(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Look back at verse number 12 a really long chapter a lot of good information here. Look at verse 12 the Bible reads and The first day of unleavened bread when they killed the Passover his disciples said unto him Where wilt thou that we go and prepare that thou mayest eat the Passover now this is a very interesting verse in the Bible and when it came to the timing of Basically how all these things fit together This is one of the hardest verses for me because you kind of read it and just right off the surface It's kind of confusing because the word Passover can mean a lot of different things and I always wondered exactly What was going on at the Last Supper a lot of people are confused They think that maybe the Last Supper is when they had the Passover meal and that Christ was like later but you know last year I studied it really in depth and I kind of made a nice-looking chart and Really we have to understand is the Last Supper is known as the preparation day according to the Bible And so it's not When they ate that Passover lamb it's actually the day before but I want to show you why I believe that from the scripture if You would go if you would to Exodus chapter number 12 Exodus chapter 12 now They say the first day of unleavened bread is when they kill the Passover. Okay is when they kill the Passover So, let's understand a few things from the Bible and let's understand why you know I have things laid out the way that I do but in Exodus chapter number 12 we have the instructions of the Passover given to Moses and it says in verse number 1 and Lord spake unto Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt saying this month shall be unto you the beginning of months It shall be the first month of the year to you Speak ye unto all the congregation of Israel saying in the tenth day of this month They shall take to them every man a lamb According the house of their fathers lamb for an house and the household be too little for the lamb Let him in his neighborhood or neighbor I'm sorry next unto his house take it according to the number of the souls every man according to his eating shall make Your account for the lamb your lamb shall be without blemish a male of the first year He shall take it out of the sheep or from the goats and you shall keep it until the 14th They have the same month and the whole assembly of the congregation of Israel shall kill it in the evening so we have here in Exodus chapter number 12 telling us that the day that they would kill the lamb is the 14th day and the evening Okay. Now what you have to understand about the word even or evening in your Bible is it's a general allotment of time It's not an exact number of time. You couldn't just say that it's exactly 5 p.m. 6 p.m. 3 It's just basically the afternoon late afternoon or evening in our minds as well Okay, and and I'll prove that to you in a second But essentially on the 14th day is when they would kill this lamb So that means in Mark chapter 14 verse number 12 when we were reading It was the 14th day because didn't they say it was the same day that they would kill the Passover lamb So that first day of unleavened bread is the day that they would kill the Passover lamb and that's known as the 14th Day now go if you would to Exodus chapter 12 verse 18 So just flip a few verses verse 18 in the first month on the 14th day of the month at even you shall eat unleavened bread until the 1 and 20th day of the month at even 7 days shall there be no leaven found in your houses for what server eateth that Which is leaven even that soul shall be cut off from the congregation of Israel whether he be a stranger or born in The land so now we have to understand about the feast here of the Passover It's actually an eight-day feast that comprises of seven days of eating of unleavened bread that's why it's called the Feast of Unleavened bread and if you notice he said to the 14th day at even to the 21st day at even okay, so let's count that just to get an idea right we have the 14th day at even So to the 15th day would be one day, right? 16th to 17th 3 18th 4 19th 5 26 21st 7 ok, so that would be 7 days of unleavened bread. That's why he has those numbers there We have to understand is he didn't count the actual 14th day He was counting from the 14th from even to the 15th is 1 so the 14th day would actually make it 8 days in total if you're counting that day as well, which is described as the Preparation day in your New Testament now go to Deuteronomy chapter number 16 Deuteronomy chapter number 16 Now when he's using the word even in this context it would be clear to understand it that he's saying at the time when the Sun has completely gone down and you've Transitioned to the next day because from a Hebrew calendar perspective they basically have a whole night and a whole day and that represents a day the beginning starts at the Setting of the Sun and it completely going down now. We've gone into nighttime. That's the beginning of the day It goes a full dark period and then a full light period and that's one day just like we have in Genesis chapter number one Right, it was dark and then there was light the evening and the morning Were the first day okay, so we have and that makes way more sense than our calendar if we think about it because our calendar or the way we Track time is we just start the day in the middle of the night, you know in the middle at midnight It's just randomly the next day. That's just kind of weird and arbitrary Right the fact that it has a complete cycle actually makes more logical sense because why God's more logical than we are, right? But that's how we do it in America and everything's backwards anyways But even can mean something more than that even could be reference to the fact that you transition to this next day But it's really just in general about the evening time. Look at Deuteronomy chapter 16 verse 6 the Bible reads But at the place was the Lord thy God shall choose to place his name in there thou shalt sacrifice the Passover at even at The going down of the Sun at the season that thou came is for that of Egypt So notice that you would kill the lamb at the going down of the Sun But we have not fully transitioned into the next day now this would make sense for a couple reasons number one is They're not supposed to do any work on that first day of them the bread is known as a high day It's a holy convocation. It's a special Sabbath day So therefore you're not going to be killing the lamb cooking it doing any of these things before I'm sorry after the sun's completely set because that would be the actual Sabbath day. You need to have that all done But if I'm going to eat a feast at 6 p.m. I'm gonna eat dinner at 6 p.m. Right some of you guys Maybe it's 530. I don't know you ask your wife, but whatever time you eat dinner at 6, right? When do you want to kill that lamb? About as close to dinner time as I mean basically want dinner to be hot and ready at dinner time So when would you kill it and cook in or probably like 3 4 p.m. In the afternoon is we're gonna start cooking that thing and getting it ready for the dinner that you're gonna be having So that's exactly what they're doing They're killing it at the going down to the Sun as they're kind of transitioning into that evening and it's gonna be the evening meal Even though it's technically a completely different day. So the day of preparation is you're preparing that meal That's going to be enjoyed on the 15th day, which is known as the feast day So you have the preparation day, which is the 14th day you have the feast day, which is known as the 15th day Go back. You would to mark go back to mark. Let me prove to you Quickly some of the things that I've said now and Explaining this to people. I'm gonna give you some some really clear reasons why I believe the chart laid out makes sense and where the Last Supper kind of fills in and then we're gonna just talk about the Last Supper because the title of the sermon is the Last Supper and I really