(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) handle the song number two glory to his name song number two should be easy to find again that's going to be song number two glory to his name and sing it all together on the first down at the cross where my savior died down where for cleansing from sin I cried there to my heart was a blood applied glory to his name glory to his name glory to his name there to my heart was the blood applied glory to his name I am so wondrously saved from sin Jesus so sweetly abides within there at the cross where he took me in glory to his name glory to his name there to my heart was the blood applied glory to his name Oh precious fountain that saves from sin I am so glad I have injured in there Jesus saves me and keeps me clean glory to his name glory to his name glory to his name there to my heart was a blood applied glory to his name on the last come to this mountain so rich and sweet cast I for soul at the Savior's feet lunge in today and be made complete glory to his name glory to his name glory to his name there to my heart was a blood apply glory to his name amen great singing let's buy it short of prayer you have any father we just thank you we could come here tonight to hear from you and I just pray you'd speak to our hearts help us Lord to be open and receptive to the words preached tonight and I pray you bless pastor Shelley that you fill them with your Holy Spirit and help him to teach us your word we love you father and we thank you for all you do is want to pray these things in Jesus Christ's name amen next is gonna be song number three right next door Jesus paid it all song number three song number three Jesus paid it all I hear the Savior say thy strength indeed is small child of weakness watch and pray find in me thine all in all Jesus paid it all to him I own sin had left a crimson stain he washed it white as snow Lord now indeed I find thy power in thine alone can change the lepers fought and melt the heart of stone Jesus paid it all to him I owe sin had left a crimson stain he was did white as snow for nothing good have I whereby thy grace to claim I'll wash my garments why in the blood of Calvary's lamb Jesus paid it all to him I own sin had left a crimson stain and when before the throne I stand in him complete Jesus died my soul to save my lips I'll still repeat Jesus paid it all to him I own sin had left a crimson stain he washed it white as snow amen great singing thanks for coming to steadfast Baptist Church if you need a bulletin you can slip your hand nice and high on the inside we have our service and so many times as well as our church that's please make sure to send those into your soul winning captain or your lieutenant also we have the expecting list or prayer list please send in emails and if you need to update those as far as sign up sheets we've got a couple sign up sheets over here reminder for the homeschool field trip and the Mother's Day tea and so we'd like for all of y'all to participate in those make sure to sign up one other announcement I forgot to mention this morning but we are doing the Lord's Supper next Sunday night so immediately following next Sunday evening service we'll be doing the Lord's Supper so we'd like for you to participate if you can and I do that so that way you'll come to evening service I'm sure I'm trying to help those Easter only people show up at least one more service you know I'm just kidding so that's pretty much all I have for announcements let's go ahead and go to our third song it's long number 12 all the short numbers the small numbers right yeah it's gonna be song number 12 blessed Redeemer it's gonna be acapella on this one so I need everybody to sing all right I'll start off in verse number one up Calvary's Mountain one dreadful morn walk across my savior weary and worn facing for sinners death on the cross honey my save him from endless longs blessed Redeemer precious Redeemer seems now I see him on Calvary's tree wounded and bleeding for sinners bleeding blind and unheeding dying for me father forgive them the city pray even blood passed away pray for sinners while in such woe no one but Jesus ever loved so blessed Redeemer precious Redeemer seems now I see him on Calvary's tree wounded and bleeding for sinners bleeding blind and unheeding dying for me Oh Savior and friend how can my praises ever find in through years on on heaven's shore my tongue shall praise him forever more blessed Redeemer precious Redeemer seems now I see on Calvary's tree wounded and bleeding for sinners bleeding blind and unheeding dying for me amen gracing as the offering plates are passed around please turn in your Bibles to Proverbs chapter 4 as always we'll read the whole chapter starting in verse 1 Proverbs chapter 4 the Bible reads in Proverbs chapter 4 hear ye children the instruction of a father and attend to no understanding for I give you good doctrine forsake ye not my law for I was my father's son tender and only beloved in the sight of my mother he taught me also and said unto me let thine heart retain my words keep my commandments and live get wisdom get understanding forget it not neither decline from the words of my mouth forsake or not and she shall preserve thee love her and she shall keep thee wisdom is the principal thing therefore get wisdom and with all thy getting get understanding exalt her and she shall promote thee she shall bring thee to honor when thou dost embrace her she shall give to thine head an ornament of grace a crown of glory shall she deliver to thee here oh my son and receive my sayings and the years of thy life shall be many I have taught thee in the way of wisdom I have led thee in right paths when thou goest thy steps shall not be straightened and when thou runnest thou shalt not stumble take past hold of instruction let her not go keep her for she is thy life enter not into the path of the wicked and go not in the way of evil men avoid it pass not by it turn from it and pass away for they sleep not except they have done mischief and their sleep is taken away unless they cause some to fall for they eat the bread of wickedness and drink the wine of violence but the path of the justice as the shining light that shineth more and more under the perfect day the way of the wicked is as darkness they know not at what they stumble my son attend to my words incline thine ear under my sayings let them not depart from thine eyes keep them in the midst of thine heart for they are life unto those that find them and health to wall their flesh keep thy heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues of life put away from thee a froward mouth and perverse lips put far from thee let thine eyes look right on and let thine eyelids look straight before thee part of the path of thy feet and let all thy ways be established turn not to the right hand nor the to the left remove thy foot from evil to serve you to the best of our ability and it is in Jesus name that I pray amen man so we're in Proverbs chapter 4 and I want to look back at verse 14 the Bible reads enter not into the path of the wicked and go not in the way of evil men avoid it pass not by it turn from it and pass away for they sleep not except they have done mischief and their sleep is taken away unless they cause some to fall and the title my sermon this evening is this the goal of the wicked the goal of the wicked now the Bible already told us it's very clear here in this passage that the goal of the wicked is to cause some to fall they want people to fall okay and really you know it's not like this is a one-time mention the Bible in fact the entire scripture illustrates this point over and over and over again where wicked people they will strive together in one goal and that is to cause Christians to fall now of course we understand that the devil being our adversary he does this to everyone because the devil doesn't want people to get saved and the Bible makes it abundantly clear the devil is doing everything he can to stop people from believing on the Lord Jesus Christ people hearing the gospel you know he's the god of this world is blind to the minds of them which believe not lest the light of the glorious gospel should shine unto them right so we understand the devil is attacking just the unsaved the devil wants the unsaved and never hear the gospel and to never get saved but once you get saved it's not like the devil then just says like okay I'm done with this guy no no no no the devil wants you to fall even though you're saved the devil wants you to be destroyed another way to word this is the devil wants to drag you down okay and it's constantly happening in the Bible where great men of God or ministers are constantly fighting with the devil fighting with his ministers fighting with the wicked and the wicked have one goal it's just to cause you to fall that's what their agenda is now let me show you a couple examples let's go to Acts chapter number 23 for a moment go to Acts chapter number 23 and we have it already clearly laid out for us from the scripture that the goal of these people is just to cause you to fall and you know point number one this evening is that you have to realize there's someone out there that wants