give unto him my covenant of peace Now look he got peace, you know, I got peace from war, you know, I got peace from slaying the enemy You know, I got peace from getting the sin out of the camp. That's how you have true peace True peace is when you deal with issues and you know what? It was an ugly ugly ugly issue and let me tell you what and this in the spiritual warfare that we fight It's still just as ugly Don't think well, it's you know, in the Old Testament real ugly look in the New Testament gets ugly, too And you know if you've been here for the last few years, it's been ugly at times real ugly Real, you know treacherous at times. It's crazy people that you love people that you care about you're seeing them die Spiritually you see them, you know get taken to task you see them get called out you see things happen You know what? It's called the Christian life Read the Bible, I mean imagine, you know, these people want to go to church and it's like Kumbaya How do they read the Bible? How do they read Jeremiah and Ezekiel and the stories of battling? It's just like oh that was back then different dispensation The dispensation where God was angry. It's like he's angry at the wicked every day. Yeah You really think oh he was angry back then but America is really pleasing him now. I Mean man God was angry in the Old Testament, but now people are just so much better No That's insane. Now go view the first to meet chapter number six. I'm gonna give my second point look Point one war is ugly point two Obviously not all fighting is good. We need to fight the good fight and in the New Testament, you know what? I'm not gonna get a physical weapon. I'm gonna have a spiritual weapon and we fight a spiritual battle and But the reality is that the fighting didn't stop, you know, I don't look at David and think like oh man, he's just yucky Oh, he's so he's so gonna fight like that sounds like a feminine queer I'm thinking like yeah, take him on take his head off. Hey dance around with manly Perry's head on stage Spiritually Oh Judas had more people say than anybody else stupid Manly Perry got up and said God can't die. How are you gonna kill God for like five minutes straight and then he asks? Bob gray jr. Hey after listening that sermon. Did you walk away thinking that God? Got that. I thought that God didn't die. He's like no. Yeah. No, but yeah, but I didn't walk away with that It's like how did you get past the five minutes of him screaming it and Making it abundantly clear what he thought It's like they just avoid the issue and you know, it was so obvious if everyone just walks away just thinks Wow Pastor Shelley's taken out of context then why do you bury all your videos? Why do you bury the sermon? Why do you bury the obvious truth? I Mean that doesn't even make sense Well, I found a reliable witness from CNN and they told me that it was good CNN And you know what CNN has no beef with Trump So they're gonna tell the truth just like apparently Bob Gray has no beef with us So he's gonna give an honest report, isn't he? He's gonna give an unbiased view of Manly Perry's sermon. No First Timothy chapter 6 look what it says in verse 9 But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare and the many foolish and hurtful lusts which drown men in destruction and perdition for the love of Money's the root of all evil which while some coveted after they have erred from the faith and pierced themselves through with many sorrows But thou o man of God flee these things and follow up to righteousness godliness faith love patience meekness Fight the good fight of faith. Oh These guys they want to fight. Yeah, Paul said to fight He said Timothy fight, you know what you need to fight the good fight. You know what the good fight is. It's not for money It's not for enrollments in your stupid Bible College It's not for the attendance You know what? It's standing up for the truth And you know what would to God this church would never compromise on the truth because of money And you know what? These guys are a bunch of Compromisers because they know if they stand up and they start calling people out people are gonna leave their Bible College and People are gonna leave the pews and people are gonna get mad and you know what their five-star Google reviews will turn into three Because it'll be a mix of five and ones You know, it's a good church it's fives and ones You know, it's a crappy church everything's above a four But we don't get four stars It's five or one. That's it either hate it or you love it. But least you know where we stand you're not confused You're not like well, I I don't know what pastor Shelley's trying to say. Do we fight or not? This is the Lord a man of war. It's like I know he's a little man of war. He already told us Hey, I already know war is ugly He showed me lots of gruesome pictures in the Bible and number two the Bible plainly says you have to fight the good fight Now, what's the good fight the the spiritual battle not the