want you to understand where it's located And as far as the Bible is concerned and then we're gonna kind of talk about what happens in it, but in Mark chapter 15 look at verse number 42 and Now when the even was come it was the preparation That is the day before the Sabbath Now that's an important verse too because we understand that the date this is when Christ was killed Okay this is when Christ died on the cross and mark chapter number 15 and it's saying the even was come and it's denoting that this day is the Preparation day and it's the day before the Sabbath now you ask why would Catholics believe in Good Friday? It's because of this verse in isolation If you look at this verse in isolation and we all know that the Sabbath is Saturday Then they would say well logically that means he would have died on Friday But the problem is they don't realize that there's an extra Sabbath for the Feast of Unleavened Bread Because the 15th day is automatically a Sabbath no matter what day that it falls on So when it's talking about the Sabbath here, it's not talking about your normal Sabbath. It's talking about a special Sabbath Let me prove that go to John chapter 19. Go to John chapter number 19 for a moment And You can kind of look at you can kind of figure out these dates when you look at it from before or after And you kind of you know point to it, but John chapter number 19 look at verse 31 The Bible says this the Jews therefore because it was the preparation That the body should not remain upon the cross on the Sabbath day for that Sabbath day was in high Day besot Pilate that their legs might be broken and that they might be taken away And you know in other places the the Pharisees are making clear They don't want to kill Jesus on the feast day because there would be an uproar why because it's a Sabbath You're not gonna be killing Jesus Christ on the Sabbath day and crucifying him doing it See because then people would be freaking out like why are you breaking the Sabbath to kill this man? So they have to do it before The feast day they have to do it before this high day this special Sabbath day now I'm gonna go through this chart quickly okay, and I want to I want to show you a few things Go to mark go back to mark and look at chapter number 11. Go to mark chapter number 11 and If you look at the chart you'll notice that kind of on the left side we have the tenth day which is the second day listed there and Right below the tenth I have take a lamb because that was referenced in Exodus chapter number 12 when they said that they would choose a lamb for themselves on the tenth day well, that's exactly what happened with Jesus Christ and That's what people celebrate as they called palm Sunday And you know palm Sunday would be the day and which Jesus Christ is having his Triumphal entry into the city and they're yelling and shouting hosanna look at a mark chapter 11 verse 9 and They that went before and they that followed cried saying hosanna Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord and so we have an idea here of when this would be This would most likely be the tenth day when they're choosing that lamb. They're choosing Jesus Christ. He's making that triumphal entry They're all shouting and they're all excited and if you compare that You know with other verses which we will in a moment when you compare that with John and other places in Scripture it fits In perfectly with being the tenth day, but let's just use mark alone Let's just take mark as you say how did you come up with this timing passage really? It was the gospel of Mark I was just reading it and it kind of gives you this like timeline of the gospel of Mark and in Luke Mark chapter 11 Verse 9 that's why I had it mentioned, but look at the next thing I have on the chart is this fig tree cursed That's mark 11 verse 12 and look at verse number 12 It says this and on the morrow when they were come from Bethany He was hungry and seeing a fig tree afar off having leaves He came if happily might find anything there on and so he ends up cursing this fig tree But notice I said on the morrow so that would mean have been the day after Hosanna, okay, so we know that that was another day and as we keep reading we're gonna find out another day look at verse number 20 and In the morning as They passed by they saw the fig tree dried up from the roots and Peter calling to remembrance saith and a master behold the fig tree Which thou cursed is withered away and what you can basically understand from the gospel of Mark is this When Jesus Christ saw the fig tree cursed it and it immediately started to wither but here's the thing just because it immediately started to wither doesn't mean that it was like is Destroyed as it possibly could be it was in a process of withering it was in a process of Deterioration and so when they come back the next day, I mean this thing is just a dried corpse This thing is just like scorched earth and you're just looking like whoa Look at that fig tree that you cursed. I mean this thing is just like nothing and you say what's that a picture of? Well, it's a picture of the Jews Because as soon as they killed Christ on the cross, they're cursed and they start to wither But it wasn't just an immediate destruction it has a process of being destroyed but then by 8070 it's like whoa Look at the fig tree that thou is cursed I mean this thing is just decimated this thing is just destroyed and you have to understand how God works Sometimes God just has this perpetual continual Destruction, you know, this is the same with our lives and sin Some people think oh I sin, but I didn't die the next day Okay, well sometimes sin doesn't kill you right away it takes a little bit but you know what you just let sin fester in your life you just keep getting away from God and Eventually, you'll see the wither and shrivel up into nothing You just get destroyed by sin you get destroyed by the evils of this world And you know what the righteous flourish like a tree that's planted by the rivers of water Okay, and so you have to understand that God allows things to take time and we see this development though. We had Hosanna Then we had what the morrow when he cursed it then we had the next day on the morning whenever it's completely Dried up and then we can go to mark chapter number 14 mark chapter number 14 and Look what it says in verse number one After two days was the feast of the Passover So based on these few scriptures that I've shown you you have to be able to back up a few days before the feast day Now now what is the feast day? The feast day is the 15th day and it would technically start that evening before you know Right about 6 p.m. Ish whenever the Sun would set you would enter in that feast day So if we look at the chart, right you'll notice that on Thursday you have the Sun going down and the kind of in between the 14th and the 15th day right there Okay, so where it's dark or it's a red moon on the 15th day that is when they would enjoy that feast That's when it starts So if we were to say okay two days before then we would see the 14th where it's the Sun and we'd see the 13th Where it's the Sun and then notice that on the 12th day on Tuesday That's where it says after two days was the feast of the Passover, wasn't it? Doesn't that fit based on what I'm showing you so far? Okay, and then if you think okay Tuesday was that morning when he saw the fig tree the day before would have been what? Monday and the day before that would have been what palm Sunday So that fits in perfectly with how that fits on the chart now, let's go to John for a moment go to John chapter 12 and Let's see if we can corroborate the timeline that we just formulated with the Gospel of John But even if we go from the other side Sunday then we have the we have the morrow we have the morning and then two days that would be five days Right and you have Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday five days before what the feast day Okay, which the feast day is gonna start in the evening, which would