to just knock you down you know it's kind of it's kind of difficult to fight against something that you're unaware of it's kind of difficult to embrace yourself or something that you don't anticipate I tried to use this analogy when I was talking with my wife but I said you know if you don't know that it's windy outside you may not be ready for it when you walk out right it may catch you off guard and of course while the wind isn't so it's not so evil or wicked that it's just its goal is to knock you down it certainly can and back where I used to live in the Amarillo Canyon area it's literally one of the witty windiest cities in the United States and I have to say that I grow I grew a very strong dissatisfaction towards wind that I have a I don't have any appreciation towards when I some people like love the wind I just detest it and the only reason I detest it is because literally every day it felt like I was getting beat down by the wind when I lived there I love playing golf and golf is a very outdoor activity and so I've had to fight against the wind for such a long period long stretch of my life I just hate it you know I just it just really bothers me it really frustrates me and the wind can knock you down I mean it's just a reality that the wind is like a foe at times you know the Bible pictures wind as being a foe often in the Word of God it kind of pictures tribulation it pictures people having to fight against the evil all the struggles that are out there in the world and you know the wicked they like to blow a lot of wind on you in sense where they try to knock you down there's an interesting correlation to wind in the Bible with false doctrine you know there's there's there's men that want to cause you to fall with every wind of doctrine okay they're cunning cunningly devised fables okay or they're coming in they're trying to basically blow their their wicked doctrine upon you and we could look at all through the scripture that's a different sermon but I'm just trying to give you an idea here that there is a foe that's out there so that's point one is we want to figure out that there's a foe out there and sometimes you wouldn't even believe what the wicked will do like what the wicked actually does in reality will sometimes boggle the mind how they will devise some kind of wicked evil against God's people and often they'll even use the tactics of this world or they'll you employ people of this world to fight against you they'll trick people and try to use them against you there's a lot of government agencies that the devil would love to use to attack you you know you have institutions like the FBI you have institutions like CPS you have institutions like the local law enforcement where the devil is constantly trying to use them to attack you I mean think about it how did the devil kill Jesus through the hands of the Romans okay and while we don't have a Roman law we don't have a Roman rule we don't have a Caesar and those kind of things you know I always picture the Roman soldiers in the Bible as being police officers okay now sometimes the police officers are used for good in the sense that the Roman soldiers actually help God's people and a lot of times they don't they're kind of a neutral party but they do the bidding of the devil often okay and in Acts chapter you know 23 and kind of later in the scripture we see a lot of just struggles that the Apostle Paul has with the Romans specifically but if you're a soul winner I don't even have to remind you of this because you'll literally go out soul-winning and then people will call in and act like you're a literal criminal and tell you oh there's these guys they're coming harassing people you know there's these people they're attacking people they're screaming at people they're they're you know hurting children or they'll just make up all these kinds of lies and exaggerations and they'll try to get the cops out there to stop you from doing what preaching the gospel to cause you to fall to cause you to be dragged down to cause something bad to happen to you why because that's the goal of the wicked is to get you cast down now look at the goal of these people Acts chapter 23 verse number 12 Paul's been put in jail kind of he's in temporary holding and some wicked people devise a plan says in verse number 12 and when it was day certain of the Jews banded together and bound themselves under a curse saying that they would neither eat nor drink till they had killed Paul now isn't that just a crazy I mean when you think about it that's crazier than anything you could dream up a bunch of people saying we're not even gonna eat we're not even gonna drink until we kill Paul I mean talk about the vicious just I you know evil that's going on in these people's mind the wickedness I mean they're so malevolent they're just so you know based that they're just debased that they're just like we we can't even eat we're so angry right now it kind of makes me think of our previous verse where it says they can't even sleep right it's like we won't sleep we won't eat we won't drink I mean our goal in life is to kill I mean this becomes the major thought the major purpose in your life when you can't even eat or drink I mean if I gave you any task and I said you can't eat or drink until you finish this one that's gonna come number one real quick okay I mean you're gonna want to get that thing done okay so notice that the goal of the wicked is what to cause Paul to fall and we're not talking about just hit him trip we're not even going to jail he's already in jail they want him dead and I'll tell you there are wicked evil people in this world right now that they want Christians to die and they're willing to go to all manner of links all manner of sacrifice you know it's kind of sad to me when I think about it I'm like look how dedicated these people are and then you have people they wouldn't go to church it's like these people are willing to give up literal food and drink and put themselves under a curse to get their mission accomplished whereas Christians today I mean they'll just quit serving God you know for any reason I mean I'm thinking like we should be more dedicated than these people I mean when you look at the Mormons today doesn't it kind of make it a reproach on the most Baptist today that the Mormons who have a false gospel are going out and preaching the gospel more than Baptist the Jehovah's Witness are willing to be looked like more of an idiot and more of a cult following than Baptist because they go out there with their stupid Bible version with their false doctrines going around peddling their nonsense and they don't even get anybody saved I mean they basically just fail consistently they're like ray comfort soul winning you know it's like what are you gonna do that you know what do we have a Bible study what do we have a Bible study it's like never your go away you know no one likes you in fact that's typically what I get when I go out door knocking they're like oh you're Baptist at first they're really angry because they thought I was like a Mormon a Jehovah's Witness or some kind of a cult leader or something and then they finally realize you're like a normal person they're like okay but look at the dedication of the devil look at the debt the dedication of his ministers look at the dedication of the wicked today where they're literally they're not even sleeping they're not even eating they're not even drinking they want to get the devil's mission accomplished by causing people to fall we should be more dedicated than that we should be more willing to get people saved and go to church and read the Bible and to do that which is good and show them what it's really like to be steadfast you know it's sad when we have protesters that come to church more than some of our church members you know what I mean and you say okay well what was the goal of those protesters to cause people to stop coming to church you know even my wife knows that and I remember there was someone that was struggling with that they don't go here but and and they're like well I don't want to go if there's protesters and I'm like she's like you're letting the devil win you're literally just letting them do exactly what they're trying to do is it to cause somebody to fall now look at verse 13 and they were more than 40 which had made this conspiracy that's a lot of people I mean think about it if you had a group an online group of more than 40 people and they're like whole purpose their whole mission is just to cause you to die it just cause some evil to happen to you I mean they're constantly conspiring and and planning all this evil and all this wicked and you know what it happens on a regular basis go to Psalms chapter number 10 go so I'm just trying to paint a picture for you point number one is real simple the devil wants to knock you down and of course all of his ministers have the same goal the goal of the wicked is to cause you to fall to drag you down to get you to stop and some people would say you know well why who cares does it really matter I mean this is the motivation of those 40 people wanting to kill you really change the fact that they want to kill you I mean you're like well it