carnal battle? Now go for it a second to me chapter 4 second to me chapter 4 Look I hope I never have such a fancy building or any of these ministries that would cause me The compromise on doing that which is right. I'm saying you know what? I'm gonna lie about somebody I'm gonna be deceitful about someone Just so as I don't lose any membership. I don't lose any of my fellowship I don't lose any of my buddies and look anytime I try and I've tried I Tried really hard in 2020 to reach out to all kinds of different people and say hey, would you preach for us? Would you come to an event with us? We would love to be friends with you, and it's always the same thing Yeah, sure, and then a few minutes later. It's just like oh everybody told me that you're associated with Pastor Anderson. No oh Is there a doctrinal issue oh, I don't know Just can't do it People immediately called me and told me that you know they shouldn't have they shouldn't be friends with you They can't trust you or what it's like. What did I do I? Don't even I'm not trying look. I'm not trying to pick a fight with anybody You know what I will defend my friends And I will defend the new IV when they're gonna slander every single one of us and say we have a bad attitude And that the attitude of the Lord is not to want to fight or to contend You're just blasting in the Bible at this point, and I don't want to water down church I don't want to compromise church that looks at it like well. I think they fight a little too much Have you read the Bible? Well y'all guys are full of drama. Have you read the Bible? Hey, it's full of drama. Hey, it's full of fighting. Hey, it's full of contending for the faith And you know what if you don't want to fight get out Go somewhere else I'd rather not sit here and think we have an army when we really don't Hey, it's a battle. Hey. Why do we have so many hymns about fighting if we're not supposed to Who are we supposed to fight? Now Look at second to be chapter 4 verse 7. I have fought a good fight. Oh, it sounds like the same message I Have finished my course I have kept the faith henceforth there's laid up for me a crown of righteousness with the Lord the righteous judge Shall give me at that day and not to me only but in all them also that love is appearing now Let me paint you two pictures The Apostle Paul's ending of his life and your standard IV pastor retiring Apostle Paul ending his ministry everyone's turned against him everyone's forsaken him. He basically has timothy left Was it a successful ministry? Yes, what is the typical live be everyone praises them and congratulates them and everyone's giving them an honorary doctorate And they're making graven images of them at the end Sounds like they didn't finish their course Because let me tell you what, you know, you don't gain friends you gain enemies when you do the work of the Lord Jesus Christ at the end of his ministry had no one with him left Everyone left him everyone forsook him. Everyone was like see ya you know that Peter thought he was gonna die with Christ, but a little girl, you know scared him away and The reality is look it's gonna be a good fight to finish is hard It's not easy. These guys want it easy. They want to finish on easy Street They just want to retire and just coast and just like oh We've got a wonderful lovely church and we never fight anybody and we don't want that contentious spirit in our church Think that Christ came to give peace on earth. I tell you yay Let's see what Christ said Oh nay Oh but rather division It's insane. It's literally insane that these people it's seemingly they're starting out good, but then they just compromised You know, I think they compromised money We already read it was the love of money and they've already said it was a snare It already said it was a trap. They get too comfortable They get the church big enough and now it's they're threatened to compromise. They get a big enough paycheck They're threatened to compromise they get a big enough school. They're threatened to compromise I sure hope that our church would never let money or goods or physical possessions ever get in the way You know what? We should just constantly preach people out the door so we don't have to worry about it. I Hope it grows despite the preaching not because of it You know, I don't want to just grow some fancy building Hey the best people let's just send them somewhere else and get them to work in the Lord somewhere else You know who cares You know what? I can have five people in here and be satisfied as long as they want to serve God, you know the Bible says the fear of man bring of the snare And I believe that Bob Gray has been trapped by the fear of man instead of just standing up and saying you know what everything past me he has said was true and Yeah, you did take me out of context and yet you did say things that were wrong about me And yeah, you did put me into deceiving light and yeah, you should Make that right he's gonna try and twist the