be the 15th day Look at John chapter number 12 and let's read verse number one Then Jesus six days before the Passover came to Bethany where Lazarus was Which had been dead whom he raised from the dead? so John chapter 12 It kind of just randomly gives you a time reference all of a sudden because it was talking about lots of events and then just randomly says hey six days before the Passover, okay, and Then it's gonna give you a little bit more information but skip down to verse number 12 Notice this on the next day So if it was six days and then he says the next day how many days are we away from five Now what was the fifth day away according to mark his palm Sunday right when they were shouting Hosanna in the highest, right? Well, what does it say in verse number 12 and on the next day much people that were come to the feast when they heard? That Jesus is coming to drink Jerusalem took branches of palm trees and went forth to meet him and cried Hosanna Blessed is the king of Israel that cometh in the name of the Lord so isn't that the exact same event that we had before and we noticed that it's both so Hosanna has to be five days Before The feast day just like we already identified so then you have Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday so that means the feast day would have been Thursday evening and Friday Okay, because we understand that Jewish calendar holidays start in the evening They start in the evening of that day and so it fits again perfectly with our timeline with our chart look at John chapter 13 and Look at verse number one The Bible says now before the feast of the Passover, what is the feast of the Passover? That's when they eat the meal. Okay, this would be The 14th day it even has happened and then they've gone into the 15th day. That's when they eat that feast That's when they have the seven days of 11 bread Okay Now before the feast of the Passover when Jesus knew that his hour was come That he should depart out of this world and the father having loved his own which were in the world he loved him unto the end and Supper being ended the devil having now put into the heart of Jesus scariot Simon's son to betray him So what are we having in the timeline? What is John chapter 13? It's the Last Supper Okay, so notice the Last Supper is denoted as the day before The feast day why because the Last Supper was on the day of preparation. It was the preparation day which would have been the 14th day and so you start on that 14th day in the evening and You go all the way to the even which is when they would kill that Passover lamb Which is when Christ is going to die and that's why it's the Last Supper and it really would have happened on Wednesday now, there's certain places in Scripture where it'll say in Matthew chapter number 26 go to Matthew real quick. I Want to show you a verse in there that was kind of hard for me too and kind of thinking about the timeline here But Matthew 26 look at verse number 17, I Would always plot this out and then verses like this would just like it would just destroy everything I thought I had built but then when you kind of just study and you slow down you let it explain itself It all fits together But look at verse number 17 now the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread The disciples came to Jesus saying and then where wilt thou that we prepare for thee to eat the Passover. Okay now Then they're gonna go and they're gonna end up having the Last Supper and you say well Then how is that the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread? Well the the Feast of Unleavened Bread and according to Luke, it's also called the Passover So basically just the eight-day feast as known as the Passover Now if it's an eight-day feast, when does it start on the 14th day, okay So that's the first day that they're gonna eat and when it says Passover, it's not saying the lamb It's just saying the event. It's just saying they're gonna eat the past. They're gonna have unleavened bread on this day as well They're going to eat together and fellowship. Now. What time would they have said this? You I have it listed there on the chart the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread It would have been Wednesday in the in the afternoon Now just think about this imagine it's December 24th and It's 3 p.m. And I say hey, where are we gonna eat Christmas Eve dinner because it's today No one would bat an eye at that. But when would Christmas Eve technically start wouldn't it be in the evening of that day? It's not like necessarily the whole day is the evening. It's just that that's the day that it starts, right? And so From their perspective from their mentality, it's the morning It's Wednesday and you would say hey today's the first day of the feast Why because it starts at that night at 6 p.m Basically when the sun's gonna go down they're gonna have that meal and so they're basically gonna find a place that they're going to meet And of course the whole 14th day is dedicated to getting prepared and ready to have this feast day because they're gonna have a dual Sabbath day right next to each other. So you want to get a lot of things prepared You need a whole day to make sure you have everything done You're not gonna be doing any work on that feast day or that following Sabbath day And so they're gonna have a lot of work to do. They're identifying the place. They're gonna eat and they're eating together now All that to say this is you say well that's complicated and I feel like I need a chart To explain to people why you know, you believe the things you do because I believe it's Good Thursday All right It's not Good Friday, and if you try to go all the way to Wednesday Then you start messing up a lot of these other timelines, but what's a real simple way? Here's the easiest way I found to explain what I believe go to Luke chapter 24 go to Luke 24 and no matter what you Go to no matter what passage of Scripture it can be understood, you know with this chart from you know Looking at it either from the back or the forward and it kind of fits together It's just really the most difficult part is the fact that the Feast of Unleavened Bread and Passover can mean different things Now Luke 24 look at verse number 20. This is the walk to Emmaus This is where a couple men were walking there and Jesus Accompanies them and preaches them in my opinion one of the greatest sermons ever It's basically just showing everywhere in the whole Bible where he's at and all the prophecies that were pertaining to him I'm sure that was a pretty epic sermon. They said that their heart was burning within them, you know And so that was a great sermon that he preached but look what they say when they communicate with them. Look at verse 20 and He says let's get a little more context. This is verse 19 and he said to them what things so this is Jesus They're like saying, you know, you know, do you know what happened recently and he's like what and they say I like a place coy With them. Yeah, this is Jesus. Hey, have you heard of Jesus Christ who you know, what what happened? You know tell me all about it and they said I'm concerning Jesus of Nazareth Which is a prophet mighty indeed and word before God and all the people and now the chief priests and rulers delivered him To be condemned to death and have crucified him But we trusted that it had been he which should have redeemed Israel beside all this Today is the third day Since these things were done. So it's Sunday. These guys are walking they run into Jesus They're like, hey, did you hear what happened? He's like what you know, what happened and he's like about Jesus There's this mighty prophet and word indeed. Everybody was thinking this guy's like the Messiah or they're not sure But everybody's talking about Jesus everybody, you know, he's this big Figure everybody knows about him. He's healing people. He's he's preaching incredible sermons. Nobody's never man spake like this man I mean a man everybody knows about Jesus. Okay, and they're like, who are