really sucks they want to kill me but they have a pretty good reason no no it's like you didn't really don't really care right or like if I said hey it's gonna be 50 mile-per-hour winds when you walk outside or 80 or a hundred it doesn't really matter why it just matters that it's happening so that you can what embrace yourself you can prepare yourself that you're not just gonna walk outside willy-nilly but you're ready and anticipating that evil that's about to befall you right it the motivation really doesn't matter for us the goal of this sermon is just to help you realize there's people that are actively trying to destroy you they're actively trying to get you to fall they're actively trying to drag you down and I think sometimes you feel like man it just feels like a constant fight yeah it's just life you know just imagine you're living in Amarillo okay living in Amarillo physically is like what it's like spiritually it's just windy every day and it literally sucks I mean it's not that much fun but you know what in the world you can move but here you can't okay and of course if you want to not have wind you can just stay inside you could just hide and of course that's what some Christians do they don't want to face the wind they don't want to face the foe so they just hide they just go inside where they feel like there's no wind but let me tell you something the devil will still find you inside and of course that's his old goal anyways just to keep you out just keep you out of going out and fighting just to keep you knocked down just to keep you in bed keep you doing absolutely nothing for the Lord because he knows that we're able to reproduce we're able to multiply so he's got a constant try to knock us down to stop us from gaining traction getting more people saved and his ministers are gonna do his bidding look how wicked they are Psalms chapter 10 verse 2 the wicked and his pride doth persecute the poor let them be taken of the vices that they have imagined notice that you know it's not good enough for a rich people to just be rich they then also have to take money from poor people too and you know David recognized as being a really wicked thing because Nathan came up to him with a parable and he's like hey this rich guy has all these lambs and then he just takes the one this one guy's one lamb and he's like it's like his daughter you know this guy's a little weird but you know he likes his lamb all right and he takes his one lamb and David said like let the guy die you know like kill him I mean he thought it was really wicked thing and the wick of the day they're not content having 50% of the wealth they need to take 55% and then 60% and then 70% and then 75% you say what are you describing inflation okay so there you go they want to inflate the dollar to the point where you and I have nothing and it becomes a social credit score I mean you already have that you feel like social credit score and I'm thinking like have you ever heard of a credit score it already exists and you know that affects how you can buy and purchase and your credit score also affects something the interest rate they charge you how nice right I mean if you if they like you a lot then you don't have to pay them as much money in an interest and usury and if they don't like you if you're starting out they'll charge you even more and interest you're getting the same product you're gonna do the same things with it but they're just gonna charge you even more and more and more and you know you say well they're gonna stop inflation but you know when it stops inflation higher interest rates it's the one-two punch I mean it's just like it's just left jab of just basically inflation just left jab left up and then the right hook that's coming is in his interest rates and then they're just gonna constantly just keep pounding you and look it's because the wicked just wants all of the money he doesn't care oh you you have five dollars I want that too and that's what the wicked are like the goal of the wicked is just to cause people to fall take all of their money all of their goods just destroy them says in verse three for the wicked boast of his harsh desire and blessed the covetous whom the Lord abhorreth the wicked through the pride of his countenance will not seek after God God is not in all his thoughts his ways are always grievous thy judgments are far above out of his sight as for all the his enemies he puffed them he has said in his heart I shall not be moved for I shall never be an adversity his mouth is full of cursing and deceit and fraud under his tongue is mischief and vanity he sit at them the lurking places of the villages and the secret places duth he murder the innocent his eyes are privily set against the poor you know you know what these secret places where they're murdering the innocent are called Planned Parenthood and of course they've already demonstrated this fact Planned Parenthood's are always in the ghetto they're always in the poor areas that they want to just literally murder the innocent they want to literally murder minorities and and people that have less money and they're constantly trying to destroy the poor and in fact they enjoy it you know you read about some of these abortion doctors and they are just the most evil satanic people on the planet they enjoy it they like it they have no problem the fact that they're constantly murdering the innocent on a regular basis and of course what is their goal their goal is to cause people to fall they're literally like this conspiracy of people that just want to murder people and you know it's a reality that we have to face if we keep reading he says this he lieth and wait secretly as a lion in his den he lieth and wait to catch the poor he doth catch the poor when he draw them into his net he crouches and humble himself that the poor may fall by his strong ones notice he wants the poor people to fall because why you can be poor and be greatly used by God you can have no money and God greatly uses you you know it's not about money in this world you know the Lord Jesus Christ didn't have anywhere to lay his head and of course you know what the poor are great at getting saved you know what abortion does it literally reduces the number of people we were gonna get saved now of course we understand the babies go to heaven but I'm just saying like we could add more people in our army we could add more people in our in our armed forces the spiritual warfare that's going out there by getting these people say even when we go in the ghetto when we go in the poor areas they're more likely to get saved they're more likely to trust in the Lord they're more likely to be a godly Christian it's hard to find a rich person that wants to serve God not that it can't happen obviously it does but these poor people are just victim of the wicked on a regular basis why well oftentimes people are poor because they're stupid and I'm not saying that to shame somebody but what I'm trying to say is it's just a fact why do people have lots of money often because they're smarter than other people and sometimes that wisdom it's a carnal wisdom it's a worldly wisdom doesn't mean that it's good necessarily because a lot of the ways that people make money are wicked but you know it's clever it's kind of like the unjust steward where he gets commended by his Lord as being wise it some people like literally tried to tell me that story like the guy's a good guy and I'm thinking like what are you talking about the unjust stewards a good guy and and they're like yeah the guy committed him I'm being wise and I'm thinking like okay just because he's smart in the sense that he can figure out trick people he can steal things in a clever way doesn't make him a good guy you know it basically be like watching a movie and sometimes you do this you watch a movie it's about it's a heist movie okay it's where the they're like bank robbers or they're gonna steal something and you're like kind of rooting for them the whole time of the movie you know oceans 11 right oceans 12 what's the what's the goal of these movies is it gets you to kind of have this Stockholm syndrome where you actually sympathize with these like bank robbers or casino robbers or whoever it is in the movie you actually kind of like them stealing the money whereas there's nothing honorable about stealing money but yet why did they end up stealing money because they were smarter than the other people right they're more clever than the other people okay and in this world it takes a certain level of wisdom to make money to succeed and and oftentimes the people that aren't making very much money they're foolish they're unlearned they're not skilled they don't have as much wherewithal and there's nothing wrong with having that wisdom because the Bible says that we're supposed to be wise as serpents but here's the caveat we're supposed to be harmless as doves meaning that even though you might know how to make money in this world you shouldn't necessarily go to the links that the wicked do you should work hard in order to make money not steal she and deceive whereas a lot of people they get ahead because of that that's also why the rich don't want to get saved because