narrative so hard To say that he didn't even take him out of context go to Ephesians chapter 6. It's an it's insane He asked, you know, he got one of his church members Curtis Mathis. He got Curtis Mathis to Ask him do you think that you know Manly Perry putting a question out there? of that he opposed to you and asking you if you thought that Judas got people saved was deceiving and Bob Gray's like no, it wasn't this evil. I just wasn't on the same page What so Bob Gray saying whenever you asked me if you thought that if I thought Judas got more got a lot of people saved what I heard and what you actually had said was do you think false prophets have converts and I said yes they're twofold more the child of hell and use Matthew 23 15 to prove it and Then that's what he puts in the article Manly Perry because he's so stupid and doesn't even understand the Bible literally thinks that Matthew 23 15 supports the idea that Judas got people saved and Then they say did we take you out of context and bug is like no It's like he's admitting. He took him out of context and then just can't just say yes Why because it doesn't fit their narrative. It doesn't fit the gaslighting narrative that they have and Then they just have to rail on pastor Mejia and call him a slanderer Manly Perry calls him a slander over and over again and trying to get Bob Gray to curse him and try to get him to Condemn him. It's like Balak with Balaam. Just saying like curse the children curse the children curse curse curse And it's just a sick twisted narrative that these two have concocted together and to say oh, man We're not supposed to fight. Look. Have you ever heard of the Armor of the Lord. Have you heard of Ephesians chapter 6? What is all that armor for? Riddle me that These guys we want to fight. They ought to contend. Well, well, why do I have a shield? Why do I have a sword? Why do I have a helmet? Like what it says in verse 10 finally my brother be strong in the Lord and the power as might Put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil Wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against powers against the rulers of the darkness of this world against Spiritual wickedness and high places and let me tell you one of those wicked pastors All prophets getting up and look you're supposed to have the armor, you know, the Bible says that it's a sword You know how we fight with the Word of God But here's the thing if you're gonna preach the Word of God, you're literally fighting with a sword It's not that you can't contend and you know why these people get rubbed the wrong way because you're preaching the Word of God It's not because you're saying other things, you know lies and slander just rolls off the back. You know, it hurts the truth and They know that what we say is the truth and that's why it hurts so much Go to 1st Timothy chapter 1 go to 1st Timothy chapter 1 I wanted to show you look we need to fight the good fight and it's a spiritual battle and you you do that by preaching You do that by preaching the Word of God and by preaching the truth and look when you preach the truth You are engaging in battle today. The battle is for the truth today. Nobody wants to stand up and just tell the truth There's all these reasons why you have to lie and exaggerate and gaslight and manipulate Look preaching the truth can be hard. It can be difficult, but it's necessary It's necessary. Look the church is the pillar and ground of the truth And yet we have to find people they fall all over themselves to be the worst doctrines Oh, do you think that people get saved reading the Bible on their own? Yeah. Do you think Judas got people saved? Yeah, do you believe in the preacher rapture? Yeah. Do you think that God fights? No, it's like This is just an hour of just heresy after heresy after heresy, why do I want to hear this? Why would I want to fill myself with so much nonsense and look you go to these churches the old IP churches And it's either nothing or heresy. It seems like Why because they don't want to stand for the truth why because they don't want division in the church You know what when you preach the truth it divides Every time God spoke in the Genesis it divided stuff Hey as soon as he said let there be light it divided stuff it delighted the divide of the light from the dark And you know when you preach the truth, it's gonna divide the sheep from the goats And that's why it's important to be strong and you just preach the Bible and not care What man thinks not care who your fellowship and associations with why would I want to be friends with a pastor who gets mad? At me for preaching the truth For preaching things that are right. I don't want to be friends with that person So if that causes division between us so be it praise the Lord let God be true in every man a liar You know if I have zero friends, but I can stand on the truth praise the Lord I Don't want to be a person that has a lot of friends, and we can't preach the truth to one