you? Like, how do you not know about Jesus? and he's saying today is the third day since Something happened. Okay. What was the thing that happened? Well, he explains to you and Verse number 20 how the chief priests and our rulers delivered him to be condemned to death and crucified him So he's saying today Sunday is the third day since what he was crucified and killed Okay, so Sunday's the third day. What would Saturday be the second day since if Saturday the second day since what would Friday be? It'd be the first day since So then what would that mean? That would mean that he was killed on Thursday because that would make Friday the first day since Saturday the second day since and Sunday the third day since and so that's the easiest I think that's a super clear verse It's really easy to understand. It was the third day since and again that fits in with every other Piece of the pie that we have here to look at and so it's really clear and some people might get mad They'd be like, well, that's not exactly 72 hours then pastor Shelley Well, first of all, the Bible doesn't say For as Jonas was three days and and three nights in the Wells belly So shall the Son of Man be 72 hours and the heart of the earth Okay, he said Three days and three nights. Okay. Now there's a couple ways to look at that three days and three nights could be Exactly 72 hours, even though three days and three nights isn't exactly said it's 72 hours It's gonna be off by a few milliseconds or a few minutes even potentially or it could just be three separate days and three separate nights Okay, which is really what the Bible is saying here and it makes it very clear But some people say well, what if he died on Wednesday? Couldn't that have been like 72 hours exactly and here's the problem it can't Why well because he would have died at even before the Sabbath day go to mark chapter 15 go to mark chapter number 15 and look at verse 34 Let me show you a couple verses here Mark chapter 15 look at verse 34 and at the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice Saying Eli Eli Lameh sabachthani, which is being interpreted my God my God Why is thou forsaken me? So we actually see you know a picture here of him becoming a curse for us of God the Father literally forsaking his own son But notice it says at the ninth hour Now what would be the ninth hour in reference? Well, the ninth hour is going to be in reference to the breaking of the day and how many hours are in a day? Jesus told us there's 12 hours in a day. So if we're saying nine hours from the daybreak Assuming it's approximately 6 a.m. As daybreak that would be about 3 p.m. Okay that Jesus would have died would have been 3 p.m. Now look at verse number 42 So Jesus Christ dies verse 42 and now when the even was come Because it was the preparation that is the day before the Sabbath So are we in the Sabbath day? Are we in the feast day yet? Or is it still before it's still before? And why are they so interested here? Look at verse 40 43 Joseph of Arimathea an honorable counselor Which also waited for the kingdom of God came and went in boldly unto Pilate and craved the body of Jesus Pilate marveled if he were already dead and Calling unto him the centurion he asked him whether he had been any while dead and when he knew it of the centurion He gave the body to Joseph So notice at the point that it was even you know in the evening and it's already come this is part of the evening time He had already died because he probably died immediately when it became even at whatever point that was about 3 p.m. Or so and It's very important though that they bury him quickly Why because they don't want to violate the Sabbath and they have to bury him in a tomb that's nigh Unto them. That's why they go so quickly. They're grabbed. They're getting him there They're they're putting him in the linen clothes and they're burying him the tomb with haste Why because they don't want to violate that Sabbath day, but that means that there would have been three hours approximately before That even had come before the next day had come Well, there's another thing that the Bible says It says that Jesus Christ rose on the first day of the week. Okay, it says in chapter 16 It says verse 9 now when Jesus was risen early the first day of the week Okay Now I don't believe this but some people would say that he would have risen on Saturday evening Okay, because that's the Jewish first day of the week. Okay, he could have they say like maybe he rose again at like 6 p.m. On Saturday evening and that was the first day of the week. I Personally believe it would have been after midnight I believe it would have been between midnight and the breaking of dawn It would have been the first day of the week from a Roman perspective and from a Jewish calendar Perspective but even if he did let's assume that he got he rose again on Saturday evening at 601 p.m That would mean it was at least 75 hours That he had been dead then because you have the three-hour Carryover from that Wednesday, you'd have the three hours on Wednesday and then you would have had all Thursday Friday and Saturday You would have at least 75 hours. So people that want to say well, I think it's 72 hours. That's impossible Or you have to say that he rose three hours before The is the setting of the Sun on Saturday, which mean he didn't rise on the first day of the week in any capacity Even if you were looking at from a Jewish calendar perspective So in order to keep all of the elements of the Bible true Then we have to realize that Wednesdays is not even feasible But if you think about okay, well, then how long was he in the grave? Well, he would have been there for about three hours on Thursday all of Friday and Saturday so that would mean he was in the grave for about two point two two point three days and Evenings we have all of Thursday evening all of Friday evening and I think the majority of Saturday Like I said, it would have been some time, you know between midnight and 6 a.m. In the morning that he rose the Two women Mary and the Mary's okay, Mary squared were coming They were coming before the Sun the Sun was going to set so they were coming maybe 5 a.m. Or something like that and he'd already risen They probably rose around 3 or 4 in the morning on that day and it would have been very soon It makes sense when you read the story and this is just conjecture on my part But it makes sense that he probably rose Shortly before they actually showed up because it's like they show up and he's just right there and he shows himself unto Mary Magdalene and you know It's pretty cool when you think about it because Mary Magdalene's the first person to get to see the resurrected Lord And if you know anything about her backstory she had been possessed with Devils a majority of her life talk about a turnaround Talk about a comeback story a woman that had been possessed with Devils ends up getting me the first witness of the resurrection She also must add a big mouth. That's why I told her okay, okay He's like this lady's gonna get the gospel out, you know but we understand that you know, Jesus Christ would have risen on the first day and so it would have been maybe 2.6 nights 2.2 days But you know that wouldn't make a very good verse Whereas Jonas was three days and three nights in the Wells belly So show the Son of Man be two point two days and two point six nights in the heart of it You know, the Bible doesn't talk like that It's just saying three distinct days and three distinct nights Right, if you were in hell for one second, you were like I was there for a day, you know Okay, and at the end of the day was he there Wednesday? I'm sorry Thursday. Yes Thursday Friday and Saturday day and he was there Thursday night Friday night and Saturday night So that is three days and three nights just like Jonah We don't know when Jonah win in the Wells belly But there's no way it was exactly 72 hours either at some point He's cast in and it seems like maybe it's night and then he comes back out possibly day It