there's wicked people how do they get rich interest usury fraud holding back wages ripping people off going back on their word filing bankruptcy to evade having to pay back debts I mean all selling defective products insurance scams I mean look there's so many ways that people make money but how do they do it they have to be clever more clever than the system right they have to cheat the system they have to steal they have to do wickedly and so when I'm talking about the poor sometimes they're not as smart as the rich but that doesn't mean that they can't still be greatly used by God and of course we're not talking about spiritual wisdom because of course if you start studying the Bible he'll make you wiser than any of them okay he'll give you the true wisdom that comes down from above but because they're a little bit more foolish because they're a little bit more gullible they're easy targets they're easy targets they just they're kind of you get this like NPC thing going on okay and what is an NPC it's a non playable character so whenever you go into a video game or you're watching a movie or show it's kind of like the stand-ins it's kind of like your extras in a movie they just kind of walk around aimlessly they have no real purpose and it's kind of like that in a video game you have these certain characters that are in the game just as filler you can't play them you can't actually use them they really don't do anything all they do is they just repeat the lines that they've been programmed to say and we live in a world where it feels like there's a lot of people like that where it's just like Ukraine flag you know I stand I stand with Ukraine I don't even know what it is but I just you know is that a country or a planet is that I don't even know but I stand with it you know give me that yellow and blue flag I don't even know which way it stands you know I could put it upside down or you know people just they don't even know what they're saying anymore and of course you know even the rich I went I was in a nicer affluent eight neighborhood and I see all these young 19 year old spoiled brats walk out of their nice brand-new car and they have a Ukraine flag on and I'm thinking like man you guys are such idiots but so it's not like only poor people can can be stupid it it's just the fact that because they're oftentimes not as smart they're easy easier targets and the dumber you are the less you know the less knowledge you have the easier of a target you're gonna be there's so many people that want to get you to fall just email scams alone phone call scams people I've even fallen victim of these things myself I've gotten in trouble even in the workplace they send you these emails trying to act like they're a good-hearted person and they're just trying to scam you the whole time send you their information you know it's really beneficial when you get an email to click and look at the actual email itself rather than the title because they can title whatever they want and I get emails all the time and it's like from Apple or Google or whatever and then you look at the actual email and it's like John three seven nine four five five six seven eight door Cree house car you know at gmail or everything like that's not Apple okay and they're like you just got logged out of your account click here to log back in we just noticed fraud in your account hurry log in to make sure that there's no fraud on your account and what are they trying to do you click on it and it pops up a screen that looks like an Apple website looks like a Google website and they're asking for username and password as soon as you enter it they now have your username and password and then they'll log into your real account and take it all over hijack it they want to get your credit card information they want to get your social security number they want to get you all these these things and people constantly calling you you know the elderly often fall for this where they call them and they say hey we noticed suspicious activity on your card will you please you know read us back the the last few digits on your card we want to make sure you still have it what's your social hey will you wire us $5,000 and it unfortunately works you know my grandfather was a victim of one of these wicked people my grandfather had someone call him and they they pretended to be my brother and my brother didn't you know and me didn't talk to our grandpa on a regular basis necessarily so I guess he couldn't necessarily distinguish the voice I don't know if it was like Gupta hopefully not he didn't fall for that but there he's like I am your brother you know I am good I'm your grandson but it was basically this guy calls my grandfather says hey I'm Greg I'm in jail in Mexico and he's like I they took my wallet they took my goods they're not letting me out I'm sorry this is really embarrassing and I'm really ashamed please don't tell anybody don't tell you know my wife don't tell dad don't tell anybody but can you just wire me $5,000 to get me out of Mexico and then they'll do it you know they'll literally take advantage of the elderly they'll take advantage of people of their goodness of their sincerity why because they didn't realize that exists what is point one realizing wicked people want to destroy you on a regular basis and they want to take your money they want to murder your children they want to take all your goods I mean the wicked are not trying to stop from hurting you and harming you on a regular basis you have to constantly fight against this wind you have to constantly fight against the evil you have to constantly fight against the wicked because the goal of the wicked has caused you to fall now I like this verse because it it's kind of our response but look at verse 15 break thou the arm of the wicked and the evil man seek out his wickedness till they'll find none some people don't like this verse but I love the Bible so you know it doesn't offend me when we rejoice over the destruction of the wicked because you know if you said hey what do you want to happen to those guys that ripped your grandfather off for their arm to get broken why would I not I mean how could you how could you not want that kind of you I mean these people are taking elderlies people's life sayings savings destroying their lives giving them all kinds of grief and sorrow these people are complete scumbags these people are complete just evil wicked reprobate type people and yes wicked evil reprobate people exist my friend Oh love your enemy look yeah that's a verse in the Bible but you realize this verses in the Bible to break down the arm of the wicked okay there are certain people that should just literally be destroyed go to Matthew chapter 13 go to math chapter 13 I don't want you to be ignorant and you know of course I think our church does a really good job on this maybe I'm preaching to the choir this this evening but I think sometimes we need a reminder that the wicked are not going to sleep the wicked are going to constantly try to hurt you you know that's that's the one thing that makes it frustrating is it's like we go to bed we actually rest they don't rest they just keep fighting you they just keep attacking you Matthew 13 look at verse 24 another parable put a fourth under them saying the kingdom heaven is like in a man which sowed good seed in his field but while men slept his enemy came and so tears amongst among the wheat and went his way notice when they did it when everybody else is sleeping why aren't they sleeping because they can't sleep until they've caused someone to fall until they've sowed some kind of a tear in the wheat this is their way of reproducing which they can't technically reproduce they recruit and they damage and they pervert you know the Bible says the thief cometh not but for just steal to kill and destroy and these people only come to do this go to Luke chapter number 10 go to Luke chapter 10 so point number one is real simple there's people that want to knock you down that's the goal of the wicked they want to cause you to fall they want to cause some to fall but point two is this this helps you identify wicked people okay it's kind of has an interesting relationship because we're we're first realizing the purpose and the goal of these people but then when you realize the goal in the purpose when you find someone that has that goal in that purpose now you can realize that person's wicked now what did it say in Proverbs chapter number four it said hey go not in the path of the wicked hey we're not supposed to be around those people we're supposed to avoid them we're not supposed to pass by it we're not supposed to talk with them we're not supposed to hang out with them we're not supposed to redeem them we're not trying to get them saved you know when I pray for their arm to be broken and for their teeth to be just you know basically broken out break their teeth in their mouth Oh God I'm not hoping that they get saved I'm hoping they get destroyed like the scum that they are now of course the difference between me and them is that I'm not gonna do it I'm gonna pray that it happens they're not gonna pray that happens they're gonna do it they're gonna try to