another We can't speak the truth and love we can't say that which is right You know I don't want to have a muzzle on my mouth. I know America's really loves that now apparently They just love the muzzle that social media and YouTube and everybody gives them in the government And they don't like free speech anymore, but you know what I don't like that I like being able to preach the truth And you know what if we don't exercise the truth if we don't preach what the Bible says we'll lose it Hey, if we don't preach that sodomites are filthy dogs. We'll lose that doctrine Hey, if we don't get up and preach that the King James Bible is the only acceptable English Bible. We'll lose this Bible Hey, if we don't get up and call false prophets false prophets every church will be a false prophet And you know what it seems like it's close Seems like it's real close And you know what we need people to rally By men that have a backbone and that what a fight for the Word of God They want to fight for the truth and want to contend for the truth and not be like oh you have a bad spirit You want to fight for the doctrines of the Bible? Yeah, you're right and So does the Lord the Lord gets mad when nobody wants to fight. He says you know what you won't fight. They'll just fight you First let me chapter 1 look at verse 18 this charge that committed to these son Timothy According the prophecies went before on thee that thou by them mightest wore a good warfare Holding faith in a good conscience which some having put away concerning faith have made shipwreck of whom is Hymenaeus and Alexander Whom I have delivered unto Satan that they may learn not to blaspheme. Oh, it sounds like Paul likes to name names But hey they can name me if I do something wrong name me You know what why I'll be a hypocrite about it and say I don't name people and then name us Yeah Go for the second to be true. I'll just read a couple more verses Psalms 119 Therefore I esteem all thy precepts concerning all things to be right, and I hate every false way I hate it. I hate false doctrine. I hate lies. I hate deception, and you know what I know There is zero churches. I've ever heard of where they're pre trip, and that's the only false doctrine they have because heresy breeds Heresy and these stupid losers that want to believe in the preacher rapture They just junk on a lot other false doctrine, and you know what hey just because you're wrong with preacher rapture Doesn't mean you're safe doesn't mean you can't get people safe, but you know what you're stupid for believing it There I said it you're stupid if you believe in the preacher rapture you're stupid you have one of two options either from ignorance Or you're like a wicked stupid person You know I believe the preacher rapture for a while in my life And I'd eat crow because I was ignorant of the Bible you know what it's time to just man up and believe the Bible Why do we have to cater to people that believe so much heresy? Just because they might be a good guy somewhere down down deep inside Well we don't want to attack anybody that believes the preacher rapture because they might be a really great guy on the inside Just covered in dung all over on the outside The dung of the preacher rapture and the dung of Zionism and the dung that Judas gets people saved Look that is a filthy doctrine. That's a disgusting vile doctrine Don't sit here and kowtow to me And hey if I believe we're heresy call me out. I'll change Hopefully God willing look I wish that if I had any false doctrine people would just scream at me And I was an idiot so that would change hey when I was little and I believe the preacher rapture I wish people would be like you're an idiot Jonathan you are a moron Look at this verse and me that the tribulation and I've been like I am an idiot I Am a moron. I'm not gonna be like that was mean He's so he's a meanie pants he has a bad spirit the Bible calls people fools wake up Second to me chapter 2 look at verse 3 thou therefore endure hardness is a good soldier of Jesus Christ No man that warth entangled himself with the affairs of this life that he may please him who had chosen him to be a soldier You know these stupid these big IFP churches. They really seem like corporations if you ask me They're like the affairs of this life. They're like CEOs, and they got their board of directors, and they got all this weird stuff and it's just like Why do all that it just entangles you and then you don't want to preach the Bible because you're afraid of what your deacons will Say you're afraid what your board will say you're afraid of what all the women will say in the congregation good at Jude chapter 1 and Look manly Perry. He said that I taught the most blasphemous Thing he's ever heard a Baptist preacher say he just verbatim says this okay that I taught the most blasphemous False doctrine he's ever heard his entire life of any Baptist preachers, and then I literally showed the video evidence he taught the exact same thing and Was