would have been in the middle part and he's just attributed to having three days and three nights So again, the Bible is a perfect narrative It makes complete sense and you know Catholics are unsaved so they can't understand the Bible. All right Go back to Mark chapter 14 go back to Mark chapter number 14 Really? I don't personally believe that you even have to be spiritual to understand what I showed you I think it just takes a little bit of study But obviously having the Holy Ghost that helps I'm just saying that it just takes a little bit That just shows you how bad the study is of Catholics and The majority of people throughout the history because the majority of people believe and Good Friday In fact, most Baptists believe in Good Friday, you know I ran into a lot of Baptists this weekend just preaching the gospel and they were going to a Good Friday service and so, you know, we need to change the culture and make it Good Thursday, all right and Know when the Last Supper was and what happened? Mark chapter 14 look at verse 12 and the first day of 11 bread. So so what does that mean then? Let's read this verse again. Let's understand it. That's the eight-day event Like it's the 14th day and it's like the Christmas Eve where it hasn't technically started as far as the 14th day But it is that 14th day. Okay, because it's gonna happen at 6 p.m. When they killed the Passover. What is the Passover? That's the lamb sacrifice and his disciples said unto him Where wilt thou that we go and prepare that thou mayest eat the Passover again. That's the eight-day event not the lamb Sacrifice and so that's why it's confusing I think is because it says kill the Passover and then eat the Passover and so you immediately tie those teams together and say oh That means they're eating the land that they killed. But wait a minute. I just demonstrated you from lots of Scripture That's not what that's saying. So obviously Passover here means two different things in that same verse Okay, that's why I took all that time to explain that to you now go if you went to Luke 22 for a moment Go to Luke chapter 22 title. The sermon is the Last Supper. So now we know where the Last Supper is and We know what the Last Supper is about. It's not eating the Passover lamb. It's not the feast day Christ was their literal Passover Okay So It's the preparation day We're preparing for the killing of the lamb. We're preparing and we're getting ready for that Luke 22 look at verse number 15 The Bible says and he said unto them with desire. I've desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer For I say unto you I will not anymore eat thereof until it be fulfilled in the kingdom of God And he took the cup and gave thanks and said take this and divide it among yourselves For I say unto you I will not drink of the fruit of the vine until the kingdom of God shall come And he took bread and gave thanks and break it and gave unto them saying this is my body which is given for you This do in remembrance of me Likewise also the cup after supper saying this cup is the New Testament in my blood which is shed for you But behold the hand of him that betrayeth me Betrayed me is with me on the table now When you study this with John chapter 13, we understand that they ate supper and then when supper was ended Christ came he washes disciples feet and I'm gonna kind of show you few verses there and then they end up having this special service of the bread and The juice now the Bible talks about this in another place go to first Corinthians chapter number 11 first Corinthians chapter number 11 let me explain to you what the Last Supper is and this is important because Christ is telling us to do this and Christ is saying this is a Memorial that we're supposed to perform and remembrance of him and that is picturing some things It's picturing his body and it's picturing his blood now in first Corinthians chapter 11 This church is doing a lot of good things But has a couple things screwed up and this chapter is dedicated to fixing a couple things that are screwed up number one Guys need to get a haircut and women need to let their hair grow out is the basically the first problem they have in this chapter and then the second problem is there they have a problem with the Lord's Supper and And I want to kind of just quickly go through this and explain a few things but look at verse number 20 When you come together therefore in one place, this is not to eat the Lord's Supper Now that verse is really really difficult verse in my opinion. I think it's one of the hardest verse to be understood, but What I've come to conclusion of and I think when you study the context, it's crystal clear What he's basically saying is when they this church came together, they weren't really eating the Lord's Supper They were doing something different They were screwing it up and then he explains how they were screwing it up or how they were doing this wrong He says verse 21 for an eating Everyone take it before other his own supper and one is hungry and another is drunken So he's saying some of you guys are eating and some of you guys are not eating and you're not even doing it together And then he says the first one do what have you got houses to eat and to drink in? Or despise you the Church of God and shame them that have not what shall I say to you? Shall I praise you in this I praise you not so basically he's rebuking them saying why don't you guys eat at home? You know coming to church and in performing the Lord's Supper is not about Eating a meal. It's a different thing. That's why in John chapter 13 I'll show you in a moment that there's a distinction between having a meal and doing the Lord's Supper now Why would you eat a meal? Satisfy the flesh Right. I mean you're hungry. I mean, I'm kind of hungry right now. All right, who's with me? You know, it's it's really about the flesh, you know, it's not a spiritual thing necessarily just to eat a meal We eat on a regular basis. That's our daily bread. That's our daily food But the Lord's Supper is not to satisfy some kind of a physical fleshly craving. It's a spiritual thing It's a spiritual symbolism and picture and so what they're doing is not a spiritual picture And that's why he's there getting rebuked so he's gonna remind them of What the Lord said and what the Lord did says in verse 23 for I have received of the Lord that which also I delivered unto you that the Lord Jesus the same night in which he was betrayed took bread and when he had given thanks he break it And said take eat. This is my body which is broken for you this do and Remembrance of me after the same manner also He took the cup when he had supped saying this cup is the New Testament in my blood This do ye as often as you drink it in remembrance of me. So what's the emphasis here? It's remembering Christ It's not about some great bread or some great juice. It's about thinking about Christ It's about remembering what Christ did for you He says in verse number 26 for as often as eat this bread and drink this cup you do show the Lord's death Till he come so when you have the Lord's Supper, what does it do? It continually reminds us of the Lord's death until he returns It's a service that we do to remind ourselves of what Christ did verse 27. Wherefore Meaning for this reason whosoever shall eat this bread and drink this cup of the Lord unworthily Shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord But let a man examine himself and so let him eat of that bread and drink of that cup For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily eateth and drink of damnation to himself not discerning The Lord's body so someone would potentially eat or drink this not understanding the importance not understanding the symbolism that exists here and We understand that what we're doing is symbolic There's nothing special about the bread or the juice on this table up here. Okay, it's not and it's not gonna like immediately Transform into Christ's body when we eat it. Okay, that's Catholic theology and it's