do it to God's people now look at Luke chapter number 10 look at verse 18 the Bible says and he said unto them I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven now the Bible doesn't have this phrase but we often hear it fallen angels right you probably heard that term where do you get that concept we get it from that passages like this where it talks about the devil falling okay now this is describing a particular event that's gonna happen go to Revelation chapter 12 go to Revelation chapter number 12 where the devil is gonna fall and in some ways you know the angels and his ministers the fallen angels quote-unquote have already done their their deed they've already kind of stumbled they've already kind of they've already sinned as the Bible describes it which is another picture of falling but there's a great fall that's gonna happen with the devil it's described in Revelation chapter number 12 look at verse 4 and his tail it's talking about the red dragon drew the third part of the stars of heaven and did cast them to the earth and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered for to deliver or for to devour her child as soon as it was born so notice the Bible describes the devil as having dragged a third of the stars with him of heaven which we would symbolize to mean the angels the devil's literally convincing a third of the angels to do what to fall with him why because the devil is not content falling by himself he wants to drag others down with him and what is the goal of the wicked it's to drag you down so when you find somebody dragging you down or dragging others down that's their only goal that's their only purpose let me tell you something they're wicked they're evil and this is often how you can identify the infiltrators in our churches who have you had to second Peter chapter number two go to second Peter chapter number two when we think about people that have come and gone in our church you know some people are normal like some people they come to the church and then just for whatever reason they don't like it they just go to another church that's normal that's what a normal person does what a normal person does not do is they come to a church and they don't like it so they end up texting every single person in the church why they should leave the church and then they start making videos online of why you should leave the church on a regular basis and they do literally everything they can humanly possibly do to destroy that church that's not a normal person that's a wicked person and notice how can you say that pastor Shelley because notice that their only goal is to drag people down it's one thing to dislike a certain ministry or dislike a certain minister but you're often going to do something you're going to point them to something good you know if I say hey I don't like the Pentecostal Church I want the Pentecostal Church to be destroyed I don't end there I say go to the Baptist Church hey go to a good church get plugged in here hey instead of doing blah blah you know preach the gospel in Spanish right I have a perfect replacement for the speaking in tongues which is doesn't it's not a phrase in your Bible to speak in other languages right and our ministry is constantly encouraging people to preach the gospel and other things we literally have a Spanish service dedicated to help people learn Spanish better right we literally drag people down to Mexico to try and help them preach the gospel in Spanish we literally made us a New Testament I mean it's so hard to even get New Testaments anymore get a ring of their Gomez 2010 so we're like we'll print it and we'll just hand it to you we'll give it to you for free we're not even saying like give us 20 bucks you know I've never even sold a single Spanish Bible yet to my recollection somebody asked for me what I here you go someone emails us a hair church wants to go out just ship them some just give them some why because we're not here to try and drag people down we're trying to edify them we're trying to build them up hey a minister of God's trying to build people up point them in the right direction whereas the minister of the devil only wants to drag you down they don't have an alternative hey instead of going to steadfast I'm gonna go to this other greater church this better church all churches are bad listen to me you know come to my YouTube channel and listen to me help you and learn from me and be like me that's what they want right because they're just a wicked person now second Peter chapter number two warns in verse one but there were false prophets also among the people even as there should be false teachers among you who privately shall bring in damnable heresies even denying the Lord that bought them and bring upon themselves swift destruction so when a false teacher comes into a church what's his goal to bring in a damnable heresy what does a damnable heresy do it drags people down into hell it's a doctrine that if someone believes they will go to hell that's why we don't tolerate damnable heresy at all there's zero tolerance policy for that you know somebody can believe something that's not right and we'll tolerate it you know if someone thinks that the tribulation is gonna be it basically you're gonna be raptured before the tribulation well I think that's heresy and I think that's wrong I wouldn't stop them from coming to my church I wouldn't stop them from going out preach the gospel with us I wouldn't even necessarily not be their friend okay they're stupid in the sense in that in that category right they're dumb they have a bad view in the scriptures they're ignorant at best but I could hang out with that person you know if someone thinks that Jesus isn't really God in the flesh isn't a real person I'm not gonna hang out with that person someone's gonna attack the deity of Jesus Christ if someone's gonna attach anything other than faith alone to salvation I'm not gonna hang out with that person I don't want anything to do with that person you know when someone starts creeping in these damnable heresies we have to reject them we have to get rid of those people and you go to Baptist churches and they don't even deal with this you bring up verses like this and it's like when's the last time y'all threw somebody out for this never look if you never throw anybody out for this you have them in the church now we may even have them right now the only reason I have them right now is because I don't know because if I knew I would publicly throw you out right now and I don't mean like like in five minutes I mean like right now I would just single you out and call your name out and rebuke you as hard as I could and get you out physically so of course I want to fight back of course there's a destruction that we hope for the wicked but at the end of the day you know we also are pointing to good so we have that balance whereas the wicked don't have this balance the wicked just literally only want to destroy they only want to kill they only want to so remember what he said the thief cometh not but were to still kill and destroy that's their goal that's their modus operandi when you're around somebody and all they want to do is just knock people down all they want to do is criticize all they want to do is be against everything you're probably dealing with one of these wicked people and of course you start seeing the warning signs don't you and you can think the people that were like this they came into the church what they think everybody's a reprobate and we're not talking like Joe Biden we're talking about like people in the church they're just like I don't like this guy's probably right where this guy's right right there it's just like why do you think everybody's an evil reprobate project much because under the pure all things are pure why is it that good-hearted people are constantly getting tricked is because they project their pureness and goodness on other people whereas the evil and the wicked they think everybody's bad you know they think that every person is evil and it's really just telling of who they are this is one of their warning signs look at verse 14 having eyes full of adultery and that cannot cease from sin beguiling unstable souls now if someone wants you to fall what is it that you're doing before that standing it's hard to knock someone over if they're stable right if they're standing strong it's hard to knock them over but if you're kind of just kind of standing on one foot or you're kind of unbalanced it's not that hard to just knock that person over isn't it that's why the Bible is describing here that these wicked people they want to find the people that aren't standing real strong and real tough they want to find the person that's just kind of like wobbly kind of not really there and they just want to knock that person down and I have seen consistently in the last few years every single time when one of these wicked people get exposed some of the people that they attack like the people they were attacking within the church were always the people that are having the most problems they almost never seem to attack the person that has everything going great stable family situation they've been saved for decades