putting positive comments on people preaching the exact same thing And then he has the gall to get on a video and say that pastor me he has a slander and disqualified Well what about what you said about me, that's proven There's no like oh, I didn't really say that you know no he just prays in a YouTube comment To the Lord Thank You Lord that I'm not like this public in Pastor Shelley He's such a slanderer and a railer I Thank thee that I'm not like him You know bless our church It's ridiculous Jude chapter 1 look at verse 3 beloved when I gave all diligence to write into you of the common salvation It was needful for me to write into you and exhort you that you should earnestly contend for the faith Which is what's delivering the Saints now here's the thing Bob Gray said we should contend for the faith although he was saying we're so bad for wanting to contend So my question is like well, how does he define it? Frankly doesn't matter. How does the Bible find it? What's the context of contending for the faith? What's the context of what the Bible says well? Let's just read the next verse For there are certain men crept in unawares So what's one of the most obvious ways to contend for the faith calling out false prophets? Like people like manly Perry the gaslighting Weirdo that preaches all kinds of heresy Provable heresy and you know what at best-case scenario. He should thank us because every time we point it out He says that's not what I meant Well at least we were able to clarify so nobody thought that's what you meant Because it sure sounded like it when you said exactly verbatim it Hey when it's when you said no one burns in hell people thought you meant that Hey when you said you thought Judas got more people saved than any other disciple. They thought you meant that Hey when you said church members curse of the church members, it sounded like you meant that I Mean I could go on and on and on dozens of times Well, that's not what I meant You guys just you get some bloodthirsty Look, how am I supposed to contend for the faith if I'm not trying to expose people for preaching false doctrine? Explain that to me. Please enlighten me. You know, the Bible says they that forsake the law praise the wicked Like Getting on a video and just talking about how great manly Perry is for like 10 minutes. It's just like Manly Perry's so awesome. Oh great. You're so awesome. And your dad's so awesome. Everyone's awesome. And you're so great steadfast bunch of railers What a bunch of flattery nonsense a bunch of ridiculous garbage but such as keep the law contend with them Hey, I'm gonna contend with people that are wicked Hey, I'm gonna contend with people that preach false doctrine. And you know what? I'm not saying that Bob Gray is a false prophet I believe he saved I Believe he's probably done a lot of great things to the Lord and could continue to do that But if he's gonna take this weird compromising stand and is in a yoke up with weirdo losers like manly Perry He is going to be punished severely God will punish him and if he's gonna sit here and blaspheme God and say oh God doesn't like to fight and contend Then God will just fight against him. He'll find out how God likes to fight and I don't want that You know, how about the Apostle Paul when he says I fought with the beast at Ephesus Get that one good as Psalms 41 the last point on the make is many quicker point. I Got a few things I have to get off my chest. Okay But look they get all mad at me and I'm like, okay who are people that I called out a manly Perry Adam Fannin it's like Really? You're gonna get mad at me for calling these people out. I'm not just going around on a hair-trigger Just seeing who I can preach against just for kicks. I'm calling out literal people that have been caught Railing and slandering over and over preaching constant false doctrine and just being an altogether rotten person It's being a super wicked person and if I can't call them out, then I'm never gonna call anybody out If I can't call out Bo Ballard and Adam Fannin and manly Perry then I don't believe there's a person I can call out Man look if you listen to their preaching you just want to just like never listen to preaching again. It's so bad Bo Ballard's the worst preacher I've ever heard It's so so much heresy. He taught that he compared Jesus to a woman in a wedding dress Like how am I supposed to allow that heresy to exist? Well, that's not what I meant But that's not a get-out-of-jail-free card If you think you can get up here and teach whatever you want and then just say pastor Shelley, that's not what I meant I'm gonna be like too bad. I Don't really care what you meant I care what you said and what you said was trash You can have all the greatest intentions in the world, but if you get up and teach work salvation, you're not preaching again Why meant it's by faith. It's like that doesn't matter Now here's the last point I want to make okay, the Lord is a man of war point number one wars ugly