weird theology. Okay, there's nothing There's nothing about it from a physical perspective. That's special. What special is the symbolic spiritual picture That Christ is offering and somebody could take the Lord's Supper just thinking it's food just thinking that this is just nothing just a cracker and just whatever and taking it irreverently and And that would be wrong and because this church is doing the Lord's Supper very irreverently That's part of the reason that they're being condemned. Okay, and I believe that's one aspect of Eating or drinking unworthily Notice the person that's eating or drinking unworthily is not discerning the Lord's body So as someone that's eating or drinking unworthily, do they even realize what they're doing? No, that's part of the problem. That's that's why I'd be partially unworthy, you know, it's not like just a regular snack That I'm offering to somebody it's like this is the Lord's communion. This is the Lord's Supper that we're taking here. This is a spiritual thing. So we want to take it with a spiritual understanding he says in verse 30 for this cause many are weak and sickly among you and many sleep Now he also says in this in verse 31 for if we would judge ourselves We should not be judged but when we're judged we were chasing of the Lord that we should not be condemned with the world Wherefore my brethren when you come together to eat Tarry one for another now when he says when you come together to eat, what is he referencing the context of the entire chapter? What would it be that they would come together to eat the Lord's Supper That would be the event that they're gonna come together and eat and he's saying wait for one another meaning Don't do it out of order Don't just like hey as you walk in just one guy gets it and one guy's eating and just like this potluck or nuts We all need it together. It's it's it's part of unity. You know, it's having unity in the church It's being of one accord. We all agree on the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ We all have the same doctrine when it comes to salvation. We're unified and it brings us closer together that's one of the emphasis is of This he said in verse number 17 now in this that I declare unto you I praise you not that you come together not for the better but for the worse First of all when you come together in the church, I hear there'd be divisions among you and I partly believe it So again, he's saying you guys have these divisions and you're not coming together for the better You know when we come together in other words supper we want it to be for the better We want it to have the unity and we want to be doing the same thing believing the same thing And he says in verse number 34 if any man hunger Let him eat at home They come not together into condemnation and the rest will they set in order when I come so notice the guy that's showing up At church and it's like oh, I heard you're having a meal It's like no the Lord's Supper is not a meal It's it's a symbolic spiritual picture you're not going to be fully satisfied physically from this Okay, and in fact, I remember being a kid and doing the Lord's Supper And I would eat it and I would be like man. I want another one, you know, cuz it's not it's because it's not a Satisfying thing from the fleshly perspective. It's a spiritual picture. And so there's a separation here from 34 to 33 we're at 33 saying you're coming together Lord's Supper 34 saying you're eating food to Satisfy your physical needs that you do at home, you know that you would do not as a part of the Lord's Supper Now I'm not saying that this is just saying like we can't have fellowships at the church or eat food at the church It's just that that's separate than the Lord's Supper We wouldn't want to have the Lord's Supper and a meal at the same time. That would be irreverent Okay, that would be defeating the point now go if you would to chapter 5 for a moment Let me explain a couple other things because there's a lot of belief out there About this eating or drinking unworthily And let me explain what I believe that the passage is very clearly teaching Okay, number one eating it irreverently would be a eating or drinking unworthily not understanding not discerning Lord's body Not doing it the way that he prescribed it that could cause problems in the church that could cause Even physical sickness or his death is prescribed. Okay What would be another way that I could eat the Lord's Supper unworthily according to Scripture? Well, here's one that I believe would be a way to eat unworthily is if you're not even supposed to be here and you're partaking the Lord's Supper and you say well, how could someone be in church and They're not supposed to be here. Well, look at verse Corinthians chapter number 5 verse number 11 but now I've written unto you not to keep company of any man that is called a brother be a Fornicator or covetous or an idolater or a railer or drunkard or an extortioner with such and one know not to eat For what have I to do to judge them also there without do not judge them that are within But them that are without God judges therefore put away from yourselves among yourselves that wicked person So there's certain people that are in certain sins that should be thrown out of church Okay, and what's the picture well look what it says in verse number seven purge out there for the old leaven They may be a new lump as he are unleavened for even Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us therefore let us keep the feast not with old leaven neither with 11 of malice and Wickedness but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth So the spiritual picture here is that when we come together as a church that we're not eating with leaven bread We're you know basically with dirty hands or doing it irreverently or with malice or these type of things and you say well How does someone do that by allowing people to exist in the church that should be kicked out? By not exercising church discipline now. Here's the thing What is another way to word church discipline wouldn't it be? Judging you know and why would somebody say how dare you say someone can't come to the church? You're judging them Okay, but here's the thing if we judge ourselves Then we don't need God to judge us do we Now isn't that what the passage say go back to verse Corinthians chapter 11 go back to verse Corinthians chapter number 11 Verse 31 for if we would judge ourselves we should not be judged But when we were judged we were chastened of the Lord so again if we're not going to Basically rule ourselves correctly and throw people out of the church that shouldn't be here Okay, then when we do the Lord's Supper. We're doing it irreverently. We're not doing it correctly We're doing it like a picture We're basically having leavened bread from a spiritual picture and God would be very displeased with that so someone that shouldn't even be in church Should not take the Lord's Supper Okay, that would be a bad you know so well Who's that the the railer the drunkard the fornicator now? I tried my best to discipline the church when appropriate, but I can't know everything I can't know if someone is guilty on this list, but you do and That person should not you know they shouldn't even be in church Obviously they should fix it and then get back in church But at the end of the day we want to be that new lump And we want to come together now some people say this if you have an unconfessed sin You can't take you know the Lord's Supper if you're a sin if you're too sinful or something don't take the Lord's Supper well first of all where's the line on that an Unconfessed sin, I'm sure that I had a thought of foolishness today that I didn't really repent of yet I didn't remember I didn't realize Okay, where's the line on that and it's not saying like you're so righteous that you're worthy to take the Lord's Supper You know I'm worthy because of Christ imputed righteousness not because of my righteousness You know obviously the separation I believe