they're doing great it's usually the people that are struggling with the newer converts problems with their family problems with their lives they're maybe in and out of church a little bit they're not free to thrive already those are the people that the devil are going after they're the easier target so they try to knock those people down and of course I'm preaching to the choir you say why come to Sunday night well you know coming to Sunday night makes you less vulnerable to the devil's attacks because it's a lot harder to quit coming to three services a week than to one because you have to have three excuses right you have to have not showed up three times there had to be three lions in the way okay whereas if you're just skipping Easter think about how easy that is you only have to miss one service all year that would be really easy right to get knocked down the person that doesn't know the Bible it's really easy to get led astray with false doctrine isn't it the person that has a bad relationship or they have bad family situations or they're going through evil or struggle it's so much easier for them to get knocked down that's why it's important establish yourself in the Word of God establish yourself by going to church strengthen yourself and to stand against these evil people and when you notice someone constantly trying to knock other people down that might be a wicked person that's kind of the warning signs they should be going off in your head say stay away from this person go to 1st Corinthians chapter number 10 now what would be another modern application of this how about when Disney their executives have just recently got busted for saying that they literally want to make as many of their characters faggots okay and not queer faggots okay queer is strange it goes beyond strange a disgusting filthy tranny sodomite dyke some kind of a faggoty queer they want to just in fact one of the main producers executives was essentially saying they want 50% of the characters to be like that you know why because they want you to believe that 50% of people are that way not 3% 50% and you know they've done polls where they're like how many people they're homo and people like 20 30 40 50 percent because they're so brainwashed by the media they're so brainwashed by television because the only TV shows they watch are Queer Eye for the Straight Guy or whatever or they watch you know Will and Grace or they watch Lucifer literally or they watch I mean they watch all these TV shows and they always have these sodomite characters these sodomite references all the men are weak and effeminate and queer and sissy look it's a literal agenda my friend another one of the executives said that her like main goal when they were working on these films was to just try and make everything as queer as possible just every every opportunity she had any character any scene any statement just as much as you could possibly add into it why because you just want someone to fall look what is the goal of Disney it's not even to make money anymore you know our our companies in America have stopped trying to make money and it's all just agenda based driven nonsense they're just trying to cause people to fall cause people to stumble this stupid commercial came out for like Oreo cookies it has nothing to do with Oreo cookies it's just like this Asian kid and it's like there's like not really anybody talking it's like trying to like just a scene of this Asian kid and he's just like depressed or something and they're about to hit me like family and you don't even know what's going on it's really confusing and then all of a sudden you just see this like statement and it's like well she may be my mother but you're my son and it's just all this innuendo all this subtleness I know who's subtle oh yeah the devil and then they show up and then they finally just tell you what the whole thing was about because all things like the most confusing commercial ever it says coming out has to happen more than once and it's just like this disgusting faggot is basically having to have a reunion with grandma or something and grandma doesn't like faggots so of course he's having to face the persecution of being a disgusting filthy abominable freak I wonder why people don't like you and of course it's Asian people why because Asians don't like fags all right so of course they have to show you know grandma doesn't like sodomites because she's not brainwashed by the television you know why older people don't like faggots because they didn't watch all the TV growing up they didn't have TV and the only TV show they watch was the 1960s movie boys beware from the LA Police Department saying hey they're sick in the head hey beware of these freaks they said hey if you see one going in the bathroom don't go in the bathroom you know now they say hey they can use whatever bathroom they want and it's like as soon as you use the bathroom it should be like just burn it I don't there's probably needles and AIDS and HIV all over that bathroom now sick it's sick with these dogs do it's sick with those and you say why would Oreos care so much about Asian grandmas not hating faggots because they're wicked because they just want to cause them to fall because they just want to constantly plant it in your mind and constantly plant it in kids minds oh they're normal they're normal we love them we love them we love them we love they're normal they're normal it's cool it's fun don't be like these hate preachers don't be like the pastor Shelley's of this world look at these evil mean people these mean-spirited people are they're so angry right isn't that I want to paint us they want to paint pastor show is the angriest person you've ever met the meanest person you've ever met the most violent I mean just a predator you know and it's like come with this cute cuddly little you know Fido he's he's so kind and he's so sweet and he's so nice no he's a faggot and what he'll do is as soon as you get around the corner he'll molest you uncle diddles I mean they are literally like this you know and of course they want to cause you to say like oh we can't not invite over uncle diddles yes you can well we got to go to the family reunion and uncle diddles we be there well I'm not going to be there I mean it makes no sense what if I said hey here there's a pack of pedophiles child molesters over here we're gonna go hang out with them for a little bit that makes no sense just put the two and two together faggot pedophile fag pedophile same person same human if we could just look it seems like if we could just get Republicans and conservatives to realize these are some synonyms same word you know we need that meme that like office meme where it has Pam Beasley and has the two windows and it says tell me the difference between these pictures and it's faggots and pedophiles it's the same picture it's the same person oh you're you just you're so hateful no I'm just telling you the truth and of course they don't want to actually combat that they don't want actually they just they basically just want to shut you up they just want to shut you down cause you to be labeled as this hate preacher well let me tell you something yeah I do hate pedophiles there I said it ooh you hate you hate child molesters yeah I do yeah I hate people that molest children and murder the innocent and cause people to fall you know you know what what do you want them to happen to them their arm to be broken and their mouth to be just kicked curb checked break their teeth in their mouth Oh God have them bite a curb and curb check them you know now let me put in a little caveat I'm of course never advocating for violence towards any person I would never do this our church would never do this okay I'm just hoping it happens by God sending someone more wicked than them to do that to them now of course you say well it sounds like you would be excited if it happened well that's true of course I would you know these people are the biggest hypocrites ever because they they get so excited about the idea of anything negative happening to me how is that fair how is it fair that they could literally wish for me my whole family to die in the most gruesome way imaginable and they say how excited they would be but then I say well I hope that you guys get destroyed by the Lord it's like how dare you I hope you die a horrible death it's like what and and they get mad at you for wishing anybody to hell I mean I got a text from that faggot you know loving queer bait leasing agent Jake Burns who sent me a text message basically say you're a false prophet and your wife's fat and I'm gonna be so glad that you guys are going to hell and I'm thinking like why is it that you're mad at me because I say there's people that are gonna go to hell and I'm not sad about it so then you're gonna tell me that you're not sad about the fact of me going to hell talk about hypocrisy oh you're so much more of a moral person than me you wish people to go to hell and that you're happy about it but then I say that and you freak out you know why they freak out and I don't freak out because I'm going to heaven and they're going to hell and they know that they know that's the truth they