point number two We need to fight the good fight though. I'm not gonna get a pistol out. I'm not gonna get a knife out I'm not gonna harass anybody physically But I will preach the truth and for whatever reason they feel like it's just so damaging because you know what the truth hurts for them Here's my last point about war and this is an important point casualties hurt Casualties hurt and here's the reality You know, it's kind of fun to fight sometimes and you know, it's inside of us to kind of contend and fight a little bit But when you go through a long period of Christian life, you're gonna have some really bad casualties You're gonna have some bad moments and you know what they hurt they hurt Psalms 49 41 look at verse 9. Yay my own familiar friend in whom I trusted Which did eat of my bread have lifted up his heel against me? You Know there's gonna be people in this room that if you keep serving God Somebody you trust someone that's a close friend will disappoint you they'll stab you in the back you know, like I don't know Bob Gray stabbing pastor Mahi in the back and Just saying one thing to him on the phone and then going back and doing a hit piece against him later. That's wicked Go to Psalms 55 go to Psalms 55, you know the Apostle Paul Whenever him and Barnabas were going out and preaching the gospel John just dropped off. He just left says John departed Departing from just return to Jerusalem, you know, it sucks when you're like with somebody and you're all excited and all of a sudden They're like see ya But it happens, you know, there's gonna be good people in this room. They just Bye, I'm just like where'd they go? Look there's already people like that I could think of tons of people that are good people. They were soul winners They were in this church and they're just not here and sucks. I don't like it it hurts Psalms 55 looking verse 11 wickedness is in the midst thereof Deceit and guile depart not from her streets for it was not an enemy that approached me Then I could have borne it neither was it he that hated me that did magnify himself against me Then I would have hid myself from him But it was thou a man mine equal my guide and mine acquaintance We took sweet counsel together and walked into the house of God and company Let death seize upon them and let them go down quick into hell for wickedness is in their dwellings and among them Look there's gonna be people that try to get close to you and they try to be your friend and even gave sweet counsel to them you help them you love them and they just turned out to be a complete Judas and Notice it hurt it hurt him. But now he's like, you know, I just let him go to hell He's a Judas go to hell You know Paul said for Demas hath forsaken me having loved this present world, you know There's gonna be people they just love money and goods in their boat and TV and they don't want to fight anymore He's just like see ya Go if you would to acts 20 last place I'll return acts 20 You know the possible said my first answer no man stood with me, but all men forsook me. You don't think that hurt You don't think it's hurts whenever you try to do something right and look I've tried to make decisions in my ministry that have hurt they've hurt because I know that they're difficult. They're a tough decision The hardest thing that I've ever had to do was to tell pure words Baptist Church. I was gonna come up here and be your pastor Hurt It was hard It's one of the hardest things and look it's war sometimes You have to say goodbye. Sometimes you have to do something else or sometimes, you know priorities shift or they change and It sucks and it's difficult, but it's war and you know what? I could have just let this this this ship kind of just sink possibly or I don't know what's gonna happen You know, I mean, I believe the Lord would still want to try to preserve you and maybe there would have been Delivered to raise up somewhere else. I don't know the Lord is mighty, but I know this Everything rise and falls on leadership and when there's a complete devoid of leadership, it doesn't go well And I thought you know what if I can help if I can do something good then I want to get in the fight I want to fight I want to contend why? Because I don't want wicked people like Bo Ballard to get in charge of anything or Adam Fannin get in charge of anything Sick, it's gross You can have Chad Morgan as your pastor with Bo Ballard and Adam Fannin, that would have been great I Could have just been sitting in Houston just not fighting not contending not doing anything Right Maybe I should take Bob Gray's opinion, right? Let's not fight. Let's not contend. Let's never call anybody out Everyone's a good guy. I don't think it's just so misunderstood you know when he lied about church members being witches and Got the whole congregation to literally attack a woman in the in the church and she couldn't even use the bathroom Physically because men would block her from going to the bathroom because he said