is there's certain sins that would just get you kicked out of church that person Just shouldn't take the Lord's Supper Okay the person that doesn't even know what's going on should not take the Lord's Supper and obviously that would include every unsaved person Because everybody that's unsaved they don't even know what's going on they need to get saved first before they're gonna partake and Lord's Supper, but if you're saved and You're not one of those people on 1st Corinthians 5 and you understand this is spiritual picture You know I believe every person should be able to then take the Lord's Supper They should examine themselves and say hey, you know what I'm saved. I know what we're doing here and You know I'm I'm not perfect But I'm not in a current violation of one of these sins so I can take the Lord's Supper Go if you would to John chapter 13 now Based on that information and based on this understanding of Scripture was there someone at That dinner that should have not taken the Lord's Supper Yeah, how about Judas was he saved no? So what do you have understood and discerned the Lord's? The Lord's body there no and guess what he's an extortioner anyways okay, or he's he's he's selling out the Lord Jesus Christ, he should have not been there. He should have not taken the Lord's Supper and guess what he's damned for it The devil immediately enters his body as soon as he what take the sop and eats it So I mean that's not a coincidence okay, and you know you Judas is out there. You should be afraid And don't think that there couldn't be one all right, that's why we should take the Lord's Supper to you know this extra bonus Judas is gonna go hang himself pretty soon Yeah, that's why I wish you know that I wish I had done that at the beginning of steadfast because there's a couple people in There that needed to take that with us I'll let you figure that who that is out all right look at John chapter 13 verse number 1 the Bible says Now before the Feast of the Passover when Jesus knew that his hour was come that he should not depart Out of this world in the Father having loved his own which were in the world He loved them on the end and supper being ended the devil having now put into the heart of Jesus scariot Simon's son Do betray him so again we see that distinction. I just read that verse again because it's after supper right This is a separate event which then correlates with everything we read in 1st Corinthians chapter number 11 look at verse number 21 When Jesus had thus said he was troubled in spirit and testified and said verily verily I say unto you that One of you shall betray me the disciples looked one on another Doubting of whom he spake now there was leaning on Jesus bosom one of his disciples whom Jesus loved Simon Peter therefore beckoned to him that he should ask who it should be of whom he spake Now I want to pause for a second okay, and this is just this has nothing to do with the sermon This is a side point to where we've led up there's this stupid false prophet teacher that said like Judas was a superstar apostle and That nobody would have suspected him He was like the least person to be suspected and I can prove that false from the Bible okay now Where when they're sitting here? They don't know for sure it's Judas Okay, that's clear in the Bible. They don't know that it's for sure in fact even when he hands us up They're still confused, and they don't realize it's Judas no no why well typically because under the pure all things are pure You know these guys love the Lord. There's some of the greatest people to ever live Obviously they're not thinking that any of these guys are gonna be the Judas They're worried about themselves think about Peter when when Jesus came unto Peter He said Lord depart from me from a sinful man It's not a pretty humbling attitude, and if you're a pretty humble person You're not just gonna immediately be like this guy. You know you're gonna kind of look inwardly You're gonna be afraid that it's you You're gonna be afraid that you're gonna be the one to betray him so a lot of them are kind of looking inward But to say that Judas is the guy that would least suspect is immediately proven false by this verse because notice who Peter asked to ask The one who's leaning on Jesus breast now. Why would you ask him if it's possible that he's gonna be the betrayer? They all know John's not gonna be the betrayer. I mean you're all looking at John. You're like okay. Well, let's Hey, John, who is it? You know ask him? You're not gonna want John's not gonna be the guy John's obviously not the guy you're gonna think you know you have certain Apostles that are gonna be better than others you have the three you know Peter John and you have James and so you're gonna have those guys is kind of the upper echelon and Think about in our church there's been people that you've gone to church with that ended up being a rotten person just a super wicked person and Most of the time when you ask people You know what do you think about this person you would say well? I didn't ever thought that they would go to that extra I never thought they were that bad I never thought they were that wicked But usually everybody's like there was something weird about him though You know you go around you ask you like there's this guy his name rhymes with you know ugh bridge you know and it's like everybody's like this guy's weird and Really, I I believe you know that if they had asked the disciples this all right I want you to write down a name of who you think the betrayer is, but you can't write your own name I Guarantee Judas would have come up on a lot of those sheets my friend. Okay. It's not like Judas is just pulling the wool over these guys eyes completely. It's just they're a good-hearted person They're not wanting to just throw someone to the bus right away, but obviously you know Judas is able to Essentially get away with a lot of wickedness here, and they're still kind of confused But that doesn't mean that Judas was great or Judas was awesome Or he was doing he was just he was performing all these miracles getting all these people saved and tricking them no, he was just kind of under the radar and they weren't paying attention to him and They didn't really understand these things a lot of things They didn't understand yet, but notice what he says in verse 24 Simon Peter therefore beckoned to him that he should ask who it should be of whom he spake He then lying on Jesus breast saith unto him Lord. Who is it? Jesus answered he it is to whom I shall give a sop when I have dipped it and when he had dipped the sop He gave it to Judas Iscariot the son of Simon and after the sop Satan entered into him then said Jesus unto him That thou doest do quickly so Now that's kind of crazy. I mean Jesus is like whoever I give this to and then he's just like Judas Now he leaves and they still aren't they're still just confused and you say why are they confused? It's not this is my opinion. Okay, it's not because Judas is a great guy It's because in their mind. It's unfathomable how anybody would betray Jesus So whenever he's leaving they're just coming up with any possible good reason any they're like, maybe it's just getting more spices Is there any evidence here that they need more spices that they need to go get something else or it? No It's just that in their mind. There's no way that anybody would go and just sell Jesus out This is the Son of God. This is the guy that has a turn, you know, he's the literally eternal life So it's just hard for them to realize why anybody would ever do such a thing. It's not because Judas is just this super Wonderful awesome great person. Okay now go if you would to 2nd Corinthians chapter number 5 second Let's talk about the symbolism for a moment and then we're gonna conclude our sermon But 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 we understand that there's the bread and there's the juice What is the bread the picture of a bread has to be unleavened? Because it pictures Christ being without sin