know that's the reality that's why it irks them so much you know why does it irk women when you dress feminine because they know that's how they should dress they're not sitting here just like I can't believe you wear you know dresses and skirt you know they're not like offended for you they're not like oh you poor dear no they know that they look like a dude and they wish they looked feminine because if it was some weird garment though you know our church believe women should wear like a green bonnet or something okay like you have to wear or this like funny hat that the Jews have to wear or something right or you had to wear wear some kind of like the phylacteries like we're strapping things to our arms we're strapping Bibles to our heads or something like that literally they wouldn't they wouldn't sit there and get so offended they'd be like you're weird you know like that's bizarre they wouldn't feel judged they wouldn't feel like they're you know having all these issues you know why they feel judged because they look like a dude or they're naked and you're dressed like a modest godly person and it hurts their heart because they know the law of God is true go to the first Corinthians chapter 10 go to first Corinthians chapter 10 look point one is this the devil wants to knock you down and he'll do it any way you can Disney Oreos I mean what what other government paid institutions want to knock you down I mean the FBI CPS CPS wants to steal children from from parents sometimes you know there's just all kinds of ways the devil can try to kill you can destroy you can affect your finances can affect your family and he's trying to get all he's just a shotgun approach just all of it just every single thing he just wants to knock you down knock you down knock you down well one thing that'll help the devil is if you're a prideful person about it look at first Corinthians 10 verse 12 wherefore let him that think if he stand to take heed lest he fall don't get this prideful arrogant attitude thinking like oh I would never fall victim to this and and here's here's one of those things is like well I know that Oreos and and Disney I know that they're promoting all these sodomy characters but our family is so strong that I can we can still watch all of that and it won't affect us that's pride that's pride you know the Bible said to avoid them the Bible said to stay away from them you know and if oh you don't watch Disney movies I stopped a long time ago they already had a lot of perverted crap in there and in fact what is the goal of every Disney film to fall in love notice emphasis on fall because always falling for the wrong person Aladdin falling for some whore named Jasmine okay it's not the name that's bad okay sorry but she's dressed like a whore she's not drunk she's dressed like a dude she's got pants on and a bra I mean what self-respecting man will let his daughter wear pants and a bra out as her outfit Aladdin a whole new world you thought that song was about having fun no they were literally mocking you about what the world's gonna turn into they were mocking you about what the world's gonna be like where they have girls looking like dudes and dudes looking like girls Miss Doubtfire right where you mock I mean some of the lines of this movie are wicked you know he shows up at the door of his like cousin or whatever his uncle or something and he's like make me a woman and you know what the line is from the next guy that makes me so happy and of course what are they doing they're putting sodomite and you into in there because we know that that Robin Williams character has innocent intentions with that in the sense that he's not wanting to be a disgusting filthy sodomite faggot but of course what are they trying to do they're trying to plant that idea in there they're trying to say like oh if someone came out as a disgusting tranny you should be happy for them rather than saying like get away from me you freak never be around my show and then of course what's the whole movie about putting him around children you think that's a coincidence don't you you think the most it's such as an innocent film getting dues to dress up like women to hang out with children that have been divorced from their wife and in fact the movie doesn't even end good the movie ends that divorce is okay I don't know he's seen the stupid we don't watch the movie okay I'll just tell you about it but basically you know you're kind of hoping that the mom and dad will reconcile and yet he can he can stop being a disgusting like sodomite queer tranny or whatever but then the movie ends and it's like nope they're not getting back together and divorce is a reality and he continues being this sodomite tranny on television they're like just laughing at us okay we're gonna put this tranny on television now and of course everybody's just oh it's Robin Williams how dare you say something negative about Robin Williams well he's bringing hell do you want to go there with him I mean what's the point he's just trying to drag people down with him and of course Robin Williams that's not the only movie like that I think there's a movie called birdcage use in praise God I never saw it but it's like a movie about disgusting trannies and faggots you know and it used to be that lawyers wouldn't want to represent the sodomite like in the movie Philadelphia with Tom Hanks but now they don't want to represent the Bible believing pastor they flip the script and they're laughing at us they're trying to knock us down but we should identify these things and say these people are wicked and we need to humble ourselves so that we can stand go if you would to second Peter chapter number one go to second Peter chapter number one you know the Bible talks about the devil constantly trying to get people to fall you know even a pastor if he's a novice he could fall into the condemnation of the devil okay of course the devil wants to cause people to fall into temptation and to a snare with what the love of money why is it that what how is it that Oreos can literally make a commercial about Asian grandma's not liking sodomites and still make money right like how does that make any sense it's it's because people are so afraid to say anything negative against it that they'll get canceled and so because of the love of money they fall into the temptation they fall in the trap now they have to embrace this junk it's so weird my friend I mean I've been looking up a lot of churches recently you know trying to figure out if we can get their building and I looked at their doctrinal statement and you it just it blows my mind how many churches they'll literally have on their website like we don't discriminate against people based on their gender identity companies every company has this you know just the mom and pop shop we're a Christian company but we want to make sure to let you know we don't discriminate based on gender identity and I'm thinking like all I wanted to eat was two chocolate cookies with Phil you know white filling in the middle I don't want a political statement like why would anybody do that look there's a serious agenda why do you preach against it well who else is gonna do it Oreos isn't gonna do it the Disney movies aren't gonna do a Hollywood's not gonna do it Joe Biden's not gonna do it Pete Buttigieg certainly isn't gonna do it who's gonna do it the public school now are any of the public school teachers gonna do it no because they'll get fired how about the people you know what about these companies nope they'll lose their customers they'll get canceled the credit card companies will shut them down none of the corporations are gonna do it how about college you and T's promoting the exact opposite my friend who's gonna do it if the church doesn't do it you know and people get mad at pastor Shelley it's like so you just want our world to literally turn into Sodom and Gomorrah that's what you want you say well why do you not want that to happen because I don't want everybody to fall what happened at Sodom everybody fell it got to a point where everyone was destroyed everyone was you know basically taking advantage of we need some people to stand up and fight and to realize hey the goal of the wicked is to get us to fall we have to resist him we have to fight against him we have to realize that he's there we have to identify who he is and then we have to stand okay second Peter chapter number one look at verse number ten wherefore the rather brethren giving diligence to make your calling and election sure for if you do these things ye shall never look at this word fall now of course it has this long list of things that we're doing but we're basically getting better as Christians we're adding you know virtue and we're adding knowledge we're adding temperance we're adding patience we're adding godliness you know I help you add patience every time I preach because it's just so long but that'll help you not fall because you hear that 15 minute sermonette it'll just feel like nothing afterwards okay it's kind of like food if you eat like big portions of food your stomach gets used to it it stretches right to where you can handle big meal and then if you have a little bit it just