that she was a witch I should just step back Don't fight that don't contend about that It's sick what these people do it's sick the lies that they tell And you know what? I don't even know what's going on in Manly Perry's church, but I know it's bad or There's smoke. There's fire unless you're manly Perry Acts chapter 20 look at verse 28 Take heed therefore in yourselves and all the flock over which the Holy Ghost had made you overseers to feed the Church of God Which he had purchased his own blood for I know this that after my departing so grievous wolves enter in among you Not sparing the flock also of your own selves shall men arise speaking perverse things to draw away Disciples after them therefore watch and remember that by the space of three years I cease not to warn everyone night and day with tears Oh Paul You're just so contentious Oh Paul You keep naming names and you do it night and day and night and day Year after year after year. Look I can't even catch up with Paul. I I Mean I put out like three videos a week at best He's putting out a video in the morning and then the evening every day for three years That sounds like drama Hey, remember, you know Alexander again. Here's another Alexander video And here's another hymen as video and here's another Adam fan in video You're like when are you gonna stop preaching against him when I stop preaching? You know, you don't have to come here You can go to the soft Soap that will never fight anybody pre-trib church and you can just sit there and hang on to your Trump flag while y'all sing kumbaya and just I Know that fags are taking over everywhere and they're gonna take over our church I mean you could go to Paul Chapel's Church where you're not even allowed to have a vile attitude towards them You're supposed to love on them you supposed to be kind to them I want to tear them in half physically But I have to only do it spiritually with my words. Okay? Look, it says there's gonna be people coming in. There's gonna be people creeping in we have to fight against them I'm gonna preach against them. The Lord is a man of war And let me tell you something war is ugly War is Ugly, you know what? It's a necessary job. It's a dirty job, but it's a very very necessary job Not only is war ugly, but we want to make sure we're in the right battle. I don't want to battle for money I want a battle for goods. I want a battle to build a college. I want to battle false doctrine And if you don't like me battling false doctrine, it's not gonna get better anytime soon It's not gonna get prettier Okay, and the last point I'm gonna tell you this is casualties are gonna hurt and if you stick around this church You're gonna get hurt every once in a while and it's not that I want that you know what I'm hurt right now I'm hurt that Bob gray would lie about pastor me. I like Bob gray. I want to like him I want to like his church. I thought hey the next time he has a conference We should just load up a bus full of people and take to his church The only fear I had was the fact that he wouldn't let us in the building Obviously, it sounds like not Sounds like I don't really want to go to that week watered-down conference. Anyways hear about the pre-trib rapture or something But I was I had a lot of spec for this guy it's dwindling now you know what there's never a wrong time to do the right thing and I hope that You know people would be convicted by the Word of God and would decide you know what truth is more important than friendship The truth is more important than money. The truth is more important than having fellowship with a wicked devil and look there right now They're sending Preachers back and forth and people back and forth this church He's gonna get infiltrated by manly Perry if he continues down this road, and that's not gonna be good And you want manly Perry like he tried to just use Pastor Anderson. He's looking for the next person to use Watch out Bob gray we told you the snake told you the Viper, but if you don't want to listen to us you're gonna get bit It's closing prayer. Thank you father so much for your word Thank you for being a man of war that wants to fight for us and protect us and to lead us And we know that you know the Christian life is one of a constant battle That we're a soldier and we pray that we just be pleasing in your sight that we would not be weary of the battle that when we see ugly things we'd be reminded of The beauty that comes with the war the peace that comes afterwards the joy that will be received afterwards and That we be minded of the good fight that we wouldn't get distracted and bad fights and just be argument to be argumentative But rather we contend for the truth we contend for the Word of God we contend for good doctrine And I pray that when casualties come that we be reminded and comforted of the words of God that we strengthened by the Lord himself So that we can continue to endure and continue to fight and fight until the very end Jesus name we pray amen