Levin is a picture of sin in the Bible spiritually and unleaven is a picture without sin and look at 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 verse 21 For you have made him to be sin for us who knew no sin so that you have leavened bread That's the wrong picture. Now. You're picturing the wrong Christ. The right Christ has to be Unleavened that's why we have unleavened bread is the picture Christ sinless perfect perspective Or life and that's why I also read in 1st Corinthians 5 to purge out the old leaven Go if you would to 1st Peter chapter number 1 1st Peter chapter number 1 The bread is also a picture of his body and now it was broken for us And so he literally breaks the bread and that's why we have bread up here that has been broken to picture what Christ did for us how he was literally broken his body was broken for us and It puts it makes us whole Now 1st Peter chapter number 1 look at verse 18 the Bible reads For as much as you know that you were not redeemed with corruptible things as silver and gold from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers But with the precious blood of Christ as of a limb without blemish and without spot Who verily was foreordained before the foundation of the world but was manifest in these last times for you Who by him do believe in God that raised him up from the dead and gave him glory that your faith and? Hope might be in God now when the Bible talks about what Christ did it does not say in the King James Bible that he drank wine It says that he drank of the fruit of the vine Okay, and some people would think oh wine. He's drinking alcohol You go to a lot of Catholic churches, and they're literally drinking liquor or alcohol It's not liquor, but it's the liquor of the grapes is basically fermented wine Which would be the exact same error as eating leavened bread? Because why because that fermentation that that process of it altering itself is a picture of sin and So that fresh perfect juice that comes straight out from the grape That's a picture of Christ's precious blood that hasn't been tainted That's without sin that is going to be the payment for us, so that's why when we drink we don't drink alcohol Okay for any reason number one Number two Christ didn't drink alcohol You know it makes me really mad. I've seen billboards that they say oh Jesus drink alcohol to blasphemy it's wicked He didn't drink alcohol He's never gonna drink alcohol the the the closest you can get to that is when they offered him a drink on the way He spit it out. Okay, because he didn't know what was in it something mixed in there, but no he didn't drink alcohol No, he wasn't gonna consume alcohol He felt every single ounce of pain on that cross for us He didn't even have any Tylenol. You know he didn't have any Advil. I mean he felt every piece of that painful thing that he went through Go if you went to John chapter 6 last place I'm gonna return John chapter number 6 and so that's why we eat now. He said why do we eat though? well Again, it's spiritual and Christ gave us this picture and really the Catholics and a lot of people screw all these things up But we eat the bread and we drink the juice as a picture of accepting Christ's sacrifice And it's a spiritual picture John chapter 6 looks pretty 53 then Jesus said unto them verily verily I say unto you except you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood You have no life in you There's ever eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood hath eternal life And I will raise him up at the last day for my flesh is meat indeed and my blood is drink indeed He that eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood dwelleth in me and I in him as a living father has sent me and I Live by the father so he that eateth me even he shall live by me now this portion of Scripture because it's spiritual the natural man doesn't understand it and So a lot of churches the Catholic Church other churches like episcopal churches and other Catholic light versions will have what's known as the Eucharist and The Eucharist they'll have the Lord something they have like every Sunday Okay, and they offer this on a weekly basis and they are offering them a cracker and alcoholic wine But they believe that it's literally turning into Christ's body and blood every single time that they have it why because they don't understand these verses and They think that they have eternal life. They think they're gonna go to heaven because they eat the Eucharist Because they eat the cracker because they drink that juice or alcohol. That's what they think But here's the problem Jesus Christ was speaking spiritually look at verse 63 It is the spirit that quickeneth the flesh Propheteth nothing the words that I speak unto you they are spirit and their life You can eat every single Eucharist cracker and drink every single cup of juice that they have and never go to heaven Have zero eternal life and here's a weird thing if it's eternal life. Why do you have to do it every week? Wouldn't you just have to do it once I Ain't nothing that they say even makes any sense It also is blasphemous because it's making Christ die over and over again Because it's literally his body and blood spilt there every single week that they have to consume every single week No, it's a once-for-all sacrifice No once was his body broken no once was his bloodshed and no more never again He's risen from the dead we celebrate an Easter the resurrection Now obviously we're having Lord's Supper this evening, and you know I would probably prefer to do it on Wednesday But we're doing it this evening, and it's more people can be together, and I don't think that the timing There's some significance to the exact timing okay Some people get really particular. That's fine if they want to some people do it every week. That's fine I think on timing that's just your preference my preference is to do it. You know a minimum once a year Probably only a couple times a year, and I think if we do it on a rarer basis it makes it more special you know it's something that we can commemorate talk about think about and Celebrate as a special service, and so what's the most important aspect of this? It's picturing salvation You know we don't eat his body physically we eat it spiritually We don't drink his blood literally we drink it spiritually And that's what gives us life is his death burial and resurrection And what he did for us and when we do these things we need to reminded of what Christ Did for us and how our sins put him on that cross? You know this is my takeaway when I have the Lord's Supper you have to realize that your sins kill Jesus Christ and So it should be a sobering thing to say you know maybe I should try to serve and better Maybe I should be less sinful. You know maybe I should start cleaning myself up And trying to live a more godly and righteous life because he's coming back one day, and I'm going to face him I'm going to stand there before him, and I want to be pleasing in his sight you know some people are gonna be ashamed to see him he's gonna be ashamed to see them and so it's important that we live a chase and a clean life and That we're thinking of Christ on the daily basis, and we have this memorial to be reminded again that it's all about him It's all about what he did for us, and so let's close in prayer Thank you, Heavenly Father for our church Thank you for this time where you can come together and we can celebrate the death of Jesus Christ your sacrifice on the cross That your body was broken for us and that your blood was spilt So that we could have life through your body and through your blood and thank you so much for the resurrection And thank you for everything that you've given us I pray that you would just bless this service this evening that we would understand the spiritual picture And that it would just bring more unity in our church. It would allow us to draw closer to you and Make sure that we put Christ at the forefront of our mind and of our lives in Jesus name we pray amen