seems like a snack so it's like you know I want to get you so full on hearing the Word of God being preached that you don't want to snack okay you'd be disappointed all right that's how I motivate myself with okay they want to hear a long sermon not you look at chapter 3 and look at verse 17 either for beloved seeing that you know these things before beware lest ye also being led away with the air of the wicked fall from your own steadfastness like the goal of this sermon is very simple there's someone that wants to knock you down it's the devil and his minions right when we notice people that are going around causing people to fall and stumble recognize them as the evil wicked people that they are and and point three is this we need to stand fast go to 1st Corinthians 6 I want to go one more place I'm sorry go to 1st Corinthians 16 let's look at one more verse here we have to stand you know we stand by grace you know in Romans chapter number five it says that we were standing by grace I don't I don't stand because I'm so strong I don't stand because I'm more righteous than another person I stand by the grace of Jesus Christ I stand in his strength and in his might but at the end of the day it does still take our effort to rest upon him to put into practice the Word of God to be willing to face the foe you know most of the time if you study the Bible when there's a battle there's only one element needed for them to have victory they try that's it they don't have to be that so I mean you know what what did David have to do to be victorious he just had to try the Lord was going to be there to guide him the Lord is going to be the one to help that rock just penetrate that that Goliath's head and cause him to fall okay you know oftentimes it was just like hey just blow the trumpet just walk around the city I mean is that that hard walk around Jericho a few times and then we're gonna blow the trumpet and then all walls are just gonna fall down okay Gideon's army it's like how we're gonna defeat this great multitude just show up just show up just break the light you know the vessel covering the light just blow the trumpet and we'll win hey just show up and God will just hit them with hailstones just show up and God will fight them from the mulberry trees just show up and God will do his work you know God will fight for you God will deliver you God will be your strength just try well how am I gonna get someone saved just show up well I don't know if I can do it just show up let the Lord Jesus Christ be your strength let him be your mic you know I don't know how I'm gonna you know fight off all the Oreos and the Disney and blah blah blah it's just show up just be present just going to church or in your Bible just resisting him is enough God can do his work but realize the devil wants to get you to just stop the devil wants you to quit don't quit don't ever quit never stop and as soon as you realize that you've quit in some area as soon as you stumble get back up you say why sin this week we'll get back up well I fell this week someone knocked me down get up and if you notice someone else fall pick them up they'll stand over there just grab them by the shirt collar and rip them up and say stand buddy just keep standing just keep being in the battle that's all you have to do 1st Corinthians chapter number 16 look at verse 13 watch ye stand fast in the faith quit you like men be strong you know it takes strength to keep serving God but we just keep doing it because the goal of the wicked is to get you to fall so if you've fallen you've already fallen victim of the devil he won the only way to have victory over the devil just keep standing and you say well what happens if our church shrinks are you standing then you won then you're victorious well I lost all my money but are you still standing then you're victorious well no one likes me yeah but are you still standing you're still victorious look as long as you didn't fall you're still victorious we're supposed to stand fast in the faith quit you like men meaning you shouldn't quit you should be like a man and just keep fighting I saw the Masters is going on this week and I don't like this person that much but you have to you have to at least give him some respect and the fact that this one golfer he just doesn't want to quit his Tiger Woods okay now the guy's wicked he's an adulterer but if there's something to praise about the guy and don't go too far with this is like the unjust steward okay is he doesn't give up I mean the guy his wife was beating him around with the golf club he didn't give up you know publicly shamed didn't give up at golf you know he used to be and it's probably got to be hard to be like the greatest golfer ever and then come back and not be that great to kind of like struggle a little bit but he did it anyways then he had knee or knee injuries he had to go back at surgery now he's still fighting he was in a car accident I think his car literally like went off a cliff and he had like all kinds of surgeries and all kinds of things but he's still out there and he's been in a lot of interviews and they just said what do you want people to think about when they think about Tiger Woods playing golf and he's just like just to never give up on your dreams and never quit and isn't it sad that the world understands that point but Christians don't sometimes isn't it sad that the wicked are willing not to to eat sleep or drink they won't give up trying to destroy we need to be the same way people need to look at steadfast Baptist Church and in five years from now ten years from now 20 years from now they say man those people won't quit pastor Shelley won't quit as the lawyer famously said in our eviction trial he said the pastor said all these comments and I'm thoroughly convinced he's not gonna stop and I'm thinking like good I'm glad you know yeah throw me in jail I'm not gonna quit preaching that doctrine hey I still got it right here I got the sodomite deception you know QR code right here you can take a picture hey I'm gonna still fight I'm still gonna you know they're like oh man you would think if we took all their money and we took all that we took their building and we put pressure on them then they'd quit no never be ye steadfast look you're gonna have to put a bullet in my head to quit get me to quit and they may do that but guess what I would rather die standing than lay down in the fetal position and hope for death you're gonna have to do your best but you know what when you have God on your side you can overcome that wind and one day there won't I think this is just my personal belief I think the wind's gonna stop okay it says that he holds it's like there's no wind at some point and I don't think he brings it back I hope not all right but even if he does not my will but his will be done all right let's close in prayer Thank You Heavenly Father for the Word of God thank you for warning us about the evil that's out there I pray that we wouldn't be discouraged by a message like this but rather we'd be emboldened and strengthened to want to stand against the wiles of the devil to stand fast in the faith to quit us like men to be steadfast and not to just say that not just to wear the shirt not to have the bumper sticker but deep down in our hearts we want to have the same kind of resolve that the wicked have in fact we want to go be up above that or above beyond that and say you know what if they can commit themselves dedicate their lives to evil and wickedness dedicate their lives to destruction we ought to be willing to dedicate our lives to life dedicate our lives to serving God dedicating our lives to protecting the innocent dedicating our lives to doing that which is right and pleasing in your sight and I pray as we go through the the stormy winds that we wouldn't get knocked down but rather we would stand strong in your mind Jesus name we pray man all right let's go ahead and sing one more song before you head home if you'll take out your hymnal the song 24 and can it be that I should gain song 24 this is one of my favorite hymns just on the chorus it says amazing love how can it be that thou my God should die for me it's amazing thought just to realize the love that God has for us that he would come and die for us so love singing the songs to really think about it as we sing the chorus song number 24 sing it all together on the first and can it be that I should gain an interest in the Savior's blood died he for me who caused his pain for me who him to death amazing love how can it be that that my god could die for me amazing love how can it be that though my god should die for me he left his father's throne above so free so in fan and his grace and deed and self of all by love and bled for a dumb selfless race says mercy all immense and free for oh my god it found out me amazing love how can it be that though my god shows die for me long my in prison spirit lay fast bounded in sin and nature's night thine I did use a quick being ray I woke the dungeon flame with my chains fell off my heart was free I rose and follow me amazing love how can it be that though my god should die for me amen great singing thank y'all for coming god bless you are dismissed